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#6213 - Smug Edition

Previous: >>493344791

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
game sucks
Unplayer general
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I hate this game
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I got my cart ready

Now the only thing left is for my alarm to simply work and wake me up
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The Yugioh world champion when Konami gives him a Mcdonalds toy after beating thousands of people and spending 3000+$ on his deck travel and accomodation:
I'm fat
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Happy Birthday Blackwing man
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Best and straightest 5D's character
We know maze
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>Not relevant?

>Who said that?


>And who decided that?

>The only one who gets to decide...

>...is Me.
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The 10th round. I'll have my deck posted on Monday. I'm trying to cook up something special, but I might have to fall back on Swordsoul if I can't get it working.
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arc troon lost
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Play her gimmick
what was banned last time?
Ash Blossom
Toon support doko
Pl@yer: Maliss <P> White Rabbit
Lacooda: Aanti-spell fragrance
Bluray: Maliss C TB-11
Da: Deck Lockdown
Unplayer: Exosister Elis

Also, >>493435242 is a spiral in order of what was banned.
>Yuya is beloved by Son
>is a fat obnoxious brownoid
>Sora has become associated with a diaperfag
>is a paperfag

Is Arc-V cursed?
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>Exosister Elis
I was seriously considering playing Exosister next week. Now I'm cooking up a backup plan now that Grass is unbanned.
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Yes. Its why its the worst non-Rush YGO series
>still seething over Rush
Why is ryzeal the coolest deck?
Meta cucks
deadnamer is the cooler drident
Because the only deck you've ever seen in your life is ryzeal?
and a ping pong ching chong to you too friend
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Getter Robo style grunginess never dies, it just goes in and out of fashion.
it's also worse than both of the rush series
That's not drains.
>Is Arc-V cursed?
No, it was betrayed and took the blame for everything like Jesus.
let him out wtf
No, he'll special summon a copy of himself from the deck.
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nah i'm gonna tribute him
And have 80% less protein in my pasta?
Rikka players look like THAT?
Why the fuck I prefer the left one? Oh right, is because he actually doesn't look disgusting. Just black.
i prefer both, i want them to fuck my wife
While you made this both they took turns double teaming your cardfu
they are both accepted on Team NTR
Oops, sorry, that was yours. You played yourself!
>implying I am ok with retards putting me in the same category as some fat white stealer of girls
Don't put me in your level, retard.
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>still no duck deck
YWNBB, Lightskin brownoid.
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Choose your fighter.
One of those is a roadrunner.
Gas all ntrtards, all rapetards, all non-vanillatards.
you're gonna do something special for the 10th round or something, it is a milestone for a meme format most didn't think would get past the 3rd round
*rapes you*
Go ahead, call the judge, he can't unrape you.
*cut your dick*
Go ahead, call the police, they can't fix it.
I'd put in ice and call a surgeon actually
might tell him to add a few inches while he's at it
man, remember Ashened? that feels like it was years ago already
It's a very funny double hit because not only does it make Martha unplayable it also means they lose an extender
I'd sooner remember war rocks than ashened
War rocks are at least memorable for being the shitty +200 attack meme deck.
Ashened are shit in a very boring way
I've played around with a few ideas, but in the end, I decided not to do any of them and keep things running as normal.I considered things like giving everyone 2 bans or having a real prize, but yeah, both things would just be shitshows in the long run.

But yeah, I didn't now how long this would last. It'll fizzle out someday, but we're going strong for the moment.
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Please don't insult Torao Takabe by calling him white.
>Fusion card
I remember sonic duck being good earlygame in one of the handheld games.
you niggas woke up a little too baity
Sonic duck is one of the targets you can run with emissary of the afterlife in goat format
Cheap beatsticks + removal solves at least the first half of most Yugioh video games.
1700 beater is kinda big for the starter decks so you use him until you can actually make an archetype deck
you can just beat any of the games with beaters and traps
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kek what was he soifacing on?
Gravity Bind FEARS the duck
>it become so fucking mainstream now they are making meta jokes
Meta jokes are a fucking shit and I hate this forced meme.This is like if ocg makes meta jokes about filthy gaijin getting tewartd
Japs love meta jokes and parody
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>not posting the dng version
>nooooo stop making fun of me!
those would be based and funny
NTR is in like the top 3 categories throughout most of Asia.
Fitting for a cucked country. But it should stay indoors.
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hmm I wonder who could be behind this post...
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It's been at least a year straight of domination in Japan.
>can WALK at sonic speed
imagine if he started running...
Beyond the buge boner, the OCG is superior in a lotta ways.
He can't run he'll lose control, just read the second sentence.
he's already losing control by walking
now imagine if he tried running it'd be terrible
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>cannot be special summoned from the deck
Why is that line of text there? Is it just to stop summoner monk?
>cannot be special summoned from the deck
We need a droll style handtrap with this line of text
*places on the field*
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So how's about that worlds event, dead nigger game general?
I don't know a single fan of yugioh that cares about worlds.
It's embarrassing that even 3800 people watched
I'm going to ignore it like it never existed, just like every other competitive game event.
Why are diaperfags so obsessed with competitive events? Lolalula here is obsessed with event numbers and then you have Sorafag who goes to multiple YCS events.
Because I've got nostalgia for 2000s era SRW games.
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I always want to play Vernusylph
Feel like trying Naturia this time. Has amyone else played Naturia latetly? Is this good core? Before I start cramming in staples, what else is good for this deck?
Competetiveness is intrinsic to yugioh.
Atem lost one duel in a random filler arc and it fucking mindbroke him.
>max c is allowed
I hate Landoise so much. It's the worst level 7 synchro ever printed.
You can run 1 naturia ladybug if you want.The attack boost is actually sort of relevant I've found.
Stinkbug is also useful to keep people from just going to BP to run over sunflower.
>Competetiveness is intrinsic to yugioh.
But why does it feel like the fucking diaperfags are the ones that care the most.
>m-muh croach!
Kill yourself
> It's the worst level 7 synchro ever printed.
You are like baby, watch this
You're supposed to loop Divine Wind with that you idiot
There a google doc of codes for this mutual follower thing? Just started and trying to max out the free shit
>Soft-OPT quick bounce
>worst level 7 synchro ever printed
wait it's all duel terminal archetypes
>Non opt backrow removal + attack gain
Not even in the competetion
How the fuck does the ryzeal field spell work? It literally just sounds like it should do literally nothing according to its own PSCT

Its designed to miss timing but how does it literally ever HIT timing on anything? Its the same garbage as general raiho except somehow far more confusing because at least raiho is a continuous effect that keeps applying like Masquerade except it hits on res rather than as activation cost, but the ryzeal card is an optional trigger effect that lets you activate a new effect in a new chain, that supposedly somehow prevents the thing from happening that just resolved? How the fuck do you even do that? Mirrorjade activates its effect, pays costs, banishes something. Now Ryzeal triggers and sees that an effect resolved, how the fuck do you negate dick shit at that point anymore?
90% of duel terminal cards are fucking dogshit after all.
all my fiendish chains... gone...
Sometimes you only have chimera and goblin...
Nope. Good stat line + plenty of non effect monster support.
It's unironically better to be a non effect monster than an effect monster with a shitty effect.
It just works
is this your first time seeing an effect that negates effects on resolution without activating?
it's nothing new, the abyssmails do it, pegasus twin saber does it, cerulean skyfire does it, all cards that saw play in popular decks
Yugioh commander format
Imagine needing to wait a whole turn in defense mode to get an equip spell
>is this your first time seeing an effect that negates effects on resolution without activating?
not really considering one of my decks has a card that literally makes spells resolve with no effect on resolution, the difference being that card is actually worded to make sense whereas the ryzeal thing just seems impossible to utilize according to how the game is supposed to work and I legitimately dont understand how can the next trigger in a new chain negate something that has already happened before
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I want vylon support so bad.
They're so ludokino
again, it doesn't trigger because it's not an activated effect
when resolving that chain link with the monster effect you just detach an xyz and say "no"
You just sound kinda stupid bro
The non-OPT negate...
>dies to Vorse Raider
>still demands to be the only monster you control when it attacks
I'll be honest I completely forgot the anti-steelswarm nuke effect this thing has
I guess the key distinction here being that all examples I gave (raiho, masquerade, dark angel) are all continuous effects that keep adding a condition that gets checked for on resolution, whereas the ryzeal card is worded like a separate trigger effect that would happen after an effect/ chain would have already resolved to full extent

>once per turn, when an opponent's activated monster effect resolves
how? if it has already resolved it has already fucking ended and completed its effect, and it isnt resolving negated either via some continuous clause on top of it. The ryzeal field spell would need to detach on the activation of the effect or during the resolution rather than after for it to actually function. This has to be a mistranslation and its actually meant to imply that you detach while the effect is resolving (which is what you said)
With apo gone you can finally do the omega loop without nagging feeling of "..or I could've just made apolousa"
I really love Albion’s mill effect
I don't see how this is any different
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Hosting EU casual
Vylon had great aesthetics but WOW were they bad.
returning oldfag here. Any literal FTK decks in the game anymore? I mean shit like 5Ds Lotten and killing the opponent before their turn even happens
>how? if it has already resolved it has already fucking ended and completed its effect
You are confusing the gameplay resolve with the colloquial "resolve". Resolve in this case is the gameplay resolve, that being that the effect goes through without being negated. The effect resolves and is resolving, allowing you to negate it before it fully resolves.
It's also why Link Summons via effect state that it happens AFTER the effect resolves. If they happened when it resolves, it would be too early
Gimmick Puppets is probably the biggest one at the moment, but volcanic is super easy to FTK with as well and there are tons of others.
wdym anymore it wasn't even a big thing in the 5ds era
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What a weird ass design
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There must be some contractual thing stopping them from using the Rush art for shit, because I don't see a point in getting artists to redrew artwork with additional details and more modern colors and effects, only to just literally never use them outside of specifically Rush printings
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Dark Flare Knight retrain when?
Gay sex with Flame Swordsman
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calm down Yusei
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What will be the next TCG exclusive KANTOOOOOO archetype?
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>making a retard like me go first knowing I'll waste almost 10 minutes stumbling my way into an "endboard" willingly
Shit, I legit don't know why you do this to yourself Da.
GGs anyways.
LMAO TransV(estite)
Panik.dek or Arkana branch Dark Magician. Maybe Umbra/Lumis.
>why you do this to yourself Da.
I was hoping I would draw more than one handtrap, and I think going second is better if you Shifter me than if I go first although of course I drew Called by the one time I go second and you don't draw it. I bet EDO thinks it's real fucking funny.
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Flame Swordsman (Final Form [Muscle Daddy])
I like Kiriban, I hope she gets more cards in the future.
>Yuya’s universally agreed best moments in Arc-V were either when Z-Arc or Yuto took over (Odd-Eyes Rebllion or Odd-Eyes Raging)
Turned out people just like it when a main character properly duels to win instead of preaching his worthless rant and smile and shit
Umbra and Lumis? More like Godbra and Chadmis. Masked Beasts as an archetype would be cool as fuck.
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>Arkana branch Dark Magician
>Blue-Eyes gets the structure deck while DM gets TCG original support that would probably be xenophobic to almost all of the preexisting support
God I could see this happening
While I am part of the camp that likes the first 50 episodes of Arc-V, in hindsight the whole concept of entertainment dueling is fucking stupid and alien. Like it's such a demented take trying to set itself apart from "dueling for fun" like GX explored or even Vrains going hard into dueling being a weapon and being all serious business.

Like no one duels for the pleasure of other people get the fuck outta here.
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>Like no one duels for the pleasure of other people get the fuck outta here.
Even Judai duels for his own enjoyment
Imagine if through some miracle, the DM Arkana support ends up being a better deck than Yugi's side.
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>Temporarily retired from YGO because the format is very boring right now
>There is no One Piece General
life hurts, bros.
I may watch a bit of it since I like watching worlds, but I may just tune out and watch Duel Links worlds, that one actually sounds cool.
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Yuya was just ahead of his time with the dueling for others argument. Just look at yugitubers on YouTube doing gimmick duels.
You just know we're a few gimmicks away from Konami releasing a Yu-Gi-Oh product with a vtuber protagonist.
Fuck off tranny
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Strongest Soulburner card
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Arkana actually has quite a few cards which are long overdue to be printed. He played some bonkers S/T in his duel with Yugi.
you lost btw
All of the good classic Dark Magician support came from Arkana
>Thousand Knives
>Dark Magic Curtain
>Legion the Fiend Jester
>Dark Renewal
He even has anti-Dark Magician support
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deck for this feel?
You get all these soulful "what if" covercards lately, like how the fusion Yubel is clearly "what if Judai added Yubel to his deck post-series", or the light Zarc card that's "what if Yuya used Zarc's cards after purifying him", or the Link 6 Firewall upgrade, or the new Chaos Numbers. You can see how they're clearly building off the lore of their original series. But what the FUCK is this thing? What set of circumstances is meant to bring this about? Nothing. It's just another soulless Stardust negation upgrade, because there's nothing to build on in 5Ds. Even fucking arc-v left more character work to build on than 5ds.
What if Quazar followed Arc-Vs ugly dragon design philosophy
I haven't paid any mind to these, but I clicked on this one because of how random it seemed to be, and noticed that some of the clips they've used have almost nothing to do with the card they're promoting
If you want to enter the realm of headcanon where Z-ONE is actually Yusei from the future and not a fanboy skinwalker, a partially burnt Cosmic Blazar Dragon (Future Yusei's final upgrade) would be the only thing left from the aftermath of Z-One bopping the arc cradle and this card is just the result of Yusei trying to restore what remained of it as it only says ''Cosmic'' something someething dragon
Yugibros, maybe Arkana was truly the superior Dark Magician user…
>here we see anon showing signs of having arc v living in it's head for free
Who are you quoting?
Yugi would have lost without the DMG asspull. It's a major plot hole that Arkana had no idea that she existed despite claiming to be the Dark Magician master.
>Cool monsterchud jobs to waifuslop
A tale as old as time
>It's just another soulless Stardust negation upgrade, because there's nothing to build on in 5Ds.
Ding ding ding
I will (thankfully) never be a girl, anon.
Or they could, you know, make a support for “what if Rua propely got Lifestream Dragon early”
They have never explained who this guy is in terms of lore. Dark Magician is meant to be Mahad but this guy just shows up and steals his flow.
>what if the show was 6D's
Better that than showing Life Stream Dragon as early as ED2 and refusing to ever let Rua acquire until the show was almost over
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Mystery nigga...
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calling it 5ds but having 6 dragons was the dumbest shit ever and showed they had no idea wtf they were doing past the first 25 episodes or so
Crow’s dragon was never planned
Life Stream Dragon was
Imagine showing it in this ED during the Dark Signer arc and cucking Rua out of it for the rest of the show. That’s what they did
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we don't know where he comes from but we know what he becomes.
left if he jobs to mahad.
right if he defeats mahad.
>but having 6 dragons was the dumbest shit ever and showed they had no idea wtf they were doing past the first 25 episodes or so
Maybe they shouldn't have introduced a certain nigger that contributed nothing to the plot and was only there to shill cards...
something something cult happened something something blackwings made money something something shin yoshinda...
It was of utter importance to shill blackwing with crow
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Does anyone have a midrange Maliss list and any input on the playstyle? I saw mention online of people playing it that way but every list and deck profile I can find is people playing it combo cyberse slop which I don't find fun at all. I've put this together so far but I feel like it can be improved upon very heavily...
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consider running fissure
Do we have more lore for him?
Or is that it?
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Judai did add Yubel to his deck and don't even try and pretend like the new Yubel stuff actually takes cues aesthetically or gameplay wise from E-HERO, it's just making an updated version of a Yubel character deck based entirely on the cards she used when she was a complete psycho.
It's not that 5D's has zero room for growth in core sets, just that it's not anything that Konami cares about. 5D's and GX are the only series where we definitively know where all of the main cast ended up after the last arc of the show.
They've tried upgrading all the Signer Dragons periodically with mixed results because part of the problem with 5D's decks isn't so much not having good boss monsters but having shit main decks.
Aki for instance has enough regular monsters for you to make a version of her deck that focuses on the Black Rose Witch cards.
Ruka could just get the Yubel treatment of remake her entire monster lineup into something with some actual synergy alongside an AFD upgrade.
Stardust is more marketable but if Gaia Knight can be a cover card you could make something like a Junk Warrior upgrade a cover card, with the set focusing more on a version of the Yusei deck that is more focused on defense and board breaking with a Synchron toolbox.
Infernity is a really easy and safe pick for a cover card, the deck is pretty evergreen.
Meklords as well, they could just get a new robot whenever.
Earthbound Immortal could also be a set focus, there's still a lot of Nasca lines that haven't been adapted and Konami has tried to remake Godwin's deck, and he has the opposite problem of most of the 5D's cast - that his main deck retrains are pretty good (lack of good search targets with Geoglyph notwithstanding) but the Sun/Moon dragons and Earthbound Immortals are shit.
It isn't cover card worthy but I could see Team Unicorn getting a new deck of LIGHT Beasts focused on banishing - they had a clear identity in their deck. They could be used in a Legendary Duelists.
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>some BA fans salty over Project KV are apparently forcing a futameme onto KV to 'sabotage' it
Decks for this feel?
Well, considering anon just made that up. No.
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Basically every Maliss list I see is midrange and they're all largely the same thing functionally. You pilot into Terahertz for protection and set up all 3 Maliss links on board.

You're probably not missing anything, the deck needs more support. Combo variants are outclassed by pure Cyberse slop and the midrange focus has proven to be too fragile for the meta game, it fell off extremely hard after the week 1 hype it did while Ryzeal keeps growing. It's not a bad deck, the bar is just really high right now and Maliss can't reach it. It might have a better time in TCG if Ryzeal doesn't just devour the entire format at t0.
All the shit you wrote only confirms that 5D's has no interesting "what if" alternate situations.
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they have named attacks.
that's about it.
I don't know but both BA and KV should coexist.
>don't even try and pretend like the new Yubel stuff actually takes cues aesthetically or gameplay wise from E-HERO
It's literally Yubel Flame Wingman
>what if instead of Crow, we got this guy from Kaz’s initial sketch
Yes, Crow was also unplanned even in Kaz’s vision
i was just about to dismiss you here because i'm pretty sure those two are not related at all but
>both have a burn for 200 gimmick
you might be on to something
>don't even try and pretend like the new Yubel stuff actually takes cues aesthetically or gameplay wise from E-HERO
The fusion is Flame Wingman
Spirit is Spirit of Neos
And there is a Favorite card
Pikeru and Curran not having a deck is weird. At the very least give them a Kaiju of that ugly motherfucker from the equip card that meets the conditions to let them summon Princess forms.
I feel like magnet warriors
>look up who the dog on the spell card is
>it's pic rel
the missing link between DM lore and Endymion lore...
>It isn't cover card worthy but I could see Team Unicorn getting a new deck of LIGHT Beasts focused on banishing - they had a clear identity in their deck. They could be used in a Legendary Duelists
Their decks was mostly pure Beast/Beast Warrior shit. They were even using stuff like Behemoth King of all Animals and Naturia Leodrake
They did print this
Every time someone posts gacha autism, be it Blue Archive. Fate or some Granblue stuff that pops up sometimes makes me glad that we at least have not sunk that low and are not as bad as them.
bro, your Jessica stocks?
Already happened in RUSH.
Yea but the deck is still fairly unplayable and its one that YOOOOGI played so I could see it getting more support
So did blue-eyes and they got still a structure
DM sells mang, get over it.
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More swords and swordsmen.
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>closed event
What a lame choice honestly. Wondering if I should try and see if I can win one of the envelopes tomorrow. It's Swords of Revealing Light and Doomcaliber QCSRs right?
Nah, Blue-eyes is an exception. Magnets are getting nothing since they already got stuff in rush.
>they could unironically do more retrains of alpha/beta/gamma
They had generic Beast stuff but a lot of their cards had a ton of Banish focus. Monoceros, D.D. Unicorn Knight, Uni-Horned Familiar are all obvious Team Unicorn cards that focus on. If they would get support in Legendary Duelists I think that it would be suitable to lean into that so they aren't just "uh play Tri-Brigade but now with some Synchro plays if you want I guess."
>see if I can win one of the envelopes tomorrow
Wtf are you talking about?
Yeah its those two. I want them too. Gonna try to get it sunday.
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Today I will remind them
Has any of the "retroactively making an archetype for an anime character that previously didn't have one" decks resulted in anything that wasn't either janky as hell shit or immediately vored as an engine into a greater soup/slop?
Sitting in the same waiting room as Fire Dragon.
>h-hey shut up don't point out the holes in my argument
>uhhh its an exception!
Actually what we call this is a concession, that being yours
They also got some "Magnet" non-Warriors in ZEXAL.
can someone point me to the best current sky striker build? I want to try playing at locals sometime.

I last played when I was using mystic mine so my deck has to change
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>immediately vored as an engine into a greater soup/slop
Even this card shits on whatever that Stardust is supposed to be.
Sure, tell me your favorite diaper firsst
They still aren't getting anything because they already got stuff in rush.
Your source being...?
diapers make playing competitively easier, large events have big lines for bathrooms with minimal time between rounds and thus extremely minimal opportunity to actually use the restroom, a strong urge to go and having to focus on holding it is mentally distracting and can make your overall performance worse

or you can just wear diapers to events and you never have any concern for finding an opportunity to use the restroom and your bladder won't divert your attention mid match
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Decks for this feel?
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where did it go wrong
GX sure had a thing for dragon heads as arms.
Some of the decks were made reasonably functional, just not really meta. Stuff like Millennium or Ojama/Armed Dragon/Union.
If it counts, Lyrilusc had very few cards in the anime and it was a tier 1 deck after it got some new stuff for the TCG.
It's cool, but it was just Flame Wingman and his counterpart cards.
>everything in it is fucking worthless and then gets reprinted on top of that
Link-1 Blue Eyes being Buster Blader Support
It had an obsession for this general sort of headtype
It's weird how I was thinking of shit like the Legendary Duelist Ishizu and Mizael support waves, and shit like Rose Dragons and then it turns out it still kinda qualifies for a large margin of archetypes I just didn't think about.
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>Earthbound Immortal could also be a set focus, there's still a lot of Nasca lines that haven't been adapted and Konami has tried to remake Godwin's deck, and he has the opposite problem of most of the 5D's cast - that his main deck retrains are pretty good (lack of good search targets with Geoglyph notwithstanding) but the Sun/Moon dragons and Earthbound Immortals are shit.
The Earthbound wave of cards that replicate pic related's anime effects.
EBI's are cringe looking, why do you guys even like them
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>EBI's are cringe looking
They're the best looking thing to come from 5Ds (Which is shit).
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true, im one and with a quick scroll it seems like the only significant discussion about the actual game and its mechanics in this thread was started by me

>But why
because you need either extreme mental illness or extreme retardation to care enough to want to be "good" at yugioh
Eh, the look bad.
Ladies, ladies, they can both be the best looking thing from that show, AND look bad.
The first 3 effects are shared by all of the Earthbound Gods, so it would just take a single Malefic Territory-like card to restore those.
Your source??
Its been a while now, you must be combing through rush's japanese announcements where they say decks getting support in rush will not get support in the main game?
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*Reaches forward*
C'mere.. i just wanna talk to you...
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Since Grass is finally back, I don't see why not
Heard Raidraptor Grass got some results in OCG
>faggotry over dune
>diaperposting again
Does tranny chaser ever sleep
NS Sphere over your 3 Towers. Extend handshake.
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>grass deck
>50 cards
>I think that it would be suitable to lean into that so they aren't just "uh play Tri-Brigade but now with some Synchro plays if you want I guess."
funny enough Tribrigade can play some Synchros if it wants to. Fabled Cerburrel and Mist Valley Baby Roc can be summoned when they discard for their usual combos
>be me
>finished arc V
>wanted to play lyrilusc
>built and tested the deck
>practiced with AI
>feeling confident enough to play against real people
>first game activated bonfire adding SE ash
>opponent scoop
>second game started with deception adding sacred azamina
>another scoop
Are you playing fucking Snake Eyes Lyrilusc
Free 3 level 1 bodies, I don't see why not
There's zero reason not to, you just collect like 4 bodies for free, 2 being level 1?
idk bro maybe try playing lyrilusc next time
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I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. This might not work out. Any suggestions?
hosting eu casual.
I literally tributed sparrow for deception and was about to summon warbler in game 2
>edo randos refusing to interact with metatrannies posing as petdeckfags
Based af
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>just a bunch of uwu owo sameface syndrome bitches in onesies
souless garbage, and of course it comes from Fart V
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>in onesies
You're kidding.
>Take a closer look
>Some of them clearly have collars like it's a costume
And here I was thinking that they were just Harpie Ladies 2, but we don't even get that, how lame.
Waiter, waiter, your finest McDonalds Happy Meals please!
Don't forget the Sanrio x Yugioh Crossover Toys!
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how many hours until the worlds stream?
Imagine the smell in that room.
Stinky duelist, yikes
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What about the feet? that can't be part of the suit
please never post here again common
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Still better than drains. Keep having arcv living in your head for free.
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Shhhhh, you'll ruin his argument about how bird creatures can't wear clothes.
GG Vell, it's back to the training arc for me. I don't remember how to do shiiiiit in this game, but it's all slowly coming back. Nice playing ya again bro
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The broken
12 hours
it will be midnight in my timezone so why bother
fuck burger time
>You can only activate 1 effect per turn
>You can send 1 Lv7 or higher Normal from hand or Deck to GY to special it from hand
>You can banish it to revive a Normal Monster
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ggs sef. my boys are a shell of what they still pack a punch.
>better than Drains
Yusaku is less cancerous than egao and Z-Arc
That is the trippy part of it, yeah, but I recall that Elemental Hero Avian and some of those guys are just costumes, too, so probably the same thing applies here.
Not everything has to be an argument, my guy, we're just making observations.
Keep telling yourself that. Drains was the real killer. And Yusaku makes Yusei 2nd season looks like a deep character.
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Anti-Raizeoltards BTFO
most dies to nibiru award...
a shell of what* they used to be but they still pack a punch
ate half that sentence due to terminal ESL, also rehosting.

Why do birds have boobs though?
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it doesn't thougheverbeit.
Fake format.
Dragolithia Kunzite
Level 8 EARTH Dragon Effect Monster
You can only use either 1 of the following effects, (1) or (2), from this card's name once per turn, and only once that turn.
(1) If this card is in your hand: You can send 1 Level 7 or higher Normal Monster from your hand or Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card.
(2) You can banish this card from the GY, then target 1 Normal Monster in your GY; Special Summon it in Defense Position.
I'm glad we're just straight up reusing old VJUMP promos now
Based Megas standing to the lore menace.
>Black Meteor but better
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You linked the same one for small and large.
Well it's not shit but it's redundant, we already have Meteor and Dictator. I guess if you're desperate for the Xyz.
Really hope we're not going to have to wait until Monday for more reveals, I forgot that the Vjump Promo was today
>Ryzeal Duodrive effect is used to add Ryzeal Cross and Ryzeal Plug-In from deck to hand, and is a vulnerable point that the opponent could disrupt using ‘hand traps’. Traptrix Rafflesia is played to protect Ryzeal Duodrive against the opponent’s hand trap. Against Effect Veiler, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit or Nibiru, the Primal Being, Traptrix Rafflesia effect could send Gravedigger’s Trap Hole from deck to graveyard to negate them. Against Infinite Impermanence, Traptrix Rafflesia effect could send Ryzeal Hole Thruster to play around it.
I genuinely never even thought to do this.
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i miss when v-jump promos were straight up dogshit.
now they're just bad. which is more boring.
no one is playing this garbage either way so may as well get a laugh out of it.
>1 Ryzeal starter = 3 r4nk at least
Turn out when you have enough, they will be great
Just like targeted destruction
>it has a more useful second effect but doesn't send for cost and has less normals it can dump also isn't archetypal like Black Meteor Dragon
It sure is a Vjump Promo that extends
>>1 Ryzeal starter = 3 r4nk at least
Except for Thode, because he’s a faggot. The Stratos of the archetype is somehow the worst starter.
It is bad. OCG doesn't play yugioh. It is a flop and will also flop when it comes to the real TCG game.
Good evening Mr. Tewart
But that's enough about Malpiss.
worse than a black screen btw
You mean Sword.
Our snake-eyes and fiendsmith are nerfed garbage compared to theirs and they still dominate over there.
you're practically asking for more but /dng/ said posts. you retards never get tired of being wrong.
Tewart is a monsterchud.
I’m gonna choke you.
All the pros agree that r4nk is a bad deck.
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Prize cards for World Celebration. Some stores got envelopes with QCSRs for the two cards I mentioned.
Good luck anon. Will probably try using my Fluffals.
I wouldn't put King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in the "cool monster" box, but that's just me, I suppose.
Don't worry
To make up for Thode's shortcoming, nips are running Surfacing Big Jaws and Drake Shark!
what diapers will you be wearing to the event
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OCG is a dogshit format that doesn't actually play yugioh.
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Why do OCG lists love running this bitch in Ryzeal? I don’t get it. Isn’t Castel just functionally superior because you’re never summoning Asophiel with an Exosister as material?
Erm achkshully we can see that a good chunk of TCG exclusives (Ghoti, Beetrooper, Vendread, Subterror, Ashened, Materiactor, Kaiju, Tistina, Myutant, Burning Abyss and Dangers) lend towards the more monstrous side thoughbeit
>Clinging to an ORG-ism
Anon, please don’t. They’re supposed to Anode and Cathode.
Same reason they use Sneedgoirgon over Photon Blast Dragon, sometimes they just forget cards exist
Zeus play, maybe
That's the only thing Castel lacks compared to her since he detaches 2
It is the first sentence of the text. Read
Sure, but Noble Knights are the only one I remember Tewart specifically being a fanboy over, even going so far as to make comments along the lines of "dude, just equip the vanilla with Axe of Despair and you can out Shaddoll Construct 100%!"
You mean Sword
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Rate the V-Jump Promo.
>dumps any level 7+ normal
Pretty spicy
What exactly are you playing around with protection from GY?
Because of Plug-In I'm guessing
>and only once that turn.
No, Sword is the actual translation. ソード means Sword.
Good for any vanilla dragon deck
extremely painfully mediocre.
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Literally just Black Meteor Dragon/10
>Elemental HERO Blazeman
>Vision HERO Vyon
>Elemental HERO Spirit of Neos
Search Polymerization
>Elemental HERO Sunrise
Search Miracle Fusion
>Evil HERO Infernal Rider
Set Super Polymerization
>Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage
Search Favorite Contact and Eternal Favorite

Are there any other HEROs that search out fusion spells and traps?
>Normal Dragon has TWO (2) Circulars now
>No one will use them
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I DISTINCTLY recall some fucking idiot claiming the Ryzeal match-up wasn’t that bad for Tenpai so, fuck you.
How could you mention Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage and forget about her?
The Standby Phase searcher and recycler for Polymerization.
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We need more Normals
Brave Neos
Adusted Gold
>Ryzeal matchup isn't bad for Tenpai-
>Ryzeal isn't bad into boardbreakers-
-sisters...our headcanon...
He looks cool, too bad he's been aged out of any usefulness.
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Who cares? You can always go to /aco/ if you want to talk about that.
For the bounce I assume?
you'll never be them
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i spent several threads telling everyone tenpai is dogshit and will only get worse and every time i get some copers telling me how hecking broken the deck will be with fuwaross now as if that's not a benefit that literally every deck will get because everyone will be playing fuwaross + 18 other handtraps regardless of going first or second.
blind second sisters, you will not be OTK'ing any good decks anymore. you had your 15 minutes in the spotlight. now back to benchwarming.
I'm glad Tenpai is getting punished in OCG land
You'll never be in a good deck
Tenpai is literally the third most represented deck in the piechart and the only non-Ryzeal/SE deck to have double digit tops
OG remakes and manga remakes plz
spyral was too honest
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1 card combo that is also a boardbreaker that chainblocks itself
Say hello to your new powercreep
It's absurd that they never gave these guys the Harpie Lady treatment.
>The strongest Ryzeal main deck monster
>no Xyz form
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>R4NK isn't goo- ACK!
>Ryzeal isn't better than SE Fiendsmi- ACK!
>Ryzeal is only good because it's a handtrap format! it loses to tenpai and boardbreake- ACK!
You are here
>Ryzeal won't be good in TCG because ughh umm uhhhh ermm... we don't have Maxx "C"!
If Deadnamer and Duodrives are the upgrades of the weakest starter I'm terrified as to how chuddian and powerful Ex's Xyz forms are gonna be
We've seen time and time again decks that top in OCG flop here
MAxx C is a big deal.
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Don't fall for bad OCG format. All the pro yugioh players are saying it's bad so it will be bad.
Ryzeal will be better in TCG since they don't have to deal with Maxx "C" also TCG is getting Fuwaross anyway
I am delighted at our upcoming cool robot chud xyz format.
truly a worthy successor to the cool monster chud xyz format.
God I hope you're right. Even if it leads to a few insufferable months of Abyss Dweller turbo.
its fine
the reborn effect is nice
Somebody give me a Ryzeal deck
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No Seventh Tachyon in TCG yet so you have to cope with this for now
i like to imagine deadnader is using his non opt effect to blow each of those arguments.
Funnily enough, that how OCG Ryzeal players usually avoid Evenly and DRNM
Deadnader destroys himself
Then they flip Ryzeal Plug-In and revive Deadnader +1 material from Deck
Thanks, time to ruin this decklist.
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So, what is final verdict on TCG banlist
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>deadnamer has blue eyes and yellow highlights (hair)
What did Konami mean by this
>and DRNM
This one is false
I have a brainfart here
feel free to laugh
Pretty sure TCG SE is also weak against boardbreakers without any generic negs, no?
>snakeshit got a slap on the wrist
another for profit list like always
they keep 2 interruptions on field post drnm, 3 if they make a good board.
3 interruptions + the handtraps they're guaranteed to have in hand + the fact they're guaranteed to live a turn post DRNM is hardly terrible odds.
he's literally black
You're right but they're also a minority. A majority of decks that top over there top over here. We had the same top tier spread across both formats for like half a year now.
You said this about Fiendsmith
You said they wouldn't matter like Adventure
and now that nigger engine still finds a way to work even post-banlist
its what if yusei synchros got a generic version for the arc-v synchro dimension just like how kite got useless ciphers and how jack got scarlight archfiend and crow got assault blackwings
Good for a V-Jump these days.
He has like the thing Michael Jackson had, but in reverse
>yellow highlights (hair)
That's just outer armor
we know he's Ryzeal Thode inside
They are now because you can’t get to Desirae as efficiently to beat them.
Yeah, I’m gonna HATE having 3 less Maxx “C” to play through, bro...
fuck hes so cool looking. Easily coolest deisgned boss monster from the DBPs
If we get Seventh Tachyon in decent time I'm fully expecting TCG Ryzeal to search out the 2 card shark package and go into Toadally for board breakers every game
They can also make Bahamut Shark and Toad with Ice's effect
Because Ice Ryzeal does NOT lock you to rank 4 with his normal summon's effect
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I watched a bit of a YCS one time and now youtube won't stop recommending these guys..and goddamn, why is his face so poorly shopped? Did he try to hide his acne using ms paint?
Better than last format but that's not saying much. Also jewnami gonna jew.
>to search out the 2 card shark package
What is it?
Surfacing Big Jaws + Drake Shark
A ryzeal meta doesn't sound so bad. Ryzeal mirrors will at least be interesting to watch. Cards blown up everywhere and the board is like a minefield. More interesting than diabelleslop at least
Not a bad idea and I should probably test it more desu but 2 Extra slots is tight. 15 just ain’t enough.
Yugioh infects youtube like a virus. Always watch yugioh youtube in incongito mode.
As the "obligatory vjump card used to support recent SD", I rate 3/10. It fails at everything, there's better way to dump vanillas, summon vanillas, or be a big dumb body for rank8 dragons.
Don't lie, no one is excited to summon a r4nk.
Surfacing Big Jaws searches Drake Shark which summons itself. You can special Surfacing Big Jaws if you have activated a spell card like Seventh Tachyon or Bonfire too to save your normal.
Go into Bahamut Shark into Toadally awesome. If you're feeling spicy, you can turn Bahamut Shark into XYZ Armor Fortress and get the Full Armored play people love.
I like it for being Ash Bait but for a card which was meant to work with the Blue-eyes SD it's like they forgot Blue-eyes already has an unsearchable vanilla dump.
The Ryzeal mirror is really bad. Ryzeal counters itself too hard since Deadnader fucking ravages other Ryzeal boards. The archetype is ironically way more vulnerable to destruction effects than a lot of other forms of interaction.
Ryu-Ge bros ... They're asking if we're gay again...
>turn Bahamut Shark into XYZ Armor Fortress and get the Full Armored play people love
Ryzeal does not need another garnet
Gravedigger is enough
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>once that turn
Would have been ok-ish Rank 8 material but jesus fucking christ this is ass
Man I love this deck's design though now I can't help but not see Medabots and MegaXLR.
Just block/remove it from suggestions with the little 3 dot icon.
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OCG format is boring. Only TCG matters.
Wordcloud every archived dng thread and we can easily find out.
What's the best way to run icejades?
With ice mirror?
That's Master Duel albeit
>Lord of D.
>Kaiser Sea Horse
What's the next Kaiba card to join the Blue-Eyes support crew?
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With The Winged Dragon of Ra
how is mathmech still that high without circular?
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Deadnader is just Apolloursa piloting a robot because instead of saying negate it says destroy, bitch is not shooting arrows she's pressing the missile buttons, all the missiles more missiles and some more missiles.
But bro are you going to Core tomorrow to try and win those envelopes.
He's at 3 in MD
Not sure if 2 nukes were too much or not enough
A. That isn’t high at all.
B. Circular is at 3, Diameter is at 1 on MD.
>Diameter is at 1 on MD.
Truly the clowniest of formats.
That second effect turns Dragon Shrine into Saga without the Dragon lock but the "only once that turn" really killed this card.
The one inside Deadnader is Thode though >>493479523
That's insane.
But I love the idea, thanks. I was already thinking about what to build off of their egyptian god slime. Ra sounds fun.
Prosperity is limited now so you can put 2 Purulia in the deck
Always remember this
Ra is strictly for going second
Hey Sorafag are you going to buy ABDL approved TCG gaming mats?
Why are diaper companies making card game mats?
And Thode has a nice waistline and wide hips, i'm calling sexo.
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You know I really dislike how the nu-Metalmorph cards are all centered around and support a specific Metalmorph trap instead of being for generic "Metalmorph" cards for futureproofing
This is all reference to a single duel in the manga. Metalmorph never ever shows up in the manga again after Keith vs Joey so they're out of canon to make cards for it.
they all set a "metalmorph" trap, what more do you fucking want?
Assault Wyvern or Krystal Dragon. They both fit the "cards used in the anime/manga to support Blue-eyes despite being generic support" that Lord of D. and Kaiser did.
The monsters are only summonable off explicitly Full Metalmorph
*opening of the spirit gates to 1*
>The monsters are only summonable off explicitly Dark Fusion
Yeah, that's at least a consistency hit, who the fuck is playing more than 1 Diameter
hosting eu casual
Huh? You ALWAYS played 3 Diameter in dedicated Mathmech builds.
*sharvara to 1*
>any future Metalmorph trap that summons has to always be treated as Enhanced Metalmorph, treats the summon as via Enhanced Metalmorph or ignores the summoning condition
You max it, and having 1 means you can never pitch it with Small World
Huh, well anyways, the TCG put Circular to 1.
Yeah, that's a consistency hit/dodging targeted disruption hit
Unchained were unfortunate enough to suffer than Adamancipator curse: useless in the OCG due to the buge, actually good in TCGland.
Remember the OCG putting VFD to 1
*air lifter to 1*
Why would you play this in Blue-eyes over Dictator?
That is, in fact, a consistency hit.
*diabell, wanted, bonfire and oss at 3*
I wonder how long until Konami has made enough money from mulcharmies that we don't have to suffer their impact on the meta...
They should have just made the Metalmorph retrains summon themselves the same way the originals did
>look at MD's hit
>1 WANTED, 1 Ash, 2 Bonfire
Wow, a single additional card vs TCG format
Why are both of them still hard draws? For all the shit Dark Magician gets at least Souls is searchable. The new Blue-eyes support doesn't do anything to set up Dictator and Neo Kaiser.
Interestingly, Poplar to 1 seems like it might actually successfully reduce Snake Eyes to t2 from what I've been hearing.

At least, until Azamina fucks us.
*rogue decks hit harder than year long tier 0*
MD doesn't have Fiendsmith thoughbelt
"But enough about MD format"
>actual diaperfag company make TCG shit
dng ain't beating the allegation
The BIG difference is that the diabell cards all recycle themselves, print out resources like there's no tomorrow, and work as both starters and extenders.
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bewd is strong but the chokepoints are evident (ash on prayer, mst on true light)
*keeps verte, kitkallos, spright elf, shs scarecrow, isolde, ariseheart and more all legal while also keeping them balanced and their decks playable*
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i'm interested in jobbing in AMC for the first time but i don't wanna comb through the clown banlist.
is this good to go or nah.
you can just download the banlist file and put it on edo retard
wtf i didn't know you could do that !
If handtraps are so bad, why hasn't he become a staple yet?
you'd know why if you played yugioh
>can still get hit with the imperm + nib combo
>fuwaross/purulia/shifter all activate in DP
so it doesn't stop any handtrap that actuall matters, noted.
Dies to 'Ibiru and the 'perm and the 'C and the 'eiler and the 'ifter and the 'gre and the draw phase 'urulia and 'uwaross thoughbeit
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I believe that Red Reboot was fair and we need a card like it to counter handtraps
The worst handtrapper stopper you've ever seen
Man, why is ragnarika card quality so low? Like they're not a terrible archetype overall once you get them mixed in with something but it's bizarre how weak their actual effects are for a modern archetype when you compare them to some other unrepresented deck like goblin bikers
TCG exclusive oddities in the new tins or something
The Big 3 of Fusion:

The Fiend, The Dragon and The Magician
Wish it was WIND desu. Reminds me of the good old days of Gusto shitposting
what are the most convenient ways to search a field spell ?
i can't give up my NS so no shit like pathfinder.
Is there an ED monster you can banish off this?
My locals is infested with Tenpai.
What are some anti-Tenpai decks?
Water Dragon turbo
Support for my niggas when?
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The only possible use I can think of is cheating out a boss on some blind second build and going for the OTK but it's not going to find a home in tenpai.
What is with yugitubers are trying to meme this idea that prizing matters. How does it impact me if some fatass whale doesn't get money for playing a childrens cardgame.
Shared world
bros i can't get tellarknights to work.... go on without me..........
>can only tribute your own monsters
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>big 3
Kinda disappointing ngl
is the first tribute effect from either field or your cards only?
it's worded like it's your own monsters only, meaning it's useless trash.
ryzeal into delteros suicide turbo
ntrbait whore
kino effects
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>Up to the number of monsters your opponent controls
So close to be a 1 card Leo Dancer.
When are we getting Xyz Fusionist and Link Fusionist anyways?
i'm just going to play geargia..............
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Another garbage card.
>banish 2 Millenium-eyes Restrict
>lose no LP and get a negate on board
Not a well designed card imo
>the Nibiru that doesn’t fucking do anything
support doko
>not being able to tribute my opponent's monsters
It's shit
Primal Being archetype
Bro...if you have both Nibiru and Theia and you resolve Nibiru you win...
>Heavy Polymerization
>really going for going second
>requires 3 or more monsters
Read the card ffs.
I don’t get it, why is everyone saying Theia only tributes your own field?
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>can only tribute from field
Strike 1
>can only tribute from YOUR field
Strike 2
>the pop is only on summon
Strike 3, you're ou-
>the pop is tied to highest attack when itself has a 3k body meaning it will most likely be the highest atk body up on field
Okay okay no need for more strik-
>floodgate eff barely means anything unless you drop it when they have already summoned 4 times
>floodgate eff also affects you
do you think any of these retards can read
Has to specify either field
You can't tribute your opp's monster without something like Lair for Decode
Because it doesn't say you can tribute from opp's field
anyway, Theia is only viable for going first
Ohhhhh. See, I figured the implication was that it worked like Nib, but I guess not.
>Muscular demon thing
he’s made of rock
You guys are gonna feel real stupid when they print a tribute floating archetype and Theia becomes a staple for enabling turn 0 options/dodging targeted disruptions bakas
Will Dark Magician run Heavy Polymerization though?
My impression is that it's a going first deck
The levels would still need to equal or be over 11.
>>>the pop is tied to highest attack when itself has a 3k body meaning it will most likely be the highest atk body up on field
The intent is for you to summon it after Nibiru, tributing your own Nibiru and destroying the token
I don't think he's so bad even at face value. I don't know what it'd be but I can see a board that puts out level 12 monsters normally just burning one for him at the end of their combo to have his effect hovering behind a layer of synchro protection.
You mean Hieratics?
Isn't Theia a girl's name?
When it comes to tributing, unless there's an effect that tells you can use your opp's monsters, you can only do so using your own monsters.
Anymore TCG exclusive from the tin?
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>3 or more
OH. Wait a minute.
>on the field
The dude who wanted more ayylmaos last thread really cursing his monkey paw right now huh
do ygo niggas really not read?
Don't stop him. Keep going.
>The intent is for you to summon it after Nibiru, tributing your own Nibiru and destroying the token
Yeah I'm very aware of the intended lore/flavor reasons for the effect being the way it is.
It doesn't make it any less garbage and or worthy of ridicule.
It's like saying "Oops" has a reason for being a trash card because you're supposed to run it in ignights.
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Decks for this feel?
You know I just had the horrific prospect of who Heavy Polymerization was supposed to be for
So, uhmmm
Penta Fiend Fusion when?
An unsearchable Tistina support?
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But Mimighoul doesn't use any Fusion
Brave-eyes Prndulum dragon is the first target that came to my mind
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The broken
That one is also limited to 2 components.
>problem solving card text
>/dng/ can't solve the problem
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This could be used to summon Magia
But this thing is just a rank 8 fodder at best
>bring back tin exclusives
>they suck
In the year that they’re literally overstuffing the tins with over 400 cards too, what a fucking coincidence.
>lose 7500 LP
But how are you getting 25 cards into both GYs
ophrys scorpio, darlingtonia, instant fusion, master of ham into cross sheep says otherwise
>Heavy Polymerization was meant to shill this thing in ROTA
I kneel
>mfw Cyberse Clock Dragon and using Duel Link Dragons from the ED
>bring back
they were there last year as well wdym
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Ah shit I misread and didn't see the 3 material requirement

It is funny that literally any deck can play a extra deck hero package and otk with wake up your elemental hero
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Gem Knights tho
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But can they go second nowadays?
>losing at least 2.5K for each dragon from the ED
if only there was a fusion substitute you could use instead of clock wyvern
roidbros we are saved
can someone host, I just put together a white forest list and I wanna practice it
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>nobody brought up Chimeratech Overdragon yet
>UFORoid Fighter and Mobile Base are both 0 attack
Actually hilarious
>sends 2 other Barbaroids and 3 Stealth Unions so you immediately fucking die on the spot
One card Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
Card is fucking meh, I don't know why you all are going nuts over it
host yourself
Okay, but how are you getting 25 monsters into THEIR GY for the boardwipe so you can secure the OTK
It's the TCG exclusive potentialman to end all potentialmen
It's also funny in general
It's funny
The broken Roid x Cyber Dragon x Cyberdark support soon.
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no I get shy and nervous
It's just fun to think of whacky applications.
Does this out Avramax?
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Konami needs to either let us use AE cards or up their printing quality

You can't even compare TCG product to this
Are you gay or something? Any real men would look at that card, immediately look up all fusion monsters in the database to see any potential in it. Where is your explorer spirit? Where is the drive to think about possibilities?
Are there any extra deck monsters that have good effects when banished?
Hope she gets more shit, she's very cute.
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our heroine
yeah, they can just cancel all their factory contracts across multiple continents + delay every item in currently in production and 6-12months down the line because white people can't print for shit
Filthy gaijins don't deserve nice things
Don't you dare win worlds again or else we will make it even worse
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>we have Instant fusion into kitkallos at home
It cheats fusions, lots of fun potential
If only mad golden lord required 2 level 5 zombies
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my wife
that's not his wife
What product are these from?
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Shiranui Swordsaga - Summons Token
Infernoid Evil - Adds Void spell/trap from deck
Maliss <Q> HEARTS OF CRYPTER - Can special summon itself, doubles atk
Maliss <Q> RED RANSOM - Specials itself, then banish a Cyberse in deck. After being summoned, adds a Maliss spell from deck
Battlewasp - Gran Partisan the Revolution - Summons itself back from the banish zone, then destroys cards your opponent controls equal to the number of insects banished (might be good for ragnaraika?)
>Maliss <Q> HEARTS OF CRYPTER - Can special summon itself, doubles atk
>Maliss <Q> RED RANSOM - Specials itself, then banish a Cyberse in deck.
can’t, they need to be legitimately summoned first
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You know it just occured to me that Yugioh kinda lacks waifus with black hair
This but unironically
Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition (OCG-AE)
aka RC04-AE
I'm a bozo.
So basically only Infernoid Evil and Shiranui Swordsaga are usable
AE cards use the Japanese cardboard and printers so they can handle cool raritys
the printers fall apart if tewart dares try stuff like the gold rush cards again with the flimsy TCG cardboard
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Live Twin Lil-la (male)
This guy's is pretty cheap to summon. Someone already also posted almarduk. The new ancient gear fusion is also a decent target
how bad is the powercreep/card advantage now
branded despia / tearlaments / kashtira were strongest when I last played
are pends viable?
>this thing went from tcg exclusive joke to sometimes guardian chimera
Now it just needs some good targets to banish
every viable deck is your 1 card starter into full combo that goes +6 to +8
every deck unironically runs 20+ handtraps since they turned every viable archetype into a compact engine to fit more shit in
no pends are not viable
Tearlaments would still be the strongest if all its names werent in the banlist
is the real paper card game still UBER fucked with people sorting through card chains and searching and the time it takes to resolve everything?
"Nah I'd win"
Yes every single round at a YCS/WCS or equivalent will go to time and timestalling is basically encouraged to the point where pro players started complaining when it was revealed that the finals at worlds was unlimited time so they couldn't timestall to win.
every form of the game is fucked (other than maybe Rush? I don't know how they're doing)
not even duel links is safe
At the very least it can banish three zero stat monsters easily, since you'll be paying LP for its effect.

Also I just realized this exists, and can OTK by sending chimera and as many bunnies as needed
Would have really liked it if they had kept retraining the game cards as Illusions, and also printing Chimera Fusions based off of them, y'know, because he's a chimera?
OCG be like
>Now you have to play boardbreakers in conjunction with multiple handtraps and ways to deal with Tenpai. THE FORMAT IS SAVED!
It uh, retrieves any S/T from GY, it doesn't grab from Deck.
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bitch i saw that
Yes, I’m retarded
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food at worlds
*gnomes you*
Yes, having to include boardbreakers unironically reduced a lot of powers from top decks since they have less space for handtraps
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wtf did he do?
why does he have a pussy
>mystery vegetables
no thanks
Lol, you can send 3 timelord synchros or Allvains for this guy for free
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Fail to live up to its hype.
I'm all for good taters, but those look like dried out shit.
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Forgot image
they got a bowl of cheese tho and a bunch of ranch
I bet Pokemon worlds had better food.
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Nemleria man here.
>Can use it for Tokusano
>Small world Bridge
>Quick effect tribute so Nemleria can dodge negation
I fucking need this. This fucker is getting crammed in.
Does he start counting on summon or does he know how many summons like Summon limit?
Does Dark Lord go second?
it's a strategy to starve people like kotton so they don't win worlds
>KoJ using hundreds of years of eugenics (via the beef ban Japan had for centuries) to optimize for a format in which their players are well fed while the americans and euros are famished
Truly heinous
He's trash since you didn't use Morningstar so he doesn't nuke.
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>Wake up
>See this faggot seething about me
Lol, since when did I say something negative about Ryzeal? I've been one of its defenders before it was even being praised by you faggots and long before it began topping in the OCG.

I can go dig some of my archived posts up if you wanna keep crying though :^)
Acid golem lock is back
It counters Nibiru.
>go first
>get hit with Nibiru
>continue your plays as much as possible
>tribute the token for this fucker
>your opponent is directly floodgated to under 4 summons
>on turn 3 just turn him into Link fodder to un-floodgate yourself
NTA but I literally found this in 5 seconds
Dunno, but infernoid can send this guy for a free search. Don't know which void spell traps are good though
You know I'm beginning to suspect that cards that just floodgate yourself might be a fucking problem
It's a shame erratas are apparently bureaucratic nightmares to do because I really think all these dogshit cards people use to floodgate the opponent should just be erratad at this point, just make them useable for their own decks
fuck this shit i'm maining dark hole
>it samefagging again
jesus christ
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>AMC is a no droll, no nib, no shifter format
don't mind if i do!
We still have Veiler, Imperm, and DRNM.
all perfectly manageable.
you sure managed to combine a bunch of homosexual men onto that endboard
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there's a whole 4th engine in the deck not featured in the endboard.
this is the type of soup sloppa i like playing that was gatekept by a billion faggot handtraps.
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>they literally made a /dng/ card
what did konami mean by this
What does this do going second
try to bait as much interaction as possible then activate nadir servant.
No, no, no, you’re not supposed to point that out...
I have not played in a week and I have no desire to.
No deck for this feel?
stun shit
He probably thought the claim was him calling Ryzeal shit and not him claiming Ryzeal wasn't weak to boardbreakers
Uh, stun?
they need an errata or master rule that states the floodgate only applies if the person that summoned the card controls it
oh so that's who that is
Wish this jobber never got revealed. Made ny opinion retroactively become lower of OG nib
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Acid Golem was intended to be used by giving it to the opponent, hence the anime appearance.
Only later would Konami get their heads out of their ass and realize that giving your opponent a self-floodgate is cancerous and so they only allow it in instances if they really want to shill an archetype to the extent they'd choose to hit around it.
It is very funny that whole duel was Shark inexplicably going out of his way to steal Kaito's monster and he's like "I literally summoned the most dogshit Number under the assumption you'd try to take this like a dumbass"
what pack is this?
they're giant card prizes
4 cocks
Is that Mimighoul guy retarded?
He should've normal summoned Dragon to get Dungeon
That way he would have some floodgate during your turn
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i don't play or read disgusting scrimblo bimblo archetypes so i wouldn't know.
I don't know who any of these are
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it's a smash bros autism thing.
Do we have mystery niggas?
Bought the core from a card shop for 10 dollars
how do I go x-0 with this at locals?
People have straight up compiled lists of shit we're missing
We also have a bunch of S/Ts featuring unseen monsters
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>they gave us Extra Fusion before Extra Fusion was printed
Neat. I'm also getting a gut feeling that this will be better than Extra Fusion because they'll decide to nerf that shit into the ground since Heavy banishes the mats while Extra mills them.
I do like how its artwork references Ultra Polymerization.
>Creature Swap on legs
Kinda meh.
I know people are calling this thing shit, but something in the back of my head is telling me that thing will be abused in some way. It won't be any time soon, but in the future for sure.
It's god
I dont think every fucking character featured on a S/T card needs a monster card.
you just lost $10
And you'd be wrong for thinking that.
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Best dog archetype in 2024?
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Mmmmmmmm, WRONG.
Reminder, that Pendulums are so weak right now that they could reverse the ruling that you can only pendulum summon monsters that are face up in the extra deck to the extra deck zone and they'd still be weak.

I mean think about it, what pendulum deck in this day and age has enough support to reasonable get enough cards in there to pendulum summon 5 monsters at once anymore?

just like rituals, they'll only ever be viable in decks that cheat.

That's kinda sad when you think about it, Konami is so shit at card design that the only way to make most decks focus on a method is by cheating out said method, the only honest ones are fusion, xyz and link and for fusion it's only because they have so much support they can fuse from anywhere, from your hand, from your field, from your graveyard, from your deck, from your extra deck, the only thing they don't have is fusing without some kind of polymerization spell card or trap card, at least not in major generic numbers.
I'm right because that is the case and always has been the case.
>let's give combo decks soul charge every turn
Shut the fuck up
Erm, Theia says you're wrong nigger
Never pendcuck
Show me the change of heart monster, so me the graceful charity monster, the imperial order monster, the creature swap monster, the thrust monster, the polymerization monster, the copycat monster, the double spell monster, the graverobber monster, the lab knight monster... I rest my case.
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Evil Twin Unchained
CyDra chads, how do we think about Heavy Polymerization?
It's an instant Chimeratech Rampage
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the monsters are you
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This deck's strongest end board is
Silent Magician Zero
Silent Swordsman Zero
Gadget Trio

Set card
the mirror force trap
Shining Sarcophagus

Turn Silent
Silence toward the future

Dark Magician
Ties that bind

This is the only play the deck has with what it's got.

It has so many poor recovery options and little room for alternative strategies, what were they thinking? Unless they get more in type cards this deck cannot grow, it can't get stronger it's basically a more complicated beatdown deck by the way, anyone got any fan art of the zeros? they're clearly the aces of the deck and are always the first ones to come out but I can't find anything for them
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just remembered that the whole reason i don't go to 60 is because i want to have my cards in my hand immediately instead of searching them because of droll.
having that little faggot twink gone really gives you so much freedom. he's a tumor on deckbuilding and expression.
Junk Warrior retrain literally never.
Can't wait for another level 12 synchro negate slop that still somehow ends up worse than Blazar and they literally never gets summoned by even the most casual of players.
There has to be a way to abuse this right? Especially with red rose back
This card is interesting. I might consider it in 3-axis.
*bans every tcg exclusive archetype card*
>please never post here again common
legitimately zero clue who youre talking about
You forgot to attach the gigachad image
>YGO "pros"
Lol, lmao, I'd sooner believe the local crackhead over the average YGO pro when it comes to what's good.
Detach 1 versus detach 2.
so i guess the idea is that you drop nib on someone, then tribute nib for this, blow up the token, and hopefully prevent further plays?
The idea is that you drop this floodgate after you get Nib’d
Which gong second deck can actually use the new Polymerization beside Cyber Dragon?
Which fusion?
>dumps Albalenatus, Granguinol and Luluwalilith
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myutantGODS.... we can finally summon this!! (-7500 LP)
>Fusion summoning in Lunalights
High risk high reward
Maybe someone will really main Heavy Polymerization in Myutant
The LP loss aside, it seems good since you get 3 cards to fuel it's effect, as long as you can negate your opponent's S/T or also have Mytutant S/Ts.
It banishes so you get 0 cards to fuel it thoughever
erm you actually don't, the cards get banished and he needs them in the gy
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>the cards get banished and he needs them in the gy
GX moment
As opposed to what looping tiger? If I wanted infinite link material I'd play telefon.
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>only 15 handtraps
there has to be a way for voiceless to abuse theia
diviner is a nice card
>fuwaross in side
Fuwaross isn't that good against Raizeol.
You’re getting at LEAST two draws out of it. Three if they don’t care and set up full board.
Pfffff he thinks pot of greed is good roflmayo
Isn't Blue-eyes seriously topping Day 1?
I miss her so much bros...
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new thread
Just have the Pends share a signature scale effect like "Your opponent can't respond to your *ARCHETYPE* cards" or some shit
hello? Spell Card: Soul Exchange would like to say hi...
>character used in pic shitting on NTR cheated on his wife
>specifically with a Japanese woman

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