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Ano Birthday Edition
Previous thread: >>493088530


Next Event: It's MyGO!!!!!
Next Gacha: The Cries of Lost Children Echoing in the Night Gacha (5* Tomori, Anon, Soyo)
Next Event Boost: Pure ft. MyGO!!!!!

Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer:https://bestdori.com/
Another database:http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Mugendai Mewtype: https://www.youtube.com/@BDP_yumemita
Himari's Visual Novel:https://bang-dream-gbp-en.bushiroad.com/april/artemis.html
Favdori sorter:https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter:https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
Tower game recreation:https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Gacha simulator:https://sowoneul.github.io/bandori-gacha-sim/
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while):https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations:https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~:https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
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>heeeeh~ asking me about my virginity out of the blue there caught me off-guard~
>but~ hehe~ I left it in England~
Cute dumb pink...
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This is the cutest Popipa...
Why does everyone keep saying Chihaya Anon went to England?
because she did...
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Is it in the story?
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bloody cunts the lot of em innit...
why couldn't anon say "a" in english like a normal person...
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exposed to so much Japanese that I use their pronunciations too... I understand her feelings...
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Sayo POV...
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Don't run out of Anons before her actual birthday...
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8 pages of SayoHina request to high quality PS artist
This is how dedicated fans look like
>AI gener-
el mao
shills hate ai...
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10,000 yen a piece
>being a greedy jew who won't even sell her massive bush for fair price
In character
sad that this g*y had to samefag because his psychotic breakdown was ignored...
I like those shoes
Very cute
Love Arale so much...
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>listened to the og songs of 7.5 anniv covers
chuu taiyosei (popipa) and kura kura (harohapi) sucks ass lmao, idk why do these songs got gorillion of views on youtube
Otona Blue (pasupare) is decent, the vibes was nice though
interested in Yuusha with Morfonica's twist
never a Vocaloid fan so can't rate Kagerou Daze, however Afterglow always nailed their vocaloid covers so I'm excited for that at least
RAS always delivers I have never doubted them not even once, let's see if they can make the viral song (Bling Bang Bang Born) theirs
Roselia's song (Hito Mania) is the most interesting one... it was strange and not so Roseliaish but at the same time I'm sure only Yukina is capable to do the cover justice...
I'm going to eat Anon's pussy for her birthday
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What do you think her pits smell like after a show?
what about mygo's...
imo I'm more excited about bling-bang-bang-born, kagerou daze and otona blue...
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Fuck Saki
Did we like Arale's stream today...?
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ooc boobs
it's just the censoring...
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Holy based
What is there to censor?
crying that the iphone freak has to samefag after not getting a reply in 2 hours...
Gladly. She's way hotter than any GBC girl.
Anorexic Mutsumi is the hottest character of 2024...
great... this pshill is hating on peak oldori bands...
don't see anyone doing that in the entire thread...
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Bot malfunctioned...
Holy FUCK that last thread was garbage.

And it was ALL during SEA hours. Of course.
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Blame the fujo...
Fujo ain't SEA...
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Fujo is Mexican
holy ooc
we love our latinx friends...
this g*y thinks Rokka can't afford a real hot spring bath...
>likes touko
>likes dbz
>likes rap
meant her tits dumbo
Kasumi looks soulless in new art...
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didn't realize how close we are to long hair hgm...
She's tired and ready for popipa to break up
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Heard they share their boyfriends
If bandori has a timeskip and hagumi comes back with long hair she'd jump to at least a mid-tier for most people
She's still ugly
arale goes off screen to drink some water
Love Arale so much...
prefer yuno..
Yuno is good too...
The original songs...
peaceful hours soon...
Um those are pretty obviously extensions...
>long ducked
they dont like blks...
She's so pretty....
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>The boyfriend
Still going to fuck Yukina up
MyGo!!!!! is the Nickelback of bandori
I only listen to the Green Day of bandori...
hated when you're a teenager and appreciated later in life when you're capable of being objective...?
nickelback is cool now retard
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pii pii--
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And they say that a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away
She can suck my pii pii
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Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be
And say it for me, say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth savin' me
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Need a Mygo cover...
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Latter day Nickelback kinda fucking slays. This Means War is better Metallica than Metallica has been in 20+ years
Women want to fuck Chad Kroeger
Men want to fuck Anon?
dont listen to burger music...
Not like men want to fuck Tomori
Uhhh non-homos do which disqualifies you...
If I was on a dry spell and desperate and had a few beers in me I might let Tomori suck my dick.
school will start soon...
sadly, even Tomoboy is prettier than Ano...
why is he pretending he's old enough to drink...
Tomori and Anon are gorgeous, Rana and Soyo are pretty, Taki.
...is one of the most attractive characters period...
Anon Tokyo
Why are we pretending beautiful women are ugly? Next someone is gonna try and tell me Moca is ugly cause they need attention.
they all look the same without hair...
All anime girls are ridiculously pretty. Anime 0/10 would still wipe reality
face blind anon...
I guarantee Mashiro is a nasty freak in the bed
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Shiro is bald...
tired of seaspam...
Anon > Your favorite dori
What if Anon is my favorite...
She's just like us...
Anon is greater than Anon times Anon
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my favdori is definitely not anon nor is she better than my favdori
Tell us your favorite and we'll determine if that's true
hmmmmmmmm nyo
Holy fucking sexo
>Every man and woman wants to fuck her
How's she do it?
Rock chick
Tomori, Raana, Taki and Soyo are pretty.
Ann is an ugly bitch, though..
rather fuck gbc's pink girl...
tired of the iphone teen spam...
did the last melty also happen on a friday...
where's the d×ck...
probably fvnn...
>I'm tired of looking at gorgeous women without clothes
What a miserable existence it must be living in Indonesia. Always hot and humid and illegal to have sex
Pakis were there.
This thread is so dead I be the p*rn will stay up
wish the fujo was here...
umm he is...
I am but I'm about to play some *t*l**r so not for long...
Feel safer when the fujo is around...
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...is the prettiest dori...
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She don't know how to use that...
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She is one
should wait for the new one...
He's literally spamming porn right now...
Will but gotta catch up on some of the old ones first...
I preferred the shills over this...
we know shill... we know...
Kind of romantic...
never been romantic...
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This is really romantic~
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Look at this photograph...
That's the kind of her a girl makes when the boyfriend says he forgot to buy condoms~
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Gonna chokerape that cat...
the power of shiro combined with cats...
who got the best cover
hmmmmmmmm nyo
lol... this shill has been malding for 12 hours...
He had to build up the courage to admit he's into dudes...
you wish you had a beauty like hina (pink)...
Love the crying Hina...
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They do that just by posting about it
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spam every day at this time... shill must get out of school now...
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Call me a shill all you want...
haven't had a sayochisa event in weeks...
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Love them...
Did you have a stroke? You okay?
why is this guy posting crossdressing guys now...
A native speaker's brain would fill in the missing word automatically...
I bet Nina's tummy is so ticklish...
boydori spammers new gimmick...
wish that guy would stroke out permanently...
love SEAsato cuck posts and bpen/ culture... hate shills...
I need a Nina X Shiro event...
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I need a Momoka X Anon event...
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Just remembered that there won't be a single good post until the news...
I need a Subaru x Moca event...
the porn spam was okay...
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Glad you enjoyed it
never seen someone have a melty that hard before...
Don't go to the Persona threads then...
Used to share coommissions in thee good old days...
Crying shills like to pretend their shitty knock-off with fake bands is on par with bandori, but the thought of bandori covering one of their songs and making it better scares them to no end, and now that it's actually happening all they can do is cry about it...
It's okay to like Bandori, Bocchi, and GBC.
and WDS, D4DJ, and other music anime...
and assault lily...
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You know this beat was a banger
only like the ojou-sama one...
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K-On! walked so Bandori could run...
Waiting to see if Tomori can match Nina's fast singing...
Yeah it's okay to like soulful bushi productions and not soulless knockoffs that exist only to try and steal their market share.
*vocaloid singing and yes
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>soulful bushi productions
was about to say that stupid shill would know the answer already if he listened to bandori music...
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Nina is super erotic...
Shills think soul means paying for youtube views...
is practicing sucking dick?
We know, Momoka...
can tell this guy has no talent and has never produced anything...
can tell no ones suck your dick before...
thread needs to be faster so we can make a better Anon BD thread...
uh this one was perfect until the raid started...
Hope devanon gives us an update on the game soon...
We just had big news...
this was the big news..
We still have 2 whole days till her birthday. This was early
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forget image
don't remember this guy spamming so much over lisa and moca's 2 day early threads...
we hate Anon...
We're not going to get to celebrate Anon's birthday in the game...
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Only know salamat pagi...
people only ship soyo with anon bc they hate anon....
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I can say from experience that Nina doesn't need practice sucking dick. She's good.
They wouldn't have added it until next year anyway...
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don't reply to my good posts with your ugly ass shill...
hmmmm nyo
Nina's a lot of things but ugly isn't one
hilarious how defensive the shills get when confronted with the truth...
Nina is canonically ugly and a loser...
this is the same general who calls Tomori an ugly b*y...
you can't trust people here to judge Nina's beauty...
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iphone teen being behind that spam explains a lot...
seriously wish this /v/ raider would kill himself...
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When is Bandori gonna do a bitch x gremlin but tall ship?
Oh right, it's a friday night. No school tomorrow...
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Chu2 is a size queen
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is the popipa seasons idol anime?
He's still spamming...
bang dream s1 to s3
are they idol animes
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This guy is insane...
is it CGDCT?
the difference between band anime and idol anime is splitting hairs...
tired of uninformed fags labeling bandori as idolshit
they should be gassed
Not like you g*ys watch Beck...
Yeah... because the manga s*cked...
I guess all of Bandori s*cks too....
I mean, it has always been 100% unironically a very mid story/characters the whole way (both game and anime), until MyGO.
shiro having a dream about all the greats picking up trash after her big concert was a great scene...
fake genre
It's a gacha anime meant to promote the game and showcase bands, including MyGO.
ummm an anime can't be a gacha... that makes no sense...
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What if you got random episodes in a blu-ray...
They are similar because both of them are supposed to promote their characters. Idol anime became generic enough to have its own name. We could just call them band anime instead
mana is going to pull a school days...
He got warned for posting off-topic pics so now switched to asking if bandori is idolshit for fear of getting banned
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I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
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Why is the car so small...
love those two so much.....
you only love shilling and hating bandori...
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rate my mygo video i made...
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Sayo has a healthy sexlife with her boyfriend brad~
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bandori season ranked
ave mujica > mygo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pico>s3>s1>>>>>>>>s2
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Tomori and Rana enlisted in the United States Marine corp...
Nothing wrong with putting in your service...
yes the ntr arc was bad......
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Aunty Arisa babysitting Ren and Kasumi's daughter~
Roselia saving the school festival and performing Determination Symphony was pretty hype though...
C-130 rollin' down the strip,
Morfonica's ready, gonna take a little trip,
Mission top secret, venue's still unknown,
We'll play our music, let the melodies be shown.

When I reach the stage, fans are gonna cheer,
"How'd you find your rhythm? How'd you persevere?"
I'll reply with a whole lotta pride,
"We found our sound with the strings at our side!"
>bandori ntr arc bad
>mygo ntr arc good
I want to hold Saki close and suck on her tits
they're being shipped out to the SEA frontline...
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even Narenare >> mygojika...
just came back from work... any news about any event...?
nothing new... just the same old shill above you malding about bandori...
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She's so mysterious and sexy
We'll release a tweet around sept 9 or 10 regarding the schedule for upcoming events. Just doing some final tweaks to ensure things are running smoothly for iOS, since that has been posing the most crashes and rendering problems. Everythings all set for Android.
there's nothing mysterious about being poor...
tell me when you're going to stop cockblocking me from bikini touko
thank you so much insider-non...
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when will this larp end... just gets anons hopes up for nothing...
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Love crying girls...
that 3D on the right looks better than those dudes...
Funny how they started malding immediately after this update...
Won't believe you until I see it...
any of those dudes > pink rat..
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touko and lisa...forgotten...
is this fujo colorblind...
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...better than certain Mary Sue,
and after all these years...
luv pink so much...
I've got a cucumber that Mutsumi would enjoy very much...
>mygsong is an option
guess we know which one they'll sing...
None because it's not real...
we love pinks with glasses here...
Another uninspired ripoff... how surprising...
Her version of void > Nina's
this guy must have thrown in a lot of votes for Expose Burn Out given how mad he is...
we hate her...!
expose burn out wouldn't be the same without raychell anyways...
Mygo would've been much better off if it was a separate project instead of being a part of the shitty bandori universe...
Hina's VOID is so commercial and lacking raw emotion, a total difference to Nina and Momoka’s version which was emotionally powerful...
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nyo, only Hina...
>shill now attacking himari, anon, and aya because his soulless copycat was exposed
hope he kills himself soon...
(Yukina and Ran are in a taxi together)
Ran: Why are we taking a taxi in Tokyo? Wouldn't it be faster to take the train?
Yukina: Relax, we aren't in a hurry. Hey driver, play some music.
*I've been a nasty girl (Nasty) I've been a nasty girl (Nasty)*
Yukina: Nasty, I've been a nasty
Ran: (Gasp) You know this song?
Yukina: Huh? I don't listen such-matter of fact turn that shit off
*Driver turns off music*
Yukina: (That was a close call...I was about to go word for word. Ever since Lisa put me onto that song I've been listening nonstop. Must stay composed.)
Ran: (Hmph. I was about to ask for the name of the song. I had to secretly search the lyrics but didn't get any results.)
Yukina and Ran: (I can't let her know I fuck with this music!)
Yukina: Alright this is my stop, see you later Ran. (Yukina walks out)
Ran: (sees Yukina's phone on seat) Wait you forgot your ph-

(Ran goes to the Roselia dressing room and hears something from the other side)
Yukina: Girl I love this song
Lisa: Same here!
Ran: Wait hold on a second isn't that-(Ran opens the door to peak in)
*I've been a nasty girl (Nasty) I've been a nasty girl (Nasty)*
(Yukina and Lisa are dancing to the music)
Yukina: More energy, Lisa!
(Ran takes out her phone to record)
this pshill already showing her true colours...
>Ave Mujica
>A Bad Cynic Doggo
>Mugendai Mewtype
make it happen kidani...
Doggos would have been perfect in bandry...
I heard that was the original CraftEgg plan for Bandori 2 but Kidani wanted to bet his money on DJs instead...
it all started when they canceled the game for a year to add two MVs...
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we hate them...!
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these character designs are too good...
What's that saying about pretending to be retarded and eventually they feel welcome...?
Their 3D guitarist is cool...
Bandori designs peaked with Ran
warned you about pretending shills
Boxing, weaving, sneaking , shooting.
The four hood elements lived in harmony until the sneaking band attacked. Only Sakiko, the master of all four hood elements could stop them. But when his niggas needed her most she vanished...
Five months past and me and my band saw Sakiko in a mask at a light in the slums...and although her hood skills were great she wasn't as hood as before. But I believe Sakiko can save the bandori
will they be as fun as the A Bad Cynic Doggo girls...
hope sakiko gets a training montage...
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we hate bullying apologists...
She'll climb the steps and eat a raw cucumber...
Ayabullying was peak bpen/...
haven't seen any regards lately...
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why spam BL...
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Only a few hours until the few hours per day that bpen/ is browseable...
ummm nobody replied because it made no sense...
why did you quote my shitpost...
Shills haven't been the same after the .5 anniversary stream...
thuth nuke
why this guy replying his own post now...
that was my first post here in months actually
I prefer ps these days
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Been 20 years since I last posted...
lol these pshills can't stop outing themselves...
The post above mine is from a PShill...
My last post
didn't nyask...
playstation haters...
one game
Love playing bandry on my Vita...
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>punk rock band
>vocals uses autotune
ummmm, everyone uses autotune this day and age...
More like vocaloid rock...
no one has ever claimed they are punk rock...
Autotune can be epic
For back-up vocals or added effect, yeah. But if it's used to mask the singers lack of any vocal range for the entire song, then there's a problem there...
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>crying girls songs uses autotune to make them sound like chipmunks
>vocaloid and PS songs also sound like chipmunk screeches
Wait... are crying shills and PShills just the same person...?
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Imagine Hagumi with Shiro colored hair...
She's the autumn girl...
it was right in front of our faces the entire time...
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Was looking through my folder and remembered when we got cool covers like Nyaruko...
can't do much about it when iconic anisongs are extinct...
weirdest rinrin i've ever seen...
ummm the iconic ones are idol and bling bang bang born...
Wouldn't think of anime if I randomly heard those...
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>only songs with 2-5 female vocalists are anime songs
Just because they were popular on t*kt*k doesn't mean they aren't anime
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So excited for Anon Manila...
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why is this guy hating on innocent mary sues....
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brad's POV~
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good morning bandsisters!
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Tomori sex...
tomori boy
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she's so inspiring...
>MyGO, Ave Mujica and Kessoku Band will perform together at Budoukan in January
>Toge-Toge not invited
ohnonono don't let GBCfags see this
it's a shame... don't have anything against them as a band...
Crying that the most inspiring band group since Popipa isn't invited...
Love Boxxy...
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It's here
is that because 2 of 5 Togetoge members are still on hiatus? also the MyGO x GBC collab live is a week before the budoukan concert, maybe only 3 Togetoge members will present...
Very ugly...
what are you linking faggot
Love that frog...
next thread will be better
a lot of cope when the real reason is couldn't get autotune working for the concert...
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Canvas has been on the up lately...
can't believe he forgot taki's mole and anon's fang...
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birthday card is cute too...
>anon's birthday starts
>shills start spamming crossdressing trannies
they aren't even subtle...
can't wait to get it in 2 years...
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forgot about the mole incident...
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feel like anons bd is most important bd in bandori history
she was main character of mygo anime
mygo was rebirth of bandori and made it mainstream again
anon represent bandori rebirth and today we celebreeate bandori rebirth
Quality opening acts for Kessoku Band
fujo is drunk again...
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kinda sad to see the fujo and the iphone teen having psychotic breakdowns over an anime character birthday...
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Saki is literally the most important character in bandori. She's a cash cow and if they don't fuck up the AM anime she'll be the most important character in the franchise by a landslide.
Anon healing the Philippines is the most important event in bandry history...
she's going to destroy them...
Saki destroying the Philippines will be more influential
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Ran is so cool
>shows up
>leaves band
>5 girls, 2 of whom don't even know sakiko, dedicate their lives to winning her back
not even yukina has this much power
She is. Too bad that art is dogshit though.
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ran stopped being cool after she ran away from tomoe...
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Ran is pure unfiltered sex
uhh Anon's birthday?
it's a month away...
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We use American watches here...
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sakiko would want me to buy her an asahi super dry...
Ran (Old Bandori)
>Heh fuck authority...
>Minato-san, you won't beat me!
>Afterglow will forge our own path. Same as always.
Ran (New Sad Depressed Bandori)
>I will be a good flower girl and inherit the family soil shop
>Minato-san, I wish you luck. You're going a path I cannot.
>Afterglow is childish. It's time we grow up and move on
Bandori fans
>Old bandori was so soulless
>new bandori is so emotional~
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why is the fujo still malding about ikebana...
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>Punk rocker grows up
It happens
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I'd kiss it
anon and me
never got that accel world moca cover...
Well... GBC OP is not my favourite Togetoge song... prefer MyGO to cover their ending instead, but if this means we're getting Togetoge cover of Hitoshizuku later i'll take it
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Giving Anon some birthday dick
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Hona and her canon BF
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You motherfucking coomers need a bullet to the brain
You ain't using it anyway
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posting western media is worse than posting p*rn... so sick of tourists
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love proto-umi...
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>he can't afford to run his images through an ai-filter anymore because the cuck discord cut his funding
What is with the bot spam...
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They lost it because Anon isn't going to c*lifornia...
That's real character development...
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they're cute..
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Anon Tokyo!
best picture of the new cycle...
lol, lmao even...
Nothing funny about the obvious...
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>HiBiKi men are also opening auditions for new members
MyGo boyfriends soon…
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he's having a meltdown over ann's birthday.. sad...
he lost it after the doggos became honorary doris while no one cares about his OCs...
one of my top live outfits...
It's our birthday!
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Ran week
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can't believe anon died then isekaied to arknights...
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What is Anon doing with Tomoe and Misaki
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>Ha- happy birthday! Ano-chan..!
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Modern Ran is going to grow her hair out, remove the red, become a good flower girl, marry a well to do man, and raise a couple of kids. She'll occasionally pick her guitar up and play for a bit before putting it back in it's case and looking at an old picture of Afterglow with a soft smile
modern ran will be more honest about her feelings for moca and they will get married... wouldn't expect a raider like you to know anything about wholesome yuri lol...
Yuri is gay
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>My birthday is not important, right...?
Who are you?
a birthday isn't that important... cherishing someone for the other 364 days comes first...
ummm, she'll be the same dork that spergs out whenever she feels like saying she likes something or someone...
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Got this for Anon
had ice cream cake once... was pretty good...
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I feel like Anon would smell really good
what about shiro...
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>I need to celebrate your birthday, Anon-chan!
Shiro smells like mothballs...
she's just saying that because she wants to eat cake...>>493551278
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Yuri is straight
nyoooooo delet...
where's the wukong x hhw collab...
hhw would prefer astro bot collab...
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>Still a massive bitch even on Anon's birthday
Getting cucked really broke her
fujo can't even stop his fanfiction on anon's birthday...
>Thinks meeting Anon would be a pain in the ass so she wants to go home
How's that not being a bitch?
Uhhh because they have a mutual cute back and forth relationship... there's more to life than eating cakes in the clubroom...
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boys don't understand frenemies...
TOKO and Rui are just enemies...
This general is my frenemy on a collective level...
what with the zoomerlingo...
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can't even talk about normal pogs anymore...
birthday pz...
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She's got such a way with words
Toooo many losing doris
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not even good AI...
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Ricky vs. the ultimate three-choice question
Uhhh Tomori - one, panda - two... you can't count, can you?..
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this guy trying to brag about counting again...
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I love hentai haven chan
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Wish Ran would beat up Yukina
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shiro would beat the shit out of ran...
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Shiro couldn't beat up Chu2
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Is it possible that the EN server could EOS before they get MyGO? They're not making any money from gacha or events
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Umiri is hot but she's kind of like boring hot
sounds like coomer brainrot...
Nah, in a world of 10s she really doesn't stand out
we love brainrot here...
umiri stands out for being the hottest next to misaki...
Is Misaki funny?
umiri is literally just cool misaki (as opposed to 50/50 cool/cute misaki)...
Who is 100% cute Misaki?
no... that's why she has to overcompensate by wearing funny clothes...
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impossible to decide which is prettier...
Himari and Aya are the only pinkdoris I care abort...
Her SEA genes makes her even prettier...
i hope anon is safe in the phillipines...
No one is safe in the phillipines...
nobody cares about the afterglow girls except for ran and moca....
ummm, we always loved tsugu here...
>no one cares about (band) except for the lead singer and lead guitarist
Many such cases
that's literally only true for aglow...
we love kasumiarisa and kokoromisaki...
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love that cat...
You'd fuck the shit out of Himari and you know it
i am gay so no
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why is this guy posting gay boyfriends now...
We prefer Tomoe...
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>he posted another /v/ reaction image
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me on the left
blame the fujo...
/a/fags and /v/fags are all the same, I don't know why they hate each other
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Wonder how many white men Anon fucked for her birthday...
only one, with her lover (me)
this burger is always obsessed with dicks...
that's a man.
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sad faceblind homo...
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Anon and her boyfriend
They have to go to school soon...
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Shiro has to poop
Would it help if I sucked on her boobs for her?
useless anon losing to purple shiro was the worst part of the show...
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You can now get Anon's toan in a box
ummmm, we love purple shiro here...
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Anon's toan?
Does it convert an anon to an ann...
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Ah, Kokoro. So hot yet so stupid
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It's vtuber day!
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Ran is very erotic...
Moca please.stop hornyposting...
I'm gonna do it.
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What about Shiro ...
What about her?
she's cringe
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Sakiko is applying for a new parttime job with good pay...
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I want to suck her tits
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Her eyes say "come ravage me."
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did they go to sleep yet...
Me on the right

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