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>BO6 Open Beta Patch Notes

>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Trello Board

>BO6 Stat Checker (requires X account)



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>493099890
First for Treygods
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This is a Marshalls checkpoint

Only treyChads may pass
downloaded the HQ
bo6 beta will appear in the dlc section at 19.00?
You can already download the beta.
But it will be live in 1 hour 30 minutes.
Is Marshal on stone's side? I have to run based-Stone but if Marshal is on the other side i'll run him and lay the BBC-schmeat on some cracKKKers
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They're on opposite teams
Funniest part of Cold War was getting put into a 4 or 5stack of nigs who would all individually have a different skin for the one black guy in Cold War.
Not a big fan of the forced-DEI-inclusion slop like having to always have a character with Vitiligo and all of that, but you can't deny that Activision is making jackpot by having a masculine-black-dude. All the darkies buy skins for the black character. "Inclusion" actually works from a financial perspective.
but i'm not seeing any bo6 option in the dlc window?
It's called BLACK Ops for a reason, anon
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Do you see this in your game folder?
>Settings (top right)
>Manage Files
Yes. Hence the deletion and correction.
But keep feeling like a l33t hacker for having a Chrome extension installed.
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>buffed dropshot speed
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huh, seems to be installed
but it says 117 gb when i only have downloaded the 60 gb of HQ
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Firewalk devs watching everyone hop on the open beta the same day Concord dies
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>Treyarch diversity quota
>Infinity Ward diversity quota
pic related
I dunno. Vitiligo is mandatory for ESG score compliance. I wouldn't be surprised to see it again in BO6
all those devs were in on the plan
free dei money for 8 years doing nothing
they'll find a new job soon
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Not yet.
>Console tards are already online
Fucking nigger company
up on steam
i'd be fine with diversity if we had less vitiligo mongoloids and more cole train
>b-but he's a stereotype
yeah but he's hilarious
Operator when?
new map is good
>SCUD removed
>Kill Order still in both moshpits
No more camping for you hahaha
Sprint Hold/Toggle is fixed but the ADS transition they mentioned in patch notes was not implemented lol!
They must have reset the SBMM, my hit detection is working and people are less sweaty.
I purely played OBJ (standing on the point) on that map and even on TDM not stop pushed.
Even with a sniper.
But okay,
I'd rather have diverse chads than whatever the fuck Nova is. Ideally we'd go back to generic grunts each faction had in BO1 & 2, but right now I don't mind any of the operators. I use Marshall and this guy atm
>he doesnt know
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>launch cod hq
>update requires restart
>restart cod hq
>run bo6 beta
>update requires restart
i cant stand all the fucking retarded spics in this game
small indie company first time making game please understand
Spics though, I literally wish they would just die
>update requires restart
They really need to fix this shit, especially if they ever go to a new engine.
Why couldn't they just make her black or white? That shit looks nasty.
Obsession, thats literally it
Getting a lot of aim resist with a controller, I can often get close to a moving target but it won't let me actually do the micro-adjustment to get on target.
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in y'all's opinions, which one of these camos looks best on this blueprint? (It's En Passant for the Razorback, from S5 MWII)
ai art have come so far
true even if i have no idea how that's related, but forreal which of those camos should I run
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>diversity quota
Marshall will never be a diversity quota he's too hot for that
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>throw stun grenade
>run around corner and die
Face off is the best way to play CoD.
Only gunplay no killstreaks

CoD 4 was a mistake.



>reddit spacer watches a pedo
imagine that
WOW Babylon is such a good map!!!! Im so glad they removed SCUD for this REALLY good map...
And yet I bet there will still be crybabies shitting their nappies over aim assist calling it "OP" and "cheating" and a "literal aimbot" lol.
Pedo has lost all meaning now just like the word nazi has.
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played a match of the beta
this feels exactly like mw3 which felt exactly like mw2 and so on
what's the point of all this?
>she was 17 years and 364 days old you sick fuck
doc literally did nothing wrong
>0 sexy characters in black ops 6 beta
>ugly black woman included ofc
sigh I wish i didn't play this slop franchise
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Let's Go, milsimbros!
imagine gripping it to a guy who gets off to tranny porn and watches little boys pee
Told yall >>493344124
>forgot to change controls
>game crashes
>have to boot up hq again
>then boot up bo6
i think il ljust play something else
Got a error lol
>black screen glitch still happening
Time for a refund. Fuck these devs.
Don't be stupid, Blops 6 feels much worse.
Die in a fire
Cant even get on the beta lol tf is this shit it’s literally coming up with dev error
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Why did this nade blow up so fast?
omnimovement doesn't really work with WASD
Stfu northern city faggot just because you fags stole the term yall don’t mean it belongs to you or niggers it’s a white southern thing remember that
skill based frag fuse
>lifetime mkb player
>plug in controller to test omnimovement
>finish 1st two matches with 1.8 & 1.4 k/d
>gunfights don't feel as butt-clenching anymore
yes it does
meh omni shit or no omni shit im not playing an fps with a controller
It really doesn't. Moving a stick around in infinite directions feels much better than the 8 direction combo you can do with a keyboard. And sprinting backwards feels much more natural when pulling down the stick rather than swapping from W to S.
>2 matches in already getting sweaty lobbies
And now I leave
I can’t even get on lol
>sprinting backwards feels much more natural when pulling down the stick rather than swapping from W to S
every old pc game has "omnimovement" read: every direction is the same speed instead of weird backpedal animations that are slow as shit, go play half life 1 faggot
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>141 gig full game yikes
>create a class item description layout is still ass
>all that room and they still limit themselves to only 2-3 lines
>more lines? should we expand the writing area?
>lmao no make a text crawl instead
>can't read text on light background
>no new killstreaks, seen them all before

>gameplay still tight
>maps are pretty fun
>characters look alright
>perk speciality is new
>menu theme is nice

it's better than vanguard and mw22
fuck no i'm not buying it at full price
see you all over at game pass
How can they justify using SBMM when they removed headshots?
>menu theme is nice
nah its a downgrade from CW
rising tide is so fucking good I hope we get an option to use that as menu music at some point
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>add Kill Order, a gamemode where a specific player is the objective (always a bad thing, valve figured this out years ago with team fortress)
>HVT has armor plates
>no keybind available for kbm to apply plates
yeah I'm just going to play face off for the rest of the beta if kill order is going to be part of mosh pit's gamemodes
Is there no way to look at the actual gun stat increases? Just green line +?
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Is this really what I'm supposed to click to play the beta? It says warzone.
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for me it's recon
It's the same as in Warzoom - G key. Perhaps you are not clever enough for this game?
how do i have 3ms ping and the game feels like garbage that desyncs and people have huge peekers advantage on me where i get instantly deleted before i can even react to seeing them on my screen
There maps are garbage
Are the interceptors non-lethal so they get the dispatcher perk bonus?
I probably played half life more times than you. You're an idiot
1 game and I’m off lol way to try hard got 30 kills 8 deaths
Back out of lobby
>Kill Order (any map)
Back out of lobby
Don't think i'll be playing past today at this rate. Spending more time lobby shopping than playing.
clearly not if you think holding fucking S to run backwards feels unnatural retard, I fucking bhop backwards
>coping this hard cause you caved in and switched to controller
Just admit you're a bitch
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The actual option to change the keybind for armor plates does not exist. If you use a keybind preset it's listed at G, but I've rebound stuff because I like to customize the layout to my taste.
If you go to the Horn keybind under vehicles it says it's linked to Armor Plate/Drop Item but nothing is actually linked under "Go to related settings." If you unlink the Horn keybind the message doesn't even list the armor plate keybind. It just says "HORN was unlinked from ." while other options say something like "LEAN OUT/LEAN IN was unlinked from MELEE."
the fuck are you on about
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normal vertical menu layout again, finally
The Doc is back baby YAYA
The movement in this game is so fucking strange, omnidirectional sprinting makes you feel slow no matter what, and when you slide you gain momentum and shoot forward. What the fuck were they thinking?
violence, speed, child rape and gooning to trannies
I said sprint dumb faggot. On analog you can either push the stick slightly to walk or push it all the way to trigger auto sprint. And you can reverse sprinting directions without feeling like you are controlling a tank. The worst part is still being limited to 8 directions with wasd
Sub only mode for comments too. Twitter trannys seething.
So why are people crying?
I haven't played CoD in a long time but this one seems pretty fun for what it is

my only complaint is how easy snipers are to use but whatever
What cod did you play before this?
not sure, modern warfare i think?
Fooly and BT are the same person right?
get out
I accept your concession.
You're ass, stick to baby controls.
>So why are people crying?
We cry every year, that's just the way it goes.
Huh... interesting...

But enough about you already
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What's your true identity?
Just wait until the sbmm kicks in and the literal aimbot controller users beam you from across the map!!!!
which one?
>cod4 modern warfare
>modern warfare remaster
>modern warfare 2019
modern warfare
basically worthless due to the existence of the recon specialty because you'll still show up as an enemy via wallhacks
>Recon specialty
Im not gay though so i run Red perks like a man
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but that's not going to stop other players from being gay and using recon
>the underground map the size of a fucking fingernail

okay, bullet dodged thank god i didnt buy this dogshit game yet
>We nerfed Jackal guys!!!!!!!!!
>Still four shots
So do NONE of the studios know how to make games anymore? I expect this shit from Sledgehammer, NOT Treyarch
I piss in the ass of your ancestors wannabe tough guy
TreyarchCM says he's flagged the ADS Transition time up to the appropriate team since it's not implemented after claiming it was on patch notes
how does black ops always have that special gun feel that IW games lack?
It's calles soul, and it's only reserved for 3arc games
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remember to support our girl
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they really couldnt have added a separate launch option to just launch bo6 instead of having to boot up mw3 every time
welcome to the CoDiverse faggot
Drink bleach, advertising and e-celebs are off-topic. Bet you are underage or near underage too.
got my first collat with the bolt-action snipper riffle leds gooooo
I think too used to MW3 snipers, but sometimes shots just dont land at all
>tranime cgi
uh oh cringe!
It's a faceoff map lol
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shotgun need a buff. its completely useless compared to smgs
Fucking state of this franchise, I forgot him much time you wasted with stupid shit.
You used to get in a decent lobby and just play.
Now I've got black screens and endless loops of waiting for players, fucking algos make this shit unplayable
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he won
Where the heck is Klem showing his Astro Bot box?
Nooo dont heckin talk to 17 and 364 day year olds!
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is mouse movement tied to latency or something??? my view keeps jerking around and skipping
it happens with controller too, just leave the match
My thoughts
>hoooly 10/10 movement is amazing
>first three matches putting down 40-50 bombs
>game figures out my mmr, puts me in with the rest of the sweats
>slightly less fun now, 8/10
trust the brecci (usas-12)
Sorry astro bot is an actually halfway decent game he only parades around literal dogshit exclusives for some reason.
We need bigger maps
hide in the bookshelf/vent area in the mansion map saw some rat doing that didnt help him when i nuked him with nade/stun + tube combo
tube is actually really good in the beta when nobody is using flak jacket and you can refill it
I know. Does scavenger actually refill tubes? If yes, we're so fucking back like mw2 times
Wow, two games in a row and it gets stuck finding a game, so I've got to load up MW3 to get out and start looking for a match again. Utter shite these people shouldn't have jobs
dunno, i know the field upgrade does
Oh wow, ANOTHER crash just trying to back out of the endless match search glitch, bravo treyarch
Unbelievable, I'm on Xbox ffs and I'm still having to restart and trouble shoot every two games, what utter gash this is
Works on my PC
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Does rapid fire actually do anything? I dont notice any difference with AK
its like 8-15% tops i think
Ahhhh first hack-usation in chat. Feels good man.
i got called a hacker because i sniped someone with the wallhack perk on.
ive had to restart 4 times and link my phone number just to play so far
I'm surprised, this game has been utter dogshit since mw19 jewed cod to death
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Thanks for the spawns IW9 engine
>update requires restart
>endless matchmaking
>two shit games
>endless matchmaking
>get into a game but all you can see is a black screen
>endless matchmaking
>two more games
>endless matchmaking
Lmao, enjoy it if you even manage to get in, it's a wired shit cod anyway so it seems like an even bigger waste of time
the only thing i like about this game is the AK and the train map
im rank 25 and have never managed to take a hostage
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>90% of people use the starting smg
>shotgun range 2 yards
yep it's cod
i wish we had remington from black ops 2 that guaranteed a kill from that range
why do they keep making these slide spam games
I miss og mw3 so much
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still fun even on dead ass plutonium. nucod is complete shit
consequence of mw2s abysmal player retention
imagine playing on pc lmao
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This. I never got any of the issues mentioned itt, this is enough to deter me from buying one.
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Is this really the only thing I have to download or is it gonna assfuck me with additional downloads after?
Retard techlets.
It's not because of the fucking frame rate you idiot, stuttering happens with packet burst and other server related issues.
There is nothing you can do about it on your end either.
it doesnt happen every match faggot, its easier to leave and requeue
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>snipers 1 shot with 0 downsides (this is ok)
>shotguns 1 shot at point blank and anything past that does fuck all damage (this is OP)
Yeah it was alright for the first hour and now it got just as bad as week 1
snipers need damage ramp up or "reversed" damage fall off
imagine if they didn't 1-shot in ranges that shotguns 1-shot the salt would be amazing
Battlefield 1 sweet spot mechanic was great
bro nobody is using snipers in the beta
>>snipers 1 shot with 0 downsides (this is ok)
Delayed rechambering
Pin point accuracy
Slow ads
No hipfire accuracy
Glint visble to the enemy
Slow movement
Slow sprint/slide to fire speed
>no downsides
You suck at the game. Shotguns are a crutch.
thank you activision for shit servers + forced texture streaming
This shit keeps fucking crashing after every game now, it was fine last week
>Slow ads
>No hipfire accuracy
>Slow movement
>Slow sprint/slide to fire speed
I'm on Xbox x and it's absolutely broken, I've honestly not got 3 games in a row without something happening that requires a restart of the game
i feel like it also has some weird issue with hit detection, sometimes shots just wont land
didnt he get banned for being a pedo?
>Delayed rechambering
attachments make this a non issue
>Pin point accuracy
doesn't matter when you're point blank retard
>Slow ads
attachments make this a non issue
>No hipfire accuracy
doesn't matter when point blank again and also attachments make this a non issue
>Glint visble to the enemy
not if you don't run a scope
>Slow movement
wrong lmao
>Slow sprint/slide to fire speed
also wrong lmao
i am and about 3 people on each time in every single lobby are
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Strategist CHADS.... we stay WINNING.
I'm having an odd issue. Trying to play on ps5 because I don't want that chink anticheat shit on my pc.
But, for some reason, after it boots HQ up, it blacks my screen out for 4-5 seconds, it cuts all audio to my ps5, I can't hear anything, not even xmb sounds or music, until I exit the game entirely, then it blacks out again for 4-5 seconds, back on xmb, audio works just fine.
Anyone know what the fuck that's about? Kinda impossible to play with no sound.
Skyline is still the only good map in the beta
>match begins countdown timer after map voting can go into the negatives
>doesn't matter when you're point blank retard
It does matter
>attachments make this a non issue
It doesn't. You can't rechamber mid sprint unlike shotgun
>>Slow ads
>attachments make this a non issue
Still pretty slow
>>No hipfire accuracy
>doesn't matter when point blank again and also attachments make this a non issue
Point blank snipers can't do shit, one miss and they are dead
>Glint visble to the enemy
>not if you don't run a scope
No serious sniper runs a scope
>>Slow movement
>>Slow sprint/slide to fire speed
>wrong lmao
You don't even play the game but keep coping about snipers being easier than shotguns (if that the case you'll use them but we know how dogshit your aim is)
babylon is great if you like brainrot
shotguns have just as slow if not slower rechamber/reloads the ones that don't usually do not 1 shot anyway lmao ironic that you try and say I don't play the game when you clearly don't
It's literally not and it's also solvable with attachments but you don't say that now. Disingenuous and bad at the game, many such cases
and one of the two snipers in the game doesn't even need to rechamber you dumb nigger
yes it does LMAO do you even play the game
>Snipers are too OP!!
Use them then. Let's see your godtier skills
>nooo its so hard pointing and clicking!!!
Shitment ruined COD
It's not. You must be good at them then
Interceptors scorestreak fucking sucks
>1100 points to just shoot down UAV and maybe a helicopter
Nu-COD peaked with MW19, this game feels awful.
It clears the entire map, highly useful if the enemy is a scorestreak shitter
Dr. Disrespect likes it. Handler likes it. Jev hates it. Blops6 confirmed as a great cod game. Buy it now!
You know what's funny about the anti snipers schizo is because you know he suck at the game and can't aim for shit, complaining about something that should be easy to use according to him but he doesn't use them and you know exactly why
I bet he’s got more barely legal pussy DMing him now than ever
okay pablo but nobody asked
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not shitposting, but its honestly a fun beta. who knows how the full game will be.
you genuinely have to be a retard to enjoy cod at this point
if it was 800-900 I'd use it, but I can't justify it otherwise
>change to launcher
>instantly down the uav/c.uav
The only thing it's good against is helicopters, and that's not worth the cost. If it prevented air streaks from being called in maybe I'd use it
>Nobody votes for Rewind next to Babylon
The community caused this don't blame the map designers
hes a pedophile
really? What's the proof?
Bringing back Map Voting was a bad idea because Orlando the Spic will always vote for the same map if it pops up as an option, they should have just done map veto instead
>Scorestreak dedicated to killing other scorestreaks
>in a game where a UAV costs 600
>and there is a playlist with streaks disabled
Map voting MW2009 style was great. You won't know what's on the other side.
I thought I was going to like omnimovement but honestly it makes things feel slower somehow, and mantling is so goddamn slow it’s basically guaranteed death
just dive over it dumbass its faster and you can shoot while diving
>trusting the opinion of a man who cheated on his wife and was trying to slide into the panties of a minor
The sexy characters as they’re but both of their faces are covered with masks. Fuck covid for giving zoomers this fetish
Jannie having a meltdown?
what just happened lol
Nuketown the thread
janny on a streak somebody take him out
lmao the faggot "pretending" to be retarded and arguing about shit he knows nothing about got banned
he does it for free though
no score gained
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How do you see your real k/d at the end of a round? Not talking about the eliminations shit
Wait. Black Ops 6 isn’t going to have an actual Warzone map? Wtf
No, just frankenstein'd gun arsenal and loads of new bugs as usual.
lol just hit 29 and it said "max level" lolling if they fucked up lvl 30... we'll see
it was too good for us
The ultimate filter map
So is the game good or not? Did they really nerf aim assist?
>it's another hardpoint on bablyon/skyline match
I'm just going to fucking quit
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Scud
just check if you have the blueprint
SCUD was absolutely fine.
Also funny how everyone now bitching about maps being too small when they removed SCUD.
>Did they really nerf aim assist?
>Did they really nerf aim assist?
>Did they really nerf aim assist?
No aim assist to 2.8m
the jackal isn't nerfed lmao this shit is still stupid broken
>1 level away from Akimbo pistols
It's time.
It got nerfed but not enough to matter, point blank has 0 aim assist but you're already in their face so they aren't missing.
its called schmoovement kid you dance on them when up close and they spin their cope-trollers like a lost puppy
usp is honestly better with one
every match is insane Packet Burst right now
if you spam opening the scoreboard the game will lag
Why is every fucking retard on my team ignoring the fucking objective?
Just wait until the game launches and then everyone is doing camos and it will be 100x worse, lol.
It's just a beta why would they care
didn't mean to respond i'm just so fucking mad bro I fucking hate this game fuck these retards who can't learn to go to the fucking objective and instead stay in spawn so we get trapped
SBMM forces good players to carry brainlet randoms
I play OBJ every match and for the most part my team has been helping too. But I expect exact opposite when game launches like I said here: >>493445512
schmove what the auto tracking laser that kills you in 4 shots that never miss? lmao
Because you is autistic. Every mode is tdm. Cope.
>Domination on Babylon

Legitimately the dumbest experience I have ever had in a fucking FPS lmao, this map is smaller than a shoebox and the zones are so insanely close that you can walk between them in less than ten seconds.
>you is
Maps way to small and trash check
Gameplay trash check
Sbmm check
Shit spawns check
One gun being used over and over check
People cheating check

What great game
How to fix the beta
>Bring back SCUD
>Remove Kill Order
>Bump TDM to 125 or 150 score limit
you are* autistic
You're a new faggot. Play domination in ICBM or Amsterdam and come back to me
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Dumb ass
>So is the game good or not?
Yes, for a beta at least
>Did they really nerf aim assist?
I have no idea but I've never had a problem with that anyway
>wall hack perk even reveals you through walls if you're using the undercover equipment
How do you get this so wrong?
It was still pretty shit but I found Domination playable as long as teammates were helping get B (or at very least flanking A/C to relieve pressure).
I left the Babylon TDM I got at the start as I figured it'd be shit.
No CoDs favor more soundwhoring, jewing and camping more than Treyarch's.
Meant to say, they've now come up with viewwhoring
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>sleeper agent has an extremely long recharge
>also has a bunch of easy counters to it
guess they're too afraid of the player base being too low iq to deal with spies
He fiddled a 17 yo child you fucking asshole
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sleeper agent has normal enemy footsteps too, I turned on a guy with sleeper agent because his footsteps were louder than usual and people are calling it OP
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>no reciepts to prove his innocence when he has the messages and refuses to show them, trust me bro im innocent

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>losing hard because 90% of team doesn't play objective
>go full sweat, hold objective on my own with watchdog helo and 1 other person
>win 250 to 230
>realize I'll be placed with even bigger retards who don't even attempt to look at the objective
I've won... but at what cost?
scud is goat
Docs 4D chess moves bamboozling these no name no views youtubers lmfao
stay black question authority
>Doc's back
>BO6 is fun
we eatin' good bros
6v6 is pretty boring
take the face off pill anon
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>join hardpoint late with my team losing hard 50 to like 200
>still get play of the game even with most of my team just fucking gone
Don't remember enjoying myself that much with cod with since BO3 desu, could this be THE game?
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>strategist helps me earn streaks
>UAV and C.UAV easy to get
>call in overwatch helicopter
>get killed
>run back to objective
>hold it again, get easy UAV and C.UAV
>get yet another helo on the same hardpoint
Feels so fuckin good man
>wallhack perk on respawn
>perk that also autopings so you get wallhacks when you shot people
oh my god the pump shotgun is so bad aaaa
Poison the well
>have to level it up to 36 just to un-neuter the fire rate
Skill issue, I got my first play of the game with the shotty
Reminder to instantly leave Babylon matches
>Skill issue

yeah that must be why everyone is using the mp5 and only i am using a shotgun.
GODku btw
fuck off babylon best map
>being that nigger that spams the shush emote at the end of the match
I will celebrate and you will enjoy it
Sorry sweaty
what do we feel about the tanto
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>Kastov 545
>JAQ Requiem conversion kit
>Quartermaster suppressor
>Brunen Heavy Support Grip
>5.45 Overpressured ammo
>60 rounds mag
There, now stop bitching about console subhumans aim-assist and go get some ez kills with the most possible low gun-kick and recoil AR.
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Problem, shitter?
>Scud gets so much hate across the entire community they remove it from the beta
Really shows the IQ level of the people posting here
swat is so random, some matches it one bursts some matches it does fuck all
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You will watch my spam and you will enjoy it
>some shitskin snipers still coping that their babymode guns are hard to use

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>play of the game
>me spawn killing people at A spawn on Babylon and shooting them in the back as they respawn
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Actually it was such a good map with the best spawns that they decided it didn't need any more testing
Like every burst rifle ever. M16 and AUG on Cold War became the most inconsistent guns ever after it was nerfed because everyone was bitching about their ttk.
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>Get sloppy triple kill with sniper
>Its the play of the game
The C9 is dope bros
ak74 with a grenade launcher
swat in bo2 was solid but nobody used it
really annoying how at the end of the game you have to watch some shitty replay and it takes another 15 seconds to go back to the lobby
>play suboptimal guns
>get 3.0 kdr
>team is entirely composed of retards with smgs going .2 kdr

how? I don't even fucking play CoD or shooters very often
>We definitely fixed it guys!
>Just give us $70 first
It's literally the exact same time as previous games it's just now instead of 30 seconds of scoreboard its 15sec POTG and 15sec winners circle.
I imagine the game is doing background stuff like pushing the match data to the server and maybe even background matchmaking stuff.
Imagine seething over emotes
I’d much rather keep scud than whatever that gas station map is
cant listen to music while playing, lags my game out
get a better PC? works fine for me with Spotify in chrome
Nigga I'm using my iPod
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works fine on ps5
is this a controller game?
its the most balanced than it has ever been. you will do well with either.
not really liking the omnisprint. maybe its cause i play a little slower but i keep accidentally sliding when i want to just crouch.
Turn it off, retard
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For some reason usp feels really clunky, but also kills really fast
they still lock outside melee range so yeah
gayarch took a step in the right direction but they should have used a dynamic curve up to 20m where its progressively gets weaker the closer the enemy is so its not as jarring as it is right now with AA dropping instantly
Slow ROF, but it's a 2HK
I think they should buff the based fire rate a bit
it has way too much visual recoil
What the fuck is visual recoil
Is that the 9mm or the other one? I preferred the 9mm got Akimbo and lvl 30 and then logged off because of insane packet burst and tired of the 3.5 maps (BRING BACK SCUD)
>already played against 2 blatant ass cheaters

thank god for these open betas letting me get my yearly CoD fix without ever having to spend a dime
you can actually spam makarov, usp is really slow
BO6 is like a Chinese BOCW rip-off.
Where do you check your K/D ratio for the beta?
You don't. All that matters is your elimiination:death ratio :)
enjoying this beta a lot more than the previous
cool it buddy
They still haven't fixed the black screen bug.
Holy shit they really hate their customers.
anon you should stop giving a shit about your k/d ratio by the time you hit your 20s
yeah, i keep thinking my monitor died
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>watch nero stream
>seething nonstop
Shitter cope
you should care about K/D, but only in the sense that it represents how good you are
There's no sense caring about your K/D if it's already bad. There's no immidiate way to improve it. You just need to put in the time and effort to improve and it will reflect that
what are you gonna do, see your kd is 1.0 and be like 'wowee i gotta the gym!'? you know if you're doing bad.
I'm not your buddy, friend
everything after warzone was added to MW19 has felt like a chinese/korean freemium knock-off
>Open beta
>Dead general
Where did it all go so wrong?
why does shotgun sprint to fire feel so janky?
It's probably bugged. Also, it won't fire if you have already died on the enemy player's side but this is 'normal' CoD behaviour though.
Everyone is playing, you gachanigger. It's the biggest game of the year
Why is this so important to you? Sounds like you have serious mental issues.
Is a game sweatier when it is at its peak popularity or when it's at the end of/past its lifecycle?
that and the slow ADS makes shotguns absolutely unfun to use. may as well just use a sniper rifle.
>aiming down sights with a shotgun
Bet you were raised too close to the wall
The problem is that the moment shotguns are more than shit, people complain about them being overpowered. You could literally have

Every map is the size of a sardine can so they had to make shotguns shit or they'd be busted as fuck
literally just play every day
the game is always the least sweaty when it's the most popular
The open beta is noticeably less sweaty than the closed one for instance
our negro is live
I dont know who that is
>not knowing murdashow
come on man
BT masterclass just dropped
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i aint watching that shit
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im staying with mw3, omni movement is a gimmick 99% of the time and movement faggots will just run more rampant and on OCE servers when its sweating 100% of the time if you have a 1.00 k/d its just pure aids, at least in MW3 i can camp or just shotgun a movement faggot. But the shotgun is straight trash in this beta and probably will be for launch. Guess i can finally grind interstellar
what the fuck is this elim shite
show the kills and deaths assholes I'm not trying to play overwatch
KD is toxic
this is honestly the best cod in 5 years
Oh shi nigguh, dis shi tight AF, homies treyarch neva miss, dis lit rn fr
anons getting mad at words again
>he spends the beta sitting in 4chan generals
>8 hours sessh
>already max level
>experimenting with other classes like the green perk
Game is great and BTW the green perk specialist is an absolute crutch for scorestreaks especially the non lethal ones. 2 kills and you get UAV. They shouldn't nerf the price of each scorestreak.
no OCE's playerbase is so small and with SBMM protecting the mouthbreathers it means im playing with platinum/diamond ranked people all the fucking time using their ranked loadouts. I play with my American friend to which i get 180 ping and dominate lobbies. Might just pay for a VPN so i can get this experience all the time
shits fun to play
That remains to be seen. Cold War had stupid designs like crutch perks and welfare scorestreaks but the maps were better and it didn't have MW stench all over it.
Design so based nobody realized that he's a pajeet
how do they do it?
>im playing with platinum/diamond
That's not a flex. Anyone half decent can get to Diamond I. It's exponentially harder after that and Diamond III to Crimson I is the first genuine skill filter.
He's right on shotguns tbf. The only decent shotgun in BO's history is the italian in BO3
This 100%. The key to understand how shit BO6 is how it doesn't feel like a Black Ops game at all.
>these niggas made me download warzone to play the beta
Clever but I wont forget them pissing in players faces shutting down the OG warzone servers and pocketing our cash. They PROMISED they would keep adding every cods weapons to base warzone and in their words warzone was supposed to be the amusement park of cod were you could use any gun and revisit old areas. Youre a retarded paypig if you kept playing.

KD does not matter anymore. You get a kill as long as you inflict any damage at all, even if someone else kills them. They also get a kill. It's meaningless. Play the objective
Just get a VPN, it'll improve your experience. 100+ latency isn't always a problem, you don't necessarily need 5ms latency just because some faggot streamer has said so...
Besides, networking and the servers are already so shit in this game latency doesn't even matter.
>14 years have passed and people still don't PTFO
>plays sweaty
>matches with sweats
dogs killstreak where
It's the first one
They MUST bring back the FFAR, Cold War's M16 and the M60
I still can't get over the fact BO6 is just like Cold War DLC. What in the actual fuck? It even looks like that visually.
is mw2 going to be alive when black ops 6 comes out
IW fags coping
No, it's not a Cold War DLC you damage control faggot.
Blops 6 is unsalvageable from this dogshit beta
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Stop posting niggers
You are right, it's something many times worse.
how did they get wesley snipes
He does remind me of The Negotiator 2bh
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What the fuck happened? It wasn't this bad last weekend, I can't even play anymore.
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A Marshall a day keeps the milsissy away
Should've bought a console, bitch. Literally not our problem.
pc only problems
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WSOW youtube/twitch rewards
Babylon is very special.
We used AI for the layout concept.
Yeah it needs a buff, it's fun but very weak.
>Console players are used to dogshit online connections
Yes, and one other beta map was partially made with AI assistance. Can you guess which?

It's Rewind.
>unlock shotgun
>must hit twice to kill at 10m range
does...kill ability get better with attachments? this is torture
Is it just me or are footsteps always quiet? It's like the opposite of MW3
It only gets slightly easier but never consistent like you want.
Even with rapid fire it pumps too slow, even with the range barrel it takes multiple hits past arm's length, even with the sprint to fire barrel it's slower to draw than even the lmg.
I like how kills with it show up censored in the kill feed.
would you rather this be another sound whore game
Cold War still had a better song
I'm trying to figure out how you are supposed to play this game with so many janky ass features, like why the fuck is gun mounting still in? Wouldn't Tac-Stance fit the movement better??
ninja exists in mw3 with slower move speed so it makes sense to have downsides to not using it when having higher movement speed, not hearing anything just means you will always use the boots with the fastest movement speed its bad game design
Tac stance is still in but back to being an attachment.

It's shit btw.
who actually used tac stance outside of tmal vids?
I can't believe Dr Disrespect shilled Black Ops 6. I wonder how much Activision paid for this. I can't respect that guy anymore
BO6 better have coombait on par with Cold War or its doomed
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nickmercs just as much of a parasite as dr cheatsonwife
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I could only make it to level 10 before uninstalling the beta, why are the spawns and maps so shit? there isn't a single map that makes me want to keep playing the beta.
Current Operator design is already Concord-tier bad, they need to pivot ASAP
imagine being american and thinking texting 16 year old is illegal
I was suspecting Sledgehammer used those same tools since Meat but of course I can't prove it.
i got the long barrel and im actually killing shit more than i was, so im happier now
It's not even much of a tool, we just throw overhead views of old maps into a dataset for an image generator and train a model, then we generate batches of them.
999/1000 are unusable but hey, they give us new layout ideas.
I wish AI were doing that. Instead it's 4000 trannies working at Treyshart for the last 4 years
Yeah I know how this works.
kowlon and summit when
who said she was 16? this is all people assume she could be even younger for all we know, the faggot wont post the messages its just him hiding shit
bro is 40, in a position of power, talking to a minor cmon now nigga
this only counts if she is hot
Why do zoomers communicate like this?
She was 17 and informing Dr. Dick that her birthday was coming up
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>she was less than 18!
All shit. If I played Scud I'm sure that would be shit too.
Bro, help a nigga out
Cool Radiant Creep skin
Twitch investigated his communications and didn't believe they rose to the level of csa.
Not one to protect influencers but the "whistleblower" had no inside knowledge of the texts beyond that they happened.

And I'm going to say it. On the scale of no good, very bad, terrible things that can happen to a 16 or 17 year old(I doubt his legal counsel would have allowed him to say anything at all if we were talking under 16), flirting with someone you're a fan of and receiving an in-kind response isn't exactly trauma.

He shouldn't have been flirting with a viewer, especially not one that was 16 or 17. People just need to stop acting like they weren't trolling porn forums at like 13 and flirting with people not long after.
dogfucking is legal in places bro doesn't make it less fucked up
they really need to buff the bolt action sniper, svd is just better than it
You're telling me you know better than Treyarch after 4 years developing this game?
im not taking the word of a faggot who its texting minors whilst being married with kids, he did not show the messages, he did not say the age and this is being kept from the public for the specific reason of it being damning towards him
defending dr shitspeck is for edgy retards anyway. dont listen to these faggots
Not an equal comparison. He didn't fuck a minor, they probably mutually flirted and maybe it got more sexual but not enough that twitch turned him into the cops.

It was also twitch's word that it wasn't csa. It's being kept from the public because either way the dms involved a minor and twitch can't release information that could possibly identify an underaged user.
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I've finally learned. Any map with Babylon just disconnect, even if I win or lose, I'm going to be wasting my time on a shitment map
im not just stating the obvious

you redact the name and its fine under law and it just proves my point if you cant post it because its a minor, means HE WAS TEXTING A FUCKING MINOR
t.bad at the game
There is no evidence that he sexted a minor.
Everything was seen by a judge during arbitration. Not only did twitch not think it was CSA, the judge didn't either.
Twitch also paid out his contract in full. People act like that's no big deal
>Not an equal comparison
something being legal doesn't mean its not fucked up dumbass
>There is no evidence that he sexted a minor.
i texted a minor inappropriately his own fucking words he later deleted
>everything was seen by a judge
How do you know? Because the faggot said it on a live stream? if it was a nothing burger you dont think twitch would have thrown this out and not even took it to court? like for example a young fan whispers you hi anon and you go hey thanks for watching or whatever right and that gets sent to twitch CEO you think they will take action? no ofcourse not they sent it to a judge because there was something very fucking bad about it, it cost millions on both sides to deal with this shit, both sides hid this shit from the public and fuckery most likely happened on either side with info from both sides not being shown.

put it this way anon i will not trust either of them, dr pedo is a pedo and twitch are a bunch of woke trannys, both can be true at the same time
at this point trusting twitch with anything is begging for disappointment. they are so up their own ass on so many things, its fucking stupid to expect them to be honest about their golden child streamers
It's not an equal comparison because a dog that gets fucked is a victim where a 17 year old that mutually flirts with an adult isn't.

Inappropriate isn't the same as illegal.
If a 17 year old screams on the mic "Suck my dick bitch" and I respond "Fuck yeah bring it here" that's inappropriate but illegal? No.
And the entire reason they had to go through arbitration was because some twitch mod leaked that the exchange happened. The DMs were 100% seen by the judge because twitch's legal team wouldn't have wanted to pay out his contract and those DMs being real would have made Doc's case harder to win.
>duh they were asking for it
ok retard
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We don't know what happened but it's very possible that they literally in text intentionally asked to be flirted with by initiating the flirting.
thats a hamster
Alright guys, I seriously tried but I can't play this anymore. I'll see you next year.
>its ok to fuck minors if they initiate
thats not how this works you dumb faggot
its generally accepted that initiating an intimate conversation with a minor when you have not been a minor for atleast 4 or so years is weird and questionable behavior. It calls into question the adult's mental health and social adaptability. Legality is hardly the only factor at that point
But Doc didn't fuck a minor.
Remember when you could pilot tanks in WaW? Why were they never reintroduced again? Most people would rather have tanks than stupid doors.
did you just not play games after waw?
again we dont know the age and this is purposely being withheld stop being obtuse

true as i said trust neither side

again we dont know the age, we all should assume playing COD for example everyone is over the age of 18 yes i know cringe we all know thats the case but legally thats the case meaning you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want protaining to law for example you are not singling out a individual for death e.g. you man know of individuals on pol arrested for saying they wanted death to law enforcement members, so to answer that no its completely fine its why they call it "toxic" and not illegal but if you went and said it in person to a 17 year old yes its illegal, again you miss my point as i stated before if it was a fine DM twitch would have told their mods to fuck off they showed it in court for a fucking reason that it was bad, you as a business would not fuck yourselves 10s of millions of dollars plus millions more in court for a DM that was meaningless, so stop dick sucking this faggot he is a pedo its as simple as that
Has dr disrespect had more sex than his haters is they why they're so mad because they can't call him an incel and he is also rich and good looking and tall and successful and white???
Did Doc initiate the intimate conversation?
Was it intimate or jovial?
How long did it go on for?
How often did it happen?
Did it lead to anything else?

All questions we don't have answers for, all context we can't actually use to base our assumptions on.
So if he never committed a crime how can he be guilty?
more sex with minors isn't something to celebrate. why are you coping so hard anon? are YOU Dr.Diddleskids?
people commit crimes all the time and get let off, did they do something illegal?
Which people commit crimes and get let off? Be specific
Doc never had sex with a minor.

Well he might have in his past but we have no evidence that he did.
Proofs he has sex with minors is where??? This whole thing just seems like a witch hunt to bring down the successful alpha white man. Pure jealousy.
Where is the janny when you need xe/xem
The crime of offended my moral sensibilities.
I just know that poor girl...or boy...child...well, young adult was traumatized by being flirted with.
all types of crimes all the time, first time offenders for example, sex offenders get let off all the time too depends on the severity, judge and how much money the perpetrator has or how well connected they are.

The law is very grey and not as true to justice as you think it is you see headlines of this shit all the time
This is peak COD. My heart is crying for you, zoomer.
So you can't name one (1)? But this happens "all the time"?
not a zoomer. if all you play is cod, i dont care about your opinion
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not even the best track
Here you go>>493486189
So tilted you can't read straight? Name ONE (1) SPECIFIC CASE IN WHICH THIS HAPPENED
imagine coping this hard in a random forum for a shitty streamer
>name 1
>post the headline of 147,000 people being let off
are you retarded?
So you can't name one (1) specific case? I accept your concession.
Clearly inspired by https://youtu.be/qqA46bO4VDI?si=lPj_tnJP4-r6_HFx



The two time is going to be the last streamer left playing Call of Shit and that's going to result in a lot of awkward conversations in Activision's marketing department
I don't give a shit about him going to jail or not dudes just a fucking creep get over yourself lmao
At least it wasn't Mr Beast streaming Blops 6, Jesus Christ...
How would you feel about COD having infinite reserve ammo like Destiny 2?
Went through all the black ops games and 4 definitely has the best gun feel
I mean why not? The game is already fucked beyond belief, just make the mags infinite
Wouldn't make any difference when the average lifespan is about 15-30 seconds with this matchmaking anyway.
This nigga didn't play BO2, right
The Last Hope of CoD, Treyarch, has been entirely corrupted from within as seen with flops 6. They could add literal zombies as operators - it wouldn't matter.
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what made you stop? for me it was the awful spawns and slow as molasses weapon progression
Since cod games are all using the same skeletons and animation systems now I don’t get why they don’t reuse models. Apparently despite bo6 using some of the same guns as Cold War they still made brand new models for them.
The game just feels like ass. I have no idea what the hell anyone is doing anymore, 3 dev teams and every game just gets worse. I like the corner peeking, I like omnimovement (in theory), but the game feels like such dogshit. Everything is floating, sliding feels like a jetpack, grenades have awkward arcs and too long fuses, and every map is tiny. 4 years of dev time is a blatant lie, this shit was slapped together in a weekend.
let me use my cold war skins/operators
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>For days I have crept through shadows like a rat. This place once echoed with conversations of friends and lovers. No longer. Mark my words, Comrade... One day things will change. We will take the fight to their land... to their people... to their blood.
BO2 is second or third depending on the weapon. BO4 has the least pronounced weapon recoil animation along with very satisfying thocky SFX.
BO4, Ghosts and Vanguard are the three worst cods.
Which one gets replaced with Blops 6?
BO4 wouldn’t be such a black sheep if it didn’t make those controversial changes to multiplayer and zombies and had a campaign
BO6 makes BO4 look like a godsend desu
BO4 obviously. While not the best of the series it had good vibes and the best version of Nuketown after BO1.
Exactly, and there's something off with the aiming or at least that's what I perceive when playing with MKB, like it isn't as snappy or responsive as BO2 for example.

Ghosts was better than BO6, at least in it's current state.
It's close though.
The movement is great…in the context of battlefield. In cod’s “arcade” style context especially in these 3 tiny maps the over the top sluggish animations and tac sprint get utterly exposed.
>grenades have awkward arcs
Kek I was wondering what was so wrong everytime I threw one
lol lmao haha hehe
>2900 COD points
>NOTHING in the shop appeals to me
Hostage-u Sex-o!
Gamble on black ops 3
If Bo2 zombie maps get remastered I would like to see the entire bo2 arsenal with the 5-7 as the starting pistol instead of that weird mishmash between bo2 and bo1 guns
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Helen "Monica" Park - MI6 Honeypot/White House Staff
Washington DC
November 14, 1995
Objective: Infiltrate the White House to recover Saddam's tape
>Improper Physical Relationship: Perform fellatio on Clinton to distract him (qte scene)
>Mutual Relationship: Swipe the Saddam tape while distracting Clinton
>Slick Willy: Do not gag on Clinton during qte
>Insurance Policy: leave the White House wearing the blue dress
>I did not have...: leave the blue dress at the White House.
>Dark Ops Challenge: Depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is: Collect the Lolita Express flight logs (secret intel, unlocks flash forward co-op raid mission)
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In 2006, Battlefield 2 had dolphin diving, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51MRK9kJ2G0 which was rightfully hated and widely considered an abusable exploit in combat. Now game devs intentionally put it into shooters and meth'd out zillennials think it's a good thing.
>Objective: Infiltrate the White House to undermine NORAID
Fixed it for you
battlefield 2 also had the worst fucking hit detection in gaming
Sliding completely changed the game though. That’s where all the movement GODS came in. Winning a gunfight now depends on who can shimmy better instead of weapon, aim, and timing.
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On August 20, 1998, three days after Clinton testified on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Operation Infinite Reach launched missiles against al-Qaeda bases in Khost, Afghanistan, and the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, Sudan, in retaliation for the 1998 United States embassy bombings. Some countries, media outlets, protesters, and Republicans accused Clinton of ordering the attacks as a diversion. The attacks also drew parallels to the then-recently released movie Wag the Dog, which features a fictional president faking a war in Albania to distract attention from a sex scandal.
The missile strikes also caused anti-Semitic canards to spread in the Middle East that Lewinsky was a Jewish agent sent to influence Clinton against aiding Palestine. This conspiracy theory would influence Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of al-Qaeda's Hamburg cell and the September 11 attacks.

>yfw Park causes 9/11 in CoD
they tease 9/11 a lot, but would they go that far?
My wife...
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>Remember: No hebrew
>Find a way to weave in the conspiracy angle for 9/11 without it being too retarded
That would be too big brain for Treyarch
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I loved the look & sound of the MR6
>some bimbo causes 9/11
idk that seems pretty treyarch to me...
The themes would radiate out of the plot regardless of what the creatives wanted
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You do realize she was in uganda in that pic? She seems to go to africa quite a lot. I heard she requests extended assignments there all the time.
I didn't think about it like that...
>the only person that'll ever be called "my luv" by Park
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You should ask her where she gets the gear she wears on missions.
>have fun for one match, casually blast people with the shotgun
>next match can't even hit anyone because they are sliding all the time etc
Besides the matchmaking Ttis game feels so rough and the maps... oh boy. It's going to be long year with these maps.
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All the tryhard retards are on the beta, time to mess around with non-meta guns
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>the last thing he looks at before he crashes the plane is a pic related which he keeps folded up in his pocket.
For perseu...no...for you, Park...
bolt action sniper?
>mfw got kicked out of a nuketown server in plutonium after going 108/10
Sometimes I wish normal matchmaking was still alive on pc so I wouldn't be at the mercy of adminiggers.
What did /ourgirl/ mean by this???
Marksman rifle and LMG
Doctor? Doctor Disrespect is BACK? Allah be praised, we are saved, brother!
The game ends with you getting on a plane, and in a twist your perspective has changed to a hijacker on 9/11. The final moment is you getting out of your seat to rush the cockpit.
Where's the CODly released asian qt operator? Rooting for Kitsune or BO3 Seraph qt
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>The game ends with you getting on a plane
Nobody cares, the last good campaign was in CoD: Ghosts.
Everything after that is SJW feminism dogshit
press f to set the explosives
Are any of the vault edition guns good in the open beta?
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Gruesome creature stuff is cool, love it
not really, they nerfed jackal
>treyarchsperm already shifting up the general
I can't wait for them to seethe over the next infinitykino game
No they didn't.
It's maximum damage range was decreased by 2'.
How long until meatshields are removed because of all the rape jokes
How long until we get a Dr. Disrespect bundle in blops6? I say in season 3 we get one.
range was the biggest problem with it anyways
Allah willing, we will see one.
Gimme that shirt you pasty little argie looking faggot.
this game isn't very good
>adding a pedophile
Kill yourselves trannies
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omnimovement feels kinda weird, at least on keyboard
infinity ward fags seething
2 feet is negligible.
The range would be fine if it wasn't getting 4 hit kills.
patch notes worked anyways, im seeing more mp5s now
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Camping in BO6 is easier than MW3, because of better headglitches(if you know you know))).
I get a 3KD every match. BO6 would be better if it had a.... protective device used in riots
I hate how it makes it impossible to stop sprinting in any simple way.
>adding warm filter so he looks white.
Funny shit.
What works well is also the fact people are not used to seeing enemies lying down on their back, belly up. Many times they think it's a dead body...
Any predictions on what will be rugpulled when the game releases?
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Bruv you finna retarded? Goofy ass nigga
Sniping your enemy is like hunting any other animal. Fire at the wrong moment, and your chance will be forever lost.

support our other girl
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why is the minimap so goddamn small?
>take finger off shift
>stop sprinting
so hard
I don't know the game's so rough anyway.
Use caps lock for 'toggle walk'.
Shift for 'tactical sprint'.
There you go.
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Does /codg/ want tutorials for better headglitches? We could explain a couple, but it would be long webs at about 45 sec.
Please do. I want to hear your lisping and stuttering. I bet you still have cat food stains on your face too.
stfu spic look retard
Jamal please quiet down
Why the fuck is MMR so strict on the open beta
I went from thinking about buying this on day one to waiting for a sale
fps is a cursed genre
to keep ESL browns out
i went from thinking of a pre-order to probably buying day 1. The size of maps has me worried and I didn't play all of beta week 1 and after hitting 30 on week 2 i dont know if ill play the rest of week 2.
I feel like I already got my fill of the game and its still in beta. Not sure if I can play pubs for a year without some artificial incentive (Dark Matter etc)
I skipped VG but CW/MWII/MWIII i pretty much only played Ranked, so if the Ranked plays well I'll be fine.

I can legit see myself skipping pre-season and buying the game for Season 1 when ranked drops as they say it will be in Season 1 this year.
MI6 is british
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Why would you ever buy a nu-cod on launch? You are paying more for a buggier game when you can just wait for bug fixes, balance patches, and more content all added for free while you get the game for cheaper. What are you missing out on exactly? The battle pass? Just AFK in Plunder to grind the pass easily. Weapon levels? Black Ops 6 guns will be integrated into Warzone too and you can level them up in there. Stomping Christmas noobs? modern SBMM/EOMM already eliminated the concept of that. Just look at the anons seething in this thread that SBMM feels way more strict in the open beta compared to the closed beta.
I hope so. I miss when CoD was ballsy. I remember playing MW19 and they had the audacity to put a trigger warning on the child's mission
whats the point of this post, cod is on gamepass day 1 you don't have to buy it
Campaign and zombies are still a thing you know. And don't come at me with nobody plays the campaign angle, BO4 fucked itself with that.
Need to buy the big minimap bundle
What keeps the retarded Americans out? Asking about their second language.
Honestly she'd be perfect forming a duo with some english lightskin as they work together to save the world from the nascent alliance between the Russians and interest-driven, Trumpite Americans to destroy democracy in the Free World and end up saving the world by killing Shepherd and Makarov in their secret compound in London right before they're about to start a series of false flag attacks in the UK, Germany, France and Canada and at the end of the mission the lightskin and Park covered in blood make love while downtown London is in ruins and fireworks illuminate the sky and then the ending cutscene show their wedding with the lightskin and Park honored by the King of England and Capt. Price in person.
No, Marshall and Park and that's final
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>Why would you ever buy a nu-cod on launch?
To shit on nerds who care about the game. Sweats care and get angry, we hunt them
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>nerf Jackal PDW
>release Tanto 22 which is just a broken as pre-nerf Jackal
Tanto feels like shit to use
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>What keeps the retarded Americans out? Asking about their second language.
We speak fluent French and Russian
i think the game plays fine so far. i don't really like the maps apart from babylon. but the game sure as shit is not as bad as a lot of people made it out to be but obviously doesn't compare to the chad MW19
wait how long has the open beta been out
Tbf what he says for the mp is also valid for zombies. BO2 was meh until they blew up the expectations with 3 goated maps. Same for CW with only Die Maschine available at launch, Outbreak came out the summer of 2021 and Forsaken September or October of that year.
This leaves us with only the campaign...
Terminus looks great already. CW Die Machine is still the best map in that game too
I'm Gomenasorry, I was just having a banter.
one day
Even if Babylon might be interesting layout wise, it sure looks boring as hell.
Even BOCW jungle map was more interesting because it had environmental variation.
i won't disagree with you there, but i don't really mind the lack of environmental variation that much because while maps with lots of stuff in them look nice, i'm having a real hard time seeing the enemy.
I see what you mean.
Anyway, I just don't find the game fun at all. I never felt this way before except for Vanguard demo I think.
Of course I'll probably cave in and buy it anyway.
How come nobody's posting videos of their Quad feeds and Multi-kills? Is /codg/ weak??
It seems like all the lmg needs to be usable is eight fucking attachments.
Flashbangs are useless. They behave like in trannyfare 3
>Lower Steam peak for the first day of the fully open beta than the pre-order open beta
Uh oh stinky
Paypig franchise
>chopper gunner is so OP i had to leave it halfway
i think i got banned from the bo6 beta for calling people nigger too many times
You’re the real nigger for bothering to type in chat raging little pussy bitch
Don’t know about you guys but I’m excited for them to pull out BO2s corpse next year to molest and degrade it
disgusting arm
i was using voice chat nigger
i do it to piss off faggots like you and it worked pretty well
>no you’re mad!
lol chill out sis
If there's carryover then it's over from day 1
Racist pig got what he deserves
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is the beta seriously 70GBs
truly epic kind sir heres some reddit gold and an updoot
I don’t care what you guys think a good competitor could definitely kill cod. Warzone would live. But the arcade players are screaming out for a savior and I certainly won’t blame them since that game mode has gone nowhere but backwards after peaking in 2015.
This beta is such fucking ass. All the weapons fucking suck except for le op smg since all the maps are fuck small. All the gun and player models are horrendous looking. Dont even get me started on the maps.
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diving is fun
It looks very dire.
I just got 100 kills running a camping class with an AK47 in Babylon
It's fun
Are you going to keep getting those 100 kills every match from now on?
Nah, because SBMM and I used crutch streaks but I removed the chopper gunner now
30 gb for the beta
40 gb for the skins in the cod hq shop (mw2+mw3)
Two more weeks until xdefiant kills cod
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Xdefiant did nothing to rectify cods problems and on top of that it has no content
I think my largest number is 84 in MW3 and this was when I was playing with a controller and got a so called bot lobby without reverse boosting. They were just standing there and it was shipment map. I thought okay and took out my vaznev. Or maybe it was during MW2 actually, I think the stats carried forward.

These days even with reverse boosting (playing like a retard for 10 matches in row) I seldom get these lobbies.
i dont like the level X gun to unlock Y sight meme
I'm sure you would've loved MWII
>it will w-work...!! th..they just have to try it my way....!!!
14 more days.
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CoD twitter community is a goldmine of cringe
Blops6 is the game for which I finally double my DPI to 1600 (same sens)
how do i pull out muh knife?
every class seems to have one now
hold melee button
m.pox status??
Hold your melee button until you pull out the knife.
On mkb you can probably bind a key for it in the advanced tab.
But knives are useless in these tiny maps. Most likely useful only in warzone.
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>COD HQ wont launch again
Oh god this game is terrible like really bad wtf
These maps ahahahahahhah and wtf are these spawns oh my god this game was worked on for 4 fucking years
struggling to cope with the shit graphics lads
Cod is so dead please just ban people from making this shit
good morning sir
5 rupees have been deposited into your account
thank you for doing the needful
wouldn't pajeet actually be shilling the game tho
sketchfab free asset looking ass game
Kys u projecting shitskin i have probably played with you already and slapped you
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started playing cod back with mw1 or waw
played mw2 with all the guys back in high school
i was the only one left when ghosts released
been playing every title since

cod now costing €80 is really weird to see
it's the same game every year, how can they charge extra?
pajeets can in no way shape or form afford the yearly new cod tax
These maps are terrible
Birdman lied the jackel is ass
bops6 is gonna be cancer^ccancer

the hopping sliding

the prone faggots camping
I second to this. I used the shotgun and shot bunch of Chinese vpn players.
You don't get it... it gets worse while Activision upsells it to you and people are still buying.
This is the magic formula.
BO6 will finally prove this, people will buy ANYTHING as long as it has a certain brand name and strong social media presence (streamers etc).
i wish i got lobbies with enemies that lack object permanence too
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blacked ops 6
the good:
footstep sound
an attempt to balance aimbotassist

the bad:
boring streaks
weapon models
menu music compared to cold turd
forced TAA
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All the maps are micro sized I hate the niggercattle playerbase so much. There are no varied maps anymore, just endless varieties of shipment and shoothouse forever because the stoners just want to grind mobs and maximize their leveling speed. Fucking pathetic. AND they removed scud too? Scud the chud? For what? Beanerlon. I rest my case.
Alright the jakal aint ass i just had to lock in i love birdman
What I like about blops 6
>gun models
>perks are good, the specialist package is cool and the wildcard perk is a nice kicker
>omnischmovement is just better dolphin diving from blops
>human shields are fun
>kill order is a lot of fun, reminds me of VIP from gaylo 3
>multiplayer lobby music is nice
The bad:
>overturned SMGs outclassing ARs at range
>shitty small clusterfuck shipment maps
>score streaks are expensive and underwhelming for what you get. The worse offender is interceptor jets
>shotgun needs to be inserted in the enemy’s asshole to one shot kill
>snipers made easy as fuck for any retard to use
>no post match chat/text
glad to see the top three players getting to spam emotes is back
>forced TAA
This will never go away with how dithered everything is whether it's the shadows or the hair. An IW9 stable
>approach 2kd
>thrown into negative reaction time lobbies immediately
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why does she wear the mask? would it be painful if i removed it
need text and voice to be enabled though
would love to hit the enemy with
while they scream about hacks or lag or cheap guns or whatever cope
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You realize britain had interests in Africa, right? And they once had a bunch of colonies there?
I mean you said pic related and it's kinda racist to say that Kingsley is Ugandan and not born British
Kill Order is my favorite thing from the beta by far, it's the one saving grace that's got me considering keeping this goypass sub going for full release.
Bounty in MWII was okay in small bursts, but then the ruleset changes they made to it in MWIII were terrible. Kill Order feels like they've finally ironed out the rough spots with the mode concept by giving the VIP actual tools to improve their survivability (plates, last stand, & the personal AUAV) + making it so being chosen as VIP isn't condemning you to being stuck on defense for the next 1/4th of the match, since it swaps to someone else if you die, rather than on a timer or whenever the #1 spot on your team's leaderboard shifts.
Kill Order will be DOA on launch tho.
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The Based is back?
what the h*ck?!?
The winner's circle (which by the way should be winners' circle since there's three of them) is possibly the most retarded addition to this game that they made. So fucking stupid and so blatantly just there to prompt cosmetic sales.
Aren't you excited to see Park twerking?
im finna make Marshall twerk on god
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we're so fucking back
I miss how older CoDs didn't have visual aids on screen everytime you do something or get hit
The whole screen is covered on blood and effects, jesus
>use normal hud
>everything is tiny, not useful at all
>go to hud settings
>pick magnified layout
>everything is now big and easy to read
nerfing yourself by using anything but that
>streamers playing warzone instead of the time limited beta
its so over
I play at 1440p. Don't really need the bigger hud
>twitchniggers staying out of the game
thank god
>every map is shipment slop now
Oh no no... the chopper gunner lasts for a full minute. It even got me half the score required for another. Which I ended up getting again lmao!
uhh ACKTUWALLY there's still the shitty trainyard one
Only Babylon is shipment tier and they took out Scud
Wait, so you should die before calling in a chopper?
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errm chud? you FORGOT about rewind!
Always call in your big streaks after you die. This isn't new information
I still live in the world where streaks don't contribute to unlocking streaks
certified 3shart classic
aniyah palace TDM ass map
I thought it was alright yesterday, I wonder if I'll think the same today
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Make this 900 points and I will use it
This is honestly a fun map for objectives.
beta done time to sleep for another month for zombies
this map is too big
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>90% of cod player are in memezone
>5% play the campaign and never touch it again
>last 5% are all playing shipment in mp
>devs are considerate and make a bunch of different shipment maps
>wtf i hate shipment now?
Worst of the lot, that red and white striped room is a really disorienting
Tanto kinda ass ngl
nobody plays warzone
>.22 smg isn't good
stop the presses
this fr
Good damge but shit rate of fire
It won't be a meta simply because it sucks
It killed in 1 headshot + 1 bodyshot with the headshot barrel. But that was during the playtests a couple months back. Who knows if that still holds up
>Game LOOKS BETTER with upscaling enabled
>Same Call of Duty HQ needing to be launched
>More movement aids
>The fucking gameplay

These open betas are a blessing.
I am not buying this shit.
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>1 hour 30 minutes of seething and counting
Holy shit that is sad
U can tell this game is 100% rigged lol it’s so fucking obvious the input daily is garbage
>headshot barrel
CoD jumped the shark fr
>Game LOOKS BETTER with upscaling enabled
Let me guess.. FX CAS? That's just a sharpening filter
>crossbar grip on lmg
zombie fags are battered wives, more news at 69 o'clock
>input daily
They started doing this in mw19, pure kike behaviour
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played with him today he's still cracked af
GayMD yikes
give him a break he h*cking cried on livestream because he just got 2 mil subcribers!!!
You mean daily challenges? At least it's way better than in mwiii where you have to unlock guns and equipment through daily challenges
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Found his 2 box account
I was angry
fr fr just dont buy it if it upsets you this much lol
oh wait his channel would be dead if he didn't do zombies stuff lmao
LMAO hai guise mr rofa wofa he'ee in shambles
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>getting revived by a teammate who sticks with you on kill order
Feels nice having a teammate who wants to help
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Someone bake the bread
he's pissed off because the map looks easy and not something he can farm tutorials and views off

i take easy maps over unplayable garbage e.g. shangri la and tranzit
>map looks easy
Of course. It's supposed to be the go to for grinding camos and attachments
How does kill order even work? Does the hvt need to get kill or what?
if you go down as HVT, you can be revived by any teammate like in zombies
How do you score tho?
its plain tdm, hvt give 5 points per kill i think
as long as it's something I can put in my Quick Play filter i'll be happy, but yeah if they make it its own button like MWIII did with War Mode then RIP

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