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Previous: >>493274071


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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My Husband
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Tekken is a party game
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Fuck Lidia.
Hug Lidia.
Kiss Lidia.
Mating press Lidia into a bed.
Massage Lidia shoulders.
Eat Lidia pussy.
French kiss Lidia.
Dress Lidia up in suits.
Dress Lidia up in sexy cosplay.
Ejaculate inside Lidia pussy.
Princess carry Lidia to the bed.
Twist Lidia nipples.
Suck Lidia breasts.
Lick Lidia midriff.
Excercise with Lidia.
Get Lidia drunk.
Sloppy tongue kissing with Lidia.
Read hentai with Lidia.
Eat Lidia ass.
Get Lidia horny.
Mutual masturbation with Lidia.
Marry Lidia.
Big wedding with Lidia.
Massage Lidia feet.
Fuck Lidia until your dick breaks.
10 kids with Lidia.
Total Lidia Love.
Fists meet fate
penis meets vagina
how much do you think murray and harada were seething with this pic? after all, the last two DLC characters have been lackluster
Sidestep is a stance.
buff jun
buff this
*spreads anus*
>Final Fantasy
jpop died, linkin park died, square enix died, nomura designs are only for sunken cost tards

give up
linkin park comin back tho
>first match of the day
>vs fujin raven
>plugged as soon as I do 1 combo
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welp i booted deadlock again instead of tekken
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Good morning
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>backthrows you
nothing more based than paying for the poster boy of tekken am I right guys???
when was he ever the sole poster boy of tekken
since 2
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which is why story modes in fighting games are gay
can I report someone for playing with 600 ping?
lil bro they're not going to do anything to anyone, don't bother.
report and block em bro
When's the tournament starting?
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after evo
*french* Evo
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damn she's got some thick thighs
would love for her to crush my skull with them
looks like those eyes from N64/PS1 days with 3D model
Reina jumpscare
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pekken nigt
If you do your 10 hit string I'm plugging.
I'm here to play a fighting game not to have a smurf dial a phone number on me.
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if you do not respect me i'm plugging
if you play me I'm plugging
If you juggle me I'm plugging
I'm here to play a fighting game not to have a smurf dial a phone number on me.
if you block me hellsweep i'm plugging too
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Arselan is out. Probably still trying to find a working controller........
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Press the right buttons. Over 80% of people who are not good don't press the right buttons.
Pay attention, watch the screen better and try to notice when you're getting killed.
Be better. Have you ever thought about being better? If not, think about it.
Try harder. Do the opposite of what a bad person would do and do more of it.
Don't suck. Most people don't realize they suck. Only when you accept you are a human-shaped piece of garbage can you start to unlearn your sucky habits.
Do it right. Doing things wrong will lead to failure. By doing things right, you can avoid failure.
If you accept my match, I'm plugging you
3-Year duration 4chan Passes are now available for $45
If you plug me I'll ejaculate from prostate stimulation
I want to plug a tgirl
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this is why ya'll bum ass niggas will be killed in front of your families
i want to be burried in the sand (footprints)
>bryan taunt beats heat burst
>yoshi's burp breaks armor
stop posting my mother
>kazama tits feed me milk
i love men
>niggers tongue my anus
I got the vax
If Ulsan and Atif didn't play Drag, Yagami and/or Double could've taken it all at EWC...
Jin VS Feng
just got told to kill myself lads
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hate to disappoint but he was right
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blud needs to work on his combos instead of wavedashing fr
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Tekgen lobby up
>turn on coomer's stream
>there's some dj nigger cheating
Is this is true, then "Midori" was lying out of "her" ass like "she" did everything else
lil bro that comment mentioned a switch bundle in response to a post mentioning a MICROSOFT tgs showcase
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If anon says that, then that's all Sega has to show for the entire event. There is no VF6
Playstation I assume? Back when I still played on my PS4 I used to get so much hatemail
>hungry but don't wanna cook
what do tekgen
>fujin lee spamming grabs
>I break 4/5
>winning 2-0
>he launches me
>realize it was the first time I was seeing him combo whole match
>decide to spam grabs too
>beat him with grabs only and he broke none
white cock addict
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what's up lil niggas
i haven't posted in a few months but i'm here to remind you that we ABSOLUTELY lost and that this game is fucking terrible

straight up. worse than 7 ever was somehow.

hang in there guys, no idea how you people are playing this shit lol
I can't get a fucking job, I got turned down from burger king.
black cock addict
>both tgirls and tmen can have cocks
who should i pick then?
stopped reading there
tmen with cocks are frankenstein abominations. tgirls with cocks are the perfect woman.
this thread is currently as bad as the game
i recommend that you coomers jerk off before sucking down a pistol
>all this talk about tgirls and cocks
Why are you guys so gay?
holy crap...
its real...
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Always has been
but enough about you homosexural faggot kike
which one does she want to secretly fuck more?
i rather be gay and talk about men than talk about women and be a virgin
lil bro spittin fr
people go around pretending they are straight but then they touch penis (their own) daily (yes that's GAY)
at least be real with yourself
women don't get me hard anymore
we need to censor that vulgar word
the thread stalled at a boring point
I can't talk to myself all day
Not a single rebuttal from anon. Does this mean every VF shill was being lied to?
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we've lost another one...
>has to use a picture from 2020 because slime troonies dix is geniune pachinkoshit
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me preparing for a session of lazyprocastinator
oh no not the tranny...
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Sorry I can't relate
I feel no remorse plugging. It's only fair considering the opposite happens to me far more often.
I don't get whats so good about cancans. Theres no reason to ever press v Asuka or Jun when they're plus because they have really good frametraps, so who cares if they launch on ch? Youre just going to get 4 dmg from the low hit and give up your turn
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lil bro doesn't understand fast low crush into 50% hp combo
Asuka is a clown character who is beaten by holding back and sidestepping.
She has nothing to open up the opponent.
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ourzoomer KRJ is on the way to bolivia to win the tourney this weekend with more honest tekken
million dollar scatcom retirement fund
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Well, looks like Bolivia took the Japanese approach and denied entry to the Tekken GOAT. However, USA saved tekken, again, by helping him get in the Mexico tourney.
canary in the coal mine
why Pakis get their visa denied so much?
Bin Laden
Pajeets run the world
who's that?
Pakistani basketball player
Bin Laden? He was a Heihachi main back in T3
Hopkicks/ orbitals - jump status frame 9
Cancan - jump status frame 5
Bin Laden had Tifa porn
didn't bin laden have clannad on his pc too?
bin laden is a mossad agent
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he had a bunch of games, anime and viral youtube videos in his hard drive
he also had final fantasy 7
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no tekken rip
did we ever find out bin laden's steam account?
he had tekken 3 on playstation
why does my tekken power go down even when I plug?
you have low T
dead general
dead game
dead subreddit
dead gamefaqs message board
dead by daylight
dead naming tgirls
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she's in
7k players
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made it to blue ranks, merely the beginning of my training arc
hop into the lobby lil nigga
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I like T8 but I'm boycotting until they put some brown women in it
Imagine how much sex her body is used for
dead by daylight killer more fun than playing mashen 8 not gonna cap
They sold millions of albums, a multi generational audience and still I can recognize them even I cross them in the street.
lil bro really has a Rival like my animes
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based hag enjoyer
I want to rape her until she loves me back
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i converted this to tekken 7 rank
I need Jun to jerk me off then read me a bed time story to sleep
>anon... i'm lactating..
>can you please help me relieve this pressure..
>be tekken king shitter
>play into a tekken god supreme
>nigga grabs like crazy
>watch other high rank players
>they also spam grabs
shit maybe that's why i'm stuck tekken king, i never grab
why's that every tekken player hates oneself???
lil bro doesn't love himself i can't
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That's not true.
Fujin is currently the top 10%
So if we compare it to halfway through T7 S4 this is actually Raijin.
Eddy or Lidia being top tier or even high tier would do immeasurable damage to the game because they're both obnoxious designs
>$3000 top 1
>$1250 top 2
The funniest part is these aren't that much lower than evo, poverty fgc
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Evo sucks. The saudis saved fighting games
I still don't understand how top guys go to these events. After flight, hotel, food, etc, aren't you almost break even even if you win?
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so make DLCs ass but base game characters busted? sasuga
soon enough fatrray will drop a broken dlc
probably at the tail end of this game's lifespan
Most of them have full time jobs and break even after travel but only if they have a sponsor, that or they make all their money from streaming
They could make it profitable for everyone involved by doing something like Counter Strike or Dota where top players get a percentage of in-game cosmetics but fighting game devs just don't really care
There was controversy about this with Capcom Cup because the prize for anyone past top 4 was a poverty wage, and also Capcom cup has regional seeding so iirc only 2-4 players from Japan as a whole could qualify while other regions like Africa got poverty spots they earn by only beating other Africans
so dlc 4 will be broken got it
seems like the big money esports all derive their cash from skins and cosmetics, very strange how japanese devs have dropped the ball so hard in this regard.
Chester was LP. The rest were all replaceable, even Mike. Jay Z mogs him on collision course.
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Well played boke, soon blue ranks, I'm nervous ! I can feel my gameplay becoming better then I run into a 200k+ prowess and he sidestep everything.
>this is actually real
>instead of disbanding the band for good after Chester's death they continue
Chester's rolling in his grave rn
nigga real life is too hard
nice job i'm happy for you
time to lab real life bro
Where are these newfriends coming from and why aren't they going to reddit? We don't even play the game here we just revel in our own mental illness. Is saying nigger really that big of a deal?
Chester is Tony Podesta's kid and was about to spill the beans on his cheese pizza operation and they had him killed. Look into it.
lil bro mashed his way to greenie ruler with lidio and tried to flex
blud thinks we don't play the game. nigga our mental illness is because of tekken.
lidia mashing my asshole with her cock

So you're telling me the average rank in this general is purple and blue ranks? Is that the real story here?
speak for yourself nigger
Why are horny mods so shit? Her boobs look like a fake plastic surgery job
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nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
of course, everyone's gayru here
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They look very good

maybe ? First tekken and 100h so I'm garbage
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I'm vanquisher on jack
after evo
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Tekkino7 will never be forgotten
Murray's threatening to kill my dog if I don't win the next three games
it's tomorrow lil bro @ 1000 EDT
The neck bra thing is supposed to be sheer god dammit
Yeah we'll all remember it fondly as the final beta test before we all upgraded to the first real tekken.
the next new character will have every move be a CH and cause a tornado on hit
you don't play tekken
>Tekken newbie customization
>has 500 hours
What the fuck??
>make a fighting game
>go to tournaments and put on a big cocksucking smile to shill chipotle and nike
>refuse to fix the block button online

They quite literally deserve to die.
all the "holding b is inconsistent" proof was debunked toughbeit
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this guy pedaling conspiracies from reddit again? whatever happened to the rank reset """hack""""" lmao
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yeah and it's a way better system for the consumer than having to buy a game, characters to lab them, etc.
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a new spyro is being teased
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The lobby ended just as I got in
cmon spyro is cool
Do you guys skip players on Wifi? In my experience about 65% of wifi players are playable but the rest are appallingly bad. Seems like it would take twice as long to find matches if I only wait for ethernet opponents.
I don't play the game
you can always cancel the match on first round if it's bad
there's a lot of wifi players that display as cable too
Spyro is based you little faggot
you can always shut the fuck up
>there's a lot of wifi players that display as cable
proof or gay
skip and i don't like playing with console players
I don't accept wifi players. If you can't be bothered to get wired, you don't deserve my time. Too many bad experiences.
>he doesn't know how to spoof ethernet in windows using the bridging trick
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is she the best tomboy ever?
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yeah by far
kill yourself
love yourself
i never said i didn't know how to do it, i said i want proof of this happening cause i have seen console users and tekken players and i can safely say that it's one of the most ignorant and retarded mix known to man kind.
therefore the claim that "lot" of wifi console player do this trick doesn't work.
especially as most of these retards on console do not even have a pc/mac
i've spent hundreds of dollars on skins in lol and fortnite but haven't spent anything extra in T8. Like where's all the provocative cool full costumes for characters instead of all this knick knack bull shit
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if I asked Asuka to read me a bed time story what would she say?
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i only skip them on ranked. player match, i don't really care. gives me an excuse to block you if your connection is horrendous. my blocklist is almost full now.
oof, not even the makeup and the cosplay could save this person
I don't get this.
It's the botched plastic surgery.
asuka has no neck and big boobs.
this pigeon mix has the same thing happening to it.
leave a like and subscribe if this was helpful and don't forget to ring the bell for more updates from me
she would do it
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^ this but the entirety of tekken 8 mechanics
you could've stopped at armor lil bro
Just snake edge lilbro
>play a guy who seems really good
>after our fun set check steam
>level 0 account with no profile setup
Kinda cringe I'll be honest
im into men <3
seamen <3
I'm into tgirls
armored move
armored ch follow up move
armored launchers
armored heat engager
strings that lead to heat engager
evasive heat engager
heat burst that leads to 50/50
heat burst that does chip damage
just a reminder that a tgirl can in theory impregnate a tman, this is an important piece of information
I want a tgirl to carry my child
i don't care about theory
They're so tired of playing the same guy at their rank, they now make smurf to meet lower ranked player. Pretty cringe indeed.
so could you indefinitely make new steam accounts, do family share with them, reach a certain rank, delete the account and repeat?
its because prowess mm encourages smurfing

there you go bitch
But that only really matters vs lows right? And most lows are so slow that the 4 less frames don't really matter that much, there are few lows where one will get clipped and the other won't.
Unseaable low heat burst that leads to a combo with environment
Yeah that's cool
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blud said low heat burst
Why would you delete the old account?
Just remove it from family share.
this is basically cuntboy and shemale
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Damn he stylish
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the tman even has the balding pattern, damn, was always meant to be a guy i guess
>milk maiden reina
Not bad
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*canonically gets the shit beaten out of her by Reina*
When are 1.08 nerfs coming because I need to get Nina to my natty limit before I drop the game for good
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i wanna marry her
To be fair Nina gets the shit beaten out of her by everyone, conically. She professional assassin jobber
I swear I'm just dyslexic, not retarded
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Nina was actually the one piloting the plane that bombed miguels sister
nina is a woman therefore she can't drive shit, let alone piloting a plane without killing someone's sister in the process ... oh wait
If Nina is a jobber than what does that make Anna? She even lost her fiance to her
my wife
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she's marduk's onahole
murray you lesbian looking ass NIGGER
DLC 4 needs to be Julia Chang
it stil gon be fahkumram and he gonna show you the true meaning of pachinkomash
How is Kirithuu still stuck in blue ranks? Cares enough to have her facecam hiding it too. Chris Crane ass
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god I wish that were me
>Anna chad is comfortable with his masculinity and sexuality and dabs on the haters
women have slower reactions and generally dont possess the autism needed to be good at tekken
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Kazama milkers... My only weaknes..
damn those hitboxes looking clean as fuck harada san knocked it out of the park
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i will cum inside reina and stick around to be a good father so our kids will have mishima powers but aren't retarded homocidal maniacs
to be a father to her cause she's underage LMAO
>play mashen emperor
>fun stops
yes, we get it, you're so cool that you memorized the optimized combo that does 60% of a 13f ch launcher, so cool
Now end your tunr and let me play the game so i can fuck off sooner.
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She doesn't play the game much. Normal tekken fans (not soulless competitors) who stream have basically all stopped playing.
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Voll still streams
dr disrespect is back
>5min queue
>wifi russia
>wifi italia
>wifi france
>finally a wired
>its a 190k prowess burgerking
Of course, you'll eat my plug lil bro
what does he disrespect? the law? LMAO
In tekken's terms, Reina
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>rank up to emperor with complete fraud gameplay
>now no matter what character I play in any queue I can raped by players way better than me
>no way to lower prowess
dont take the easy path in life bros its not worth it
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After Master Raven, it's time for Master Law
From one fraud to another, that's how Tekken 8 players like it.
I can get to max rank ,but I realised its 10 times more fun to pick a random character and dab on scrubs till fujin then drop the game for a month and repeat
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>do not take the easy path
But i want to win!!!! U just suck! Post rank! Greenie 24er!!!!!!
You lost to the better player!!!
yeah fujins a decent threshold to stop when playing a new character
No it's not.
You barely know how to play.
what if my operators start at fujin
How do I stop at “fujin” when its now impossible for the game to match me with fujin players because they still havent fixed the prowess matchmaking
thats actually not true. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Not really because of the rank though. Its more because I dont lab out the whole character
i cant wavu wavu anymore im finished
>apparently dbfz development got handed over to bamco
>they immediately turn the game into solitaire8
Holy fuck they even ruined the already spammy anime game into an even more spammy anime game like Pachinko 8.

Do any of you Anons have any hope of this game getting actually good after the alphatest in 1.5 years?
dead game dead general dead genre
>turn the game into solitaire8
so basically nothing changed then
i thought arcsys had the final say on the update
How do I kbd on a leverless?
People that make this shit never pay attention to the details..
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>the replay showed him pressing forward JUST as the hit connected
he was in fact not holding back
Without SOCD

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what now?
Wait beeno streamed tekken 4 days ago and I missed it? Man fuck
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They look like plastic with no sag
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>accept a PL battle
>its a 190k Kazuya with 90ms
Fuck you, why do I accept this fucking country, he was literally teleporting
this pigeon makes me laugh everytime is reposted
Is that sonicsol? Did he improve or is he still borderline tearing up on stream
Lidia will distract him from winning, don't worry bro.
magnus wouldn't last 2 minutes in Tekken
king keeno is back on the menu???
Why not hold back and just tap down?
Hans is ourguy
Is it possible for someone to insert a vibrator in your ass and receive coaching through it?
‘nov <3
I need to fuck a tgirl
German women look like THIS?
french players are the faggotier fags
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I finally got a meal today
still hilarious that medusa was sucking up to this onlyfans whore
you would think girls would be repelled by Tekken 8 on account of how aggressive the gameplay is
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Women LOVE aggression. It simulates rape which they're into.
im into rape tgirls and men
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>150k prowess vs 250k
>win +200pts
This game is a joke, I of course didnt rematch.
Anyone else exhausted by how time consuming Tekken is?
>have to play ranked for matchup data
>have to watch replay to learn about specific moves/strings
>have to go into practice mode to embed muscle memory
>have to watch higher rank footage to get better ideas
>have to occasionally look up frame data on tekken docs
yeah haha nice blog..
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most of these would be a ton easier if THEY FUCKING ADDED AN OPTION TO WATCH YOUR REPLAY RIGHT AFTER A GAME !!!!

What the fuck are they thinking, clearly none of these nigger play their game, and I dont mean just Tekken. I bet its like the framedata, available 30 years later for some odd reason we didnt have it earlier.
not SEXO
SEXO on the left, way too much neck on the right
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Kiri's streaming FFX to 20 people again
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Granted this was from 2014 but still
hey guys
hi, do you like reina
mmm nah
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gets progressively worse
it feels like theres blood in my throat from screaming so loud at tekken
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how do I get rid of roid gut
day 7 nofap
my voice has relaxed and deepened, can sing now
intermittent fasting plus make sure you do not have some sort of intollerance (produces gas making the belly bigger) and also check your posture (with a professional), gut sticking out can be purely because of forward hips.
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not sure how to say this but i don't actually play this game
kek, saved, will troll leo(female) poster with it
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i hate tekken 7 so much it's unreal, i actually seethe whenever it's posted
dead game dead general dead genre
Kingbeeno kino is back on the menu?
Why is zafina not allowed to have a low faster than 17 frames?
my performance stats went down during my climb from purple to blue even tho I feel I've become a much better player
she had b1+2 but not anymore
Yelled as loud as I could, slammed my desk as hard as possible potentially injuring my wrist, rage quit and one and doned, and im gonna do it all again till the day I die
for what reason are there so many "guess right or die" situations in tekken 8
moreover why were they given to steve and shaheen
they need it
steve's clinch is nowhere near as broken as shaheen's guard break
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ok so THAT just happened

both the clinch and lion heart im referring to
is there just some secret way to beat lion heart i dont know about, that seems to happen a lot in tekken in general
I dont think I ever missed a rage art on a hworang
whats up with these motherfuckers who wont stop pressing
They finna press
Why would you ever put yourself in a situation where you have to guess?
Just keep being aggressive, so the enemy can't do his bullshit.
I paid $70 to press buttons not backdash or whatever you queers obsess over
when you're backdashing you're also pressing buttons
Yeah fag buttons
im drinking red bull watermelon i should rank up
its still impossible to sidestep reina ff2
stop making moves track so fucking much please harada
what about jumping backwards to avoid it
if a nigga ff2s at me i'm pressing f1+2
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>ff2 into sentai
>ff2 into nothing
you're +9
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I swear Lili's hitboxes are straight out of an anime game. Is this shit even whiff punishable outside of full screen range? It hits you no matter where the fuck you are.
damn a 44 y/o looks like THAT??
there's this thing called sidewalking in neutral, you should try it
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how do you display hitboxes?
whats with these bitch ass faggot effects in the beach stage i hate this game so much
its not fucking sheer in game or any official art
yeah who cares
youre not going to be plus forever, unless youre nina or hwoarang
the opponent is going to have at least one turn unless youre just that good, and you are going to be put in a guessing game one way or another, thats just how it is
I like her cosplays
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the developers forgot to adjust the opacity
Me on the right
dis shit dead af bruh
cry about it
Ok but I don't pay attention to that I just fap to her so you can't blame me
my garyu friend who doesn't even know half the basic mechanics bought a coaching session
how do I break it down to him that it's nice for him to be motivated but he is a fucking moron who could probably google everything he told him
why didnt you coach him yourself?
>SF6fags cry about their game being shit and dying
>Strivefags cry about their game being shit and dying
>MKfags cry about their game being shit and dying
>Tekkenfags just think everything is fine and dandy
Why so arrogant ???
I have full confidence in HMN and the boys
Trust the plan, buy tekken coins and carry on
Played 3hours now onto tgirls chasing
Its just one retard in this general and it looks like his schizo samefagging worked on you
unironically the tekken hater shizzo is keeping the gen alive
samefagging saved this general
All me btw
all me
I'm the Tekkenloverschizo and Tekkenhaterschizo
Are they really going to let Yoshimitsu and Alisa get away with this shit?
i'm gay and i'm also gay
They let Yoshimitsu and Alisa get away with shit in 7
I got hiv from a tgirl
nigga teleports to you and puts you in a high damage 50/50
there’s some transitions you can duck or interrupt but otherwise nope. steveniggers cried so loud that the homing heat engaging safe mid is only -4 so it’s uber free to press no matter what
Bravo, gentleman.
PhiDX SUCKS. He needs to be BANNED from fighting games
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according to the population inflation, the sales have gone down
fix kazuya nigga
>drops the "microdash"
>drops the df 1
>sidestepping in trackken 8
that shit WILL clip you or your punish
pick a broken character, block it, df4 and if your character is broken enough her BT armor nonsensically whiffs
>Bandai Namco CEO
i get it now
This is Bamcos CEO tho
I don't think you know what dead means
Bernstein is an investment firm in scamco so yeah we are fucked
Arcys, Capcom have BlackRock money tho and SNK is a literal state owned company of the Saudi Royal family
bamco is dei too lil sis
at least SNK scammed the sand niggers by taking the money and releasing a new game that looks like a mobile game
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Damn I love dei now
DOA needs to come back
No one stopping you from playing doa6 lilbro
mashen 8 is a masher just like doa so just play that
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First burka bikini
Now coconut bra instead of just covering tits with the flowers
In the future one piece swimsuits covering thighs
maybe even announce Leo is trans
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Why posting Tekken 7 Lidia? While in 8 you can turn her into a slut
>burka bikini
Looks playable unlike
cant argue with that
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Damn didn't know they made burqahs like that now
i can't believe i held off on trying Jun because forsen played her and she seemed cheap she is but she's so fun and so pretty
misunderstood game and franchise it’s way better than moron kombat and has always been and better than sfaggot
i love men
Stop using that fugly hair.
in the end only soul calibur and tekken pre tekken 8 were good 3d fighters
i dont like vydia anymore kekken was the last thing that kept me into that slop
Exactly my thoughts.
Tekken 8 saved 3D fighters
tekken 8 clogged toilets
There was no tekken before tekken 8. Only a 30 years long beta test. Now we have real tekken. Dare I say, Tekkino.
Tekken 8 IS 3D fighters.
All I got left on the backlog is TW3 DLC. Will play GTA6 as well out of curiosity but other than that i'm done.
Uninstalled for 8 months
it's kind of sad how every other 3D fighter is so incredibly dead. doa, sc, vf, all 6 feet deep. and no one even wants to try making a new one.
is that chinkslop game wukong good ?
If you like soulslike slop
Perfect since Tekken is souls slop
I played more than 3 hours today !!
3D fighters are too hard to make, especially when Tekken 8 has perfected the subgenre. Nobody else even dares to compete, because they can't.
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forgive me, zanzibart...
Is this good
I am at 370hours and I hate the game had 4.2k on Tekkino7
You lasted 4 times longer than me, no homo
video game are trash lil bro it’s a know fact by now get a boyfriend
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*saves fighting games*
buying bf 3k
When do the maf max 'stumes drop
After Thaiger Uppercut
>"This is what PhiDX deserves for playing Noctis in Tekken
Damn this bitch playing JP is kinda based
any gooks going to that bolivian tourney ?
the jp skank got downloaded by ourguy Brawlpro. But then again so did freedx.
you're a queer fellow
hey ya it's me! Imoen
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*kills trillions*
Just qudans: https://liquipedia.net/fighters/Punishment/2024
based qudans even tho he is washed
looking for tgirl gf
I'd single-handedly fix Japan's low birthrates if left alone with her
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lil zoomie kingreyjr finna 'ka all over these niggas
Based fertile 'ka plapper
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Qudans is less washed than JDCR tho
Abel Del Maestro? DarkYorek? Tojo 2? This tournament is STACKED
Oh my days blud said shadow and fucking QUDANS are making top 3
give them a break lil bro these Bolivians are the only people still playing T7. They are playing for a chance to upgrade to T8.
abel del maestro has won plenty of stacked tournaments. also tojo2 beat ulsan.
I still remember sergie beating atif's akuma 5-1. and then 2-0 in the tournament the next day.
isnt that abel the maestro a former kazuya main ? now playing eddy lol what a faggot
least obvious 24er
Wtf? I thought JDCR was untouchable in Tekken Tag 2? How'd some random Peruvian beat him? Random game like ocho and dix?
jdcr was only good when there was no competition
koreans always eat shit when they go to south america
im into
South America owns koreans and AK
Jdcr is getring flushed in every tourney despite maining 'nov.
Is Mr croft part of the gay mafia?
I dunno but I am really fucking gay
>/tekgen/ talks about SF6 more than /sfg/
>/sfg/ talks about Tekken 8 more than /tekgen/
Why are we like this?
no one is talking about tekken lil bro
true we like soul calibur here
Sir, this is Deadlock general
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it's sheer in the concept art nigga, fuck you
IDK but ive been watching sajam slam and brawlpro vs freedx is the best match so far. Tekken mains just have more soul
What the fuck is sheer
dead game dead general dead genre
im convinced that each char has their own tracking stat for rage art. dodging that shit is like rolling a dice
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*Gets washed by some SEA Australian*
I'm the worst Kazuya ever and it's so frustrating bro. I'm even playing on a cheatbox... Not giving up though.
What rank?
anyone else try to punish a blocked rage art with a 15 frame df2 but it doesn't connect? I've had this happen to me a few times and I swear other people have this issue too
>dodging rage art
hope you make it out of red soon friend
Just dropped from Mighty Ruler to Tenryu. I feel like I'm not using all my options and my executions still super inconsistent, especially crouchdash moves. Not to mention the pain of being new to Tekken so getting knowledge checked out the ass. I'm learning though so one step at a time.
tenryu blud bought a hitbox
Voll has never played tekken before but reached Tekken king with Kazuya. How do you end up being worse than that retard
damn this general sucks actually. just pack it up and make a discord or sum ya'll are assholes
are you implying otherwise?
I feel that. I just made my way to battle ruler with Kazuya. My advice? Don't be afraid to hellsweep more.
That retard literally has nothing better to do. He's a certified bum
>nooo he's a bum with no life who can play Tekken all day
The last recourse of the eternal loser
The fuck does "recourse" mean?
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rank in d8 is fake anyways
tekken 8 emperor is tekken 7 yaksa
tekken 8 god of destruction is tekken 7 grandmaster
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nice flowcharts fag
50% of the female characters are schoolgirls
Nobody wants anything older.
DEI department will fix that in sloppen 9
Nah look at Kunimitsu and Reina. They know that people love schoolgirls
Bamco just needs to nuke tekken8 and start over. fuck tekken8DR , tekken8FR. we need a new game
tekken 8 gr
this make SOUL CALIBUR 7
no they won't gay CUNT! that means of development is dying faggot
luv' me guessen
luv' me mashen
My purpose is to skincaremaxx and larp as a schoolgirl well into my 40s I think it’s kinky
Hop in
about to head into ranked kishin ranked
what am i in for?
^this but unironically
i aint scared
t. mental hospital patient
Kaz needs like 5 more good moves to be viable, Too much of his legacy kit is shit in T8
he kept all his buffs from the end of tekken 7 and got even more buffs in tekken 8. he's as viable as anybody
lil bro downplaying 'ya in 2024
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there's a reason you can't find kazuya till page 4
Ummmm Junbros? Our downplay?
should i make a lobby
make this instead
*spreads ass*
>database of online grinders
not a rebuke about the viability of certain characters
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name a single time kazuya won a twt event in the last 10 years
He lost things he gained from T7 and other tools before that and it took a while before he regained the df1 knockdown into ff4 punish.
what has jun won? what has king won?
why does a character have to be a tournament winner to be considered viable? it's about tools and kazuya has enough
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these are july win rates for tekken god and above. You see where Kazuya is? That's probably not where he should be if he has enough tools.
Street Fighter Won
so what twt events did azucena, shaheen, and jun win since that chart was made?
also look at how drag is in the bottom half of that chart. do you mean to say that he's in the bottom 10 in terms of viability?
asuka blyat
uninstalled because too mid
kazuyaxisters we need to think up new talking points... we're getting exposed...
then use a low
Bruv said that like Tekken isn't at its lowest oh my days
Bro you can see drag, king and Jin all negative on that same graph
You don’t think it’s because people use their fucked tools and go well beyond where they should be without actually learning tekken which fuck the winrates?

Lol, lmao even
nope combos are still shit and inconsistent no tornados mid wall carry same game plan that’s enough to make him C tier
see that's why i brought up 3 different pieces of information, tournament placings, online grinders and overall winrates. They all paint the same picture, that kaz is shit in T8 but I guess your judgement somehow supercedes data?
kazuya is the worst character in the game
EU hours? Oh you mean Mishima downplay hours
It's actually where the fuck is Miguel hours.
how do you cope getting destroyed bad, trying to watch the replay feels like cuck shit
>3 pieces of information
you only had two arguments: kazuya hasn't won tournaments and kazuya has a bad online winrate. then you posted two images that don't support either argument because your second image contradicts your first.
my original argument was that kazuya has the necessary tools to succeed and it's not wrong. he has a +5 on block launcher, a fast knockdown low, a plus on hit low that tracks both ways and hits grounded, a hit confirmable i13 heat engager. he's just not represented in tournaments aside from keisuke who was an actual literal who before tekken 8
i love asuka
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Other characters have better tools than him. plus frame launcher and a knockdown low aren't the gotchas you think they are.

btw keisuke was going to events in T7 as kazuya but obviously he was never going to place very well with how shit kazuya was still is
>in ranked match
>steam for some fucking reason decides to not register the directional inputs on my haute42
>have to watch myself lose just standing there doing nothing
>controller checking software shows it's still there, steam just isn't registering the input at all
>reset the bindings which gave the direction back but now b and y move right and up on the right stick
>have to manually rebind
The fuck is that?
kazuya has the best 50/50 in the game
Keep it installed because TekKino
ltg is complaining about knee losing to black people...
based kazbro
Is Ryan Hart considered black people
he lost several moves and combos coming into tekken 8. No more double low hellsweep, only finishes high and mid. Can't do ss3 with a guaranteed follow up. unblockable move is now locked at 60 frames instead of the player choosing when to release. electric used to hit mid in devil mode.
other characters possibly having better tools doesn't invalidate kazuya's tools retard because other characters have worse tools too. dragunov doesn't have a plus on block launcher and his only knockdown low is unusable.
stop downplaying kazuya so hard already
You can ask the top kaz players and they'll all agree he's shit vs the other characters. Nobody is going to say Dragunov is shit though. That's the difference. Unless you have a Kaz in tekken god rank, you don't really have a leg to stand on
>if you ask the top kazuya downplayers they'll downplay
kaz bro post your rank
Ryan hart is considered a Pokemon colosseum NPC
iKari, chosakabe, Boa Luv, Keisuke,TMM all say he's busted rn
I didn't know mainman came here.
not even scrupman downplays kazuya. only perpetual losers like medusa do.
Referring to dogshit ranks as a leg to stand on
Oh my days bruv

Did you not see the almight tekken god + winrates showing drag king and jin with negative winrates

Clip dat chat
>mirror match
>they have the same custom as you (down to the color scheme)
Gonna spend $200 on the lootboxes
Medusa has the manly conservative rebel religious paranoid schizophrenic genotype

My cousin has it also
Medusa follows Hassan Piker tho
where's the footage of them saying he's busted though. do you have any proof other than speaking out of your ass?
if you're a god of destruction and you've been doing the whole, i'm a street nigger impression for the past couple of months in these threads that's quite the disappointment...
astro bot has sand deformation btw
People like to debate whether or not characters are trash and point at reasons why but one thing I wonder about the trash side is if they have a clear vision on what's lacking and what should change. Hypothetically what exactly should change with Kazuya to make him better assuming that he needs buffs?
aye bro im just pointing out someone being a fool :)
hellsweep -13 on block
literally a clip of a pewgf after df2 in practice mode. Proof of literally nothing
Atif is white
imagine having butt as your surname
the only thing kazuya is missing at this point is
>15F hopkick/generic df2 (never will get it)
>strong evasive tools (never will get it)
>generic fast/safe mid for poking (never will get it)
>strong 50/50 option that is homing to ssl (has it in ws2/heat smash, but are risky/limited in use)
realistically the only way those are happening is if kazuya players go full tekken 7 sirgay main level of bitching, which is the long con they are running right now
His real name is Atif Ijaz. Butt is actually the name of a castle of brahmin traditionally from Kashmir. It's why he has issues going to India for anything
Delete this before M sees
Is wave dash not a strong evasive tool?
how is something where he can't block the entire time evasive
His strings are garbage though
Not many characters have an evasiveove where they can block at the same time.
Half his game plan goes out the window if you just duck
his current df1 strings are probably the best they have been in history thoughever
jin needs buffs none of his strings are plus on block
Can we move on from this thrilling kaz talk filled with only the smartest of players :D
but the wavedash itself has no actual "evasive" property if you just do a mid when they wavedash, it's a miracle if you time an electric and it goes under their high, not something that can be done deliberately, like the various high evasion moves throughout tekken (paul df2, or another famous example, lars had a CH launching df2 that went under jabs, he can only do that move from crouch now)
dom lau for t9 announcer would be epic
I forgot this is supposed to be a dead general.
I like men

Bring back proto jack

Women are gross

Blud blud nigga nigga
i LOVE men
alive game alive general alive genre
>thanks kazbros
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I don't care how strong or weak kazuya is or how hard he is to play, his players are the biggest fucking crybaby bitches on the planet. That's a fact, you cannot say otherwise.
STL super tournament. stacked korean dojo
starting in 18 minutes
and whats your main you little gay faggot man
No arslan ash so I don't care
no atif so i dont care
It doesn't matter who I main.
I main asuka and I am not afraid to admit it.
Your reflection in the screen isn't a picture of me, sorry.
>his players are the biggest fucking crybaby bitches on the planet
*jin mains have entered the chat*
*dragunov mains have entered the chat*
*lee mains have entered the chat*
*lili mains have entered the chat*
*raven mains have entered the chat*
*devil jin mains have entered the chat*
*armor king mains have entered the chat*
We are saved
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i did it with my wife brehs :D
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>japan has an event where anyone can fight japanese pros
>huge turnout
tekken isn't even that popular over there, but they actually want to keep the community healthy
why are we focusing on getting e-celebs to mash buttons for a couple days in the faint hope that their audience buys the game and quits after a week instead of having more events like these in NA/EU
good. Nina is a unironically honest.
>huge turnout
There's like 30 people in the picture
good job anon
your wife is a slut that's going to take a huge NERF cock in her holes next month
not everyone stayed long enough to take the final picture at the end, dummy
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i will keep maining her because i love her genuinely, just look at those perfect eyes and tits
Yeah idk man, none of them really stack up to kazfags crying
random faggot who made it to fujin in t7 while farming a trash player in death match gives his opinion. kill yourself
She looks like average nordic whore.
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There's a weird dissonance in what she's saying and what actually happened. Doki got fucking bodied in Tekken because she was aggressive and always ate shit because of it. She would mash and lose and went went 3-10 in Tekken.
Meanwhile she's fucking undefeated in SF slam so far. She's 10-0
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fuck, how can i move there? i love white women so much it's unreal
hanashi ni naran na
She is a pathological liar.
t. someone who is into vtubers
>She is a pathological liar.
Damn she sounds like a Tekken player
In fairness, she can still like Tekken more because she could be more aggressive and fast and push buttons even if she loses horrifically because of it simply due to the nature of the game. But her ass has not playing defensively in SF.
I sleep
i'm pretty honest
i love tgirls
When are the GOATs of Tekken playing (Pakistanis)?
the goat eaters of tekken

I'd pay to have this quality revamped for T8...
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how come koreans can frequently organize successful tournaments for niche games like tekken and starcraft, but the western community can't (not to that level of production quality, at least)?
Voiced by Suzi the tranny hunter
would be an upgrade over the normal lidia voice
They are not driven by profits.
SK is densely populated and there is fuck all to do but play vidya, work and contemplate suicide.
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not gonna lie, yeah, I find most t8 voice completely garbage...
half the reason i stopped playing steve is because of his voice
I highly recommend muting the voices in options. Made the game a billion times less annoying.
no i just hate steve's new voice
In Korea everyone is pretty much crammed into one location.
America is simply too big for it's own good here. Forget over the internet, where I who live on the west coast can't fight somebody on the east coast without triple digit ping on top of how ass our ISP issues are. We can't do local grindings like the koreans or pakis do either because the travel is too much of a cost and time burden. Nobody wants to shell out cash for constant 5 flights across the country and hotels and other things.
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>excellent 1440p quality video
>no sound propblems
This already put 70% of western tournament to shame.
he's not in this game yet...
*5 hour flights
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Proto Jack is based
bring back
Proto Jack
it's almost like you guys should've implemented a nationwide rail system long ago
China is just as big as America but had a FGC scene that's still good
Anon planes are faster than rail.
yes, anon, speed is the only thing that matters in transportation logistics, very true
Wtf I'm older than Lidia's VA
90% of china's population is in 10% of the landmass
It's more realistic from a price standpoint compared to planes, and faster than cars. That's the point, accessibility to fast travel at a good price
Help me vs lowhigh for the old fans
Flights won't be viable for much longer due to global warming.
how are we supposed to help you lol
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yep, be a good goy and stop taking plane for our sake
If it takes 4-6 hours one way through air and that's already a giant pain in the ass, what makes you think tripling that number is going to make it easier? People aren't going to want to take an overnight train ride, play a day of tekken, and then another long ass train ride back. And to get to the levels the Koreans and Pakis are with their grinding this would be at least a 2x times a week affair, because they can do that shit daily.

Yes it'd be cheaper but what you save in money you pay more of in time.
helpme is playing leo over lee/nina and even lars?
Yes goy take the flights to fill the pockets of Goldstein
yeah its what hes been grinding on rank recently
thats a hoax you stupid retard faggot
>People aren't going to want to take an overnight train ride
speak for yourself, traveling by train in my country is comfy as fuck, i like it more than long flights

also most fgc players complain about the COST of travel, not the fact that they have to travel at all, high speed rail strikes the perfect balance between accessibility and price and it should've been an option for people in a country as large as yours

i'm far from a commie bootlicker but china had a huge W by connecting their large ass dynasty with railway and everybody knows US can do the same but corporate interests matter more (currently)
at least you fucking get somewhere doing that
why is the camera always spinning
kinda funny that right after helpme, PTJ, who played leo in 7, is only playing jun lately
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Kazuya would've built railways
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The camera is too zoomed in. T5 had the perfect distance, which meant camera didn't need to shift abruptly.
Can't see shit
all the slow mo and zoom ins probably causes more issues, need a mode were that shit is disabled
i see no difference, matter of fact, i don't think the distance has changed since tekken 1
i associate ptj with kazumi. jun makes sense honestly.
how else will the 24ers get their cues to stop mashing or start their flowcharts? bamco needs money please be more mindful of their situation.
You're objectively wrong there
watching this match makes me want to see jun jerks jin off in that outfit
incest is wrong
they're not real guv
rage art is so fucking out of place in this game, even in pro games, being caught off guard by one just isn't hype anymore, we moved on from t7
2 slots were wasted on bears
Bears have been in Tekken long before you were born lilbro
actually every tekken needs 2 slots for bears and 2 slots for capos, don't do this eddy dlc shit again nakatsu
>t. hwoarang main
Hwoarang's RA was the only honest one in t7.
>tekken prowess chart
They're not the brightest
I don't think better railway is a waste of time but I don't think it alleviates any of the size problems we have for grinding, people in middle america would have an easier time but the coasts would still be fucked.
And I think tones would change if it were to actually happen because spending 48 hours on a train over the week every week would be exhausting and train tickets would add up as well. There's little winning here, no option is really good even if we had better travel outlets.
>pay out the ass for fast air travel
>fuck it everyone of importance moves to a close enough location which involves everyone moving
>spend a cumulative 2 days a week on a train
fuck everyone moves sounds pretty cool to me, you amerifucks should do it
railways are hub-based by nature so if you have a fast, reliable and cheap rail system, new fgc hubs will be established very quickly
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I think mobafags do that but I don't know how well it goes.
we're the moba of the fgc
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Someone explain to me what the fuck is going on here?
Why is Dragunov, the absolute menace who's ruining major tournaments by absolutely dominating them, below lee and right above devil jin?
Why is devil jin higher than normal jin when devil jin is worse by a lot?
you can't be the genre of a genre
People being carried by crazy tools to a level they shouldn't be at and start losing like crazy
Murray's vision!!! I LOVE AGGRESSION
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why does Jin deny his destiny?
So then characters near the top winrate are actually the most honest because they weren't carried there? Therefore the least honest characters in the game are zafina, kazuya and lars while the most are azucena, shaheen, and jun?
yep, sounds right to me

that being said fuck shaheen
>Jeondding playing Nina
he's been playing a lot of nina and reina lately
or maybe they all have a reason for being there
OP character with no weaknesses that shines when a strong player uses them and rare matchup (shaheen, feng)
rare character and dropped by 90% of the playerbase that liked them because they were easy + OP, so only played by loyalists now (jun, azucena)
rarest character and hard matchup that hit a hard block at tekken god+ because people can finally deal with them (zafina, panda)
OP character with no weaknesses that gives you free wins, tekken god+ players are forced to know the matchup very well (dragunov)
I thought he was an eddy/ lucky Chloe main
>OP character with no weaknesses that gives you free wins, tekken god+ players are forced to know the matchup very well (dragunov)
also applies to jin fyi
he is but eddy kinda sucks
he still mains eddy but he might use those other characters more

Can anyone here compare to this tekkit god
why is it always reina
the retards at bamco standardized frame data for heat smash and rage art but forgot that they all have different animation and tracking
I think the latest patch alleviated this but previously some like azucena rage art were very easy for characters like xiaoyu and zafina to duck through
heat burst*
new character new people
is there a tournament going on or not
knee just flew over my house
Why does mr ding have a picture of himself shirtless on his own stick, he want fuck himself
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Fantastic, thanks
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why dale look so sensual at the end like that
ulsan lost...
dragunov upplayers
jun downplayers
explain yourselves
Meo ill lowhigh lore battle happening

The cuck vs the cucker
When's imyourfather playing?
he was just on stream and lost to jeondding
does the demo get updated or is it still 0.9 nightmare edition

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