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Previous Thread: >>493386420

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts
>8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Tomoe (Qipao) (3*)
Marina (Qipao) (3*)
>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

Moonlight Dream - 8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)

Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 8/28 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 9/4 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213

[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)

Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmage - 9/2 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon)
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kanna's bday...
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Sex with Akari.
How dare this bitch corrupt Rimukoro
Punishment is needed
dead game
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Faggot OP desu
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You could have made a kanna op instead of bumping this one
Did sabotage actually happen?
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You know how it goes
The cornered beast bites the hardest.
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need veritas orgy
cakechads eating good
You could have made a kanna op instead of bumping this one
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I am not angry. My mood is actually happy right now
Everything is speculation
Post Kannass
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Post Toki
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>fotm op instead of Kanna op
>dramafag posters still going
Yeah this thread is AIDS.
It's kanna's birthday you retard
Good. I want to be the little girl but the west gets in my way every time. Blue Protocol had little girl hand holding and the west fucking KILLED it
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look at band kazusa lmao
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posting fit cop ass before all the fatasses
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>Project RX is GTA but with students
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>your student
>your RX
The next student posted will save Blue Archive
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
dead game
zoomer fanbase
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Goddamn Kanna is popular.
Here's that cosplay lady again: https://x.com/meruko_cos/status/1832073351332073980

Omega kek.
I wish I had four dicks..
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remember when ms2 came out and it was trendchasing dogshit without any of the appeal of ms1?
sure can't wait for ba2, can't believe those traitors didn't want to work on our new hit game!
Proper thread
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Being fairly new lvl55 player and nowhere near endgame, i shouldnt pull SET units right now?

Cant decide between Nagisa and Band banners since they all seem pretty meta

just be yourself
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What is it with Fox units being evil?
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Sabotage is debatable and difficult to prove. What isn't debatable is that Nexon is developing a sequel to Blue Archive. Naturally, this will mean less resources available to Blue Archive and likely multiple years of maintenance mode. Expert more of what we've had this year for the next couple of years.
You niggers didn't make threads for my wife when it was her birthday. Fuck fake and gay traditions.
>6k threads
>baggots still have a thread war
this nigga retarded
game's gonna eos by the time you get to Set
set is dogshit content literally not worth an ounce of effort let alone rolling for students only usable for it. don't let anyone tell you otherwise either
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>Blue Archive sequel
Then what's the point in continuing playing?
you must thoroughly watch alien to enjoy alien 2
None, quit now
Haha! Sorry! I'm typing on my phone at work, heehee!
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Get a more popular wife then fag
Yeah i honestly thought so, Nagisa it is.
And probably will skip Ako for now since i have NYFuuka and Himari, there are much more desirable units ahead for me
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Buy $Seia
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Claim yours
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sorry arona, i will only buy pakeji for RX now
Kill all jannies
Stupid janny
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for me it's the illusion of freedom afforded to us by the rulers of this planet
i wouldn't want it any other way
Dog thread EoS
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kanna thread...
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You're a faggot janny
don't ever forget
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> Deleted
Faggot Jannies.
When princess connect had its sequel announced, what happened to princess connect?
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ahh janny tranny being a nigger
what else is new
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Janny deleted the other thread so I'm reposting
>Project RX begins
>You see an old woman
>She begins telling you about Sensei
>He was your great great grandfather
>He married one of his students but the woman cant describe her
>She tells you Sensei's blood courses through your veins
>She hands you the dusty remains of Arona's drawing and gives you Schale's old address
>You go there
>Its all covered in dust. Nobody has been in there for a long time
>You see murals on the wall depicting scenes from sensei's adventure
>Him facing down Blacksuit
>Him at the Eden Treaty signing
>Him and Phrenapates beneath the Chroma
>You see a face scanner on the wall
>You use it
>Access denied
>You hold up Arona's drawing to it
>Access granted
>You enter and see a dim light shining on the Shittim Chest
>You grab it and it automatically turns on
>Arona appears
>She slowly opens her eyes
>Sensei...? Is that you? We have a lot of work to do
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It's over...
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janitor bad
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>Seia posted
>thread fucking died
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>other thread eos'd
hey bros check this out
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Dogfuckers lost
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What kind of game will Blue Archive 2 be?
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Based jannies
I still dislike Aru.
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>KV Seia will release before BA Seia
>RX Seia will release before BA Seia
The future looks bleak
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This is NOT the birthday thread!!!!
>Project RX will be some kind of shooter with cosmetic lootboxes
>you will get to dress up your students
You rike?
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Hewwo baggy
It will be a game about killing cutniggers
Based janny dabbing on Kanna coomer
We won rabbitbros.
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Janny tranny faggot, etc.
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put me in the screencap, emojiman
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how get kazusa gf
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sex with hags
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janny you were doing so well with past birthday threads how could you betray us now
I have a better question. How will Project RX's development impact Blue Archive? Are we in for less content going forward? Is that why 2024 has been such a disappointment?
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my wife Mika
>Kanna thread eos
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I want to fuck one particular dog so bad..
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Isn't RX Seia just Seia..?
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Tsun Sensei...
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Why are we mad that there are gonna be more BA games again? BA is a huge IP now and it would be idiotic not to expand it beyond the confines of one gacha game. I look forward to whatever is being made.
Don't listen to that nigger than replied to you the other thread. Princess Connect eosed long before re:dive came out.
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Fuck it, back to dog ass.
Mmmm? The original princess connect was a browser based game(may misremembering this part) for a browser(?) named ameba. It was a mess.
The innombrable bought the rights and relaunched it as a sequel
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It's time to wish Kanna a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, /bag/. Happy birthday Kanna!!!
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fat arona ass
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you act like random drive-by janny niggotry is something thats new
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>Project RX
We building Gundams now?
this situation needs to happen more in hentai
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what the hell is project rx ?
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Forgive and marry
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Most of Blue Archives content are usually just story and art which was poorly delivered by the previous writer and art director. Now if you're asking about the dev team then they've been on they've on the top of their game with the animations this year even making in-game cutscenes with them and making a whole music video in the ASS Club event.
No, they're pulling resources away from Blue Archive to make a more globally successful 3d game. So probably with male students and other shit. Any packeji you buy will go to fund it.
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How do you go from this to THIS?
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I was planning on making a custom Ingram model kit for Kanna's birthday, but I started getting absolutely fucked at work so I'm still in the build phase.
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>taking an artist's word at face value
lmao even
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That Kanna is not happy....
Mika should die
Near enough got me basedfacing with this one lad
What a belter.
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Why are Trinity girls such massive gooners?
Why are you licking the boots of the feminazis anon?
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I'm happy I have my spark saved for her swim alt
I feel safe with BA in his hands
BA is just that strong to convert artist, just like rimukoro
What if they take dorontabi too?
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but will you have the gifts to affection 50
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I'm tired.
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I don't know why these femcels are so obsessed with dorontabi, i thought they would have gone after to kokosando?
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I can fix Mika
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Holy shit the level of retardness on hinajanny today. You don't fucking delete birthday threads.
I will not post in this shit thread and wait for a proper birthday one.
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She's so fucking adorable.
kokosando? I get dorontabi but what about him
These are the designated shit hours, who cares
Why'd they have to make Seia so flat?
Who asked for that?
>Artist are liars and egotistical
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>Had to stay without internet for 2 days because someone crashed their car into a telepole
I missed you /bag/
pretty sure he's a persona non-grata in worst kimchiland now.
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*unzips donut bag*
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>gameplay is shit
>story is shit
>graphics is shit
>new designs are shit
>montization is shit
>but it still has your students
>player character is still Sensei
>no males and all students are still for (You)
Would you still play Projext RX for your students /bag/?
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Check kokosando previous works, they want to go after him because he draw cunny too.
designs can't be shit if it still has my students, right?
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>Who asked for that?
Holy sex
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Easiest way to bring players back
Stop spamming this garbage and kill yourself
Their new alts and the nes students have shit designs
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Why are there so many images of Seia's armpits?
welcome back, buchou
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I got Kanna to the 30's the first time around but no I won't have the leeway to build up a stash this time since my wife is hungry and I'm on the final stretch
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>Nagisa sex
>by eno
I'm not complaining.
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How did Kanna get such a nice ass?
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I dunno, you tell me anon.
You have to kill scatnigger, it's the only way
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Didn't people say they would send him to prison?
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No one. That's why she's a NPC
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Fuukawife will save this thread
I don't usually undermine people's achievements, but if those are their greatest ones, then perhaps they could try a little harder.
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Which one?
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Asuna will save this thread
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They can never recreate a girl like Ako.
Literally the perfect female character.
Lighting in a bottle.
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Is there actually a BA sequel, I've been skipping threads this week for obvious reasons.
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I still dislike Aru.
That's basically what a light bulb is if you think about it.
It will be BA replacement
Singapore police and law enforcement aren't that competent, when they said "BY ALLAH YOU'RE COURTING DEATH" which they usually don't, you gotta have to wait until singatroon get drafted in military.
Keep on skipping bwo, its not getting better any time soon.
Yes Nexon confirmed it
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C stands for Chroma
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usual crowd, you haven't missed anything don't worry
Why are artists mentally ill?
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https://exhentai.org/g/2781216/527408671c/ you have to for today
Not a sequel, but a new game which is meant to go bigger than a niche gacha like BA.
It's going to be a hero shooter, the first one with actually attractive girls. Lootboxes for skins.
>I've been skipping threads this week for obvious reasons.
I've noticed threads are usually worse every other week, I think it's because certain people come back due to updates
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Oy vey nigger, it's Friday, stop gosling up the thread.
what do sweaty childs armpits smell like
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>Went 2 whole years without having lewd thoughts about his precious students
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May I see it, then? My assumption is it's made up and people are just rolling other doomposting into the KV silliness
Who's going to translate this?
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that had me thinking now... who came up with that phrase ? edison ??
>no one realized the kokona pic is ai
I told you /bag/
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Embrace Migga!
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>First lewd thought is lovey-dovey in-character vanilla sex
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>rapes sensei
>gets forgiven and made into senseis wife
senseis wife choice really is just a game of "who will i get raped by first"
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This game has more NPCs ppl want than playable students at this point, and yet we keep getting alts nonstop, some even have more than one like Aru, even though no one has cared about her in years.
Wakamo came out in january of 2022, she was the last seven prisoners student released in the game, let that shit sink in.
And i would bet my butthole virginity it's the fault of some higher up retard at Nexon.
No wonder they left this stagnant game

happy friday /bag/, havea good one
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What do we think of his taste?
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>No one cares about Aru
Now that's a tourist if I've ever seen one
I expected gomen yuuka
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Kek, thought so. Guess I'll be back in another week, then.
BA 2 will be an open world gacha like genshin. You've been warned
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Happy Friday anon
I still really dislike Aru.
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>His source is Broly_kr
Show me the last thread that had more than 5 aru mentions.
Only marginally better than yours.
I'll take retards scalping posts from here to post on twitter over retards shitting out twitter posts on here.
I would be more surprised if they didn't, dark and darker showed you don't even need to win in court to fuck the opposing game over
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it's necessary
They are too similar honestly, I hope they don't tho
Was band kazusa flat because of sabotage?
Hopefully they ass rape the traitors
It's ai
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Then stop posting Aru.
No, that was a final gift to players. He didn't realize the game was infested with gays now.
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Would you help Wakamo, /bag/?
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we live in a weird age where personal achievement means nothing
but getting called out for being fucking retarded is held in high regard as clearly that means youve won whatever mental gymnastic game you were pulling
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I can see them
Happy friday anon
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Speaking of Kazusa. Anyone remember the old sprite?
Moderately delish brat feet
Why is Kokona so obsessed with grown-up toys?
No, my dog wife is coming to save me
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I miss the purple.
>man jaw
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huh? i only see one eye
what are (you) looking at
Project RX leak.

RX takes place 20 years after the end of Blue Archive. All the students have graduated and have been impregnated by you. Kivotos students are all entirely your children with every student in blue archive (including mobs).

The protag is now some bitch boy Japanese highschooler who isekaied to kivotos. He has some basic bitch name like Kazuma.

You like?
If they're all canonically looking at you naked, why do Kayako and Ako not seem phased at all?
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Say something nice about this new leaked project kv girl!
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Instructor Kokona is very mature
Because it's not the first time they see you naked
I'm a grower not a shower. I'm not impressive when I'm not erect
Thankfully AI can draw delish feet then. Sucks for handsfags though
Oh, fuck me.
I still have to farm some gear to finish up my Set team
Based ai chad
Her panties
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Suzumi alt when
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Kokona is 11 you sick fucks.
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>he was their sensei
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>akari gets an alt driving the lunchmobile instead of juri
Out of ten!
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>another male
No. If we have daughters we should still be the one fucking our daughters
When they were tracking the Thunder Emperor together they learned certain things about the outside of Kivotos.
You are want dedicated fag. I wouldn't bother maxing the 1st and 2nd skill at all.
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I don't really support AI in particular. I would still prefer man-drawn art over ai-drawn art but if something is perfectly replicated then it doesn't matter if you are looking into a mirror anymore
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there she is!
Juri really deserves something. I hope she gets an event that lets her be more than just LAMO bad food and isn't dominated by the gourmet club, I know, optimistic.
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now why would you be looking at that
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Stop making me hard anon
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I wish my game got a sequel
Out of sex
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sexy seia
sensei you perv..
If Blue Archive is so good, where is Blue Archive 2?
Juri will get a striker alt because I want to see that shotgun animated
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more like 11yearold child pussy ayooooo
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They know they can comfortably handle that size
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Child pussy hours?
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Juri and Nagisa would be cute!
Do we still like Dorontabi?
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How are we gonna celebrate childs day this year, /bag/?
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The materials and books are there so might as well. Plus she's going to be used for every blue Set and raid so it probably won't hurt to max her out.
Making more of them.
Does anybody have that edit of the Kokona banner, where the text was changed to something along the lines of "im just a kid sensei don't cum on my head"
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Senseis like students beyond just for their child pussies, /bag/
They are also cute!!
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When will artist finally realise they need to draw KV futas raping BA girls?
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>PD Kim only retweets Blue Archive NSFW on his personal account.

Which student do you think Kim Yong-ha has retweeted the most NSFW fanart of?
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OLD and busted
What would the event be? I'm thinking Nagisa reveals to have a small gardening hobby on the roof and her and Juri get connected by that
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Would. All of them. At the same time
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Which one is the tightest
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Explain, Sensei
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She's so cool...
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Kasumi should sit on my face
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I'm down with that.
Who knows, maybe Juri's cooking is only cursed in Gehenna.
Or maybe her cooking will be a banger in Trinity.
Cause British foods are shit.
What is her problem?
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Always have.
Cute leisa
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What's her name?
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Instructor Sex
too much cummy in her tummy.
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eeping with your eepy tablets
i love this guy's art
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uck off
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anyone have a high res version of this pic or some other image i can use as desktop/screensaver? ideally i'd use something similar to this but kivotos scenery is cool too, just no girls in the pic

or just post your ba desktops/wallpapers i guess, i'm curious what you guys got
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or what
What happened to this meme anime
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Rate has been beaten sadly
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fizzled out much like its fotm meme
kissing Kasumi on the mouth
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chirp chirp
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>Wake up early specifically to get 3 headpats in
>Missed a headpat
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I'm thinking Mika love
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Toki's second alt when?
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terrifying chirper
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It took 19 months from 50 to 100, poor guy
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Does Haruka masturbate?
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Classy Erona
To Sensei while apologizing
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Happy ending status?
Post Koharu lewds please..
You do know they are in a lab formulating the next set of c&c alts to see what will get the most Twitter bucks flowing?

Race queens? Succubus? Microbikinis?
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>hanging out with a fellow baggot
>he spontaneously transforms into your studentwife
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Join in, Sensei
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Kisaki this year, surely
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Are there KotamaFans in /bag/?
she is rape-only
god i want to push koyuki down and impregnate her
>year of the dragon
>doesn't release the dragon
the real fuck up this year
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thank you mikanon. have a blessed day and enjoy the weekend my friend. I'll leave now
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Meanwhile, in Kivotoschan...
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Thanks, see you later and have fun
>RX will be an BA apex clone
Where are we dropping, /bag/?
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It's meds for the schizos speculating about sabotage.
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Getting high on fluffy tail fumes.
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keep posting Kasumi until I explode like a geyser
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What does "Investing to unlock blockbuster potential" even mean?
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no! don't do it!
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A spin-off
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Do we have an image of this meme but with blue archive characters?
Appeal to a wider audience aka normalfags
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that's illegal
commercial success
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Collab with blackrock
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____ ______ ____?
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>privates hidden
What am I even looking at here?
More like blackcock
I'll first have to put my finger in to check if the temperature is right
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I can't believe Seia said this
LOL Fuuka got kidnapped!

Why is Daily Arona's Attendance so shit?
I'm sure a Daily Plana's Attendance would be better!
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The reason for Isakusan and hwansang's departure.
>kasumisex hours
Heh, this reminds me of one thread having that Shunny parfait image as the OP until it was deleted a few posts away from bump limit.
after Suzumi alt
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Threads have been weird lately, some janny deleted my "cumming in your daughterwife's belly" post for some reason
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I've cum to this gif multiple times, is that weird
Imagine several directors just up and disappearing like they did. If this shit happened at any other game studio that's not a giant company like BA's the game would've ended then and there and there'd be nothing weird about it. Also there's several anon posts from nexon employees talking about how they were absolutely uncooperative and disruptive til they left, but /bag/ is in complete denial about it and wants to see kv guys as absolute saints
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>want sensei dick
damn seia calm yourself we're in public
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Shit was as much of a blockbuster as it could within its audience. Making millions off of a low budget mobile game + merch.
What THIS means is that they now need le global audience and have to pozz it so that it reaches more people, killing it off instantly.
Bunch of 0 IQ retards
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no that's very normal
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The ba cinematic universe the anime was the first step
Collab with more stuff
We probably need mods here all day because of the avatarfag and his bf, and some mods may be less forgiving than others
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She won
Me in the middle (I'm a disembodied head whose sole purpose is giving cunnilingus)
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This guy draws nothing but Key sex.
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nom nom
BA's story and characterization feels 40% done to warrant sequels or the burning of bridges with staff members.
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But Kim already said they had no interest in that and were invested in appealing to their core fanbase in a recent interview.
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BA Netflix adaptation
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Thats now how it works, Fuuka
>avatarfag and his bf
you mean mihomo who sucks his dicks and singapoop?
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All me btw
a fate worse than death
No, I mean the avatarfag and singapoop
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so mihomo and singapoop, okay
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Wait, what the fuck is project RX
What does mihomo use as avatar?
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BA > Project RX > Project KV
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Fantasizing about my life with Iori if she was real
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If RX is BA 2 then it will most likely be better
meticulous student childpussy training for maximum efficiency
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>it's finally happening
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>The queen of NTR and bestiality
>oShiggy, Meru, and Tomoe have visited the cafe 3 times in a row
What do they want?
In the year 2024, the month of August. Kivotos has become a hell, there is fighting on every corner, the Schale Bunker is bombarded without respite by the air force, and by artillery shells of every caliber, the remnants of the students, those have not already died on the front, SRT, Valkyrie, Millennium, Trinity, Gehenna, Arius, Hyakkiyako, Shanhaijing, form a cordon around the Bunker. The students, mysteriously linked to Sensei, there to give up their lives... what an immense battle, what glorious combat!

I also wanted to be there to fight and die for Kivotos. But I was not so lucky.

It's all over now. Even today, 6th of September of 2024, with clenched teeth I remember everything. The anguish, the sorrow, that blights in the heart... everything, everything was over, the immense dreams of grandeur and human redemption...

But it was not all over.

Just before the end, there in the Bunker, whilst shrapnel thundered, with the dull, deep rumble of the glaciers flowing from the great gates of the poles, a faithful student asked her Sensei, with hoarse voice: “What are you doing Sensei? Why are you so absent?”

"I have entered my ultimate combat. I am living the experience of death... No one can help me... I feel Cunny in my body, in my knees, but it escapes me, goes, comes and goes... I am growing wings. I feel I could already fly..."

"Are you departing, Sensei?"

"Yes, far away to regions beyond the last distances, behind the stars. I will follow the Path of Cunny. Then I will come back. I will return, and I will bring a new world with me... a new dream, never dreamed of by the corporations. I will call it... Project KV."

"I will still be alone until you come back, Sensei. How can I survive without you?"

"Difficultly; but I will never abandon you. Try to deserve me, to be worthy of my warrior hand, be a Daughter of the Light of the Cunny."

"I will be faithful until death. Bless me, Sensei."

She bowed. And he head-patted her.
But enough about your mother
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>Ichika bestiality
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That's Mika
She only has one doujin
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She's a lizard, ergo sex with her is bestiality.
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It's September already.
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Would you forgive her if she shot you again?
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>Even today, 6th of September of 2024,
What I really like about her is her fat tail
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coom in doom
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KV wasn't the first game like that...
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I still haven't forgiven her for the 1st time she capped my ass.
she has a doujin with beastiality made by some asylum escapee so now the retarded porn addicts on here now associate her with beastiality
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just ate a sandwich
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Is she wearing elf ears or is that just how her ears look
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very nice, anon
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Let's address the elephant in the room.
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Does she ever get to eat anything
What about Yuuka?
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I want to be trapped under Kazusa's sweaty hoodie..
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>he actually found a second doujin from the Bocchi mangaka
Absolutely based
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What should we address it as? Nothing rude I hope, I heard that elephants never forget.
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Wake up in the morning feeling so skibidi
I grabbed my gyatt I’m out the door
I’m gonna hit this Gri-ddy
Before I leave edge myself, my fanum tax
Cause when I goon in your cave, I ain’t coming back

I’m talking rizzin with my bros bros
Livvy Dune in Ohio
Baby Gronk is on the phone, phone
And Kai is on my favorite CD
Mewwin up to the party
Trying to get a little bit

Don’t stop, make it gyatt, DJ rizz my speakers up
Tonight, I’mma fight, till we sigma Fortnite
Tik Tok, on the clock, but the rizzler don’t stop, no
Oh Oh hio
Oh Oh hio

Don’t stop, make it gyatt
DJ Rizz my speakers up
Tonight, imma fight, till we sigma Fortnite
Tik tok, on the clock, but the rizzler don’t stop, no
Oh Oh hio
Oh Oh hio
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Being Juniper is suffering
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It's Junny
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Do zoomies even remember kesha?
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Nice comfy Kasumi hours
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Fucking retard, nexon isn't incompetent enough to not see that BA's very premise is alienating to normalfags, and KYH know better as well
i expect the big change to be gameplay-related, not setting/writing-related

Source: my ass
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that tail needs to strangle my penis
Koreans already fucked kv with their shit fetish art, this is overkill
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sheepa my love
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Squeeze tail
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Don't hide singapoop's e-celeb post, xer will never recover
>video talking about RX which was linked in the tweet is privated
idk guys this could all be bullshit
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Do you think we'll have a summer C&C event in the future?
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>i expect the big change to be gameplay-related, not setting/writing-related
Won't they just do more stuff outside of the game like the anime? I hope they don't kill the game in the process
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Coom in foom
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Kazusa definitely owns a vibrator.
It’s funny people pretending that Nexon is a western company but the most likely outcome that it’s just gonna be a more polished BA but 100% more jewish.
Why is toki the most cosplayed girl
God I love sheep
Yeah, me.
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>no tits or ass
>all you need is just a wig and a bunny/maid outfit
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>about to post kokona in a skintight latex bodysuit being pushed down on a horsecock dildo
>notice her face
why do artfriends do this...
>Wake up
>See this: https://twitter.com/everchix/status/1832010873747153363/photo/1

What to do?
The imejis...
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This place is so fucked man
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You can't even deal with one notorious psychotic faggot spamming his shit here but deleting birthday threads is fair game somehow? You're pathetic
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Kv or Rx won't take most of our players unless they make the mc ambiguous too
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She is one of the cutest things people draw, yeah
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must...not...become welsh...
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Sensei may have rizz, but does he have aura?
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Jumby my beloved...
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You rolled for her right? You didn't brick your account right?
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>Dryness Squad
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I mean, I'm fairly sure main guy who left was the one who was obsessed with making Sensei a featureless entity.
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Why would my account be bricked?
What the fuck is her problem
>and bestiality
you mean Ibuki
No, I mean your whore of a mother
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Holy based
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No, the first sensei design was like this
6 months behind on your limit breaks, account permanently damaged
>check sauce
>butthole is just 2 splotches of gray
Was at least an asterisk too much work?
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I recognize that nose
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Bunny suit
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deserved for replying to the schizo
I mean shitposters are taking their info from this guy
mari would NEVER do this to me, her iconic and marketable sensei
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the horikoshi special
still laugh at him cucking deku in the end
what a shitshow that series turned into
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1/4 of a month if you put in zero effort at all. There are only 2 blue Sets before Kuroko and anyone with meta raid units who puts in a bare minimum effort can clear floor 87.
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Keep coping homo.
Designed to be raped.
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Why can't jannies ban this 3dpd spammer? is this because he bought a pass?
this is a frog not a dog
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Mari would say this
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He uses VPNs and changes md5s so people can't filter him
>your student
>the first, second and last students you will say goodbye to when BA dies
Not the same poster, only 2 of those are me
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ALL betrayers will get Akari's ball massage.
They will, but apparently it's also getting a new game. Could be anything, even a goofy hero shooter, a remake with more engaging gameplay, or perhaps a prequel detailing what happened with the GSC Prez or something, but speculating is pointless because we're likely not finding out for a good while.

This is what I expect, really. Either way, I don't think BA will be impacted much by its development, you don't gut the base game's performance for an extended period of time to work on its new game because that'll kill off interest. Not to mention, Nexon has been hiring new programmers, according to gooks (and remember, the one thing D1 did not get at all were programmers).
>muh pace
We've always had 1 new event per month, nothing's really changed.
I think Momoi's vagina would be pretty stinky.
Hime cute....
next thread status?
this is actually symbolism for what she'll do to your prostate when you try to tell her you can't possibly cum anymore
Yuzus too. And hare's
Well it's from one faggot. One to spam sfw, the other is to spam from proxies.
By who?
To whoever makes the Kanna thread make it early just in case
Even Cherino
Is it really that hard to believe that multiple people post 3DPD?
Remember to fornicate with your disciples, Shishou
KV creatures since nothing like that exists in the BA universe
Kanna sex, I don't understand fags that say her face looks like a man
what the fuck is RX?
The next thread OP is...
zooooooooooos the azoooooooooooos
Is this like the mahong thing with mutsuki?
Man where did this project RX thing come from? I swear no one even mentioned this yesterday, did I just completely miss it
The hell is going on? I just started playing the game, don’t tell me it’s actually going to eos
There are images in /kvg/
Not Kanna op hopefully
it's her resting bitch face
Nah, those posts are getting more and more common
Zoooooooos the azooooooos doesn't even mean anything. You are just obsessed with saying zoos just for the sake of it.
I want bazoos to bully my small cock
Gurren laggan's Viral
It's because she's trying to mimic Kanna's expression, if you put Kanna's face on a male it will look natural
Kasumi hours
use that one kanna/reviewbrah edit for the op PLEASE
Not even mikafags can ruin kasumisex hours
Yep. Everything is permanently crashing and burning, forever. There will never be anything like Blue Archive ever again.
It won't eos any time soon, calm down love
That's a grown man you said that to
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( . ) ( . )

Big Seia
Senseis gotta stick together
Interview a few months(?) back had them claim they already had the funds to run BA for the next 8 years iirc.
Hard to imagine they'd let BA EOS even if they do churn out another project.
zoos face
This could be our first 3d op
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| . . |

Small Seia
It is very important to learn how to shoot your firearms and practice your swordsmanship while pregnant. You never know when you will need to protect yourself and your family, and your enemy may take advantage of lowered mobility and a different center of gravity thanks to a pregnant belly.
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( .)( .)

Preggo Seia
Scrap that, found it and it was 15, not 8.
Seia never.
I mean I'm sure that's a good portion of it but I post it sometimes myself, and I'm sure there's a few others that post it too without the primary intention of people off.
sorry bro, nobody cares about your scatspam and 3dpd spam so you resort to xfags again
Those claims are always bullshit because they don’t just leave the money around waiting to need to spend it, they go off the assumption will keep going up and the big wigs pay themselves a big bonus
>I swear no one even mentioned this yesterday
This one https://litter.catbox.moe/neiv4j.jpg?
X ω X

Dead Seia
*pissing people off
you mean monkeys that spam it just to clog up the thread with garbage? or subhumans with awful taste?
>Project SX next in the pipeline
If it's kim yongha project then for sure it's BA 2
6 months ago? shit…
>Project SEX
yes please
It's kinda early, next thread will probably not be better
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Next thread will be worse.
I saw it in a dream
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sexy seia
catbox.moe doesn't load but I can enter litterbox, is it my isp?
>Your student
>Will you play project RX when it comes out?
it might be down
Maybe they have their temp hosting service hosted on a different server
Not loading for me either. It does that sometimes.
Yes, I'm gonna main Michiru and spam fortnite dances on everyone I kill.
Concernpost time? it's for Seia concernposts
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catbox eos
Duh. She's going to have the most busted abilities. Cant get stunned or slowed down so I'll win every gunfight and hotdrops.
hope you have nightmares today coom in doom anon
I'm done being a lolicon
Gonna bake the mika thread
>your student
>your mob
ponytail sukeban
welcome to the toddlercon life
Beach Tan mob
NYakari is pretty fucking skipable for blue Set, even the first one without Kuroko to carry you. Wouldn't even classify her as core for that content, just a nice to have like Oshiggy
I ended up puling just because I like the design and she end up being useful in other content later on, like the top SRKR clears and some Peroro ones that didn't ultramald a T1.
Anyone else dropping frames in the JP jfd?
Gangster Mob
>still trying to trick new players into bricking
why do you retards think this shit is so funny it never has been
Bro the ultramald peroro clears are the 2t ones.
i just got here
where are the images
I'm making green archive
it's not supposed to be funny
it's strategic
bricking people means increasing your chance to get higher ranks in pvp/raids and brag about easy clears for jfd/set
that's pretty much why all these stupid SEA-made tierlist websites/spreadsheets/etc. that tell you to skip students like nyFuuka or sShiroko need to exist and should be endorsed because in the end I'll win
what was the name of that catbox clone? I forgot.
>Blue Archive
>Red Archive
>Green Archive
>Chroma when combined
Is Kokona mandatory for Set?
Finally, a good surveypost.
>SG Valkyrie mob (Beach Ver.)
save the resetposters
Kokona is mandatory for Sex
Pretty much a staple. You could cope with Serina but she doesn't give you a 9 cost reduction.
Is nyAkari skippable if my Sena is close to UE50?
99% of clears I've seen use her
Fury of Sex
save the resetGODS
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the event dailies sensei
Sure, but it demonstrates an intent to keep the game running for a long period, I'd also imagine the dreadful start BA had has made them thankful for what it's turned into - I'd be surprised if they decided that the smart thing to do was kill their miraculously recovered game and try starting another one after that shitshow.
> the big wigs pay themselves a big bonus
Thankfully they left and the remaining bigwig is someone who was content to be paid less than artsy idea guys.
>Nexon's other game has no niggers and ugly characters
>even has fanservice outfits
People are worried about DEI?
Seia should die
We know Beatrice.
Shut up Beatrice!

don't care
I care
i care...
Kanna would be disappointed.
make a new one
prove it
kanna won
thread wars would be funny
make another one
I care about 5%
Non early
shut up churro
and not updated
why does her original look so bad?

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