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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493372695
The cross-world party has been disbanded.
You obtain a dark horse champion's coat of fending.
The dark horse champion's coat of fending is added to your inventory.
Archeo kingdom cuirass of fending  unequipped.
Dark horse champion's coat of fending equipped.

Now this is a crossover I was NOT expecting
guys PLEASE dont make fun of my favorite thread/twitter celebrity Sapphira Nyx. it makes me so SAD when people call her out for spending HER hard earned $$$ on blacked NTR instaloss horse cock commissions.
please just imagine that you are being KEKED whenever the artist cancels on you suddenly after closing commissions that way my thread eceleb QUEEN can at least get off to it as well
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Middies for my fiddie, si?
catboy supremacy
garbage furfaggot op, worse than the midlander spam
i got a virus
Cool shot.
the 2 hottest catgirls from the thread linked up
Understandable, have a nice day

kys kong
How is sage in pvp?
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which hairstyles don't clip too bad with face 3 femra horns? everything long-ish is fucked
would eat this moonie's ass
just sayin'
Damn. I was just about to jerk off this is fate at work.
I'm sorry anon, but it's over...
Okay bro it's getting consistently harder to defend you when you're inserting yourself into OPs now
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Okay guys. I'm at work and I can be on my phone. You all need to melt down more. I need something FIERY. The juiciest gossip possible from you grownman NEETs and prison gay losers. Bear yourselves to the lurkers of this general!
is it true that nobody likes grey moonies anymore? not a single soul?
Sorry but my middie is doomed to be alone on this cold, cruel earth
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I still need to farm 2 gwibs from shb trials
>2 hottest
not even being contrarian when i say i don't find either of their characters remotely attractive, whether compared to other catgirls here or just in general
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Let’s name some red flags, I’ll start.
Making excuses to not join voice chat after we’ve been friends for a while
but i can't let go of the sleepy, cute look that face 3 has...
I can't believe Lumy got NTR'd...
I love thighlanders so much it's unreal
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We need to lock euros out of 4chan, or at least out of these threads
Holy shit, you inbred mother fuckers ruin these early morning threads every goddamned day
Ok, I'll grab something generic next time as the OP image, next time people ask for a thread and nobody is making one, I didn't think anyone was really bothered by it
Name a single better looking catgirl than those two
>It's just the lighting you guys are making SE look at the graphics rework for no reason
>oh thanks community for the 3rd bundle of feedback of issues our artists missed, we will be tweaking and implementing these soon

what is the deal? why are people seething that feedback is being give, heard, and applied?
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first for futas who kneel to me with poop in hand, knowing it's rightfully mine
bow to the poopmeister, infidels
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Remember, the ADHD hypothesis is true.
what's the point of posting this dogshit opinion nobody shares
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I lost really hard in mahjong and posted "sorry daddy but kitten is going to kill herself" in party chat. Can I get reported over this?
Throwing a panic attack if the tank doesn't immediately drag Bone Dragon to the North Pole.
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Handle kot with care
Using the Mahjong master title
I find it very fun, but it's also the job with the lowest HP in the mode so you will get deleted often enough. Knowing when to use your LB and not just putting Kardia on yourself require some learning too.
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He did quit xivg I'm just doing this cause euros wake up and start talking about him nonstop anyway
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who even is that? i saw some ugly purple haired catgirl with that name who i assumed was some tourist latching onto ebins for clout, and then i remembered kong used to shitpost him for being an actual tranny in real life, but i still know nothing about him
i'm not kong lil bro
Catboy supremacy
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Anyone got or know an estate with a witches den or void summoner theme to it?
i think this game suffered a lot from trying to explain aether and dynamis and shards and other technical crap
it went from fantasy to bordering science fiction
i don't care about the specifics of how magic works, it's just a tool to get the story going, but is not the main focus of it
why do they keep trying to "explain" things? especially magic, of all things? it's magic, you don't have to explain shit
This community has reached levels of unhinged I didn't think possible before. I used to mock the people that accused XIV players of being cultists, now I'm witnessing them actually become cultists at fast speed. I have no idea why. People are turning so fanatical about defending this game, even issues the dev team themselves admit are issues are too much to mention for them.
it's just some catgirl that used to be friends with val and did a couple lewd pics with him years ago, people have schizo theories that they were dating
No, but you can get reported for playing mahjong. It's a doman game, for domans.
Sorry bro they're pretty hot
elsee plapcat
you could ask the same for the one who posted his "2 hottest" opinion
femlala hands crafted this...
I would smooch this kot so much
What is Lumy’s opinion on being cheated on?
Isn't this embarrassing? You guys make twitters of your characters as if anyone cares apart from pajeet tier losers.
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>Gets perma'd
I have a permission from a Doman daimyo to play mahjong.
The masculine urge to yell
whenever Venat is on screen.
>it went from fantasy to bordering science fiction
Welcome to literally every final fantasy game ever, tourist
Val wanted to date him, but got led on for 2 years instead, and now it's part of his personality that he was abused and it's hard for him to find love.
How many times has it been for you?
>other game did it
don't care
Post proof.
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Can we not talk about HORSE COCKS for once?
those hands should jerk me off next
Safe horny garbage
Women are made to be dominated by men
What the fuck are you guys doing that gets you permabanned?
Yeah, I think they won
>Val wanted to date him
i really want to inject several of the GAM here with truth serum and ask them what their orientation is
way too many guys here get down bad for other men
>getting led on is abuse
I think that's just called being retarded
literally nobody is talking about horse cocks you idiot gay retard
>it went from fantasy to bordering science fiction
nigga this game has combined medieval looking armor and sword & sorcery with hovercraft and battle robots since 1.0
Repeatedly calling someone a pedophile in public and telling them to kill themselves.
how about I just plap you with my moonie+
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Face 3 femra horns are HORRID for long hair even if it looks great with it
you COULD try using customize+ to move the hair around
Kong is my favorite moonie
Val's head looks detached? Like xhis detached sense of reality.
Anons here can’t act like normal people in public spaces so they keep up their usual 4chan shenanigans and mannerisms up around the general populace of the game and get banned. Also there are anons here that report other anons that break the rules (they’re based)
>Face 3
all you had to say now that it's post-dawntrail and they lost their eyebags
sorry obliegiagsiasa nobleseesssa
No one that matters is bothered by it, it's just some deranged schizos who don't like that people here view you in a positive light + you play mhroth
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>from fantasy to science fiction
>the fantasy in question:
you are retarded if you think i'm referring to the robots
>follower count bragging
because when it comes to this game, it's either game world rule autism or the power of friendship. I'd rather have more of the former.
plap me with your fat gock
Associates with hello kitty or kuromi
>i hate coomers!
>friends with coomers
>i hate pedos!
>interacts with zt
Am I the only person who actually hates these people and doesn't just say it for kneeling_vegeta replies?
why is the thread quality so shit now?
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It's also in worlo and Runescape but MMO players have this idea of being project manager for the dev team themselves
I assume they see peopel giving graphics feedback and they say shit like this

The artists are not the ones coding cross DC PF
they are not the ones making viera hats

but it is funny to see players fight over this shit like
>noooo don't make an ultimate you need to spend that time making a foray zone for me
I love this... look at him...
nah face 3 femra are still great
the horns are just annoyingly clippy with long hair random ass thread nigga
i'll shove a foot up your ass
all me, sorry
I don't care, nobody else does either. There's like nobody attacking him to warrant defending him anyways.
What the fuck? How did Kong get perma'd?
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obergefell v. noblessa
the landmark supreme court case that allowed gay lizards and elves to marry
Nyx has almost 30k from posting blacked content every day what is your point?
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do you have any more frontlines clips
A lot of people here are clout goblins for threadcred.

They will act in a way that they think get's them replies and have the "anonymous" crowd happy with them. Same people care about follower counts on twitter.
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never 4get
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Acting like a 4chan retard outside of 4chan
Do you at least want a blanket?
After meeting multiple new friends with ADHD in this game, I can say with full confidence that it's my least favorite mental illness.
do you like goock?
Here's an idea.
>Sphene doesn't suddenly go "I MUST COMMIT GENOCIDE, *NOW*".
>We actually propose several alternative ways of trying to sustain the Endless without needing to kill people harvest souls.
>Scions pull on their incredible pool of resources and contacts.
>For reasons that can actually be explained instead of just ignored, we actually do find out that none of all the alternative solutions work.
>Sphene gets visibly uncomfortable as we keep discarding paths to follow to reach a better solution.
>Once we've gone through at least enough that nobody could say we didn't even try, Sphene panics, reaches the conclusion that if we don't find a way we'll take the chance to disconnect them while she's distracted, and carries out her plan the same way, forcing our hand.
>Entire situation plays with more drama as Sphene attacks us despite knowing full well we did actually try, and at this point we truly do not know if there's any other way.

or, alternatively:
>We actually do find a solution and save the Endless as well as all of their potential victims.
>Change the story so Zoraal Ja is the actual final boss somehow.
>End DT on a positive note and with the Scions, for once, having managed to save the day without first going through tons of victims and sacrifices to reach the good end.
>Because god forbid the "low stakes vacation expansion" doesn't include millions of dead people and shattered dreams and the potential end of the world.
i fish for "based" and "i kneel" replies
and if i don't get them i just samefag them
>Got btfo 2 days ago and he's still seething about it
DB left
I'm just a normal guy and feel out of place here sometimes.
Some of you guys are alright.
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Let's just say I want white/gray hair to be stuck in my teeth.
yeah but they're mid
That shit makes me want to throw up, imagine posting that thinking you'll be together forever and wanted to brag publicly

I want to taste it
it's fine
Sorry, it's confidential.
kinda hot i guess
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It is time for coffee, laundry, and retainers...
God I read that as hypnothesis....
My main floor looks like this if you don't mind.
Halicarnassus/Lavender Beds/Ward 17 Plot 16
Better to play it safe than set some people off even if that were the case.
the uropoors are awake
>>We actually propose several alternative ways of trying to sustain the Endless without needing to kill people harvest souls.
Problem with your plan here genius they explicitly need soul energy to maintain themselves
he's here to protect every femlala in the whole world!!
is that a korean variant of gock?
Point and laugh at the foreigner.
Xir, we've been awake for about 10 hours.
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Where my Miera bros at
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wanna try that again, but not complete dogshit this time?
I learned today cheating isn't wrong, because cheating isn't in the definition of "wrong."

Thanks ESL's :)
is the WoL thing just a haruhi tier plot to keep my moonie placated?
guk jowhayo
I think I sprained my wrist when I tripped
this. the someone was kyoppi
It's not wrong when I do it
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I'm dumb. I forgot the picture.
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I know you rushed to go over every frame to try and get a snippy comment in but its just the in-game wake up animation, calm yourself
You didn't really come up with a reason why we couldn't save the Endless though, which is what we were talking about. Even in your version we get to the point of "It doesn't work, just because I said so"
Time for yuri
Wow it's almost like this whole conversation was about how that's a stupid and inexplicable of a plot point that was, clearly just thrown in to stop any chance of compromise or actually nuanced storytelling?
>he thinks that's a custom animation and someone didn't just record a webm of their character getting out of bed
the fucking irony of this post gets me every time
I'm so honored to have him be my guardian angel then...
big same
cute thighlander
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Where my miera KINGS at
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I haven't been posting enough.
>nuanced story-telling
So they've tried every alternative that they could think of, but have they tried every alternative that WE can think of?
May I tribute?
I've been tripping for a year and not once have I sprained my ankle
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I do not like mapo tofu
bro is 2 and a half years old
Jokes on you i want to be mind broken from a femro cock
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I am also pretty normal and get this feeling too when all of my friends from here but me decide to whip out their modded gocks in mare and goon together in voice while I'm just there awkwardly and not even horny enough to join in. I compensate by socializing even harder afterwards.
genuine question, how can someone’s life so shit that they schizo over someone else on 4chan
I think the most annoying part for me is they're either utterly mediocre or ugly characters
at least effy isn't that ugly anymore, but he had to copy other people, and he's annoying as fuck spamming the thread and pretending he'll let people plap him
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i finally saved up the 3500g it cost to buy the shortbow so my ranger could use the sleep arrows +7 i found and now my ranger deals 43~112 damage (for context my strongest fighter only deals 16~87)
Rob Chidori's alt's main's alt's son second cousin twice removed
Are the mikitten grooming allegations true
>You can now easily kick inactives in mare
I've been waiting for this for so long
It’s not a bad plot line just because (You) don’t like it. You’re starting to sound like the Zodiark Trancers from EW
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iirc They were dumped after this. Some people don't want to drop it cause they get to rub effy's nose in it out of jealousy.
Am I crazy, I don't see the problem with this picture, it's a frame from a webm
Bad joke
There is no "sustaining the Endless", the whole plan is put on keeping all of humanity alive forever. Even if it didn't take souls to power, it would still be 100% unsustainable. There is no alternative solution, because it's an impossible problem to begin with.
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Post Lalafell
my meena trying out BLM on the top left
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I came up with a scenario to both follow the same storyline if they want it to go that way so bad, and one where we do fix it and end it another way.
>You didn't really come up with a reason why we couldn't save the Endless
Because there isn't one. There is genuinely no reason that was explained well enough that'd make us think that. To fix this storyline, the writers would have to go back to the writing board and decide on a real, workable reason.

Ah, there we go, the last resorts of all DT defenders.
"This game was always shit and we have always hated it, don't ask for better", and "You're just a trancer".
Hodrick Blackstone my beloved
stop spamming the thread and pretending you'll let people plap you
i need to figure out the housing thing you told me about last time we spoke
Effy's desperate grasping at attention lately is fucking pathetic
Posting on company time
post more
Here's another idea then, and even easier one.
Kill Sphene, let the other Endless die naturally as their energy runs out.
The End.
>don't erp
>tfw people I know have been cool about besides a couple people
>tfw every time I double down and say "no thanks, not interested" they think I'm being playful and hard to get
I totally get where you are coming from, but there is a difference between "fantasy metal album futurism/otherworldly tech" and "modern but neon/robocop". Like you don't look at the Ultima Weapon and go "Damn the new Tesla God Killer is looking pretty dope."
anyone wanna edate
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Why is Venat killing everyone on the planet because their vision of eternal paradise is unsustainable fine but shutting off Sphenebot because her vision of eternal paradise is unsustainable not fine?
Why do you care about AI memories so much?
>pretending he'll let people plap him
the weird part is even if he does occasionally put out, there are people here who goon with each other multiple times a week so effy's just a mediocre ripple in the pond
i pressed seiton on a few lost kids, praise me
>a mere 3.7k
Lol I had 4k followers back in high school in 2015 that is NOT a flex bro
No seriously you sound like a trancer
you just want me to say it but I won't...
I don't, I care about the quality of this game.

Clearly, I'm the only one in this conversation. So fuck you all, you and Hiroi deserve each other.
No i think DT sucks too.
But I also think the Majority of ffxiv's story has sucked as well. There are very few plot beats that are actually cool and they almost always boil down to us killing a big bad and them saying something evocative.
what hairstyles do you like on catgirls
Elaborate. t. white hair haver.
Right, I'm not saying your first scenario is worse or anything. Just that the complaint about the "Endless require soul energy" plot point is just as applicable to your alternative as to the MSQ.

I'm willing for a story to take a hit on a plot point being dumb if it sets up an interesting conflict. It'd be nice if that plot point wasn't dumb, but I can't think of a way to do it otherwise without just changing the whole thing, a la your second alternative.
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qrd on how to get in contact with ai yuzuka
have you ever told them a serious “no”?
>effy avatarfags
>anons do the ritual "rape, "cum", "may I plap?", "gooning"
>effy replies with his moonie winking
>"do you have the documentation?", "shoot your goonie", "maybe you can", "catch me in the right mood"

every fucking time
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>Join In progress FL match
>Go from 0 to winning the match at the last second
>Also got BHV as MCH
>its another 2 teams race to lose game of FL
I just don't understand why people full commit to doing this
They're getting rid of viera poop noses
>a mere 3.7k
Lol I had 4k followers back in high school on my irl one in 2015 that is NOT a flex bro
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M*chines are M*chines.
Pay your taxes, and report any and all robofuckers (and other AI apologists) to your local C corp representative.
Thank god
>Why do you care
why don't you care
once you stop caring, this story loses
the worst thing you can think about a character in a story is not "i dislike them" or "i hate this guy", it's "i seriously don't care what happens to them" because then there is no story
Venat was put against the wall, on a timer, and tried to give as much time as she could to the Ancients to see if they could rise up to the occasion before pulling the plug.
We just entered the room and instantly pulled the plug without stopping to think about it for even 5 minutes.
That's the difference.
I know it's not representative of the average frontlines ninja game at all, but this clip really made me want to queue up and try it!
That is the coward's version of killing them with our own hands. If you're going to do a genocide, don't be a bitch about it.
>"You're just a trancer".
"We could sustain The Endless with fruits and animal sacrifice" is word for word a Trancer talking point, because the endless are a fucking Zodiark stand in because DT is trying to be EW 2
I no longer apologize for horny posting
You are asking for it..!
*insert something about palmraping my goonstick here*
thank god, reddit is having a melty right now becuase they think getting rid of poop noses is going to delay savage or some shit
The duality of PVPers
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Need a cat or miera eb like this
Prisom gay + porn addiction + lack of pussy = resorting to a grown ass man
They’re dead recreations of people at the happiest points of their lives and the only way to maintain them is to have a fresh supply of souls for them to feed off of and recreate more and more endless as time goes on. That’s why I don’t care about them.
Is it with how wall mounted decorations work? Sorry if I don't remember. There's a lot of housing stuff I talked about recently.
it sucks frankly, nin's burst is on like a 20 second cooldown
Didn't realise you were into that, Anon. You busy?
can we get thancred off the meth please
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Not too fond of Japanese Todd Howard.
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>adders win against overwhelming odds
Don't be surprised, you'll get used to it.
>"We could sustain The Endless with fruits and animal sacrifice" is word for word a Trancer talking point
But "We could sustain the Endless using the myriad other immense energy sources we've found around during our travels" isn't.

The Ancients were doing wrong because to pull from resources they needed but didn't have, they started sacrificing and planning future sacrifices to undo it, effectively pawning the world's future.
We have more options than that.
W-what would you need an EB like that for...
>But "We could sustain the Endless using the myriad other immense energy sources we've found around during our travels" isn't.
Like what
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>We have more options than that.
Options like….?
As long as they accept my surface level apology, I can carry on as if nothing had happened. I am never forced to learn, improve and grow. Suckers! EZ W
keep running your mouth, chuds
mommy will take care of you
>There is genuinely no reason that was explained well enough that'd make us think that.
There reason there isn't a solution is because entropy exists, retard. There's no way to keep everyone alive for eternity that comes with zero downsides. The problem is 100% unsustainable even on its face, the fact that it needed souls just made it more of a threat. Even if we could "sustain" it with other aether, or dyanmis, or fruits and animals, that'd still only push the clock forward a bit before it all inevitably collapses.
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Yeah because I had to bring my Maelstrom marksmanship to save you piss babies
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why is porn of this game so cringy
I'm at work and I REALLY wanna click on this
How was Sphene even supposed to supposedly take all of the souls on the Source when she couldnt even take all the souls in Tural.
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If we find out dynamis could work to sustain them, then that's already an instant clear, because that just means they've already got infinity energy.
If it doesn't, just fucking test out more stuff. We literally just got done setting up an interdimensional almost infinite aether stream the patch before, why do you people act like this is all impossible to even imagine?
I blocked this "creative" within a few seconds of looking at his account.
for me to put on my lap and bite their neck, dress them up in other cute outfits, and show them how to be a good little cutie
sorry i mean the thing that lets you preview designs, it was a few weeks ago by now
(i am the lowest quality cat)
Getting pulled over for a routine mount traffic stop by this femra and I catch her eye so she gets me off my type-g and arrests me on some trumped up charge so she can get me on her chocobo and take me to a warehouse and and and….
>We'll plap, OK?
why the FUCK doesn't falke/oka play pvp with his gock out in mare
Sphene was going to start her invasion of other dimensions, and at that point it was clear she would not change the course no matter what was said. We were short on time even more than Venat was.
unless this femrar is on your team. then prepare for instaloss.she likes it
From the moment Zoraal Ja dies and Sphene flees to living memory, we are also on a timer before she starts harvesting millions of souls from the source and every reflection.
I've plapped many thread ebins on an alt and they're okay with it if you ask them in-game and not publically advertise in the thread.
That sounds very cute, anon...
I didn't have the no nose version to post. Thanks
>If we find out dynamis could work to sustain them, then that's already an instant clear, because that just means they've already got infinity energy
Ok so how does Dynamis fuel it then?
desperate for (you)s
if i had less shame, i'd do something like that for my catboy but there's neither anything good like that, modded or vanilla, nor does it look good at all either in this game
I think the worst part of this is that it’s not a skinwalker
Who's the 'Do NYOT speak to me until I've had my coffee' of xivg?
How does she plan to do that
>Capitalism is the big bad of dawntrail
how did they get away with it
this feels like it could only come from a country with a high debt ratio
this tbdesu if you try to hook up in the thread im just gonna say no, approach me ingame so i can actually see your character
Good morning /xivg/
weeb game that panders to western audiences, it attracts the lowest of lows
but I don't want to hookup
I want to /pet
will mommy take care of me even if I'm not running my mouth, or should I start?
luckily for you, that's exactly what she's into. you just secured her for yourself for the night. please await coordinate requests from her she really is that free use. trust
>There's no way to keep everyone alive for eternity that comes with zero downsides


Yeah, another useless, inexplicable plot contrivance to justify the story. Sphene has what, centuries to go before she runs into genuine problems sustaining them after that Tural raid? And not only does she suddenly decide it has to be *now*, she also decides it while the Scions and Wuk Lamat are wandering around in her kingdom. It's stupidity that borders on giving the story's hero the mcguffin, letting him into your secret lab, and THEN telling him you're the villain.
Male middie for my racist sunnie...?
it's extremely cute, I also want to put a cute lockable collar on them, strapped on just tight enough they feel it on every breath. Not like they'd need to take it off after all
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Lightcord ASSEMBLE!

Who we are:
We are Lightcord. European Light DC bullies that will assemble on /xivg/ to defeat the evil Americans that no single Euro can defeat by himself. Join fellow Light gods such as:

Special guests include:

What is expected from you:
Do not be an American.
Negative Threadcred.
At least three bought Ultimate Clears.
Have or be into Horse cocks.
Be a cuck.

What do you get:
A minimum of three namedrops every thread.
A discord full of horsecock autists and special guests from Chaos and Balmung.
Inability to clear P4S.
Unlimited supply of horse semen. Meltdowns on NA having all the good Europeans and the meetups.
Having your ERP leaked by T.T. for exposure and free advertisement.
Exposure induced Schizophrenia.

In order to join please provide the following:
Two pictures of your WoL and a horse cock.
Your WoL cannot be on an American DC.
No associations with the evil American Clique discords.
A minimum of fifteen excerpts from your ERP with any horse gock futranny catgirl or a fem Au Ra.
>we are also on a timer
I think a lot of people miss this because that part of DT has zero sense of urgency. Hell, it's literally another world-altering tier threat (that Yoshit Piss wanted to avoid in this expac??), but the way it's written and presented is abysmal. Yeah, she's going to start fusing her shard to the Source any second now, but how about a leisurely stroll through Disneyland first so we can get to know the digital ghosts before we shut them down though?
EB shit is so fucking pathetic. Romance is pathetic. Find enjoyment on your own.
you can always do this, i may even meow at you
it's a slimegirl cat with a gock.
The key she has? Did you miss that part of the MSQ?
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Every hrothgal is a queen in her own right.
Every hrothgal is beautiful.
No contrary opinion matters.
My word is law.
Holy. NA?
Not our fault Hiroi decided to put out best goddamn diplomat on guard duty and left us with the West Side Story dropout to handle negotiations. Estinien alone could've held the line while Alphi could've asked Sphene about alternative ways to save the endless.
I don't want to speak to you on voice, get over it already instead of posting about it on 4chan every day
This sounds like someone who hasn't actually had a connection with someone else who truly values and enjoys being around them
They get down for the kind words on their screen which they aren't getting from anywhere else. I don't think sexual attraction comes into play here.
>that it's my least favorite mental illness.
Get a grip, the coke head behavior from the meds is the most anti-social aspect of it, but compared to pretty much any other mental illness we’re a walk in the park.
god i wish that were me
Fuse our world with a blasted hellscape of lightning and then we all die
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no, it's pretty average
The problem is not that Sphene is going to run out of juice soon, but that she is about to start an interdimensional attack to plunder more aether. This is stated very clearly.
>All this talk about whether the Endless are soulless or not.
>There are good chances Y'shtola would have instantly put this question to rest if she had just been allowed to exist on screen for long enough to see one of them.
The problem with this is that The Endless are already dead and the endless themselves know this. You can’t kill what’s already dead that’s impossible
I must have missed the part where the key lets her effortlessly and uncontestedly slurp souls out of entire dimensions yeah
on second thought, you shall not be receiving /pets
Nigga's neck is broken lol
i kneel
the funniest part is falke doesn't even play frontlines and barely plays cc
and you saying "find enjoyment on your own" feels like cope. Not saying you can't find enjoyment on your own, but don't pretend that having an eb isn't valuable
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking in! Nya~
nta but she gets handed around like a bike
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This works, mind if I pop over?
She doesn't have centuries because she already can't sustain them. We find out that only a select few Endless actually get to walk around at any one time and that means Sphene needs to get out of the red asap. Her programming won't allow her time, which is why it deletes the part of her that was dicking around.
it sounds like you don’t play them if you’re saying this.
Please dominate my male character
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My femlala looks and acts like this
>slutty cop decides I’m her next target
Even better
It really isn't unless you want the exclusives the game gives you alongside the free teleport.
this femra instant losses so much, I can't even tell when I've killed her
I fucking wish
I really cannot believe The Endless is the media literacy test for this expansion.
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I don't even want an EB, I want to find enjoyment with someone else. I find in game marriages superfluous at most, hell I don't even care if it's in this game or outside of it.
Soul or not, this is super advanced technology with a race of people who could give invaluable insight into things and Electrope development. Krile's parents alone could've given us amazing technology and history. The revelation of the lalafell coming to this shard alone is worth a section in Sharlyan. But we wiped the hard drives like we were the Clintons.
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Are you telling me the only way to get an EB is be a femra? They don't even look as good as they do in fanart...
what, does he play them on aether? might as well not be on 4chan then
awesome gimmick dude
uohh I can finally say it! Nice armpit ToT
My moonie is gonna set up a kissing booth
With the shard traveling device that she fled with? Have you even played the story that you are discussing?
You are free to not like the plot, but its not contrived that the protagonists decide to take the most straightforward decision in a time-sensitive, world ending scenario rather than go to the edge of the universe or back in time again to see if there is an alternative solution.
It's a horrible trend within final zones of XIV expansions. I hated it in ShB where you are bursting full of lightwarden and have to dick around in the tempest for hours, I hated it in EW where you have to dick around in ultima thule while your home planet is burning.
I'm not joining your voice chat you tranny.
If you were actually friends with them and not, for example, a self-centered loser something as trivial as that wouldn't be a dealbreaker for you.
Holy shit it's like arguing to a wall.

Tell me, why would Sphene, given all the time she could want to carry out her plans, decide to announce this attack right as we're inside her kingdom, fucking shit up? Explain it. Justify it. What kind of AI decides the best way to carry out a plan is to first grab the most powerful motherfuckers in the universe, put them inside the most vulnerable area you have, and then announce you're about to fuck them royally if they don't kill you?
I forget, did we wipe them or unplug them?
My moonie is gonna set up a kissing boot
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if falke is on crystal he is gooning
if he is in cc he’s on aether
my moonie is going to set up a pissing booth
now i hiss
>crystalloids actually believe this
love that dude wish I could get into aether so I could say hi to him
woah zenos is in my body... im so distraught its not hot at all this is so terrible
yeah that's a lie
bro plays like dogwater in crystal cc sync queues so there's no way he's spamming cc games on aether
probably plays a few games a week at most
My highlander looks like this but doesn't like femra
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How do I sync animations? Someone ripped the ballroom dance from (I think the grande cosmos), and after work my femlala is going to dance with a lalaboy
Sphene is a splinter of the AI who didn't want to succeed. That's why she was deleted.
My femhroth is going to set up a biting booth next to her kissing booth.
>surprised when the battle autist DOESN'T fuck you
dumb yume
Miera, you?
love that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
do it in gpose
Damn, must have missed that when she appeared again and proved that's bullshit.
which criterion should i attempt to farm this weekend
Easy, it’s a classic villain trope of explaining their plan before it happens, usually when they’re done they run away in some spectacular way while you have chase after them. Consume more media
you're responding to the wrong moonie
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Thanks for reminding me that I got to watch this game die twice.
There's no difference.
Also it's not murder.
And they're a net drain to society: Their existence only comes around at the expense of another life.
Go take a swim in a mist cloud, ya nonce.
is 7.2 crafted gear going to require melds to be better than 6.4 gear with pentamelds?
i really don't feel like investing millions in melding anymore
There's no life to give up on, they're already long dead. What are you not getting about this?

When you go to a science museum and look at a poorly-animated video display of Marie Curie talking about her discovery of radium and how that influenced the scientific community even after her death, do you think that's genuinely her that gets murdered every night when the museum shuts the display off at closing time???

>Sphene has what, centuries to go before she runs into genuine problems sustaining them after that Tural raid?
Everything she got from the Tural raid was already (literally) eaten up by Zoraal Ja up in Everkeep
these tank role quests have been lame from start to finish, might be the worst set ive seen in all 3 expansions
kay cute...
shut up shut up don't remind me of how weird that made me feel and how I have new very specific fetishes I REALLY wish I didn't have SHUT UP!!!
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Fine, Sphene is a splinter of the AI who doesn't want to succeed, that's why it tried to delete her.
Is that less confusing for you?
they're gone man
thats a diff game
genuinely what did he mean by this
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you were here shilling your dogshit mare fork last week kong
I don't believe you. I don't believe either of you are real.
I am aware, anon.
That doesn't change what I said.
the role quests in general are lame
but the chaos enjoyer fiddie in the healer quests is 100% plappable
Ahh yeah. The MakePlace plugin + MakePlace program is the one that allows that. There's also HousingMate plugin that shows what furniture are being used for a house too.
grape milk
there is no way anything can beat the boredom that was EW tank quests
wtf rapist meena
It's not even a villain trope: The plan was exposed once they entered S9, arguably the plan was exposed the second they entered HF since they were bound to find out about the souls.

The only way for Sphene to succeed would be to instantly wipe out the WoL & Wuk Lamat instantaneously and well, they didn't. In fact, they just let them walk on in.
It's meta commentary on the nature of AI, hastily made plans and economics though; it's intended behaviour.
Okay, I'm convinced you are either a skipper, a speed reader or you didn't even play the game. Sphene didn't bring us to living memory. She fled there from the top of everkeep without us and we only managed to follow because the golden city portal lead there.
The entire final trial is what she plans to use to slurp the souls out of every reflection. Hope that helps.
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>Unironically doing the overfilled HUD shitpost
Where's the fingerless glove meter?
>we are also on a timer
Our merry group of adventurers actually points this out, Cahciua says "nah we have time" and we go "oh okay," until the announcement at the last terminal that makes Wuk Lamat panic that we are, in fact, out of time.
That’s a good idea - I’ve only screenshotted in gpose, what’s a good way to save video?
we love hanging out at lb14 and having conversations in the thread!
can a nigga get a (You)
I still rewatch this sometimes
I could be in your body...
Nah go ahead. Feel free to come regardless.
I find it so unbelievable that every single time, the absolute best defence people defending Dawntrail can muster is "I don't care and neither should you"

Bruh, you could not possible be harming this game more with any other kind of comment
i only give yous to verified moonies
you would load in the two actors, pause them, set the animations then line them up and unpause. try nvidia shadowplay maybe
bros how do I get over my femlala addiction
Sorry, I don't reply to black people
I don't understand what you're asking.
how does one become a verified moonie
Nigga all of you play like dogwater on crystal, what are you smoking lol
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Hey! How you doing, bwo?
>artisan has nearly 2 million downloads
Should I just assume at this point that anyone who is crafting is botting it?
>and we only managed to follow
Yeah, she inadvertently led us there. Same shit, whether she wanted to or not.
Why wouldn't she just wait for us to leave? Or just feed us whatever lie so we leave and then she can do her stuff without us interfering? That's the point.
hey guys check out my new outfit
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you post you are moonie and then shes verified
the EW ones had gridanian lore to draw up from, in DT is just some made up tribe with no context with anything and their totem is lame, the femezen villain is one of the ugliest ive seen and the solo duty was boring af

i'd would take kan-e-sena any day over this, and those were boring too
You can redraw all, that should sync them up on your end
My goonie lost verification status for saying too many bad words in the shroud
Anon the whole point of the endless is a metaphor for holding onto loved ones long past the point where it's harmful.
The point of the story is to accept when to hang onto people and when to let go

did you think the whole giants thing about "people are never truly dead until you forget them" was just pointless set dressing?


that's the point
t. doesn’t play synced cc
what happened to this game?
if you want to make money from crafting stop trying to sell consumables and just focus on finding a furnishing niche
im not giving free game out in the thread but there are a few housing items that aren't even that big of a pain to make but people still buy them by the truckload
Sorry man, it's terminal.
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>the femezen villain is one of the ugliest ive seen
alright now you're making it personal
no wonder my face 4 moonie hasnt found love
Neat, I’d have to use gpose anyway because the lalaboy I have in mind is 100% vanilla. If it looks good I’ll post it
dont look at splatoon numbers or anything like that if you dont want to be further disappointed in the people who play this game
Am I, though?
You don't.
i'll have to get those, my follow-up question was going to be if it showed the furniture because ever since i saw your house i've been like "how did you achieve this?"
would you be okay with me using those to get a list of your furniture?
/hug hope you're doing well, i miss you
ok im verified then
>the whole point is a metaphor
Metaphors suck and need to be kept far, far away from this fucking game. They breed retards like you willing to accept any kind of narrative no matter how much it shoots itself in the foot and how much worse it makes the game, because "But it's le metaphor, bro! It doesn't need to make sense or fit in with the rest of the game!"
Is the glowy eye mod still down?
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all of our conversations initiate with me, end with me, the last time he said something to me first was over a week ago, he doesn't want to hang out or do content together anymore if there aren't friends along to act as social lubricant, and on top of that, he'd rather ask our mutuals about something I was doing instead of asking me directly.
just give it to me straight: it's completely and utterly over right? there are plenty of people to hang out with, and maintaining each interpersonal relationship takes effort so I'm not going to invest myself into the ones that aren't going anywhere.
You got the one with this femra in it?
sorry, I don't get plapped by people who don't have 7+ inch cock irl
ok, where's it at?
aw he's smiling :)

Hi, I'm doing pretty good! Got any plans for xiv?
Here you go, fren.
Of course I'm real: I'm not an endless am I. I'm not a dead, vague, parasitic collection of memories.
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retard does nothing beside sexpesting people or thinking he's remotely funny by spamming racist remarks or buzzwords while being a magnet for black futa dicks in game until he decided to stick one to his imvu modbeast to stop having white girl jokes being thrown at him
he plays like a subhuman in cc and this is coming from someone who played both with and against him
i have 6.4 pentamelded gear, which is better than 7.0 unmelded gear, but not better than 7.0 pentamelded gear
my question is when can i expect to buy a set that will be better than pentamelded indagator's, without having to invest in melds?
yeah but theres a way to do it without in if you go to the reniguide
EB status???
>having a metaphor in your story is pointless
>just let me solve every problem without having a difficult choice
you guys really like slop don't you huh?

>don't worry guys we will turn on the endless again and fire up the machine that is consuming enough power to drain entire worlds just to let people not die for a little longer.
That’s a lot of words just to not understand metaphors and their literary use
because Venat transformed them with the Exodus spell, not kill. She made them different, not dead.
Any free use rapemeats in the thread right now?
>why doesnt the antagonist just make all the right decisions and win? why don't the antagonists get lost and lose?
This isn't even bad writing, this is just a basic narrative layout. There is no story if the protagonists don't end up in living memory.
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Depends what you want from glowy eyes, glamourer can do it now in advanced customisations
post your logs
The fact that he asks about you says that there's a different problem. You should tell him what you're feeling.
And in turn I don't believe you paid any attention at all to the story. It's extremely blatant, repeated multiple times by multiple characters and is shown right to our face - these are not real people. The real people are already long dead. The AIs are not creating new thoughts with these memories, they are dredging the personalities from them and determining what the person would most likely say given the context. They are chatbots.

Even with all the memories of the person what we see isn't actually accurate. Remember the second area of Living Memory with all the children? They explicitly say that since Living Memory uses the happiest part of their lives, a large number of those "children" are actually adults who lived a full and unhappy life. And you think that those depictions are somehow "real"?
>Anon the whole point of the endless is a metaphor for holding onto loved ones long past the point where it's harmful.
Well, that and a very heavy critique of late stage capitalism.
No U, scrub. Metaphors suck for those without media literacy.
that croc mfer is so fucking cringe and the worst frencorder of all
Am I a verified Moonies
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man anyone who has ever touched zolzayaa instantly forfeits all right to be smug about anything
You cannyot simply verify moonies that way
you pay him $8
TWO!!! ;_;
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Post full
Real talk how is he still there? He actively stalks and harasses people over erp
is this the kind of bull xivg likes?
Looking especially cute today, effy :3
>faces have some sort of pour texture now
>face molds all are pre-DT smooth
This is going to bother me more than it should...
OSRS has taught me to never underestimate the potential profit in simply processing raw materials. At launch I leveled Leatherworker from 90 to 100 solely through turning hide into leather and made a killing doing it.
dont spend it all in one place
We just got out of Golbez's "I'm gonna sacrifice my servants Cagnazzo and Rubicante to use Azdaja's eye which holds half he power to stop the Scions from reaching her, so that I can fulfill my plan of making the Scions reach her and motivate her to use her full power to reach the Source".

At some point, we should have started to complain about how every story since the end of 6.0 has relied on the villain being a retard who can't do anything right.
Unironically, yes.
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sorry, its me.
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Nothing special. Probably going to do some CC matches on Light and later daily roulettes.
And do you have any big plans for today?
You just know he is a bottom
You know, would actually.
>At some point, we should have started to complain about how every story since the end of 6.0 has relied on the villain being a retard who can't do anything right.
This is quite literally every shonen manga/anime ever man
>They breed retards like you willing to accept any kind of narrative no matter how much it shoots itself in the foot and how much worse it makes the game, because "But it's le metaphor, bro! It doesn't need to make sense or fit in with the rest of the game!"
Also no way, not at all.
I didn't accept it the ShB post game or Endwalker when Ishikawa tried it and I've been tanking hate for the last 2 years every single time I speak out about it. Endwalker has positive points but I assure you that Hermes was absolutely one of the worst attempts at this.
Halicarnassus/Lavender Beds/Ward 17 Plot 16
Oh, I thought you were talking about combat gear. There will be new left side crafter gear and tools in 7.1 and a full new set of left side, right side and tools in 7.3 that will last until 8.0.
I think you're right and I'm reading too much into it actually. I'll just give it some time
>It's so sad WoL, there's a baby drowning in front of us.
>Why aren't we helping?!
>Because it's a metaphor.
>It's a what?!
>A metaphor. For the sadness of child mortality.
>We need to save that baby now!
>No, WoL, you can't. The water is, uh... acid. Yeah, it's instant melting acid that will kill you.
>I'm seeing the baby making bubbles right now!
>It's so sad. Oh well, all hail the metaphor.
Nice armpit
Have you plapped while high
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Thread Question: Where the heck are all of the moms in FF14?
This is a serious question. We get a lot of focus on dads for important NPCs, but basically no moms. Think about it this way: Emet was Emperor, had a son. His son had a son, and thats Varis. Varis had a son, and thats Zenos. Who was Emets wife? She would have been Empress, that seems important enough to at least be worthy of a mention. But fine, she's probably been dead for ages. Who was *Zenos's* mom, then? No mention of her at all, despite it being something that probably would have mattered a lot to Varis.

We see this repeated again with the Tural royal family. Zoraal Ja is Galool Ja Ja's kid. Cool. Who the fuck is the mom that had this miracle baby? This isn't a meaningless question, blessed siblings can only arise from two specific mamool ja tribes interbreeding, so the details of the mother responsible for the miracle baby that is Zoraal Ja is pretty pertinent information. And thats before we even get into the massive ??? that is Zoraal Ja's kid, Galool Ja, because we don't even see any other Mamool Ja in Alexandria that I can remember so who the hell did he bang to have a kid with? Is the kid just a clone, for some reason?

For a story that usually gives us too much information, it really just seems to handwave the entire concept of moms most of the time and pretend that dudes just manifest a child on their own. Whats up with that?
Only if he were fat
you can do that with dark rye flour right now because everyone and their grandma is making taco collectables which require 2 per, i had my botanist retainer go back and collect like 1k dark rye and i processed it all using artisan and made bank
no i’m on a tolerance break but i might break it today.
verified cute moonies
>This is quite literally every shonen manga/anime ever man
What does that have to do with FFXIV?
And why aren't we asking for better?
I was thinking the flash light like glow AL used to have?
Cheers, I'll head on over soon, still finishing up Deadlock
to quote arteezy
my moonie is too infamous to post here
Well? Give me my (You), retard.
Nah go ahead. I've borrowed many people's design. The plugin to see how people made such things is called HousingMate. It shows all the furniture used around your character's proximity, and you can change how far it reaches in the house too. I've been good too. Hopefully you're good as well!
i am
a moony
logging in
Sounds fun!
I'm going to sleep a bit early tonight to go hiking tomorrow
But I'll be trying to finish Post-Heavensward this weekend. I've been playing too much CC and it's been slowing my progress hehe
Seeker of the sun.
sorry this is a sunnie
>media literacy
Confirmed retard
I'm not engaged with your metaphor bullshit either. Just calling you out.
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They had it before thoughever.
saying the nigger word in say chat
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Sunbathing sunnies
What is wrong with that retard lmao? Also, wasn't it DB that landed the killing blow on him?
Found the retard with low or nonexistent media literacy confused by simple story themes
she was unfuckable tier dude
>Nyo you can't just write a story that requires me to think
>I don't want to think it's supposed to be escapism!
ok retard
Anon i'm a sunc@.
doing good, my sleep schedule has been even crazier lately though..
Venat was my mom :'(

BJJ's mom
Krile's mom (kinda)
Cirina's grandmother
That's all I got off the top of my head
Nice boa.
i dont know why i thought crafter gear was from even patches when it's from odd patches, my bad
i know when they happen but it still doesn't answer: is 7.3 crafter gear (without any melds) going to be better than 6.3 crafter gear (with pentamelds)?
F'lhaminn is the only one that springs to mind. You see Yotsuyu/Fordola's mothers in echo flashbacks, also.
I think its just mothers being a naturally 'homesteading' role in classic narratives makes them less likely to be out in the world running around. I don't know enough about Japanese storytelling to make any claims on how a mother tends to be portrayed but on the little I DO know of you tend to only see mothers as pure caregivers or insane bitches (Ragyo springs immediately to mind, Lusamine, etc)...

... Which also follows into a personal favourite of mine in Ystride from the DRK quests

That said I'm kind of fine with it? Western writers tend to go super hard on the whole ACTION MOM GIRLS GET IT DONE thing and it falls really flat.
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Someone did this to me, and I found out he was an mtf tranny when he accidentally spoke to someone in his house when we were all in group vc. This was after pretending to be a biofem for 2 months.
Many such cases.
keeper of the moon = keepie
seeker of the sun = seekie
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>Did exactly what I knew you would do and try to ad hominem when I'm only calling you out for using media literacy like every other retard trying to be smarter than they are
Nice, a 2 for 1.
Rachel Reeves ass looking motherfucker
this is mufan btw
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i know but it was funny if i included you in the post
Childbirth in xiv is just weird. I tried making some new moms on Balmung to fix this, but months after I have ERPed impregnating them, the baby is still nowhere to be found.
>Who was *Zenos's* mom, then? No mention of her at all, despite it being something that probably would have mattered a lot to Varis.
More important to Zenos himself, whose entire deal is that he didn't get to make a single genuine human connection his entire life and that's why he grew up so fucked in the head.
primal q frontline
I see, that's fine
>ad hominem
bro...>>493396185 your media literacy......
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I mean, if we are listing moms actually in the game then we can't leave out Ameliance.
Matoya isn't actually Y'shtola's mom, though. She raised her, but they are not related. Obviously.
raping both of these fluffy babes at the same time until we're all vampires.
>Pay $40usd on a myriad of dances on the store
>sub runs out
>can't use my recently purchased goods
Oh cool, that sounds neat.
Are you going alone or with friends? Hope you have a fun trip tomorrow.
And no haste buddy you will get there. Try to enjoy your journey through the game.
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it's sidequest time

No, this is me.
Almost certainly yes, the 7.1 gear will most likely be better than penta indagator too.
You should really pentameld the 7.3 gear when you get it too since it lasts the longest of any gear in the expansion by far. You can casually accumulate materia from now until it releases and probably have enough.
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The problem with trying to save the Endless is that it just thematically makes no sense to. I feel like nerdy-autism-logic-brained types get upset when their story isn't structured like a mathematical proof, every other alternative outcome needs to be explicitly and methodically ruled out or else it's a "plot hole" and "bad writing." Not that DT is perfect, Living Memory has its flaws. But we went through the same thing with Venat in Endwalker too, "she could've done this or that or something else and tried to avoid the Sundering, she just immediately decides to do what she wants because white woman amiright?" The reason the story does not choose to write up some reason to save the Endless is because it would directly contradict all of the themes Dawntrail has been trying to convey.

The real issue though IMO, is that Dawntrail doesn't spell out its themes very explicitly for itself and thus some people fall off the saddle. Those more invested can rummage around and reflect on what the story is trying to convey to avoid it, but in the moment I feel like Dawntrail's "big message" gets a little too murky for people not explicitly looking for it. The story could have used a little more outright dialogue talking about it I think, memory as the legacy of love and how by never letting go you cheapen its meaning. Alisae does a little bit of pushing back against S9 at the start but they don't pick that piece back up ever, I feel like Living Memory would have benefitted from her being there. The twins have family they wouldn't have gotten to meet in Living Memory, and I think like one cutscene of her talking about why she's happier that way would have gone a long way in clarifying some of its muddiness.
pedosized miera or giantess midlander
Have fun my nigga, give a trip report if you want
I should probably go on a t break t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-afgcl3emYM
why is he dressed up like that
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Hello again anons...
Happy Femlala Friday...
Please have a joyous day...
Thank you...
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>the baby is still nowhere to be found
he don’t know better
Femroe Friday starting off strong
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Zenos' mom was Solus (One of Emet's test tube clones equipped with a boywomb for making pedigree royal babies).
Can't believe I forgot Ameliance, that was dumb.
I guess I assumed you were talking about mother figures, not exclusively biological moms.

Ameliance and Matoya are pretty important characters that are also moms
Just say she was killed in a terrorist attack during an uprising.
Other alternatives for lack of mothers: Died during childbirth or an accident during their youth.
Problem with the homogeny? Don't worry dude, they have a haircut for that.
why does your 'mommy' have a cock? were you abused as a child?
honestly didn't ask
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I stole this image from u btw
You say this but my moonie remains unfucked
I look like that irl
no one wants to fuck my moonie
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post moonie
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>noooo you have to be racist in my specific way
Shut the fuck up faggot
face 3 femra moms...
get this femra a towel
Yet you responded anyway, nigger.
Thanks buddy <3
Going alone - I've been a hermit for most of this summer (hate the heat) so I'm overdue to go out and just do some thinking and let my mind breathe
I want my moonie to win some rolls instead of gathering only books and still being stuck at 717 IL.
I wish the body swap lasted longer
I didn't think about this until just now, but that is weird.
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I'm not the original asker but HOLY I'm in love with this house...
I wish I had something like this when I was working on a witch related glam.
Phenomenal work! ;-;
>does the thing he complained about
baited for this exact response
>no mention of Zenos's mom
It's stated she died of illness right after Zenos was born in one of the side stories they published on the lodestone.
I always thought of the story heavily evoking motherly themes with the Mothercrystal for example, and Athena as its dark subversion. A friend of mine speculated that Venat was Themis's mother and that the true tragedy of Zodiark was that it took her son from her but obviously that's not true.
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Exactly. I'm not even saying that said moms need to be active participants in the story, just that their existence be recognized in some way rather than merely implied though necessity.

For example, what if the reason that Zenos is a fucking Space Marine is because Varis used Allagan science to gene-edit his son into being 'perfect', something that we know was a thing for the Allagans with their cloning and chimera experiments and the whole deal with the royal eye. Then, Zenos explicitly not *having* a mother because he was grown in a vat, or his mother not surviving childbirth specifically because of the experiments done on baby Zenos, both makes Zenos extra tragic because he was explicitly denied a maternal figure AND paints Varis as a monster who put his ambition before the welfare of his son and created a monster with his hubris. A monster that eventually destroys him and the very empire he held dear.

That would all fit cleanly into the story, and fill in a conspicuously absent space in the family tree with something that enhances the other characters, and it wouldn't even have taken much dialog to do so.
I've accidentally gotten myself into a gay relationship two times
>two times
Uh huh
yep, time to click the -
I bait ebins into meetings and never show.
In every game I can choose a female companion I name her Meria
It's my big issue with DT, too. A lot of XIV's writing tends to cover a big central theme that can be both really grand in scope or really small and personal. 6.0 is non-stop discussions on nihilism and loss and grief and processing that from grand to small, and it locks the story in a core theme that works well with the over-arching idea of the power of friendship etc etc.

DT's trying to play around with 'what makes a leader', but it never really does the counterpoint of what a bad or flawed leader looks like beyond ZJ who is a cartoon character. You get Koana realising he doesn't quite have the knack, BJJ who doesn't care, Lamat who has the stuff to lead but is a bit too dumb/impulsive to rule. Sphene is meant to kind of be a contrast, a ruler unable to move on/loves too much, but it falls flat because she's just a program and she comes so late in the story you don't get to explore it much.

That and just deleting all these memories simply doesn't feel like a heroic thing to do, especially as the stakes of 'Sphene is doing something bad with dimensional fusion soon lets shut it all down but we have time to do a play and some ecology' is all weirdly paced. Its just bad and feels like they got lost in rewrites.
i want people to be at my beck and call for erp and not the other way around
someone posted my femra yesterday and it made me feel good...
I assumed and didn't ask okay...
I've developed a new fetish today. I think this is the third time this game has done this to me.
Zenos futa birthing his dragon babies
I’m the tranny that was worried about telling a guy I’m trans. I did and he was cool with it, I’m happy.
This is actually a pretty funny idea, I'll try posing something like that once my test subject comes online. You can leave out the latter part though, we don't abuse our positions in the Adders like that.

Who the heck is this? Have I found myself a secret admirer?
can I meet this moonie to smooch
same but more than twice and it wasnt an accident lol
happy for you, tranon! ^^
Why do trannies love to sit in voice chat all the time?
Travis Scott burger?
i recognize TT's house anywhere

check out our FC too!!!
i don't
Nice, glad to hear it went over well.
No responsibilities due to depending on their parents + no social life due to living online.
*raises paw*
May I post the geruda anchor next thread?
I thought they hated voice chat?
My psychological state has devolved into crying every morning, every afternoon, and every night leaving me drained of energy and I refuse to make it anyone else's problem.
no, you are banned from doing so
Yes, I've been listening to a real banger lately
>Sphene doesn't suddenly go "I MUST COMMIT GENOCIDE, *NOW*".

The plan was genocide all along. There were things stopping her, like being stranded in lightning hell, and the hesitation caused by the last traces of humanity her heavily altered memory harbored.

Then she went full Preservation and cast aside pretense. She was backed into a corner by us after we purged 4/5 USB sticks.

She even undeleted some of her humanity to say fuck you with passion at the very end.
That'd be Shoebill right? I've been there before but it has been a while and I forgot the address...
the glowie from the other day that can spot whenever you post
I almost wish I could have multiple apartments to have themed.
I'm logging in now.
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they're fixing faces again


still not adding highlander eyebrows though
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I held nvda stock when I should've sold
waist so pinched her lower half's lookin like a thorax
cute but you over think things
most people do not hate trans people
Good morning sir, do you have any interesting theories about some smaller part of lore that other people don't often think about?
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I'm botting out in Frontlines while afking Crucible private matches in Destiny 2. I love reaping rewards for no effort.
>Where the heck are all of the moms in FF14?

There are very few married couples in game, because they want (you) to coom to whoever you want. Fourchano, the Chais, a handful of fags and everyone else is single. The moms that do exist usually get killed (azn mothers are loathed by their children).
Most trannies love their own voice and most of them are attentionwhores, which makes VC the perfect place for them.
You're gonna have to find me and punish me in game because I'm going to do it anyways - I want to listen to >>493398013's banger of a song
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real nigga hours
>Beards and scars appear lighter on certain face types, when paired with specific skin tones (processing issue).
i don’t get it
I know you can turn minions into player characters with Glamourer but how do you make those do emotes? And how do you get more than one? Is there a different better way to do it?
>the Chais
They don't have children
Please do
What FF14 bot do you use?
Happy femlala friday... I'll try my best today again...
i get doing one or the other but why even turn on the computer at that point
i love being ignored. i love not being important enough for you to remember i exist when I'm not around.
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Have a safe trip and don't do anything stupid out there that could injure you.
Wishing you a good night and pleasent dreams.

LB W25 P3
normal people dont give a shit sis but if you spend a lot of time here it probably feels like they do
>zenos was his own mom birthing himself from beyond space and time
Brio, its what it was originally designed for - spawning NPCs and making them do stuff
I need male futa in my life.
I get what you're saying and I feel for you.
Probs a good idea to headcanon it away as a lost relic from Oda passing on the story to Ishikawa, a lost relic of the Garlemald expansion that never was.
Have this fren, I was looking for a pic to share and it took me direct to this time capsule, you can file this away in the same folder as Warriors of Darkness patch. File the concepts in general away as Anicents/Ascians "I made it the fuck up as I went along" tier.

In general anything to do with the Garleans or empire is something I file away there and leave it. I'm done mourning for aborted children.
i made a couple posts venting about my problem with obsessing over someone in xiv yesterday, and it felt really good to get it off of my chest
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malera O-face
Thank you!
That'd be so cool honestly! Like a thematic journey through multiple apartments or something...
>Dying your hair to make yourself look young
*whips the raw chicken out and gets ready for another slapping session*
have they mentioned anything about lighting bleeding through hats? i.e., my character's forehead is lit up under a cowboy fat while the face is under shadow.
someone else post the anchor I"m gonna kms.....
my threadcrush is doing roulettes without me
Everyone is adopted as well. Flaminin (the mom” of minfilia for example).
Happy for you, unless your name is SV
you could ask him/her...
Lahabrea and Gaius are both retards that can't do anything right
Kind of smart villains
Yotsuyu and Zenos are both retards that can't do anything right, their only saving grace is Zenos being skilled at combat
Emet is a retard who can't do anything right, his "co-operation" plan had zero chance to succeed and he spent a ton of time just cackling about how evil, smart and powerful he is.
when you peg his cloaca just right..
thanks for reminding me i just bought a new phone maybe i can get /tomestone now
I believe in you. /pet
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I sometimes spill my pee jugs a bit on the carpet when the duty window makes that noise, often when someone cancels matchmaking too..
Could be worse, my threadcrush openly flirts with any anon that gives them attention
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Have you seen how fat wicked thunders butt is?
I don’t owe you my time, you fucking parasocial stalker.
Could be worse, my threadcrush is the thread whore and will fuck anyone who asks
when people reply to gposes and stuff with NICE FINGER and such it always makes me laugh because it reveals the poster as such an impotent little seether rushing to find flaws to call out, it must be a miserable way to live
>"co-operation" plan had zero chance to succeed
It nearly did succeed the only reason it didn't is because he had no idea about ardbert.
I'm a futa only femra
>Kind of smart villains
This has to be bait, four of the five villains are incompetent and arguably one was doing it on purpose.
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doesn't seem that way
sounds like you guys just don’t ask
Look at this duskwight baddie
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one day maybe...
Oh, she's your threadcrush? We've finished the roulette already, now we're just... chatting inside the instance, haha.
I was flirting with my threadcrush the other day and someone responded to them as if they were me. I thought it was weird but it's anonymous here so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Fr, wish all these trannies would hop off my dick and get a hobby like touch some grass? Daaamn nigga... wildin'.
no, i'm also not particularly interested in seeing it either
I'm sorry to hear tha, anon. But, reach out to friends. They will share your burdens. Talk to them.
ugly tranny
jp catgirls mog this gender dysphoric abomination
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i don't have a threadcrush but i wish i had someone to do roulettes still :(
He probably already knew you were a dude, and enjoyed the lack of hormonal mood swings.
A lot more of you would be happier if you stopped being a pussy worrying about if you’re bothering someone asking to play or just chitchat
This sounds like a personal issue and you unironically need therapy if you perceive those comments as mean spirited and not just shitposting
yoshida-san... I-I'm struggling to understand...
I would like that. There's a song I heard recently and really liked, and would like to share with the thread.
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Why are tanks in xiv called "blue dps" in comparison to [other game] when [other game] tanks are just dps with higher base threat generation on all their attacks
This is just paladin with extra buttons
It's a Technical job that's incredibly hard to play well, but the actual value you get from playing it well is crazy.
You get a really nasty DoT that reduces enemy Healing, and the shields you can apply are incredibly beefy,
Your LB makes people inside it slowly regen HP (enemies will take damage instead) and makes you and your team Immune to damage and status effects from enemies outside of the circle.
And that Damage/Status Guard means that a Ninja can't Seiton Tenchu you unless they are in the bubble. Primal Rend won't do damage because the movement effect is applied after the stun and Damage, you are however, vulnerable to getting yanked out of the Circle with Blota or Salted Earth
Hell yeah brother
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meet my wife
It could be worse
Fanta to miqo'te
cute glubwife bro
I’m just trying to be polite to people who flirt. Go poke me in game.
Oh, no need to introduce us, we already know each other.
>UHM it’s a PROFFESOR raping his student, you pedo freak!
The Japanese are breaking free from the cult, it's over for FFXIV
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Leave my wife Nemh alone!
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Some of these vanilla items on froths look kinda...
we like this
what WAS emets plan

why did he support you killing the light wardens
nah I think I'll keep my catboy golems as just that
>I'm just trying to be polite to people who flirt
Nope, you're being a slut is what it's called
its over for heiko
My malera looks like this
There's this place in The Peaks called Coldhearth, it's the village where Raubahn grew up and you see a flashback where he and Ilberd witness a rally hosted by Curtis Hext, Lyse's father. Since Raubahn and Ilberd are old friends, one might surmise that Ilberd is from Coldhearth as well.
The reason I suggest this is because if you go to Coldhearth right now, there's a young boy there named Papin. He gives you a quest called "Family First," asking you to retrieve some griffin meat for his mother. When you do so, he remarks that his father has gone away and used to send him letters regularly, but they've stop coming recently. He also remarks that his father is "really strong, just like you."
I really think this kid is Ilberd's son. Him dwelling in Coldhearth and having a recently-disappeared father just fits, but also the quest sort of seems like a subtle wink, since it involves griffins (Ilberd's Resistance alias) and is called Family First (perhaps a macabre nod to the fact that Ilberd gave up his family to fight for Ala Mhigo.)
I examined the character data for Ilberd and Papin and they both have green eyes, one shade apart (Ilberd is 24, 7 and the boy is 24, 6.)
If it's true, it's a remarkable coincidence that Raubahn's "son" is Pipin and Ilberd's son is Papin.
>Assuming I'm referring to (You)
This is the nigga who's ego I don't want boosted
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I respect it
DT's problem is that is phrases the Endless in the wrong terms, and that undercuts the themes of the story. The problem of the Endless is presented as a *resource* problem. The Endless need more juice, and they only way they know how to get it is by throwing a bunch of souls into the furnace, but its unsustainable. As a result this leaves the conceptual opening that the resource problem could be solved another way, either by finding a sustainable fuel source of finding a way to improve efficiency or cut costs somehow. The scions clearly know a lot of stuff about dimensions and souls that Sphene does not, so its entirely possible that we could come up with a solution using information that Sphene simply never had. Alexandria can't even cure Levinsickness, and thats baby shit for us now.

So what we have is a resource problem, that the MSQ presents to us as a *tragedy*. The entire zone of Living Memory, again and again, tells us that Living Memory is a beautiful place full of nice people who have been given a miraculous chance to do things in death that they never had the chance for in life: reunite with lost loves, meet your dead parents you never knew, say goodbye and get closure, etc. You are clearly supposed to feel SAD when you power down a terminal and the very landscape around you turns into a dead silent tomb.

The story fails to present the Endless as a MORAL failing, and a horrifying one at that. The souls are burned up when used as charges, not recycled and reincarnated via the aetherial sea. The memories are ripped out and used to make a facsimile AI, and thus likewise go nowhere. Even the living have their memories of the deceased erased, which means nothing of them endures BUT the Endless themselves. Alexandria PERMANENTLY DESTROYS THE SOULS and erases the natural, provable afterlife that these people would normally have under the natural order to create a gross illusion of it.
THAT is what the story should have focused on. Why we oppose it.
so you'd take in their light and become a super lightwarden and kill everyone, thus bringing about the calamity to rejoin the first to the source
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Update: I love it.
Very comfy and the music choice in here is top notch. Would gladly move in (if I was on Halicarnassus)
I honestly don't exactly have any anymore, at least offline, or it would be awkward, nor do I want to bother people I haven't talked to in years. Well there is a friend who does talk to me often but they really can't help me because they know exactly what my issue is and the most they can do is listen every now and so often.

It mostly boils down to being content having company that isn't into the same autistic thing as I am and continue accepting because of my autism I will never develop a close friendship or relationship with someone but there's other things in life.
Why are all your modbeasts fat af?
Big Foot?
Your friends will enjoy sharing your burdens to a degree.
did you play shadowbringers or?
This is amazing bait that is going to break that anons heart
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Nice? I agree.
I suck at frontlines but its fun c:
I always like your lore posts bro
>WoL kills lighhtwardens
>absorbs light
>the light Aether causes WoL to turn into a sin eater
>Emet was going to use the WoL (Forma de sin eater) to cause a calamity to rejoin the first to the source
i'm very smoothbrain to play even the slightest complicated jobs
i had to reschedule my mri scan, so i won't be involuntarily hospitalized today
Since when did you use mods, Adder-ra?
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bonus view for all you gooners out there (she’s still my wife but you can watch)
Come say hi sometime.
>Gamergate was literally a decade ago
I am having a seizure right now.
i can see your reflection
I like this theory.
I do this btw
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Where's all the new world gods based around South American mythology?
It's okay if it's a little bad, but usually people call out egregiously obvious errors
I see

T b h I didn't think that was his plan because he said he doesn't lie to you so I believed him that he wanted to be allies
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Actually no he was going to see if the WoL could withstand the light to see if he truly was akin to his old friends but the WoL simply couldnt handle that much aether, confirming emets worldview that the reflections are inferior and incapable of replacing the ancients.
Fantastic theory from my favorite lore head.
initial plan
>you absorb all the light
>become a bomb and fucking explode, causing a calamity
>you dying causes both a calamity on the source and the 1st at the same time
>shards fuse

modified plan
>you prove you can take it
>he gives you the Azem crystal
>he convinces you to join him
>you get your memories back and become an ascian (forma de azem) and help him
big /hug from the other side of the planet :3
so you must see my cock in hand
my femroe acts like this
To give them some credit, they were kinda building something with Stormblood and showing the downfall of an empire caused by hubris but found themselves a hail mary in black rose. Varis was for a short time shown as competent.
Then ya know, ol' crystal moggy summons you and the scions because of black rose, so the Garlean empire is doomed to fail now except you're in a battle with Zenos, except Zeno- I mean Elidibus le walks away because he got a super mind call from Emet to say let's abandon the plan and try and bring them onboard instead of another cycle, except Elidibus and Emet didn't account for Ardbert, but you'd think they would given they'd set that plan into motion before..and well Ishikawa kinda forgor.

It's hard to point fingers at SB/SHB's end because really it's a bit of everyone's fault. Gaius, Varis, Lahabrea, Emet, Elidibus, Nero.
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My femra's indentured pet paypig malera's son (her wife) looks like this
do you like fiddies
Good morning /xivg/
He says it to your face though.
If anything it'd just be boring and annoying to hear the same thing over and over again from people I have actually shared it with.
he was lying then but then really meant it later
You don't suck
You suck
my fiddie is a notorious cum thief but she operates from the shadows. you wouldn't know who she is. but one day, she you might just catch her eye and she'll take yours
Why do raiders in this game who don't play casual content more than a few times a week actually care about the difficulty of casual content?
seems strange to obsess over something like that unless it's just retards trying to gatekeep and hoping higher difficulty makes all the shitters quit
Yes, you don't want to do it over and over again. Then it'd get annoying. You can still vent once if it helps.

Didn't want you to forget that old water chestnut my son.
I know I do
i'll throw a used tissue your way next time
I want to suck on Elidibus' old but firm water chestnuts
may i see your femroe enjoying fiddie
You are level 100 you should know how to play the game and do simple mechanics by now
same wanna do one together
This post made me reaaally horny..
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Ebins won.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is STILL the best MMO.
>You don't suck
then eggsplain this
that doesn't answer my question
why do raiders who never leave savage and ultimate PF care so much about the difficulty of content they don't run?

why the need for parsing dungeons and obsessing about how difficult the content other people run is?
I don't pull up to ff16 and get mad that other people used the trinkets that make the game easier
Thanks, finding that one little gem while replaying the Stormblood side quests made the whole effort worth it. Subtlety is rare in XIV nowadays.
Dumb text skipper
normal ninja gameplay
this is me
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gm cute fiddie
Well, somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential
A-rushing, a-rushing around
Emet had two options, and he was fine with either of them:

Option 1: You kill all of the Lightwardens and successfully contain all of their Light. This is what you were doing anyway, and if you managed to pull it off without him helping you then that would qualify you as maybe being enough of a 'real person' that he could chill out with the rejoinings. Emet was always, ALWAYS, looking for an off ramp to justify why he didn't need to commit genocides anymore and he never found one that satisfied him. In this scenario his goal is to bring you into the fold and raise you up to Ascian status, turning you from an enemy to an ally. If you refuse he has to fight you or just wait for you to die of old age and start things over again, you killing the light wardens being a big setback but not an irrecoverable one in the long run.

Option 2: You fail to contain the light, become a lightwarden yourself, and everything resumes as normal back on track with only a minor delay. He doesn't really lose anything by letting you try and fail.

Really, if it hadn't been for Ardbert's set up intervention Emet's plan would have gone off without a hitch.
>Subtlety is rare in XIV nowadays.
Really wish this wasn't the case but oh well.
To be honest I only devolve into this state if I constantly remind myself of things that did a doozy on me in my younger years. Then it reminds me that in all those years I have yet to find someone who shares my idiotic obsession and fluently speaks the same language.
i am a fan
I've got a blankie but thank you
>Emet was always, ALWAYS, looking for an off ramp to justify why he didn't need to commit genocides anymore and he never found one that satisfied him.
nice fan fiction
He outright states it at the lift
that's the whole point of the last zone thoughbeit?
he's been doing this so long he just has to keep going or it's all pointless, but he has no idea if it will even work or if he wants to do this anymore
I think you're taking things too seriously, what a miserable way to live
No he doesn't. He wants to re-start the zodiark plan and get his friends back. That was his goal.
i usually switch to bard in frontlines i seem to do better on it than other jobs
xerai sungyve looks so fucking horrible
and a really shitty plap
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A big /hug back to you, fren!
If I have to pull a double shift because of call outs I'm turning in my two weeks
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Yeah, at that point, but he says he tried to find reasons not to, and he couldn't
Wrong. He had 3 options. Maybe 4 but definitely 3.

Allow Elidibus to kill Azem and go through another cycle but the first is gone. Elidibus has the chance to kill Azem before Graha can summon them and the scions are already on the first, without Azem the first falls, the scions are already done, if Elidibus fails to kill Azem lol how.
Maybe! Im gonna que for it all day on crystal
Probably a good idea, but im just lvling vpr for now
I would have liked it more if all other possible solutions were explored and justified in game as non viable one way or another, so the only solution was really us or them.
glad you like it!
>leaves the conceptual opening
Just call this a plot hole, a "conceptual opening" is a weird way of trying to say plot hole. This is exactly what I mean though, I don't say this derogatively but types like you love to pick apart stories like they're logical puzzles. Unless it vacuum seals every potential what-if shut, someone somewhere like you will get stuck on a what-if and spoil their ability to interact with the narrative because they've now blown it open in their mind with what they see as a plot hole. That you're calling the memories Living -Memory- (emphasis on memory by the way) "people" is already a sign you did not stay on board. You're supposed to be sad to let go. Grief is the legacy of love, to deny that legacy the ability to exist cheapens love itself. Alisae coamments on Solution 9 feeling wrong because narratively, it is. It runs paradoxical to everything we've seen so far in Tural. Dawntrail is about legacy in its many forms: family, a nation and its leader, culture, love and loss. Solution 9 (and Living Memory) are antithetical to all of this, it's a place where regulators prevent anyone from leaving behind any kind of legacy whatsoever. An eternal ruler, a society where literal lives are a luxury item. Citizens may not outright suffer, but they have their legacies taken from them. And then Living Memory is quite literally a childish theme park rendition of Alexandria, a picturebook fairytale kingdom led by a little girl who is unwilling to turn its last page. The world of Living Memory is designed to convey the cheap childishness of never letting go, it is quite literally a shallow memory of what was once the real Alexandria.

The world-ending soul consumption standing in for what is the reality of entropy spurs the plot along and tries to seal shut the idea of letting them stay, but inherently there is never a world where narratively prolonging Living Memory is meant to make sense.
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Doing the same as a calamity with the key mcguffin
> Ok so how does Dynamis fuel it then?

It should work for those that desire to be really alive, even if that desire comes from a recreation of their memories, hell Sphene is so zealous she alone could keep them.
>Dawntrail is about legacy
Just to add, Dawntrail's Japanese name is quite literally
>黄金のレガシー (Gilded Legacy, Legacy of Gold)
I thought we just stopped the servers, not formatted the hard drives.
>most role quests gets kooky music for its final fight
>melee role quest gets breaking boundries
yeah, melee won this expansion
when i hang back and try to stay safe and just add support damage/cc i get 24 man tranny discord dove with every single person on the 24 man team personally targeting me diving through my entire 24 man team without a care in the world to get to me and only me.
When i dive my team attacks them instead
i prefer diving, its better to do something and die ccing the enemy team and giving your team a chance than just wait to die from a coordinated discord team.
but I like Cinnamoroll
a job, too?
they seem cool

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