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Wacky Thunder - Edition

Previous thread: >>493257215

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides for Jet Battles

>Guided weapons statistics

>What are the rewards for base bombing?
>TL;DR - Rewards aren't set between planes - they are dynamic to match BR and specific vehicle

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Remember - REALISM is this game's top priority.

Thread theme:
eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
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Vehicles with this feel?
Boats are for homos
any mutt pack premium
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
Space Battleship Yamato soon
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Total ace combat fag death
why do you want to eradicate w4rtg and lowiq???
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Who was crying about the Leopards?
there's these 5, and in addition, there are two Leopard 2A4's. One is tech tree and the other is premium.
What's the fucking problem?
Can't fucking read?
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it doesn't exist
you've been living in a dream for the past 3 years
wake up
>be swigger nigger
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Both Germany and Sweden have two base model 2A4s
As if the F-15 could be any sexier.
Strv 122 and the premium
and the finnish Leo 2a4
thats 3 nigger
122 is the 2a5 on steroids, you mean 121.
And the 121B is not a base model 2a4
no one cares about you tranny designations if its 10.3 its just a leopard 2a4
Ok man whatever you say, no need to blow a gasket
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when m10 booker
Sweden only has one 2A4
and you only have one gender
Well yes you can't have more than one
and that gender will never be a woman you tranny swigger
Don't bother trying to reason with a swegro, they have nothing better to do than shitpost endlessly and demand more handholding
122 very based
F-18 for Sweden when?
sweden air is pretty shit though
When you play it maybe
>tranny out of nowhere
Are you traumatized? Did your daddy touch you when you were a kid? Or is tranny the default boogeyman you resort to?
>tranzilla goblina cries as he gets exposed
ok tranny
whatever you say tranny
there's more in the swedish tree than the gripen little bro
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>tranny has a melty over silly tank designations and begins calling everyone else trannies out of dilation despair
Yes and if you had even half a brain cell you'd be able to use them effectively, nigger monkey.
We getting another review bomb or what? APHE changes even after the community voted no is sure going to cause a big shit storm right?
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Unfortunately for you Redditors(Brit mains) want everyone to suffer if they have to suffer
>it's replying to itself pretending to be two people
sure thing broski
What the FUCK is that?
Some swedish cartoon that retards have been avatarnigging with constantly, every single day
a swedish cartoon
you better not see the helicopters
>don't understand how APHE works
>or mid tier shot placement
>or mid tier weakspots
>still write hundreds of posts about it
I hate this autist so much
he's not wrong y'know?
what... exactly is he wrong about...?
Vehicles with this feel?
*sigh* gaijin bootlickers everyone
this a valid arguement though, jumbo niggers are absolutely obsessed with the cupola meme weakspot for the tiger being removed, when the jumbo can see both a tiger with a cupola and one without it so it doesn't matter
He's kinda right?
all me btw
WTF I agree with spanish cuckvenger now?!?!
/wtg/ fears the SPVNISH_BVLL...
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Man superprops fucking suck
>airspawner spam = people refuse to climb
>same maps but everyone is faster = AF camping in every fucking game
>most planes perform like Rank 3 shitbricks except for some that don't
>bomber spam
>ground pounders that just blow their load and leave the match
>1km oneshots from 20mm bomber turrets with maxed crew
>mutt teams filled with 6.3 props fighting 6.7-7.0 jets
>everyone is dumber in general
I played like 30 games and never had a proper 1v1 dogfight once, everyone just flies straight and suicides in head-ons or gets third-partied. I even had multiple 3 and 4 kill games where I didn't actually fight anyone
This shit is genuinely awful, how do you people tolerate it? It's legit worse than low-mid tier props by every conceivable metric

If higher tiers are actually this bad, I'm starting to believe the Wyvern/B7A2/XP-50 spam at 4.0 is an intentional conspiracy to kill whatever fun air RB still has left
I'm sure you fags already know all this but coming back to this shitshow after not playing for 6 years was a disappointment to say the least
Thanks for reading my blog and fuck tank niggers
so... hc mk1 is bigger than fab5000
aphe will be nerfed
aphetrannies will hang themselves
And that's a good thing.
that would be wonderful
shut the fuck up bong
dilate aphetranny
dilate aphetranny
dilate aphetranny
I don't try to kill tiger E's through the cupola because it's easier to just facefuck their flat armor or pen the soft stuff down by the treads. I killed Tiger H1's with the cuploa not because I need to but because it's easy.
dilate aphetranny
to the anon who told me to get the russian starter pack, I jsut got over 45k RP in 4 matches, absolutely wild, in 8.0BR I get 7500RP at most, and here I got 12k in one, holy shit
>sees APHE
>immediately thinks of trannies
Your mind? Warped beyond recognition.
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Fraggot and bongistani shills out in force this evening
shut the fuck up aphetranny
except me
shut the fuck up aphetranny
shut the fuck up aphetranny
shut the fuck up aphetranny
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Interesting how that troon calling avatar on every single anime image's been awfully quiet whenever this faggot shows up, not a word, nothing, shit doesn't bother him at all...
I was wrong, I actually love /wtg/
I mean it's mexican cuckvenger. He's never been killed through the cupola because he's probably w-keying and dying through the hull. And he's never killed through the cupola because he's too retarded to see the hull-down tiger let alone hit the cupola. And frankly, he's a british main. He can't kill through the cupola anyways.
Nah, I distinctly remember one shotting a Tiger E with Tiger H1's Pzgr. in GAB before. You usually have better shots, but in a pure hull down fight it's a valid weakspot
Also, I don't really get the comparison? Isn't the less prominent cupola THE reason for a 0.3 BR difference?
Aphe fixed -> h1 goes to 6.0 where it belongs. Problem solved.
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Just got a 5 kill game on Mozdok (absolutely brilliant map for high-tiers btw)
The enemy team had a total of 3 (three) non-airspawning planes, and everyone immediately dove to suicide into ground targets. The last enemy alive was a 288 camping the airfield until 4 of my allies dove on him
Still no actual air duels to speak of
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Reminder that if we get another split vote (like the 52/48 we had) they will NOT go forward with the changes. And since they plan to scar the live service with the change, achieving a 50/50 is the bare minimum.
Then just killed the diversity of lineups for no reason. Tiger H1 will just be a more annoying (and still worse armorwise) Tiger E, so no you just spawn a backup of the latter instead. I know that compressing every single mid tier vehicle into a single 1 BR range is Gaijin's dream, but it's not really beneficial for us.
>Isn't the less prominent cupola THE reason for a 0.3 BR difference?
It is, but like you said, the Tiger Es cupola is still a viable weakspot.
I don't know how you can play this game for a decade straight and still not known common weakspots of mid tier tanks. I understand he's too shit at the game to hit it, but he should at least know about it.
whats /wtg/s approved fleshlight?
Your mothers mouth
anything from this guys collection
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how big are those things anyway
could you stick one in a tanks barrel or would you need a spacer of sorts
dilate aphetranny?

the muttranny spergouts will be worth the potentially catastrophic balance shakeup or anticlimactic complete balance sidegrade

the alternative is we get no side frag refactor but all other changes go through so APHE gets straight buffed and Notards totally rape GRB balance for the next X months, beginning a new dark age of amiglutton crygloating
>thinking it's mutt players that will be sperging about APHE changes
This general is suffering from a serious case of mutt derangement syndrome.
>Isn't the less prominent cupola THE reason for a 0.3 BR difference?
It's more the extra turret armor around the gunner sight. I don't think gaijin considers the cupolas of anything for BR placement.

The Tiger E also doesn't have those stupid antipersonnel launchers on the hull corners that just get in the fucking way of your gun when you angle.
this post? just a figment of my imagination
Well as someone who's played both AP and APHE, weakspots aren't really important to AP outside of cases where it's universally applicable to any ammo, eg IS4 driver's hatch or Tiger2 cheeks. He would probably not be used to even aiming at cupolas or did it with giganiga guns that are unironically too strong and function like AP.

What he's trying to argue there is that if you can fight a 6.0 tiger with a smaller and harder to pen weakspot... than you can fight both Tiger's with the weakspot more or less removed.
>I don't think gaijin considers the cupolas of anything for BR placement.
I don't think Gaijin considers anything other than stats. The cupola weakspot is the thing talk about when H1 is mentioned - I assume that's (along with the annoyance of launchers) enough to bring its stats below the E. It's certainly easier to kill it with low pen rounds than the E, that's for sure
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>play CV90105 for the first time in months to finish grinding my BMP
>get a nuke first game
Words can't express how much I love this thing
>the conformal tanks on the F-15C improve the turn time
>weakspots aren't really important to AP outside of cases where it's universally applicable to any ammo (...) He would probably not be used to even aiming at cupolas or did it with giganiga guns that are unironically too strong and function like AP.
Well, Britain (since he calls himself a main) has guns with very high pen at Tiger's BRs. You don't really need to aim for the cupola when your 4.7 Firefly already has 190mm of pen - enough to slice through the hull even when angled - not to mention the APDS rounds or 232mm of pen on the Charioteer, So to him the cupola really is irrelevant - not so much the US (for instance) vehicles that need to go to 5.3 to even get 150mm of pen.
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Now I just need the new SPAA
Weakspots mostly don't matter for most vehicles. In the majority of cases everyone can pen everything sans a few "hardspots" that you should avoid. Shoot the crew compartment and they lose. It normally doesn't matter if you're shooting APHE or solid shot. You either kill them outright or maim them enough that they can't fight back.

Where APHE pulls ahead are when fighting the minority of memebunker targets where the only chink in the armor is in the middle of nowhere and a penetrating hit with AP would accomplish nothing but a penetrating hit with APHE would still teleport a frag grenade inside of the tank. Cupola weakspots are one such example of this kind of APHE weakpoint.
>mutt players have shit to mediocre or average pen outside open tops, mediocre to high filler
>germs have above average to great pen with the main workhorse guns approaching the 17lber, meaningless afterthought to giganigger filler
>ruskies have generally shitty to average pen unless it's low caliber high velocity or giganigger caliber, high to giganigger filler
gee, I wonder which of these will be most affected by a substantial portion of their damage coming from shell weight and velocity versus disproportionately effective pure HE filler while crying bitter tears about not being handcrushed enough from bottom to toptier with stabilizers, instant death on penetration rounds, CAS undertiered by 2.0, not getting to be undeadable niggerbunkers while crying about anyone with a more valid claim to the experience...?
he's just panicking because everyone and their grandma is waking up to the handheld muttgroid epidemic and telling them to fuck off instead of dealing with their coddling
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Vehicle for this feel?
Give me Booker. I want Booker.
quite literally anything in the us tree, but funnily enough not us vehicles outside of it
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>APHE nerf will make it harder to kill M48/M60 series tanks through the cupola
>Patton tank turbobuff

More Patton tanks for the US when?
Gook M48s in the US TT when? with everything else going to japan because gooks deserve to seethe
Spanish M48s in the US TT when?
Super M60 in the TT when?
T*rkish M60 upgrrades in the TT when?
Ratheyon M60 SLEP in the TT when?
Leonardo M60 SLEP in the TT when?
Thai M60s in the US TT when?
Taiwanese M60s in the US TT when?
M60 Pheonix in the US TT when?

>b-b-but muh other tech tree
don't care

USA Needs more Patton tanks and they're needed RIGHT NOW
aphe trannies permanently coping, seething, dilating, and never EVER becoming a woman when this change goes through
>win 5 GRB battles
>loose 5 naval battles
>win 6 GRB battles
must have gained Anton's favor by submitting to the torpedo task ritual
As if it wasn't easy enough to dumpster thirdies in the AOS, I can't wait.
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what does this even mean
poorly translated zigger joke i suppose
like 'break a leg' or something?
You know what, fuck 'em
Every Magach and GDR M48s moved to the US tree with Merkavas tripling in price and israeli/german players not compensated for it when?
Italian Pattons moved to the US tree without compensation when?
M67 Zippo when?
XM60 prototypes when?
Missing US operated M48 series when?
M48 GAU-8 when?
M48 Marksman when?
M48T5 CEV when?
M47M when?
M47E1 when?
M47E2 when?
Tiam when?
French M47 in the US tree when?

Enough crew slots for all my Patton tanks when?
idk slavs arent smart so who fucking knows or cares
My favourite post on the forum shame I didn't screencap it is where someone unironically said the M36 feels better with the APHE "rework". I tested it and it's worse in every way under every circumstance. I don't even play American tanks and I feel bad for them.

The change does something really bizarre which nerfs every APHE round to be functionally identical regardless of filler unless it crosses the overpressure threshold. Huge buff to German APHE in general. Everyone else eats shit.
The cupola isn't even the biggest weakness of those shit tanks. Anyone can click pretty much anywhere on the M48. The M60 depends on the version where it's either anywhere around the gun or turret ring which is a way easier shot than the cupola and more consistent.
Which one will die out first?
>Leopard 1
>Al Khalid is just the mbt-2000 but with gen 3 gunner and commander thermals instead of gen 1 gunner thermals
Wtf is this p2w powercreep
Patton, Leo 1 is already a glass cannon and the T-64 is rassiyan
All of them will forever sit in a random stockpile somewhere until the end of time. But the Pattons will be perpetually upgraded by the middle east unto increasingly worse abominations.
Its chinese who the fuck cares
>T-80U-E1 is just the T-80U with better thermals and faster turret traverse for some reason
same shit different day, pimp
increasingly kino* abominations
>Faster turret traverse
What the actual fuck
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Why cope? That's great, I'm definitely gonna get it next sale.
>Every Magach and GDR M48s moved to the US tree with Merkavas tripling in price and israeli/german players not compensated for it when?
when the US loses it's Merkavas, Roland and Harriers
>overpressure APHE (short 88 tigger niggergranate) works just as before
>everything else gets its side fragmentation leveled out to sane levels
>low filler, high velocity (KwK 40, 41) is king, gets the best results out of receiving AP style spalling
Yeah, sucks because the T-80U is my favorite T-80 aesthetically but I'm not trying to shell out 6 gorillion bucks for their p2w pack
>ripping off the abrams x skirts
You really can’t get away from that monkey see monkey do shit anywhere can you
nice ai image bro
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>inna T-34
>brawl against an FV4002
>getting third partied by an M46
Is it just the horizontal traverse that's faster? If so, I guess it's not that bad
Yeah it's just horizontal but it's 10 degrees difference, pretty fucking nice to have.
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They even ripped off the cock sleeve from the KF51
Why does it have such a disgusting and slightly warped sheen to that first image?
They're the same tank
That's not an answer to my question.
>monkey sees western designs
>monkey copies them with no understanding
>monkey makes horrors beyond our understanding
It was filmed by Iranians
slathered in butter
I need this in the tech tree now
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post twin engined kino
Coming soon to a grindathon event near you
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No please... give me the Terminator. The chinesium QN506 is like a shitty joke.
Germutt M109
>twin engined propslop :|
>twin engined propslop, Lockheeb Jewman ÖöÖ
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>twin engines
Is it true that they're adding the trophy T-90A to the US tree?
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it's been debunked by stona
jesus, can you imagine being the poor guy flying that piece of shit when all your buddies got Mosquitoes?
Youre right single engine transmutts do look like that thing on the right
could they folder the jappo RCVs instead of having the typ89 inexplicably foldered under one of the RCVs?
Mosquitoes were overhyped plywood dogshit that fell apart
Anyway, I'm excited for it. Hopefully they keep all the shit that was drawn on it.
either you're a thirdie seething about Lockheed Martin's mere existence. or you're a japtranny mad about about the Lightning's utter dominance over the IJAAF in the pacific
Sweden unceneremoniously burned all its mosquitos because they were indeed falling apart
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>"Best on the Ground" task
>suddenly blue team stacked with really good players
this is amazing. never finishing this task.
Sorry, that was me. (Not sorry)
Sucks to suck
Fuck off twins are great. P-61 is cool as hell too
lmao. muttxister doesn't know how it got niggered by Ki-27s
Can you stop typing the n word? You're gonna slip eventually irl and it will bite you in the ass.
>3 matches in A6M5 Ko
>12 kills
>0 deaths
>0 damage taken
I forgot how handheld this thing was
>utter dominance over the IJAAF in the pacific
kek, lol, lmao, rofl, lmfao,
>the worst A6M at a higher br is handheld
post replay otherwise fuck off with your lies
>see zero
>fly away
>Amerigroid delusions of grandure to cope with Lockheed jewing them into buying the P-38
lmao even
when the mutt starts saying some muttshit dominated simply because it saw much older planes than itself, you know its gonna be a good thread
The Mossie was a jack of all trades that simultaneously bombed the shit out of the Germans while racking up kills on the Luftwaffe, unlike the ME-410 which was total garbage. seethe more Goering
>get task to do very well personally
>cockblocked by suddenly competent teammates, but can be overcome easily enough while the reverse of getting a shit team means all the success is yours to have, bad rollopposition still isn't as bad as on Win, easy to carry through
>get task that relies in any way on teammates to win or give you assists or Intelligence
>cockblocked by total fucking retards to a degree where it can be hard to do well because of how bad they are and how sweaty the opposition is, until it eventually gives you a Hail Mary curbstomp, carrying is hard
tasks nigger up the matchmaker so obviously it's criminal
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>gets dunked on by fucking ROMANIANS
>america makes new planes that are better than adversaries planes
>this is supposed to be a bad thing because ???
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Primo needful has been done.
"It dominated the Pacific goyim!!!!!!!
LUHMAO. The P-38 got dunked on by Ki-43s
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>>america makes new planes that are bet-
very organic
I think i hit struck a nerve in the wannabe jap that lives in an apartment in Toledo Ohio
I have no comback for this because it's honestly funny in a sad way
flying same routes every day, bomb bay doors got jammed open, picked up by radar, etc
now post your country's stealth plane :^)
I’d rather lose one airframe than national sovereignty
i always forget i have that little guy
great plane to play
>war thunder player
>trying to disengage
GUYS IT DOMINATED *Turbocharger explodes* THE PACIFIC GUYS *guns jam* IT TOTALLY *compression dives* SCORED 85 GORBILLION KILLS ON THOSE *aileron reversal* THOSE HECKIN' EVIL JAPANESE KI-84S
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>muttcord chimping out and ganging on a single poster
>everyone getting tired of mutts and laughing at one of them that got too full of itself (ironic)
hello kommyhuct
What's the best German lineup after 8.0? I find the Leopard I and DF105 good, but, including those, it's all 0 armor and IFV's other than that at 8.0
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listen. Juan Hernandez. I don't think the Japanese schoolgirl you stalk on X formerly known as twitter will care about you defending the IJAAF's honor against the P-38
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holy shit the muttgroid is really going full schizocore as a defense mechanism LMAO
Korea when? If Germany gets to be West+East and China gets to be both Chinas, then both Koreas tree only makes sense.
>falling for the vatnig bait pretending to be a jap, TWICE
man you are so fucking retarded
i think there will be a gook chimpout no matter what happens with them lol
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>Korea when
The Japanese struggled to do more than inconvenience the US the farther you got from Guadalcanal, which was about the last time they really managed to successfully contest US offensives. Campaigns after that tended towards massively disproportionate slaughters.
I don't think its a vatnigger. I think its one of the three crapan mains lmao
total shitley death
>namefag boogeyman out of nowhere
Nice, I don't have any premiums but I'll sub something in and try that one out next, thanks!
>ok Shitley
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thought i was the only one that noticed
are shitley and kommyhuct in the room with you right now?
i'm getting tired of the same kommyhuct/sneed vatnig circlejerk every day
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sound familiar?
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now what
do you think the resident P-38 fetishist would do that? just start artificial chimpouts and lie?
does shitley take it in the ass?
spade it. duh
every chimpout is artificial. the last organic chimpout this thread had was when the Iranian tomcat went to the american tree
Bring it to top tier and print SL using the rank kill bonus.
btr-80 (7.3) gun at 9.0
Never happened, it was quite literally just the schizo chimping out about some imaginary chimpout that was never there to begin with... and that was the chimpout, apparently.
>loot crate gave me the HMS Tiger
isn't that the worst cruiser at 5.7?
>Never happened
Not necessarily the worst but it’s definitely in some bad company low on the list
how low on the list? because a total of ten guns seems pretty grim for 5.7
anything that isnt an american cruiser is pretty grim at 5.7
You chimped out about shit that was never posted in the thread, bringing up forum and some website called reddit as if it was here. You seemed quite lost, honestly, hope you find your way back home eventually.
what the fuck are you even talking about schizo retard
being called out hurts huh
Its shell output is decent at 80/min from the primary, and the fcs is post war so basically cheating, plus iirc it’s one of the few Bong ships with AP. What lets it down is really bad dispersion for a 6” gun, probably to balance out being one of the first ships with the really low ranging times. But being a naval event vehicle it was basically left to rot after the event ended, as is tradition since they never made a premium version.
New Orleans is also comfortably very low on that list
>tiger has fast firing guns that can shit out HE
>only has four of them
>secondaries have great ROF for a 3" gun
>only six and they have a trajectory that's more curved than a boomer's moral integrity
>no armor
>unprotected ammo racks
its literally monkey's paw: the ship
It’s so fucking hot today (110F). Vehicle for this feel?
there's only one american cruiser at 5.7 and i don't see anyone crying about NO
myoko/haguro and zara/pola are your current winners imo
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Is it worth trading the speed of the Type 90 for better thermals and situational armor?
mmmm seems you forgot about uptiers and downtiers
not the brightest cookie but thats to be expected of /wtg/
He’s the skill issue guy from yesterday who was seething about getting stomped by destroyers in myoko/haguro
you also get a MUCH better round
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Don’t mind entering your vehicle, if you catch my drift
>spawning in uptiers
fuck you, Zara's great
RoF is kinda ass but she tanks hits like nobody's business
rarely getting uptiers helps a lot, but that goes for most 5.7s
Think you should reread his post m8
I see they both have JM33 as their only darts, you might be thinking of the TKX
if they're so great why isnt anyone using them to grind the event
Day one of the event has been the most civil I’ve seen. Other guy says Atlanta was next to extinct. I did most of my star at top tier and saw exactly one Scharnhorst, with me being the soulless nigger who brought it. Saw mostly cruisers and 6.3/6.7 battleships. Felt like bizarro world I’ve never seen high morality event gameplay before
Yeah I think at this point it's safe to say we should believe the opposite of what that guy says.
Did my star in the ATL and saw at least another 2 in every match.
Surprising amount of Emdens too.
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Too bad then, guess it can’t last. Was nuts being able to play off top tier meta after the one game I nigged up. Felt like a beautiful window into how good the game could be if they didn’t make that retarded series of battlecruiser additions from winter ‘21 to summer/fall ‘22
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5 backups
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I would have preferred the backups.
>one(uno(1)) half decent game of sl
grim grim grim grim grim grim grim
because the number of people who have japanese/italian bluewater ground out to that point and would prefer to play cruisers rather than 3.3 japan/4.3 russia coastal is optimistically in the low double digits
Dog I earn more than that after 3 kills and a one-death leave match
I didnt see too many of them either, or the SKRs for that matter
maybe the turbogrinders are a little late to the party this time, i fully expect the next two weeks be the usual rainbowmaker spam
>get a security alert
>Someone from India tried to access my account.
Vehicles for this feel?

the speeds are comparable i didn't even notice
>nothing wrong with own network, all WT
>no option to rejoin
>crew locked
This must be a skill issue
>t. literal tranny
this game becomes completely unfun the moment you see any cold war shit
lol so is the game unplayable rn

what is going on

did someone offend china
They're trying to nerf things that don't need to be nerfed and buff things that don't need to be buffed at the same time. Random retarded onlookers trying trying to make the game worse for the highest amount of people.
>finish naval star in like 2 very relaxed hours (including dinner break)
>spent 4x as long and haven't grinded the same amount because all the metaspammers remembered the event was on
They datamined some dev talking shit about China in the code.
No fucking joke i saw it on VK few moments ago, USA, CIS and EU server being ddos right now.
??? proof ???
Imagine a new game mode where its top tier but only with post-nerf aphe rounds kek
they did that already
of course you bongtrannies are too new to remember
We need new maps for ground battles and they should make Fulda look small.
>all the seethe from crapan tranny weebs
right on target
>replying to your own dead bait
you need to dilate shitley, there's a dead hamster up there
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>you need to dilate shitley, there's a dead hamster up there
>He actually grinds instead of playing for fun
Sometimes I pity yall
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once I unlock the t92 i'll stop worrying about the grind
Your opportunity cost, retard?
R-73 has retardedly long range and ignores flares now
It easily has the shortest range of all of the top tier dogfight missiles and its IRCCM is only effective at guns ranges.
Remember when post penetration spalling was completely removed from the game and the new meta was using HEAT to kill crew one by one?
That was unironically some of the most fun I've had in War Thunder top tier.
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>casually deletes the enemy team and controls the match
Jesus Christ.
I remember that one time that you needed to kill 100% of the crew to kill a tank and we had a button for shuffling the last man back and forth between the driver and gunner seats.
Lizard brain likey unlocking new bits and bobs.
shorter range than a magic?
Aim for the rear turret farm if you run into another guy running one, I’ve found it’s a pretty consistent magazine detonation
that was only for the first 4 or so years of arcade
It was in RB for a week or two. Everyone hated it.
Nigger I got hit by one at like 6km range at low altitude while flaring and juking it
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Can you show me a clip of you getting magazine detonations? I understand the fundamentals of it but it's a rare thing if I actually get one.
Pretty please.
>Get banned for pig posting
>not around to bully mutts
>mutts get out of control
Tale as old as /wtg/
You pig posted too close to the sun.
What does that even mean?
Man I forgot about that one
Sure buddy
It means Gaijin should reverse the fantasy buffs from the Ackbrams because having a dogshit playerbase should have no bearing on how a tank is modeled in War Thunder.
Yes. The R-73 wobbles around excessively bad, which introduces a shit ton of drag that negatively impacts range and speed.
>9M/AAM3 are the longest ranged ones with IRCCM that is basically immune to being accidentally flared by the opponent defending against a third party, but unfortunately are defeated by the retard's reflexive instinct to throw his mouse across the room and spam every flare that he owns.
>R-73 is unflareable within ~1km and can pull off some insane HOBs shots with the help of an HMD, but its range is hurt by the excessive wobbling that all thrust vectoring missiles are plagued by in this game and even are prone to simply spinning into an unrecoverable spin. This problems would probably be fixed within a week once USA gets a thrust vectoring missile at top tier.
>Magic 2 is faster than the R-73 and effectively has a larger unflareable sphere because of it, but it can't do crazy HOBs shots.

At 6km the R-73 is as easy to flare as an AIM-9L. Its IRCCM technique is field of view narrowing. This only accomplishes anything at all once the missile is close enough that it can see your engine but cannot see your flares. Basically the outer edges of guns range.
reminder IRST locks on SPAA still do not trigger laser warning even though you would have to have a laser tracking the target to get the range and a by proxy a lead indicator
Unfortunately, I don’t clip gameplay, but the general idea is that if you aim at most ships’ turrets while making sure that your near misses always fall short, never ever long that’s very bad, you will eventually get lucky and they blow up. It’s easiest to do with guns from ~8-12”, but still very possible with smaller guns against lightly armored or armor degraded ships. If you’re using the 5”/38 you may have to aim much shorter than you would think, often between .2km short at mid range to .5km+ short at longer range against quickly closing targets due to the low velocity of the round over distance. There’s also a bug currently where barbette armor just fails to work sometimes and either allows all damage straight into the magazines or somehow just directly transfers it, not sure which, that has made it a bit easier.
Gaijin lives to suck western cock. They'll keep buffing the Abrams and give us that trophy T-90A and there's nothing you can do about it.
>R-73 is unflareable within ~1km
nah i think i've only died once out of tens of heater dogfights to an r73 in my gripen/m2k. preflare and continue to spam flares until the missile passes you and you wont ever get hit even while full burning (in my experience)
That's it, if I have US on my team at top tier, I'm not even spawning in, fuck this shit
I mean if they implement trophies then russia gets abrams, leopards and leclercs soon
Nabutso's torn loli fleshlight
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dumb question: how do I angle properly? and how do I figure this out for each of the different tanks I use?
i am so fucking sick of golan hegihts and magic chinkland can we have ANY other fucking maps at top tier at all
just don't be square lol
Is there no way for you to show a clip of this in action? Cropped webm or replay or something? All the video guides I'm using are outdated or don't show ammo snipes.
optimum angle is determined by the thickness of the front armor relative to the side armor
a box hull with equal thickness in the front and side will have an optimum angle of 45 degrees or pointing the front left or front right corner directly towards the enemy
you can figure out the optimum angle by using the protection analysis function in the garage and moving the camera to different angles and comparing which angle gives you the best effective overall armor value at a specific angle
some tanks are designed specifically to be pointed directly towards the enemy, some tanks are designed to be angled
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1: Identify if your tank is even capable of angling
2: Easiest way is to just go like 30 degrees but for some stuff you can do a lot more
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Something like this.
>at 5.3
look how they massacred my boy
They use a Kalman Filter so can remain completely passive.

With the grippen I wouldn't be surprised if you pre-flared him. The IRCCM doesn't work while the missile is still on the rail. If the missile gets spoofed while the player's finger is depressing the trigger, then he's fucked. Using radar slaving can help mitigate this risk but the grippens can just go full retard with flares for minutes on end.
It was at 5.3 far longer than it's ever been at 5.7 but also 5.7 was the BR it had at the beginning.
Everything that fought it at 5.3 got moved up so hardly anything changes.
*turns on periodic countermeasure release*
*flies in a straight line*
*sips coffee*
feels good being a viggenchad
There’s a couple naval youtubers that still upload if you want to see it. Go for straight gameplay over guides since it paints a somewhat more accurate picture, though there’s still a lot of cherry picking. Cmdr. Tyrael does commentary on his videos last I remember, Kesik123 does gameplay and dev server without commentary. It’s really mostly just a matter of landing shots short of their turrets to hit the magazine. Due to dispersion you really don’t have much control over it outside very short ranges, beyond just getting your deflection right to hit near turrets. Only real tips I have are make sure shots fall short, make sure you use your highest pen round, and that walking fire in with ranging gives you a better chance of getting lucky per minute, while salvos give a better chance of a lucky detonation when you don’t have them exactly dialed in.
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I'm not really in the naval loop of the past few days (I only posted a few screenshots last thread) but I've been lurking and taking notes.
If I post a clip or two would you be willing to share advice on what I'm doing right / wrong?
>Cmdr. Tyrael does commentary on his videos last I remember, Kesik123 does gameplay and dev server without commentary.
Those are the ones I've been watching, but I don't know if they're reliable. If you mention them I guess that's a good vouch.
Yeah sure I’ll give it a go. Probably at least another anon around will catch something if I miss it so shoot.
We call you viggers.
Thoughts on the QN506

i remember it being all kinds of fucked up on launch but is it good now?
Kommyhuct just got sent home from school early because he crapped his pants
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>"1: Identify if your tank is even capable of angling"
>that image
oh... I've been angling all my tanks
>check the tanks I'm currently using
I'm fucking retarded
I used to be a japan air player and I was damn good at it, but that was a long time ago, how are they nowadays and could I get any good games in realistic battles?
Squidley was chased out of an elementary school and shat his pants?
Alright so this is an example of what happens on average when I try to snipe ammo rooms.
I see I'm damaging the ammo elevator at least, I can see that much. Also shows the 0% crew bug I mentioned last thread.
As a side note, I tend to fire full salvos at around 7km and below. Anything further and I do ranging shots spread so my shells are continuously landing as often as I can.
Also sorry if I'm taking too long, have to go through dozens of minutes of clips just to crop the bits I want to post.
sneedcord is sneething over this post rn
do you have to actually purchase a top rank vehicle or just unlock it to get the rp bonus
what does squidley have to do with my sister kommyhuct crapping her diapey
All good m8. I don’t see anything terrible there, I’d just say your aim point in terms of deflection was a bit farther back than I’d put it, looked like some shots were falling off the stern a bit. Not a terrible thing to take out an engine while you fish for magazines since that makes follow on shots easier to adjust as he slows. Other than that it seemed like you were maybe a little too reactive with the range adjustments, I tend to dial down a bit before it updates rather than adjusting after, as that means you’re always shooting at where he was to a degree, not where he’ll be. Otherwise it’s probably just bad luck and/or just not a great range band for your guns to hit the spot. Happens to everyone, if I’m not having luck as quick as I feel I should I generally transition to a crew kill, since some games the snail just hates to let you blow people up. I will say however I don’t adjust salvo vs ranging fire based on range itself. In fact I find it to be most devastating in that ~3.5-7km band where you can very easily make sure your shots are hitting exactly the module you want to optimize crew drain for the sure kill. I mostly only transition back to salvo fire if I lose a shell room which tends to make ranging shot stop working in my experience
actual lmao
both this developer and the community are retarded
No, but I surprisingly do ok in it. It's basically only good against helicopters though
They’re still good. BRs are basically untouched
Leopard 2 is kill
Buff when?
god this is the worst content mill guy
Yeah tanks like the Hellcat don't even bother. You don't have enough armor where it matters.
Beveled edges are the bane of armor enjoyers. I assume you understand *why* they negate the point of angling?
You have to purchase it, but when you do you lose the RP bonus for that nation permanently.
However, the bonus RP thing is gone for now, it was just a brief test. Maybe the next iteration will not be as retarded.
i distinctly remember some fucking retard in this thread talking about how great it was that your first 3 games a day are actually better than a baseline RP boost and i've been mad ever since
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vehicles for this feel?
My man had the fat sucked out with an industrial pump
Shit like the (s)kill bonus for getting more kills in a round was perfectly fine since its "always on"
A flat 3x30% rp bonus to your BASE RP AT BEST was fucking garbage.
Yeah, I get it, its free bonus RP but so is if Gaijin just implemented a free 10 RP thank you bonus for having premium time. Its fucking nothing.
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Nickacado losing all of that weight was NOT something i thought would happen this year
Considering he's like what, 5'4, he was probably only like 50lbs overweight.
Totally doable in a half a year, especially if you're asking the Jews for help (i.e. using semiglutide)
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>it's real
O O O Ozempic
Type 62.
A handful of boosters every day would have been great if they had a noteworthy value. Instead gaijin made the value laughably small, limited in use, and it fucking turns off the moment you dare to reach the first top tier vehicle.
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>it really was a social experiment this entire time
Holy fuck, this is kino
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Who else Harrier Waiting room? 11.3 America will grow larger, now we just need a better SPAA
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>it's real
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uh oh
You're late to the party by like 9 months
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Today, I'm going to play BAD vehicles.
Suggest me some, /wtg/.
Anything in the British tech tree, pick your poison
Oh boy I haven't fired up the old 4.7 lineup in a hot minute.
MiG 9
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I love my swedish t80u in east german camo vros
M1 Abrams.
What BR is the Stormer AD on the dev server?
I get it has a radar so it is marginally better than the LAV-AD but the LAV-AD has hydras so shouldn't they be the same BR, with them having their own respective gimmick?
it was 10.0, don't fall for the bait
Why are you lying to him?
>M1 Abrams
Yup mutt mentality confirmed. You non ironically think that russian bias is real as well right?
M1 Abrams are the best 10.0-10.3 MBTs. The fact that muttpigs and chinkoids who use those are retarded doesn't change it.
>paypig calling anyone a pig
>didn't spend any shekels for the last 5 years
do you even sell event vehicles? God people here are reddit-tier retards sometimes
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>usual mutt squealing like the obese pig he is
cannot make this shit up
>8am moscow time
ah that explains it
Is he gonna be okay?
>grind event vehicle coupons
>sell the coupon upgrade for bonds
There is at least a few people out there that do this unironically.
there is more than one pidorashka posting ITT
I did this once because i had spent all my goypoints on backups and the finnish kv1b was on the warbond shop
Yeah i know a guy that does this
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good try but i'm aryan like the only good president you had in your last 40 years, you tranny nigger lover
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It's been a slog to even reach M774, M735 was trash even at 9.0 with the M60TTS and using the same rounds at 10.3 really doesn't help.

>You non ironically think that russian bias is real as well right?
only really in deciding what gets implemented and when;

The R-27ER turned up after 3 days, and yet M1 variants with DU Hull arrays (not the first time prototype equipment has been added) still aren't implemented, and I'm not really sure how a 5 second reload is supposed to help fix Armor issues

I still wonder where the B-57G and F-106 are.

and bug reports actioned, the TOW-2B, M735, FIM-92, M1 KVT and more all still have outstanding reports.
Give hybrid abominations
All of them
>DU Hull arrays (not the first time prototype equipment has been added) still aren't implemented still aren't implemented
How many fucking times does this have to be explained? The only chassis to get it before the SEPv3 are the 5 training tanks of an unknown variety, Gaijin have literally said they'd be happy to give the armor to whichever variant those are if that ever gets revealed.
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PLEASE someone give me some tips on how to start playing a stock almost-toptier jet.
I got no chaffs so i'm in a constant 50m altitude notch. I cannot manouver at ALL since i'm a stock shitbrick and i cannot even reach AI planes because everyone is playing fucking ace combat with missles everywhere
if it's an uptier, you leave
>I cannot manouver at ALL since i'm a stock shitbrick
Being stock is not the problem, the problem is that you're playing a shitbrick, stock or spaded makes little difference.
You play the Tornado instead
Ground pound until you get mindbroken into paying for the upgrades necessary to almost play the game
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pov you're playing the j-10
unironically play air assault if u really cant grind on rb plus 13.0 cant spamraams on this mode
I'll try that as soon as the crewlock lifts since i crashed for the 5ft time trying to multipath some retarded missles coming my way
Lower isn't always better when multipathing. You need to remember that the reason that the missile is freaking out is because it is being confused by your reflection. It views you and the reflected image as being one big return and targets the center of that return, which is the empty space between you and the reflection. Fly too low and you get too close to your reflection which means that the missile will probably fly close enough to you to trigger its proxy fuse. Fly too high and the missile clearly resolves you without any multipath confusion.

The multipath nerf really cut down on the size of or golidlocks zone.
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it's coming

in THIS major update

as a last minute addition, just like they did with the 2S38 :)
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>average russshit crew comfort experience
>no u
Who cares about the crew? The important thing is it looks cool.
When did ARB become such a metaslave fest? It feel like if you aren't playing the 2 or 3 best aircraft at a certain BR range you might as well not take off.
Still better than what I do
>grind event vehicle coupons
>forget to claim them and they expire
I've done this twice now.
R-27EA when?
I do wonder what caused the shaking and why it was fixed so quickly.
I mean it was based of an existing vehicle right so what did general dynamics do to cause the issue in the first place?
Never. Anymore questions?
protoshit air to air missiles should never be added
Its not protoshit, its a standart missle on the Su-30 and Su-34.
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AIM-95 when? It was type classified and 300 were produced.
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R-27EA was abandoned in favor of further developing the R-77 into variants that weren't as shit because it had far more potential
the missiles you see on the Su-30 and Su-34 are not the R-27EA, and are actually R-27P/EP which are passive radiation homing variants that use the same nose cone
read above
>APHE is getting a buff for dance of dragons
For now, but the nerf part is still potentially coming if the community keks itself after testing and voting.
>R-27EA was abandoned in favor of further developing the R-77
Only later, they also picked it up again for Su-57 with the R-27EM version that is modified to launch from the internal weapon storage
also protoshit that was abandoned in favor of developing the K-77M
protoshit AAM's or missiles that were only tested on shit have no place in war thunder
F-14D shouldn't get AIM-120's for example because it was only ever tested with them, not used in service
I forsee APHE shell shatter incoming if the community votes no on fragmentation pattern changes, there is no way APHE is getting buffed for free.
>protoshit AAM's or missiles that were only tested on shit have no place in war thunder
half the game is protoshit
How would the Agile perform in game
Mig-29SMT is so much better than Su-27SM even with the extremely artificially nerfed FM.
>better radar
>better RWR
>smaller target
>more modern aircraft has better avionics
>APHE gets shell shatter as a punitive nerf to no side fragmentation change, no vote because fuck you
>side fragmentation gets added anyways not long after because it's insufferable with the addition AP style spalling and suddenly the re-revote passes with 90%
it'd be worth it for the muttpocalypse
Is the Spitfire F Mk XIVc any good? Got a 50% discount for it and I already play Britain.
>rolling in feces would be funny because other people would be upset
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it be the day of Saturn /wtg/
what ever happened to 2shart?
>shoving groundsharts' snouts straight into the mud til they drown would be funny even if my sleeves get dirty
>Had a chance for a reasonable change, chose instead to roll around in shit.
>has a chance to add diarrhea to the shit
>chooses not to
>Game only exists in 2024 thanks to the WoT community stolen over the years
>I would love for them to go away so the game dies
>scaring away "shoot enemy 5000 times to kill them" community
what point are you trying to make?
what happens when you max out a research tree? is it just pointless to play it then?
you have fun playing the vehicles you like
Are you retarded?
Who plays video games for fun? I'm here to grind and be done
Imagine R-73's with 60 / 110G's (depends on if we get the revised motor or not) instead of 40, with AIM-9L range
Now you can play the real game: complaining on the forum.
>be helicopter
>fire TOW
>enemy drives away
this wasn't worth the grind
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>he thought there was light at the end of the tunnel
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I miss the times when all of my friends would still play bore blunder..

I did this with the Italian bote coupon so that i could buy two rank III vehicles and a zodiac sexo in the shop this season.
at which rank JF-17 sits
is it rank 7 squadron jet?
Hi I just started playing. What's a good faction to dump time into until I figure out out how to git gud?
Russia, if you do start with UK though you'll turn into a War Thunder god.
china unironically
>the best hits of usa and ussr
>whingy paypig backing so never nerfed too hard
>cute t-55s and fishbeds
the tanks you like the look of the most, ideally from major nations
has both western and eastern vehicles
lacks overall character so you're just playing war thunder in its most generic form without picking up too many awful habits and work arounds
bores you to tears by the time youve learned the ropes and you can now apply your basic skills in a proper tree
Great Bharatain
No one wants to play China, not even the Chinese
Only the most skilled players play Sweden
Whichever one you think has the coolest vehicles, since they're all pretty good except japan and israel.
Stop. Don't get addicited to free2play skinner box. Play real games.
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>tfw your teammates are Sw*dish
>spawn heli
Proceed. Get addicted to Free2Play games.
Go ahead, if War Thunder was shit then no one would play it.
as somebody coming from league of legends and apex it's so funny people call this a skinner box when you can actually be rank 1 in every single match you play in any BR and the only resemblance of a SBMM is getting uptiered
There are "people" itt who deny the possibility of getting a >2 kd without stat padding, be forewarned
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Good morning sirs, time to do the needful
/wtg/ has always been full of retards unable to comprehend they might be the shitters they complain about
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way ahead of you
whats the poop deck for?
Designated shitting deck.
Every deck is the poop deck in the Indian Navy
it's kind of neat
Meteor AMX pack (60$)
GE camos
>if you do start with UK though you'll turn into a War Thunder god.
Why do you say this?
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germcucks btfo
>no armour
>no aphe
>no reverse
If you play air then it doesn't apply as the UK air tree is pretty good. If you're playing ground you'll have an underperforming solid shot round until you unlock sabot rounds, which means you need to actually aim for internal components and crew members on tanks to effecetively get kills, if you don't do this you'll end up getting multiple assists per match but no kills. If you get used to playing as Brits, then when you inevitably switch to a handheld nation like Russia or Germany you'll be a god since all you have to do then is get one penetrating shot on anything and the filler in the overperforming APHE will effectively nuke all the crew inside giving you one shot kills all day.
uboats soon?
it's a meme, UK is a giant noobtrap and apart from a few vics - which are mainly south african - it's a garbage tree
luv me concept 3 simple as
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what model of B-26 is this?
also, when are we getting that Avro Vulcan?
>already own the meteor
Is the AMX worth it for 50% off?
not really, it's very, very mid in air rb
and for grb the amx is just as good
looks like an edit of this skin, with drop tanks we currently dont have
Just spaded the tech tree one yesterday in ARB. Using the Su-25k as metric, no, it's not good at all, at ARB at least
Not related but next update they are going to let skin creators to paint on fuel tanks so you can also have those part of the skin
hasnt that been in the files for over a year now?
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those are napalm containers, no?
look those egg shaped drop tanks to me
then again, they explode in Michael fashion
maybe napalm filled drop tanks, who knows
I don't want zigger stink polluting my tree desu
Play air assault pve until you get your chaff. Then play it some more until you get your g-suit and new boosters. If you still want to zomb your way through continue until you get your R27ER1. But Mig-29 is fairly good as a fighter as is, able to reverse most fighters easily in 1 circle since its blended wing-body behaves like double delta.
Your RP goes to nowhere, so you start another tree to feel like you are spending your effort meaningfully. I don't even finish spading top tier jets to not wast spading modules bonus for nothing, at least until they add new top tier aircrafts.
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Been teamkilled by fox 3 in the last 4 games. What's wrong with these people.
>kicked out of 109 countries
>whats wrong with these people
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Success breeds jealousy
Relying on US aid for independence is success?
yes, look at ussr
>owns your media
>owns your banks
>controls your elections
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So I had a War Thunder dream. In it, there was new reward encouragement system.
Basically when you finished a match, you were presented with a window.
It would show you a vehicle from your collection, presumably not aced, and additional +RP reward you would get for playing it. On the right of the vehicle you would play was also a booster, but I have no idea would it be a booster you get right away, or one you get as an award.
Now I think it would be a neat system that would encourage people to play vehicles they never even tried, only rushed past through.
sounds fun but does nothing for me
i spade every vehicle i unlock and refuse to move on until it's done
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I recently started playing too; I'm playing America because I'm American. Hope this helps!
I've decided that Italian coastal isn't very good
I am asking once again.
>MAS 555
>MAS 561
unless you're willing to pig up or grind your brains out, it peaks at tier I (assuming you're looking for a speedboat to take into bluewater matches)

not worth 3k GE, let alone the 6k it normally costs
not a big fan of the Griffons before the 22/24 in general and this one doesnt even get the .50s
Thanks, I'll give it a miss.
My missile's locked on Andou's desert foxhole.
based and andousexpilled
andou is dead
let go
doesn't make a difference
i said andou sex and i mean andou sex
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New Sysim just dropped.
Dude I'm so horny haha that's my personality
>me grinding for that lancaster
armor damage when?
Her file reads "missing in action"
I'd be all about this, I love random suggestions of what to play.
Is there any reason for me to grind Britain if I play Italy
why did they make their armour out of clay?

i say this occasionally during luls in the conversation
it's a decent way to get things moving again
Play Sweden as well as Italy and you'll get the best of GB as well as a whole bunch of other shit.
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I do actually, I really dont see a reason to play Britain like why does it exist
Indian containment nation
buy an ad
and you being upset about people living their life somehow better?
no i just want to fuck with him in a tangible way. He's so fucking salty about everything and that's my entertainment. It would make my day to see him ranting about gaijin, wanting to do a lawsuit. Imagine being a 40yo bullying people on fucking war thunder
You don't get it chudcel, obsessing over random people on the internet is for le based sigma BVLLs or something.
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unironically japan since the grind is relatively fast
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Did air assault to get chaff, ground targets to get R-60s and then G-suit + New boosters, and then I gave up and used GE to get the R-27ER1 and the R-60MK. THEN it became a usable plane. Really fun to play but if you play too well you end up being the last one alive.
It's for people who were born there who have Stockholm syndrome and probably hum "It's a long way to Tipperary" while playing.
I know this because I am one,
Got my Evalina from the warbond shop and i enjoy it, use it frequently during events and for daily tasks.
It's just a Mustang, but all the braindead muttstangs are on the enemy team.
Will Pasta Osa be coming in the next update? Or was is just leaky leaks?
The American one gets a nigger in the cockpit, you don't.
That's about the best feature for it I guess.
Also since it's an "American" plane it enjoys being below the BR it's supposed to be at.
Rule of thumb is that you buy 75% discount stuff. You might end up finding a gem.
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holy fucking crippling autism KEK
your irrational gigasperg seethe is delectable and not only will i start pushing ratcar niggers to their well deserved deaths, but i also think i'll buy this 40yo based boomer dad some GE packs as a gesture of thanks
keep being a loud whiny bitch over people having FUN
i will stay out of this because i only play air
Playing slow ammo velocity destroyers is Hella fun because you know the enemy gets irrationality angry whenever you sling rounds over hills
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how do i gitgud with this thing
this, I would do the same to any bt-7 in my games
You eat shit until you unlock the Magics.
Then you still eat shit but maybe you can actually manage a kill or two
do it and i want proof of purchase\gift
It has to be at least a 50$ pack
>stops another bushnigger from playing the game
>another bushnigger in the background
>then another bushnigger
Extremely based webm
based post, total schizoid death
name 17 ships that do this
Is there a way to bind only HMD to a key and not have to toggle through ACM mode first
Schizoids did nothing to you. Direct your hate to schizos instead.
Is that not the same thing?
No, it isn't.
The more you know. Total schizo death it is then.
Thank you.
>anon mad because he gets bullied in game as irl
>gets bullied in channel 4 as well
top fucking kek
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finally, now suicide grind for tier 2 upgrade
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This is probably the worst premium I've played in game and I regret buying it. No hyperbole.
tank game
>pick bomber
>climb behind spawn
>some retard fucking nigger child chases me to the edge of the map for 5 min
Norwegian F-16 Block 50+ for Sweden when?
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>play somewhat casually
>at BP level 52
>probably will reach Sholef before next BP
>kind of want to grind Israel
>not poor
Maybe I'll get the jewmobile
no shit it's italian

j out before he gets a shot off to deny him the kill and make sure he wasted as much of his own time as he did yours
I'm new and still working my way up my first tech tree. so in realistic mode, SPAA tanks at higher ranks get lock-on for aircraft like in arcade mode? I was looking at gameplay with someone using the M163 and noticed that
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>play ussr once, only to get the golden HE
>the next day
leh mayo!!!
Goodest goy.

I paypigged every battlepass up until this point but this was too poopy diaper grarbage even for me.
Same here lmao. Got every BP but this one is literal dogwater. It's all going to be worse from now on
Which Bluewater fleet is the least bad
US dominates in naval like it does in air
>3 f-16Cs up
>every single one dies to the same pantsir
it is honestly so fucking tiring to play with US shitters
Tirpitz before the end of the year. I predicted the Grippy last year
Kinda sad that there's literally zero way gaijin can fix this issue unless they remove top tier US prems, though when you do get decent US mains they just shit on everything.
>some people are so cucked out of the IS-7 that they buy it frantically when it drops to half price ($1000)
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Been using the Alcione though and it's actually pretty damn good, decent event vehicle and you grind out events at rank 5. Glad I did the grind last time.
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I probably shouldn't give gaijin money, but the hue hue pack is pretty interesting
Meteor is a decent 8.0 fighter and has a very high SL modifier. AMX is kind of mid though.
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>crew knocked out
my crew was turned into a blood mist, but sure
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>enemy on fire
>with one wing
>in a flatspin
>still able to shoot an undodgeable irccm asshole seeker at me
>kills me
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>YEEES pidor!
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its so tempting
but i wont be able to afford kebabs after drinking this month
do i do it?
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Yes, and as a bonus you get to grind out British air rank 1-6!
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i dont even really need to do so
but its just so much cheaper plus the GE bonus being pretty big too, and the camo you get being pure sex
im really thinking about it
>STILL no sapsan pod for SMT
fuck gaijews why cant Russia have 1 decent cas?
I've got it and I like it, pretty good turnfighter with quite a lot of ammo but you're not as fast as many others around so need to watch your energy. You can earn a load of SL with it.
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i asked my mom and she said i should do it
Where is the Golden HE in the menu? I can't even find it using the search box. Is it just bugged? and yes I got my 5 wins
see if you actually got it under achievements
or restart game
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I just launched war thunder for the first time in 4 weeks
what should I play
how am i still not kicked from shartg lmao
idk but momosex (with me)
you gotta be fucking kidding me
last time I checked it said that 12000lb bomb needs tier 2 research
now I have to grind to tier 4
Because it came way before and then gaijin rather than making skins just took chunks out of other trees and put them in others, and said " grind it again goy".
Might as well be a sub-tree of India.
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its been a lot more fun than expected so far
Because all military vehicles have a right to exist within War Thunder. Copypasta, papperwaffen, Pervitin fueled collective nightmares of military engineers? I want it all. As flawed as it is, War Thunder is one of the best frameworks for all these things to co-exist and to be preserved and enjoyed by everyone.
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The needful
>Iran threatens to attack Israel
>War Thunder event for Iranian vehicle starts

>Brazil goes full mask off
>War Thunder sale for Brazilian vehicle starts
>>Brazil goes full mask off
brazil banned twitter
When will higher rank artillery be replaced with dpicm?
and also went after starlink so now their rural people have no internet
I could have swore I heard something about artillery being changed, i.e. higher tiers getting bigger caliber or more advanced arty drops.
It's actually the low-tier artillery (formerly 122 mm HE) that's been buffed to be the same as mid- and high-tier arty (152 mm HE) a while ago.
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I love how we're on month 2 of Iran's "serious consequences" and Israel's still fine
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Why do half of the fucking tards at top tier teamkill every time they fire a missile
Mi-24VP when? Russia hasn't gotten a new heli in a few patches and there's nothing between 9.7-10.7
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>Want the based Soviet pilot portrait
>Get blocked because I don't have these vehicles used in this pajeet battle
>Look it up and there should also be Shermans and Chaffee available here
wtf Gaijin.
Atleast with the Phantom one I knew from the beginning I wouldn't be able to get it.
You either nigger rush with rockets and get knocked out instantly, hopefully getting a kill.
Or spawn later and sit at 8km+ chucking ATGMs, then landing to reload.
It's a nigger loop. It was a mistake. Helicopters should be removed
No, they're a sorely wasted opportunity and should be given a proper, well-developed gamemode of their own.
Give Helicopters a mode like that one PS1 game where you stomp a shitload of ground units and do little missions, and don't make it on a huge map where you have to spend 20 minutes flying to the objective.
That'd get old quick, I was thinking along the lines of something like Heliborne.
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Why do I always have to be up against the team of high functioning autists with thousands of hours in this game?
Sorry I'll take it easy on you next time. Sike.
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Roundhouse kick a warthundernigger into concrete
*dodges kick*
*counters with two buckshot blasts to the nuts*
Noob question, but whats a a comfy russian BR to sit at? ground realistic? And what 1 cas plane to bring along with it?
bro nutted on bro's nuts
should i consider talismaning the MBT-2000 or ZBD04A

I'm thinking about buying the Al-Khalid too since there's not really a downside at that BR and gen 3s
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XP-49 when
I want a P-38 that has retarded inverted V engines that blew up constantly because the US army wanted 95lbs of manifold boost in 1941
I think you mean X The Everything App!
7Fs aren't as good as Skyflashes
That's correct, they're better anywhere outside of 500m
any suitable IL-2
They burn for ages but don't hit anything unless the target travels in a straight line.
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>95lbs of boost
exfuckingscuse me?
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My RWR keeps flashing and calling me "mid" it's quite triggering.
retard here. can someone explain to me why that number is so crazy?
should've jumped in the game while it was new, latelet
That amount of boost is going to put a ton of pressure on the cylinder walls. Enclosed space+pressure = a bomb, basically. Stands a good chance of blowing up the engine.
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>just learned hangar mods are a thing
I wish there was a blank grey one so I can pretend I'm playing gran turismo
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8.7 because the t-62 turret is nice and round.
leave it to mutt engineers when it comes to designing something that is batshit insane for the time and works (once)
Applied for WARTG. First letter M last letter T. I used to be in it for a couple years but I stopped playing briefly so I left.
cursed lineup
i started playing like last week
>I wish there was a blank grey one
There is one, keep looking.
okay margoandajnsidouaushodhuiasdhadt
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only one I found had comments saying it stopped working but sure I'll try it out
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not bad actually, thanks
total shitley death
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I've been playing since 2015 I just hate wasting my time getting into a duel with some autist in a tam when I could have had 3 kills in the same amount of time
speaking of racing games
I bought flatout ultimate carnage based on someones recommendation here and it's been fun but, the soundtrack just does not hold water to the OG flatout 2
What battlerating is the P-16?
Why the fuck can t-80s survive direct hits from nords, krok loving NIGGER devs.
please undestand((((
hard to code(((((((((((((
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Thank you Anton, very generous.
because nords have been nerfed to shit
aim for the engine and that will overpressure the tank
He redeemed...
Why the T-55 survives bullpups?
why can T-80's and Leopard 2's survive hits from AGM-65's?
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>leclerc tracks sound like frogs ribbiting
I've been running the German tech tree since starting a week ago. I've been playing 1.3 and mincing people with the 20mm cannons for awhile now - I technically have 5.0 br unlocked, I just haven't played them much as I'm struggling to find a load out that feels right.

Every time I run into a KV-1E I feel like I picked the wrong nation.

What's a comfortable BR to sit at for the german tree?
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SimGOATS what's this thing like in sim?
Worth a cop?
3.7 is really nice for germany, your main tanks are the Pz IV F-J all of which will lolpen a kv1. If he's at range/angled hit the drivers vision port or the flat parts of the turret face.
The KV-1E is a notoriously underperforming vehicle for it's battlerating and if you are having difficulties against it then I suggest that you learn such tactics as pinging it as a target for an airstrike, preferbly with a friend playing america so he can kamikaze it with CAS built for destroying warships.
>in an ideal world...
>overwep XP-50
>turbosuperchargers fucking explode and take both wings off
>stall prophanging XP-55
>permanent engine shutoff into uncontrollable pitchdown, crash with the force of a 1000kg bomb
>touch the WEP AT ALL on XP-49, or even maintain above 90% throttle for long
>engines fully black out out cylinder by cylinder within 30 seconds
it would kill lots of mutt pilots, I'm for it
>having issues with a KV-1E with a 75mm 3.3 railgun
actually be bad
imagine you playing US or USSR and running into the KV-1B without your railgun, lmao
I die to 2S38, I do not respawn.
what this guy said, also bind Squad Marker to ~ or something, that creates a free chevron to place pings by without having to shoot or MG or anything and alert a target, can be done from binocular view

consider slumming .3 BR lower at 3.3, it's a nice varied lineup that uptiers a bit less than 3.7 in exchange for forcing you to use just 1 long barrel Panzer IV G and diversify with TDs or the late Panzer IIIs. If you research the attacker-bomber tree through to the Me 410 A-1 the list will become viable to do Rank III dailies by clicking to spawn it.
>SK60 is slower, turns worse, accelerates worse, has lets guns, and loses more energy than turns than the Me 262
>same BR
having usable velocity on the guns makes that much difference
artificial chimpout by subhuman swiggerglutton
>has bullpups
>can see tiger e
>has thermals and LRF
>can see IS-3

dam son where did you find this skin?
The live site...?
but enough about the PGZ09
I need the link, can't find shit on that site.
Well I'm playing something else so either wait for me to get done with this or go look for it yourself.
Saab 105G should be 7.7 maximum in grb
Bad plane
>and probably hum "It's a long way to Tipperary" while playing
There are no u-boats in the tree
I can't believe I made fun of the North Koreans for having two main armaments, on their new tank. It's poggers
Personally I play Britain and Italy because I fucking hate Sw*des
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honestly I'd take that if it meant I got 30 seconds of being the niggeriest niggerocket to ever have nigged in the XP-49
are you me?
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I love how getting a spawn behind an island guarantees you lose since the wood brain niggers the game pairs you with park all their ships behind that island and refuse to play the map
sometimes this game is fun
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You know what is fun? Coastal.
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>people in my squadron's discord are seething about how the Su-24's funny gunpod is apparently the new pinnacle of overpowered russian bias
Which youtuber is spreading this nonsense? I'm tired of retards falling for BRRRRRT memes.
screenshots or gtfo
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>Day 1000
I bet I get something good...
test driving ain't the game you know
please reply in earnest
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extremely generous
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>gets absolutely annihilated by anything shooting in it's direction
Anyone else getting insane packet loss today? Like 60-70%
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Remember when war thunder youtube was good?
>You'll now get better rewards for each 100 day interval!
they should've made it like warframe where daily rewards are cumulative and dont require you to log in every single fucking day for the rest of your life
you can pick up the rewards for day 27, stop playing for 3 years and the next time you launch the game get the rewards for day 28
One lobby softlock yesterday and today one battle went 999/99 tits up like 5 minutes in.

Just event things, it's been much worse during crafting era when market speculants were DDoSing the servers for days to kill the supply.
Maybe I'm just getting lucky but 6.7 Germany is a nuke printer. Even in a full up tier if the enemy team doesn't have a deep bench of 7.7 tanks you do just fine.
For me it was 6.3 Russia but yeah that BR seems to be pretty easy to get nukes with.
Who is your favorite destroyer wtg?
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Why are there so many femboys? Fuck off with your gay shit
why are you gay?
HMS Daring
Can someone explain how to get the torpedo kills challenge done?
I've got 1 kill in like 20 matches.
I’m not the one posting femboy shit, fucking nasty
why are you looking at women and thinking of men?
>no tits
>bulky waist
>broad shoulders
>man ass
You’re not fooling anyone retard
Ok fag here’s your last fucking (You). Stop being a fag
>can't stop thinking of men
>calls someone else a fag
Ahh ok, mine was luckily only for a couple matches and seems to have fixed itself, but I've almost never seen it that bad before
f6f naval arcade
I need to stop bringing APHE as Japan above 5.0 I keep bouncing off barrels. I just need to take every crew out individually, I never see a target armored enough to use APHE and not so armored that I can't pen with-out HEATFS
I've been using the BTD which has 2 of the torpedoes the f6f has and even when hitting reserve destroyers with both of them, it isn't killing them.
If I was more cynical I would say Gaijin has drastically nerfed torpedo damage just for this task, but they wouldn't do that surely.
It's invaluable for side shots.
Torpedoes have always done low damage unless you hit the magazines. Anywhere else is just killing compartment+crew and permanently flooding it.
Funny how I always get one shot by them even when they hit my fucking propeller though.
The key is to design better ships. I've never been 1-shot by a torp that didn't hit ammo in some way. Even some cuckstal ships can survive torps.
nakadashi fubuki
Step 1: Get the Shimakaze
Step 2: Play naval arcade
Step 3: dump torps on cooldown at enemy spawn
Step 4: hide behind an island or something while you wait for more torps

Should only take you a couple matches. You just have to be patient.
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I bought the hue hue pack
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this one might be a bug, struck the barbette
>Basically no armor
>20mm autocanon as main armament
>Only a machine gun for secondary armament
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and mind you these are fairly close range 6-8km kills
Not a bug. American ships have ammo stored in the barbettes. It doesn't always happen but most good penetrating hits to the barbette will det a US ship.
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this one might be a mine kill
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Also, I've noticed that getting kills from fires or sinking caused by torpedoes isn't counting for the task. You have to instakill them.
This must have been why they added the more detailed kill indicators.
Fucking cunts.

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