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Previous Thread: >>492840886

>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Notsanae
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
SSR: Morgana
All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
Be a bside hating person.
and then Hilde was like "fuck this, I'mma smoke Noel instead"
credere saved me fr fr
owari da
>new cunny
>new hag
Upgrades to Main Episode
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Now this skin I'd buy.
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Give it to me straight bwehs
Should I even bother opening the game again?
if you care about PVP and PVE rankings - NYO
if you care about the story, characters/animation and clearing challenges for yourself - NYES
We've never been in a better place.
if you played most of gacha games we still have it better somhow
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somehow this did zero damage and we're still rising. the summer hole in the timeline is real.
threads also improved since the doomposting niggers left
The whole ploy of 120 is to keep you hooked for eternity. If that didn't work on you then consider yourself free.
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feels good
everybody left lmao
eos by next year lil hopeniggy
You already got mind rot so I can't help.
Is only me or catbox takes ages to load?
seems to be a problem on their side, worked fine before now eternal loading. even the basic site without pic link doesn't work.
use this in the meantime, same pic.
Someone did 90% damage to Kraken
It's currently down. Looks like litterbox links still work for now.
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you guys did kill your gigas extra 5 times, right
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you're in a discord consortium?
well it certainly doubled my damage so it works
screen of the full team please? I don't want to parse a video.
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there you go. no clue what skill his operator has though.
Guess I'm permabricked because I couldn't afford both Mavka and Swan.
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don't worry, swan isn't out yet so you can still slurp for her
The second attempt aRegina survived but I did only 30kk, sorry Hildbwo...
maestra gods carrying again
i see what you're trying to do. it's dead jim, leave it be.
it's fine he can just put ASY instead of mavka and it won't make that much of a difference. this is a global cope team after all and swan changes the team yet again, then surya and anila once more.
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I hate this random bug
what am i looking at, other than jia's jias?
last tentacle becoming targetable until hit check, so you can't complete it and he wrecks your team.
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I'm so fucking tired of doing raids bros, I still have 30k points to go
naruhodo. i'm always tabbed out so wouldn't know when it happens.
m for million
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embrace the tentacle
feel the tentacle
love the tentacle
become one with the tentacle
summon cthulhu
and N for Noel
I typed 30k but then I remembered that we are at millions not thousands, so my laziness ass just added another k.
I'm gonna have a field day when we reach the thousand million.
well we had that whole what "kk" means and where it comes from last thread, so it's quite the coincidence
in the context of damage numbers, you perv
yoomdog does big damage numbers to my penis weenis.
did you try that team on 170 yet? cause for me i do 50 million to 190 and then 8-20 million to 170, as the team falls apart from clearing too fast before AMors is out.
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Remember to hug your Momos.
Yes, but because of too much damage to the first tentacle you will fail its check. I barely do the 2nd one and I'm using Jia with maze aspd with cdr. So I guess if you can't do the 2nd check you will fail.
Also, I've Lin Xien as support.
great, so i'd need 2 kraken teams. one for 130/150/190 and one for 170 that starts weaker.
just gonna ignore 170 then.
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>he went over 110
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I don't think that starting damage has anything to do with it.
i mean, i fail the hit check because i kill the tentacles too fast. doesn't happen on 190 as the tentacles got more hp and 150 has weaker hit checks overall. this only happens on 170 and i'm not dropping a few thousand bins to get a bit more ASPD to use the same team there. especially not when swan and 2 ASPD buffers are right around the corner.
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totally worth those 30 bins haha...
>dive squad goes to all purple stages and picks up a counter speed buff
You're supposed to clear it asap you faggots!
think about all the friends you helped
hope you enjoyed doing the same exact thing 30+ extra times and pretending it's "content" I guess
>Attempt shadow palace 5
>fail on the first stage
I remember it at least to the 3rd stage last time I tried...
Do you have Dino or Ministra?
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Oh yes I see now that makes perfect sense.
Also I just an almost an entire box of pop tarts within an hour. I am hurting, why did I do that?
Are we the baddies when newcuties are terrified of getting kicked because they have a real life?
no, fear keeps them in line and raises discipline
the kickings will continue until morale improves
What is this? Mountain?
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>her ultimate is to T-pose.
dominance over others
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she even have 2 peaks
>Mr CEO... a second whale skin has hit the store
Four (4) ASSRs released two weeks apart now. At least the one after this is tied to the next pass, so we get a whole month to save for that one if you want her.
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holy boobers
night bwos,luv you all
I have no idea what enhancing the pattern for the boss means/does but it's crazy how it actually nerfs them when it's supposed to make it harder. the most trouble I had was with the ult that's switched striker/defenders but now it's just gone. so yea useful tip for anyone who has trouble on auto.
i am flattered but i think we should stay friends, anon
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come with me
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Damn her banner will end the same day the new whale skin starts. I can't buy tickets for her and have it count to that.
Wait, you can only craft 15 of the SFC a week? So now we have to pretty much dedicate eternium to craft them every week lest we get behind.
>lest we get behind
That's the real point of this update; keep people slaved to the game. Have to craft your SFC quota every week or you're falling behind. Have to log in at least every other day to do the fusion core stage or you're falling behind. Gotta do your 70k raiding for the 30 gold bins or you're falling behind.

Forget the whaling advantage, they're just going to burn people out with this crap.
Even if you spend all your eternium on cores I don't think you can get 75 fusion cores a week without swiping.
whatever it takes to keep our avg players rising



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You know why.
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Prydwen has weighed in.

Weren't people calling her a PVP unit?
the argument is "oh shes bad vs no strikers"

but like, pvp is completely ruled by Sysop, so a striker is guaranteed
Bullet stopped posting KR banlists every week but I think she got banned a lot. Like as much as Curian and ARosa a lot.
pay up hyung-nim
day 3 of having no fucking idea who to 120 first besides old man of course
Get Irie too and use her next week when Chudsoo gets banned.
I think even at 120 Irie isn't worth it
I'm doing Ecclesia for now. Anyone knows if 120'd RK also 120'd his summons?
I think there is like 1 guy still doing ratings kek
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>spent 20k eternium on the core map
>Got ONE SINGLE S core
Guys I don't think the "75 a week" thing is possible... I'm trying...
You can only run it a couple times? How did you spend 20k?
Doesn't he mean that one shitty apt core map?
the highest ranks in PvP and PvE where always a whale heaven, so nothing really changed for the average player who had 0 chance to reach there before and still has 0 chance now
120 gives you something to work towards other than gear and more importantly, it allows you to push units you really like above and beyond - don't underestimate how important it is for gacha players to give their waifu a little treat
additionally it fixes one of Counter:Side's biggest problems: there was just nothing other than gear gambling to spend your money on
we live in strange times; moving up the corporate chain or making any kind of career usually means that you have more money but also that you work harder and longer - until you hit upper management/CEO status and can bill your company for shit like dinner with other rich people or "thinking about work" like that baseball CEO showed when he was dumb enough to release his "16 hour workday" schedule containing 1 hour of actual work; but you only get there if you are seriously mentally ill
many gamers are above average intelligence but have middling ambitions, meaning they are stuck with good money but also busy lives
other gachas realised that and sell 20$ or 60$ skins - you can buy a whole game for that but what good is Baldur's Gate 3 if you have literally no time to play it? getting something for the gacha you play every day during your break or commute is worth far more
our skins are cheap so Bside needs something else to sell
blink twice if you're getting molested, intern-kun
Even if we can't reach the same power level as whales we still have to fight them since you can be matched with chally 1 from as low as gm 1. Making the gap bigger turns getting matched with a whale from a chance to get a cheeky +45 to a time to go afk.
snipers are just easily busted
in principle they are glass cannons with low defences but high damage, however they also get increased range for basically free
range is something many devs and player value very little despite it often being busted
for example on paper Ministra is an absolutely busted unit: 5 cost, good damage, insane debuffs, a passive to keep her alive that spawns a whole nother unit - but she is only a ranger so she gets caught in the crossfire a lot, dying quicker and eating more CCs than one would like, causing her to contribute surprisingly little in many cases
meanwhile daddy Curian just stands back and shits out damage, doing little else - but he is so hard to interact with he can do it for a long time
I'm running Queen because I like her tits and she is performing really well and contributing a ton despite literally never being banned; snipers are just build different
There is zero reason for APT core coupons to exist now that they've all been consolidated into the one kind.
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>not enough black tickets for swan
>not enough fusion cores to constantly make s-fusion cores
>have to spend 3k more energy for fusion cores 3 days a week
Will Swan get more skills once they unveil the other two Six Wing members?
nakadashi mumei
sex with amnesiacs
Damn brat. I wanted fusion cores!
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You know what to do bwo.
I refuse.
based. eos can't come soon enough
You shouldn't do those maps.
You know what? Think I'll buy that demon lord skin for Ecclesia.
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I want to make mors happy
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alrighty bwis, here's this weeks' gigas 7 team.
timings for ciel drop and AHild are pretty tight so make sure to test if you got enough deployment res if you aren't from Pits.
as you can see it oneshots lvl 7 with 6 seconds on the clock left.
works with:
- 20% Deployment Res (Arena 11 and Arena 9)
- 25% Counter ASPD
- 55% CDR Sigma
- 75% CDR Ministra (shouldn't matter)
- 72% CDR Lin Xien
- 0% CDR Harab
- tanky HP+HP if you want Ciel to survive the first ult
everything seems to work fine gonna see how and if Lin Xien struggles on later levels. the only problem i encountered is using a 3 cost striker instead of ciel will make gigas start the hit phase too early. i guess ministra fucks too much with his skill with that 1 DP difference and he gets confused/skips. so has to be 4 cost there.
mavka can prbly be switched out for mordred but i don't have her to test, would imagine she does more or at least comparable dmg cause C.O.

good luck out there bwos and show giga nigga who's boss in this gym!
>>493499102 (me)
consider swapping AHild with Dash if the shield for ult is too tight. from what i can see its a split second for me and if you cleared the hit check faster might actually fail. so just to be safe drop hild earlier, the shield stays on anyways with reactor.
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just started the Mordred event. hebe Momo is pretty cute.
notMomo and notNicole are cute and tragic but the true heroes are the nameless guards
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Unsurprisingly, mostly frontlines.
This limited event was kinda shit, I blame the unfunny Credere and her retarded dialogues. Tallie Pirates > Sigma Pirates
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you may hate her but you can't escape her
as promised to you, guild bwo, the gigas team without shield operators and just hild taking it.
at the beginning largely inspired by jakey's team but he also does it manually and without ministra skip, so getting everything correct on full auto was a bitch BUT it works now.
first ult is no issue and the 2nd ult only kills harab which by that point isn't a problem anymore. a third ult hits at 18 seconds before the end but that should be fine. i guess 36ish million damage potential on lvl 7 if actually fought till the end (our lvl 7 is half dead so no full run).

same CDR stats on sigma, lin xien and ministra as on the other gigas team >>493499102
harab has 32% CDR now cause of the early hit check from skipped phases which fucks the usual timings for her. iirc you didn't have sasha so using kim hana instead. if you're also missing mavka then just put ASY there, the important part is the hit check clear.
have fun bwi and feel free to tinker with it if you want to change stuff. just the basic template to work with.
Maybe you are just gay bwo
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>purging inactive friends daily
this is depressing as every day it repeats from people who sent me invites. I don't want to sound like a doombro but the retention rate seems atrocious.
>Tallie Pirates > Sigma Pirates
true but that's mostly because Tallie and Dracasia have nice tits
Credere is a funny girl but that doesn't make up for her and Sigma's restrictions
skill issue, I had to purge two people yesterday after several weeks of no one ever making it over 1d since last login
you might just be smelly so no one wants to stay around
yuppie has nice tits..
leveling up gives you an increase in all stats, ideally the backline has no use for defensive stats
your frontline being able to stand longer also benefits your backline by defending them
she needs to show them, though
they are the pride of the Sigma pirates, hiding them is just wrong
bwos, it's hard to admit but I really, really enjoy Counter:Side
some might say I actually like it
Why are you lying bwo?
ok, ok, I admit - I love Counter:Side
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60 is too low
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Do you just replace Mavka with Seo if you don't have her? Also Seo reactor when?
yeah should still work just less damage prbly but the hit checks should be fine
Speaking of raid, when the fuck are they adding more raids slots? We have like 20 regular squad slots when you need 2-3 at most, but 6 raid slots for 5 raid with major team differences in difficulty levels.
My Lin Xien with very good tank CDR gear barely got off one ult on level 11, then died. I will check 12 now, but I'm assuming she can't survive.
Also Ciel's is just dying early even with full tank gear.
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well lin xien is supposed to do 1 ult and then die. unfortunately we didn't get a 50% hp buff anywhere in the good arenas so the team prbly needs her to drop later or bigger adjustments past 12. losing her completely would suck but what can ya do. i can only test lvl 9 atm but so far the timings etc still work.
ciel is really just there to activate the shield from the operator and was already close on lvl 7. usually that would be rebecca but as said, ministra fucks with the hit check timings if even 1 DP too early. we kinda need a 4 cost striker with range.
Not a single good option to swap Ciel with then. I guess I'll just stick tank Veronica in there as she'll live a whole 6 seconds longer.
a quick fix to the Lin Xien problem is to drop Mavka first and then her. she barely gets hit by gigas then and ults mid hit check to get AHild out in time. that is with the changed AHild drop before Dash.
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i think she is seducing me...
Please, it's too early for big fat tats.
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imagine the kinetic energy when she slaps you with those giant milkers
do not rape the Plaga, she is already depressed and only for loving recreation
what if i told you that she likes it rough as it makes her feel alive and helps to cure her depression?
Give it to me straight, bros. Is the Mordred I pulled still alive?
then it is not rape, just (BD)SM
nothing wrong with pleasing a masochist by taking control
She's not the one Morgana saved, so you should be fine.
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The one you pulled is not the story version at the very least.
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>PVE guides starting to have more and more ASSRs I don't have (mordred is gonna be in every fucking guide since all the enemies are COs)
>PVP is now running into some 120 team ace I can't keep down
I planned out every single ticket this account has, but these days I'm just falling behind.
>traded sovl for $$$
Not sure I like the way we're going.
It's kind of weird I heard /csg/ keep pushing mordred as some PVP thing when the more and more I think about it she seems like a PVE unit... I mean, aren't like 90% of the endgame enemies in this game COs? mechs being the other 10%
Considering 90% of bullet's content is PVP I was a bit surprised to see all his initial super cores go to PVE.
Not to be a doomfag because I really like the game, but rapid-onset mass monetization is a sign of a gacha nearing the end, they stop trying to appeal to new players and F2Ps and go all in on catering to whales.
But who cares? Everything in the game is achievable given time, if the game lasts long enough Mordred will come round again, I personally missed Kubera Alice and that hurt quite bad.
Like a 1/3 of the roster in this game are 'what-if' units. The one and only time they made it clear that it's not is Alice, as her lifetime contract is clearly a conversation in the past.
I fucking LOVE evangelion, the music is so fucking good, also fitting for the current /csg/ climate
we knew that she is good in PVE though and one of the complaints was that she powercreeps ARosa hard as a sniper
That's the result of getting FOUR ASSRs in two months. Once we're in sync with KR it'll go back to every 6-8 weeks again and you'll be able to roll them all.

>But who cares? Everything in the game is achievable given time
Time is a resource, at least for people who aren't NEETs. There can easily reach a point where even an addict is going to say this is not worth the time it takes.
>Time is a resource
Just swipe, you're using your time to get money, right?
aRosa'a been mid for a while now. She went three weeks in PvP before getting a 1 week ban. A lot of new people got bricked last full anni being told to prioritize her, when she's actually terrible in PvE outside of raids.
That's the entire gacha trap isn't it? Buy these massively overpriced packs because you have more money than time.
Bro when the FUCK is the next operator buff

how the fuck did we have a whole anniversary event with no operator fusing buffs?
>Time is a resource, at least for people who aren't NEETs. There can easily reach a point where even an addict is going to say this is not worth the time it takes.
Still doesn't take nearly as much time as other gachas, i have all ASSR i'm not evena NEET i don't even play more than 10 min daily
Yeah it's annoying, I wish they'd just make it permanent because the base rates are complete garbage. But dumb whales don't care from the number of maxed Sasha's I've seen already.
>also fitting for the current /csg/ climate
Rising up and doing better than ever?
Yes, but with an undercurrent of depression.
That's most of /vg/ to be fair.
>she powercreeps ARosa hard as a sniper
>1m points when you can one shot the worm either way
who cares
Now this is cope.
check the time bwo, mordred did that and beat her in half.
Again anyone with a half decent team is doing 100% either way. Sorry not getting me to waste my rolls on a side grade.
I just realized I'll basically never be able to 110 a SSR unit on this account ever again because fusion cores are just beyond valuable now. Kinda feels like my "core team" is locked in now for the rest of counterside unless something changes.
>Still doesn't take nearly as much time as other gachas
Say it in 6 months again.
guess you don't need swan and any other new unit ever as PVE has been solved long ago.
why are you still here?
I’m not liking the rushed content bwos it’s starting burn me out and I’m a whale
Nice absurdo reductum.
If i take 20 minutes it still won't be nearly as much as 1 hour dailies from others
her and surya are the last ASSR that we don't have. we will be caught up by november (new KR ASSR included) and then it's slow trucking again.
In a few months we'll be caught up and you'll be begging for content. Enjoy it while it lasts.
My nigga, you completely missed the point.
I mean, swan genuinely isnt a big deal until they release new content, yes, so thanks for proving the point?
Why does this gacha make tourists and doomtrannys constantly seethe?
>new awakened is a pass
>actually new awakened si super strong
throwing big words around doesn't make you right or change what you argued for. your point is that anyone does 100% already so why get a new unit ever? you already do 100% anyway.
So am I all-in on Mordred or Swan???
You guys are confusing me, I know fuck all about teambuilding.
ALL Gacha generals have doomposters, even the ones that make a gorillion dollars, and there's barely any tourists here so idk what you were saying with that one
is it confirmed its awakened pass?

Sorry i'm doing abunch of stuff at same time so my mind is not here or there
>big words
lmao the american education system afraid of words with more than two syllables.
we got a few people that genuinely hate us ever since the holo collab
Should I pull for mordred or wait for swan?
Wait they made swan a pass unit?
Swan is the most broken support the game has ever had or probably will ever have.
Mordred is just another dimeadozen dps. If you skip her you won't even notice, if you miss swan your account is permanently bricked.
i see, so you choose the bad faith approach. then i have nothing else to say to you.
It's hard to tell if you are being retarded on purpose or ironically. Either way it's been fun :)
didn't all the /vt/roons leave by the holo rerun?
Okay thanks
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no, still here because Kiara is good in this game
and because the game is good
the few that learned to love us are still here and those are fine. it's bored holo tourists that keep coming back every few weeks to shit- and doompost.
At this point I'm convinced all the swan overhype in /csg/ is literally one guy

FYI you won't user her in DC, you won't user her in volcano or jungle, and you won't use her in PVP. She is literally only for raids.
sounds good to me because i don't care about DC, volcano/jungle or PVP. thanks for selling her to me.
>playing Counterside literally only to raid, the game's most optional content
That is interesting, to put it politely

That's like playing a MMO to only do a fishing minigame
she has big tits, making her a dickpull which is the only viable pull
>White hair = Overpowered
Simple as.
pretty sure there are more fishing-only MMO players than hardcore progress raiders...
Yeah bro A!Chifuyu is crazy these days
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yes and?
I want to pleasure that fesh.
but she has grey hair like Credere, Tallie and Noel
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maestra is back for 190 raids and once her reactor comes she will be back everywhere!
>return of the ccfag
Pass Hayami is pure sex btw.
even bullet lists swan as a must have supporter, what now shitposter-kun? you wanna tell me that bullet knows nothing about the game?
literally who?
Well, the replies certainly make this seem true, is there an actual substantial reason to pull her besides "raid damage go up"?
Nah she's overrated as hell. Hard skip don't fall for the bait.
What the new Russian solider one? Also Ray was trash and still is.
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You always roll with your dick, simple as.
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>you won't user her in DC
lol, Mod A Expert was literally impossible on Global without her and Tyrant Armor was only doable with multiple def-pen sets in her place. She drastically reduces the need to have def-pen gear.
i know more than him
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next year for sure!
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let me kill them bside
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yeah sure
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you've convinced me to get her with the ticket
This is Sandy, leader of RosariaPits. I expect everyone in my consortium to have Swan when she releases. Anyone who does not have Swan will be kicked. And with Swan I expect you all to do at least 20k score in coop. Anyone who does less will be kicked. Consider yourselves warned.
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my pleasure bwi, hope you will be happy with her
i know you're not sandy because you wouldn't let me rim you
So uh what was that business people were talking about with the pass ASSR?
she's really good with her reactor right
Didn't that guy leave pits like 3 times how the fuck is he the leader
last man standing lole
german spirit, third time's the charm
y-yeah totally. at least she is decent enough to be used in raids to aid ministra and give ATK + skill haste buffs
the fuck, sandy is a kraut?
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speaking of germans, I really love ceci
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GONATHAN G for the next collab after KR merge, trust the plan
>2 days to get 30k raid points
How many raids is that?
>PVP after a KR merge
don't even JOKE about that vtuber poster
I just found out there is a minecraft movie, and oh god it looks awful.
with borderlands, we're back to the ages of video game movies being god awful, sonic 3 looking to be the only exception
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it all makes sense now, doesn't it?
who's getting cast as yoom for a hollywood cs movie? i wouldn't mind dafne keen
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>autist was a jew
i think you get 700 exp for 110 so 43 of those
>a korean with american H cup breasts who isn't massively overweight
Impossible casting
6 gorillion died that day
if the guy who scored the first two HoloEN collabs is still watching vtubers and still working at Bside we could get a Gonathan-inspired story chapter
memory manipulation is not outside the scope of counter abilities and the writing stuff just loves making their characters suffer
>still working at Bside
he is working on project star. so he's there but not directly influencing us.
They haven't mentioned project star in ages, wonder if it entered development hell
This is Hildlove, leader of Hildfriends. I expect everyone in my consortium to have Hyper Awakened Valkyrie Hild when she releases. Anyone who does not have Hyper Awakened Valkyrie Hild will be kicked. And with Hyper Awakened Valkyrie Hild I expect you all to do at least 200k score in coop. Anyone who does less will be kicked. Consider yourselves warned.
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they mentioned it last month
This is SEA_01938368, leader of Mechwarrior. I expect everyone in my consortium to have Hololive collab skins when it re-releases. Anyone who does not have Hololive collab skins will be kicked. And with Hololive collab skins I expect you all to at least change your pfp to hololive icons. Anyone who does not will be kicked. Consider yourselves warned.
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holy BASED
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Yes, bwoss. We will all get Hilde-mina.
half the reason these hoyoslop games get advertised so well is full english voice acting so they can spam ads for it everywhere to the most basic of normies

bside cant even keep up with JP voice acting for year-old units, theyre gonna get a rough wakeup call for this game if they release it only with KR voices and people get the ick
bside is prbly the only ones that think this game has a future. it will release when everyone is already tired of new 3d gachas from star rail, zzz, wuthering waves, azur promilia etc etc.
it couldn't be more dead. anyone that got tired of genshin will have settled down in the others already and there is not much playerbase for project star left, even worse with the KR only approach.
azur spatsmilia will flop
if censored zone zero can do well so will it
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Gencucks sweating
Furries have loads of money and will buy anything that panders to them.
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so we should put some fur on paradox to increase our revenue by ten+ times?
i rather the game to die
they truely are the western version of lolicons...
I'm still impressed by how badly they fucked the casting of that movie.
>What if we just made everyone twice as old?
>And changed a serious, deadpan black solider dude into Kevin Hart
Wrong gender, furries are also like 90% homo
the horror
>the mysteriously missing leader of the animal girl squad is confirmed male
oh no...
Little known fact but it is legal to kill furries in 48 out of 50 states because they are not considered part of the human species.
>Two boxes in a row on daily pulls
Fuck off, now I'm going to 150 on Swan.
>Lion dude
>The weapons he left Alice included blade tonfas
>We have Guilty Gear Strive collab
krauts run this bitch freundchen. mutts need not reply.
>Can't buy more attempts for the fusion stage
Of course you can't; literally the one time it would actually be worth the quartz and they made sure you can't do it.
not only furries make everything worse but they kill beast characters, the badass bloody gore beasts for the sake of their retarded furry shit that they are more "civilized"
Furries are nothing more than a sexual fetish. Mostly a homosexual fetish. Every single furry either jacks it to yaoi or bestiality, most of the time both at the same time.
w-where is this "fusion stage"...?
They hide it you have to scroll to the side, really fucking gay. I missed it for the first week because there is no way to know it even exists if you just play normally.
Bestiality is based, the degrading factor makes me diamonds.
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Wednesday, Friday and Sunday I think?
Here's the upcoming Draft mode. Looks like you get 2 immediate unit bans and a ship ban, then you take turns picking 9 units and get one more ban at the end.

I found it! I'm too weak to do it though! I cap out at 175,000 squad strength!
canada, please...
….White Women
Day of the rake can't come soon enough.

120 changes huge for mechfags. 120ing sigma+chris or sigma+e1 is realistic even for f2pfags, and NO ONE is going to 120 anti-mech units for many months
Wanna give my Awakened Horizon some cool gear, Inhibitor or Britra? Those are my coupon choices.
she wants swift, not either of those two, so your coupons are better spent on other units

if you have no swift gear, she can kinda use brirtra melee damage
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here's the version with small changes that we talked about applied to actually survive lvl 12 gigas and hopefully beyond. the only one that is getting really low is AMors at the very beginning. definitely a gear issue on my side though as i only have 16% ground dmg res on her and no full defensive swift with CDR latents set for her.
free points
>turn them on
>half my team dies before I even finish deploying everything
Yeah, free, thanks bud
Blame prywden
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I just look and see if the whales use them or not. If they don't use one or both, it means it's so awful it's a net loss of points or even just impossible to complete.
Fake that is not Chris. Get those disgusting chest floppers out of here.
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Sign the initiative
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do you have dino mech, aspd gear for her is enough to nearly solo it.
Don't need dino, I beat it with a random amalgamation of characters I just picked on a whim.
How do I beat this stage if the best gear I've is R-Maze?
Dump your stamina into swift map until you can craft yourself a good swift dps set.
I'm gonna do swift with a detroit, a sheep, and a limo.
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Where's your duck?
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Nigger, change our name back to Mechwarrior, you daily autoing faggot
With all the hype Ozy gets in the story she should've been an awakened not a 2 cost weakling.
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We're getting awakened Chihuahua and you're gonna like it.
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Her stat card certainly implies she's powerful, but all she uses her power for is drinking and snorting cocaine.
god damn drug addicts

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