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>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old >>493405313

Anyone want to run a heroic?
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Just try it walking beef patty.
Is shadow priest good? Will I find a guild or do mythic+
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What do we think of the anniversary patch?
>Ret pallies getting 20% stun resist
I wish you'd stop
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VGH... What it could have been...
its 10 percent in pvp
>no cookie
Female Pandaren are way too fucking hot

Space goat sis, which is better, WoD or T2?
I wish they were class locked to monk and no other race could be monks like evoker but way less gay and that evokers were never put in the fucking game
night elves were a mistake
so is orc racial
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I dindu nuffin.
Newfag here. I'm just now hitting level 20 and bought subscription. How do I get into PVP like battlegrounds? I want to play but I suspect my level and gear will matter.
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Has Danath Trollbane had a single line of dialogue this expansion?
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Give me the power to finish leveling an alt from 75 to 80...
why am i playing wow
why am i trying to unlock earthens
im just gonna quit man
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Delves are ok
Just keep levelling, queue for battlegrounds at max level
press h (for honorable combat)
gave up the male void elf act already? im disappointed
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Post your gems.
Without Belves the horde would be irredeemable

Nice game you have here, faggots
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I don't understand what this has to do with my post but I was born in 2002
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Hi disappointed I'm elf
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He suddenly became a mission ability in one of my missions with nobody mentioning him and me never running into him and he said something about the sons of Lothar together again before he hit the enemy I was fighting once and then he disappeared
I actually like evokers for the most part. The game needed another caster or even ranged class and aug should become the earth based tank shamans never got to be but otherwise I agree.
It's so weird when I open my talent page and see a night elf in the MW tree for whatever reason and a FUCKING ORC BLADEMASTER in the ww tree
let's fix assassination and pres being completely overpowered in all content then maybe cherrypick some dumb shit like leveling dungeons
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
be nice to avatarfrens.
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Well he's part of the queen of alt-rock's world tour after all.
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>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last thread:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
Jesus christ shut up
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

I made a goblin priest because I wanted low repair costs and my professions are skinning and tailoring because I don't want to actually gather or craft shit
Put a bullet in my brain if I ever give a shit about something like this
sex with pandaren
getting about out of control with the spam buds
i dont wanna fight with anyone, just play with wowg anons
typical spic
>unironic new players
those tbc dungeons have always had whacky tuning, especially blood furnace
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can't wait to put this on and get a worgen gf!
high elves for the alliance / ogres for the horde
in midnight
metzen's kino is continuing
>nobody talks ingame
>nobody invites randoms to quests
Wow is dead man
>what are custom groups to join people
I know it's bait but holy shit this is so retarded
Is boosting a lvl 20 character a mistake?
Wow great everyone in their small social circle just like irl
WoW is so boring right now
That's because you can get reported and account banned, money stolen for no reason so everyone retreated to private chats like discuck because NuBlizzard can't understand context
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Just dont be a dick
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Supreme slop, th-thanks anon...
sucking out danuser's poison takes time
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not if you want them to be lvl 70
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playable succubi when
>that plapmeat in the back
You're anti social
she look like she cuddles human & scalie men
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>Still seething about Chadthyr
They look nothing like that
>like evoker but way less gay and that evokers were never put in the fucking game
Holy meltie. Enjoy seething while we dominate m+ and raids.
mereldar should be main city for expac
i'll leave you to it then
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>Least played class/race in the game
Cope scalefag. Nobody likes you.
Am I retarded or is the main campaign quest of Dragonflight bugged?
I'm new, and Ive played through most of Dragonflight. Finished activating all the oathstones, etc. Got a quest from Alex to go to Tyrhold. Went there, watched the cutscene, had a quick fight and Nozdormu showed up. Followed Alex after she flew off, "completed quest" and now theres nothing. No follow-up at all. Just me standing at the Vault of the Incarnates. Do I have to reach a certain level? I'm currently level 49. Do I need to do the dungeon? I was told Dungeons are basically optional.
I think you think I care way more than I do.
>pick dead place to make character
>be anti social and never start conversations
Does Nerub Silkweaving Forum allow ERP with avatarfags?
vanillacels be like:
There's just no community in WoW. I'm on the biggest server for my faction. MOST are so lonely now.
zoomers gtfo you never played wow on release you have no idea how social mmorpgs were back in the day
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you're all dumb as bricks i swear ong
This crafting intro quest gives you 40+ Storm Dust if you have enchanting. Easy 5-6k gold per each alt you have.
>why aren't you inviting anons from the thread?
Gets a reply about the gm recruting from the thread but doesn't want to have people benched.
>So.. why aren't you inviting anons form the thread?
Is this guy retarded?
>one armed girl boss
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>play augmentation to 70
>only 4 damage spells
>2 which have cooldown
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>Can finally solo BFA/SL raids
>Every fucking class tier is fucking dogshit, Nathria is an exception
God damn it. I want to love these raids but god damn, tentacle shit or bone shit or metal spikes.
>Almost like your role is to AUGMENT your actual damage dealers.
Get to work buffbitch.
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>Only one class until 11.0.5
>Aren't classified as elves to pad out their numbers like DH
Yeah no shit retard. Expect them to jump up in count once more class options open up to them.
i'm mocking them because for the vanillacel one fucking /wave in LE OVERWORLO means 100 times more than a 5 minute chit chat with some random group in group finder.

Both are social interactions fuck off.
wtf did they nerfed the dungeon xp?
What's the quickest way to cap after finishing the campaign?
>group finder is now socializing
that is one of the many problems retail has
This. Genuinely mpressive how there are so many of them even taking aug being meta into account
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Tfw no gf
It's because they're fun.
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sir do the sneedful and accept my pending invite!
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>meet someone in the world
>they throw you a buff
this is how I learned evokers can only buff their group. real cringe move desu
yeah you are absolutely fucking cooked mate
an undeadbro invited me to level when I was levelling my alt through Hallowfall. Unfortunately he went AFK and after waiting for a bit I had to leave him behind. I left him with an arcane intellect parting gift (he was a warrior)
>Think to myself, oh, why don't I do some BGs this expansion, I haven't in years, that sounds fun.
>Remember I have to play with US Horde.
Dodged a bullet, there.
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>niggies malding over dracthyrBVLLS for the 19752775th time today
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>join wowg general guild
>get molested
normal & heroic raid goes to 30man
I accept your concession.
kill yourself maye
you wouldnt be molested if you gave it away for free you ugly retard
OK Pearl
I don't know what moonguard guilds are like but on normal servers there's a surprising number of girls that play in raid/keys guilds.
And we're to believe Dalaran was attacked by the account of a handful of champions.
Nerubians were never present on Dalaran. The Kirin Tor's careless mismagicks drove Dalaran into the Tranquil Strand.
post proof or stfu.
i accept you being fucking retarded
solo chads...why are we winning so hard this expansion....
>tfw level 76 and still in the first area of the expansion

wtf? was I supposed to skip all the side quests?
I'm talking about this guy asking the same question twice when he already got an answer.
>kicked everyone from the previous community because he made his guild and anyone who refuse to join doesn't deserve to be also in the community
What's wrong with this guy?
Alot of them are fat
haven't really been in the loop with the game since the middle of Cataclysm, is there a reason most of the newer races (playable and NPC) are generally scrawny and either furry or elf coded? I don't even dislike elves or beast races in games, but most of the new stuff looks straight out of Pixar or Pathfinder. a lot of the playable race model updates look very cutesy too. even the new centaur update took a lot of the edge and grime off of them even if they at least no longer look like they are from an N64 game.

were the old artists rapey chuds or something? comes across like the IP has zero creative controls or guidelines which is bewildering for how much money is wrapped up in it.
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>human LIGHT wielding scum
>genocidal human
>point eared dark-star human
>greenskin orc who tried to wipe my people out and abandoned us to the lightbound
so why am i helping these tossers?
When I am made lead design I will give numerous classes powerful outdoor-world only buffs.
Yea, you just do main quest and a few dungeons to level
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I'm retarded, please assist.
well shit. i guess its fine I was going to do all the side quests anyway because I don't like seeing the ! on the map for them.
im 80 and probably 40% of the 2nd
Why do retards like you hate AI slop so much? Are you gay? I'm not the gen guy so please enlighten me
thrall isn't an orc anymore, don't you remember that garrosh revoked his orc card in SoO?
based. were breaking the programming
Sounds like the end of campaign chapter. Does the menu log tell you something like "to continue the campaign go here" ?
isle of dorn side quests
gather/craft from 70 to 71 (this is surprisingly fast)
ringing deeps/hallowfall/azj-kahet side quests until all have been done at least once
>characters beyond the first 4
world quests
This is what I'm doing
you can still get this in newer player zones and around the lowkey events. bfa was good for it but now it's going to be df.
it's just the end game places where it's not much more than people herding cats to help themselves with rares or a quest. it's just burnout: the game, always heads down grinding something unless you want to jump around in circles in town or something like that.
Not that anon, Mr. Pajeet, but I don't think putting the whole of human creativity in the hands of AI to be watered down to the LCD is a good thing.
inb4"Like it already is?!!?!"
I miss when the players themselves werent burnt out irl
Thy were kids having fun
Samwise being gone from blizzard probably plays some part in it.
Blood Elves look pretty good in this armor. Might race change tired of looking like shit on my Orc
im 74 and cant be even halfway through Dorn
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which of these is better?
(I don't usually do profession shit so I have no idea)
>UI says I have 15% resourcefulness
>out of 100 crafts only see it trigger 3 times
why does blizzard lie
>blood elf warrior
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Arthas and Sylvanas both tried killing all elves but in the end they just make more anyways
least armor doesn't look stretched out on them
I haven't touched DF
Can the dragon race stay in their human form at all times except when flying with the racial?
Sylvanas and Vereesa weren't enough for Anduin and now he's plapping alleria?
Is Void Elf Warrior less cringe?
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its an abandoned class.
>atrocious leveling experience, literally worse than cataclysm rogue from over a decade ago
>no flashy effects or animations
>hard to play
>stealth is completely obsolete
>pickpocket and lockpick are totally useless and might as well not exist
>DPS only
>very little utility so its always at the mercy of tuning
>class identity was butchered in legion and never recovered
>bad hero talents in the hero talent expansion
there's at least 7 years of neglect they need to make up for before the class can be popular again
No theyre gay dragons 100% of the time in combat, when they get old classes they can fight in human form though apperantly
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take that back RIGHT NOW
elf warrior is cringe in general but elves are less cringe on the alliance I guess
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I didn't see that before. So I have to be 70 to continue it now? Seems weird that they'd let me do the entirety of DF up to this point at any level, especially since TWW starts at 70, doesn't it?
Though I googled those (Blue Dragonflight, Embers of Neltharion, Guardians of the Dream) and are those patch content main campaign quests? Just trying to finish the base content at the moment.
if you want to reach
warriors use rage and rage is kinda void emotion thing
is this the community? ill do it in a sec on my alt sorry in a dungeon rn
This design is pretty fucking sick i will admit, figured they were paladins
>Argent Dawn
>focus Roleplaying
Yeah, nah, I'm good.
Yep these are all the campaign of the different patches.
i almost failed a t2 delve
>trained from the arcane sanctum where the priest and sorceress was trained
not a warrior bud, that's the foot soldier
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no fucking way bro, a vet from <I AM MY SCARS>
Valeera too don't forget
I failed the machine awakening on wave 17 because I forgot to press any of my offensive cooldowns
>he read the guild focus
l m a o filtered
old world is full of rares because there is nobody there
I feel like I'm playing on my own private server
>Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies. These Blood Elven warriors, fresh from the destruction of their homeland, have turned a new eye towards the dying land of Lordaeron. Can it possibly remain their home? Has Spell Immunity. Attacks land units.
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>AU orcs deserved to get genocided.
There, I said it. If you're gonna chimp out like they did on AU Draenor they need to get put down.
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I find it hard to believe the main campaign of the last expansion would be bugged, but I am seeing some comments voicing similar things. I would just "abandon" the quest and restart it, but I literally have nothing to abandon.
dranei SCUM are the reason the legion wiped out so many worlds and endangered draenor in the first place
>tfw Fury is better but Arms looks cooler
I wish Fury was 2 one handed swords and not this silly two handed shit
join us anon
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two white sethraks taking turns on a femboy dracthyr
SMF will never be as good as titan grip. and its a god damn shame.
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huh I didn't know that was their description text, I stand corrected

I always remember and liked the priest and sorceress one which said they didn't care anasterian pulled out of the alliance and chose to remain with their human and dwarf friends instead
Do they still not let fury mog 2h to 1h? Why its the same fucking animations
Uhm, no?
The burning legion is responsible for that, retard. The draenei were victims of the legion. Should they have stayed behind and gone extinct?
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hold on you're 70? that's weird. IDK man i guess it's actually bugged lol, just skip DF, TWW is muuuch better.
Yeah I don't get that either, it's stupid
I'm level 49.
I'm doing DF so I can hit 70.
uhhh what is a sethrak
also there are no rogues anywhere in the story. rogues are less represented than evokers, which were added to the game last expansion. mages have jaina and khadgar and we get........ lilian and ....................................shaw.
Whats the point of letting us wear any armor under our highest if they dont offer anything? When would you ever want to not wear plate or mail if thats your highest armor
what was the point of humiliation gnomes again?
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Rogues wouldve been better with some demon hunter skills, mainly the double jump, the Fel-rush dash and the leap back and some other CC options like the imprison then they could have became Wardens
Shaws gay lover from BFA is also a Rogue, thoughever.
Arms Warrior or Ret Pala for my Earthen?
Prot side spec for either
Ooooh... it was supposed to be max level stuff back in DF, but if the main campaign is scaled down, why not the rest? quite the big oversight it looks like. I'm sorry buddy.
>more femnelf fantasy shit forced onto other races
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Well... yes? Orcish infrastructural capability would have ultimately taken a hit, but I guess we could have used stone for roads like ogres.

Come to think of it, ogre bones are probably pretty tough...
I want to breed Maiev so bad.
Do something else.
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wardens are kino THOUGH
>a literal retarded faggot
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>Not liking angry amazonian nelves that would shoot you on sight.
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>Allincels genuinely thought that they'd be able to play this
maiev is the only good warden,
Night elves should have an entire MMO all to themselves, separate from the MMO Alliance and Horde play. As in they have their own classes, their own mechanics, their own professions, their own storylines and even their own items.
Two black Dracthyr taking turns on a Sethrak twink
Point is you're not underrepresented.
Locks and hunters are. Maybe warriors too
It's weird when you consider there is no link to the alliance, they are directly related to the hrode.
so true xister
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Also I believe TWW is much better. All the good things I've heard about it are why I'm even giving it all a try, but it seems kind of nuts that the last campaign would be beyond progression or at least not tell you explicitly what level you need to be to progress it.
So a quest will/should appear here when I hit the required level?
Guess I'm going to have to kek.
yeah, instead of giving us a warden talent tree in what would have been the easiest slam dunk in history we got .......trickster. what the fuck is a trickster?

anyway the rogue humiliation ritual continues
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>You will never pick berries in Ashenvale and get set upon by a band of sentinels who proceed to pin you down and drain your BHC as punishment for trespassing
Why even live...
i would love more lock rep, but gul'dan is probably one of the most recognisable chars
okay nvm then
>Sorry chuddie, that race is too cool for you. We got a diaper gnome and belf reskin though. Eat up!

I believe Alliance helped the Faithless in one questline
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>Locks and hunters are underrepresented
uuuuuh what?
>I believe Alliance helped the Faithless in one questline
You help one during the unlocking the voldun base and that's it on the other hand the horde fought with them and killed most of the faithless.
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I like this but make it so we can still talk and play with others
Based beyond belief, xenophobic night elf superiority is such a fun trope (but don't RP this with other people, it's cringe)
azuremyst is so beautiful
>>what the fuck is a trickster?
It's the path you play to replicate the epic /tg/ greentext copypasta storytimes about
>that time I went to play with That DM and I totally ownzoned him with my clever reinterpretation of the rules and Tricked him, he was humiliated everyone at the table clapped at my skill and we laughed at the DM and he was never seen again
You had to be there.
Dawg theres like one lock, Gul'dan like the other anon said, and he's died TWICE. Hunters have Rexxar and Nesingwary who appears from time to time
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Which makes the cope all the more mindboggling. They were also believing that they'd be getting Vulpera, too. They're genuine, actual, literal retards that don't pay attention to the game they're playing whatsoever. They're neutral towards the Alliance for gameplay purposes and borderline allies with the Horde.
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Pure, unadulterated kino S.O.V.L.
>So a quest will/should appear here when I hit the required level?
Correct. Have fun meanwhile anon! good choice of race.
>You help one during the unlocking the voldun base
If you really think about it, they could make Sethrak a neutral race with the Faithless siding with the Alliance and the Faithful with the Horde.
>killed most of the faithless.
Actually untrue, they've got a huge underground empire currently.
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Bro are you high? Every other woman in the game has hunter as either a main class or a multiclass. Priest being the other extremely common pick. Then there's icons like Nessingwary.
What you mean to say is BM huntard is not represented.
>If you really think about it, they could make Sethrak a neutral race with the Faithless siding with the Alliance and the Faithful with the Horde.
No? The faithless are evil and they revived the mithrax.

>Actually untrue, they've got a huge underground empire currently.
They cleaned all the area outside the temple before the final push.
night elf cuck hahaha
Lone Wolf
One hander
Survival hunter
where is it
worth playing again after not for 4 years? hows m+? hows arena?
yeah I misunderstood. Isnt Alleria still a hunter though? front and center like
Hunters had quite literally zero lore since Vanilla with the Hidden Path shit up until Legion reminded people it even existed and wasn't totally a throwaway description from AQ
>Icycrits is returning for TWW
>Rudi is returning for TWW
>Incestral is returning for TWW
>Pozy is returning for TWW
>Entangela is returning for TWW
>Gisco is returning for TWW
>Spitfire is returning for TWW
>Jalopy is returning for TWW
>Nizbun is returning for TWW
>Doutei is returning for TWW
>Khubbo is returning for TWW
>Dohra is returning for TWW
>Potatosock is returning for TWW
>Musei is returning for TWW
>Runeheal is returning for TWW
>Sawicky is returning for TWW
>Polywag is returning for TWW
>Thaspion is returning for TWW
>Ashanari is returning for TWW
>Blueno is returning for TWW
>Aeyr is returning for TWW
>Deathsu is returning for TWW
>Empy is returning for TWW
>Koragon is returning for TWW
>Fey is returning for TWW
>Kaite is returning for TWW
>Jocelyn is returning for TWW
>Danielle is returning for TWW
>Fallaa is returning for TWW
>Pizzacat is returning for TWW
>Lemondo is returning for TWW
>Lynris is returning for TWW
>Nastytaxi is returning for TWW
>Loveoven is returning for TWW
>Slaughterloc is returning for TWW
>Yolocrits is returning for TWW
>Vajeera is returning for TWW
>Yorick is returning for TWW
>Raichoo is returning for TWW
>Roxy is returning for TWW
>Kari is returning for TWW
>Shiki is returning for TWW
>Switch is returning for TWW
>Bearheart is returning for TWW
>Castelia is returning for TWW
>Gruxx is returning for TWW
>Dogman is returning for TWW
>Froo is returning for TWW
>Chen is returning for TWW
>Giggleblush is returning for TWW
>Linstead is returning for TWW
>Pizzaburger is returning for TWW
>Healforfun is returning for TWW
>Ralph is returning for TWW
>Spook is returning for TWW
>Nastynate is returning for TWW
>Puba is returning for TWW
>Mobilitygodx is returning for TWW
>Cuckmeup is returning for TWW
>Haruna is returning for TWW
>Lerou is returning for TWW
>Bannix is returning for TWW
>Von is returning for TWW
>Qtbootygodx is returning for TWW
>Playpal is returning for TWW
>Niggertrey is returning for TWW
No its the same game
I dunno. John Keeshan? Your asshole?
>void elves are a very small group of blood elves who join alleria
>despite their very very low population in-canon theyre playable before ogres, naga, forest trolls, etc.
>The faithless are evil and they revived the mithrax
Mythrax is dead, and they're at odds with the Faithful Sethrak. They could easily write them into siding with the Alliance.
Can you solo Mythic Uldir yet? There's a sword I want from the second to last boss
all gone already
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If you want to play a rogue-style fantasy play demon hunter. They have the flips and the leaps and the 'ninja-esque' of what rogues could have been.
If they made rogues into Wardens it'd contrast demon hunters with rogues so much.
>Don't RP this with other people
Why not? You want your elf to be homogenized into the alliance? Get xenophobic and superior against those around you.
Yeah I forgot Alleria, I suppose she would count as a hunter. Maybe Sylvanas too? Neither use any pets though, so it's more Archer than Hunter.
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>Hunters have Rexxar and Nesingwary who appears from time to time
uh, alleria? sylvanas? tyrande? every female night elf?
>Troves didn't return for TWW
its over
Im on my 7th alt and at this point dungeon spam and questing is suicide-inducing so i just spam battlegrounds. it might be slower but i dont give a fuck, at least its fun.
What was the required level if you recall? I'd rather hop right to TWW honestly.
Thanks. Night Elves are the best.
>>Don't RP this with other people
>Why not? You want your elf to be homogenized into the alliance? Get xenophobic and superior against those around you.
the only reason that guy says not to rp it is because he wont have elves to erp with
>Nirimer is returning for TWW
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>Thought alter time was removed
>Mages just don't use it
holy chuck
Lvl 80 now
And i think ima quit
The gameplay is pretty good, skills flow well and its fast

But fuck me the whole
>gather x
>kill y
Is just so fucking bad
Cry a river belfag.
Reminder to all cretins that high elf hystericalshits are literally all just belfags trying to get into the Alliance because they want extra pretty points to gloat about, and have no true loyalty to anyone but themselves.
End all helfags and belfags
Void Elf Supremacy and Human Male Sexomancy!
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I remember it was possible in DF but you had to do some weird unintuitive shit to kill Mythrax.
>alleria? sylvanas?
See >>493430028
As for Tyrande, isn't she a priest-druid hybrid?
so you played an MMO knowing you don't like MMOs?
>Neither use any pets though, so it's more Archer than Hunter.
Marksmen hunters don't use pets.
i miss legion
even her monster form is cute
let's just admit
bfa and sl was horrible for both factions
in every way
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i want blood elves and void elves dead
night elves too
Kalimdor belongs to the Kaldorei.
>I must have le pet so that I can be le huntard
Yet another day of confirming that WoW should've made the hero units in WC3 as the classes, not what they ended up going with.
Everything that you ever define for warcraft in vanilla WoW terms? WRONG.
Everything I define in the RTS games terms? CORRECT.
bit weird how this is so detailed in game
I played wow to scratch the itch
But the endgame is as shallow as ever
Yeah but they're all women and marksMEN are men
same. Legendary hunting was kino
this is commonly accepted I believe
i don't think so, most rabid horde fanboys seem to also be belfers
one schizo
Good point I hadn't thought of it like that
Like it or not, WC3 is irrelevant because Blizzard has consistently since vanilla made pets core to the hunter class fantasy
The fuck kind of joke did you even try to make there
BfA was good for the Alliance except for the part where the Alliance didn't win any races to world first, was completely buttraped in world pvp, and generally humiliated completely in all aspects of the actual gameplay so they had to suck down some lore bluepills to feel good about themselves like the little cucklings they are lmao loktar.
ok alliance bootlicker
aww, the octopus looks so happy
Tyrande is a priestess of the moon. She rides a tiger and used to fight with a bow before the night warrior thing. So, you know, a hunter.
Will patch 11.0.5 save MM hunter?
She is a priest in Hearthstone thoughever
Tyrande is a hybrid yes. She doesn't come close to hunter
>need to wait an ENTIRE MONTH for trading post

I hate how fucking blatant these dickheads are about getting your monthly sub.
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>WC3 is irrelevant
stopped reading here
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it belongs to TRUE RULERS AND NATIVES OF AZEROTH and not moon worshipping tree hugging bums
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warden should be a cross class hero spec between rogue and demon hunter
dark ranger should be a cross class hero spec between hunter and death knight
blade master should be a cross class hero spec between warrior and monk
tinker should be a cross class hero spec between hunter and uhhhhhh mage? IDK mages are smart
Night elves are natives to Azeroth you neanderthal.
>tinker should be a cross class hero spec between hunter and uhhhhhh mage?
They're not Horde fanboys. They're loudmouth false patriots who scream the most when they strike you, their only loyalty is and always will be their own barbie doll race. If they were on the Alliance they would behave in exactly the same way, with only the fucking Night Elves exceeding them in hysteria whenever they don't get their way.
Void Elves are a genius way to let the Alliance have Thalassian elves while at the same time repelling that kind of player entirely.
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nothing personal, goy
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Dracthyr pawjobs!
theyre tainted by the titans influence after they ripped out yshaarj and night elves flocked to the wound and started licking up void mixed with the worldblood
>all the gnome mages and warlocks screaming
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Any Elf or Draenei on Argent Dawn wanna...?
waaay, dude
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hunters get no representation, we only have literally every relevant female character in the last 10 years. roguechuds meanwhile get lilian voss (that random forsaken lady that shows up for 5 minutes every expansion in some random sidequest no one does) and mathias shaw (that guy that let anduin get kidnapped because he was too busy having gay anal sex). its ridiculous really
i think it would have been funnier to cover faerins face with a helmet for a couple of patches then reveal her to suddenly see how much everyone decides not to like her all of a sudden
Sure, anon! What's your name?
Still natives.
The only thing trolls are good for is easily dominated slave labor.
wowg is so back
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>roguechuds meanwhile get lilian voss (that random forsaken lady that shows up for 5 minutes every expansion in some random sidequest no one does) and mathias shaw (that guy that let anduin get kidnapped because he was too busy having gay anal sex).
this image is stupid, sylvanas is also sylvanas
No you, give me a hint to /who
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the only thing elves are good for is kindling LMAOO
>my guildies are dropping like flies so I should whore myself on a wowg thread
Nobody like your guild and probably dropped on a bridge as well
The entire history of the troll races is thousands of thousands of years of unending humiliation.
got PWND by
I'd rather not post it here, type ''wow'' in general Stormwind chat and I'll whisper you
Wouldn't have made that many people hate her, and would've gone strictly against the whole point of making her the way she is. Literally leaving ESG money on the table for a year.
yes, we discussed it earlier
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What do we think of my future Dracthyr Warrior
I'm in a battleground.........
It's over.
sounds like elves
>summon demons
>get btfo and the continents split apart
>cant even hold the naga and satyr back on kalimdor
>almost lose to amani RAIDERS before humans come along
>their demigod gets btfo by an orc
>they have to rely on humans again
>mana addicts summon demons AGAIN
Elves are the kindling with which the humanchads burned your entire fucking race, savage.
i should stop with futa it's so gay
Just do it when you're done, dummy
they cant but it seems that is about to change
>Undertaking one of these new classes as a Dracthyr will allow you to choose between fighting as a Dracthyr or fighting in Visage form by activating Visage, which switches you between forms. You can additionally choose to toggle on Chosen Identity, which will automatically shift you into Dracthyr form when entering combat and Visage form when leaving combat.
What about covering her face but making her talk like the most stereotypical sassy black woman in existence
male or female?
25% gay
It's a fagthyr so it looks like shit and can't even wear armor.
I NEED his fat dragon cock and balls inside me RIGHT NOW
Male, big dragon cock and balls
No you
Slurp my smelly dragon nuts
WE conquered this world. WE brought it glory. You...you are nothing. Merely de latest in a long line of savages seeking to undermine our greatness.
Fuck you talking about nigga. Bears are either top tier or dumpster every patch. No inbetween. Pallies are usually middle of the pack. Plenty of patches times you'd take one.
It's over. We could have been so great..
That's not even a pun, call it a dracqueen or something retard
evoker is such a stupid uniteresting class lorewise
>Slurp my smelly dragon nuts
You don't have nuts scalefag.
I still remember the day I broke
>14 years old
>maplestory - glorified chatroom
>never grind anything for more than 5 minutes
>4 hour 4x exp event happens
>guildie asks me to train for the event
>(I was the games only healer class so they were relying on me)
>boring gameplay way WAY more simple than classic WoW
>keep wondering when they're gonna call it
>ass hurts from sitting in a chair for more than 20 mins
>kinda cool how fast I'm levelling tho

>sweating and ragged at the 3 hour mark
>realize today I've gained more levels than in the past 6 months combined
>realize I could actually be one of those OP pros everyone gawks at
but that's old MMOs. my ability to grind inane shit for hours is an archaism now it rarely comes in handy.
Kaldorei Supremacy now!
Need more DH reps.
>TRVLLS fight back the old god spawn and win
>night elves summon demons and split the world asunder
>blood elves corrupt the sunwell
>night elves corrupt the nightwell
>void elves... nuff said
You have like 15 minutes til I get bored and log off. You know what to do anon...
Metzen would never stand for it, he loves archetypical white women like Kerrigan and Alleria.
cutscene? SKIP
>Slurp my smelly dragon nuts
Can I go next? Can I go next? Also hello Maye!!
>someone pins a world boss
>fly across the entire map using god awful dragon flying that feels horrible
>spend a solid few minutes fighting a boring damage sponge
>get 25gold vendor trash and nothing else
whats the point?
Am I just a boomer or does frost dk have to many buttons?
Yes you may
and hi
Ishnu-dal-dieb to you
Has a so-called "world boss" ever actually killed anyone since Cataclysm?
you missed the fat retarded autistic elderly orc platoon charging the nerubian flank
Oh i dont give a single fuck
It's just like dragonflight!
>TRVLLS fight back the old god spawn and win
On my horde toon ive seen a few wipes
>Getting zero fucking heroic satchel pops

tank shortage my ass FUCK OFF
nobody is gonna play a class without transmogs and nobody wants to play dracthyr for the ugly human form
I die pretty often because nobody even tries to do that content so its usually like me and one other guy trying to do the boss
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So AU Draenor is a pocket dimension? Meaning there is literally nothing else but the planet? Or did it make a new universe entirely?
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How do I get a wowa gf?
go and piss
Pocket, it didn't exist before Kairoz used the thingy majig that we powered up for him
looks made-up
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w t f
AU draenor had to have an AU argus so i assume its a full universe
stupid lorelet elf
How do I get a Dracthyr bf?
Be a millionaire streamer.
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Everyone in this match outgeared me by the way.
they fought valiantly. acidic spittle was countered with farts and diarrhea. mandibles and claws were met with autistic flobbering. in the end the nerubians inched out a victory, 0 nerubians dead vs 1,000,000 retarded orcs dead. weren't you wondering why there were no fat retarded orcs.
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If only they could get better proportions
I genuinely think if frost mages did 50% less damage in pvp they'd still be completely broken, but at least the reign of melee cleave zerg is at an end
Lol sounds awesometo skip
No memeing this is one part of the lore that makes no fucking conceivable sense. They really wrote themselves into a corner with this old god black empire shit because the trolls could not have possibly even conceivably put up anything close to a fight against those things.
I'm not elf
but that looks very made-up
like africans irl makes up their achievements
I tried letting a few of them play and got bored like half way at best and skipped.
it's an alternate timeline, genius meaning an entire universe that developed similar to ours but where they made slightly different decisions that drastically altered their history
When's the jester costume coming back to the trading post!?!?
As long as they can't wear armor they are an unfinished joke race that should not even exist.
> Yes, and I'd do it again

Dangerously based.
what if xalatath and alleria got their earrings all tangled with each other wow that would be crazy huh
>fishing behind the southern cliffs in dorn
>nobody around, comfy as fuck
>suddenly a scalie swoops down and starts fishing in my pool
what the fuck is xir problem man
I don't want to play anymore. I don't like how my class plays and there's no demanding content to do. I'm going to abandon every quest and just wait for the wow token to dip this month so I can buy 5 tokens and maybe ill check in on the game in another 6 years when I forget.
But honestly level 1-20 in the trial is the most fun of the game and it scratches the itch.

I'm glad I didn't pay for the expansion or sub so I have no obligation
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Your dragon looks badass
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no anon, it actually is just the planet, the rest of the visible cosmos in that reality is just a timewarp of the light that had already been emitted by the stars reaching draenor
Hiii, what realm are you on?
my personal canon is that all alternate dimensions is always in sleeping mode till someone from the main universe come there
because there is no way demons exist in every universe and they visit 183723457 AU draenors daily
so au draenor didnt really exist until garrosh and kairoz got there
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If only they followed through with at least letting them transmog tier.
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huns boughted the gold????????
story done so far
what now
They genuinely should at least show the parts that stick out. Dracthyr would be so much better off if they did that.
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>no community in wow
You're on a dead server and you are personally anti social. last night in hallowfell I started an herbalist group for the farm while people bickered in chat about three different topics.
Nobody talks in dungeons cause there isn't time. Everywhere else people talk.
now we discuss it
How do I get a worgen boyfriend for my gnome on Moon Guard
i got no clue what happened.
Nobody ever talks. I'm on a big server. Nd dungeons use to be THE place people talked

smear peanut butter on yourself
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im too dumb for fire mage
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Thanks, that got me to redesign my current Aug Ironically into a form I much prefer, yours looks good too, war veteran vibes.
They need to SERIOUSLY work on that it's pathetic that a skeleton as broken as Worgen / Tauren & troll can wear armor while Dracthyrs can't, as if clipping was even an issue.
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The actual
>war veteran vibes.
That's exactly what I was going for, thanks bro :)
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Why is THD going in so hard on his own casters/guild?
I remember thinking THD was based but he's actually mentally ill
is Maiev going to be the girlboss who pushes Illidan around in The Last Titan?
Keep this anon away from crayons and glue
do you like that orcish music from old world zones
when there is some instrument play few drums and then some orcs be like
more drums
I got it by clicking lol
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i have a weakaura that solves this and the pipe puzzle for me.
>being born after 9/11
Do zoomers really?
What is it that you don't get?
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specs for this feel
it's weird because they're super tall in dracthyr form but also super thin and kind of scrawny looking
thats part of the reason i like using dragon mounts more rather than flying around as a dracthyr because they look so smol
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3m+ burst in a gcd with spammable 6-900k lances, there's a reason this is every bg
resto druid
I don't get how people can seriously care about the story. There's just nothing. Everything is so weird and random. I only vaguely know these characters. I don't know what my character is doing or why. Much less anyone else. I don't get it
argent.. d- ACK!
im too dumb for fury warrior. i never know which glowing button to hit in what order
sudden death -> rampage -> your cast sequence macro
the rotation
Omg anon sameee! We should meet!
the one that does the most damage.
bug iwthte fking armory already i said This gold displays sometimes cm mode gold when it's not gotten. can you buy baby blizzerd bearing? can you byuy played since TBC acheevements? unobtainable sun lute worth $10,000? no you cant buy this things jelly kid. can you buy unobtainable korkron lumper from mop? nop. if some1s account is got items which makes it valuable, then the community PLACES VALUE ON THESE THINGS. THE INALIENABLE GOLD VALUE OF THE ACCOUNT IS GENERATED ON CONMUNITY CONSENSUS BASED ON ITEMS OWNED. none of that is BUYED GOLD.
can I press less buttons i just want passives
do you like survich
>dungeons used to be THE place
they were A place. The pace of dungeons has accelerated a thousand times since the ages where you would pull one pack and use a trap or polymorph on one member of the pack.
People also used to talk in barrens chat and elwynn forest and that's exactly whats happening right now in 3 out of the 4 expansion zones.

You're on a dead server and you PERSONALLY are anti-social. Fix either of those problems and you'll be good.
Bro they're boyfriend girlfriend it's just their dynamic
Specs for this feel
no one does care since bfa at the latest, but some people remember caring and wish they did again
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i need my cock sucked
>your cast sequence macro
what are you listening to wowg
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LITERALLY huns has no actual RARE items.
Kys you retarded german troglodyte
Too poor to buy wow
You forgot the horns.
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Echo sisters... we just lost one of the best healers in the world...

Max is going to crush us this tier.... it's over for us
Race/class combo for this feel?
Demon hunter any spec
tabbard rare
find any ugly girl who plays wow and plaster makeup and hide all facial features with their hair
it works for her
i dont get it
There isn't really one, your goal is to use your instant pyro as much as you can so all you do is pm just use phoenix' flames & Fire blast to build crits and spend your pyros, use combustion on cooldown and repeat
Use fireballs to try to generate hot streak stacks that you can follow with a fire blast / phoenix flame for an instant pyro
If the target is >30% use scorch instead
no I mean the wow one
it is more like an ambient
I'm not on a dead server and I'm not anti social. Chat is dead.
i can't believe he murdered that girl
that's so fucked up man
third world country noob retard who cant afford graphic card kys retard
Ok, then roll a male worgen
>make up some shit about a raider
>get 2 of my friends to send in something similar
>get raid spot
excellent, looking forward to their cuck organization being folded by max again
Liquid put out a post officially announcing the race & lineup. Tettles is one of the casters
stop playing wow and posting itt and on twitter and go outside then
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Very well anon, fly behind the giant golden hammer on this building and look for a mysterious crab, then say the phrase "click clack wow is back", it will show you the way
Also you're damage is probably shit right now because fire skates poorly in lower keys
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please proofread
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Why can't I use my dalaran hearthstone on my lvl 80 alt? Do I have to progress the TWW campaign or something because they blew up Dalaran?
you'd think this but fire mages who do this deal less than tank DPS. not mocking it's just true, if there's a way to make fire-work I never found it nor saw it. had to stop inviting them in DF not gonna start now.
why doesnt THD post max's name on their mythic guldan kill?
when did they add such good water
thank you deeply for good giving feedback sir
what's the new arenajunkies? something that specifically REQUIRES verified high rating before allowing you to post and/or putting max rating/CR by every single post you make
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>tfw methodjosh introduced me to a band that became my favorite to this day and I went to see the band perform live multiple times
>josh then apparently turns out to be a pedo rapist
>sometimes be reminded of him when listening
what a timeline
>go to mission board
>start legion
>go to the first npc, skip
>turn in
no thsis not even true even once. jelly noob
>nobody ever talks
That would imply you're waiting for people to talk and not trying to talk yourself. Meaning you're anti social and just want to see people interacting.
>I am saying things, but nobody is saying anything back.
You're on a dead server/cluster. Full stop.

1 of these 3 things must be true for your statements to be true. You're anti social. You're on a dead server. You don't play the game.
herbing and mining is so fucking boring
should I just dump it and pick up leatherworking and blacksmithing instead to craft some cool shit?
The Light is my strength.
don't think I like my earthen paladin as much as my male human one tbqh
it would be cool and epic if you could look like those Northrend ones instead
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cool band anon
>weapon imbue
>doesnt actually do anything regarding your weapon
anyone remember when we had to use the WoW Mobile App to grind mission tables daily so that we wouldn't fall behind on rep and gold?
that was crazy
None of them are true. I literally see a guy begging to kill rates and nobody goes.
mining + inscription
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Find the ones that lurk in these threads
I lay on hands, battle rez, and word of glory my teammates as ret pally

I fumble my blessings though.
This doesn't feel like an expansion
NTA but thanks for self reporting as a lying bitch.
Stop being so smug and mean. Are you sure you're not anti social with how insanely mean you're being? My server could not be bigger. There's just no activities to do together. >>493436428
I'm not. I'm really really not.
So I was right on 2 out of 3 of my guesses. Dead server and anti social.
If you don't like mining you are unironically not a real man and should consider transitioning.
There's no crab, anon... You lied to me...

I'm trying!
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kek i remember the first time i heard this song was in random play overwatch, some reinhardt was blasting the song on repeat through his mic
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guess the location
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So why do they have styled beards and hair? They are supposed to be these emotionless autistic hyper-efficient constructs. What practical advantage does a big beard give?
That one grassy location in Blasted Lands
my coom location
I remember the mission complete sound blasting really loudly in the middle of a lecture and half of the class looking back at me
probably should've added EU
so how do i get an invite to globo fomo if i'm horde?
Seems pretty thorough to me
>Imbue your weapon with the element of Earth for 1 hour.
Provides flavor and informs you the spell is a weapon imbue. Functionally doesn't mean anything anymore except flametongue will overwrite it.
>Your Riptide [...], Chain Heal healing
Important distinction that it's healing and not casts. This includes Riptide ticks and Chain Heal bounces.
>Have a 20% chance to trigger Earthliving on the target, healing for
Gives you a proc rate, buff name and heal amount

Really that's the type of tooltip my brain needs. Compare it to the pally aoe blade of justice tooltip which tells you nothing about how it functions.
I'm on EU!
he rapes elves but he also needs a weapon that matches this armor set

Looks cool and the hair is like some sort of sillicate overgrowth, but also the entire opening for the earthen character is breaking the cycle of just being emotionless robots
Anon have you ever played Mass Effect?
Culture is an expression of sovl, not biology.
Also they literally do start having emotions, they just don't have to emote like a bunch of hysterical night elves all the time. You know, because they have that high test stoic masculinity that Metzen is bringing back to WoW.
request to join the community with the same name.
say crab in general chat!!
>someone asking for help killing rares
means they aren't insta dying on spawn which means low pop cluster.
>someone is talking in chat
means you lied about the original complaint
>they're asking for help, you have nothing else to do, and you're complaining about people not interacting
means you're anti social for not helping him.
None of the defenders know what they're talking about. Earthen make no sense and add nothing as a race. They were never robots. Literally just monotone dwarves. They aren't discovering anything. They were already highly emotional. They weren't even that strict.
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Guess my location
its missing the word 'have' is what i was saying
Priest ranged bow dps spec when?
>learn how to fly the electricc bird

oh my god is this dragging on
green orgrimmar
I did help him. I'm on area 52. You're making assumptions for no reason. The social network here is just dead.
the big gate in wetlands
>the thousand year old stone dwarf just HAS to tell everyone that gender is a construct

Do these idiots really think flying is fun
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Okay I admit it. I was wrong. Go back to healers having to dps, this new mass pull swirlies and aoe meta is aids.
Give ever healer a combat ress and make the dps rotation <4 buttons and I'll dps.
Loch Modan
>all dracthyr here are hot and down to froth
>All EU
>Make it to the war creche meeting
>Offhandedly say something about frothing
>Get confused looks and asked how that relates to optimal ebon might uptimes
Did I fuck myself over?
Can I recover?
t. Ravencrest Dracthyr
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I am the Warchief.
When's a good level to start solo old content? 72 with appropriate gear or should I hold off til 80?
Finally, I can pump to this worg.
>nobody goes
>nobody talks
>Theres no social interactions
I bet you're EU.
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OH N--
Horde Inter species rape ground.
it's only mass swirlies and aoe right now because heroic dungeons are so easy
im 100% certain if you try that in m0 you gonna get blown up
i guess
I'm exhausted. All you guys do is talk about porn and erp. This place is like xiv now
>wow has neutral stone dwarfs for both factions now
Alright. When are we getting neutral tauren or troll variants?
Sup. For inviting horde ppl we have a community group with the same name, from there you join and ask for an invite.

That's how crosss faction invites work i know it's not the best but it's the only way.
man there was a version of Breakeven from The Script (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzCLLHscMOw) making it about applying to pieces
i fucking miss that piece of shit, too bad he turned out to be a rapist. he was genuinly funny most of the time.
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Put down that skirt right now.
Just get to 80 it'll make the fights quicker. It still takes me an extra minute at 525 lvl 80 to kill SL mobs and some 4 minutes to kill shriekwing in Nathria mythic
Now post the full picture.
what is MOS and why is the warlock pissed? who is bumbum?
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liquid max... he calls himself
liquid MINIMUM.... i call him
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am i playing a pve game or dota:3?
well now I won't unsee that
Never, this is an Alliance game now.
Nobody wants to play horde races on the alliance, dumbass.
Ive been playing for 18h straight lads
I literally told you my server. I really have no clue why you're so hung up on this. You're just being weird now.
I can go on classic and the servers are way more dead and make a friend before level 10 faster than I have done anything social in retail.
>echo firing all their good players and slandering them
>Rumors of Josh of JoshPriest fame lurking around still
>The knowers that know know about his secret recruitments
Are you ready for <Holobunga not real> DOMINANTION?
Just remove faction at this point desu
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uhhh... based?
>Any further accusation
people who do this shit need to be baselessly accuse of shit as a matter of sport.
What if we wait to see if theres any factual basis before we take action?
Anyone can accuse anyone of anything.

Like, fuck steamer and fuck the retards that care about them but this trend of "accusation is guilt, punish first determine fact later and never retract punishments even if handed out unjustly" needs to die.

Like they need to get the financial balls cut off with punitive lawsuits every time they punish someone who wasnt actually guilty.
Ive been gooning for 18h straight lads
Never cause helfags don't like being reminded of the better faction
>all of the void elf players who were shitting themselves and screaming until they were allowed access to blood elf hair and skin options so they could pretend to be high elves
Warriors of the night, assemble!
Every general is like this now and i hate it. Even general threads for whatever flavor of the month single player game recently came out are 80% the same couple of coomers spamming the same images over and over simping for a waifu or posting their avatar.
It's beyond exhausting.
What was it...
an explicitly racist rapist guild with no sponsors winning the race off pure neet gamer autism would be the funniest possible result
Gay, I wanted tauren in alliance blue
>told you my server
Theres 2 named area 52. One of them has a constant stream of conversation. One has five people on it.
fall 24 blocks in minecraft kike.
>muh classic
you don't even play the game. that's why all of your stories were so inconsistent. complete make believe.
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>play earthen
>stomp stomp stomp crunch crunch crunch
haha me stone :D
they need to increase the rate at which the special bag reward for healing/tanking appears.
at least i would heal way more and i know people that only tank/heal when that shit is up.
put that glass of chocolate milk down before you offend an earthen, they can't drink
NEVER EVER happened. BELFag lies, CUNT. Belfags are among us! NEVER trust a belf! VOID ELF BLUEBERRY SUPREMACY
if we had alliance tauren hell would break loose as gorillion night elves begin performing orgies with hung tauren men
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Any good addons for accentuating the mouse cursor? Maybe I'm booming but I'm having a hard time keeping track of the cursor location in these wall-to-wall mass AOE dungeon runs.
You're just being so unreasonable...why are you doing this to me? How is the idea that modern wow is much more wnti social than classic even a debate?its a single player game.
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Kaldorei RISE
>just agree with my blatant lies
I don't think I will jewboy.
It'd be cinema.
More so when Josh or similar drops a slur mid interview.

Weak auras
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Thank you. You won't like the picture though since it's about Tyrande wanting BHC
just give alliance high elves and ogres to the horde
and the factions be complete
and then any furry race you like
I just don't want to exist anymore.
chats dead because of hypersensitive offense culture.

theres no point talking when literally anything you say might trigger some looney troon or dangerhair mysterymeat niggerkin and result in your account being closed.

People report people for disagreeing with them.
Streamers get people to report people just as a malicious game
Talking has become a high risk activity with no reward so people don't do it.
Internet wide.
First amendment protections need to be applied to ALL public spaces.
Corporations are created by government action and thus should be bound by all laws that bind the government.

>replying to someone that literally doesn't play the game
No high elves.
Want vrykul.
Want stormshield mommy to sleep with me.
No sex just sleeping together in the långhus.
I play a dwarven mountain king by the way.
Area 52 us horde and I'm literally online right now. Are you being paid by blizzard or something to defend it this hard? You're being such a villain for no god damn reason. WoW is just not a social game.
You sound pretty sensitive anon. Not happy you're being dealt with? Must suck
whats max ilvl atm
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Pull that skirt back up right now.
For a fresh that is fash mein brüdder
>being paid by blizzard
doomjeet spotted.
Ignore and hide.
>stormshield mommy
meant shieldmaiden mommy, why did I say stormshield? must've been thinking of stormforged...
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Its just so lazy and if you have a problem with it people call you gay. These people are just annoying brats. They ruin every community
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World of Warcraft?
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give me your knees
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Whoever designed mountain thane prot warrior should get a raise. This shit is pure sovl.
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How do delves work in a group. Does it take the highest level Barn from everyone? For Bountifuls, does opening chest take a key from everyone?
For real. I'm arguing in-between some retard posting porn with some insane guy who wants to pretend modern WoW is totally just as social and active as vanilla and TBC and also last thread some guy wanted to pretend solo content is good
Just a waste of my fucking time. They're retarded.
Nah im good
Stop skimming and actually read things
they spent the last season 2 and 4 of df being the undisputed godkings of M+, they're gonna get shat on so hard by the devs this xpac it's unreal
and they're still paying for the gamer crimes they committed in early legion and bfa for raid too
I can kill vulpera with a single punch or kick
This worgen is BUILT for panda women.
its pretty much how warrior has always been. does adding more lightning sfx and graphics really make that much of a difference?
>you can do dungeons with NPCs now
shadow priest rotation is to hectic
why do I have all these procs and cooldowns i need to press on cooldown every ~20-30-40 seconds?
leader's bran is the only one that exists. I haven't wasted a key yet so idk about bountifuls.
>this feature is being praised by streamers
>who wants to pretend modern WoW is totally just as social and active as vanilla and TBC
go back.
Lmao dude are you actually me? All the time i make some innocuous reply and now an stuck in an argument with literal retards with completely insane and out of touch objectively untrue opinions such as what you said, pretending that current retail is just as social as the game was in vanilla on TBC. Absolutely not even remotely true and i can first hand verify considering i played the game then and i'm still playing now, yet some retard is actually arguing otherwise with me. Literally wasting my time and his own like what even is this?
youve no idea what you're talking about.
Im the most sterile polite person on WoW and always have been. Im not "being dealt with" Im watching the internet die a silent death because people spazz out and report when you tell them how to do mechanics or when you do not endorse their idiocy actively. People dont talk because no one wants to lose their wow characters over some fragile creatures dented self image.

I know the score and I play the game.
I have never at any point been warned for language or "racism"
You never spot me for who and what I am in game.
But its gone beyond that into stifling all criticism and advice and even conversation because people just idle around looking for things to get mad at.
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this is the peak of female elf physique
WoW is an unspeakable travesty and undisputable downgrade
Look at that fur thong, imagine the little furry creature she skinned to make that fur thong, god I wish that was me
did you know that Revantusk Village was only added in 1.5.0
I wonder what Hinterlands looked like without it
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dota international. ti2 was it? ti3? where sumail made the newspapers for being a 16 y/o who made over a million for playing video games. and esports was on normie radar after that. I think it was 2015 my normiecore businessman cousin talked to me about esports saying industry was valued more than the NBA now.
unlike the NBA the players are valued as their weight in shit, advertisers drive, that's why you see shitty practices like instant cancelling and retarded intiatives against in-game toxicity (think of it like the porn on blue boards thing here)
we were all really excited for our couch hobby to become this big thing, but this is the end game, you want to see your boys on the big screen this is the price til they unionize against this (they won't)
you're not allowed in my cart.
>trolls responding to each other cause they aren't catching anymore fish
>they're better than actual players
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I didn't think doomjeets ever got time off? Is it near the end of a deadline or something?
im kinda over wow
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the trooncord is getting new copes huh.
they went from zivtroons to vanillacels in days.
Ignore and report.
Its honestly probably the same autist who tried to make cryboomer a meme
the worgen huntard NPC keeps spazzing out and running all across the dungeon pulling extra mobs so I'd say he's on par with real players
there's a bountiful chest at the end, everyone can choose to use a key to generate personal loot from it or just ignore it.
It's just regular prot except your thunder clap hits harder.
Simpletons get blown away by the dumbest shit.
friends with the futafag btw
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realistic ai
who is it
is there still time to get full honor gear and reroll priest/lock/mage or how long does it take? trying to get the free gladiator since there's no tuning pass on tuesday
I kinda just wanna go and chill in Boralus for a bit, nice to live in a city full of humans.
no no dont join THAT autistic guild, join this one!!
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>rogue priest mage lock being meta in pvp for the 20th consecutive year
guild wars are better than wars between specific users ngl
explain detroit
I haven't played since BFA and dragonflyibg is seriously ruining the game for me. Its so fucking bad. Delves are such a chore. My rotation sucks dick on all 3 specs. The story doesn't make any effort. I don't know what I'm doing anymore
yeah i was really disappointed when i leveled it expecting it to be this awesome new thing. at least arms slayer is really cool with the filler slashes it will now do in-between gcds
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>doomtroons are replying to each other AGAIN
there was a time when people embraced challenges and learned the game but now we just shit and piss ourselves until the devs fold I guess
I just don't get it. It's like last night there was some turbo retard pretending like dracthyr don't have double jump just because demon hunter can jump higher. Like anyone can log in and press spacebar twice on a dracthyr to double jump and see that you are full of shit so why are you even wasting time pretending to be retarded? Yet they do this all the time, every thread is like this. It's so tiring.
tuning will happen before the regulars get their mounts
it takes 6 hours to get full honor gear
>dragonflyibg is seriously ruining the game for me
Stopped reading right there
Can't believe that idiot forgot about DH's triple jump
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this set you get just from making an earthen is great
What are you doing first on next reset?
moving between the zones feels annoying. i don't even bother going to hallowfall since it's so out of the wsy
>you want to see your boys on the big screen

actually I do I DONT want that. my point is the broad HR wide idea that accusations are what matters and that you have to preemptivly punish people prior to guilt being established in order to protect the brand is utterly insane.

Like I said every time they do that and then the accusations turn out to be false the accused person needs to turn around and rape the company that did it.
killing myself
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>dragonflyibg is seriously ruining the game for me
the only challenge this game has
is the challenge of being stuck in the same reality as you people
you fucking shitters
escape to a fantasy universe? nope. you faggots just follow me even here.
I can't take it anymore I'm going to fucking go crazy and destroy you all
Jailor warned you, he was warning you of me
he was warning you that you cringelords divided cannot withstand what is to come
The problem is that nowadays the optimal way to play is copy paste your spec from icy veins or whatever and use an add on that lights up your spell to use and another that tells you exactly where to move, without the caveat of putting a straight green area in safe zone like what happened in WotLK with the AR addon
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>Gilneas will be reborn from the blood of our enemies
>forsakens use blight to help worgens
letting my sub lapse
theres a bunch of didferent ones based on your class and the answers to the machine
i skimmed through a few replies of your retarded conversation last night,
you are fucking retarded
dracthyr do not double jump
they jump and "glide"
demon hunters have a LITERAL genji jump + glide
by all means keep shitting up the thread tho, dumb nigger
Ragnaros... humiliation ritual... it's over...
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>and use an add on that lights up your spell to use and another that tells you exactly where to move
The absolute state of /wowg/
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getting my spark and crafting a shitty axe.
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how tf do people get filtered by dragonflying? is it learning disabilities?
Its not hard to do it just requires attention
Unless you need to get across the map very quickly then it's torture
Not liking it doesn't mean I'm bad at it
Also it sucks at precision movement. By that I mean ymit requires a ton of wrist shit that not fun and even then it bugs out on the environment
Also I have been constantly disconnected for trying to dragonfly and the game can't handle it
are u sure
honestly theres to much to do
probably going to spam shuffle till i get my conq cap on 3 characters into m0s but if i dont get a guild over the weekend im really shooting my self in the foot by not trying to pug with the neets because anyone that doesnt clear on tuesday will clear that week
and then i need to cash my fucking coffer keys
its going to be a nightmare
Physically disabled old boomers who can't play anything but normal dungeons methinks
that's literally how high end Mythic raiders and people who push M+25 keys, as well as glad arena players.
Basically the higher end the player the more automated the game is.
Back when I played the only mandatory addon was Omen (or KTM) just because threat management was a thing, and decursive until it was soft banned because healers abused it.
Because its not fun
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what class you guys doing delves on?
for me its BM hunter
neither is leveling but that didnt stop you from hitting 80
Damn, adding cross-faction play in SL really was a mistake. The whole faction clash was set aside and now there's literally no point for the two factions to exist separately anymore.
There's zero chance you do anything but fly over long empty space because anyone whose played this game would know how insanely buggy and frustrating dragonflying is
>it's not fun
>because i need to think
That's on you nigga.
blood dk or vengeance demon hunter because I can essentially pull all the mobs and let brann nuke them
fury, it feels like I can't die.
have 3 tanks to gear so guess I'm going into m0s lol
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Same type of people who wipe on vanilla raid bosses with 2 mechanics in Classic while playing a spec with a 1 button rotation.
Fact is, the average WoW player is barely sentient.
Oh look it's the retard who presses spacebar twice to go higher and pretends he didn't go higher. Everyone point at him and laugh!
what level is your brann?
mine is 15
fucking turn it off then lol. non issue.
I don't fucking want to think. Its boring. I want to point in a direction and alt tab out. It's fucking travelling through empty space. Gathering in a tight spot with dragonflying fucking sucks too
she looks like she fucks tauren men
Everyone's brann is 15, 15 is the cap until the season starts
Disabled retards and people who don't actually play are the only people complaining. If you go read the blizz forums it's purely disabled retards complaining. Here it's almost entirely people who don't actually play.
Why people who don't actually play hang around in a general for a game is anyone's guess.
i did all the races in dragonflight and never had an issue
11.0.5 BM changes looking juicy. dark ranger rework esp might come back to it after that. bluepost says the delve seasonal rewards come from tier 5... so I'm not sure why 9-13 exist unless that's a typo
10, I only did delve during EA and week 1 until I realized there was no point in doing Tier 3 delves because the gear is shit and bountiful delves don't give shit yet.
>the optimal way to play the game nowadays is the way it's always been
thanks retard
Races are one thing. Gathering for 18 hours a day is another.
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I've made 2 million gold mining and herbing since launch, dragonflying only the whole time. Thousands of nodes along the way and the ONLY buggy thing about dragonflying is the occasional lift off DC.
everything else is a skill issue dragonflying is RADICALLY better for gather than regular because of the increase rates you get from high speed between nodes.
Nice to see someone that didn't play the game before MoP have an opinion about how the game was.
MoP was the blueprint for addon assisted tryhard garbage.
Sabotage keys on an alt
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>xhe is being serious
Just change to static flying instead of being an annoying retard about it. You get it by exploring the xpac zones in no more than an hour. Or literally by just playing the game that's how i got it.

it even got buffed to 400 someting % now stop being such a woman about it ffs.
the only real complaint is the bug that dc's you which isnt a bug exclusive to dragonflying
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i bitch about it constantly itt and i guarantee my io and arena rating is better than yours, fag
don't listen to this retard he is mining and gathering all day for basically below minimum wage like a retard
>his bot can't dragonfly
>that's why he is mad
Literally just swap to normal fight then retard lol
lifdoff DCs feels like it happens when I jump off a prop instead of the ground texture
i also did gathering and it was completely fine
please draw me an ascii house in your next reply
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This has to be bait, right?
I can't believe people think dragonflying is good...they literally updated the game to be more of a chore and you like it.
I hope they update the combat so you have to press W for every single step you take.
these gogogoniggers don't understand anything other than faster rewards = better. they are the ones triggered by one simple word that might take their cheese away.
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half the complaints ive heard are people being too retarded to grasp occasionally pressing spacebar
the other half are pissing their pants because they spent 500 hours grinding a mount and look like a dumbass riding around on it while other people zip past them on dragons that you just get for free
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>Nice to see someone that didn't play the game before MoP
you've literally always been able to play it with or without addons
you just got better and finally learned more
look up some of the crazy-ass bs addons we had getting banned in wrath.
cthun and 4 horseman were also considered addon-essential fight and now 40 year old retards piss through them
The only issue is that if you try to take off on a slope you can get dced, but actually flying is perfectly functional and fun.

I think you're retarded. Not in a mean way, a medical way.
imminent mating press from the dracthyr on the left
Why does it have to be a skill or intelligence problem. I don't have any issue managing vigor or gaining speed. I just don't like doing it.
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>Going Solo in World of Warcraft
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seconding this
they're brown and cant comprehend someone might have a different opinion regarding any particular matter.
Literally my femgnome
Isn't the fact you need to unlock the ability to not dragonfly proof that even blizzard knows dragonflying isn't desirable
If dragonflying is so cool then you should be forced into regular old flying until you unlock it and you're rewarded. Like how you use to have to unlock flying period

So if regular flying is the reward that says a lot.
Change it. They didn't remove static flying. Stop whining all the time like a fucking nigger.
am i doing something wrong or is unholy so fucking boring to play?
>I don't like flying faster
>I don't have any issues doing it
>I don't want to swap to static flying
Make it make sense.
those are some thick fingers
is xe fat?
>scizoids aren't really mad at the avatarfags themselves but rather the act of socializing which they represent
Let's get in a discord call so you stop dismissing me.
>Blizzard employee holding a gun to anons head forcing him to use dragonriding
its proof they dont want you botting 30 multibox boosted herb-bots and proof they dont want you to whine that zones are too big
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>Gnome warrior? Bwahaha-ACKK
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Was it really that big of a deal for them to patch out?
i wouldnt say its boring but i do not enjoy outside of pvp
the aoe rotation feels terrible without haste and it wouldnt be much better with haste imo
was going to main alt it in pve but ww is so much more fun imo
ill still play it in arena tho
>discount rosine
Funnier than their last 5 April fools.
you cant fool me
i will continue to jack to her long black toenails
>punish the honest players for what people who break the rules do
Wtf is it already April?
How do I stop being like this
even as little of an mmo as wow is, grinding is still the name of the game and skinnerbox grinds will always be bottable
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you are now involuntarily remembering people being too stupid to side strafe out of defile during the lich king fight
Illidan is out there somewhere.
Nice tattoo.
Us schizoidbros are calm and rational, unlike the schizophrenic constantly sperging over nonsense
So ban them
dumb gemmy ADADADADADAADADA is part of my rotation
>unprompted defence of avatarfags
i wonder who made this post....
Why are you back to acting like static flight is gone? How are you punished? Swap to static.
Everyday I wake up at fucking 8 am and I grind mining and herbs until 4 am
You want to know how I bought TWW? I grinded classic reagents until I had 4 wow tokens
Fuck. You.
dh have a triple jump btw, you can still delete your retarded post
Monks should've been like the scarlet monastery monks. Those are what I wanted not pandas.
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have to unlock it which isnt that big of a deal, at least they didnt make you wait a patch like last time
if you dont cast the fucking 5 second button at the start of dawnbreaker you arrive 30 seconds after everyone else on the last boss, its retarded
you cant even just fly straight to the arena either because youll just die regardless of the fact its barely a 3 second advantage
hes mad that he cant not use dragonflying while reaping all the benefits of dragonflying
based grinder
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Hero Talents could have changed and reskinned most abilities
instead we got
>Shado Pan
>Conduit of the Celestials
More panda shit

Meanwhile Darkrangers get a reskin on a shitton of abilities in 10.0.5
are you implying i feel any measure of shame or embarassment for arguing with 80 iq subhumans on an ANONYMOUS image board?
Because i dont, and ive never deleted a post once in my decade of using this website, i think you ought to carry your sorry ass back to ribbit, nigger.
>still wrong
>still mad
oh no you really told me
>Earthen have an infinite well fed buff, and they have 10% more armor from gear

How did we go from this
to this
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mine's at 11...
Earthen protection warriors are genuinely broken right now
>Thinks armor is better than debuff immunity
Why does he look like the chudjak
You're low iq
>10% armor from gear
this isn't classic, almost every tank gets their main mitigation from primary stat now (armor from ironfur with agi, armor from bone armor with str, armor from str with sotr),

meanwhile priest and earthen healer shaman literally can't drink non-conjured water too
it's such a shit race, but at least they look cool.
>this isn't classic
Maybe it should be
I think shes cute. So is extra emily

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