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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.2 Trailer | In the Turquoise Moonglow

>Resonator Showcase | Xiangli Yao - The ultimate Truth

>Resonator Midnight Podcast



>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Zhezhi [Aug 15 - Sep 07]
Weapon Banner: Rime-Draped Sprouts (Rectifier) [Aug 15 - Sep 07]
By Moon's Grace [Aug 15 - Sep 28]
[Do Echoids Dream of Electric Sheep?] Tower Defense Event [Sept 05 - Sept 26]

>Timeline and Rewards

To redeem codes, finish the tutorial (beat Crownless) then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>Wuthering Waves Developer's Message: The Black Shores Preview

Previous: >>493358090
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Aalto bros...
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wawu! wawu!
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Jeji who sleeps
Know your place trash
is it 2.5 weeks of waiting for yaos banner to gtfo that we have to endure? aieeeee
what is XLY dad saying
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I believe you're talking about the Magician of the Mist?
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Magistrate Hsi
good bake
>"play with life" attitude
Anon.. the double meaning here...
Aight you win, no XY thread then
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All according to keikaku
750 isnt too soon
Is it true (you) can get raped by camellya
Seafags aren't human anyway, XLY thread will be just in time after this.
Thread theme:
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Oh shit
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not the cute yandere painter
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I have no problem with him. Metafags and casuals can live beside each other. But I absolutely disagree on that casual players care about getting dupes, even if what he claims with most of the kit being locked behind dupes. A casual is happy to get the character that they liked and move along.
I'm a big advocate on getting a Babel Tower-like here in wuwa too because it's a miles better endgame and filters out a lot of the dumber metafag. If you are a metafag who get all the dupes for characters, I say good for you, thank you for funding the game for me. But if you have an ego and very arrogant about it, then I don't care how much you spent, because you are just a shit person.
kek, justice for Zhezhi's shitbag parents
You are right, Xiangli. I am you. I wanted to reject you. Convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now. I'm gonna kill you. Even if you come back as another resonator, I will kill you. Change your name. Change your form. I will kill you again. I don't need to find meaning or a reason. Maybe a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent. In the grand scheme of things, I'm probably nothing more than a cog. But I will keep killing you for as long as I can. That is my role in all this.
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EOS Status? EOS Status!
We will survive!
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cuck status?
Roped themselves.
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Turk Anon Lore
Cuckman coming in 5 hours~
release it faster anon, 2 hours tops!
also bongland makes sense given the VAs we have
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Shorekeeper WON
is she a kuudere?
This clown is the leader? LMAO
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I am still in the wagecage and it's 3 hours more hours to get home. No can do.
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Can't wait to roll
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At least he was back in early 2023 when that image leaked, who knows what he is now.
Why didn't arca make any Hatsune Miku Phrololololololo chibi, I think it will be very cute.
Yap, she talks pretty robotically. At least the JP seiyuu does.
>um actually getting all PGR S ranks SUCKS actually I NEED dupes and sigs in a game where I can already get all of them because... Um..uh...
Post your collection of all the 5* wuwas that surely all have dupes and sigs because you definitely practice what you preach right? You wouldn't roll an """incomplete""" resonator or even worse not play wuwa at all right?
EOS soon
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I don't see that being the case now, my money is on semenkeeper being the leader
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seems like mihomo is accelerating the cuckening every patch
>yet another flat as fuck forgettable personality character
Fucking nugget
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So how many of us will be going giga chad route and make a kakalo - xiangli yao team
>"Can't wait for my boyfriend to come home! *blush*"
...how do you even defend this at this point? Like there's no shame in admitting that the game isn't doing what I want as a player anymore and leave. I did it in 1.3 for Genshin. If by any misfortune Kuro decides to do weird shit in Wuwa, I will be one of the first ones to leave. Does Gencucks have no shame at all defending this shit?
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the power of sunk cost fallacy is truly astounding.
Mihomo has them by their balls and they can't so nothing but slurp it up.
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I'm simply leveling my Chud to 90 and leaving XY at level 1 for now. The better man won
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I believe in the yinlin youhu minesweeper electro meta
Some people don't need to date fictional characters
My Cal is nearly maxed and I will also max Yao. Two thunders better than one, simple as.
shorekeeper lov!
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Wuwa for these feet?
shorekeeper more like snorezzzzzzzz
>have Encore, Calchudo, Jianxi, Mortefi at Lv1
>not even done with my core Verina, Changli and Chixia team
>let alone Baizhi, Jinhsi and Yinlin
>Xiangli Yao is joining in soon too
Aieeeee, save me from this grinding hell
Still kinda pissed they removed the butterfly from her eye ngl.
I don't either, I don't self insert. I have imagination to do better than whatever a dev could cook up. But that doesn't mean I want to pull for characters that cuck my player MC.
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>got a random text begging me to play Genshin to go to Natlan and claim my free 5* and to skip a full download with "the latest cloud version"
>assume it's a blatantly obvious scam using my number from some breach
>report & delete then google for confirmation
>it's apparently legit
I haven't played Genshin in over two years. What the fuck is going on that's making them send skeevy ads to dead accounts? I've never had any company use my number i've given for authentication to send me ads.
There's nothing wrong with being a cuck
I'm not a cuck
Sup wuwaggers
>noooo, (you)re not Rover
>also, there is nothing wrong in being (other game protag)
The Gray Raven Turnabout last thread was kino
grindin for crit
Design? Verina is similar, but not really
Personality? Probably Yoohoo
They got outed as coping embarassments and tried to get one on us again by using their delusions on us. When do they learn that their in-house swears wouldn't hurt anyone other than themselves in the mihomo family?
ehhh i like the new design more desu, yeah the butterfly is really cool looking though.
maybe they will use that for future character
how to s6 havoc ro
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>Shorekeeper voicelines, glitch effects and the subtle construct line that goes from her shoulder to her chest indicate she's a robot/program of some sort
>New area is shrouded in digital fog, blurry line between reality and virtual worlds or full dive into a virtual world?
>Black shores also house a lot of high-tech Lament predictions gadgets and civilization sand table Tethys (supercomputer?)
>Big tower acting up in the middle of the place and boss monsters thrown at you by Tethys

In Rover's journey to recover his memories, the Black Shores are his next destination. Troubles never ends though. Upon arrival, XANA *cough* Tethys activate the defense system. Was it pure malice or the system not recognizing him? Accompanied by the mysterious Aelita *cough* Shorekeeper, will they solve the problem at hand?
To know the answer don't forget to tune in the next episode 1.3 of Code:Wuwa.
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first time I bothered to read what he said, I genuinely think he's a hoyoshill, the same dude who spams hp bloat and "echo grind". just [-] him next time, no need to argue with someone arguing in bad faith.
I'm wuthering my waves right now
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I'm getting a little nervous here bros
My fav part was where it larped being a pgr player saying the whole Commandant in dorm was the patch it quit, not realizing the entire video was a trailer and that it never even released yet.
All you do is ritualpost a shitty meme from another gacha so it's weird to talk about bad faith. Do you even have an interest in this game?
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I usually [-] shills, but watching their hysterical breakdown was too fun to pass on. dendy has serious competition.
These people genuinely believe wuwa took everything from them, they are on a holy crusade against Mihomo's enemies. watching them get humiliated every week by who they worship is peak irony.
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Man I still remember watching that shit on France 3...
Good old times...
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
>Finished Zhezhi story mission
>Another limited 5* strongly hints for (You)
Can't they come up with something better
only (you) pandering allowed, the schizos won't allow anything else
this but every game that I have ever played
B-bros.. I thought it was just a meme..
My nostalgia...
Whatever season it was where XANA was strong enough from the resets to send the enemy units to the real world was some of the hypest shit to me at the time.
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Wrong thread. Off-topic even
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This is how Kuro is, and every single character in the future will be for (you) too, if that's not up your alley find a different game. Genshit has a lot of shipping and ntr moments if that's your preference.
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Warhammer 4K crack is up bwos
Watching women gooning for males is funny, i'm jelly....
any leak bwos here? I remember reading that Kuro was going to implement a way to let you swap Rover genders, anyone know or remember the estimated patch for that? was it 1.4?
Peak after-school show. I like that next Wuwa patch is giving some vibes of it, though it's most likely not the reference for it.
I must admit that is some dedication right here,
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Reminder that SK got some changes. Neat ones.
It was fun for the first month because it was new and still challenging but it has become more like a chore or routine doing dailies like any gacha game
why is this general so slow....
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>No changes.
It seems you can not improve upon perfection.
He does have a very pretty face.
take that with a grain of salt, 1.4-2.0 yeah, we need to be half way into 1.3 to get anything concrete
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no schizo spamming, this general lack schizos for some reason, only a few hoyodrones here and there
We should do a schizos summoning ritual!
the game is literally dead, next month might be our last month
Camellya will save us and the world
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Don't do it kotbwo. There have been plenty of fags trying to stir the pot already. I just want this to be a comfy general to lurk
All the hype behind this game was that it would be Genshin: DMC edition. Then the DMC ended because everyone that cared beat their holograms 2+ months ago and now it's just Genshin with slightly updated graphics.
The thread is only alive when people are PGR posting because PGR actually delivered on what it was supposed to be, a more hardcore grimndark Honkai. WuWa still wants the mintpicker audience and generally doesn't seem to know what the fuck it wants to do right now.
>it could you have been better if you thought of this game not trying
I hate SEA
I don't think that last thing is possible anon
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must suck being the inferior game and thread huh?
all your threads boil down to hating on something far better and cuck this cuck that
we are living in your heads and threads rent free
Must be a slow day in the Jakarta netcafe...
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Homo coming tomorrow and i haven't pre-farm for him yet...
needs more effects desu
Time to burn those emergency cubes, you did keep at least 50 right?
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I used them all to farm money!
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Bro your Yoohoo needs the same mats what the fuck are you doing?
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2 cubes saved for shorekeeper
>that tongue out pose
Must pin Yoho down and tickle her until she wets herself
Snorekeeper will kill the game.
/wuwa/ isn't fun to shitpost, you guys never reply to my baits!
Enjoy your lame slow thread!
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Way ahead of you, but for SK.
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tfw no cubes
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Oshiete oshiete yo
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New art, banner art most likely
kill yourself
1.3 EP just came and so am I, my pants just automatically flew off. (Good headphone recommended)
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Goodnight bwos
Time for sleep, tomorrow me wake up and get a free limited character
Life is good
The lack of Foloulou post is very concerning
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But Rover's seeds are too powerful anon...
Frogday is over.
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nta, here's non-tainted version.
I have a mighty need.
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No one care about frog anymore
It's so over....
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nighty night jinny
subtle but I can see it
off yourself faggot
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Nice, thanks anon.
In gachas how long does it take for a banner to re-run usually? I started WuWa a few days ago and am now sad I missed some of the earlier banners.
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Everytime i see blue butterfly it reminded me of Persona 3
Jiyan is coming back in 1.3
The next rerun will most likely be Yinlin.
3 weeks until the first rerun Jiyan you've missed none of them yet
jiyan banner already returning after 4 months so the rest will be quick
er 3 weeks until 1.3, ~6 until Jiyan my bad
Wuwabros, don't miss out on music leaks.
Just buy an account with the limiteds you want for $2.99, it's much better than slaving away picking astrite from chests to get Lingyangd.
I bet froofroo is stinky that's why her only friends are tacet discords
Highlight it with a big red box for me, cuz you're clearly seeing someting I'm not bwo.
usually 1st rerun is no more than 4 months, afterwards it can be 6-9 months
Nice, he's the one I'm after ty for the info anons
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>Made up language as lyrics
Kino is back on the menu bois
mindbroken beyond belief
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Nice. I very much hope I win the 50/50 a fifth time, so I can pump the remaining 60-70 pulls into the Jiyan banner. At worst I don't get him and guarantee Cameltoe in 1.4
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So she gives 10% crit. rate and 20% crit dmg now.
And her weapon gives concerto? so its de facto better than variation?
It always did but instead of on intro it's on ult.
Why does this stupid ass game lock the character's movement when you press left Alt
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ah it used to be worse, theyve really buffed it
Because you pressed the left Alt key.
left alt key is the bind to reveal cursor
Same as HSR but HSR still doesn't lock your character
>The Enhanced Intro now ends Stellarealm
>Buff to S1: Using the Enhanced Intro no longer ends Resonance Liberation
Actual dogshit move by kusogames, I'd love to see how the sequences don't affect gameplay copers rationalize this one.
wdym? Just press left alt
>Old effect of S1 is now part of the base effect
>The new effect doesn't matter because you can only enhanced intro once per ult anyway so you just do it at the end of the rotation
It's not even a huge change if you understood how she worked the first time.
the game is boring...
What's wrong, your hand too small that you keep accidentally hitting alt while playing? Baby hands? Huh?
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>first pull from my novice convene
is this good?
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That weapon is just insane now, the weapon alone gives half of a Verina worth of buffs. That weapon is stronger than a Baizhi.
sorry meant to post this in /zzz/
Congrats, you have your meta pick. Now roll/choose with your dick/heart.
Why are so defensive about a dumb flaw in this game? If HSR can allow character and camera movement while holding Left Alt, then there isn't reason why Wuwa can't
>YoHotroons have been cucked so much they have been seething at (you) pandering in a game they don't play for two threads
if only you get paid hoyocucks LMAO, it your your cucked soul doing it for free
I have a superiority complex over women and manchildren. Deal with it
nobody cares about your nignog tranny game faggot, be on your way
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>it your your
i know you're high from the last threads but take some deep breath bro
What killed the hype?
i don't know that i know what killed your mother. herself
i'm quitting wuthering waves
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Cuckman Lore Drop
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If you're going to compile a massive screenshot can you pick a slightly more interesting topic than the time one shitposter derailed a wuwa thread until he decided he was bored of farming attention from you idiots?
>The entire pgr larp at the bottom left
Keeeek that was one of the easiest call outs I've ever made. All that nigger had to do was scroll down slightly to see the comments. But no, it fucking doubled down and got humiliated. My only applause to it is that it didn't delete immediately after being caught.
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>im in the screencap
So they released a meh character no one was hype for followed by a free character

What exactly is their business strategy
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I hear you, what kind of other interesting things happened? Who stick on the wall for now a bit is Amir, Turk anon who already got one and the utensilschizo and Dendy.
i stopped playing this game at 3.0 new federation patch... it was getting too much with all the (you) pandering
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The time that guy came here asking when the frog girl would be playable, and no one knew who he was talking about. Then it turned out to be Phrolova, and people outside of here just know her as the frog girl.
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Scar bros...
They released Zhezhi knowing nobody wants her because Natlan was coming out and they wanted to job and let people temporarily quit the game and come back when they're done with Natlan and not feel like they lost anything then pick up a free character.
But then Natlan was shit and killed itself and people wanted to play WuWa so now they just look stupid.
Maybe if I feel like it sometimes.
but baizhi can use it and it would stack so its no biggie
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>new male five star
As long as he’s sexo I don’t care
more flops
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It scar hes a fucking LIAR
>only 1 male
time for another melty
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It's almost time
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Zhezhi was a turbo flop and she wasn't a male banner
The weapon r1 -> r5 is basically going from s1 shorekeeper -> s3 cept it benefits verina/baizhi aswell. The BIS meta pull decision IF end game content remains three teams with rectifier healers (while also slowly getting harder and harder)
only because 1.1 drained everyone dry
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sisterbwos I had my savings held tight for goat but after Yao weapon I might be forced to use THAT
1.1 was a serious waifuGOD patch, I will always look back fondly
don't tell me you wasted astrites on waifus... hereby i banish you from femcelhood, may you never be roll for males again
Then how comes 1.1 still couldn't outdo jiyan+yinlinn
launch 1.0 has whales whaling on standard banners, its not a fair comparison
I bet he is not even a 5 star
I luckshit Jinhsi and Zhezhi in less than 50 rolls, I just don't know how much luck I have left now
you really think whales pull on the standard banner interesting
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I still don't think he'll be in this early, just look at how long it took hat man even for drip marketing
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Luckchads don't worry about such things, in fact you should pull more to confirm you have a luck seed
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Holy shit, Jenny just flew over my Mosque!
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cant wait to see the meltdown when your "luck seed" normalizes
>skipped Yinlin
But why
She should become the new Luigi floating on an egg over the sea.
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Very good luck. But no Yinlin, I stick to mine.
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Does Jinny's horns grow back?
The better question would be why didn't you skip her. She's the biggest brick in the game, worse than Changli. Slowest concerto in the game, shit damage, slow animations, useless outro that will never be relevant. Electro is a joke element, it will never get good dps. Cubeman is already confirmed to be worse than standard characters without his weapon, and barely at their level with it.
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I have a mission. Kill all exiles
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>Cubeman is already confirmed to be worse than standard characters without his weapon
Is that how you cope for bricking your account ?
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I'm not sure how believable it is, but some tieba leaker claims that Camellya is comparable to Changli in terms of being for (You)
It's not a meme though. He's actually trash. Maybe Shorekeeper will salvage him a bit, but then again, she can salvage any dps.
Nah, unfortunately I actually did brick my account with her since she reminded me of Vera. I just hope that other anons won't repeat my mistake on her rerun.
>Ambushed Cumeylla in the only place with a heart shaped lake
>Being on top at first meet
>Cumellya saying "special seed"
She's a spiritual brick because she is only reminiscent of Vera in terms of aesthetics. I rolled her blindly and got disappointed.
Well, we knew she was an obsessed psycho in dire need of our seed since 1.0, so it really wouldn't be much of a surprise.
Not surprising if true. It's a pretty common trope in fiction. The loveable clown being the mastermind genius, savior, manipulator or overarching villain.
But on the other hand, his backstory still hints he was initially recruited at some point in time; that he wasn't "born into it" and he didn't found the organization in the first place. It's possible he was hired to overtake the former leader's position (who either now resigned, died, is MIA - who knows really.) Or maybe he's a double-agent for some other shady organization like the Fractsidus.

Either way, he gives off Sampo vibes from HSR.
you should see my weapon banner I wont post it, 3x full pity of shame
Yeah, I rolled her before I did her quest, and it was a mistake. Would've been a hard skip otherwise.
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Nigga hold the fuck up, I just noticed this. Why is birdwife the only one with 10 secs and not 14??
I wasn't interested in hags at the time, but Changli changed my mind. Now that i have zhezhi i doubt ill get her on the rerun unless i have a really good liberation character
If would be dumb if he was despite being a 4*
Imo he and Encore should've swapped places, that way we could've gotten a 5* gun user
I will never forgive kubo for killing my glorious queen off the way he did
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Aalto being a potential mastermind despite being a 4-star + Calchud & others already getting powercreeped (despite not getting getting a personal story yet) leads me to believe we might get character leaps in this game.
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let me guess, you built her on electro set kek
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>CR -> ATK -> CDMG
>you will roll ze crit weapons and farm CR substats
Not really? He would obviously get a limited 5* variant in that case, which works way better to milk off the reveal.
Qrd on leaps? Are they just readjusted numbers or will there actually be new skills and animations added?
yeah it seems like a crazy weapon to refine
So she doesn't buff crit rate no more ?
what im curious about it is the radius of shorekeepers buff zone, is it small enough that mobile enemies will cuck your CR/CD buff
New visual look/outfit, new voice lines, adjusted numbers and new skills & animations.
her old buff was:
10% crit rate, 20% atk, now the atk is crit dmg.
I really like this change
She gives 10% crit and 20% crit dmg. The atk buff just got pushed to her sig
Can't wait to get characters like this into Wuwa. https://youtu.be/MNZBN_WMcP4
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oh that's great wtf, we get plenty enough atk buffs from sigs , healer set and moonlit set. Still rolling for her sig anyways tho
But 20% attack is more valuable than 20% crit damage. At least, you need 2 maxed substats for 20% attack but 20% crit damage is just one max roll substat.
they also gave the sig 10% more atk, its just buffs all around
Hello I know nothing about this game, does it have Bleach in it or is it just a thread meme? Thanks
>Even the wise fall into the clutches of the trickster, and I am the ultimate trickster.
>Legends don’t die. They just slip into the shadows
>Sometimes, the greatest power is found in the most unexpected places.
Aalto, the mastermind behind Black Shores, the true leader
just some shitpost
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The lack of schizos is the reason but you don't want them, trust me
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This game's meta feels pretty hard to grasp, I don't really know or understand rotations or buffs at all, or if I should even use charged attack or skills, or how any of it flows and times together, it often feels like I'm just not being buffed at all. But I'm pretty sure I'm at fault for not properly reading up on any of it, I'm just used to action games being immediately intuitive
Rover isn't me I'm not Chinese
Someone compiled the melty yesterday? noice.
That's the perk of not having multiple schizos.
Do you understand how outros work? You can do a basic buff just having verina outro. Also give her the healing set which buffs the team on heals. Swap to her, heal, get outro, swap. Boom your team is buffed
All the rotation nonsense is just trying to make it more complicated than it really is.
Just play every character on the overworld for a while and figure out how they play in a vacuum then start putting them on a team and it will click. Most of the rotations that take an entire youtube video to explain are just playing each character as designed, there's no deep fighting game tech just some basic execution.
Though optional, the game encourages you to cycle through your characters at times since they have Intro/Outros that buff each other. Pretty C in combat and you can compare your stats before and after buffs it paints quite a picture.
>reddit fujos spreading misinformation
Yeah, very reliable source. Now roll for his s2 and a weapon, or he literally won't even function.
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What we could have had...
I'm white and I self insert as a chinese man
Press* not Pretty lol
Ah okay thanks
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Just gotta learn to read the outros and item set bonuses.
>Moonlit set
When character uses outro ATK of next resonator is buffed
important that you use the moonlit carrier's outro to buff the incoming carry
>Rejuvenating set
When you use heal, buffs ATK of ENTIRE team by 30s

>heal first
>swap to moonlit set carrier that preferably has other outro buffing abilities
>Swap to your main DPS

Okay let's dumb it down by giving you an example ankobwo
Hypothetical f2p team: Baizhi-Sanhua-H.Rover
>start by triggering baizhi's heal with her combo to proc Rejuvenating Set's buff
>switch to Sanhua and do her combo until you fill your concerto gauge
>Outro to H.Rover
at that point, even if you do the bare minimum h.rover's already buffed by reju. set, moonlit, AND sanhua's basic attack buff.

Meta's not hard to grasp ankobwo... we only have reju set and moonlit set right now as supportive item sets so it's no brainer that you slot at least one of each in your team.
would have rolled then
>Actually get the masochistic impulse to read that shit
>OP responding in the thread
>While I personally think that XLY is the 4th strongest character in the game
So that just makes him worse than the limited DPS and some of the standards.
But it's my fault for getting baited into taking leddit seriously.
What i'm getting from this is that it's worth pulling for Verina.
So is Shopkeeper's weapon a must pull now? I want to get stringmaster when it reruns in probably 1.4 and cammy's weapon too
>That weapon is stronger than a Baizhi.
Don't worry she can stay at home and be a tradwife now
why dont you have verina already
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Inverted Rover skin when? White hair and black inside, with a white outfit
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You know what this thread needs?
yes its best in slot for 3 supports
Me on the right
I felt the same. As far as I can see it's just fill the swap gauge and then switch to whoever. The more "advanced" seems to be making sure to hold ults for down phases and have your supports trigger their support shit for the DPS for them.
I didn't know Verina's outro buff was locked behind her skill tree so I wasn't even getting that buff until yesterday.
The weapon.
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more evil Zhezhi
oh right I misread, then yeah >>493433574
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More hags.
It's important to note some characters benefit far more from sweaty gameplay canceling and swapping than others. Changli and calcharo have a lot more celling than say Jiyan or hrover. Just watch that one anons changli play or any 4 death messenger Calcharo gameplay vids. The minimum of what you need to do to get by isn't too intense that said so see trying to do anything more complex or involved as a reward and as fun you can try to do.
for the future fusion dps that deals resonance liberation damage and has fusion dmg% and skill dmg% outro for 10s
Intro and outro, that's the key to understand "buffs" in this game. Every time you get to swap characters (the sound) you can activate the outro of the character you are using, and at the same time, activate the intro of the next character on field. That's all the complex part you need to understand.
More fox girls?

More blonde hair girls?
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For fusion Rover.
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More doom
this game needs a fox and a kot
I'm going to order a pizza tonight bwos
even though characters like jiyan will have lower skill ceiling on swaps compared to say changli, it's still worth learning how to swap cancel on every team
Like using harambe, swap cancel to mortefi, ult, heron swap cancel back to jiyan, then ult
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God I'm so sexy
Who's harambe in a Jiyan team?
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the monkey
his echo friend
what toppings
not canon
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Do I get my artist while I still can or do I stay strong and save for black swan?
Oh. Thanks anons
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for me its extra jinnys and extra cammys with some fresh sliced youhus
Do you want a solid ice team 2.x? If yes then roll for the nerd. If not, save for semenkeeper
Shorekeeper is looking really strong but she's still a support and won't change how you play your teams that much.
If you don't roll for Zhezhi and aren't building your free Yao or rolling on reruns you will spend at least 63 days without getting to play a new DPS.
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Excuse me? I'm building the new DPS of her banner.
Excited Over Shorekeeper?
Pepperoni, sausage, extra cheese
And with that you're cursed to not get a single Yahoo on SK's banner. Enjoy your S17 Yapyap!
can someone post THAT anko webm? the jumpscare riding one
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There's actually a full version of this vid but I forgot where to find it
uhhh not this one
Kind of? I don't really mind about support characters but she seems fun at least. More exited about the blue brat and Camy in 1.4
yes, also new region content
Umm... bro... she's also a healer...
This is a 15 year old
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She doesn't look 15 at all
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This is beyond embarrassing. How do you justify playing a game where the character you pulled for after spending $200 has sex with another man? There's no going back. He's descended into insanity.
Maybe that anon likes his women with more experience
>implying PAST lover instead of present

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