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This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, and Abiotic Factor.

>Latest News/Updates:

Crafting rework info
>>Overview Trailer: [YouTube] Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Itemization Overview | Trailer (embed) [Open]


Earth Defense Force 6

Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor

Defeat: >>492917330
no, crit zealot is kill




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>scriers granting suppression immunity
>scriers giving overload immunity
>quelling on gun crit
>indirect purgatus buffs
>heavy swords on psyker
>slug shotgun on psyker
Gunker bros we are finally getting something
Anyone else gonna be trying out Forever Winter early access given it's only 27 buckerinos?
might as well make new threads at 700 faggot
I'll just wait 2 month for when it will be given for free on the Epic Games store
itll die like gtfo in that time
I can now use DS4 graia braced on zealot and it will be so good
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>ex-combat lead was responsible
ive been out of the loop, what happened?
Unshillingly yes. I love shooters that dip their toes in stealth.
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>Stealth Zealot will still be strong. 6 seconds was more than enough on Shroud, 5 is perfect.
>Spamming crits for infinite uptime though is not as exploitable as it once was. Not a bad change since that was completely broken and you could literally just speedrun stages for free by getting a couple crits on some fodder when your stealth was down.
>Swift Certainty was very good with that 10% movement speed increase, I think it'll still be decent at 5% though.
>The buff to the damage talent of Shroud is appreciated, as 3 seconds was too small and the cooldown was a joke. Might be useable now for a more damage-oriented stealth zealot than a support one that it is now.
>Loner buffs are nice.
>Knife still busted, FUCK YES.
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>tons of weapon buffs
>psyker buffs
Yeah I'm thinking the faggots who want everything to get worse fucking LOST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
I will live by the knife, I will die with my knife.
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Darksisters we're eating so good
I hope theyll bring more class exclusive weapons now that they opened up the old ones to other classes. Not that it matters anyone taking heavy sword or DS on vet is dumb and braced autos on psyker? At of them will be non issues.
>crafting will finally be unfucked hopefully
>patch is also loaded with god-tier buffs and changes
Yup, we finally made it lads.
>anyone taking heavy sword or DS on vet is dumb
I will take the heavy sword on vet for cosplay reason, and it's FUN.

You will not have my FUN, Telopots
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replying in case any anons know, wasn't the whole locks and RNG philosophy in darktide because of one retard who left at some point?
What DEVASTATING nerfs are fatshark hiding for relase while they build hype?
>combat lead leaves
>constant doomposting about how fatshark is lost without him and everything will only get worse
>cite the pickaxe animations as proof of this like he was personally responsible for animating
>first set of major balance changes are nothing but positives
>itemization rework looks almost ideal and finally gets rid of locks
>talent trees are getting redesigned to remove pointless/mandatory talents and offer more variety
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I know it would kinda unoptimal to give the veteran acces to the flamer, but I kinda want it because it's cool
Just convert, bro.
I like the changes but it feels like everything just got too many buffs to trivialize the game even further
don't touch me with your filthy hand
BROS. my suggested fix for the achlys combat axe is finally here!! It's finally fixed!1!11!!one!
jfc buffs all around


Just because it has a little watermark on it doesn't mean it's dirty. But I forgive you, anon, you can overcime your anger.
>Changed from 1.5s Cooldown reduction on Melee Critical Strike to: +175% Cooldown Regeneration for 4s on Melee Critical Strike.
Knifefags in shambles


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This is better for every weapon that's not knife
I'm already on reddit and steam cummunity looking for the salty nerftrannies.
>Fatshark forums filled with people crying that the buffs will make the game too easy
Absolutely pathetic. Just let the game be fun, godforbid the thunderhammer is allowed to do anything besides be a meme monster slayer. I'm sure Executioner's Stance having one less tax point will BREAK the game too.
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It's ok guys helldivers balance change will come soon in october, the game will be fun again.

Game of the year! *argh kof kof*
no, because fucks up dash, you cant keep up the onslaught anymore, because it was per target, meaning you routinely get cut the cd in half, meaning three dashs in a row with evi. now its only good on weapon with shit cleave, like taxe, and everything else worse off relatively
It's September 17th, but yeah. Comparing these great notes to the anemic blogpost Arrowhead put out is an absolute slaughter.
Do the retards crying for the plasma gun nerf realise that it will become trash if nerfed even slightly? I rather it being powerful like it's supposed to be than going back to it's release state of nobody using it.
>they buffed vicious offering (7.5 to 10% toughness on heavy attack kills) just after fixing the thunder hammers and achlys combat axe to be great heavy attack killers

Bros, we eating good today
>what is eviscerator, crusher heavy sword mace, literally any weapon that cleaves and has a decent crit rate with scourge
it's a massive change for several weapons, it's just going to be felt more for speedrunner knifeshitters, but then they should've just added something to target that specifically instead of this broad change
they're both dogshit, lets not delude ourselves here
>Scriers gaze suppression immunity
>10% attack speed
>immunity to overloading from the after effects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>up to 100% cleave based on peril
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Melee Weakspot Kills Quell 5% Peril and Reduce further Peril Generation by 20% for 4s.
Holy FUCK man
One of the most insane trees and what is by far one of my favorite ways to play the game now is getting hyperbuffed, this is unreal
>comparing the entire list of patch notes to the simple announcement of a patch
Amazing how quickly the fantasy of Fatshark seeing the error of their ways has gone to your head.
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They DIDN'T nerf the KNIFE??!! WHY THE FUCK NOT?!
Because nerfs in a pve game are not FUN

Cry more.
That talent was good on everything honestly. Knife abused it the most though, yes.
AH could've put more effort into that post and they didn't. It sure is alot more promising to actually SEE the changes listed and explained instead of vague notions of them. I will give credit where its due. I've only been spending the last year shitting all over Fatshark and I'll be there shitting on them again if the patch turns out sour.
Why the fuck are they saying it's LIVE NOW when it's not fucking LIVE NOW?
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>20 days from now
indirect nerfs by changing a passive so crits no longer removes ability cooldown
it's still a decent weapon but bad knife players are going to be confused why they go down even more often
t. vetshitter
t. elfshitter
t. bugnigger
t. drilltranny
They changed Invocation to a flat 1.5s per crit. It hasn't been per target since the last balance patch.
The improvement is minor, and weapon dependent, but more consistent across weapons.

For Fury of the Faithful, which has a base cooldown of 30s,
The new Invocation, the crit rate gets boosted from 3.3%/sec to 5.8%/sec (for 4 seconds. Which is roughly a 0.75 second improvement each second comparatively. In two seconds you match the flat rate of old invocation. A weapon needs to maintain attacks fast enough and crit often enough to beat 2 crits a second in order to beat it.
Knife, devil's claw, get slowed down. Everything else better consistency
because you have to LIVE
Woman moment. Strawhat had a typo or two that was immediately picked up on.
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Because Strawhat is a cute little goofball who wasn't supposed to be CM but had to take the job after Catfish fucked up big time.

We love Strawhat, bless her clumsiness
Invocation of Death was busted in general (Literally crit = flat reduction on your combat ability). Crits are already godly so anything that has a crit build had their ability up all the time. I'd spam melees and my ability would come right back up, completely busted.
Bros, this is the achly's time to shine
All heavy attacks are sweeps and do more carapace damage than before
Vicious offering now restores 10% toughness
Bro, the achlys will be the new rashad
Bro, they also buffed the rashad
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I got you, Fatshark.
Why not buff the shitty axes?
>It hasn't been per target since the last balance patch.
>The improvement is minor, and weapon dependent, but more consistent across weapons.
see i havent played the current patch or been paying attention because ive been playing other games, since ive wouldve been bitching then instead of now, either way its still objectively worse because of the inability to cut your cd in half every crit
shouldve just nerfed the knife instead of everyone else
More damage and stagger against maniacs on heavy attacks? Get outta down, turkey
hire this man sweden
Does piss vision make BAGs accurate, or do they still have the spread?
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>hiring a man as CM
it has been done before
More accurate than normal. Executioner's Stance and Marksman's Focus is the full auto skill line after all.
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there's a sm2 general
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fuck i can't wait

i might be small-minded but i'm just thinking about how fun devil's claw psyker is gonna be

Heavy sword psyker
>Old Titus vs young Titus
Old T has the experience, but he's clearly ready to die.
Young T is still full of grim determination. and his hairline.
I am 100% going on team achlys combat axe wgen the update drops. It's heavy attacks will all be sweeps which works great with brutal momentum for the cleave and shred because sweeping attacks are less likely to miss
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man surge staff is gonna be a way better secondary for dealing with crushers than revolver or bolter

looks like you still can't get assail and psykinetic's aura, kind of sucks
It's amazing how he quality of this thread improved since the space marine 2 release
I'm impatient to test the surge blessing on the surge staff
>Surge staff gets the Surge Blessing
I am going to blaze bolt the crap out of those heretics
Hate to be a party pooperoni, but why the heavy sword when the achlys combat axe will probably be better at horde clear while also destroying crushers?
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Right reminds me of doomguy's status face.
Holy shit those patch notes.
>helldivers: nerf everything
>darktide: buff everything
Why not?
Oh no reason at all, I just love the heavy sword
Pretty sure it’s going to be for the M1 only like Trauma making it useless
Wait what? Achlys axe has sweeps?
It will with the update. I never ever thoughg they would actually do it, i thought the axe had been forgotten. I'm so glad i was wrong. I don't need the power sword for zealots, i've got something better now
read all of it, honestly pretty good changes overall
the thunderhammer changes are a direct nail on the head of their problems, the flamer blessings will bring it back, useless talent nodes being removed is nice, etc
if these changes come alongside some new stuff i'll come back, in the meantime it's ratclick for me
because being the wimpy backliner who pulls out his sword and fucks up crusher packs is fun and now everyone's gonna be able to do it
Zealot is getting recon lasgun
Achlys combat axe for everything
Recon lasgun for monsters

Bros, we finna bouta eat so good, bros
Darktide always wins.
>fix the thunder hammers (presumably)
>at the same time, give zealots the dueling sword and add thrust to it
lol ok
>give vet dueling sword and heavy sword
>don't give zealot power sword because "that's part of vet's class identity"
weird how having the best melee weapon is part of vet's class identity, so very weird

at the very least I guess I can hope the thunder hammer changes are enough to make vet jealous
Duelling sword apologists will falsely claim without evidence that the duelling sword is decent for horde clear but in truth you're gonna wanna finna pair it with a horde clear ranged weapon or grenade
>Give vets the duelling sword
I can get behind it
>Give zealot the duelling sword
holy fuck, lmao. There's no fucking way in any world that's going to be anything remotely close to being balanced.
they are buffing fucking plasma what

New: Power Blast
Gain Crit Chance between 2-5% and 10-25% based on charge level when firing.
New: Energy Leakage
Increases power up to 7.5-20%, scaled on overheat.
New: Focused Cooling
-30-60% Heat generation on Critical Hit.
New: Optimised Cooling
Increased Charge Speed scaling inversely with Heat Level. 4-10% to 20-50%.
It's completely fine for horde clear when scriers gaze is active. you ARE taking scriers right
Its OP and everyone knows it, it would trivialize melee combat and they know it. Heavy swords mean you have to pack anti carapace and DS means you have to pack anti horde but powersword kills everything quickly and clearly with good range unlike knives
it is with scriers but the issue is that psykers have shit melee talents but zealots wont need anything if they go martyr or crit builds its like like scriers is on 100% of the time and its supercharged, Im still packing my graia braced because I love the gun
List of blessings that I think will break the game or atleast be severely imbalanced:

>Inspiring barrage on braced autos
The new noob crutch. Non ogryn players don't really know this. One mag gives you 160% toughness baseline. On a fast wep with a small mag this is going to defacto turn you immune to damage so long as you have ammo. Will make braced autos really strong.

>rending stacks on flamer and purgatus staff
This will let them both just kill crushers as if you had old fotf popped. It will let you screen sweep on scab melee only, especially now that the flamer staff also gets showstopper, which in itself will be busted OP with how many burn stacks and spread psyker gets. I guarantee this mission modifier is trivial now thanks to these psykers once the patch hits, and purge staff psykers will basically non stop screenclear for free in any mission while being ranged immune thanks to certain talents.
If you don't believe me on this point, try out a showstopper flamer with red stimm on spawned hyperstacks of elites in the psykhanium. That's what the purge staff will be like. Even better due to screech burn stacks, perilous combustion and wildfire. And no ammo, of course.

>slaughterer on crusher
Already an S-tier wep, now with an actual good blessing that will make it do nearly double damage. This will be the best melee weapon in the game I think.

As for non blessing changes,stuff like soulblaze toughness gen or the new quell talents seems strong. Warp unbound and crystalline will seems absolutely gamebreaking too. Dunno exactly how that will work though so I reserve judgement.

It definitely seems like once again the psyker playtesters are so retarded they are making the class incredibly fucking OP EVEN MORE

They won't nerf anything because nerfs in todays industry just guarantee a wave of bad reviews and PR. I think unless they introduce a new difficulty this game will become even more braindead though. Hooray, powercreep
2-5% and 10-25% what?
>Already an S-tier wep
That nerf really hit hard though and it's horde clear it legit terrible. This blessing is perfectly fair
Oh shit you're right, I completely missed this. One more good thing to add to the pile, we eating good.
>ogryn was starting to finally compete in melee
>nerf ogryn and buff zealots
I just now noticed the Zealot with an accurate sized eviscerater.
Ogryn was busted as fuck for the longest time when the talent patch came out and every single patch since then has been (deserved) nerfs
The counterpoint is that every new weapon they introduce for ogryn is gamebreakingly OP so he remains the strongest melee class in the game, if a bit boring
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>we know that changing cdr on crit to not work on multiple enemies being hit was a bad move
>so now instead of 1.5s on crit it's 175% cooldown rate for 4s on crit!
if it doesn't stack, this is a nerf targeted at knives, and I'd really love to see the math to know if that actually is better than 1.5s per crit for slower weapons
They actually buffed the karsolas to reduce the heavy attack chain time and you can oush faster now so that's very good
>all those psyker buffs
great make psyker even more braindead overpowered
>within those 4 seconds on a 30 second cooldown ability you'll have regenerated 7 seconds worth
>a 3 second improvement
>meaning two crits within 4 seconds
this is actually a second nerf, holy shit lmao
Blaze bolt is good, doubly so on Surge staff with its high crit rate.
Do the math. 175% faster cd is equivalent to hitting once with a crit per 1.125s with the 1.5s on crit
For the vast majority of weps this is an ok buff. Nowhere near the original version of course. For the knife and catachan it ends up being a small nerf I think.
but it says +175% is that 175% or 275%?
wouldnt it be 11 seconds worth cause its +175% (so a total of 275% speed)
resulting in the numbers here >>493407186
that's not the proper maffs way of listing percentages, so unless fatshark has misused percentages somewhere before I wouldn't assume it means 275%
warp unbound really depends on what they mean by "lingering effect", if it's the full ten seconds of the buff it's nutty

by crack of bone and souldrinker are going to give psyker some really crazy toughness generation with scrier's gaze, warp expenditure, etc

empyric resolve stands out as the really game-breaking shit depending on how many of the -5% peril nodes survived

rending on purge is going to have to get rolled back, that's just an awful idea
well the base rate is 100% and they said
rather than
>at 175% speed
so thats what it means unless they had a SEVERE esl moment which is possible
>Refreshed Dodge Efficiency on Weak Spot Hit. +2.5-10% Melee Weakspot Damage.
Holy shit
>rending on purge is going to have to get rolled back, that's just an awful idea
Yeah try taking red stimms into the psykhanium and testing purge on various enemy compositions. Now imagine if you had 64%+ rending instead of 25%. This will be really stupid. Purge staff works with empathetic evasion too which will make it worse. Plus the new peril on soulblaze kill talent
I'm not gonna enjoy zealots one shotting crushers, no siree. At least the mk 5 crusher onshots were funny
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this is good.

Now we just need new maelstrom modifiers (and hopefully remove the one that makes enemies green and resistant to stagger because fuck me that's lame as hell)
>green dogs
you can just look through blessing and talents
with savage sweep does my cleave stat increase to 200% or to 300% and how is that any different from wrath, is that one 200% or 300%
Bros, how does fatshark do it? I'm hyped. So many new options to explore in 20 days.
>On a fast wep with a small mag this is going to defacto turn you immune to damage so long as you have ammo.
Good. Offense is rewarded. Survivalist is nerfed, ammo is limited. It's fun to have a build that directly counters enemy ranged spam.
After all these buffs I will be graduating from malice. See you in your aurics, gentlemen.
that's called executioner's stance and a mk7 vraks
>It will with the update.
If always had a sweep if you had momentum
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game needs a new game mode to truly dig deeper into the mechanics
auric is just "lol moar mobs"
The fact they never made a last stand horde mode for Tide games is criminal.
Also if you made a QQ cancel macro. It even canceled the windup, but i would much rather just have normal heavy attacks with no gimmicks
the first part of the new map has dangerous areas. That's quite refreshing. I wouldn't mind seeing more environmental hazards.
I want that vermintide modifier that makes enemies spawn two weaker enemies on death.
But this patch gives us another option that doesn't rely on .exe stance. More options = good
Just take some point cap/defend missions with the ability to stick around or fuck off like in warframe.
this should 100% be a thing
I mean offense should be rewarded but should it be nearly 2 full toughness bars on the class with iron will? food for thought
When they add other Chaos Gods than Nurgle in Darktide 3 in 20 years time you'll get Pink Horrors.
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T6 auric "console meltdown" 3x horde size
>should it be nearly 2 full toughness bars on the class with iron will?
yes. You're paying for it with a limited resource.
Remember this is the same game where holding a knife makes you immortal for free.
>how does fatshark do it?
there's no snow
maybe that's what the tyranids will be
It's not THAT limited I can do like 80/20 ranged/melee on a vet with survivalist, and if I autistically steal all the ammo I can make it 100%
expect a lot more people holding down m1 because it's more viable now
Darktide reign supreme over the shit pile of 40k games being shit games forever
>helldivers swedoids
lets nerf everything
>obese fish swedoids
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fuck yeah
There's one in vt2. It's not great.
the duality of the swede
I can almost guarantee you wont be saying fuck yeah when some scrub does it in your mission with all your ammo just to stay alive
I get your angle tho I will also use it for ramboing
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>Power sword now has thrust
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nice multiplayer space marine bozos
Uh, sweety? It already has sunder which gives +20% heavy attack damage
Uhm honey, thrust stacks 3x +20% giving you +60%
Wait, what?
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look at the buff icons when you're holding your heavy attacks, there should be a small number counting from 1 to 3.
can you even fully charge a power sword heavy before the activation expires
Are they making the game harder or will it remain in this state?
I feel like the new weapons update made it easy as shit, like lowering spawns/enemy dmg.
It would be hilarious if you couldn't :-)
I thought +20% was the damage at max stacks. I just tested it and it is indeedfully +60% at max stacks
Is the dueling sword like the rapier in VT2? WHC Rapier was my favorite setup.
Ill do a 3x horse size if they give us unlimited ammo, imagine plasma flamer bolter and the ogryn machine gun all firing non stop ripping into waves. 50 ragers? Where I dont see them anymore
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>gunlugger buffs
even more power? But i'm already the biggest and baddest motherfucker in the game.
One of them yes. An other one is like a pirate saber
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>3x horse size
there are 3 DS one is basically smap heavy attack thrusts the other have slashes either with thrusts or instead of thrusts. Mk5 is for got to go fast because the slash heavies push you forward better like knives while still doing respectable damage, like 1.2k instead of 2k on heavies
what? where?
Kwabdivers and shill marines forgotten... just like that...
mk4 has the moveset with worse lights, better heavies, and no pistol
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More defense, more damage, more speed. I'll take it.
Worse lights? IIRC all 3 do diagonals but only the mk4 exclusively do them from top to bottom, thus hitting heads.
lights are for horde clear, low width cleaves are bad for horde clear unless you have scriers its literally better to spam heavies on anything but poxwalkers
yeah but psyker doesn't have flense, assassin, hunter's ardor etc backing it up
>we're gonna fix bolter!
>but we can't, because the wonky aim resettling is tied to an animation, and we don't know how to fix that T_T
how many devs have left fatshark?
Darktide chuds don't want you to know but Space Marine 2 is actually good.
after seeing how unreactive enemies are i do not wish to fork over $60 to play it for 12 hours
is the repack up yet
is the horse's cock also getting 3 times bigger?
Just play on lower difficulties
Is Zealot going to be able to utilize it better?
i'm gonna be trying a charge martyrdom mk5 first thing and i think it's going to be fucking retarded
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Nobody liked Schluesselschloss
ugh, the one thing I will give ratfags is that their game's environments are infinitely better than darkturds depressing maps ever could hope to be
It's gonna be great for single target damage, but the best overall damage throughout the mission will probably always belong to a recon lasgun, achlys combat axe zealot
don't worry, we're getting missions outside the hive city in 2028.
stay tuned!
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retard opinions coming in hot
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I've only been fucking saying this since the like 3rd day the game came out holy fuck finally
I'm late as shit on this, but if there are any of you left, what did the Abiotic Factor players here think of the update from last month that added Security and Hydroplant sectors? My group played weekly so we only just finished what's there.
And i had been saying that the achlys needed all sweeping heavies
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Hydroplant was an utter pain in the ass solo due to the constant snipers being able to barrage you like a slow firing mg. Adding to the fact they can just pinpoint laser you I gave up.
they always get it right eventually, it just takes a fucking eternity for that to happen
Security sector sucks and is the worst sector so far.
Night Realm is comfy.
Hydroplant ranges fine to great as an area, but barely uses its new enemies instead of soldier spam.
Voussoir(? the snowy place) is somewhat interesting but is also just more soldiers.

I give it a 7/10

I just treat sniper areas as no-go zones and I honestly think you are supposed to. There are ways to get places around their field of view or with very limited exposure. My group did build a bench under the first sniper's spawn location to stop him from appearing though.
What does outside of the hive city look like?
lotta dark corridors for some reason
Fatshark cannot be dethroned. Helldivers couldn't do it. Space marines couldn't do it. Nothing will.
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>ratfags get an entire new expansion 3 months from now
>darkshitters get a few balance changes
guess whos sucking fatshark harder
LMFAOOOOOO fucking PATHETIC all of you faggots
3 more weeks, trust the plan.
can it, troon
i never even played the first space marine, so i wont pirate space troon 2
I vaguely remember the first space marine being more fun
I think the issue is mostly the fact that nids are an incredibly boring enemy, and space marine 1 was orcs and daemons
>a year and 7 months to finally unfuck their terrible crafting system (which took 3 months after launch to finish)
>no word on unfucking the awful mission selection system
>no word on solo

Maybe one day darktide will be as good as VT2...Maybe one day...
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Has anyone bought and played wh40k space man 2? How is it overall and how's the coop?
I'm trying to think of reasons Security doesn't suck and all I have is that the sector's concept is an interesting novelty that wears off. It even failed to be scary despite being in total darkness with a shadow monster out to get you. I think I hate it now too.

Special mention to the part where you have to farm materials from the sturdiest boxes in the game in a generic storage area full of blind corners next to said boxes. It sure is fun being grabbed and teleported with no way to see or hear it ahead of time.
>the flamer blessings will bring it back
I don't know, the core issue of the flamer is the main source of damage being the ticking fire damage which isn't effected by any of the blessings or modifiers. Everlasting flame will just let you waste your ammo pool faster.
its alright but i pirated it
combat is a little scuffed, makes you parry a lot but you have no animation cancels so you need to play passive on high difficulty
>a bunch of comments that read like shitposts straight out of /coopg/
So it is true. This general really is all of the remaining playerbase.
Unlimited ammo no, but I do want to see the opposite of the no-ammo-pickups modifier one day.
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>guaranteed crit(next attack) on weak spot crit kill
So if you use the zealot dash for that 1st guaranteed crit and then keep chaining weak spot hits they're ALL gonna be crits as long as you don't hit anything you can't one-shot with a weak spot crit? Maybe tac axe will be good now.
>omg they fix the thunder hammer :OOO
okay, but where's my power greatsword
Given that tac axes have high natural crit rate this will generally work on any class.
It's more that a lot of the genuinely mentally ill people who follow games just to complain do it on reddit, discord, 4chan and the forums all at once
I'm not sure it'll be worth taking over just headtaker, you already one hit trash. it will be better at comboing elites but it's already pretty good at that too since headshots stagger everything
Sure, but the dash lets you proc the blessing when you want, has a pretty short cooldown, and stacks twice. Suppose you take Invocation of Death too(cdr on crit) and it'd be feasible to make like 90% of your melee strikes crits. This might be big because you could make a proper crit build with that without even taking Blazing Piety as your keystone.
With blazing piety tacaxes crit pretty much all the time anyway. They've always had high base crit chance. What I'm saying is that going from 50% crit to 100% crit isn't as gamebreaking as it looks.
I think tac axes are better than combat axes
How about a comparison with a weapon that's actually similar to tac axes?
Like knives which are better than tac axes
They are not better than knives but are more fun
More fun than darktide and it works. I know this is the darktide fucking lovers thread but it just sucks so fucking much. Hope you guys jerk off over the third rebalance of 15 different shovels.
Fair. Can't argue here.
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>grind 500 hours for the gloamus armors
>realize I don't even like the way they look
>ratCHADS get versus mode and got announced 2 entire expansions
>fatshark quaking in their boots hoping this will appease them, it may, temporarily
>darksissies let fatshark spit in their mouth for a buff on hammer
what caused this difference, how did fatshark buckbreak them?
>scriers gaze berserker mode
>buffs to actually using weapons
>you can bomb yourself and not go down

oh my god fun changes? whats going on?
The buff on hammer is amazing though.
>and got announced 2 entire expansions
Wait what? Where did that happen?
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its kino, i will probably get fired over it but idgaf
can you play all of it in coop? Including what you just posted? also pls use spoiler tag
the big post on steam news talking about how the threat isnt over and how theres other clans like skryre and another one still being a thing
Why can't we have enemies like this in darktide? All we get is a stinky ogryn.
Well you can play the campaign in coop, im not sure if hellbrutes are in the pure coop but theyre a bitch to fight
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I better not see people using MY Thunder Hammers
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This is honestly the kind of background setpieces I expected from Darktide. There's that one with the spaceship scrapyard and Throneside is kinda cool as an interior location but everything else is just dark hallways after dark hallways.
Oh that figures, I never read the lore posts. Not really quite a definitive announcement, but I know they're working on new weapons so it wouldn't surprise me if they're doing another expansion. The new weapons might even be part of it.
What's so special about the recon lasgun?
>not playing zealot psyker
Kills fast when you crit a lot and it's strong against monsters with infernus
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Is the season pass worth the 30 bucks price hike?
>zealot gets dueling swords
great news for all the saltzpyre wannabes out there
It's just cosmetics. It honestly depends how crazy you are about customization.
Yep that's me
Now let me dual wield a pistol and a sword. It's Warhammer, fucking insane it's not in.
Hurry up and buy the saber cosmetic, witch hunter bros
can it, troon. how many times do you need to post the same shit
fuck I'm kinda drunk
time to playt cata
>esl moment
math works the same way everywhere
yes, even in sweden
Are you me
Can't play 'tide games sober, I need to be drunk so my decision making skills are more risky, it only works that way
what class do I plkay bro
not at fatshark. When they tried to make the blue stimm make charge ups faster by 25% they modified "charge time" to 1.25
Merc and WHC are my go-to
this is the first time i posted about rats in months desu
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darkchads won
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won what
Dude is trying too hard and it shows.
you forgot >>493424690
guy is literally here for over an hour just making the basically same basic bitch bait post over and over again. mental illness for real
Vermintide 3
I'd buy it
Time to add Space Marine 2 to the OP. It's out on early access now and it's pretty good.

Anyway it's Remnant 2 even a coopg? It's more like an arpg with multiplayer elements. It's like calling WoW a coopg because of raids, sheesh.
>>no word on solo
Didn't they promise the same bot system as VT2? The bots using the same loadouts as your other characters?
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Uhh, well y'know...One thing I should...

Excuse me for one second.
What would be the best loadout for bots? Rashad, revolver, shout?
I dont remmeber them promising that. I only remember them promising solo in december (release december, not this december) and then backpedaling by saying
>the bots are too bad so we can't implement solo yet but we will
so it's kinda implied they would make the bots better first but no direct info
Trying to play ratclick pubs at late european hours is hell itself, so far I had a schizo sienna that had a meltdown for reviving her with elites close, 2 gopniks insulting me because I didn't clutch a game because they died alone after they tried to solo a pack of plague monks, and a fr*nch kicking me at the very end of the pilgrimage for absolutely no reason, my guess is because I wasn't playing a level 30/35 character
VT2 kinda sucks unless you host, most people just can't be trusted with any power/authority whatsoever so they do that type of gay lame shit. I'm yuropean and I had to stop playing at NA hours too because NA faggots kept doing that kind of thing to me
Please kill yourself newfag
Wait don't say can it troon to someone else...that's our thing...
>general was nice until american posting hours
all the nice posts were by me
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All the mean posts were by ME
damn you make me wanna play now
>one cata twitch lobby and it's br
Assuming they learn how to heavy attack the best option would be something like the orestes chain axe depending on wether they consume ammo or not, autoguns or plasma guns or revolver
then probably shout yea. Or chorus I guess
can it, troon
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cry some more faggot
Yeah when it's just the three of you sperging out about how much you love darktide it's amazing.

>uhhh sorry i'm an autistic faggot so I didn't join.... lobby?! lobby!?

Did I miss anything?
case in point
Can it, nerd
Knives cant on demand stun crushers, ragers, maulers
Space Marine 2 killed Darktide
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>they "fix" thunder hammers
>unyielding damage gets kneecapped by half, the only upside to the weapon type, while buffing flak/carapace damage which is not a worthy tradeoff especially if it doesn't lead to better breakpoints
>horde clear barely touched, still killing three poxwalkers at best per incredibly slow activated heavy while knocking everything else out of range
>you might be able to oneshot a crusher with a full thrust activated overhead to the weakspot (lol), and with the unyielding nerf you likely can't oneshot reapers and bulwarks anymore without max buffs
>attack speed untouched
>less stun after an activated hit, big fucking deal, I was already instantly blocking afterwards and never took damage
>worst of all, they call boss one shots "unhealthy" even though they required a dedicated build
Reginald's such a fucking retard and his video made things worse
are you a beta tester?
The incompetent parts of fatshark killed, or at least severely neutered, darktide
Darktide has lived this long because of warhammer autism and nothing more. If any other ip was attached to darktide it would have failed by now.
They'll just backpedal on the unyielding nerf (they specifically said they would consider feedback from now) and get an easy win
That's if they're intelligent which with fatshark is a huge gamble
The true test will come on the 9th when the game releases. Then we'll know if the 100k people it has right now is all it will do (coincidentally about the peak for Darktide's release too, so you can extrapolate from that the number of Warhammer fans on Steam) or will it go even higher.
Presonally, I guess 200k. Double Darktide but won't go past 450k Helldivers 2 had.
dclaw status?
There won't be less on real release compared to prerelease. That's just how game sales go.
I doubt it.
You guys havent watched streamers play SM2 yet?
Spoiler: its totally mediocre super repetitive graphic whore game. its also short and overpriced.

Once people get over the ooo and ahhh of the graphics it will die.
God, I wish. They're my favorite weapon in the game by far and I'd hate to see their defining aspect be removed like that. It's not like boss one shots weren't also achievable by knife, except knife can do everything else faster and more effectively too. Giving ironhelm/crucis better breakpoints while leaving the boss killing on Shroudfield builds won't break the game when knife already exists and can do everything faster, including movement and dodges.
I don't care what retards think so no I don't watch streamers. Sounds great to me if faggots like you aren't interested. Go back to your streamer.
It needs new enemies. Put some Tau fags or Orks in there! Hell, spawn a great unclean one in some special map where there are other npc's shooting it and you need to provide some assistance. Just avoid slaanesh to keep shitspam away.
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just spam parry to be immortal in all situations now
>spam parry in space marine 2? Worst game ever shit that should fuck off and die
>spam parry in darktide? oh my sweet precious fuckshit dev team I love you so much slurp slurp slurp
Telopots won
Between everyone having perfect weapons and them buffing pretty much every single weapon the game's gonna be complete ez mode now
Come back when you realize you wasted 70$ on a game that should have cost 30-40$.
please do not reply to me with your retarded flamewarring, I want no part in your mental illness. Get a hobby nigger.
My hobby is making fun of darktide. There's no end to my enjoyment of your misery.

Just take a vacation like your heroes do.
Feel free to make a darktide general and fuck off and die then faggot. Oops wait you can't because nobody likes darktide but you fucking losers so you cope .
> .
good bloody evening sir
>My hobby is making fun of darktide
that sounds fucking awful
did you think this sounded clever
because it makes you sound like an incel
and you samefagged too lol, jesus christ what a lack of self awareness
don't expect another reply, I just wanted you to know you are cringe and not clever
Could be worse... I could be playing darktide!
>I'm not owned. I'm not owned!!!!
why did you reply twice?
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who asked for this?
Why not? Nobody complains when it's about the best game ever DARKTIDE by hit Sweedish development team FATSHARK, the only coop game that exists according to three faggots in /coopg/ or as it should be called /darktidebestgameevergeneral/
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>SM2gen will leave /copeg/ in the dust
>last 6 replies are from the same guy
kek, anyways who's up for some aurics later? might do some title grinding
>title grinding
the auric/malestorm shit, or the blue ones?
me and my crit crusher build
I would but I'll be on vacation for the next 9 years. I'm Swedish you see.
i did, because the previous change nerfed everything except knives and i wanted the reverse of that
Is it me or the indian poster seems more desperate today?
Blue ones so we'll just be plowing through non HISTG missions, already have auric and maelstrom ones
I dunno seems the same level of darktide sperging as usual.
Which ones? The pro and anti darktide people are the same people.
if you're still on in an hour or so will join, wouldn't mind grtting some titles
they specifically said they were aware of this issue. It could mean nothing, but it's weird to me that they say that then buff pretty much everything in the game. I suspect there is a new difficulty coming
I caught the pro-darktide poster the other day accidentally admitting he hasn't played the game since 2023
it would only ever be good for ragers which you already bully with your pushes/specials so the real thing is letting you chain cheap trash mobs because a crit without BM still kills like 2-3 from full health regardless of your placement, so it would replace BM not headtaker. You need a significant investment on vet so one blessing will let you ignoer the right half of the tree and use it as a defensive horde clear on plasma or helbore or something and just chain headshots on single trash
Just finished it, played the whole thing with 3 player co-op. Absolute kino campaign
Zero surprise there. I would not be surprised one bit if the spergs that screech about how bad darktide is play it daily.
I'm willing to bet neither of the autists actually play any of the games
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Did this retard ever play cata in VT2? From the way his post reads he doesn't even play auric in DT, let alone monstrous specialists, and wants enemy spawns and health to be completely reworked into a different slower game. Imagine being so bad you can't even get a hit on a boss before a thunder hammer zealot walks behind it. Embarrassing.
Reginald is unironically indian he used to post here and got doxxed
I hate that fag but I agree, fighting bosses is fun. When a boss shows up and someone else oneshots it I'm having less fun
it's really not that complex
What are some decent co-op games that let you connect directly to someone's PC (like Valheim or BG3) or have LAN (like borderlands 1-2-3, etc) and can be played online using a LAN emulator?
I dont know what hes smoking, After ~200 hours I got bored of bosses, now its just a bullet sponge. If someone deletes them so I can go back to the most engaging PVE melee gameplay in any game ever thats great
The idea of arguing about conceptual encounters is just so stupid to me when there's endless amounts of real usable encounter data. 99.999% of bosses aren't killed in one hit and the ones that are usually are weakened because they're spawned in a pair or whatnot. His description of a "cinematic battle" is just everyone has to wait for me, the protagonist, to arrive.
>so I can go back to the most engaging PVE melee gameplay in any game ever
>hits auto-attack mod hotkey
Now that's what I call cinematic!
>surge staff getting surge
we are SO fucking back it's unreal
I don't care if it ends up being good or not that combo is fucking funny so I will be using it.
the susurge staff
>Did this retard ever play cata in VT2?
No, he's said that he gave on on vt2 around legend cuz it was too hard and the game was too toxic for the elite spam lol
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flamerbros we are so back
>take blazing piety
>fire into horde
>never ever have to reload
the surgesurge staff
you don't need infinite ammo for horde, I think it will be more useful on bosses
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now his power is maximum
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>buffs all around
>psyker is getting fucking juiced up, soulfire is getting buffed out the ass, even zealot flamer too

hahaha, burn you pox bastards
the changes really aren't that amazing
Purge staff is the only reason I play pysgger so I'm very happy, I think the new rending blessing for it is going to be completely overpowered though they'll have to nerf it later somehow
The new rending shit will be nice too, won't have to do the clumsy swap and light headshot spam with the knife/swords for hordes that aren't too crusher heavy
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yeah i would rather have nothing at all for "buffs" if they are going to remove the thing the hammer is good at, nothing more satisfying than bonking the soul out of a monstrosity
Go shill your channel somewhere else
good news anon, kraks and scriers gaze still exist so you still don't get to have fun
>it will only work on the left click similar to trauma
the monkey's paw curls
which is nuts because Psyker already invalidates the game. Every game I play with 4 Pyskers is snoresville.
of course he's a forumfag, still remember the days he used to shit all over the thread
kek, don't jinx it anon
>Knife untouched
>Tac-Axe buffed
gotta go fast
We already know that's how it works lol. They're doing it because they're also adding multiple nodes that make primary fire very strong, which unironically helps surge staff a ton too and might make surge worthwhile even.
Uh oh...
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Fucking dorktiders.
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laugh at what homes? we're back like we've never been before
>laugh at what homes?
What the hell? What does real estate have got to do with this?
Maybe fatshark bought more land in the metaverse
Ratto sexo.
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>some fairly inconsequential buffs
>zealot and psyker lose a bit more of their uniqueness so vet can have more swords
>only changes to bolters are in regards to the aim, and they couldn't even fix the recentering because they don't know how
>no new weapons announced
For me, them finally getting off their ass to make the crafting/itemization system not awful will make the game playable
I'm having fun and you're not lol
Spite's an ugly look
the suge is getting the surge, simple yes yes
That simple crucis buff is going to provide me with another 100h of entertainment and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Stay bitter.
Can I get a qrd on Infiltrate what talents do you want for this
It says coop general but it's actually cope general.
Yee all human class loses some of their uniqueness, only the weapons you see in the class description labelled as "uniqie" will be left to their respective classes apart from shovels I think
>>only changes to bolters are in regards to the aim, and they couldn't even fix the recentering because they don't know how
This part is pretty funyn to me. You're telling me multi million dollar company can't figure out how to make a video game gun shoot where it aims in 2+ months?
That's the only reason most of this is exciting. I can actually experiment with all these changes the moment the patch drops instead of needing to gacha new weapons.
I really don't like this either, they should've made it like VT2 where every class has fully unique weapons with maybe 2-3 overlapping ones.
Like sure chainswords can overlap. Catachan swords should've been vet only, same as the knife. Instead, make zealot weapons that actually suit the theme for it. How about an actual fucking rapier with parry, to differentiate it from the dueling saber? In Vermintide the elf had a 2h axe, but it was nothing like the 2h axe the dwarf had. That kind of thing. Fucking lean into the themes and unique differences instead of letting everyone have it, cmon
>As i’ve said in other threads, It’s barely been a month since most of us got back from vacation so we are a little ways out yet. But be assured we are working on the next updates currently, just aren’t ready to communicate on them just yet!
no amount of money thrown at it can fix it. The one guy who made the code for the aiming is on permenant vacation till death, and the freshly hired indian interms can't desipher the cryptic snowrune spaghetti code to patch it themselves. Boltguns are forever fucked
>this real btw
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I just googled this quote and found some absolute dumb faggot post pic related
>you don't have to work, just dripfeed shit and withhold content!
this is how battered wife customers actually think in 2024
Literally every business operation in existence should be planning further than their next update. Though I'm not sure Fatshark does.
There's a difference between planning further and actively withholding improvements to spread them out. Hate on Fatshark for not working, not for NOT doing anti-consumer tricks
Did you have a successful run
Something I've been wondering for a while is why does ogryn seem to be the least popular class by far. I've never really got an actual answer besides "ogryn bad" or "ogryn slow" but as someone who's played a a good amount of all three classes, getting all to 30 and playing quite a lot after, neither of those two are true. If anything vet and psyker are slower and to me, zealot is the weakest class.
>All three classes
Fuck, you know what I mean.
Sluggish movement, people like fast movement mostly. The secondary related reason is that said sluggish movement helps create a skill floor other classes don't really have, shooters fucking rape ogryns on heresy and above.
If you were here on launch, there were TONS of whinge posts complaining that ogryn isn't viable past malice, because people couldn't figure out how to dodge shooters (which was a must on ogryn due to how easily shot he is and how dangerous shooters were). Other classes were smaller and could utilize pussy cover strats more easily and had stronger ranged weps which ogryn lacked, so they could circumvent this issue.

The only other reason I can think of is because ogyns just aren't that popular for WH40k fans. They prefer guardsmen, psykers and FOR THE EMPEROR! men.
Brand new players get filtered because they don't want to play as a goofy retard. Casuals get filtered because he's big and gets shot easily. Experienced players get filtered because he has way the fuck less weapon variety and it's about to get worse when the other 3 classes get to share each others' toys in 2 weeks.
Okay where did the whole idea of ogryns being slow moving come from? They're only slightly slower than the others and they only feel so slow due to how huge they are. Also they have the single best mobility skill in the game.
For gunners I just stack anti-gunner relics and abuse dodge.
Their dodge velocity and slide velcoity is vastly different from the human classes. He also accelerates slower. He even jumps differently. They went through great lengths to intentionally make ogryn feel powerful, sluggish and massive. He doesn't actually sprint slower on average (all this is tied to weps) but that's not the point when people say "sluggish movement". I love all this and it's my favorite class, but you can't deny it, and some people take it as a bad thing.

>For gunners I just stack anti-gunner relics and abuse dodge.
Yeah it's not a particularily high skill floor but trust me when I say the average person playing this game at launch was a beyond fucking worthless retard. You think it's bad now? Imagine how it was back when the average 40k fan was playing and trying to move up after malice. Plus shooters actually did like three times the damage, excarbating the issue

by the way I think he is and always was the strongest class unless you're doing knife speedrun memes, personally, and I play all 4 at level 200-600 each
This is just a nitpick but people roleplaying as a generic dumbass ogryn in chat has gotten old. Even then only the brawler personality is like that and I almost never see people use it.
I'm THAT ogryn
He's slow and fat. Going slow in Darktide blows. The game spams gunners and shooters at you, so you're a big target for them and you can't get close to them without getting raped.
the autists that do it on voice bring me endless joy
not because it's actually good rp, just something about some retard in broken english actually doing it is hilarious
me big
me squish
Beaten dog syndrome, rejects have had their hopes and dreams shattered so many times now they're used to getting shit on a plate and then even thank fatshark for it
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If you happen to catch me when I'm drunk enough, I tend to laugh maniacally when I get the Ripper Gun out, grunt dumbly during reload, and then cackle again on the next mag
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>hadn't heard anyone using voice chat for months, nobody ever talks in auric damnation, especially not maelstrom
>playing one earlier with two zealots and a scriers psyker
>The psyker suddenly SCREAMS into his mic for half a second, jumpscaring the shit out of me, explodes and IMMEDIATELY turns into a bot
What is wrong with this playerbase, man
Here's one example of someone who failed to meet the skill floor
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that mental image is absolutely fucking grand, I'm gonna do that next time I self immolate
He has a weird curve.
Lower skilled players hate ogryn because they don't understand how abusable slide is in this game is, and get raped to death because his ranged weapons are all incredibly bad for precision shooting, so people get the worst impression of him (which is made even worse by ther fact that ogryn bars on his weapons make the better weapons insufferable to use at lower levels.)
Higher skill players hate ogryn because he trivializes the game a little bit too much, and it actually gets a bit boring doing nothing but sweeping hordes with minimal effort and never seeing your toughness below 40% at any given time no matter how silly you get.
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>no more weapon gambling
>2 pages of fun buffs
>nooo you cant be excited
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That's right, you can't be, bish
>helldivers only 16k players
>soon darktide will have more players
how does fat shart do it?
The fatshark development cycle starts out with leaving the game dead and abandoned and eventually patching it and improving it with every patch
the arrowhead development cycle seems to involve making the game worse with every patch
Which cycle is superior?
>it'll eventually be good
>it'll eventually be bad

I think I'll pick the former as a white man with foresight but realistically just get the former later and get the latter earlier
I can pretty much load up some auric darkturd at any time and have fun playing some games. I've tried to go back and play helldivers a few times since dropping it in the spring and it just felt annoying and miserable.
Didn't darktide only peak at around 10k the last couple big patches? I suppose it could get higher (the crafting overhaul might be a big deal to a lot of people), but we'll have to see.
>(the crafting overhaul might be a big deal to a lot of people)
it will for me, i'll actually play the game again.
Quick rundown on the overhaul? Is it more like VT2?
Yeah it's also the same for me (I haven't had it installed since January, of last year). I'm just curious how many people it'll bring back, if it'll be similar to the skill tree update.
basically all weps can be upgraded to 380
then you can just pick the blessing and perks by getting mastery xp which you get by either having blessings collected to that weapon right now, or by scrapping random weps you got in your inventory, or by playing with the gun
You can also swap that weapons mk to any other mk in the family
my friends didnt come back for the skill tree and wep updates because
>whats the point if it's all this stupid gambling shit anyway
so I think there might be a lot of returners
can I move stats around on a weapon?
no but you can see beforehand what they'll end up at
so it'll be a matter of buying like 3 or 4, it's not that bad since it's just one layer of RNG now and it's all 380s functionally
>Opening Salvo
First Percentage of Ammo: 10% to 20%.

aren't the devs woke, or was that the other coop game, but no cause the game looks like it runs like shit
you didnt need it and we are getting brittleness on helbore
am interested in the cleave on weakspot kill.Thought it was already the case
I'll wait for first impressions before buying,has a lot of potential to be terrible or excellent
>yooo this unfinished shit game is super cheap
i think youre just confusing it with something
>new blessings : Helbore Lasgun
New: Hot-Shot
Weak Spot Hits gain 20-50% Cleave.
maybe im thinking of something else, i think you get one cleave on shots in general
>zealot and psyker lose a bit more of their uniqueness so vet can have more swords
Good. Every class should be able to use every weapon. I want my Zealot to bludgeon enemies to death with the Psyker staff over the Psyker's dead body after he explodes himself using a plasma gun, with the Vet behind me providing overwatch with a flamethrower.
Ogryn of course would still stand in the corner five rooms away toonking, but you can't teach a retarded dog new tricks.
beautiful oglin with real myostatin deficiency handsome oglin who has the biggest muscle like a bred cow for beef what absolute nice oglin
Reginald told the truth and they hated him for it.
sar do not use the hesvy sword ix sar u must use the vi listen to me sar it have a 5 microsecond better killtime sar u must optimize bloody basta-NOO SAR DO NOT DOX ME I HUMBLY REQUIRE YOU TO NOT POST THE DOX SAR ACKK!!!!!
harvesting the fresh crop of poxwalkers with my heavy sword ix
yaaas bestiee slaaaay
its no less of a coop game than vermintide
>not using the Mk7
lol fuck off peasant
i've had several psykers do that too, not the screaming but the instant explode into bot, always makes me fucking chuckle
>after Catfish fucked up big time.
So that's why updates don't have pictures of her anymore. What happened?
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Basically a lot of miscommunications and everytime she blamed the dev for not telling her what to say
I think this was the most retarded message I've ever read from a community manager ever. How fucking stupid and incompetent do you have to be to write something like this and think "oh yeah I'm sure people will understand"
I wish I would work there. It seems so chilled out and relaxed when you have more than a month to "get back into work mode". Just imagine how long it takes when a public holiday is around the corner. They probably need more time to recover from that that sudden surprise holiday.
And the pants
I think....Darktide lost...
Do not react to obvious baits
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I mean, what did anyone expect? They never really worked with the title at any serious level. Barely new maps, barely new weapons, certainly no weapons people asked them to add, no new classes, no new cosmetics that aren't overpriced, no events, can't colour your armour or weapons, nothing is being added to it. And if they add anything, it's thinned out and stretched out over months of time.
The only thing I can conclude from this is, that they waste tremendous time on reworking the same systems over and over again instead of creating anything new or worth adding to the game. In total, it's a cash grab title that is simply there to extract as much money from Warhammer faggots as possible. Oh, here is another pissoir helmet for your psyker and a rubber ball gag for your zealot to chew on for ten bucks. Enjoy!
You're french, opinion discarded.
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Why is it so controversial to state that Vermintide 2 is leagues ahead of Darktide in almost everything?
Why is it that if you point this very obvious statement, everyone accuses you of being a samefag that does not belong here?
Do you even remember that this is /coopg/ and not /darktide/?
If the truth bothers you, just hide the posts and keep playing your favorite game?.
I don't understand, it's not like the existence of ratfags hampers your enjoyment of Darktide.
This screams of insecurity from shopclickers, but I don't to admit that yet.
Nice try retard, but you failed on a colossal level.
Ok Jean-Mohamerde hon hon hon
Not an argument, brownie.
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>have so much speed during scriers that I slid straight into a DH from across the entire room and couldnt get away in time in a lights out mission
>Did this twice
This is a next level feeling of humiliation
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it's pretty obvious the game was made as a request from geedubs and not really something fatshark themselves wanted to make
vermintide is really fatshark's baby, and no amount of dev time will change that
Ok Macron hon hon
why do people memory hole how unstable vt2 was at launch
because the thread is full of trolls and you just got baited
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They dont, the game got better and that's what matters.
Still waiting on Darktide to get better, too.
it didn't take fatshark 2 years to fix it and make new content
they fixed it? dont people still crash sometimes if they craft too quickly or just die for no reason during missions
when was the last time you played, 2018?
pretending to be retarded is not trolling, thats just being retarded
VT2's launch was also nowhere near as bad
half your shit didnt work if you werent hosting, thats pretty bad
They are secretly working on DT2.
Yeah and darktide also had nonfunctional talents, alongside crashing, unfinished gameplay systems, server issues, etc. There's a reason darktide's reviews at launch are a lot worse than VT2's.
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Uh oh, the fat kid is having another melty.
Honestly kind of an indictment against fatshark if they learned nothing from their previous rough launch and had another really shitty launch with darktide.
>smigger stunlock is dead
good change
accurate peril of the warp
>game was made as a request from geedubs
This is not how it works. Ever. GW does not care, it does not commission vidya games. It's always developers coming for GW IP with their own ideas. Fatshark making Space Fantasy counterpart to their Fantasy game simply made sense.
lol retard
yeah with merc, gk and rv
I'm surprised how good vermintide's netcode is as long as you have a reasonable ping
deep rock's netcode is abhorrent so I appreciate vermintide in that regard
no u
GW cannot demand any such thing from Fatshark. Fatshark isn't their subsidiary. GW itself doesn't even have any division to deal with vidya. They don't plan any video games and they don't look for developers to make them. They let anyone do whatever the fuck he wants as long as it properly shills their models. That's why they send their nerd consultants to companies, so they make sure developers properly depict their models and that's it. Anything beyond this, including choice of an IP is up to the developer.
Darktide wasn't commissioned by GW, that's utterly retarded. In fact, if DT was commissioned by GW, it would likely be some adaptation of games like Kill Team or Blackstone Fortress with already premade models and not some donut steel minisetting invented by Fatshark.
clueless retard LMAO
Concession accepted
you have no idea how gw works LMAO
accept this cock in your mouth, retard lol
Literally no changes to smite besides a talent that makes your heavy melees electrocute without stun.
I do actually, perfectly well and you don't
I mean they definitely are somewhat more involved these days considering that ever since like Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 the games do actually involve some big canon names and they set up some interwoven stuff with Aurora and Final Dawn between Rogue Trader, Boltgun and Space Marine 2. They even retconned stuff to actually let Titus into canon.
That being said I absolutely agree, they just talk with game devs about lore and aesthetic stuff, they don't actually make people do games for them (except maybe some shitty mobile dogshit at some point but who cares about that).
cope harder
I don't believe GW is involved with their games because if they were then someone up top would be mad as fuck about their low quality
How well do the tide games run on a ryzen 5 5600? I have a 2600 at the moment, I used to be able to play at least ratclick without any issues except in the clustiest of clusterfucks on cata, but now it really runs like shit. Idk if it's because of game updates, drivers or what but it's probably time for an upgrade anyway.

I could probably go higher than a 5600 but then I'll need a new PSU as well so I'd rather not if I don't have to
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>GW is holding Fagsharts power down!
Holy fucking levels of cope.
controller or keyboard for space slops 2?
Why would you even play it
you'll check the steamcharts in a few days and realize nothing has changed for darktide's player count, then you'll get embarrassed and stop posting
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Can't kill what's already dead.
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Nice, this change alone will make me play again.
I've been wanting this since release.
Finally a fully automatic laser rifle on Zealot. Probably the one thing missing on this class.
Did anyone ever use those single shot rifles on zealot?
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Where the FUCK is my duelling sword on ogryn.
Dueling sword on zealot will be INSANE.
It will be like playing Saltzpyre on crack.
I don't understand getting grims and even worse, getting them on HISTG when you see the team isn't well equipped and already nearly wiped several times before and during the 1st fucking event
I need it for my weekly and will not drop it. If you have a problem with that you shouldn't have queued for a map containing grimoires. (I don't have a grim weekly)
It's either brain damage, selfishness, both, or griefing.
I've started picking up grims on auric just to banish them.
we all know grimoire farming should be done on regular damnation or malice for that matter
There is no reason why the bully clubs shouldnt do quintuple the damage to carapace they do currently.
There is no reason bully club lights shouldn't one shot every non elite enemy.
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Enlightened me on how the reworked ACKlys will be good, never really used it compared to the Antax and RaCHAD
What do Ogryn call spess mahreens anyway? Not little ones or punies
grimoires make no sense in DT because from what i can tell they don't have any impact on The Emperor's Gift items, which aren't very important anyway because proper crafting and item shops exist. They're just a leftover from VT2 where they made a lot more sense because they directly impacted the quality of your future items.
Broke it while using it as a toothpick
>femoid moment
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I know I know "uuuur duuur you're too bad to carry them?" but I'm really tired of low level joining aurics without knowing basic stuff such as pushing a fucking burster or dodging a mutant.
uuuur duuur you're too bad to carry them?
Calm your tits this is not Tumblr here
It's a post from last year, retard.
Educate them :)
now you have long lasting teammates that know what they're doing
Fuck them, thay had the whole leveling + regular damnation to educate themselves.
If you're a lvl 42 in auric I expect you to know what you're doing, I'm not your babysitter.
If you whine about grims its you who belongs there
when I get multiple people like that who clearly just queue for a free carry I like to suicide or just stay at the first dropdown and not drop. It's very fun watching them struggle. They usually die to the first room of ambients, not joking
gunner curio thing has changed, someone made a video on the change like 5 months ago its basically useless. it will keep you alive for like an extra second when youre pinned down but that doesnt matter. I have never ever successfully escaped the gunner stun lock. If you arent being stun locked it already does basically no damage. Use the space for toughness regen or revive speed instead. I swapped off and nothing has changed except I get toughness back twice as fast and I have a bunch of talents that are regen instead of flat added so those are basically doubled. I think ogryn ones are written as regen
literally and the talent tree will get him still get good clear unlike psyker who needs maxed out DD and scriers to take on hordes well, crit DS4 will be amazing
grim farming should never be a thing, scriptures gives you 1 more per run why are you farming grims instead of scriptures
It will be changed to only have perfectly horizontal heavy attacks.
As in toughness regen in coherency?
+ dockets on curios is the true meta
i haven't played since the twins, did they add more maps?
Wrong. +Exp is better so you can levelmaxx and assert dominance over the 3% of the playerbase that uses truelevel.
My fantasy is the game not crashing
>Artificially enhanced levels
Nothing drops respect for me like
>Getting overly bitchy with your HRT enhanced voice when someone picks up an ammo on accident
>Being overly bossy
Not saying this is all of them, but definitely some of them
>When the game was new there was a reddit/steam forum push for people to only consider going up to heresy only after you reached 30
The end result is a grab bag of incompetent players that never challenged themselves and suck as a result
Yes but not in rotation? I quickplay and I haven't seen them as of last week
Not sure what that was about
Map layouts and final objectives for alot fo maps have been tweaked for the better though, not much but for the better
Warren 6-19, a drug bust in the Carnival where you search for an illegal stimm production lab, scan some shit then fuck it up before leaving
Clandestium Gloriana, where you meet with some mystery nigga in some icy forgotten part of the hive to make some real(tm) Atoman Steel(tm)
we keep winning in september copesisters!
>I have a bunch of talents that are regen instead of flat added so those are basically doubled.
Toughness regen increases dont work for those and the rest of your post is probably bullshit too.
>no bro I tried it and noticed no difference
you also tried out toughness regen speed and thought there is a difference from those talents so you are simply brainfogged. It affects ONLY coherency regen.
That is complete and utter bullshit. Don't give anyone advice again, retard
>Use the space for toughness regen
what a fucking retard
HRT doesn't change your voice though. I think you're just insecure about your low level. It's ok, some of us find it cute.
If the game keeps track of people's level beyond 30 there is no point in hiding it from the player, also gives me a heads up on whether or not a game is going to be boring (level 1115 zealot is in the lobby).
Stacking gunner resist effectively gives you 2x protection against gunners. That's not "basically useless" by any means.
my favorite is when people say
>there's diminishing returns so you should only get one
yeah and with diminishing returns it still adds up to almost 50% damage reduction. Would I rather have 20% or 50% damage reduction when there is almost no worthwhile curio stat anyway? Hmmm
...bro literally just check the gunner DPS and multiply the gunner res curios and then you'll see that stacking gunner res cuts their damage in half. You are retarded... stacking revive speed is not useful btw, your teammates should not be going down and if they are, they're most likely dead in auric anyway.
It's basic darktide etiquette to ask for grims if you're queueing auric. Don't try and turn this around on me for speaking common sense.
>your teammates should not be going down
but they do
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Do not join my aurics.
This is not a request.
>but they
sure bro just share your fatshark ID and steam profile and SSN so I know who to avoid ;-)
go down.
They do. They do go down. As a response to: "your teammates should not be going down". They go down anyway.
>"your teammates should not be going down"
Ok that's what he said though? Your post makes no sense
My post makes perfect sense. You're just having trouble reading.
>You're just having
I'm having what?
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hopefully you're having a good day anon :)
Who are you voting for in the upcoming election?
You're having a stroke anon.
dunno yet. I still have another year to decide. I'm european so i'll vote for whoever is the most strict on border control.
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>He doesn't have the mancunny frame
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What is the "medium rare" setup of Darktide?
Consider reading the rest of the post instead of just taking out a single segment out of context then replying to it
> and if they are, they're most likely dead in auric anyway.
It's 51%
Veteran shout/ focus target helbore MkI /combat knife
That's raw and rotten
Why are frenchies, slavs and americans the dumbest people on the planet?
Because there are so many niggers and brownoids in america and france which drags down the average and slavs are the niggers of white people
having the game uninstalled and criticizing people itt for having hope that it will ever recover
add germans to the list, put them even uber alles
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Realistically if an Ogryn just decided he was going to rape you what could you even do?
Roll for anal circumference
idk, what did your mother do?
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>ogryn gunluggers
>smite psykers
>knife zealots
>knife vets
>plasma gun vets
>revolver users
>flamer zealots
>lvl under 100 niggers
>ogryn roleplayers
>comissar roleplayers
>slop enjoyers
>Telopots beta orbiters
>tranner cocksuckers
>shield ogryns
>Branx ogryns
>more than 2 wounds players
>columnus players
your mom's pussy is raw and rotten
i got a 5600 and a 3090 and i get 60+ fps with a bunch of unnecessary shit like corpses turned on
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More like CACAdia!
statement A:
>your teammates should not be going down
statement B:
>and if they are, they're most likely dead in auric anyway.

Those are two different statements. I don't care about B because when I play auric, randoms often go down, and 96% of the time I manage to pick them back up and finish the match. It's not a problem. And having 30%-50% faster revive speed makes that easier. It's not required but I find it convenient. That's all.
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I rarely revive people, I let the other players in my aurics do that.
as long as you're killing you're helping
Helping? son, I'm winning.
good boy
Best boy
> It's not a problem.
So then why talk about it?
why do you ask?
why do anything at all?
why live?
We're just having conversation.
You bored? You ok? It's saturday. Got any plans for the evening?
>why do you ask?
The same reason you do
Glad we cleared that up.
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This rat asked for versus
no, that rat clearly ritualposted
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>She doesn't get all yellows in kills AND revives/rescues
Stay out of MY aurics
It was clearly the rat VS the chef
you have to pick one studio as the WORST SWEDES
who do you pick
Clearly Arrowhead
cmon lets be real
are they ACTUALLY worse than starbreeze?
This is a dumb person trying to appear smart
If you can and depending on local prices, get a 5800x3d instead. The 5600 handles the game fines but if you want higher frames in darktide and hd2 (when it actually works/when they fix whatever they broke) it's a pretty big difference in both 1% lows and average fps.
satisfied with 60-80 fps and some stutter? 5600
want more frames and less stutter (1% + 0.1% lows)? 5800x3d
For just vermintide 2 the 5600 is more than fine.
I think it just fell in the pot
he hasn't realized he's being fucked with for being retarded for like 10 posts now either
Oopsy wrong general sorry.
Oh and if you have an older mobo you'll probably have to update the bios to use either of those processor., worth keeping in mind.
>Not getting highest defense score
come the fuck on dude
what is the point of defense score
hey man i only got baited twice stop the slander
to weight ammo and heals taken evenly against nets, pounces, and knockdowns to make his parasocial discord cult feel better

>sure my team was functionally playing a man down the entire round, but at least i didn't take up resources like a REAL fourth player might have!
I...embarrassed myself in front of anon....

I personally only pay attention to defense score to see how smart I was playing. If I have over 1,000 damage taken it means either I played like a retard, or I took a lot of damage saving people (which is what happened in the game above and a sprinkling of playing like a retard)
Don't let it happen again, capiche?
I condem you to... THE NA SERVER!
Can it, troon
not feeling spaze mareen lads back to dickturd
scoreboard is a crutch
real gamers memorize every move
do better
what's wrong?
Easy to memorize when you only kill a few dozen enemies LOL
Wait I was already playing there...Am I burning in hell right now?
I'm sorry I forgot I'm a Scoreboard Shitter. I'll try my best to be a Memorize Machine like anon.
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you some kind of comedian?
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It's CADIA, you fucking rat.
don't really like the gameplay,
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This guard asked about CACAdia.
looks like another mustached old man who's constantly asking for silver shillings
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Alright anons, i've been away for the past two weeks and am now coming back to see >>493397287
Have there been any other changes or news tidbits that i might have missed out on? Seems like we zealotchads are feasting.
Anon, zealots just came back after Invocation of Death got nerfed to trigger only once per attack instead of every crit that hits per attack, which nerfed everything besides the knife. The new change slightly nerfs the knife while slightly buffing everything else, though knife still reigns supreme for zealot weapons.
Fury of the Faithful was also nerfed/"fixed" to not give ranged rending anymore so you can't charge and shoot a Crusher to death with your Columnus or melt a pack of Maulers with the flamer, though the flamer and flame staff now get a new rending talent to compensate.
Darktide's finally coming out of Alpha and I'm all for it
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Guess who got netted like a fucking retard at the start of the map?
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>imperator titan is in the artbook for space marine 2
>think it will be a cool setpiece
>is just this
Actually they get rending "blessings"
Get it right. Thanks!
It's time I retvrn to tradition
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like it hasn't happened to you
Is that a city on two legs or something?
>when you didn't buy a cosmetic piece because you didn't know it would go well with another one that drops in 8 months
Silly me
Why do the weak skavenslaves give no audio cue for backstabbing me in VT2? This is really annoying.
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>tfw almost none of my frens are willing to reinstall it
>of the extremely small number who are, all of them only want to play versus
i just want to play coop, it isn't fair bros
I'd argue not buying cosmetics makes you the opposite of silly, how blind of you to not see that
Bro, if you are poor just say you're poor
>when you buy cosmetics that don't match anything knowing they'll become a good investment for future cosmetics
I may be too intelligent for Darktide.
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>Bro, if you are poor just say you're poor
Imperator Titans are just cathedrals on legs
People actually wear ugly shoes like this?
Let alone pay boatloads of money for them?
Jesus Mary fucking Christ.
Try walking a mile in these before you judge me
>grahhh this system sucks so much! I cant buy what I want!
>but if you dont give them money through it you're poor
some people deserve to suffer I guess
they do, it's just very quiet
What are charged/heavy attacks for in Space Marine 2? They seem to slow to use them normally. In SM1 you could stunlock Nobs with it, but not in this game, so I'm not sure what it's for
I'm so glad that zealots and vets are getting the duelling saber. Melee psykers - if you can believe such a thing exists - were getting too cocky
Vermintide 2 is a straight improvement over L4D2 in every single way. I never even liked it that much to begin with, there is no chance I will return to it now. And I hate zombie postapo in general.
>Crystalline Will
>Overloading through Perils of the Warp no longer knocks you down, but you still take the appropriate Corruption Damage.
i'm running 5 wound psyker on september 26
7 wound psykerdom
i bet they fuck up and corruption resistance applies
>Tallarn psyggers will become a legitimate build
seems like a noob trap node
>Guy types in rainbow
>Constant forced humor
>Pick up ammo
When I guy fires up his VoIP and it's a forced falsetto I'm heavily implying he's not trying at all to be a tranny
my go to is "hey bro do you have a cold? your voice sounds shot dude"
I fucking hate nerf faggots so much. Buffbvlls won.
I don't know how you would revive with non stealth as a low health zealot anyways
Starbreeze? At least I've never had their games crash on me unlike helldivers
>health curios
kek shitter
if it clears your peril or gives you a few seconds of grace it might be worth it

stamina trinkets
>Want to destroy the world
>But not from orbit
>While doing so in good faith
Is the gist of it
Depends on the weapon
ChainSword 1+charge and and 2+charge seem like decent moves against specials
But 3+stomp, neutral swipe punch, and thunderhammer are godly for zoning away small enemies
They just have different properties that mostly revolve around
"Do this at your own peril"
Also a pretty good neutral move as you can cancel charge attacks into parry/dodge
>Vermintide 2 is a straight improvement over L4D2 in every single way
Not really, for anyone that isn't an autist looking to put an obscene amount of hours into the game L4D2 is superior in nearly everyway excluding superfluous shit like cosmetics and customization. Everything from the way Valve paced out the campaigns, spawns, audio cues, the specials, the director and soon to be versus is superior in L4D2. I guess you could say the combat in VT2 is superior but that's comparing apples to oranges really.
I could also go into just how much more polished of a game L4D2 is compared to VT2.
Max Health has nothing to do with maintaining 1/7 wounds
>if you mute the mission briefings on valkyrie with the zip it mod, you load into missions in 2-3 seconds
I've never played l4D, but the witch tune popping off in RE6 mercenaries+ mode is a real fucking hair raiser
>being the space marine
>Get to watch Valkyries doing loop de loops and shit in the distance
>Las guns lighting up the horizon
>Chimeras sweeping the fields
>Guardsmen standing shoulder to shoulder focusing down wave after wave
>Leman russes obliterating entire battle lines with just the sponson heavy bolters alone
All the sauce is there for a great IG experience ffs
>comparing combat systems between two horde games is apples to oranges
not really its a perfectly legitimate reason to prefer vermintide
i will never understand blacks or wiggers that wear and even collect these things. Similarly, I don't understand paypigs that eat up whatever outsourced slop Fatshark (owned by Tencent) expels either.
They like to pull their mental gymnastics but they are literally the exact same as poor ghetto niggers that buy expensive shoes and take out loans for cars with a 40% interest rate
Kill the enemies first
space marine 2
flopmarines assemble
its so you can suicide bomb with scriers gaze and the new weapon nodes.
you will never get an IG game because IGfags will buy space marine shit and space marine fags won't buy IGshit and games workshop knows that cold
one day it'll happen
>its a perfectly legitimate reason to prefer vermintide
I never said it wasn't, I said comparing the 2 combat systems would be a "comparing apples to oranges" meaning a waste of time because they're so vastly different and prioritize completely different aspects of their respective game that comparing them is pointless. Sure its a perfectly legitimate reason to prefer VT2 over L4D2 because you prefer VT2's combat or whatever but that wasn't what was said, what was said was "Vermintide 2 is a straight improvement over L4D2 in every single way" and thats just flat out wrong.
Man how the fuck did PD3 die faster than DT?
>release a sequel no one asked for, from a studio that wasn't the one that originally started the series, while people understandably have zero confidence the game won't be a DLC meta treadmill just like the last game, and have it broken beyond playability at launch
it is a mystery
Because Fatshark thought it necessary to at the very least include functioning matchmaking in their online cooperative video game on launch.
Overkill didn't
Because darktide is a fantastic game with competent developers
the 40k IP
the tldr is "released the game a year too early"
the longer read is
>launch game
>it's lacking basic qol in every part of the game (no kicking, cant unready, no solo mode, no kicking among a lot more)
>servers are on fire for a literal week, nobody can play except at dead hours and even then you may get dcd at any time
>slowly fix matchmaking as well as the servers having less load due to fading interest
>more crickets
>no patch for two fucking months because they found a bug, likely with crossplay, that bricks all player progress should they attempt to push a patch out
>game is still lacking basic qol
>slowly add qol over the past year to the point where the game isn't total dogshit now
they're gonna have to do some real work to revive it
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Stop me if you've heard this one before, but the ratmen have raised a bloody great bell up on Helmgart's ramparts. Crazy little buggers will worship anything, near as I can tell. Problem is, there's no way to know if this is a purely ceremonial lump of bronze, or a lodestone for our grey seer's magic. We'll have to destroy it, just to be safe. And by 'we,' I mean 'you.'
delusional. There's many 40k games that died even faster than PD3
Forgot to add that it wasn't just a little bug bricking progress but a massive problem with their entire backend that they needed to fix. Still beyond retarded and it's inexcusable that something like this slipped past them
RIP Eternal Crusade
>Stop me if you've heard this one before
with handmaiden + decanter and lucky enough potions you can speedrun this map in about 4 mins lol
I'm a brainlet there are too many talents in the vet tree
I did this for an hour during a 3x exp weekend just to finish leveling elf. OH NO NOT ANOTHER BLOODY BELL will forever be in my brain.
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here's your starting point
Doesn't matter. Just pick whatever is fun. This is the only class that's like this
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Yes, really. There isn't an area where L4D2 is still better. Vermintide 2 is far, far, far better. Even fucking Versus is a thing now. Combat has depth now instead of being just brainless shooting into the hordes. Beyond that
5 Monsters vs 1 Tank + witch
5 Boss fights with dedicated missions vs 0 Boss fights
20 Classes vs 1 Class
8 Specials (not counting sack rat and suicide rat) vs 6
8 Elites vs 0 Elites
5 Whites vs 2 people and 2 niggers
30 adventure missions, 15 Chaos Wastes missions, 120 Weaves and redesigned missions for Versus vs 13 campaigns
I don't feel like counting weapons, but VT2 has them more and far more varied too most likely. It's not a matter of preference or a taste even. VT2 is, in fact, objectively, factually, provably, superior via objective, measurable means. And that's without even going in subjective areas like both Chaos and Skaven being far more interesting and cooler than zombies. Music being better and more varied, missions being more diverse and interesting. Or setting itself being good now and not a zombie apocalypse which I have a pathological hatred of.
L4D2 mission pacing is shit actually, instead of making a mission of proper length they cut it into very short pieces which constantly throws you out of the game. Director, spawning and audio cues are this same shit. L4D2 is nothing but yet another vastly overrated turd by valvedrones. The only thing I can relent on is physics being better in l4d2, with those flying items everywhere. Beyond that VT2 is a straight fucking massive upgrade over L4D2 and actually made this genre cool to begin with
Go shredder. They're better and you get 1 more talent point by skipping the node right below krak.
>they're better
not when all your weps have 20% penetration and 30% first target
>blaze away gives power based on percentage of ammo spent during continuous fire
>everlasting flames crit zealot will never empty it's flamer
How will this work together?
go krak. They make brainlets actually useful to the team. They're idiot proof guaranteed value.
>Shout has two talents
>Executioner stance and Infiltrate have 4
what did they mean by this
Doesn't matter. Learn the game properly. If you can't use a good gun then get an anti-armor melee like the mk7 shovel.
vt2 doesn't have sheboon bracelet physics :/
I don't think you understand nigger. the mk7 shovel unlocks at level 21 and it has penetration and first target stat bars too
Veteran gets the fucking rashad at level 1, negro.
are you this fucking resilient to understanding the point
the rashad has first target, penetration AND finesse. It doesn't do shit to crushers until you have one with decent bars
kraks are very easy to new players to use correctly

executioner's is losing one
some of them are mutually exclusive
>oh no I have to hit a mauler 1 extra time aiiieeeee fartshart save meeeee
How often do you see crushers in malice? lmao if he's a level 1 then he won't be facing packs of crushers.
dam why are you being so beyond retarded about this
go take a rating 80 axe into the psykhanium and see how long it takes to kill two crushers
then throwa krak grenade

they have way more value while leveling because of this
Let me guess, you're testing crushers on damnation difficulty? Why would a level 1 be on that difficulty? How often do you even see crushers below heresy?
Here's the actual health breakdown of crushers based on difficulty
The health of crushers is so low on lower difficulties that shredders become far better than kraks. Bleed will actually obliterate crushers on lower difficulties while also clearing the entire room. Shredders only become ineffective against crushers at higher difficulties when their health pool gets much bigger.
Use shredders.
>Let me guess, you're testing crushers on damnation difficulty?
no retard. low levels can't even queue it you dumbfuck

>How often do you even see crushers below heresy?
malice was full of them when I leveled my 18 vet for shotgun blessings

you just seem really asshurt for no reason and desperately want to be right about something inconsequential
>"CRUSHERS could be here," the uprising vet thought, fondling his krak grenades. "I hate CRUSHERS."
>Bleed will actually obliterate crushers on lower difficulties while also clearing the entire room.
false, it does like 400 damage to them with max stacks without the rending talents that you can't get until higher levels
why are you trying so hard to spread misinfo?
Just admit you were wrong. Lower difficulties barely ever spawn crushers and when they do they are baby crushers with basically no health.
probably "tin can man" or something to that effect
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>the director FINALLY spawns one crusher after playing 6 missions
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stop deflecting. why spread misinfo?

>Bleed will actually obliterate crushers on lower difficulties
this is from 3 shredder nades. malice crusher. where obliteration? why are you lying to support your point and acting like you're in the right?
desu i never end up using the krak grenades unless to spam it on a boss. usually redundant and not necessary
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>inb4 it wasn't a malice crusher
you posted the hp values for me already so I dont have to :) >>493576108
You should be in difficulty 4 by like level 10
why aren't you chuds playing space marines 2?
Oh no the schizo got proven wrong
now it's time to watch him drop 10+ posts without reply links where he moves the goalposts like a scorned woman, he already started
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Meanwhile reality:
To the beginners in this thread. Ignore this retard. Crushers aren't an issue in lower difficulties and by the time you get to the higher ones you'll have weapons that can deal with them. Learn how to use shredders because no one who has a brain actually uses kraks outside of killing monstrocities.
you did that with the 10% rending talent which a low level won't have
keep trying to be dishonest nigger. You are fucking pathetic
actual protip to the beginners in this thread: your grenade doesn't really matter lol it's one point spend your attention on learning how to dodge-slide instead
Two points if you pick kraks actually because you have to pick up the extra node below it.
The power sword 2 shots crushers anyway
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You're a genuine fucking subhuman. Here it is with the rending talent, which I didn't use in the first screenshot. Fucking retarded faggot schizo. Go have your 50 post spergout because you got proven wrong again. I won't be replying anymore.
i trust the guy who types in lower case because he didn't pick the fight but was the first to bring proof anyway
oh no not another bloody bell
god hates vetniggers and that is why they are like this
genuine protip for any beginner: stay away from veteran and do not become like these "people"
More like space urine poo.
just exposing this lying nigger real quick. eat shit you pathological liar. imagine lying about shit thats this easily verifiable and proven. mental illness for real.


ends up a bit lower here cause I experimented a bit and it turns out the actual impact damage does the most damage, so to stay the most accurate I tried nailing the crusher with every single one and this is the result
Stacks 5 times.
>the 2 pickaxe ogryns already hit it with heavies
now's my time... THROWING A KRAK
>more = better
Sure thing bud balance be damned.
>Niggers in game I AM GOING INSANE
>Music being better and more varied
Thats just wrong on so many levels and shows you are talking out your ass. Please go take a seriously hard look at the L4D2 soundtrack and how its used it will blow your mind that Valve doesn't just recycle The Horde (Chaos Remix) 6 million times.
>missions being more diverse and interesting. Or setting itself being good now and not a zombie apocalypse which I have a pathological hatred of
L4D and L4D2 both in levels/setting are paying homage to a litany of classic horror as well as the zombie genre which distinctly add to its charm but I guess I can give that the childishly edgy fantasy setting of Warhammer does offer some more interesting environments.
>L4D2 mission pacing is shit actually
Just like the soundtrack you need to take an actual objective look at this, L4D levels are paced all relatively the same length, all give the players down time mixed with good amounts of panic/action. The same cannot be said about VT2 levels. I know personally after the 40+ min slog that is some VT2 missions I feel drained, I have never felt the same way about a single L4D2 chapter.
>instead of making a mission of proper length they cut it into very short pieces which constantly throws you out of the game
Muh immersion
>Director, spawning and audio cues are this same shit.
You have to be retarded, there is absolutely zero way you can think this. I have never once seen 3 hunters and a horde spawn in my face or for that matter seen 2 of the same specials at the same time outside of something like versus. I could boot up VT2 right now, select any campaign mission and within 5 mins I will have the same special thrown at me 5 times in a row before the game inexplicable decides to change it to something else. As for audio cues I refer you to the soundtrack.
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glad to see that shredderfags are just as fucking retarded as the last time i played
every fucking time
The fact that he tried faking psykhanium screenshots to "prove" it kills crushers is pretty impressive.
i'm not even saying shredders are bad, they're great. they just don't kill crushers he's a liar. if you don't want to whittle down crusher HP with a shitty
>12% penetration
> 8% first target
>18% damage
axe at level 12 then just bring kraks and you don't have to worry about it and can actually play the game instead of obsessing over getting a good rolled axe off brunt with the pitiful dockets you get while leveling. It's new player advice, not a meta analysis of shredder vs kraks
Lying piece of shit
*spits on you*
how do i get this smoke grenade penance done as fast as possible
Pick both grenade regen talents and +1 grenade talent
Throw at places where hordes are
I got it in 3 missions
oh and by the way before he tries it, tested grenade tinkerer too it doesn't change much

Holy shit you actual schizophrenic. You aren't using grenade tinkerer which would be expected. With tinkerer it ends up killing.
Nice job being a disingenuous cunt. If you're a new player, avoid these kinds of people.
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jesus christ you really did go for it
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Why are autistic people like this? This schizo has been samefagging like this for how long now? He was still doing this over a year ago whenever he lost an argument and he's still doing it now.
Is there even a single other weapon in space marine 2 that feels as good as the powersword? this shit is just so much better than the chainsword, i have high expectations for the thunder hammer
some people can't fathom ever being wrong so they lie and cheat so it seems like they're in the right to others, but what really scares me is that he might actually believe it himself even after
>loading into the psykhanium
>throwing grenades at the crusher
>seeing it doesn't even remotely kill him
>then going back on here, posting some set up screenshot where he damaged the crusher to 60% first and then claiming to be correct all along
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i saw this guy on my ship a week ago and he was level 1082, so that's like 100 mission in a week right? Fucking christ
100 mission a week when you run ahead of the group like a turbomongol and alt f4 like a bich once you get the net
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holy fuckin moley
>Sure thing bud balance be damned.
Yes. VT2 has both better and more content at this same time. Having a lot of content is extremely important and VT2 dwarfs l4d2 in this regard. This content is more indepth too.
>Niggers in game I AM GOING INSANE
I really don't like niggers - racism thing. U5 are far more interesting and likeable characters than L4D2 ones
>Thats just wrong on so many levels and shows you are talking out your ass
Nah, Jesper Kyd's music is fantastic and they utilize it properly to build atmosphere and give further characterization to location and factions.
>The same cannot be said about VT2 levels. I know personally after the 40+ min slog that is some VT2 missions I feel drained,
But that's good. L4D missions are boring because they end so quickly
>I have never once seen 3 hunters and a horde spawn in my face or for that matter seen 2 of the same specials at the same time
This is great. It means that something is constantly happening, it keeps your adrenaline up
Audio cues are great and work exactly just like they should.
Valvedrones overhype valve game designs, everyone does what they are doing. There isn't anything special about how their npcs are acting, how their enemies were designed and how their sound and music works.
I think unless he farmed xp that kind of level suggests like 1k hours of playtime. That's what my levels add up to roughly and that's the playtime I have. It's been 15500 hours since the game released. It's 6% of his time spent playing this game since then which I'd like to think isn't worth gasping at.
Or if you look at it on a day to day playtime basis: you can get 1k hours by playing like 1-2 hours a day from launch until now, it's autistic but not really the no life brand of autism.
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I think both games are pretty good
shredderniggers you are honorbound to shut the fuck up for the next 18 months after this
It was because the game was basically unplayable for an entire month. The only reason the servers stabilized was because a ton of people just gave up on trying to play it and refunded. The playercount has been increasing the past few months though
There comes a point where you have to acknowledge that you're a pathological liar. We're well past that point.
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>lvl 463 smite psyker
>throws 4 shredders at you
>regen them all before the next horde
Sorry can't hear you over the tinnitus.
how many times do we have to tell you this whenever you keep bringing this up, youre wrong and a retard
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I run smoke grenades
i have seen smoke grenades be useful a few times
toughness regen is good the ogrynomicon says so
Shredder nades are cute, CUTE!
>Bleed on my nades
>Bleed on my melee hits
>Bleed on my Bolt Pistol
Blood everywhere! Blood for the Golden Throne!
It's either that or slow as fuck brain burst to get to psykinetic aura.
I actually like toughness regen knowing fully well that it only affects coherency regen. With 3 curios it kicks in fairly often while fighting things near the team. It's not a huge deal but it's not bad and I cant be fucked to reroll curios
they are adding a new modifier that makes it electrocute on heavy attacks. smite stocks going up baby.
what does electrocute do?
At least you can unbrick them after the update
i assume its a burst of damage cause they said its not a stun
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I can't believe it took me this long to realize the Order Captains in Abiotic Factor are supposed to be one big Revolver Ocelot reference, down to the email that states one captain has second thoughts
It is good. It's also good on Zealot too if you run Loner, 3x 30% on Curios and the 25% from the one Talent.
Why do they love psykers so much balance wise (buffs after buffs after buffs) but hate them so much weapons wise? They still only have the launch staves
If it's the same electrocuted status as the shock maul it's just a debuff that lets makes shock mauls do more damage to the target if it has the right blessing
....that fucking sucks!
>but hate them so much weapons wise?
hate them weapons wise? nigga the dueling sword mk IV is the best melee in the game
Soon to be 50%
Very cool. And with the buffs to hammers, Shroud hammer is gonna be very fun.
read the whole post, also all other classes get that now
people leaving every match is starting to piss me the heck off now
dueling saber zealot with flamer and knives is gonna be so much fun
I leave every time I see two xbox players, sorry
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Heavy sword on vet so I can live my Tallarn fantasy and behead those who insult the Emperor
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scriers gaze berserker psyker that explodes

theres hope for this game
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if the amount of corruption goes into the next pip I'm pretty sure its unrecoverable no matter what
>HumongousFaggot [Strike Team]: hey guys I'm running crystalline will please leave all healing to me k thx
You better believe that's a fucking kick
>lo siento senor me no comprendo la lingua *heal myself in the elevator in front of him*
>Jeanne-Darktide [Strike Team]: dude don't take the grim I'm running crystalline
I'm having a fucking erection
>know a guy who plays smite psyker
>he somehow manages to blow himself up with it
>just know he'll be running CW with 5 wounds
And he'll be in YOUR aurics.
>HumongousFaggot [Strike Team]: ...
>HumongousFaggot has left the strike team
I will run Martyrdom and I will steal all the green stims because I will give them all to Crystalline Psykers.
You're getting on my last nerve, troon
I'm sorry anon. I take it all back. I'm going to steal all the green stims and give them to (you)
>But I never go down, troon
I know, I know, I'll use them on you anyway
make a new, you fucking niggers
Just goes to show that violence and aggression is the language by which you command trannoids

It's the quickest way to make me start simping for boys
Yeah anon, manhandle those femboys.

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