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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous >>493363791

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
>Feixiao Animated Short: "Taking It Easy"

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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rolling for ling chud
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Why doesn't the IPC simply objectify their workers and sell things like these instead of colonialism? They'd sell trillions
Indobros, remember migrate to the real thread (no amerikek and europoor aloud)
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Dumping some webms
Sex with my wife Acheron
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I just saw the animated short, damn, Juan is just too cute but he didn't shower btw
I'm skipping Feixiao because she supports homosexual couples
I'm skipping Feixiao because she's homosexual
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Penacony was so bad
why are there three threads you retards?
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Jade sells their sex tapes on the black market
Holy broken ankle
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I fucked up
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Next world will be worse. It has pink Mary Sue in it. There is no way that plot will be anything but garbage to wank her and I can smell hig posters from miles away shitting up these threads even more.
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The prettiest woman in the hoyoverse
Kill yourself chink shill
Penacony saved the game and chinkslop is killing it again
She's fast!
Our generalisimo is a Disney princess
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Nguyễn Mây
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Blame aventurine for having a whole patch for himself that added nothing of value
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>releasing a cuckbait video just days before her release
Is the marketing team retarded? Do they want her to flop?

Feixao the Hedgehog
They said she only appears not that she will play a role yet (I hope at least).
Also, there is a chance she will be less kuso here.
>seething over Aventurine AGAIN
he mindbroke millions
>They will never forgive Kakaurine
His next appearance leaks will destroy this gen
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Design wise
Yunli > Rappa >>>>>>>>>>>> Agalaea >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Feixiao
Hopefully Herta will be better than all of them
Anon it's just comparing the lifestyles of two different generals.
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stop making your bait so intentionally obvious bwo
>Slower than Fu-chan
This general supposed to be impressive?
She was never waifu material anyway
She's a super Stacy that showed up with 2 dudes anyway
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Huohuo bros? Use the other thread
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>wakes up with her dumbass eye makeup already on
I hate it
This has to be a falseflagger of a baiter at this point. To discredit real cuckbait shitposters
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Done for now
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Misha love.
"We want the Mordred audience" the animated short
weak bait, have a (you)
Insurance incase it takes jannys 3 days again to get off their ass
Feixiao would have been more popular if she had a tail. They sabotaged her success.
very homosexual post
Genuinely can’t tell if this is bait or if you’re just a brainrotted retard.
Great work.
More like Nguyễn My.
Hertaschizo was right
It’s ok sisters… with Shaoji gone, we will never get another homo story patch and I doubt the other Stonehearts are getting anything like 2.1 for backstory drop. He is very likely an outlier
Penacony was the most incoherent story told expertly.
It was like watching three very talented writers given 3 parts of a movie, and they decided to not cooperate at all as they each did their own thing and the editor was stuck putting the script together somehow at the end.
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Fofofag still seething
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Mordred is infinitely hotter than this dried up hag
Stoneflops lmao
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Mordred is a billion times hotter than this ugly chinkslop dont even try to compare them
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I hate H*oH*o so fucking much it's unreal, I wish I could delete her files from the game and remove her, and kick every fofoshitter in the face.
I want to hug Aventurine so bad bros...
Out of all the characters, people probably like Herta for her personality the most.
I'd probably pull if she had a tail and the maid model instead of being stuck with the pointy hag chin
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>1 year until FGO collab

who are you rolling? for me it's illya and archer
I want to hug YOU, botsis
Nobody cares about flopxiao
Where did FoFo touch you?
Does anyone here really think Feixiao is for (you). She doesn’t even directly talk to the Trailblazer, right?
Maybe her eyeliner is tattooed on
sis, just pretend it's some future technology
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Good morning bwos
Skipping and saving for Kiseki collab desu
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I for one welcome her. Just for all these homo faggots who complain that Firefly was "too forced" (even though Shiturine had whole patch dedicated to his shilling and Firefly barely even had true relevance in the story btw).
Let us see how they handle the biggest FOCED character of all time. Not only will the game force you to like her regardless of your options, everyone will also mention her every second that she isn't on screen. Any time she is on screen everyone kneels and just talks about how perfect she is. Imagine Aventurine's filler patch but for EVERY PATCH in upcoming story. Yup. Everything is about Elysia baby. Bonus points when even your own bitches start hoping onto her strap-on. Everything is always about her and has to be about her. Even bad guys who come across her will have to wank her to some extent as well. Let us not even go into /hig/ schizo posters you will get with her. It will be beautiful. I can already see you crying to "pags" to save you from them. You will even dogza to Herta schizo just to be rid of them. Can't fucking wait!
The only FSN characters I'd pull are Kirei and Berserker but Kirei has no chance and Berserker is probably just going to be Svarog for the Illya Clara skin instead of a character.
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We know, HuoHuo's mom.
We BTFO her dumb ass in a phoenix wright debate and nothing else. I frankly never cared about her so I have no idea if other self inserters cope as much about her as I do Yunli
When has he ever been wrong?
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She does talk to (You), but no, she's definitely not for (You).
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don't you ever dare compare mo-chan to that crusty taillet hag that'll be forgotten in a month
Same desu
Every female is for (Me) though.
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We love cute & canon here.
Can Firefly Gallagher clear Hoolay?
It's hilarious that even chinks know she would flop so they gave her support from 3 popular characters on the banner.
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I'm normal, but this dude looks cute af
Firepags playing the screentime victim card will always be hilarious. Terrible bait though
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It didn't come off in the shower either so it probably is, absolutely disgusting.
>Healthy breakfast
>Junk food lunch
Because he acts like a 7 year old boy. Pedohag.
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I thought people hated her for being popular. was it really that bad?
the fraudlent puppet trio is gonna be there for a reason
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>Incorrect (Scary Eyes)
I also don't like whatever that thing on her forehead is
Archer, Lancer, Saber, Gilgamesh.
Why? o_O
>I can already see you crying to "pags" to save you from them
They unironically already did when her expy first got leaked and hig raided these threads kek
The Nostradamus predictions...
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What planar set does Robin need when used with a Clara and DOT team?
It's likely she will only ult once with battle with these teams
Yes but at his SPD you don't get a lot of room to get Super Breaks in (her cone helps a lot), I'd argue Boothill has a better shot since he's Phys Weak and Physical Break scales amazingly off high HP.
enjoy your Altria bro
creaming the lingdoll
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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I just use Keel for Clara like every other support in the game. She has constant ult uptime but I have fofo
Holy based. E6 Rean here I come.
The Firefly vs Elysia War will be legendary
Imagine Hsr EN using Arthuria
Fleet of the Ageless is pretty universal for Robin since it buffs her own ATK (which improves Concerto) and also the team's while at it. Vonwacq can maybe, MAYBE get you an extra ult over the course of a long fight, but if you're planning to wrap up battles quick, just settle for Fleet.
unfathomably based this early in the morning
holy schizo
what's this from?
Her forehead rock bothers me way more than it should
NTA but as someone who was for the shitshow: Yes.
She and Dudu were the worst case of Mary Sues in HI3. Dudu was Scaramouche on crack of how bad she was (literally helped Otto the big bad with everything that he did), yet the game treated her as miss perfect when she joined good guys. Never calling her out on anything. Well, it did when she faced off against Otto, but you know, it's Otto (the most hated HI3 character) that is calling her out and fuck that guy as such (at least that is how Hoyo saw it - unironically even Otto haters stood behind him due to that and celebrated that Dudu was called out at all).
Elysia was different breed. Unlike Dudu she didn't do anything that would be considered bad (unless you are Kiana/Mei shippers who is mad about her stealing her bitch), but the wank she was getting from everyone was just so damn annoying. She was the textbook definition of Mary Sue.
Incredible precognition, a grim foreseeable future awaits us
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Why do we hate Fofo now?
Eh at least she won’t be as boring as Firefly.
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Just pull her for coom reason. I pull Acheron just for SU and trivialize any non boss encounter (and some nice mod).
The next after is Rappa solo banner anyway.
Archer and Saber
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
Kill yourself self insert cuck.
Nice falseflag, Hertaschizo
At least Dudu and Elysia are hot unlike our popular shilled characters
>Just pull her for coom reason
no. I'd rather wait for a non-wormed female
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If they are even 1/2 as successful with nu-Elysia as they were in HI3, a good 20% of /hsrg/ will turn into pink schizos.
Who? That blonde chick named after a sword?
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>All those replies trying to pivot to a Elysia vs firefly war
Away with you, pink goblin.
Hotter, yeah, but they’re still boring as fuck.
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I love both of them
we don't, we hate fags like you trying to be quirky or just straight up insufferable and retarded
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I'm kinda worried now
True but once they come to HSR their designs will be turned to shit as well
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Am I insane or does this thing look like Hitler?
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Is she good or is she going to be Jing Yuan tier flop?
At least Scaradouche got his ass kicked and humiliated. Durandal got nothing despite helping a madman in everything that he did. For non-hi3 fags of who wonder how bad Otto was, see Hojo from FF7. That man literally experimented on children like it was nothing. Ruined everyone's life in general, is the cause for everything that went wrong one way or the other, and all of that for one dead dyke pussy. Durandal was there during all that, turning blind eye to all of that, even helping him, yet when she joins your team you are meant to pretend like all of this never happened and she was just a poor victim of Otto's manipulations (she wasn't).
She is literally worse than Scaradouche and BWEEEH combined.
We already have one of two pinkschizos here so it won't change all that much but imagine what Elysia would do to the wider fandom
still better than firefly because she deserves it
They literally bundled her with 3 other popular reruns. They know she'll flop
Fleet is the most universal one for Robin. But for Clara specifically you can use Penacony since it gives her 10% phys damage bonus.
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You guys know you can just... close the thread and ignore it, right?
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friendly reminder after today animation that if you roll for feixiao you're a cuck
>she deserves it
Who deserves what?
Uh oh the stonefloppers are welcoming the pink plague...
It’s Hertaschizo samefagging again.
a lot of women just forget makeup and go to sleep, sometimes it gets smushed on the pillow, sometimes it doesn't
we're already on our track to that since our's is a know killer with a "kill 1st, ask questions' later mentality while she's on the job and is known for a bunch genocide
all that swept under the rug because she's super cute and for (you)
how bad is your pink women?
How old is Feixiao?
She acts like a try hard teenager.
And still is weaker than our General Jing Yuan.
Elysia deserves their schizos.
Firefly is worthless and plagued with seasonal waifufags.
cum in clara
elysia deserves the world, firefly doesn't deserve anything
We're doomed
She unironically was more hated than Otto during that time kek
Don't know what is CN's opinion of her now, but back then? Durandal was more offensive for them than "evil blonde man" on sole fact that the game tried to gaslight you into forgetting that Durandal was helping Otto with everything, completely willingly.
Opinions on Dudu's character development?
>moving from sigga to firefly
Those pink cultists will convert all of /hsrg/ into their religion and turn them into zealous fanatic worshippers of the pink goddess
king yuan was one of the best selling banners you know
she's stronger than jing yuan
she's a foxian who was in the last war so below 300, around yukong's age
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Elysia expy in ZZZ and HSR soon
Can't wait to see all those Firepags having melties for months (and /zzz/)
What if the Elysia expy isn't for(you)?
she's the best tho
Strongest waifu of history vs Strongest waifu of today
It didn't even come off after she showered
firefly spergs are so retarded. we haven't even seen her do anything yet lol. half the characters we know are mass murderers in their personal lives anyways. the xianzhou goes around genociding anyone that follows abundance just for existing, so brick yuan probably has a hitler tier body count
notice how uppity they got the moment his patch was brought up and shitted on
yep worm yuan flopped
Who the fuck is alyssa
Pink woman isn't the one that was sucking Griffith's cock while he tortured children and ruined everyone's life. It's blonde woman that did it. See his post >>493380724 if you want to get an idea of how bad original "Luochud" was.
Pink woman was obnoxious on sole fact of how hard she was shoved down your throat on every corner with everyone always kneeling to her even when she isn't in the room with them.
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SPD or ATK boots for tomboy general?
God why are all of the post HI3 designs Hoyo puts out so bad? Would be better if they just copy pasted these ones over what we get
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>one or two
As much as I hate pink schizos, there's a reason Elysia became popular. While she is a Mary Sue, she is also fundamentally a good and earnest person, the sort that only those who are practically drowning in pure cynicism can truly hate her.
There won't be just "one or two".
If it's actually March then she already is, If she's related to march, then she has no choice but to interact with us by proxy. Either way they're glued to TB
I already shat on pagfly for being bland as fuck, surely that pink slut you fags talk about isn't worse?
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I don't care about forced "for (You)" characters.
My wife is better in every way, she is smart, cute, funny, SOVL and so much more that i can't describe in words.
The Swarm doesn't count and even if it did, it didn't happen. If it had happened, they would've deserved it

But yeah all the SH are massive criminals who use the "greater good" nonsense as an excuse for their shit actions.
No clue I never played that game all I know is it's character designs utterly mog star rail's
She does look like an older teen in the myriad celestia trailer, so...
She's a foxian so she can only get 300 years old max, and she became a general 30 years ago. She's not anywhere near as old as Jing Yuan
>she's stronger than jing yuan

Lol, no

>who was in the last war so below 300

So basically a kid compared to Jing Yuan, figures why she is so hyperactive.
that's a man
Firefly IV
In position
Pretty sure SPD can get you to the breakpoint without any substat rolls, but if you can get 134 with substats then go for ATK, really just depends on your other pieces
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Buy my wife would be better if she went on more dates with me in-game, it's simply superior writing
I mean, a lot of their designs are basically just modern or traditional clothes with occasional twist like Argenti's armor? Seems fine to me.
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I believe "womanlet" is the word you are looking for.
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Elysia is for Everyone

They call her Pink Jesus for a reason
That's my son...
Firetroons already doing damage control with no leaks whatsoever
>pink woman - simply Mary Sue to the last letter
>blonde woman - modern day Harley Quinn in which you are meant to see her as hero and forget about everything that she did while being together with Joker + helping him (except she isn't some crazy chick just boring bland chick)
To make it simple
Might just be a grass is always greener on the other side case for me then, they're just more pleasant to look at I guess
Elysia's schtick is that she loves everyone platonically.
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These are so fucking hot
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Sadly there is no romance route in this game, i wish we had it.
The pagfly shill is super annoying, they're almost the same thing as those shipniggers that deem hate. Seriously i don't care about this BITCH, where is the QQ romance patch?
For 0-cycling, ATK%. The difference between ATK boots at 121 SPD and 134+ SPD (SPD boots) over the course of a few cycles is small enough that you can just opt for whichever boots brings you closer to 100% CR. If you can hit 134 SPD with ATK boots, even better, though that would require 10 SPD subs on average (which you should not be prioritizing over CR). It's easier to hit 134 SPD with ATK Boots if you're running Huntmarch with her instead of Topaz/Moze.
so that's why they call her pink jesus
Plus the IPC is basically the Dutch East India Company of steroids,they probably have the most blood on their hands if Topaz is one of the good ones
I just came buckets
>game made over a billion
>cant figure out how to cancel ultimate
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So is Yanqing really that bad? I'm a newfag and I just randomly got him. I don't have too many other 5 stars.
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I'm glad some waifufags get dates though, better than all of them dying on a ditch. Everyone should be for (you)
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Jiaoqiu outsold Yunli wtf? You guys told me he was shit?
>20 sided tile
Think of the yakumans
It’s deliberate
I'm not going to roll for feixiao anon
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and they say we don't have playable villains
Your comparison makes no fucking sense. Is Firefly a whore for a villain that experimented on children such as yourself (in brutal manner at that) that left most of them dead/turned into monsters/on path of becoming ones? Did she assist him with all that? Was she there while he was killing characters you care about/being the cause of their death? Was she also giving thumbs up while he was trying to drive mc insane for his keikaku doori? Was she fucking there while he was sending the whole world to shit in general for his keikaku? Only to do 180 degree upon joining you and being like "Yea. Blonde man bad. I totally agree. Even though I helped him out with everything btw you will never be able to call me out for any of that even though your entire life went to hell thanks to him and me basically being his cheerleader in the back the entire time lmao."
>Retard can't figure out when to activate an ultimate
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If we got girls as good looking as that game's I'd probably be spending money instead of sitting on hundreds of pulls and still skipping 90% of the banners.
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/ourguy/ has spoken
He was never bad, he's just not gamebreakingly broken like Robin or RM
Mark my words, my goddess will turn /hsrg/ pink
>mihoyo defense force
Almost as bad as the JIDF.
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go back to your dead thread /hig/ scum
Salvaged 400 gold pieces to craft 40 link ropes, got 3 energy regen ropes and none of them has SPD substats.
I want to fuck Clara
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>talking to a guy while in a bathrobe
why did they make her ntrbait?
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>release rememberance trailblazer
>it's a mandatory teammate for some gigashilled character
Will this kill firefly and rappa?
The only thing I got out of all of this is that Luochud had actual personality in other game kek
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Remembrance Path... The Dendro of Honkai Star Rail...
He's just kinda pointless, to be honest. He has too many conditions to do okay single target damage but, like, okay single target damage is not a competitive advantage in like 95% of situations. FUA like Topaz or whatever at least don't need to take turns to do the thing.
Makes sense for space greek due to the setting being secret and BS being aware of it, Hopefully TB and March get focus, probably Elio too. Those are all the remembrance characters right? Constance should make an appearance at least too
>40 link ropes, got 3 energy regen ropes
above average
>none of them has SPD substats
no shit lmao, what were you expecting
It's deliberate, it functions like that in Kiseki too.
e2 with 2 copies of s5 dance dance dance can 0 cycle

e0 could 1 cycle with 1 copy of s5 dance dance and s1 on ruan mei

it will probably be 2 cycles without those cones and 3 cycles if you don't optimize it
Blonde Topaz actually looks kinda nice..
You are trying too hard to push this narrative, no?
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NO! No Clara sex.
Even worse, it's a towel
You’re so cute Cockomi, but I have no intention of playing your game
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Actually if we measure the area differences between the two curves, you'll find Yunli has the higher Cumulative sum of pulls from pulls not near the start.
Calm down Da Wei.
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I expected at least one usable piece
bro your stingyun?
Who would you rather become playable in HSR, Kiana or Elysia?
who cares? go back /hig/negros
If they did this they'd have to go back and change March 7th as well desu
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He's going to be glued to ElysiaMarch
Clara RAPE
Yea. He had such strong personality there that we have his anti-schizos following us all the way to Star Rail to screech about him, despite him not even being the same character as that guy beyond his looks.
It’s not our fault you can’t time your ultimates.
It’s done deliberately so you have to commit to using your most powerful attacks. It’d feel cheap if you could keep activating and cancelling it.
Maybe try getting an accessibility controller if you’re struggling to press buttons at the right time?
Fighting over warp numbers when the banners are about to end is pointless, just wait 3-4 months so all the warps are tallied up.
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Sparkle won
imagine pulling for a female character that got introduced with 2 males as her close companions. just say that you're pulling her for the meta instead of trying to deny that she's not cuckbait
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Too bad the star rail character design team is allergic to limited blonde girls
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it isnt even funny how hard we get mogged
i rolled her like a week into the banner, played the event and story first
Very responsible of you anon
why? every path of m7 represents a different fighting style. i'm guessing when she finally gets a limited 5* it will be remembrance if the leak isn't enigmata bullshit

the weirder one is black swan, but they can't change gacha characters after the fact...
>BS lures TB to some ass end planet in order to groom them into her cult
This fuckin harlot.....!
They dont even pay you, do they?
Yes, his gimmick requires him to not get hit which means shields, but the only 2 team wide shielders in the game are Gepard/Aventurine. One is a standard 5* while the other is a limited 5*. Even if you do hit those conditions, his damage is underwhelming.
The other standard 5*s at least have some use, though Welt is equally seldom used.
Here's a rundown of the standard 5*s for your convivence:
Better than 4* sustains (except Gallagher in certain conditions).
Widely used with Herta in PF, one of the end game modes that gives premium currency ad refreshes every 6 weeks.
A good buffer that outclasses many 4* options and can hold you over until you get 2 limited supports.
While Clarafags swear by her, I've never seen a Clara team that isn't geared to hell.
Can delay enemies a lot, which gave rise to a sustain Welt meme but it's inefficient to say the least, also, nowadays no one uses him.
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We already have both
To be fair, they are both clearly introduced as being her orbiters.
Would they do anything unique with the Remembrance path? Or would it just be haha freeze go brrr?
they're homos. see this official webm >>493378648
Now that you mentioned it.
Because faggots like you keep posting with her pictures and making cringey threads.
still not better than a character that's released with no such bullshit
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That's a shame, I liked his design
Copying other team member's paths
Of course not, I just don’t want the game being made even easier than it already is because you don’t know how to time an attack in a turn-based game.
>While Clarafags swear by her, I've never seen a Clara team that isn't geared to hell.
You have to be geared as fuck relic wise to even clear endgame modes though. Unless you mean using all 5 star supports. At least one of Robin or Sparkle are an absolute must for her that's for certain, Tingyun is actually still extremely good.
Im pulling her because she is cool and works well with the FuA team.

And no, im not delusional over pixels, there is no character romance in this game EVERYTHING is platonic/friendship at best.

You should make your bait less obvious next time.
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We're getting one but she looks kinda ugly
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Freezing is already the standard effect if Ice Break and we have characters with Freeze in their kit from various paths.
What is unique to Remembrance, at least in SU, is the Dissociation effect (% of MaxHp lost when Freeze goes away) but they'd have to gimp it outside SU to make it not break the game.
maybe it's that new position gimmick where the remembrance character does different things depending on who is on which slot. or maybe it could be the trashcan special summon from this event
That and she died to give humanity a fighting chance by allowing the Herrschers of the Current Era to retain their humanity and overcome the will of the Honkai. Its the reason why Welt 1 is a good guy
the only truly unique part the paths are doing is
>haha gweilo you wanted to use X light cone on Y character?? well you can't rumao!!
then its probably a tattoo
I WISH we were getting Mordred in the upcoming collab.
Umu yes I can most certainly see how ugly she is.
If I have 160 SPD sparkle would ATK boots on Ratio be sufficient? I'm never going to get Pioneer SPD boots with offensive stats.
Domestic Violence and Homocide incoming!!!
>Remembrance might end up being thing
>aka other paths like Elation might make it too
If latter becomes real, I'll forever laugh at Sparkle keks.
FUCKING KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crowd control path of sustain. Nihility mostly just applies dots anyways.
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>you cant cancel utlimate because its part of the game!!!
Lol, nope, they just dont know how. Same reason why the camera is always the same angle.
>While Clarafags swear by her, I've never seen a Clara team that isn't geared to hell.
Well... every dps wants to be strong, i don't get your point here.
Sparkle the slightly pathetic loser.
I want to plappa rappa's crappa
In due time.
the ideal elation gimmick is a mechanic tat makes enemies attack each other
Dumb Sporkle thinks she's Aha when she's not even an Emanator
So what's the best relic parts to use the self resin for?
>except Gallagher in certain conditions
he mogs most of the limited sustains these days
what was the point of that 2 second scene of her sitting on the ground like a homeless person?
probably yeah
ice was supposed to be the def shred/CC element but it's been shit up till now
>the only 2 team wide shielders in the game are Gepard/Aventurine
Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget
>it's just follow up jr.

True elation would be just rng, like QQ. QQ the class, basically. Sparkle will be the god of it because she gives them the sp they need to get pity.
Nigga they copied Trails series wholesale and you can't cancel the "ultimate" there either, it's part of how they made the game
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for me it's foxian Stelle
She’s just going to be filler, isn’t she?
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holy negative ass
I still don't give a damn about Joaquin amd his onahole.
To call FTB a shielder is a bit generous.
Show me her animations so I can decide whether or not I want her over Tingyun already. Sucks that we don't get voice lines either, if she rapped in broken English it would be an automatic must roll
To contrast with the other people who were being helped to stand up and make Sparkle look like a loser.
Stop giving them excuses, Mihoyo is a shit company with spaghetti code. It took them ages to make any changes to Genshins UI. You cant tell me they waited 3 years to make the game better for their players because it was a design choice to keep it shitier.
Reminder that Feixiao got knotted.
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err rope
elemental orb
atk or spd boots
With 160 speed Sparkle you always want to use attack boots on your dps.
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Miss Sparkle ain'ta loser
You're the loser
>team positioning cancer
Firefly cleared her side of MOC with relics made from a pile of scraps in a cave!
>and it will just be recolored Ting
I'm not falling for that shit! My hopes and dreams about monster girl were killed with Bricksha t. sneklet.
>position gimmicks
I am not looking forward to this.
>white stockings
my fuarking dick
team positioning doesn't matter in the current game so you aren't losing anything
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>team positioning doesn't matter in the current game
Do we tell him?
I think it's pretty misleading to say that X is good if it takes 6+ months farming near perfect artifacts for them to perform.
>position gimmick
KILL ME! That shit is always ass.
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Call her by her real name
not being able to cancel ults off turn is fair since it interrupts enemies and is a pure skill issue, but you should be able to cancel if you use it on your turn
damn brat
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My girlfriend is so cute
It if looks like a loser, begs like a loser, gets told off like a loser, annoys people like a loser, it's Sparkle.
You need a few months to properly gear 8 characters anyway, superbrick just cheats by cutting the farming time of their side by half because they only want a couple of stats
Key word
Just prioritize Crit rate with her because you'll never have enough even if you play this game for 10 years.
Why do I have feeling that her "monster form" will just be her regular look but perhaps with just extra tails and edgy glowing eyes perhaps?
I'm keeping my faith low as fuck when it comes to HSR "monster" playable characters.
Have you ever played a gacha with position stuff before, I wonder. Spoiler alert - things escalate quickly the moment you have several units for the same position, be it giving or receiving effects. May affect auto, too.
It does matter a bit. I put Clara between Robin and Topaz so the three of them get hit together by blast attack and get more energy.
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We're getting a playable Lamia in a few weeks thoughalbeveritski?
The positioning shit could be kino if they do something interesting with it, but I don't trust mihoyo
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I'm a yume and I love watching my oshi fucking other women
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>It if
if you are relying on someone to get hit without a taunt, your strategy is just bad, if you are relying on someone not to get hit, you're either running sustainless, in which case you're not part of the conversation, or you're running yanqing, in which case, just find a better dps

it gives you a benefit, but if you're relying on robin to get hit to get her ult off in time, it's a bad strategy over-reliant on luck
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>HSR talking about Elysia
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I'm going to beat the entire game with this e0s0 Feixiao team
fuck you Sparkle stop laughing at my typo
The fact that it says she'll leave the field makes me think her monster form will just turn her into Feixiao's giant fox and then leave her as a uncontrollable field decoration that sometimes attack.
>similar to Ruan Mei's
Did they perhaps mean similar to Ruan Mei's ult in which she has cherry blossom on the screen?
Because RM's technique has no fucking field. Either way, this seems to confirm him as harmony.
I want to be hyped about Tingyun turning into a monster, but I don't trust Hoyo anymore after Lingsha not being snake.
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>indisputable facts
based snek trvther
SPD and BE numbers to look out for in E0S0 FF? With Banjo Mei, obviously
>dual dps with bronya
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My oshi isn't into me? whatever
My oshi has a canon female love interest? hot
My oshi and his wife/girlfriend flirting and kissing in front of me? soaking wet
I don't know if "black wings that are on fire" really screams harmony unit to me, that sounds more like a debuff
Bronya's only ever skilling Feixiao. March is just there to help feed stacks into Feixiao and maybe catch a few Bronya ults. I have RM too but I'm pretty sure this is better overall.
>Tingyun sounds interesting but
>super brick effect support
Kill me!
On another hand, here is hoping that Sundea has more interesting animations than banjo.
>inb4 he will have 3* tier animations as well but they will make him giga broken like banjo
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Now what?
uh... your robin?
No need to reply to yourself, Hertaschizo.
>stelleposters pretending to be female
pathetic display
why are you like this sis...
It is but you should replace Luocha with Gallagher because he gives more SP and it's basically the same sustain ability all things considered
Shitpost on zzz and gigger like most of us
He would then be compared to pink fox instead. As he has field and is more closer to home than RM.
Plus, every leak source so far claims he is harmony. Including the one that leaked models.
Trans women are women.
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I skipped
What are you going to need more SP for on a team that has Hunt March
That team has 2 units that are 100% SP positive and 2 units that are 100% SP negative
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I need some strong vodoo magic to get 4 limited characters with 250 rolls.
Please post your lucky roll rituals to help me achieve that.
… if you squint
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>The prettiest
>The coolest
>The cutest
>The hottest
>All her
How anyone is able to NOT pull for this character is beyond me
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I'm a cuckquean and I want to watch my oshi have sex with another woman through a small window and touching myself thinking about how I'll never be able to satisfy him.
Stelle has fans? She's the ugliest female in the game. Somehow even uglier than Huohuo.
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I would never date a stinky femcel yumecuck. I need a real possessive Yume who would treat me with love and get jealous over me
Ratio can use Sparkle + Pela or Wolfie
Feixiao can use Robin + Topaz or M8
Acheron can use a diaper + retirement home
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>Basic: Just lame attack
>Skill: Waves wand around like he is Harry Potter and you get buffs for 3 turns
>Ult: Waves wand more around and lets his fire wings on field and this gives you kajillion damage buff
It will be like this and you will like it.
>7.13% odds
I believe in you, bro
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I cracked the code
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I never played FGO, or watched the anime. I have no idea about any of the character nor do I care. I will roll for the collab units only if they are strong or if it's a woman. Because I never skip female banners.
CaeLORD chooser here, Stelle is really cute.
Thanks. Yeah i've been meaning to build Gallagod for a while now but I've just never had any issues running into sustain with Luocha (yet). I'll probably do it if I hit any SP issues with this team though.
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You could've at least picked different frames feibros
Just fapped to the new qq doujin. Art is kinda bad but it has soul. I give it 4 stars.
Not really as they seem to be just visual and Robin has similar thing during her own skill (letting her angel wings out).
name 1 harmony with good animations. and no, 4* shitters like hanya don't count
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She will be mine
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Hmm nyo
I can't figure out if I want e1s0 or e0s1 feixiao. both seem to be around 25% increase. Is one of the too comfier?
Sparkle SPH
He is doomed to shit or mid animations at best on sole fact of being harmony. Even Robin (the better harmony animations-wise), isn't something too crazy. She is just better compared to any other shit outside of her. It's literally handicaps Olympics when it comes to comparing harmony animations.
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Robin has far and beyond the best support animations in the game
And yes, her song is pure kino
>stelleposters pretending to cucks
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Feixiao and Jiaoqiu's friendship will never rival Dan and Blade
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Is it futa?
I love firefly
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Sunday looks like this????
Guys who does e2 jiaoqiu replace on the dot team? Rm or bs?
>Ult: Waves wand more around and lets his fire wings on field and this gives you kajillion damage buff
You unironically might be correct as I recall someone once mentioning his "maestro state in which he starts directing" kek
If they're roughly equivalent, always roll for the jpeg. You're more likely to get it with no pity and sometimes they turn out to be great on other units (e.g. if you have Ratio's cone that's almost as good on Feixiao as her signature)
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>put my Robin relics on da calcs
>she has 5k attack and 121 speed
Is this good enough for her next week bwos
Huohuo if you have balls of steel like most of /hsrg
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How does Feixiao have such nice tits but such a flat ass
It's not like it's new. Your du equation where first slot gets 300% brain in a vat after everyone uses 6 ults or whatever?
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Chink genes
>Feixiao has two guys who work for her

>Firefly shown riding alone with Blade, who she works with
Why does the "She talks to another guy she's cucking me!" rule not apply to Firefly?
Why does Blade have gyno?
Does being Mara-struck cause a hormone imbalance?
Unfortunately the only sig cone I have is Seele's and it's pretty trash these days
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S1 so you can save Stellar Cruise for your other Hunt and you also have better odds than if you rolled for an Eidolon
(Also I believe S1 is a slightly bigger upgrade, unless you have Topaz's or Ratio's sigs)
121 SPD is all you need on her and as much ATK as you can. 5k in Concerto is perfectly good.
>censored bellybutton in the trailer
>no ass
>ntr bait
>released in a filler patch
Feixiao really got the short end of the stick huh.. I wonder if hoyo does this on purpose so they can get off easily later with more uncensored designs
I can distinctly remember hours of shitposting when that CG between Blade and Firefly leaked
Since when do Chinese women have big breasts?
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This is your General for today, Men. Salute her properly!
Blade is literally impotent and Elio is a girl.
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>be enemy
>see some white haired dude in wheelchair with Susanoo behind him in his own wheel chair
>some dude halovian dude is waving his fucking wand
>black wings appear and one-winged angel ost starts playing
>next thing you know Susanoo's wheelchair gains turbo and pulverizes you
DO you want me to link the thread where that image leaked or just screenshot all the cuck posts for you? Or would doing that be cucking you out of work?
Because there's a difference between girl talking to guy
And having two guys whose reason for existing and whole character revolves around said girl
Blade is a demented grandpa who wants to die so it just doesn't work
And Firefly is infertile. Your point being?
I saw a lot of big tiddie chinks when I was in Macau a few years ago.
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>Trying to rationalise shitposter logic

thank god she's not like brickle where you spend 3 months in the mines farming for 161spd
MHY won't allow any other waifus to be for (You) because Fireflydev wants his pag waifu to be the only canon waifu. Just wait till they bring Tingyun back only to have her go lez it up with Yukong.
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You clearly were not there if you’re saying Firepag wasn’t cuckposted
E1 is comparatively expensive for roughly the same gain, her real powerhouse eidolon is E2. You can use either Ratio or her own signature on her and use Topazcone on Topaz, Moze or March for the best bang for buck. Between Ratio and her own, if you can wait, Ratio's is usable on more Hunt characters while only Feixiao can really use her own.
Robin E1 is also a bigger upgrade for the Feixiao team than Feixiao's E1 or signature.
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>>black wings appear and one-winged angel ost starts playing
I will roll for Sunday if this is true
BGM changers are always a must roll
Not true I impregnated her
Blade was another Foxian simp. Learn to read lore, retard.
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So uhh what's Jiaochud gonna do once Feixiao is cured since he devoted his life for said purpose (she's going to get cured btw no one dies in Star rail)? Just retire again I guess?
Would you roll for an old lady like Madame Ping from Genshin?
Maybe I’m just brainrotted from years of porn, but Asian women always have the nicest tits.
>they will make sunday bricked if put together with robin
i know in my heart of hearts they will do this and fuck them for doing it
Sunday is a male so this won't happen.
What is this site?
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The lacking general...
Lacking in muscles...
If Robin changes the BGM and Sunday changes the BGM what would happen if you ran both at the same time
Do their ults turn into a rap battle
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Japs specifically were said to have a very fucking small average breast size until recently, and by recently I mean like 2015.
Flat is justice btw
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Only real /hsrg/niggas remember when people cuckposted Firefly with Screwllum
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He's going to start getting consumed by his self-annihilation and then it's gonna be Feixiao's turn to help him in return
by making him feel insane pleasure every night
She's all leg day
You'll have to import all of your own stuff into it but with the icedynamix importer it takes 30 seconds.
They also remember that Luocha is a pedo
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>Robin makes a contract with Jade that Sunday will be fine
>in exchange they will forever be seperated and can never see each other again
>they end up having anti-synergy in gameplay
holy fuarking kino
It becomes a full-on mashup
There were reminders of that recently when an archive post back from 1.0 was linked
>Robin's e1
No. Never. Don't spread BS like that. It's only up during her ult, so the average damage increase is a lot less than the ~24% it gives when it's running.

Way too many get baited by this shit when it only matters with very specific playstyles with meme 0 cycle shit.
Yeah but when Asians do have big tits it always mogs everyone else. I don’t get it.
They just like …bounce differently. It’s weird.
The plotline will be shelved after this arc and never brought up again just like the other muh dealy illness characters like FF, Blade and JL.
>4997 ATK in combat without Robin
What the fuck, where is she getting 1600 ATK from
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>be me
>China bot just doing my good day of stunning anons
>white haired dude in a wheel chair together with ugly green haired goblin, Japanese midget and some angel looking dude comes my way
>ugly midget starts shitting her pants and tail detaches from her ass for some reason
>Japanese midget is winking at me I think and some stupid fish appears around the dude in wheel chair
>angel dude starts waving his fucking wand and big yellow nigger appears in his trolley coming at me
>those were too many ultimates in the row so I activate my anons-rape mode and tickle white haired dude in the wheel chair
>all of a sudden big yellow nigger hits reverse and goes as far as my eyes can't see him anymore
>dude in wheel chair soon after recovered from my tickle but that yellow nigger is still nowhere to be seen there
>I tickle the same nigger again for fun
>he again recovers soon but yellow nigger is nowhere in sight
>I can't even see the shadow of him anymore
>angel dude soon after shoots himself
>what a weird day
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Why is back tattoo kino wasted on such a shitter of a character?
I don't remember, what was the price Robin had to pay for in order to save her brother?
Was it the 30% of Penacony or was that a seperate thing?
Firefly is still dying
Jing Yuan bros........
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You will never ever have satisfying resolutions in this game ever
Unless you're a Yomifag
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DIY Foxian
Now this is the more realistic scenario! Now THAT'S /ourgeneral/ KEK
>all leg day
>no speed trace
(You) owe Feixiao sex.
And atleast 1 roll on her banner.
It was never said, people speculate it's the separate thing (which won't probably fully happen anyway)
But enough about Sparkle
maybe he'll grow a dick and find his purpose in life
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Acheron still has the Device IX thing going on
meant for >>493385876
You can always tell when the shitskin is seething here when there's zero pag posts on the other hoyo generals
glued to two worms
>what was the price Robin had to pay for in order to save her brother?
its heavily implied what I just said. that they end up seperated. the 30% thing was IPC negotiation with that old man, nothing related to Jade's powers
Yeah but she still has a satifying conclusion somehow, even if there's some stuff she can go into more. Other characters just get edged endlessly instead
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Settle down as her house husband
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>2d left
>Expiring soon
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>cure to ELS is... LE HOTPOT!!
I will clap
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I can't believe our general is so cute and so sleepy.
112 base SPD and constant FUAs too slow for you, bro?
48% ATK does not equate to 1600, her 3300 ATK on that picture already accounts for all ATK% from gear and ATK% does not scale like that.
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Sparkle's slow ass banner is killing this game.
Why'd you cut my hero out in your webm
Ship characters have no future in gacha games. Either she will never be cured and they will only be brought around to feed the shipperpaggies, she will be cured and the characters will be shelved, or it will all happen off screen
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>pulling for a female character that got introduced with 2 males as her close companions
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My deceased morphing insect wife status?
yes, a dumb whore with a mecha suit is faster
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If they are that disparate for a new path, why not just lock the summoning mechanic behind a new path? Summoners are usually their own class in RPGs.
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I don't save men
>The Lacking General
>Lacking an English voice
Shaoji, you little twink, you’ve done it again.
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>Trailblazer, I resurrected that fox you liked so much. You're welcome.
yes because cruising has another atk up
Do you think Baiheng ever.... y'know...
Sparkle booba...
No she never became playable and she never will. I curse mihoyo for it every day.
Is it just cause it’s low res or does she have mega cleavage?
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Wtf I missed the Baiheng banner?!
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Any ACTUAL leaks on Tingyun Alter kit yet?
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>sigga mentioned
sparkle doesn't have any
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since they're rerunning penacony characters, are you rolling for them? trying to get that E2 Firefly or E2 acheron? maybe their sig cones? perhaps picking up robin after skipping her for someone else?
it's a different thing when there's another girl there. and its not about yuri. would you rather date a girl that hangs out with two dudes, or a girl that hangs out with 3 guys and a girl
Skill issue. Any proper Robin team will have her ult up for 90% of the fight.
It looks like it's covered by an undershirt that's the same color as her sash/belt thing to me
TikTok hours?????
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You don't talk with many girls, do you anon?
People do realize that Ruan Mei isn't actually obsessed with the path of propagation specifically, right?
Sex with Tingyun in monster form
>Sunday will be bricked with El generalismo for 1 whole version minimum since Tingyun isn't dps
if I did I wouldn't be in a gacha general discussing anime girls all day
Already have E2 Firefly and I don't even use Acheron anymore, I'm just gonna get Robin for my Yunli.
I already have E2 Acheron and E2 Firefly
It was honestly a mistake, they're too good so now I run meme comps like putting March in with Acheron or replacing Gallagher with Bailu and still finish MOC12 in 3 cycles
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>Doesnt count if there is also a girl
what the hell is that liquid coming out of jingloo's cup

even cum isn't as viscous
Boot and Jade are the only Penacony characters whom I didn't roll, will try to get Boot on his rerun. When it comes to Jade... I'll be honest, I just don't like her.
Fuck I think you’re right. If you zoom in the pixels at the bottom are a slightly different colour.
can you use items in moc/pf? the buffs seem like nothing, but I don't mind some extra max hp to maybe salvage a stage
all we have is some leaker saying nobody is leaking her kit because she has a bunch of different dev kits
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I want real Herta's dolls to hold me down, while Hag Herta rape me in front of March.
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Imagine that Feixiao is losing against Hoolay and then she thinks about Moze/JQ, gets powerup and wins. Yeah, that's the diffrence.
I will give Jade some jade the next time around, probably
Still doesn't add up.
>Base ATK
1111 (Self + Cone)
>Out-of-combat ATK
1111 * 172.6 ATK% + 352 (Gloves) = 3380
>In-combat ATK with Cruising effect + Skill buff
1111 * (2.726 + 0.48 + 0.2) + 352 = 4136
Why is this thread filled with bottoms.
how the fuck does robin's ult not have 90% uptime in a fua team
>Quantum Destruction
>Replacement for Harmony TB
>Can remove self from team order
“Leakers” are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
So no.
And what if that doesn't happen? Also I'd go for her anyway over Firefly because Firefly is incredibly mid.
Same. She's great
Probably Acheron sig
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The cheld of star rail...
Everyone has one
>has Robin
>going to get Feixiao
>no adventurine and topaz
Should I roll for topaz? What is her cope option bros?
The average shonen power-up of thinking about your best friends? Look I know shonen is notorious for being gay but calm down.
tbf he's more like zhongli
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I just zoomed in and now I can't unsee her neck looking like a saggy nutsack
You can replace her with the Moze nigga
Moze and Hunt March 7th are really good replacements for Topaz.
Topaz stocks dropped bigly.
>When it comes to Jade... I'll be honest, I just don't like her.
Still have no idea what was MHY thought process with her. Like, Boothill didn't get much screentime either, but he was fun in the few minutes of screentime he had. Jade have no screentime AND all her screentime is about her being a Space Jew with 0 redeeming quality.
You don't need stoneflops for fx bro she 0 cycles with just Robin and March
We hate the Lacking A Tail General
you literally quoted me and then proceeded to post a picture nothing related to it
Firefly was shitposted to hell and back when she came out newfag
Nevermind I see the issue now, I was missing Bronya's ult and presumably the Ageless ornament that is probably on Luocha.
Still, assuming Bronya ult has permanent uptime is kind of silly.
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Totally average shounen reaction
it feels good when the fofoschizo and hertaschizo are banned
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Ruan Mei had to graft that nutsack onto her so she'd survive, you understand right?
>Morally grey characters are...LE BAD!
Go back to /gig/
Bruh now I can’t unsee it. She’s like a saggy Peter Griffin.
Characters like Jade and Lingsha are fillers that are destined to fail and Hoyo knows that.
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Unironically will happen.
>FX comes out and she surely fix his issue in regards to stuns
>somewhat but he is still bricked
>ok Fofo will do it since she cleanses for free and-
>LL still gets affected by stuns and drops in load order even though Fofo cleanses aka go back to FX
>make PF that unbricks every fucking erudition brick there
>our general is still bricked
>we are now at Sunday (supposed summon harmony) that might unbrick him
>watch him still job
I might go for more Firefly eidolons depending on if Rappa disappoints me and if Sunday or TY aren't cool. I only have 7k jades now since I spent everything on firefly and went for E0S0 Yunli too
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Casual shitter here

How are these stats for a stellar cruise Feixiao? (Under 50% HP 16% CR not included and no external buffs)
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Back in my day YanKING and GODpard were S+ tier
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I followed this advice and I can't clear MoC12 even after playing for 12 months.
I hear Sparkle is coming to Honkers the Third? Is it worth playing in current year?
no one here gives a shit about your cuckbait whore. go ask reddit
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Fair enough, carry on then
literally skill issue
Nothing. Just like acheron, black swan, firefly, adventurine, the rest of the train crew, boothill and the rangers, the anihilation gang, etc. They contributed nothing to the story or the plot, they just wanted to sell those characters and invented contrivances to put them in the story. They are just macguffins.
When people say that penacony story sucked, they mean it.
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Maybe you just need better taste on wives huh?
>6 weeks of pure unfiltered Chinkxiao shilling
Fuuuccckkkkkk this general is gonna be so boring. Those types of characters whose main gimmick and personality trait is being “WOOAAAAAHHHH SOOOO STRONGGGG THIS IS AWESOME WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” are so so lame
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>post a picture nothing related to it
...you cant be THAT slow
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I haven't played in a while - are we going down to 1 new char per patch now? I only see Rappa for 2.5.
Try to get a bit more crit rate and you're good to go.
Seems pretty good to me, maybe higher CR in exchange for CD or speed? But that's solid overall
>pulling for reruns in star "powercreep" rail
Gepard maybe, but not yanqing. Seele heavily overshadowed him day one
Post toons
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no we're getting Sunday and Tingyun in 2.7. Based hoyo is giving us a save patch with 2.6
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Could Feixiao defeat a Genshin Archon?
>characters whose main gimmick and personality trait is being “WOOAAAAAHHHH SOOOO STRONGGGG THIS IS AWESOME WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” are so so lame
Where were you during 2.1 and 2.2?
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Roll for Aventurine instead, Topaz is only a slight upgrade to Moze for her
Ignore that rude fellow, don't know what he's on about since many of us are talking about Feixiao here
Anyway, it looks good but I'd recommend getting more Crit Rate or loading up the build onto Fribbels (https://fribbels.github.io/hsr-optimizer/) and see what her mid-combat stats are
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True, we need giga shilled characters with fun personalities again
CR too low. Sacrifice some CD so you're above 90% CR, she already gets a ton of CD from external buffs and to her own Ultimate.
Why should I roll for feixiao when I already have ratio?
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How did we go from Sunday in wheel chair to Sunday being the one pushing those in wheelchair?
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Jing Yuan had half of Feixiao's trailer sleeping when he was on screen. That isn't wow he is so strong shilling.
Aventurine's evil twin brother.
Phew, good thing he didnt include Aventurine
>Activate Moon Rage
>Kick Nahida into orbit
Nobody forces you to be here anon
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>save patch
They're totally going to rerun Acheron and Aventurine there to try to make up for the dead patch
In the future Dawei envisions we will be running FUA on both sides, better invest while you can
Who are your favorite characters?
So picture not related?
>Topaz is only a slight upgrade to Moze for her
I’m not sure where people are getting this from. Moze looks like he’s jank as fuck to use. Something calcs can’t really account for.
You have to wait until RM becomes an Aeon.
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Definitely, my relics are all pretty average.
I should've skipped Sparkle, you're right.
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RM is working on that
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No one uses Ack for dps anymore and Aventurine is useless compared to Gallagher and fucking Fofo kek
My plan was to unbrick my Acheron with her LC but I'm no longer interested in using her now that she also wants a homo support.
Feixiao would flatten an Archon on her morning run.
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Path of Erotism? a possibility
>Moze looks jank
Not really.

Also obviously the calcs aren't perfect, but give a good idea of what to expect. Topaz' extra damage is missing as well for instance.
Why would you say such a retarded things just to shitpost
Morally Grey will be something like Topaz where she risk the fate an entire planet for an 80% of fixing it. Jade is a literal walking monkey paw, that only does what she does because either because it amuses her or for money. And no, her having an orphanage doesn't make her morally grey, that's the equivalent of giving a serial killer a dog he love, and then saying that make him morally grey.
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I'd much rather take her Tomboyish and headstrong attitude instead of
>Annoying little midget who's always scared
>Crazy fucking bitch who goes edgy mode if her blindfold gets taken off
>Retard who only knows how to fight and even then she's not that good at it
>A TikTok streamer
Need I go further?
I dunno. FF is my strongest unit but I'm already bored of her playstyle. I definiely want Jade though, and of I have enough pulls I would also want to get Aventurine's sig
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You should win everything with these you're just bad, Also
>No RM
Based and fact checked waifuGOD roller
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imagine if Feixiao was actually the lactating general and she had huge boobs that just oozed out milk
I got her very recently so I'm still building her up.
She did do the previous MoC in 5 cycles but my other half was too slow.
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>12 months
>only 5 limiteds (not counting Ratio)
>no eidolons
Jiaoqui and Moze would be so lucky...
Only Robin or RM is a must roll, and you only need one of them
Enabling constant ult uptime on robin on every team is pretty good bro.
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This account is not 12 months old if you only have that to show for
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Propagation, bro
Pretty sure the power level in HSR is higher than GI. It's just that the Astral Express are on the weak side in the universe (outside of DHIL) so it doesn't seems like it.
ok buddy
I have her LC but she's still kinda bricked since the best supports I have for her are Pela and Guinaifen. I don't give a fuck about muh homo support because Pela may as well be a boy as far as I'm concerned. I'm more interested in her being significantly stronger which he does.

That said the next patch is so packed that I guess she'll have to stay a brick. That I'm literally 5 pulls away from pity doesn't help.
oh so its not only skill issue but also brain issue, you barely have lv 80s, in a year you should've done that and more, i bet your traces are lv 6 too
Is it true that E6 Moze powercreeps E0 Topaz?
He said he rolls who he likes, also that's a pretty reasonable amount for a f2p average luck player
Yes but you aren’t getting E6 Moze in less than 75 rolls
(You) have a mental illness
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She's powercrept by E6 March too (who you get for free)
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No. An E6 4* is also higher cost than an E0 5* on average
I want feixiao's personality on a character that isn't ugly
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typo, it's 9 months old, don't know why it came out as 12 when I wrote the post.
The other problem is that I've lost literally every coinflip sans one.
Yes, but only at E6. And most people more likely to get Topaz at pity than get E6 Moze during his banner.
>No Aven
>No Robin
>No Topaz
So I can't get Feixiao?
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Just say you want her personality on a man, we all know it
Do levels matter that much for supports? Farming XP is a pain in the ass so I just level traces instead, most of my stuff is 8-10
Really? Then Topaz really turns out to be a bad investment long run now, specially since we'll probably get events that give a moze selector for free like Gallagher did
>Herta is not summoner but generic FUA hypercarry dps
He will be stuck with Brick Juan for awhile
I want Firefly's shilling on a waifu who isn't ugly but we can't always get what we want.
Only shitters need eidolons on their limiteds.
You're saying she's uglier than a man? Well I woudn't go that far
Your GallaGOD?
Your Bronya?
Your March 8th?
It's not higher cost when you're actually rolling for E1 Robin
If you're a filthy fucking weakling, no, no you can't
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>smugly taunt everyone for skipping Topag for a year
>gets powercrept by two different 4 stars
At E6, sure, but on average, you're getting an E2 Moze in 80 pulls, and an E4 in 160. E2 Moze is already perfectly serviceable for Feixiao (weaker than E0 Topaz, but not by much), so I doubt anyone's gonna push past that if they win her 50/50.
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>Describes an extremely fun and SOVL cast
>Need I go further?
Yes please
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If you're pulling purely for who you like with no teambuilding in mind you will need (and should have the jades for) eidolons to clear moc12
>posts Brickle
Pull Topaz on her rerun.
Use FX, Topaz, March 8th, Fofo/Fuxuan
Should be OK, but I'll probably skip Feixiao.
he resets his stacks when the prey target dies and he needs to reapply it again, idk about other bosses but he's going to be a pain in the ass to use in aventurine when you're busy killing a ton of respawning adds with not much hp
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Should've just said if you want me to post her more
He has that blonde greek chick. She might be a bait brick, but she can't be worse than fucking Brick Juan for him to cope until his own Firefly comes out to shill him.
>sparkle pic
>irrelevant time-wasting question
name a better duo
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Crazy how this is the event I liked the least
Seems to be a really unpopular opinion but I just find it odd how people like such a boring and generic cast of characters, the only fun parts were when JY and QQ showed up

Still, I do wish I could enjoy it as much as you guys did
>Fofo/Fuxuan with Feixiao
lol, lmao
Gallagher clears those two easy in a Feixiao comp. Fu Xuan is slow as fuck and Fofo's energy goes completely to waste on Feixiao. Gallagher and Lingsha are the only worthwhile copes for Feixiao if you don't have Aventurine.
You gf get stung by swarm of propagation bug in the past
cuckposter with edited/ai pictures
Cute girls with cute feet is the best combo
QQ and Fu were good but JY sucked
Spoingle and rape
I hated it too.
Most of it was npc slop and the other half was Huohuo being an annoying cunt. Only good part was Sushang.
Why is everyone convinced Sunday will shill Brick General? It's just said he shills next world and next world has lots of HP eating units as well. So who is to say that Blade won't be the one he will push in wheelchair? Or what if it is both HP and summons? Then it's both Blade and Brick General in wheelchair to push.
what is the original for this?
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Honestly no event they can do is worse than the first special assignments one they did (not Boothill's, they fixed it by that point) that didn't even let you send your units on your regular daily assignments while you were doing it.
nobody said that, you dreamt up that statement
They're just coping. New summons are nothing like the old ones. They're like a 5th unit on field.
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Doesn't matter
Because the only rumored stuff about his kit so far is being a summon support.
I don't know how to build Gallgher
I don't have Bronya (Gepard E1 and YQ E1...)
I don't know how to use March Hunt
>Topaz really turns out to be a bad investment long run now
Imagine being so easily deceived. Topaz has the stronger debuff and is sp positive, Moze is sp neutral. He is close, but Topaz is still better
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Coincidentally yes
>Sunday the harmony from prophecy that CN leaker shills so much has to push two biggest bricks
Sunday bros...
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I will never regret rolling for Topaz
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That shit was pretty bad but you at least got over with it quick and it wasn't like, the main piece of content in the whole patch
He isn’t better than Topaz lmao
as opposed to what? museum? pokemon? clockie? none of those had any standout characters
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134 SPD or 143 SPD (if you can) + Multiplication, up to 150% BE for heals, spam basic + ult for Feixiao stacks.
>March Hunt
Like literally any other Crit DPS in the game.
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It's true. I've seen a CC use Feixiao/Moze/Aventurine/Robin comp and Moze's free SP every now and then is the only thing saving them from running out of SP. Now imagine the same team but with Lingsha. It'd be a disaster.
and the cope is flooding in, double down and roll her E1S1 if you don't want to use Moze
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The Topazskippers are coping hard LMAO
Museum and Pokemon shits all over it
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I really need a footjob
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I hope he ends up being DoT support just to laugh at el general fags. Leakfag said "bridges all niches together" after all, and DoT is niche that is yet to get ACTUAL support, so...
I'm sorry for flopping and almost killing the game
Ok, can I see calcs or a video showing his performance being superior or on par to Topaz? You’re talking a lot but I’m not seeing any proof of your claims
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I dickrolled Topaz and it is my only regret ever in the game because I don't even like her anymore
I actually thought the management gameplay was pretty neat, but yeah it didn't have that many character interactions as far as I remember
Yes. That's the best event in the entire game so far. Though I have a feeling the upcoming Luka tournament event might beg to differ
I'm gonna be honest that one sucked MAJOR ass lmao, you might be right that could be the actual worst one instead
Feixaio would be perfect if she is for (You).
I rolled for Numby and only regret it a little because I had to skip Robin for his(?) fat ass.
Gallagher doesn't sustain outside of break teams though. And that's more important than your stacks. You can stack all you want, if you are dead, all stacks are useless.

Of course Fofo is shit like that as well. But Fu will always have a place.
I hope that Sunday is fucking DPS just to laugh at every last one of you
>Gallagher doesn't sustain outside of break teams though
The fuck? His sustainability has nothing to do with break
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Every day should be Sunday
You all know you can just use Topaz if the enemy has fire weakness and Moze if it has lightning weakness, right?

So then we'll just get "LOL GET FUCKED HAGFAGS HAVE TO ROLL FOR A MALE TO UNBRICK YOUR HAGS!" shitposting instead.
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Ok, but he needs to have FUA so I can use this team
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>Xueyi not mentioned
So true bestie she's a great character!
>Gallagher doesn't sustain outside of break teams though.
? But he does, you really don't need much to survive MoC and AS you know. and he already heals the party to full with just one ult
>Gallagher doesn't sustain outside of break teams
What the fuck do you mean? He doesn't sustain any worse than Luocha, just make sure you're running a Heal % chest and have decent BE on him. Yes, HMC and RM ensure he hits his 150% cap so he heals more consistently in a Break team if your subs are low, but it's not gonna be difficult to make sure he has at least 100% by his own.
uh oh no one's melty
Next world isn't DoT shillbrick. Fuck off as such. You aren't even apart of our wheelchair race here.
So this is the /hsrg/ anon power level
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Anyone have the original non stretched image of this? I know one of you made it and I've seen more pictures of aventurine in the snow like this unedited
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I don't, I can clear with FUAs just fine without Numby's ass. I'm still mad about her animations and refuse to roll her.
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>fixes your feixiao
they'll take less damage from the mob level difference, making your sustains life easier and you get to unlock all their traces (fofo missing a speed trace, hmc missing break trace). with how little characters you have they should all be at lv10 traces on your most used, and im assuming you got their last ascension unlocked, otherwise it is even worse than i thought.
your ff team should pretty much stomp a side in moc even without rm (maybe not this one because aventurine is annoying as fuck)
Sorry I'm retarded. What did you do?
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No more rape?
Thank you, you're a lifesaver
show the tail
Huh, good to know. Guess I'll level my units a bit more instead of slaving away for relics.
Thanks for the advice.
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That's a downgrade
she isn't staring at your soul anymore
Her hair still looks bad and she's still tailless
wtf bring it back
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He drives.
Her personality is being ugly and a tailless mutt.
meh, still ugly
nobody said that either

i'll recap the 3 things leakers said about sunday since everyone has got a memory of a goldfish

-he is a generalist harmony. at one point said to 'bridge niches together' like ruan mei and he would buff a 'popular unit from 1.x'
-he summons something on the action bar. this does not necessarily mean he is a summon support. robin also summons something on the action bar. this was one of the oldest leaks so it might or might not have changed
-there were 7 different versions of his kit in testing at one point
He is so cool....
Realistically you need to go way deep in a banner to get e6 of a certain 4star. I've seen people get to e6 before 100 rolls, but I've also seen people spend 300 rolls and be unable to get there too.
I hate that the three hoyo games have varying levels of importance for artifact/relic/disk sets. It's all that matters in Genshin, doesn't matter in HSR, and sort of matters in ZZZ.
Wow, she actually looks normal now.
>a 'popular unit from 1.x'
Jingliu bros, RISE UP!
Time to be meta again.
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>Doesn't matter in HSR
I guess if you're a Breakfag unlike the rest of us plebians
He's literally me
He said popular
Sunday is a compelling and beloved character unlike the homo fox. We don't mind rolling for him
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You can do the funniest thing ever in 20 posts
She was popular unit.
Popular unit and character are two different things and she was the most popular unit from 1.X before 3.0 cucked her hard.
kek is that where all the edits come from?
I'm tempted to bake a Geppy thread.
lmao even
creating a caefly thread in 300 seconds
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I love Acheron btw
Thanks for reading
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Set is most important for dot and break and least important for critkeks
nobody cares about your Raiden you mentally ill freak
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When I was first playing HSR, I was praising the gods thinking there wouldn't be any relics until I finally unlocked them at TB 20. The system sucked in GI and it sucks here, man. Worst part of the game by far.
>made with next world's units in mind
You forgot that too pal and we already have leaks of next world being heavy on summons and other half being mostly fags who drain HP like Blade/Jingliu.
He sure as hell won't shill Daniel or Kafka as such. Meaning it's between Chong Juan or Blade+Jingliu combo (like in that event), perhaps even both if he "bridges niches together" which does imply he is made for more than 1 gimmick in mind.
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here's a proposal
HSRG - Hanabi Sampo Rail General
You cared enough to make a post about it hmmmmmmmm
I care about her
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Oh you mean the set effect, I see now, you really should've specified that
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There's different versions too!
It's just a seething pagflyfag, ignore him
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Relics literally matter the most in HSR because you can't rely on skill to make up the gap
Learn to read retard. Show me any other unit more used than Jingliu prior to 3.0 ever since she released. I dare you.
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He did
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>jingliu wasn't popular
we are reaching terminal levels of history fictionology
Nothing about RM's kit inherently helps bridge niche units together or anything, they just knew a dedicated break support wouldn't sell in 1.6 (are you going to pull her for Xueyi and Sushang?) so they threw darts at a list of buffs until she had enough other random shit to be useful everywhere
He said set, not set effect
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Except he did say he is the next world's biggest shill for lots of upcoming units and we do know what next gimmicks are.
So it's not rocket science to try and deduct what his own gimmick is. Especially since only three types of niches lack any sort of support so far:
>upcoming summons (since they are their own thing)
>HP units (they need their own Furina)
>DOT (no, banjo isn't true DOT support)
DOT isn't getting shilled for shit in next world, which only leaves the other two.
>we do know what next gimmicks are
no we don't

the 3.x gimmick being summons was from >tieba which is as reliable as gallagher

we know that aglaea uses the trashcan summon gimmick. that's it

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