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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer
https://youtu.be/lgvLstETKqI [Open]

Previous: >>493332221
Shamir is TRASH!
This is the one...
Gullveig stinks
Excuse me?
We are using this one!
Gullveig Victory Celebration Thread
Fuck off Hagschizo SHAMIR is an actual Fire Emblem that loves cats
so fjorm *tings* every ranged unit but folds to any melee? what were they thinking?
Love wins
Post Edelgard but not with a woman
Edelgard killed the church and the people cheered
They were thinking with their dick, couldn't you tell by the outfits?
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Except dragon scum
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Weird post.
What doe HAGschizo have to do with Gullveig?
Heh... I've archived all your posts. I know you inside and out... You can call me... THE ARCHIVER
Gacha cucks go home!
So what you're saying is we're gonna get a laegjarn + musspel slutty santa duo that demolishes melee with near save?
Edelgard fucked my wife what do I do
No sadly, we should have gotten one of those during the fire tribe banner
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>You can call me... THE ARCHIVER
Are I can call you Raul's BEST friend, lol.
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Like it or not, Edelgard is the face of the franchise now
She also fucked me wife wtf
Well? Is this true?
Edelgard got her guts ripped out by Dimitris lance and you cheered
Shammy got a fatty
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Fe4 remake confirmed
I'm on the verge of tears every time I hear the credits version of edge of dawn
anyone has overused's edelgard webm?
In what way? TH is worse than Engage in almost every aspect except for World building so I don't see the benefit
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Nope, not reading the Fjormslop Paralogue, Maeda.
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This never happened.
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Okay but for real lets stop the Edelgard discourse before we do this all day everyday again I have ptsd from the last time
/feh/ Thread
Fuck off
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Meanwhile in reality
I don't care about /feg/.
I'm glad engage is so mod friendly. Really sick of running around picking up nuts and materials from the dog mines.
Just woke up flop status
Has anyone successfully added any new rings?
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What's wrong?
It's a thread for Fire Emblem Heroes ONLY content. Clearly it's absolutely a necessity with how some people choose to behave in this thread.
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Meanwhile in reality
Sham-Sham stepped on snek's neck
Bernie should have been avenged, I don't want to browse two threads at once, the shit posts will just go to /feh/ like they did before at best anyway, also fuck you
Of all the things to carry over we got stuck with the worst part of the fandom.
Is there anything worse than the routefags?
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Meanwhile in reality.
what made the gullfag seethe this time
Same thing that made the edelfags seethe apparently.
being super popular?
The characterfags or the shipperfags. Now the thread has both.
Why do the good games get the worst fandoms
I like Edelgard, I think she's neat
Remember when chuds claimed IS had to bring back the "popular" characters with the ahr loser banner only for it to flop hard
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Oh no not the hecking vooooting gauntlet what ever will she do?
Edeltards will never recover from this
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Meanwhile in reality.
Never win for one thing
Sorry dude the 3H shipperfags are up. See you next thread.
Meanwhile in reality
What does this have to do with shipping
This post made me transition
from a dimicuck to edelchad btw
ive seen the light
Fans of Dimileth: Natsuki Takaya
Fans of Edeleth: smelly transbians
Why are you speaking for me? I'm transgender now after that post.
>guy self inserting as woman and wanting to be dicks proceeds to project about being a tranny
You get used to it.
Who should I coom to today?
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No. Atleast as far as i've seen. Not unless they have them hidden somewhere.
Who other than that please
New rings? Not to my knowledge but skills have been made like astra and lunge. With a bit more work it's possible since outfits have been imported from other games like Shez's and Xenoblade. I believe the groundwork is there it's just doing it... And people not locking it to their private discords/patreon
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That works
>And people not locking it to their private discords/patreon
The real bane of existence.
Dorothea or fjorm.
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I picked a file with my eyes closed so enjoy whoever you get.
No one. Its a disgusting and destructive habit. Anyone who engages in it is worse off then an alcoholic or meth addict because our degenerate society has convinced men that its good for them to stare at a screen and ejaculate everyday.
Yes, actually
But my girlfriend is fine with it
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Disingenuous post.
Coom has existed for longer than you or I have been alive. It's NOT going anywhere!

Also this smells like a Spic post.
Damn and it's a actual Emblem, not a pact ring. That's a good start.
Ooo that's cool. The olwen ring seems a bit much. Either effect would've been fine on its own
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in that it needs at least 2 routes with opposing factions so that fans can shitpost for years about which one is better which generates tons of free marketing
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>"Ice Tribe" banner
>they even made up an aesthetic for it, they are ice skaters
>no mention of this in the paralogue
>almost no mention of the ice tribe at all
>the story is quite literally an advertisement for niflheim
>in that it needs at least 2 routes with more factions than the writing will use so that fans can shitpost for years about which one is better which generates tons of free marketing
Fixed. But agreed, watch the fandom make it up with what little writing is there.
Minimum effort, maximum profit.
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the ice tribe isn't from hoshido so they decided not to shill them but focus on fjorm instead.
the only thing more important than fjorm is hoshido.
>watch the fandom make it up with what little writing is there
Nah, because nobody debates Hoshido vs Nohr. Everyone agrees that Hoshido sucks, Nohr's plan was dumb, and Revelation just fixes it for everyone (except Scarlet and Gunther).
It's not an ice tribe banner. It's an "Ice Festival" banner. No one is dressed up like the ice tribe from Fates and the ice tribe from Fates has nothing do to with ice skates or magical girl dresses.
and 3 of the Ice Skaters are riding on a mount.
We had a wyvern ninja banner, after all. It's part of canon that wyverns are loud as fuck, and their wings can be heard from miles away, but somehow there was a whole "stealth" banner starring wyvern fliers.
>Ice Festival
>in the middle of September
>we aren't even at Halloween yet
This banner deserves to flop, especially since Fjorm gets hard-raped by any defensive physical infantry.
>Nah, because nobody debates Hoshido vs Nohr.
>Revelation just fixes it for everyone
Exactly. It doesn't matter how many routes or factions you have if you have a route that fixes all the issues.
It needs at least 2 routes with more factions than the writing will use so the fans will make up the rest.
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>literal wyvern ninja banner
>didn't have beruka on it
top fucking kek
you WILL love fjorm
I'm still surprised on how often Fjorm still shows up.
What she that popular in book 2?
The Winter months are basically locked up by the Christmas, New Years, and Valentines banners

They could've made it November's theme I guess but it still isn't winter
>It needs at least 2 routes with more factions than the writing will use so the fans will make up the rest.
But Fates DID have that. Three routes, five+ countries, and like half a dozen tribes.
Book 2 was the peak of revenue, but not because of Fjorm. She was only on a singular banner in Book 2. It seems the devs are just using 2's success as an excuse to print more alts of one legendary banner girl.
>Revelation just fixes it for everyone
But Fates also did have a Revelation route that threw it all away.
That's the real issue. Having multiple routes ofor people to debate over only works if you don't add in a route that just fixes everything.
I figured, if they're going to do that then they could atleast include the other book 2 characters or something.
Polite reminder:
Felicia is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!

I love Felicia, I will only ever love Felicia, I could only ever love Felicia, my heart belongs to her!!

She's so beautiful, I'm so happy she got another lovely alt!!

I haven't been playing for a while now, does anyone build suggestions or skills to roll for in the future?
no, her highest placement was 39
for comparison, we had
>Gullveig rank 3
>Vero rank 4
>Plumeria rank 9
>Loki rank 10
>Freyja rank 16
>Laevatein rank 29
>Thrasir rank 35
>Laegjarn rank 36
>Eir rank 40
Sharena is also rank 11 now but only thanks to botting
Also Henriette was rank 19
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Why is that hussy in the OP?
I thought /feg/ has better taste than this.
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Congratulations to the winner of the Voting Gauntlet "Sword Showdown", Marisa
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How many orbs did it take?
It also has straight characters
They did. We just had a Hrid alt shoved into a summer banner as a 5*. Laevatein and Laegjarn also have like four alts each. Loki got a Mythic back in April, too.
We usually get like two Book 2 alts per year, with only Book 4 getting anything else. 3, 5, and 6 were left to rot, aside from Bridal Embla.
It also has bisexual characters
Right and New Years Askr. Rip the other books though.
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Around 1200, which I felt was pretty good! I got a bunch of off-banner units, 4 Floras, a Thea and 4 Fjorms too.

While it's improved slightly and the rates aren't bad, FEH really does have one of the worst summoning systems out there. I would prefer wasting 5 orbs rather than being forced to pick something I don't want at a high pity.
>New Years Askr.
Every book gets NY alts, but it's also often the last time they get alts.
Unless you're Book 2, in which case you get the ENTIRE NY banner to yourself, and a Summer banner, and a Bridal unit, and a few Ninja units, a Spring unit, Flame Tribe, Ice Tribe, some more Summer units why not, a Pirate unit, a mythic, etc.
Damn Book 2 devs
It is tragic, yes. To this day, Thrasir has no alt, but that chick that set herself on fire for no reason has five.
Its also a really fucking slow summoning system.
>think Fjorm's an ugly, incompetent buttferface since start of Book 2
>fell for Laegjarn midway through Book 2
>they killed her off in one map at the end of Book 2
>shoved Fjorm down our throats
>cured Fjorm's cancer
>revived Laegjarn and made her into a Fjorm carpet-muncher
>keep shoving Fjorm down our throats with her increasingly becoming obsessed with holding (You)r hand
>Laegjarn never even shows up anymore after getting thoroughly powercrept on all of her alts
>Laevatein doesn't exist anymore either
I will never trust Maeda again...
It should have been Gunnthrá!
I only liked Laevatein, and her last alt was the ninja one 4 years ago with shit art
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>FEH really does have one of the worst summoning systems out there.
You got what you wanted!
For only 1200 orbs no less.
So why are you complaining Felicia simp.
I still don't know why Laevatein has 4 alts
They saw how high Severa kept ranking, and said "We have Severa at home!"
Of course, I got pretty lucky and I'm not complaining for the sake of it. It's just an observation after my first proper roll session after a long time.

It was hard to enjoy it and have fun rolling for my wife when I hit the 6% guaranteed off banner and didn't see green orbs 4 times in a row!
>4 years ago
What the fuck
and yet standard Severa barely just got into the game after only getting the easter alt for a while and her Fates version being fodder with no alts.
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Why is she crosseyed?
Because she's a cutie-pie
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>Gunnthra's jiggly ass squeezed into a spandex figure skater costume
They should have made Duo Fjorm/Seidr instead.
Why aren't you?
A question worth asking in the Fire Emblem Heroes General!
>400 orbs down the drain
>Not a single Fjorm or Felica
>Just a single Flora and a bunch of randoms
kill me
sigune punched her in the face and she got brain damage
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>*marries you without your consent*
No spark?
Did we un-merge already, or is this a silly ruse
Spark? I don't have one.
You are trying way too hard to shill this even across other boards. This is suspicious.
buy 1 month of FEH pass and you can pick any unit for free with that many rolls
No feh pass?
>Spark Blue
>Never roll a green again
Nice try
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Need more thicc women in Heroes.
Edelgard smells... GOOD!
Do You use Google play or Apple store?
I love Shamir more than anything
I wish I got a Flora on my freeroll, I just got a Jeorge (read as: trash).
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>500 orbs
>Finally Felicia
This day extracts a heavy toll
Fuck off.
I have still only cleared a single real Fire Emblem game, and I didn't really win because I lost a party member.
In some games the best strategy is to suicide your units into the final boss because it's such bullshit.
>I didn't really win
They give you a bunch of units expecting that you'll fuck up and someone will die. You beat the game.
That said I hate doing this.
Which game and member?
RIP Kent
Florina died because I messed up sending her to collect a secret in B27.
What kind of tactician would I be if I heartlessly sacrificed my army like checkers pieces?
The kind that doesn't die to an angry dragon that wants to end the world.
She's made of glass, it happens
I am intentionally careless with units I don't personally like.
I guessed 7 correctly, what do I win btw
You win another confession from me.
I keep trying to recruit every character and evenly level them throughout the games.
>should we give Fjorm an older effect for her Duo button like Frozen?
>nah, give her the effect that literally came out not even a month ago lol
Are you mentally ill why would you do that
And if yes, please just stick to sacred stones, three houses, or awakening since they have grinding to appease your mental disorder
I free rolled her, +Atk/-Spd. I wish unit trading was a thing, I'd have given her to you to make the +10ing easier.

Are you waiting for a better Echo skill to come out to give her one or do you just not have any extra attuned units?
Because I didn't want to get caught out having to force-deploy an under levelled unit and get soft-locked out of clearing the game.
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a little over 200 orbs. time to try Aether Raids again
Also its clear they made the Ice veins for her, because why the fuck would Robin have ice veins?

That said, how do we have a new Frozen status and not have any units on an Ice banner inflict Frozen!?
Thanks for the thought, I got pretty lucky overall but had some stressful dry periods in between.

I went dormant until a Feicia alt before attuned heroes were a thing. This has given me the motivation to play again though so I would like to get one for her. Do attuned heroes show up on legendary banners?
It's dumb, but it makes me feel better about using orbs on Hrid since he was definitely the best choice for that particular Diamant team he's on.
I didn't say old, I said "older".
That wasn't meant to be a reply
your logic still makes no sense, they're both 0 year old skills.
That's not a fire emblem character.
Yes it is
Flop status?
Yeah, ascendant units are permanent pool, rearmed and attuned are limited but get reran on b8%

Most of the Echo skills are not really meant for melee cavs anyway, so far we have WoM3, Guard with enemy phase damage reduction, Null C Disrupt(infantry only), Soaring Guidance(flier only), Far Trace(ranged fliers/cavs only), a remote darting that gives Spd+2 and 30% DR(ranged only), Death Blow 2(yes, only level 2), and Atk Oath(infantry/flier only)

So for you your only option would be WoM3 or Death Blow 2, you're better off just waiting
When is she coming back on a banner? I just need one more copy... Also I need Atk/Spd Alarm for her.
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>Fjorm loses to Brave Bernie
>Every modern far savior and infantry now has Null-C

So I guess my staff units are only for sitting around ploying and aren't allowed to attack anymore. It was a fun when they released all those staff buffing skills for like.. 2 months or so? Back to ending my turn with them I guess
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That’s because fat smells tasty
Bro, your deflect missile seal?
Next banner is Solm, right? I want to roll for cutecoolgirl Merrin, and getting Reggin in the rolling would be nice too.
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hmmmmmmmmm nobody's salesposting?
Let me fix that :^)
>Non special %DR
>In 2024
I keep running out of room in my barracks, even with the max number of 1100 slots.
Thank you for the info, it seems like I lucked out by not rolling for any in the past.

Maybe I'll pick up one or two if they're avaliable for regular/picnic Felicia.
And Atk/Spd Excel
Flop status?
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Chiki saw something get removed
Bernadetta only pierces 50% since Curved Shot does not pierce at a baseline. You still get 40% DR since it halves the 80% from the seal, should be fine enough to let her survive with modern BST I would imagine
>The banner flopped?
>Release the Fjorm/Ashen Wolves Christmas banner.
Her pantsu? Or were they never there anyhow
Assuming it is Engage the patternfaggotry is Solm, yeah.

Also Merrin is not cool, she's a fucking dork.

She's very /fa/ though

The only restriction to equipping echo skills is the same as rearmed weapons, you just can't have a prf special or passive. So your regular Felicia/Maid Felicia can use them just fine, but if you tried equipping one onto Legendary Ike it wouldn't work cause of his prf special
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Looks like you chuds need another edelgard alt
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If you're going by Reddit chart terms, then the banner is currently around/tied with Valentine Lyon's banner at E rank
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The <US doesn't care> special
I think all sales posters are gay faggots
Yeah true. I don't know who all has that though. Doesn't Felicia have it or something?
It's over, EOS next month
Whoops, meant to say Regular Felicia/Picnic Felicia
>retard can't reach chart
But not all gay faggots are sales posters!
Source: me, who goons to hector religiously but does not sales post
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So I am playing the the Three Houses game and I chose the blue route.
My MVP so far is Dimitri but I am approaching the level 20 classes, which one should I spec into?
There are no infantry lance classes available and I did not do much horse training to get Paladin.
You are correct.
Dimitri has his lord class. I just keep him at that, IS likes to push him as a cav though
My suggestion is going through a few other classes for mastery for him to pick up. His natural str growth shouldn't fuck him over too much, eventually the answer to come to you.
why does japan love SS while murrika hates it?
>flora's dagger is a prf
>retard can't spell
No it's not?
>but I am approaching the level 20 classes
units in 3H keep their level when they promote/change classes, its usually beneficial to promote as soon as you can unless there is a class mastery you are working toward.
I want to lick Dimitri's abs..
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i'm stupid
It's not just FE8, it's basically everything that isn't 3H.
As usual Cavalry get jackshit for good specials but you could get No Quarter in the future or apply galeforce. And since everyone runs with stat(us) debuffs, harsh Command+ is something to consider. A is alright. B is solid cause CANTOOOO. C is whatever so I guess speed wave will do.
They still dislike Engayge
Considering how the rank there is identical to the new banner, it's safer to say that Japan loves powercreep duos.
Uh oh I'm thinking about sucking on pecs again
didn't attuned eirika also have a huge difference between JP and US? that one didn't really have any relevant powercreep
>no relevant powercreep
Thank you! I'll keep this in mind.
Can you spark again when a banner is brought back like a year later or whatever.
how many copies of gust do you really need
What a retarded argument
You can apply this to any new skill released
not on special reruns for some dumbass reason. I'm glad they introduced it for normal reruns but its still not available for special hero reruns.
Currently you get Debut banner, double special heroes, and then maybe some special event banner if you are lucky. Those are the 2-3 sparks you get.
you don't seriously believe that gust was as important to whales as a +10 duo lyon
No problem, friend. And I concur, Felicia is quite cute. I bet her hair smells nice.
based sister do you have some Dimitri pecs too?
>NCD Echo on a lord
>also came with Distant Bonus Doubler
>also came with Gust
>also had a Floret on the banner
>No relevant powercreep
Do you read what you type before you send it?
Book 8 seasonals have been fucking awful
The continued failure of book 8 and Engayge
>book so bad, that Bridal did "well" compared to the rest
Need more Fodlan and Book 7.
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It’s been ages since the last cunny
Young Mia got a seasonal alt last month, you retard.
You had Amelia 2 months ago
>Doesn't count
If Lysithea counts, so does Amelia.
>Summer Festival Young Mia
>Amelia is like 14
>Micaiah is permanently 15
>they lolified Veyle
>Young banner
>Spring Framme
We've had one like every month, it's just that these faggots don't play the game and are never happy.
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They also lolified Framme
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So has anyone tried to see how Fjorm does against melee's? Like can she handle them well or is she like her Ascended form and just gets her teeth kicked in?
I was able to easily kill her with B!Felix and Bride Sharena
My Summer fjorm was able to easily kill the new fjorm, but the former is fully built. Fjorm's thing is usually anti-ranged and not melee.
>how Fjorm does against melee's?
not well, this is without any buffs or debuffs
>Did we un-merge already
Unfortunately, yes.
It just didn't work out the way we thought it would.
/feh/ thread
She looks like she molests 1017yo dragon girls in their sleep.
Seems like it didn't work...at all.
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>I love Shamir more than anything
Stop telling lies on the internet, Dear.
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giwtwm (the dragon)
Fuck off.
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That's not how this situation works.
My Felix used her like an onahole.
"Tits too big" he said
No, go fuck yourself. The split was always retarded.
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Never been a fan of the sleep rape genre but I make an exception for Framme (as the rapist)
Nta but for any other general, having a containment thread for gacha is completely normal and reasonable.
FE just happens to be singularly dead af
Sanaki x Tormod duo soon
>So has anyone tried to see how Fjorm does against melee's?
She's strictly a ranged tank.
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Don't care!
It was too late to merge back anyway.
/feh/ is better without Fire Emblem Three Houses Non-stop autism general (as seen from the first fifty or hundred posts of this Spic sanctioned thread.
The fact that literally nobody is using the other thread (again) shows it's just a shitposter trying to force a split again
>paralogue makes no mention of the ice tribe, it's literally centered around Fjorm
>the outfits are very clearly not meant to be ice tribe related, it's "ice festival" related, yet it's all modeled after the Fates maid outfit
>the "they're ice skaters" cope doesn't really work since 3 out of 5 units are mounted, and none of them make any mention of gliding around on the ice
You know, if you told me that IS only did the flame/wind tribe banners just so they'd have an excuse to make an "ice tribe" banner centered around Fjorm, I'd believe you
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good because that's exactly why they did those banners
It's the same shit as them putting all the whitewings on the Spring banner, or having Tellius slowly take over banners.
No it fucking isn't. /mmg/ didn't split off for X-dive. /ffg/ didn't split off for the various final fantasy gachas. /khg/ didn't split off for union cross. /feg/ itself was fine for years until you retards fell for a shitpost. There is no reason to have 2 FE generals other than a bunch of shitposters who want less active threads so they can dominate them more easily.
The Ice Tribe banner is currently at 50JP/99US, making it once of the worst performing seasonal banners ever.

Remember when you see somebody claim "this banner just isn't for you" and it ends up doing horrifically badly, they're a coping shill. Banners like this are for nobody. It's just dev favouritism.
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At least Maeda loves his wife Fjorm unlike your cheating self.
Amerifats have abandoned FEH
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hmmmmmm that's weird
Didn't you faggots claim Fjorm sold that summer banner with Ivy?
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>Remember when you see somebody claim "this banner just isn't for you" and it ends up doing horrifically badly, they're a coping shill. Banners like this are for nobody. It's just dev favouritism.
Sounds like a spic post.
Nothing to see here.
Looks about the same as every banner now aside from a select few that sell a bit better in the US.
>Name-drops a bunch of EOS'ed slop
Sure buddy. Your PNG gambler isn't a fire emblem game tho
90% of banners rank 40-50 in Japan. Americans only roll on Gullslop or CYLslop
The only seasonal that did worse than this in Japan was Nabata.
So uhh why did we get a random snow banner?
And why does Fjorm have a heart shaped bellybutton window?
>Looks about the same as every banner now aside from a select few that sell a bit better in the US.
It's almost like the vast majority of Book 8 banners have been shit or something
It's Fates tribes banner month
please like fates
please like fjorm
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I have to assume Fatesfags have completely bailed on this game (at least in the west)
And people really think Azura is winning CYL9. Lol
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Never forget the hero we lost.
We got Fire Tribe, Wind Tribe and this year Ice Tribe
Next year will be some different theme
It's also weird that Gullveig anon who made the /feh/ thread probably made the other /feg/ thread that was deleted by a janny as if they decided to make /feh/ in reaction to that or something
yeah, wolf tribe and kitsune tribe
Enjoy your 4th Nailah alt!
Fatesfags don't exist anymore
Nobody in the Fates ice tribe dressed like this
Granted all we have to go off of is kilma and the two maids but still
another Gullveig alt???
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>The Ice Tribe banner is currently at 50JP/99US, making it once of the worst performing seasonal banners ever.
I don't trust data that isn't Flareblitz approved.
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>Your PNG gambler isn't a fire emblem game tho
I'm afraid IS disagrees.
So can Fjorm survive Emblem Celica or is she just totally worthless?
The devs do know people only summoned Summer Fjorm because she insanely powercrept sword units, right?
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Just use the site he uses?

>our PNG gambler isn't a fire emblem game
Oh you think so?
Let's continue this conversation properly in the official sanctioned Fire Emblem Heroes thread then.
It peaked and is declining in JP too.
It's internal name isn't iron<whatver> so it isn't a mainline game no matter how you spin it.
The fact we only talk about FEH here shows how utterly fucking dead mainline FE is
North American tastes are so trash.
All they want is more Three Houses lords.
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>people aren't talking about single player games that are years old
stop the fucking presses
Sakurai isn't a FE developer, you retarded Smash secondary
I show up hoping someone else will ask a fe related question.
I have discussed everything I personally wanted to on serenes over the years.
It's mainline enough for Veronica to be included in Engage.
>The fact we only talk about FEH here shows how utterly fucking dead mainline FE is

That is why we shouldn't sully your precious ideal of the mainline games here and discuss the topic thoroughly here.

/feh/ thread
>>talking about single player games that are years old
Huh, that's weird, because that's exactly what people were doing here in 2022.
/feg/ was a dying general until 3Copes was announced though?
Keep doing this please, it's making your motives more questionable
What that means?
Engage effect
Whatever new game we get has a massive uphill battle to fight, interest in FE hasn't been this low since pre-Awakening
you seem upset
I think it's funny that not a single person posted a single thing there since you posted these.
Why don't you start samefagging in your thread, faggot? You might trick some fools.
It wasn't, though. /feg/ threads archiving out of pure disinterest wasn't a thing until 2023 onwards.
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just like before 3H released
That's because the mangs raids and nowi OPs killed all interest in going to /feg/, so everyone moved to /v/, where threads reach bump limit all the time.
I never aggressively samefag any thread I sanction. That tactic is in Raul and another schizo(s) bag of tricks.
North America is a joke in general because the plastic in food melted everyone's brains.
This is a lie btw
Hi false flagging Raul
hmm yes funny how nowi OPs stopped exactly when the merge happened.
Very curious indeed!
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Gonna have to change Tharja is my wife to Shamir is my cumdump.
/v/ threads regularly archive too, it's insanely hit or miss despite being a far more active board.
Also, the Nowi OPs started happening AFTER this place became inactive, the reason Nowipedo won was because nobody was left to drown his autism out.

Also, even in 2022 we had both /feg/ threads that never archived and /v/ threads that nearly always reached bump limit. Now we have none of the former and barely any of the latter.
>Somehow it's Mangs and Mangs fans fault
We're really throwing the blame all around for all of this
/feg/ started dying exactly 2 weeks andoran saga. It was very active all until then. So yes it is mang's fault.
I miss when the threads weren't full of shitposters trying to bring up sales every 5 minutes.
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that was the 2018 edition
he only dumped tharja in 2019
I'm sure you could say similar about some other boogeyman too
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>/v/ threads
Those threads are 90% art spam by the same few people because nobody posts in them, there are hours at a time where they're being necrobumped by that one namefag so they don't archive.

The current /v/ thread has been getting necrobumped for 18 hours and has under 200 posts.
For comparison. The PREVIOUS /feg/ thread was made 19 hours ago. They didn't "move to /v/", nobody is posting about mainline FE anywhere. Mainline discussion is totally dead.
And art posting isn't discussion because....?
Literally all anime generals on /vg/ are art spams. I bet you thought you were smart by pointing this out.
is there a 2024 version where 90% of it is sales?
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>Who the fuck is Tharja
lol, lmao even.
This one is much more accurate.
/feg/ was borderline dead by April 2023, pinning it on Andaron Saga is delusional.
There were Andaron shitposters, but again, this is another Nowipedo situation, they only had so much sway because /feg/ was a ghost town by the time they showed up.
Here's the secret to what really killed /feg/. We all suck and we're all intolerable weirdos.
/feg/ was very active up until July, right after Andaron released.
>And art posting isn't discussion because....?
Because it by definition, isn't? Activity is "people are actively talking about a game", activity is not "a handful of people bumping a /v/ thread because it keeps hitting page 10."

That's why it's a total joke to claim people moved to /v/. It's literally deader than we are.
>Because it by definition, isn't?
Not even going to read the rest because it's coping and seething.
he knows the /v/ threads and pre-merge /feg/ were dead he just can't admit it because it makes it look like engage's fault (it was)
I wanted Bernie to win but Gullveig winning is proper too. She is the most successful of the shilled characters and her breasts are the biggest.
>because it's coping and seething.
You are literally coping and you know it. You're trying to pretend a day old thread that keeps hitting page 10 and getting saved by art posts is an active general. We both know it isn't so who are you trying to kid here?
Well anti-engagetards are annoying as fuck and always need to but-in into conversations about Engage only to shit on it, so what's the point of discussing it when this place is full of haters? For the same reason reddit died too. Anti-Engagetards are obnoxious
people didn't like three houses either but the hate was ignored, the only reason engage killed /feg/ was because a game's haters were actually the majority this time
There's twelve in the class with two sets of duplicate skills all but one with a crest and everyone has three+ boons. This must be a mess of a balance to work with.
Please let this be bait
I liked 3h, as an oldfag...
I dropped engage.
True. My point still stands.
Fuck off
>anti-engagetards are annoying as fuck
Tards are annoying as fuck in general. Engage also has it's share of white-knights that were beyond annoying if you tried to criticize the game, mostly during it's honeymoon period but still.
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>We all suck and we're all intolerable weirdos
I am quite lovable when you get pass all the
tsun tsun and get to the creamy dere dere cream filling.
Mad gay nigga
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Ill give you some cream filling.
The current anti-Engage spammer doesn't even hate Engage he just does it to shitpost, I'm like 99% sure he was the Edelfat/yuri/yaoi spammer too. He's just ragebaiting. Most people are totally burned out on Engage hate and just don't care about the game out of apathy rather than antipathy.
Engage was so bad I stopped playing it to beat Final Fantasy tactics and put in a 40 hour save game.
There is no way your butthole isn't loose
Why are you so hung up on Shamir being my waifu now
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Also each time an Engage character is posted he rushes to reply with something along the lines of "not popular" as if people care about popularity if they like a character or not.
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any conversation that references "Anti-engage shizo", "Engageschizo", and "Felixschizo" were the same guy talking to himself and flooding threads. "Felix schizo" as a concept didn't even exist until after he was outed and someone posted some felix jpgs making fun of him. Maybe at some point other people got suckered into it too, but at one point it was at least just one guy talking to himself.
This guy was doing this shit for a year or longer, and it's not the first time /FEG/ or /FEH/ has had shit like this happen.
Something about this place just attracts crazies.
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Nothing gay about loving Fire Emblem Heroes.

Pretty certain it's exquisitely tight and it's gonna stay that way so help me God.
I am going to change that if you don't watch your purdy mouth
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That shouldn't have made me laugh so hard.
You have a wonderful way with words, Anon.
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>Why are you so hung up on Shamir being my waifu now
You betrayed a good woman who will most likely win CYL eventually if we don't EOS next year for a hussy with bi-sexual tendencies. I simply just can't understand this or forgive such a heinous act.
please don't insult cahterine's wife
Loyalty is overrated anyway
Because you keep denying tharja was ever your waifu and that you didn't abandon her because she failed to meet all your own standards.
Shut the fuck up, faggot
Tharja was always a shitty whore that only child abuse sympathizers liked
Tharja is relatively popular even now, that's a lot of child abuse sympathizers.
Yeah there's a lot of shitty people on this planet, you included.
Hopefully one of them rids you of it so we can have a slightly better saner planet.
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>who will most likely win CYL eventually
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>Tharja was always a misunderstood woman
There I fixed that for you, Dear!
or a better solution is for all child abuse sympathizers to die. That sounds like a better solution.
Popularity doesn't matter to me. Majority of the characters I like are middling popularity.

I still like Tharja a lot, I just love Shamir a bit more

I don't deny that I called Tharja my waifu in the past
Or you can stop projecting your reluctant mental impulses onto everyone who likes a character for a variety of reasons.
Mangs fire emblem gladiator streams or whatever is so fucking boring. His community content sucks.
someone post the list
Or you could stop living. That would make the world a better place.
cute girls with smelly feet
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>Tharja was always a shitty whore that only child abuse sympathizers liked
Tharja has a lot of trauma to over come which is why she needs a LOYAL husband to tame her.
Na, I actually do good for the world and see good in it unlike you just seeing the evil within yourself all around you.
>I actually do good for the world
we all know you don't, you waste of oxygen. Your family would very much appreciate if you died right now.
recommend me an anime with a plot / character design similar to fire emblem please
Just think of the most reddit FOTM anime and you've got fire emblem
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Felixschizo was one of the most retarded attempts at forcing a boogeyman I've ever seen
He could have at least waited but instead he tried forcing it the literal day after Felix won CYL so it was obvious he was just mad about that
Telling me things I know aren't true won't make it hurt anon. I almost feel sorry for you because you clearly unironically have something going on in your life to make you this bitter on a japanese cartoon game character and anyone who likes it.
She lives, therefore Edelgard's route is non-canon
When corrins next titty alt
You keep replying so it's obviously hurting you. Now kill yourself
She lives in Edelgard's route too though
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Off the top of my head.
Maybe Record of Loddoss War.
Emblem, probably.
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Not soon enough.
Do you not realize that same logic could be applied to you? Silly anon.
No since I'm only replying to you to make you kill yourself.
There is only one choice for this question and it's logh, which is unbelievably based
So you say, but no one actually believes you. Sad. At this point I hope you just find inner peace, you clearly need it.
So what would happen if you made Thorr and Loki baby mommas?
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What is causing this guy to NAM out this time.
We were all starting to get comfortable and peacefully chat then this rude boy had to show up.
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just one more month until Reginn's new alt, is anyone else excited?
Any guesses on what gimmick IS will introduce next for a new hero type?
Weapon/Movement type swapping?
Y skills?
Some form of second weapon refining for older characters/non-PRFs?
>one more month
It won't be on the NH this month?
Then what's the "Dragon out of nowhere" of LoGH?
Mentally ill psychos like you don't need to believe anything. You just need to kill yourself.
I would end up being a very happy man.
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>So what would happen if you made Thorr and Loki baby mommas?
They would swear undying fealty to your cause of course.
IIRC it's usually October for the TT free girl alt.
You know speaking of, grouping large groups of people into a category that doesn't fit them is sometimes a sign of psychosis. I think you should get that checked out alongside whatever else is clearly tormenting you so much to still be wasting your time replying to me with this much hatred.
Ascended and Attuned units weren't added to the game until the October banner of their years

Rearmed was added in the September banner.

They did Ascended->Rearmed->Attuned->this new one, so maybe they're alternating, but who knows, there's no real set pattern

Also I don't remember when those new designs debuted for the previous books
Good characterization
If those groups of people agree upon an evil idea they should all be killed. No exception.
Ah but they don't. You can find countless people who like Tharja who don't approve of all her actions. It's a fictional character, not a real life mass murderer or some shit. It's far less of a warning sign.
Based jannies dabbing on him quickly
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what do you mean "if"?
>You can find countless people who like Tharja who don't approve of all her actions.
impossible. Kill yourself
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Don't think I watched Lodoss in it's entirety since 2009. Loved every single minute of it.
I think it was my first anime when it aired on MTV in the 90s, good times
I realized it's very likely they're being disingenuous at best.
I really can't remember, I'd have to look into it

Like the other anon said though, the "main girl" alts do seem to be stuck in the October banner

For reference, the September banner during the Book 2 TT was Muspell(before [Adjective] Heroes were added) and it wasn't until October that Ascended Fjorm was released

The September banner for Book 3 TT was the debut of Rearmed units with Lif and Ascended Eir wasn't until October.

And the September banner for Book 4 TT was Rearmed Plumeria, with Attuned Peony/Triandra coming the next month in October.

So yeah, since we've already gotten Nidavelir as a unit I feel like this months banner is gonna be the big bitch from Jotunheim since Dagr doesn't have a new design yet.
Mario got 2 movies
Minecraft got a movie
Sonic got several movies
Zelda will get a movie
when will it be Fire Emblem's time and what do you think the movie will be about? Live action or animated? Original story or not?
Just imagine if it's a 3H movie though
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Stop seething tranny. Mangs didn't kill this board. Fire Emblem is just fucking dead and has been since the failure of Engage.
Fire Emblem isn't a household name
If you go down the list, monster hunter or god of war are probably next.
Fire emblem is the last one, barely on the page. It's unlikely, and I sincerely hope they don't use the writing from any of the games. It's mostly bad.
t. Egg sucker
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>Live action or animated?
An animated movie would probably what's best for business. I don't need Hollyweird fucking up my precious Fire Emblem franchise with there modern philosophies.
Ok I looked into it from the TT story perspective

The Ice and Flame storyline in September hadn't yet introduced Ascended Fjorm design and Muspell was the boss(he was on the September banner). The October TT had Fjorm become Ascended and she was the boss of that TT with her being on that months banner.

The Book 3 TT in September gave us Rearmed Lifs design and he was the boss of the TT and on the banner that month. The October TT had Ascended Eir as the boss and she was on that months banner

The Book 4 TT debuted Rearmed Plumeria and she was the boss and she was on that months banner in September. In October TT it gave us the Attuned Peony/Triandra designs and they were on the banner that month.

So the pattern is basically whatever new design is introduced in a TT/is the boss becomes the banner unit that same month. So I'd lean towards Reginn debuting a new unit type this month.
Will you niggers stop pretending like Fire emblem is a big deal? No, just because it has some spots in Smash Bros doesn't mean it's important. It's the laughing stock of Nintendo.
>This day extracts a heavy toll
took 400 just to get fjorm and the maids.
painful banner
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Nel is my wife
feg died because lack of interest in the newest game and an endless amount of spamming
>when will be FE time
Never. 99% of video game movies/tv shows are shit and the other 1% tend to just be okay. FE isn't that big of a franchise to get a movie, and the Anime project teased 7 years ago has obviously been canceled, or never exited in the first place. If IS bases it off a game, it would end up pissing off half the fanbase because most people ahve only played a few games at best and they'll cry that it should have been THEIR favorite game.
Seeing how IS cant write for shit and tends to make bad choices, odds are the writers they hire would also suck ass and create a bad product, especially if it's some random Hollywood writers and they just do what nintendo did for Mario and hire known names for VA.
The best or safest thing they could make would be an episodic anime that plays out similar to FB with different characters from different games interacting and working on a mission or something else. this would allow it to be versatile without weighing it down and needing some massive overarching plot.
yeah yeah, I get it, calm down.

Never. a FE movie/tv show would be shit and were not a major IP like Zelda or Mario.
>want just one Nerthuz
>have gotten 3 ratatas
I hate b8 banners
>Zelda will get a movie
don't fucking remind me, that will be a fucking atrocity
why couldn't they just make an anime, it should literally be a ghibli movie if anything
That's why I never roll on them.
Based anal queen Fjorm will save FEH
you already have FEH live action

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>all the other OCs get to come back to life while Nott and Gunnthra are dead forever
For me I'd say this
>Best Option
>Animated Original Story
Have it set in a brand new world with brand new characters, just with references to past FE games. Maybe it's a "shared universe" with all the previous games having already happened. And then release a game based on that world. That way you don't have retards fighting and saying "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MARTH! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN EDELGARD" etc. Animated also gives the best visuals, you can't have cool crit animations in live action. The story will also obviously be heavily truncated since you can't do the typical tropes of an FE story in 90 minutes.

>Second Best Option
>Animated Adaptation
Has the problem of "well which game do we adapt", when you're alienating big chunks of the fanbase they're probably not gonna watch it. I don't give a shit about an Elibe adaptation. Sure animated Lyn tits would be cool, but that's it. And like I said above, they'd have to either do one "arc" of the story, do a lot of flash forwards, or remove parts entirely

>Second Worst Option
>Live Action Original
I mean, the Resident Evil movies were pretty good cheesy fun, if they can do anything similar to that it'll work. Let's see Mila Jovovich as an FE lord. Plus the good thing is they won't bastardize the story of established games and the costumes can be all original which I feel is better in a live action setting

>Worst Option
>Live Action Adaptation
You have all the problems you can manage. Which game do you adapt. The costumes are gonna be MCUified. The story is gonna be horrible. The action will be lame as fuck.
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FEH was so simple back then. I miss it.
>like half of the Book 2 OCs were dead by the end
>but all of them go brought back in one way or another
>except Gunnthra
>the girl who was shipped with Kiran by the story
>her sister proceeds to try and steal Kiran from Gunnthra
It feels mean-spirited. I wonder why these decisions were made?
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Excuse me? I love NeI, she's MY wife

Personally I feel that the best route they can go would be a Pokemon Evolutions/Generations style thing where key moments from each game are animated into 10 minute scenes.

You can have Marth fighting Gharnef/Hardin animated
Alm killing his dad
Sigurd getting BBQ'd
etc etc
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Gunnthra was designed to be emotional bait for the story, which is regretful.
>Hey summoner, don't you like this sexy new dream girl who is linked to you forever? Oops, Surtr burnt her to a crisp in front of you, don't you hate him now? Aren't you invested in this story and want revenge?
Book 2 was more edgy than book 3. Book 2 had Gunnthra getting BBQ'd in front of the player and then Laegjarn used Muspel's ritual and ended up with her eyes getting burnt out of their sockets. Book 3 just had generic "MY WORLD IS DEADDDDDD".
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>FEH was so simple back then. I miss it.
I do too.
Never care about skills or powercreep just played the game while rolling on whatever banner I wanted for characters I liked. The orbs were also plentiful and flowed like rivers of wine.
Forgot to mention, if you make a game from the original animated version, you get to have the cutscenes use scenes from the movie and add in new cutscenes animated by the same studio. The only real problem that can happen with an animated movie is they do some stupid ass hire a big name Hollywood actor to voice characters but what they should do is just do JP voices first and just have it subbed
Book 3's edge was so comical that it was impossible to take seriously.
>The orbs were also plentiful and flowed like rivers of wine.
That's not true and you know it.
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Occasionally, we would have an orb drought in April or May and Christmas season but orbs were not as hard to come by. The banner rates were complete shit though especially when the Summer of Corrin hit.
Who could play as Camilla in a fire emblem live action?
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Counter Roar 4 is better than Dragon Wall 3 for Seiros, right?
I have an excess of Lumeras.
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I like Solm well enough but I really hope the next banner has my wife on it instead, I don't want to wait another year for them to start adding DLC characters
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Alexandra Daddario!
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You know we have the numbers, right? 2017 had way less orbs than any year after that.
Nowadays we get about 300 orbs per month.
she's preggers now tho
Modern feh is a joke. Units warping across the entire map and skill descriptions that put Yugioh to shame. Book 8 really did kill the game.
You are retarded and neck yourself for suggesting that
That's even BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anri Okita, especially post pregnancy
i dropped 3H a long time ago because i couldn't get past that one mission (somewhere around 15) where there's a really long-range ballista-type thing in the middle and guys all around are transforming into dinosaurs or some shit. someone help me in between calling me shit at the game. i was the edelgard house whatever it's called
Okay so if I pull emblem Ike I just win right?
I remember when the first set of brave units released and they were considered strong. What's funny is I remember people knew even back then that BIkes prf B skill was trash and they would replace it with Vantage in order to get the deflect effect on him to go off. Hell, I remember when things like Deflect Magic were the answer to countering Reinhardt

Well personally what I'd really want is original storylines within established games. Like an animated episode based around Shamir that take place during the 3H story but aren't shown in game

Anri retiring and then looking like that post pregnancy is probably gods cruelest joke on mankind

But also no.
Against like 99% of units yeah. Things like AoE will fuck him up(unless you have BoL4), Emblem Celica can fuck him up, Scowl effects screw him over.

Male LShez sure as shit doesn't kill him though, what were they thinking with that
Less orbs, yes but nothing terribly game breaking.
Thing is nowadays we don't have any rest periods. Too many meta breaking banners, fodder factories, and tier 4 skills not enough orbs.
Yes except for in the highest PVP tiers where people build counters to him.
Also, only until the hard counter to him comes out in one or two months
What did you need help with?
>3HRT getting anime
based giga retard
who tf is Anri

you can always just drop the difficulty :^)
in any case it's hard to give proper advice without knowing your team composition, but remember that there are a shitton of useful gambit that neutralize ranged threats, and stride can help you close the gap so that you don't get assfucked for long
Against any competent player no. But you just had someone who's in t18 arena reply to you and he'll work against them easily.
i just couldn't manage to keep everybody alive. i feel like i have to rush the middle thing so it can't pick off my weaker units from halfway across the map, but the grunts around the edge of the map are quickly becoming dinos
>shitton of useful gambit that neutralize ranged threats
such as?
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>who tf is Anri
Marth's great great great great granduncle, who his Brave is based on
Anri Okita was a prolific JAV actress, huge titties but a slender body. She got married, had a kid, retired, then started an onlyfans

i like his/her work
sacred shield literally nullifies ranged dmg
retribution let's you counter at any range
inpregnantble wall lets you take only 1 dmg from attacks
blessing makes you survive any hit

3H can be trivialized by utilizing the mechanics it offers, if people cared to read
>if people cared to read
>3H can be trivialized by utilizing the mechanics it offers, if people cared to read
You can say this about basically any game in the series
3h is one of the easiest games to break in the series, maybe only a notch ahead Chrobin Nosferatu and sticking a GBA paladin onto some terrain with a handaxe for enemy phase.
>You can fucking grow stat boosters
What difficulty? I honestly don't remember much about 3h and if it'd maddening then I can't give much advice other than to look up a guide.
Aren't most of those gambits hidden behind lategame or NG+, though? And some require specific routes.
nice to see more Doot
Pairing makes no sense
If it's an initial run it's probably easier to just use stride on someone busted and run them into the middle mob
What is Rhea putting in the water?
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>who tf is Anri
I think retribution is locked to the war phase if you don't go Blue Lions. No idea about the others.
holy mother of milkers
They're fake btw
>Pairing makes no sense
both bratty girls
Gonna play some FE today
really? fuck I feel scammed now, she's not fit for a Camilla role then
is he fucking florina or eliwood
I want to motorboat nifl
Matthew, obviously.
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Bernadetta really should've asked for The Vaike's help to defeat Gullveig
I think it's eliwood in this set,
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>Fates, Elibe, and Nifl banner
So will Halloween be all-Engage?
Is Vaike the only member of the shepherds still not in FEH?
he and kellam are in as seasonals but are still missing a base alt
yes, punishing the fans for making the last engage halloween banner bomb horrifically
>Halloween has three Engage and one Fodlan
>Winter has three Fodlan and one Engage
I wonder if IS will learn from this?
Man, reminds me of when I used to Monicapost. I miss my own autism.
3H musou is one of the most boring games I have ever played
Grrrrrrr... Take it back...
I see you skipped Echoes.
Musous suck
Have you not played Engorge?
Excellus is among listed in that chart represented and there is Pheros who remains absent.
bring it back
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>Is 37 and still looks as good as she does
God bless Japan
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My folder is still there with about 500 assorted Edelgard and Monica images. I'm just here because someone in another thread reminded me of picrel, that and I wanted to see if Marianneposter was still alive. I haven't played FE in over an year.
I think they shouldn't have made FE Encore. they should have remade an FE game in its place.
Fateswakening had the worst bosses ever. Only good ones were Mustafa and Aversa. Asian girl's brother sucked. The evil Nohrians were so fucking retarded, Corrin never killing murderhobo Hans discretely was beyond retarded. Actually, now that I think about it, after Sacred Stones enemy bosses kind of suck. You get like two OK ones per title, like Black Knight and Ashnard in PoR. Sacred Stones did the evil generals thing the best. 3houses bosses are literal NPCs with no unique faces, and your bajillions of bandit battles have a generic with a battalion
They're not fake
Tellius is filled with villains that have shitloads of boss conversations for random scrimblos to actually get a personality through.
Oh wow, stinky old men senators being greedy and evil and bandits strapping babies to themselves
Tellius is dog shit Kwll go brush your teeth
My wife Shamir?
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*kills her for MAX DAMAGE*
Chapter 27 of PoR has a random one off boss never seen anywhere else, but he has five (5) unique boss conversations depending on who fights him. If you don't think FE needs more of this, you deserve more Fatesengage tier storytelling.
>Hafedd vs Ike
Ike: Is the Black Knight in there?
Hafedd: Yes.
Ike: Step aside. I have business with him.
Hafedd: Aha… It would seem you and Sir Knight have some connection! My curiosity knows no bounds, but… Before you reach Sir Knight, you must first vanquish me!
>Hafedd vs Beast Laguz
Hafedd: It’s one of the beast tribe… Quite a formidable foe, indeed! Yet, you will find that I, too, am a robust opponent. Begin!
>Hafedd vs Hawk Laguz
Hafedd: A hawk! Which means you hail from Phoenicis. Yesterday, we lost a virtual mountain of men to your king! Now then, if I may be so bold, I would be grateful for the chance to test the power of his subjects.
>Hafedd vs Tauroneo
Hafedd: Leaving Daein and siding with Crimea is not unheard of. Soldiers are human, after all. However, the penalty for treason is steep. And now you must pay!
>Hafedd vs Reyson
Hafedd: Aha, you are one of the Serenes nobles I’ve heard whispers of… If only this were not war, I would request a song of you… What a shame.
Crumb would stomp her throat kek
Not him, but I feel attacked
This is one of the things I miss most about old FE. Random one-off bosses that have motivations and personalities.
Three Houses had a few like this, people like Lonato, Miklan, Gwendal etc but could have done more. Engage completely shit the bed with this and made the bosses of every chapter either the Four Clowns or a dialogueless recurring NPC.
Hey I saw that pic on twitter too
What was ISIS thinking of when they made Clowni? Was I supposed to sympathize with that stupid bitch?
They wrote her horribly on purpose, as a joke.
who the fuck is clowni
Hortensia, Ivy's little sister.
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Your wife is not Shamir, silly billy.
The worst part is 3H teases you about off-screen characters who would have been cool bosses and even after Hopes added a lot of them there are still a ton left over like Felix's Mom, Dimitri's aunt, Annette's cousin who is the heir to Dominic etc
Snaketits? Won bigly
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Same as it ever was.
Just don't be a grown ass man making posts like that.

I know it's all shitposters but it's still fucked up that grown ass adults are sitting in their rooms and posting "look at this naughty kete, she needs correction from my adult cock" while posting off topic cropped loli doujins
The fact that you can say "Clowni" and nobody knows which Engage girl you're talking about speaks volumes.
Bernadetta comes off as more likeable in that picture and cute.
Ok MamoriAnon.
yeah because you can't hear her voice
I agree if makes her cute and likable, but I still voted for her dom.
Bernie screaming at Gullveig would be funny.
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That's right
Missed opportunity for the FB, really.
>C support talking to Edelgard and Lysithea
>B support talking to Marianne and Gatekeeper
>A support talking to Femleth
>S support getting scared by Gullveig
>or a dialogueless recurring NPC.
Hilariously, I know one boss actually returns for a later chapter: Abyme, the female armor knight(?) you fight in the chapter you recruit Alfred, Bouche, and Etie comes back in the boat chapter as a Fighter or something
go away pedophile
>had to look something up in the archive
>come across that guy who used to avatarfag as Xane
Man, how many fucking thread personalities have these threads had. I also remember that Lysithea shitposter, I think he used to use some initials as his name, I can't remember if he was pro/anti Altina but he had something with her too.
I finished Engage yesterday, it was pretty good, I just don't get it what it was that Emblem Zero thing.
Is this stuff from the dlc or is it skippable?
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Damn rotom has good taste.
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The Fell Xenologue deals with 2 brand new characters in an alternate universe, so it's skippable, but you're missing out on the best girl in the game
Is there any unit that ABSOLUTELY NEEDS Buffer 4 and Godlike Reflexes? I have two Severa in my barracks and I'm wondering if I should merge them or not.
Just merge them if going to +1. Otherwise skill bank one of them.
Sis looks manlier than most of the guys in engage
No shade to her
fuck engaygies
FX6 is a masterpiece of nu-emblem so you should play it
AFAIK it's never explained, not even in the DLC. It's brought up last second in a really dumb way.
People just assume it's Anri for some reason.
Very weird post
The DLC is the most atrocious thing ever spawned and is a gender swap gay romance (unironically)
I manage to refrain from saying this to every single one of your tripfag garbageposts, please check yourself before judging others.
I +10ed bride Nel on a whim and then never did anything with her should I give her fellstone I just got 2 extra Lumeras idk what to do with
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Hey look someone tried to revive /feh/
Keep her base weapon or give her one of the NYKanas weapon, give her Dragons Roar, Laguz Friend, and TP4.
It was a misguided but still noble effort
It won't work though, the infestation is set.
Are the Flame and Wind tribe banners going to rerun? I want to get Lyn.
Fuck off, the only infestation is /feh/ existing in the first place.
It's too late, Anon. I've seen everything.
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Give me more of this
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It's left up for interpretation, but he says "Oh you were right there" or something like that while looking at Alear. So it was probably an isekai Alear
We cringed at this guy when he was revealed and he was still so much better than anything in Engage
Vestaria Saga 3 news?
PoR having a million boss conversations is absolute peak and I wish that would come back.
>Ashnard has a convo with basically everyone, even the fucking dancer
>Only 3 units can damage him
As I said, peak
Dimitri should rape Cornelia
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She is cool as fuck though
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Boss conversations are nice, but I think the villain motivations shouldn't be locked behind one you'd only ever see if you fucked up horribly.
It's like how a lot of characterization and lore in GBA fire emblem is locked behind supports you'll never see.
look how much I care, dumbass
FE6 in a nutshell, basically the entire Elfin subplot is missable especially if you get Lalum
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>They're fake btw
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I am inclined to agree.
All seasonal banners get reruns, so yeah.
>It's like how a lot of characterization and lore in GBA fire emblem is locked behind supports you'll never see
I'll take less supports overall with us not being able to view all of them in one playthrough over "Oh boy, we get to see Yarne be a little bitch in yet another C support!"
Ashnard is a rare case of you fucking up horribly to see the boss conversation. But I think that's more of a problem with a boss only being damaged by a small handful of units.
>each unit only has supports with like 10 characters
>but some end at B since some characters don't like eachother
>and some have even four or five conversations, because they have a lot to say
I liked how Houses worked.
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This. FX6 is a master class in tight, balanced difficulty that pushes the limits of the game's systems. Completing it on Lunatic with pre-chapter 10 resources only was a wild ride where every single move mattered. I had to learn some incredible tricks you would never even use in standard play, like injuring enough people that one use of a Fortify staff fully charges an engage meter from empty, so you limit your engage downtime to one turn.
Tellius is so fucking based Jesus Christ
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The savior of Engage
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What would Ingrid say about Somniel?
I feel like ally supporting Ingrid and Dorothea in FEH now.
She would eat at the cafe, but get disgusted at the mingling between girls at the pool within eyesight of the cafe.
It has a penis thoughever
we have way too many banners actually
Constant white girl side-eyeing in disgust
Weren't he and Seteth the top characters that people changed their opinions on after playing the game?
marth is so cute
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Can my wife get an alt please
Win a gauntlet like gullveig
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When's the Fashion Model Gullveig alt? As a final send-off to TMS?
I like how every snake has a different hat
Fuck off
Its sad that they could actually use TMS for banners like this. A lot of gachas have random idol banners that have nothing to do with the setting. We have an actual reason for idolshit and modern day clothes but don't use it.
>Gulltards failed their waifu and missed out on 4 potential alts already
Tsk tsk
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>We have an actual reason for idolshit and modern day clothes but don't use it.
Probably because you bitch made motherfuckers in this general all whine and say modern clothing isn't Fire Emblem yet say nothing when it comes to skelly jelly zombies, fairies and tentacle monsters, mech cavs, and ugly piss pants snake bitches
nobody said that they said your shit is off topic and not related to the series faggot
Oh look who showed up on cue to defend his master
>talking about what kind of theme and design I want for a future game in the series is off topic
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Fuck off
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Why Fjorm keep making this face?
Bro that map is fucking garbage it barely runs properly with massive slowdown. I never want to play that map again.
>b-but the challenge
Stupid plot, stupid cluttered map
yeah isnt this like the third time we saw this?
someone really has a thing for doing her in the ass or some shit
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>Why Fjorm keep making this face?
maybe her butt hurt
gullpiss can't even past the ignatz test
clapped her ass hard and fast
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F-fjorm is not for anal! she's pure!!
So uh since Gullveig won should Kiran impregnate her for her victory?
I look like this and say this
Already did to create Heidr
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I want to sniff in between here
Same, in fact I was the one who proposed doing so way back when
How would you get the series back on track?
I’m thinking 6 star units with no long skill descriptions, total reset of that bullshit. Better writing in book 9. Then a 2 in 1 Elibe remake, save Jugdral for later. Alternatively a new game where not everyone is gay/bi
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>how to get series back on track
>first idea would kill the game
Fjorm doing the Sub-Zero spine rip fatality to Gullbitch
Fjorm can't even solo-carry a banner like Gullveig can.
Anal allows her to preserve her chastity though?
Gullslop has never solo carried we saw how unpopular she really was when her Summer banner flopped sit down little nigga
>Gullslop has never solo carried
I'm confused. Do you think people rolled on the Mythic Gullveig banner because they wanted Nerthuz?
>double mythic banner
Nuff said, stupid kid
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Mindbroken monkey
Meant for >>493487478
There's nothing to do in this game
This is probably the most sexual alt in this game, but why would they pair Fjorm with her dyke dragon friend who wants to impregnate her ovaries with dragon children? She's my wife, I don't want her near my Fjorm.
>>double mythic banner
The banner with Young Gullveig?
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Frogleth needs long hair
Nifl is sex, Fjorm is not

Nifl took all of Fjorm's boobs
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>wakes up with 5 years' worth of hair
>now the same length as Sothis
Would be based.
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They really should have given timeskip designs to everyone in 3H

Hopefully we get a complete deluxe rerelease on Switch 2
I doubt very much she has any sexual interest in Fjorm considering there’s a high probability she’s Fjorm’s ancestor (Alear x Veyle ending in Engage proves female dragons can somehow impregnate other women).
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This shit looks like it was drawn by two different people
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>Legendary Aqua with Sacred Stones
>Fallen Lloyd with Awakening no dancers
>Legendary Micaiah with FE7
>Kaze/Midori with Jugdral/Thracia no dancers
>Mythic Loki with Echoes

Micaiah and Loki are gonna be tricky. Also Decembers limited battles is gonna be topped off by limited Heidrun/Eikthyrnir, based on patterns it's either gonna be using 3H or Engage units, so good luck
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Gullveig should be a DLC engage ring
I could see Gullveig being DLC in a future game considering she’s far and away the most popular OC to come out of FEH.
Just imagine the shit storm if she becomes marriageable by someone other than Kiran tho.
Kek Claude looks normal if you zoom in, but if you zoom out looks a bit odd
Jabba the hutt chads, we won!
>lose 3 ladders in a row in AR cause chaos season is matching me up against tryhard faggots with the new brave units and Heidrun
>lose a match in arena since I didn't notice the enemy team had a BFelix and I broke a rock that could have slowed him down so he just ran across the entire map and killed two of my units
Nice, love the state the game is in right now
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God I love this meme!
Post moar!
Just woke up.
Flop status?
You want Raquel's attention so bad
It gity F tier
Summoner duels?
So what girls would (You) reclass to witch in Fates?
I've heard Ophelia, Nina, Nyx, Rhajat from anons here.
Anyone ever do a different girl?
I want to start a new village with Nifl!
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Im playing Tearring Saga for the first time and it really funny that you get a bunch of units/weapons that have legit what I would call Fangame tier

But than I remember FE romhack/fangame are bunch of fucking try hards and every unit is cookie cutter boring in those, kek
could never get into kaga spinoff shit, its hard in the worst way and bloated with more plot than engage (at least its better written)
So far is usual Kaga shit (im chapter 12) for the Mainstory. Sage daughter, Dragon Fuckery, Mystery Knight nigga and so on

I really like how they are those optional events tho for characters you have, or the combination of them.

Thats I think is something really missing in FE going back to the somniel/base to get characterization is shit IMO there should be just a bunch of events dispersed for different characters before and after maps instead autisticly grinding out supports and getting bombarded by it like a check list

Maybe that's only a me issue tho
It flopped in US but not in nippon
i made a pink-haired +mag femui and married kaze for madoka midori
her mag was lower than her str but it was funny seeing her proc gold bars and tonics constantly
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Why no original Veronica still? She got that cunny game going on
>madoka midori
I'm with you there. It was cool when Raphael asked to stay at the bridge of Myrddin or whatever it's called because he simply didn't think he'd leave his sister alone again. Granted that game has the worst case of pre/post map conversations of all 8 of your students stand in a semicircle around you and suck your dick with their quirks. But the scene I mentioned had a hint of what I wanted. Characters having a reason to not be there (not in gameplay). It's something to be explored more
I'm so glad that we beat the completely dead Nowi threads :)
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More like
I will never understand the appeal of Edelgard
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Lick it
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She's cute, is extremely determined, loves the player, and is a strong unit. What is so difficult?
She is a monster.
She is evil
She is a flawed individual who does evil actions and depending on your ending good actions as well
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This artist is open for comms, thinking of doing a cute loli or something
They both stink
The stink of Sothis
>Lilina bonus next week
I wonder if she can even do something to all the powercreep units
the legendary is ok, she got a refine a while ago iirc
Yeah, but she's not the bonus hero
Fellas, how are you building your Flora? Her speed is quite bad I'm at a loss as to what to give her
She made me understand why people hate Camilla. Putting those traits on a main character who is gorilla retard tier stupid was an interesting choice and really weeded out the CF onlies
If you got a bunch of precharge support units I guess you can go tempest + AoE, otherwise I'm not sure either.
launch lilina is dog shit yeah
What is Keaton + Refine good for
malice torpedo tits
im not building anything in current year kekaroo just roll one of the latest powercreep
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What the fuck was his problem?
>what was his problem
His inceptions
Reeks of
"We need a third faction"
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FE will never be this based again
propping up Ike from behind (in the ass)
GBA era was the worst though?
Nah is pretty lewd sitting her bare rump on the seat.
did you forget we had gay clowns
pure non-remembered Slop?
Kronya and Peri aren't gay though?
But enough about Engage
Hey, c'mon man, reddit LOVES Sacred Stones
Slopgage doesnt improve GBA slop
Sacred Stones kinda overtook "le gem" over gaiden at this point
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You guys really hate Fire Emblem huh
I thought reddit loves trannius (despite never buying it)
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Watch it chud
are we not supposed to?
Yes you're supposed to not hate Fire Emblem.
They are like 20+ games in the series if you count spinoffs that are widely different
If you like everything with Fire Emblem on it you are not even a shill you are just retarded
I like them all for different reasons and to different degrees like a real fan would sorry you hate life and have no passion.
OK retard
I'm not sure i've come across a FE fan that doesn't hate half the series, or at least half the games they've played.
I agree you are a soulless retard.
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no, YOU'RE the retard.
Yes he is
That's because you've never encountered anyone outside of the cynical cess pits of the fandom
Summer Gullveig was sabotaged.
yoshiku is a hack artist who can't draw human anatomy to save his life
What FE character loves their mom very much and their mom loves them and is proud of them?
Her art is fine. I was talking about the rest of the banner.
red haired Mr. Coinflip from Jehnna in FE8
a lot more characters that I can't think of offhand.
Actually I accidentally lied I don't like SMT x fire emblem even though I like non-persona SMT itself so I guess I'm not a true fan either
based retard
Because she's seeing other men.
No she's seeing other women with my explicit approval and that's neat
>her art is fine
>seeing other women
>with my explicit approval
KEK you wish, cuck.
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She looks like a doujin version of Sailor Mersury
I don't know what you're trying to say with this.
truly, he is a modern Picasso.
He's an abuser
Of what?
Of WOMEN you idiot.
Not just kills, MURDERS
How did you read that in what he said?
When I read I make up stuff and replace it with more interesting things
>a decently popular demote in Olivia
>Nerthuz with gigatits
Is this just bitching about Hrid? Get over it.
any other thread?
For me, it was "my dick in your ass, fuccboi"
There’s always /feh/
>decently popular
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What is dead may never die.
The rebirth of /feh/

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