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Previous thread: >>493405508

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)

Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
cute and canon
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Touch my tail?
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Bros... content doko...
Interesting - I've always thought her orange nails were just made that way to make them pop out better from her slightly brown skin, looks like it was actually intentional and a part of her outfit
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I'm in.
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Your sister is a whore
you obviously still have an exploration commission left, you should go clear that before complaining about lack of content!
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Hmmm... Nyo.
Nu uh! That's the commission that you get for level 50 rankup and I'm not there yet!
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How can she even see you? You're in her blind spot.
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she's dtf
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Based Billy chad
How to know if Seth anomaly buff is up and should you build impact on him
Zhu Yuan bros...
It's not looking good...
Are there any good solo chars that aren't physical? Feels like a waste to force him on a phys resistant enemy.
oh no no no corin bros
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My Ellen with sig, but you still should roll for Jane because physical shilling gonna be insane in the future. and burnice with yanagi
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The rats are winning!
Based eous
>ranged dps

Boring. Corin solo clears are much more impressive.
Piper and Lucy doko?
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Pixiv is better, a lot of futa Belle/Zhu with Jane there
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is it me or single pulls are just better
i often get only one 4 star in a ten pull
but very very often if i spent these same 10 pulls as singles i tend to get more higher rarity than just one (got most of my 5stars that way)
granted i wait intervals between each pull like 30 secs to 1 min
is it just luck or am i gaming the rng?
Mmm, can I?
I think my account is bricked, no matter what I do or how many times I reset the clock I can never trigger the last HIA coin in the Sixth Street, and I already got everything else from Mewmew!
Well I didn't really have to put him against a phys resistant enemy like that, it was just for a bit of fun but, I think Ellen, or even Zhu Yuan might be able to pull something off solo wise with their dodge/maneuverability, but I haven't really bothered testing any of that
>Crit stats on Jane are an actual M6 meme
Am I really supposed to go for atk, pen and Anomaly proficiency?
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ny- *sleeps*
why do you guys always post booru numbers. Isn't that purely based on the small number of booru uploader's taste and activity? Isn't it just better to use pixiv stats instead?
Jstern confirmed that Caesar is still GIGA broken, a MUST pull for any account.
Make sure you have pulls saved for her + w-engine.
I got Qingyi on the first 10 pull of her banner but I got Rat doing 23 singles
That's 33 pulls for Caesar wasted because I wanted the last few Billy and Anby cons
Maybe so, but I find Billy most fun for me so I just go with him lol
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you should mix pulls like this bangboo pull > standart pull > event 10x
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An Icon appears next to your healthbar number to the right, Lucy's buff looks like a tiny brass knuckle if you have her for reference
And for the impact question uhhhh I dunno- I'm personally building Energy Regen so I can throw out his E and hold down attack then rotate back to Rat
Give me your luck wtf
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I hope this new event gets more difficult eventually.
I know it's aimed at level 30 noobs, but I kinda wanted the difficulty of Disputed Node or the new commissions where you can actually get your shit kicked in if you're bad at the game.
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Whats your favourite dynamic wallpaper?
Genuinely what's wrong with this bitch? She should see a doctor
is it true that the second pity is 100% banner character?
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I got koleda'd...I'll never have the rat now...
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it's not the rankup commission
no one knows what those last 3 yellow balls are from
We need more characters like Lycaon
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joe sleeping
yes, otherwise people would crucify da wei
but i'll almost certainly do piper / lucy when they drop
Posted this in the dead thread. Does Jane's M1 give 2 jumps every time she enters passion state?
If you lose the first 50/50, yes. It also carries to the next banner.
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These kind of events are always just to shill characters, hence all the trials.
In fact, I think the Genshin equivalent doesn't even let you bring your own characters.
Anby is pretty
Limited time content should always be easy. Not everyone has the time to play through difficult content during some arbitrary window. Difficulty is fine for permanent content.
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at least i get her after 160 pulls now
fuck trannyhoyo
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Be honest, which characters do you think will be completely forgotten in a year and which one will still be posted?
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Cute cop
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>Isn't that purely based on the small number of booru uploader
Yeah, i remember someone uploaded my art there but then it got deleted because council of jannies there didn't like it enough.
too attractive
>completely forgotten in a year
I lost the coin flip on Ellen and Zhu Yuan and have awful luck in genshin so I don't think you want it
Ellen I can see. No shot on QY
soukaku already died after the 3 great strikes
>plain VA instead of meme VA
>rina confirmed better
I'm more intersted in who'll become "Bro your Venti?" of zzz
QY and ZY. Both boring characters with mediocre gameplay that will get powercreeped. Ellen has her design going for her.
Show your art bwo can you draw belle with Jane for me?
>which characters do you think will be completely forgotten in a year
His animations are just not flashy enough
massive tail takes up a lot of energy to feed
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>Completely forgotten
>Still posted
I don't they will be forgotten since everyone lives in the same city and appear on the over world, meta wise, Ellen
Forgot to mention they're both chinks with names I'm already starting to forget.
I really like him
QY will be immediately forgotten as soon as we get an off-field stunner.
Sharks are ectothermic
wh-why is everyone doomposting ellen?
She will be the only lolibaba onahole
Ellen might get eclipsed gameplay-wise, but she'll be milked for years in marketing material to bait new players.
I feel like Neko is a good team mate for Jane because she can deal with that last block of health instead of waiting to proc more anomaly
Jane is basically solo until you run out of passion
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miyabi is simply the better character
theres an extra coin that the trash can doesnt care about for some reason. I found my extra in the record box in front of Elfy's place
Miyabi is about to BTFO her completely out of the meta soon. People are preparing themselves.
there should be varying levels like genshin where you can get all the rewards at silver, some extra mats at gold and a hidden platinum
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where did all the corin rapists go...
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I don't know about doom, but consider Jane mogs the shit out of Zhu Yan and was the second character after her, but at least Zhu Yan is a different element. Now remember that Miyabi is going to be some sort of Ice DPS and is much, much further along the timeline than two characters from Ellen who will serve the same purpose in the same element.
I will cry to Hoyo if I can't claim all the rewards and they will make all rewards available for minimum effort and skill
>Jane mogs the shit out of Zhu Yan
stopped reading there
I just had sex with Nicole, she was really tight desu
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we... we had to step out for a bit but its done now, for now
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>limited unit released only 40 days from launch
>lost to a fucking bangboo
Hutroon has been on an Ellen hate campaign for a while.
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>off-field stunner will replace the stunner you want to use with attackers that don't want to be on-field
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If this is how you want to cope for missing ZY go ahead
0-5 Spend 16 Batteries building DPS Seth
6-9 get anal worms
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Yeah, besides that booru doesn't even have 1/3rd of the pics for the the real stars of the game
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was in a thread for homosexuals.
Miyabi is going to be Fire DPS.
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What will be the next ailment in the Burnice arc?
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>DP assist with Piper and Jane for never ending assault build up
this is fun
You're right, bwo. Maybe Miyabi will be Ice Defender instead.
Wholesome sex with Caesar
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only took me 170 pulls ;(
burnice and ceasar never ever
I'm assuming rerolling is fucked in this game. I just want that rat.
>>DP assist with Piper and Jane for never ending assault build up
sex. this is about sex
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Ratted by the rat
The free rolls are extremely backloaded. Good luck rerolling lol.
Devs learned to stagger rewards making rerolling harder
It's not impossible but it's annoying as fuck.
But if you start now and play a lot before her banner runs out you can pretty much guarantee her.
>she keeps the prosthetic on at first
>but after enough cuddle puddles, she's okay with taking it off and exposing her stump
cute retarded biker
tags: tomboy, handholding, happy sex, impregnation
It's bad but I think you get a 10 roll now. I had to suffer through it before that.
If Miyabi will be an Ice attacker, won't they have to make her crazy powerful? Assuming a portion of the playerbase already has Ellen? If she's just a bit better than Ellen that probably won't make the cut.
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How is this rotation?
>Seth enhanced basic
>Swap back to Jane for Assault
>Swap back to Seth for EX skill + Enhanced Basic after 1-3 Assault procs, possibly get a Shock
>Swap to Grace to finish or complete another Shock
>Swap back to Jane to get Assault and Disorder
How much time do I got? I guess it's a good idea, I'll see if I even like the game
Because it's easy fuel for doomposting that retards eat up. Not only do boorus rely on people uploading to them from other sources, they're also reliant on the boorus moderation policies. Most of them nowadays either disallow lewd loli or require you to login to view it, which would significantly cut the numbers for characters like Qingyi.
I wouldn't be surprised if she were a new element
2 and a half weeks. You can do it.
About 3 weeks
>unironic pedo cope
1.2 will add sex
What is rerolling?
>should you build impact on him
Aside from his M4 I don't think enough of his kit takes advantage of it to be worth it. Attack or Energy Regen seem like better options for Disc 6.
Making new account
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I'm about to purchase 10 orders of steamed dumplings
The majority of reuploads are from Twitter
There are plenty of people that don't have Ellen and would roll for an ice attacker.
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>finally unlock events locked behind story mode AFTER qingyi banner ended
I hate the chinese...
Seth should be running anomaly mastery in 6 and anomaly proficiency in 4 and atk% in 5
Qingyi and the calydon girls took all the loli votes
No one cares about lolishit except pedokek japs
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I'm bored and I kinda wanna try this game. Never touched a Hoyoslop before.
Is this beginner friendly?
Not everyone rolls for gameplay. In fact, it feels like hoyofag behavior in particular because of how greedy the gacha is.
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>hu tranny
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I’ve done it. My nekomata is fully leveled.

Kinda feels weird how much more demanding ZZZ is with how much resources are needed to level up a character compared to their HSR and genshin brethern and I wonder what it ended up that way because they thought they were too generous with the other games or genuinely thought this was better for the game.
stupid rodent. needs pig correction badly.
"Harder" than Genshin but easier than say Nioh 2 or Sekiro
I want way higher level HZ. Am I the only one? HZ is the most challenging, time trials aren't as much.
yes it's very easy for the first couple hours, remember to never spend polys on monochrome
It takes more to raise characters because you only need three of them for a team.
It's still scummy but that's the reasoning behind it.
It's really only hard if you play on mobile.
HSR has more strict stat check requirements since you have limited turns for endgame. Much of the endgame is rng grinding to hit whatever stat threshold you need.
i rolled so often i dont even want her anymore
i just didnt want the rolls to be wasted
It's because teams are 3 characters instead of 4
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It's my first Hoyo, gacha, and action game. It's a lot of fun and beginner friendly. There is some combat and rotation nuance but you really don't need to concern yourself with that now
They're pretty similar aside from the dennies. They realized there was another way to milk the players and seized upon it.
It essentially means starting over many times hoping for luck to give you an early banner character or multiple, then u just go with the lucky account
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make me a good team
i just play whoever
please post more zzz sluts in bunny outfits

Whales get punished, I saved up 50 pulls not going for the chink and got the rat in 40. F2P Chads rise up.
HSR was also credit starved before you hit max Trailblazer level
Yes. As long as you aren't trying to play with a touch screen. Dodge/parry windows are very generous. The whale level Gacha stuff is more powerful, but playing well and build smart teams allow you to succeed at all content with pretty much any character in the game you happen to like. Maybe not any random team, but certainly any particular character.
Zzz is my first gacha, its fun. If you get rat you'll dab on the people who rolled for the previous limiteds so you wouldnt be far behind. I started in early august so a month late and I'm doing fine. Almost maxed out the current patch.
it's actually less mats here
i am f2p
i just bought the 5 bucks pass for aditional 20 pulls and saved up 90 rolls before hand
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>i am f2p
>I just bought
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>i am f2p
>i just bought the 5 bucks pass
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The battle mechanics is definitely more complex than genshin's but you'll get used to it.
He's f2p, not f2poor
Can I see how many rolls I wasted on current banner?
nta but I thought battle passes didn't count, at least that's what /gig/ thinks
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i am immune to kot
Nicole or Neko
If you pay money it's not free anymore, now is it? At least the $5 isn't bad the $20 pass is actual theft.
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She'll come flying when you least expect it.
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i like qingyi's, it's very cozy makes me feel warm inside :)
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I just rolled jane and still have 5k polys leftover, should I try for the w-engine? I do have 2 ele-lips.
>captcha: Sex RIGHT NOW
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rat is op
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Whats up anons it's the 150 flat pen guy if you remember me
Rolled my very first +3 anomaly proficiency disc in my entire time with the game
Thanks to all my fans ama
It's called free to pay
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not as immune as me
They all suck
no reason not to keep Belle's wallpaper on forever.
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i lost the 50/50 on the weapon banner and now i want to quit
It used to be ironic, but then people too ashamed of their spending habits decided to adopt it for real.
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>Jane mogging Zhu
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why did she do it?
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Thanks for the reply, bros. I'm on PC so no worries about touchscreen/mobile.
I'll give it a spin on my free days.
>Ellen's EP released 2 days after demo
>Zhu Yuan's EP released 2 days after demo
>Qingyi's EP released 3 days after demo
>Still no Jane EP after 4 days

It's over. EoS soon.
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>150 rolls
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Are you at all interested in the next two limited characters?
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fyi the tutorial is like 20 hours. Just don't get filtered now.
I’ve only bought
>two BPs
>three welkins
>the $1, $5, and $10 reel bundles
>the $15 top-up
and yes I’m still f2p
The fire girls? Not a wink. I was just wondering how important to her dps the engine is.
Most feel devoid of personality.
I like QY because it's zoomed in on the character doing something she loves. As a result it feels far less empty when opening the screen.
I wish they put more effort into these in general. I can't look at Billy and not think to myself that he is reconsidering his life choices with how they portrayed him, the complete opposite of what i want from him.
I fucking hate farming for anomaly. You literally have double the odds with crits. The most I've managed is +1 ap.
I'm starting to build pipah some people say 4 piece blues and some people say 4 piece metal. How's your pipah anon?
Nice. It always annoyed me that the other two HZ doors were essentially beneficial, and that one just sucked to deal with.
You should since Seth's weapon is up too so you can easily get that maxed out.
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I don't actually have Seth yet. But I guess since he's going to permanent that's fine.
>50/50 on the weapon banner
Worse, it's 75/25.
disorder team = 4 blues
assault piper = 4 fanged
I only have the $5 monthly. I'm practically on Mihoyo's payroll.
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holy fucking shit, did they really have to make yakuza 5 last for like 2 billion hours? this is just ridiculous man
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You mean to tell me I need to farm both?
Then sure. Her weapon is very strong.
They need to learn from Mihoyo and make billions in profit for 5 minutes of daily gameplay.
Search your reaction folder. You know it to be true.
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for a gacha you get a lot of agency in clearing the hardest content outside of just paying your way there
im clearing in half the time required for full rewards without spending money, just by playing well
the gameplay is also incredibly fun and satisfying to master
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You can consistently trigger disorder with a jane, seth, grace team comp.
But it just does NO FUCKING DMG.

Holy shit, they screwed over anomaly comps so fucking hard.
post builds stupid bitch.
assault piper and caesar will be the new meta
I should always pick Dennies for the coffee bonus, right?
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Assault disorders are low damage because they do their damage up front. It's the shock disorder that should be big. But that means you need a well built Grace and maybe a well built Seth too.
No. 4pc Fanged at all times unless you're using Piper as the support for Jane or something. Even if you were to run Piper and Caesar together you'd put 4Fredom on her Caesar instead.
Oh yeah, quick question. How big is the game size? I have plenty of space, I just wanna know.
100 BILLION gigs
Wait why haven't we gotten Jane's EP? I hope they don't stop doing those for the 5*s cause I really liked those.
She's been getting doomposted since launch, that's just how gacha generals go
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Why both of the zzz subreddit are plaged of pajeets and SEApags?
I love my rat!

This is not the hardest content, this is weekly chores
I'm from indonesia
what do you think we can afford to play here?
Like 60GB installed. But it needs double that during the installation process because they make you unzip the whole damned thing at once during installation.
I remember getting the box one, there are some that I don't remember getting before like the one in front of the panda on the cafe or the plants close to it too, yet no matter how many resets it never appears any of those or an npc with white balloon if there is one left
Aight thanks
Good point, sorry for calling you that name Indonesian bro.
Don't you just pirate all your shit anyways?
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The problem with seth is that he his engine and dupes give him extra build up, which means he dilutes shock BIG TIME.

So you pretty much have to build him up otherwise shock dmg alongside grace gets heavily reduces, that is just way too much investment.
Full Jane, seth, grace, its a ridiculous amount.
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I love him...
all gacha phone games are SEAcore brodie

wouldn't have the rig to run it
it is the endgame and what accounts are building towards the second they start
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I find they're both comparable honesty
Whatever rolls more Prof will probably end up being better.
I got a 1 minute 10 second shiyu clear with my build with Lucy and Koleda
>roll for the first time since Ellen
>suddenly 3 new agents to level up
>negative resources already
Doesn't DaWei want me to care about every banner?
Bro ur double denny coffee
Purchase the BP stupid gweilo
i probably pulled 20 times anby now
fucking trannyhoyo
why dont give you characters you have c6 full? why not give you characters you dont have?
That sounds like a long term brick move.
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Insane clear anon
I played the beta for this game and I did not like it, and I'm not going to play it, but damn I keep seeing that fucking rat every where and she's sexy. She's really fucking sexy. You homos finally won one
Suit yourself. Gameplay has always been secondary for me when it comes to gacha games. I hate the industry, but they are incentivized to design the most appealing characters.
No one cares about your Piper btw
>I did not like it

You like it.
what the fuck is the difference between
>basic attack: enchanted blossoms
>flash connect
>basic attack: enchanted moonlit blossoms
which nigger thought it was a good idea to have identical names
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I mostly agree. Although I don't think it's too much necessarily, Seth will have his own 100AP buff on when he's building Shock after all. But I do think that the people unhappy with the disorders probably have a bare bones Seth and maybe a middling Grace and are expecting a built Jane to just override all that. Doing a Jane stun team or double support team is certainly less investment.
I care
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It should cost 40 2bh
thanks piperbro
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I care as well
Zhu rerun...
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Honestly now I’m just curious what avacado or a cilantro coffee tastes like. I thought some of the foods already in the game were fake but apparently no, Koreans and Chinese people do actual eat iced ramen
Not a good look "Piperbro" (singular)
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Can I get a blessing for rat
No one knows hopefully SP Tingyun if they are shilling super break
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kill futas
Avocado coffee sounds fucking disgusting.
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You good man?
You got it bruv.
Wisejeet seethe
Belle Futa is canon
Bless by Rata
Don't reply thats gig anti-loli schizo you can tell when it starts doing the (singular) shit
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Haha...now I have both Grace and Rina when I get Jane now haha
Kill all A rank avatartrannies
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Gay sex with Ben Bigger
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>piper is going to be irrelevant when jane comes out
those metafag anons are looking real quiet now holy shit
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Belle futa x Jane canon btw
How many pulls can I get before Jane leaves
Is this melty hours
its 90 pulls a patch if you have the pass
if you dont its a little under soft pity
a lot of the pulls were frontloaded or tied to shiyu so something around 30~ is left
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I'm not seeing it.
It doesn't help that Seths charge attack in which he applies the most build up is simply far too slow.
>Another 50/50 lost to Rina
The hidden rate up... it happened to me too
My odds aren't looking good.
>tfw free to play in mihoyo games is 180$ per year
Iced avocado coffee seems to be a pretty common thing based on a cursory search. But it's a sweet drink. Basically a shake/smoothie.
>mad at piperbwos
>mad at billybwos
I can't imagine being this invested on being mad on 4chins
So how much better is Jane's engine compared to the dicksucking lips one from battle pass? Because her dedicated looks fucking amazing.
Mihoyo has 5 gachas. So its 300 a year.
Just get the calendar and the occasional BP. Can cut it down to like 100 or less a year.
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How do people solo clear quickly? Do I need to work on my Jane?
its a 10 second faster shiyu clear
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bwo..... your rage...... your hatred.....BWO.........
it's $60 a year stop buying the BP the balls are worthless
an M2 jane here cleared in under a minute solo
God I Iove him so much
I get not dying but where does this damage comes from. Am I just bad?
You pay 300 dollars for dupes
/zzz/ bros, how suboptimal is a nekomata + Jane Doe team? I just like my fast flashy attackers.
There is another way
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At M0? They likely have her weapon. If you have absolute shit for AP substats you're starting a leg down. If you don't' have at least her Core E unlocked for the extra AM you're also likely fucked.
Ah, mine's M0 but I do have her weapon.
You can clear with literally any team in the game
dont worry about le meta its unironically completely irrelevant
The Sha of Mibibi.....
I heard the balls were decent, also I think it's more about the mats than the balls
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>it's $60 a year
When they add ZZZ to the Galaxy Store it's gonna be much less
>he invested money into this game
lmao even
???? Why is the pass one dollar.
What am I looking at here
Gook store coupons (for Amerifats only)
$95 of in app purchases bought for $36
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>got promoted
yup Salad and Burnice coming home baby
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grats Cunnydon bwo...
she's such a little bimbo i love her
noooo you NEED to pull for m2 r1 rat to stay on curve NOOOO
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Sharing my deep fried chicken with Ellen!
Based Jollibee bro
2 more weeks till we get power creep
>FF 2 weeks from now
2 more weeks till we get power creep
>FF 2 weeks from then
2 more weeks till we get power creep
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>Support ultimates give 10 energy to squad, additional 20 to next character swap
Holy fucking shit I didn't realize.
So that's why my disorder team feels so fucking clunky, I kept fucking ulting with Grace.
Holy shit I'm retarded.
I can't fucking believe it.
You don't even need a fucking energy disc WTF.
I guarantee you that guy has spent more money on the game than you or me
It's only a matter of time until they start ramping up the content now that everyone has built level 60 characters. I still can't clear HSR end game because I started late and the content is tuned for players that had over a year to perfect their relics.
I'm guessing we'll get more story content along with Caesar's banner?
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kotbwo....... nyo.....
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but the metafags told you she was a brick
m0r0 jane compared to other phys options isn't a significant enough upgrade compared to the power increase other 5*s provide, and the 50% elemental weakness multiplier encourages horizontal investment.
she's a fine option for dolphins that are going to pull everyone anyway but hardly something f2ps need be concerned about
she is pretty hot though got to give her that
are there any B Engines worth saving?
HSR is nowhere near that difficult. Just having E0S1 dps with their supports let you clear in 4-5 cycles (you get 10).
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Roll for her.
yeah anomaly units ults dont do any damage either
its good for buildup but so is more energy to do your ex
>seanigs are clearing 1st phase with billy and piper teams in under a minute
>my fully invested m1r1 zhu yan/m1r1 qin team is like 1m 10 seconds
what the actual FUCK dawei
>80 pulls
>lose 50/50
>another 80 pulls
>just so i can swap to her for 2s then swap out
how about i roll for characters that you actually get to play
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My wife.
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25k jims locked and loaded
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>SEApoor hours
>A rank coping begins
Yes. New location too.
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Threads without schizos are actually really good
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…but its 6:30pm in NA?
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>Shark written in English on her tail so that only someone on her right can read it
Does Ellen have someone else write that on her tail every morning? Or did she have unironically tattoo "shark" on her tail? No way she's contorting to do it herself every day.
Actually might be the most autistic character, since she also must have a huge book of stickers to keep reapplying them to her tail as well.
How generous is this game when it comes to handing out gibs? I just got into the game and got Lycaon as my first S. Im not particularly fond of Furries so Im considering to reroll.
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Does disorder damage ignore elemental type?
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Almost 300 rolls saved, her and unique ball locked in. She's the most fun character I've played on the beta so far, rat feels floaty and without any impact in comparison. Parryfags > dodgesissies
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the filipinx meltie won't happen for another few hours bwo
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He's very good, and he's a good man...
pretty bad if youre unlucky
just buy a nice starter account
you wouldnt understand gyaru fashion
I'm within 20 pulls from Jane hard pity, is Caesar any good without her engine?
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Disorder is based on the damage of the previous anomaly and all the resistances and defense and such all factor in
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I need Caeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesar
its calculated based on the anomaly that youre disordering
if you disorder shock on an electric resistance enemy it would do less than normal
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>complain about hitting high pity
>spend money
>suddenly start getting low rolls on S ranks
It's really that easy
so rat is a skip right now because they dont know how to make an anomoly character right now?
That's not cool. Even if HSR is relatively generous, it's still a hoyo game.
Jane is really in love with belle... Confirmed after her trust events, canon as fuck
Depends on luck. I got Rina and Lyceon as my first S ranks from standard and never actually used them. But then I rolled 3 S balls (including Brimstone+Hellfire, the single best general Attacker and Stunner balls out there), pulled Zhu Yuan and can blow up every boss in a single stun.

If you're not too far in you can restart, but I would personally just take it, half the fun in these games is making due woth your shitters and getting that dopamine rush for when you do get lucky and everything works out in the end.
You can use a random S-Rank stun ball and miss out on a passive entirely. But all the available other options are far worse than her own.
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Finally got her bros
they know
she is the last of the 1.x bricks
coming next are off field anomaly characters burnice and yanagi that will break the game wide open
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Caesar is broken as fuck
SoC is for strengthGODS
STR >>>>> DEX
Not very generous. You get a decent amount of chromes/tapes just by playing the game, but not enough for limited banner assuming shitty luck.
If you're f2poor, building up good A-ranks are your best bet. There's no content in the game that requires strictly S-ranks at the moment.
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>"but I have to get close to the screen until my nose touches..."
I think Ben is my favorite characters from chapter 2 so far.
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Imagine if Billy dynamic wallpaper was him polishing his treasured guns with happy emoji on his face.
i dont get it
how do i proceed?
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how do comps work in this game
I want to use the rat slut but also like Grace, is that a bad combo? what kind of threesomes should you be building?
The exploration part of the game with the little tvs is gay, especially the version with the shitty rogue like cards. They should axe it and expand the store management into a full video store tycoon game with some combat and T&A on the side.
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>You can use a random S-Rank stun ball and miss out on a passive entirely
Is Impact important enough to put an off-class ball just for more of it? Only the shield scales with Impact yeah?

>Caesar is broken as fuck
Even with a cope ball? That's really the only factor that makes a difference here, since Jane's banner giga fucked my polychrome.
Fatal Frame that shit
I am a first day player real f2p and got all first three limiteds and even managed to lose the coin flip on Jane

(Ellen came out on the first 10 lmao, Zhu and Qinyi lost the flip and I think I hitted max pity for at least 3 of those
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>90 pulls to get one (uno) Seth engine
Holy fuck
Yes even with a cope ball she mogs every support AND stunner in the game by a 400 attack and 30% damage buff
While also giving shields and stunning faster than koleda.
is burnice A rank and cesar S Rank?
press r and kill the ghosties i think
its been a while since i played that chapter so im not sure
based skipGOD
whats the damage formula for this game?
use the night vision mode bro
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How do you guys decide which discs to fodder?
Heavy DR, build for anything other than main stat
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its in the OP
in the important links theres a whole doc
night vision doesnt do anything on he ghosts tho
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Bro did let your dog play and only takeover on that part?
Two+ defensive stats
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made for futa belle
whats a damage formula?
Name one good character from Genshin or HSR that came out in the first 4 patches.

Ellen, Jane, Zhu and Jane are brick material and Ellen even started not being good enough where M6 5* started mogging her.

In one year you will have these characters you won't even will want to use because its only 3 slots per team despite having the HSR schedule of two limited per two weeks.
post source first
try walking on them with your nightvision avatar thing it should kill the ghosts
I don't help anyone who calls my wife "rat slut"
3 dump stats is insta fodder the fourth doesnt matter
2 good stats 3 liner is a +3
2 dump stats + crit 3 liner is a +3 cause I love gambling
too many questions, be more specific or use google
Will we eventually kill Nineveh? / Will she be replaced by another ethereal?
Hmm that does sound pretty nice. I suppose Caesar's buff can make middling agents good, and great DPS agents down the line even better. As long as her ball isn't locking away like half her functionality I guess Caesar is the safer pick long term.
Days go by, time after time.
Years go by, full risk for life.

I need more than a conversation
A fix to repair this situation
A billion times for repeat this section
To dig it, drill it, smash it, reveal it

My hands get dirty, my shirt gets sweaty
In a race to get much lower, this must be a better day
It turns out its the best day, yes
This would be a better place for us to live (okay)

Sister, Brother, I work even harder
Release the hammer, brace the trigger
We don't need a little, all I want is a lot
We are all together much more stronger (yeah)

Wiggle around, where maybe a stone?
From blood to bone, I bet you know.
Working hard all day long.
We are all together, you won't be alone.

One day and another day.
Hit the ground and the floor shakes.
Can't get burned and get further
The hope for the future is never really over

Count the time, up the time
So sweaty in the work but the heart is glowing.
Nobody ever told you, but it could be right
Sometimes there's not a problem but you have to fight.
Depends on how good she is as a stunner. I kinda want to try her with Corin since i don't have Rina and there's probably no physical support for several months. QY would still work just fine for my Anton and ZY teams so it would be perfect if she could trigger Corin and Lucy passives.
based Futa chad
When will we get the inevitable "humans are actually racist to thirens, and how to fix race relations" mission? Before or after we get a black character?
What is so great about a parry defender?
Everything after the first line doesn't exist
Dont ever call that slut by her name ever again.
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The sound effect
dodge counters are so flaccid in comparison to the nice metallic clang
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I usually hate engrish rap but this grew on me
Low Field times and off field buffs
You can actually do damage since they don't hog your field
This exact scenario is why I'm using my 3 stared rabbit ass engine lol.
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what comp should I run given the fact I want to use the cow slut
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Controversial opinion, but I think that Belle is extremely cute
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Why is there so much incest porn of belle and wise
Belobog best faction
The only good character there is Himeko and thats an accident.
>not melting
off model trash
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
canon pairing
She builds phys anonaly, Grace builds elec anomaly, when you trigger anomaly you get damage, when you superimpose another anomaly you get big damage, Seth gives anomaly buffs.

Do the math yourself.
One thing I really like about ZZZ's disks is that you can upgrade them right when you get them, and if they roll bad you just mark them for discard and get most of the materials back.
It's really convenient.
The ball does make her a lot better its just that baseline she's uncontested the best unit in the game
If you're metafagging skipping her is absolutely not an option
Robo sex.
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So... Why did Jane flop outside japancuck?
Calcs say Grace is worse than Lucy.
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What's the gas mask for? She doesn't even fucking wear it ever.

>inb4 it's for driving a motorcycle
Why would you cover your mouth but NOT your eyes. Dumb retard bitch
Wait Caesar is a defender? I thought she was a support for the fire slut. I love big swords and shields

Whats her kit? Ideal teams?
Half her kit is worthless garbage (shields). Caesar is just bait before their first actual S rank Support (Ruan Mei/Kazuha of the game).
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Its for roleplaying
so is it okay to have multiple of the same type? I was assuming you needed anomaly + support + stun or something like that
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I liked those coin collection challenge in HZ because I get to see Qingyi's ass while she was running all over the place.
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>Not posting the superior girl
And here we fucking go.
is there anything that describes how pen works? no mention of it in the guide
Anomaly needs another anomaly trigger. Stuns are better in straight dps teams. You can still fit a stunner there if you want the retard stop dancing around the atafet
Shields with interruption resist are good for the few characters that might want to facetank some attacks, like Piper or Ellen if you're going out of your way to hold her 3rd BA.
how do i unlock immersive Tactical Drill?
Where's the robot?
It's useless. Just don't worry about it. Only usable on Rina.
it reduces enemy defense by the amount you have
it stacks additively
problem is theres no resource to check defence values of the enemies so you cant accurately say how good it is
Just speak to green hair girl at HIA. Think there may be a level req though
Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Fischl, Zhongli, Childe, Hu Tao, Jean(got better) Xiao(got better), Sucrose
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We don't even have a damage summary at the end you want actual values lmao.
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>Ben Bigger
I can't escape her
Stuns are complete shit for Jane. You want bosses attacking you to rebuild Passion. Only reason Qingyi is good is because her big stun multiplier somewhat makes up for it.
Eh, I'm F2P (real) so I just think Caesar buffing my 4 star agents will probably be better than going all in on Jane, since the buff is generic so it can work with any element. Finally my Anton will be good! *huff's copium*
Is Jane's w engine necessary
using a chain attack puts you into passion state retardbwo
Them being close got some people's notice, but I think the dinner after a long walk on the beach stuff AND Belle getting angry when Wise thought he was going to hug Grace (complete with the 'don't tell my sister' line) set it off.
The writers HAD to know what they were doing.
No one rolled for M1?
it is literally a 10 second faster shiyu clear
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I didn't roll nor plan on doing so for rat
don't let copers tell you otherwise it's a 30% difference
Reminder that zzz thinks hsrg are our best allies. Thoughts?
yeah i cant see it
Don't roll for cones unless you are skipping an entire patch next.
>wasting a shit tonne of time onfielding stunner instead of just pingponging Jane and Seth assists
RetardGOD, Jane wants to be building and dumping passion frequently. Any stunner not called Qingyi has no business ever being onfield in a Jane team.
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
Copers are still S clearing SD without it
back to discord troon
This is a reddit game bwo it's the same shit
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keep your aislop to yourself
its good when its good. As long as theres no bodily mutations in the drawing, who cares what the artist is?
It's pretty massive. 30% multiplicative dmg boost over the next best option.
Qingyi is awful with Jane and get me the slower clear time what you guys are smoking
Yes nobody has ever said otherwise. Stop putting stunners in your aliment team.
are you telling me I can save TEN SECONDS thanks da wei
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Don't forget the
>80 pulls for the engine
>lose the 75/25
>another 80 pulls
Nice tits, but not worth it
I regret rolling for rat
I blame you fuckers for fomoing me into her
people are also clearing SD in 30 seconds with billy
30% by mihomo weapon standards is huge, any other engine is cope
based GayHoyo slopper
Its technically 65-70 pulls since its impossible to reach 80.
What's the point of playing this for 3 more weeks? No content, shit events
>30 seconds with billy
how will whales recover from this
Yes. It even changes her UI bar to have two circle indicators in it.
i'd just tell you to skip her desu and not fall for obvious whalebait, especially with caesar next
cope engine jane and skipping caesar is historic levels of brick
Heh, we got another one

Enjoy your Brick Doe, she'll be completely useless in 1.5 patches. You only ever roll for early support characters, enjoy her getting completely mogged by Burnice and then Yanagi right after.
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Which skill points should I prioritise for Qingyi?
I was kind of tight on the resources a few weeks ago, but it's time to really build her up.
I have the opposite experience but it's not enough of an upgrade in comparison to the crit burst characters.
basic >> ex = dodge >>> chain/ult = assist
everytime I see the HIA girls I need to immediately masturbate
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Classic Jane post-pull clarity. Many such cases expected the next few days
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>wuwajeets seething
Thanks Anons
Does elemental weakness even matter.
>its impossible to reach 80
Stop lying, luckshitter
Do I need to show you what a fucking bell curve is retard
>Pulling Zhu Yuan expecting her to not get power creeped
Small brain
>Pulling Zhu Yuan so that she can be your store promoter and getting more ether skill mats everyday over having Nicole promote
Galaxy brain
dont take my word for it, listen to /ourguy/
As the other anon said it's hard to quantify and compare since it depends on the stats of the target. Generally it gets stronger the more of it you stack and the higher the level of the enemy. Currently you can mostly ignore it unless you have Rina or are using Grace with Fusion Compiler or both.
I should buy a lottery ticket since I've done the impossible 3 straight banners
>pulling any character before they release the void hunters who will one shot entire rooms with 0 support
Her tits should NOT be this big. When’s the next survey? they should be bigger
The answer is sex
Wait, is impact not a substat for discs?
On the weapon banner? Thats like 1 in 100 million. You sure you just didn't 10 pull close to 80.
Give me your top 3 things you look in a character before you roll, in order
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Stupid sexy Belle...
Anyone who says they "hard pitied" is a liar, plain and simple. You are more likely to win an irl lottery then that.
Her arm is too thin
Nice bazongas tho
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Caesar soon...
Jane doe killed this game, all the for (you) chads are gone...
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When exactly did qingyi figure out the siblings are phaethon? Was it during the ch 2 interlude? or during story quest?
Who would Caesar replace here?
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My bad thought we were talking about the character banner
Personality (ratio of Tits and Ass)
Seth obliviously
WTF my JANE did 6 GORILLIONS damage
The siblings are Phaethon?!
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>building Seth when the KING comes in 17 days
You will never get the Dennies, xp, chips and components back
Damn, outclassed in just one patch.
no, entering passion still just gives one jump, M1 just increases the max stacks to 2
Literally used 80 rolls you stupid to reach the first 50/50 mother fucker
I think at first it was high probability suspicion.
Then later it became obvious when she merge with Eous.
This banner is giga whale bait
in order of importance
chest size evaluation using the school grading scale
% of covered vs exposed skin
element + class combinations
SEApags twitards are poor bwo
how come the 8% crit rate from 2p woodpecker gets added to your stats immediately on the stat screen but the 20% crit damage from chaos metal 4p only gets added ingame?
More like 30 days.
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1. Fat Ass
2. (See 1. above)
3. (See 1. above)
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Jane typically has three types of teams:
1. DPS/Stunner/Support. Where Jane acts like an attacker character with a support character (or Seth) who boosts her damage with a buff and a Stun character who hops on field from time to time to stun the enemy and boost Jane's damage for a time via the stun damage multiplier.
2. Double Support hyper carry. As above but no stunner. Just two supports that spend the minimum time they need to buff Jane's damage and then fuck off-field.
3. Disorder. Jane plays alongside another Anomaly character who serves as a subDPS (e.g. Grace). The two anomaly characters trade back and forth inflicting their status effects and getting Disorder procs for extra damage whenever they do so. The third slot can be a support(or Seth) or stun character here. This is the hardest team to play and gear of the three.
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Siblings are just normal small business owners. Stop spreading lies
1. Sex appeal
2. If the character is cool
3. Moveset
because one is conditional
My Seth is C4W2 and i was gonna skip Ceaser anyways.
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Jane is good
Hey Belle I'm going to bed, wake me up if something happens.
Don't stay up til late
Too late wise, belle is fucking with jane
1. Female only
2. Whether or not they are for me
3. How young and cute they are

I've skipped every character except ellen and will probably keep skipping until EoS
You just linked an 11 hour stream
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This is going to be a laughable amount of damage a few months from now
>because one is conditional
it's not? it says 20% crit damage and you automatically get it as soon as you enter battle
NEPS > Trans of Calydon
Yeah that is how gachas games work if that is new for you
Does Wise goes to bed early jf you play as Belle?
The idol cunnies dont pass your criteria? Granted, we dont know if they are for (you), but playing gachas without having characters to look forward to pulling feels like torture
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>laugh in a year
Reddit hates cops thoughbeit
But they love sons who look like girls.
I only see shipshit of cops on reddit.
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You get that cheevo easily in hollow zero bro
>we dont know if they are for (you)
Every faction has a mandatory male character, and the idols are probably going to have a male manager so they obviously won't be for (You)
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Play Billy instead.
they share a single bed.
That will be good for twitter
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>inb4 MC is the manager
Character archetype (ie tsundere, onee San, kuudere, genki, etc)
Character design (sex appeal)
How many fanfic-esque romantic situations I can daydream with them
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Was it rape?
just cause lycaon is ellens boss doesnt mean shes fellating him in every cutscene. i do understand your concern, but mihoyo is probably not stupid enough to waste all the idols on manager shipping. even seth is only "paired" with jane at worst, leaving zhu and qingyi untouched
Good morning saar
Her tits are covering the pity.
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Stupid Sexy useless Kot...
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Even other characters acknowledge it ingame
I got it outside of it thought
There's a lack of kot porn... I jerked off with all of them
AI slop
I will simply clear everything with my M0W0 Ellen and M0W0 Zhu Qingyi teams until John Mihoyo makes endgame hard
People really must've gotten filtered by the first Shiyu rotation for them to dial back the difficulty like this
Na you know he's secretly into it
i love my brown animal daughter. don't jerk off to her
>MC doing anything of significance in a mihomo game
We'll be lucky if their story chapter isn't from their manager's perspective with the MC not even appearing at all like Jane's
I can't stop sorry
How long until I'm out of the tutorial? I just did the Hollow Zero intro and met Miyabi.

Incidentally, that segment of the story (the ambiance of the military base, the giant marluxia hollow and realizing the vision the MC gets from fairy is Hollow Zero imploding) is what has finally gotten me invested on the game's story.
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What are you going to do to stop me?
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wtf shes giant
anyone commission futa manhandling doujins yet?
you got memed
at this point the entire game is a tutorial then
Pixiv, the majority of Jane's porn is futa
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Why do you guys always think unlikely = impossible? btw check the global stats for this banner if you don't fucking believe me.
>Rolling for an ugly brick male
i shant
Female, ass and boobs
>anyone commission futa manhandling doujins yet?
Yes plenty, Jane's primary audience is transwomen so...
NTA, but actually not AI. I check every artist now because I'm shit at detecting AI. Don't care for the style though.
>People really must've gotten filtered by the first Shiyu rotation for them to dial back the difficulty like this
Was the first Shiyu really that hard? I thought that was mostly because people were running level 50 characters with shit disks
I'm a straight male and I jerk off with Zhu/belle futa with Jane.
When you finish Koleda quest.
Wata noun...
egg_irl moment
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I don't know how the other VAs sound because I use the JP audio, but I love how Koleda's voice is tough, hot-headed and serious, very fitting for her look. I was afraid when I saw her she was gonna have the obnoxious high-pitched kiddie/loli voice, thankfully instead I got Ryuko Matoi.
If everyone is reaching 80 its more likely the dev team fucked somewhere. Even more likely considering how much have they fucked up in the past code wise.

Hell even HSR had fucked rates until they acknowledged it.
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the shiyu “buffs” were absolutely fucked
compare that one to what we have now
I had 3 level 60s and I barely cleared
Give it a try.
>for them to dial back the difficulty like this
I love it when retards think content is getting easier when it's actually just their characters being better built. Gonna enjoy the tears when your characters hit a plateau and suddenly you can't clear anymore because it gets more difficult every patch.
Is Mihoyo more generous in Honkai 3rd? How do they treat their niche, less popular games? ZZZ doesn't have as much widespread appeal as HSR or GI because of the "problematic designs"
She sounds awful in english
Is it worth rolling on the weapon banner for Seth's signature or is the BP option good enough?
ogey status?
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>level 60 was a must
>ether weakness
The only ether character out at the time was nicole, such bullshit.
>Is it worth rolling on the weapon banner
It was that but also there were more cancerous modifiers for the first two rotations
The very first one had you do less damage to elites and bosses as long as regular mobs are on the field
Koleda sounds bad in the EN version, she's the only voice I actively dislike. Would have been better if they used a generic low pitch American female voice. Her voice sounds growly, like she permanently has phlegm on her throat.
These enemies don't have enough HP to showcase actual DPS differences. They have just enough to get instantly deleted by a superbuffed ultimate from the M1W1 Qingyi and Nicole combo, which works perfectly for Billy.

By the way this is impossible without them because Nicole generates decibels faster than any other character in the game and M1W1 Qingyi amps damage more than any other character.
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the guarantee is at 90 not 80 you retards. i have several over-80s already
wooow you had both limiteds and were abusing them with their shill buffs on their respective weakness sides
Nope. It's probably the worst one. I tried to pick it up to learn all about the expys to other games, but the entire experience was awful. Dated as fuck and greedy too.
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sir you've never even met Wise
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It is literally impossible to hit 90 pity, no one has ever hit it in Genshin or HSR
hey at least im not a stupid meta faggot who used the furry
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corin can't catch a break
Yes his signature is really good
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POV: incoming molestation
Wtf my belle is fucking with Jane while sethcuck is sitting in the cuckchair
wasnt disorder bugged to not cause daze too?
lol what a fucked up shiyu
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>JPfags coping again because their koleda sounds like a shonen protagonist
It's not "everyone", it's literally just me. I'm the ONE person that went to 80 for it according to their stats (which granted is only the people that bother to upload their pull data, but still). My point was exactly what I said, unlikely does not mean impossible.
Weapon banner is 80 retard.
>rolled both limited 1.0 dps
>not a metafag
ok bro
i wish i was eous
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You feel more appeal towards a character because of their facial expressions alone? Maybe its autism.
>pic related
Is there a compilation of all the Billy solo clears?
bold of you to assume it was a bug
they were just shilling their atk - stun comps
That's called a typo, retard
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I said I love the JP voice, how am I coping?
thatd be absolutely nefarious and bordering illegal
so far for the course for a gacha I guess
cope more, coper
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Why is Koleda so fucking hot?
She sounds like a cute tsundere tomboy.
I'm an ENfaggot but Koleda sounds genuinely awful.
Sorry bro.
We already know JPfags are all gay and love it when their "girls" sound like men, no need to repeat it
Wouldn't I swap to a different language if I was "coping" with a terrible VA?
They are the cuck nation
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Holy shit how is grace even a 5 star? She builds up anomaly so slowly compared to piper.
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>the only limited so far without a resource bar gimmick is Caesar
Make a new, fun, unique gimmick for ZZZ's savior: Mibibi.
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*Blows up*
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I didn't say she sounded like a man, I just said I like how hot headed she sounds, I'm confused. Also wouldn't it be JP voice acting that would have the most common amount of young female characters that have high-pitched voices? I'm not sure if it's a proper stereotype that JP voice acting makes little girls sound like men.
I am so bad at this game.
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>4 hr old bread
doesn't danbooru steal all the good shit off pixiv anyways
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>I didn't say she sounded like a man
Yeah but I did, and she does. You're just coping about it.

>tranny the rock image
No surprise there.
Danbooru steals everything from Twitter
do combos, chains, and quick assist to fill her bar full of sword icons. these are called summoned swords.
normal special converts swords into energy.
ex special with full energy to activate devil trigger
grace is easily the worst s rank in the game desu, but its funny how no one talks about it
She doesn't have a W-Engine that boosts her builup rate. I gave her my (second) Jane W Engine and she Shocks much faster now for quickswap Disorder teams
If she straightened her hair it would be an instant nut
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She's so TINY! I love this red piranha
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the only thing danbooru is good for is collecting translations of jp in one place.
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flat chest
its a deadly combo
Piper does a good job of it too god I want to rape them all
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>>4 hr old bread
Cuckrat killed this game. Hope it was worth it, shiptroons
I don't understand why she has shark teeth
>test dps in Shiyu 10
>Jane team clears 20 seconds faster than both Ellen and Zhu teams despite being physical resistant.
The rats are winning.
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Sexdoll agent when
big tits I guess
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this is taking a while
>>4 hr old bread
slow thread is preferable to having a schizo infestation desu
bro your qingyi?
>powercreep character clears faster than powercrept characters
No shit retard. By next patch you'll be making the same post about how [new character] clears 30 seconds faster than Jane.
skill issue
grace as your only S rank lets you beat shiyu 17 side 1 in well under a minute >>493440123
They should have brought her over. Our herta and SU sucks, I don't even remember her name.
I like her best in chinese, myself.
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Bro your QY?
dogshit agent, already replaced by rat
Twitter banner, deserved
you can do it anon
i believe in you
Is it wrong to be attracted to lucy
Doesn't mean much, I saw a video of someone soloing that with corin.
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Imagine unironically hating HIM
Ratcucks BTFO
We love Billy here
It's not even powercreep. Once SD stops shilling physical, Ellen and ZY will be on par with rat.
piper carried, disorder is a meme btw
Wish QY had been more similar to her. She really could have used some more joints to carry her robot theme across.
Who's the most sex NPC so far?
Sex doll=/=sex robot
My wife Venus
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fake fan, if you really loved him he would've been maxed instantly
the flower store girl
billy is unironically more fun gameplay wise than the rat
im not even a billyfag
Coco or Susie
what does her ass smell like?
id like to see m1 piper and m0 lucy clear as fast with anybody else as the last slot
How is SD shilling physical right now?
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>all these coco spouting normies
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Date? With a RAT?
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you can't call that maxed bwo, you need +16
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Coco, however the box galaxy girl deserves an honorable mention
have you tried getting under a minute?
every second past 1m30s gets exponentially harder
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This corny familial bonding stuff is my type of fluff, helps me know I'm not a completely jaded asshole
Yes, she's in love with you
are all the pink hair characters in ZZZ whores for dennies?
I'm poor, my ratwife understands.
I like to watch
red yotsuba
Shut up Seth
We know, Wise
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Where's seth? I just want to use the shielder mats I have
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Rina or Corin should've been a creepy doll. But maybe we a goth loli faction in the future.
>are all the pink hair characters...whores
in the cuckchair watching belle and Jane fucking
he gets added when the banner ends
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>Me when my annoying kid is trying to interrupt me while I mock minorities online
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>implying this shit didn't sound kino as fuck

shit taste, all of you
Caesar in 3 weeks bwo
Thanks, I guess it's a 2 week wait
I want to sniff her loli butt
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Nicole is pure
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Hags in this game are something else
the robot lady ar Pubsec
And virgin
that's right
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Lost her father to cryptoscams, tragic
Nicole is the purest maiden in the game after Anby
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That's gonna be this generation's hags in a few years
its hoyo, uber jewish
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>Koleda tells you she got her dad's hair and her mom's height

Based dad, though it makes you wonder what happened to mom, and why Koleda was missing an eye so young.
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Wow this thread is fucking dead
Jane really did kill the game, huh
Anbyshill on suicide watch
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I've done everything in the game I wanted to do
still can't trust event Piper games dead until Caesar
I didnt flopped at day 1 unlike FLOPin FLOPact new nation
koleda is so hot bros
this game needs more loli tummy
Is this the asian version of ebonics
What do you expect? 0 content for 3 weeks
Neko's kinda cute ngl
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Umm excuse you? Hebeshin Hebepact's current banner is selling MILLIONS and saved the game
>so Im considering to reroll.
I 100% would.
Good luck on your new account bro hopefully you don't get furfag jumpscared a 2nd time.
canonically not for (you)
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Lectoure is so lucky...
everyone is waiting for kinich
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Sisters... I don't think you're in a position to cuckpost Genshin considering who your current banner character is....
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I'm glad that I lost 50/50 to her c1, but also mad I lost 50/50 to begin with, jew ass company
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I must be the only one who likes her english voice
If they replaced her growly gremlin voice with some generic one like they did with soukaku I would be pissed as hell.
based gigger
Are genshin players gay? Shes the most naked genshin theyve ever made and no one rolled
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>everyone shows off their kill speeds in Shiyu where they get massive buffs
>no one shows off kill speeds in the Notorious Hunts
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Please don't make fun of our retarded little brother. Not their fault this game is dogshit
I don't find her all that attractive. She's naked in a national geographic kinda way, not erotic at all.
miyabi will save the game
I like English Koleda, but after I swapped to JP and heard her JP voice I never want to go back to it. She sounds like a completely different character.
It's not bad, and I know a lot of people hate that sorta rough voice for hebes/lolis, but I don't dislike it. It's just that JP Koleda suits her actual personality better.
Although the reason I swapped off of dub is because Soukaku makes me want to shove a q-tip as deep as it can go into my ears.
Yes, all the straight males players in Genshin prefer boys in shorts now. The fujodevs succesfully converted them.
she wont brick me fuck her
come home you bitch
Who should I plan around getting for my standard 300 pick? A little ways away still but I like planning in advance. Currently have
>M0 Lycaon/Grace/S11
>M0 Ellen/Jane
and am playing Ellen+Lycaon/Jane+Grace as my two teams. Do Grace or Lycaon benefit enough from M1 to justify picking them vs Koleda or Rina instead?
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So you don't find her attractive because you can't fantasize about watching her have sex with other men like you can with Jane?
the dumb spats ruin the entire design
Even a gigger is making fun of us
Thanks Jane for killing the game!
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I like her EN voice. But I understand why a lot of people don't. It's quite nasal sounding.
Which A-rank w-engine is the best for nekomata? I see the Gilded Blossom gives a higher value EX Special, but the starlight engine shares trigger with her passive and also boost the ult.
starlight as usual. you have to ex special as much as corin for blossom to be useful
yup, fuckin rat whore
Probably saarlight, giving her an atk% boost is pretty nice as her passive already covers a lot of dmg%
It's an acquired taste, you either love it or hate it, no in between I love it
I just spend 1000$
What did you buy?
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>ice attacker
Unless they rework her element/role, she's gonna get powercrept faster than Ellen, assuming she doesn't release in an already bricked state
>t's quite nasal sounding.
This is how you know the poster is a 3rd worlder.
She will save the game bwo twitterpags are rich!!
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They should let you ascend Aranks to S
I just want Piper to be on top of my character select screen
>Gilded Blossom
is equivalent to starlight, except its dmg is completely unconditional.
what is a stack of activity? I try searching up the stat/buff names and shit and I cant find anything
please call me a stupid bitch
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I spent 3K earlier today
Notorious hunt is all ice/ether weakness
its fucking bullshit honestly
Just give her the Kotball
does nothing in this game reset weekly for polychromes??
only the timed shiyu defense and hollow zero?
stacks of activity gives +15% ether dmg and +10 AP for 10s, stacks 4 times.
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I will never get tired of the cheeky and sarcastic AI trope in sci-fi
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buy chromosome gweilo
there are zero redeeming qualities of soldier 11 and she should be removed from the game completely as nothing of value would be lost
its not like clear times effect materials
This bitch needs to be put in a physical body and raped
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hello reddt
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>This bitch needs to put in a physical body and rape me
S11doesn't even have 4 poses like a real S-rank should. She probably got turned into an S-rank last minute.
They might add a favorting system later like the other games have at least.
>abubuht I always do exactly 1 ex move every single rotation alongside 4 basics and an ultimate
No. Shes my only other S rank dps and I dont have cope units like lucy or piper either
Whether you have 4 poses or not is basically random, not every S-rank has them either and a couple A-ranks do.
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Piper has 4 poses
They kneecapped my girl
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fuck you man
Seth is hot
Seth would feel less gay to play if he wasn't showing off his bare shoulders and pitpussies
I would say this is more true of Koleda. S11 at the very least is the sole fire dps for the time being.
koleda has personality
Are we the bad guys?
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gay faggots need not offer their opinons
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>He hasn't unlocked the secret date/sex scene
Don't tell me that now that I pulled koleda and her w-engine
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I want Koleda so fucking badly.
The only bitch I wanted from the start.
>aha look the damage is almost the same if you only ever basic attack 4 times per ex move
do spreadshitters REALLY
but enough about grace
i simp for koleda hard
Give her 8000
You will never be cute like this girl
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I'm still trying to make a Jane + Grace team work.

Its so fucking stupid, disorder seriously needs a HUGE dmg boost and a huge stun boost.
no shepard is just an asshole
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Dont listen to retards Koleda is sex and good
If I had her engine id have a 50 second clear fr
First of all your timespam is wrong
Second she didnt hit 80


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