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Previous: >>493178062

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Login Bonus (~ Sep 11): 3 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 1 Beast Footprint.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions: 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Golden Apple and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Part 2: September 11.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support PU Summon:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 8 JST.
5*Berserker Arjuna Alter (limited)
4*Archer Aśvatthāman (permanent)
3*Archer William Tell (permanent)
●Sep 3 ~ Sep 10 JST.
5*Archer Arjuna (permanent)
4*Saber Lakshmibai (permanent)
3*Caster Asclepius (story locked)

>Archetype Inception BB Dubai PU Summon:
●Aug 28 ~ Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! C.I.E.L PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! Karna PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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no-tan skin confirmed
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Do you want to pentrate my anus?!
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Xth for laser beam guaranteed to blow your mind
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sexy racoon
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time to eat
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All the budget went into Ciel, sorry.
I thought she was supposed to put Niggerman in the pancakes.
Oh yeah MHXXA is there too, I forgot...
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>Do you want to pentrate my anus?!
Bishouri love!
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Ecchan will give one of her scythes to Kazura btw
Just like in my AI sessions
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Post servants Guda loves.
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New game bug, FGO wants to turn you gay.
>Guda loving BB
After this OC 3, I fucking hope.
Guda loves any servant with mecha or able to bake
Pic unrelated btw
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>georgie having another meltdown
Guda’s more into Sakura faces though.
No but seriously, how long until dechi alter?
You lost.
Only Sakurafaces with mecha or baking ability
Super Ash is kicking my ass bros. He's giving me way more trouble than Arjuna with the forced Karna did.
>they say we would have content while summer + oc3 were on the game
>shitty super quests with not even good reward
I honestly don't know what else I was expecting.
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OOC garbage
>Meanwhile, CHOCO makes Melusine kiss and fuck Aurora
Give up.
Ngl what is the point of doing a shitty bloated hp quest for 100 mana prisms?
Kamafags are eating good this year huh
Bragging rights.
That's every year
*every year
LB7 lock event in january
I don't think there's ever been a bad year for Kama.
>Meanwhile: ushi gozen became the unholy transgender
I wish my wife was shilled as hard as Kama...
They said there will be an event other than summer during oc3 and there is one.
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Hang in there Europa bro...
My wife isn't Europa
Zenobia bro...
I hate dragon lolies they owe me sex and never paid
Are you the one Hephaestion fan?
Try again
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Should have tamed one then.
for me? it's Enkidu
She has one fan?
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>Red Riding Hood
>Snow White?
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The saberface no one remembers anymore.
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If Geronimo has someone who 120d him Im sure she has a fan
>Has a massive body nearly on par with barghest
Pretty sure every single servant has been 120'd by someone
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??? right back at you
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No that's Melusine
more weak to baths than toilets
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seeing her turned into a mindbroken nugget would be kino
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Why draco is so bratty?
They should make a fate game set in a school
Anon your Fate/Extra?
Making my wife stronger, now need more bonds to go beyond
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>cookie hell
why so dead effgawg
I'm busy doing something else.
strengthenings never ever
impregnate erice
She's 14 you pedo
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I say this btw
For who?
Artoria Caster? Lmao
Erice? Maybe when she gets added to the leaf shop
Tamamo? They can't upgrade her without stepping on the toes of other limited SSRs so no can do.
>Forced to work as a food truck
Isn't it sad Tarasque?
Is there a Servant who can beat Kevin Mask?
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Holy fuck MY HERO and his impressive win rate against the main character
Beats being hit like a golf ball or punched like a bag.
Artoria was raped by her sister in the Camelot heat of 92.
That's ok artoria raped her back
>NP6 Xu Fu
>NP0 Granny
How is this alowed ffs.
Did you like Dark Koyan in OC3?

I didn't expect a former beast to be the first boss but at least it made this chapter feel like a real OC for a few moments
>game is coded that everything including access to main story will expire at the end of 2029
Will this kusoge make it that long?
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>time limited quartz for reading the latest "story chapter"
how terrible are the clear rates that they're doing this?
They've already done this before, with LB1 for example.
Clear rates have been dogshit since 2017
Something like how even since EoR1, the fraction of players that bothered to finish Solomon was very low.
I'm not sure if they're stupid enough to count every bot account that only logins log out to get quartz, they probably are.
As far as I am concerned though these are just free quartzs given for no extra work, so they can keep doing it.
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>Top Daybit (DayTez) is more popular than bottom (TezDay) due to his design and characterization being seen as more masculine
Daybit is only "masculine" with Gudako. He's perceived as younger and innocent to Tez's sexual predator vibe. He's an autistic cosmic angel who lived isolated. He's either inexperienced top or inexperienced bottom. But still Tez is dominant regardless of his position.
I'm personally waiting for the 0AP campaign.
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Fuck that shit honestly
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Cook trait when
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Is there another servant we canonically slept with?
Next year "summer" will be for Chaldea staff, no Servants unless are big Vinci and Mashu.
Next summer hopefully in fgo 2
Kukulkan, right?
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I would accept that if it's part 1 Chaldea, maybe with the Crypters too. Just no more Novum Chaldea please.
If there's a reset, it'll be just Chaldea staff chilling in a pool inside the installations.
Tezca isn't younger and more innocent, even with Daybit he gives aniki vibes
While daybit is soft spoken but deep down he's still a child, the rare times he can still act human he's a bit childish, which is when tezca tends to guide him

Tezca is the older brother that acts foolish or reckless but deep down he has some odd wisdom. They give off a partners in crime vibe, but also a soft spoken Tezca earnestly trying to help out a younger kid who's a bit upright vibe
In my opinion, if there's a reset. Gordolf and Sion will be there as links for the Clock Tower and Atlas. Like Guda's vision in Aphrodite's song. I saw that as a foreshadowing.
But Team A (Guda and Mashu here), Roman, Da Vinci (true), Olga, Lev (maybe), Gordolf and Sion.
I'm talking about Daybit. He's the younger, inexperienced and innocent party while Tez looks like a seedy manslut.
No Chaldea, new characters
Should make it a bunch of inflatable pools to really drive that "just make me rest" feeling
Bro, nasu doesn't even want to make new staff outside Sakura (Portuguese) and only bothered because of redrop, there won't be more new cast. That's why a reset is the most likely outcome since he's lazy as fuck.
Yea because the game has gone too far.
A nice reset is ideal to start creating new stuff
I think Sion's future with Chaldea will depend on what her betrayal will be, but a part of her did wish she could be our friend for real in OC1, so maybe that'll come true if there's a new timeline.
Goredolf I think will go back at the Clock Tower and be an ally from afar. He won't have a role if Roman and Olga return, and he's had plenty of time to shine already. It's better to keep the main cast small imo.
Did they ever do anything with notNrvnsqr?
Because between
>shiny new edmond
We have an interesting cast of people who know Roa
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It'd be neat if they bring him back for the Tsukihime collab event (if we ever get a proper one anyway)
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Bravo Nasu
I hate how the Anni CEs aren't actual costumes
I fucking hate Tamamo.
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how come
He checked out of the world; the point was just to show a familiar face working in the ancient chambers, a version of Nero who never became corrupt. The doors were destroyed, their only access to this world was destroyed, they offered Sion a position in their order before they left behind this world-line, she declined wanting to see the story play out entirely. What happens behind the doors is basically an entire dimension, entirely disconnected from the world, an ancient mystery on par with the age of gods. They basically just showed up to peace out entirely, and tell Sion that it wouldn't affect shit even if she blew up the wandering sea since the doors are just a connecting point between worlds, behind the doors is an entirely different reality. Wandering seafags are considered the greatest recluses in reality, but its also because they have no ties to this reality anymore.
Kinda late
So BB dubai is servantverse BB?
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someday anon
before EoS
>Is she our BB
>Is she servantverse BB
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>Seeing Aurora with another Melusine left her in tears
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So, how weird is BB's third ascension going to be like?
Sling bikini with mantle?
Her ascensions go D->C->B
So it's gonna be BBB (BB Beast)
Takasugi, Gogh, and slept on Kama's lap
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City pyon.
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All this funny pics and the funniest thing is that this doesn't need to really happen if Tezca never learn about it.
why she so dumb?
They don't always tell you this, but Chaldea records all the adventures you go on, its all recorded, every bit of it. Servants are free to read or watch over it in the record room when they're bored.

There's an interlude about the New Argonauts talking about their Atlantis selves from LB5, saying how they find it hard to relate to them but that they looked cool.
Also Skadi has an interlude where she reads the LB6 records and tries to confront Caster Cu on being Odin.
The only event that was never recorded was CCC event because BB rewound time and undid the event from occuring, but even then Moriarty somehow realized that a certain amount of time was erased from Chaldea records in the simulator, and he tried hacking into the system to figure out what was erased. Which was the plot of Holmes original trial quest.

Either way; he's definitely finding out somehow since he specifically sent her to deal with shit because he assumed she was the smart one.
I pity him. Must be hard to be the only one with a few brain cells in your respective pantheon.
To be fair his pantheon is now four different versions of himself, which is retarded. They established that Red Tezca, Blue Tezca, and Black tezca are all just alternate personalities of the same guy because Nasu didn't understand Tezca was just a title, and assumed it was all one guy.
I still can't get around how retarded that reveal was. He shows up killing the deinos in his panther outfit saying "I'm red Tezca now", and Mashu explains for ten minutes how Tezcat were all different aspects of the same god. Also the mongo kid was blue tezca all along.
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Yeah I know that. It is manually or automatically? Cause I remember Guda writing reports about each of them.
>plot of Holmes trial
Oh, I remember that. That explains it when I think about it.
>Either way; he's definitely finding out somehow since he specifically sent her to deal with shit because he assumed she was the smart one.
And knowing how he is, how it will be his reaction, and what will be the first thing he does?
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Do I get anything special for finishing OC3 early?
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Think your next step carefully or she's going to sound the buzzer.
>And knowing how he is, how it will be his reaction, and what will be the first thing he does?
Shoots her a few times then makes her stand in the hallway with a sign
He sucks at aiming though?
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Re-read LB7, he shoots her in the face when she backtalks, like in the forest early on. He can hit a stationary target, he just doesn't hit where he's aiming for most of the time.
Oh right. Tezca can be quite a jerk unless you are one of his approved.
He's just chaotic; even with his approved he's entirely chaotic, you have to be ready for him to shoot you on a whim. He has the feeling of an actual wild jaguar hanging around you, its just as liable to be chill as it is to randomly attack you based on its mood, that's just nature. He's the type who will shoot a few times and forget about it afterwards since he already let go of his anger.
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Jokes on her if she pulls that buzzer i'm at least committing the crime I wasn't going to before.
So he sucks at shooting.
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Take a moment to consider sex with the banana
tits too big
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I considered it and approve of it. Now where is her welfare that /fgog/ promised me?
altera owes everyone sex
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>she sees your penis
>A hero/trickster mentioned in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of northern North America, mainly the Ojipwa. Super Bunyan's knowledge of the indigenous people and her special appearance are derived from this heroic spirit. In order to fulfill his own wish he snuck into Bunyan's Spirit Origin and uses it to manifest. ■■■■ eroded and completely devoured Bunyan's soul faster than they could be incorporated as part of Bunyan. A shape shifter ■■■■ mimicked Super Bunyan's soul in order to keep his existence a secret. The result is a perfect copy of Super Bunyan's personality unaware that's it's a fake and that it's real self has long since been devoured by ■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.
the fuck
>super bunyan is literally not even bunyan and she's long dead
what the fuck riyo?
This has gotta be the craziest lore update we've ever gotten. Imagine if this happened to a servant people actually cared about.
>Clear rates have been dogshit since 2017
And you got this data from?
wonder if that was just riyo's forever unused idea for a 2nd collab or if he's going to go full schizo in learning with manga, given that super buyan has been used recently
riyo's pathetic attempt to whitewash super bunyan and justify her bitchy attitude
>the saint graph is Bunyan
>the ego is Bunyan
>the soul isn't (but Bunya's is part of whatever took over Bunyan)
That's like 67%+ Bunyan, meh, makes no difference.

Took like three minutes to find
Well no, its like those insects where its eaten and hollowed out from the inside by a mushroom, that then makes the zombie insect move around like its still alive, but its fake.

Its something wearing Bunyan's skin literally
>another example of a servant exploring pretender's supposed MO better than anyone else in the class without actually being a pretender
Absolute meme class
>A testament to Hephaestion's profound understanding of Iskandar is an incident that unfolded when Iskandar visited the site believed to be the ruins of Troy. As Iskandar paid his respects to Achilles at his tomb, Hephaestion mirrored his gesture at Patroclus' tomb. To mourn and honour these heroes and their friendship, they stripped naked and engaged in a footrace. This extraordinary act underscores the depth of their bond.
Does footrace mean extreme gay sex?
Nips were speculating this was probably cut from the event/game because americans would have seethed.
can you even get a servant pregante
yes, see erice
>however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche
>taken over by Bunyan's ego
Meh, it's the same as if it were Bunyan, because the Bunyan ego is so strong that it keeps Nanabozho's dormant, while piloting the Bunyan body, doing Bunyan things.
I think Japanese would seethe more
Americans read the original event and know she's not even the real Paul Bunyan, there is no real Paul Bunyan, a fictional spirit created from Udon Dough, half the plot of her original event is that she can't actually exist as a servant.

But for Japanese fans Bunyan is like a favorite daughter character who was beloved, which is why they hate the Super Bunyan event so much. Knowing her fate is getting hollowed out, eaten, and taken over would anger them.
Worth it to unlock her damage and crit boost?
I'd do extra attack over anti-Saber personally
>new stuff
>the guy who recycles designs, names and plots
>new stuff
Kek. Nah he used the last of his creativity in Team A. It'll be the new main cast from now on.
>■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.

Its literally just pretending to be her until the time is right, and once it no longer has a reason to hide, any trace of her will be fully consumed. Its a pretender, acting like a person but its all fake.
Maybe it'll be a different Sion, but I think Gordolf's going to stay as main as a Clocktower link as that illusion. Olga may give her position to Romani and become member of Team A (they'll still get called director/doctor).
riyo collab two with ssr pretender nanabozho
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400 episodes of nothing

His original idea for FGO was players choosing between several masters. Team A as selectable POV seems to be beta tested with Kadoc.
god a sexy brown loli bunyan would be super hot
Unironically what did America ever do to Nasu
>Fight with Paul Bunyan

>An Ojibwe legend describes Nanabozho's encounter with folkloric lumberjack Paul Bunyan.[10] Along Bunyan's path of deforestation, Nanabozho confronts Bunyan in Minnesota and implores him to leave the state without logging any more timber.[11] A fight ensues and they battle for forty days and forty nights. Nanabozho ends the fight by slapping Bunyan across the face with a Red Lake walleye fish.[11] After this, Bunyan "stumbles, [and] Nanabozho pulls at Paul’s whiskers, making him promise to leave the area."[11] Unofficial sources add a portion in which Bunyan lands on his rear end at the end of the battle, creating Lake Bemidji with the shape of his buttocks.[12][13]

>This story claims to explain why Bunyan is beardless and facing west in the Lake Bemidji statue.[11] A Nanabozho statue is situated across the street from the aforementioned Bunyan statue.[
>Get Y.Aoi and Takahashit back
The whole shota diddler squad was there it seems.
>Bunyan is a skinwalker
>Edison is a lion
Really makes you think
Daybit thinks Sion should be killed so whatever she's planning it's not good.
>but he unleashed ORT
He was also ok if Kirsch won and his LB disappeared, so it's not because of ORT. Same with Guda, even if he's salty about losing.
Am I'm the only one here who actually listens to this...
I think we were meant to distrust Sion the entire time, unless its just badly written. She's been shady the entire time.
Is Sion a bad girl in melty?
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she's a whore
Whatever Sion is in FGO(purple Rin), she's not the same person at all from Melty
Appearance, how she talks, how she acts, its all different from the start. She's literally just purple Rin in FGO, she's not Sion
She ironically acts a bit more like Sion in OC1, but its wierd.
Sion is Roa.
Anon you can't just keep calling everyone you find suspicious Roa until you happen to get it right.
He's also Quetz. He's called Moyocoyani, which is the name for the four Tezca together, INCLUDING Quetz. White is probably feeling rebellious.
He's also called Ilhuicahua Tlalticpaque in his profile. That's the Creator God of all gods in Aztec mythos.
She occasionally practices homosexuality so yes.
Serpent hands typed this post.
Yeah but its hard to touch on that part; he did say Quetz is another aspect of him, he says in myroom lines he can become any version of Tezca but don't tell him to be white Tezca because they disagree, even though its also him.

But this is just really kinda retarded lore which is why I don't bring it up much. It feels like it fucks up a lot of stuff just for a cheap twist like always, because Nasu doesn't understand a mythos.
Onichan sumeragi servant/ce when?
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We all know Sion is bi but is Roastbeef gay?
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Genuinely probably the worst ever
>time locked chapter
>requires event clearance
>uninteresting premise
>no actual new summonable Servants yet to draw people to the story
If it wasn't for BB's gigantic tits the servers would be a ghost town
I know it is. Nasu just thought the colors were alter egos/divided spirit of the samefag.
With all your colors combined, I am Captain Tezcatlipoca!
he pulled the all authorities/pantheon in one in lostbelts but he made this phh that's his mistake.
It's another Morgan. Except at least they can split if they disagree? Blue seems to have to become the Deino king. While Black and Red were both Daybitfags.
Gods becoming someone else and having multiple alteregos is part of Aztec mythology but Nasu took it to the extreme.
What even is the difference between Black and Red? They act the same.
So what are the odds for rate up 3* again? I got spooked by almost every silver caster and literally got Arjuna but not one single Asclepius. Also fuck story locked Servants, piece of shit mechanic, at least have the story banner have rotating rate up servants like every fucking relevant gacha in the market.
That will honestly take too much time for them and their spaghetti code
...and I hate it.
>I don't think there's ever been a bad year for Kama.
male adult kama reveal instead of shota kama
>Hassan leaves his position as Grand Assassin to be summonable
>But Tezca can be summonable despite being Grand Assassin without leaving that role
Make it make sense.
Are you thinking?
>BB's tits are big enough to hold up the servers by themselves
Nasu pretty much abandoned the Grand servant concept already. We're probably gonna get Grand Saber to save our asses in the finale and nothing of them ever again. What a waste of a cool concept.
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>After her story was over she got reduced to a gag character whose only traits are "Dude I'm horny for Sion lmao" and "Dude I heckin' like neco-arcs lmao" (sometimes plays instruments too)
Dunno, anon...
Also, she's kept alive as a simulation in two of Sion's memory partitions, which means she's in Sion's head 24/7
One of them has the goofiest ascension and is ostensibly better at fighting I thought? Though he does the same shit in every fight and gets fucked up by Olga lightning either way
I just played my room shit and the red is supposedly the last... even if has the NP that SHOULD be Black Tezca. He's less chill.
While the Black Panther outfit is just Black in 'traditional' superhe-battle wear.

I guess Nasu couldn't even keep this straight.
NTA but pixiv is kinda unreliable nowadays since most artists only post on x or now taittsu. From what I've seen there are more DayTez on X and Weibo/Lofter or at the very least equal. A lot of TezDay artists have been inactive or even quit but DayTez still have some dedicated artists drawing them but again, all of these are on X and Weibo/Lofter, so yeah pixiv numbers are unreliable.
Also while I do agree with you on the portayal, most of what I've seen Daybit usually being portayed as experienced/dominant top, though portayal is always the sensitive topic to be talked about because most would said that it's okay since it's their own work that's up to their interpretation, not something you should see as canon, so maybe they simply want to vibe with the aesthetic. It's still somewhat understandable when you compare it to some cases where the official writers themselves seem to forgot their own characters' personalities.
>. A lot of TezDay artists have been inactive or even quit but DayTez still have some dedicated artists drawing them but again, all of these are on X and Weibo/Lofter, so yeah pixiv numbers are unreliable.
It's the opposite. I can barely find DayTez. And is mostly TezDay. Daybit is infatilized too much to be regarded as a top. After From Lostbelot portrayal, it's Tez who initiates the physical contact and chases so DayTez shippers switched.
Huh, did that really come as a surprise? Even as a bottom, Tez would still be the one initiating, Daybit doesn't seem like he'd care about sex unless his partner asks for it.
daybit literally flinches from physical contact.
Not always, from what Chasmatis tells us he didn't seem to mind Kirsch grabbing his hand.
Kirsch is special. That moment also made him feel human. I think there's a disconnect between his body and consciousness due to the Dark Star synchronization. And physical contact makes him more self aware he's there yet also watching shit from billions light years away, so he might feel uncomfortable with his own skin.
Him being tame around an astromage who controls the celestial bodies feels symbolic.
Wait really? I've seen some fixed TezDay artists/fans talked about them starting to view non-R18 DayTez contents since they're the one who still active making fanworks while TezDay have been extremely low on contents (which I also think like that since I've seen more DayTez than TezDay nowadays). I don't have my own Weibo/Lofter but from what others talking it's also the same.
Grand Servants were dumb powerlevel bullshit anyway. The idea that there's a "best" or even archetypical Servant for each class goes against one of the basic themes of Fate, that knowing your enemy and giving yourself a conceptual advantage over them is more important than statblocks.
I'm only with Lofter and x artists. I don't have weibo. Maybe chinks like DayTez more so you see them around since LB7 just dropped, but nips like TezDay more. He's taller, aggressive, clingy, and the one pursuing Day. He's the favored top.
There's even lot of shoutashit and femme Day over FTez. So yes Daybit is cast as the bottom in japan.
*poipiku not lofter
LB7 came out recently in China (like months ago?). So you'll probably see more works there. But doesn't mean there's a surge of DayTez in Japan. That's not the preference.
>DayTez shippers switched
Huh, they are? I follow a lot of them but I don't see anyone switching

Both Grand Servants and Beasts have long been abandoned as serious parts of the lore. It didn't take long for the Beast class to become a fucking joke with Space Eresh and even before that after Goetia it stopped being anything more than an excuse to add evil slutty waifu servants into the game. Camazotz was a once in a blue moon thing.
What lore remains serious? DAA were a joke since the cellphone vampire. True Ancestors have been a joke since Arc jobbed to fucking anemic teenager.
There's no serious "lore" in Nasuverse because Nasu retcons and makes a gag out of it instantly.
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>fucking joke with Space Eresh
Nasu's taking her seriously. Even if the whole Space Eresh shit is retarded. Eresh's transformation and reason to be a Beast makes contextual sense and is treated serious.
He probably just used Space Eresh as means to an end to have a shortcut since he can't throw Eresh into Beast training chamber to power her up in a week.
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toh azuma having a mental breakdown over gays on twitter lmao

She's still just Eresh at the end of the day. Can't take a supposed world ending monstrosity seriously if it's just blonde Rin in a swimsuit/dress.
She was literally going to kill everyone in Uruk to 'save' them in Babylonia. She has the Beast mentality. But Nasu flanderized her too much as an u-wu blushing waifu.
Ereshkigal (pure) (no Rinface) (true) no Nasuverse version is definitely fucked up. She nearly ends the world because Nergal ghosted her. Summoned a zombie apocalypse and all.
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Imagine the four different color versions of Tezca as an actual separate entity.
While Nasu actually understands the mythos...Lb7 would work out differently...
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>Hassan is a regular dude who was really good at their job but other than his sword, holds no special powers.

>Tezca is a Aztec chief god who has the ability and power to do all kinds of crazy shit, reduces himself to a grand servant but games the system so you can summon him at almost at his true power.
fujos obsession for who tops is so fucking stupid.
>Imagine the four different color versions of Tezca as an actual separate entity.
>Quetz is retconned sprite to Tez wearing white leather
Silence. It's a scholar's discussion.
Schizo Xipe Totec when?
I can be solved with saying Black Tez tops and Red Tez bottoms.
I'm thinking something like
>blue on Deinos side
>white on (You)r side
>black on Daybit's side
>red as the "moderator"
Would be interesting
Your third ascension Tez?
>red as the "moderator"
He fought for Daybit too. That's when the Tez colorwars "lore" dropped.
Gudako (literally me) tops Daybit
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Quetz missing in the Tez gang.
I hope Nasu sees this and make servant Daybit summons all those Tezcas in one of his animation
So why is no one in Chaldea doing anything while Sion is actively betraying them?
IIRC one of the first few staff talks/live events they held in 2017, after Shinjuku's release but before SE.RA.PH.
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How do I move on from what was my waifu (grailed her to 120 and np5 her twice) to another girl?

And for who should I even move on to
Enjoy your 5 rare prisms
That would be ntring his angels.
Wait the black panther outfit looks good here. what the fuck??

He can have summoning ayys on other animations, it's not like he has many moveset on the first place. Maybe also add animation of him drifting and crashing the enemies for LB7 clap
He does like cucking people though.
Why you want to move on
Realised she isn't for (me)
It's just raikouschizo doing his LARP, don't bother
Are you implying that those aliens see Daybit as their waifu?
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No, but there's a fanfic tez fucks him in front of one because of that thrill.
shit servant for retarded faggots
>roll for city
>get bb instead
go on without me bro's, my account is bricked
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News Doko?
For NP1 Tonelico should I prioritize Append 5 over 2?
Thiis was the worst summer event of all and it isn't even close
Correct, even worse than cucksummer
You say that every year.
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>had a dream I rolled Ciel
>wake up feeling happy
>realize I still don't have her in reality
It's over
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doomposting thread in futaba right now
Want to hear a joke?

Granblue Fantasy
It has more content than us right now.
grinding your life away to grind some more isn't content lol
Are they actually content with their content, though?
tbf gbf is too stressful
are we with the lack of ours? did we when we have it? Last time I was content was oc2.
We got it georgie you can move on now
The game's fuckin dead m8
Pseudo servants have and will always be complete shit. Why would any Goddess pick one of the FSN cast instead of one of their actual followers to be summoned? Only the lowest of the low would get excited by seeing another Rin or Sakuraface.
If FGO is like having no job, then GBF is like being employed in a black company.
Both are shit.
So... when's the next update?
Why is there so much Lip hate here. She's a sweet girl...
FGO isn't grindy unless you apple autism for some reason
That's what I meant by no job
Yes, I think that's exactly what she intends to do
Rin/Sakura at this point give antagonists negative aura. I'll never take the beasts seriously again
Eresh mentions in Babylonia, at least in the anime don't remember if it's the same in the game, that her real self is way different and gloomier, would have liked to see that desu
Congrats on your cute city anon
evry tiem
This is literally a dead week
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Can she do it?
>using a 2015 servant in 2024
Why coward?
sex that city
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i wanna cum in the snekbutt
Raw NP did it
Based saint punching the Nope believer.
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Damn, I'd totally Harmothoe.
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Sex with Okita
No thanks.
Trying to finish Olympus today bros, send energy please
just use your blue cubes bro
I only have 3 atm bro
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You also get a daily revive with the command codes now.
I wish senpai joined the main cast. Instead of say, Sion.
What? Link?
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cunny bb welfare when?
I really wonder how weird it would be to have her around in canon story, it has been a while so she could probably beat some hard enemies without much effort.
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Take me back...
Kadoc + Paisen vs Daybit on LB7 would've been kino
>the avengers abandoned him
>Hassan was dead
>Cags was dead
>all the dialogue suggested Guda couldn't flash summon
>no Mashu
How did Guda beat Edmond exactly?
In a fistfight
that turns me into a beast
Wait, hold on. I have another joke to tell.

until BB begins to cry
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This is your next GudaGuda.
Eat my fucking dick Zeus, only 1 cube needed baby.
SOUL, bro
liz love
>randomized tierlist
remember to be polite to other users
Chat is this true!?
Don't feed the troll
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why is space eresh so much worse than space ishtar?
Brodime is also down, 1 cube only.
Bros I think I'm gonna make it, tell me the last fight isn't a bitch and a half or something
but draco is for (you)
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anniversary and summer servant. Event is not HER event compared to space ishtar where all her ascension has a role and focus.
>the same shit with summer morgan/tonelico where we can't even get her a proper role
It's like nasu really want to shit on popular girls that are not sakurafaces. Honestly I hope he gets ruined by the end.
Yo I did it, Olympus is finally over
Please Lord don't let heian-kyo be worse
Would you rather have the last chapter to be released once with 2-5 timelocks or something that gets released in smaller parts during the whole first half of 2025?
You're such a gargantuan nigger it's insane
You can skip heian-kyo if you want, same for Traum, if you intention is to get to the event as fast as you can.
No raikouschizo, no matter how much you flood the thread with your worthless posts, you will never convince anyone of this being worse than 6,7 or 5
What does google gain from making it so hard to download the jp version? Why would they not want me to be able to do it?
Google are retards, yeah.
>all the dialogue suggested Guda couldn't flash summon
Pretty sure he could at that point and before, plenty of the plans in OC2 involved Guda summoning shadow servants to take part in battle.
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Who is making these fake screenshots?
Zenobia's massive ass
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Everyday I make sure to fill the booty
Post pregnant Zenobia
These are cool.
Whoever they are, they've got some kino ideas.
Was this one translated already?
Karna's a forced support anon
Is so big in mass that it has a powerful gravitational field of its own.

Is so big and plentiful it could feed a big country.

Is such a piece of land it must have its own zipcode.
Can I level 120 NP1 with one Append unlocked? Or do I need NP2 still?
NP1 is fine
You can but you need really high bond
Yes but you need Bond 14
Has people saved the amsr? They are going to disappear soon. I only saw Oberon uploaded elsewhere.
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You wake from a nap and you are greet by this sight. What to do?
They are?
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Taking a moment to look back before some bot gets pissed their waifu didn't win over Nasu's waifu.

Ze numbers:
Youtube views 107k
Youtube Likes: 5.1k
Twitter likes: 9.7k
Twitter retweets: 5.2k

Youtube views 117k
Youtube Likes: 5.1k
Twitter likes: 6.2k
Twitter retweets: 2k

Youtube views 59k
Youtube Likes: 3.2k
Twitter likes: 6k
Twitter retweets: 2.7k

Youtube views 64k
Youtube Likes: 2.8k
Twitter likes: 3.4k
Twitter Retweets: 1k

Youtube views 125k
Youtube Likes: 7.4k
Twitter likes: 12k
Twitter retweets: 6k

Youtube views 117k
Youtube Likes: 5k
Twitter likes: 6.3k
Twitter retweets: 2k

Oberon smashing victory, even if he has a mirror upload for westnoids with subs so part of his fanbase goes there.

not him, but yeah up the 16th.
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Chica Umino having him give (you) bedroom eyes was the best.
Oberon > Kama/Tonelico/Takasugi (depends of the numbers) > Tiamat/Assclap (depends of the numbers).
Dantes wasn't really serious in fighting you, he literally buffs you when you hit him, use your mystic code or use your servants' skills
My anti-raikouschizo senses are tingling
Dantes was buffing you when you fight him. Guy is such a simp. Tip: the name of his battle is "the flames of love and hate." It was like a lovers' squabble. What you had to do was symbolically deny him/become an Avenger, not really battle him. Showing your determination. Then he literally kicks you out. And (you) get mad and sad you couldn't even say goodbye.
don't think so
Women are unironically the biggest slurpers I ever seen
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Nasu delivered albeit.
Falling in his arms together was kino. The whole thing was.
why do you think they make most of fgo's current fanbase?
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Oberon can't stop winning. Even in Redrop's Kama centric interlude, they sneaked this shit exclusively for Oberon and Oberon only.
I've seen nip guys talk how he's pushed as one of the main love interests overall.
This makes Nasu happy. It'll probably comfort him from the criticism he's receiving right now.
Girls are mostly the ones paying attention to this stuff since it's a rare chance to be more intimate with their husbandos
If ain't in the game or isn't rollable, good luck trying to make most guys give a damn
I can't wait for next year we'll get
Oberon (third ascension)
Kama (another ascension)
>the criticism he's receiving right now
What happened now?
Last year it was Purin, Douman, and who else?
Kill yourself georgie holy shit
>Girls are mostly the ones paying attention to this stuff since it's a rare chance to be more intimate with their husbandos
This is a lie. Plenty of guys love this shit. It's basically interacting with your waifu in a pandering scene better than anything in game for them which is voiced with exclusive art.
Oberon is just the most popular character of the batch.
Appmedia and other sites are cooking "summer/oc3".
Charlie, Setanta, Hajime-chan, Xu Fu, Eresh and Ibuki
Do women use Twitter more than men? Likes aren't public right? Guys shouldn't feel discouraged to like the posts.
Girls: Eresh, Xu Fu, Proto Merlin Ibuki
Boys: Setanta, Charlemagne, Saito Hajime, Ashiya Douman.

Douman was the longest scene last year. But these year they were longer plus the settings were better (last year it was a bar theme).
Thanks! That's a nice bit of variety there.
Hmm, I predict Horta, Dantes, City, and Tez for next year.
Considering how much likes waifu collectors get, no. It's just /fgog/ coping because were sure kama/tonelico would be ontop.
Oops, meant to reply thanking >>493562391 too
It's possible next year will be Crypter or Chaldea staff themed for the Anni.
Boys: Kirsch, Kadoc, Daybit, Roman.
Girls: Olga, Ophelia, Mashu and Hinako/Da Vinci/Sion.
I feel that would fit the date better. They can resume Servants the following year.
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Oberon also got the single solo illustration of Servant High School AU in last TM Ace.
That female sample is shit.
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I dont care about males and girls pandering. WE WERE HERE FIRST.
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Tonelico was pure soul. An adventure with (you) and at the end the two creates a NP that is essentially some kind of love-child NP.
A shame that yumes are too strong within FGO nowadays, and at the same time glad that Tonelico is still up there.
Oh, that'd be fun too. I'd be interested to hear from Roman and Kirsch again, but I'd switch Ophelia with Big Vinci, or even Pepe honestly, he can be an honorary girl. Nothing against her but it's hard to imagine her having much to say to us, she's more Mashu's friend.
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It was okay, but her voice acting felt soulless in comparison to Kama's or Oberon's. And these are carried by voice acting. Her voice as Morgan is more emotional. I thought she phoned in this. Listen to the other ones voice acting and it's such a fucking big contrast about the performances.
He also got to comfort Guda in april's fool after OC2. That entire sequence was made on behalf of Guda who was devastated so could relax.
>Listen to the other ones voice acting
Eh, too lazy right now.
Also I do wish we could see more of the Savior one, the Tonelico one is definetly more chill and happy-go-lucky.
Then there is the fact that we didn't have a Morgan one yet.
I, for once, am personally tired of women pandering and would unironically make a law to force them to stop and become housewife or commit sepuku, as well as "people" that support that pandering like Nasu, who should die in the streets alone.
Go play a game that pander to you then
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>Pshh... Nothing personnel kid...
What's the appeal of this guy?
>Eh, too lazy right now.
Then how do you even know Tonelico was the best?
I agree with you: the Savior and Morgan have less flat delivery. Maybe Witch phase has a more undefined characterization that's hard to voice other than being upbeat.
He's dumb
>Then how do you even know Tonelico was the best?
Because is the one I actually watched and rewatch anon. I can hear the others but I only do it multiple times with the one that matters to me.
male horchota?
He's a cute stray dog and chuuni.
If you only watched one, you can't judge. Eresh is my favorite and she got the SHITTIEST arms of last batch. Just holding a giant pretzel and being "i am cute uwu?" and fucking nothing else.
While Douman and Ibuki won big even if I dislike them.
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>Dubai is building size
>Cosmos is star size
How big is BB going to be in the third ascension?
>so dumb he vomits on you in valentines/his birthday (very emotional scene)
>has a tragic shounen background fujobait with douman
>great chemistry with ryoma and oryo both (mostly included together as a threesome even by fujos)
>great art
>light otomebait
>two costumes
Universe-size like Space Ishtar
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I don't think those are the actual earth and moon, they look like inflatable toys (with weird things on texture). The real planet is behind.
shit i mean ryoma.
oh hey bobs artbook is up

Did they?
Also I really feel that they are not even trying with the actual fan favourite (minus Kama) while either the writer pet and males gets everything...
I feel Eresh got shitted a little too much.
Play Blue Archice or whatever that gook lolishit game is
Bob is so pretty
OC4 will have Holmes (true) and loli vinci's death right? it feels like is coming. It's going to be fucking annoying Holmes is suddenly competent when he's not an ally, but Wakamori already mentioned that our Holmes wasn't the 'real' Holmes and the real holmes would have figured him out instantly.
Too soon. Have some sympathy for our lolicon brothers.
>BA seethe out of nowhere
Please don't.
>Did they?
They were longer than others and both were sexually aggressive.
>platonic archive
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Don't remember much about Ibuki's but Douman's was uber pandering, he even had a "bad" ending where if you refused his drink due to noticing the curses in it, he'll try to force it on (You) until he hears Raikou coming to bust his ass
Also, you get pic related for the cherry on top
Made for keikenchi
not that anon. but I remember reddit was seething because they tried to rape you.
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Yes, they were all very touchy and possessive. Sakurai for all her rep pandered 100% while Nasu fucked up Eresh.
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I couldn't take eresh seriously answered how she looked while she was holding that giant pretzel. It was so fucking hilarious.
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Some nips pointed out that Jeanne Alter and Dantes fit that old Gudako and Gudao Guda Guda Meijin era CE.
I wish if they gonna gift us QP, it's something above 20 million, like what's even the point of 3 million QP gift?
I think Vinci dying won't happen until the final chapter, that seems a little too important to be in an OC, but I could see Holmes returning, yeah. At the end of Traum he himself talked about how he kinda lobotomized himself into being a good person, and his real self is more calculating and detached, so I hope Higashide delivers on that and gives him some bite.
The same reason you get like shit like 1 (one) 5* exp, they're fucking stingy and want you to GRIND
Stay mad, incel.
You mean the poses?
I think I remember
Cant be rape if you are willing
>Nasu fucking up girls that are not his approved ones
When was the last time he did good pandering outside of his approved list, which involves
>any sakurafaces
>that seems a little too important to be in an OC
All OCs are probably things they wanted to explore stretched to a chapter. That OC3 is definitely hers. Like Tokyo was Guda's and OC1 was Sion's.
Gudako/Dantes, the poses and sly expression.
And Guda/Jeanne Alter the hat? Eating?
Oberon is lowkey a sakura face in all but ribbon/purple.
>insect motif
>hole motif
>i am ur angel or ur devil motif
>vore/giant shit
>evil but righteous and victim
If you look at LB6, the "heroines" there (not quite because Castoria was the protagonist but humor me here) were clearly flavored Castoria (main), Knock (secondary), Oberon (dark heroine).
You mean OC4, OC3 is what we're in right now. It could still feature her as an important character, I just don't see her exiting the story there. But that's just my opinion anyway.
I guess but his "light side" is fun not just the dark one. While Sakura's bland as fuck unless she gets edgy.
Thing is Oberon is likeable unlike the majority of sakurafaces, and even then I feel he does it out of spite. It's honestly the most infuriating thing about Nasu and I hate how up to this day no one is saying shit to him.
Tonelico/morgan valentine scene was great?
Also her scene was good. My beef was with the voice acting delivery which was flat in comparison with other characters.
>Tonelico/morgan valentine scene was great?
Only great? It was extremelly perfect for me.
As for the voice acting. I am not really well versed on what is good acting or bad acting, unless it's too obvious bad acting like Yoshino from Digimon Savers.
Because he's not obnoxiously wanked, even if he could be with what he is. Nasu focuses more on his relationship than his power level which is high as he's a weird being.
Like I've noticed this in how he wrote the scenes of Tonelico's quest vs Oberon. He makes Tonelico battle with (you), but while 'badass' and resulting in that NP, I don't feel any intimacy (which could be because the seiyuu wasn't as good as Oberon's, admitably). While Oberon runs from his enemies, holding your hand, together in a dark tunnel. The dialogue and interaction is more personal and not about "mastah use your cs!"
They are different approaches. I can see Tonelico was about finding your tune with her as Servant, while Oberon scene was about Oberon trying to make you relax, enjoy things, without being worried about the stress of combat (he even blocked Chaldea comms). It was also "someone who is just get to know you" vs "someone who already knows you well" kind of contrast.
How many chapters is oc3 part 1
Only 9
>I can see Tonelico was about finding your tune with her as Servant
For me it was something more akin of Guda giving her an adventure like she read on the books she used to read in the Rain Clan. She even said herself that she never expected to live one of those adventures, which feels more on a different deep since, it's (you) being more proactive to her. Usually, it's the other way around.
Because Nasu shoves millions of authorities powers and other shit on Sakura thinking people will TOTALLY like her over Saber or Rin if she's stronger, failing to realize that's not it.
If he unironically took a page of how he developed Oberon, and applied that, it would have worked.
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my wife Cummer
Well the one who set it up was Merlin, so it wasn't Guda. Guda did go along with her wishes. I agree with you, it was something she wanted. But they are also people who tentatively start to work together.
It was nice that Nemo recognized what Oberon was doing even against Chaldea's wishes (he gives zero fucks) and backs off and leaves him do his thing and give them space. Because Nemo's focus on your mental and emotional peace in last Christmas it gets a context.
Y'know, Super Bunyan really makes me think they need to introduce a pretender that doesn't know they're a pretender, and everyone distrusts them due to their class. They don't even realize they're a fake.
How likely is that Guda asked Merlin to arrange the adventure?
>they are also people who tentatively start to work together.
Well, within the canon, they technically never started to work, and at best it was Morgan who did that. God only know what would have happened if they actually meet during the Savior days or even the Rain days.
Either way, I do think it was very sweet, the idea of Guda doing something for a Servant and being proactive about it. I do also think that a Servant doing something for Guda is important, though I have to say that only a few of them I feel it nailed, Oberon being pretty much that one.
>Because Nemo's focus on your mental and emotional peace in last Christmas it gets a context.
Nemo is a male tsundere right? Or just a big smol bro?
>blue became the deino king
Yes and no
That was blue Tezca, but it was Lostbelt version of Tezca, which is why he was younger. When Daybit introduced religion and speech to LB7, it caused gods to start coming into creation on their own. They couldn't exist before that moment because a concept of speech/concepts didn't exist until Daybit introduced the idea of concepts to the world. Its also the reason Kukulan was able to come into existence after hearing the legend of Kukulan, previously she was just the wind, she existed only in theory until she had a solid concept to give her form.

So while he is blue Tezca, he never split from PHH Tezca, they always existed as separate entities.
I don't think Guda did. Merlin probably thought would be a nice thing to do. Tonelico would probably see through the deception otherwise (she still has those eyes).
>Oberon being pretty much that one.
Iirc, Oberon mats even says Guda feels good and uplifted near Oberon. What the anon brings up about Captain Nemo backing off really means some realize it and Nasu's applying those dynamics.
>Tonelico would probably see through the deception otherwise (she still has those eyes)
Does she? Or is it one of those things where the eyes lose power with a different ascension?
Nasu ships him with (you) even in his blog, so the former. Noah version is more overtly romantic though. But even he understands defeat I guess.
Chaldea is fucking stupid and doesn't realize anything
If you read LB6, 99% of reveals throughout LB6 happened without Chaldea ever realizing it, only the audience is allowed to realize the truth. Chaldea had no idea why Melusine or Barghest went into a rage, why Morgan died, why the fang clan was wiped out, they literally never found out anything in the end. Only the audience is allowed to realize shit in this story.

Chaldea is entirely ignorant about everything
While the audience secretly sees that Sion has some secret plan all along behind the scenes, which Nero confirms, and other characters talk about her secret plan in passing.
male sakura
More like a kuudere? He tries to be mature and collected but there's moments where he's childish and the other Nemos usually are the ones to call him out of on it.
Also he has big fat crush on (You), his older ver is way more blunt about this.
She lost her sight when she became Morgan, I think.
Still Guda humored it for her sake.
Only men can understand your heart
Women in this game try to confort (You) with love, friendship, loyaty, etc.
Nasu really writes like a shoujo author sometimes
He's more tsun than yan.
Who is the male Rin?
That doesn't mean the few women that actually work for (you)r sake are lesser than oberon for example. If anything nasu still fails to understand that picking one side and not letting the rest have a time to shine, or give them shit like eresh will ultimately hurt his works.
>Only men
Only Oberon*
He is the only one who gets the ultimate soul, heart and mind pandering with (You)
Men comfort you too though. The whole plot of Oberon's scene and april's fool is his attempt to comfort you.
As did Santa Nemo's event where he realized the only thing would help was a piece of Roman in the end.
Speaking of him, he's the one who comforts (you) and snaps you out in Olympus and LB6.

Don't forget a guy, Dantes, was in charge to keep you sane and cleansed your darkness since part 1.

I think the women in the game are selfish and demand comfort instead of supplying it.
Chaldea seems to have lost a lot of competence after Romani and Da Vinci died. Loli Vinci is not as competent as others, Sherlock was still being held back by the justice thing when he never cared for those things, I feel Kadoc and Goredolf are more competent and call out.
Not lost, but weakened, she still have it.
Also I was just referring from a gameplay view, since well, Tonelico Witch is Lawful Good and pre-genocide, while Savior is Lawful Neutral and after-genocide. But I also wanted to refer if, in story, Savior still mantain the same eyes as she had with Witch, probably not but still.
Kadoc it is. Traum has him say some of Rin's quotes in FSN when she's tired of Shirou's shit.
Kadoc more so than Goredolf imo, he can still be pretty oblivious as shown by last year's grail front
And Roman, Nemo (who tries but ends up bowing to THE DOCTOR gloves), and Dantes before he put you in a grind to break it off but made sure the litter you had mentally got cleansed.

Oberon and Dantes actually offer opposite things: Oberon prefers you'll rest, fuck everything else. Dantes pushes you to move onwards. Both for your sake. Roman is the middle ground.
Don't you hate how waifus were left aside? Because I do.
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Nah. This guy too. Even dead, is why Guda fucking faced the two mental attacks they got. In Lostroom too, Roman's voice is the one that snaps Guda out in trouble.
So much for Mashu to be the main heroine.
>So much for Mashu to be the main heroine.
The consequences of being a lion's bride
he looks like a hobo, smells like shit and can kill me
You probably just don't recognize male yandere
look at Dantes
Women like yandere to still be a little standoffish and cool, but still very clingy
Yeah, agreed.
Legit, when was the last time a female did something as big as Oberon does pretty much everytime? Like, can Jeanne Alter be considered one?
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Flat delivery or not Tonelico talking/whispering close to my ears did things to my body that shouldn't be allowed
Guda doesn't care about carnal desires (spiritual and non spiritual) since he already overcame Beast III and VI
Overcoming Beast II is Childhoods end, meaning Humanity gaining intellect, building civilization and aiming for higher (The stars)
Guda is currently fighting Beast VII, The end. Aka the fear of death
My guess V is related to the mind, heart and dreams. Which is currently important in OC
They aren't. They are the ones written as needing help and relying on Guda. It's Nasu sexist view women are needing emotional rescue. This relationship is (mostly) inversed with male love interests who are the ones looking after Guda (because Guda here's the girl needing a break).
Takasugi was one of the exceptions because his event wrote him needing help and healing and opening up. But overall. There are also exceptions with girls. But in general.
What does Ereshkigal offer Guda emotionally? Fuck all.It was all Guda showing kindness and listening. But she did nothing for Guda in a personal level. She helped him to fight an enemy but so do all Servants.
>It's Nasu sexist view
To twitter with you
Kill yourself
Yes, I think Jeanne Alter could be considered one.
BB’s love for Guda won’t be retconned, right bros?
The nerd look and sexy outfit made the experience even better
>Guda doesn't care about carnal desires
Does he not?
Also how many Beasts lefts?
>To twitter with you
Nasu admits it's sexist, newfag. He said so himself.
After you. I'm pointing out all the Eresh-stuff was all one sided Guda helping Eresh. From Babylonia, her event and now here. Her contribution was never on an emotional level to Guda. It was mostly about flexing her powerlevel which fits how Nasu self criticized his writing of heroines in the past.
There are females who help Guda, like Castoria and Jeanne Alter in OC2, and males who need help, like Takasugi and the Doggo. It's just an observation for a general sense.
Oberon was also helped by Guda and Castoria both, but it's true he's the most 'aggressive' helper.
>Nasu self criticized his writing of heroines in the past.
And here I am not giving a fuck about whathever the fuck he did in the past or all his subvertions and ACTUALLY bullshit like Koyanskaya not being a Tamamo but a meteor or delaying Mashu's arc and shit like OC1 with the multiple Ranis. The fucker needs to gets a fucking hint that he should start doing his job and stop being a narcisist piece of shit that pander to his view and not what his own fans want. Actions like that will eventually cause his own downfall and it's works.
Blame Takeuchi for denying the mushroom's calling in being an otome writer for so long and now it manifests like this.
>Like, can Jeanne Alter be considered one?
Besides Hassan-kun, she was the only one making sure you didn't go off the deep end in OC2 and was very doubtful of Dantes' plan, so yeah, I think so.
It's over anon, Nasu desires to clap will win out in the end.
I hope not but I wouldn't bet on it
Yeah. You people truly deserve Nasu.
Well, even prior separation, the OG can still show her brightness.
Which one?
>he's the most 'aggressive' helper.
I dare to say he is the one that has been pushed more.
Oh yeah, that's another one.
Horta recently had a very good chapter and showed her as someone really important
Abby takes care of your mind and dreams along with other servants
Kama cares about (You), shows you fun dreams, try to seduce (You) (But fail since Guda already defeated Bast III lust and desire)
Charlotte, Castoria, Goddesses, etc love (You) and fight alongside (You)

There are all different kind of pandering, of course some get more and better, but that's inevitable in these kind of gacha games
Nasu favoritism prefers Oberon currently for example
Why would it?
>Horta recently had a very good chapter and showed her as someone really important
I mean, she is definetly the one that started everything right?
>Abby takes care of your mind and dreams along with other servants
Yeah, she is definetly a selfless girl with Guda
>Kama cares about (You), shows you fun dreams, try to seduce (You) (But fail since Guda already defeated Bast III lust and desire)
I am not exactly a Kama fan so I haven't invested in her story. Also defeating the Beasts means that you gain some actual "buffs" that works against what the Beasts were? I don't remember that
>Charlotte, Castoria, Goddesses, etc love (You) and fight alongside (You)
I always forget that we had gods and goddesses's blessings.
>There are all different kind of pandering, of course some get more and better, but that's inevitable in these kind of gacha games
Yeah. I do wish we could have something for Morgan but by this point? I just take whathever good it can. I think the only two best things were with Summer and Valentine, how she could have pretty much fixed the Singularity by herself and stuff, but Nasu had to make her act like that (not to mention the interviews where she was supposed to be the welfare and more). Seriously, sometimes the mushroom's bias can be extremelly irritating. At the very least with Valentine I could see her exchanging words and just enjoying a time with her but still.
Because the Hakus are in the story
>Which one?
Izou. He was very abrasive and angry until he was summoned by (You) and had his closure with his sensei in GG6.
Later GGs and the Bakin event showed that he's talks much softer with you now and is serious about being (You)r servant.
Yeah, that happened. Izou is definetly a big servant that has proved to be devoted and hardworker when he is serious. Honestly, I like the guy, he is amazing.
>I am not exactly a Kama fan so I haven't invested in her story.
Nta but I saw someone mention about that one shot that Redrop did that they wished that one scene was also in it. Kama tried to read Guda's mind and see what his most depraved desired were, and it ended being pretty normal stuff like listening to music with someone, like each with one side of the earphoneand stuff like that, that's why she can't seduce (you) because she can't corrupt (you). Since I don't know if that scene actually happens in the interlude I would take it with a grain of salt. Also I don't know if it has anything with defeating the beast or not, but (you) are too pure for Kama and her powers of lust doesn't work on (you) I think.
If the scene is true Redrop you fuck make another one shot.
>her powers of lust doesn't work on (you) I think.
Meanwhile everyone here would have succumbed easily lmao.
Guda needs to be pure and overcome all Beasts (desires) to Defeat/Summon/Become Galahad
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I know, I like him a lot too.
Now if only they put his 2nd costume in the shop. It's been almost three years already; I shouldn't be punished this long just because my old phone was shitting itself and money was tight during that time to get a new one quickly.
Well, that's a dIfference between Guda and (You)
The character Nasu wants to write is a pure hearted MC who will overcome all odds, almost like one of his saint/messiah characters
Meanwhile the fanabase is too hedonistic
Maybe that's why Beast 6 can be summoned... very meta Nasu
What about the other MCs?
Shirou, Hakuno(n), Sieg, and whoever else exist.
Let's hope it becomes real soon.
All are similar in some way
Growing up as human
Experiencing death and overcoming it
Many types of heroism and ideals themes in all the MCs
Self-sacrifice, etc
>Which one?
Shirou is definetly susceptible to falling to lust. Hakuno(n) maybe the one from Extella, plus he also can act evil and selfish.
>Besides Hassan-kun, she was the only one making sure you didn't go off the deep end in OC2
Dantes himself too. He split in half for a reason.
Turberculosis is my jam
That's a real scene from the game, yeah.
Nasu and TM thinks females are emotionally weak. That's why MOST (not all) the dynamics will be about (you) trying to save them.
But since (you) can also be a girl, then you got guys checking out and making sure you won't break.
Again this is in broad strokes. There are cases and scenes for both, but it's how most things work here.
Gudako is a weakminded slut that needs dick
Gudao is master who doesn't fear death and needs no bitches since he is Galahad tier pure.
Basically the same as P3
Male MC is the messiah
FeMC feels like filler but gets her own type of pandering
Nasu knows his audience
Men are chunni and love a power fantasy story
Women want romance and love stories
Ultimately, it was not!Mozart's advice what made Guda snap out the edge path.
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Would you?
>Women want romance and love stories
What makes you think that men don't want those, too?
>love a power fantasy story
Gudao is a powerless faggot incapable of learning any magecraft despite having access to the greatest teachers throughout human history. None of this is a power fantasy unless you fantasise about being a bitch.
Shirou's too much of a hot-blooded teenage boy, he wouldn't make it. Sieg and Hakuno are basically newborns so they're fine. Ayaka (Prototype, not Strange Fake) would be okay too because she's too depressed to be horny.
He's impulsive, a pure autist but that's different from being innocent/pure-hearted so carnal desires do have an influence on him
Similar to the Gudas but much more flippant and blunter (Guda can be like that too but towards people they know/comfortable around with), does have potential to be swayed
Literally a baby. Everything is new to him, so I don't think he has much resistance.
Another autist but is not impulsive and while naturally attentive, is totally oblivious with such matters. But seeing how Circe's shit does work on him, it still won't save him.
Since the moment I first saw her.
Shut up georgie
Well yes, but it's kinda different from women
Men like other aspects like cuteness, sexyness, personality, quirks, family, etc
For women it has to do more with status, power, "I can fix him", etc
Men like fixing powerful women just as much as women like fixing powerful men desu
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Power fantasies don't need to be about literally attaining power tho anon
Having influence and the beck and call of powerful beings that love (You) is a good example of that and what FGO provides
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Mmmmh I dunno about that
Men mostly prefer weaker and more obedient women
True, Things have changed with the pass of time, but men still prefer to be the dominant part of a relationship.
I really doubt there are men who want to be in a relationship with a powerful female corrupt CEO or politician for example (because it's rare and unappealing)
These tastes and fetishes work better in the 2D world I guess
I think Galahad/Jesus comparisons are going a touch too far, as OC2 showed Guda can stray from that purity in the right situation. We rejected revenge in the end, but we were still tempted by it, so not quite saint or messiah tier imo. Ultimately Guda's meant to be pure but in a normal way.
I think the main difference is, Jesus was tempted, but unlike Guda, he never wavered, while Guda was starting to fall apart.
I know you are the schizo
But it's a power fantasy of being a Hero, Master, commanding a lot seminaked bitches and dudes from legends and history (where there are many that like and love (You))
Power fantasies aren't just about having shonen powers
>female servants
Anon what? Designs maybe but males btfos them here.
Not jesus, but he is kinda like someone trying to attain elightement
Probably Saint works better or something more asian like
That's why the Galahad parallels (Since Galahad is written with a very Buddhist viewpoint in TM)
This is true. Think about the basic low denominator fantasies: isekai shit.
Men's main love interest is ALMOST always a slave they "rescue". Even if she's freed and powerful that dynamic remains.
Female's main love interests although some slave/butler/servant/pet is included at times it's rarely the main one (with a few exceptions). Instead is the Northern Duke/Grand Duke, Crown Prince, Chief of the Mage Tower.
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>having influence
I suppose it depends on what you think is a fulfilling power fantasy. Being friends with someone whose strong or important doesn't feel like a power fantasy but rather someone clinging to their coattails.
>powerful beings that love (You)
Yeah but we never act on it. Guda either gets cockblocked by Trashu or choices not do anything. For God's sake he even refuses to drink. It feels nothing like a power fantasy in my opinion.
>I know you are the schizo
I have no idea who you are talking about.
>commanding a lot seminaked bitches and dudes from legends and history
If that's your power fantasy I respect it but for me being friends with someone whose strong and getting their help doesn't feel like a power fantasy to me. For a /co/ related example, Jimmy Olsen can summon Superman whenever he's about to get his shit rocked and get him to help but would you say that's a power fantasy?
>Power fantasies aren't just about having shonen powers
Being uber powerful would be cool but I'm not even asking for that. Just show some sort of advancement in magic ability. The closest we get is the black barrel.
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>you say that's a power fantasy?
Jimmy orsen was literally meant to be an audience's surrogate so yes
It's about being the expectation as well, I forgot to add. People like feeling special.
>Yeah but we never act on it.
Because there's 400+ characters in the game and the writers can only do so many suggestions/nudges before they start accidentally stepping on toes. Nothing can be official since this is a live service game, they want to avoid most stuff that can't be handwave away or else they'll write themselves into a corner and potentially alienate a part of their audience.
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I do, at least once a week, the flesh is weak
Whoops had a brain fart
Nasu's Jesus is Kirschtaria. The name itself in nip is a spelling of Christ (christos) translated as an anagram and Caenis blatantly stated he literally looks like Jesus in the beach.
Audience surrogates aren't the same as power fantasy.
Speaking of Savior. Will Nasu remove Buddha in Extra or make it like Last Encore where he dipped? It seems that he's now not trying to portray the big religions main stream figures. That's why Buddha Role got reduced in LE (and dipped), they never refer Jesus for his name and Hassans no longer say Aloha Snackbar as they did in the original FSN.
You're supposed to see superman in jimmy's lens, he is a power fantasy, just not in the way you may think, think about it who wouldn't want to be pals with motherfucking superman?
>he is a power fantasy,
Audience Surrogate is not the same as power fantasy. Yes both are types of self insert, but serve different purposes. Please learn literature devices.
Playable Guda for part 3, trust the plan
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>your servants, hand them over
remove okita alter, bond CE has shown that she's for rengoku
According to you maybe.
Listening to tranny, lmao. Who cares.
It's tier list you're creating georgie that nobody give a fuck, lmao
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FGO final villain will be “Evil” Gudao
>The character Nasu wants to write is a pure hearted MC who will overcome all odds, almost like one of his saint/messiah characters
How the fuck am I supposed to self insert in this again?
Become buddhist
Or a mushroom
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>Become buddhist
>Or a mushroom
I don't want to become a perfect super sweet pure hearted MC though
I have my flaws and I'd like to keep them, thanks
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>Gudao is master who doesn't fear death and needs no bitches since he is Galahad tier pure.
This is explicitly NOT what Guda is. He fears death when being held by Salome when she notes a Saint would simply tell her to stop being a bitch and berate her for being a shitter even on their deathbed. Galahad is said by Merlin to be the ultimate in purity of heart and that clearly causes distortions in his humanity. Guda is just regular humanity (at its best, to be fair).
>bread symbolism
>poor holmeless hobo figure similar to the gospels
>compared to Jesus
>named like jesus
>was going to sacrifice himself to make humanity become better
He's literally Nasu's version of Jesus. He'll never explored the real one.
Galahad has zero in common with Jesus in FGO. His description is another Buddha lie. Guda prioritizes their own life.
>write is a pure hearted MC who will overcome all odds,
Guda isn't that. Guda's inherently selfish and whose motivation was to survive in part 1. That's fine.
Guda's stated to be a regular average person not necessarily a saint. Salome even states that Guda is nothing like a saint or a pure person.
>overcame kama
lol no, Kama WON, it was the karuta austist that overcame her and fucked her up. Guda succumbed to Kama.
>Galahad is said by Merlin to be the ultimate in purity of heart and that clearly causes distortions in his humanity.
That isn't Jesus like though. We have a description of Jesus through Martha. Again it's not like Guda, it's just Kirsch 2.0.
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Damn bro forgot to fap before doing the chapter cover art
You all lost me.
Guda never overcame Kiara or Kama. They melt and died to Kiara, they became Tokugawa with Kama. Another character sacrificed themselves to make Guda dodge that bullet.
Why are you telling me this?
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I havent been here for awhile did they ever go in-depth on beast eresh?
She turned into a Beast during the summer event/OC3 story, and we're still waiting for the next part.
It's about overcoming the sin, not really about a shonen battle nitpicks
Someone compared Galahad to Jesus and isn't like him at all. Martha's Messiah was an upbeat, confident yet friendly and humble person. Not this serious robotic "purehearted" being. Nasu would never write him. He obviously used Kirsch as a proxy.
Last I heard they're still going into detail with the 'why did this happen', but the groundwork for her becoming a Beast was already there.

She did consider murdering everyone in Uruk to be a valid way of protecting them, after all. It really does feel like all the outrage of calling the class a joke now is either manufactured rage due to not having the complete story yet, or raging at the Servantverse stuff.

And even then, I feel like the Servantverse part is just a tool to streamline and accelerate the process that we see taking place in the event, but tbf I am a bit behind.

We'll have to see what happens once her third ascension inevitably appears in the story.
alright thanks bros
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Draco senpai?
Nah. Servantverse is still shit. And shouldn't ever be mixed with serious canon.
They could have sent Eresh to the past so she lived through those 3k+ years of dead for humanity to Beast out and would make more sense than this.
Guda never overcame them. Guda succumbed to them. Deus ex machina bailed them.
Melt specifically overcame Kiara and this was in Kiara's speech. Kama was delayed by Kiara sacrifice and tricked by Karuta kun, but -Guda- never fought her offf. Guda actually BECAME A Tokugawa and didn't snap out like Gordolf. Someone else literally bailed them out.
>Servantverse is still shit. And shouldn't ever be mixed with serious canon.
Regardless of your opinion of the servantverse what even is considered "serious canon" at this point in the story?
Don't think any of this has to do with my post really. Just pointing out that Guda is not at Galahad levels of saintlyness, at least as Merlin judges it.
source? these look cool
I imagine that knowing Jesus as a man and knowing him as God are two entirely different experiences. Galahad and Buddha, for instance, share pretty similar manners of being, and both have achieved enlightenment in their religion. Don't think we can say with confidence what Jesus is like in Nasu. Chances are he possesses both facets in equal measure.
Nta but that is accurate. After all, Guda is meant to represent the average everyday man like you and me. A literal self-insert. It's meant to be treated as if YOU are actually humanity's final master. If you were in Guda's shoes, you would've done the exact same things and the exact same events would play out as is in the game.
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wrong thread retard
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I mean folks, where's the lie?
Ever since I read Solomon, I can't help but wonder that Jesus is meant to be the antithesis to Solomon, because the latter lived his entire life exalted as a God-chosen King and thus never felt to feel like a human for even a fraction of a second. As opposed to the former who had humbled beginnings with a simple childhood life in Nazareth and only then discovered His true purpose in adulthood. As a mortal incarnated to a sinful world, He was the Son of Man before becoming the Son of God. In terms of His foster father Joseph's ancestral lineage, He had much more in common with David than with Solomon.
not really sweaty, huke is the illustrator ;^)
I mean, it's true.
Of course, the true ending is completely heterosexual but that's beside the point.
I want to make whoever doing this to watch John Waters films, Clockwork Orange style, just to see how long it'll take until they implode.
>If you were in Guda's shoes, you would've done the exact same things and the exact same events would play out as is in the game.
No lol
Ehhhh.... not really.
Really? How so? Please explain.
Odds are not even the average /fgog/ (or for that matter /alter/) poster would fall asleep on the floor of a public hallway on the first day there.
Which in fact is the only way "(You)" happen to be granted convenient immunity from the leprechaun bomb and Goetia's subsequent incineration.
Tbh it's looking like that was arranged by Chaldeas, by cranking up the difficulty of the simulator so you'd be exhausted
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peropero her anus
>4 more days
Come on...
>(About Manannán's hospitality)
Now it's time to share a little secret with you.
That twirly dress is expression of the Archmage and Sea God Manannán’s influence on her personality, right? Wrong, that's a lie. It's not that Manannán mac Lir manifests through Bazett's womanly side. Rather, it’s the other way around. What’s really happening is that she leverages the idea of Manannán’s influence within her to cater her feminine urges.

So, is that feminine flair simply a expression of her own suppressed wishes, you ask? Probably, but that's something herself is likely unaware of and would probably never admit.

Bazetto confirmed as ultra cute tomboy in dress
The next part better be fucking worth it.
Bazetto in my dicketto
is this the first summer with no welfare? or I'm getting senile

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