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Previous thread: >>493345419

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Billybros, are we winning?
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/ss/ sex with Enid on his own bed while his mom watches helplessly through her smartphone camera app while stuck in traffic
How much attack do I need to max Soukaku's buff?
Is jane w-engine signature even worth it? Is the weeping gemini or rainforest gump good enough for her?
Literally no wengine is worth it.
Other than caesar.
Because the def options are just that shit.
Nicole: virgin
Anby: used goods
That's pretty hot and specific scenario
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Very true
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>he wasted his rolls on Jane
lol. lmao.
can confirm I'm goods
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What rolls...I'm BROKE!
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Gentlemen, we must address the rabi shortage in our general
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>another fucking 40 days away
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For the standard banner, what are the rates of getting a W engine for the pity?
more like 20 days
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>Lost Jane 50/50
>went into hard pity twice
>had to use $100 top off to get my husbando Seth to M6
How will I ever financially recover from this? Stupiid biitch game, at last I can drench my boypussy with his yummy virile squirrel cummies NNGGGHHHHHH Now I have to build him to level 60 and I have zero resources and zero batteries left because you stupiid BIITCHES told me to waste them all while leveling. Just gonna kms I hate this game, I hate this playerbase I hate this stupiid fucking general I'm just gonna go back to playing FFXIV, I miss Limsa RP so, so much
Im trans btw not sure if that matters
Why exactly does Jane need Seth in her team?
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I made the ellen and anbi, I don't mind drawing another to get in the mood to do reps, any character in mind?
most normal FFXIV player (unironically)
anomaly boost
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I can't stop dreaming of Zhu Yuan...
20 days is an eternity.
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"need" is a stretch, but read his core skill
he buffs Anomaly Proficiency on swap after using his charged skill
Jane is built around Anomaly Proficiency, so yes, Seth was made for Jane
You forgot a mole on the Ellen one bwo. She has 2 under her eye.
i have to laugh
I forgot, what's her name again?
He gives a good AP buff, and a very useful shield for very little field time. Plus he's decent at applying shock so it works for disorder
She doesnt need him to work, but they synergize very well, plus they got exclusive voice lines together so
We clearly need a Qingyi
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I was feeling like eating some spicy ramen today, so I decided to check if I have anything nearby, and I remembered anon here recommending me the Hook ramen place near Ogikubo.
Turns out it was literally 20 minutes by foot away from my place, and checking the review he linked, it had spicy miso ramen as well - so I decided today might as well be the day I'll try it out.

I've chose the perfect time to wait in a ~10 people line, so it took some time, but honestly speaking, the wait was worth it.
It was among the best ramens I ever had.
Even chashu was good - it still had a vague smell of old meat, but it was very mild and whatever sauce they fry it in successfully masked pretty much all of it.
Unironically that would make it the second best chashu I ever ate.
I still wouldn't pay extra to get more of it, but on the experience scale, it was on the pleasant side, rather than just "neutral" and as opposed to the more usual "dogshit".

The broth was very good - it was nice and thick. If someone has told me it was a tonkotsu and not a miso ramen, I would've believed them.
The noodles were also a pleasant surprise. Thicker and firmer than the most. I wouldn't be mad if I got noodles like this in a tsukemen even, so having them in a ramen was great.

All in all, 10/10 rec, thank you anon.
Not sure how long it'll take me to check out the tomato place you've recommended - I think I had my fill of ramen for a while.
25 year old
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Touch my tail?
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alright you guys convinced me, i'm done trying for Jane C1 and gonna save for Caesar
La Mibibia Vulpina
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caesar and burnice for next ver
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
ummm sweetie... the line is "uhhh nyo"
you forced me to do this again
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Baldice stocks will plummet when the event ends, sell now
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>threw 10 rolls at Jane's weapon banner because bored
>gets it
It's shit, isn't it?
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Ayaka of ZZZ
If I eat Ellen, would it taste like shark or person?
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Shark if you eat her tail or pussy
Person for the rest
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Would Grace / Koleda / Burnice work well?
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>physical dps with a big ass
now where have I seen this before. Im wary, sisters... What do I do?
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I gotta go to my second job
can you read the words? you can clearly see it's not shit
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I love him...
I can't believe ZZZ already peaked with its first banner
Guilds when?
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miyabi's actually pretty stacked 0______0
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don't think
just roll
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Are substats fucking rigged again? After a week of grinding I only got one double crit piece.
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You jelly xD?

Stay mad stupid little inncel monkeys
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Doesnt matter. This game doesnt have elemental reactions anyway.
damn bitch you got a fat fucking tail
stop eating so much
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>Are substats fucking rigged again?
Always were
Except Jane is actually good. Like, FRIGHTENINGLY good and beginner friendly.
Caesar Lawrence barely has any charm
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>ellen has massive, fat, unnecessarily girthy tail
>rat has longass, literal tentacle-tier tail
>fox girl miyabi has none
what were they thinkking
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the lolibaba
Tits too big on Qingyi
but both
loli qipao...
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Not really
Good for you
Unless you swipped
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both but chinni if i must choose
>rigged again
they've always had a weighted probability
>caesar is one of the most broken characters we've seen thus far
>instead people are throwing their rolls at a fucking rat
its like rolling for keqing before zhongli
Zhu Yuan, Qingyi comes as a side package but not vice versa
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there's another fox girl
That tail also has a lot of muscle. She's strong enough to send someone to the hospital if she swings the wrong way.
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qingyi obviously
>those discs
It's truly Ellen Joever
Well, a couple of those could be good if you highroll, like the Chaotic Ether 5/6 slots with Crit Rate. Simply get at least a +2 for the crit substat :^)
Already have an onahole.
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At day, they're your loving girlfriends, but at night, when oji-san brings them a visit, they're... >https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122006439
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Did you know that Qinyi actually has feet modeled inside of her sneakers? Just thought that was an interesting fact
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chinky a cute
That's a tiger
how's nikke doing?
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Name: Miyabi, Hoshimi (小清水 亜美)
Affiliation: 731部隊 (Nana-san-ichi Butai)
Rank: Lt. Gen. Surgeon
Attack Type: Human experimentation, Biological warfare, Chemical warfare
Kills: 400,000 or higher from biological warfare, over 3,000 from inside experiments from each unit, at least 10.000 prisoners
Experiments included: disease injections, controlled dehydration, biological weapons testing, hypobaric pressure chamber testing, vivisection, organ harvesting, amputation, and standard weapons testing
Current status: Unknown
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stupid bitch ate my go-gurt....
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I want her belly to swell with my children, does the technology already exist?
Useless maid, can't even swallow properly.
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why is fairy like this
this game REALLY needs more elements, 5 is way too little
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>Simply get at least a +2 for the crit substat :^)
You are posting a caret nose smiley face, but the reason I haven't scrapped any of those yet is because that's exactly what I'll attempt to do, if I encounter another Shiyu I'm not passing the stat check for.
Unit 731 is a communist myth
Its based on the same kind of "sources" than the eagle and bear cages and masturbation machines
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I wasn't around for Genshin's first year, but I would indeed roll for Keqing before Zhongli.
I did roll for Jane too
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I was only half-joking. A large portion of my own "decent" discs come from gambling for a +2 on a single crit substat.
Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do
>unironic Japanese shill
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Fun fact, Mibster has the same JP VA as Holo from Spice & Wolf, Beido from Genshin and Yukiko from Persona 4.
>Miyabi is voiced by three people
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I'd roll for Keka if not because the game already give me 1 for free via the pre-reg rolls.
She's a very efficient AI
Bro it's 4chan.
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>qingyi and fairy became friends
what would they usually talk about..
She killed trillions, though.
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>It's a bird!
>It's a plane!
>No, it's SuperRat!
Cique will be pretty much the polar opposite - very nice, light, pleasant Shio broth. The noodles are a good consistency but not as firm as somewhere like Hook. It's the kind of Ramen where you're not hungry when you leave, but you also aren't feeling bloated like you just ate a massive meal. The little piece of bread you get with the standard bowl is neat, and the grilled tomatoes add a nice touch of acidic flavor to the overall experience in my opinion (although they are an add-on rather than a standard topping)
they need to nerf caesar her powercreep is too much
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they would never become friends
they would constantly try to out-brat each other
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almost got me fired there, this office pc got frozen exactly when I open the image, thankfully no one's around
Does anyone know if Rina has a trust decrease answer in any of her conversation events?

I'm trying to unbrick my "trust down" achievement because it didn't trigger for me, and Rina is the only non-max trust agent I have because she spooked me before I got a Seth or Jane
bwo they already are friends, they shit-talk their boss/manager in one of their trust dialogues....
shut the fuck up anby
but I just had a trust event where qingyi was camping outside of my store, and she said she and fairy became friends..
I guess love really can blossom between two sassy AIs... beautiful...
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Jane has been out for three days now. Where's the SoC leaks? And I'm not talking about the fake telegram banner ones.

We are going to get Lucy TRUST EVENTS bros
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Appreciating cute Karin wouldn't get you fired.
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Eula walked so Caesar could run
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The only correct choice.
jane DOE preys on incels DOE
You can trigger it with Inky if you still haven't maxed him. Just pet him when he doesn't purr.
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I'll try it out eventually, and I'll make sure to grab the tomatoes.
>lucy event
>she just trauma dumps you on how boring her rich heiress life was
>woe is me, I was so good at piano it was tiring
I already maxed him back during 1.0
I never got the achievement despite getting trust decrease with him a handful of times in the process...
Just find billy buying his stupid shit at the news dog post
Weird, that's how I got it. Don't you lose trust if you repeatedly miss appointments? You could try that.
>watch a family movie with Lucy
>she seems uncharacteristically bothered
>ask her what's wrong
>confides in you about her "experiences" with her family and why she left
>"...please make me forget, Proxy-san"
Your imagination is lacking.
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I have tried bullying Billy, Nicole, Corin, and Neko but since they are already maxed it doesn't do anything

So Rina is my only non-maxed trust agent right now, and I stopped rolling for Seth or Jane after getting my Caesar guarantee. I'll have to bully Caesar at this rate if Rina doesn't have any decrease answers
Imagine the stench of the truck driver's seat.
Honestly the fact you can brick yourself out of it is worthy of reporting as a bug. Don't expect them to fix it anytime soon though, they still haven't fixed a bug I found week 1 with tutorial polychromes.
I reported it already, but the customer service grunt just told me to try again and report back if I fail to trigger the achievement with a new agent I haven't maxed trust for

Now I got Rina so she's my only opportunity this patch. I was going to harass Seth but I'm not going to convert my potential Lucys for this since I didn't get him before losing 50/50
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Stop imagining things.
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>everyone stopped posting
It's zzzover
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Sorry I'm doing my Guardian Tales dailies
Sorry I was watching my oshi
Grace works well in a trash can
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>Guardian Tales chad
based I remember back when Marina was the goat
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I was running HZ.
sorry i was watching 2 mexicans fight over food stamps
it's midnight in burgerland anon..
Yeah he's at the waffle house.
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For me, it's lil P
sorry I was fighting some faggot for food stamps
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big balls
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sorry I gotta be prepping for gw by my danchou's order..
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sorry I was jerking off to Sparkle
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syorry nyi wyas wyatching dyead gyacha vyideos fyor nyostyalgyia
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Anyone have that hammer nun webm?
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My sweet hardworking bf
I quit Blue Archive for this game...
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>not playing both
my wife is Shapira they gave her a summer alt but she still sucks
How can you check if you are soft capping HZ merits? Do you need to do jt with a higher ether activity or can I blow through an ether 0 HZ for just the merits
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You could've play both...
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stupid sexy Belle
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I quit after not getting a single 3* on the d.Aru banner. No Hoyogame ever fucked me in the ass that hard.
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Your sweet hardworking bf
My sweet whimpering pisstoy
nice tiddies
I thought you guys had good rates?
>leaker source Rhinoceros:
>A Fall Guys-like game will be added to the Arcade in 1.4 as a permanent mode where players can play as any random S-rank bangboo.
>The bangboo with the most wins will be given away for free to all players following the end of the update version.
>Additionally, 600 polychromes will be earnable through the arcade in a permanent rotating cycle akin to Hollow Zero and Shiyu Defense
>A stat tracker leaderboard will be added to the Arcade
>Plans for a parkour versus free-running mode, a rhythm game, and a smaller scale mario party-like is also rumored to be in development.
Da wei I fucking kneel to your foot faggotry
Burnice is so cute I can't wait to put my penis inside of her.
Should I just give Seth a ball with ATK% main regardless of the class?
All the Defenders balls are shit for him, the best I have gives 10% ATK when he's shielded and that's less than I'd get from a maxed out ATK% ball
I don't have his sig obviously
Outside of his sig all options are pretty much garage yeah. An attack ball might not be the worst
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Whoever said BA has good rates need to be SHOT. It's actually decent on anniversary banners but outside of that you can get fucked.
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Tanks bwo
>arcade is getting more diverse, sophisticated content
zzz was asha's game
Ellen plays like Hu Tao
Jane plays like Arlecchino
Fake and gay. Fall Guys bangboo edition makes too much sense, so it's not happening.
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Feet are gross and people who fetishize them are slobs
I was watching a WW2 pop culture video while looking up a meta endgame build in monster hunter rise (its shit don't play it)
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Because chinks have smaller dicks than gooks. They can never reach your gaping asshole.
sounds too good
Where is the Devil May Cry collab?
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Our beloved maid has her own theme so it seems

And a good cover for a good measure
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Is Jane a brick? Or the anomaly class itself is a brick?
yes, never pull for any anomaly agent. trust me bro
Rolling for anyone besides Caesar or Miyabi is retarded
No way this is real.
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>SD can be done with Billy and Piper
>They're pulling this early into the game
>Not saving for the anni Elysia expy banner to C6 her
You guys are ngmi
I don't think they can handle platforming with how easy it is to get stuck in the environment so it smells like bullshit to me
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It's called blue archive for a reason. Not rainbow/pink archive. It refers to your typical 10 pull looking like pic related.
I though gooks had the smallest? It's why the chimp out when a girl does the small sign.
We literally don't even know Miyabi's type.
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parry only giganuke dps, you rike?
Me. I'm her type.
Jane has a lot more ways to increase her damage compared to Piper but you have to play her correctly and pay attention to her break points so you aren't wasting application or her passion state
We lost Saber. He's now boycotting after losing Jane. How can we fix this?
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>rolling for a defense unit in a game balanced around dodging everything
Is Jane not gonna get an EP or whatever? I liked the music in her trailer so I was looking forward to it.
I'm playing it in maintenance mode now, just doing dailies and saving my pyros for the limiteds and anniversaries and waiting for new stories. ZZZ is a nice pairing because it really feels like the devs are earnest about winning over BA players. I would never have expected every single limited girl so far including Jane getting (You)-coded trust events

5* rates aren't that terrible but the rate-up boost for a specific banner is so fucking bad. I keep getting spooked by at least 3-5 nonbanner units before I get the rate-up girl
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>Miyabi's type
kek wtf is this shit lmao
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just got lycaon from the stable channel guaranteed S
which one?
no, i don't have ellen lmao
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>character that subverts dodging is le bad
hohoho I've heard of that one before!
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what does and 3 star pull look like?
you forgot to link her real theme
Left one, crit rate is more valuable below 40-50% and it has an AP substat and Lycaon isn't doing jack shit for damage in any case
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If Rattos get jiggling thighs and ass then we Burnice chads should get jiggling boobs. It's only fair
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bigsis hsr didn't make enough allowance money for us so we have no budget
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>impact defense
Wait for a real S rank defense character.
Nico powercreep, ether element support. She provides everyone the chuuni blessing, speeding up all char actions (movement, attackspeed and such) as well as energy gain and decibel generation by 50%. Also adds ether buildup and ether damage instances to each hit an on-field character deals.
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Which general is our biggest allies?
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You can't escape the blue envelope.
I love Nicole
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>Miyabi's type
Its Wise
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she's obviously an ice defender. Did you not see how she tanked nineveh?
Anomaly won't be good until they get their own kafka that can extend and detonate DoTs. And probably a bangboo or off-fielder that applies anomaly to all enemies as soon as the battle starts/when enemies spawn
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Miyabi is going to be a physical attacker and will powercrept Nekomata.
Feixiao will save us
Is this the fabled pag humor? Where was a kiss mentioned at all?
lmeow nice "leaks" sister
dodging in this game is a good thing unless you're Qingyi or Piper
The artist is japanese bro, pags only draw ship/yuri/futa.
>My blade will be the last thing you ever see
>The chief means that "I want to be with you until death do us part"
so what is the archon/emanator equivalent of ZZZ that you NEED to save all your rolls for?
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Sorry lil xis... da wei intentionally killed our game by going back to chinese slop and we currently have a homo fox banner but we're good so the funds will be given by sep 26 right after genshin anniversary
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raiden expy released on 2.1
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Void Hunters
>And probably a bangboo or off-fielder that applies anomaly to all enemies
Sharkboo, Luckyboo and Rocketboo already do this
>people are really excited for this

should've rolled for ellen instead
There isn't one
People will say Void Hunters but they don't actually have any special powers, it's just a title given to people who beat up ethereals a lot
Is there a best "general use" Bangboo I should go for/level to 60 first as a fill in?
Wait I forgot that there's an event today
>as soon as the battle starts/when enemies spawn
Will they ever let you use agents while walking around in the hubs?
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Cleasly the best impossible colab would be dohnadohna
>ZZZ is a nice pairing because it really feels like the devs are earnest about winning over BA players. I would never have expected every single limited girl so far including Jane getting (You)-coded trust events
I'm not sure how putting all this yuri and shipbait is supposed to win over BA players honestly.
They deleted her from the beta precisely because she felt like ass to play. Her old kit also didn't make any sense with the attacker/stunner/defender/anomaly/support archetypes the game now has
She will come back as something weird like a defender that does 5000% damage on parry or something
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too based for this world unfortunately
Is it weird that the thing I'm looking forward the most is getting soldier11 from the guaranteed SSR?
I find her really cute
I just realized that antenna is nekomata, add Miyabi as the swordgirl and it's perfect.
> they don't actually have any special powers they're just the strongest
So like Archons and Emanators
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Miyabi she will be a battle autist with a sneaker obsession
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Imagine Zhu getting cucked by her friend mbbiibiibi...
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that's very flattering, Crimson Darkness Twilight Gloom
Qingyi too
>collab quest is started by Phaeton stopping Kuma from poaching Nicole
>Porno Anomaly / Antenna Support / Zappa defender
>Lu Bu as the boss fight
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uij2pqfDJtw plays in 6th Street
The perfect collab that will never exist...
The last emanator they added to HSR cuts a hole in the universe with a sword
sorry I forgot my wallet home in the middle of the night and tried to steal some foodstamps from a fat gringo with a nekomata shirt. he fucked up my face really badly and it turns out they don't even take foodstamps at the huarache van so it was all for nothing
The occasional homos, furries, and yuri/shipbait I just accept as an inevitable part of being a Mihoyo game, and it's not going to win over the most hardcore BA waifu players
But this is still the most otaku-centric hoyo game in its presentation, which is probably why you have the same people crying about gooners/lolis/fanservice in the West who complain about BA and why ZZZ does disproportionately well in Japan compared to other regions. Mihoyo could always do a hard swerve into homofujoland, but for now I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way about the game if you look at both the fans and the complainers for ZZZ
Do I pick Plugboo if I go Jane/Grace/Rina ?
I would prostrate myself
>Anton is Zappa
>Billy is Torataro
>Jane is Shion
>Anby is Porno
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Why didn't Hollow Zero get a cute mascot character to shill it to you every week?
Shut up Herta, now go back to your Simulated Universe...
Oh wait noone visits it anymore LMAO
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Same, I really want her but she's avoiding me. i even have her Brimstone ready for her. Just 100 more standard pulls and she will be mine.
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How fast did (You) complete it?
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Venus, what the fuck kind of commission did you give me?
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bwo your... >
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Bros I'm scared....is this AI art or not...?
There is still work to be done it seems. This thread wont reach it fullest potential unril every /hrt/ tranny fucks off or.hangs themselves
some one should give her 2A's outfit she has longer hair than Anby
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Does it matter at this point ? Just accept it as it is, within a year it wont even be distinguishable
Unless you are an artistoid yourself, then buy a rope lmao
I got her from my lost coinflip on Jane's
I'm not building yet another starlight cuckgine user

how safe is it to mod ZZZ? i'm so close to just fucking doing it
Very, just dont put the mod folder in side the game folder.
Model swaps are exclusively client side
it is
you can tell by how awful the drawing is
very obviously AI
this is also AI

you will still be able to tell if you look at enough AI images the composition and blur on small details gives it away
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Anyone use Jane/Grace/Rina? What's your rotation?
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just do it. become the coomer you always wanted to be.
Blind retard
Why are koleda posters so dumb?
why does it matter? its the same shit anyway.. just SEXOOO
Koleda canonically cannot do basic math and Grace avoids trying to tutor her because she sucks at it
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they're dumb-cute like their waifu
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>Jane is taller than Belle
As she should be
>AI nigs create patreons and shit for their ai sloppa

What the fuck? Do they add some secret sauce or some shit?
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yes, it's 100% AI
people were saying this a year ago, and it still is, all while the progress in AI has slowed down considerably
but she is an engineer/entrepreneur at such a young age
Bro if you were to hypnotized by her booba one kook at those hands would tell you AI
that's grace
ben the accountant is carrying the company from behind the scenes
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Thats what it means to be the strongest
How can I start hanging out with Seth? He visit my store once, found him once infront fo noodles shopt and never shows up on map anymore
Which BP W-engine is the best?
keep up those servers alive, thanks a bunch :3
Yeah, I've yet to see AI replicate more unique artstyles, It's mostly the same type of shit. Though the artists that have "that" type of style are probably necking themselves.
anomaly or the support (for crit based attackers)
Usually they make comics and add captions. They also include their subs favourite waifus + poses.
no one is getting a c6 s-rank unit without swiping this early into the game
Nah nigga the progress made in AI has been staggering this last year alone.
It can be hard to see because the internet is drowning in a sea of barely decent slop, admittedly, but the simple fact its now possible to reliably create such slop instead of six fingered monsters and the potential, for the few who master it, to make things that far exceeds the average artist's ability is proof of that
Do you save batteries or just use them right away?
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whats a good team for me?
i just play who ever I like haha
We have banjo girl equivalent
Sawaritai bros... We have been dame'd
Not sure if it's your working environment or you don't work at all but most engineers and entrepreneurs are fucking retarded, and they're adults to boot
I fucking hate this industry
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Uhhhhhh antonsis? can you explain?
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Fact of the matter is Hoyo players are used to seeing AI art on X since they have very few dedicated fan artists despite having such massive fanbase.
>anton dps
>has no anton in it
Neko-Anby-Nicole or Ellen-Anby-Sexkaku
>their favorite agents would not get into Berghain
ellen kaku nicole and s11 anby lucy.. is what I'd run
Bro... My Jane Seth Grace isnt that bad...
The only reason Mihomo plagues the gachasphere is due to fags like you willing to eat their homoyurishipfurry shit to get a smidgen of waifupandering instead of having some standards. Don't you see you are getting baited?
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Where the fuck is my bro?
Bro... I was about to post the exact same thing...
SoC seems like they are going to be the most synergetic faction so far.
Any combination on Piper/Lucy/Caesar/Burnice teams seem viable
real talk why do people give so much of a shit over relationships in a videogame. I couldn't give a fuck if Mario is boning peach after he saves her from Bowser or if the Tarnished is gay for Miquella or whatever, I'm after the goddamn gameplay cause its a videogame
took the hrt pill
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Bwos I am currently in BKK For business reason and look what I found
They plague the genre because their games are actual games for gacha standards. Who cares about your chibi shit lmao.
Cope retard. Only the peanut-sized brainlets actually appreciate AI art, anyone with as much of a speck of a soul detests it
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Your autism's really attractive, anon.
I just hope by the time ZZZ gets pulled into faggotvile GF2 Exilium gets released globally so I can migrate and whale to the classic top tier waifus.
you can just admit you're thai
sawadee krap
Did she craving for pagpag as well kek
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You'd think it gets better, but the data shows that AI is plateauing, LLMs most certainly. It may seem otherwise, but it's because people are getting better at prompting. I've seen some really good AI images, but people who generate them haven't gotten a significant improvement in quality over the past 6+ months, and you can still tell that it's AI
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>Did she craving for pagpag as well kek
>Did she craving for pagpag
Did she craving
ESL bro...
whats bkk
burger king?
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No one wants to see your telenovela garbage in their games, retarded femoid.
Can someone explain me why Jane-Coleda-Lucy is not working?
Im replacing Piper with Jane and Im giving Jane a 4 phys set + 2 anomaly, So why doesn't feel like its working at all?
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Sounds like a opinion anon
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I’m B*itish but Sawadee Krap to you as well! Can’t find my wife Ellen though..
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I think Anby and Grizzly would be great friends
ESLchads rule the gacha market.
Get use to it anglocuck.
I wont deny some truly talented artists will never be equaled by AI
But you're the one coping if you believe patreonbait anime salut drawers will be regretted lmao
>Br*tish in Thailand
You're not there for some cunny are you anon?
what the yellow person represents?
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>old lady goes to sleep while Howl faithfully awaits for you to scratch his cards
>Anton DPS
>No Anton
No, for bussy.
Anime character collectathons are not videogames. Why even chime in when you don't know where they came from or their intended audience?
>But you're the one coping if you believe patreonbait anime salut drawers will be regretted lmao
Agreed, these can go to hell, if there's an artist whose both artstyle and content got replaced by AI then their art was slop anyway
mihoyo games are videogames, at least genshin and zzz fullfil the criteria
Monk under ascension
old lady is a living breathing human while the dog is just a bangboo in dog suit
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So we DO have SEApags in here
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SEA overwhelmingly has a penchant for gacha, and they're the worst audience.
>too poor to afford proper PCs or consoles, so they use mobile, bringing down the requirements and top end graphics potential
>too poor to pay for gacha, so they're almost always the sweatiest F2P fags
>jobless NEETs, reinforcing the F2Poor mentality
I am not a hardcore waifufag. I just like it when games are clearly catering to me as a straight male but don't mind if there's some pandering for other people. Obviously I will jump ship if Mihoyo pivots more to a normalfag or fujo audience than appeals to me

To bring in an unfortunate /v/-related analogy, it's the reason Baldur's Gate 3 can be successful while Concord was not. You don't have to be a pure "for hardcore X" game to appeal to people in a demographic as long as you don't overcook the omnipandering
Howl will brick your scratch cards if you wake him up
an accountant is not an entrepreneur lmao, nta but she's just a good leader
Bros why won't Seth spawn for me?
what do you mean it's not working. Like assault damage is not big enough? are you triggering lucy's buff during jane's assault windows?
Monk, religious people get special accommodations for some reason despite the fact like half of Thais LARP as monks at some point in their life.
Any tips for those shiyu stages with 2 elite enemies?
Just remember that indonesians are the worst of them. They're the seanigs of seanigs.
Did you give him the tape after the DM
If yes, find him in Lumina Square noodle shop
are you infront of his office specifically rolling for him?
did doggo give you a bad luck today?
Most Euros are at work or at a univeristy and yanks are asleep, so...

That one whale who got one hundred copies of Acheron and Boothill's weapons easily spent more than half of players from Indonesia on ZZZ. Sit yourself down and chow down on that pagpag
Hear indicator, press dodge. Easy peasy
Couldn't you tell from the countless posted UIDs?
get jane and spam dodge counters
Yes I did both of those and he doesn't spawn anymore after
headphones on and listen for dodge indicator
Arbirtrary standards for what counts as gameplay have nothing to do with the classification, all mihomo games are anime chara collectathons.
Have you tried inviting him
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>>too poor to pay for gacha, so they're almost always the sweatiest F2P fags
Always found it funny how the closer it is to USA time, the less talk there is whether a character is meta or not, as if people who have money to roll don't need to be concerned with such things and can just roll with their dick instead
why would you even want to see that ugly faggot?
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hm yes sexo
>going pick me for chinese
Chinese will never choose you, bro.
they're not arbitrary, the games have gameplay that other games clearly do not have
>euros are just waking up
>americans are asleep
there aren't enough australians
>I just like it when games are clearly catering to me as a straight male but don't mind if there's some pandering for other people.
And what if those other groups hate you and want to displace you, enter your spaces to shit on you and generally consider you your enemy?
How do people even play that grace, rina, anton team? Feels like a severe lack of energy to proc anomalies.
>2 m*les
Yeah I don't think so.
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This is what my Billy looks lke though?
Pajeets own the poop eating market
>Qingyi Doro
>Qingyi Rabi
It's giving ludo
I can't he's not in the list yet
Ignore them lol. It’s that simple. I’m not gonna change your mind and you aren’t going to change mine.
Anton gameplay just feels bad.
Game is in desperate need of an actual Electro DPS, but we're not getting one for a hot minute.
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what is this?
dont you have a forum or something in your own language?
theres a new event?
>still draw it with a male ass
Just have to wait for miyabi, have faith
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stop this bwo please, don't Billie my Billy
Man in a straightjacket. PLEASE treat schizos well
virgins can't be reasoned with.
But you gain the access to invite him out once you met him in Lumina Square and then followed him to the Sixth Street noodle shop???
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so how come /gig/ has so many drawfags and /zzz/ doesnt?
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west coast burger going to bed now. Good luck on your own aussie, don't get raped
They should let you pick your country when you're selecting your server (not that it would make any tangible difference) and then append that to your UID, so if you picked Indonesia your user ID would be ID01001000 or however many numbers it has.
but you NEED complete Shiyu 14 with an S!!
those are POLYCHROMES you're missing out.
how else would you get polychromes???
As I said, it doesn't have to be a "for this specific group only" game to appeal to me as long as it doesn't lose its main focus and pass a certain tipping point of no return (like several consecutive months of homo banners)
Right now ZZZ is filtering enough faggots with its fanservice and designs that we don't have that problem. Even BA has a small core of mentally ill twitter yurishippers or trannies that post about Hoshino or Reisa, but no one gives a shit about them because they are irrelevant compared to the general playerbase and the devs don't cater to them
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Fuck you nigga I'll draw a request right now
we are busy playing the game for now
The "other gachas have no gameplay" cope is embarassing at this point, if your roster consists of anime rollable characters you're a japanese character collectathon, you could be made from any country and have AAA gameplay, none of that matters.
xer name is Monica
fine then, draw a cute KOT picture
It doesn't matter how many drawfags you have when all of them are /beg/.
uh.. can I get a cute kot?
Wait I need follow him?
So you'll constantly spend precious time and effort filtering them? That doesn't really sound enjoyable.
We had one but it seems like he got bored of the game since he's not around anymore
I haven't seen a drawfag in /gig/ in fucking ages what are you talking about
Literally impossible. She looks dumb!
How badly does Jane need her sig?
draw Lucy then, she is cute
I cleared the 1st half of Shiyu 7 with a half built M0 Jane with Rainforest Gourmet as her cope engine, as well as two A-ranks in about 80 seconds while also scratching my balls through out it.

You NEED her signature
Yes after you met him Lumina Square he travels to Sixth Street to try out the noodles there
You follow him and there you get the ability to invite him out
Fuck I didn't follow him and he's not there now
good if you have it but not super important, probably the least important for a dps yet. jane banner is very f2p friendly now that I think about it.
game is fucking easy
I don't know why people roll for weapons, you cant even see them
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I was merely pretending to be the drawfag
No I read it and move on. Or just skip a post entirely. It’s not hard you should try it sometimes. No need to click a little button or set up filters. Read the post laugh and move on to better things.
i am shocked :0
So Jane is really that simple?
Just slap her on a team with Seth + Lucy and just melt everything close to effortlessly?

Really making me want to break out the credit card to get her and Caesar.
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>mfw its becoming increasingly clear my ass needs Lycon because Sokaku alone cannot carry my ice shenanigans

guess thats what I get for joining late
Okay try to go through the day cycles and check on both Lumina Square and Sixth Street
If he isn't appearing after two in-game days contact support
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zzz is a fucking wasteland. I give a lot of shit to Genshin for too much text but God damn. zzz is fucking empty. There's next to nothing to do. What is there to draw when most of the interactions are shit. The best thing that came out this patch is dennies coffee farming and the golden week event. Hopefully the next update will be better and attracts more people instead of being boring shit an ass flopping out of rats shorts can only get you so far.
>retarded BA comparison
BA focuses exclusively on a single demographic, here the mentally ill are an actual focus.
> Even BA has a small core of mentally ill twitter yurishippers or trannies that post about Hoshino or Reisa, but no one gives a shit about them because they are irrelevant compared to the general playerbase and the devs don't cater to them
And if they weren't irrelevant, and instead were an actual demographic with multiple canon yuri ships? Would you still play BA if your favourites didn't care about sensei?
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>Cheers, love! The cavalry's here!
Lycaon is in the standard banner.
How deadly is the Supressor K22
>when the dead guy shows up again
was it kino?
What a cringe ass OP
ZZZ has way hotter characters, I want to draw Burnice and her massive tits
our fuarking HEROES
I heard that Bernice can do fire damage off field, exactly like Xianging. Isn't that utterly fucking broken? In Genshin you use 3 characters that can do something off field and one main DPS, in this game all characters don't fucking do anything off field and Bernice is literally the first off field character, but for some reason people only wank Caesar even though she's just a generic buffer. Like Xiangling is in the game sjnce first day and she is still good after 4 years, Bernice will be the same.
my fucking heroes...
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>12 suppositories on the Ass Blaster 9000
Zhu Yuan... have mercy... it was only a candy bar... AYYYYIIIEEEEEEEE
Zhu Oxton
whats next after you beat all hollow zeros? do you just replay them for weeklies?
why even use human officers if you have robots and androids
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So epic... SO... epic.....
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do not pull list:
>worst chars to roll for
anything with satanic symbolism, such as burnice
>not as bad
S ranks that replace A ranks, such as quing over anbi
>not as bad
cope characters, such as S defence larping as a stunner (caesar), or S anomaly larping as an attacker
>not as bad
A rank dupes you use (lucy) and A ranks you won't use (seth), especially since you can buy them for 140

do pull list:
>not as good
S rank needed, such as S ether attacker cop
>not as good
A rank needed, such as A ether attacker eventually
>not as good
build defining characters, such as whatever is meant to go with koleda + ben
>not as good
multy build defining characters, such as jane. but mind that a rainbow anomaly like jane is not as good as a rainbow stunner, since physical resistance bosses will fuck her over
>best chars to roll for
endgame is always fashion. anything you want to stare at the ass of (x1, no engine, so you can get others too)
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>POV: you just put your aluminum soda can in a regular trash can
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Been a while since check the meta, what happened to rina? why does she demoted from t0 into oblivion?
...and BRICKyi.
>slowly realizing there is NOTHING to do aside from log in for the next three~ weeks
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she plays like shit even for a support character, simple as
She was deemed an Anby sidegrade and thus got demoted.
I'm making BA comparisons because that was part of the original post.
>BA focuses exclusively on a single demographic
Even the BA devs make a token gesture toward inclusiveness by officially keeping Sensei gender-neutral in text even if there are a lot of other indicators he is male. If you play BA, are you going to drop the game because clearly the game isn't catering enough to straight males like Nikke or Snowbreak which more specifically designates the protagonist as male?

>And if they weren't irrelevant, and instead were an actual demographic with multiple canon yuri ships? Would you still play BA if your favourites didn't care about sensei?
Then I wouldn't play it? Did you miss my part about "as long as it doesn't lose its main focus", which "your favourites didn't care about sensei" would fall under? And even then, I'm not dropping the game because Tomoe exists and only cares about Cherino.

My point is that 100% purity litmus tests for a fucking game are retarded and impracticable. If a game appeals enough to me, I play it and if it does shit that turns me off enough, I drop it. I don't use my recreation time and games to obsess about culture wars. Not that complicated.
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What ISN'T an Anby sidegrade in this?
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very cute kot
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>POV: You're a filthy thiren out in the streets of New Eridu
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stupid sexy cat
This general is boring as hell. Where's the cuckposting? The salesposting? The webms of chinks getting decapitated?
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Lucky for you, we have devised a new policy for handling criminals like you!
We call it... "Rape Correction". Now, open up!
>every single electric character is Anby sidegrade
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tell me about the ben
how is he bigger?
We're in dead period rn come back next patch.
pube sex
He's bigger than the average n-
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I love him... so much...
Good night.
Why does the Six Street BGM keep changing?
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bwos.... a typo...... fuark me.....
People are retarded as usual. I mean, how can Billy be low tier if he can clear end game in less than a minute?
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will they add more police officers or are they done
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>Only use 160 rolls for Qingyi and her Wengine
>Noone too roll for
I'm always like this bros my hsr has over 60k gems before Yunli
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i mean, it does feel like they're done and they might as well focus on new factions if they plan on releasing new characters
but i guess they could pull a Genshin and release a random character for some random ass region/nation/group/whatever 2 years after its release
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Cops are done, we're moving towards criminal outlaw motorcycle gangs now
>Zhu - Cock
>Qingyi - Monkey
>Jane - Rat
>Seth - Tiger
We still need Bull, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Dog and Pig to complete it.
Gachas don't need to confirm mc when the genre is made by straight men for straight men, noone questions that KC/AL/BA mc are men.
>Then I wouldn't play it? Did you miss my part about "as long as it doesn't lose its main focus"
So if BA had rollable men and yuri and shipping, but not enough to turn you off, you would still play it?
thats a lot of cops
I bet big daddy is a jaded cop that left the force after finding out about the corruption in the higher ranks
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why did he do it bros...
Golden week event I think
>The big fuckin tittied wolf female theiren in the new story
>checks out niggas are thinking ahead.
He has the power to summon a retard-consuming hole.... but no one ever told him the catch.........
>80 days left to miyabi
why are they doing this?
I bought a cheap starter account with Ellen and Grace (originally wanted an acc with sexocop but they all had the FMC).

Anyway, those two go on separate teams, from what I've understood. RRRAT compliments neither of them, and neither do the upcoming Caesar and Burnice, no?

Though if either of those three have easy f2p teams to build I'll pull for them and drop Grace.
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How come WuWafags don't shitpost in any of the mihoyo generals anymore
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There aren't any left over
all the "meat" noodles are pork, right?
i hear that's big in china.
censored for halal / kosher kvetchers i'd assume
Rat + Grace + Seth is good. Not the best but we're talking about a difference of a few seconds in the endgame clear times.
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theres the bitch, cant wait.
big is an understatement
the funny thing is, china sells most of its good pork to either richfags (in china) or exports it
Maybe I should move to China one day to avoid all these pork-fearing faggots occupying my breathing space
it specifically nukes ethereals but doesn't kill humans
Oh, ok. I'll look into it and might aim for it. Thanks.
>Zhu has a cock
>Zhu - Cock
Pretty much, pork is to china as beef is to americans
Most Asian cultures (muslim shitholes aside) are big on pig.
unironic homos assemble
> noone questions that KC/AL/BA mc are men
The previously mentioned twitterfags actually do for BA, though. Do you think femSensei doujins and discussion don't exist? The important part is that they are an irrelevant fraction of the fanbase because each game self-selects the kind of players it has and that guide the devs in who they cater to, so no one cares that the femSensei people exist.

>So if BA had rollable men and yuri and shipping, but not enough to turn you off, you would still play it?
Are you retarded or just consciously ignoring what "main focus" means? If one of the main premises of BA is that you are a Sensei guiding cute girls who are for (you), why are you basically asking me if I would still play it if it was a completely different game from the one that I started playing? This is like asking someone whether they would still play Call of Duty if multiplayer was now cooperative PVE and also the weapons were all swords instead of guns and also you now play as various historical samurai. If you're into that stuff, sure, but the core premise of the game has been abandoned at that point
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So apparently during the Jane quest, if you go to the ice cream box she says Belle's lines. I picked Wise btw.
PoultryGODS WW@
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Chinese love pork and they know how to cook it.
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>Lost 5 50/50's in a row
They really need to implement that new wish system from genshin into zzz
she looks like she fucks human men
@india and the middle east
>real sister
>childhood friend ntr
For me it's incest
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I don't want to skip Black Swan but I have to prioritise Feixiao, Kafka and their LCs first (mental illness)
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It's me. I'm the unironic homo.
what a good girl
but chickens are originally from china
Will next Shiyu season shill Physical and/or Fire?
Vegecucks and goatfuckers
does ben shit at the construction site?
Is Prydwen's Jane guide/build reliable?
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Qingyi but with an incubation unit installed of course
extreme physical shilling but physical enemies are also weak to fire most of the time and then anomaly shilling
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still no grace or rina, I hate not having all elements covered
Depends on their plan for the future
For now we have 'adding new factions and filling those with lacking members' phase. Time will tell if we will keep getting new 4-5 units factions or if we will keep getting new members once they feel like there's enough factions already
Physical and fire is a given, probably also perks to parries, anomaly and maybe disorder
I recently quit pork but still eat beef though I want to stop that too. Eventually.
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I Iike fried chicken and watermelon but I'm not black...
sorry, I got brainwashed by rat ass and became a normie
who would you use them with? Anton? Electric is kinda bad right nyow. Maybe with jane disorder team? Not really sure how that would work
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Meat is meat, beef, pork, poultry, fish, I fucking love it all. Also meal with no meat is not a meal but a snack or shit, no exceptions.
> If one of the main premises of BA is that you are a Sensei guiding cute girls who are for (you),
>My point is that 100% purity litmus tests for a fucking game are retarded and impracticable.
>says as he plays a 100% pure game by his own admission
Off yourself retarded faggot.
Bro, your Qingyi?
I'm here and I am waiting for Lighter and Big Daddy
I Iike fried chicken and watermelon...
think i might roll shark when her banner reappears in a few months
>Meat is meat, beef, pork, poultry, fish, I fucking love it all
what about dog, cat, and human meat
How long do we have to wait...
Why are you gay
Wearing those old timey bloomers means she's giga pure though. I bet she's got a pair of granny panties under those bloomers too
I might roll for her m2
Dog meat kinda sucks, I didn't really enjoy it.
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>dog and cat
i'd try it if it has no bacteria
bro, your communion bread?
I only have Lucy and Ben for my fire and to be honest I’m not finding Burnice to be that appealing to save for
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>so ESL that you don't know what "100% purity litmus test" means
You're a fucking idiot.

Why don't you ask yourself why BA being more gender-neutral in its text compared to Nikke isn't a deal-breaker for you

There are unironically faggots out there who will argue Sensei is not canonically male because of that dev choice, after all. Clearly BA isn't enough of a game for straight males because of this? Shouldn't that make you drop the game by your own logic?
decent, can be carried by spices
very bony, meat tastes rank too
obviously haven't eaten it, the human body is preprogrammed to resist eating human flesh.
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I just am.
we have physical and fire attackers and anomalies
is this guy gonna be a physical support?
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Wait what

This is that "filmed in the hollows with a bangboo" quest AKA "emo bangboo quest"
really weird quest so far
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do not eat the kot
They dont even play the game. Just bunker trannies/jeets shilling faggotry.
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When are we getting cute blonde girls
It may be long but it gives me a better chance to c6 him and get his weapon.. my ultimate goal.
I already spent $65 on the game and am tempted to go further…
Bro your Lucy?
>what about dog, cat
didn't try yet though I doubt it's actually good, otherwise eating them would be more popular
>and human meat
Actually I'd love to try that one, but miss me with that prion bullshit, not to mention issues with getting hands on some
Cat's hard to get outside of China, i had Bosintang in rural Korea.
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there's gonna be the angel idol, but she's (probably) gonna be a support, so not much screen time
not for another 7 months at least
Sex with Corin, Lucy and Qingyi
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I recommend the movie, "What You Wish For (2023)"
Corin looks nothing like this in game, she's a malnourished, sunken eyes child. Not attractive at all.
what would you do if you were a bangboo?
Gender neutrality doesn't matter in straight gachas, BA is 100% a straight man's gacha.
>but headcanons and mentally ill
Exist everywhere,those games had yurifags too. Now off yourself, retarded niggerfaggot. Letting the mentally ill shit this community while you stay in your comfy gated BA one is the epitome of faggotry.
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what's the ideal team for jane? no m*les of course
Bro your Piper?
Die in a black hole like a retard
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stupid sexy Belle
eat my own shit (bullets)
the robot onahole
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>My 2 Stunners are Anbi & Chinkbot
>lose 50:50 to Rina (Electro)

I guess i should go to Electro Banboo now
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Join the League of Bangboos.
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Run around the city looking for a fight
Jane Piper Lucy (sex team)
The ideal solution is to get more and better Resonia, do a couple runs until you get a good set of ~50 Resonia.
I get 39 million with a half-assed Qingyi + S11 + Lucy team and a good Resonia set
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what if I don't have (or like) piper
I do have Grace and Rina, aren't they good for anomaly
Ehh-na ehh-nu eh!? (How the fuck)
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Yes, Jane/Grace/Rina works
Forced Merge
yeah I've seen that comp recommended but seems a bit tricky to use. Are Grace and Jane supposed to be equal on fielders?
whats the cumulative Nineveh gauge for, can you eventually kill it? Is it a coop raid where everyone doing runs contributes to the cap?
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You are coping hard right now. BA is a straight man's gacha but it has a definite identifiable subcommunity of xitter types and yurifags that it otherwise would not have if the game specifically made Sensei male in the script.
You're complaining about "Letting the mentally ill shit this community" in ZZZ while somehow justifying that the mentally ill people who play BA doesn't count. My point is that in both cases, the mentally ill aren't a big enough part of the general playerbase to matter because the games are filtering enough of them out

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