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The Past: >>493312656
Global 1st anniversary stream on September 9th, 9:AM EST

>General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.8 Trailer (GL)
>Version 2.2 Trailer (CN)
>Download (PC & Mobile)
1.8 Official Stickers: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TBvyg6vcBpv_C1kpSDmxiMlumZAm_xqF

>Current Event
Patch 1.8 - Farewell, Rayashki || Aug 15 - Sep 19

>Rate-up Banners
1. Windsong (Star DPS) || Aug 29 - Sep 19
2. Druvis III (Plant Support) || Aug 27 - Sep 10
3. Spathodea (Beast DPS) / Shamane (Beast Support) || Sep 1 - Sep 14

>Upcoming Banners

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o/htmlview#
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoA8vboCEDq2N6SWAtJZNePV_UcuKsCWsyxJ7nUoeZQ/edit?usp=sharing

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, IndustryandMermaid, StoryofRayashki, PotatoDishes, ComplexTheory, CourageBadge
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Sex with 37 feets
>Vertin patch
>no dark skinned people
Apologize and maybe you'll get more interracial lesbians in the next Matilda patch
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Vertin's lizard wife
Gone but not forgotten

Present but forgotten
doctored image
>Vila new ultimate is sooooo good
>it's still her swimming upward and then awkwardly popping on the screen
The fuck were the anon on previous thread on?
at least she has a better finishing pose now...
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*wipes hand on face*
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>Marcus is fa-
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even on vacation she's got that mopey look on her face
>no longer says "welcome to the world of numbers"
not sure if I want this...
>Makeup so thick it might as well be chalk
Alright I laughed
>they gave 37 a new special garment
>Special garment have new voice lines
>most likely it will be her crying about Sophia/Apeiron
can someone post the new 6* kits from the discord? I dont want to listen to ESLtubers misread the kits and have to be corrected by chat over and over
Does anyone has a good pic of Igor? I need more images of the sexy ojisan
>37 inch thighs
marcus is FLAT
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>Mercuria at P0
can we just skip 2.0? 2.1 and 2.2 are so good
I think they should have made her the limited and save Kimberly for another patch
But 2.0 is where you'd meet Ms.Kim...
So what I'm getting is that Jane Bluepoch just really likes flat underage girls with thick fuckin' thighs.
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>doesnt get to say welcome to the world of numbers
>but gets a unique garment with the same/even better ultimate animation quality as regulus's while also being a swimsuit garment too
I dunno, seems worth it to me
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She looks like ocean trash
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what do you call this body type?
He looks good what the fuck. And they really named him Igor.

Insight 1: when Bullet effect is triggered, gain Moxie then heal based on %hp lost to ally with lowest hp
Insight 2: Crit dmg up
Insight 3: When entering battle, increase Moxie based on the number of Beast, Spirit and Intelligent characters

Skill 1: Single attack, Reality dmg, converts <Burning Bullet> owned to <Magic Bullet>/<Ritual Bullet> for the character in front/behind Lopera

<Burning Bullet> Cause burn when attacking
<Magic Bullet> Increase magic power when attacking(wtf?)
<Ritual Bullet> Increase incantation power when attacking

Skill 2: give self one <Burning Bullet> and enter <Ready to Fire> state

<Ready to Fire> if is still in this status at the end of the round, unleash skill 3

Skill 3: Single attack, Reality damage, grant <Direct Hit> to all allies, when target has X burn, increase damage

<Direct Hit> Increase crit dmg based on Lopera crit dmg (this + Jiu's psychube in raid would be crazy)

Ultimate: Set up Array <Crucible Arsenal>

<Crucible Arsenal> Increase crit rate, when using any type of Bullet, they will not be consumed, at least one Bullet will be retained(?)
excess crit rate is converted to crit dmg, crit rate increased based on number of Bullet owned

Kimberly kit is too big I can’t translate all of it.
wtf I love Zeno now
>>Kimberly kit is too big I can’t translate all of it.
no worries, I already got a glimpse of it, I can wait for the proper blog post. Just wanted to see what Kimberly did
wanted to see what Lopera* did
>increase Moxie based on the number of Beast, Spirit and Intelligent characters
So multi teams for her? That's new.
>Read on twitter that Lopera is supposed to be Igor adopted daughter
He has good taste
Legal in Europe. (hoffman raped her in vienna)
thats not really new, Marcus does something similar
>When entering battle, if there are 3 or more Plant, Spirit, and/or Intelligence allies, gain the [Perusal] status
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Spathoschizo won, we lost, it’s over.
Can't rape the willing.
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I kneel to John
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here sis!!
>Show fren Igor
>Fren is Ukranian
>She knows i like hot ojisan
>"You want my honest opinion? Don't know why you this Russian, but i hope he dies"
Igor is a... gamer?!
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oh no he's hot
So is he a villain or not, that last scene felt off for some reason.
Lopera…mlem mlem…kiss kiss kiss…
*like this Russian
Typo, my bad
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Oh I could.
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considering he's the guy that nuked arcana, I'd say he's a good guy until they pull a "the foundation were the bad guys all along"
>like pavlovian conditioning
surely not...
I mean that's what I'm saying, the entire scene felt weird
>Listening on on ground zero
>Random static comes up
>It's all good now
villain not, maybe an anti-hero type.
imagine losing against him on CS:GO.
the obvious implication is that arcana is not dead but it's better if people believe she is, I think it's more reasonable to think he did it because it's good for the morale rather than "he's secretly a Manus plant"
stop thinking in terms of tropes, but in terms of actions that a character does and how it affects the story and others in it. It helps to not lock yourself into the "morality" box that is hero/villain mindest.
zeno is pragmatic so he is probably in the middle
photoshopped image
Friend knows i like ojisan characters, but since so far everyone assumes he's Russian, she gave me her honest opinion (which i didn't asked) that she hopes he dies and i ruined her mood for showing interest on a Russian character.
He's a part of Zeno, same as Lilya and Leilani and it doesn't look like he betrays Zeno
Considering Zeno's questionable ethics, like their treatment of Jessica and the Rayashki residents for example, it's up to (You) to decide whether they're "good" or not
God reading posts not from here is making me fucking insane, they're SO FOCUSED on how a character looks jesus fucking christ. Only so few chinese niggers even care about the culture on other not so talked about countries, and when they try to appeal with their limited perspective, they get branded as racist just because there's no one that's dark as a fucking shadow.
just came inside Igor btw
>it's up to (You) to decide whether they're "good" or not
They Fathered Lilya so they are definitely good
It's a mental hazard, yes.
Lilya kept disobeying their orders though...
I like 2.2 characters but I feel Nala is just Tuesday + Isolde and Lopera is just Argus + Spathodea
isnt that Constantine as well? I know people love to meme on her about fighting and playing chess against kids, but wasnt it the case that she was fighting against the manus, that were using the kids as pawns? Basically she was saying she would rather her pawns die, than go into the hands of the manus, which may seem extremist (and it kinda is), but she cant really convince the children otherwise since the manus had already influenced their thinking (with the pamphlets,etc), which led to they convincing themselves (so a sort of indoctrination from the manus, that utilized and weaponized their curiosity, which led them to their deaths)
>Nala is just Tuesday + Isolde
I'll take 20
about his actions, I didn't know about what he did until now..
he's part of Zena and, in the recent event, BluePoch wanted to tell us that Zeno was not a very charismatic organization compared to the Foundation.
>The chapter named after white guilt the book is triggering retards white guilt
It's pretty funny when you think about it
Please god, give me a playable sexy ojisan so i can draw conscience free, Druvis getting railed by him
Why do you need so much mental gymnastics to do that? Just do it bwo.
My rule it's that it needs to be inside the suitcase anon, so only playable characters
There were two anons that were duking it out, and you can basically see the mental gymnastics the "representation" troon used. When the anon gave them data, they made up fiction to justify saying that brazilians SHOULD look darkskin. Even with that shit argument anon argued for cutural usage of the word "brown" (like how they use brown wont be like how americans would use it since they never had shit like jim crow laws) and they continued to ignore it, saying that they're right.

Thread started here:
he's the leader, so.....that should help
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>they are giving Matilda garment for free
What garment
The Mor Pankh one
Get for free either Charlie 1.1 Garment, BKorne 1.2 Garment, Matilda 1.3 garment or a voucher that takes away 880 gems from the price of any garment
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prove you arent a Marcus bandwagoner now that shes sexo
is that what it is?
can we get another portrait too?
she looks wierd without four layers of clothes on top
I guess I can try and get Balloon Party is it's available.
Not the >polka dot garment. Thanks for the voucher I guess
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I feel kinda eh about 2.2 6* characters but 5* oji-san and 4* skeleton pirate hand+ship in a bottle on top of 2.2 being swimsuit garment bonanza makes me happy for the patch, 37's making me super giga happy
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any news during the 2.2 stream about the future of the 2.1 buffs or are they still workshopping it? I just want Voyager to be more mooseful...
>Matilda patch
She thirsts for cock. She's officially excluded from the suitcase's lesbian orgies
They're really making use of 3d stuff more and more.
Coming 2.3 sis
There was a part, but I don't think I've seen a translation
>Bkorn buffs
Lilya mi amor... next year for sure
newbabel is 100% getting buffs when 2.2 comes out from their livestream, dunno if it also applies to the other characters or not though
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It's literally in his name
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All these characters beside Shamane have peak focus buff so I wonder if they are just deciding if the peak focus buff are too strong for general content or not
Bluepoch are a bunch of corn eaters
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Charlie microbikini skin with hat and cape still on doko
Stop posting forever.
Druvis shall be remembered!
I know this! 2.3 will be an event with her and the next main chapter Tristes Tropiques will also have her.
But where is bkorn story
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>He thinks 2.3 will be about druvis
We already know what 2.3 will be about
Anon, this is a classy game, even the coon garments are elegant and respectful. This a game with ladies, not sluts.
I dunno about that, the Kaala gymnast skin was pretty blatant imho.
Keep posting forever
Keep posting
She's brown and we all know Jane Bluepoch burns crosses.
This duck has already taken too much spotlight, let my daughter have some crumbs too
Compared to what other gacha games would do with a gymnastic themed, they were quite respectful, it's sexy without being that explicit in your face "hot collant sex sex sex!". At first glance everyone thinks it's just a sports garment like others, the bonus is that she also looks really hot in it
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>tfw no sicilian gangster gf
Is there a link with global banner history?
ples i'm blind and only see cn one in op
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I've already redeemed sirs
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i AM rolling for tuesday and barbara instead of argus
and no there's nothing you can do to stop me
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John is smart, a dead schneider is worth more than she ever was when alive she is gone and will stay gone for maximum tragedy, maybe vertin will get a hallucination for old times sake
thank you
can someone explain what the deal with semmelweis, lorelei and pioneer are
why aren't they on the banners?
Semmelweis is a standard character that were given one copy of for free, lorelei is free with roguelike, pioneer is a three star
so you get a free 6 and 5 star in 1.9?
1.9 is the anniversary, anniversary 6* welfares arent really that unusual. Arknights does it all the time
semmelweiss is free 6* everyone gets from anniversary, also immediately added to normal standard banner pool so you can get her in any failed 50/50 pull or pick her in the 'choose your own 6* to roll for' banner that 1.9 has. Lorelei you get p0-p5 free from doing 1.9 roguelike game-mode which is permanent. Pioneer is added to 2.0 but hes a 3* and besides being free is also in the standard pool so its super easy to get him to p5
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Vertin is doing commercials now, how long until she starts pimping out the girls or slaving them for dust
Critters did the last X feature, are we getting more guests?
>or a voucher that takes away 880 gems from the price of any garment
Aren't there skins that cost 880 gems?
Yeah, the normal garments so basically a free standard garment
all the normal garments they sell each patch cost 880 paid drops, like currently eternity's then voyagers in 1.9
Cool. Did they mention if the voucher expires or not?
Now that I think about it... she kinda reminds me of Frostnova case in arknights. They never brought her back after like 5 years, even though she's still immensely popular.
Schneider's also not coming back, ever. It's time to accept it and move on.
Apparently in order to obtain white rum you have to play a match 3 minigame
>First HSR
>Now this
Is there a fucking Bejeweled renaissance in China or something?
The important detail you're leaving out is that Frostnova's body was in possession of the protagonist group and they had her cremated. She's done and dusted.
Schneider on the other hand benefits from the Storm not being fully explained. This gap in knowledge is what they will use to bring her back.
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There's really not a lot of options when it comes to side game modes that companies can implement in their gachas. You need something simple, grindable, and somewhat fun, and match 3 checks all of that
Wouldn't it be funny to beat up Vertin?
Just imagine her reaction when the fist meets her face, lmao.
Stealing candies from Vertin
Matilda please.
damn imagine pinning him down and smooching all over
Punching someone who has a suitcase full of unhinged lunatics who will slaughter people on her behalf is unwise.
nobody is paying 880 gems fore the stale battle pass garments, we're safe Matilda exclusivity sisters
Alright so summary stolen from Twitter + shit I understand
>2.2 story takes place in Sao Paulo, it features Zeno fighting against a new evil force called the Apostle Brotherhood
>The story features the return of Bessmert/Martha
>New characters include
>6* Anju Nala, a singer/snake girl who's limited (I guess limited characters aren't a thing exclusive to anniversary anymore)
>6* Lopera a gunslinger girl that might be Igor adopted daughter
>5* Mr Duncan who looks like a weird old man
>4* White Rum which is a hand skeleton holding a ship in a bottle
>Everyone is beast except white rum which is intellect
>You obtain white rum by playing a match 3 minigame
>Swimsuit costume are releasing
>Yenisei, Poltergeist & Shamane gets normal costume
>Vila & Marcus gets advanced costume (these are costume that slightly alter the character animation and voice lines)
>37 gets a unique costume (these are costume that completely change the character animation and voice lines)
>Everyone gets a random 6* from the standard pool (so up to 1.9 I guess?) that they don't own, if you own every character you get to pick 1 portrait of your choice
>Free 5* of your choice up to Avgust
>Free item which instantly max the insight of a 5*
>Create your own triple banner (lol)
>Gets either Charlie 1.1 costume, BKorne 1.2 costume, Matilda 1.3 costume or an 880 discount on any garment for free
>Pickles 1.3 Costume, Lilya 1.4 costume, TF 1.5 costume,Knight 1.6 Costume, Melania 1.7 costume and Eternity 1.8 costume are returning
>Getian and Tooth Fairy are getting a "Discovery channel" themed garment
>There are now animated profile portraits
>Buying the Jukebox also give you an animated profile portrait
>New things where you unlock critters from Ms. Newbabel factory to put in the wilderness
>UTTU is being replaced by a mode called Photoaxis where I think you can tag out characters
>The roguelike give you a new suitcase background as a reward
>37 and Mesmer Jr are getting anecdotes
game needs more ryona stuff
Pretty huge.
>half a year away
The game will get fucking banned in my country before we get there.
>mesmer jr anecdote
ryona incoming!!!
It's not half a year, it's 18 weeks, which is 4 months and half
Thank you! Free basic skin or discount on other skin is pretty huge. I could have waited on the eternity skin! Vila’s is pretty tempting
Lizard girl so good she's got Vertin's eyes rolling back.
Ideal scenario: Shamane is my free random 6*, I get his sexo skin with the coupon, he lives on my Home Screen until he gets buffed
So will the Discovery channel garments be exclusive to the cn server as usual?
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>Sonetto only practiced cheek italian kissing with Vertin
>schneider stole one kiss from Vertin before getting stormed
>snake girl actually puts her hands on Vertin's neck within less than a minute after metting her
Schneider and Sonetto lost
lopera sex
We’re getting a free 6* we can choose?
you get a random 6* that you don't have
>New Brickle will be forced upon me without my consent
With my luck I’ll get Druvis instead of Kaala Baunaa or 37
You get a selector if you already own all the 6*.
>Realizing I don't have Druvis either
Oh fuck.
>would be happy if I got KB or getian
>login and get pickles instead
Well at least skipping from second half of 1.9 to probably 2.1 means I can guarantee Kimberly. Tuesday and Argus are kinda neat but I’d rather have an insane bossa nova snake. Argus is sexo so maybe I’ll try a bit
no translations of anjo nala's skills anywhere? shes a dps right?
she has a...really interesting kit.
she's limited so probably another OP dps yes
Yeah and with followup attacks and a link mechanic for one character of your choice. Target character takes damage when she ults, can't gain moxie etc. and will ult before she ults as a link.

I'm forseeing some crazy p5 whalebait with her whole kit.
>ANOTHER Extra Attack centric limited
>literal dommy mommy kit
Jane's done it again...
Anjo Nala
6* Beast character

Insight: Contracting Oath
1. Upon entering combat, select one ally to enter into a [Treaty]. Anjo Nala and the ally targeted by [Treaty] gain bonuses based on each other's Afflatus (the ally targeted by [Treaty] cannot gain or use their Ultimate, any Moxie gained is redistributed to Anjo Nala). Anjo Nala has an increased Moxie limit. (If you see the stream it was 10+.

Spirit and Meat [Spirit - Intellect]: Increases ATK and Max HP.
Form and Shadow [Beast - Plant]: Increases Crit DMG and Reality DEF.
Bone and Blood [Mineral - Star): Increases Crit Rate and Mental DEF.

2. Upon entering combat, increases Crit DMG.

3. When the ally targeted by [Treaty] actively casts an Incantation, Anjo Nala reduces the duration of [Joyous]. Depending on the type of [Treaty] formed, triggers one of the following effects:

Spirit and Flesh [Spirit - Intellect]: Casts [Satisfying Meal] (extra action).
Form and Shadow [Beast - Plant]: Anjo Nala gains additional Moxie.
Bone and Blood [Mineral - Star): Casts [Angel's Invite] (extra action).

Incantation 1: Satisfying Meal
1-target attack. Deals Mental DMG. Inflicts [Admiration] to the target. If the caster is in the [Joyous] state, reduces its duration. Deals additional Mental DMG based on the number of [Neg Status] effects on the target.
[Admiration]: Reduces DMG Dealt. Transforms into [Charmed] when it reaches a certain amount of stacks.
[Charmed]: Cannot act. Decreases ATK. Anjo Nala's ATK increases by the same amount.
I guess it’s a fix for mostly do nothing supports like Isolde or 6?
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nice sonetto garment
Incantation 2: Twin's Phantom
Self-channel. Enters the [Joyous] state. When the channel ends, cast [Angel's Invite]. If Anjo Nala is already in the [Joyous] state, decrease its duration.
[Joyous]: Channel (idea is that you reduce Joyous as quickly as possible to cast [Angel's Invite] more).
Extra Incantation: Angel's Invite
Mass attack. Deals Mental DMG. Inflicts [Admiration]. If cast when the [Joyous] channel ends, inflicts [Charmed] instead and deals a "huge amount" of additional Mental DMG.

Ultimate: Step Into The End of a Beautiful Dream
Self-channel. Both Anjo Nala and the ally targeted by [Treaty] enter a channeling state. At the start of the next round, decreases the current HP of the ally targeted by [Treaty]. Then, the ally and Anjo Nala cast their respective Ultimates. Anjo Nala launches a Mass attack. Causes enemies to enter random [Neg Status] states. Deals Mental DMG. This attack deals additional damage based on the number of different [Neg Status] among all enemies.
>At the start of the next round, decreases the current HP of the ally targeted by [Treaty]. Then, the ally and Anjo Nala cast their respective Ultimates.
Well who's the best candidate for this? My head immediately goes for Jiu but how's Lucy?
>pair her with 6 & vila+kakania
looks like marcus got powercreeped
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There's a snake in her art so I will be referring to her as snek.
weird kit. can't see a reason to roll for her
37's new best friend
she's not cute enough to powercreep marcus
She's not fat enough to powercreep Marcus
BP is focusing on mental units, she's the debuffer/support unit for mental
Mr Duncan
5* Beast character

Insight: Military Legacy
I1: When a certain number of [Bullet]s are triggered, self gains [Etiquette].
[Etiquette]: Increase ritual might. Can be layered. All consumed after ultimate is cast.

I2: When entering battle, increase Crit rate.

I3: When self crits or defeats an enemy, all allies receive a [Bullet] from [Veteran Clip]. When self crits a certain amount, increase moxie
[Veteran Clip]: Contains [Acid Bullet] and [Shard Bullet].
[Acid Bullet]: After attacking, decrease target's reality defense. Can be layered.
[Shard Bullet]: Deals extra Genesis DMG based on ATK.

S1: Deadly Melody
Mass reality DMG to 2 enemies. When attacking enemies with HP lower than a certain percentage, deals extra Genesis DMG based on ATK.

S2: Scrap Inventions
Single Counter. Self gains several bullets from [Veteran Clip], and enter [Quick Draw].
[Quick Draw]: Before getting hit, if self has [Bullet]s, release [Sudden Counter] before the enemy attacks.
[Sudden Counter]: Single reality DMG to the attacking enemy.

Ult: Salute From A Veteran
Single reality DMG. Increase crit rate of this attack based on the variety of [Bullet]s acquired.
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>brown people country
>every new character is beast again
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I need more Druvis Portrays
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I don't think he was from Brazil Jane.
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Man I remember when Kaalaa Baunaa got introduced, and an anon said she was like a Yu-Gi-Oh cards
Now THIS is a Yu-Gi-Oh card
No Marcus support this patch? This game sorely lacks Marcus supports. More Marcus supports, John?
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Marcus feet incoming!
After a little bit of thought, he's the most Brazilian character of the bunch, wanna know why? Search Gambiarra. Mr. Duncan is literally an arcanists who makes a ton of gambiarras, even his short is made out of patchwork. Truly the representation my country needs. My king of poor people's solutions, i kneel...
Your request has been acknowledged. Another Spathodea support coming right up!!
who asked for this
Emily from HR who developed a daddy fetish recently.
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and who asked for THIS!??
And yet we didn't get a Tetris minigame for Russia event.
Frank from Accounting.
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your marcus support is her garment proving shes not fat
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the TETRIS copyright was to much to handle...
the cartel
>Net dress
That must be uncomfortable?
interesting, they really took the time to investigate all of this.
I remember that anon who look after Marcus story and was based on the Weird Tales magazine onwer or some stories from there...
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Very nice. But next time, don't obscure her yummy tummy as much, John.
>Look it up
>First result is "How to explain Gambiarra to Gringo"
My sides are now gone
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>walk at night
>see this
what do??
Walk her home gently.
I'm not a homosexual so I'm safe.
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ask her for a discount in my next visit.
those cavities don’t get fixed for free.
>continuous effect
>once per turn
>for an xyz material
>and 1500LP
She's garbage
The concept of "suave trickster" is a classic in Brazil and bitches love grizzly dudes so I wonder if that's what they're going for. He might get a suit on his Insight 3 if that's the case
Thats soft censoring. They knew it'd be too erotic otherwise, everyone would blast that belly....but don't worry, it's only a matter of time before someone redraws it without the net
>3rd black & purple colour scheme, dark hair, singing, some variety of psychotic 6* woman
Okay, roll on number 4
slut arcanist when
Eternity is only for 5 thousand sharpodonties.
Your Blonney?
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his insight 2 outfit is always the same as the trailer PV image bro
The collection of deranged dark haired beauties continues.
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Gambiarra, they're going for a dude who makes gambiarras
Didn't notice that, lmao. He got the "less clothing" treatment from his insight
White rum skills where
Pera aí, é o Edson Celulari??? Mano, nem parece.
why is he white and why are there niggers in the container
marcus would be much more uncomfortable walking around with her belly and legs exposed
Do you?
cute cockslut
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I know Vertin doesn't.
your shamane?
>why is he white
omg you can't just ask people why they're white...

>why are there black dudes in the container
they're his tops that he likes to keep around at all times
sex with Mr. Cumcan
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I need to see at least one piece of art where this fine lady chokes Vertin with her tail.
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I love Marcus!
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I love Vertin and Marcus
Hopefully they get a chance to go on a mission together in the main story eventually.
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Isolde is so lucky to have Kakania.
Any fix on the audio not working when playing through the phone speakers on iphone?
will this be pvp
I hope so
Please no. I've never got rank 1 in HSR Bird Crush
Desert Flannel is only 5 sharpodonties per hour
holy shit, they might not be the biggest but KB's tits drive me absolutely feral. I wanna stick my dick between her curry flavored bosom so bad.
I even bought her gymnast outfit even though I dont have her.
The meta was picking the trailblazer bird, I won 60/40 of my matches.
I've been using it and I just realized this issue when I was running the game earlier while charging the airpods. Apparently the game gets muted (at least on speakers) on ios if its on do not disturb. Fuck you Steve Jobs
Dikke because Justice serves everyone equally
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I fixed Lopera
>They're from the nigger country so they must look like niggers
I started in 1.4 but Mor Pankh has been fun so far.
I like the indian ESLisms. I hope there's a "Do the needful" line
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spoil that thing next time sis!!
why is Sotheby the one seducing Mr. Duncan?
I thought we agreed that all Ojisans are the property of Matilda.
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Your Vertin?
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who exactly do you even replace in Marcus Argus Mercuria Vila? we're full
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so many exciting things on CN.... another 1.5 weeks of nothing for global
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At least the stream is in 12 hours.
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>no Brazilian shower arcanist
God Vertin's voice sounds so happy here, I want more of this pls John
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dont kiss evil women
I won't. Sonetto, come here. SMOOOOCH
>A free 6-star! This is a log-in event that will provide you with a random 6-star from the standard pool that you don’t already own. if you own at least 1 copy of every 6-star already, it does grant you a random Portrait.
>There is also a free 5-star! This one is pickable, and we’ve seen this event before during the 1.4 celebration. This time around, any 5-star up until “Vereinsamt (1.9)” is available from this selector.

The only 6* I'm currently missing in standard.... I hope I get Pickles
If I can get 37 or Marcus that would be nice
is that the 55 gallon drum of lube?
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>“Beneath the Mask” appears to be a Manus Vindictae related end-game piece of content wherein you use up to 8 characters with in-combat switching mechanics to battle through waves of enemies.
Fusion ha mechanic to get Margus
>just finished building my Yenisei
>Yenisei garment announced
p5-shamane-and-joe-coded post
so slender and pretty...
r1999 girls are for fat thighs that they're self-conscious about only
>westoids get brown in 2.0 2.1 in AMERICA
>opposite thing happen in 2.2
>”woah woah woah”
joe and argus are not n*****-coded sis
unlike that fat cow marcus
Marcus saved Romania's reputation
>fat fat fat fat fat
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>Ctrl + F "Marcus"
>23 results
to think everyone was going to skip her long ago
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wasnt that long ago desu
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Marcus general. Marcus board.
I won't lie I skipped Marcoose and I now regret it
I plan to skip but her kino story pulled me BACK
should have done the same, baka
I still haven't finished Ch. 6 after coming back in 1.7
just came inside Marcus
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>Hearing the VA's greetings after yt recommended it to me
>Vertin va is basically vertin
>schneider va does not sound like schneider
Jesus christ that stunned me for a minute here ngl LOL
just came inside Lucy
>lewd arts are less than 300 after a year
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all me
Her gravitational pull was much too strong
Uh oh tuna meltie
Good evening sisters. Curious what wilderness sets everybody bought!

I bought 85% of the starting set like an idiot, all of 1.2, 1.3 (finished on event rerun) buildings of 1.4, all of 1.5, all of 1.7 and 1.8, skipping til route 77 and brazil.

We know now, of course, that wildernessmaxxing is a meme. You can’t get them all with shells but boy you can get a lot
why do the monkeys think nala is like Isolde?
just because she sing and have Black hair?
ignoring that she is a seductress half snake with different personality???
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I bought everything except the Australian one
literally 2 seconds into the trailer you can tell she's not like Isolde
Ray gun jumpscare, for reals. I think Australia will go nice with the American west. Hated the patch but the wilderness is nice and it’s comical how big not uluru is
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Are you retarded? It's fucking Mr. Duncan >>493437756
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I love crazy monster girls
So is she actually miss kimberly or what's the deal with her
bro why haven't they released igor yet? are they retarded? dude will print money for them...
Claws confirm it
holy shit, how did she not win. Those dance moves look insane
i expect him to be an anniversary second unit. Or maybe the 2nd anniv gift
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>Or maybe the 2nd anniv gift
no way in hell a good looking character like him is a freebie

I hope we won't have to wait till the 2nd anni cause that would suck major booty

Not a fag or a woman btw, I just want some actual men with facial hair in my gacha kusoges
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I like soft-spoken, black/brown haired women.
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They just had a good looking character as the anniversary freebie. I don't think looks affect that.
You got me there; I completely forgot about her. To be fair Lucy mogs her, and I can't see a character mogging igor on his own patch if he ever releases, but I realise that's just my opinion.
>teased in 2 stories
>made her debut in anniversary
>teased in 2 stories
that settle it Folks
2nd Anniv.
Limited - Sophia
2nd Character - Mineral Reality Loli Healer that restores 1 party moxie and eureka per turn passively. (yes Vila btfo)
Free - Igor.

>verification not required
Her decolonized dance moves were too powerful for the prejudiced judges
>year 2024 and arcanists like Raygun are still being unfairly judged and ostracized by the general public.
It hurts...
>btfoing anybody
A pipe dream
more deranged than schneider believers
never ever
jane 100% is going to make him meta as fuck
friend... your lushu...
>no 6* cunny for 7 patches straight
it’s over isn’t it
I refuse to roll on chink banners no matter the gacha
If the names starts with chi, qu, xi, zh, etc I'm not pulling and I don't care about the story
Their passive could be auto doing my dailies for me without logging in and then sucking my dick and I still wouldn't care
the dual sophia schneider banner...
Should've kept to the Uluru Games, humans don't appreciate shapeshifting arcane dances
When will we get to pull 37's sexy evil girlfriend?
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Don't be racist against An-an Lee, she's one of the best characters we have
so sad
she even did the "Ezra" as a wayt to showcase the solidarity between Australian Humans and Arcanists
But I guess stupid humans just dont care.
why did they buff 37 thigh? I like the skelly one more
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Hong Kong isn't chink shit, of course
marcus transferred her fat over
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Vertin likes them thighs
>Isolde 3.0
>Sonetto 2.0
>ugly old grandpa
>roll for lucy
>skip 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
>snake sex
>mega sex orange
>Delicious old man
plap plap plap
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Not for a long time sadly
Am I supposed to hate Sonneto or not? I hate Mathilda btw
I poke fun at Sonetto but I don't actually hate her.
Hebe Lilya is so fucking hot
We're just speedrunning the evolution of the Atelier series.
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>or casualty
Stress eating after her GF got ntr by arcana and turns evil
Click was asking for it to be fair
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Make sure to buy this garment to increase Sophia's chances of being playable.
Whose garment do I buy to increase Arcana's chances of being playable?
she is gone get over it
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Just keep buying garments for characters with massive honkers and they will free her from NPC jail.
Marcus is FLAT
I know it's been 2 days since anecdote launched but use these characters for extra dialogue
1. Leilani & Eric
2. Matilda & Kanjira
3. X & Sputnik
4. Eagle & Necrologist
5. Melania & Charlie
Why does 37 get to have TWO garments already?!
welcome to the world of numbers aka capitalism
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Matilda was the first, at least on CN, then Regulus
Someone sell me on this, what's it about.
How's the gameplay/story?
Also is this game worth starting now?
Or is it like fgo where they give new players a ton of free rolls and shit for anniversaries and it's better to jump in then and roll for new servants.
I want to see Spathodeaschizo and the recently born Loperaschizo fighting to the death to who shall be the resident hebe schizo
>Verification not required
EVEN the site wants to see it
I miss the portrait schizo
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The basic premise is that it's anime X-men. The Timekeeper hops around the 20th century collecting these individuals with superpowers called arcanists. It's pretty interesting and has nice drama/character developments, although some people find the first two chapters a little hard to grasp. People say the gameplay is a more "modern" version of FGO, I never played FGO myself so I can't confirm.
I'd suggest waiting for the 1st anniversary in two weeks, pic related is the limited character and you get a bunch of free stuff as you said.
Huh, sounds weird.
Do you still get it if you start now or only if you start during the anniversary?
You're in luck, anniversary is just around the corner anyway.
Story is literal cinema about odd bits and pieces of western culture with a magic alt history backdrop
Gameplay goes exactly as hard and complex as you want it to be
I have a feeling they are the same person

why is the new bitch limited? this isnt chinese new year
You can get the freebies regardless of when you start. It's just common practice for new gacha players to reroll for a strong new character, especially if they're limited.
Starting now is also perfectly fine because the current banner character is also top tier. It's your choice, roll for meta or roll for what appeals to you.
why wouldn't she be?
While anniv is in two weeks, it wouldnt be a bad idea to start now since the current banner character (Windsongg is technically the best DPS in the game even considering the chinese version.
The reroll process is also relatively painless so you dont really have much to lose if you reroll for windsong.
The anniv character (Lucy) is the second best although she’s more comfy to use and is a limited character (rarer character that wont show up in standard pulls).
The story’s writing can get wordy for some people but the overall stories I find range from decent to exceptional. (We have a main story and a bunch of self contained chapters).
Gameplay they say is a simpler fgo (never played fgo so I cant really say)
There's a huge gap between Lucy and the next chinese new year. There was 100% going to be another limited banner in this timeframe.
I want Lilya Zeno uniform garment…
i dont like this limited every 4-month thing
3 limiteds per year is pretty low for a gacha game all things considered
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kiss kiss
I don't feel that strongly about the current girl, Windsong I think?
But I like the robo girl even less aesthetically, she does seem to have some cool stuff going with switching around body parts and masks.
I guess I'll try rerolling windsong in one and then hope i get robutt fast

It's kind of a bummer characters only have 2 attacks and ult, I wish it was at least 3 or something, or have some skills like fgo buffs, makes them feel kinda lacking
That would be so fucking lame and proof he doesn't truly love Spathodea nor Lopera. A schizo should focus on a single thing
what the fuck are you talking about
most games that follow this format do 2 a year
>what's it about
It's about going around the world collecting magic lesbians for your private military.
>How's the gameplay/story?
It's a turn based with card battler like Baten Kaitos on the Gamecube.
The story is for people who know how to read, enjoy historical references and want to be a little more cultured.
>Also is this game worth starting now?
The best time to start any gacha is today, unless you want to reroll. If you want to reroll then you can either start today and get a top tier character or wait until next patch and get a different top tier character, it's up to (You).
FGO animation look bad tho
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>want to be a little more cultured.
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Sonetto will be loved again!!!
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I wish we have more character like Bertolt
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too many Marcus
tone it down fatty
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Yeah its a feel out process.
Im personally fine with 2 skills since i got burned out by japanese gachas that had 20 skills and entire novels for descriptions.
But I’d suggest just give it a try for like a week and see if you like it enough to stick with it.
Also I feel like R1999s more conservative character designs may not make the best first impressions. Its really the story that sells them.
Hell 1.6 - 1.9 is a murderers row of meta characters so most people in this thread planned on skipping Marcus (fat bitch who is a good damage dealer but isnt meta). But because of the story 95% of this thread rolled for marcus and are rolling for all her dedicated supports
will any sis Watch the EN stream?
You know what? I'm not even angry, you made me chuckle, have a blessed night anon.
OUR HEROES... and Melania too!!
Why is she biting her lip?
Imagine the handjobs
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Yeah, already know what's coming so I'm basically just watching for Regulus.
What stream?
>Lorelei can dish out 1k+ modifier ult when paired with windsong
remember to pull for Lorelei!
Anniversary stream in 6 hours
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My internal doomerism tells me there’s like a 1% chance they wont give us free semmelweiss.
So im watching for the potential shitstorm if that happens
but sis, I didn't pull for Winsong!!
wut to do??
Is there much point to this since it's going to be the same as chinese one?
Has It really almost been a year? Jesus
so pretty!!!
It's not going to the same as the CN one because the CN one had the developers as hosts instead of the EN VAs
They still need to do some kind of stream for an anniversary. Not everyone keeps up to date with future content/spoilers/etc.
I guess but it's not like they'll announce something new we don't already know.
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a full year
>wake up at 08:00, open game
>do the dailies fast
>close game
>enjoy the day here,, posting shit and more
>22:00, open game
>read the story, do slowly everything, enjoy playing it
>almost 11:30pm, close game
>start to read current book until 1:00 am
was a good year!!
maybe they will replace our selective banner with that upcoming 1/3 scam banner in CN :)
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and, about that... is time to sleep, almost an hour later.
Peak comfy game.
I also like how it introduced me to a few hobbies I wouldnt have explored otherwise.
1.7 got me into an opera binge for a few weeks. That was fun
They'll announce the global exclusive Matilda banner
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I'm tired of horror girls purple aesthetic
I want more horror girls purple aesthetic
She's green and purple, doc
communism will turn you into a lesbian
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Kakania has a monopoly on Isolde. Tuesday is unfixable. Anjo Nala is the first one of these who will form an attachment to Vertin.
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>Anjo Nala is the first one of these who will form an attachment to Vertin.
What of good Sonetto?
sonetto is a WHORE
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Can Sonetto leave Vertin looking like this?
Sotheby unique skin please
>Goes to Brazil
>Immediately raped
Many such cases
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>what it's about?
There's a magical disaster called the storm which delete people and event from existence and send the world back to other eras, you play as Vertin, a top hat wearing girl who's immune to it as you try to figure out who's behind the storm and fight a group of evil terrorist called Manus Vindictae who seek to use the storm to change history
>how's the story
I fucking love it, but John Bluepoch has a tendency to leave cliffhangers that last half a year or intentionally not tell you things so it's also a bit frustrating sometimes, there's lots of mysteries in it
>is it worth starting now
The anniversary is very soon so you have a chance to get the OP limited unit + all the free pulls, also the anniversary is coincidentally when past event become permanent addition so sure I guess?
If you are asking if it's worth starting now or when the anniversary begin, there's no difference other than missing like 10 days worth of resources
Bertolt is actually Nice ????
Still waiting for the Japan event...
it’s not going to happen. The Chinese hate the Japanese.
He's an asshole. he killed Eren's mom
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>Zeno story is just this
They'll get an event when they outspend global
Well technically
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So 2.2 spoilers
>Vertin is going to Brasil to find Urd
>Urd is the norn of the past
>Norns are the goddess of fate
>Fate is blind
>It's very likely that Bessmert is Urd
>if Bessmert is Urd, that means there's also a Verdandi and a Skuld
Who the fuck are Verdandi and Skuld?
I've been skipfagging since chapter 3, intending to eventually go and read it all, but the new PV spoiled Arcana dying so… major story beats since ch3?
sex with arcana
sex with arcana
the arcana banner...
i like your funny words magic man
Do we get some freebies from the stream or nah>
All of them have their own appeal but E Lucevan le Stelle is kino.
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just got 3 days for off-topic on /v/
Cool blog
Did (You) get the (You)'s you wanted?
All the important stuff happens in 1.9 including arcana "dying" lol
lilya zeno clothes look better than her current slut outfit
you get codes, yeah
>zeno main goal was to drag rayashki people into their Force
that explained why they didnt just gun all of them down
Is there a formula to the Vedic Astrology activity or can I get by with just setting random angles?
The rewards are the same. Just do whatever
it doesn't matter
Do we get uttu reruns?
Or is there no way to get the free skins from there if you missed them.
Probably in the future
They're already adding previous battlepass skins
It's free content
They just announced they are scrapping UTTU altogether and replacing it with a new mode so...
Well that sounds sad
damn really
but it was fun
>Timekeeper?... Are you asleep?
*animalistic sex sounds behind the door*
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>JP steam has been out for an hour
>only now they add something new after replaying the trailers
Why did I expect anything...
>really would like to finally get TF, Spatho or 37, even Knigga or Shamane would be good
>will 99% get Ezra or Getian instead
Cruel world.
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if its any consolation ezra's super good when you need a extra buffer/shielder for your main dps in raids
this kit sounds stupid, weird and broken at the same time, yet still not enough to convince me to roll. And that's before the undeniable fact that her design is very fucking bland, it's another Tuesday (this time with Isolde's part).
Even with new powercreep tier numbers I'm okay with skipping her entirely.
JP stream is 95% meaningless talking, 4% merch shill and 1% real content.

JP stream
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double banners are cringe and they don't exist to my eyes.
So what do chinkbros think about the new characters, Anjo and Lopera?
>3D models
Hell yeah I'm getting that Jessica garment
>japanese loreilei
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I don't get it
Jiu she gives you a bun, and when you eat it you cant lushu. But after she does her big attack, you can use lushu and the lushu becomes stronger, like a xiangrui!
Why is 37 so crunchy here
>Pair up Anjo with a character
>If the character is Spirit/Intellect she gets increased attack and she uses her S1 as an extra attack when her teammate acts after you ultimate
>If the character is Beast/Plant she gets extra crit damage and extra moxie when her teammate attack after you ultimate
>If the character is Star/mineral she gets extra crit rate and triggers the special attack that usually triggers with her S2 after you ultimate
>S1 decrease the enemy attack, increase Anjo attack and decrease the timer of S2
>S2 triggers a timer that unleash an extra attack when it ends, if already under the timer, decrease the timer
>When she ultimate, both her and her partner ultimate together and she inflict random negative status
Maybe she's good with 6?
I swear to god, jp streams are so long, the global stream might start and they're still going.
global stream doesnt start for another hour or so and im pretty sure JP have gone through most of the 1.9 content even with their constant sugoi sugoi yapping
The only good JP streams I’ve seen are HSR’s
>more deranged than schneider believers
Lol no
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Did JP announce the new scam banner yet?
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no global scam banner this time around bro, same one CN got where you pick a single 6* excluding jiu up to 1.6 & semmelweiss to roll for
I ain’t your “bro”, sis.
Can you keep rolling after getting one copy of the character?
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yea it doesnt end once you get the character so you can keep rolling if you wanted to p5 them
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don't be so sure, they can still do that.
Lilya needs more porn, she even got THE SMILE
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>Open stream
>Close chat
Why are we all so excited for the EOS announcement stream again?
What's the issue? Not like you could read it anyway.
Why the fuck would I be watching the other stream sister
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>the CN tooth fairy+getian garment discovery collab is coming to JP/global too
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based Jiu mentality!!
I had no doubts. Preventing people from getting a TF skin would've been catastrophic.
~3 minutes, get in here
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>an entire year
>no Matilda portraits
nothing wrong with me!!
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I'm sleepy but ready
when will they remove the retarded 3 hp bar at start in raid???
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Timekeepers, its time to keep some time
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Sorry but how the fuck did we get a collab with the Discovery Channel? Will Bear Grylls be playable in the next collab?
still not as bizarre as GFL's United Nations collab
I am awake this time and IT HAS BEGUN
Regulus sexo
Regulus my beloved...
sonetto sexo
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>this is Sonetto from team TIMEKEEPER
pfff HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH asjaksjakjskajksaj
Why does regulus sound older…
Regulus is made for MY cock!
Regulus wearing a piece of VHS cassette innards on her shoulder.
>5.8k live viewers
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i still love this game's OST and I'm glad to see its kept up its quality
Nice recap
Here they go again misrepresenting 1.1 by making it look more interesting than it was.
...did they fuck up their own audio
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EOS soon
Was that Lucy in Romania?
Nice artpieces
>japs dominating art as usual
Regulus delivers all her lines like she’s talking to a six year old and expecting applause before continuing
Should have been female only game now one give a fuck about males in games like these
>non western artists
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reg reg regulus
I'm clapping
how the fuck do EN players survive with that voice as Sonetto?
it's like nails on a chalkboard
>a six year old
Yeah me
>interesting player data
Make that available in-game
Why did they make Regulus' face so punchable...
>dont eat all those candies at once
all me btw
All that candy
We are all fat fucks…
who fucking cares about this shit?
her CN voice is the only good one
It's called being able to adapt. Also her voice varies.
who would have thought that top3 metafag characters would be at r15...
can they skip to the part where they have lesbian sex
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Lilya won bigly
>my fav skin is the most popular
I'm a normalfag...
>Matilda finally #2
wtf why is Zima's voice line the most played?

who are these people who love Zima so much
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based Zimasisters
Schneider bros...
Who the fuck is the Zima schizo!?
probably the same otomesisters who play love and deepspace
zimasister... your meds...

1 sis Carried zima all on her own…
>wrong date
nice copy pasting of CN
>most played line is Zima's
Huh? WHO are the zimasisters????????

>Sonetto most popular lobby girl
yikes isnt she the default? all those rerolls and orphaned accounts
The zima stat is why I like these stat recaps.
Who the fuck would’ve guessed
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clank clank clank
>stupid robot instead of the wife fucker
Sex with Robots
Wtf Zima schizo is real
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I bought it
>Medicine Pocket shows up at "accessible to all"
also kek Lucy
love me some laplace retro tech
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Based global exclusive footage
my wife lucy is so good at making jokes
Lucy is cute as hell
not watching the livestream. bertolt sex
that joke sucks
>7.5k viewers
bros... the EoS...
Oh damn I forgot the 3D trailer
Shit still slaps
My son Vertin is on the telly!
For some reason this PV always reminds me of Gorillaz
Coming from a robot, it's pretty good.
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im pretty sure every lilyabro who spend money on the game bought it
>The ritual is wrong
>p0 r10
you don't love her
This track is giving me goosebumps
Saving my summons by skipping Lucy!
If you are talking about 1.9 PV that's because it's actually using some band music I Don't remember the actual name at the moment
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>The heat from your palm is transferring to the piston on my core
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true, my love is dedicated entirely to 37
plap plap semmelweis
feels weird not hearing chiwa saito when seeing kakania
>free Matildda
I will when 1.9 arrives and I can finally p5 her
i do love that trailer
Old woman wearing old woman garment.
Male fujo and sister no anniversery male wtf ....
I hope they'd release hebe cunny lilya skin...
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>Lucy gets the spotlight again
fatty killed everyone
Marcus fucked up again
Marcus keeps fucking up…
marcus ate everyone and got even fatter
the end
eos soon
Kakania ruined everything
In-game Lucy doesn't have the same amount of fake robotic voice in EN
it's really forced
She killed millions...
end livestream
The 3d models were already released long ago, right? It's the ones used in MMD videos I think

I mean, you have to edit ever line heavily
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>literal Marcus reaction to her actions.
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the absolute state of reversekeks
pure inferiority complex
ANY CODES??!??!!
this happens in every gacha stream ever, it's not a reverse thing
sex with my pirate!
most MMDs are fanmade IIRC
i think hating shartyoverse is a pretty normative position within the gacha sphere, though? it's not really an inferiority complex, we all know shartyoverse games make the most money. they're saying that reverse 1999 is higher quality
Lucy sounds like she has a bit of a lisp and it's cute.
Kakania and Semmy on the telly!
windsong slow ass banner is killing the game
It doesn't happen in Mihoyo streams, though. They have nothing to feel inferior about, even though they absolutely should.
The more you compare yourself to Hoyoshit, the more you're proving that they're superior.
These are not reverse players, these are retards from both Hoyo players and ex players that keep spamming this bullshit sentence because they can't let go of their experience with the game on every goddamn gacha stream
this means regulus almost killed Ms.Radio back 1.4 btw
>info on Awakened beings
>for research purposes, Lucy shows her old forms
Haha lucy was a robo dog.
All lucyfags are robo dogfuckers
Does this mean I'm a dogfucker too?
she should fix her error and kill her off for good
Awww Lucy's baby photos are so cute
they turned lucy from a dog to the office whore bros
>It doesn't happen in Mihoyo streams
HSR streams are spammed with "Genshin could never"
saying 2+2=5 is wrong compared to 2+2=4 proves that it is actually correct because you're comparing them bro i'm so smart...
The people constantly crying about mihomo are probably hipsters who are playing reverse because it isn't as mainstream so the feel like superior to the 'normies'
That type of stuff happens in any kind of subculture as well.
>combustion engine lucy
Imagine the braps
Stop bullying my adorable Ms. Radio!
>lucy's first iteration was a steam robot dog

>It doesn't happen in Mihoyo streams, though
Because the joke is to dunk on hoyoslop
I'm a newkeeper Lilyafag who just got her but yes I'll be buying her skin asap
That's a good reason for me not to buy her garment. I don't have her (yet) anyway.
>replying to the M*h*yo shitposter
wtf is this real
it could have been so much better bros...
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It's called a garment.
>regulus isn't on the buff list
why should i buy her skin then? shes useless
Holy shit Lucy's kit sounds like fun. This sovl roller is winning.
>the toaster when she sees an unmilked cock
>little ms numbers
kek regulus
dont Mihomo games all hate eachother so they just infight? GI fights HSR all the time
reminder that there is only ONE important girl in 1.9
very soleful
The chat is pure distilled cancer.
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based Lorelei enjoyer!
>kakania kit copy of fu xuan
Kakania on the telly!
>Genshin gets a 6* selector ticket
>1999 gets a randomized 6* instead
The overlap between hoyoshit is bigger than smaller. The amount of people playing both HSR and GI is large, ZZZ is the newest one and has the biggest overlap-less percentage. It's the most distinct hoyoslop right now and truly attracts outsiders, at least compared to Genshin and Space Turn-Based Genshin. It's true that there is some infighting but it's not large enough to bring it up, normies just swallow up both.
Almost nobody plays HI3, however, but this should not be a surprise.
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so kakania is the fu xuan of this game? sounds pretty crappy since you barely take damage in this game
It's funny brainrot, streams are fun because there's an audience
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>Kakania not present due to being in Vienna
well played

I hope Bluepoch listens to none of that.
No it's not funny it's legitimately just showcased retardation from underaged morons and ESLs.
shit bait
Would you care to lie down?
semmelweis impreg
I see CN content creators bring her to raids for red SSS damage because she means your team doesn’t eat shit once things hit turn 15, and can hit the turn limit
The tanking thing is secondary.
Her main value is her doubling your in round damage
One of the best bgm tracks right here.
is it a bait though?
I'm possibly getting someone I don't want and won't use, am I supposed to be glad about it?
>sounds pretty crappy since you barely take damage in this game
*laughs in roguelike*
you dont bring her purely for survivability, her attack buff and ultimate recording all damage enemy takes means you can do windsong autism and get a free extra 30% damage when you kakania ultimate into windsongs and windsong uses 20+ cards
>feral status
Sonetto always sounds like she has a cold
Pv doko?
why do they need to wait 3 hours to upload it?
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I'm turning this shit off
This version of Sonetto is making my ears bleed
Guess I'll just catch up on JP stream
Not that I'd learn anything new anyway
The joke seems to be that it took them 4 years to get a free selector for characters you
get from 1.0
seems pointless though, theres no difference between 850k and 2mil
Genshin standard pool is full of shitters while R1999 standard pool has every non-limited unit that wasn't released in the past 2 patches
Lorelei makes me feral too
I can't WAIT to hear Semmelweis' voice in my ears.
>crappy since you barely take damage in this game
t. SS keeper
she also buffs damage and is cute and useful for every comp in the game btw
>digger banner
it’s over
>timekeeper hasnt fought deer or mommy milkers raid boss
Fucking hell the tapes are exchanged for x or necrologist…I have them both s5, now what
the exact same PV with just some subtitles in chinese is already available
All R1999 trailers work like this
thats one of these reasons i never got into Genshin late, everything was fucking limited. Good thing I avoided that bullet, I feel sorry for our sisters with sunken cost fallacy tohugh
We get to CHOOSE Semmel for rate up under that banner?! Nice!
yea but i want it without the chinese shit
No scam banner was as fun as golden thread
>monkeys calling non scam banner a scam
Goodbye for now Lucy! I love you!
Code: YesMadamLucy
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New Code: YesMadamLucy
>go back to Arknights for the RS6 event
>forgert events arent voiced
/1999/ spoiled me, also how the hell do they afford this?
New Code: YesMadamLucy
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Chat is retarded
Dollars to donuts everybody gets paid for gacha collabs, as it’s advertising
Chinese money laundering
but those are our sisters
modern western no-name twitter voice actors are cheap as fuck and there's plenty of cash pumped into Japan at a loss.
>also how the hell do they afford this?
Investors...you might be surprised to learn that the company behind Arknights gave Bluepoch money.
I lost IQ reading chat
is 1999 ever getting a collab? How old is CN? 1.5 years?
Dont forget HG invested some cash into this
chinese westaboo company gets a ton of revenue to keep them self-funded for years
Yo why Jessica sound like this?
I lost IQ reading /1999/
but Arknights isnt voiced...
>1.5 years
Close. If they announce a collab, it'd have to be during 2nd anni.
That's actually a lot of savings compared to other communities for this game.
welcome to the club then
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I wish I had a Voyager haha
bro just get her off the 1.9 selector banner!
Same. Maybe we'll get her this time around.
None of the 1.9 garments call to me

Jessica’s aspiration is to…go on a boat and also always nap?
I can give you one of my 3 potraits...
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if you love her you'll selector her
"Mr. Uses-A-Letter-For-A-Name"
She is like me fr fr
Desert Flannel's garment is obtainable via Jukebox.
Mesmer's is UTTU
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sis? your pizza and love?
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>he wants this fully voiced
Talulah LOVE
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I tried arknights four years ago, and the constant shitty wordslop (plus the fact that rerun clears can error, what the fuck) made me drop it
Why yes, that sounds like the best shit ever.
They need to officially discuss 'udimos' at some point. Should've been done before Awakeneds.
sex with regulus in her cabin…
whats the code again?
Everyone even matilda gets something
But what about sonetto…
>attack is a sailing paper boat
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>'Bed' in Voyage from your Bed is on a bed

Desert Flannel SEX!
Is it just me or Sonetto's VA sounds a little weird? Ig I am more used to her speaking slower
Mesmer Jr? More like Mesmer Sr citizen. Grandma looking ass
>penny-farthing bike
I didn't know those old bikes had such a unique name. Learned something new!
She sounds as terrible as always, she’s the weak link of the cast. I think she’s Chinese
Sonetto new garment!
This wasnt in the CN version right?
Your wish has been granted and it's free. Just complete 1.9's story for a new Sonetto garment.
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good news sonettosis!
>close stream
It’s all been in the CN version
kek what is this Matilda shenanigans?
>french orbie friend
Damn, Regulus
why wouldnt it be?
Matilda p5 in 5 years!
Istg the day talulah is pullable I'll come back to my acc, until then arknights is dead to me
The lack of voice during the story is what killed it for me, if it had that the wordslop would be bearable at least, even kal'list unending monologues
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>opens stream
the only global-exclusive content we get are the scam banners (jp gets them too though)
even japan gets konbini collab skins
>free multi
This really is Opera Omnia 2
everyone loves blonde sword girls
also i thought she'd be riding her sword, that cool factor was to hard to pass up but that wasn't the case
Yeah that's true and she is from Singapore iirc, still like her though she still has time to grow but maybe the stream format just doesn't work for her?
>when we get our 2nd anniversary
Don't jinx it Regulus
Shut up. It still hurts…
New code: Reverse1stAnniv
They're named after coins, with the farthing being a now obsolete coin smaller than the penny, like the two wheels
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Wow. Thanks for that information!
My beloved bird daughter eagle
Bkornblume won...
Duck too fat
>Shitter mode
Its over
I won the vertinbowl
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Girly voice simply don't fit her. Massive miscast.
She does better everywhere else, although it's still a stretch to call it "good".
Ive been playing this game since launch and I still dont know what precast means
>Windsong already getting buffed
Regulus is a fucking noob.
What was that
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its so backwards they buffed her after her banner ends, how is this going to make them money?
fucking hyped about roguelike
What? How?
its okay, her heart beats on the right
She was already top tier even without the boost
Now I can play Integrated Strategies outside of Arknights as well
it's a fairly new effect, if you haven't played Spatho/Marcus/Windsong or a specific strat in the 1.6 Roguelike you could've missed it entirely.
Precast generates a specific card which disappears at the end of the round if you don't use it/rank it up. Mostly used for combining.
Is this like Path of Exile now? I didn't play much of it.

I'm not fully sure either name-wise but it's an extra or ready-made incantation which disappears at the end of the turn if not used or merged.
t. fellow daywunner
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>there are sisters who havent played Marcus
>literally spoonfeeding the audience to do the most broken combo
>need to beat difficulty 20 on roguelike mode to join the /1999/ guild
and once again the roguelike is the best part of the patch
i'll be playing it daily even after getting all rewards
Sonnetto is a fucking casual
The new tuning makes it easier to setup her nuke
You discard the rightmost card on your screen, then you pick a character who gets 2 precast incantations
They're explaining everything to us like we're fucking retards
No mystery
No surprise
Just "Here's how everything works you fucking retard children"
This stream is a waste of time
Would this tuning be decent for Marcus...?
She's not getting buffed, we are getting a new tuning that let you stack cards which let windsong burst even harder, but it takes many many turns of stacking so honestly it's more to impress retards with big numbers than an actual flexible strategy
First gacha stream?
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and a sad LoL after that one
lorelei sex
on week 1 no less
its way easier to stack windsong cards with new buff, your also not at any risk of windsong being super low HP or getting cced by raid boss by using it to generate cards for 6 or vila/tooth fairy to remove the debuff or heal her/team back up to full
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It's low-key a must for Windsong, but should work on Marcus too. I'm doing fine with Grand Symphony on the fattie though
You are now enlightened to how dumb the gacha audience is.
not stream related but do we have a better insight material chart out there somewhere? i have no clue where to best farm cicada wings or cogs
arknights literally has tutorial animations for event mechanics
I sleep
Maybe her story will make me interested.
It's about time we get a new tuning to be honest. I think it's the most underutilized mechanic in the game right now.
it wouldnt be good for Marcus cause those incantations come at level 1 and Marcus only upgrades at the start of the round, you want to use them to directly fuse or use them for a different mechanic like Melania master thief since shuffling isnt consistent, Marcus doesnt do direct fusion.
Nip Regulus...
>regulus speaking japanese
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read the OP, sister.
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>Regulus correctly pronounced Satsuki's name
>Sonetto didn't
She listened to Yoko Ono
the kornblume site has them. if there's any stages/items not showing up on the site despite being present in-game, its because the droprate is so low the admin didnt find it worth adding (i asked)
>Crystal drops double-offer will reset at version 1.9
I suggest Timekeepers buy what they want now before they forget.
Jap Regulus is superior, sorry sisters
why is it named the "database" then -_- that's so generic, and there's no reason to keep the prydwen screenshot in the OP either
Anxiety bros, how are you holding?
I still haven’t touched the three doors.
Haven't bought any top-ups yet... I really had no reason to do so.
Will the fomo kill me?
I can finally fix my wilderness...
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I'm still using EN VAs for everyone
>birthday island pieces get special animations
>minor minor super small change
The fact that they're almost centrally just looking at the screen with a blank face too. Fucking actually just lobotomised chimps.
Don't take note of the vulgar masses.
Everyone will speak japanese except Satsuki
the pattern is 1 patxh sooner? Nice
>get it next time
>A Knight, February 29th
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Still sticking to full JP cast
All gachas should be played in JP like God intended
>wilderness packs will be perma added to the shop gradually
thank god, because going by f2p shell drops you have to skip every other patch
>re customizes every birthday building
They didn't have to do this but they did
uhm how can there be FUTURE patches if time is being REVERSED???? sisters?????
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don't be a negative nancy, you expect them to basedface? I'm just grinning the whole time while joining the hype
Honestly, you don’t. You can’t buy every patch but I’ve bought a solid 2/3 as F2P
Fucking finally
People who might have something of value to say
Wait, I thought everyone here including me played r1999 in en tf
where's the fucking lazy cat
EN is how God inteded it to be. Dont worry anon
Where's the based robolady in the suit?

>early introduction to Barbara
They want to pacify the uniquecharacterschizo bitching.
the jp dub is simply superior
a considerable chunk plays in JP
Some people just really are into seiyuus
or can't stand terrible recording/voice acting which is way too common in EN
I want to slowly run over everyone in the chat with an 16 wheeler.
>an sixteen
ESL go to hell
I use the KR dub
>devs catering to people bitching about being behind
>t. member of the vulgar masses
I cant hold all these codes sisters..
I don't know a single person who considers Mandarin a language that sounds nice.
He said the C-word
You have to be 18 to post here. The entire chat is just collectively people acting like 14 year olds.
I put "an 18 wheeler" before changing it, forgot to fully change it.
It's John Bluepoch!

>7* John summons himself into the dev interview
Fucking kino
Zhoun Bluepoch!
>Regulus said she loves me
See you losers…
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sisters... you told me it's a game written by lesbians for lesbians... that lesbian sounds like a middle-aged man...
>The entire chat is just collectively people acting like 14 year olds.
look at the post above and below yours sister
TF and Getian garments confirmed
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>tranny dev
While other gachas collab with Persona, this one collabs with Discovery Channel
>sounds like a middle-aged man
Don't be such a transphobe...
Bros….I’m going to Egypt a week after the patch I need a getian skin…how tf are we going to get these skins
aaaand dropped
I guess I’ll just buy a ticket to singapore.
the voice is 100% male
Arcana MV...
I thought that’s Mori holy shit
He's the CEO, not the writer.
>mihoyo hosts an offline event in my country
>bluepoch can only manage singapore and los angeles AGAIN
mihoyo dumps on these fools
Singapore is literally the greatest country on the planet. They have a rollercoaster in their airport
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She won
>casually throws away 22k dollars
What the fuck I thought we're going to EOS?
She’s perfect
Where the fuck is the Toof figure.
october twenty-sikth
Utterly based, only men would give us quality yuri
She's a big System of a Down fan
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Is this the writer?
I overslept the strim, I apologize.
Now fetch me the codes.
John give us VERTIN in the stream instead of sonetto, PLEASE JOHN
Uhhhh where's the on stream lesbian sex?
1/10 stream, bring Lorelei next time
Lovely stream
Why do you think lucy called sonetto and regulus into her office?
You gotta whale directly into John's bank account for that
ok i guess that's it, nothing more coming
IDK if I'll make a new bread in time, someone will probably be faster
YesMadamLucy, Reverse1stAnniv, 0919Vereinsamt
put ALL the codes in the OP and Marcus
>90 minutes of shit
>of which 15 was dedicated to explaining in excruciating detail how the rougelike is gonna work
We truly are the shittest region
Are you on crack? I watched the other two livestreams and ours is the best one
Thanks, sisters!
Is Vertin there too?
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That was a comfy stream. I do like having bearable EN voices, I can actually let the stream run in the background compared to the JP streams for my other games
No. Vertin is stuck on number island, the only lesbian sex she’s having is with Not!Bessmert
ah yes 500 billion minutes of seiyuu circlejerking the peak of culture
Did you not watch the JP stream?
Should I pick up this game if I have a fetish for cute barefoot girls in pretty dresses?
the barefeet skins are all next year but yes
no, this game is terrible if you're a footCHAD. try GFL2 bro
They seem to do a lot of them so yes
Lorelei lovely body
got to wait for barefeet garments but yes its worth picking up
What's up with hoyoschizos in the threads?
Shelter from the Storm
as usual, like 10 seconds too slow...

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