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Showtime edition

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first for IT'S UP
Today I had a dream where I missed the start of Hans vs Magnus and when I tuned in, the score was 15-7.5 in favour of Hans.
i predict magnus and alireza will stomp
how many bongs till magnus vs hans?
>2200 nigger
I can't even put into words how much I hate .scam
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Find the mate from my game!
I'm always really pleased when I play these, since it's 3+0
rgxg7 bxg7 qh6 kg8 qxg7#
ETA to the games?
Not quite
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it's so fucking over
to be fair, it's surprisingly fun to watch on mute
>pintard starts to feel so stupid he resigns
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I genuinely hope this guy kills himself after this
Lmao why
Fucking stupid Never Resigner tryharding after I gave him all my pieces to be able to claim he won in the end, only to still impossibly lose like the world's biggest dumbass. Yeah you showed me
Hans should lose today but I hope to God he stomps that loser Carlsen
"loser Carlsen"? Are you talking about the millionaire regarded as the GOAT of his profession in his early thirties?
He's an annoying weirdo that constantly throws hissy fits and has legions of retards sucking his balls. I don't care how autistically good he is at chess he's still an annoying loser. Hans is the means to an end here for me.
So he's exactly like Hans except more successful?
C'mon now. His wins are often boring as fuck and what he did to Hans was ridiculous but he's still a legend. He's also just a very sane WC all things considered, much better than many of his predecessors.
Yeah sure, was this supposed to provoke me or something?
So you're just a commie who hates successful people, got it.
he should write his version of my 60 memorable games now that he's not playing in anything important anymore
i can't think of a single memorable carlsen game. he's so fucking boring. you can't put his name in the same sentence as kasparov and fischer. you just can't.
Rh6+ Kg8 Rxf6#
Agreed. It's really the perfect time for it because he's still the best even if he's on his way out now.
There's that one game where he completely cucked Fedoseev's pieces I guess.
Has this been posted here yet?
horrible typography in that thumbnail, shan't watch
bloody hell, i just tried to print a chess tactics book on my double sided printer and it along with my laptop shit themselves. barely 1 page per 2 minutes and printer software using up all my ram (16gb) and shitloads of swap on my ssd so i cancelled the print. i guess printer software just isn't made for printing chessbooks. what a shame. this puzzle book is out of print and extremely expensive (200 dollars on amazon). shitty epson printers.

oh well, i'll have to sit at a screen and solve these puzzles like a cuck.
He definitely succeeded at that
try printing from a different pdf reading source, with or without an updated printer driver (which admittedly suck ass more oft than not). if you were printing wireless, try using a cable instead. could also go to a print shop and make sure you print in B/W, shouldn't set you back more then 20 bucks. if there's are print shops aimed at university students near where you live those are probably your best bet, could even ask them to bind it for you for a small fee, and they usually don't care about it being copyrighted material
shouldn't this be on /sp/
I like how he didn't even deny this LMFAO
i'll try that. cheers.
how? I don't care about Hans lel
kys pbt
let me know how it goes ^_^
hans interview is up
Insane how Levi wanted to turn it into a debate, he’s so thin skinned lmao
He has GOT to fix his accent if he wants this to go anywhere jfc
someone please do the needful and write up a tl:dw, i just skipped around a bit and can't take the autism. levy is so aids
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Hansbros today our guy wil buckbreak fagnus for a second time, it will be glorious. This time Hans will break him for good, fagnus will never ever recover.
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There's something so fucking depressing about how cults around celebrities are formed.
Hans talks about how scum com is and how Levi is part of their mafia and Levi interrupts him going
>B…B..B…can I wespond ;( can i wespond ;(
>UUUMMM akchtchually I AM FAIR
stop posting here and get ready for the match hans
And Levi says
>have you ever said I’m sorry for being a cheater
After interrupting continually trying to debate about how fair he is
Basically Hans completely destroyed pozman and chesscom mafia while calling Kramnik his chess mentor and life coach
niemann isn't gonna make it past 40 tbqh
Hans isn't even wrong in most of what he says but the way he carries himself is so low IQ and off-putting that I just can't feel bad for him. It's not funny either.
this. consequence of fame at a young age for some people
all chess players worth a shit were treated like prodigies from a very young age
I think it's more a thing of how reality and online have been merging into one over time, especially for zoomers. He simply can't separate venting to his discord friends about how he's getting fucked over by big corpo and gathering himself and presenting his complaints in a reasonable manner that would help him resolve a lot of his problems in an actual professional setting. The feedback loop from equally retarded zoomers online just feeds into his self-perceived Le Fischer Tate Reincarnate act and sets him back massively. He just can't understand how unhinged he comes off and he also doesn’t understand that his "life coach" Kramnik just uses him as a tool. Many maladjusted zoomers are like this.
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>hey kid………good luck
Hes genuinely insane. I hope he wins.
the most unlikable people in online chess + Danya for some reason
How would Levy the 'unbiased' interviewer that doesn't work with chess.c*m even know if Danya had any involvement with the fair play team (despite being an admitted consultant)?
Getting very long-nosed cabalish vibes from this rat. Fischer was right about the tribe.
What was insane about what GM Hans said?
I watched the interview and literally everything Hans said is true. Then I looked up the comments under the video and holy shit, normalfags are so retarded.

Btw, I think the 100k coaching from him and Kramnik for Levy suggestion is super reasonable. Kramnik is the best chess coach currently alive and he unblocked Hans' powers and talent so much we see explosive results. If Levy is to ever become a GM, it's unironically the best chance for him. People laugh at it, but I would agree immediately.
He's insane because Danny Wretch's botfarm says so.
Supposedly hans was a shittalking narcisist even before the scandal but considering what he went though I can't help but admire him, for all his flaws he has immense mental fortitude
At 19 he got humiliated in front of the whole world all his peers and idols turned on him and his career was put in serious jeopardy
Mainstream media reported the anal beeds thing for weeks, to this day I see people that know nothing of chess reference it in other contexts he might have sorta cleared his name in the chess comunity but outside of it he will be know just as the anal beeds cheater for the rest of his life no matter what, think how fucked up that is
People commit suicide over way less everyday especially spergy teenagers, 99% of people in his position would have quit chess and tried to lay as low as possible, he fought back, worked harder than ever and now he's a solidified super GM and pretty much guaranteed a top 10 spot in the coming years, that's an insane feat that I feel with all the memeing and shitflining this doesn't get appreciated enough, I wish I had 1/100th of his willpower honestly
so did he use the anal beads to cheat or not
>Hans: Do you have a non-disparaging agreement with chess.c*m?
>Levy: Uhhhhhh.... yeah.... so what
>Hans: Then how can you say you are an unbiased commentator?
>Levy: Oy vey let's change topics I don't understand what you are saying
Gradually, I began to hate them.
Yes, the theory originally came from a very upvoted comment on reddit so it certainly must be true.
Yeah same, my emotional stability sucks dick in chess and I would give a lot to have such drive and fortitude as Hans. His name became synonymous with a cheater, the m*dia called his friends, family over and over again, he was left alone, and he used it all as inner fire to get to the top of chess.
Dude is unironically my role model..
>that part of the interview where they got interrupted in the middle of it
I'm convinced at this point .com is run terribly behind the scenes
If Hans whipped it out, I ain't saying I'd say no...
tv said it so it's true
good post
That comment about Hikaru at the end was great.
Look, I'm pretty fucking poor, but i would gladly gamble 10 euros with a chance to make 180 if he wins.
Should I?
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>magnus not winning gives you 22 bucks for 10 bucks
Are normies retarded? Holy shit it's easy money.
>feeling empathy for a rich faggot that is so obnoxious that even his family essentially disowned him
nah something ain't right with that nigga. physiognomy doesn't lie. now that he's a russian asset i care even less for him or his supporters
Political brainrot: the post
You must be insufferable as fuck irl, anon.
are you gonna stream this match, Vlad? I liked your candidates streams
stream's up, games in 20 bongs. warning: r*nsch is talking
>the atmosphere and the DRAMA
>onions facing fags
Is there a better stream?
All this talk about Magnus and Hans when the Hikaru/Alireza storyline is so much funnier
It's great isn't it? double grudge match in the semis and 3 out of 4 possible finals would also have a storyline
>they were allowed to bring their own hardware
I can program a system that will vibrate my mouse if the eval bar changes by more than 1.
Chess.com are so fucking retarded.
not even close bro
hikky throwing one of hia usual hissy fit and some kindergarten insults =/= attempted character assasination and a law suit
>1+1 bullet
lol, what's the fucking point? literally i don't understand the point of playing bullet when you get increment
increment is disgusting
t. narrow ditsky
they don't want flagging in R v R type of positions to happen
The matches are at the same time?
What the fuck.
no magnus hans is in 2 hours
I'm so fucking hyped
Damn that canty nigga is so annoying. LET ME FEEL THE VIBES LETS CLAP GUYS
they're trying to make chess like esports and its kind of cringe. getting some "please clap" vibes frfr
I bought three Thai beers for it
this queen b4?
actually funny story?
on wednesday night?
actually earlier this week?
i played in um the paris blitz society, a game against james canty?
who was hyping up the crowd downstairs?
and our position looked similar to this?
he attacked me on the queenside with black?
and if he can break through he can have something?
but i managed to checkmate him first!
it's not a 1+0 shitshow but the pros still flag in 1+1 quite a bit
1+0 is incredibly ugly to watch for people who aren't boolet junkies.
ok well it's called the speed chess championships and non increment speed chess is way more popular that increment
if you think the audience gap is a problem just hide the 1+0 section in the beginning and make 5 minute blitz worth the most
Sneedireza sisters… what's his plan?
epic start
Yeah, I don't play bullet and I can't watch it.
you mean "for people who are bad at chess"
anon even 10+0 and 15+10 are speed chess. all those things fall under that blanket
>implying bullet is chess
>another warehouse with bisexual lighting
just awful location, sasuga dotscam
yes which is most of the viewers you retard
i'm aware
if i met a person and they said they played chess and they specifically said they were into "speed chess", and then i found out they played 15+10, i would think of that person as retarded
yeaaaaah i'm muting this
God damn these commentators are annoying.
not my problem
>bisexual lighting
"this is like when you watch 3 YouTube Shorts^tm and then you show your friends and then your friends are like what the heck dude LoL"
please remove levy from the commentary booth
Yes. Rapid chess is "normal" speed. It's around what you'd get playing a casual coffehouse game without a clock. Classical shouod be called slow chess.
But 3 + 2 is absolutely speed chess despite the increment.
this 6000000% jewish squeeking masquerading as commentary is unwatchable
This guy is so fucking cringe man.
levy is literally the court jester, none of the chess players respect him, none of his co-commentators are eager to agree with whatever points he tries to make. guy just interrupts and makes some lame "joke" which consists of spamming as many zoomer slang words into a sentence as possible
in awe of the size of rozman's forehead
Damn I just realized it's so fucking huge wtf
it gets bigger with every L he takes
mog or be mogged
>It's around what you'd get playing a casual coffehouse game without a clock
"Casual" is the keyword here. Classical should not be called "slow chess", because that's the normal pace you'd find in a game where there isn't a time limit and both players are actually tryharding to win. Tournament games before chess clocks were a thing didn't last only 15 minutes.
pinokio ass motherfucker
alireza choking on the big stage again
it just keeps happening
holy shit that was like a 1200-level throw by hikaru
nevermind. i forgot hes against quackamura
yooo discord is joining forces with chess.com!! finna play with wumpus!!!!
alizoomer feat. hentai shirt vs nakaboomer making "can you believe this kid?" faces in the camera
yooooo let's GOOOO boooyys
holy based
>I don't care about hikaru, I'm just here to win. I like Hans though.
based kid, I like alireza
>chesscum covers the tournment
>can't follow the games on lichess broadcast page
I hate these scum so much
>niggers are doomposting after 3 (three) rounds of 5+1 chess
hell yeah
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whats her elo?
>these shy quiet claps when alireza takes the lead
>when hikaru won the whole hall was loud with claps
>in 2 hours
bro I'm at work what the FUCK I thought it was later
What are you guys watching? Where's the link
It's 8:30 pm I think so 3 hours 30 minutes
Do frogs not like Farmireza or are kakamura slaves that rabid?
Paid clappers
fagnus dickriders want hikaru to win because he eternally kneels and chokes to their hero
have you been living under a rock?
Hans keeps digging a hole for himself. That interview was terrible. He came off as a pompous cocky asshole but he has nothing to show for it.
surprised me too because alireza is representing France lol
perverted post. made me blush.
I will screen cap this and post it in a few hours when hans completely rapes magnus in the ass
>L*vy:"(…) D*nny is commentating the next match"
I told you this would happen lol I hate R*nsch so much it's unreal
Will you finally kill yourself when he wins, redditor?
>danny is commentating the next match
are you fucking shitting me right now
you pick Daniel for Alireza and rensch for Hans??
came off as a total narcissist lol
>Daniel for Alireza
do they have an history?
btw, super GM game positions look so disgusting lol. by that I mean aesthetically
like there's always doubled pawns, pawns forced to be pushed in front of the king. isolated pawns, doesn't look like either player castled
Magnus seemed (relatively) cheerful in his interview with Levy, especially compared to the last one they did. His caretakers must have slipped in some mood stabilizers into his beer cans when he wasn't looking. I'm scared, Hansbros…
You niggas still flipping about Hans?
the chess world must be boring if they're still milking that old drama
This is Hans's swansong. After Carlsen crushes him he won't be relevant anymore.
Hikky keeps talking to himself lol
just the same three gmhans dot com members in denial about their sunk cost fallacy. they'll come to their senses soon enough
hope hikaru gets a heard attack from losing these games
If Hans goes on stage wearing a giant mechanical watch, a funny hat and a spinning bowtie magnus will lose every single game then have a meltdown.
first time watching him lol?
why is it starting I don't care about Hikaru firouzja
8:30 france time
are they not allowed to draw? what's going on
levy's impression of the irresponsible college student sounded like he was doing a black person voice
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>no smug anime girl
first time being condescending?
Bg4!! by Firouzja was an incredible move, imagine being that fast with calculations fucking hell
awiweza! ^w^
>Magnus sits at his chair on time, looking very smug and calm
>Hans is late but not yet late enough to get penalised
>at the last second, Hans enters wearing a monocle, 3-piece suit, oversized watch and a beer hat
>he's also carrying a briefcase where his theme music (supermassive black hole by Muse) is playing
>he walks to a table on the side and puts down his briefcase to stop the music
>inside the briefcase are also several anal beads, a vibrator and a buttplug which he makes a show of handing to his coach
>he turns and winks at Magnus before sitting down, ready to play
>he's constantly slurping from his hat every time it's Magnus' turn to play a move
Hikaru sucks in actual chess, fucking boolletbrain lmao
If only hikaru were playing from his wife's room...
yeah that was an actuall !!, alireza has such a cool style
me hatewatching kakamura irl
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So how many of you are watching it on mute?
I don't use chesscum, what's the stuff underneath the moves?
cum town ass sketch kek
finally feels like 2020 Alireza again, these tactics are brutal
can't listen to 2 neurotic jews
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all he needed was to lose his virginity
uhhh hiki bros?
Alireza is fucking destroying him, Jesus. Hikaru can't play 5 minute chess?
boy I bet Nakamura regrets mouthing off to Alireza now huh
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>old washed streamer attempts to maintain concentration for 3 hours straight
there's a reason he's elo sitting now that he got back up over 2800 classical
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was hikaru not allowed to bring his own headphones? HAHAHAHA
how did this goofy nigga just suddenly do a 180 and become /fa/ with an athletic gf?
Alireza took it personally lmao
the beard finally grew in, he's very tall and he always had a cute face anyway. also i'm gay
/alter/ here. Do chess players really fit engines in their anus?
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I can't believe this dude is fucking a volleyball player
entire cloud servers, even
who's his gf? is that her?
>he is disrespecting ban this guy or something he is disrespecting :)
it ended up being a completely baseless nothingburger and now hans is quickly becoming one of the best chess players in the world with a big chip on his shoulder
>calls Alireza a little bitch
>becomes Alireza's bitch
it was a joke that subhuman journalistst(redundant I know) jumped on
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yes but first it needs to be stretched out
Look here.
can someone post alierezas gf so i can seethe more
no his gf is some slovak ho
ya gotta be crazy to be the best
Hikky's technique is CLEAN
Sneedi's tactics are SHARP
Great match
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iran inserted a microchip in firoujzas head. they're sending him the engine evaluation and hes still losing games. pathetic.
How do I become such a monster tactician like alireza? Dude is like an alien wtf
I think Alireza's going to win, because Alireza is winning by finding absolutely monstrous tactics like that sick Bg4 move, whereas Nakamura's only winning by Alireza blundering into stupid positions.
How longs the break?
>Robert and Danny and Canty will break everything down in the halftime break
Hmm i will not be watching that
The only other current player I can think of who thinks of tactics as quickly as Alireza is Nepo. Nobody else from his generation is even close.
Alireza at his best looks like a young Kasparov
Hess looks so uncomfortable when danny and canty scream WOOOW SHOUTHOUT GIVE ME THE HYPE WOOOO
and anons itt tried to say pragg was the next kasparov lol lmao
Pragg just has lots of connections with the Indian elites through Adani and Modi.
But Pragg plays nothing like Kasparov. He's very positional but he has absolutely nowhere near the aggressive power that Kasparov had.
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aren't you forgetting someone?
>literally asking zoomers to buy a meme
he's been so shit recently i like to forget he exists
it was one very vehement poster
every gen has these bozos
in blitz sure but MVL has only been relevant in blitz for a year or so
maybe they should look up who shmorky (the creator) of that meme was and what he did before trying to shill it to children kek
didn't he beat magnus twice in a row in one of these online events not so long ago?
How long is this fucking break man? Just made my popcorn, hurry it up with the shilling already.
>alireza stimming in the background
>screenshots of her and Shmorky roleplaying involving incest, pedophilia, and scat. She claimed that she was 16-18 when they began interacting with Shmorky, where they roleplayed as a 7-year-old Klurf. Eventually, they began roleplaying as themselves where they would defecate in their pants and have Carefully eat their feces.[11] On January 6, 2017, another user named Soliloqueef posted an image where it showed Shmorky emailing them around 2007 to voice act as a 12-year-old fetish artist named PeachesThePuppy on Furaffinity.[12] The page consisted of several images of animals and other images combined in Photoshop. However, some people also connected this to another account Shmorky made up named Sandypants. This persona was created in 2009, where they posed as a 13-year-old where they drew and talked about feces and urine
What a shitshow.
his schizo gf came into his kf thread and just exposed it all, it was kino as fuck. if you ever have time to kill i recommend reading it through
What the fuck did I just read lmao
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I really, truly, utterly despise Danny Rensch
hikkifags what's our cope?
>asian nigger doesn't know any chess players
>says he does know chess streamers
i hate the botez sisters so fucking much
I unironically wish death to him and all his loved one
we say we don't care
didn't know mia khalifa played chess
oh no no no Niggamurabros...
for all the hate chess.com (justifiably) gets twitch really is just as bad. what the fuck is this bloated to shit in your face cancer spamming resolution dropping piece of shit faggot website
the life of a hikaru fan is constant failure, they can handle it
It's like that post from one anon a month or so ago. Anon had a cousin who "knew chess' and talked about chess streamers, and when he played against him, the cousin asked
>should I play bongcloud haha
And played like an absolute noob 100 elo pushing random shit
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>i hate the botez sisters so fucking much
I love Alex Botez's body but I fucking hate what she and her very obnoxious sister have done for chess promotion.
just watch on youtube
>already behind on white
the oldfags are dropping like flies man
Firouzja's tactics are just crushing Nakamura non stop, he's a completely different class today
lol how'd he lose that
How much do you think niggamura paid for this game? At least 5k?
if only he could stop throwing
wasn't that just a mouse slip? why the fuck is Levy talking like Nakamura did something clever there?
what a choke
Sneedireza channeling his inner /chess/
>premier event for chess.com
>everyone is there locally
>they can't even have all the moves appear in real time on the broadcast

like hire some goddamn engineers you morons
sir what do you mean? chess dot cum has best engineer from top programming program in bengaluru state
they're paid to suck off their boy no matter how bad it goes for him
not a joke either, they literally do this every time
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the site's management is so dogshit it's unreal. it feels like the more stuff I see by them, the worse it gets
I hope Alireza won't accept their money and fucks him up.
>Alireza might have been better for 3/4 of this entire match, but that's... that's how Hikaru gets you
this is the kind of commentary Levy is getting paid to make.
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imagine the fake narratives if there was an indian participating, too
You don't get it he actually wants to blunder!! It's hikaru the best chess player!!!!
hate watching hikaru is so rewarding
Once you start noticing Levy literally refuses to say anything that isn't supportive of Hikaru, no matter how bad he's doing, you can never stop noticing it.
lol haha
you're right, my mistake, i just followed the twitch link posted itt. nice to see youtube has over twice the concurrent viewers twitch does
You can almost hear Magnus laughing in the distance at the Hikaru blunder
Not biased btw
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they have so many technical problems holy fuck
listening to Levy almost makes me want to personally apologise to Tania
im excited for the rematch of the century
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how the fuck does this even happen lmao
amateur production
small indie company plase understand
>not that there are any board issues
what are they paying him?
I bet you the issue is because they did hire a lot of engineers and they're all Indian.
is lichess production this awful?
legitimate question btw. I don't think I've watched any lichess tournaments
They know Alireza is actually the bullet world champ, right? They behave like hikarus great plan is to lose this section and win the bullet lol why do they suck his dick so much
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Sar am is calling my village by phone and they say for price of 1 cow we can give us you board LIVE
what's their h2h?
Will bullet make me worse? I know it's not chess but it'd be cool to learn how to play faster
>niggamura blaming it on age
huge cope, he literally cannot stand admitting that Alireza is just outplaying him
and retards don't even know your reflexes decline way too slowly for that to be the issue at only 37
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i don't think lichess ever organized an event like this with a broadcast and everything. they're just a humble website that runs off donations, they can't even afford to get a studio and casters and production.
If you don't overdo it then no. It's the most fun variant of chess.
>losing in the first 15 moves
Oh great, another video from Levy Rosman, the self-proclaimed Gotham Chess, promising to reveal the "Top 10 Secret Chess Moves That Will Make You a Grandmaster Overnight!" Seriously, how many times can he milk the same old clickbait nonsense? It's like he thinks we're all just pawns in his never-ending game of YouTube views. Maybe if he spent half as much time actually teaching chess as he does coming up with these ridiculous titles, we'd all be better players by now. But no, let's all just sit back and watch Levy's latest "epic blunder" compilation for the umpteenth time. Truly riveting content, Levy.
>im excited for the rematch of the century
oh boy another joke from Levy
at least tania's screeching is actually about chess
exactly, I don't know why he doesn't have someone on production telling him to shut the fuck up about what TV shows he watches
oh my gotham :DDDDD
it's encouraged by danny. he and danny are the people that talk about off-topic shit the most during games
people like Levy make me antisemitic and I'm a fucking jew myself
How do I play chess like this? It feels like they're doing random moves I don't understand wtf is happening
1600 chesscom here
levy's part of the tribe of levi and they're not even a real tribe (ie not real jews) anyway according to the bible so it's ok, jewbro
his humor is such a fucking horrible stereotype of jewish humor i can't stand it
endless inane rambling about nothing instead of talking about the thing people actually came to see
Why aren't they playing over the board if both players are in the same room?
why the fuck did they pair Naroditsky with Levy, seriously? I like listening to Danya, he is actually a competent chess player and a commentator and is actually good at explaining lines, while Levy looks like a brainlet next to him
Levy IS a fucking brainlet. He's contributed NOTHING to this commentary. Everything is off topic. Fucking nigger-tier commentary. It even sounds like Danya is fake-laughing at this point.
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Fucking lets plays from 2007 were better than this.
dot com can't afford sorry pls subscribe to help
lol haha
niggamura getting absolutely BTFO
How hard is it to broadcast a chessboard
Oh, here we go again. Magnus Carlsen, the chess world's golden boy, can't handle a little competition. So, what's the latest? Accusing Hans Niemann of cheating because he actually managed to beat him. I mean, come on, Magnus. Maybe Hans just had a good day, or maybe—just maybe—you had a bad one. But no, it couldn't possibly be that simple, right? Instead, let's concoct a grand conspiracy theory where Hans has a secret army of microchips and covert signals just to mess with your head. It's almost like Magnus can't fathom the idea that someone else might just be, you know, good at chess. Keep it up, Magnus. The drama is almost as entertaining as the game itself.
hikkineets... it's over
why didn't they just stream directly from the player's screen instead of going through chess cum servers? it actually looks better when you can see the player dragging the piece instead of the position just teleporting super fast
why the hell are we looking over Firouzja's shoulder at his screen instead of broadcasting a board? it shouldn't be that fucking hard
Now I hear the commentators voices echoed holy fuck they're so bad this company is fucked
I love watching a skewed camera shot of someone's laptop with the commentator's voices echoing in the background
still can't tell whether these come from GPT or reddit, but they're gold either way, keep it up
literally camrip-tier
.cum is a joke
Hahahaha the biggest chess corporation in the world hahaha
The state of chesscum production
How are we having such an absolutely kino match of Firouzja brutalising Niggamura and it's being absolutely ruined by the retarded production and that fucking idiot Levy Rozman on commentary wanking about fucking House of the Dragon instead of talking about the game. Absolute fucking shambles.
pretty surprising that Sneedi's using the same board theme and piece set as Quackamura
Oh, chess senpai! I can't even... I can't EVEN! I'm over here shaking like a caffeinated coffee bean, trying to wrap my head around the hot mess express that Hikaru's game has become in the Speed Chess Championship against Alireza "The Persian Prodigy" Firouzja!

I mean, we all know our boy Hikaru "The H-Bomb" Nakamura is a speed chess legend. He's usually serving up piping hot L's to his opponents faster than a McDonald's drive-thru. But WHAT is happening right now?! Is he low-key trying to teach us the art of throwing a game? Is this some next-level reverse psychology?!

Firouzja is out here playing like he's got six hands and three brains. He's calculating faster than a TI-89 on steroids! And Hikaru? Bless his heart, he's blundering like he's trying to make chess.com's puzzle rush look extra-hard!

I've seen more accurate moves in a game of checkers at a retirement home! And don't even get me started on the time management. Hikaru's clock is running down faster than a Black Friday sale countdown!

But you know what? As much as I'm laughing and crying and shrieking like a banshee at my screen, I LOVE IT! This is what makes speed chess the wild rodeo of the chess world! You never know when the bull is gonna buck the cowboy!

So, let's all pour one out for Hikaru's blunders, cheer for Firouzja's insane tactics, and enjoy the beautiful, hilarious, heart-wrenching chaos that is speed chess!

P.S. Hikaru, if you're reading this, we still love you, boo! But maybe, just maybe, take a breath, grab a coffee, and remind Firouzja who's the daddy of speed chess!
If hikaru and magnus get both destroyed today it's going to be so fucking funny
Hans buck BROKE this dogshit company
>I'm a fucking jew myself
Your elo must be seriously fucking impressive.
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were they instructed to have their boards take up the entire screen because they knew their broadcast was going to shit the bed or is this how pros actually play? especially in blitz/bullet you'd expect smaller board resolutions to be more favourable with regard to mouse movement. i guess as a streamer you're often stuck with a large board anyway (although some OBS scene creativity should allow one to circumvent this)
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>it will peter out it will leko out
Daniel is cringe but in such an endearing way
HikaLOO lmao
The best setup is probably large board with rts tier mouse sensitivity, but I'm personally so used to playing on a phone that my board vision sucks on a big board.
I was thinking "it will leko out" the moment before he said it lol.
Hikaru looking like he's about to throw up
>kekaru when he can't farm 2800s
looks like Magnus was right about Firouzja after all
>levy talking about insufficient material rules
>danya says "depends on the webs-" before realizing he's on stench's playground
amazing... i can't handle 5s of the unmuted audio, they've seriously outdone themselves holy shit
fabi punching the air right now
Based and Stjepanpilled.
i remember reading someone a few months ago here saying they heard from some chess players that Fabi really dislikes Firouzja for some reason
farmireza farming
In hikki's interview he said he didn't prepare too much and that he would beat alireza because only cucknus has beaten him ever.
Something really is different about Alireza now. I wonder what did it. Was it Candidates not panning out?
yes, he's also repeatedly said he doesn't think he's as talented as magnus makes him out to be
He said he figured out he needed to choose between fashion and chess and he chose to focus fully on chess last year
Sex powerup like Baki.
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Hackamura got obliterated
It's a repeat of the bullet wc
He also got some fire back after hikaru insulted him and his family.
smart boy. ironically it's made his sense of style evolve a bit, too. his footwear is still whack though
I noticed Alireza has also brought some particularly nasty prep for players he doesn't get along well with. He did something similar when he had his spat with Wesley So and then smashed him in their next classical match.
Glasses are on point though, immense improvement over the incel glasses that he wore before the fashion arc.
These rensch ads are disrespectful as fuck desu
it's that bipolar iranian superpower. few understand it. even fewer can master it.
I'm surprised he chose to behead hikaru on the chess board and not irl
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I liked when he stopped throwing at the Candidates for a game just to destroy the azeri nigger who was making a big deal out of Alireza walking loudly.
he's definitely our guy
Caruana and Carlsen appear to be Firouzja's last challenges. He's clearly established absolute dominance in the faster time controls and this performance pretty much solidifies him as second only to Carlsen, at worst.
Caruana seems to be one of the only super GMs remaining with a good record against Firouzja but given his recent performance that might start to change too.
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Fucking hell
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>How do I play chess like this?
learn as a child, study and play 12 hours a day every day throughout your youth and then pretend like you're just a natural genius.
yeah. he just needed to adjust to france a bit i guess. i think i remember alireza saying playing against caruana is difficult because of his extensive prep, but like you said, it's possible that fabi's also starting to slip. alireza SHOULD be #1 eventually.
>then pretend like you're just a natural genius.
you need both there are plenty of people that can't cut it despite decidating their life to chess since childhood, one is commentating right now
As an experienced psychologist, one cannot help but delve into the complex psychological state of Hikaru Nakamura, a chess grandmaster whose behavior often borders on the spectacularly arrogant and pompous. Nakamura's abrasive demeanor can be traced back to his deep-seated insecurities, stemming from being continually overshadowed by peers like Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruana. Despite his undeniable talent, Hikaru has always played second fiddle to these giants, leading to a festering resentment that manifests in his public persona. His pivot to online bullet chess appears as a desperate attempt to reclaim some semblance of dominance, a compensatory mechanism for his perceived failures in classical chess.

Nakamura's antics are not merely a product of competitive spirit; they reveal a man who thrives on drama and negative energy. His infamous clash with fellow chess master Eric Hansen is a prime example, where Hikaru's over-the-top reaction to a perceived slight showcased his penchant for theatrics. This incident was not an isolated one but rather a pattern of behavior that suggests an addiction to conflict and controversy. It’s almost as if Nakamura needs these public spats to validate his existence in a world where he feels perpetually undervalued.
i don't care much for danya but nobody deserves this
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oy vey, who's idea was this...!
Furthermore, there is an underlying irony in Nakamura's relationship with chess.com. The platform, which should ideally uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship, seems to turn a blind eye to Hikaru's often despicable behavior. This apparent collusion raises questions about conflicts of interest, as chess.com benefits significantly from Nakamura's high-profile presence. Thus, they conveniently ignore his transgressions, allowing him to continue his reign of arrogance unchecked. In conclusion, Hikaru Nakamura's psychological landscape is a fascinating yet troubling terrain, marked by a desperate need for validation, a love for drama, and a questionable alliance with the very institutions that should hold him accountable.
My boy Reza is the OG, can't wait to see him destroy Gookesh in the next WCC.
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uhhmmmm hikki sissies our response??????
Caruana's prep is one thing but he's also just extremely strong overall. He's the only one who at his peak was able to go toe to toe with Carlsen in classical. It's also very obvious how strong he is just listening to him analyse a game.
I think it will be interesting to see how Firouzja matches up to Caruana now that he says he's fully committing to chess.
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Shouldn't you be prepping for your match, Hans?
Alright, I need to vent. I can't take it anymore. Levy Rozman, aka GothamChess, is absolutely ruining the Speed Chess Championship with his subpar commentary. I'm not one to throw shade lightly, but this is becoming unbearable.

First off, can someone please tell him to STOP SHOUTING? I get it, speed chess is exciting. But I don't need my eardrums blown out every time a slightly interesting move is played. It's like having a overenthusiastic sports commentator yelling in your ear during a library chess match.

Secondly, where's the insight? Where's the analysis? I've heard more profound chess thoughts from beginners at my local club. It's all surface-level hype with no substance. We're not here for the play-by-play of a boxing match; we want to understand the intricacies of the game!

And the constant self-promotion? "Check out my YouTube channel," "Follow me on Twitch," "Subscribe to my newsletter." We get it, Levy. You're a content creator. But this is not the Levy Rozman show. It's the Speed Chess Championship. Focus on the players, not your brand.

Let's not forget the cringe-worthy attempts at humor. I've seen better comedy in a morgue. It's not funny, it's not clever, and it's certainly not adding anything to the commentary. Stick to the chess, please.

I'm not asking for a Magnus Carlsen-level analysis here, but at least give us something more than "WOW, what a move! Isn't this exciting?! Don't forget to like and subscribe!" It's disrespectful to the players and frustrating for the viewers who want to learn and enjoy the game on a deeper level.

Chess.com, if you're reading this, please consider getting someone who can provide real insight and analysis. The community deserves better. Levy might have a large following, but that doesn't mean he's the right fit for high-level event commentary.

End of rant. I'm going to cool off now, but seriously, something needs to change.
Alireza seems to be especially good against the Indians. I don't know why.
/chess/'s very own prompt engineer
>he's also just extremely strong overall
of course, that was implied, i just wanted to add to your point about carlsen and caruana basically being the one to beat. like you said, alireza's future is gonna be very interesting to follow.
this is honestly a very accurate criticism of his commentary kek
kek cacamura indeed
>I don't think [Hikaru]'s ever gone sky-diving
>well he might after this match
fucking top bantz from Danya
christianity lost.
judaism lost.
buddhism lost.
shinto lost.
islam won.
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The demon allah is FURIOUS with hikkaru
I love him so much
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and this is just the warm-up for today's banter
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The last time they spoke as friends
massively underrated comment from him kek i don't think Levy even got the joke
Based alireza waiting in M1 for his time to get to 0 lmao
Never mind all the gms who cried about Sneedi cheating when he was just a boy
/ourguy/ if there ever was one.
Is it gunna be Danny stench and FM James GM James Canty Canty next tho
i already predict hikaru calling alireza unsportsmanlike in his post-copem
>FM James GM James Canty Canty
It's so fucking over
are you stupid? hikaru does that all the time. that's how he beat magnus last year too.
oh good we're talking about Family Guy now, I was worried we wouldn't touch on that important topic
fucking hell
fanny stench and hess
Discount Maurice Ashley.
the h in hikaru stands for hypocrite
>I would have to search for that episode, or any episode
you can tell even naro despises him
yeah the fake laugh he's doing would be a hint for anyone who isn't a fucking idiot like Levy apparently is
Danya's fake laugh always reminds me of high functioning spergs trying to mask.
alireza really is magnus' heir the way he put that chinese dog into his place
>something needs to change
The issue is that Danny Rensch thinks this style of all hype no substance commentary is good. Danny Rensch is either directly responsible for commentator selection or has considerable power over the final decision. This is why he often inserts himself as commentator as well. Things were better before com bought out nearly all competition on the production side. You used to be able to go to chess24 stream and get a completely different set of commentators as it was a separate company. Not anymore.
Most normies watching on twitch probably prefer it desu.
and if i told you that i'm sure that fabi is happier about hikaru losing than he's upset about alireza winning kek
I don't like Tania, but I don't EVER want to hear that she's the worst commentator after this fucking performance with Levy. At least she's never been blathering about off topic fucking TV shows when she's meant to be commentating. He doesn't even talk about chess more than 5% of the time.
yeah Danya is autistic about chess, but that's fucking expected it's his job and he has to deal with this clown while trying to maintain some level of decent commentary
howell is the worst offender of this, drives me nuts
Tania is an alright commentator, I bet people would like her if she used a voice filter.
I would like her if she didn't have an indian accent
that slomo footage of alireza spinning around and holding up the king is so funny kek
Imagine if Alireza wore an ahegao hoodie...
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someone webm this
someone edit this
Nakamura is going to cope about age, but statistically this doesn't hold up. He just hates admitting that Alireza is actually better than him now.
It wasn't due to age causing decline in speed, because reflexes don't decline very much until your mid 40s at least, and Alireza outplayed him even without time scramble. He just fucking hates knowing he's not king of bullet and blitz anymore.
I think it's cute but maybe that's because I'm an esl. It's weird because I love female indian accents but find male indian accents ridiculous.
>Literally writing some propaganda piece to make your shithole site look innocent before the match
Kill chesscum
I thought he was wearing that when I first glanced at it kek
i hope alireza picks up streaming again and takes the last thing hikaru has too
never understood what kind of faggots make posts like this
Chesscom lying in their summary piece of the Neiman carlsen dispute saying the lawsuit was thrown out when it was settled
lofi girl is so cute playing chess
too bad she's gigalosing, but I guess that makes it all the cuter
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..is what i thought when i saw yours
Oh great, we get Danny as commentator for Carlsen-Niemann. The fun continues.
No, he should focus on classical. Streaming's only for when you're washed.
lmao alireza calling hikaru an old hag
are you 12? honestly my bad, I should've just ignored it. the breaks are pretty long.
If I get good at chess will I get a hot volleyball gf too?
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Only one way to find out.
>even alireza defending hikki with the "muh age" argument
please tell me he's just being a humble winner and .com didn't tell him behind the scenes before the interview to make up excuses for golden boy losing
it's shade
What? If anything hes talking shit.
he's giving him a backhanded compliment
How did Hess manage to marry such a hottie?
me too. i was disappointed to see it wasn't.
imagine being this autistic
Hans will win and prove once and for all that zoomers reign supreme.
oh was it? lemme go listen to it again
So who won?
reza dominant victory
Reminder that even if Hans loses against Madnus, he'll still get a chance to MOKE Hikaru.
Need some leko commentating...
niggamura got absolutely executed
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Reminder that Hans did not cheat against Magnus in the Sinquefield Cup and he has never cheated OTB.
Oh boy, where do I even begin? As the chess coach at our local high school, I was over the moon when we got this incredibly promising pupil on the team. This kid had the potential to take us to the nationals, maybe even win it all. But then, disaster struck. One fateful day, this bright young prodigy stumbled upon Levy Rosman's Gotham Chess YouTube channel. You'd think this would be a good thing, right? Maybe pick up some tips and tricks from a seasoned player? Oh, how wrong I was.

Instead of being inspired, my star pupil was utterly repulsed. The cringe-worthy jokes, the over-the-top commentary, the sheer lameness of it all—it was too much to bear. The next thing I knew, he was quitting the team, declaring that if this is what chess culture has come to, he'd rather take up underwater basket weaving. But it didn't stop there. He went on a mission, convincing half the team to quit as well, citing Levy Rosman's content as the ultimate dealbreaker.

Now I'm left with a decimated chess team and no idea how to pick up the pieces. Do I ban YouTube from the chess club? Do I start my own channel to counteract the damage? I'm at my wit's end here. Any advice on what to do next would be greatly appreciated!
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this was the worst smackdown for big hik since pic related
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First time hikaru lost..also the first time not playing from his wife's room
Olympiad is next week bros.
the boolet wc was more painful
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Which one?
>let's take 5 minutes to suck off Magnus and proclaim him as the greatest that anyone could possibly be
I think this one is worse for him since he's already accepted losing to Magnus but he clearly hasn't accepted Alireza being able to demolish him like this.
highest alcohol % first
Judging by my experience with asian lagers these will all taste identical.
can they just start already? i gotta walk my dog
If Danny could he would go down on his knees and blow Magnus before every match.
danya looks pretty dapper in that suit
If Hans wins, I will spend the whole night reading plebbitors crying and post screenshots here.
I will also look through 4chan archives and post screen caps of retards insulting Hans.
Is Canty like 5'5 or something?
Magnus will crush Hans.
great idea let's hope ourguy does it
Two jewfros and a nigger.
>he's playing the goat!!!!
Hans has fire in his eyes and revenge to achieve. Retards don't understand what motivation and inner fire is.
Was there a clause in the playmagnus merger where chesscum had to constantly refer to magnus as 'the goat'?
Danya is the kind of jew I like and Levy is the kind of jew I fucking hate
there's a non-zero chance that if hans loses, he might just shoot up the place with everyone in it
You're a weird chud, Hans will never beat Magnus in a SCC match.
You're also a weird chud, Hans is a proven cheater, he's been going to tournaments with no anti-cheating measures and bribed the SCC arbiter he had.
And Rensch selects himself for commentary again
>losing 2 matches back to back after Alireza barely beat Sevian and convincingly beat Naro
>in his strongest format where even Magnus said he's the best
>he basically thought it's a lock
>at some point he went on like an 8 or so games loss streak
>had his worst recorded meltdown during the event
>made it much worse by insulting Alireza and his family in his cope post match stram where he returned to farming FMs
I don't think this tops that
Chess is (((ourgame))), deal with it.
>what does Hans need to do to not lose embarrassingly and run away crying?
>well it's unlikely but maybe if he can psych Magnus out and give him a cheeky reacharound then he might have a shot
i was here for the season finale of chess
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its finally happening!
we haven't seen how Hikaru acts post-game yet, give it a few days for him to remind everyone why it's called the Hikaru Nakamura Sportsmanship Award, especially after Firudji just called him old and washed up in like 5 different ways.
Also the whole esports styling with the little videos of players posing and all is fucking ridiculous.
Please don't. /chess/ has its fair share of Hans whiners so you're not gonna have to look that far.
If Hans wins today I'll go to a chess tournament tomorrow (I don't want to go).
truly chino (chess kino)
in another timeline i would have sent her this picture and said something like 'you when i take you to see sonic 3'
thank you for the frog anon he is very cute
The salmon polo on on Canty is pretty funny.
Stockfish 17 got released today. Cheaters have improved yet another bit!
chess just gets more and more normalfag-centric every day
>Danya is the kind of jew I like
You belong in the same oven with him and his puns.
If he wins, I will take chess seriously and finish that fucking chess book I bought. And I will finally get to 1800 com.
what's that nigger even there for? just to shout and tell the audience to raise the fucking roof and go back to contributing nothing?
funny that hans not only sued his opponent, but the commentator too
Say what you will about Hans, but he is most strongmind player in top level chess. Imagine coming back from that abuse to be a legit top 20 player.
this 'once a cheater always a cheater' mentality people have is so fucking weird
he said he used an engine as a teenager just to see bc he was interested and i dont get what is so unbelievable about that
i think it's a genuine generational gap, oldfucks dont get what its like to grow up with online games. sometimes you try out the cheats/hacks just to see what they do firsthand and get bored of it after
>america assembled the drawvengers
the only thing that would be kino would be if kramnik crashed the event in full military kit and assassinated danny rensch before being extracted by helicopter
Sounds good, I'll go neet, spend all my money on chess books and hobomaxx in a park.
Hans looks scary lmao bro wants to eat him alive
>he said he used an engine as a teenager just to see bc he was interested and i dont get what is so unbelievable about that
Paul Morphy sat in his dimly lit office in New Orleans, Louisiana, staring at the pile of legal documents on his desk. Despite his immense talent in chess, he never viewed the game as a serious pursuit. It was the law that captivated his mind and heart. He aspired to build a successful law firm, to make his mark in the legal world. But fate had other plans.

Every day, potential clients would walk into his office, not to seek legal counsel, but to ask about his famous European chess tour and the brilliant victories he had achieved. "Mr. Morphy, tell us about your match with Adolf Anderssen!" they'd exclaim, their eyes gleaming with admiration. Paul would force a smile, recount the tales, but inside, he was growing weary. He wanted to be recognized for his legal acumen, not just his chess prowess.

One evening, after another fruitless day of reminiscing about chess games instead of practicing law, Paul reached his breaking point. A man entered his office, ostensibly to discuss a legal matter. However, it quickly became clear that he, too, was more interested in Paul's chess career. Frustrated, Paul demanded payment for his time. When the man hesitated, Paul, in a moment of irrational anger, drew a sword he kept as a relic. He believed the man owed him money and lashed out, though fortunately, no harm was done.

This incident marked the beginning of Paul's decline. His law practice never flourished, and he became increasingly reclusive. The weight of unfulfilled dreams and constant reminders of his chess fame bore heavily on him. One fateful day, Paul Morphy was found lifeless in his bathtub, a tragic end to a life that had once shone so brightly on the chessboard but dimmed in the pursuit of his true passion.

Paul Morphy's legacy as a chess master remains unparalleled, but his story is a solemn reminder of the struggles that even the greatest talents can face when their true aspirations are overshadowed by past glories.
Imagine a Hikaru vs Magnus match... in the bronze match
Pure kino
I'd pay and fly to Paris to see this.
I would rather have Canty with Hess instead of Rensch tbhfam. Canty is okay on commentary.
he is an FM. a strong FM, but still. he's weaker than the other 4 hosts so .com probably decided to keep him off commentary today
Who would've thought that Kramnik's return to professional chess would be the Paris endgame.
yes i could literally see myself doing that
>make account, play some engine games to see firsthand just how bad it buttrapes people, acct gets banned, never touch engine again
>13 years later get called ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER
this is unrealistic to you?
Americans get scared if they don't see a black person for ten minutes.
He's not even 2200 FIDE anymore, he's not a strong FM
I'd kneel so hard
Big Vlad could easily kill that faggot stench
>he wants boring elite gm commentary
I love you bros, this feels like the old candidates/wcc threads <3
kramnik thug finals would be too kino for our eyes
normally I don't care for hans but in this case I will be rooting for him
fuck chess.com
fuck magnus
this is more important than poocash ding imo
wdym, the recent Candidates was just like this
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gay post
It's fair to say Magnus's career is over if he loses this match right
>Hans wearing headphones
sus, someone start the procedure. If Magnus loses this doesn't count. Fraudulent activity abound.
Why exactly is Narokike not doing live commentary with Hess?
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Personally I think the prize should be a tied up, stripped down, and oiled up Lei Tingjie.
eh it was alright
Hans looks cool desu, good drip
they talked earlier about them being allowed to have aux cord headphones THOUGH, this is entirely within reason
i fucking despise danny rensch
Hans is balding badly for 21
Is there videos of Hans and Magnus getting their anuses probed for stockfish buzzers?
The master of the procedure has already determined Hans doesn't cheat, chud.
No way fag.
Danny paid too much for magnus to lose, he will activate all the 'technical difficulties' and 'bugs' to secure his investment
Kramnik is a Russian mouthpiece, he's badmouthing chess.com to promote FIDE Arena.
fanny stench MUST insert himself into the most viewed match's commentary
I am in love with Danya
Why are two people who are unfit to understand chess at that level commentating?
I'm so fucking pumped up
Hans looks very nervous.
Hans is nervous as fuck but rooting for him.
Where is Danny? WTF
don't downvote me, but hess and danny are kind of an improvement over the last jew pair
hes just like that, like all the time
It's Blitz, the most important commentary skill is talking fast.
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Hans vibin
Who we rooting for
gmhansdotcom discount code alpha
I hope he's all meth'd up.
When Hans loses all the Hanscels legally cannot return to this general anymore. Go back to /tg/.
Honestly that accent plus husky milf voice would get me diamonds to listen to
>2 sirs
L cringe
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He should make this https://www.backseat.gg/ for chess desu.
Why is Magnus playing defensively with white? Is he scared?
I love Jennifer Yu tbhfam
Hans looks unslept and piss drunk/hungover? Eyes wetting and all.
For Yu it's me.
magnus is just gonna slurp and rape him in 1+1
Magnus could kill Hans in a caged fight and that's all that matters
That's chudophobic.
It's part of his strategy, he is psychologically attacking magnus by attempting to win a game while looking bored, tired and unkempt enraging and mindbreaking him
fagnus playing like he's shook
Danny is insufferable
where is danya :(
>magnus alreasy doing his sissy akimbo
oh oh maggy looking constipated
>Fagnus already losing
Apologize to Hans now!
>Queen trade
Magnus sisters...
hans took the first 2 games lol i think i just switched timelines
I actually saw that b5 was losing the rook before he played wtf
fucking idiot
hans thought he was the new fischer
but hes the new nepo kek
It's so over.
I'm 1900.scam btw how does a supergm blunder that
Anal plug out of battery?
>Hans nearly beating Magnus in the opening match, playing as black
lmao Fagnus fans think this is good for them
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I was taking him seriusly at first but kek based beyond
Let this be a lesson, zoomer fucking shits.
Nobody here ACTUALLY believed that Hans would stand a chance, right? Lol
rensch cannot speak without glazing magnus in some way
it really is something
Hans is winning on the clock! WE. ARE. BACK!
Hans needs to work on his poker face if he wants to be the next Fischer, he's visually choking like a little bitch
as bad as this commentary is it's far better than when Levy was on
Will he say the same thing for Hans when he loses?
he legit looked like he was choking back vomit at the start lel
If he beat MVL and So he can beat Magnus
plundered and pillaged
Fuck I knew that Kh2 would be troublesome.
"it's a mistake"
why are they kissing magnus ass so much?
Are these players really top 10? They don't seem particularly good to my untrained eye
Mokeman getting hard outclassed.
a significant amount of magnus's skill is his goddamn encyclopedic knowledge of endgames
Kek he's about to get swept. Chuds always lose, Trump will lose too.
It's speed chess, the level of play being lower than normal is natural
"Chess speaks for itself" is objectively a pretty cool quote
Too bad it can backfire
Its so fun to watch Magnus maul his opponent when its not /yourguy/ kek
The level of these games is much higher than alireza vs hikaru wtf
Ez draw chudman legends fagnus SCARED to be moked
Magnussy pussying out, hans still has this
no they're not
Based and schitzopilled.
please go outside
Hans tweaking like crazy
The day of the CHUD is here.
Total MOKE dominance incoming.
really like this view
muh dik jizz for itself
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Instead of the commentary can we just pause for 20 seconds after each move and have Kramnik walk up to the board and publicly determine whether or not the move appears to be made by a bot and quickly surmise why?
Can't ever seem to run a tournament without a variety of minor issues.
DO NOT worry sirs Danny actually really likes this view!
what is unironically wrong with Kramnik?
why is his brain like this?
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This shit is so scripted against Hans, Rensch really wanted this to happen just to give Magnus permission to cheat and humiliate Hans. What an evil piece of shit.
>stockfish 17 released in time for Hans/Magnus match
he lost the first game with a amateur tier blunder, cana't blame stench for that
t. hanschad
Why didn't Hans specifically prep for this match, knowing what was at stake? Is he stupid?
This is fucking embarrassing for the chudmann.
Magnus is simply the better player. By a mile.
holy shit hans just flew over my house
da cheese grates for itself
>the black kingdom is suffering
wtf it really is the year of the chud
The meth smokes itself
Magnus is playing lines that avoid prep and give a balanced position. There are too many of these types of lines to realistically prepare.
It feels so claustrophobic looking at the state of the board when Magnus is like this, compared to Alireza who used these flashy tactics to smash through Nakamura's position, Magnus basically strangles the life out of his opponents.
hahahaha Hans really said some shit like he was gonna end Magnus' career just for him to look like utter shit
Hans still recovering from the rectal exam
i dont watch a lot of magnus's games is this his usual style?
methodical midgames that just set up absolutely buttrape endgame?
Adopt him pls
>this is the script
This match, played under such unfair conditions for Hans Niemann, far away from comfortable home chair, was predictable. Congratulations to Magnus, someone breaking all normal chesscom standarts, being same level player OTB, online from home, online under survalance. Unique nowadays
oooh that game was UGLY for sneedman
It's so gaped they only need to shine a flashlight at it.
yeah. hes the modern Karpov. dudes just too good.
Yes, it's very characteristic of Magnus. He takes small positional edges and slowly squeezes them until the position is completely lost even when no obvious blunder is made.
yeah it sucks
Those italians aren't working out for plugmann.
>hanscels never even watched magnus play
explains soooo much lmao
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I am convinced Niemann is a fraud, He is a decent but average player, but he is not a genius. This game is about genius, and genius is not something that can be forced or bought or even worked hard for. Hans is sadly like many, many other players who have dedicated their lives to a game that does not particularly love them. It can make you spend each night in your room screaming at a god who does not hear you.
>danny ketch on commentary
ghostrider bros??
Shut up you stupid cat
is this a pasta?I swear I read this before
I read that article too.
ngl Danny sounds like an elite-tier commentator after pozman
Im surprised I haven't muted it yet
yeah at least he's actually talking about chess
i wish hikaru was on commentary i like his videos
Wait did they have Levi on earlier?
Commentary on Hiki and Firudji was Danya and the Roz.
Hanscucks shut up REAL quick lmao
oh well
at least we got another meme match against hikki tomorrow...
Scripting Hess losing his voice so Danny looks better. So cheap
Ouch. Yeah, I don't like Danny, but I'd definitely take him over Roz.
What an awful commentary lineup overall, though.
Yeah he wanted to chat about everything except chess. He wanted to chat about Family Guy and House of the Dragon season 2, and all of the other things you love to hear on chess commentary.
Chess has fallen.
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it's over, wow how embarrasing
Glad I overslept and missed that.
Jesus Magnus turned on Godmode
It's so over
Hansbros not like this
magnus making a man outta that little boy
it's over
By far the worst commentator I have ever had the misfortune of listening to. Completely ruined a great match.
Hans is getting straight up gaped wtf.
I am in agreement.
>Magnus doesn't fall for such things, he'll figure out the tacti----
i hate them
chess speaks for itsACK
The game that was a draw, I checked .scam and it just showed an abort, was that what happened?
lmao hanscels did you guys forget? our guy is the undisputed king
I told you.
He's not a fraud. I think he is correctly rated around low 2700s and will maintain that for years to come. What he isn't is Candidate and championship material.
waiting for Kramnick declarations
>bandwagoning the strongest contender
Brownoid behavior I bet you support mancity too
>they doubt
Hans is the most dangerous after a loss.
He lost 3 times lil bro your broadcast is behind.
Niemann looks like he took a bunch of Adderall yesterday to prep but ended up going on a 20 hour goon marathon instead of looking at chessbase
both magnus and alireza are the best of their generation and they both have a fucked up walk, Coincidence??
he better go get some beads cause he's fucked without em
nah Norwegian, he's a national treasure
I'm sorry, but did Hans already lose? Oh, that's right. The match isn't over yet. In fact, we're only in the 5+1 segment. Does not having a lead during the 5+1 segment count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when Hans is still fighting and putting a good fight? The match is still going right now and Hans has been the best rising star in how many months now? He's fighting the so-called "GOAT" who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of the commentary team being biased. But you know what? He still fucking sucks.
In hindsight, he just got too cocky after beating WS (washed shitter) and MVL (most valuable loser).
fair enough then
They brought him on during... was it Candidates? Whatever it was, I recall it being absolutely terrible.
>my ultimate victory will be when hikaru is too old to compete and has to watch me win everything
and don't you hanstroons EVER show your face in here again
better than bandwagoning the underdog
Bro it's over. Chess has fallen, billions must resign.
chess speaks for itself, and it is saying Hans is a fraud
lol this
also literally me
hans is 4chan personified I'll never stop supporting him
Yeah I was speaking from experience
Look now.
He's going to win.
I see it in his soul.
I don't like youngsters who haven't proved anything talking shit
It's anti-American
Except 4chan wouldn't cheat
Will Hans try skydiving after this match?
risking my job posting this but im working backstage at the event im a player assistant, just getting them waters and snacks and stuff
magnus came back to his rest area and was just laughing about how easy this is, called hans a 'farm animal'
posting this from a bathroom
you don't even go here
>multi million dollar company in charge of not completely fucking up the production of their broadcast
Hans legends can't stop won't stop.
>hans is 4chan personified
Yeah that's why he's a loser lol.
We used to have tournaments here till people discovered all the regulars are cheaters. 4chan does cheat.
Big if true
Billion company but we're watching a blurry zoomed out view of a laptop?
I believe it
lmao even
Every major namefag here has had their accounts banned for cheating. It's incredibly sad but entirely predictable. This place is such a shithole.
>I'm a fan of this view on the players laptop
lmao cope
I'd farm that animal iykwim.
Post pic or bs
>posted within a minute as usual
so you are here 24/7 just sp you can spread your lies at every chance?
What a fucking miserable existence
One guy got banned for cheating out of dozens of regulars
Okay Magnus is winning this, but is his girlfriend hotter than Hans'?
Speed chess in on bro everyones here right now, even me
Your braindead if you playing on line and not cheating
5 guys got banned and the rest instantly closed their accounts and left. Tournaments lost the "strong players" and died instantly.
But keep peddling your bullshit, I'll bet you were one of the cheaters.
you always do that at every mention of the weavers and have been for more than a year all because you got called a sub 2000 subhuman lmao
>two of the biggest matches in recent memory for the drama factor
>complete shitshow
The GOAT is playing and you're talking about your shitter tournaments.
pic of Hans' girlfriend?
nta but i like to mention it occasionally too so there's at least two of us who will forever remind people how gay the namefags were ^_^
eval is equal anon, let them fight
Can a player forfeit the match at that point? Should Hans forfeit?
next thread better have a sneedireza op
memes aside the match just started
i think tournament rules are no forfeiting before 30 moves
so he couldnt do so without dropping out
doubt forfeiting is allowed + I think players get more prize money per won game, so is stupid to forfeit
The nta + lowercase trick doesn't work on >2000 players, retard.
Who the fuck is Hans talking to?
>hans is finally winning
>"techincal issues" pop up
classy .scam tactics not even subtle
i have 4chan elo of like 2600 ngl
His PC lagged when Magnus blundered
lmao what
Holy seethe
Still a sub-2000 subhuman otb.
I hate conspiracy theory shit, but that's pretty fucking interesting.
he legit has a mental illness
hans looks especially chuddy today
Can this stupid bitch stop whining for just a minute
gayest post in this fucking thread holy shit dude kys
based Sneedman winning even through .cum machinations
judith looking good
Is this what he means by he said Kramnik is his life coach? Blame chess.com when you are losing?
Fucking based and top kek if true
Hans should rape judith
All this money and this shit company always has so fucking many technical issues.
Is someone baking already?
No, im sure of that, no conspiracy. He had a clear continuation and couldn't move for 10 seconds even though he moved with his mouse and got angry.
Why is he abusing the arbiter
She didn't do nothing wrong
Hans knew this would be his only hope to set up a cope for his paypiggies
Don't know what the conversation is, arbiter could be saying continue and he could be saying no.
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i fucking lovethis forum lmfao
what are the odds that something like this happened in Hikaru v Alireza and they just put up with it
Can we find their playlists somehow? I want to play to the same music as Hans.
they pulled the same shit with kramnik in clash of clans
they're both primadonnas
Chesscom is a dogshit website so I believe him. I just lost a time scramble because chesscum deducted me 6 seconds for no reason.
That's what I mean. I doubt they'd actually try to rig a match, but it's pretty fucking convenient that they have a massive technical issue after Mangoose bloonders.
Christ, I just want good clean games of chess, but they always have the dumbest fucking problems.
hikaru would've thrown a chair
>Never dealt with a bitch in a bureaucratic blocker position.
i fucking love that hans is literally the only chess player based enough to both suspect this type of rigging and also not back down when his complaint isn't registering
based based based. fucking expose them
The only 'major namefag' to whom that happened was seriouschest, and they reversed the decision.
I hate it when an interviewer uses time for babbling about himself and other irrelevant stuff.

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