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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7304 Young Love Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>493403728
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can't we all be friends?
>I'm falling free in the wind, in the wind. Free to be me in the wind, in the wind.
>As I sit, as I stand
By the table I command
My kingdom
I'm the Knight of the Wind

What's with this franchise obsession with the Wind™?
I don't know why anyone gives a shit about IDW characters, especially the dead ones
Sonic and Friends!
Cute monke!
>the monkey is 15 years old
>has the adult lids
>has the whore eyelashes
Really, the problem here is the arbitrary number assigned to her age, not mimic's
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Pray to Maria
Say Amen so that your sins will be forgiven
I don't ship, just don't be filtered by Amy and we cool.
i like the idea of a shadow who never accepted his past
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>your country
>your age
>character you most relate to
>your favorite ship
And I'll tell you what it says about you.
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They have fun designs and are meme material, I love them.
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Hey /sthg/, lend me your austism. List any and all inconsistences between Sonic 06, Rush, Rush Adventure, Rivals, and Rivals 2 about Blaze, Silver, Eggman Nega, and Marine.

Do it, pussies!
Nice try glowie.
Nice try glowie.
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>your country
>your age
>character you most relate to
>your favorite ship
Commit hara-kiri, Slopazebot.
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>United States
Don't really put myself in characters like that
Stopped shipping, but I respect Sonamy most.
Pyrrha Acorn rocks
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1) Sally and Nicole are perfect for each other, and I love them.

2) If you love the games so much, then go ahead and talk about them. Nobody's stopping you, but it is pretty damn noticeable how you whiny bitches get real quiet when game discussion actually does start up. A few threads ago, some of us started talking about the Gizoid Trilogy, and it was crickets from the complainers.

3) The Gizoid Trilogy fucking rules. Battle, Advanced 2, and Chronicles represent a potential ideal standard of Sonic storytelling. Also, can we get another Sonic JRPG, but this time with gameplay that's actually, y'know, good? That'd be nice.
Do you think SoJ assigns ships to IDW's team randomly, just to fuck with them?
A good design and potential are all you need. Do you think Shadow is popular because of his story? No. It's because he looks like evil Sonic and beats up Sonic. There's a LOT of potential in that
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You want to have lots of children.
You're black.
You're boring.
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Shadow, you're quite impressive. I never stood a chance against Black Doom, you're the only one who can fight him. I think I finally understand how a free spirit like myself can't surpass you. I thought it was because you had something to protect. I thought your drive to protect allowed you to take advantage of your capabilities... this may have been a reason, but not I too have this drive. I fought to do as I wished, because I love freedom and hanging with my friends. But he's different, he fights not to win but because he's the Ulitamte Lifefrom, causing him to break his limits and he really doesn't care who his opponent is. So when he didn't kill me, it was because he saw I can fight on his level, like I can now... Go Shadow, you're number one!
I think Surge, Kit and Starline are the only ones that have fun designs since they actually are colorful and vibrant like the game characters. Helps they were inspired by the game glitches, they also just look like they could had appeared the in the adventure era games
U. S. A.
Not thirty yet.
Silver, out of respect.(The original, not Uwuver.)
Human on blobian.(With kisses, cuddles, and marriage.)
damn, you're all old fucks
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wtf all these old people on this site????
would Sonic fuck a fat human woman?
>t. Underage
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>You want to have lots of children.
Yes. Lanolin is the goddess of fertility.
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>fuck off
>me and vodka
I'm vietnamese
Advance 3 genius.
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More cushion for the pushin'!
>You're boring.
I'm an old soul and enjoy quiet and alone, so maybe Big the Cat.
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Massive Sonic 3 leak from a guy who leaked a lot of Netflix stuff.

She's jealous of Sonic scoring Fiona first
Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
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None fo you faggots are old enough to have own a dream cast
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cute ai, btw.
You are middle-aged and probably fat.
You're a cuck, sorry.
You are middle-aged and definitely fat.
I meant spiritually.
Not enough information provided, please try again.
>Gay porn
Every time
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stop thinking about sex
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I think Fiona x Sally is better than Sallicole
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I think Tangle works when she's properly colored. Whisper being the dedicated wisp characters is neat, and she wouldn't need many changes to fit in, Rough and Tumble are also pretty cool even if a bit on the drab side.
Lanolin isn't really that special though, and I can only ever see her being a background character without some serious changes.
That's fake but my dick believes it
It's more interesting for sure.
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>/sthg/ cunts whine about how nobody talks about the games
>instead of talking about the games, /sthg/ cunts do some /r9k/ census poll
That is a really cute render of amy!
I don't know if they'd do her lashes like that or have them like Sonics but longer.
Now THIS is in-character.
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Jokes on you, I provided fake info.
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i don't know how to feel about this but i accept it
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Be the change you want, man.
Your favorite game, character you main as, mechanic, etc?
>Sonic 3&Knuckles
>Punching rocks, climbing, gliding
>Saudi Arabia
I provided plenty of information! You're just a god damn glowie like >>493434754 said!
Fuck you and fuck your datafarming!!!
>>Washington DC
>>Donut Lord
Best ship coming through.
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>colored hair
Why do you "people" insist on giving me so many reasons to hate you? Fuck.

Humans do not have technicolor hair. Are you fuckstains too fucking lazy to think for five goddamn seconds about what real hair color Amy goddamned Rose of all characters would have? Just make her a blonde, you useless twats. This is why I hate "artists" so much, because the blithering cunts do shit like this.
>You are middle-aged and probably fat.
Are you implying that I'm lying about my age, or that I'm going to die at 40?
I do like the idea of a Wisp centered character kinda how Cream is with Chao and Amy sometimes with the animal friends. Also to get the wisps away from the main cast
I just don't like Whisper herself, neither her design or personality
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>All the ones approved by SoJ
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You guys unironically doubted?
Can someone explain what makes this image of a CGI teenage hedgehog girl so sexually arousing?
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he said fuck off
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I don't give a fuck if anyone actually does talk about the games or not, the issue is that you lot bitch to high heaven about the lack of game discussion, but then you never actually engage in game discussion. Fuck OFF and shut the fuck UP. Goddamn.
Big bright eyes looking up at you with a relatively uniform, smooth face
Well, STEAKS are finally served
Rouge, Silver and Metalfags...it's over
Blaze had no chance
>"I talk about games."
That's the last time I'm trying to be nice about it, you hypocritical fucker.
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that image is begging for a blowjob edit
>I just don't like Whisper herself, neither her design or personality
Her design has some problems, but could definitely be salvaged with just a few tweaks.
Her personality however, was SUPPOSED to be a paranoid and overprotective mother wolf, who saw her old innocent self in people like Tangle, and was thus determined to do whatever it takes to prevent them from suffering loss the same way she had in order to protect their innocence, all while slowly learning to grow attached to others in spite of her fear of losing them again.
This was quickly flanderized into her crying over her past trauma and needing Tangle to play the role of therapy dog and cry rag, which fucking sucks.
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You might as well screech about anime as a whole since they al have technicolor hair.
If you made these characters without their hair colors the same color as their fur they would be unidentifiable.
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>A big place
>Big the cat
>kpop in sonic
Not him, let me guess, Russia?
shut up paedophile
worst timeline
Sonic never had celebrity music or cameos and we should keep it that way
Damn, I would suck those milkers dry and impregnate her with triplets.
Fuck your whoreshit whataboutisms. It's fucking stupid when anime does it too.

>If you made these characters without their hair colors the same color as their fur they would be unidentifiable.
Then Sonic characters are either poorly designed, or the """artists""" who do these humanizations are incompetent retards.
and who
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You clearly know nothing about designs. If you want goth colors go idk read Emily the strange and get the fuck out of this franchise.
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You gonna play a Sonic game today?
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imagine the smell
k, other big places I can think of are either America or Brazil, and it's not like Chinese post here.
Based Big enjoyer, I give you that.
I don't know where the fuck this Black Arms Saleta thing came from, all I know is that it's fucking retarded and I hate it just as much as I hate Shadow turning into a squid.
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>Mecha Sonic
squidow is cute, CUTE!
Will you stay around the rest of the thread? I can get you a blonde Amy if you want.
The news of it ain't.
Because Aleta Ogord and Black Doom have most of the same abilities and Saleta isn't a descendant of Sonic
I will probably finish Sonic Adventure tonight.
>your country
>your age
>character you most relate to
>your favorite ship
Metal x Amy (but also Shadamy)
>goth colors
Oh I see, you're just a brain damaged tard. That simplifies things, though makes the situation in no way more acceptable.

Imagine you not being an annoying cunt for once in your worthless excuse for a life.
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Use the fixed version
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>This guy again
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There's no way someone is attracted to on-model blobians. You must make them a little bit thicker or taller, you can't jerk off to them unless you're ill
>your country

>your age

>character you most relate to

>your favorite ship
Gadget x Lanolin's mom
is that the angry sonally guy who hates the games
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They look like plushies and that's fucking hot.
Then you can call me terminal
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Why does everyone believe a guy who leaked Arcane and Terminator Zero that Amy is in Movie 3?
Please keep the previous thread's drama in previous drama.
Most likely yes.
>grows angel wings
>"I will overcome every obstacle with this power!"
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Get better models sillyhead
Friendly reminder that it’s United States or United Statesians. America also means Brasil, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia and Argentina
I really hope you guys don't actually share information to strangers that could be used to build a profile on you in the future.
No it fucking isn't. It's cringeworthy DeviantArt whoreshit that should've gotten the idiot who pitched it shot in the knee. Fuck you and fuck your worst of the 2000s meme garbage.

Oh, so it's some schizo nonsense you morons pulled directly out of your sweat drenched asses. Context, shockingly, does not make this crap less stupid. Like, you retards realize that Black Arms eat people, right? Stupid cunts the lot of you.
There is a guy who complains about squidow all the time and when he first showed up here he antagonized everyone in sight by saying the games are all shit and Sonic team hasn't made anything good since the 90s.
He's also a hardcore Sonallyfag but we've all shipped worse.
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I really hope whisper kisses me soon
That's South America
Shut up alota
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>imagine the smell
>missing the smelliest Sonic character of all time
The United States of Mexico exist too

Luckily all those countries are irrelevant to the world at large
America also means Canada Mexico Nicaragua Cuba as well you gringo
>He's also a hardcore Sonallyfag but we've all shipped worse.
There's worse than tha--
Oh, right, THAT thing.
Emily the strange has black hair. You are thinking of lenore.
What is wrong with you?
There's nothing here in this thread that I haven't posted thousands of times elsewhere
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>All these under 30s
All this autism and terrible opinions make much more sense now
That's North America
>Why does everyone else in the Americas hate the United States?
>it couldn’t be because of the coups and threatening us
>no it can’t be!
When I turn 23 in 3 years I’m going to leave this website and never come back
I mean it's still true that Aleta and Doom share powers and Saleta isn't related to Sonic despite being a Sally descendant. I don't see the harm in headcanon based on coincidence.
I'm not interested in fighting about fanon anyways though so carry on I guess.
Squidow is cute. AND it works. People love squidow, and you are working in fast food or are unemployed for a reason.
>sharing information
I faked mine.
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Oh cool, I;m arguing with an illiterate retard who thinks I give a haypenny shit about whatever meme nonsense its spewing.

Here, I'll help you, since you're literally too stupid to pay attention to anything beside your own bullshit.
>Just make her a blonde, you useless twats.
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scribbles and dfwnn work for SEGA
Silver unlocks his Holy Powers
Alolans are in thus general
Both Tidal Tempest present soundtracks are relaxing.
You guys are going to take the bait. It's a Sonally baitposter from /co/ who's entire gimmick is shitting on anything he thinks people like as aggressively as possible to derail the thread.
He's also the person who likes posting images of Amy crying over Sonic being with Sally.
And you dumb fucks take the bait every time. He literally doesn't even pretend to have good faith arguments.
I also faked mine, anon-kun.
Give me all the digits on your credit card and I'll tell you what it says about you
>exp date
>your favorite color ( ˘ 3˘)
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He's finally becoming Cable
>He's also the person who likes posting images of Amy crying over Sonic being with Sally.
Based, Amyfags stay losing.

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I am the Butler image poster and no, I'm not from /co/, I just love Sonally. It's not my fault that it just happens to trigger Amyfriends.
scribbles is just obsessed with the black arms which leads to a kimba-effect whenever they're brought up in canon.
dfwnn is suspect though. He drew Super Sonic 2 before it was canon and Doom Morph Shadow 12 hours before it was announced.
>I don't see the harm in headcanon based on coincidence.
... The sheer fucking hypocrisy of you "people" never fails to find new depths.

>People love squidow,
People also love Toddlers in Tiaras and Tiger King. Feel free to have a point, retard.
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Give me you Social security, your address, your mother's maiden name, and a photograph of yourself, and I'll tell you who your spirit Sonic character is
>Video Game< General
This is not a comic general
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Look at him go! The ultimate lifeform!
The fact that you can ONLY perceive things through the filter of shipping betrays your mental immaturity. I love how you can't take any genuine pushback to your bullshit.

Also, I am not a Sonally shipper. Kill yourself.
Hypocrisy over what? You think there's some headcanon I hate?
It's already too late.

They posted a wojack making fun of my love for Blaze...
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>anything for you fangy-poo.~
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Remember when Sonic was good?
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I have a solution that may either piss off everyone for different reasons or make it better for everyone.
>Hypocrisy over what?
>oh, this stupid fanwank shit is fine though
Kill yourself.
>posts the worst part of the worst classic game
The only thing The Taker is getting from me is a dicking
Anon the human
Me x mobians
You're being a revisionist, I'll just post the original thing anytime I feel like doing it.
You're a Sonally faggot still seething that the freedom shitters are never going to get any media ever again and will be forgotten by the fanbase outside of autism pockets
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USS Missouri? idk

Uekawa Amy my beloved.
>"I'll just post the original thing anytime I feel like doing it."
You mean every day, in every thread and don't even pretend to post it in good faith?
But I like Archie's continuity. I rank Satam and Archie pretty high.
I think higher than the games at this point because I don't like any of the Sonic game stories of the last ten years.
I'm sorry if you think I'm another poster.
If the moon were suddenly teleported into the innards of Sonic the Hedgehog by Dr. Robotnik's technology, the result would be catastrophic. Sonic's entire body would be overwhelmed by the massive celestial body, causing immediate and severe disruption to his biological systems. The sheer gravitational force and physical impact of the moon would likely crush Sonic's internal organs, obliterate his cellular structure, and cause a massive explosion, rendering him an unrecognizable mess. The resulting chaos would not only end Sonic's existence but also potentially trigger a series of catastrophic events in the surrounding environment, destabilizing the planet and creating a new crater where Sonic's body once was.
If /sthg/ was a country, who would be the president and the prime minister of it?
who even like cd
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I don't think I can relate to any of them to be honest.
HMS Warspite Or Eggkat idk
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>post it in good faith
What the fuck are you talking about schizo, take your meds.
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of you giving Izuka a sloppy.
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Me, I would not enjoy the job
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What do you think of Shadow' car?
Kit gets stranded in the Sol Dimension without Surge and meets Marine. How do they interact?
>because I don't like any of the Sonic game stories of the last ten years.
This is an odd condition.
I don't know where the fuck this Black Arms Saleta thing came from, all I know is that it's fucking cool and I love it just as much as I love Shadow turning into a squid!
You know full well what I'm talking about, people keep calling you out of your posts. Several times.
SA1 Amy is pure kino. It's her best characterization so far.
Can it be an expired card?
>I'll just post the original thing anytime I feel like doing it.
That just paints a picture of what your intentions actually are and the definition of what Sallyfags like to separate themselves from Sonallyfags like you.
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He drowns her and moves on by himself
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>All these 18-25 year olds wasting their Friday night shitposting here
Good lord
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>Knocks her out
>Steals her water bike
>Makes ends meet as a sellsword/bouncer/merc, looking for a way back
Is it the game are bad, or are you just getting old?
It's the schizos that dislike Sonally, you're just being a bitch because you hate the ship.
Oh cry the fuck more, the previous thread was a thousand times worse. Are you stupid bastards seriously this fucking sheltered?

They don't. They're not allowed to interact because someone somewhere made jokes about Rush Adventure. Sega is sending goons to your house to correct your bad thoughts.
I like the actual games comicshitter
Search your heart for the answer
I love the adventure era plots. I never played the classics. I think fanfics are neat, but I personally am not invested in anything "canon" after colors.
I'm waiting for the day we actually get those stories back. Until then I really don't care for it. Even with spinoff content. When they say IDW or Prime or whatever is canon it's just all kind of meaningless buzz to me.
I should have said last 14 years.
SATBK was the last time I felt the feelings I expect to feel from a Sonic game.
I'm going to groom you into my latest weapon and ultimate soldier. Together we shall claim this world as our own.
So you're getting uppity because people don't like your ship?
Boo fucking hoo.
Dude I'm confined to a wheelchair. What the fuck can I do?
Now you're gaslighting me retard.
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This thread just started, it has plenty of time to get worse.
Marine gets really interested in being friends with him due to having Tails' smarts and his own water powers like hers, and gets pulled along with whatever antics she wants to get into while trying to figure a way back home to Surge.
You can roll yourself off a fucking cliff so I don't have to look at your shitposts anymore.
Shadow drives a motorcycle when he's out being cool

Shadow drives a car when he's transporting the Chao somewhere
Freedom faggots are never going to be canon. Archie Sonic was painfully OOC. Archie was just a shipping fanfic that was sold in stores.
Rig it up with CO2 cylinders.
Nah, there are people who genuienly don't like your ship.
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post based autism
nta but because I don't want to, what stops YOU from talking about them though?
Cute bun!!!
Answer the question you filthy coward.
Not sure why Butler was being a salty faggot here.
Kit would probably try to ignore her, but Marine would use her water powers to nullify his and just start following him around obnoxiously while he tries to find a way back.
I quit. I discuss Sonic CD and I get fucking accused. I'm never coming back again
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Archie is not Sonic at all
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I like robots.
Their designs are cool.
Pity that they are the designated villains because of their boss.
Now this is soul
Sonic CD is great, watch the profound 7 hour video essay on it on YouTube.
See you tomorrow.
I don't really want to either! I just want the retards who allegedly love the games to stop bitching about the comics and talk about the fucking games.

Like, do you SEE this shit? >>493441452 They're just bots, and it's annoying as fuck, and I am convinced that it's the mods and janitors doing this because it's only explanation for why they haven't been fucking banned despite this spammy whoreshit. Fuck.
No, I'm referring to this
>getting uppity because people don't like your ship
It's funny because it's mostly infatuated Sonamyfags getting seethe for no good reason. Most of the times we're not even discussing the ship, let alone Sally, but they bring us up out of the blue as if we were voices in their head.
Here's what's canon
>The games
Anything else is not.
It was a baitposter you idiots.
He is actively just looking for people to anger. If you try and have conversations with him you/re wasting your time.
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lol I'm actually thinking of flaking I'm not really in the mood to go out rn
based robo fan
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Same. I always felt bad about smashing them as a kid, robots are neat.
Nta, how could you possibly accomplish that through Sonic? Lmao
Don't go
Hell yeah robots!
The games are canon to IDW, but IDW is not canon to the games
>B-But Sonic mentions Tangle!
That could be any Tangle.
Pretty much most people despite how many zoomers shit on it because "It's le not Sonic 2 or 3.....". I still consider it the best classic Sonic entry because no other entry beats it in terms of stage design, pacing, and atmosphere.
Oh I'm sorry anon, haven't you heard? Sonic CD is bad actually and you're not allowed to like it because the retards who gatekeep this franchise the hardest don't actually play these games at all. It's 08th MS Team all over again.
Shadow drives such a dad car.

So it looks like Shadow spends his spare time teaching his Chao to be great as well
You probably don't remember The Great Sonamy vs Sonally Wars of 2000s, do you?
>That could be any Tangle.
Ok thanks for confirming you're just trolling.
Which leads to pirate sailing adventures with Marine and a reluctant Kit.
Yes I do remember, but I sometimes want to believe I'm discussing with manchilds and not actual children in this general.
At this point, he is obviously a baitposter anon.
>stage design
Wacky Workbench is the holocaust of Sonic levels
That's when the wars were the nastiest.. I mean the 90s wars were bad
Where the receipts?
Sexy rat... she's asking for it!
Seething Sonally faggot upset that the version of the character he few up with was wrong. They aren't "mobians". Sonic characters don't have hair. Sonic doesn't go on shitty adventures with a ragtag gang of freedom fighters. Sonic isn't a cuck. Eggman doesn't roboticize people. It's all a farce. When Sega saw this shit ruining their characters they shut it down. Faggots like you think Sonic should be tied down and married.
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Energy the Kamaitachi
why are you so angry?
I like black arms Saleta because Vegeta
I hope you're being ironic Sparky.
Sparky, have you made that 7 hour long Sonic CD video
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This cute little rat makes me feel things.
Times like these proves it's just best the FF are buried because they can't work in today's franchise.
Take the spikes off the shoes and this would actually be based
>"It's le not Sonic 2 or 3....."
Fuck it, it's time for a hot take. Sonic 2 is fucking mid, and I'm sick of pretending otherwise. Jank level design, shit bosses, and full of bugs. The only good part is the music.
Ironic about what!? What the heck is that supposed to mean!?
>didn't argue against me saying he doesn't works in fast food/ is unemployed
you need to go apply for a job and stop seething about squiddow
Then you shouldn't be surprised when
>Butler draws Sonally art
>draws Amy crying like a cuck in the background
>Amyfags and especially Sonamy fags get really offended over it
What were you expecting?
i just wanted everyone here to be friends
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What went wrong?

Spikes on his shoes was something that someone here recommended before. I was on the fence about whether I should include it or not, but decided I might as well to balance out the design or something.
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Yeah but the thing is I'm not posting on Reddit or Tumblr, but I guess people here are as retarded. I thought shipping wars in here were ironic.
The drawing does show her eating a person. \I'm all for weird shit tied to accidental similarities so I love it
Al and Cal should use Wisps or something.
I don't know how you can call him seething while seething
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Only the best of friends could talk this much shit about each other and still come back, brother brother
I like what you did with his hand/arm blades, but I'm going to agree that the shoe blades look a bit tacky, like they were glued on after the fact.
I also don't really like the split shoes, I know what you were going for, but they look weird just being a tennis shoe split down the middle.
Personally I'd either turn them into normal shoes, turn them into those weird athletic toe-shoes, or go full weeb and put him in ninja sandals. All of those would of course come with getting rid of the toe blades as well.
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You might've had better luck in 90s Yugoslavia.
This fandom has always been divided. And factions rarely get along.
Can't with retarded shipping superiorly complex spergs.
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Why aren't you using AI to make fake retro Sonic game covers?
There are co posters that hate the games and started coming here to shit on them. You can tell theyre older millennials because they're still insecure about edgy shit. Sally will never be a Sonic character.
Zavok didn't wreck Zazz guts
>"I thought shipping wars in here were ironic."
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The especially stupid part about said "war" is that both sides are wrong. Why would you want toxic drama bait when you could have cuddly softgirls who support each other through thick and thin? You do you, but I don't get it.

Because all of you are a bunch of obnoxious cunts who never shut the fuck up with your shitpost bullshit and forced memes. I hate all of you and I want you to smash your heads against the wall until your sorry excuses for brains become wallpaper.
Where's Movienia?
The Wii U
>but I guess people here are as retarded
I don't like people like Butler setting examples like that, he should fucking know better.
I feel like the shoe spikes look kinda awkward, detracts from the shoes which do pop well and already balance the design as they attract the viewer so not all attention is on the arm spikes, but you'll know best in the end
That's Kosovo.
squidow hater why do you hate it? monsters are cool. I don't get how it's "deviantart garbage". I'm sure deviantart posters love monsters and stuff but why is that bad?
Ai art steals from actual artists.
>Ai art steals from actual artists.
Who fucking cares.
>why would you want toxic drama when...
>I want to smash your heads against the wall
Anon. Seek help.
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This gives me Crash 3: Warped vibes.
Which prompts have you used to generate the image?
Go to your ai containment generals.
Your first mistake was coming here.
Your second mistake was staying here.
Actual artists exists to balance out all the AI garbage
actual artists.
Ok fag, I will only if you stop posting crappy doodles and incomplete art.
It came from scribbles. most of his headcanons involve tying an archie thing back to a game thing. He has Titan Tails be a titan from frontiers. Mecha being sisters with Sage. E.V.E is tied to The End. I want to see him do Al and Cal.
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I threw up
Without artists there wouldn't be ai.
As much as I find her the hottest Sonic girl, I'd gladly trade her existence away.
>someone posts a picture he doesn't like
>so he steals from other artists
Nigger mindset.
NTA but you're a secondary. The Sonic series wasn't always about toxic bullshit and war. Infact the series only exists in the first place because it wanted to do a WAR against Nintendo.
Bro nobody cares if you can draw Sonic, that doesn't make you a real artist.
What would you have in exchange?
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>I don't get how it's "deviantart garbage".
That's because you're clearly under-aged. They turned Shadow the Hedgehog into Vincent Valentine. It's fucking disgusting is what it is.

And then there's the hypocrisy. This thousands of powers with angsty backstory crap is the kind of things people used to get cyberbullied into suicide for. But oh, now that muh heckin coporino slurp slurp is doing it, suddenly it's socially acceptable for a character to be mary sue trash. Fuck you.
Was just thinking about this very thing right now. not about the deadly six. but that it's hard to write a good antagonist
A good antagonist that can pose a serious threat to Sonic, considering how strong Sonic is, is usually some science freak, some egoist rival with similar abilities to Sonic, some ancient monster or space aliens. all of those except for the first were one occurrence things. You can't just introduce a recycled version of a previous villain everytime and get away with it (Perfact Chaos and Dark Gaia), It will make Mobius look like a ticking time bomb. considering the amount of huge monsters that would be then alive on it. Can't also keep introducing rivals like Shadow and Jet or Silver. They could introduce extended black arms lore like archie. Or they can create a new type of villains, which what the D6 was. But perhaps they are not as good as what we had in Satam / archie. Which had lots of good villains, and all of them were always up to something, you get finished with Eggman to go and fight Ixis and from there you go and stop a Dark legion conspiracy.
So they stick with Eggman making new toys with every game.
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I don't know who Vincent Valentine is, but I think giant monsters are cool so I like Squidow.
this whole general is founded on the love of people who can draw sonic.
Hot take: Sonic CD has the best special stages in the series.
On the other hand, it also has some of the worst-designed stages in the classic games.
Lack of Sally discourse that boggles her down hard.
Drink water and stay safe bro
That's not the point, you're not a real artist if you brag about knowing how to draw Sonic.
how can you guys think a poster who straight up said archie is superior to the games is sincere
Give an example of a Sonic artist that had his art stolen by AI.
I do not like deities or aliens in Sonic.
What else am I going to do?
Shadow has fewer powers compared to most superheroes and shonen anime protags
Fuck off. One should be able to hang out in a goddamn forum thread without literally everyone in it being an annoying piece of shit.

>The Sonic series wasn't always about toxic bullshit and war.
Then it can go in the trash where it fucking belongs.
I don't think anyone here "brags" about knowing how to draw sonic. They will just draw sonic and post it here.
Pre-reboot Archie is fucking trash that should be confined to the garbage bin of the past, but it's not like the games have such a solid track record that some people might actually prefer the wild ride of the comics over the blandness of the games.
I've seen worse takes in the Sonic fanbase.
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They do and it's sad, because otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about a random anon wanting to generate Sonic covers with AI.
>. This thousands of powers with angsty backstory crap is the kind of things people used to get cyberbullied into suicide for.
How is bullying teenagers into suicide a good thing
...Why was that cyborg bunny so hot and what did she see in that coyote?
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My silly boys...
... You know what? I'm not dignifying that with a response.

He still has more than one, and that is unacceptable.
Somehow... Mephiles has returned.
pre reboot had its ups and downs. if you skip the shipping, the echidna autism and the sol stuff which is good sometimes. it's decent.
I think you should calm down and stop getting angry
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Beavisonic & Buttails.
>the echidna autism
Isn't that like 80% of it
Nobody cares if you're a "real artist". How about you get a real job and stop scamming people into giving you money for putting lines on a piece of paper. Fucktard.

Because then they don't grow up into adults who still act like annoying twats and infect the gene pool with their inbred bullshit.
I have seen aokis art stolen from AI, iimarii has gone private because of her art being stolen and used to train AI.
I'm pretty sure that there are people on here who have asked for their art to not be used to train by ai, and people did it anyways, which is stealing.
There are also scam artists who will sell brush packs using AI, which is false advertisement.
AI seems to really cause more problems than it resolves. I feel really bad for young artists getting their start today, since if they are talented they will be accused of using ai.
Sometimes I wonder if this means that all that will be left by the end of this physical artwork like oil paintings and sculpture. Alternatively there might be laws created that go after AI, but I dont know how effective they will be, or if there will be a lot of collateral damage to real artists.
call me when RealDash draws better than AI. protip: it will never happen
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1998: Basedails
2017: Fails
Complaining about Ai isn't the same as bragging about drawing sonic.
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It had a noticeable amount of echidna autism, just maybe not that much. Also mentioning echidna autism while posting Enerjak is peak irony from my side
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SILVERRR appears to be down, but the telekinetic isn't out. Deep down lies a power unlike anything seen before. Will it be enough to stop this Penders Parody? Find out next time on CHAOS EMERALD Y
Not him, SEVERAL of my favorite artits from DeviantArt deleted their accounts because of AI.
So yeah, it's the problem.
>"The artists should just grow thicker skin, AI copying their art and claiming it as its own is flattery."
Yeah, no.
I think you should should kill yourself. I'll calm down when you assholes stop being annoying cunts, and someone gets rid of that fucking bot spammer. Until then, go shove a beehive up your ass.

Tails is such a worthless piece of shit character. He is the primary reason why "canon" means jack shit in this jank ass franchise, and the stupid cunts slurping Sega's balls about it can officially fuck off forever.
Thank god you won't be infecting the gene pool with anything. Your line ends with you
Bad designs. Their actual concept was completely fine though outside of Zomom being boring, and you could easily make them decent with a redesign.
why do you guys keep shitting on realdash? he just draws cute stuff? he hasn't done any kind of drama or anything and everyone just shits on him constantly.
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Fuck "artists". Stop being dramawhores, get a real job, and shut the fuck up.
>I have seen aokis art stolen from AI, iimarii has gone private because of her art being stolen and used to train AI.
good, it's publicly available and most of the times free.
>I'm pretty sure that there are people on here who have asked for their art to not be used to train by ai, and people did it anyways, which is stealing.
Once again, if the art is publicly available for free, it doesn't matter what they say
>There are also scam artists who will sell brush packs using AI, which is false advertisement.
There are scam artists in all mediums, don't blame AI for it
>AI seems to really cause more problems than it resolves. I feel really bad for young artists getting their start today, since if they are talented they will be accused of using ai.
If you're young and want to be an artist, just use both and you should be able to get amazing results. Leaving AI behind is like reading newspapers from newstands instead of just conveniently using your phone.
>Sometimes I wonder if this means that all that will be left by the end of this physical artwork like oil paintings and sculpture. Alternatively there might be laws created that go after AI, but I dont know how effective they will be, or if there will be a lot of collateral damage to real artists.
Art will have to evolve, artists are already losing tons of money from comissions because they have been devalued by AI. If AI can't still do sculptures, artists should just work on that.

I think you drawfags are just dinosaurs, and it's funny because you are already using digital tools to enhance your art. Like, you're using shortcuts. I value traditional drawing with paper and pens more than digital.
You AI mfers crazy
Define "real job".
Mine is mostly telling people to turn computer off and on again.
>you guys
It's one or two people looking to start drama with whoever is willing to bite. Everyone else either likes him or just doesn't bother.
I kind of like that we have an an archie purist here who's angry about everything. It finally achieves balance with Archieschizo.
After seeing those horrendous Mina tits he drew I realized that AI will always be 100x better than 90% of the artists out there. I'm the person that always tell him to just stick to cute stuff, but apparently he wants to draw lewds badly despite being terrible at it. It's his own fault. Oh, and it's worse when other retards in here enable him instead of telling him to stop doing nsfw.
It's two guys and they usually show up at the same time.
This is like telling a fat person to get off of a treadmill because he is fat. If he practices he'll get better.
did you ever hear of the phrase "crabs in a bucket"?

don't let others drag you down
saleta is a black arms. i asked iizuka.
Having healthier habits =/////////////////= learning to draw shitty tits for a cartoon character
>I think you drawfags are just dinosaurs, and it's funny because you are already using digital tools to enhance your art.
I'm a drawfag and I don't have any problems with Ai outside of the freaky deepfake shit, and I know I'm not even the only one here who thinks this.
I don't put Ai advocates all in the same box, and I don't think you should do the same with artists either.
A real job is something that actually contributes to society in a tangible way, keeps the clocks running and whatnot. If your "job" can be erased, and civilization will still function, then it's not a real job.

That is not how that works, retard. If you can't do something, you can't do it. No amount of "practice" will magically alter your neural structure. Aptitude is absolute.
>Sally masterbates in public
the reason why i hate you sonally faggots is because when i roleplayed on Roblox in 2009-2013 in elementary school Sally roleplayers would act like cunts to me and obnoxiously correct me ON EVERYTHING or force sonic getting in love
Is Fangyume aware that her arts were used to make the Trip/Fang AI model? Would she approve of it?
Your pessimism disgusts me.
You seem kind of negative. You should embrace the freedom of the wind and be more like Sonic.
For sure, but this guy is a fucking psycho. I feel really bad for him. Imagine spending your precious finite time on a sonic general screaming at people who like drawing goofy cartoon animals.
This guy is gonna end up like those undiscovered corpses Ive seen on crime scene cleanup on youtube. Where he's just bones and liquid bio because no one checked up on him until the smell escaped the house.
>"real job is the one that existed since stone age to present day and will stay in future."
Prostitution, got it.
What's yours?
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Has it been like this all day?
For sure, but this guy is a fucking psycho. I feel really bad for him. Imagine spending your precious finite time on a sonic general screaming at people who like GENERATING goofy cartoon animals.
This guy is gonna end up like those undiscovered corpses Ive seen on crime scene cleanup on youtube. Where he's just bones and liquid bio because no one checked up on him until the smell escaped the house.
seeing the Amy leak made my neck pop again
it hurts (﹏)
Yeah. Sonic fans, amirite?
>An archiefag who attacks everything in sight like a piranha
>An archieschizo who keeps egging him on
>Everyone blames Sonallyfags
bruh leave us alone we just want to retire in peace
Like what I've been in and out
It was.. decent
Grab some ice and keep it on your neck. It'll go away soon.
its a sally nicole shipper who has been shitting his diaper and his mom is out buying tendies so no one has been there to clean it. So now he's screaming about squid shadow and people who draw
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People don't need running water or fancy houses to live, but they prefer to have them, so they are willing to spend money to obtain them.
People also don't need videogames, movies, or any sort of entertainment whatsoever, but they prefer to have them, so they are willing to spend money to obtain them.
The idea of a "real job" doesn't really exist as you're describing it, since if someone is willing to bankroll you that means your "job" has worth, and is therefor real.
we have a new archie poster who hates the games, hates archie fanfics, hates sonic team, hates iizuka, hates Nu-Shadow.
I love most of these things but I kind of like having him around. Something about the way he posts seems cool to me.
There are too many fags here. /sthg/ needs more heteros.
I'm going to get Max a cake. I hope he enjoys it :)
Yes, I fill that role
You should commit suicide. This shtick you're doing with Sally and The Wind here isn't funny, and it only furthers to demonstrate your inherent lack of worth as an allegedly sapient being. Like really, this bargain basement shit is the best bit you could come up with? See, this is what I mean about the forced memes. You fuckers are that annoying douchebag at a party who tells a mediocre joke and then repeats the punchline ad nauseum, not realizing that nobody is laughing, and nobody's entirely sure who invited them in the first place. ALL OF YOU are that guy, but you especially. And the worst part? Your only response to this post is going to be to yet again repeat the joke, because you can't do anything else. What are you gonna do, stop? Admit that what you're doing is stupid? Of course not. Sunk cost. You've committed now, and forced yourself to be a glorified bot. So fuck you and your sad, predictable bullshit.
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I think he means this one >>493436101
It seems like it's just tourists baiting newfags, and anons telling them both to fuck off and just do what they like. A lot of anons here don't know how to report and ignore or just ignore in general.
>An aggressive Sallicole shipper
Now that's unusual.
Remember a year back when we had the Hontails and Tailsream shippers. The Hontails shipper was very aggressive and would scream every swear word in the book at the Tailsream shipper who only ever responded with "oh well, i think it's cute"

I have a hard time imagining mean Sallicole shippers because they're usually like that.
me on the right
I thought it was Honine?
Oh, wait, wasn't Hontails like 4 years ago?
That's what I felt. I like most characters and fine with the continuities. I'm going to watch the OVA one day
Me eating lunch tomorrow.
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I don't give a shit about Archie at all. I just like Sally.
What I'm doing isn't "stupid" because I base my takes on the actual source material content.
Sonic is the wind.
You think that's cliche? Overstated? Annoying? You think it's cringy?
You let your opinions of Sparky determine reality.
The fact is, and always will be, that Sonic is a free spirit designed to be a symbol of what we could all be at our most complete. It's inspiring.
If you find yourself doing something stressful with no recourse, you could stand to be more like Sonic the Hedgehog.
why protectors on their shoes
There should be a karate uniform skin for Sonic & Shadow in SXSG.
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gotta protect those sexy puppies
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Official Shadow render
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I hope you're getting enough sleep, HS.
Shadow is going to fail his drug test.
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The most based Sallyposter in this general.
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>Silver finally defeats the Iblis Trigger
>he goes back to the future, only for it to be in worse shape
>travels back and stops that cause
>once again, even worse future
>this becomes a common occurrence, each time more bleak and dangerous
>he doesn’t bother coming into contact with anyone in the past, he knows they’ll just end up dead before he can fix it
>he’s lost track on how many times he’s gone back
>his body is getting injured, his will is being tested
>he wonders if it’s even worth it
>the future is finally fixed, a perfect utopia for everyone
>everyone except Silver
>he’s broken, feeling nothing but the pain of emptiness and despair
>he spent his life, his body, his sanity
>the only person who can’t enjoy this perfect world is the man who made it happen

Last time I posted this it wasn’t really liked, but damn it I do.
Honine was scribbleanon going full sociopath, Hontails is the fandom giving Honey a femdom fetish.
End it all slopazebot
I think it's mostly because all the hurt and humiliation Honey put him through based on anons suggestions, but yeah, he drew them.
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>Someone brings up why Knuckles is not included
>It's because of Sonux Shipping

Have a valid reason, Twitter!
can we agree self inserting humanfags are the worst?
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I was trying to be chill, but then all you stupid bastards just HAD to keep up your obnoxious bot spamming. Like, bitch I try to have calm, fun discussion, but every single fucking second I spend in this thread, there's always the assholes who whine about how anything that isn't made by Izuka himself isn't canon, and basically telling me that I'm somehow not allowed to like this things I like. And yes, of course I know it's shitposting and bait, but it's so relentless it's like water torture, eventually it gets to you. Fucking hell.

Hell, that's probably part of why I like Sally and Nicole so much, because being a Sonic fan is a constantly stressful nightmare of bullshit, and it's nice to see these two cuties being so gentle of supportive of each other. I mean look at them. They're so gentle.
No. I'm the best.
Yeah i can see why it wasn't liked, if i was him going throw insanity and actually succeeding it will make me the happiest person knowing even in my lowest i can achieve victory.
>Silver is martyr for the future
If only he had someone he could talk about responsibility and time-space-traveling with.
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I'm notsure if I can be there sunday but if I'm not, please make sure someone draws a Mina in my absence
I always like this fanfiction. It's in character but off tone.
fuck, it's friday
I wish I was good at drawing
porn faggotry, there's no care ,no love, no soul.
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That yellow car reminds me of this. Imagine a Sega/Pixar crossover with Toynic & Toydow in Toy Story 5.
Pick it up if you enjoy it
>Last time I posted this it wasn’t really liked
Probably because nobody liked the broken Silver angle. Just let him stay in Sonic's present and have his friends nurse him back to health.
I could recommend you some books that'll actually help.
it's either that or being a fucking leash
I'll have busy schedule next week but hopefully I can do something quick.
Oh look, you did exactly what I said you were gonna do. And the other retards are even praising you for it.

This is why Sega keeps getting away with ruining this franchise on purpose, you know. You let them by justifying peoples' hatred of Sonic fans.
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It's perfect all the way up to the end.
The perfect end for a character like Silver is for him to constantly be forced to endure more and more, always doubting himself after each and every failure, only for him to take one last chance against a seemingly unbeatable threat and making the ultimate sacrifice for his future, hoping against hope that he'll finally make a difference even if he won't be there to see how things end.
And he succeeds. The future is finally safe, and even though Silver will never get to see it for himself, his sacrifice lives on the memory of the new world and it's people for eternity, his dream finally realized.
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yeah he needs to catch a break from west retardation
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I guess you guys are disappointed that Shadow survived, so the next hedgehog has to go, huh?
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>every single fucking second I spend in this thread, there's always the assholes who whine about how anything that isn't made by Izuka himself isn't canon
Imagine if you went to the pokemon fanbase and insisted that Ash Ketchum is canon but Red isn't.

See that's the thing with you, and people like you. You can't let go of the fact that the window that drew you into the franchise was utterly wrong.
I'm not embarassed about my love of Sonic or my love of Sally. So I'm not going to change my opinion about Sonic being the wind just because some cranky cook is tired of hearing it.

You think being a Sonic fan is a stressful nightmare? I think it's fun. I think if following a franchise stresses YOU out that's a YOU problem.
Archie is dead. I'm fine with that.
Sonic is the wind. And as long as there are people out there who think he needs to be reduced to a generic teen hero, I will keep saying it.

Sonic is the wind. As long as there are people who think that somehow makes him a "cereal box mascot self insert" I will keep saying it.

Sonic is the wind. As long as there are people who thinks he's incomplete in any way, I will keep saying it.

Sonic is the wind. Not a "Hero" but a hero. A guy who's stubborn and full of surprises.
This is what I want.
What is the context behind this image?
wind, fart, hurricane
Max enjoyed the cake
>even if he won't be there to see how things end
>even though Silver will never get to see it for himself
Why, does he stay in Sonic's time for good? Does he think he has no place in the "perfect" future he finally managed to create after so mch struggle?
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Fuck off, weeb. SoJ ain't all that innocent either, quit acting like Japan is your Wakanda.
>Imagine if you went to the pokemon fanbase and insisted that Ash Ketchum is canon but Red isn't.

The thing is though, when has anyone unironically tried to claim archie canon in these threads aside from obvious bait? I've legit never seen it unironically
I always worry about Silver, his recent protrayals make it seem like he doesn't have anybody he's close to in the future, every time he speaks of it, he speaks in broad terms how it's peaceful and smiles and sunny skies all around but where does Silver seem to spend his own time? 200 years in the past playing in olympic games, competing in interstellar races and stopping random tidbit tragic events like collapsing bridges, helping princesses win ice skating competitions and doing some rather surprisingly serious maid and butler training with a friend of his. I don't bother referencing Rivals as it seems like Sega's stricken that game from canon it's only remaining mark on the franchise being Eggman Nega, a valuted villain being from the same future as Silver rather than the alt universe counterpart of Dr. Eggman.

Oddly enough, I find that kind of fitting, I mean if he were a ditizen of Blaze's dimension why would have call himself Eggman Nega? Meanwhile as a citizen of the 200 year future where the name eggman is a joke among the people who read about his repeated failures at global conquest taking the name Eggman Nega implies unlike the Eggman of the past who is a chronicled failure, he'
s different, he's gonna be successful, he's gonna bring the world to heel and make people fear the name Eggman, he's Nega Eggman, the exact opposite of his failure ancestor! It fits, kinda a pity that they never made a proper game with him like this. Sega honestly has a lot of mysterious characters who could carry stories on their own but that died with Sonic adventure
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>Imagine if you went to the pokemon fanbase and insisted that Ash Ketchum is canon but Red isn't.
tell me that isn't Sparky
Based Max adopter.
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Hell, that's probably part of why I like Knuckles and Ariem so much, because being a Sonic fan is a constantly stressful nightmare of bullshit, and it's nice to see these two cuties being so gentle of supportive of each other. I mean look at them. They're so gentle.
Sally beats Nicole behind closed doors. Sally is inherently violent
I'm usually keeping her up most nights
>It's in character but off tone.
Living in mindbroken misery is a whole lot darker than a noble and heroic sacrifice, but the idea is there.
>making the ultimate sacrifice for his future
I was trying to imply that he dies giving his life in a last ditch effort to save his people and the world, but I can see that I worded it a bit poorly.
Are those Japanese women fighting?
The point isn't that you're saying it. The point is that it is the same thing. Pokemon fans understand that the anime, and the dub of the anime, are just spinoff content. Not the official story. Not some "forgotten version" of the lore bout outright incorrect to the games.
Archie is this to Sonic. To come here and claim that Archie is better written than the games is retarded.
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Hell, that's probably part of why I like Sonic and Shadow so much, because being a Sonic fan is a constantly stressful nightmare of bullshit, and it's nice to see these two cuties being so gentle of supportive of each other. I mean look at them. They're so gentle.
I'm glad we have someone fighting the good fight.
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Worst case scenario for a selfshipper / humanfag: they will have one Sonic character ooc for their self shipping
Worst case scenario for a shipfag: they'll have both Sonic characters ooc for their ship and argue with others over it's validity
>To come here and claim that Archie is better written than the games is retarded.

But this is a subjective thing. What, is it mandatory for me to like sonic colors writing over the writing of the archie issues that came out the year it was released?
>I'm somehow not allowed to like this things I like.
You guys literally tell us we're wrong for liking the characters to be in-character.
We are starting over
Time is starting over
We must be set free
We are starting over
Time is starting over
Someday, getting there!

We are starting over
Time is starting over
We must be set free
We are starting over
Time is starting over
Someday, getting there!

Walk this way! Walk this way!
Because we must be set free
Walk this way! Walk this way!
To be free as we can be!

Walk this way! Walk this way!
We have to be set free
Walk this way! Walk this way!
To be as free as we can be!

Walk this way! Walk this way!
Because we all must be be set free
Walk this way! Walk this way!
To be free as we can be
Walk this way!
are you a humanfag?
No, let him in peace. That anon just forgot to take his meds. He needs to take them in order to chill out a bit.
reminder that Salnicole is a crackship and turbo not canon
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Nta, but:
Homunculus Loxodontus (nicknamed Zhdun, "The One Who Waits", Snorp, or WOSH) is a statue by Dutch artist Margriet van Breevoort. It was made for the Leiden University Medical Center and installed in the spring of 2016. It became popular in post-Soviet countries where it is called Ждyн (Russian informal term for "one who waits").

It is meant to represent the feeling of waiting awkwardly in a doctors office.
Once I build a psyche profile of all the anons here my life is going to *finally* come together and I'll get a girlfriend I promise mom
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it's nice to see these two cuties being so gentle of supportive of each other.
>there are SALLY windfags
this is the end times
>"not canon'
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... It doesn't matter. Literally who gives a fuck? They're separate continuities. Are you literally too fucking stupid to comprehend the concept of a franchise having different iterations? There's no way you're actually that detached from reality.

>To come here and claim that Archie is better written than the games is retarded.
Oh I see. The problem is that people have a different opinion from you. 'Kay.
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As much as I enjoy preboot Archie it was kind of shitty how Metal Sonic was treated like a disposable minion. While it did produce some curious offshoots like Shard and Captain Metal (the former is one of my all time favorite characters) I much prefer Metal's post-reboot role. /end of blog
Big The Cat enjoyers are the least problematic.
Reminder that IDW nearly shipped Knuxaze
What do you got so far?
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I ship many things but yes
I mean, sally and nicole aren't canon, but in their own continuity (archie) their ship is officially debunked by Sally marrying and having 2 kids with sonic.
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look at them.
Not really relevant to what you're saying but fuck I really love Shard. It was so cool having a metal sonic from the old days come back as a black ops good guy
>silver goes threw depression
>nah i got something better
>Silver fucking dies
listen how about he doesn't exist anymore? he will never show up again from his last appearance? That nigga is probably so done from all of our bullshit.
>Are you literally too fucking stupid to comprehend the concept of a franchise having different iterations?
>This cope again.
Umm *rifles through notes*

Sparky likes Mickey Mouse and uh
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Archie is a piece of shit comic that ruined each and every last part of the games but gave me best girl.
You're free to like it, but you have to remember that it is NOT a good representation of the Sonic series at all.
Shadow, that's racist you can't sing about being set free with black choirs.
sonknux is cuter
>Reboot vs preboot
And even then the writers treated X years later as an alternate timeline and only one to treat it as canon future in that series was Penders
Does the big tapered head give her Tail's intelligence?
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Alternate timeline that's incompatible with the main story.

The real OTP is Elise x Doing Nothing Wrong.
Shadow is a shrill Japanese girl?
I need a psyche profile on

>Shadally Scribble
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Im sorry that your 5 years of shiplessness doesn't counteract the 15+ years of Sonally being canon in archie.
Salnicole just doesn't work, even if Ian Flynn wanted it to. Salnicole was just a vessel for his lesbian fetish, as seen with all the lesbians in idw
Nobody cares about namefags
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Same, but with them.
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She has a big prefrontal cortex, so she's very good at regulting her emotions and navigating difficult tasks. The perfect partner for Knuckles!
Sally was made to date sonic, not her toaster
I'd obviously not have this happen now. It's the kind of thing that would happen in the final episode of the whole series as a way to put the story to rest in a bittersweet way when we finally reach the end.
I literally told you not to wake up SallyWindfag. He literally won't stop.
>the concept of a multimedia franchise
>comic books that follow a separate continuity
>ruined the games
... I'd ask how, but I know whatever nonsense you're about to pull out your ass to keep the bit going is gonna to be the stupidest fucking shit I've ever subjected my eyes to.
I love these two so fucking much.
They were never a couple and your delusions mean nothing. Nicole had more romantic chemistry with a Sonic robot than she did in 20 years of being friends with Sally.
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>Her first conversation with Rouge was about how hot Knuckles was.
SonKnux is more IC than Knuxouge
There goes Sonallyfags shoving their ship down everyone's throats again.
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Not him but how dare you.
>we have another mayfag
Quit while you're ahead.
Your favorite creepypasta antagonist meets your favorite Sonic character. What would happen in their meeting?
Hard Mode: No EXE slop.
Sonadowfags would beg to differ
What do you mean I'm wrong for only liking their designs?
What do you mean I shouldn't just rewrite their personalities into whatever I feel like?
What do you mean I hate the characters?
Im not a sonallyfag, but sallyxnicole is a retarded ship
I need more art of these two
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One, Nicole is a PDA, not a toaster. Second, you once again demonstrate how you shitposters don't read the thing you pretend to hate so much. There's literally not a single interaction between these two that doesn't reek of lilies, at least not after Stargazing.
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knuckles has a thing for bluebians
what if I ship sonadow AND sonknux?
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i just thought it was cool
Silver would just fuck up the entire Nes godzilla system.
It is, and I demand you make more of it.
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Mmmmm shipping
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Someone drew this for me.
It was nice.
Nicole fucks the sonic toaster and Sally fucks everyone.
>doesnt reek of lilies
what kind of agp yurifetish lingo is this?
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I wish I was either one of them.
Well you were wrong. /sthg/ will NEVER make anything fun, or funny, or even vaguely worth a shit. Fuck off with your stupid memes and kill yourself.

Black Doom would not adopt some random mobian, you fucking moron. For all you lot bitch about MUH OOC... Filthy hypocrites, all of you.
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you can insist on calling him "Sonic" all you like but Archienic is an abomination and an insult to the legacy and concept of Sonic the hedgehog.
That sounds dramatic, but I don't care. That thing's influence on the series has been completely negative. To see Ian let his mannerisms bleed into official media makes me sick. Archie should have been left as licensed media like Schoolhouse and not been seen as a serious alternative to the games.
To prop up your love of "archie sonic" as valid as game Sonic is to say that you hate Sonic.
He isn't an improvement, he is a ruination of Sonic.
Turning Sonic into a dutiful superhero is one of the most disgusting consequences I have ever seen come out of Archie.
Sally is still best girl.
i HATE hetero fetishism in my sonic games! fuck you ian!
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Not him, saved.
I don't hate the characters. I just like all of them for varying degrees. I just don't like original JP Sonic as much as his later iterations.
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Fine. You win. Good bye forever. I love you...
>it's STILL doing the shtick despite being called on it multiple times
Again, I'm convinced this is a mod. How as a blatant spamming troll not been banned otherwise? Inmates running the fuckin' asylum.
Sally is as good as Archienic
Hey based Sallyfag.
How would you describe Sonic's (the game one) and Sally's interactions?
Would it be closer to with Elise, Blaze or Amy or something completely different?
I think Shadow can handle Slenderman without much issue. Yes, they would fight due to Shadow brooding and walking around and stumbling into whatever territory Slenderman inhabits. Makes easy work of whatever proxies Slender has.
>/sthg/ will NEVER make anything fun, or funny
Human shipping!
Take a break my man.
Not him, but I'll miss your character interaction scribbles.
I'm with >>493451601, make MORE!!!!!
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Finally. Fuck off and die already. If only the rest of these filthy cunts would do the same.

I don't know what that is, but I already know it's heinous garbage because it was made by you "people".
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>[THING] is an abomination and an insult to the legacy and concept of Sonic the hedgehog.

I'm sure these same words have been uttered by countless fans towards every game and character to ever be released after Sonic 1
I think they would be more along the lines of Helen and Sonic. Sally would be standoffish at first but she's smart. There wouldn't be the obligatory "married couple arguing" because the games just don't do that kind of melodramatic nonsense.
She would not be a "cheerleader" but she wouldn't be his biggest critic. A strong respect for his power and the consistency of the results Sonic pulls. Any "logical" character should like Sonic because canonically he always comes through in the end.
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Nicolefag DESERVED
No,he's for Elise
More Chrihelen kino.
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Say sike right now. SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW!!!!!
you waste your time on this world talking about freaking Saleta
Quite nice take.
And Sonic would treat her as a friend who's fun to hang out with and would keep it that way.
it's a fanfic where Crash Bandicoot rapes Shadow and then they go on an awesome adventure together.
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What's wrong with this clown?
Go to hell. If I have to put with your bullshit, then by god I'm gonna fucking make it clear how much I despise you and everything you stand for.

Yes, cry. Cry like the worthless little bitches you are. You festering wounds on the flesh of humanity don't deserve anything you consider nice. Cry in a corner and brink bleach.
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But anon... That isn't a nicolefag...
Elise is for Sonic Man.
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let's talk about amy's panties
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That's not how you spell Elias.
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If Lanolin was around in the 2000s she'd been featured in so much angry hate art in deviantart
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Oh fuck he's hot...
Archie Sonic's king. Game Sonic is king too.
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I know these things. DON'T you fucking dare test me, I can smell the stench of a Nicolefag from 10 miles away
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>Game Sonic is king too.
Techically speaking, yes, but he dumped that place as soon as possible.
why was he even made
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I prefer to look at Rail Canyon's landscape instead.
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why CAN they move in the air?
Fuck you, don't question it.
>I don't know what that is
This bit was never funny either. All of you fuckrags seriously need to fuck off with your shitty forced memes.
Oh no, anon got so angry he started making typos.
It's ok, I am not the best at grammar, either. NMA BTW.
Gonna plagiarize Sparky here. That wasn't me, I'm not dead. Shadow the Hedgehog is the best game ever and Nicole is best girl.
Sorry for the confusion.
The Wind.
Sounds to me like you just don't enjoy being here at all honestly
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Not him, a comic relief.
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If Sonic is the Wind, is Amy the Gust?
>Eggman, you're small time!
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>Your face, Your ass. What's the difference?
Why not just leave. This bit isn't very funny either
>No game where Sonicman has to save Sara from Spanish cultists.
Silver having that black going under his eyes is quite cool
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its not gay to fuck sonic
I love crackships so much.
Eat my ass then pussy
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It makes him look a lot more tired and unhinged, which is probably why they decided to get rid of it in the end when moving on from his prototype designs.
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Mina is the best, minaposters are the best, nicolehaters are the best
>Why not just leave.
Because I shouldn't fucking have to. Just leave... That's the kind of thing shitty parents say. Just let the bad actors win and leave, like it's somehow my fucking fault you stupid cunts form your entire identity around being annoying pieces of shit.

>This bit isn't very funny either
It's not a bit. it's also not my fault that you borderline sociopaths are so sheltered and emotionally stunted to recognize genuine anger. Fuck you.
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Y'all remember that Knuckles canonically gave Rouge daisies?
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Draw Saleta
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>Sorry about that. When I saw the uniform, I thought you were another zombie.
Ada Rouge is kino.
I'm getting a time out error
this you?
if i had a million dollars i'd pay a mangaka to make a doujinshi of these two
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Resident Evil 4 starring Sonic as Leon, and Tails as Ashley.
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Originally this was gonna be a lenticular cover
And either IDW is cheap as fuck
or Sega mandated to not experiment with anything in this comic
either way, it sucks
>genuine anger
I refuse to believe you are letting yourself get genuinely angry over technicolor rats. If so, you are a certified faggot, good sir.
Oh fuck, don't tell me ISPs are cracking down on catboxes now?
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Buttercup <3
Nobody gives a SHIT, you twee cocksore. Why the everlasting FUCK are Sonic the Hedgehog fans so obsessed with shipping anyway? It's not like any of these characters in your oh so precious Canon TM are allowed to have substantial relationships anyone. Yet more hypocrisy from you blithering wankers.
I love how Jewel is drawn by this artist, she's cute and little goofy <3
"no way, fag" makes more sense now.
>Bad actors
Nobody here is trying to hurt you. We just want you to chill out.

I genuinely know how you're feeling because I've been where you're at. Just close the tab and come back later.
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The zeti suck
The imposters fumble
This cover's missing
Rough and Tumble
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That's a good surge
>So... this is what everyone is dying for!
True actually, where the fuck are they wtf
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>Chris Redfield = Sonic
>Jill Valentine = Amy Rose
>Barry Burton = Knuckles
>Rebecca Chambers = Cream
>Clare Redfield = Tania
>Leon Kennedy = Shadow
>Ada Wong = Rouge
>Steve Burnside = Silver
>Sheva Alomar = Blaze
i'm so glad i'm only attention deficit and not autistic
Oh, so it's okay for you lot to "pretend" to get angry that people are supposedly disrespecting your corporate masters' ~vision~ for the technicolor rats, but it's bad when someone has a genuine emotion over not being able to interact with the community about the technicolor rats without every single thread being shitposted to oblivion? When I called you lot borderline sociopaths, I didn't think you actually were. But nope, turns out you're all just actually soulless monsters. Incredible.

>We just want you to chill out.
...where do you think we are?
I think lelddit or tumblr would suit you better.
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>a seething opposing ship weakling
>Quiet now, child! Adults are talking.

And here we go with the website tribalism shit. Honestly surprised it took this long for you to fall back to the good old "N-no, 4chan is supposed to be shit!" defense. Kill yourself.
Too busy getting physical
tdosth was reddit as fuck and i'm tired of pretending otherwise. it destroyed the thread cohesion.
This is pretty much Sonic and Amy. Or at least it used to be.
Cute ESLnic
Yea, except Sonic never approached her only did the running away part. So it's still inaccurate.
I'm not shitposting.

>genuine emotion
Genuine emotion is good but you need to express it correctly.

Please chill out.
You really should go back to /co/ instead of doing everything in your power to make yourself mad.
4chan is a cesspool of bottom of the barrel, shitty, good, and extremely great content. If you can't stand some antagonistic opinions from time to time you shouldn't be here.
Again, you're so up your own ass about shipping that it controls your perception of everything. it's fucking pathetic.

I was unaware Amy was a fucking alien. Retard.
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Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical with you
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical to do

No, I haven't had no dope
Lift up the velvet rope
Mr. Doorman, stop teasin', I'm freezin' out here
See, I've got friends inside
It's my birthday tonight
And I'm not wearing trainers, not to mention knickers
It's futile to debate with Saint Peter at the gate
Made of protein milkshake and low carb intake

'Cause all in all, you're just another prick at the door

Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical with you
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical to do
Bouncer, hey, bouncer
Bounce, bounce, bouncer
Bouncer, hey, bouncer (I just gotta dance right now, it's critical)
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Correct. Sonic has a boy's heart, if he was a man, he would go for Emi.
Wrong and bad bait.
Who would have you picked then retard. Non of Sonic's family are cannon and Amy fits better as Jill anyway, considering her history and relationship with Sonic.
Is this correct
Shipping is based and knuxouge is good, since you don't understand it that speaks value to how unsocial and lonely you are, kys.
I will not chill out. I'm sick of you people and your bullshit, and I'm gonna fuckin' call this shit out. You cunts drained every last drop of fun out of being a Sonic fan after Sega dumped the bucket. It was already bad enough but now you're straight up not a allowed to like the things you like. So fuck you.

YOU are making me mad by embodying every single shitty stereotype of a shitty Sonic fans. Kill yourself and stop justifying everyone's hatred of us you dumb cunt.

It doesn't fucking have to be.
Her and the magnet guy could get it
Saleta is a Black Arms hybrid. iizuka confirmed.
How dumb do you have to be to fall for bait with a damn calling card nailed to it?
I think its fine but it just wasn't what I want from Sonic. Even if the character interactions are good, and that's what people partially want Sonic to have, I care less about that. I want everything to be mindnumbingly cool and epic stories, fun gameplay, and a good dash of edginess. I've never been quite a fan of takes on Sonic that make it out to be lighthearted or cutesy, that's not my jam, and that's not what I like the series for. Whimsicalness I don't care all that much about either way, I just want it to be cool alongside that or without that.
Feel free to perceive Sonic as cutesy, there's no problem with that, but I have very specific taste in Sonic content.
Ok ok I get it now, you're perfect and we are stupid.
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>Albert Wesker = Mephiles
>Jack Krauser = Infinite
>HUNK = Omega
>Nemesis = Metal Sonic
>Osmund Saddler = Black Doom
sure whatever
>I want everything to be mindnumbingly cool and epic stories, fun gameplay, and a good dash of edginess
Comical, since SatBK has absolutely none of that.
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And I'd buy that doujinshi.
You sound like you would be happier on twitter
I wouldn't have picked anyone cause I'm not a corporate thrall who slurps up crossover garbage like a stupid animal eating slop out of a trough. Take this cringey trash back to DeviantArt and slit your fucking throat.

What if Silver met Hawk Tuah?
Supernic Flower.
You are posting on the god damm Sonic General, if you can't stomach the odd amount of cringe, you don't belong here
The story was really cool, I don't get what you're saying. The gameplay fell flat, but this was still in Sonic's dark age and the colors were muted and the story was mostly serious. So its close enough.
But who is Wesker?
Sonic and Amy are friends with benefits.
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The only people who like Sonamy are corporate slaves.
Worst pairing that exists purely for marketing, not quality.
15 mins ago gramps
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I would go as far as to say that Gary Stus are the exact opposite of "cool".
And there's the condescension. The last refuge when you know you can't dispute the issue, but can't bring yourself to just admit fault. You really a bunch of sad bastards. Literally just stop doing all the stupid bullshit for once. Fucks sake.

I would be happier if you and the rest of the useless retards in /sthg/ would act like actual people for once in your worthless lives.
is this what the sonic /co/ boards are like?
/sthg/ my beloved
Amy girl who loves Sonic and can keep up with his lifestyle is okay in my book
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It's either Metal Sonic, Mephiles or Merlina.
Fucking stop being cringe on purpose you stupid piece of shit! Fuck.

I wouldn't know, I don't talk about Sonic on /co/. I TRY to talk about Sonic here, in the fucking Sonic the Hedgehog general. I emphasize try because none of assclowns seem interested in actually doing that. Nope, too busy with your forced memes, shitposting and gatekeeping.
No, not true. It's subjective, different people want to see different things in romances, and not everything is so cut and dry. It fits with Sonic's character well, people find it cute and endearing, and ultimately, it's the most popular Sonic ship for a reason. It was created by creatives and designers, not corporate overlords, as well.
>nigga is so annoying even /co/ rejected him
What does Batman have to do with Amy?
But if that's batman... Where's da joka???
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Talk about SA2
Looking forward to going back there in SXSG
>...with mods
joker is an overused meme
>retard is so incapable of any self-reflection that they CAN'T view anything outside the lens of tribalism

No. It's not canon, remember? Not allowed.
I hate all of you
I see Sonic, I cum. Simple as.
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Alright /sthg/ you get to make ONE change to Sonic franchise, anything to do with character dynamics and lore ONLY.
What do you change, fix, or ruin?
I want my waifu to be taller than me
Its my favorite Sonic story. It also has those infuriating treasure hunter levels I know I wouldn't have the patience to deal with nowadays. It's a mixed bag, and I think it needs mods for the mech and knuckles stages to be more fun.
The ending of the story with Shadow's sacrifice was powerful and moving.
Sonadow is the canon ship so I can watch everyone seeth.
Sthg was never your personal refuge to begin with
>I would be happier if you and the rest of the useless retards in /sthg/ would act like actual people for once in your worthless lives.
I dislike the 70% of posters here but I think it is universally agreed that we're all autistic so I expect to interact with obnoxious fags all the time; that's what makes /sthg/ better than other Sonic communities, I can say whatever I think of Sonic and shit on your posts withoutt being downvoted or banned arbitrarily by a mod.
You are in the wrong franchise my friend
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Yes. sthg is a tribe. You have been rejected. Go back to the /co/ clan where you belong
*Sonic appears*
>OMG *splash*
The OVA is canon and so is the implications of Sara being half human half blobian.
How about I give amy twenty high heels?
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Funny how non of you asked who Tails would be
It would be Piers Nivans, Chris's Partner in re6
Make sonadow canon
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>tfw Batman will never step on me right before sitting his bat ass on my face after a long night of larping around in his furrsuit
that doesnt make her taller tho
she could just stand on a table at that point
Delete '06 and reintroduce Silver in a way that isn't retarded.
Topaz in Raccoon City? Kino.
I kill every single Sonic fan. Literally all of them. That's the only way to "fix" this pile of garbage.

STOP MAKING EXCUSES. Just stop your shitty behavior. Just fucking stop. Being aware that you're being shit does not give you a free pass to keep being shit. You absolute waste of oxygen. Just fucking STOP.
Ok I shrink myself
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All mainline games from now on are T rated.
>character dynamics
I do want Sonic and Silver to interract more
In Advance 1, Sonic using the emeralds power to restore the broken moon back to normal. Or just keeping the moon broken
Source? I need more Whisper. Give me Whisper.
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Bring satamverse, mobius and the freedom fighters with their satam dynamics.

I'd bring over the freedom fighters to the game canon, and make them like their reboot counterparts. I don't really care if they're unfitting or if they're taking up roles other characters have done, or takes time away from the games cast. I just want to have the knowledge that these characters exist in the game timeline and are off doing something there. But it's not going to happen obviously.
strange but i guess it works
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I want Sega to make the ability for us to self insert into Mobius with any contiunity we pick.
Blaze wtf
Better idea, Sonic X but the human world is the Resident Evil Universe. With all X characters being replaced with RE character's.
Werehog is now a powerup
No, stop avoiding the issue. You just admitted that you KNOW that you're behaving like retarded children, and now you're doing all manner of mental gymnastics to justify it. I don't give a rat fuck how many tired ass reaction images you post at me, because it doesn't change the fact you're being shitty morons ON PURPOSE. Fuck you and die.
It's mandated that the Diamond Cutters have ZERO drama and angst, and instead get as much action as the game characters.
Im going to have sex with you
Permanently delete Uwuver and Archiever from existence, and prevent them from ever happening again.
Make canon all shippings that have been featured in Sonic Channel arts.
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>No, stop avoiding the issue. You just admitted that you KNOW that you're behaving like retarded children, and now you're doing all manner of mental gymnastics to justify it. I don't give a rat fuck how many tired ass reaction images you post at me, because it doesn't change the fact you're being shitty morons ON PURPOSE. Fuck you and die.
werehog replaces wisps
werehog has sex with shadow
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Silence jobber
>Archiefag just wants to throw the game characters that people actually like under the bus so he can have his obscure forgotten OCs just "existing"
I understand why most people don't like you
>archiefag who hates the game characterizations
>can't emotionally handle it when people call the things he likes OOC
>Doesn't like fanon shit either
>Doesn't like the direction the series is headed
i don't know how you expect to have a good time here man
Marine takes his watery booty
Do they have any tentacle porn yet?
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I like Sonally too..

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