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Previous : >>493177961

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

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>Current Patch
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Chipi chipi game
Incoming Konosuba collab with Aqua no pantsu upskirt
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>b2b UR4 spear and staff
This is why you never bulk craft
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Ah..mic test mic test!
will the collab save this dead game or will it be a flop like anniversary and summer
will the retard above take my dick out of his mouth or will he continue flopping around it like a fish
Nothing can save a dead game you retard. IT'S DEAD FOR GOD SAKE
Rou owes me half of her catnip
>Collab will flop! Nobody likes this isekai pedotrash!
>Highest earning banner
>Anniversary will save the game!
>Summer mommies will save the game!!
>Bigger flop
I bulk craft for the crystals, thoughbeit
>he took the bait
Why are people always chalking June revenue up to Eris when the confirmed biggest revenue earners were the Venaka banner and anni packages that were out for a week?
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But you need a dozen of each type anyway.
Unless you're a whale then you only need like 2-3 physical and 4-5 magical because most exclusive equipment are weapons.
You can unequip them you know
I have around 5 URIV weapons which I swap between the dps I use with gearsets
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Richfag here. I've decided to personally sue John over recent results, regarding the popularity contest. Obviously I'll be calling for another popularity poll. This is all a farce however, as Lecliss will be declared the winner regardless of the outcome. Firechip is the best character pack and only true fags will say otherwise.
god lathel is such a fag
Bwos make sure to do the Google play zed in the park thing you play some simple games and can get fee play points i got 320 for 3 simple games. Not sure if mobile only but maybe
KINO tier: Exodus
Great tier: Firechip, Jayden's Gate
Good tier: Tales of Sword, Rou's Labyrinth
Meh tier: Beauty Impossible
But I do agree Lecliss deserves more.
because monkey's can't use deductive reasoning
forgot link
it's free points boiyo
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Popularity poll confirms there's no coming back for Yuri. Now what catchads? Is Rou our only salvation?
Make hags cosplay Rou
Problem solved
Eclipse with Rou's arm restraints
now she can't stop you from groping her
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DJMax will save the game!
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are r*dditoids really?
>gross unpopular hoe won over mommyclipse
This is my 9/11.
whos that justi ?
If only women like in this game were real...
goddamn my luck has gone to shit since +5'ing s.teresse, so many pulls just for 1 copy each of michaela and eclipse.
even if they were real you wouldn't be able to afford them
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Ah...Ah, Ahh..!

Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
I would if every woman was like that tho.
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Anons, I have a solid team, I believe, but is it possible to improve it further?
Dalvi needs just only your cock
That's why sluts are the best
use diana or arines instead of elpis
justia should be your main DPS and Angelica doesn't need magic atk buff because it doesn't work on her
Why aren't you using Diana or a phys buffer? Michaela doesn't benefit as much from a buff since she has her own, while Angelica's skills don't scale on her MATK
Replace Yusti with Celia and Angelica with Diana
Sacrifice Elpis
Haven't used Diana this FH. Doesn't her buff disappear if she's killed?
yeah, but why would she die
Don't get her killed
Gotta sacrifice someone bro, and it ain't my wives Arines or Elpis.
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Yes but even Dalvi has her standards that the average anon won't meet
Dalvi takes insecure men like me on dates for free though?
Insecure men aren't playing games with no self-inserts
>Insecure men aren't playing games with no self-inserts
I don't play self insert gacha either, but this is such an obviously false statement that it feels like you're trying to cover up your own insecurity
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I almost forgot to login today. I logged in 10 minutes ago and did everything at full speed, all that is left is pvp. Abunai
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I dont actually read the damage dealer skill description... I don't have Diana, but I guess Rafina works. The result end was similar.
Kick out Justia and use Celia or Zenith. Chainmax with Refi and have Michael/Angelica do the majority of the damage.
Who do I change Rafina then?
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Starting pvp around 15 minutes before reset is optimal anyway
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only during sundays
this game front loads all your luck so that as a new glutti you think the games so fantastically generous and then eventually the rates go to shit. especially after you get golden hand then you'll go to pity 100 almost guaranteed multiple times after that
What a fucking shit result. I'm an Eclipse main and I was hoping her and morfekek wouldn't win. Literally anyone else would've been better. Levia, Venaka, Helena, Loen, Zenith and Diana all deserved another costume way more.
Also applies to weekdays so you have a higher starting rank on sunday right?
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>especially after you get golden hand

400+ days here, still don't have that.
Are you me? I did the same thing yesterday, I had planned on doing dailies at work then never had a chance and went right up to reset assuming I had already done them like usual

I already got that rolling for Venaka in my newbie rolls
I'd try
>Refi, Michaela, Celia, Levia, Elpis
with a Levia/Elpis sacrifice or
>Lathel (Homo for buff, LS for chain), Teresse, Rafina, S Justa, Micheala
sacrificing Teresse, and making sure you stay at or under 5 chain when Justia hits

Honestly the best advice would be to get to chapter 10 for Diana rather than worrying over FH
>Honestly the best advice would be to get to chapter 10 for Diana rather than worrying over FH
I may as well do this then... I am on ch5. Thank you, anon.
Also, make sure everyone has at least some R4 or better gear
And just like that, we know that Bea is never getting an outfit. Thanks John.

If only we can vote Lathel...

Lathel will surely win!
John played the poll wrong. Surely it would've been better to wait until a few more base costumes were released before trying a popularity poll?
bro trust me you don't want it. before golden hand my rates were like 1 5* every 30-32 pulls. after getting it it's now 1 5* every 50+ and I've gone to pity more times than I did the first 8 months I played since then
The recency bonus is insane.
It's like players don't even know older characters still exist.
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I'm fattening up my bustia bwos
So are we rolling for Morp?
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My wife
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my sexslave/queen
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I recently got back into that franchise so I definitely wouldn't mind this. The in-game "lore" is surprisingly interesting. Peak fan-service for oldfags of the series.
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honestly better than in game. the in game implies she has a stank fucking clam as there's sealife all over her and dead fish
She's gonna smell like that after I'm done with her anyway...
>Refi in 4th behind 3 flavor of the month picks
>entire loli community unites behind one girl
>still can't get top3 even when the titty community is spread out between 10+ different girls

8.6k loli votes vs 156k massive titty votes. In other words, there roughly is 1 loli enjoyer for every 10 hag lovers.
you've never had sex in your life, nor have any clue what even a pussy marinating a three day old load smells like
yeah, thank god
You left out the funniest part.
>they got caught botting the poll
Does Zenith's concentrated fire effect work on Last Night for activating Ventana's upgraded skills?
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I like both the cowtits hags and the flat lolis
No. She's useful for dem chains.
Well I was already using Zenith anyway, I was more concerned with whether SW Ventana was useful so I see the answer is no
>hide current results until the end to prevent bandwagoning/kingmaking
>make it so you can vote after completing dailies (in game obv)
>have 2nd place get a costume when they deliver the winner but it'll be a normal gacha instead of free +5
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just barely made the 3 day cuttoff playing the poorfag version of the comp bwos
If it was in-game, I might have voted more than once desu (Zenith btw)
there is legit almost no reason for anyone loving loli to play this game. Why did they have to waste collab slot for Mushoku Tensei with 2 lolis and put 2 Refi costumes back to back. Do they really hate money? No wonder our revenue got hit because many Hagchads wouldn't touch a game that catered to pedos at least once. If the next collab we will be getting some Isekai slop with at least one loli this game will go closer to EoS.
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>may had the best revenue of any non event/limited/after launch buff month
Keep fomenting your shit, maybe some retard will believe your delusions, you dumb fuck
middle aged hag with a shrivelled womb & 12 cats typed this
It's collab, lolis or hags or males, they will do better than usual. Whales will do whatever it takes to get them to +5 and get UR gears..
Hags...... won!
I prefer JK and JC myself. They should add more of those.
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Wish she made it on the list at least...
How many dias can an average player get in a month?
It's around 200 pulls per month
This doesn't really answer your question, but majority of our rolls are dependent on the dev's giveaways. The game's pretty "stingy" if you look at it from numbers alone. Dailies give 60 gems, while weeklies give 200 gems. Other than that, there's PvP gems, which are pretty much just the cherry on top.
Anecdotally, I started on the final 2 days of the Mushoku collab (middle of June) and I have rolled a total of ~2000 rolls. Currently have ~60k gems and ~80 tickets in the tank. This might be a bit dishonest since I probably came during a time wherein they gave more rolls than usual. Also F2P, but I might drop a monthly or two here (haven't really been compelled to).
Is it me, or is SR gear rarer than UR? I've gotten 3 of Dalvi's UR before I managed a single SR. I'm still missing a ton of SR gear for the "good" characters. Only way I got most of them, is through those events like Siers we just had.
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In total, UR is more common at 3% than SR at 2%.
However, in terms of individual rates any off banner UR is less common at 0.0429% than an individual 5* SR at 0.0556%. This is because SR gear doesn't get a rate up
What about JS?
Damn I finally beat very hard water cave. Then pumped all the other torches into it, yet all I got was about 200? How many days is it gonna take me to fill out the potentials?
It costs 3k crystals to fully finish a costume, skills included.
After a few months of gameplay, I finally have no use for slimes anymore, and started to pile up a lot of pills. I assume the strategy now is to craft stuff and dismantle for dust, but which ones are the most optimal?
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she needs more costumes
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>Is SR gear rarer than UR?
The answer is no, no it is not. UR gear is a lot more rare than SR gear.
Hot hag
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I might uninstall if limited halloween Zenith doesn't have a pumpkin on her head.
Isn’t Neowiz a gook dev studio? Can they still make Halloween?
we need more paizuri-hinting costumes
Michaela and Morpeah aren't enough
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Bad apple Zenith
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Nope, still not rolling for you
>+5 michaela
>still preludelet
>meanwhile this nigger anon >>493512704
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fuck, they took the collab first. No wonder we settled with rezero.
Why did they decide to collab with Minecraft? Are they dumb?
the movie got announced. Cash in on the hype!
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Please no...
I'd like a lewd animation of Milim or maybe Shura
Prepare for your waifu being GOBBED by the hero GOBTA
As long as they don't bring in any of the males, this includes the main character.
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can't wait for the goblin slayer collab to destroy that little fucker
Isnt the slime a trap?
that would imply that he has a penis
I'm not a pedophile, I only like JK and JC.
>Azur Lane is getting a To Love-Ru collab
We better get something like High School DxD if we want to keep up.
In the story packs, do I need to constantly swap between magic and physical teams or is brute forcing via overleveling and overgearing more effficient in resources? I’m stuck against Rendall at chapter 10, thinking I should hurry and get Diana asap (you can’t recruit her from the pub before you finish the chapter right? At least I’ve never seen her show up) but each fight seems to give more and more magic resistance along with knock back immunity to the bosses.

My current dps is eclipse and morpeah at lvl 70. Can I still just grind through or will the rest of chapter 10 block me even if I raise to 80-100?
MC is literally Ossanman.
I'm a lolichad, enjoy the Yuru Yuri collab.
Yuyushiki collab
Later story packs you'll have next to no chance of brute forcing. You'll need both magic and physical for plenty of content, so work on both. My advice is to start on your supports as soon as you can. The rest will fall in line. Teresse, Helena, HomoLathel, Levia, GRafina, Refi, Zenith and to a lesser extent Elpis are all great
Wow, Morpeah won the contest. What do we think will be her next kit? Aoe buff for her summons?
Hopefully a costume that gets hard countered by Apostle Blade.
Free pulled her just after posting this kek
Dog summons with 3x3 explosions
Summons with counter
Summons with taunt
I don't know but you certainly won't need her swimsuit costume anymore if she's going to be like Dalvi's free costume.
summons with taunt could be good
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you dont even play this game
bet $5 you're some fag from /e7g/ because your game has no content
you can't trust morpeah with dogs...
Manifesting a sexo no frieren collab
I fucking WISH
Fern's fat jiggly titties
Its so fucking funny tho
Loli is killing the game yet the months with loli did way better than the ANNIVERSARY and SUMMER

John had a chance to become big and reel in a lot of players but he fumbled it hard. Even these threads were going fast with 2 threads a day or one thread a day now the game and threads are dead as fuck after they fumbled everything possible.
I'm picking this game back up and I was wondering why did they changed the intro story?
didn't fit with the rest
Anniversary was in June you retard.
They really ruined the skin drop rates so fucking bad
You spent your luck on shit
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I bought the UR ticket in the shop
Gary seed
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This but my adult shortstack wife Loen
Morpeah looks like she's weak to anal.
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no she's not
She looks like she would violently climax if a cock gets even near her anus.
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uh.. morph doesn't have painted toenails and why are some of the nails painted on the underside
All villains are weak to anal. Since Morpeah is a type casted method actor, technically she isn't weak to anal. However she is quite convincing.
She's a villain in the main universe.
no she wouldn't... https://files.catbox.moe/42z087.png
I just add it because anons like it. Not carefully enough, evidently
why pander to coomers who don't play the game and don't pay for the servers to stay online
Me in the back.
you need a healthy playerbase for whales to spend money
coomers aren't that healthy player base. Don't pay for the game, don't pay for commissioned art, don't play the game, they don't contribute anything
much like your whining
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Post your paid dias stash
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I whine but I pay for the servers and I play the game. Oh will you look at the time, it's Post your FH or shut the fuck up o'clock again
To those who can clear lvl 10+ FH consistently: how long did it took you to be able to do that?
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I keep just enough for 2 step ups, there's actually been an epidemic recently where ppl have too many tickets and dia is borderline unspendable so whales have been topping up rice every day. I haven't gotten to that point yet though
A little while. Took me a couple of months to reach level 8-9. If you're struggling, focus on Celia for chains. She'll help greatly for lots of hunts. Refi also works wonders.
>Post your FH or shut the fuck up o'clock again
better yet just fuck off, your FH score doesn't give you a pass to try and moderate what we post in the thread. discord or reddit might be more your speed
but that's where the problem lies, the game would be saved if only people who played it were allowed to express their opinions
I'm still allowed to call myself a Michaela main if she's +3 and doesn't have her UR gear, right?
who's gonna stop you
I'm an Apostle Blade main
>he got to level 13 FH on the weakest element
Lmao that's nothing. S.Justia and Yuri destroy dark bosses with Diana.
>level 13 after Bikini Teresse
Level 13 is the the new level 11 clear
ok if it's nothing post your FH, i'm expecting a level 14 anon
How the fuck has 1st place gotten 404,000,157 in Last Night? Is literally everything +5 max teared and Exclusive UR gear?
don't think they're teared, just +5 maxed, good gear, and a lot of support %. People who do 300m were already at 900%, wouldn't be surprised if it was possible to get 1100%~. Bikini Eclipse raised the ceiling by a bit
>we need to save the game from the ummmm... uh....
Do you think you are the whiniest bitch faggot that has ever lived? Or do you hope maybe some random queer hundreds of years ago was even worse?
I'm worse I just shitpost somewhere else 'w'
>he paid hundreds, maybe thousands for the right to shitpost in a Mongolian basket weaving forum
>isn't even this highest fh in the thread
Couldn't tell you since I don't know anything about a faggotry, but I'm sure you would be able to inform us since you seem to be so enamoured with them
>clearing past lvl 10 ever
didn't say i was the best, just that most of this thread is unqualified to post about the game. I'm sure there's like at least 3-4 ppl in this entire general that still qualify to post, even if they don't necessarily top 100 every FH
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I have nothing to post, retard. I'm the coomer who doesn't play the game and doesn't contribute. What are you gonna do about it?
you didn't need to post text you just had to post the picture lmao
>play coomer game
>whine about coomers
Illness of the mind? Perchance.
He's just a shitposting gook
the vile slur was uncalled for
it wasn't a coomer game at the beginning
Beatrice is very coomeresque
Shitposting is neither vile nor a slur. Grow a thicker skin, faggot.
i meant the g word
Gook? What kind of dumb gook is offended by gook?
Zenith is a 28 year old hag and she gets molested by a teenager like Ventana?
Stop boiling dogs alive before you try to pretend you are a delicate sensitive soul that can't handle being called a gook, you dumb gook.
i thought those were the chinese
Chinks are worse, but gooks do it too. The other kind of gooks also.
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Tiny Korean dick unable to please women. Please understand
>love morp
>worship morp
>do a 10er on the morp banner for morp
>see this
Morpgoons??? Have we failed our villainess as henchwomen?
Nigger your tickets??????
Gook here.
I, Eun Gook Park, hereby grant all caucasian men a license to freely and excessively use the term "gook" henceforth.
t. Eun Gook Park
We're all girls here thoughbeit
Bro your collab funds...
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>free 150
>0 tickets
as a whale I give two shits about a healthy player base filled with poor fags. If the game had actual live pvp it would be different but as it is now they should replace all poor players with bots and the experience is the same
What element would you recommend for the property draw. I more or less have every costume and don't feel like gambling for the few I don't so I am talking about which element is generally better
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t. Lia
Don't trick to brick anon by giving him a 50% chance of getting Gray
water is the best as in you will most likely get a waifu. light is pretty good if you need bhelena dupes still
Gray is top tier
I'm an American Chad Thundercock so am not offended by things only asian men REEEEEEE about.
god I have /v/tards
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What Teresse's skin should have been like.
arr rook/act same
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Hey guys, I'm officially declaring Zenith my woman. No one even breathe the same air as her, got it?
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Here are your 4 collab options bwos
I'm fine with any collab as long as it isn't nier re:zero or evangelion
>he wants Persona 5 and Sword Art Online
Frieren is one the most sexless shows in the past years along with the dungeon food shit, there is a reason Xitter and reddit love those shows.
All my cum for Ubel...
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I'm sick of all you fuckers and your beyond shit tier collab suggestions. This game will be collabing with No Game No Life. Jibril will be this games first not overweight angel.
She'll be so meaty that she won't be able to fly bwo.
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its getting worse...
Next 10 pull bro. Do it.
Bro...your collab stash...
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When is collab?
Shouldn't it be months away?
October 2nd
October 2nd, which is ~2 months after it was first announced in the August livestream. It honestly feels like by the end of this year we will have had as many limited banners as new non-limiteds. Will bd2 become a limited centric game?
Our last limiteds were in May
Summer limiteds are reruns of PvP focused costumes and Teresse
Wouldn't call it a focus
+5'd Both Helenas. Max teared her magic attack buff one but not her defensive costume. Should I max tear her other costume and use her for pvp? I'm currently using Teresse but feel Helena would be better. I'm currently botching pvp offense with Teresse, Zenith,Schera, Eclipse and Dalvi at the moment. Any better team I can use? Thanks.
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Rephi strong!
Not happening we need kino collab like the MT one, Ishuzoku Reviewers collab inc, we will get Meidri and Crim.
I guess I was exaggerating. I started with the MT collab in early June, so that's 7 limiteds (8 including Dalvi) so far with likely 4 more for the upcoming collab and either 2 or 4 for winter before the new year, possibly + limited Rou.
in comparison, only 8 new normal costumes have been added since I started playing, and they will likely not release more than 8 normal costumes given that they have to rerun Diana and Refi for new players & add cutscenes to existing skills.
If they continue adding limiteds every year and rerunning previous limiteds, this game could easily become mostly focused around limiteds, which discourages new players.
Also, our last limited was Teresse in August, then PP Justia in July, then Eris + PP Schera in June, then Roxy in May, which is at least 1 limited per month. For comparison, there had only been 2 sets of 2 limiteds in August and December in the first 11 months of the game
It's basically anniversaries and collabs inbetween
They had no reason to make Teresse limited honestly
Now make her twerk
It's already all but confirmed its Rezero, why taunt anons with hope?
It was all but confirmed Frieren collab last time bwo...
I don't know much about coomer animes so im only roll if the costumes are really coomer
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Even OG Roxy was kinda coomer
I have nothing to worry about
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Rate my wives!
thighjob/10, paizuri/10
you just know they'll get pregnant together
Made for blowjob+rimjob combo
which one is doing the rimjob?
Sylvia of course
How would each react to being pregnant and how many would they carry?
Bright Moon Dalvi's eyes are a liiittle bit too far apart...
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Hello my fellow cunny enjoyer, i'm planning to start this game and i'm gonna buy an account from a yellow person, what are the best Character/Costume to have?
Best character in game is Celia. Everyone agrees.
Limiteds that you missed and aren't going to rerun soon like summer Teresse, or Eris and Roxy if you like MT since they might never rerun, bunny Eclipse and Celia are also limited but will rerun this winter.
I don't
Yuricoin is at an all time low. Who do I invest in now?
Is it just me or is 2* rank up the rarest? It’s the only one I’m out of, while the rest range from a few to a lot. Where am I supposed to get them again?
Yeah, they're the rarest somehow, 1* are everywhere and you get a ton of 3* from clearing story. But you can buy an infinite amount from the event shop, should have enough currency left after you buy the important stuff.
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Ty my friend, how long does it take to complete the dailies?
Like 5 minutes, then there's PvP that's fully automated so you just have to let the game run in the background for 15 minutes. They're changing that to be faster too.
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Piggy bank
My mom is such a PAWG...
i hope its not re:zero. the nikke collab with them was insufferable.
the characters are fucking boring on top of that
I don't think rezero is lewd enough.
It's Nikke collab
We're taking Emma and Rapi
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Why is she so popular?
Is it her chubby belly?
She's motherly and hotz what else You need
What the fuck, nearly all of my pass and daily missions are broken and saying I haven't completed anything even though I already did most of my dailies after reset last night. I've had it glitch out with the login mission before but never everything
That's what you get for cheating Refi..
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I forgot to do pvp
Isekai Red Hood pack, having her go on adventures with Lathel and Red Riding Rou. Even her personality is a clear fit for DB2 unlike Rapi a clear outsider.
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>none of my girls made the list
I'm happy for nebris, honestly believe she wouldnt make it
jeeebus is the fat hag in the OP on rateup right nwo
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went from 55 to 73 just by giving everyone UR III armor and helmet.
>by giving everyone UR III
I have been playing for a few months now and have like 20 IV items in total
Loenbros, are we still popular?
Why do we have all these people getting easy single-draws for the boob girls while I'm stuck here getting archer imouto dupes? It's not fair.
because with enough people someone's bound to get lucky, and the archer imouto is a 4* so everyone gets tons of dupes of her
is she enjoying getting raped by octopus and starfish?
He's talking about the support bonus, ie. characters who are not actually attacking.
Guys how does Diana aura work? Does my party have to stay on the cross no matter what? Or does it take effect even when I attack so long as they stood in the cross before I start the round battle? Cause if the former then it seems more used for defense than offense.
Yes, stay in the cross
Second collab is way to soon imo. I know John wants to milk all the new paypig collab and Jap players but guarantee it will backfire and result in the loss of half the newer players. Should have run filler for a couple months first to allow all new players to also build a small stash.
>at the beginning

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