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Iris My Beloved Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle: >>493020797
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
As a reminder, we will be using Channel 5 from now on, at least for a while.
Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't even feel like Dragon's Dogma to me.
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That didn't feel like 800 posts
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well the thread was 3 days old
stupid fucking loli elf why did you stop leo the cute priestess would've still be alive
It's not over yet.
They nerfed the drop rate. Kills doesn't guarantee a drop anymore
Well that's okay, I'll buy my ingredients from the one guy selling it for 300k and the other ingredient from no one since no one is selling it.
DDO shill general
Do you need something in particular?
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>Why this entire board seems to be shills for one type of game per thread, and they think they are generals for some reason. I don't think they have military rank.
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>Jeets out of nowhere
Nice projection, Ranjesh
Many things and a lot of them, but just posting the problem of limiting drops on very very small servers
dont forget to post this on discord sis :)
> Slut with easy to access hole in pants
Love to see it.
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>Kindhearted Chirurgeon elven cutie
Noo saar, we are not vermin saaars.
Bro level up that hoe...
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let's all give /vrpg/ anon more DD2 webms
So many shills triggered hard by this simple post lel
what the fuck happened here
It seems that some /v/ fag is bored as hell.
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still haven't upgraded my pc
waiting for the rtx 5000 series to come to lower the prices on the 4080 Super
but by then the Ryzen 9000X3D series should be 1 month away from release so I might also wait for that...
Shouldn't you be at the call center?
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/v/ fags aren't so persistent and unhinged, this guy is 100% our schizo.
BO rewards...
Did they fuck something up on the server? Bosses and a lot of mobs aren't dropping bags anymore.
Yeah. The dev said it's "50% to 80%" but it feels like he fucked up on something.
For every single monster? That's fucking stupid and makes bossing for materials even worse than it already was because bags could drop and the item you'd need wouldn't roll, but at least you'd get a bag with some of the guaranteed loot.
I need to farm LV 50+ Mist Dragons, and it seems like they changed the one that was near the Mergoda Royal Palace portcrystal... Where do I go now? There is one in the Temple of Purification, but it's a low level one, also really far from any portcrystal.
Arisen Name : Musica Amadeus

LV. 68 Warrior
Skills : Heaven Thrust / Clarity / Wind Slash / Spark Slash (P)
Crafting Skill : Equipment Quality 27
Tanky amazon that should be good for running BBI and Mergoda, but some level 70+ bosses can still occasionally 2 shot her.

LV 66. Sorcerer
Skills : Comestion (T) / Levin / Seism / Frigor (P)
Crafting Skill : Equipment Enhancement 13
Loud genki tomboy with standard sorc loadout. May switch her back to EA once I get my third pawn.
My beloved...
>kill a boss three times for an item that wasn't a guaranteed drop in the first place
>no loot bags every time
really wish the guy would be consistent with QoL vs muh accuracy
even then the drop rates genuinely feel worse than they originally were and you can look at any of the older videos to see this, they were somewhere between where they are now and everything always having a bag
I'm thinking about it too. I still needed to farm it.
He definitely fucked up. I've been killing the same boss for almost an hour with no drop. That's not fucking 50 to 80 percent, that's fucking zero, it's statistically impossible to not have no drops out of 15 kills if it's 50 to 80.
>t. shit taste
Maybe he forgot to type the 0 and it's actually 5 to 8 percent, lol.
I just remembered that there is LV. ~50 Mist Dragon and a LV. ~50 Empress Ghost (it's a double boss fight) at the end of the Crypt near Drawan.
Shit, thanks.
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>go to bed or play update
>go to bed
>update is broken again
Bullet status = dodged
>failed to connect to server
The server also had no drop rates.
I think that something was fucked up for mobs in general because I'm encountering something similar.
>go to farm Scourge for horns to get more armor for my pawns
>warp to Tower of Ivanos
>kill the pixies along the way, including the ones just outside the tower
>every single time, without fail, High Pixie Zolda drops a bag while High Pixie Pow
The same is true for the two pixies near the Scourge boss. One drops something, the other doesn't, and the Scourge never drops anything.

It's really easy to test this too because Tower of Ivanos counts as an inn/safezone, so you can just walk in-and-out of the door and kill the two trash mobs.

>Maybe he forgot to type the 0 and it's actually 5 to 8 percent, lol.
That's also possible but I think something else is at play here for some mobs to have guaranteed drops while others never drop bags.
Is that why it's taking forever to connect?
Man, I've been grinding augments for Night Scourge and if he won't drop something then I'll just not bother.
I was farming day scourge but I wouldn't be surprised if night scourge is fucked too
Guess that Azure set is pipe dream now, unless they fix it.
Every single fucking update comes with strings attached.
>Mobs now drop loot
>It's super inconsistent and broken
>It's intended guys, stop crying.
>Now stamps can be collected at the right time
>No BO anymore just a pitiful amount of gold.
Also, just fought a LV. 63 "Vigilant" Mist Drake at very end of the Misty Illusion Terrace, he didn't drop the Mirage Crystals or Prism Crystals I need.
Everyone seems to be complaining about it, I'm assuming they'll issue a hotfix soon...
>he didn't drop the Mirage Crystals or Prism Crystals I need
Prism crystals are just shit drops to begin with. Unless you mean no bag drop.
since loot is server-side they'll probably fix it soon. worst case it'll be another day so I'll just level another vocation or do something else

>make it so quest monsters can drop loot
>break all of the other monsters' item tables
it's pretty funny desu

Yeah, this is pretty up there as far as fuckups go, but at least this one is probably is more of a programming oopsie than a genuine design flaw like adding the xp penalty before adding the other ways to get xp
>download the extra translation patches
>majority of it is just machine translated
>still a bunch of stuff in Japanese
I mean I don't mind machine translated stuff but if you're just gonna plug everything into google translate why not just do all of it?
I've been wondering the same
I did get a bag, just not those materials, I remember getting at least one of those materials from the Mist Drake that was near the Mergoda Royal Palace, I'll try the one at Crypt near Drawan now.
I just need to get augments from Priest and Lancer then I'll go for a rematch. Got bodied the first time.
wake me up when the game is playable
Is there any good place to farm XP fast before margoda district? denan takes at least 50 runs for 1 level.
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I feel like the need to curl like ball and cry, it's so fucking depressing bros.
Get the Zandora village quests that have enemies along the walk up towards the chapel. XP and materials. The first tomb on that path is also easy.
good luck anon

>before margoda district
I liked running the seeking peace quest and running various dungeons for materials and treated xp as secondary for the most part
the "new" zandora quests should be helpful between the materials and xp
Seeking Peace
>Accept quest
>TP to Drawan, kill clops just outside
>Don't turn in quest, logout and log back in
>Rinse & repeat, about 37k exp per kill every few minutes (unless they changed it)
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Dragons never cry
some ancient nihongo tech for the HS anons and the one or two hunters
They're talking about a hotfix today. Game will probably be fixed once I wake up.
What are some augments to go for for each vocation? Keeping a list incase they do a 2x exp event
I've been doing this tech for a long time. I thought this was normal because you can do a lot of shit with animation cancelling.
This place is very pretty.
anon don't touch the trees they spray mustard gas and give you treeaids
Look but don't touch, got it!
Off the top of my head, all X proficiency and X safeguards in general but in particular Giant from Seeker (more bosses fall into giant category), Infected from Spirit Lancer (pretty much all of BBI and Phyndim) and War Ready from High Scepter (the hardest boss in the game right now is a War Ready Catoblepas)

STR boost augs and Shield Guard Power
Chance Attack augs, Wind/Tremor resist, Poise, Stun Power, Grab damage increase (7%)
Midair damage increase, Giant Proficiency, Grab damage increase (11%), Evade Distance increase (very useful for High Scepter's dodge, does not apply to Hunter's somersault since that's a skill)
Blow Power increase augs, Winged Proficiency
>Shield Sage
Max HP increase, increase enchantment duration, Shield guard power (stacks with Fighter's), increase Aggro on attack (costs only 2 points to slot, but kind of hard to notice if it makes a difference with a Sorceror or a blue vocation in your party)
Elemental Attack augments, MAG boost augs
>Elemental Archer
HP regen on attack, status debilitation increase augs
>Spirit Lancer
Infected augments, max HP increase, increase damage with enchanted weapons
>High Scepter
Exhaust attack augs, Core Skill damage increase, Counter skill damage increase
Fireproof (useful for War Ready Catoblepas), Divine Protection (15% less damage taken overall)
EA's white HP buff seemed pretty significant. Think it was level 20. I wonder if you could get hit and instantly regain it with the other aug like this was Bloodborne.
>Common Race Augs (15% more damage at level 6, 25% less damage at level 6 respectively), loosely sorted by priority
Alch (Alchemized, Dragons)
SL (Infected)
Hunter (Orcs/Ogres/Apes, Winged)
Seeker (Giants)
EA (Spirit, Construct)
HS (Armor parts)
Warrior (Beasts)
Sorc (Demons (zuhl, manticore, etc), Cursed (shadow enemies))
Priest (Skeletons, Undead)
Fighter (Soft, Demihuman (Goblins, saurians))
I'll check these out, thank very much anons.
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>loosely sorted by priority
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Winged only applies to basic bitch griffins
That's all I need
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but anon, there are other griffins out there!
That's griffin genocide...
If I had the skills to recreate my pawn in ddo I would nolife it way more
Recreating a DDDA pawn seems possible, a DD2 pawn though...
>can't farm Mirage/Prism Crystals from the Mist Drake at Mergoda Royal Place anymore
It's fucking over.
Every new update is like a clown car.
Fixed yet?
Nyo... The guy who can fix it went to sleep.
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She has been helping me out. I like her.
grind other vocations or take a well-deserved rest
Chaechu be like
They'll give us 4x BO weekend as compensation right?
pls no... give us direct BO instead, I don't wanna be locked in the grind cage again...
Nigger, you're playing an MMO, the whole thing is a grind!
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I'd rather have pic related as an XP + PP weekend desu
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>Can finally order your pawns to launch you
>they just say No
Yeah that'd be nice too, would be cool to have it alternating.. XP weekend -> BO weekend.
I want to fight apes for sandwiches
Seems like you're barking up the wrong tree
Pawns often say No if you're either out of combat or if they don't have the resources to do whatever you're ordering because they're finnicky.
You can get them to do some things with alternative commands out of combat depending on the move. For example. Spirit Lancer can be forced to cast Wall Glasta EX outside of combat with the recover stamina command, but you'll have to use the buff command in combat.
That chapter of DDO was pure soul desu
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What no life looks like, I respect the commitment tho.
Seja G.Mane
Straightforward Sorcerer
>Meteoron/High Salamander/Augural Flare/High Hagol
Kill an Ogre for 10k
how do I hire this pawn? I need her for... reasons.
I did play a lot but to be a little more fair, I started playing earlier than most people here like 2-3 months ago. Most of that BO is from that single 4x weekend and the gold is because there's a boss that drops 600k gold that's been removed with this update.
I like how you can move the camera just to stare at tits. That's why it's there and no other reason.
Every time I craft I'm like hmmmmyes what was I going to... *right stick down*
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well that's a first, literally no one's online
>4x BO event finished recently, so anons are burnt out
>drops are bugged so some mobs are literally unfarmable (unless you just want xp), further encouraging taking a break
I have no desire to play anymore.
Yeah, I played like 2 hours today, but I am waiting for a fix, I killed like 10 Mist Drakes today and not a single one dropped crystals, they always dropped a bag, but no crystals, before this, I'd always get at least 2 crystals from the one at Mergoda.
Also, there's this new WQ at Mergoda Ruins, "Seeking Alchemical Extract", it has you killing 2 LV. 60 Mist Drakes at the Temple of Purification, each one gives 45k XP plus the Quest Reward of like 20k XP, 70k Gold and a reward of 3 Alchemical Extracts, seems good for XP, I found the Drakes pretty easy, though I have a LV. 65 weapon and 3 pawns.
It's over... Back to DD2? Or just lurking and waiting for that DLC?
>Back to DD2?
The game is still in such a pathetic state that I have no desire to finish my current playthrough either, the rift is such a wasteland.
>Or just lurking and waiting for that DLC?
Just lurking.
Hard truths, but I'm taking a break. I'd like there to be a point to the game rather than just grind and get hard carried as a game by passable gameplay alone, cause it really doesn't excel anywhere else. It's not fun to play solo and the group here is barely tolerable. Not my cup of tea.
>The game is still in such a pathetic state
Try not having a shit PC
Cool story, bro. Now try replying without coping.
i think the game will feel better once extreme missions are in as a more tangible end-goal
right now there are some endgame boss fights you can run into, but they're scattered and you have to find them on your own
>Poorfag projecting
>Cope posting again.
>Complete denial.
The absolute state..
Keep projecting poorfag KEK
>I'd like there to be a point to the game rather than just grind and get hard carried as a game by passable gameplay alone, cause it really doesn't excel anywhere else.
I don't get it, what is the point of DDDA? of DD2? I enjoy the gameplay above all else and trying out new vocations and skills myself, do you play these games for the story or something like that?
And I'm not sure what you mean by
>the group here is barely tolerable
You ask for help and you receive it, people here are nice and helpful, and aren't clingy or weird, at least in my experience, we aren't that many though but considering parties can't be that big anyway, it's fine.
>the group here is barely tolerable
i didn't even notice that anon said that desu
it's probably a bait post
Projecting what, are you fucking retarded?
Seething poorfag
I'm dreading the thought of having to do an expected 50-60 chest runs through Pit of Screams to make my next weapon, so I'm taking a break first.

Also apparently you can only see the online status of other players when you're in the same world, and most of us have moved to 5 just in case you're in 4.
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they took the training troll, can't have shit in white dragon temple
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wait this is way better
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I hate dragon's dogget 2

For every step forward, it took another step back. Maybe even two steps sometime.

For over 10 years i've never once lose hope. But now the only thing i hope for is that capcom & itsuno leave Dragon's GODma alone, never touch my game again
So that's why they meant with the training room stuff, that is neat.
Daring today, aren't we...?
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Human Male Fighter is the ONLY correct way to play
Does that say that there were also BO penalties in addition to XP penalties? Am I reading that right?
yes, but most penalties could get skirted around
that course mentions that you didn't just get exp from killing enemies, you got them from several other quests
I read Altered Zuhl barely drops anything. Is it fixed now?
I see, the current XP penalties only apply to enemies, right? Not quests?
i am looking around for where the hidden quests are now that the news can tell me that they exist, like a true completion gremlin
Looks like they're about to fix the loot drop issue now, maintenance in about 5 minutes.
kot on kot violence.
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Arisen's Name: Aldwin Leod

>(Left) Mogrum
Lvl. 68 Warrior
Skills: Spark Slash (P) - Savage Lunge (P) - Heaven Thrust - Clarity
Crafting Skills: Equipment Quality 32

>(Middle) Melchior
Lvl. 69 Sorcerer
Skills: Frigor (P) - Levin - Comestion (T) - Darkness Mist (T)
Crafting Skills: Equipment Enhancement 25

>(Right) Olvir
Lvl. 40 Shield Sage
Skills: Rampart Raid (T) - Force Shield (P) - Element Light - Slow Light
Crafting Skills: Equipment Enhancement 10
Finally finished everyone's outfits.
Now back to grinding for augments
there's no ball moss in the game, is there?
it's probably in a single chest in an specific dungeon that only drops 20% of the time that's also not recorded in the drop list
The dungeon that contains it is broken. T
Does anyone know if Spirit lancer attack boost affect others too?
no on the special gauge/mode
yes on the general attack buffs from skills
I want this anon's pawn slider. He has posted her before at least.
Okay, that make sense. Thank you

Also, do you happen to know which pawn's personality is tsundere?
Isn't that the reddit cat
It's where he often posts it these days
What do (P) and (T) on skills mean?
power and technique
it loosely describes the EX bonuses. power usually does the thing gooder (hit harder, heal harder, etc.), technique usually adds more hits/range or functionality like i-frames or air usage
My headcanon is
>P = Power
Since this version always deal more damage, more powerful
>T = Tactical
While this version is always like a side grade with utilities trade off instead of raw damage
the p stands for pogma, because the d is reversed
the t stangs for togma, because the d looks inward and finds new meaning in life
Second question, how do I make them do that if my skill level says EX
hit ctrl or shift or whatever the UI says when you hover over the skill
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>crafting time
Why does anyone want to play DDO....
crafting time isn't implemented, it's instant
Blessed. Maybe I should get into it then.
>he doesn't know
oh nononono
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>Finally unlocked the secret augment that lets Warriors equip a Greatshield as their subweapon
She looks great. Also sorry to keep you waiting for the Artoria fan art, I'll get back to drawing her next week. My aughtism is slowly recovering.
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>secret augment that lets Warriors equip a Greatshield as their subweapon
i will now play your game
how does it work and is there something similar for other vocations as well?
It was a joke, it doesn't exist
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I really don't like the ulrika story line, now I get the frustration with games being too easy and accessible, and quests you can completely miss the first time through are fine, but there's no fucking way that you're gonna organically discover it if it weren't for prior knowledge or just autistically returning to Melve after every single mainline quest. you hit a point in the quests where the dude blatantly tells you to go to melve, You can opt not to, but if you miss the lesser dragon fight that's entirely on you. But there is literally just Allard > Coronation and you've fucked the entire quest line. There's no indication you should go back to vernworth, do one quest, then go back to melve, rather than completing the coronation and moving on to West vermund/battahl

it's stupid design
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>but there's no fucking way that you're gonna organically discover it if it weren't for prior knowledge or just autistically returning to Melve after every single mainline quest
That's the disconnect. They expect this of the player, but don't really do a good job of actually giving the player a reason to ever do this. In DD1, they at least had a ton of NPCs whose dialogue would update constantly throughout the game, giving you a reason to check in with people over time. DD2 doesn't really have any of this, and places like Melve don't serve much purpose unless you happen to have another sidequest that takes you back that way. If another sidequest doesn't happen to perfectly line up with her questline, then it'd be unlikely that someone would come across it naturally.
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>My aughtism is slowly recovering.
Glad to hear it, I'm really no better since I've been procrastinating in DDO but thanks for letting me know, I should be getting back to it as well.

'Twas but a jape anon, my apologies for leading you on
Are dd2 drakes on a time or damage based? Playing a mage, I still got plenty of knockdowns, but I was a little more focused on support than dps. and the drake still bitched out, should I have just stuck to spamming Frigor?

What actually determines if they're gonna bitch out on you?
>Comestion T turns it into DD1 Comestion, higher flames and a lasting dot
>Frigor T gives it DD2 Haligol, a freezing wind cylinder
Specific Drakes like the one outside Harve or ones that invade Vermund are just scripted to fly off after enough time/hp (not sure which). Some Drakes like the one at Ancient Battleground or near one of the lakes will fight to the death.
Is ddon actually populated? Are you guys playing with other people, or with each other? Or are you just playing a worse mmofied version of dragon's dogma in singleplayer?
>there's no fucking way that you're gonna organically discover it
The game literally tells you to go back to Melve, you zoomers midwit. Stop button-mashing through conversations hoping quest prompts save you.
dumbfuck retard I already explained that
>Is ddon actually populated?
Yes but it is a relatively small group of people

>Are you guys playing with other people, or with each other?
With each other mostly (I think), in my case I've joined the occasional non/ddg/ party when they asked for help, but recently most of us have moved to a different channel since the original one has attracted some noisy latinos

>Or are you just playing a worse mmofied version of dragon's dogma in singleplayer?
In some ways it's a lot better and in some ways it's a lot worse
WHAT THE FUCK I DIDN'T KNOW THIS AAAAAAH I was wondering where the fuck people got hagol from
Man... I fucking hate diversity. why the FUCK are there so many fucking africans and semites and asians in this fucking game? In a medieval fantasy setting where migration alone, let alone mass migration, is demonstrably unfeasible and unsafe? does every nigga just have a fucking ferrystone farm?
brother its a fantasy setting with cats and no attachment to a real location.
that's a fucking cop out and you know it, what a fucking asian and a black fuck and just pop out a white kid? This isn't how genetics work, and if you're going to suppose that that's just a magic genetic scrambler roulette at play here, then you need to fucking say so in the narrative.
Pathtranny's matrix is built to reflect a modern audience
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She's exceptionally cute
And he does it for free...
It's true, so I wish that anon would post his sliders...
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>just however many dozen runs of the nest depths for better armor and pawn armor and pawn weapons
>probably get a total of 600 BO too for one and quarter dragon upgrade dots
>and immediately overlevel the gear and need to get better gear
Not feeling it today
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Anyone need help with the main quest again or anything?
I hope more people are aware of the DDON le motif in this now.
>I really don't like the ulrika story line
More like lack there of.
They need to bring back 4x BO weekend and implement 2x xp as well to give me purpose.
DDON doesn't have a single song..
So are loot drops really fixed now? Should I play again?
Seemed so
That 1:50 part is DDON unless I somehow forgot that was in DDDA too.
Most big dragon's BGMs in DDON use a mix of that part and End of the Struggle.
So they say, I don't know if the anon farming the mist dragon can confirm.
It made my pp move a bit.
That's actually me asking, I'll go and kill a few of these mist niggas and report back in a while.
Much appreciate anon.
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Going to try and fight this asshole if anyone wants to join. All levels welcome, but if you're playing a Red vocation and less than 80, you'll probably be playing medic and applying elemental ailments. Green and Blue vocations are very helpful to have for this fight regardless of level. Fair warning though that this is a pretty bullshit fight.
Don't do it bro... It won't end well.
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>No matter who rules the world, there is no place for Arisen!
>Yes, there is! Inside your asshole!
I really love DDON's leit motif, and I always felt like it's inclusion in End of the Struggle made the track feel much more heroic because of it.

Ok, so I did the "Seeking Alchemical Extract" quest, this one spawns 2 LV. 60 Mist Drakes at the Temple of Purification.
One of them dropped a loot bag with 1 Spectral Dragonscale and 1 Spectral Dragon Claw.
Then I killed the LV. 63 Mist Drake at Misty Illusion Terrace, this one dropped 1 Spectral Dragonscale and 2 Spectral Dragon Fangs.
Finally I killed the LV. 55 Mist Drake at the end of the crypt near Drawan, this one dropped 1 Spectral Dragonscale.

Conclusion: that one Mist Drake dropping Mirage Crystals and Prism Crystals by the Mergoda Royal Palace portcystal must have been a bug, those particular materials at least.

Now I need to figure out where to get some Mirage Crystals, I can get Prism Crystals from a chest in Pit of Screams, the one by the LV. 76 Gorecyclops.

On the way to these drakes, I did noticed that a lot more loot bags were dropped from minor enemies, so that is fixed, I suppose things are working as intended now.
We should setup a raid party for him.
Where the FUCK do you get tons of normal dragon beards, I have every other dragon material by the dozen but not the normal dragon beards.
I'm in. Won't be on until an hour tho
Did you try the Cursed Dragon by Drawan, I think that one can drop those.
It drops one every third time, that's not really a farm
Sounds good.
And like, to me it seems like these should be some kind of guaranteed dragon drop that is missing. Otherwise it makes no sense that recipes need 15 of these, and one of the Ultra Rare Pepe Blessed Dragon Beards that I have 20 of, while barely having one of the regular ones.
There's no guaranteed Dragon Beard drops, anon. You have to suffer the RNG. It took me a whole week of farming just to complete two sets for lvl 65.
Which is why I'm saying it feels like it's missing. Some type of quest reward, whatever.
What LV. is it?
It one shots everyone without defensive augments and buffs.
I'm changing all my augments so whoever I revive gets buffed lol (57 spirit lancer btw)
You have an important job as a green, you have to put "weakness" on its armor just like placing a weakness core.
Is there a spreadsheet somewhere showing enemy and area xp?
I think the best you can get is the somewhat outdated loot spreadsheet, it shows the level of most dungeons and the LV. of most enemies within those dungeons, you can them somewhat expect what XP you'll get from the LV. of the enemies.
if your on PC theres mods that let you steal any pawns appearance
Very helpful, thank you.
who here was around back during the original /ddg/ pre-PC
Not me, I joined the party late.
It doesn't get me shadowbanned, right?
Part of me wants to say this screenshot is familiar but then I remembered almost eveyrone wore the same shit back then anyway
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Recruiting for round 2.
Give me 10 minutes.
hopping on in a few minutes as well
Do you know the name of it?
*raises paw*
I kneel.
I found out he's on PS5. It's fucking over.
More than you'd think
>mfw I still can't get access to sadpanda
is it re-uploaded anywhere?
Found this just for (you). Enjoy.
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Extreme quests!?
Sounds cool.
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also lol
Well, he's right, there was that one faggot complaining about progress being slow, then claimed to be kidding or something? Either way, I know I am grateful that some people are taking care of DDON.
>artist is seemingly both a fujo and a lolicon
interesting combination
Extreme mission must have some insane level requirements, at the very least I hope the drop good loot, gold and BO, would be cool to take mid level players to those and boost the fuck out of them.
>quest log bug fix
Yep, just what I needed.
It must have been a fucking nightmare to progress solo, now it more manageable with pawns.
The guy who is working on restoring those said this
>It's targeted for players who beat all the season 1 MSQ btw.
That means LV. 60 to 70 players, I would guess?
Honestly it was a ton easier a year ago. You just had 3 main pawns already made and could edit them how you want, JP was basically infinite, the gear progression was pretty easy, gold and BO farms weren't too bad, decent amount of people grinding the dungeon at peddlers peril together often had full parties of 8 players.
I do agree with keeping things from being too easy and fast to progress but some of the changes and stuff more recently have been a bit puzzling in my opinion, they want things to be accurate to the retail servers but we don't have access to multiple content types that retail had etc.
How people power through lvl60 and 70, shit's fucking hell.
As many gripes as I might have over how some things are implemented I'm still grateful that there is a team working on reviving the game regardless.
>there was that one faggot complaining about progress being slow
considering that they seem to be reverse engineering shit based on info they can scrounge up online I can't blame then for being slow. A lot of the information on DDON is dead (the site where capcom used to release ddon update notes and news on is kill) and a lot of them seem to rely on the surviving wikis and videos for reference. iirc it's why some gear has the relief coin placeholder for enchantment purposes.
I think they used a debug code to get all 3 pawns instantly before the MSQ was implented. You got 3 pre-made pawns and had to edit them to get the pawn of your choice (and you had to do it externally before the character creator was implemented too iirc)
Fucking hell..I guess we don't have it too bad now.
I dunno, I just play the game with you guys and we seem to progress at a very fast pace.
Is earth shaker any good, I'm debating whether to take it to level 10 or use element light and hire a sorcerer.
As it turns out the Drawan armorer sells level40~~+ catch up gear for all vocations. 200,000 per piece, gotta check the armorer shop in other regions to see if they do the same.
I remember the armorer at Griften fort selling high level gear too, might have topped out at LV. 49 stuff.
Server pls
I'll check it out and see if there's anything worth buying.
FUCK we were so close
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It was a good run boys.

Almost killed it.
You guys were killing that behemoth thing!? lmao
I have to go to sleep... but we won and everybody knows it.
I only bothered with it at level 10 since it actually does damage, its good for mobs but not much for bosses
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oof ouch
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I think SS shines when fighting bosses, those debuff are brutal but they do get a bit retarded if you equip more than one, have your tried petrifying light?
We managed to get our teamwork going and figured out the right strategies, but we were cheated out of victory at the very end. That fight is total bullshit yet also some of the most fun I've had with the game. Let's try again tomorrow.
Yeah, Hands of God is a safe spot for me to cast Terror Blast then big damage while weakness is in place. I think we got the right strats.
Yeah, although sleep/petrify doesn't work on all enemies, so I usually always keep Torpor on one of my palettes. Torpor during enrage is good, then build up some sleep/petrify when downed but stop at around 90% buildup. Once they start to get up is when you proc it.
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>that unanimous "wtf"
Yeah. I'll get some war-whatever buffs on my staff too, because it felt like the damage potential was nearly there, better than a tickle.
Alternating Gicel and Frigor worked on the second part, somewhere along the neck/back hole. Still no idea what to use on the cannons except Seism, Levin damage was pitiful.
And I whiffed some spells because it's hard to judge distance with something that big, when it turned around at the last second and the head was suddenly super far away.
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Poor gramps
Levin's damage might be pitiful with the level disparity but it has pretty good Shock buildup. I stack lightning crests on my sword so it can still be helpful for getting the Shock off. In the best case scenario, it might get shocked and flinch while trying to summon a tornado. Gicel and Frigor(T) are definitely great to have. Frigot(T) can apply the Ice Resist Down effect and Gicel just has good damage and aiming properties.
>Musica trying to block a tornado
I saw you flying there and loled

Pretty sure I should just stop trying to res people that are that close to cannon fire because I'm just going to be another casualty.
kek, can't believe I survived that even after the brine
>Implemented Extreme Mission Quests into the Game!
>Which ones?
>EXM 1-8 (S1 & S2 EXMs)
Oh shit, now that I actually read the update, this is pretty cool.
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I see, I'll stick with Torpo then it's serve me well so far, how important is the rod btw, I see they have magic damage thing but all your damage is done with the shield.
Too cool
Absolute colossus, I want to fight that thing but seeing how you guys are getting completely demolish I'll avoid fighting it solo and underleveled.
You can see Musica's nips!
The bolt that you fire from it inflicts a decent amount of elemental damage as well as a lot of status buildup for your currently chosen element. There's a SS augment to increase it, as well as a couple of EA augments to boost it further.
>can actually earn rare meteorite and vortex crystals without doing rng chest runs
Wish I just waited a day instead
They're there to taunt the enemy
Shield slut.
I believe the Rod's magic attack also affects your Force Shield block counter damage, so if you're leaning into a counter heavy style especially when fighting ogres/cyclopses its worth considering
Oh shit, this sounds good, we should do these Ex Quests then, I want me some mats for LV. 70 weapons
apparently you need to do a workaround to run it with other players, can't queue up normally to do it.
I'm still on World 5 if anyone wants to try
>These are only Solo Playable per Menu due the Menu isnt properly Working atm BUT we have a Cool Trick to play with another players these Quests! How?

>Everyone need to Queue UP for the Same EXM and Press Ready but not Start the Quest! and then per /invite Command you invite the players and they need to accept this Invite and now you can fully play together!

Copied from the discord
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Was going to call it for today but the extreme missions got me curious. I'm down to attempt them with anyone. Found the guy for EXM5-8 but need to find 1-4.
Maybe in the area right before the audience chamber? I think there's another NPC labeled for EXM among other things.
I had absolutely no idea, I just keep using rampart rush and it kept working, status buildup seemed about the same, I'll update my level rod now and see how it goes, thanks for the info anons.
Yea Seneka has them
Time buy the game on PS5, then.
Why are PS5 pawn sluts so good looking...
>EXM missions added
>thread dies because anons are having too much fun in game
I've been busy all fucking day and I want to try those new Extreme quests... FUCK, maybe I'll be free late at night.
.... What are extreme missions?
I saw you guys doing the EXM, are they any good?
Server shit the bed too.
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They're cool mini gauntlet dungeons where they go ham with the enemies like DDDA BBI round 2.
What level are those, 70?
>2 sages
>2 scepters
Do you get lots of XP and gold, or anything at all?
Dunno if it's meant to be that way but the only thing you get is the reward from the mission itself, no enemy drops or XP.
What is the mission reward? Is it rare mats?
I can't do this anymore...
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I really hope whoever wanted these didn't do Pit of Screams for Paraffins 100+ times. This is the shortest and most farmable extreme mission reward.
>Rare Meteorite Crystal x 3
Damn, finally some good fucking food.
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Too late, I was almost there
Actually it was Rare Vortex Crystals I needed (also in Pit of Screams) but there's only one drop that seems to appear 25% of the time compared to Paraffins which was guaranteed 1-2 every time. I just grabbed the Paraffins since it was on the way
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they're pretty cool
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Yeah, each mission gives unique/rare materials.
WHAT THE FUCK....The white dragon looks menacing as fuck, did you beat him?
That's doesn't sound too bad, I need to push past the shitty 50's gap first.
Main quest basically gives you late 40's stuff, and then there's easier to craft 55's that are all class. Plus paraffin weapons. And next is the BBI level 62 ice cube gear.
Yeah the garbage that the MQ gives you is fine to do general bellow level stuff and not much else, you still need to craft body armor to survive.
You just hire higher level pawns with good gear
Many such cases.
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>flippers just standing there like she did any better
the white dragon was surprisingly one of the easiest missions
>look in the discord
>see some faggot complaining about the grind and wanting to skip season 1
>while using XIV as an example of a "good MMO"
"muh endgame" retards need to get the fuck away from mmos
Can't really expect anything good from faggots that use Sonic as a PFP.
>90% of my deaths are being yeeted by goreharpies
I hate these
I can get behind wanting more xp and a faster grind, especially since the server is still effectively killing monsters for direct xp, but this guy is a fucking dumbass. The server barely even has an endgame as it is, so there's nothing to really rush to.
At most, you'd be justified in wanting an easier 1-15 for your first vocation (without boosting), so you can have 4 attacks and most (if not all) of your core skills, but pawn rentals mostly fixed that imo.
>while using XIV as an example of a "good MMO"
I stopped fucking reading when I saw that, it has to be of the most disingenuous MMO comparisons you can possibly make considering that xiv's fillergating is even worse than this. The only difference is you're just reading and doing mailman quests instead of playing the damn game.
It'd take several months to get through that game's msq as a fresh player, assuming you can stomach it in the first place and like that game.
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arisens be like
What happned?
First try of the tank lizard
We'll kill it next time. Dumb lizard got saved by the server.
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Umm... Why didn't you fags tell me that you can TP to any of these locations even though there isn't a port crystal in them?
you can tp to any of those locations even though there isn't a port crystal in them
Real men walk
Then I must be the manliest man to ever man.
I'm never going to catch up ddon bros...
Where are you stuck
Need help?
im just very slow
even if you're slow, I'm pretty sure everyone here has a vocation that's within xp range for the lowest levels if you do need help
just take your time and have fun m8
It seems I have to go to a few dungeons at Phyndim if I want to have a LV. 72 weapon... It's gonna be a bit tough since I have a LV. 62 weapon, I'll hire Septiego's Sorcerer and Ceciel's Warrior to carry me.
Thank goodness pawn hiring is functional.
You didn't make a 65 with stalactite?
Oh yeah, I'm retarded, but still the damage just isn't that great, and it's gonna be a few runs, would rather speed up the process with some nice strong pawns.
I'm level 25 taking it slow myself, just exploring the map and all the dungeons with the pawns has been really fun
taking on early level dungeons with level appropriate gears and pawns are fun. If you get boosted early you end up feeling like you need to grind for gear to match your level in specific dungeons that you have to look up in spreadsheets for materials, instead of exploring the map and making your own discoveries.
That sounds nice and all, but the current state of the loot is kind of fucked, at first it feels properly balanced but after LV. 30 I think it can become frustrating very fast, you won't really come across materials you need to keep your gear up to date easily, and you will have to look up stuff.
worst case scenario, you could always take rental pawns and kill the three moneywolves at Recrudescent Beach a few times and then buy your gear if you're feeling stuck at 50 or so, though you will eventually be trapped in crafting jail

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