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Marauder's Map Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

>HL & MA Student Profiles & Writing References

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>Books, Movies, Non-current Harry Potter Games

>Fan Games

Previous Thread: >>493167434
I wish there was more canon information about how making magic items like the Marauder's Map works.
Shooting up the owlery
It's magic!
There are a lot of things that tire lots of people, bro. More than you can imagine. But I said time and again, I am not stopping. I am just not stopping because the animals are part of the garland RP and there are also people who love laurelposts. Most people ignore. Your only course is to unironically deal with it.
You should do the same.
Sadly, you're right. I can't really do anything about it other than ask you to reconsider. And, as you've already said, even that is pointless.
Sorry for being so stern about it. At least you're willing to talk about it, and I appreciate that. Maybe something can be worked out at a later date.
I think that its way too easy/required to just come up with new spells because there's not really a huge amount of ways to like combine or like chain spells in very fun ways
did they add new treasure maps and locations to legacy? theres this dungeon in the southwest of the second half of the map thats kinda like a dungeon

on top of that im getting randomass treasure maps like skyrim everywjhere
Goodnight hypogigis
Why did you bump the thread to say this? You could have used sage at least.
goodnight anon
Stop being annoying anon
ummm no
I’m not sure, it might have been in the summer update?
Diana is just the cutest.
Honestly it just makes Harry and his friends super fucking lame. His dad and co were making valuable magical artifacts, his bff’s older brothers were making wacky joke items but what have Harry, Ron or Hermione ever made? Hermione made one bag that is bigger on the inside, a pretty mundane piece of magic considering wizards tents employ it. Harry can only cast a couple of beginner’s guide to self defense spells and Ron is literally useless at everything. Hermione, for all her studying, is never creative with what she’s learned. It’s pathetic how the main characters of a fantasy adventure series don’t have any motivation to actually do fantastic things.
What's something cool you'd do if you were at school and not too cool for school
That’s difficult to answer precisely because JK was always vague about things. The only extra curricular activities mentioned are the gobstone club and quidditch which seems a dower student life. As the previous anon mentioned we don’t even know how the marauder’s map was made so I can’t say how I’d do something similar either. Let’s keep it vague and just say I would design intricate trinkets, little wonders of motion and sound, to impress girls with.
HP is a franchise about generational deterioration and how each one is worse than the next and coasting along on the previous one's achievements. Harry and friends are far less brilliant and creative than his father's generation, he's intellectually average compared to his dad and the Marauders, even fucking Snape who creates his own spells is more inventive than the supposed whiz kid Hermione, the so-called "most brilliant witch of her generation".

But at least Harry and the others are still courageous and men of action with all their adventures culminating in Voldemort's defeat through the power of friendship. They are still movers and shakers who participate in the molding of events.

Then you have the Cursed Child about how Harry and Draco's kids are literal losers who accomplish nothing of note until their fourth year when their actions nearly lead to the fucking up of reality.

It is a story by the boomer JK of how the millennials (Harry) and zoomers (Albus Severus) failed to live up to their promise or even the bar set by their predecessors. It is an allegory of the decline of the West at large
I’m in uni
Also I miss you guys and I want to seppuku I feel lesser
Never forget that Garland is a faggot.
I do like this take tho I hate the angle. I think Harry Potter would be a lot more interesting if it had been about a secret society in decline because of two ruinous wars and how much knowledge and shit they lost because of it. Of course, this is a take that only works with selective analysis, as I stated previously, the Weasley twins were inventing new wacky shit at a greater rate than the marauders were and through the grading system of OWLs and NEWTs we can see that the younger witches and wizards are learning and doing exactly as much as their society expects them to do, with no indication the grading ever got laxer over the years.
Harry and friends are too busy saving the world every year to have time to invent new doo doo fart bombs or ways to mutilate people.
Millennials navigating the world Boomers left them.
I want a witch with a small rack
Wait…that tier list last thread.

Is Kuro fucking trans?!?!
Did you misread? It clearly said she’s a man. There are no trans people, only men and women.
Aren't we all?

I genuinely believed she was a bio woman
Nah she made fun of them one time.
This pairing is even more retarded than Draco and Harry
Actually that makes no sense on two fronts since Draco x Harry isn't retarded either
It’s not as retarded as wolfstar tho which I think is honestly the worst ship in the franchise.
Famously trannies never ever make fun of themselves or their circumstances, we’re very serious people.
That boy needs correction. Send him to my dorm immediately.
The bio witches can tell who is and who isn't. If you can't tell then you are one of them.
aw frick not in the library! Wash your hands, you SLUTS! People READ those books!
…she is? I think?
>People READ those books!
Name one
You're not a person
who's the cutest boy from each house? i need to know for research purposes...
I'm SO a person!
Anyone wanna play Quiddi after I get home from work in 6 hours?
Put Quidditch Champions in the OP you dolt. It's a Harry Potter game and it just came out.
>Quidditch Champions
DOA game. This is the Hogwarts Mystery General
>Voldy by default.
This was the Lego Harry Potter games general before you etc etc
>Voldy by default.
are hufflemales that rare of a breed?
Yes. and that's a good thing
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Kuro is an honorary man.
How come in MA you can't invade the boys dorms?? Canonically you can as much as you want
McGoon is enforcing new No Fun Allowed rules
Boys deserve a safe space from the femoid menace.
Boys are icky and they have cooties.
Huh uh, girls are stinky and have cooties.
That position is way hotter if you imagine he is stroking her magic grown futa witchcock
Boys are afraid of soap and deodorant.
Girls get chased by the enchanted tub because they don't wash their filthy bits.
Kill yourself.
Boys will be thrown in the plague pit. Their unwashed bodies attract vermin and disease. They writhe around in their yucky, yucky cesspools like blind mice. They fear the bar of Zest.
I think the male and female races should get along
We talking about Hogwarts or Helmgart?
Silence plaguebearer, real wizards use a castile soap and smell of a fresh pine forest after a rain. Meanwhile you smell of cheese and rotting vegetables, pigs flock to you looking to roll in your waste.
Good choice. The plot is very intricate.
I prefer CHAMBER, it speaks to something deep within me.
You will be bathed and you will enjoy being cleaned. No more of your filth shall be here.
Why are you taking a tierlist seriously?
I bathe before going out in public and before bed, I am perfectly clean whenever it matters.
Everybody posting ITT is a child groomer.
Not me! I was a groomed child.
Zoomers believe a 25 year old is grooming, their opinions on the matter are worthless
>Zoomers believe a 25 year old is grooming

True in their case. Most Zoomers are still mentally children at that age
>HP is a franchise about generational deterioration and how each one is worse than the next and coasting along on the previous one's achievements.
The fuck are you talking about?
HP Wizards are researching shit all the time from Death to Time to Space.
Hell, look at Time Turners. They are a pretty recent invention, to the point that in Hogwarts Legacy it's mentioned they couldn't get time travel working at the moment.
And if you look at the Cursed Child, Nott literally perfects the device and it can go back to anytime you want and do actual changes to the timeline.
I met a middle aged zoomed before
You’re lucky this is the start of my work week. I hate being a sober bartender but the pay is just to fucking good. I work three days a week and bring in 50k a year after taxes lol
I’m more of a child goober, as in im fucking retarded and have the mental capacity of a child
big same
Another weekend is upon us.
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I love McGongaga.
I wanted to get back into RP servers for so long but when I tried I realized I'm too socially retarded to have fun, unless I can ignore the social aspects in favour of autistic mechanics like in SS13.
Ok. Now the girls
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I've been waiting for a chance to post this
>My by default
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wbcels keep getting cucked
Do any of the Hogwarts Legacy mod links still work?
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New vanity box on NE servers
I just don't think i wanna lose my schziomaxing look desu...Girls what do you think? Do I become sexy wizard or keep the crazy look that is a reflection of my soul
Can we see a side-by-side comparison?
I would kill for that witch
I would cum for that witch fr though i like those eyes would goon to them
WB Club Events in 24 minutes.
Bro, just be yourself
this...this is being myself
Become sexy wizard.
Start slutmaxing bro
Then keep being yourself, don't listen to the harpies.
Club Dance starting now.

He should start slugmaxxing instead.
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what are they plotting?
Some stinky business
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Good afternoon hpgg. How everyone is going?

Any official announcement from NeatEase about transfer accounts?

Best book.

Hey Zach. Thanks God it's already Friday, lol
>celestial gaze
I would like that blush so I can truly roleplay sprinting around the castle.
I don’t know about this list, flavius is definitely cuter than tristan. gryff is a toss up tho. it did make me realize we are pretty low on puff and raven boys though
Hey Matt! Yeah I'm counting the days til my Vegas vacation on the 20th.
Club Quiz starting now.
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It's over.
I'm busy, sorry.
I forgot about Flav….
Literally me.
Kuro is a big stinkyhead
Webbed fingers type this post.
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That's getting added to it, I have a soft spot for old people not playing with a full deck of cards.
Oh thank goodness, I truly didn't enjoy chaser. It felt exhausting and like playing fetch. But there are other dogs and there is only one toy? Too uncouth for someone such as myself.
To me? Only when she does that self exile thing from time to time over something generally just in her head.
I do enjoy chonksters... but doesn't everyone?
None magical problems are just problems we haven't found magic to solve. I'd be disgusted if I wasn't about to make a bunch of money off of the BUMS of the magical medical world who are just resting on their laurels.
If it's not too late, I don't really care who but if you could put some people in classic fantasy gear that could be fun. You know the basic archetypes and all that. Or if you're feeling something more modern I would enjoy an interrogation scene between like two detective characters and a criminal, as silly or as serious as you like (taking something serious that is silly is my personal favorite), I think 70's detective schlock get ups could be fun too.

Today I shall commence the lego game today, I hope I can play as silly people.
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t. dumbert
Uh, wrong.
NE Club Events in 57 minutes.
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Just got home, anyone wanna hop on their broom for quiddi?
I wanna make percy into an inferi
Turn yourself in to the authorities
Fake rout post
Is the new quidditch game good? I do want to remember childhood memories.
Real amelia post
I wanna make percy into an housband
Heading to work now, I’m so tired, how I’m supposed to get thru the next 9 hours is beyond me
It's pretty good, I think.
Real Rout post
start a fistfight on the commute
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Oooo no one said I could creep around as Haggrid
where's the saturday movies announcement, Evaaaaaaa?

punch your boss in the face
Club Dance starting now.
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I got some lego pieces and then the top bar in the middle of the screen started glowing and called me a "True Wizard." What does that mean? Like grand wizard? Collecting Legos makes me racist?
Club Quiz starting now.
Disney princess look.
Press F2 or any button to start
>play against Durmstrang
>seeker is Krum
>he doesnt instadnipe the snitch as soon as it spawns
Soulless desu
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need me some squibussy...
Sorry for missing it, I had to work overtime and I just collapsed after doing my dailies.
just leanrd that i the ruby choclate bits i now and then consume when i get chocladte urge and no chocklade home has been expired for 4 years.
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It should be fine aside from tasting worse. Chocolate is safe to eat long past expiration, but it'll taste bad.
How is the new quidditch game??
you're 95% mold, you'll be fine.
AK yourself
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Hello hypogigis, just a reminder that movie night will be on Saturday, September 7th – that is, tomorrow – at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC). This week we will be watching Vampire Assassin followed by Hook.

See you there!

Thank you for the events, miss Melons.

Uni is suffering; hang in there anon...

I did like that in Legacy they acknowledge that some of the stuff we're used to existing in the HP setting just straight up doesn't exist yet; it's neat.

Literally HL Eva.


Mhm; it's very popular for good reason.

>None magical problems are just problems we haven't found magic to solve.
I guess that's another thing too; Ominis was in the 1800s. Maybe by modern times someone has figured out a magical cure for blindness?

Enjoy the Leggoing.

Wouldn't you like to know. It wouldn't be very good plotting if I just *told* you, now would it?

Hello hello. No announcements yet unfortunately.

Pain... good luck; do your best. Weekend soon.

Right heeere! I was busy with work things...
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>70s detective
Ooo, vibes more the vibe of stuff I’ve been into but I’ll see if I can get to it
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daniel can have Cassandra for all i care.

abigail best girl
I want to transfer...
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For those interested in transfers. NE support have confirmed that you lose basically everything on the NE character you overwrite. Unfortunate but could be worse. Some people have reported you keep gems from the NE side but who knows.

Not sure about the commemoration going on there but who am I to question the note.

Thank you for hosting.

That iris shape scares me. At least I know I can ignore the vanity box again though.

How to finally sit in that chair probably.

Soon. NE support is a lot more open about it lately. The official announcement will be soon enough.
>you lose basically everything on the NE character you overwrite
well damn...are you going to ask for a refund? is it even possible?
Wait dude. Don't gamble on whether or not your stuff will transfer over. I've seen some people do it and they lost everything.
>are you going to ask for a refund?
Nah. What little money I threw onto the NE version doesn't bother me to lose. Even if it did, I'm trading that small amount of money for the MASSIVE amount more from my WB account.
bip bop
Pretty good gameplaywise but doesnt have the sovl of QWC2003's character designs, cutscene special moves, and Soundtrack
Gonna download it while its free
But it's too early...
I wonder how rough it'll be to even run the HogWarp mod
It's never to early to save your mortal soul from damnation!
What's the point of transferring if you lose everything?
Feel like I worded this poorly when I first wrote it but the NE character loses everything on it. Everything is replaced by what's on your WB account.
Ah, naruhodo. That's much better.
Love isn't a sin, father
But it is a battlefield
So this is a battle I lost
what do the red steps on the 6-star dances mean?
you're supposed to take those steps with your feet.
What did you mean by giant good homer? Sorry I missed this yesterday
oh, thank you
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Probably this. Perchance.
boring friday
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I'm a monster and I'll get what I deserve for treating people who care about me like I do.
I'm gonna start hitting you with a stick
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God, watching Ron Echo buffed Firecrab just nuke max leveled Fiendfyres out of existence is incredibly cathartic.
Ever get the feeling you’re being a tinge too dramatic? You can’t be treating them all that badly
i just wish to be your friend
I can't stop demanding from my friends even if I do feel guilty.
I can hardly open up to them in fear of changing out relationship.
I am afraid that one day when I make a call, nobody wants to answer.
I am envious those who have friends to play games with
i want to beat up half the people in this general, and kiss the other half.
make a tierlist
You HAVE friends and we've played games but anytime we ask if you want to play something you say no or idk.
as someone who has liked aco in the past that thread needs to be put down old yeller style it sucks so bad now it was only ever good for its cause and effect for the main thread now that nothing of consequence happens it’s useless
That's all one long run-on sentence with no punctuation so I'll disregard it.
can i have both?
Idk I feel like if they aren't trying to kill or hurt you then either they're fine with it or they deserve it for being annoyed and not doing anything about it. Either way, you're fine
What would the cope have been if they added punctuation?
I think I would have agreed.
Y’know, there’s this weird difference I noticed in kidnapped reader things with women and men. With women there’s like this cat and mouse, this “ugh how dare he kidnap me I’ll Never give in!” Whereas the guy ones usually like, immediately give in and become willing.
A man's ideal sex partner is literally just a self warming rubber sex doll, that's why
Or maybe they enjoy the idea of never fearing abandonment
You are not a monster. You're the exact opposite of one and we're going to keep on caring about you.
>it was only ever good for its cause and effect for the main thread
what, like calling people whores or making cuck memes? yeah that was productive.
I'm not.
It's good for knowing who to ignore and get their friends to hate them
This general was more fun in the HL days when people were interacting as their characters.
I dont know what to confess
All the people I liked are gone, though.
I miss artie
No one wants to roleplay anymore and it killed a lot of fun in this general
People say they miss it but don't bother doing it themselves and wait around for others to do it. Be the change you wanna be or keep waiting and hoping anon.
People were too stupid to tell the roleplay character from the person behind it
its what got florana and ioni together, hell multiple couples which were fun when people still roleplayed, gloria and penny built a lot of lore onto it, sometimes character revelations would come out of it. funny moments happened and thread memes came about. now it’s just gens and shit tier flirting
They're doing what gets them attention.
no, people could tell, but troll anons didn’t care about the difference and just wanted to fuck with people that’s where most of the negativity came from retard
You're supposed to play as yourself in games
It got Alice and Heather together too.
Oh, hey! Rout is still here.
How and
Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?
fake rout
Go back to /omg/
low quality mimicking, please fuck off
what? he wishes for what omg hates
roleplayers deserve the rope
We'll take it after you're done with it
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How *is* that going anyway? I haven't heard anything about it for ages; is development still coming along?

Someone already answered this but I will add that if you press a red but let go too early it won't immediately show the visual/sound for a miss, but it'll show those as misses on the end screen and deduct points accordingly. So, make sure you hold them for the full duration.

Everyone sometimes fails and falls short at treating people how they ought to; the bit that matters (more) is trying to do better next time. Though, if it keeps happening despite your best efforts you might want to try changing your approach? Or alternatively/additionally, just letting people know in advance (as in "I know I tend to do [bad thing] and I'll try not to, but it's difficult so I am letting you know in case I screw up and do it again so you aren't blindsided"). I've had someone do this and it genuinely helped a lot; I really appreciated it.

Also, while I don't know what you're referring to specifically, for what it's worth I've never seen you do anything so terrible. And you're not a monster... monsters don't acknowledge their failings as such.

Just don't look there, I guess? I sometimes go there when I want to or don't when I don't; you're not obliged to be anywhere.

Well now that's not very nice.

I still try! I think it's harder now though; when HL was new and everyone was playing it and taking tons of in-game screenshots, it really created an environment conducive to that. There's been some with MA, but somewhat ironically the more social nature of the game makes it less ideal for that... with HL there was no in-game socialization, so the thread sort of *became* the game.

Rout never left. As long as the mold continues to bloom in the Hufflepuff carpets (it won't ever stop; they're way too far gone), the Rout will always be with us.
cuckposters deserve the rope too
>How *is* that going anyway? I haven't heard anything about it for ages; is development still coming along?
I haven't tried it myself, but it did just get an update today to support the newest HL version
No it's the fucking snobs that killed the threads. All they do is whine and talk about better times. You cucks and parasites who complain that you're no longer entertained by other people like you used to be.
Have you ever considered that it is your bitching and nagging that both bored HL people then and drives MA people away now?
Magic Awakened is DEAD
Nothing to worry about, new MA folks. It's just the pathetic resident schizo having a seizure as usual. They're complaining that their secret discord club got empty on Friday night.
Lots of people are posting on the 'cord right now, idiot. That's not what this is about.
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I don't think it's entirely fair to blame people reminiscing about times they miss for "killing" the threads. Most of the HL-era people who left did so at the point where HL wasn't a fresh new thing anymore (and didn't have any new content coming) so there wasn't really an actual Harry Potter game one could easily anchor conversations to. And around the same time, certain anons were being just *incredibly* obnoxious and generally awful, and spamming the threads incessantly with their garbage and hate which made the place really unpleasant for a while. That made some people leave, and then many of the people who liked talking to the ones who left also left, and so on.

I've still got my fingers crossed that many of those people will come back when HL2 drops, as I really don't think there's any other space on the internet to just be comfy and chat about Harry Potter games / partake in HP-games-related roleplay / do HP-games-related things? In any event, I like the people who are still with us, and the new ones who've joined us since then, and I like Harry Potter games. So, I'm happy to just keep existing here and do what I can to make this thread a nice place to be.

Please hold while NetEase un-kills it.
Who asked nigger.
Really? What do you want to play then?
>Just don't look there, I guess? I sometimes go there when I want to or don't when I don't; you're not obliged to be anywhere.
i think the implication is that they liked going there but don’t like it now
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I forgot to quote you, but good to hear that it's still coming along! There was also a recent announcement from the the Amortentia mod devs that they're still active and were taking on some new team members, so it does seem that the HL modding scene yet lives.

Also I forgot to mention but I think part of it as well was that COVID was still a thing at the time when HL dropped, so everyone had lots of free time to make silly fun posts and things like that. Now that things are back to (relatively) normal, a lot of people just have more IRL things going on and less time to devote to the thread unfortunately.

Mm, that's fair enough.
maybe they should talk about what they like instead of complaining about what they don't
Things I like:
>Men I personally find beautiful, charming and appealing
Things I dislike:
>Everything else
Yeah I'm gay too
You idiot. You fool. You absolute IMBECILE.
We got an angry faggot over here!
AK yourself
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F on this you goth bbsastart.... idiotjt...
What girlie hands, you’re the butt fucked type of gay, aren’t you?
I missed My’s unhinged forest hag ramblings.
*unbirths you by shoving you up my coochie until you've developed into a proper human being*

:/ sigh.
*is birthed meaner than before, ready to be rude and restless*

Oh, look, she got high on fresh air.
anon she's always in the woods
Hugs and kisses to the wizzas and witches who deserve it
Mega in shambles
Does that mean she's always high?
So transferring account is a magic leap of faith…
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She would hate it
Thank you
Do you mind if I touch you? (There)
No, she's the poster complaining about being bored and wanting to play games. You're replying to My.
Wait until they open the ride to the public instead of breaking in to the park at night
I hate harry potter
I hate videogames
I hate this general
I hate 4chan
I love you
You wanna to hakuna muh tatas?
Only my beautiful wife can kiss me
Can you play MA on mobile after moving to Ashwinder or does it have to be through the PC client?
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You can play on both, mobile and pc
My? Are you drunkposting?
Holy based.
The GB/GBA Harry Potter RPGs are so boring, why does everyone rate them so high?
Where is confess girl
up your ass
Whoa whoa whoa chill out sis I just wanted to confess
What time is this for NE server in American hours?
Confessions are like, seven hours above you. Scroll up and unburden yourself.
I never know what to confess about
We know, Rout.
Makes no sense
I too have no guilt or remorse about my ways
The Chudley Cannons are a Pro Quidditch Team known for being shit house.

Every league has it
>Your cuntry
>The sports league you regularly watch
>Who is the "Chudley Cannons" of that league?
There's no way we have more than like 2 sports guys here
Believe me, we have more than that...
>Your cuntry
>The sports league you regularly watch
>Who is the "Chudley Cannons" of that league?
Manchester United

It's just a example, okay? I'm not a brit
Name a sport then
Finished rereading the whole Harry Potter series, still a 10/10 but man I wish JK kept writing and not cursed child levels of writing. There was some pacing issues in the last book but whatever, still tho wish she wrote more
Post Fergie ManU is going through a rough spot BUT they have not been relegated
She wrote a couple lore books if you're still hungry for leg stretching
Didn't she technically write the FB movies?
How dare you imply I have or would ever drink alcohol. Reflect on your actions.
I hear you've been off adventuring
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Okay what's the status on WB to NE transfers though tell me! Tell me girls!

I guess you could call it that...
What else could have possibly brought you back here?
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>ManU has been shit for more than a decade
Karma for Fergie time, I guess.
I've been around I just haven't posted because I've been BUSY obviously... You'd know this if you followed my twitter for exciting updates like a true girliepop...
>they have not been relegated
Yet... mwahahahahaha
I'm a man. I don't follow womens' twitters.
EWWW GET AWAY FROM ME EWWWUUUUH EWWW (unless you're pretty ofc! hi prettyboy! c'mere, have a cracker!)
That's what my mama tells me.
omg hi sweet cowboy...
yes can I help you
You read those books pretty fuckin fast so good job and such. I too have no idea why JK decided she wouldn’t write a proper book for Hp ever again. Tho, as another anon pointed out, there’s companion books you can read and I even listed every single one of them out a while back if you care to peruse the archives.
>transfer status
Soon… prolly by next week they’ll put out an official announcement. Eoin implied some folks have already gone thru with it and you keep all ur WB stuff but lose all ur NE stuff.
There's people on the reddit who have but theres also some fuck ups there too so I reckon keep waiting.
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The game has begun to recognize our lovey words!
>another hairstyle I like that clips through glasses
What a ladykiller
That’s what you get for being born with bad eyesight. You should have been thrown into the incinerator as a baby.
My hair doesn't clip in real life though.
I watch baseball occasionally but i don't keep up with it so idk which teams are considered throwers
The White Sox
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I’ve been told I know my way around my own vernacular, I know.
What I pretty song, her songs are are always so pretty.
good morning, anons. Anyone down for some quiddi today?
A Whole Lot Of Lottie Love
I dont understand how these women who deepthroat horse dildos manage. I made a sub sandwich and my mouth cant take a full bit.
This is why I’m a lesbian; my mouth is too small.
>new Harry Potter Game comes out
>want to play it with my Harry Potter Games General frens
>absolutely zero takers in 3 days
>they're too busy discussing the intricacies of sodomy all day
I'm not mad; I'm just disappointed. I'm sorry for having any expectations of you.
I dont wanna share my steam account with hackers on 4chan desu
anon if you have your ebay golden snitch peaking out your anus and have written "please join my game" written on your ball-less sack then maybe i will join you
What is going on in the thread all of a sudden
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I don't think the plapman can, that's why he's always at it.
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Oh dear.
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I love Cassandra.
No wonder they set up another server
The last time I posted my steam account I got doxxed. Also I don’t really want to play that game. Also also I have the shittiest internet known to man. But, for you anon, I’ll buy it.
Cross Kings shall rule soon
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Sorry lad. I am needed elsewhere
you dont need to share your steam name, you just need to share your WB name, I think.
Given, mine's the same but whatever.
West Tiggers. Losing in Men and Women. Just did three in a row, the boys.
I was waiting for this game for so long and I do like me some Quidditch, but, I'm taking a wait and see approach because
>Why the fuck is Hermione a playable character? She was never interested in Quidditch
>Why does the Quaffle "re-spawn" with no stoppage in play? I can't remember it working like that in the game since it wasn't enchanted

>3v3 in Multiplayer

On another note, the complete lack of noise surrounding this game just astounds me after what happened with Legacy, and I know they still haven't forgotten JKR, and she is still at it. I know they have not given up but it really makes me wonder how it all went down for a single game and not any other game, and definitely not FB.

Though, to be fair, FB had to deal with Depp worshippers. (He was not a good Grindy)

She did. She wrote the screenplay. Unfortunately she bought post-Book 3 HP to the screen when she was no good at multiview.
Looks a bit like her old design.
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My plants are too powerful for you.
This is absurd and foul!
Ah, alphas and omegas, I get it.
They just threw a couple extras in there for funsies. Hermione and Mrs Weasley fill out the team while the Weasleys teach you how to play. Almost everyone else you can unlock was a player in the books.

The quaffle gets thrown in by the keeper after a score or reset and thrown up from the middle after a snitch is grabbed.
Very interesting that the design they went for for Hermione is based on her appearance in the Prisoner of Azkaban film.
Is that very interesting?
Real Football.
The Browns.
Can't believe there's two of us now
Laliga, EPL, Liga 1
Patetico Madrid, Manchester United, Dinamo Bucharest
They really need to release a Lego Harry Potter game with all seven years in one.
They also need to add Luna and Ivy to Quidditch Champions.
Never going to happen, all the mobile games exist in a vacuum
Okay, I have gotten past the tutorial. My WB account name is PaganSeaWitch. Add me whenever but also don’t get mad at me because I’m bad at video games.
Cute dork
It's been rumoured forever.
I think you meant to say sensible and hot.
I don't think so, no.
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bros, why am i having fun?
>kinda sped the game until i got the unlocking charm
>started doing everything I could
>started doing trials, camps and shit on the way to quest targets
>fighting with thunder potions and plants
>inventory full and sell it all and restock plants
>level 30 before act3
It's a fun game
It's been a year and a half since MA launched in the west, and so far we've seen zero mini-Raios. The guy is barren.
He wears a condom, stuuupid
Wong took the keys to his chastity belt to the grave.
>wear a condom
why did he do it bros
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fun things are fun
hufflepuff - plants, potions and basic casts
slytherin - curses and unforgiveables
ravenclaw - curses, potions and spell combos
gryffondor - all spells and spell combos

did i forget anything other than how to spell griffindor?
It's gryffindor
I thought the sewer stinkies were meant to be good at potions
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new emote fun.
>slytherin - curses and unforgiveables
+ stealth. also this >>493535468. basic curses + maxima potions is a good feeling
he's just a very special guy
WB Club Events in 59 minutes.
make a fertility tier of the witches
im not doing that, weirdo
12:05AM, i think, that's the time right now in singapore
When transferring accounts, will it also transfer the WB account name or will it use the NetEase account name?
nobody knows yet
Just wait for the official announcement
someone buy quidditch champions for me
Someone crucio me, I’m sick
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I'm about to buy Hogwarts Legacy(Deluxe Edition, 70% off) and Quidditch Champions(10 off), I'm doing a good deal?
Legacy 100%
Quidditch, i don't know.
Club Dance starting now.
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I see, maybe I need to postpone buy Quidditch Champions for a while
It's only 27 dollars, I'd say buy it, test it out, and if you don't like it, get a refund
Anyone know if QC has a match replay feature?
Club Quiz starting now.
I would but I don't know 95% if the OCs
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Factually wrong I'm very fertile thank you very much bitch motherFUCKER
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New free.
Infertile is too kind, they're completely and utterly barren
No magic or potion can help them, shame!
You do realize I am also infertile right? Like, that’s what happens to trans peeps.
Can't you still make kids or is this something you already went to the doctor for?
NE Club Events in 58 minutes.
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You can tell just by looking at me, idiot. Birthing hips! The eyes of a woman brimming with fertility! My pheromones so strong I must remain locked away from society lest every male model within a 10 mile radius loses his mind with desire!
Sorry Fil, my internet died again.
I can’t make kids, that’s the major trade off to being trans, you go infertile.
Thanks for playing a match with me, anon.
I didn't hear what you said when you left, but I definitely agree that it's weird how Ireland and Bulgaria don't get their own teams but there are all sorts of countries never mentioned that are present in this game.
Yes, if you take clomid. Look up Dr. Powers' research on it.
Damn, you have a stink ditch?
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Hello /hpgg/, just a reminder that movie night is today at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) — that is, in about 3 hours and 30 minutes from now.

Today we will be watching Vampire Assassin (which I've been assured is an absolute travesty of a film), followed shortly thereafter by Hook.

See you there!

Thanks for the events, Mega. One day I will be able to FC 6* dances...

I'd be happy to play with you or any others once I actually get the game; I just don't have it yet because I'm waiting for bigger multiplayer matches to be added.

>I don't.
>No idea.

Oh well that's not ideal. I wonder if it might be better to make an account in King's Cross after all... any idea if that server and Ashwinder can play together/be in a social club together?

But that's 'kawa. Admittedly those two are also cute and dorky though.

>the complete lack of noise surrounding this game just astounds me after what happened with Legacy
It's a few things, I think. Legacy was a really long-awaited game which had been in development for years and had a lot of... I don't want to say hype exactly, but anticipation I guess? And then there was a lot of controversy surrounding it because JKR tweets or whatever, which boosted its visibility even more and effectively gave it a ton of free advertising. It's also just a very pretty game in a popular genre, and I think it fulfilled or at least approached a fantasy that a lot of HP fans wanted.

Quidditch Champions on the other hand is essentially an HP-themed sports game, which is a lot more narrow of a niche. There's not much about it to be controversial, and it wasn't long-awaited. It's a decent enough game but I'm not surprised it wasn't as much of a "big deal" as Legacy was.

It's a fun game.

That's a nice look. Also, welcome.

Cute free.
Club Dance starting now.
>did a tonne of dailies and weeklies
>only 1/3 to unlocking Cho Chang
Cho Chang bang bang
Must breed...
Club Quiz starting now.
calm down mister blyth
Thank you for hosting, Mega.

>any idea if that server and Ashwinder can play together/be in a social club together?
I doubt it. If everybody here is transferring their WB accounts, we could theoretically all move to any server since the Netease account will be overwritten anyway. They will probably start merging servers if the playerbase is simply not there to warrant a dedicated one.

It has some really cool animations for a free outfit. I like it. I still need to clear the wheel somehow for the furniture.

Sex with witches
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Percy's sleep paralysis demon...
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…is that fucking blackface, dude?
I think that’s Amelia
fuck me i'm so tired
Smoothing you.
Smothering me*
Smooching you.*
I ship Tristain and Mega
You can’t just keep telling people to confess anon, there are only so many confessions to go around. You have to let them recharge.
I said coomfess not confess.
I read the weirdest fucking fanfiction.
Because cute
that's not good enough, elaborate
Crackfics can be pretty fun.
Loners K I S S I N G
is tristain a loner?
i'm not wearing trousers atm
At least isn't a fujo ship
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Movie night will be starting in 15 minutes; today we are watching Vampire Assassin followed by Hook.
Grab some popcorn and come join us!

Caracal room: https://caracal.club/hpggParty
Yeah maybe but they make me so uncomfortable sometimes. Especially when they get unduly sexual. Like no, 12 year olds aren’t this horny please stop.
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Vampire Assassin starting now.


I had to pee okay???
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why is that person stuck to the dog?
why didn't you inform the thread?
It was cozy, but my completionist autism may be my undoing here. And I'm not confident I am ready to do that with a decade old leggo game.
Cool beans also... >>493511424 take a look at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_avx_-ZODg
I will at some point anon, i decided to leggo and a few other games like Abiotic Factor and Deadlock. Not sure if I would party with a Ravenclaw though still...
Throwing plants at stuff is fun.
>Astrid and Shouren were dance partners for the fireworks party
Guys, I think the MC might have an unhealthy fascination with people much older than them
I forgor.
Whaaat? No... my obsession with Astrid is completely natural.
>Shouren went out of hiding just to celebrate and dance with an underaged child
huh, imagine if they actually let MC pull a Tonks
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Just finished the cinematic masterpiece known as Vampire Assassin; Hook starting in 20 minutes.

So real. Would be he hardest class in hogwarts
Fireworks in 56 minutes.
NE or WB?
nta but fireworks for ashwinder ended like 10 hours ago
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accurate irl, boyshorts are just so much comfier than regular panties
The heck is a culotte
Now sort them into categories like cotton, lace, striped, printed, and so on
>Matti, Flav and Addie as a girls
a panty but in french
And I would pull them all off with my teeth.
Wow mega made this
Stop being a creep, Dylan
Almost accurate but I would put Euphie in boyshorts, Eva in panties and Kuro in thong.
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Touhou panties
once again not in it....
i've already disclosed though, so it doesn't matter.
Oh, you know.
Skill issue
Yeah, it started the same time as the house cup
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... No...
House cup?
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Gesättigt Fire my beloved.
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... No comment.

Woah; how?
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Haha! I love hot rod, my sister and I saw it the day it released in theaters and were the only ones laughing in a theater of 30 somethings.
N-No! Why are me and my homies even here?? These are all girl-

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