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Previous: >>493217060

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Brawl! Elysium Feast (2024/08/16 – 2024/09/10)
Voyager's Conundrum (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
Upon the Scorched Earth (2024/08/30 - 2024/09/24)
Seven-Day Promise (2024/09/06 - 2024/09/15)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Simona (2024/08/30 – 2024/09/12)
[Destined] LilyWill & Alexei (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
[Destined] NonoWill & Momo (2024/09/06 - 2024/09/19)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Codes (may or may not work)
>more time to save for Saffiyah
Good. I am going to roll for Cocoa anyway
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Who are we rolling
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maybe the elaman route will motivate me to finish my papal run, because i'm not particularly interested in union/iria routes
I don't know
Bros, which is better? Tuning hammer or Feast Axe?
Cocoa, SchackLulu, Agatha
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hammer is great for OHKOs and collision damage, so any map except for bosses
feast axe is a better all-rounder
I don’t know, everyone I really want is Union or Iria.
Feast axe is good but it needs the enemies to have lower %HP than the user for the damage boost. Not an issue with Rawiyah's Gale Breach
Tuning Hammer gives lower attack boost but with no restriction and dispel on attack. It's the best all rounder axe
>realize i read the hammer wrong
fuck ignore me
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This is a 7-1 and above only thread
If you're a brainlet shitter then your opinion is irrelevant and should be ignored
you mean 8-1
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Socks has room for 1, if you'd like to join apply and let me know the last 4 of your UID
How does Acambe play? All I know is he can summon assassins.
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what if they save Saffiyah and Auguste banners for last just to fuck with people
It's time to roll for Nonowill
rolling homa and cocoa
fuck the rest
recklessly taking any excuse to chase generic dupes, you say?
>homo (again)
who comes up with these names
>Don't have any fucking clue when Auguste will be out or if they'll just randomly release Taair to screw with people
I choose saving to death.
cocoa and homa(priority)
Literally 6 pull till 180
Where is Saffiya
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More SoD events
I don't have the motivation to play SoD...
you retards aren't on 9-1 above?
Total Vlder armpit licking
I don't follow guides and got too annoyed with last week's 8-4.
Where's Auguste banner AAAAAAAAAAAA
When are we going to go refugee on the devs and take all the Hope Luxite?
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good luck to momoanons
The real Momo anons already got spooked by her day 1.
Rules for thee but not for me. Refugees for you dorrars for me.
joke's on you I got her with the selector
Momo being pared with Nonowill on her banner kills my will to roll on her since I already have a Nonowill...
guess i'll just wait for Cocoa
how do I do 8-5

I never push past 8 because i don't want to brick myself
As long as you’re above 6-5 by 51 you’re an expert veteran that knows more about the game than the chinkschizo
>got spooked with her early
>did a 10x for shits and giggles
>got a dupe
it was meant to be
Use banditbros like usual. No gear needed even
I hope she comes home bro...
Literally me
I'm just hanging around at 8 this time you retard, and it might shock you but being unable to read chink in a chink game is a lethal problem.
kek she was actually my first SSR (got her and gloria same 10x pull but momo showed up first)
i havent used her in a while come to think
>got Momo instead of that slut Nono
How do I use her
For me it was Garcia and Momo before Gloria.
>i havent used her in a while come to think
Me neither.
use her to pull enemies into the water in clash
she can start doing damage when she gets her final skill but not very many people are that high level
what exactly is judgement tarot's 60 effect?
>Running Auguste and Saffiyah along with the Elaman characters
It gives out [judgement] debuff to enemy. basically, they got 10% more damage taken
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I just lost to a burst tower bros...
It's Over.
oh that's kinda nice, thanks
>sand niggers sod update
saff bros.....shes not coming....
My balls are gonna explode
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I'm kinda fucked here, saff or auguste when? I can't hold onto this forever.
>universal pity at 30
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I got her within 30 rolls.
meh might as well roll a tenner on the momo/nono banner
Just wait? What are you, a drug addict?
worse, a degenerate gacha addict
>this slightly different strat should work
>messes up enemy rng and they get a crit that completely ruins it
Should I roll on the Momo/Nono banner if I already have Col/Beryl?
>metafaggots get to save for Saffiyah and Auguste after pulling Cocoa
>I have to scramble to get enough Luxite for Hasna like 1.5 months earlier than planned
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I for one am happy about it because I'm sitting on one tenpull and 0 pity
Depends, are you gay?
Cocoa's voice is cuter than I expected
I hate dual banner
I got Momo so I can't continue rolling for Nono or risk getting a dupe
Why can't they just make it so you won't get the same feature unit
>already have momo and nono but wanna roll anyway
i hate gachas
Because this game intentionally set out to be Worse Langrisser #2.
Did some roadmap get revealed or something? I know Cocoa was basically leaked as the next banner, but when did we learn about everyone else?
god bless japan
the banner doesnt have the duplicate gurantee bwo so stop rolling
New SoD branch got announced, look at the OP pic. Presumably they’ll do the three brownies to go with it.
New route gonna have 3 endings too or just 1?
120 rolls left for Cockcoa
guess im skipping for 3 weeks then wake me up when the nigger banners end
Damn if they do Cocoa -> Homa -> Hasna then i get to full save for a guarantee on Safi and win
Their names and titles are given in the trailer itself, that said if the devs are retarded enough to bring this story forward so quickly they're probably retarded enough to run Saffiyah and Auguste debuts during this storyline.

Three, Crimson Night only has 1.
Eh that's it? I thought it was something more solid, but this is basically just speculation.
will cocoa be dual banner? was she in the other release and has the game been following those banners?
My mind is telling me Hasna, and damn did she look even more delicious in that trailer, but isn't Homa supposed to be OP as fuck? Why did they have to make her so boring...
These are all going to be debut banners and we will never see Saffiyah until right before eos
Dual banners are only for units who have already been added to the general pool, so no, Cocoa will be replacing Simona.
Not really, because characters are released in batches in line with the story so you should be very nervous about those who aren't actually linked to the story patches.

All debut banners are solos, and Cocoa currently has a dual banner with Inanna.

OP physical support yes, and strongly recommended if you want Auguste too.
Well should I roll on Simona bros? Who's the next best Watcher character coming? Agatha?
Simonb > Simona
>elysium feast is still up
>I thought it went in to "turn-in" mode when scorched earth released
I've bricked my shop...
Taair actually, but I recommend checking IceyFun's video on Agatha if you're interested in her.
I mean they didn't outright confirm Hasna and the rest will come after Cocoa, but it'd be stupid to release the Elaman route without running the Elaman banners.

Besides the only reason for Safiyyah or Auguste to be next is because that's the order the other servers got which is weaker speculation, and they've shown they're willing to swap things around by bringing Cocoa early.
>80 rolls
>2 momo
Where the fuck is nono
>hasna isn't in the promo image
but my brown titties...

An actually good breakdown of her if your interested
Hasna is a seeker tank
Bricked as fuck lol
> Taair actually
I keep forgetting about him, I really ought to do papal route next
>CN server has CN voices
I suddenly understand why global had 37% CN downloads
Shit this game may be, at least they're not dumb enough to put ads inside the game hahaha
>TFW my favorite is contained to one path
Suffering to the max hahaha.
Did they confirm the delicious browns as the next few banner?
They showed them in the trailer cause they're in the story.
Taair is in the main story papal route and Agatha in the tower yet they release them after the sand people. Im sure they'll release Saff and Auguste after Cocoa
Why do you want cocka just cope with Maitha bro
She works the same
I need Cocoa for my Maitha team
bwos...I thought nameless staff was a mage's weapon...I levelled it before checking
It's Over
in any other context, a debut trailer showcasing new characters means they're next
no reason to assume otherwise imo
True, we don't necessarily know and the devs will likely lock down on test server even more but it's almost certain.
How do I get into the test server
>Noncoomer game goes coomer for one character
>She is dogshit
This sinful woman is going to brick my account...
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>According to the rumors, she and the parrots share a partnership
Wanted NonoWill but got Momo, she cute but is she good?
>TFW Taair made friends with all her birds
The profiles have some funny comments.

Pretty good, large AOE application and her alert makes her a real beast in PVP. That said you want 3* on her at least.
Damn, she looks pretty fun.
just because something makes you cum doesn't necessarily mean it's sinful
>That said you want 3* on her at least
I guess I'll replace Dantalion after he's 3*
That's fine, Dantalion doesn't scale that much.
How do I build Nonowill
Is she the only way to give dodge to others?

If you don't run an infection team start with the vulnerability area debuff. If you do run an infection team start with the vulnerability area debuff too.
She is sinful because she is going to brick my account retardbro
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sinful sweaty armpits
307 pulls, what do?
Simona dupes
So how do alters work? Does Rawiyah Alter benefit at all from having original Rawiyah at higher stars?
I just went 80 rolls with an ssr. Man that felt bad.
They're just alts like FEH.
I played that very casually and honestly have no idea how alts worked there. But from what I remember they were all completely different characters, no? Unless a different version of the same character wasn't always considered an alt there.
They're just alts.
thanks for the encouragement, got her in 13
hips don't lie bwo
Enjoy the Aryan Queen
critical event battles in spiral don't have a time limit, right?
I read something about them inheriting one of each other's skills so clearly they have a bit more going for them at least compared to feh alts
Yeah, that's how TW found out that Samantha Alter is coming soon.
she looks fucking great
nevermind i forgot that they don't take up the weekly quest limit regardless
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>another SoD event that gives dozens of pulls
*skips all cutscenes*
*brings the most overpowered meta units possible*
*genocides all Vlder*
*finishes in 6 hours*
It's gaming time.
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>papal route
>cutscene made her leave the battlefield afterwards
i don't think i was meant to be able to beat her here, but i'm morbidly curious what would've happened if i did
more like plapal
>saving for meta to get 400 more luxite than 70% every 2 weeks tryharding to get 95%
>800 luxite per month
the math isn't mathing bwos......feels like its better to just roll who you want.
It takes 27000 luxite to guarantee one unit so assuming you get like 800 luxite a month, it would take you 34 months to make up your debt of rolling a character you don't want.
all the characters i like are meta. maybe you should get better taste?
did not play that route but whenever sequence broken a character either nothing happened and battle finishes as normal or it got reset and the script proceeded regardless
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>selected characters in Spiral keep their equipped skills
>EQUIPPED skills, not learned skills
Sucks that you gotta take Maisha and Faycal manually despite them being playable anyway if you want them not to start off useless every run.
>momo can instantly pull two enemies off in clash
what the fuck
>Momo needs 3 stars and level 55 to get her best skill
Do you guys think the monthly 10 pull is worth 680 gems?
If youre spending yeah theres not much to spend on
>momo can instantly pull me off in bed
what the fuck
game respects the light spender but shats on the leviathans
Is anyone else actually happy we got the delicious brown girls patch instead of Saffiyah/Auguste?
Chasing meta sounds terribly boring so I'm glad we got some of the more interesting looking characters first.
>Every female Vlder has poison skills except Butterfly
How despicable. Is Butterfly the only Vlder woman with any honor?!
>*Butterfly teleports behind me and stabs my butt*
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three, actually
not like the stars will ever align to make it possible but butterfly's teleport skill does help a lot
I mean aside from Hasna all of the Elaman are also insanely good units, I think people are just moreso annoyed that they have to wait for Saffiyah/Auguste when they thought they'd be next.
No because I'm going for Alacrity characters and already spend my pulls on Nungal and LilyWill thinking Hasna would come later. Fucked my whole gameplan up, so now I'll have to pray I get lucky.
BASED thanks.
Guess I'll just buy the green ones.
I really wanted Saff for a HM team but I’m glad they moved her back because it let me roll for Simona.
What skills for Momo?
All her exclusive skills look good
Does Momo's trait gets the cooldown actually removed at 3* or were they lazy to add it in the tooltip?
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tailored training can be used more than once each, right?


i'm almost there, i can't fucking wait
I'm sure they weren't too lazy to copy an past a single sentence. Enjoy the extra barriers.
>tailored training can be used more than once each, right?
3 times per character
yes as in they can be used by multiple characters, not repeatedly on the same
cool thanks
So are metabros rolling Houma and Acambe now? I don't really care if it's different meta characters, I'm still rolling meta.
Acambe requires the BP weapon I believe.
Is he using staves?
yes, he's a mage
I wanna hold out for Safi since she's the only Irian ssr seeker that I need for my Dantalion comp. Acambe sounds cool though and I have 3 skelly staffs so maybe?
How do we feel about Acambe?
Guess I'm good then, I'm using the BP staff on Momo right now but I can switch if he uses it better
Vlders out for acambe
Acambe or Saffiyah?
both for the summon team
Very nice
does he do anything only he can do? whats his skills?
I think he looks cool as fuck
I love delicious chocolate and will almost definitely pull for Homa. Would like to bring both home, but I need stuff for Saff too. I'm torn with Cocoa. She's evidently amazing, but I hate her design. I probably won't put much into her banner, if anything.
Strongest mage in the game when fully invested (5 star BP weapon + 3+ stars on himself).
He's a summoner and extremely NRG hungry from what I hear.
meh unless hes doing a really unique thing then hes replaceable
Summons assassins, buffs/debuffs, and can reposition enemies. Like the other anon said though, his best weapon is the BP staff and he ideally needs stars for his full potential. His aura also boosts characters that can summon (Saffiyahs HM and Innana guard for example).
so whalebait. dont roll unless youre spending gotcha
Just imagine him as a girl, we were robbed
You can cope with skeleton staff if you're f2p (true)
Acambe has higher Max NRG and replenishes 1 more each turn for every 3 he already had. So he can spam high cost zero cooldown skills like Beryl.
Homa is the less cool female version of him
Why is white objectively the best element? Isn't black supposed to counter it and be countered by it?
Watchers tend to have lower stats than other classes I believe.
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uooohhhhhh, The time has finally come!!
watchers have lower stats and are easily mogged by the trio colored units
You mean Watchers and Destroyers? Watchers are supposed to be overall weaker than the RGB classes since they are the archer/healer class, but they throw that out the window for certain legendaries like Gloria. Destroyers are supposed to be good against everyone with their higher stats, with the exception of the aforementioned Watchers.
Watchers stats are lower but that usually doesn't matter since their move sets are unique and offset that.

Oh that actually makes sense, his assassins dying count. >>493431284
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Watchers having lower stats is kind of a meme for certain units like Agatha for example has over 15k hp at max level lol.
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*kicks you off a cliff or to your ally*
that anon was memeing about ice team but I'm gonna do it
She should've had a transformation mechanic instead of being in furry form the whole time...
No because almost all of them are meta to begin with.
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>8-5 is deliberately set up to range gang maitha and melee gang fecal while they're so helpless they can take no actions
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Not really, if the Assassin dies the skill will go on CD anyway.
Look at her go!
whats the strat if I only have 1 mage. the storm breakers are making it a pain, too
I just beat 6-5 at 36, fuck Guzman's Rez
NTA but you want to use him with other summons anyway so it works
Will Inanna ever get her Edelgard route?
Yes but in that route the MC roleplays Excelblem
Inanna Alter when?
The usual knockbacks still work but you need papal ice to lay down extending tiles if you want to GOMEN Storm breaker too otherwise you need to bait her away from freeing Maitha, Nightingale doing % is still good even with no scorch
Butterfly my beloved...
Inanna alt where she becomes the rapist.
I got her to 0 hp, she does not die, made me think it was a glitch or something but then the cut scene happened 2 turns later. She is not meant to die in that map.
>Inanna alt where she rapes (you)
Kino waiting to happen
Anyone have a site with Rawiyah Alters kit, for some reason this site doesn't have her

Get ready to learn Chinese buddy
How good is Momo? I want Vlder girls, but I already have Nonowill, and Momo is my least favorite of the bunch.
So this means Saff and Auguste are getting delayed?
I like Agatha, but do I need to pull her ice team to make her usable?
No, it means they are getting released in two duals, together with respectively Nergal and Teadon, in a first tailored for global to everybody's enjoyment!
>ice team
I thought I read somewhere she needs Simona and Alexei
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Just lost this twice with both choices, a match-up the KA would easily win if they didn't move the archer up in range of the ice priest after you've chosen.
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Just pull Simona since she is hot as fuck anyway if that's the case. Alexei can fuck off, I rather use papal ice mage
Why does Col have a leader's aura that she is not part of? Feels werid
She is Alacrity bro
Taking a quick look at her kit, seems like she only has one skill that really benefits from ice terrain.
I am sure you could build her without it.
Approximately how long would it take f2ps to get the character selector from memory crystals?
over a year
Impressive that you can post while blind.
>Approximately how long would it take f2ps to get the character selector from memory crystals?
It takes like a year to get the selector in hoyoshit (HSR/ZZZ) so its the same here, they probably copied it from them.
Well shit, I got tricked by a shitty website, thanks for the clarification
i am not f2p and have rolled 540 times which im guessing is probably like 200-300 more times than you have rolled
i have 14000 memory crystals out of 70000, so you do the math. it will take a long time even for spenders
SSR shards a lot more than the low rarity shards you normally get from gacha. Once you have your first 5star SSR it's apparently 3~4 months of daily shard farming to get the picker. Can't remember where I read that from
It’ll speed up some once you’ve got all your lower rarities maxed though
you mean doing the memory shard farm with a 5 star though right? that's gimping yourself
Yeah that's the f2p way to get innana/beryl/dantalion. Well mostly innana I guess.
you're right, most of mine are 5 star or close so it will speed up for sure, was just making a point that even me spending im still a ways away so f2p is gonna take a long time
i probably wont even buy the crystal selector since i used the $$ one for inanna and already have the characters i want
fair enough, that makes sense. didn't even really consider that desu
>getting the selector for Dantalion
Now that’s a brick.
HOROBIYOs this post
Quiet Lutfi, I don't see *you* providing me with an Irian aura.
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>it's another episode of "fortune buff blows up the spicy powder"
I both love and hate this fucking tarot
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With this game's shitty tarot system it would've been really nice to have hybrid scaling characters.
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since it gives you the buff at the start of the turn, you're technically able to know it's coming before it explodes
that being said, i never check myself and enjoy the spontaneous combustion
>that being said, i never check myself and enjoy the spontaneous combustion
Kek same. RNGesus can take the wheel.
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You'll be surprised how powerful and strong my hidden aura is when I'm released, makes Dantalions aura look pitiful.
do these leader aura percentages stack with more units
Rawiyah ga shinda!
bro your dontelion
>every magic damage is either destroyer or watcher
Do we even have red-blue-green magic dealers?
If anything, she needs Miguel's thick, veiny drifter aura
Same type of aura buff (atk, def, etc) doesn't stack
He's fully patk scaling. Hybrid scaling would be something like 0.9 * (patk+matk).
probably lower talents give a fucking lot of stats
Unless i'm blind, pretty sure one of his skills has magic scaling
>Unless i'm blind
you are, none of his skills scale off magic attack, Dantalion is pee attack only
>Dantalion deals 40% physical DMG 3 times. He deals Magical DMG equal to 50% P.ATK
>Dantalion deals Magical DMG equal to 90% of his P.ATK.
> Another attack is then initiated which deals Magical DMG equal to 40% of his P.ATK
>Before initiating an active melee attack, deals magical DMG equal to 40% of P.ATK.
M.damage but it's all P.ATK scaling
That brown slut that will be coming
If you think tarots are "shitty", never play a Hoyo game lol. The tarot rng is a complete nothingburger in comparison.
That brown slut is coming, and so am I. Hnnnnngh
I'm convinced the 2% rates are a lie and it's one of those cooked gachas where the actual rates are dynamic depending on how long it's been since your last legendary. I've played a bunch of gacha but I'm pulling a lot less characters than other 2% games I've played.
Both suck. Getting one good tarot is like trying to get one on-set on-element cup in g*nshit.
I don't believe their lies either
2% is one hundred percent a lie. The game uses "forced" guarantees to keep you at or close to 2% pity. The actual rates are likely much lower.
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damn, alright
Why is this shit so common with chink gachas anyway? Like given how frequently the chinks go nuclear I would have thought they would have gone after companies pulling this kind of bullshit by now. I don't care that it's a TW game, it's the same shit to everyone outside of those countries. Chinks are chinks.
>chink gacha or gacha in general
EA and 2k says hello
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lust is a sin, anon
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if she puts the mask on it's not a sin
Sportsniggers aren't people. They not only play gacha in a paid game, they buy the same game again every year to do so. They deserve what they get.
>The game uses "forced" guarantees to keep you at or close to 2% pity. The actual rates are likely much lower.
I think the rates are actually 2%, but at 2% you'd actually get a normal distribution where some players end up with a recorded rate of less than 2%. That would open them up to claims of lying about the rates hence the hidden lucklet pity.
You forgot to add their paid game gacha doesnt have pity
When a union exclusive "forging of blessing" is not hugely successful what do you get? it only previews hugely successful
Anything but the hugely successful gear I think
I've gotten 2 legendaries in my last 241 rolls which is a 0.8% rate lol.
>tried to make your Sacred Star Bow but made this shield instead, enjoy!
>I think the rates are actually 2%,
I fucking wish
Yeah, statistically speaking if you set the rates to 2% you'd expect some people to still have an absolutely dogshit percentage. No shady fuckery required. But mathematically illiterate gamblers are not going to understand that, so it's safer to force a pity and keep you from visibly dropping below 2% for too long.
It's not worth aiming for it, it's just something that adds replayability and variety.
What the fuck is the difficulty spike of 7-17? Lightning just teleports and owned my party and even fucking Teadon hits like a truck. Level 44 characters and all level 50 gear.
>Old Soldiers Never Die
>he fucking dies
Sorry man I tried my best, thanks for the sword tho.
just use your new fancy skill and teleport away
>That would open them up to claims of lying
There's already the poster here every day claiming it's all lies on the basis of all of these 200 rolls so yeah the company would know all about how people can not into stats. I would find it suspicious that it's such a thorough "leave no excuse to launch inquiries into our software" but it's just less hassle, not like it costs them anything
It's definitely not a flat 2% rate. 2% is almost certainly a composite rate factoring in pity. Possibly a dynamic rate even, where it starts low and slowly ramps up as you get further in. This is hardly the only game to work like that, where the listed rate is only technically true. It would still trend toward 2% over a large number of pulls, but you get lucky a lot less.
wat you get the dull blade either way?
I restarted 4 times to draw the bomb officer away and all I got was Ristaff giving me the same speech as Christopher in the tavern?
That map gave me trouble at first too. The trick is to teleport to the platform near your spawn and hope teadon buffs someone other than lightning. If he buffs lightning you need to try a different setup because she will wipe you. Also helps to use that bandit who has AOE defense as your main tank.
From personal experience and seeing people rolling on youtube, I highly doubt it's 2%.
>ere's already the poster here every day claiming it's all lies on the basis of all of these 200 rolls so yeah the company would know all about how people can not into stats
I wonder why they actually tell you your rate when they don't have to. I've played ones before that give you a history but not ones that do the math for you.
Goddammit Teadon why can't you point the direction I tell you? Even Faycal can do that much.
>factoring in pity
pity barely has a measurable effect on the average if 2% is true
But do they not have to everywhere they want to release? I think EU has laws about disclosing lootbox rates
Isn't that just saying what the overall rate is, not telling each individual account their running rate?
>they’re definitely lying about the rates since I got bad luck
Truly a gacha general classic.
If this game was more popular, people would've aggregated the data on rolls and XD would be in deep shit. Unfortunate.
You're about as unlikely to hit early as any Hoyo game. Don't ever buy rolls praying for luck, just treat it as getting closer to the next pity.
Yeah, another Union soldier hands you the sword saying the old man wanted MC to keep it, MC only responds he had a worthy death.
>I trust a random gacha company's rates because they would clearly never lie and gacha companies have never been caught and fined multiple times for fudging rates
I will never understand sucking corpo cock
I've had pretty average luck given the expectation of 2% desu. Anons, look up "variance" and see what it takes to balance it (number of trials.) Here is an interesting fact: You need to play 100,000 hands of texas hold 'em to balance your variance there.
Thanks for the tip anon I'll give it a try. Not sure about the generic your referring to but I'll have to level him up probably kek
Next survey then send out I'm asking for an option to turn off Gloria's spear summoning animation. Just Gloria's.
>Check talents
>Breakers has a talents that makes them receive less damage when attacked from the front
>Meanwhile, Defenders, whose main task is tank, receive attack when injured
This is retarded
Wouldn't this make units like Leonide tankier than Maitha?
Recent examples of games fudging rates?
You vill got the flashbang everytime and you vill like it.
IF it's true. If it's a lie the actual rate could be around 1% pretty easily without throwing off statistics thanks to the pity system.
Just look at Tempest, dude gains a shitton of defense. Definitely a better defender than actual defenders, especially when he can use the very defensive spears rather than the (mostly) offensive swords
It should be possible to calculate the actual expected pull rates for infinitely large sample size given a floor function, correct? I am not well-versed on statistics, but if we treat the expected outcomes as a normal distribution, and then just truncate the tail at 1/90 = 1.11%. Can't we calculated the new expected value with the modified function?
Nexon was found to be lying about their rates recently and got fined 9 million dollars (chump change).
Almost none of the defenders actually are tanks. Maitha is a healer/buffer, Magnus is a dps/debuffer, cocoa is Maitha 2.0 etc. Alexlei is sort of a tank, but more on resolve gimmicks than defense and teadon is just bad.
Teadon is better than most defenders if you build him right
but they're the only ones with cover besides Rawiyah?
Not gacha. Gambling laws are much more strict.
Mihoyo is a good example. All their games are technically telling the truth of their rates but the pull by pull odds are much lower than the listed one since the listed one factors in their soft pity. It's technically legal, since the overall rates are the truth but it's done in a deceitful way.
Gacha is quite literally gambling
Yes, but the laws see it differently than korean MMO weapon upgrading and loot boxes for some reason.
Yeah, I’m saying the Nexon situation wasn’t gacha.
I wanted to get into this game, should I wait to reroll for Cocoa, since she seems good?
If they were 1% you'd be hitting pity almost three times as often, so yes to throwing off statistics
I couldn't care less about rates when i keep getting keked by 50/50.
Mihoyo's pull rates are actually accurate funnily enough. They're just extremely low.
If you plan to reroll, that would be a good idea. Just keep in mind it's gonna take you about 100 days of grinding to make her broken. She sees a big power spike as you raise her stars to 5.
It’s actually not a great example since the listed rate is 0.6% but the actual rate is higher because of soft pity and such.
Mihoyo's rates are lower than listed until you hit around 70 pulls in and then after 70 they increase until they are much higher than listed. They average out to the listed value but are dynamic. That's what I mean by deceitful.
>and then after 70 they increase
That's normally called soft pity btw. I don't play any Hoyo games, do they not tell you about the increase in their rates description?
No, the rates are always at 0.6% below 70. I’m not defending them, those are fucking dogshit rates.
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You are quite literally wrong. It's the 0.6% listed stat for the first 74 pulls before DRASTICALLY increasing. The actual rates with soft pity are much higher than listed.
I'm aware, I was just explaining how it worked. It's not mentioned of course, it had to be figured out by users documenting shit.
They aren't. It's well documented at this point. The 0.6% is factoring in the soft pity odds increase.
>It's not mentioned of course, it had to be figured out by users documenting shit.
Damn that's weird. Games like AK spell it out for you (increase to 4% at 50 rolls, then 6% etc.)
You are objectively wrong. .06 is INCLUDING soft pity. It's a cumulative rate, the odds before the 70s are so low that the massive rate increase at soft pity only drags the overall rate to .06. This game almost certainly works similarly, only with slightly less shit odds.
>well documented
Show it.
I look at the data so you don't have to
Incredible. How did I know this would be the outcome to my question?
Nigga I'm not gonna spoonfeed you. This shit is old news. It's not some secret knowledge. It's well known. Look it up yourself, this isn't leddit.
I looked it up. Your claims are wrong. Now what?
If you don't trust the 2% rate then no, you can't calculate anything without a large sample size.
Or if you suspect it is a distributed probability of 2%, you still cannot do anything. You can test various hypotheses, but you are just guessing unless you have a large sample size to compare it to.
You are a stupid faggot. You can quite literally see the exact data on that website that's accumulated over 160 million pulls worth of data.
The rates are 0.7%ish percent for every single pull until the 74th. The actual rates when factoring in soft pity is the 1.7% you see there.
This game is likely doing the opposite, showing you the 2% overall rate but hiding the individual pull rates.
Those numbers don't even line up, 1.77% of 160m is 2.8m further proving how fake the rates are
Yeah, but uh, have you considered looking at his data set that he won’t share?
I don't mind a long grind, not my first gacha. I'll do that since I liked her voice too, thanks.
Just get a good account seed so you won't have to complain even if you know you're being deceived lmao.
Why don't we have a warp tracker? Would be quite useful data if everyone uploaded their pulls to it.
I've got my Momo and Nono now, is there a fluffy dog bed that you can get for the customizable room? I would prefer they stay off the couch.
I simply trust the 2% myself, I was just answering anon's question.
No but there's a dog bed outside isn't there?

>I would prefer they stay off the couch
Smart move, these Vlderians carry lots of nasty diseases.
>No but there's a dog bed outside isn't there?
A totally sweet bed, but that's Jenkins' bed.
We don't do that around here goyim.
Just trust the rates.
>playing a game he believes has rigged rates
Now that’s real cuckold mentality.
Mama mia
>Why don't we have a warp tracker?
Because it's absolutely useless when the game already tracks your rolls in game. The amount of people autistic enough to seriously blame their bad luck on rigged rates are probably like one in thousands so it'd be a waste of development time for a game like this.
Nobody's going to put out the effort to validate anonymous data, it's not even possible when you have literal autists lying to campaign against the chinese server that wronged them
>tfw I am at 3% with Gloria, Simona, Beryl, Col, Inanna, and Nungal
It's Over for Lucklets.
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Is Beheading Machete a good idea on Dantalion? He's got a couple of ranged skills so he'll have more opportunities to attack from the highland than other sword users.
Name 1 (one) other SRPG gacha that isn't shit
you'd better roll nono or you ain't me

not without Edda imo
>not without Edda imo
>following the de facto King of Iria around with a personal pedestal so he can behead his enemies more easily
Damn she went from revolutionary girl to bootlicker.
I've got Gloria, Simona, Edda, Beryl, Lily, Fatass, Dantalion, Samantha, Momo, Guzman, Alexei and Nono.
Don't care if it's shit or good I'm not picking up any gacha older than 1 year
Meteor Line or Irian Combat Bow for Edda? Do the debuffs not matter enough to make a difference?
Meteor Line is her BiS
>This game almost certainly works similarly, only with slightly less shit odds.
It does say "Overall Probability" and not per roll so I buy the technicality but for what purpose? I thought nearly all income was from whales that are going to average out either way
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Rate my account
No Nono
no one to be honest
I'm a Homasexual
All of them desu
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God, I hate tarot residual
Beryl is a nice girl and would never say that
She will because its funny.
>captcha MAG1K
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don't sleep on spiral rewards

think it's harder than the weapon trial bosses, more moving parts
Nice girls know to call a spade a spade
how man pulls in total?
>don't sleep on spiral rewards
But I fucking hate Spiral. Maybe if it didn't waste so much of my fucking time
Only lacking the true GOD of Sword of Convallaria:
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Gold on final slot can't ever be the upgraded skill right?
no, into the trash it goes
Can I just play the required fights in Spirals without bricking my run? I dont feel like doing anything else
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As long as you fill whatever points bar a stage has and are strong enough. Yes.
dumb brat
Dantalion-bros...we got hit with cake THREE (3) times...
It's Over
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Potentially if you're characters you bring are strong enough. I did it just to get the bad end and had no problem but not sure how the levels scale
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>triple-dipping the delicious cakes
Dantalion-sama... I kneel...
save those armors for your Cocoa
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My Agile Eye grows ever stronger
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imagine getting an almost perfect patk roll on a STAFF
made for pre-30s vanilla warriors
wait I just realized the bar at the bottom is the indicator for the maximum value
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I really don't want to call you names man but come on
I unironically want to see a physical staff user.
well there's that one spear that looks like a staff...
I wouldn't mind someone picking up rocks and using a staff to tennis serve them at enemies instead of using a spell
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>lose 5% attack global effect because the wording for what to do with Darklight was trash
Where's the backtrack button.
2 spots now. but seems like we've run out of guildless /socg/ anons.
Is the banner schedule really accelerated from this point forward?
It's been accelerated from the start. What it is from this point forward is shuffled around, although we have no idea how much. Could just be cocoa. Could be every banner. Probably is somewhere in between.
Unless they start overlapping banners I don't see how it's accelerated.
Well for one they rolled a bunch of the less valuable characters into the standard pool from the get go.
Well that's a headstart not acceleration which is a measure of rate of change
Anon I can't tell if you're retarded or not. From THIS POINT FORWARD I don't see how THE BANNERS ARE ACCELERATED.
It's acceleration when you skip them piecemeal. From gloria to edda there were 6 banners in between them to save. From edda to simona there were two. From here on I wouldn't be surprised if they just toss some of the less meta characters into a double banner and skip the debut banner entirely, although I admit that's purely speculation on my part.
That's deceleration
Anon... That's 4 months of banners skipped. Deceleration would be adding in additional filler banners or making the ones we would normally get longer.
The change over time has gone from 6 banners down to 2, that is textbook negative acceleration colloquially known as deceleration
In a relative sense, I guess? Sounds like Lutfi logic though.
I think this retard just thinks because he can't save for every unit coming out it's accelerating. Unless they go out of their way to throw Acambe/Hasna onto a dual banner we're not going to catch up to TW faster than this point.
Now count how many shards you've lost because those banners were skipped.

Getting content from six months later means that we ARE grossly accelerated you retard. It's been over a month and no shard compensations have been given BTW.
If we're getting tower faster I don't know how we aren't obviously and undeniably accelerated.
Yeah this is another pajeet looking for handouts.
Because people are trying to deny that the devs are milking Global/KR/JP for all their worth and EOS when the money dries up. No dev who was doing well would pull a shitty move like banning people and deleting their comments right before the anniversary.
Also FYI, CN got TOA around a month or so after TW which means that Global/KR/JP is objectively being treated worse than they ever did.
Momo's trait is kinda shit? Why would anyone even level that up
She gets a stack at the start of battle when she's 3*, which helps her.
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I love ladies in tattered rags
With that you just opened yourself to a world of hurt. Innana was also in tattered rags.
>In a relative sense, I guess?
can't really compare two things without speaking relatively
She wasn't though, Inanna's dress is very luxurious even when she was LARPing as a refugee.
oh nyoooooo were getting accelerated banners its 13 days instead of the usual 14 days.
We'll EoS even before we get to 6 months behind.
Her hair was a tiny bit tangled, her gold-hemmed dress and seemingly silk cloak were not in any way tattered
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I didn't notice it either anon thank you for pointing it out
Are Strength tarots solely there as cope for Destroyers because Watchers have no weakness?
Let me repeat it to you again retard, the Elaman update was released in February for TW and Crimson Night happened at late June. The fact that the devs are speed-running as much whalebait content as possible without taking into account the longevity of the game and what content they actually made speaks for itself.
There is no downside to catching up and having every server end up on the same schedule
its over eos soon
Usual nothing burger from our 6-5 veteran
We won't be on the same schedule, devs said they want global to be 6~ months behind. So we will be accelerating but not THAT much.
>There's no downside to getting a million banners while we get zero pulls
Bikecuck behavior
Now I'm hungry...
Did you read a single thing? There will be NO content left and no one's going to put up with this shit any more after they've had a taste of TOA for a few months, it's impossible for the devs to change course too because they didn't make a single thing besides that story that wasn't a blatant cash grab.

Elaman came out somewhere in March in CN and the devs claimed that they wanted us to be six months behind CN. What you should be asking is if they're being honest or they're doing what Aniplex did with Magia Record Global, pretending that they wanted to catch up with JP when they terminated the game after the first anniversary.
don't reply to me chinkcuck, I was just answering that anon. I have literally zero interest in the opinion of cockroaches.
Wheres the free pulls?
>Gets cucked out of pulls
>Gets cucked out of shards
>Doesn't see the problem
Global cucks, not even once.

With your imaginary shard compensation.
>Literally one of the only content in a whole damned year
Fixed that for you
>level 50 newbie talking like he knows all about the game again
Yeah, I know that the game is bleeding money and I know that the game has been losing players and revenue ever since it launched on top of reaching rank 50 twice over. What do you know?
Pretty sure even hoyo generals are better at ignoring newfags talking shit, idk why everyone entertains this particular newfag's delusions and replies to it for hours and hours.
Yeah yeah, convince yourself that business reports that show the game's plunging rankings throughout its lifetime even before TOA released isn't a problem.
Schizo Ari is that you???
Lutfi just sent me a letter.
EoS is imminent and necessary.
All according to keikaku.
Irian Patriots...Hold the Line.
go away seafag
The /vg/ special of
>I played this game for two days and am an expert on it
>Why is the music so repetitive?
>Why didn't the game put in directions?
>Why is the game so stingy?
>Why is it speeding up?
>Why are the devs bringing TOA over so quickly?
All of these can be answered with a simple answer: The devs do NOT have money and they're out of funds, contrary to retards thinking that they made a lot of money. There is no future for the game.
He's a financial expert now.
oh yeah i forgot my monthly pass was expiring, it has a fancy popup to remind you
She's the pro-slavery queen of Elamans.

Hokma is her spy and uses her parrots to send information back to her queen.

Acambe wants to free slaves especially the furries.
I mean not based on actual pull data, but rather based on statistical model to calculate the "modified expected rates" due to pity, which should be on average a bit higher than 2%.
He replies to himself btw
You're the one who's most likely to have samefagged, BTW.
Thanks for thread bump :)
Oh yeah, you can construct various models for expected probabilities.
Should not be too hard for a novice to do this in R, but I haven't done any Math work in a long time desu so I'm not sure.
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>another 7000 exp until i hit 55 and rank 11
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Why is the game so good?

I haven't played a fun SPRG like this in games. Every other game either forgets to put in the strategy aspect and becomes braindead or barely has any gameplay to begin with but this game has everything. It has strategy, it has great gameplay, it has cute girls and it even has the meatiest management mode i've ever seen in a gacha.

I think this game is great and I thank the developers for making such a great game and you anons for enjoying it with me.
>He doesn't know
Enjoy it while you can, it probably started out fine because the intention was to make it a standalone but things had to change because the parent company needed money.
Interesting about the Queen, was curious what the Elaman government was.

Is it that much? My god...
54 to 55 is 2800. That's the level I'm on.
I hope they do more pick tickets or other great deals, I want to continue supporting this game.
They never did.
i recently hit 52 and got that voyage momento dopamine, but it's 2400 from 52 to 53, it only gets worse from there, and momento is dead until 55 too
Ahh that's a bit better.

Is there anything interesting in the higher voyage momento ranks?
there's a trinket selector (with a very small pool) and a 2x gear selector
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fine i guess i need cocoa
what are the best value packs whaleGODS
i like the game even if im a lucklet

no i dont want to reroll, i have open overtime at work so i could hypothetically just work for an hour to get the SSR selector or whatever, rather than reroll for hours
i dont wanna whale either though, feels like u just skip the game when u do that
the winning move is always to whale with your dick
no resources, only chasing characters for fun
The selector ticket
The monthly
The super summon pack with 20 rolls for $15
Monthly summon for $10 doesn't look bad either
Cocoa looks really cute bros
Monthly 1 and monthly 2 (I forget the contents as you can't see them after buying.)
Those are better value than the double-up bonus iirc. Aside from that, nothing is amazing, but the weeklies are a better conversion than straight gem purchases once you've exhausted the top-up bonus.
The third monthly is "okay", I got it last month and will get it again when I want to stock up more (that's the 30 fate, 1 castalia package.)
I haven't finished a run of Spiral either, that will change with the next update when your assists will retain their levels so you can just skip most of the battles and only focus on critical ones
And yeah, obviously the selector is great.
BP is also good desu (cornucopia.)
based lucklet
No because I have better taste in women
Newfag here.
I installed the game and rerolled a few times, was trying to get Gloria. Got LilyWill + Beryl on an account. Should I stop rerolling or should I keep going?
Good enough.
If you're autistic enough to keep rerolling, you could play on that account if you want and keep rerolling on the side.

Other options you have at your disposal is buying an account or waiting like a week to play and reroll for Cocoa+Someone else
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>Subscription expired
nyoooooooo my backtrack crutch
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Radiant this season was so easy
I can't believe newfags were dooming about this when it's basically free to stay on the toppest tier even if you miss several days
I'm kinda busy this month, so I might not renew for now since Saffiyah/Auguste could be delayed.
All doomposters are retarded, more news at eleven.
Even ToA will be the same. Most people will be at tier 3/4 easily unless you don't play the game
Depends on whether you're lucky, I know a giga lucklet day 1 player (All he has besides the starters is Teadon) and he just can't reach Radiant.

>He thinks people were just doomposting about TOA
PVP is a linear grind, not a comparative ranking like ToA is. Completely different ranking systems, they aren't comparable.
Pretty much. It's going to be another massive nothingburger as everyone gets most of the rewards in their sleep.
Don't tell them that anon, they'll just call you a chink doomschizo even though they don't know that the devs never added substantial QOL, GVG, became more generous or did like literally anything else besides selling banners and story to sell banners. And did I mention making TOA to sell banners?
A chink doomschizo that didn't play the game past the first two days
At least get your shitposts right you clueless newfag
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Another day, another scam
>He thinks you can get to 50+ in two days
that's been me pretty much the past week
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Can't wait for it personally. More sources of gems and more content are always welcome!

Game has been excellent so far so I look forward to more updates and what they can do.
>wasted 80 rolls to roll for Nono
>get Momo instead
Its so joever
Beryl is already good enough desu. I have a problem of having to bench people I like at this point, you will probably have the same problem after you roll ~150 times
The Gold units are often better for some of my teams btw, so don't ignore them.
>He says this when the devs banned people over complaining about signature weapons and PVP that was obviously meant to sell the signature weapons, and that's the next update
You know what, the chinks are unironically based for giving the devs shit for thinking they were mindless metaslaves.
Isn't that more reason to buy it though? It's pretty easy to just sweep your dailies in 60 seconds and buying it now that you have time to actually get the full 30 days means that you can save more for Safi+Auguste.
While if you buy it when they get announced, you'll get like 20 days out of the 30 from the pass or barely one full pass.
lucky ink hoarder
I had heard that the "pen is mightier than the sword" setup gets really good when ToA releases
They are mindless metaslaves, they complained because they were having trouble mindlessly following the changing meta
Kill all chinks
>replying to the chinkschizo newfag
dude barely played this game
unironically has spent way more time seething about it than playing it LMAO
Yeah, wait until you see how unpleasant and intolerable TOA actually is. At least the chinks got to enjoy the comfiness of the game for a few months, you retards never even got that much.
I'm more of a light spender, so I take breaks in my monthlies so it doesn't feel like a chore. I want them, but I'm okay if I miss them in the 50/50. I care about meta, but it's not the end all be all.
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At 85 saved rolls right now, think I can get to 100 before Cocoa.

How are you doing bros? Gonna be pretty comfy given that she's first. I didn't want to hard skip Auguste+Safi but them pushing Cocoa first lets me dump my whole load on her and just toss whatever at the other two
Also I'm playing other games atm that are taking more of my time than Convallaria.
Not even going to bother touching my rolls at this rate.
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I just wanted Saffiyah, life is suffering.
I got Edda and Simona on their first 10 pulls so I have about 130 rolls saved. I should be able to pity her if need be.
>Mixed Vlderian and Irian heritage
So some irian went and fucked a Vlder?
Its funny to see all these metaslaves suffering because they can't get their Saffiyah
This but Auguste.
>TFW holding onto pity
>TFW Auguste needs 4* anyway
>TFW devs still haven't done a single bonus shard event
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That's almost 20 rolls for free
>no tail
Touch Vlder Tail bros, how do we cope?
Cocoa, Acambe, and Homa are all meta too you fucking retard. Maybe Acambe less because he needs too many conditionals like 5* Cocoa too.
Yea but they are not crying like these Saffiyah cucks (and Auguste too) because muh DPS
I'll touch her ears instead
>For free
>When people confessed they didn't even finish a single fucking route the first time
I used every single one of my rolls getting Momo and Nono
It'll all work out though, I'm not worried
Yeah, guess what do you need for the tower you absolute fucking retard.
People forgot to use expiring potions too, it was still free stamina for the rest of us
You can just do critical battles in SoD. Just skip everything else.
Well no shit, I've used all of my stamina potions before they expired and also finished two routes (Might as well put off Union for now though). That's still a mighty disingenuous thing to say.
Sure if you want to speedrun bad ends because you have no faction relations or get yourself locked into a Riovanes Castle situation from not levelling
That's like saying it isn't free when they give out currency in a log in event because some fat fucks are too lazy to click a button. It's still fucking free for anyone not a complete retard.
>Riovanes Castle
Kek, that was a fun time.

Apparently we're getting a QoL that the TW version only got recently too. This means that we're going to get all the nice shit that TW has today from day1 and not have to suffer for months like they did.
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>Riovanes Castle
Don't care, got 2500 jims.
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To turn grayscale sprites to color
You need to rearrange the palette image colors and resize it to 256x1
New Kid is a loser
Ramza's a big dick G
>sprite sheet
oh fuck this is bringing back 00s nostalgia. Quick someone edit her green and give her different bangs and call her your OC
>Global will have the QoL to grind out exclusive weapons since day1
got Beryl Gloria Dantalion Simona with 55 pulls, holding 30 dollar selector for eos or innana, 300 pulls left for meta trannies
>Apparently we're getting a QoL that the TW version only got recently too
Is that...
>nice shit that TW has today
Like what, better AI or mats conversion? LOL
For the autists, apparently there's an achievement for not using any assists in a run so you might want to do your first run without using assists.
Don't worry fellow totally obvious chinkschizo, they'll fail to realize that this still has to do with the gacha and that all the devs did for low-rank mats was to make an event where you can exchange a few at a time.
You can save right before the fight in Riovanes Castle only to be BTFO by the boss and be unable to get out, which softlocks your game and forces you to start over. This battle is the reason every FFT player will tell you to make more than one save file.
save point immediately before a notoriously difficult boss, if you saved and couldn't beat it your file was bricked
Honestly though, looking back that moment was peak fucking kino.
It was pretty good but for me it's the Orlandeau battle separated by the big gate
Got about 140 rolls saved up for this cute rabbit, absolutely comfy. I couldn't give less of a shit about Saff or Auguste though, my end game is clearing all contents with a full Vlder team so next stop is Shaklulu.
Yeah, some of the SOD fights are quite difficult but I'm quite disappointed that none of them managed to carry such a heavy weight or feel impactful.
I'm hoping there's enough of a gap between Cocoa and Homa to save if I have to go deep. I'm due to get fucked in this game.
Assuming they do all the banners in order it's Cocoa, Acambe, Hasna and then Homa.
Can't you just cheat through it?
I'm assuming they're gonna try to sneak Saf or Auguste inbetween at some point. They probably know how strong they hold up and want to slot at least 1 after the banner post Cocoa.
Anon...most of the people who played this blind would have been kids at that time.
That's my assumption too and it'd seem to line up with why the devs went on crackdown even harder to avoid CCs spoiling their plans.
>oh I'll do it next week, I have plenty of time
>ah the Cornucopia just ended, might as well wait so the progress counts for seasonal missions
>well I still have a few days to clear it, just gotta pace myself
2 AM on a Saturday huh? Time to unleash my inner gamer. I'm sorry sensei, I have to go all out just this once. Forgive me.
You can't do it kid
cant log in its joever
man how fucking clear 6-5? The slimes are killing me and I can only push 2 to the void
Saffiyah was my first choice but Cocoa too cute to skip. Gonna take the chance she doesn't take me deep and Saf ends up right after. Half hoping they throw a spiral update character banner in there to keep the getting all big three dream alive.
Fuck off, Marche. Nobody likes you
I remember the first time I beat it as a shitter, I dragged them to the bottom room burning the path with Beryl.
It's tough, I did it at 36 after many tries. I did it by rushing to the right side and slowly kiting/grinding and pushing the slimes until only Guzman was left. Even then I had to restart from scratch a few times when he scored too many crits. Bring a lot of strong watchers/ranged units and hope your melee tanks don't get critted lol
Oh yeah I'm 35 right now so maybe I shouldn't be trying for now?
but I'll try both these and see what happens
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Any advice for clearing the final battle in papal route good end?
I'm getting my shit absolutely rekt after clearing the left and right side enemies.
Once I pick my 3rd god blessing, they all come at me and just wreck everyone.
Are there specific blessing I should be using btw?
it's multiple fights before you can save and they can all be considered tough for different reasons. I remember the entire sequence being harder than any tower stage but that could be nostalgia talking
dead game
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getting real tired of these redditors and their crying about luxite
>Only redditors care about pulling in a gacha game
Don't let Lutfi find out
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I only cares about waifus
Bat best girl
Cat a shit
eww gross, SKIP
>some Irian get to bang a Vlder to give birth to Cocoa
What do you think people buy female slaves for? It's not uncommon.
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why does Acambe have a molten gold Vlder woman in his splash art? weren't Elaman Vlder slave owners? what did he mean by this?
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What makes you think she's Vlder?
the background art has multiple vlder woman on the mural
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And yet the gold woman lacks Vlderian features.
you're right, wasn't paying attention to the lack of tail.
guess (ourguy) isn't a furry then.
Now that's just rude I like vlders but I'm not a furry
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v*derians or as i like to call them, viggers, are not human and should leave Iria immediately
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Is Beryl a mixed race too
Beryl is my wife.
Acambe dipped a live vlder in molten gold, as she died painfully she hardened into a statue, forever preserved in her death throes.
Beryl is an abomination of science
Why is Lutfi so based and cringe at the same time?
Just hit 45, when should I start pushing for story to get engravings?
This will be one of those so-called "events" that are timed according to account creation date right?
Now, they only take 45 to unlock
I love Alexei so fucking much it's unreal. He's easily the best unit so far since you can just teleport him into the middle of a clusterfuck to both buy time and kill a bunch of enemies even if he ends up dying.
>8-5 of fool's journey
>Only on 5-1
Chapter 7 is starting to slap me really hard halfway through and I'm 47. Not sure it's even doable without specific strats.
Applied to Vidya
UID: 4898
Male MC profile pic
Pls accept
>Male MC profile pic
I assure you it is, I went through all of 7 at 43-45 using a gimmick team of only Union units
Missed a few stars but made it through fine
Most of chapter 7 has a special regroup tactic spell it wants you to use, that's as far as I had to go for specific strats and then I had to wait for account level 40 or 45 whichever it is that unlocked chapter 8
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Inanna + Gloria
To get flag move effect on Inanna's guard on turn 1 you must deploy Inanna first (if Gloria is already deployed remove her then deploy her again)
I always deploy Inanna last so this always work for me
huh, so that's why she wasn't always buffing the summon
So you can now play SoD with all your whaled characters instead of just 3? I guess that's cool, don't really care though.
I just did 7 at 43/44. It wasn't to bad aside from the last fight but as the anon said they want you to use regroup for a lot of the fights and that does make it easier. 7 as a chapter also has a lot of stage gimmicks to take advantage of.
It's called assist mode and there's an achievement for playing the way the devs intended which is not using the assist mode at all
New player here, should I stop after getting the Tarots and move on to grind the other events or should I try to get as much as I could from this event?
Get the legendary tarrots, legendary/epic ore, and tarrot essence. Plenty of time to do the other event
No. Continue until the event ends. try to get the legendary ore and the star spike/glows too
I did 1 single on new banner at exactly 2% in like 250 pulls and got lilywill. thats the 2nd time at 2% rates a single has got me a ssr nowhere close to pity
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This is too hard
Will do, thanks.
Also, is it possible to get these quests done in a single run or do they require repeated tries and severe autism?
Yes, those can be done in one route run
One run is all that's required, or at least that's all it required for me. I actually had all the quests done before even finishing my run, still haven't finished that run in fact.
Cheers, seems like there's really no haste so I guess I could fuck around for a bit before trying to look for guides.
Toronto in nip translates "boom, boom, boom" seriously?

will get easier when you get to 50, use 2 seekers
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Would you prefer one of these instead?
That one requires a bit of stats tweaking. You have to make sure your Angel have the highest M.DEF at all times.
Also try to equip your units with The devil tarots
Where is Saffiyah!?
I want to swipe
I want to swipe
I want to swipe
I want to swipe
I want to swipe
I mean then just imagine how funny it would be to them when they hear there's a city called boomboomboom in the schoolshooted states
> there's really no haste
There isn’t but also don’t become this guy >>493496632. Remember a single SoD node takes several hours.
It's only a brick if he doesn't unleash his inner gamer
Col makes this boss the easiest
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So do I just break them down or is there some other use for these?
there is apparently an inventory limit of 500 according to breakdown so you're gonna break those down sooner or later
It's dodondon, deafanon. One of countless nip onomatopoeia/generic cute sounds much like stuff like kurae or moratta are generic fighting words.
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I imagine the same goes for the weapons
shut up Jecht
you can skip quests and only do critical battles
remember this, it will save your sanity

you can train units like 5+ levels with training option
Units can be used at critical battles even if they're busy training/resting/whatever
oh yeah I hear it now thanks, it's funny how you can almost roll a "d" sound
I-I’m sure he made it…
unless you ever end up scrambling for 20 lux by trading 10k coins into 5 starring garbage for the "X pieces of gear reach star level 5"... i say screw that
How do you fix SoD to make it more enjoyable
I've missed the last 2 or 3 thingies (the ones that required you to complete a full run)
No biggy
bricked myself

bring at least 3 units, i did not do the math
bro the game even tells you what you're going to get on the left side
>farming fecal
wrong way around innit
I'll get the free trio to 4 stars then I'll stop since I'll probably get spooked by them again when I pull for Cocoa
Who other than Lily on aids build uses this?
Late-GOD...I kneel
Enjoy the coffee
well now that even makes sense, was just a humus joke though carry on
agile eye if properly fluffed, or outlaw crossbowman
Did it today at level 51 in 6 rounds with Dantalion, Col, Rawiyah, Angel, Abyss. Equip everyone but Abyss with devil. Need judgement with unlocked special ability on Abyss, park her 2 tiles away from boss' center tile. Only tactic needed is war horn, but urgent order might help also
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why would you roll for Cocoa when you can just ticket the better and sexier support (Inanna)?
Inane a
Because I don't want Inanna
I'm a luckchad and already got Inanna
because i dont want xavier
no way fag
If you end up with Xavier from trying to ticket Inanna that's entirely your fault
she must be
the local men simply can't resist her and they won't let her resist them
>rolling for halfbreed
>2 out of 241 legendaries
I wonder how low I can go in this kusoge. 2% rates btw.
Magnus is probably my favorite character gameplaywise, that aoe basic attack is insane, you can counter with it, your singletarget nuke hits really fucking hard, you don't do less damage while injured, you passively debuff and buff both teams AND with tuning hammer every attack dispels. Why did it have to be a cool old man though...
Cocoa is sexier than Inanna
Is collision damage counted as piercing damage? I knocked two units into each other in 9-5 and they just fucking evaporated. The stage has 400% extra piercing damage
Is Nungal any good beside her tits?
>disgusting female fantasy character
ew no thanks
>Mixed Vlderian and Irian heritage
I fear to read the lore after unlocking her bonds. It might straight up says that she's a rapechild because this game is a grittier kind.
If you have Inanna in your acc, don't be surprised when bad things start regularly happening to you.
you can have both on the same tile...
yes she builds into effective single target magic dmg at high level but she's going to be underwhelming if you try to use her before then in her basic attack build
I can fix her
Because they don't do the same thing bro.
You're a fucking coward mate
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Momo is pretty fucking clutch, just knocked the 3 big guys into each other and took out like half their health
Don't worry, she's born out of pure love. What ever happened to her parents is the real tragedy.
>274 rolls
>2.19% rates
>2 out of 6 legendaries were dupes
Help, how do I stop myself from dropping this game?
Ice bitch story unlock in 1 hour.
Just drop it and don't look back bro.
quit now. come back to gacha when you unlock the luck skill.
>Simona event
>the story is just shilling Alexei and his faction instead and Simona is treated as the bad guy
>Story is shilling Alexei and his faction
>Doesn't actually add Agatha until so much later that she became almost as much of a meme as Lutfi
>Also didn't bother adding in the SRs
Nice going devs
i want more hags. when is the next hag
why would you drop it?
No hags, more lolis
should i take resentment broom to 60 for momo
it's really tailor made for her, and it's not like i'll be using her against bosses regardless
i just wish it provided some benefit to her strike backs/alerts
I think Momo wants the wand that gives 10% HP
>sounds like it could be interesting
jk nevermind
I use the BP staff on her because she's super NRG hungry
Alert is considered a single target attack
the pvp is a nothingburger and extremely easy to get max rewards
Just don't do them 4head
OK I think I'm done with this game. Gacha has been pissing on me since the start.
Have fun bros, I'm out.
play spiral once it's pretty gud and your luck doesn't matter there (don't take iria route the translation is shit)
i guess that's a safe choice since it's also good on anyone, but simona's using it currently for me. focus wand on beryl because i use her for chuu, and diffusing prism on lash

>11 bucks
ehhh, i haven't minded using a basic attack here and there for nrg restore, between positioning and enemy groupings i haven't found it too troublesome

yeah that's why it's unfortunate
Godspeed bro.
>using momo
I thought you were a meta slave?
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Smile status: Unprotected
Why are basic towers hitting me for 3k?
pierces defense
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Buy rolls for Nonowill or buy SMT V Vengeance?
Buy NonoWill.
does lash's trait trigger after using Dark Withering?
despite not dealing damage directly, it is technically an attack that is targeting enemies
i regret thinking i wanted more support and chose her other skill on that branch
nothing beats teary eyed hair down disheveled Inanna getting raped by peasants
story event Act XI has unlocked
Pirate SMT, get your waifu
>buy waifu or buy faggot
Hard choice bwo
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I'm going to impregnate all the Vlder girls and make hybrids like Cocoa
Buy the game that has real content, obviously.
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To you faggots that said
>The game will railroad you to Lutfi route first :)
Fuck you
Now I have to do this shitty route again just to get the fucking beacon and unlock Gloria's first story record
Fuck you
pirate SMT V bro
you can't pirate nonowill so
>you can't pirate nonowil
Your 30k gold bro???
You ARE pulling for Acambe instead of the smelly Vlder, right?
Can you VPN to Japan for the topup?
>not a single one was accurate
>Cocoa higher ranked than Acambe
>buy nonowill from an elaman slave merchant then pirate smt v
I question /socg/s problem solving skills
Doesn't Cocoa feed NRG to Acambe?
I regret pulling Lilyvia
>Actual P2W character who needs a P2W weapon and another P2W character as support
nah, its tied to where the account was created if you want the 5% discount on site
Who does Acambe need as support?
How did you do it?
I did the Order route 2 times and it never let me choose between stall the investigation or help Gloria right away, only when I used her beacon but for that, I had to go through Lutfi route first
5* Cocoa is practically mandatory if you want to get mileage from him because of her trait, you're losing somewhere around 50% damage if you don't have her.
>roll cocoa
>roll acambe
>get 1 bp
Pretty cheap desu
I have no Idea. I just keep helping Gloria and Ignore Lutfi. I did state that I trusted Lutfi in the journal at the beginning though
thats lame, i wanted to use inanna as my support instead for a full summoner team
Thanks, that sucks.
>innana, acambe, saffiyah, cocoa
f2p btw
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How many times do I have to see my dear LilyWill die... I'm going insane!
>Get 1 BP
Lol no, 5* BP staff too.
havent extensively tried it though so mught be a work around but getting the 5%+weak jap currency is impoosible unless you made the account with a vpn
just be lucky bwo
sure dude let me just kill myself to reroll as a texan oil tycoon
I don't care about Acambe or Cocoa, nor am I giving a single cent.
>struggling for my life with a full army of allies on the right
>this little NPC nigga solos the entire left side
I should be embarrassed
he channelled the spirit of the 3-13 archer
>3-13 archer
His ancestor, smiling down upon him
That's pretty cheap. The only issue is waiting 5 months.
He doesn't had to deal with the ice bitch.
Man how do you guys struggle in Spiral
Simona getting knotted by Alexei
It's the event though
Problem is that the BP is pretty rubbish anyway, might as well pick some other DPS.
Nevermind then
sex with a brat
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Today, I made it to 10-1 this week too. Let's do our best next week again bros!
this, but a hag
having a whole lot of fun on these new event maps watching the 75 AI units fight each other for 5 minutes before i can move!
Don't worry bro, you can also have fun holding down the button to make them go faster because fuck just having a toggle for this.
the BP is pretty good value
It's shit
You don't even get 100k dust from them
trust me i've had 2x held down the entire time
the gems and castallia are already good for the cost
the rest is just a bonus
This, hell if I remember whether Genshit's BP was any better after you've played for a while but Genshit also let you convert your fucking mats.

RIP then.
>He's still dust filtered not ore filtered
The gems are quite literally the worst value possible as it's a simple 1:1 conversion. The only thing BP actually has in it that's worthwhile is the weapon and some resources you can farm anyway, that's it.
It's a bit more than 1:1 conversion on gems, but you get a castallia and a trinket and the corn weapon.

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