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Autism edition
Previous thread: >>492974386

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.
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Autism speaks did nothing wrong. (except for everything they did)
Shoutout to the people at the Factorio event sharing stuff. <3
I drank in the same coke bottle as Dosh.
I can finally die in peace.
who is moai
>SA requires quality to be enabled
Proofs? I remember the devs writing that the quality mod is fully optional.
why were you in a coke bottle
We already know what he looks like. He showed his jaw for 100k subs.
I wonder who post a picture of a moai wearing sun glasses every time he publish a new video...
Because I am a mighty ESL warrior. I say in instead of from and I say cock instead of coke. Dosh's cock taste fantastic.
Do you _really_ think there's another 80% more content than they've shown? That's multiple new buildings for crafting and extraction, more weapons, more ore types, at least one more spoilage-level new mechanic. And that's just for the regular 3 planets we don't know shit about Aquillo.
I don't doubt there's more to be seen but there's no way it's almost twice as much as they've revealed so far.
Its been confirmed several times on Discord by the devs. While the mod is required, USING it is entirely optional in game. You don't have to research quality module 1. If you do research it, that triggers all of the GUIs changing to accommodate it. Said another way, if you don't research it, no trace of it exists in your game; it just remains a research option you can choose to complete.
Ugly unreadable OP
Aren't all module 1s researched with the modules tech?
We already knew that quality and elevated rails are mandatory for space age. It's optional for vanilla. You can play the game without using them though which technically makes them optional but required to be enabled. The thunder planet (I forgot the name and I can't look it up right now) will pretty much require elevated rails since normal rails don't work on deep sand.

Also fuck off I am not a tranny
I see, what a weird thing to do. Why bother making it into a separate mod then?
No clue, I'm not at the event and haven't played it. These were the words from someone who was actually there. All I can say is I hope he's right.

After researching that, you still have to research speed module 1, efficiency module 1, etc. Thats the trigger.
>Do you _really_ think there's another 80% more content than they've shown?
>it's almost twice as much as they've revealed so far.
Yeah, pretty much.
Hello SA officer, tell the devs about how to fix their stupid magic number limit on pipe networks
Quality modules are later down the tree.
I'd say about 60% to 70%. Accounting for the stuff they haven't revealed yet but are obviously going to be there. Space age seems to be triple the size of the base game. It's 5.9gb.
Well I guess I need to check out of the internet in the week before release.
>He showed his jaw for 100k subs
he did not
I will show my cock for only 250 subs.
Believe me, you wanna see it.
>not a rickroll
i am dissapointed
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>Space age seems to be triple the size of the base game.
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My latest attempt at a shuttle.

Whatever happen to that Gunbuster anon?
He literally showed it in a video...
He looks just like I imagined him.
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Lots of new assets. That's the bulk of the filesize.
>Current pipe system sucks
>Let's fix it by merging all pipes in a pipe system into one fluidbox
>But now there is infinite throughput over kilometers of pipelines, that's too OP
>Hmm, ok, let's add completely arbitrary retarded limitations then
>Man, this new pipe system sucks, was the old system really that bad?
Bravo Kovarex
>was the old system really that bad?
solution? make the pipenet harder to fill the larger its volume is
Arbitrary limit of 6 and 1/4 chunks.
The debug menu has a lot of interesting informations...
I don't watch his videos, I play them for background noise while doing other shit.
They just laughed and told me frog posters are retarded
that is a weak jaw for such a powerful man
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>Man, this new pipe system sucks, was the old system really that bad?

Wait what? Did he say that? Are they considering going back?
So you can play vanilla 2.0 (no SA stuff) and still get to use quality or elevated rails. Personally its either everything or nothing, but they want to give people the option to play however they want to.
No, they aren't
Simple solution: Scale flow rate out based on fill percentage. Pumps only multiply that flow rate. Machines work the same as pumps, instead of instantly vacuuming all available fluid. Alternatively, require machines to be fed by pump, same as they must be fed by inserter for solids.
Pipe throughput is never a problem in vanilla other than a bunch of weird oddities. I don't even see the point of a limited throughput.
Pretty sure quality is optional in the sense that you can simply choose to not make or use quality modules, as in using quality isn't required to get the victory screen.

Did he say that though?
So when the devs say SA was not balanced around Quality and/or it's not needed, they are bullshitting right? Q3 module is a major part of the reward of going to Fulgora and you can see in how much time they spent talking about it in that blog post that it's an integral part of the experience. And then in FFFs that have nothing to do with Quality we have a bunch of machines with rarities which for me tells me that everyone there is on board on using it. Face it, if you don't play with it you'll playing an unbalanced game.
Yes. It was revealed to me in a dream.
It probably would have been a problem in vanilla Space Age with max quality machines, beacons, modules, etc. Pretty sure that's the problem they were running into, the old fluid system couldn't keep up so they made teleporter pipes instead. I wonder what flow rates things really reach in SA though.
It's probably not needed in the same sense prod 3s and speed 3 beacons in current Factorio are not "needed" either. As in, using those is objectively superior but it's late-game shit and you don't need them to launch a rocket. Quality is very obviously going to be the go-to for end-game SA, but you'll probably be able to hit the victory screen well enough without it.
Its less about SA being unbalanced and more about it being balanced to reward you if you explore the mechanic. There is a difference between the two. Devs have confirmed you can beat the game without touching quality. If you're just trying to beat the game and move on, then you're good. Quality shines brightest endgame and playthroughs where the end of the game is just the beginning in building a megabase (which is what many people do in 1.1).
I can't wait for the mods that delete quality.
Why? What's the point?
Because I'm an obstinate autist and if I wanted to play a gacha game I'd play a gacha game.
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Sadly the second term with ^(1/k) doesn't work.
Under the root, the value is equal to 1233.5, but since k=0.00725 for the train I'm testing, I quickly get a huge number.

I think the tmax equation I've given you is wrong, because when I let Wolfram compute the tmax value, I get very different results compared to the output of my program.

For d=320 (10 chunks) and the same 1:8 nuclear train, the program gives an acceleration time of 540 ticks, very different from the 1202 Wolfram gives. There are many ways I may have fucked up, so I'll need time to check.
Hey leakers, answer us this. Does it smell funny in there?
I think I should give up on Krastorio. I started my save like 10 months ago and it's the sole reason I stopped playing factorio. I haven't played the game in 3 months.
I just hate this mod. I can't even find the words or point out why, I just hate it. I hate it worse than some meme mods I've played.
But you can just ignore it entirely. Why a mod? It's no different.
Because I don't want it to exist at all.
>still no FFF about Vulcanus enemies
>instead we get combat tweaks and rock poop
bravo wube
like someone said above, the mechanic and any trace of it only appears when you specifically research quality. the only thing you need to do is just not research it.
He doesn't even want the research to be there. He must secretly be too tempted by it.
K2 and SE combined is more fun IMO. But this is a pretty long game, 300-500 hours seems like a standard completion time. With that said, and considering SA is right around the corner, I'd just wait.
its one of the best mechanics coming to SA, so you're most likely right
It smells like a ton of meat and fat in an oven. Everyone got given a coke bottle and a factorio tshirt.It's pretty hot in there, about 30 cel.
Everyone seems washed which is a nice surprise. But the heat is so high that it still smells bad.
There's no AC in there? Fucking yuropoors man
Having bad cooling at a lan party for sweaty turbo nerds is a war crime.
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el monstrosidad beaconado...
If you guys wonder the smells of a few of the people I met
Dosh smells ordinary and plain. Literally the most normal I.T. nerd. He smells like a mr everyone start up corporate guy. I will not give details on his look because that's disrespectful to his privacy. But please Dosh drop the incel teenager look. You're a grown man.
Nefrums smells rough. I expected him to smell old but he just stinks of Axe Lynx. If I were to guess, I'd say it was Pheonix. But it could also be Gold Temptation. Both smell similar after sweating.
Trupen smells like a parkistani man having a really bad day at his restaurant.
I think I recognized DocJade's voice but I didn't get close to him.
I didn't get close enough to the dev team to smell them.
Nilaus did not consent (I couldn't find him)
Michael Hendriks and Krydax don't seem to be present.
The less is said about Ethan, the better.
This is still going to be the final form of builds in space age, except now it'll come much later and only with full legendary everything.
finally, the info we've been waiting for
Funnily enough, I havent encountered smelly nerds yet. But its also cold, climatization is blasting so hard, that it's even cold, Id say.

Its a deliberate secret, but if you want to know, people had good guesses on that one youtubers stream. I think the enemy is interesting with interesting non pollution mechanics

Dont trust jealous niggers
What about Erorandy's sweaty wolf musk?
This has been debunked by true Czech patriots
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>Michael Hendriks and Krydax don't seem to be present.
It's fucking 27. How is that cold? That's a summer over here. Dude calls 80 degree fahrenheit cold.
>out of these names I only recognise Nefrums and Nilaus
feels good man
do you have brain damage?
i think he means the air conditioning in the building retard
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Pretty much.
New Satisfactory 1.0 info

I endured this cringe so you don't have to:
>Rocket fuel which does pretty much the same thing turbofuel does but a bit better
>Ionized fuel which is pretty much the same thing as rocket fuel but even better, yeah sounds like resource bloat for no reason
>More QoL stuff for building, rail and belt placing, neat
>New walls
>Building finish customization
>SAM ore does something now, some sort of alien tech and resource chains involving SAM ore
>Somersloops or that crystal can add more power to the grid or improve overclock of specific machine, still limited in total number on map
>Crystal shards for overclocking are no longer limited if you missed last update btw
>Also tier 9, new elevator goal, new machines, even faster belts, way more resources and recipes, new power source and so on, smells like bloat to me but we will see
>Mercer sphere creates dimensional storage you can take resource from at any time from anywhere including when building and short on resources, throughput and size limitations on top of limited number of those on map, this only works for player, belts can only put stuff in, never out
>Bigger blueprint machine, still not big enough tho, mods will fix it
It's fucking 27 in the building. It's not fucking cold. It's close to 35 outside under the sun. Without conditioning we would be at 40 with the amount of people and machine running. The heatwave is killing me.
>still limited in total number on map
I hate this shit. Exploration bloat nonsense.
The solution will always be to just throw them in whatever assembler you need the most of to cut down on space requirements.
Quality and the beacon nerf makes a very weird edge case where adding a normal beacon to a legendary beacon makes you lose speed.
tell us something new about the game anon
Does it take an average of the beacons? As a simple example, one normal beacon and one rare beacon next to a machine give you the power of 2 uncommon beacons.
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Here's my new abomination
I redid the calculations using your equations in the readme, here's the inverse I got from that. Same deal as last post if you would like to try again. u is the acceleration variable from your readme.

(10 k a^(x + 1) + u a^(2 x) + 2 k^2 a^x - 10 k a^x - 2 u a^x - 2 a k^2 x - 10 a k + 2 k^2 x - 2 k^2 + 10 k + u)/(2 (a^x - 1) (a^x - a x + x - 1)) ± -((a - 1) k^2 sqrt((-(u a^(2 x))/(2 (1 - a) k^2) + (u a^x)/((1 - a) k^2) + (5 a^x)/k - a^x/(1 - a) - u/(2 (1 - a) k^2) + 1/(1 - a) - 5/k - x)^2 - 4 (a^(2 x)/(2 (1 - a) k^2) + (x a^x)/(2 k^2) - a^x/((1 - a) k^2) + 1/(2 (1 - a) k^2) - x/(2 k^2)) ((u a^x)/(1 - a) - u/(1 - a) + r)))/((a^x - 1) (a^x - a x + x - 1))

To save you the headache of typing it all up.
I recognize this name! It's the goat simulator people! Come goat people make factorio 2!!
How the hell is it almost 95 there?
It's the square root of beacons. It's always more when you add more of the same but if you add a normal beacon to a single legendary then you nerf your legendary beacon more than you've gained from the normal beacon you've just added.
it isn't he's retarded
remember a few years ago when it was like 90F and there were all those articles about how the poor yuros were dying from heat because they don't have air conditioning in their shitty homes
It's only about 30 outside but the sun is terrible today. Apparent temperature: 34 degree celsius.
I don't like exploration either but the way it works now it adds +10% to total power output iirc so you could have infinite power glitch if there wasn't a limited number of those
You only need enough Mercer spheres to cover every construction material type, or less if you share inputs on slowly produced items. Incidentally means that centralized storage is obsolete for the purposes of construction materials and streamers have no reason to make those anymore besides video content.

You trip over Somersloops just walking to the next moderately flat construction area. 10 of them gives you doubled power output for the entire grid for free, which seems like they really want to cut down on the amount of bulky power generation you need to build. Tier 5 is before fuel generators are unlocked unless they moved that around, so these things come into play well before any large upscaling of operations takes place. 150 in total, so there should be plenty to go around to use for productivity instead.
Interesting. So for the case of beacons, thats one place you shouldn't make incremental quality upgrades to, and should upgrade a 'block' of them all at once.
>USA 19000 gun deaths 2000 heat deaths
>EUROPE 47000 heat deaths
we will learn soon
>collect 10 shlubblobbers to double your power gen
>collect 15 mcdongspheres to produce construction materials
What even is the gameplay loop of satisfactory
I never touched the Circuit Network stuff in Factorio
Like what can you do with it besides meme shit?
meme stuff
You can use a basic circuit for outposts that need more walls/turrets after biter attacks. You slap down a constant combinator filled with whatever supplies that outpost might need and then you can enable/disable the trainstop at that outpost. Lets say your artillery shells drop below X amount which turns the train signal on. Next thing you know your resupply train pulls up to the station and fills everything up before going back home and waiting for another outpost to need supplies.

This is really helpful on maps like deathworld or railworld where either your outposts are too far away for regular bot resupply or constantly needing resupply to keep the horde of biters from breaking through your minefield.
The most basic and straightforward is in oil processing.
Its a broad question thats hard to answer concisely but I'll try my best- it gives you added control over your processes and more data for monitoring stuff. Stuff you did manually, or less efficiently you can now have it semi or fully automated.

My most common uses: Alarms if a certain resource is low (or if something is full). Dynamic dispatching to outposts controlling train limits depending on whether some material is high or low (sending a train if the boxes have a certain threshold of ore/oil, or sending a supply train if repair packs are low at an outpost for instance).

Space Age expands on it quite a lot too. Combinators can control assemblers for one, which is very useful for quality when you have limited high quality quality modules. Read this:

ah, indirekotu kissu
if you ever find yourself wishing some machine would only run if some condition was met, like a chest or tank being below a certain threshold, you could implement that with a circuit network.
>>493406981 is right, controlling heavy and light oil cracking is a very simple circuit. you can say
>i only want to crack heavy oil if i have more heavy oil than light oil
>i only want to crack light oil if i have more light oil than petroleum
very easily.
advanced oil processing product balancing
train station storage balancing
storing multiple item types in a single container, limiting input based on contents
disco lights
this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgfwwqwxdxY
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Some good QoL tweaks which is always good. Remote storage lifted straight from minecraft mods is also a great idea. It really makes me wish satisfactory had circuit conditions so we could set up a sushi design.
5x5 blueprint is an improvement and I'll have to check if it's actually big enough to fit a rail junction into. I'll still probably get a mod for something bigger.
>no mention of smart mergers
One of the highest rated suggestions on their Q&A site for over five years and still not put in the game.
Of course it is, them changing the way beacons scale just makes it harder to do the math, but in the end it's still moar = better so beaconmaxxing is still the way to go at end-game.

The only exception will be the production of quality stuff, but that's just going to be for your ME and not for science production.
Whats funny is the highest performance quality/beaconmaxxed setups are also the most UPS efficient, so optimized megabases in SA are going to have some pretty crazy setups with production.
I did not actively calculated it but I am decently sure that mass producing basic beacon is still decently strong but actually making a few ultra high quality is a better idea overall. 4 legendaries should be the equivalent of about 12 normals and only twice as strong as a single legendary (square root of 4 is 2). Depending on how hard it is to get legendary stuff once you have a decent setup, getting a 4 or even 1 beacon setup could be viable until very late game. There are a few edge cases where adding more beacons should reduce the overall effect or do next to nothing but they're pretty rare. It's stuff like adding a normal beacon with t1 module or legendary modules. Adding a normal beacon to legendary beacon should give you a 13% increase compared to just legendary (square root of 2 is 1.4142) if you're using normal modules on both.
The math is pretty straight forward but you can't exactly do it by hand with a calculator. It's a simple addition followed by a division. Add all the beacon together and then divide by the square root of the number of beacons. Each beacon can hold 2 speed modules, normal module transmit 1.5 times the effect of each module and legendary 2.5 times. So a normal beacon gives (0.5*1.5)*2=1.5 or 150% speed (compared to just 50% for a single module and 50% for the current beacon) and a legendary with normal modules would give (0.5*2.5)*2=2.5 or 250% speed (5 times better than current beacons). Anyway, add them all together and then divide by square root of the amount of beacons and you get the total effect the machine receives. Legendary modules are 250% effective (+150% bonus effect) so ((0.5*2.5)*2.5)*2=6.25 or 625% speed. Add the 150% from a single normal beacon and you get 7.75, divided by square root of 2=5.48 so in effect you lose 77 speed.

tldr: This only applies to full legendary setup including modules, if you're using the same tier of module then there is no problem.
I mostly use it for resupply of outposts that aren't in logibot main base network. like >>493406691
>moar = better so beaconmaxxing is still the way to go at end-game.
Direct insertion builds are said to be much more prevalent in SA end-game
I'm not sure whether belting copper wire for gc is worth it even now, UPS-wise
>beaconmaxxed setups are also the most UPS efficient
Are they? I thought it was direct insertion, even though it sacrifices some beacons.
>It really makes me wish satisfactory had circuit conditions so we could set up a sushi design.
Honestly this is my biggest wish. Everytime I try to work with pipes, I'm just constantly reminded I don't have access to circuit network to deal with overflow. It would solve so many issues if I could have a valve open on set conditions.
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Direct insertion is the current meta for gigabases. An inserter is worth about 10 machines running. So if you manage to remove one at the cost of having to run 5 more machines, it's worth it. Beacons and solar panels are effectively 0 UPS cost. Beacons technically have a tiny UPS cost but it's so low that you can ignore it as long as you aren't experiencing a black out. It's a rule of thumb, not a hard rule. Not all machines are equal.
unironically didn't expect there to be that much more. i'm actually getting excited for a game release, i thought i was too jaded for that...
Question for LAN bros if any are around:

From what you've seen (either peeking at the tech tree or if you've actually experienced it), does there seem to be a good reason to go to Gleba for your first planet apart from getting spidertrons early?
The FFFs make Gleba seem like the worst choice by far, but it seems like there's a lot of stuff we haven't seen, so does any of that stuff make the choice a lot more balanced?
Obviously I know you can't go into specifics because muh NDA, but a simple yes/no would suffice.
What were people up in arms about?
now i'm wondering if they've got any plans to optimize inserters
i guess stacks are one way around that? if you can insert stacks into anything, at least
Anon, you post reads so pitiful and desperate, it's not even funny.
Honestly? No fucking clue and no one has a clue other than Wube. You're asking a hindsight question. We'll only be able to answer it a while after the release.
With beacons combined with quality it seems like you will need far less buildings compared to before. Wouldn't that improve UPS too?
Stop forcing your retarded ass scrolling handicap on the rest of us you eternal queermobile.
how else is he supposed to ask it dipshit
His voice does suit a Sith Lord.
Maybe asking was the wrong action all along, and having some patience and self-respect even as an anon is a good thing, after all.
Direct insertion is already the most UPS-efficient, that's no different in current Factorio. You'd still put as many beacons as possible around though, like you'd never prefer to have fewer beacons around the build if you can fit more, there's no disadvantage to cramming in as many as you can fit and SA will not change that.

Yeah, things are definitely going to be crazy with quality coming in.
>Look at Gleba tech tree
>"Wow! Cool technology! I wanna go there now!"
It ain't rocket science.
From FFF 393:

>People who build factories optimized for UPS (updates per second) eventually got the idea of using circuit network to force inserters to fill their hand before swinging. This new type of inserter can now do this out of the box, resulting in a nice little performance optimization.

So it only transfers if its holding its item capacity (depending on research). I could imagine this having a substantial UPS impact since a big part of its functionality has been simplified.
Satisfactory is not /egg/. We voted to remove it from the games list.
There is not much left to optimize. There was an FFF that mentioned that now inserters will be clocked by default.
Not directly, it's the inserters that cost the most UPS. Quality is a new multiplier that can modify multiple of the current multipliers so it increase the effect of building extremely well. The quality of a crafting machine will influence the crafting speed stat, not to be confused with the speed from modules which are a completely different multiplier. A 12 beacons setup currently give +600% speed and the fully legendary 12 beacons setup should give +2165% in 2.0. Multiplicative with the legendary prod modules and the legendary crafting speed. Let's just say, it's pretty strong. 12.3 times stronger to be exact. You go from 11.2 to 137.81 if I did my math right.
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I found the mistake, it was plain old retardation on my part : I made a mistake during factorization.
This formula gives me a tmax that is very close to my program's output.
Would you mind doing the inverse for that equation too?
If that isn't too much of a bother, can you explain what you are typing in wolfram to get that inverse?
Thanks again anon btw, it's going to be really funny when I implement the change and the program is slower because the solution requires roots, power() and all that good shit.
he's free to say as much as or little as he wants, everyone is grateful for his posts. we're all here for the love of the game, us potentially finding something out that hasn't been disclosed yet has no victim.
Really wish they had some covered belts in Satisfactory just so items wouldn't have to be rendered.
Or better yet, 'teleporting' belts where each belt just becomes a building with internal storage that teleports inputs to outputs at it's items/m rate once it's full.

Take for example an MK3 belt.
The belt is being fed by a merger connected to a total input of 480 items/m.
The belt is feeding into a splitter connected to 2 MK2 belts.
The internal storage of the belt is solely determined by it's length. Lets say for this example it is long enough to store 2000 items.

Since it's an MK3 belt, the merger can only push 270 items/m into it.
It takes 7.4 seconds for the belt to fill up and start to push items into the splitter.
Since the splitter hast two MK2 belts attached, it can only output 240 items/m.
The MK3 belt can therefore only push 240 items/m into the splitter, the merger therefore can now only push 240 items/m into the MK3 belt. This slowdown propagates up the line.
The important thing though is that once the belts storage is full it no longer needs to exist for the game.
The game now only needs to track the belts connections.
The belt is 'dead' and the game can logically connect the merger to the splitter with an MK3 connection which is throttled down to 240 items/m since it's all the splitter can push out.

The big disadvantage of this is that the belt doesn't push items further until it is full.
If you manage to saturate the belt at the input the filling time is just the travel time but low-throughput items that need to be transported even medium distances could take forever for the belt to fill. Or use drones for such items.
Deconstruction would also be a problem since you can't really empty the belts beforehand.

Just think of the performance improvements for mega factories once all the belts are full and the game reduces everything down to logical output->input connections.

But alas, an autist can only dream.
have you considered trains
>But alas, an autist can only dream.
Mods have been fixing that for years.
why isn't michael there
he's a germ, he lives close by
He can't. If he moves too close past the borders, world gen will create new nests and end world peace.
Of course it's not rocket science. it's rocket turrets !
Nuclear reactors fuel savings.
Centrifuges will make a huge stockpile of u235 if left to their own device. With one combinator per centrifuge, you can make them use 40 u235 only. I hate having to wait before they start making useful stuff automatically.
Bot count over time is a pain to manage, so you can use a wire to insert bots into the network when it's inferior to a threshold.
In endgame, resource patches don't really tell you when they're empty. You can add a small condition to tell you when it's almost empty.
Did they ever fix fluids trains carrying something like 1/5th the amount of fluid vs packaged fluid? It felt really stupid packing water/fuel etc. to fit more into a train to ship it.
I'd say by far the most useful applications are train station control and advanced oil cracking control. With train stations you can make a supply / demand network where trains just go where they're needed, when they're needed. On the advanced oil part, circuit control just makes it very easy to make a build which will never clog on heavy or light oil.
If you mean barrels, pretty sure a cargo wagon full of barrels carries less fluid than a fluid wagon.
How exactly does this impact UPS?
If the inserter isn't completely full before swinging, it will need to swing more often, and the more swings the more of a UPS hit.
There was only one thing to do things remotely without roboport coverage in vanilla, and that thing is now locked behind the tech on Gleba. So if you want simultaniously get shit done wothout being physically present, Gleba may be a choice.
Basically the code for checking stuff is simplified, as it only runs when a certain condition is met, versus spanning over many updates.

Looks like they changed the stack sizes or fuid wagon size from last I played. According to the wiki.
A freight car carries 2,400 m3 of fluid or has 32 slots for item stacks
Turbofuel is 1:1 fluid to packaged unit and can stack up to 100 units.
So that's 3200 units of turbofuel if you use plastic to pack it first. Or you could transfer the liquid by itself for less energy but less per fluid freight car.
I see. I guess I'm just really disconnected from what actually impacts UPS down at the real nitty gritty level.
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If they didn't tell us about everything the expansion has to offer, should I be hopeful for an electric locomotive?
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>it's a tesla cybertrain
Steam allegedly actually does support a round-about way of having achievements on DLC specifically, but hardly any title - if any - uses it.
Probably in part because it's apparently an absolute pain-in-the-ass to do so correctly, but much more because NOT doing so means any 100% achievement hunters are forced to buy your DLC and you basically get a built-in audience to market your after-sale nickle-'n-dime-ware to.
damn now i'm wondering what surprises are in store. wasn't the spidertron a surprise when they finally released 1.0?
Do you know of any titles that use it? I'd like to at least see one example as I'm curious now.
Theres some people on the Discord and forums much more knowledgeable than me on this, I just pick stuff up here and there from lurking.


You see the same pattern at the robot optimization section on the bottom. Instead of calculating stuff every tick, they stripped it down as much as possible. They achieved this to some extent with fast machines as well, crafting multiple items per tick.
Now that they added conditional refueling stops I no longer see any reason to add an electric locomotive, before the advantage was not having to refuel every trip but now, what's the point?
>get an "electric" locomotive
>it's just powered by batteries that need to be replaced exactly the same as fuel in normal trains
You sure you measured any noticeable difference with the amount of belts? They're some of the lowest weight items in the game, its a high amount of machines in the vicinity that causes framerate drops.
Huge acceleration, resource efficiency of uranium and fusion, getting rid of nuclear fuel for a simplified production chain.
Its a cool idea but I don't think it fits in with the overall theme/spirit of the game. You're bypassing the logistics challenge of fuel production and delivery, and it becomes simplified to "trains will always run at max speed provided your grid produces enough power." That to me seems like an oversimplification that takes away some fun.
Same could be said about laser turrets.
>casually takes a minute to shit out a turd its entire body size
... why does this leave me feeling strangely less of a man?
Taking huge shits is mandatory for being a man. I've taken shits as big as my forearm and I still feel humbled by that frog.
>There was only one thing to do things remotely without roboport coverage in vanilla,

Just pointing out the obvious here maybe, but:
the way that is stated, makes it feel like WAAAAY too obvious a "yeah, there's other ways now - but the NDA prevents me from spilling the beans"
Nah, I'm talking mainly about graphical performance.
I know that there is a mod for covered conveyors but this thing doesn't actually remove the items inside which are still rendered.
For performance reasons I want the items to be moving points on a line instead of models on a conveyor (or not being there at all and just teleporting from one end to the other).
Theres already an option for logistics that runs purely on power, robots. Just like solar vs other power methods, and energy turrets vs other methods, it has its strength and weaknesses depending on the application.
Far more importantly, this also means you can GUARANTEE items being transferred in strict multiples of inserter hand size.
This will greatly simplify multi-product trains and the like topping off to exactly configured quantities.
>my autism can now reach critical levels
As foretold by the scrolls!
I can ignore it even harder when i can't even access the icon.
Look, i downloaded a few starter mods before launching factorio for the first time and one of them was a beacon removal mod. I saw a beacon build in an image, decided that it was ugly, read that beacons just restrict the kind of assemblies a player ends up constructing. Beacons are shit, i'm thousands of hours in by now, beacons never enter my mind.
yes, it came totally out of left field
This is already true about a lot of things.
it makes no difference to me how you play the game, but you're missing out on a major mechanism to improve your factory's performance if throughput is important to you. This is true in 1.1, and will be further magnified in 2.0/SA with quality and the beacon rework.
The up to date wiki (you're looking at satisfactory.wiki.gg?) says that the fluid wagon itself only holds 1600m3, while the station platform can hold 2400m3. Same thing with solids, the car holds 32 slots while the station has 48, both platforms have 1.5x capacity.

All liquids are exactly 1m3 = 1 solid item. If you package liquids you can carry twice as many per car as a straight fluid wagon but you now have to deal with the empty packages. Either you waste them in a sink or you have a 2nd car to return them, which results in you having the same number of cars anyway. If you MUST have maximum throughput with minimal cars, especially with 1200/s mark 6 belts on the way, then you pay the cost of having to package them and dealing with the result. Otherwise just use plain fluid wagons and not bother any further with it. Make more of trains if you somehow need that much fluid on a rail. You're going to be spending much more time on the piping afterwards either way.
No, the obvious is that he's talking about spidertron.
How do you deal with pollution?
Thanks anon, that's cool to see.
No, there are no locomotive additions, don't get your hopes up
I simply live with the pollution
>FFF 393
>Once upon a time, in a land where smoke, pollution and genocide is the norm, there were these developers.
This would mean the biters are actually intelligent, sapient beings rather than just animals.
>specifically mentions locomotives and not carriages

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Nah, i'm grabbing the elevated rails. I throw the rest of the expansion in the garbage honestly i don't want to play any of that. Other planets like, why? Add more logistics to nauvis instead plus factories you can't see are factories that effectively don't exist. The entire point is to look at the cool factory running, what good does it do when it runs on some other surface. Just have a nauvis building that produces cargo pods full of items and it's the same thing, or just produce a bunch of new items on nauvis in the first place. See how ridiculous other planets are?
They're talking about Czechoslovakia.
So, do you stop playing once you can't fit everything on screen?
Nigger's got a really big screen.
Nobody can be this stupid.
>drive around in search of a new patch of iron, base goes off-screen
>"Welp, that was a good run."
Have you seen anything that might make the tedious task of late-game biter clearing less manual and more automatic?
Is that sarcasm? It was teased years before (although never mentioned again I think)

I don't know how much you follow their weekly FFF's, but they're adding a ton of functionality to remotely do stuff even if your character isn't on the same planet/surface. Radars have been greatly optimized as well.
12k ultra-ultra-ultra wide
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why did woobe waste money on all of these alienware desktops.
I ordered them to.
Nobody tell anon...
It's what they needed that $5 "inflation money" for.
They probably rented them...probably the convention space too.
Theres probably some kind of business out there that lets you rent them for some period of time, or maybe they paid an internet cafe to borrow their machines for a week or so.
It's true that it's been a problem for my enjoyment of the game because i always look at either the problems in my factory or the unfinished parts of my factory since those are the parts i'm working on and therefore the second a section is finished i never get to look at it again. And i become progressively sad because i'm always looking at the bad side of the factory while the good stuff happens out of sight out of mind, i'm glad it all runs. But i never take the time to look at the trains go by.
That's why work-life balance is important.
Sorry for blogging. Thanks.
>can't disable biters completely anymore
It's probably not a big number, but a handful of very autistic people will mark this day as the day Wube made enemies out of them.
You just need a single autistic person losing their mind to create a lot of damage
Since this is autism central, they are mathematically fucked
You VILL build guns, turrets, and cannons, and you VILL enjoy the bitter genocide.
Good, peaceful sissies can get fucked, they are playing Factorio wrong
The only real answer. I'm sick of this fag talk of people wanting peaceful playthroughs.
I'm sure Wube is used to getting hatemail from autists at this point.
I don't believe you
Yeah they probably should inspect their mail even more carefully from now on.
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Claimed a nice area, the 4 steel outposts should be enough to tide me over until rocket. But that's for tomorrow.
Is there an actual point to biters in Factorio?
Like, they just seem like a minor hazard you blow the shit out of and there's zero reason to leave them on since about two hours into the game you're either automating turrents and sticking to the same patches of ore or else blowing the shit out of them with a fucking tank
basically what you said, and more.
>tree of power
need some explanation
What do you suggest? Armored biters? Rampant?
Based on what people said here and on Discord who are attending that thing in Prague, enemies are going to get a lot more difficult in general. Nauvis enemies are getting tougher (see today's FFF), and its been said in the last 24H Vulcanus has large dangerous enemies. And of course we know of Gleba's.
That tree be flexing over mortal trees
Don't give up, irradiated tree!
>greenpeace hates him
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Certainly a tree of power?
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If Factorio was an actual Tower Defense game, I'd fight off waves of mutated biters to keep this tree intact.
I can't recommend armored biters even though the mod is perfectly fine. The variety they bring stopped mattering to me in the end, their animations are slightly stiff and their graphics aren't as refined so they don't fully integrate into the bitter mass while not bringing anything to the table. The final result of the mod is a -1 in my book.
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I was about to ask what would happen if pic related was surrounded by deep water with a 'close at 0.5 downstream' input sluice and a permanently open exit (i.e. either the game isn't stupid and prevents water flowing outwards when upstream is shallower), then I realised that I am the stupid one and don't actually need the output sluice.
It'll just stay at 0.5 regardless and stop filling.

In my defence I was planning this thing before I knew I could set them to close at whatever depth I need.
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I love this tree. I must own it.
>their animations are slightly stiff and their graphics aren't as refined so they don't fully integrate into the bitter mass
What's your opinion on the starship troopers and zerg reskin mods?
Tree should be a secret boss
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Divine radiation light path, bold choice, just a few more thousand years to form a golden core.
It's just the lack of mechanics with biters that bore me with them
You dip a few poinst into military research and they're effectively solved.
Even turrets with AP ammo holds off anything bar a few things that need rockets

I just want a mod that makes them actually fucking engaging

And don't suggest deathworlds, that doesn't change anything beyond 'devote slightly more things to bullets'
tech cost multipliers
those few points are now few thousand points
Impudent brat, this is the path of damnation
You have eyes but cannot see Mount Tai
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what's our stance, pentabros
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You're courting death
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>too stupid for Trains and Logic Robots
I feel Im missing so much, Trains and signals drive me fucking nuts even after watching lots of videos and reading my trains hit one another or just go one way and give me the No Signal all the time.
Either utter shit like how the current biters are or else it'll be nerfed to the ground in name of making it 'accesible' like the steam phase was in vanilla
I have not played with either of them because i found them ugly or out of place from the thumbnails. I only know about every single mod, i did not try them all.

I don't think Factorio's combat can be improved even using the ballistic projectile mods and certainly not by adding "milk biters" who attack in a spiral pattern.
Such top view twinstick-style shooters are rich in gameplay mechanics or have an overwhelming artstyle or both. This game has neither when it comes to the fighting.
Mass enemy, mass weapon. A wall of turrets. Requires a wall of enemy. Systemic entity against systemic entity.
What are we doing outside with our machine guns and bazookas, gamedesign wise this fight is entirely mismatched. Incoherent gameplay doesn't play well. The autotargeting is a mercy feature, almost an apology.
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I feel so bad for non factorio players right now.
It's gonna get worse.
The horizontal list is pretty good. Personally, I like it.
They can make their own general thread if they want.
The artillery has a damage upgrade tech now, but I am not sure, how it will scale, we have not reached that point. What's certain is that only nauvis has the biters and the biter clearing mechanics tied to the pollution, and with offworld tech and offworld manufacturing you most likely won't have that much production/space occupied on Nauvis either way. You are inevitably going to have to produce stuff on other planets, since the recipe has some restriction (like the space science recipe).

It looked rented to me, like a turnkey solution to a lanparty. Seeing how everything, including displays and headsets is alienware, I assume it's a partnership with alienware in some form or shape.

No my nigga, sadly, no train wagons either. The new system with the interrupts which was shown in the FFFs is great though, I almost don't miss cybersyn. It's notnas intuitive as normal traijs from 1.1, but totally good after you understand it.

As far as I understand, it still is a very hot topic even among the devs. Some even decline to comment on that.

As a factorio boomer, which witnessed the bipedal biters - they are a soft requirement for your manufacturing. If you read the forums, there exist unironical retards who palay the game building 1 assembler for any item only, and idle 6 hours waiting for research afterwards. Biters are an external pressure for you to automatey to get into bots, get into trains.

My opinion is that the biter threat on nauvis is significantly reduced, and the other threats on other planets are so different, that they can not be comlared to biters. They also don't act in the same "pressure" way.

Insaw some interesting/strange mechanics revolving around biters, which are new. I don't see the practical purpose yet, though.

There are also some changes to how evolution works, and what it implies for biter development, which I personally think are good.
i don't. fuck them and their pid controllers, their games look gay and boring. for me it's
everything else is dumb.
no satisfactory???
>witnessed the bipedal biters
God I hate those, good thing they only exist in multiplayer mode
absolutely not. even the people here who do play seem to not like it. it looks awful.
Players of the lesser games should be grateful to the Factorio audience for keeping these threads alive. Without Factorio there would be no /egg/
You don't need any videos, I learned trains in this thread because you only REALLY need to know the two iron laws of train signals:

1. Trains are far right, they only care about signals on the right side
2. in any intersection, place a chain signal going in and a rail signal going out

That's pretty much it, the rest is just trial and error until you grasp it intuitively.
kill yourself OP
Is enriching ores in K2 worth it? Seems too much of a bother for 25% productivity or whatever.
I think I figured out the biggest problem with the biters after fucking around in cheat mode

Nests have basically no HP and the only 'danger' is the attack. Once they pilke up and die, it's just 'drive over, 4 turrets and AP ammo and it's gone

So I think I'll try rampant, fixed since the original is apparently bugged
fixed in 2.0
Yes because you have two steps that take prod mods iirc instead of one giving you not just 25% gain but also another productivity multiplier
There are more people in yurup
Still not using trains.
When Space Age is out they'd better learn to sit quietly in the corner when more important discussion is happening
it's fun the first time, the non-factory world exploration is a blast. once you learn the world then it's all factory and you start to hate it.
Thanks for taking the time to answer, can't wait to buy SA. FFFs aren't enough, and the other participants on Discord are saying essentially nothing.
>i carry 33 great communities all engineering games
>i scatter and burn my enemies' nests i take away the land and ores
>the KERBS pay me golden treasure yet i am POOR
>because i am a main bus to my people
>it's fun the first time
This week's FFF was such a letdown. I wanted to hear about the Vulcan enemies but instead we got this "look at muh lan party" nothing burger with a side of stone poop sauce. The leakers really are our last hope for getting some actually interesting updates.
Agreed... I can't be getting blueballed like this for 6 more weeks broski
bro did you not read today's blog post?
>just wait two months

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The goon cave is progressing.

Anyone who considers Quality "gatcha" is inherently low IQ. It's one of the most accurate litmus tests I've seen when it comes to gaming topics. I beg you to re-read the blog post before you decide to respond.
>The artillery has a damage upgrade tech now
It's really extra range if we're talking artillery that I'd want, the range is quite small even with megabase-level infinite research in 1.1. Unfortunately I don't think damage will help, fingers crossed that there's some new shit on other planets.
nuclear shell warheads
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Will it ever be surpassed?
I'm not sure if this run is better or worse so far
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>NPCs in meningitis can path on dynamically modified voxel terrain and physics objects so well they fall for funny viet cong leg traps
>meanwhile in other games NPCs have to be hand hodlded just so they don't walk into walls and off cliffs
>"Can You Beat Factorio Without Object Permanence?"
Mod that deletes any buildings outside of your vision area. NOW. We'll need some clever way to handle oil though.
>factorio on a warp world
>have to build and power reality stabilizers or the terrain starts changing when you're not looking
Wait nevermind in object impermanence world you just have to pick up everything you can carry and move your base to the oil patch. This could be great.
>factorio on a gas giant
>your entire base is an airship
Finally, everyone will be forced to use the ultra autism method for world peace to get their terabase UPS.
You'd need to load a bunch of it up onto a train so that you could take it back to being within range of all the ore patches.
What fun after-LANparty activities did you participate in? Or was everybody too autistic to do that.
How many of them are in this thread right now?
Was the final planet shown off in any way? (You don't need to give any details on it)
They're German so most of them do not speak English
I've had this idea for a modded space age planet that would be a gas giant, and you have to mitigate the weight of your platform with balloons and bladed rotors and rocket thrusters and shit so you don't fall too far down and get crushed, and certain resources and recipes are only available at certain elevation ranges. I think it could be pretty fun desu.
But what I want the same track to be used by multiple trains back and forth? Where is the right side of the track? Both ends?
That length of track is an intersection
Just don't, proper bidirectional tracks are much, much easier to fuck up and harder to debug, stick to one direction only.
Two-way tracks are a completely viable design, just take into account the fact that trains only read signals to their right so you'll have to place signals on both sides of the track accordingly.
Space is infinite, and throughput is substantially higher on 2 way tracks.
2 tracks that go in each direction*
That's the exact opposite, you need to get some sleep
>Space is infinite
space is in abundant supply
Also false, I'm running out already t.your mom
Chud moment
For all intents and purposes in the game it is. Its like 2 1/2 hrs to reach the edge of the map moving full speed with nuclear fuel. It would probably take many IRL years to fully explore and mine the service if you were doing this full time. Point being, you have space for 2 different rails for each direction.
>Yeah bro the atmosphere is huge there's plenty of room for smoke, just one more coal plant can't hurt
You need to work on your media literacy.
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red and green up and running
those are incredibly different scenarios
are you saying it was all a metaphor, and for the purposes of the factory building game, space is abundant?
Just input "inverse f(x)=r^2/(2k)*(1-a^x)^2+r(11/2-1/(1-a))(1-a^x)+rx"
Based digga
Rampant, fixed isn't fixxing rampant in the way you are thinking
It makes rampant even more untamed(hence why the max tier is only 5 for rampant fixed verses 6)
It also adds more enemies
Though it does have the issue of not neccisarily being compatable with mods that have rampant (not fixxed) compatability.
What in the Sam fuck do I do with Coal in Space Exploration before I get Coal Liquefaction?

My two core mining drills produce far more Coal than I can consume
Create an isolated power grid and shove them into the shitty burner generators to power a gorillion radars/beacons.
can you make landfill with it, and fill warehouses?
I don't know what that has to do with my point.. And media literacy, or reading comprehension? Was me losing interest in talking to you your purpose here? lol
>can you make landfill with it, and fill warehouses?
I thought I was losing my mind when I went looking and found out that you can't

You can make it out of Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Stone, Sand, Scrap, Beryl, Holminite, and Iridite, but not Coal
they should make rails and rail signals cheaper in 2.0
like the other guy said, the only real option is to have an overflow belt that leads to a disconnected power grid of dry generators and something to consume the electricity like radars or transmitters
every now and then i think about making a mod that lets you run core drills in reverse to void whatever ores get fed into it
Do we approve of putting productivity 3 modules into anything and everything that will take them?
It's just weird you're able to landfill scrap but not coal
Do you want Centralia?
I ran into the same issue honestly my base was drowning in fucking coal, I guess anyone that turns on those drills would shortly find out this becomes a problem. Lets just play the official space faring when it comes out that's the real solution
>The artillery has a damage upgrade tech now
You can check the numbers from the tech menu. Wube announced that they double artillery damage so we can do the math ourselves based on that to calculate the effectiveness of the upgrades. You can see all the damage upgrade, including infinite from the start of the game.
>It looked rented to me, like a turnkey solution to a lanparty. Seeing how everything, including displays and headsets is alienware, I assume it's a partnership with alienware in some form or shape.
Alienware is just really good at doing huge rental services for that kind of event. They moved away from trying to be "THE ELITE PC" builder and went to become "THE RENTAL SERVICE" when you need 100+ computers. Their pc kinda suck in multiple ways but you can't argue that setting up 100 pc in a day is not impressive.
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If funny space man wouldn't lock Coal Liquefaction behind Vulcanite maybe it wouldn't be a problem
No because prod 3 is bad in miners and pumpjacks.
>Make an achievement for running over nest with a tank
>Increase nest health and reduce the tank's ramming damage
Why did they do that?
Power creep. In a game with legendary spidertrons that you unlock as early as Gleba, there's no room for tanks.
in a game with turret creep as early as red sci, there is no room for tanks.
Actually you only have access to rare items before going to Fulgora and you don't unlock legendary until the last planet.
All vehicles will get grids and you can slot in bumpers that incread ramming damage, trust the plan.
The personal laser nerf is really weird because every biter is now getting a flat+percentage based damage reduction. In vanilla 2.0 this will make personal lasers completely useless until you get to infinite science.
With legendary everything you'll end up roughly where you were before. Remember that power armor gets more slots with quality.
>vanilla 2.0
Read the post. 2.0 is the base game. Quality requires the dlc. It's a nerf to vanilla in favour of the dlc balance.
you vill buy ze dlc and you vill use quality
Rare spidertron is still going to be more useful than rare tank, probably. Does the tank get anything at all from rarity?
My bad. I thought we'd already established that people who don't buy the dlc are going to get shafted hard back during the beacon nerf announcement so I completely skimmed over the vanilla part.
>ruin the base game and sell a fix for another 30 bucks
not my beloved WUBE they would never do such a thing, unthinkable!
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floating point moment
It's hard to convince new players to buy a dlc worth the price of the base game before they even played the base game which is already pretty expensive when it comes to indie games.
Just like when I need to insert another science pack into the science machine for the science machine to realize that the science is already done
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mods will fix it
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>Hello new player, you should download this mod list and tweak the settings before you start playing. Just trust me bro.
>horrified by the thought of president todd
>realize it would just be status quo
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Leg/tank should have 4500 HP, maybe increased range, what else does QUALITY do to it?
You're better off with speed in miners and pumpjacks, hell even elf modules if you want the mine to be a stealth-mode as possible. Prod modules aren't worth the slowdown after you get a bit of infinite mining research going.
Forgot where I read this, but I'm pretty sure the devs fixed this for 2.0. They're going to store values as integers IIRC.
what a stupid way to look at this lol
How do you even use combinators for enrichment? Do you count them one by one somehow?
I just have one inserter stealing a single uranium whenever depleted uranium is extracted. Doesn't work with prod modules, but eh, it's still plenty enough. Picrel, currently stopped because storage is full.
i am thinking about buying Space Engineers
does it have any glaring flaws or stupid quirks?
you won't
It's full of them. I think it's the best first person vehicle building game though despite those quirks. Just be aware that it's a byo fun kind of game - the game only has a couple of unique challenges and then its up to you to think of stuff to do yourself.

Grab it on sale and remember to install Build Vision to fix the shitty ui and turn lightning off.
walls useless in peaceful?
crash barriers for the car
>set up oil power plant
>now about 1% of the way to a comically high energy budget goal
>look at gas refinement recipes, specifically the ones with condensates
>consider, open calculator
>they're 2.3 times as effective for power as oil, per pumpjack
well, I guess I know what my next construction is
I'm guessing he's just got a memory cell counting the number of U235 inserted, the inserter to only be active while the count is less than or equal to 40 and the reset signal for the memory cell is set to when the output inserter starts moving
Is that anon still playing ME?
Medieval Engineers
ah, it's usually called mengies
I wanted to be specific. Also I have meningitis.
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There are TWOs of us.
I honestly would join you lads but I'm trying to win DSP. Keep playing for a few more months ill join you soon.
The party goes until the last second in the evening, and starts in the morning again.
I had a couple very good beers yesterday, day before that I slept through, was too tired.
It is in the game, mechanically and graphically complete. You can only reach it after doing the other three. It looks quite interesting mechanics-wise, I can't wait to play it.

Ofc I can, I just didn't. The question is not in the specific number, but rather if it solves the tedium of lategame clearing. As the other anon, I think it won't. Damage was never a problem imo.
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>sit my ass all afternoon, I will fix this
>get some progress but
>looped around to the starting point of "just remove two trains and call it done" after one fuck up lead to a fix and then to another fuck up
No hope for me I guess.
Nuke arty is the best lategame solution. Kills them good and doesn't even leave any survivors to retaliate, at least not more than a few gun turrets can't handle.
its a fun enough ship builder but there's fuckall to do. you're gonna be making your own fun, a lot. game's been neglected for a decade since keen cashed out on it and all they do now is scrape some blocks from mods and sell them as a dlc
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He's in here with us isn't he.
In Factorio, every time I load my save my shortcut buttons reset. How fix?
save after setting your hotbar
Is he actually that old? He acts like a zoomer.
And he looks like one too
first time i played i tried to make two way rails work but i was too retarded and ive just done one way rails ever since
maybe it would be different if i tried again now
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>1500 cargo rocket sections
>60 space capsules (I screwed up their storage limitation)
>A gorillion units of liquid rocket fuel
>"Do I have everything I need before going to space? I'd hate to be wasteful"
Why am I like this
two-way operation can't be made to work at scale even as a meme
take it from a long-time spaghettard and vanilla LTN autist, I'd rather do one factory-wide sushi belt than a two-way single track train system
it would have better throughput too
I have obviously tried this.
My shortcuts even save between jumping from desktop to Steamdeck with the cloud saves. No idea what your problem is
Don't tell him about bots, laser turrets, electric furnaces, artillery...
>is there a reason for game mechanic?
>like, they just seem to add a ton of gameplay, planning and production
I figured it out, cheeky piracy detection. Used a different crack and it works fine now.
Is there an actual point to belts in Factorio?
Like, they just seem like a minor puzzle you solve and there's zero reason to have them since you just lay them between machines that tell you exactly what needs to be connected with what.
Is there an actual point to inserters in Factorio?
Like, they just seem redundant. They put stuff into stuff. Why not just connect the things directly? What does an inserter add?

anyway, you get my point. Continue removing things until you get but a blank screen with a number going up.

Jokes aside, you can't believe how much mental energy I've and every one else spent on automating walls, expansion, defence and attack. I think most factorio players did more or less what dosh did in his edge of the world video to get to the furthest patches. Was even more of a challenge without auto blueprints mod, making you factor your own time into the formula (everything goes slow but you are only bothered every 5 minutes once, or everything goes very fast but you are doing a ton of work constantly, clearing the biters ahead manually with nukes, etc). Most of the memories I have from my end-game saves are memories of designing the walls and expanding in the most efficient manner possible. That's literally how different playthroughs got categorized in my head. So you say it's a minor hazard, I say it holds as much engineering potential as the other half of the game.
Belts are a tool and scale in complexity with the size and complexity of the factory itself. Biters just increase their numbers. It's like if belts could overlap and the only choice you had was when to unlock the next tier which is just a straight upgrade. Pretty much worker drones actually but without battery.
I just unlocked logistic system in krastorio and now I just don't want to play anymore. It feels like I can solve every problem by spamming worker robots at it until it works.
Make yourself use belts.
It feels shitty now, I agree completely, but imagine the delayed gratification when you discover shit for yourself. Imagine playing fucking Factorio that you know in and out and seeing something crawl out of the edge of the monitor, not knowing what it will do or why, what are its mechanics. It's like your first night in Minecraft a decade and a half ago.

And after it releases I'd be glad to read FFFs about the creation of that stuff.
that's every game of factorio ever
just remember that trains are considerably better for ups
You have to understand the reason why you think buying an /egg/ game is something you want to do, because there's a lot of actual shit out there that looks and behaves the same as a genuine /egg/ game, but the feeling is "off" because of -certain reasons- because it's not actually /egg/

Are you thinking Space Engineers is about engineering stuff (finding solutions to problems) and that's what you want to do to entertain yourself (or occupy idle time) or are you just looking for a space game where ships shoot at each other, because Space Engineers can do that?

If you just want to shoot things, you should buy a proper action game and ditch /egg/.

If you want to model space ships in combat, that would be /egg/. Atmosphere versus vacuum, or armor penetration tests, etc... So do you want the /egg/ game where there's a block that has stats that does things for you, or do you want the /egg/ game where you place the bolts, beams and wires and welds yourself?

Space Engineers is the building blocks with stats /egg/

Starbase is the bolts and wires /egg/

Stationeers is something between the two, but doesn't involve shooting and is purely construction.

Kerbal Space Program... is a Boeing contractor role playing game.
Just wanted to say that beginner bases is like half the reason most of us are here. Even if nobody replies because there's nothing in particular to say, keep posting, it's cool to see.
>scale in complexity
first hour into the game:
>connect A to B
1800th hour into the game
>connect A to B

WOW, such complexity!
you don't understand, i am a very smart person because i play a complex game like factorio
Time travel to 2016 when it had actually fun destruction physics and nothing but creative mode, build and crash some spaceships for 500 hours, get bored, grab popcorn and witness the absolute shitshow for the next decade.
>Solve a problem by learning how to design
>The problem is solved
>The problem is no longer a problem
I can't believe it!
>Dosh smells ordinary and plain.
Thanks, it's a routine I call "Taking a shower"
Also it's day two of an autist convention I'm allowed to wear a band shirt
what is the most autistic overhaul mod factorio? combos are welcome too
Dosh don't reply to the shitposters! He likely wasn't here and no one drank from your coke bottle behind your back either.
Oh wow you solved biters? Please share your solution. How do you get to the 1G ores? I think I had a pretty cool setup, but I wouldn't dare to call it solved, I'm sure it can be improved. And it took me many years of playing to get to even that.
You should feel the poison kicking in now
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doesn't work
i only have py industry and SE enabled (and their dependencies), no other mod
I just heard the phrase "PySE" here
don't know anything about it
Py itself is insane enough
All The Overhauls
is it really worse than py modpack?
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Personally I find that two way operation is great for my planning paralysis. Kind of how I started enjoying the game a lot more when I embraced the belt spaghetti, this is spaghetti for trains. Now I just need bot spaghetti and the trinity will be complete. Throughput sucks, but you can usually get away with it, and when it does become a problem, it's easy enough to upgrade.
No idea.
They are the top two as far as I know.
Here is how you do it: Train+big poles to outpost>2-3 thickness walls>Laser turret lines>infinite laser damage tech>Build more nuclear until you can afford to switch completely to solar. Several ways to clear the way, I personally do it manually with a remotely control spidertron armies.
Generally scouting and building a real base near multiple giant ore patches is a better idea because the travel time and number of trains required makes extremely far outposts are a bit harder to manage.
But yes, biters are a puzzle too, a different one. Which also has solutions. It's just that the mid and endgame is not very engaging. It's like if we unlocked upgrades for bots that make them recharge faster and have bigger batteries. What's the point to belts in factorio? Just use infinite energy lightspeed bots to move items from point a to point b. What's the point of biters in factorio? Just use spidertron armies with rockets, laser turrets or artillery.
what if you could launch legendary space science and get legendary fish
You unlock automatic fisheries on Aquilo.
Science has no quality.. But spidertrons on the other hand... Kovarex personally confirmed that the only way to get a legendary fish will be to repeatedly construct and salvage spidertrons until it you get a legendary fish from a legendary spidertron.
I know, and I hate it with every fiber of my being
there's not even any productivity on making spidertrons
The goal is to make a meme item out of a mechanic's side effect. It's like if you had an achievement for nuking 100 landfill.
hah look at that, i'm already reseraching
yeah, but it means that legendary spidertrons are super duper ultra expensive
that's my main issue with quality in general, but with most things you should be able to get 300% productivity from infinite research to cut costs
after my first no-mod DLC playthrough, every other playthrough WILL include a cheap source of quality fish
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
I wonder, does that mean no medkits? Since fish spoil it could actually be a problem on some of the other planets.
Legendary spidertrons are not meant to be your mass produced army tier shit, it's meant to be your very own personal command center with top of the line shields, exoskeletons, power generators, batteries, roboports and personal defence systems. I don't have a source on hand but I remember a dev confirming that legendary quality counting for +2 levels of quality also applied to poles, armors and spidertrons. With a 15x11 grid and everything in it being over twice as strong, it's understandable that it won't be a mass product since it doesn't need to make any choice. It can be extremely fast and very tanky without sacrificing offense or building capability.
>they actually BUFFED destroyers
Science does have quality. I remember reading it in an FFF, but I don't remember which (it's not the original Quality one).
If you search "quality science" in the trannycord there's a bunch of other trannies talking about quality science existing with certainty and even giving exact numbers on what it does.
Basically it just makes the science packs last longer, but they don't seem good enough to warrant using quality for science over productivity.
I must have missed that. I guess using legendary space science to get a legendary space fish could be a solution, but it wouldn't be as fun.
They will probably make space fish always normal quality.
And then someone will make a mod to change it.
That's honestly what I expect them to do. But that's also a disappointing answer.
I don't understand why tanks must struggle against biters, biters are insects and tanks are advanced xeno technology. I would expect tanks to at least be able to destroy medium size nests with ease.
i got the game and i immediately regret it
>can't just plop down anything from the menu, you HAVE to put it in your hotbar
>someone thought it'd be funny to put tutorial missions in one map but 5km+ apart from each other
>sometimes you can't move items in a box because... you just can't?
>assembler literally does nothing lol
this has been out for five years or more? what the fuck were the devs doing besides masturbating? it's utterly unpolished.
Anon, you moron.
We told you not to.
You didn't even pirate to try it out?
I like the nest changes actually
not being able to steamroll nests with a tank is a good thing that makes it more interesting, they really needed a buff
plus you get more pseudolore where the biters are actually reinforcing their nests with stronger-than-concrete biotech scaffolding etc etc
could have been worse
you could have bought stationeers
I hope you played less than 2 hours
I don't dislike it, I just don't like how it fits in the rest of the balance change and the scale it gets to towards the end. When you're near max evolution, you kill biters and worms faster than you get attacked. This will make the endgame a lot more tedius and make artillery even more powerful which I strongly dislike.
just under two
this will be the first steam game i've refunded in 10+ years i think
i usually keep my bad purchases for the sake of killing time here and there but this is beyond bad
as an engineer i can't resist the allure of violating the /egg/ safety standards even if the expert opinion is overwhelmingly negative
sometimes you just gotta find out firsthand why regulations are written in blood
New player balance opinion: Give a single hotbar until heavy or modular armor which automatically adds a second hotbar. Permanently unlocked afterwards, like the bot ui. Can still be manually set in the options.
This would make the very early game less confusing and clearly show that better armor=more mechanics.
>factorio players reinventing mechanics that were changed 5 years ago because they sucked ass
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Mall plans.
Any machines I'm missing?
>pump, oil refinery, chemical plant, assembler mk2s
Will hand craft, only need a few.
Tons of stone in storage, can hand craft steel furnaces with ingredients I'm keeping on hand anyway.
Probably handcraft, if I need it.
Not needed, expansion is off, pollution spread is 0%, and evolution is off.
also, they're cramped for the screenshot, but I'm going to put space between modules, for the car to drive up and get stuff
will also flip the bottom one so it can be the other side of the middle module, and not waste space
>start build rail network for decentralised base
>LTN working fine (FUCK having a gorillion trains for every resource->product)
>suddenly LTN decides not to dispatch anything any more
>try cybersyn
>does nothing
>try LRD
I'm about to uninstall reality.
>offering up a core seam as a dump site.
hmm.. y'know that's actually not a bad idea at all.
>All vehicles will get grids and you can slot in bumpers that incread ramming damage
That'd actually be pretty kino.
Mad props if you can mount a giant fucking drill on the front.
Or an integrated woodchipper, for instant onions biter.
>drive over an ore patch with a drill equipped
>car inventory full of ore now
why do I want this
The mechanic still exist. It was half assed removed.
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Fund it.

Are you seriously going to handbuild all this shit during a "speedrun"?
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Reactor finally done. Time to build real base.
good OP. Easy to Ctrl+F, easy to scroll by.
Surely the community will love this change!
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I kekked, but all that matters is OC.
Any rare game oc is way better than the eternal nuclear vs. solar ragebait PID pol discord nigger lgbthdtv "discussion"
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>double wide heat pipes
>whatever that bulllshit is going with your steam
bruh I feel like I'm losing UPS just looking at it
>disabling biters is a hot topic
Is that because you can erase them from existence later on in the game, SE-style?
Thank you for the answers.
What I find impressive is the way they set it up so that they can update on the fly. Doing that with windows must be a pain.
>muh UPS
I'm not building hectares of solar panels when the "problem" in question can be solved with bigger CPU.
Picked up space engineers on sale, is good? Any noob tips?
>you feel a moderate breeze
Sorry I ate broccoli.
Their cost feels pretty balanced to me.
It's called hotfixing, as opposed to coldfixing. What is impressive is that they set it up for factorio. Factorio doesn't use a server system in the traditional way, clients do all the calculation themselves and then check if everything is right with the host. This is why factorio suffers from lowest denominator issues and doesn't have cheaters. If your pc can't run the map or you try to modify it in an unintended way, you get kicked out.
I love him
Poorfag mentality. I have i too and it's terminal.
you have shittus tastus
No. Refund it.
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>It's like your first night in Minecraft a decade and a half ago.
Thank you for putting words on my feelings. Man, it's been so long.
Why? It was only £7. It’s posted on the OP so I had to try it
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This is why I still come here
I'm glad, maybe now I'll bother with them.
I come here for Dosh's replies that are always hilarious in the most down to earth way.
i don't mind the nest HP changes, in fact i'm glad they're buffing it since they're popping like balloons late game, BUT the laser nerfs are unwarranted so go fuck yourself wube for bandaiding your shitty quality system, because we both know you're nerfing shit so your epic legendary legendary doesn't feel irrelevant and pointless

all these combat changes and they still can't be bothered to automate bug extermination in an automation game, but let's add heckin memes cuz funny lol
>install meme mod
>get memed on
How about making train blueprints?
legendary bullshit*
If you're building nuclear reactors, ups is irrelevant.
You statistically didn't beat factorio. Your opinion is discarded until I'm proven wrong.
>nerfing shit so your epic legendary legendary doesn't feel irrelevant and pointless
No it's because laser defenses are super overpowered and are the go-to for offense.
>I figured it out, cheeky piracy detection. Used a different crack and it works fine now.
Uh... Factorio is drm free.
Why are you complaining about changes that will make you happy long term?
Play with Quality.
Automate biter extermination with vanilla recursion blueprint
Trust the plan.
Marry and reproduce.
and you objectively have shit taste, go make out with your screaming boyfriend somewhere else.
His files were set to read-only, probably
All me
You're asking people to pay 35 bucks to get back to the level they were before the update. I understand why they don't like it and it's a surprising move from Wube. But at least they let you download 1.1 on from the website and old versions of mods, so at least players are not stuck with the nerfed 2.0 if it goes really bad for them.
That isn't objective at all. Don't be emotional about it.
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>vanilla recursion blueprint
Please tell me this exists.
The guy who showed up the Factorio goon party in a red satsuma.
>vanilla recursion blueprint
>Marry and reproduce.
I'll be making my factory reproduce instead.
LTN exists purely to reduce the number of idle trains and the space required to store them. It's not my fault vanilla has no way to set conditional train schedules aside from turning stations on and off.
>reduce the number of trains

If this is for 2.0 it's already outdated. With the new programmable assemblers we should be able to make a single machine mall with only circuitry without bots.
>with only circuitry
I doubt the circuit will be small, but it will be really fun to do
so they've stolen SE, and circuit combinators
is there anything in this update/dlc that doesn't already exist as a mod?
>circuit combinators
I mean recipe combinators
god I need sleep
>update launches
>95-100% of the "leaks" itt were larp
What leaks?
All in one for everything would be retarded but being able to make steam engines from iron plates in one assembler will be really nice
So vanilla players are fucked then with the beacon/critter/laser changes?
Beacons got buffed tho

>All in one for everything would be retarded

Maybe a separate one for belts but other than that I'd put everything in just one in the early game.
small thread offering
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They should make quality available for free. Kovarex even admitted to it being a finished feature before they started work on the DLC, it was just never properly added to the game until 2.0
I don't know who in their right mind would choose to not play the expansion. That being, said why do people assume that this change is for all factorio? Like mostly everything that is not QoL, the changes are for the expansion. Expansion changed recipes, for example, to get you to the rocket much faster, but those changes are not made for the base game.
Unironically should and so should elevated rails which don't fit the rest of space age.
You will buy expansion anyway.
Well, yeah. I mean, yeah.

You honestly, legit think the nest changes are not coming to 2.0? Really?
Why can't we pre-order it already?
They're coming to space age because we also got new toys.
Do you guys even play anything besides Factorio?
Because they are white
Thankfully, it's nothing like SE, except the space thematic, whichbwas there before SE.

SE is shit, imo.

Tell me explicitly which changes you want to test with all dlc disabled, and I will test. Don't pussy out now.
nta but run headfirst into a 100%evo bug nest with nothing but a single personal laser
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Been playing Wolfenstein : new order on hard this time. I'm getting my ass beat on the Nautica level but it's been really fun.
It's also the worst running game I've ever played on Linux.
Biter spawner is on 3500 health with evolution on 1.00
Explosive 5
Fire 3/60%
Physical 2/15%

Normal pld:
Range 15
Shooting speed 1.5/s
Damage 10 laser

Energy - 50kJ per shot
>I doubt the circuit will be small
One constant combinator A holding the intended level of supply.
One constant combinator B mapping products to indices-as-signal-value.
One constant combinator C mapping recipes to indices-as-signal-value.

One arithmetic combinator hooked up to logistics network and A to produce the difference.
One selector combinator to sort the differences descendingly and pick index 0 - i.e. select the largest deficit.
One decider combinator using the new 2.0 separate red/green condition facilities and [each] > 0 on green with output [each] signal value from red, to pull out the index.
One more decider combinator to map the previously pulled index to the recipe signal.
Assign the recipe to the assembler via the recipe signal.
>>493519240 (cont.)
>One more decider combinator to map the previously pulled index to the recipe signal.
*one more SELECTOR combinator

(sorry- typo; posted before I spotted it)
Opinion on Backpack Battles?
What's the best spaghetti to come out of the lan ?
or you could use recipe combinator and a single constant combinator with each item set to negative values of what you want in the logi net
if you wanna get real fancy, a second recipe combinator to read ingredients of the main recipe and a third to pass them to another assembler so you don't have to keep copper wire and shit in your logi chests
where svgg you fucking donkey
this is how you know when the retards wake up
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Any Shapez enjoyers here? Kinda getting started. It's alright filler until Factorio Space Age comes out.
>Nilaus did not consent (I couldn't find him)
More like the devs didn't consent to Nilaus.
Nilaus is NOT a team player. It's either his way, or the highway.
Not the type you'd invite to an off-brand pre-launch party to do some LAN-play for late-stage constructive feedback.
Yeah, when I don't autism-blogpost here, I just regular blogpost in indie.
I got tired of ripping down builds over and over again because either I didn't need that shape any more or I didn't have the room to change it into one I did.
>Expansion changed recipes, for example, to get you to the rocket much faster, but those changes are not made for the base game.
(Uhm, anon? Wube devs literally already told people through Discord that RCUs would be removed for the base game as well.)
>or you could use recipe combinator
That's a mod though; and not the new 2.0 / SA baseline experience, which was what the topic was about.
The new 2.0/SA baseline experience is 'we couldn't just COPY the mod, we had to make it WORSE somehow'.
So the combat changes are for 2.0, not just space age.
(this was obvious to those with at least double digit IQs but the confirmation Is nice to have)
Honestly, as soon as you get full bots, you should switch to a bot mall setup with some basic logistic request in your power armor. You don't really need anything in your mall other than pipes, yellow belts, medium pole, steel furnace, assembling machine and steel chest.
Most players don't bother setting up a bot mall or personal logistics but if you're gonna make a complete mall or play for a while, you may as well do that. Just don't forget to limit your starter mall's chest to only a few stacks. You'll rarely need more than that pre-bots and the resources are better used elsewhere. You may as well make the rail assembly line for purple science and put a chest to buffer a few.
No, its the only game I've touched in the last 8 years. Work and IRL stuff takes up too much time. Because its the only game I care about, I let myself have an autistic interest in it and don't feel bad for doing so.
He's not finnish, he's australian and he is literally 20 years old.
Did you even read the FFF or do you just like complaining? Other stuff became stronger as well. Combat is still perfectly viable in 2.0, it just requires different strategies.
He's finnish on the inside.
Yeah, if you need anything else "old" on which you want me to run the numbers, just let me know.

I don't think any dev would be opposed to me revealing vanilla chanhes
Going into day 3 of your team's SA playthrough, is there any vague or general statements you can make about it?
its just k2se without the bloat so if you like that youll love sa
What's the recipe for nooks without RCEs, just 1:1 into blue circuits?
The good:
It does not have the problems that SE has - planets, their challenges (military or otherwise) really do feel unique. You are not stamping down the same mall and the same turrets everywhere.
I really like the map generation everywhere I visited so far.
I like the changes around the belts and inserters. Trains seem so good now, that I don't think I will really need mods for them in the future. High rails are also a gamechanger - now not only the 3 german autists can do good crossings, but more or less everyone.
Landfill changes are great.

The bad
I think that the GUIs in the current iteration are really rough. A lot more buttons, a lot of them unclear, some changes to the logistics gui feel strange. A lot more clicking in general, and not in a good sense.
One planet in my opinion does not have any interesting/gamechanging research tied to it, and you don't consider it to be the first planet worth visiting. I'd go as far as to say, that it depenslds heavily on you having visited another planet already by that point.

All in all, I'd propably not hesitate, and preorder even in the current, not finally polished state.
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life's good
time to tear it all down and rebuild though
>imagine the sex
most of those people can, in fact, only imagine it.
thank you sir
imagine going to the factorio headquarters and not assassinating earendel
weekend's not over yet inshallah
But he gave us such lovely things as bugs with assholes on their heads
Honestly, I don't understand the schizo talk about earendel in this thread. I only started playing in december.
You're not, the UPS is all in the turbines and heat exchangers, all the other shit barely matters and you cannot optimize anything about the entities which are actually expensive, the number of them you need to build is directly tied to the power output.
who here playing satisfactory 1.0 ?
looking for some players
Vulcanus looks fucking great, kill yourself instead
UPS only become an issue very late game. I have a decent but not great pc and I can still run my 2k spm megabase at 60 ups with times 3 speed. It mostly uses tileable nuclear as its main source of electricity. Nuclear is very expensive UPS wise but that's compared to other power sources which includes solar which is literally free other than the production cost.
Alright, Gleba seems nice, Vulcanus is threatening but the one I truly want to try first is Fulgora.
Megabase on a relatively small ribbon world. That's just an idea I got. Train based? Logistic train request with several wagons per train containing several items, all parked at one end of the base. Logistic send requests to pick up or drop items, related train goes there and comes back.
I can't think of a different way to do that.
Does it pay to have tons of rockets or just use platforms instead?
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So, mining prod and speed modules are pretty crazy. I got to the point where a single miner can fill a lane of a belt so I tried to make a new mining pattern to get as many belts as possible out of a patch and the result is hilarious. Behold!
Did you goon right after? I bet you did.
I think this is where you start doing direct mining into trains
The wiki has a table which tells you the cutting point when a miner can fill a belt with speed modules, without speed modules and fill both sides of the belt with a single miner. At 890 mining prod, you can fill both sides of a blue belt with a single unmodded miner. Half a belt with speed 3 is at 170.
What's the best world settings if I want to make my first actual megabase? I tried to do one last year but dealing with biters at 0.999 evolution became too tedious for me to want to continue.
disable biters
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explain yourself
I considered that but the trains are too long (4-16-4), I don't know how I'd do that in a practical manner. They're way too big for any naturally-occurring patch to fit a train, so the only options I can think of are multi-stage loading or cheating the ore in with editor mode. I'm not going to do the latter and the former would probably still be a pain to maintain with miners on the edges running out constantly (they run out even at this mining prod), plus it has the major problem that I'd need to change the train schedules for multi-stage loading and there's no way to do that beyond hunting down every train individually in current Factorio, so yeah. Too much of a pain I feel like, but yes direct-to-train mining would definitely be superior, in terms of UPS too.

I think I'll probably just stick to fewer belts per patch since it's much easier to hook up.

Yeah, as you can see I'm at 176 currently so I just passed the threshold.

Assuming max throughput, how many hours would it take to empty it?
I think that would be pretty hard to tell since some miners will run empty first and as such the throughput drops as the patch is used, but in any case I think it would only be a few hours, it's not going to be something crazy like many tens of hours or whatever if it goes full tilt constantly.
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These are the best settings
Include Ironman in as well
just loaded up the cetrifuge guy's save
i teared up a little
this factory has so much soul
buffa with a loada
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game id question

A few weeks ago i saw a "coming soon" game on steam, people in the discussions talked about an older game that was very much like it and asked if its a sequel of that. I played that older game, it was a janky buggy mess but it was good.
Cant find either of them.

>design a residential building
>floor by floor, room by room
>manage the construction

Looked intresting but fuck me i spent over half an hour tried over 30 tags on steam and there is nothing. Pic unreleated.
If you find biters tedious, then I'd suggest turning expansion off at least, if not disabling them entirely. I find the early and mid-game suffer if you have biters off but the insane amount of manual clearing you need to have a megabase's pollution cloud free of biters is insane so I can understand wanting to turn them off.

In terms of resources I suggest turning the patch frequency all the way down to the minimum. That's still going to be way more than enough resources but you're not going to be tripping over patches everywhere, megabases are large and I for one prefer to avoid building over patches as much as possible, so having fewer is a good thing. You can increase size and / or richness if you feel the need to, though it's really not necessary. My current megabase is running on minimum frequency, default size and like 50% richness.
>people had good guesses on that one youtubers stream
which one? link?
I'm gonna play factorio
I find biters fun to fight before launching a rocket and I've finished a vanilla deathworld marathon before (with a lot of cheese). It's just that when you start one shotting behemoths, biters are no longer a threat. They're an annoyance. I was thinking a custom railworld with max richness, slightly higher size and normal railworld frequency. I don't like having stacked patches. Max richness because it just cuts down the distance I'll have to travel. Railworld already disable expansion by default.
Have you ever tried rampant?
I like railworld and was going to suggest a souped up railworld. Leave biters on whatever you want and once you get tired of them kill them all with a console command.
what is that disgusting creature
Damn man, your server has 8 billion people on it?
Isn't he a remote worker
Erendel? Who is that?
Have you played the Space Exploration mod? You should! It's very good.
its just people on the spectrum with poor social skills trying to be funny, I wouldn't worry about it
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>Lab research *productivity*
Now we're talking.
nice cheats
>pounces on you
Thank you, I'm very proud of my sheath UwU
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nigga I see you got nuclear fuel mod installed but you better install https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Bluetonium nigga cause that orange plutonium looks nasty AF
He's just a funny punching bag. I honestly don't know anything about him, but it's funny to make up shit like he's a furry who enjoys CBT and is the reason the pentapods have buttholes on their head.

Honestly, Nilaus is the best punching bag for the consent video he made. Which is why I refer to him as consent guy
WTF is this real, only has like 50 views

I like the spicy cheeto rocks, sue me
Having played the early game for both
ATO and py(few years disconnected)
>you get 50 construction robots for free (massive qol)
>multiple science packs to get to green circuits
>30ish ores used at or(e) around blue science
>K2SE stuff (mainly early science)
>248k for voiding things+more
>uses >4GB vram with it swapping to regular ram (likely due to alien biomes and many mods), performance acceptable otherwise
>core miners, trust me this is very nice
>things are more complex than py I think
>you get a 30 range +200% gun turret, and ammo really early on
>>SE shenanigans (but also exploring space)
>you can probably get to space in sub 40 hours if you weren't adding power overloaded and powered belts
>trains are expensive
>30x times the products, (can make aesthetic spaghetti though)
>~50% of ore is lost per plate iirc
>fewer ingredients around
>fewer ores to manage early on, but you have to process them more
>1 plate per 9 ore
>didn't get to trains

Most of this is for early game, but likely applies later aswell
>see SE science

>fuck alien biomes
He posted it on the normal channel originally and it had a few thousand views. Extremely negative feedback obviously. It had less than 10 views for months until someone linked it here.
Yeah, he posted 8it on his main channel and completely threw me for a loop as I was watchign DSP: Dark Fog stuff and then that popped up and I had to laugh at it for the tonal whiplash of seeing dark foggers get rekt to him talking about consent. Hence, why I call him Consent Guy now.

In all seriousness, he's probably a cuckold for real.
what mods?
In that screenshot, LL, RR, PuE and nuclear fuel.
I haven't touched this save in months and I'm trying to wrap my head around automating blue chips on the moon again because that's cucking me out of tier 2 modules and piss science and I'm a bit overwhelmed so I'm just doing some busywork around the base instead of doing what I should be doing.
>One planet in my opinion does not have any interesting/gamechanging research tied to it, and you don't consider it to be the first planet worth visiting. I'd go as far as to say, that it depenslds heavily on you having visited another planet already by that point.
fulgora chads we fucking WON
I don't think you can use rockets for interplanetary transport in SA, just the platforms.
>Vulcanus has t4 belts, the foundry, molten metal mass manufacture
>Fuggora has t3 quality, circuit and related recipe mass manufacture with the electro plant, ZAP turret
>Gleba has rocket turret (?), spidertron, uhhh
it's probably hard to tie in the organic resources on Gleba with the industrial products your factories run on everywhere else. I think you're supposed to get carbon fiber and other material science advances from gleba but unless it's arbitrarily gating bigger structures behind those it's difficult to image what you can really do with those. The spidertron is a big gain obviously and it seems it will also be waaaay cheaper than in the base game.
Fulgora rush is meta
>no enemies
>the floor is made of blue/red circuits and LDS
>enjoy your complimentary scrapper to turn the above into endless free plates
>a literal ocean of heavy oil
It's so worth regardless of the tech
I can remotely kill anons by concentrating on their posts. Provide a fresh trace of the meanings he left behind. It might work through discord i have not tried, it will not work with forum posts if they were sent from a different computer than his.
>LL, RR, PuE
Not that anon, but I have no idea what these acronyms stand for.
that's the problem with acronyms, they're useless

Lunar landings, realistic reactors and plutonium energy
I think the big miners will make mining directly into trains much more common rather than being something reserved only for the most mega of megabases. That sounds pretty cool to me.
>no enemies
The hard-fact is that The Ear choose to cruelly smear unremovable purple flowers all over the biomes of his mod, even the normal looking biomes forcing tasteful players to constantly notice little garish purple flowers everywhere and only a terribly gay furry tyrant who is mad would do this. FACT
The environment is your enemy.
>the planet comes with a free counter to its sole challenge
>it then lets you use it for free power
it's almost comical
It's reactionary behavior when he keeps blacklisting other mods from working with his or forces people to play a certain way.
earendel has talent for mods, but is not a particularly nice chap. He is a control freak. That is reflected horribly in his obsession on optimal play, removal of compatibility and forcing people to reload his assets last so that people cannot make forks or edits of his mod without a huge pain in the ass being involved.

I don't like the guy.
The lightning on fuggora is going to be absolutely trivial dude, just spam the rods everywhere.
I really really hope there's some robots or shit to actually fight on fulgora because otherwise >>493552572 is 100% right and it's a free cornucopia for all that ails you.
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I mean just look at this and scroll down: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/UnlimitedProductivity
the guy saw someone make a mod that lets you use produles everywhere and went out of his way to change his own mod to make that not functional.
As I said, I do not like that man earendel.
while his ideas are originèl
I would not like him here at wube
I do think the man's a rube
his thuggish manners know no end
that man earendel, can fuck himself
Currently playing Space Exploration + Krastorio with a friend, but I want to play another mod on my own, any recs?
>It's so worth regardless of the tech
as a matter of fact, it has the coolest unlock in the expansion
Will you play Space Age multiplayer with me once it releases?
Quality is useful but it's NOT cool!!!
are you subscribed to my patreon?
I miss the egg servers, hopefully space egg will revive them
nullius good and very different from SE
What game is this?
What you didn't mention and what I think is one of the strongest benefits of it is quality. Theres no getting around the fact its going to be a mountainous climb to get your first legendary quality modules. With quality 3's and rare quality unlocking on Fulgora, I want to start grinding up for higher quality quality 3's as early as possible. So later in the game when I'm ready to go deeper into quality, I'll have a substantial stockpile of rare modules (or legendary if I do this at aquilo).

This is particularly useful if you want to megabase and scale quality stuff up relatively quickly. You'll need many hundreds of legendary quality 3's. Why not get the ball rolling on that ASAP, as I see it.
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I will play with my anons... after I finish it at least once on my own.
Oooh fuck yea I remember someone telling me to play this - thanks, will play now.
Okay so why does the SE wiki has an entire page written by him explaining how to force mods to load anyway and giving advice to make them compatible?
because he's a two faced asshole who, since he's been hired at wube, has to keep up a moderate idea of appareances.
You will notice the date when he wrote that page is well after he got hired :)
And he explains that in the most condescending way ever, and most importantly, he makes it particularly difficult for everyone to follow the plan he lays down in the first place
think of a reluctant bureaucrat being required to do something and doing it in the most convoluted and assholish way you can think of.
But he still did it so you don't get to complain :^)
With a megabase you will also want to not trigger any attacks. Not because you cannot defend, but because megabase-level pollution triggering attacks requires a lot of pathfinding and shit, biter attacks on a megabase are REALLY bad for UPS so if you have them on you must clear them out of your pollution cloud and keep them out permanently.
It's like Stockholm syndrome.
He's a modder whoe made some pretty popular mods, people here go on hours-long rants just to talk shit about how bad the faggot made his mods, only to then slurp every inch of turd coming out of his asshole by playing his mods for triple-digit hours.
>earendel defense force in full swing tonight
are you worries he's gonna check the thread and lan party pictures or are you just that much of a natural bootlicker
Whatever accusations people are making I've never even heard before, and I've had the game for nearly 9 years with thousands of hours lol. Maybe its true, maybe it not. At least from my perspective he just seems like a really talented artist/developer, and is probably one of the strongest forces behind making SA a good expansion.
>people here go on hours-long rants just to talk shit about how bad the faggot made his mods, only to then slurp every inch of turd coming out of his asshole by playing his mods for triple-digit hours
I don't care about factorio mod devs. However, I just assume this to be the case in 4chan.
Some insufferable anon comes and starts talking about someone nobody cares but him, then start talking about their "hate-reviewing" of the mod.
Hate boner is a power, and 4chan is where the mutant spider lives.
I feel like people would just laugh at me for playing slow and not just copypastaing every good blueprint which I don't do until I feel like it
Personally I never played SE and I'm not planning on playing it until the furnigger says he is done working on it.
The driving force into the wall yes
Ok, what is wrong with Space Age in your opinion?
It's in space. Space's shit.
I might, but the 1st playthrough is going to be solo, or maybe with IRL friends if any of them actually pick it up.
people on this site love playing shit games they hate, it's just as simple as that
I love earendel btw
I am earendel btw
I fuck earendel btw
earendel is kicking my balls atm while wearing his fursuit btw
quality names are shit btw
That doesn't happen on /egg/ servers.
At worst your existence will be ignored, and anything you've built will be ripped up because it got in the way of the cityblocking autist.
If they dont add a torpedo ladle or something special for molten metal transport in trains I'll have to make a mod for it, just make more wagons i beg you wube.
>Together? We are not playing "together"
>At most, we are sharing the space, and your side of that space will become another more autistic anon's railway project
Checks out
This is a legendary post
i could host but doubt there's much interest
will definitely spin it back up once spaceage drops
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Red chip has been doubled to make purple hopefully run full speed for the first time in 20 hours. The end of cog and bearing torture is within reach.
quality name are shit, trash, mid, bussin, and SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH btw
We need this Day 1 mod. They need to understand the message.
with all the ideas for fixing the quality names, serious or otherwise, I think the best would be a mod that adds a config menu where you can just write in your own.
Why do people include normal quality names? Those items won't have a prefix anyway
>"What are your quality names?
>Defaults to "Legend/Legendary"
>legendary copper wire
It will always sound silly.
>this has been out for five years or more
Ah, the """release""" date gets another one.
It was first available to the public in October 2013.
>Made from the finest copper ore from South Navis, the tales of the Legendary Copper Wire of Electrocution is kept inside the stone fortress of the evil Mechanus, Lord of Black Smoke.
>That evil alien leaves it inside one of its many nest-boxes, where its flying metal minions greedly keep it away from our grasp.
>Words of the 948th Crusader brings together our kind, for we shall take it for ourselves and launch a golden era for our people!
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Same person, you better believe it.
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Not this time, buddy
Using emotes make you sound like an absolute twat just so you know.
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What can I say
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All me
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Nice try but i have the original, defense force.
One of you is lying.
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Are you sure?
But that means (you) are aerendel dumbass.
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>this anon when he catches on:
>smelting and crafting on site
ore patches run out, you know
>everyone getting (You)s but not me
I sad. I want (You)s too.
Work harder
What have you done to deserve any (You)s tho?
It's more infrastructure but wouldn't it be more throughput? Unloading 4 belts of iron gears out of a train instead of 4 belts of ore.
>people now bulli me
I may as well kill my self.
And factories can be deconstructed/mines replaced with train stations

Correct. On my last megabase I not only smelted on-site but produced things like green circuits if I found two similar iron and copper mines near each other.
If you don't mind rebuilding a lot then I guess it's fine
>trees in the way
I haven't posted once in this thread and suddenly I get like 30 (You)s what's going on
(You)flation, today's (You)s are worth only a fraction of (You)s from a few years ago, blame chink flu
We all call ourselves me behind our names, why construct individualities? To spread out our search efforts? Explore more leads at once? The million pair of eyes of me.
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I like decentralized production and I don't plan on continuing past rocket. I just don't have the tools to megabase with biters around and unlocking them would eat up all my patches.
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Good idea
>I just don't have the tools to megabase with biters around and unlocking them would eat up all my patches.

NTA, but I haven't understood this sentence very well. By tools you mean weapons? From a glance, there's more than enough material inside your walls for a huge expansion. Depending on my mood, there are basically two ways to expand. First is just to run around with an inventory full of nukes and exoskeletons, clearing a section rapidly and building a wall with bots. The second one, much more slower but requires almost no input on your part, slowly creep with a grid of artillery and laser turrets surrounding roboports and power pylons, so that the turret radius overlap. Place a new line, do other stuff while biters are being destroyed, place another line, etc. After you're happy just remove the previous turrets if you struggle with power and optionally place a proper wall. I cleared an area that's the size of a 1080p screen fully zoomed out using those two methods, and the cost of my actual time dedicated to it was pretty negligible after designing the system itself. So I never understand the complaints about expansion being tedious. You just haven't designed a good expansion method.
It can all just be one blueprint. Just make a large enough mining array that's bigger than the largest possible ore patch (do it in the editor or download a blueprint). That's what I did end-game with far-away patches. One click of a button, one manually placed rail vein and I have a couple of dozen of hours more for my megabase.
Taking my time enjoying the steam phase, I wish it lasted longer or Deadlock finished the mill electricity thing he's hinted at, would make the experience more unique imo.
What I mean is that I'm playing on meme settings
Landmines and flamethrowers are the only weapons I have, getting anything else to a usable state would cost millions of science packs
I played 10x science cost for my IR3 playthrough so the steam phase felt more meaningful
You are only describing ore mining, which you need to build anyway. If you want to mine, smelt, and craft in the same place then you need some more manual intervention. I find that a bit tedious so I happily sacrifice some efficiency.
No, I was describing production. Mine, smelter and factory (like for gears) all in one single blueprint.
And a train station, of course. The only manual thing is having to click it two times if there's water to place landfill first (will be fixed in 2.0), and connecting it to the rail network.
So products made from a single resource? I can see that working then.
Don't know a lot about megabases
Me neither, relatively. There's nothing to really know except general experience. You can make the most shitty factory imaginable, but as long as its big enough or you copy it enough times, you get a megabase. The only thing that can suffer is your UPS.
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shut the fuck up
I really like the steam phase specifically because of how much it makes you appreciate the versatility and ease of use of electricity once you unlock it.
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I'm digging it. It's really improved on itself from the last one. The platforms are great.

It's a beginner trap from the first one as well. You really need a lot of space around the hub or vortex for importing. Anything early game is scrapped, or you learn to build stuff you'll use for longer.

On Shapez2, the platforms should serve as your quick copy and pasta. One for each function, and if something needs rotation, I had a rotation platform to use, instead of adjusting the stacker platform.
I would love a mod that replaces the vanilla burner """"""""phase"""""""" with something more involved like rotational power you have to transfer around with shafts and chains and stuff. Otherwise I always install the mod that lets you skip the burner shit completely.
Remember Starbase?
well it's an 8-hour "speedrun"
it's not super ultra lean
being able to place down more stuff as I need it is important
I'm going full bustard here
might not bother with the walls
automatic construction is nice but bots need frames(lots of them) which are partway to yellow science
and roboports need red circuits
seems better to just sprint to the finish
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Kerbalbros, we're back
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Just getting wires and logic. Went through a couple iterations and realized I could have the 4 rotations controlled by 2 on/off buttons. Like uh, (I might be remembering the wrong term), but a bitwise operator.

OFF / OFF = No Rotation
OFF / ON = 1 Rotation
ON / OFF = 2 Rotation
ON / ON = 1 Rotation + 2 Rotation
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>10 chunk long expansion biter snake just opened your walls
>I don't care about factorio mod devs.
Good luck, you can't go half a day here without someone writing an essay about earendel while logging the 300th hour of space exploration
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Revenge will be mine.
>factorio never clicked despite nearly 300 hours of attempts at it, always burning out early on
>set up my first mall ever this morning, after looking at what the fuck a mall is
>it is currently 20 past midnight and I have no fucking idea where the day went
I guess I get it now?
Happened to me with Workers and Resources. At least Factorio is user friendly. W&R is a piece of prime jank unintuitive art. Asking ton of questions on their discord is almost obligatory.
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You fool, you should have taken the hint, but you insisted...!
Now, you are here forever!
and I wouldn't want it any other way
beats sinking inordinate amount of hours into stormwanks, really
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>despite nearly 300 hours
See picrelated.
I have never launched a rocket and have tried Py, Nullius and Kastrorio 1 and 2.
you definitely got sucked into the game at a good time, with the expansion right around the corner that we've been waiting 4 years for lol. I recommend checking this playlist out and watching it if you want to get serious:


People can complain about his BPs and there are some pretty 'interesting' videos he's put out (see: >>493547630 ) but you will learn a LOT if you adopt his approach and mindset with the game. He's legitimately a pretty smart guy, and his content is very well thought out. Just give one video a try and you'll see what I mean.
only 43 days until space age releases and i'm free to finally commit suicide in peace
nah, I don't need no youtuber handholding, but thanks
time to just grind at it until that fucking rocket pierces the sky
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>tfw only 800 hours
i managed to beat the game three times
need to do a krastorio 2 run
help i installed the wrong mods and configured them incorrectly
there are biters everywhere and i don't have artillery
Solve configuration issues.
Delete that save, now.
Start over, you'll be much faster this unless retardation is involved.
>buh mah hours
You deal with biters before it gets this bad in vanilla, and if you modded and biters are everywhere, you are fucked.
Or you can enter map mode or whatever and edit the map like a little bitch, nobody will know.
are there any mods that make ONI put more emphasis on highly limited resources and early-game survival? the early game is pretty boring and it's fun to have to hyperoptimise excavation patterns and room layouts and stuff
He's lying, we WILL know
.t people butthurt that you can no longer burn stack everything away in SEK2 without being labeled a cheater.

Ereandel's mod and his contributions to SA have been the best thing to have happened to Factorio since 1.0.
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girls who play factorio look like this on average
real schizo hours
most believable troon I've ever seen
She looks strangely familiar
I play all overhaul mods with a time control mod. Sorry but the limited time I have left in life tells me that waiting 70 minutes to travel in a space ship is absolutely not a good use of my time.
Just wait until you find out about logistic and construction bots.
play on radioactive water planet with all difficulty settings maxxed out + you need to pick a duplicant everytime
t. marathon with biter sliders maxxed out player
Our superiority must have led to another controversy.
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Medieval engineers.
How big is her penis
Image search shows she's the model for Ashley from RE4 remake. Either Japan got really accepting or she has a real vagoonia.
Probably high throughput.
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I put this together last week and seems to be working. The unload and load stations all have circuit conditions. There is an input buffer equivalent to a stacker. The trip from the mines is about 3 minutes and 12 of these buffer stations allow 12 trains to be traveling home.

There's also an output buffer which is probably unnecessary, but it allows a to see if you need more mines at a glance.
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The train routes
>you need to pick a duplicant everytime
as in reroll just one to perfection and cope with the other 2 the game first hands me?
Man you are in for a wild ride.
Don't do trains, and especially don't do math outside the game to solve game problems.
It's the point of no return.
no i mean picking a duplicant everytime one is offered through portal instead of skipping.
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>I'm sorry it had to end this way...
>But I told you, no math outside the game, but noooo!
>Besides, didn't you know? The game... was rigged from the start.
Intermediate station for ore trains is very useful once your mines are pretty far away, I started using them too after trip time got so long my ore stops would run out before trains arrived.
my next factorio base will be modular
Perfect pentapod environment
Warm, wet, humid, and full of fungus.
Recycle this thread until its quality increases.
Is Lazy Bastard actually fun?
I'm trying it now and only like an hour in and it seems mostly fun, nothing too bad. Just concerned if Biters will eventually rape me since I never really tried the game past purple science
Biters are no more of a threat than usual. Also I hope you literally have not hand-crafted anything you don't absolutely have to, last time I checked there's not a lot of room for fuckups.
I was at 104 after I disabled crafting
Yeah it does work well. I wish LTN had a feature like this, like an intermediate waiting station.
sounds like you need bigger buffers and stackers

anyway, on the topic of LTN, anyone made an all-in-one oil station? is it as simple as wiring the heavy/light/petro pumps to the station output?
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there's an endgame gleba structure that traps a living pentapod and repeatedly forces the head hole open to deposit and incubate modified eggs
new thread now
wtf why my pp hard
earendel bros we won after all
will the DLC have weathers? i.e raining
dynamic weather no
but there's a permanent rain on Gleba and a nighttime storm on Fulgora
Probably not in the way you're thinking, but Fulgora is going to have nightly lightning storms, and Gleba seems to have a constant light drizzle in the background. We also haven't heard anything about what happens on Aquilo, so I suppose that's open for possibilities.
>We also haven't heard anything about what happens on Aquilo
Aquilo o que?
gif mone pls?
hueheuheuheuhueheuheu I report u
This isn't maplestory general
I don't bother with that, no need to ship around heavy and light oil. Heavy oil only needed for lubricant which is needed in relatively small amounts. Rocket fuel straight from oil. The rest of the oil is processed to petroleum.
lazy bastard honestly helps you play better. You realize how much having a mall for everything is actually better.
I tended to do malls for everything already
I'm not even finding any of it is different beyond having to wait more
What's the modlist? I might hazard a connection if I run out of better games
B> LEGENDARY SPIDERTRON @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
what do these mean
a soft lazy bastard mod that makes it so you can't handcraft more complex stuff (which is already the case for the engine unit and only the engine unit for some reason) would help me play so much better
I always get to power armor shit and can't be bothered to build all the crafting for a one-off so I just queue all the stuff I need and AFK for 10 minutes
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>handcraft a burner assembling unit (only handcraftable item) out of iron ore and stone
>use it to craft everything else
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