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>>>The Game<<<

>20/08: Update released for REV-8 vehicles; Shattered Space official release on September 30th - https://x.com/StarfieldGame/status/1825972729784238548
>08/08: New free Doom mod coming soon
>02/08: Xbox Gamescom 2024 to happen beginning August 21st; will feature trailer of Shattered Space and release date (September) - https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/08/01/xbox-gamescom-2024/
>16/06: New Todd interview confirming a second DLC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ew8LQFGNWU [Open]
>09/06: Video update - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiN5PDu400s [Open]
>09/06: Shattered Space trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNM1HFzQC8c [Open]
>09/06: Creation kit and Patch 9 - https://bethesda.net/en/article/5fJOins2DKdriTNVBvBjdR/starfield-update-1-12-30-june-9-2024

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: September 30th
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/2Xs8En2e - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/QGzEpcl42SA [Open]

>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>492966126
>Over 50 new locations to discover and explore across Va'ruun'kai
>New grenades to craft that stem from organic material you gather (and it's gross)
>Formidable new enemies - be on your guard for Redeemed and Vortex Horrors...
>You haven't seen the last of Zealots, Spacers, or the Crimson Fleet... As you explore the planet be on the lookout for those taking advantage of the situation.
>Stay tuned - we'll share more about #Starfield's Shattered Space soon.
Mandatory Ship Posting Zone
Any mod to remove speed nerf from B and C engines?
Or is there a hidden stat thing going on?
I noticed mass affects acceleration and thus maneuverability no matter what (huge difference between a 100 mobil 1600 mass ship and a 100 mobil 800 mass ship) so mass always matters
Higher class engines don't help with that?
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Cute snek helm. Even has the cute Lil fangs and eyes
Think of it this way; big engines means big cargo, little engines means fast and speedy.
what's the best mod to increase ship cargo capacity
I think the flipped ship parts mod has options in the installer for 3x,5x,10x capacity.
Stop hoarding or make an Outpost brah
Or just go full cargo ship
Or make storage inside the ship
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gonna have to remake this one when I start playing again
inventory management in this game sucks ass.

If any modders are here i have a really good idea for you:

make a UI mod which allows you to see the breakdown of how much mass is in each category of item, so you know where to go to cut the fat.

this alone would remove 50% of the headache of item bloat.
I usually just hit sort by a couple times until its sorting by mass
>Stop hoarding or make an Outpost brah
my cargo is like 2k of resources and the ui is designed to waste my time trying to juggle it

starui does this but who knows if it'll keep working next update
oh yeah by bulk quantity of item would help tho. Its fine for culling components but ores are a pain
After a while you learn you don't really need all that
Just half all your resources at a trader. Especially heavy ones. Manufactured components are the worst
>starui does this but who knows if it'll keep working next update
it doesnt i just looked. what im talking about is a histogram which shows how much weight is in each category
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My favorite activity in RDR2 was hunting, specifically when I used the corpses of lawmen and bounty hunters as bait. When will Bethesda allow me to do the same, so I can do it to the Freestars and pirates?
it says mass right under count for each category when you're on the top level
if you mean what is taking up the mass inside the category, enable the total stack mass column
oh i guess i missed that from the pictures, na thats all i mean.
Thanks for the bake I was asleep
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They are obviously hiding big twists, I just hope it doesn't leak before release.
Get hyped
>they are creation mods
Hope the twist is interesting and not another GO TO NEWGAMEPLUS IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND AND MAKE STARFIELD SO EPIC a few people were saying a year ago.
Is it up?
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I haven't played this game in a year. Like many, I fell for the "real game starts in ng+ meme" and lost interest once I got there, missing a lot of side content. I hear the game is pretty good now, but should I wait for the DLC to come out before installing and playing it again? I assume mods will all break once it drops. Also, I'm an xboxcuck.
I dont want another hub, I want systemic changes or updates to systems we already have.
This was true and your corny posting won't change that.
>I want systemic changes or updates to systems we already have
that's not going to be in optional dlc
>I want systemic changes or updates to systems we already have
there have been changes like that.
basically they improved a lot of things and made it more fun to play, if you follow quest lines and stuff you'll still have a great time. Here's the recent changes.

Found it:
Update summary for anyone that comes in here to ask what's new because they haven't played the game since around it's release:
-General bug fixes (and new bugs)
-World texture improvements
-Minor mob NPC face fixes
-Added a button to consume the food and drugs you find lying around the world instead of having to open up your inventory for it
-Made it possible to collect objects while your scanner is open
-Redesigned ground map to be more detailed and allows you to actually see where you're going
-Added fast travel markers around the major cities for less tedious traversal
-24 new Gameplay Options that can make the game easier or more difficult. Harder options lead to increased experience gain
-Inclusion of DLSS, FSR3 and XeSS for PC players, Frame Generation also possible for DLSS and FSR3
-New performance options for Xbox players
-Melee Weapons are now leveled and can be upgraded at weapon workbenches
-You can now change your traits when going through the Unity to start NG+
-Trackers Alliance bounty hunter faction can now be joined and you now have the ability to scan mob npcs for a wanted status
-You can now decorate your ships. Comes with some optional empty hab pieces and a few new decoration items
-Land Vehicles were added to allow for faster planet traversal. Customization is currently limited to coloring
-POI cool down has been fixed so that players don't run into same POIs as often
-Creation Kit released
-Creation Club added

More Info:

Stuff for the future:
-House Va'ruun focused Shattered Space Story Expansion to be released on September 30th
-A second story expansion is expected next year that appears to focus on the Starborn
-Free DOOM themed CC quest mod
there will definitely be some systemic changes with the game as well coming with this update.
They've been doing a lot of changes under the hood that makes things like the Rev8 possible.
-made "cells" bigger
-improved the lighting

should be included.
From plebbit
The second one intrigues me. The lambo aventador buggy
hey >>493408670
>that pasta of an autistic kid who wanted to skin a hooker in RDR1
>that anon who always posted women being hanged

I... I feel he would enjoy Starfield.
>Shattered Space official release on September 30th
It would be a great birthday present if I had the money to build a computer that could run the game :(
Have SeX (Xbox)
Even a series s if on the cheap, they're pennies
how do i get starfield to stop being in control of my load order?
so much easier to just use mo2 and loot but shits not working
>take Andreja anywhere
>“wat? y u no kill him? he make me big mad!”

>take Sam anywhere
>[Sam Coe hated that] x15

>take Barrett anywhere
>no, really, he only talks if it involves science.

>take Sarah anywhere
>“Listen up, cunt. For every time you scratch your lazy arse while we do your job, we expect double the pay, upfront. No ifs and buts about it.”
Sarah is spicy. I also can't avoid getting her approval every char. Barrett Sam and andreja are easy af to wind up but not sarah. she loves a bit of banter
sarah died
Sarah is too easy to romance how did the "Sarah disliked that" meme got popular is beyond me
Every meme on the game is misinfo, like the "this box has 1 million polygons" and that it was outsourced to pajeets
because of the xenomorph questline where she'll bitch about everything
No, I can't doubt that this game smells really hard of curry.
Any idea when the Doom mod is coming out? Anything by Kinggath is bound to be good.
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just two more weeks
Will Shitturd Spazz break all my mods? Even my creations?
I want to believe you but I have my doubts.
Mods yes, creations... maybe?
The paid ones probably not. The free ones a definite maybe.
fuck sake. i hate this game.
Paid means jack Diddy, things will break or not break
No. Just script extender ones.
Bethesda fans default on being murderhobos. That, and modern gaming culture thrives on toxicity and sensationalist bullshit. If it sounds outrageous enough, people will believe it, no matter how baseless and false it is.

When I took Sarah with me, I fully expected a Piper clone. All I did was be nice to regular people, and rude to people in power, and lo and behold, Sarah has… an actual personality? She actually… argues with NPCs? She straight up calls them useless little bitches because we keep doing their job? Holy fuck, that’s when I knew I had to marry her.

I was disappointed to see that the other Constellation members aren’t as lively as Sarah. Andreja is the most different. Sam is if you take Sarah, and actually apply all the “Sarah disliked that” shitposts, because he’s the living embodiment of it. Barrett is only ever interesting the Crimson Fleet quest line because he’s busy making jokes, he goes on pseudo-scientific tangents anywhere else.
Relax. Creations are mostly fine or not so bad. SS is mostly content in its own location, you ain't got much to break. You might have to wait half a day for patches to any mods broken. With the last update ship categories got broke but was fixed in a few hours.
Unless you've got some truly ghoulish load order, there's nothing to worry about
Its UP
this is also up
What is this delusion? All of the characters complain anytime you do anything morally incorrect. Barret, Sarah, Sam, Andreja, it makes no difference. Whatever you've done that took any balls they'll be there to kick you in the balls.
>literal who that looks like a tranny
And no one cares
Because it ain't always true. Andreja has liked plenty of times I've used [attack] on someone after calling them an a hole. For the major decisions that spark companion discussions it's more true, but those convos don't have them [hated that] on them. You can even turn their opinions around with the right dialogue
Sarah is headstrong about her beliefs, but if you chose Aceles and mention that you’ll both have to agree to disagree and that it’ll help us against the Terrormorphs anyway, she obliges.

Sam won’t stand for any, and I mean any, negative thoughts about the FC, or criticism of the Rangers’ corruption. Andreja’s “OMG FUCK THE POOR” quirk gets old, like, what the hell, it’s just 200 credits to feed some homeless, give me a damn break. At least Barrett only dislikes your actions if you say you like pirates, or that literal mind control becoming easily accessible is a good thing, or that drowning puppies is a perfectly sane pastime, he draws the line at genuine psycho behavior and won’t entertain it.
she literally says "trust the science"
And you should, because the Aceles has less attack and health pool than a level 10 Terrormorph.
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What do all the depots mean.
Barrett also dislikes any religious options
Why is my companion so short? I swear the game scaled them down at some point but its taken forever to notice
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make frogposting great again
not the heckin doggerino...
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where's the doggerinos in starfield
all died on earth
where is 3ba and hand holding mods?
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What's 3BA
3BA is an enhanced physics version of CBBE, sadly we're likely not getting that since that relies on the original mod and caliente is not interested in modding for this game. Either wait for TMD release a mod or BHUNP
The bigger issue in Starfield from what I've seen is that the game's NPCs are less reliant on typical meshes like in skyrim and Fallout 4, and use more morphs, making it significantly more difficult for nuke bodies to work well in the game because its having to deal with much more NPC variety.
don't care about sex mods
Good for you
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>slop posting
You should unironically kill yourself my man
>frog posting
join him
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site culture
>our characters canon name is revealed to the Skyler Lumin in a random Ryujin quest
what's up with that?
not a bad name. and the official starborn title is "the sentinel"
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started NG+ and after head to the Lodge then if i chose "I want to join constellation" in One Small Step, will "Foreknowledge" (the mission about save a follower from that guy) triggered? also will appear "Starborn" dialogue in main missions i played before?
i accidentally pick "i am a starborn!!!" dialogue and noticed "Entangled" mission is gone
i'm really annoying that, just making bat file for ng+10 and rank up my powers now
Oh I never responded to this. Yeah I heard from a bud that there were significant improvements to the base game so I'm excited for that. Also, the Xbox getting 60fps is a game changer, I had to gaslight myself into playing it at 30fps but it was rough.
Those are the updates already in the game right now actually.
It's a disguise name lol
Vasco can call you your character name if it's on his list
I loathed the Entangled mission, I didn't even know there was a best ending for it. I'm upset I didn't get the guy as a companion
I expected more culture.
this is an anime website
yeah that's why i want to start main mission again... and i didn't even understand what the difference between companion and crew
Sounds like the name of some femboy who does weird things to his butt on camera.
Sarah liked that
You saw nothing.
Got 90% done with my mod, realized it wasn't exactly how I wanted, and the solution is very confusing and weird and tedious. I'm just gonna stop fucking with it for a while.
that's clearly more of a classic Dune Buggy, maybe a faction only buggy the Va'ruunians own
its true desu. People should play real RPGs like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk and Dark Souls. Boy, will geraldo spin left or right?
lol, people sill trying to make pennies off of starfield hate.
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I knew I was making a demographically-correct choice when I made my UC character black
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Are we only getting varuun weapons in the dlc? Or are other weapon manufacturers getting some too?
Nah it won't. The Hunter won't attack. Entangled has an alternative solution where you can save both sides.
what is this? A mod? something from Outer wilds?
no new weapons, period
Not even new Va'ruun weapons?
Of course I'm not the only one alternating between these generals. lol
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what is your favorite franchose, stag?
Whats the gimmick SFAnon? What are they hiding?
I have no idea if this is a glitch or something Bethesda is legitimately adding
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imagine if this retard character was a woman
that's transphobic chud
didnt they have cosplayers standing around with new weapon models AT the showcase
Imagine believing this when we already know animal grenades
It's made in kit
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hello gentlemen is there some sort of convention scheduled outside my ship?
Its Dirty Mike and the Boys.
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mom said it was my turn to inspect for heatleeches
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I'm guessing September 6th actually is Starfield's true birthday despite some of us having earlier access to it.
>The Hunter won't attack
okay i trust you
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We literally saw new weapons in the first trailer lol.
nice AI screenshot, anon. they're not adding any new weapons except through creations, individually, for 700 credits a piece
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total hopetech dominance
It's true. He won't attack you if you replayed the main quest too, He'll kill that bald collector.
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I approve this message
SFAnon is an ESL so he probably meant no new weapons from other manufacturers. Though I don't think verified creators got access to SS either.
Please be gentle, it's my first original ship. Also I need a better name.
Thats the microgun you dumbfuck.
Microgun is circular and has a different silhouette
Oh so do you save someone no matter what you do in NG+?
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You can keep quiet about The Hunter's attack and a companion will die just like before
bald collector? you mean that A?
I forgot the damn pic
Call her: Beeurself
You could use more structural parts in top, Stroud Ekuland parts specifically.
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ayyyyyyy lmao
Change all the middle parts to be solid black, keep the stripes on both sides
Move both the weapons off the top of the cockpit. Use equipment plates to put them horizontal on the sides of the ship
Is you character Shattered Space ready? I got NG10 and everything except for Andreja. I need to romance her first.
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I'm not an arachnophobe but these alien types give me the heebie-jeebies
Im honestly glad Starfield did well enough to get a 2nd expansion in the works, I hope it's successful enough to get more than that.
My andreja is dead. Should I unity now?
Andreja is a House Va'ruun character so everyone is expecting unique dialogue for her in the DLC. I'd say yes.
More than that is pretty hard even if the game was the most successful thing ever. They need the level designers for their next game. Creations should maintain a slow stream of content albeit weirdly priced.
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its upcoming content for starsim mining conglomerate (they just had a huge update too, imo one of the few paid creations worth it, its basically a dlc with a lot of future plans and an actual indie devteam behind it) just watch the thread if you dont want to pay

Starsim is like Sim Settlements in Fallout 4. A good idea, but its obvious they are massively feature creep/over complicating an otherwise basic idea into oblivion.
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>tfw manning the evacuation shuttle station
>want to load some dogs and cows and other animals for posterity
>have to watch endless shuttles fly off filled with africans, this will continue until the moment Earth dies
>can't find a way to broach the topic
A lot of humans were left on Earth too, not just animals.
I've never understood why people call Sim Settlements overcomplicated. You can use it to automate building an okay looking settlement anywhere once you have the materials (something I hated doing since I can't build nice looking things for shit) and then passively earn tax income to reinvest or embezzle as you desire. Yeah, you can dive in to the computer and manage all that shit if you really must, but regardless of the intent of the developers the automation mode is RIGHT THERE and makes minutemen runs so much less of a pain in the ass.
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Would you?
I usually just turned off all the requirements so the settlements would automatically build themselves up over time. It feels more natural then playing interior designer myself.
their stated goal is literally to basically port the x series to starfield, im all for it, space was kinda barren outside of endless pirates
I have mixed feelings about this, the core concept just feels like an elaborate fetch quest
imo bethesda should put official support behind creations like this FACT
Did any of you guys set your characters movement speed to like 150% in the commands? I can’t live without it, had forgot I had done that last year until I just switched to 3rd person and saw how ridiculous it looks with my character running that fast. Didn’t notice in first person. Any other necessary terminal commands or whatever they are called I need to use?

hypothetically makes the tracker recruiter only spawn if you do bounty quests
No, I just use amp or abuse sliding if I need to go sanic
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dead game
now there a car I don't see the need to
>playable children
>zankuro avatar
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Modified ecliptic claymore 3 I call Legio XIII
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My mobile base Castrum III
Can someone who has looked at how artifacts/temples are spawned in the game's code please explain it for me? is there just some chance for every system jump for one to be able to spawn at every msq point that allows them? or do i really need to visit each system to check if it spawned there?
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This games so fucking pretty
Forgot hide the camera controls. It's late.
yes it is.
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Last one
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>anon cant see :(
Every time I see something like this I think "neat" but then remember it's a cargame
are turrets and class a particle weapons the only ship weapons that are double tagged for damage perks?
class a "auto" particle weapons, i forgot to specify
which is the second skill that benefits class a auto particles?
wait, that happens on ships too? was aware of it being for personal weapons. nice.
Extended gameplay options is pretty helpful for that instead of using commands to modify each character trait
It's up
Have you done your part in making the Settled Systems a better place?
who dat? texans?
It's up! https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/11452
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I did it by killing more UC scum
That’s the exact opposite, but I understand why you’re confused. Eating fish gut slop and licking off boot polish did a number on your brain.
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It's weird to me how House Va'ruun is taken seriously as a power on par with interstellar governments when all they are in the basegame is differently colored bandits, but at least the DLC will address that.
House Va'ruun managed to beat both factions they are far from generic bandits.
>impyling this game has any meaningful lore
stop kidding yourselves
Skipped through the museum eh?
But even if you ignored the lore House Va'ruun has the best weapons in the game.
>as opposed to the nicefeelsblade
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It does have lore, and you can contribute to it even more by removing the worst offenders. Everything in the Settled Systems revolves around the UC’s foundations, actions, and contributions. House Va’ruun is interesting, simply for being strange and foreign. Neon is interesting because it’s Bayu’s own fiefdom and follows its own laws.

The Freestar Collective, though? A deadweight faction, made to carry an aesthetic, and nothing more. Their law enforcement is a joke, the citizens are glorified corporate cattle, and can’t even homestead properly, as LIST is the champion of that front. Really, they’re far less offensive when they’re dead.
what the fuck are you talking about
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Good. Great. Thank you, Todd.
Are you illiterate, or did you not play the game to even understand what I’m talking about?
I understood the words I just don't know what that has to do with anything
Erm, Freestar owns Neon though
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To put it bluntly, the Freestar Collective has no lore whatsoever, and it doesn’t contribute nor interact with the world. The UC and Neon’s corporations are active in the front, Va’ruun did interact and change it before they ghosted, you can even see the marks of the Serpent’s Crusade if you look for it.

It’s all evident in the Freestar Rangers questline.
No, it doesn’t. Neon governs itself, as the entire city is owned by Xenofresh, which is owned by Bayu. The Administrator is in the FC’s Council of Governors, and his deal with the FC is that they protect Volii Alpha’s space. The Rangers have an office in Neon, but as the resident Ranger there says; they can’t do shit about anything.
Bayu isn't in the council?
You really are obtuse. Can’t you even google something before typing?

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That Starfeel
What mod gets you night skies this dark?
Why isn't this game good yet
No you go to Vladimir and he directs you
Temples are locked behind stages or the mq
The skybox I'm using here is Rudy HQ, but I'm also using the ini tweaks from the Majestic - Milky Way Replacer mod
Unity taught me:
>it's okay to let go
>you don't need to pick that up
>you don't need to display it
>you don't need to craft
>you don't need to build
>you don't need to run her coffee
>you don't need to hand his flyers
>you don't need to deliver that package
>you don't NEED to do it
>just embrace infinity
by a few ng+ cycles i walk past this groundhog universe and its citizens without caring. Irate even at universal Constants
I am what it means to be Starborn
legitimately it's a good concept for a Bethesda game. Other games i wouldn't think twice of jumping but bethesda games having object permanence and being hoarder paradises makes giving that up have real weight to the player, not just the character for RP.
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>>you don't need to hand his flyers
Stopped reading there. I believe in The Unity and what it stands for but refusing to hand his flyers is a red line.
And, I just realized it's been a year since I took this screenshot. Gosh.
>you WILL reset the world because our engine craps out after ~50 hrs on a save and you'll LIKE it
honestly todd sold it well
They fixed that issue a while ago, the problem now is that the engine will crap out after you've installed a certain amount of mods, well even before you hit the plugin limit.
craps out on my machine
That's the fucking point of the FC, though. They wanted the freedom to live their own lives without a nanny state telling them what they can and can't do. The UC is borderline contemporary EU with their draconian, overly involved sociopolitical system.

If you delve into the lore, living in the UC sounds like a fucking nightmare. They waste most of their resources being space police and only really provide a good quality of life to citizens while offering the comforting lie that suffering through "service" will grant non-citizens a pathway to the easy life. This is discounting the fact that corporations like the Trade Authority and Deimos actively prey upon those non-citizens and the UC could give a fuck less. Even actual citizens have to maintain a certain sociopolitical facade lest they be stripped of citizenship. The way its presented in the Vanguard questline, criticizing or otherwise questioning the UC government is a one way ticket to being blackballed.

It's like living under the CCP. There's an illusion of unity and freedom, but only if you toe the party line. Corporations still have more rights than citizens and the expression of power to political enemies is still more important to the government than ensuring the well-being of its people.

The FC isn't without flaws - their military police force is a joke and there's a serious lack of unity in their own governmental system, but the people are legitimately free to do what they want within the systems under its control. The very fact that LIST is as significant as it is within FC space is a testament to this. You call them corporate cattle, but that's literally only true at Hopetown and Neon. You see the exact same thing at Cydonia, too.

It may be a harder life under the FC, but it's the one with better opportunity. Better to live on one's feet than die on their knees and all that.
House Va'ruun's technology tree is different from the other 2 factions on the account of them hiding where their home planet is and how they got a snake god to plant things into their heads. Which is why they are threatening and can fight evenly.
Worth mentioning their health care is absolute dogshit and always crowded. Meanwhile Reliant Medical (a corporation and a paid service) got a giant clean tower in the surface, not on The Well.
That's because the Zealots aren't house Va'ruun, they're exiles that were thrown out and have to survive on their own.
Nah both factions are shit in different ways (on purpose). You should talk to the female crewmate that grew up in Hopetown and tried living in the UC too but decided that they were both terrible and wants to start her own faction.
Works on my machine
That girl is extremely naive who wants socialism and equity for everyone. Her faction will never grow because it doesn't oppress the weak, the basic fundamental of a successful hierarchy.
>akila City doesn't even have a hospital
>just a shitty medic given a motel room at the bottom of a bar
lol it is basically Europe
The Clinic?
you gonna send all your ashta victims to an entirely different system?
the clinic has the 2 who ate a funky plant on akila. I bet 9 others died waiting for a ship
Kek fair enough. Though I think that hospital room in Akila is supposed to be bigger than how it's portrayed since the doctor there was training two doctors under her.
Yeah it's more a visual representation. I think they'd have been better putting it on the outside, akila overall is too small IMO - it's comfy but it needs some expansion
>They wanted the freedom
lmao, fuck no. Solomon Coe may have had that fantasy once, but in reality, freedom in the FC belongs to the corporations, who are THE government, and they make decisions for their own benefits over the well being of their own citizens. It’s a dystopia with a lolbertarian taste.
>If you delve into the lore
Yeah, if you ACTUALLY delve into the lore, you’d find that the UC imposed the four solar system territory after the Narion Wars. That sure sounds like a police state, creating policies that allow independent settlements to pop up all over the Settled Systems, such as Paradiso and the upcoming Ixyll rehabilitation center, putting a hard limit on the power and jurisdiction of factions. That sure sounds draconian.

>Trade Authority
Are you fucking stupid? Do you even see the Freestar icon next to TA ships? The Trade Authority is its own faction, why should the UC be blamed for it when even the FC allows it to operate?
Did you even visit Cydonia? Do side quests related to Deimos? None of the employees there hate working for Deimos. Literally none. Do the psychiatrist quest, ask the miners, play the DAMN GAME.
>questioning the UC government
Give me a source on this bullshit you’re spewing. I just played the Vanguard quest and I never encountered this.
>Corporations still have more rights
You really are delusional, that’s exactly what the FC is about.
>You call them corporate cattle
Which they are. Deimos gives insurance and high pay and housing, without killing civilians to turn their farms into quarries.
>Better to live on one's feet than die on their knees and all that.
Dying with insurmountable debt to a corporation, being killed and having your farm forcibly taken by terrorists, forever living in squalor without UBI and healthcare, sure sounds like freedom.

Nothing’s free about the FC. It’s a dystopia, and none of your delusions and headcanons will change that.
>None of the employees there hate working for Deimos
Trevor was begging you to forward his request for better equipment
>You really are delusional, that’s exactly what the FC is about.
FC won't tax its citizens though
The live in a boot camp in the disgusting city of Cydonia
>Dying with insurmountable debt to a corporation, being killed and having your farm forcibly taken by terrorists, forever living in squalor without UBI and healthcare, sure sounds like freedom.
An action of a corrupt governor doesn't represent the entre faction especially when said governor is hunted by a Freestar Ranger
>be libertarian FC
>corporations take over and becomes the most influential party in the systems
>here's your sand pit town to play it
>as long as we're free and not under UC we're good with this
I tried bros. My creativity skill is at the bare minimum. I just wanted a big C class ship lol
All things considered, it looks better now.
Still not fully feeling the paint, I'd try changing some so the pattern isn't as uniform. Reminds me of a robot wars rc
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I take it that's the new grenade?
>new bounty hunting missions and mechanics
I haven't played since launch week and was planning to come back for Shattered Space, what's this change? Bounty missions were the biggest let down for me. I don't think it's possible to save the cargo transport missions but bounties could have been better.
>when you see spongebob with spiky hair in the thumbnail
Wasn't even a FC initiative they took it from the UC during/after the war.
Confronting random criminals in cities through dialogue or straight up shooting
Bounties are a lot of fun, and the trackers Alliance is fleshed out and feels like a comfy oblivion guild
Space trucking... yeah I'm not sure what we can do. The whole draw of trucking is the journey in Real time. I don't see a way or getting space truck simulator up for now BUT mods like astrogate which allow travel between planets are the stepping stone there
>Trevor was begging you to forward his request for better equipment
Because of an incompetent manager, not a fault of the ENTIRE Deimos corporation.
>FC won't tax its citizens though
What you call “taxes” is what they call “living expenses” in FC space.
>boot camp
It’s one of the oldest cities in entire systems, which WILL get expanded over the years as the mining operations continue. Besides, it’s an equivalent of working in an oil rig, you work on site for weeks or months, and then return home from break. You don’t actually live there, not unless if you own a business. Even in New Homestead on Titan, some people commute from their homes to work in the colony and go back home after they finish. The peasants in Neon don’t have a choice, because it is a dystopian shithole, as is true of all of the FC.
>action of a corrupt governor
And yet, you wanted to blame all of Deimos on a lousy manager lol.
Listen, Ron Hope is literally THE government of the FC, and so is Benjamin Bayu. The only true altruistic member of the Council is based Walter Stroud, but he himself is one member in a Council that is 50% corrupt, and he himself doesn’t even live in FC space. The Freestar Rangers couldn’t have figured out anything if it weren’t for the player, The First terrorists carried out their Montana Luna plan countless times in Freestar space, as stated in the Marshal’s email in his computer, and the Rangers were none the wiser.
>Because of an incompetent manager, not a fault of the ENTIRE Deimos corporation.
You could say the same thing about Ron Hope but you didn't
>which WILL get expanded over the years as the mining operations continue.
Two more weeks UC bros, we'll finally get clean air
I don't understand how people aren't getting that both of the main factions are terrible, the FC is "free" as long as you just let the corporations rape you and the UC is literally just the dumbass military service = citizenship idea from Starship Troopers.
This game is garbage, why the fuck does it have a general? are you all sars larping or something?
lol, did you even read my post? There’s a difference between an incompetent manager and the literal government hiring terrorists to kill citizens for short-term gains.
Besides, breathing recycled air AND getting high pay is better than eating fish gut slop and living in literal shipping containers.
It’s just agendaposting. Don’t take it seriously, we don’t.
Obviously. Marika is interesting because of her perspective, but her logic is as flawed as the guy I responded to. It's not an equally bad situation. The UC blatantly seems to be the worse of the two factions, deeply entrenched in the fallacy of trading personal freedom for security.
>the FC belongs to the corporations, who are THE government
That's a myopic view of the situation. The reality is that the Governors have remarkably little power. The true strength of the FC comes from the unity the citizenry have in being part of it. The reason they "won" the colony war is because the citizenry armed up and went to war. The governors' power comes wholly due to peacetime industrialism.
Nigger, if you're going to argue with me, at least keep your points straight.
>Freestar icon next to TA ships
Literally not the point. Talk to Gideon in New Atlantis and find out why you're retarded.
>None of the employees there hate working for Deimos.
You are a literal retard.
>Give me a source on this bullshit you’re spewing.
McIntyre's pledge of citizenship literally tells you that you must uphold the values of the UC to retain citizenship, you faggot.
>You really are delusional, that’s exactly what the FC is about.
Even assuming you were right, Cydonian miners don't just have the freedom to get out of the mines. It's virtually a company colony where you don't get to earn your way out, just earn enough to survive.
>Deimos gives insurance and high pay and housing, without killing civilians to turn their farms into quarries.
There is a literal "hours without incident" counter at the entrance to Cydonia and the miners live in squalor.

In short, kill yourself.
I've played it for 700 hours, more playtime than any other bethesda game. It's unironically their best and the best space game available.
Need a good name for my outpost
you work for bethesda
That's a nice thought
Garden Of Eden
sneed's feed n seed
Maybe it's a good game, ever thought about that?
We considered it but the facts say otherwise
Some people are autistic, consider that next time.
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First, I got to laugh at “personal freedom”, what a vague libertarian buzzword. You’re just a little lost lamb from /pol/, injecting your real life political beliefs into a videogame of all things.

What personal freedom is different? Opening a store? Homesteading a colony? Becoming a long hauler? You can already do that in both UC and FC space, it just entirely depends on if you have the means. Got any more abstract concepts to rant about?
>The reality is that the Governors have remarkably little power
Being able to set laws, dictate trade, and having both the Freestar Militia and the Rangers in your pocket, all to your benefit, means you have little power? Lmao, what a riot.
>The reason they "won" the colony war is because the citizenry armed up and went to war
Nice revisionism, retard. The UC pushed the last of the FC Navy to Akila space, the citizens put themselves right infront of their wounded navy and fired back. They would have been turned to scrap, had Admiral Sanon’s subordinates not refused to listen to him, because they’re civilians.
>The governors' power
It comes from having the power to set laws and control the law enforcement agency, dumbass-kun.
> Literally not the point.
Yes, there is a point. You wanted to blame the TA’s actions on the UC, instead of the TA themselves, dumbass-kun.
>You are a literal retard.
Nice ad hominem, retard. Play the game, talk to the miners, no complaints except from the one reckless guy in the crew.
>McIntyre's pledge of citizenship
Oh nooooooo, being a citizen means… I have to listen to laws and stuff??? I have to act…. Moral, in accordance to society and not be a totally repulsive pest to everyone around me??? No wonder you took offense to that lmao.
>assuming you were right
I *am* right, but you don’t have it in you to admit it, hence why you said “assuming”. It’s sad, and petty.

TBC (1/2)
Stop. No one cares.
holy shit i am not reading all that
happy for you or sorry that happened
I care
Holy fuck please stop posting forever
Continue. I care.
I am reading all that.
Holy fuck please keep posting forever.
Try clicking him in the console and type setscale 1
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> Cydonian miners don't just have the freedom to get out of the mines.
Oh, but they do, by simply not renewing their contracts. Did you play the game, or talk to the miners? No, you didn’t. This is the exact same thing you see in real life mining and oil & gas drilling operations, but you have no idea how the real world works either.
> hours without incident
Yes, because incidents fucking happen in industrial area, especially in mining and drilling operations. You really are a clueless moron lmfao. It’s not comparable to the government literally killing you with terrorists to turn your farms into quarries.

I won’t tell you to kill yourself. No. I’ll tell you to go to a library, assuming you know what that even is, and read, retard-kun.
It's a Bethesda game, calm down
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lmao this game is fucking trash.
Your point is invalid
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>vasco puts his arms out like a bird when you do a sick jump in the REV-8
This is the Trump Kamala debate of /stag/
Hi /v/
posting this again big fella?
boring day at the office i guess
he literally said one of those screenshots was from last time he played
he posted this exact sequence like 5 days ago lol
No, the last time he posted it was about Lin and Heller being off center, and clipping through eachother. I was there too.
The problem here is your ready comprehension.
Your point is invalid
bros i wish vae victis was real
Hahaha bitch
/stag/ is a magical place
This is weirdly civil, it didn't even last for 2 hours.
Become Vae Victis, embody his ideals and carry out his justice.
Vae Victis wouldn't stand for the modern UC and neither should you
it's funny because more body variety for npcs was asked for in previous bethesda games

honestly might be good if the main body mod isn't cbbe. works fine enough for previous games but i think a new clean break built around starfield's new body meshes is better for the community.
what is the point of this game
It's Saturday, do something else with your life.
i've just lost patience with it. every time i play the game just fights me, bugs out, displays stupid plot logic or just some dumb shit and it makes me so fucking angry. I just wanted a comfy sci-fi life sim and it just shits in my lap every time i play
>land on barren moon with -220 C temp
>land on planet with -32 freezing fog
>suit protection rapidly depletes and it get frostbite
whats going on here?
The point is imagination. You don't play this game to seek a purpose, you play it to make your own
fog saps heat much faster than vacuum? vacuum is an insulator. The developers understood that, but not the writers, that's why they have that line on the moon about cooling their computer or whatever
As long as it goes along with what Bethesda allows
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Check the OP list
it's funny because the actual planet and system physics were done by the software engineers obviously, who know physics

while the writers are morons who know almost nothing about science and mess up how well the planet and system simulation is
they're up
Technically 3 months since we had official mod tools
It’s just how protection works. In fact, your protection was 100% depleted from the -220 celsius temperature, it’s just that there wasn’t any active weather effects to harm you. In the -30 celsius planet, your protection was intact, but there was an active hostile effect (freezing rain/fog), starting a beeping timer until your thermal protection fully depletes and you’re exposed to the elements.
i just don't understand how despite the lack of atmosphere such a low temperature void of any heat whatsoever isn't more dangerous than a little nippy fog
Look here, you faggot motherfucker. Don't you come at me sideways with "muh real world experience" when you've CLEARLY never worked a minute of the trades in your fucking life. You think Lockheed Martin tolerates workplace accidents measured in a span of hours? No, you fucking mongoloid. They pay exhorbitant assloads of money in safety training, personnel, and resources to minimize workplace incidents to the highest degree possible. Deimos is the Starfield equivalent, you dipshit. The fact that they don't uphold contemporary safety standards is a testament to their corruption and fucked business practices.

It is fucking reprehensible that you think this shit is normal. No business, NOT ONE, in modern America can have multiple safety incidents within the span of one day continuously and stay operational. That faggot I responded to mentioned Deimos offering insurance. Insurance for what? For themselves to keep their employees from class actioning them into oblivion?

Go fuck yourself, faggot. The only people that defend the UC and the corporations within its systems are the types who don't understand the true evils of corporatocracy and how they actually function in the real world.
Cope with what? all previous mods were made with XEdit and didn't allow for location edits at least not as easy as the kit.
god this thread is hostile as fuck
Its a combination of /fog/ and /tesg/ so its a grim place to be.
Probably some anon or two dealing with after school stress, it's usually rather peaceful in here
Brace yourselves. Reddit /v/irgins are coming
It’s not. It’s just a libertarian cuck taking this LARPing way, way too seriously. He’s making me miss the other FC stan, who was more eloquent and has self-awareness, even more fun to banter with as well.
Him and every other fucker. There never seems to be a civil conversation that doesn't devolve into shit slinging, or anyone who critisizes the game being shouted out by copists.
Let’s not kid ourselves. There’s criticism, and then there’s /v/-grade shit flinging masquerading as “criticism”.
/stag/ has no idea, /stag/ is still pure. You don't know loss like I do. I won't name the generals
Its funny because the only criticism I see get shouted down is the really valid stuff that proves the game really isn't that great and that Bethesda just didn't put that much thought into anything.
Fuck you, if you don't like it, get out
>gets proven wrong multiple times
>still coming here and seething
This guy is in an abusive relationship with this general
/stag/ is a godsend compared to your average fast paced general.
floridaman knowledge
one thing /stag/ needs to learn is avoid the /v/ stirrer
other generals have this down more but my fellow /stag/s take bait like no other
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as long as /stag/ doesn't get infested by avatroonies it will remain pure
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>fucks Barrett
as is tradition.
>I won't name the generals
Let me guess, /hpgg/? It's calm in there now, but people who were really adamant about keeping the discussion exclusive to Hogwarts Mystery were throwing literal hissy fits trying to keep discussions of Hogwarts Legacy out of it before it even came out, they've since moved on to their own general.
surely we do not need 2 Harry Potter game generals...
Probably doesn't matter since Dragon Ball FighterZ had it's own general split off from /dbg/, and it remained up for a good while before it died.
The Va'ruun we encounter in the base game are Zealots who've been exiled from thier homeworld for years, if not decades, at this point. They're mostly relying on scrap and salvage.
I wonder if we will get unique dialogue with the Va'ruun ambassador after we finish Shattered Space.
I was getting ready to ask the same thing. lol
*wondering the same thing
It's a consequence of leveled star systems. Low level systems need to be relatively safe and higher level ones present more challenge, so either you stick all the habitable planets in the starter systems and all the cold ice moons in the outer regions or you just ignore it.

it has nothing to do with the environmental hazards. Loads of planets in low level systems break protection in minutes
Somewhere out there in the vast universe probably lies an living ancient civilization of people who are the descents of time traveling Staborn who have found a way to turn others into Starborn too without the need to enter the Unity and jump into a different universe. There's probably even royalty among them.
Where to cop this suit?
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its some quest on a random planet I forget which..... you have to kill him for it or cheat!
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Its up(dated)
Laredo lever action rifle when?
>25 hours in
>literally first random space battle after the tutorial one
>pick up a mission for one more
>it's actually fun

Okay, the rates are totally fucked, needs more. What good is it to have so many skills related to spess combat when it barely even happens normally? The worst is that it's fun as well, mind boggling.
It gets more frequent outside of the main starter systems I think
Retard here, is it okay to mix CC mods with ones off of Nexus
Typically not an issue
Lots of things make space combat happen a lot. Wanted trait, exploring further out systems, sensor contacts on the map you can travel to may be space battles. There's some later game story stuff that will bring more. There's also a few quests that are space combat heavy
Oh and the 3 Legendary ship battles, the best ship battles in the game
you care enough about it to shit up our general over a year after release lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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If there are any Xbox players here, I would greatly appreciate it if you could test my mod out.

Neat. I'll try it for you
>I've got the mass.
You linked the edit page, it reroutes anyone that isn't you to the homepage
I went into the Va’ruun embassy recently. Unfortunately, the dungeon’s hallucinogenic plants are still active, the door into the ambassador’s quarters is barred, and there’s always an active respawning Model S robot constantly downing the essential ambassador.

It’ll be a pain to get to him. At least the ambassador is NOT in the barred room.
yes, but not so loud.

Its very cool. At the same time, you can't leave footprints on a moon
yeah, they focused on other things more important that decals and snow deformation.
How Bizarre, How Bazaar
>more important
I felt it when I went to Luna. Stood next to the footprint. Realised i can't leave my own. It was an early mod for skyrim and a .ini tweak to customise it, no performance impact
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The game has no problem establishing medical technology on par with magic but contains no body horror, body modification, gene splicing, transmogrification, homunculus, etc.
Hadrian is cool in being a "clone" and all, but its more like advanced eugenics than anything fun.
make your own mod and put in the game.

actually i'm gonna reply this every time one of you have some smart-dumb "critique"
>but contains no body horror, body modification, gene splicing, transmogrification, homunculus, etc.
There is a huge difference between clone and FMA "Edward" scenarios. The game is also not a horror game where those sorts of things would normally come up.
>The game is also not a horror game
yeah except for shattered space which is leaning heavily into spooky ghosts, which sadly doesnt look very scary at all.
spooky does not equal scary
There's probably a physicist who can answer your question using thermodynamics to explain why. I can't, sorry.
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>The game is also not a horror game
everything about starfield is horrific
so, she is designed to be intentionally ugly right?
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One day, that kind of shit wont matter to you
>no denial
womp womp
Actually you know what fuck it I'll give it a shot. There are three major methods of heat transfer, thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, the main one I'll talk about is thermal conduction. Heat transfer in general is the act of particles bumping into each other at an increasingly slower rate.
In an environment with cold gas you are surrounded by particles that aren't moving very fast comparative to your warm suit so when your warm suit bumps into those cold particles it transfers energy to those particles. In a vacuum this isn't happening so you'd only lose heat through thermal radiation which isn't nearly as fast as conduction is. + whatever cold surface you're standing on as well.
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She cute?
No, its pretty obvious the character is just ugly to be provocative and attention seek
Just go to Serpentis star system if you want to do a lot of ship fighting
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Seems to be working
Admitting it being an attention seeking faggot on 4chan is as low as posting cp, btw
fake backquoting is an even bigger sin imo
>uh oh he isnt getting a (you) anymore
I love the panic
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>no clue whats happening
Hope you're all enjoying Starfield. Whats the latest in your playthrough?
I'm the guy who brought down the infamous Caitfag and I'm here to do the same to this cunt. Thats whats happening. I'm here to stay until the job is done.
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Which entrance do you use?
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Sounds like sad life. I hope you find something more rewarding to do with your life.
I enjoy it. I bullied Caitfag for 7 years. You are in for a ride.
>that image
Jesus christ its like a tranny ghoul in their late 40s
lmao what the fuck
that is cringe
Ask one of the guards "if I ask the other guard which door was the right way, what would he say?"
I'm not even the ugly troon I just think retards who don't backlink properly should die
I guarantee /fog/ remembers the Caitfag more than you, you fuckin stain.
This area is just a small piece of my galaxy-wide jihad against all lifeforms.
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Yes. I am a autistic, weaponised individual. Sarahfag doesnt post here anymore right? Or in /fog/? Yep my efforts have not been in vain.
And your posting experience is better for it. You are welcome.
Get that fucking zoomer streamer talk shit out of here your cringy pube haired faggot.. Fucking embarassing.
Caitfag didn't leave just naturally moved on. This boner thinks he 'won' and bragged about wasting 7 years of his life l
lmao holy fuck this is unreal
A real /v/ae victis
thanks for your uh.. service? in the autist wars i guess?
This general has enough problems without this actual cancer
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Good one, are you one of Caitfaggot's dick riders that immigrated over here like some lost african? Just stop. I destroyed Caitfag (Sarahfag) drive to post and I have the evidence to prove it (of course).
You are all obviously new and don't know the deep lore behind /fog/. No matter, my impact here has already been proven.
In 2023 I bullied Sarahfag into not posting here. On launch (first thread, you can check) he started posting under the name Sarahfag and I began a mission to stop him posting here. Now in 2024 I don't see him.

You are all welcome /stag/.
I am only here for one individual. Funnily enough, that bullringfaggot has stopped posting.
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>being this fucked in the head
Even a tranny is more stable
>Posting for attention in a thread that hates you
How is that raw autism going for you? Does it make you think you have friends?
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I shall simply post more
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My god are these vanilla (low) graphics? Not only the character is ugly but the textures are really bad
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This is the launguage a homosexual, tranny or woman would use
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imagine not being a woman
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You are a pretend one anon, its alright you'll grow out of it.
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Trying to romance Andreja, she's retarded.
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buckle in, this is now every thread
No wonder why that general is a cesspool
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I have to go to bed, but I hope I'll see you in the morning, anon. You have the kind of dedication I admire
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Dont wake up, you fucking cunt.
>Funnily enough, that bullringfaggot has stopped posting.
They are the same poster. You did nothing.
>You did nothing.
the story of his life
Keep riding caitfag's cock anon. I'm sure he'll thank you
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Nobody is interested in your grudge against random posters in the internet, you're polluting the thread with your sad autism, on a Saturday night.
dude reminds me of daddy-v from the cyperpunk general
he was a fucking twit too
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Night night, y'all
good night anon
My job is done for now. Bullringtranny has 'gone bed'. A lie of course.
See you tomorrow all.
Im not him but he was a inspirational figure in the fight against attention seeking faggots.
Remember, people like me appear when ALL you cunts don't use the report function.

Step up your fucking game.
dont wake up
Night, king
(for what its worth I'm working on her being a companion for y'all)
No you are not and itll never come out
You guys remember when I said that I wish Bethesda's name wasn't on this game? this is what I mean by that.
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Rise and grind gamers
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Who the fuck are you?
The one who *should* be reported is you. But you're right, nobody here uses the report function.
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Someone who defends you ironically while pretending to me you. Its really cringe defence
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>The one who *should* be reported is you.
But me and only a few others are calling out this cancer? Why is nobody else? Avatarfagging isnt allowed anon
Then report it in silence but you chose to be extremely autistic about it. You're more obnoxious than the avatar poster as of right now.
>You're more obnoxious than the avatar poster as of right now.
Ah the classic argument against my behavior. The pain of my appearance today is nothing in comparison to that faggots presence here for what, months? Think bigger than just me. Consider everyone in this general over the last several months.
Nobody cared except for you. A general, people in general shouldn't fall under the same umbrella of thinking but your autism just doesn't get that. If you are so serious about the rules then I take it you're also reporting racist and NSFW posts right away, right?
>Nobody cared except for you.
see>>493468439 Your argument here is totally dismantled.
>A general, people in general shouldn't fall under the same umbrella of thinking but your autism just doesn't get that
All people in this general are affected by this one attention seeker's behavior. What are you doing about it anon? I'll tell you, you are lame ass bitching to the guy who is calling it out..
>If you are so serious about the rules then I take it you're also reporting racist and NSFW posts right away, right?
Of course, anon, But can you provide examples of that in this thread?
>All people in this general are affected by this one attention seeker's behavior.
You don't get to speak for the entire general, only two posters (probably one if you're the same MS paint guy) have expressed serious negativity towards the avatarfag

>Of course, anon, But can you provide examples of that in this thread?
Ctrl + F is your friend if you want to police the thread
>You don't get to speak for the entire general
Read my post again, Its an observation of one person's shit here which is very evident. Read before you reply.
>Ctrl + F is your friend if you want to police the thread
I'm not police anything. You asked me if I would report, I would. But I can see noi NSFW or racism here. You asked me.
3/10 response. Let it go my beef if not with you.
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but its mine
Nothing is evident, again you're the only one who's triggered by his innocuous screenshots.
>Nothing is evident
The avatarfaggot's posting has been going on for months. Are you a newfag? If so you need to stop replying and lurk more.
>again you're the only one who's triggered by his innocuous screenshots.
I am simply a reaction and response.
Yes he's been posting for a year in fact, but nobody said anything except for you.

Don't act like the entire general got your back because it's obvious from the posts above that you are the loud minority.
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>Yes he's been posting for a year in fact, but nobody said anything except for you.
Again, see the post linked here.>>493591518. You are wrong on this point, clearly.
>Don't act like the entire general got your back
It doesn't and I never said it does. I'm calling out the bullshit as I see it.
>it's obvious from the posts above that you are the loud minority.
Yes. Because I'm calling out an obvious truth, here it is again because you are clearly fucking dumb to not see it

Do you need any further instruction or advice?
maybe you're both right
Relax. Both this general and the game aren't popular enough to cause an abundance of avatarfags like /xivg/
you're not wrong about avatarfags
No. My reaction and temperment is what is needed here.
>Both this general and the game aren't popular enough to cause an abundance of avatarfags like /xivg/
And 5 years go by and this cancer is still here, same guy maybe or another, then another, My theory is you are new to 4chan (aka under 5 years) and dont know how this works. People like me (10 years plus) understand that this shit must be stamped out.

tl;dr maybe stfu and learn from people who know the situaiton
Yeah can’t stand the pig ring desu, get rid of them
It's up
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based anon doing God's work
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Go on adventures with Andreja. Explore the stars with Andreja. Flirt with Andreja. Be there for Andreja. Give Andreja your best armor and weapons. Tell Andreja how much you love her. Protect Andreja. Save Andreja. Marry Andreja. Have jetpack sex with Andreja. Build a comfy outpost for you and Andreja. Stay in your original universe with Andreja. Go on patrol with Andreja. Hunt down bounties with Andreja. Arrest criminals with Andreja. Buy Andreja a new gun. Fight side by side with Andreja. Give Andreja the spoils from battle. Kill as many criminals as possible with Andreja.
I hope she betrays the player in SS would make for a dramatic moment there
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I love it when an asshole character like Ikande becomes a good person who genuinely cares after you do certain quests for them
There are a lot of loose ends that raise questions that never ever get answered.
My personal windmill that pisses me off?
>Sentient AI Adapters
You're really just going to drop that shit in a contraband title and mention it nowhere else, Todd? What the fuck is the matter with you? You're telling me that having my own Mass Effect EDI sexo bot might be possible in universe and yet you never allude to it anywhere else? Not to mention the mere implication of sentient AI in the first place and why nobody's using it or why it's illegal. And if it's an ADAPTER that means that it probably isn't even super cutting edge top-tier research. Literally the most question inducing item in the game, more than any artifact.
Sentient AI does exist proven by Juno but nobody makes hand made robots in-game so Lunar Robotics is monopolizing the robotics scene with these utilitarian, industrial robots like Vasco. There is a good amount of locations where robots killed their masters and took over their operations so being cautious of sentient AI is more than justified.
Is Vasco a VI or AI?
Does adding more ship brakes actually slow you down faster?
Just a VI. A sapient AI probably wouldn't let constellation fuck around with its settings like Vasco does.
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absolutely vile creatures
post your ugliest livestock
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noo! Brainsprouts are cute
can someone help me filter this poster please
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why didn't the writers just ask the people who knew their stuff about physics and designed the systems, or simply use google to double-check?
I'm going to flick your ear as hard as I can, dirtbag
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>pot of greed

>just background noise preset
>steal a class c ship from some spacers
>holy fuck it's actually decent
>return to jemison, register it
>can't upgrade any systems besides the grav drive
does this mean the ship is already at max upgrade? i can't even add certain modules to it in the ship builder either
reality… interferes with the creative process, please understand.
Most writers operate on rule of cool first and realism doesn't even come close to being a concern for them. Like Mass Effect for example having the codex writer actually thinking out how FTL and space combat work with the space magic in the setting and the cutscene writers throwing it all out for lol lmao Star Wars battles.
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it's the spacer hyena II
how janky is Starvival? does it mesh pretty well or is it clunky?
No. Ship Upgrade will only show parts that fit the part already in, you may have better parts, check in ship builder to compare
By level 60 all part tiers are unlocked
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rip in peace
I heard some bad things from anons saying that it's downright unplayable sometimes. Personally, I think it's too heavy on the menus but that's the issue with any mod made before they added the gameplay options.

I think the best survival experience is to enable advanced afflictions, combat afflictions and slow prognosis. You don't need food and water, they aren't immersive imo.

And here's me hoping for Bethesda to implement fuel properly with added encounters.
Poor Sam. At least carry his body somewhere else, dying on Akila's mud wasn't on his bingo list.
thanks for the info. I'll just stick with the gameplay options you mentioned. I hope so, too., the fuel system was the main feature I was wanting out of Starvival.
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>civilian ship lands in some planet
>the retarded crew forgot to pack water
>don’t have any on me, so I proceed to kill then out of mercy and steal their ship instead
>Sarah is just wailing and flailing on the floor, throwing a tantrum about “murder”, as I’m trying to sell the ship for 80k profit
What the hell is wrong with her, bros? Doesn’t she realize I have a crew that need their salaries paid?
There are alternative, lighter implementations of fuel.
Take it to the Hopetown ship tech, that guy’s stock is better, and you can upgrade it easily there.
>Captain is begging for water
>Enter his ship
>Find bottles of sparkling water scattered around
Based Captain willing to kill himself instead of drinking sparking water
>kreet says it has h3
>searching for over an hour for h3 deposits
>found nothing
>h3 doesn't even show up on the planet scan
what gives? i have most of the scan related perks at level 4
Enter caves. Could be a bug though
nevermind, i'm retarded. the helium is atmospheric lol

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