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Dollwife edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain: >>493234163
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Ranni would wear this shirt, but unironically.
I killed the godskin duo in faram azula but I didn't get the blackflame tornado ash of war, am I missing something?
Had a crush on a girl who wore stuff like this unironically
Are you sure? They give two things so maybe you got it and clicked Y too quickly to notice it
>Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon. "It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more."
>Nothing more.
>Nothing more.
>Nothing more.
Rannitards blown the fuck out.
yeah I dont have it anywhere in my inventory or on any weapons
desu the fact that celestial bodies have such power over the Lands Betweens means that the closest celestial body would also have the greatest impact on it.
Needs spankings!
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imagine the smell
New wallpaper, thanks
Fuck the DLC
So having a high poise is important in pvp right? What’s the minimum poise is fine for pvp?
Miquella as a character because so much more disgusting when you give him a slightly manlier face. What the fuck was wrong with this rapist
>What the fuck was wrong with [most of the bosses]
Their parents.
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It's hilarious how redditors, artniggers and youtube subhumans all collectively and instantly latched onto this bullshit cope that Radahn was mind controlled to desperately rationalize the ending, but without putting the effort to actually understand the story.
Of course, they do it in bad faith to damage control for the story and to whitewash wholesome Radahn, and choose to headcanon the most bland, basic and pathetic explanation for it.
Miquella doesn't even show up at all until after the player beats up Radahn. If Radahn was being "raped" by Miquella, the game would have explictly said he was against the marriage.
>image spam
>no webms
The DLC is good.
miquella mind raping everyone is funnier therefore true
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>The DLC is good.
>The DLC is good.
>The DLC is good.
>Miquella doesn't even show up at all until after the player beats up Radahn
AND he treats it like this is the first time he's seen the revived Radahn.
AND immediately prior to this he breaks his Great Rune which causes all of his charms to wear off, a plot point that literally only exists so the game can say "from this point on, no one is mind controlled, everyone is 100% themselves."

They even put a giant glowing HEART STOLEN symbol on top of your character when Miquella uses his rune-less mind control power that Radahn notably lacks. You may as well say he's still infected with Scarlet Rot and that's why he's fighting you.
is there a way to make dragon bosses not so fucking annoying to fight?
use ranged shit
Best sister.
Try the "Scythe"
Its charged attack actually hits the head.
It's because Miyazaki decided that it would be genius if Radahn didn't talk for some reason. Additionally Caelid being a larp is just really fucking dumb and unsatisfying, so it's slightly less unsatisfying for Radahn to refuse or break the vow so there's at least some semblance of drama. The entire consort business is a garbage plotpoint on its own only made worse by the awful presentation behind it.
Yeah, that's why he went with Malenia back to the haligtree to be Miquella's consort, right? Oh wait...
What did Radahn ask of Miquella that he had to "fulfill our part of the vow" and why did Miquella say that the vow was fulfilled by the actions of Malenia and the Tarnished, whose interactions with Radahn consisted solely of killing him and his soldiers?
Yes, he is
i hope he's fully erect in that picture
>Additionally Caelid being a larp is just really fucking dumb and unsatisfying
No, it's not, because as everything it ties into deeper connections to mythos.
First of all, the most blatant, is Malenia being a Valkyrie, bringing the souls of dead warriors to Valhalla, waiting for their resurrection, but only those who distinguish themselves in battle.
Second, a theme of sacrifice and absorbing power through carnage, which is what Alexander comments on, being that the corpses around Radahn are the strongest warriors of the Lands Between.
But it's easier to make up some half-asset bullshit cope theory than to actually think the lore through.
Shut the fuck up schizo, what do some half-assed mythology references that have to do with anything? And yes the battle is still a larp
it's not a larp if it's necessary
Prove it
>muh symbolism
Isn't an argument. Why does he even need Radahn as his consort specifically, Malenia and later Mohg are plenty strrong on their own, with Malenia being more or less equal with Radahn. Stop defending this garbage
>Prove it
Radahn grows three times his original size during the battle of Aeonia compared to him in Leyndell
>during the battle
Did Radahn's dick also grow or was the great rune like steroids so now he has a micropenis?
So he has the ability to just grow in size by killing people? This isn't evidence you retard it's your headcanon
>during the battle of Aeonia
His fucking swords and armor indicate he walked into the battle that big.
>Prove it
Radahn is collecting runes and slaughtered Redmane Castle inhabitants and Malenia's soldiers for it. His cannibalism is a reflection of his attempt to consume their soul, and it is, alongside Alexander getting a piece of Radahn's body, an hint that the Battle of Aeonia was aimed at giving power to Radahn, which also ties with the Valkyrie symbolism.
>Why does he even need Radahn as his consort specifically
Radahn can trascend casuality and control Fate, using gravity pull on the Stars. As such he can support Miquella's change of Fate.
>Stop defending this garbage
You being too stupid to understand the story doesn't make it bad.
His original swords in the DLC are much smaller
The base game is not canon
>less than 1/10 the size as at Aeonia and thus less than 1/10 as strong assuming he's consistent per unit area
>one shorter sword instead of two
>no mount

The already-wounded Malenia who stalemated Aeonia Radahn would've killed this Radahn in three seconds.
and they're completely different models than the Aeonia ones.

the DLC unironically makes a lot more sense if you remember this, it's basically just redoing the entire base game down to giving Marika a new hidden town for her origin among a new elusive group of magic women. Don't try to twist your brain to justify how the Black Knives can be both citizens of the Eternal Cities and also Marika's kin when she was apparently from a random bumfuck village in the middle of the Lands Between.
>and they're completely different models than the Aeonia ones.
Yes because he grew by killing
>Don't try to twist your brain to justify how the Black Knives can be both citizens of the Eternal Cities and also Marika's kin when she was apparently from a random bumfuck village in the middle of the Lands Between.
All numen are the same race, retard
Only according to the base-game, which isn't canon
Redditor cope
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I don't care about the lore of either the DLC or the base game.
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>His original swords in the DLC are much smaller
I don't get it
Only the manga is canon
I'm so happy they went with it being silly rather than serious.
The Tarnished is smaller than Radahn, so his Starscourge sword is scaled down to your size, his original sword isn't though and that's its normal original size
Redditor cope
He's explaining why it's heterodox to view the moon as equal to the stars like the Lazuli do. The moon being 'just' another celestial body doesn't diminish it's power or importance, merely frames it appropriately. The moon still protects the world from larger meteorites by acting as a gravity well that knocks them off course of earth, something similar probably happened in ER's world. "Guide of countless stars" is still in effect
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I bought the figuarts mini from amazon. Did I fuck up from not using the tamashi website?
t. /toy/ noob
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Character is the incarnation of kindess and purity in a world suffering and broken. Offers a realistic alternative and solution in progress. Attracts thousands, perhaps more, to his side by sheer force of being a good person in a fucked up world. Has the undying loyalty of some of the strongest forces in the world, won through his genuine kindness and healing power.
A theoretical and magical genius who single handedly rejected Fundamentalism for his own philosophy and version of gold, free of his father's mistakes and shortcomings. Succeeds at btfo-ing at least 2 outer gods, and was set to btfo a 3rd before they assraped the lore.

>Lol nope, he's actually a mind controller who is following his mothers folly. Guess you have to kill him.
Words cannot describe the level of fury I have at how they handled him. Arguably the most important demigod in the setting, sans Ranni for obv reasons, and the only real competition to her claim as a god. The ONLY one to offer an order of Gold free from the autocracy of the Golden Order, and free of Marika's whims. The ONLY one to be working on a solution to deathblight and TWLID.

Fuck it all. I keep the version of events as they should have been in my head. The dlc is fanfiction as far as I'm concerned. Miquella reconciled with Trina, used her power to put twlid at peace (like the Putrescent knight). With radahn dead he enacts the eclipse and resurrects Godwyn to be his lord, completing the ritual and making himself a god. A god of life, and a Lord of Death. He gives you his last drop of dew (mentioned in cut dialog) which you can give to Malenia's flower to cure her, along with a twisting golden sapling to mend the Haligtree/Erdtree in his absence, and gives you the mission of becoming the Elden Lord of the living world, handily pointing you towards the base main quest again.

And that's just if we couldn't be his lord instead. There are so many routes they could have gone and they chose... that
All weapons are scaled down. Radahn used to be Morgott sized. His painting even show he was a nornal human eith normal skin.
He became bloated and strong in Caelid, he is associated with the jar practice of using bodies of warriors to feed spirit trees. He is even presented eating corpses like Gael when mad.
This concludes the theory that Radahn was killing to grow and that was the purpose of the Battle, like Rykard, and like how Godfrey grafts limbs instead.
For dueling and invasions, 150 or 200? Made a STR/Faith build starting as confessor and struggling to get 60 faith and the stats I want so I can use mesmer's orb.
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Sorry bro Mohg had that ages ago, and Malenia probably ages before that. Maybe that's why he rejected his body, it was impure and he was a purityfag. Better explanation than whatever from gave
>sans Ranni
that's the key
>>Lol nope, he's actually a mind controller
He isn't mind controlling anyone. Radahn fought for him.
If anything the DLC proves Miquella did terrible deeds including causing countless deaths. Him using is great rune is at the final paragraph of his list of sins.
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I will admit, one good thing to come out of the dlc is the tsunami of Miquella and Trina art. Post more please, I need it for my collection
>Base game establishes Miquella is capable of mind controlling
seethe and squirm pedo
That is the exact problem. We already had the 'golden guys playing good are actually bad' with the Golden Order itself. The entire fucking game is about how the people you used to think were good were actually evil. Miquella was one of maybe 4 characters that didn't have that kind of implied storyline. I'm saying that instead of using his character as written with foreshadowing, they made him a second Marika. This is why the end of the DLC feels so disjointed with the main game
Calm down incel.
I swear Miquellafags are the most retarded lore readers of all lorefags, this is getting ridiculous
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Miquella is and always was evil, described as creepy, fearsome and capable of manipulating people.
It's hilarious how the first DLC trailer had Ansbach tell just how dangerous and twisted his powers are and there were niggers here coping about Miquella being an NPC lol
Him being a second Marika is the whole point. It's why he is a dangerous beast that must be put down for the good of the world.
Maybe if the DLC didn't rewrite his character for the sake of being edgy, we wouldn't have a fucking problem.
So what scadu level should I have to do invasions?
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>The entire fucking game is about how the people you used to think were good were actually evil. Miquella was one of maybe 4 characters that didn't have that kind of implied storyline.
Ansbach is such a retarded character.

>make a new age for men...

nigga you serve the Formless Mother
>trusting Gideon the All Jewing
Retard. Not even worth a (You).
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Is the bewitching branch a DLC item?
the DLC didn't rewrite shit, you people are just coping with the fact that you literally drank the kool aid from the start instead of realizing he was never good
Based. Ansbach is correct, "kindly," Miquella is a monster.
>the DLC didn't rewrite shit
>if I keep repeating it and lying to myself, it'll be true
>Pedophiles MALDING 3 months later
Bast DLC ever
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>everyone i don't like is a pedophile
Sure is reddit around here!
>Everyone I don't like is reddit
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You struck a nerve, the shitposter is malding.
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I am retarded. do not mind me.
You struck a nerve, the shitposter is malding.
Drip status?
I don't really like the fact that I can see his bare hands under there, but looks cool overall.
The cutest. I can't believe he makes reddit mald so much.
Any reason why 166?
Mohgchads like myself caught on to Miquella's true nature years before the "rewrite" in the DLC. You fags just didn't listen when we told you he was a conniving little kike. The signs were all there.
We could've have that, if Miyzakiki didn't have an edgy fetish.
>tfw they ruined what could have been one of the greatest follow throughs in gaming history
>tfw this will never be put to game
>tfw they ruined the only good and pure thing in the entire game's world to make ANOTHER comparison to Marika
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It is dumb and sad.
"Why should we follow up on the foundations we laid in the base game? No, let's ruin everything we built! That'll teach our fans to like a character that we presented as well-intentioned but morally ambiguous!" - From.
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I wanted to see a pair of other selves getting along. I wanted to see them work together, or merge and integrate with each other. Why can he learn from radagon but not from his mother's mistakes?! Why did FROM make him suddenly stupid? These are not the actions of a theoretical genius or philosopher at the level of Goldmask

Why does a guy who has only ever wanted love for himself, his sister, and the people around him, remove his own sense and ability to love, along with abandoning his other self?! It's... not even moronic, it's plain out of character

(thank you for the cute images btw)
It's incredibly stupid, I agree.

anyway, thanks :)
>Why did FROM make him suddenly stupid?
Because fuck you, how dare you like a NPC??? Just for that, From will rape its own lore just to spite and then act surprised when everyone hates the DLC.
How could the most fearsome empyrean turn out to be a villain?
Y'all trying to make me a shotacon and it's working.
Bayle fucking sucks, you guys hyped him too much
unless you're a 30 year old woman or older you should kill yourself
>tripfag is a retarded faggot
Mmmmm how is that possible that an attention whore is a retarded faggot?????
Idk he's pretty fun but on NG+ runs his HP gets completely fucking broken and at NG+7 he's impossible without bleed
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>start colosseum for the day
>rank before first duel is dull gold
>lose first duel
>rank up to non-dull gold
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>gets buffed with consecutive attacks
>and has a slow ass AoW
>in a DLC where zero (0) bosses let you hit consecutive attacks and have openings long enough to let you use the aow
skill issue euporia can literally destroy every boss in the dlc, including radahn
You can post a webm of it but as usual I know you won't. You cannot use Euporia's AOW against any boss without getting hit yourself.
>Bayle literally has Fatalis' cone breath move
I gotta admit that shit was pretty funny especially when you consider he's meant to be fought with the dragon great katana which has 1:1 the monhun longsword moveset
He's also meant to be fought with lock off just like Monhun monsters considering how fucking SHIT the camera is in Bayle's fight
here's a whole ass video with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up75SAzDLIc
He's just a camera boss with flashy lights which make normies go crazy
People are mad that radahn is a homosex, because they self inserted into him as much as miquella inserted into radahn.
Of course, the dlc's story sucks donkey doo doo so i get why people are coping
That shouldn't be a feature.
He's a Godzilla creature, it's cool
I'm just pissed that the DLC's story literally retcons Miquella into a retard, but whenever I complain about it, I get answered "lolololol you only wanted to fuck miquella yourself lololololol you pedophile lolololololo lmao lololololol".
There wasn't any response though, he just didn't have enough known about him beforehand for there to be a reason.
We went from "He wanted to create a gentle place" to "He wanted to create a gentle place and went too far to do it", that's not a reason that's just expanding on it
Uhg, retcon* sorry
>he just didn't have enough known about him beforehand for there to be a reason
We know he wanted to make the world a better place, that he managed to be loved, and that it included mindcontrol.
Come the DLC and he's gone full retard, casting away his cute flower half, resurrection Raubahn, and being a creep.
Hello fellow /xivg/ger
My bad, I meant Radagon.
Rank seems fucked until you do a match. Several of my chars are gold rank, but get a random rank when I first start the game.
Wtf we fight Radagon again in the dlc?!
wait, you get ranked in colosseum duels?
What's the go to rank for those?
So what's the comparison between these two images
The only part that I agree is dumb is that I dont think yhe dlc should have included Radahn, but casting away the more down to earth humane half is literally one of the coolest parts of his character, and mind control is already being a creep. And more importantly, none of those things are RETCONS. recontextualizing something isn't a retcon, a retcon is going "actually, that wasn't a thing, we changed our mind, this is the new canon"
That's like saying that Dark Souls 2 retconned Dark Souls 1, it didn't, it just added the cycles
It's worthless because 90% of players are god-awful.
As long as your wins > your losses, you rise in rank. So you're maxed in no time.
Why do both Empyreans come back with four arms after shedding their body?
They fuck up the story they try to set up with all the bad shit he does happening before he abandons his love, killing any weight and emotional impact that narrative might have had. It's not even like this plot is reflected in his boss fight, dialogue, or design because Miyazaki thought it was more important to remind us that Radahn was Miquella's consort 15 times.
two for my dick one for my balls and one for my prostate (i don't like this one)
Speaking of Bayle. My friend argues that he's actually a stormruler-type fight due to the existence of the Dragon-Hunter Great Katana and Igon being a mandatory summon if you want to experience the fight to its fullest. Do you agree?
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NTA but I agree fully with this. Miquella's character is utterly wasted in this dlc purely because fromsoft are utterly afraid of concrete dialogue nowadays. Remember conversations with Kaathe, Gough, Vendrick, Aldia? We got a lot of actual information in the older games. We got a lot of real personality. We all know exactly what Gwyn was about, he feared the dark, and he feared man. What's Marika about? Why did she destroy the elden ring? Why is miquella so evil? Why is Radagon trying to repair the elden ring? We know jack shit about anything and the DLC didn't provide any clarity and only made more questions
I thought it was obvious Radagon is keeping the status quo. He is the leal hound of the Golden Order.
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You're moving the goalposts from "It was a retcon" to "It was bad"
You can one or pick both (though the retcon one is wrong), but don't backpedal from one to the other
I agree with this sentiment but not about Miquella. I don't care about the twink, I didn't before and I don't still. I wanted to know more about Marika and Radagon, actually interesting characters both from a story and mythological archetypal side.
Miyazaki is too obsessed with his blanks. The fact that everyone loves Ranni's quest hopefully will make them stop beating around the bush so much and just make more quests like that going forward. It really was the best part of the game just cause it feels like you're actually an important part of the world and not just some retarded mute murderhobo
Punching Miquella on the belly until he cums
Oh eat my ass, you know who I mean. Ragahn or whatever his name is. The Starscourge.
>decide to do some coop for putrescent knight
>everyone gets one shot as he hits phase 2
Why are people still not leveling VIG?
I have had 60 vig and still die if I don't jump that ghost fire fountain properly
I have 80 vigor and I still die if I try to shove a finger up my butt to prevent sneezing.
It doesn't work.
>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
>showing his own morality in a video game
ok schizo
don't forget to rage about how Geralt of Rivia is a pedophile because he cares for Ciri.
What are you even talking about?
I know what you are and I know what youre trying to do
The worst part about Miquella is a twink becoming a god. A fate worse than death is having to worship a degenerate faggot
If you feel personally attacked by a quote possibly applying to a vidya character, you may want to do some soul-searching, anon. It's 3:30 AM, have a good night.
You struck a nerve, he instantly deflected.
What are you talking about?
>every person who hates the story is one person
Idgaf about Godwyn or w/e the story we got was dogshit and thematically and narratively vacuous trash that only people who soiface at muh parallels think is interesting or compelling
How many scadu levels can I get before the game becomes too easy and I lose l33t gamer status?
anything past 0 is ydnbtg territory
>everyone i don't like is the same guy
Of course.
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>Wtf why did you assume that the person that replied to you and disagreed with you saying "This isn't a retcon" is someone who thinks that it was a retcon
Why did you say you disagreed with me if you weren't even talking about the same topic or the person that was replied to
Wow, man, you angered him.
we're starting to enter /erg/'s new schizo arc...
That isn't angry gif she's just saying "mmmMMMMM" in that scrne
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deflecting with the beastman cleaver is dopamine
It's not schizo to assume that someone that replies to your post is talking about the thing that you were talking about
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They're just resting right?
haha yeah
Yeah, that fight was a BITCH.
>oversized pauldron and gauntlets
WoW armor lookin ahh
deflecting playstyle is so much fun with almost any weapon honestly I really really hope they expand on it for the next time.
More attacks to counter with and shit like that.
they got all tuckered out by the fight
Why do you need a video game to validate what you know to be true?

Just like the Bible is filled with useful spiritual lessons, especially the parts that remain authentic Jesus. So too is it filled by attempts to contort and manipulate the truth due to the the writers (channelers) becoming ensnared innocently through confusion that makes them oriented to dark forces that make them gravitate toward power, deception and control over love, authenticity and unity as Jesus preached. This happened to Paul, one of the apostles who laid the groundwork for Vatican, and it is evident it happened to Miyazaki as he helped create Elden Ring and it's accompanying DLC.

Miquella is kind, but his sacred text was distorted even in the base game with the inclusion of Mohg, and this laid the groundwork for it to be brought even further from the truth with the DLC.

Accept what is resonant to you. Discard the rest.
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Did his race really deserve to be exterminated?
So what you're saying is...

Headcanon is best canon?
Nah, Hornsent are based
The Golden Order seems to take many of its values from the culture of the Hornsent, and given how the game makes abundantly clear how dysfunctional the Golden Order is...
No they were based as fuck
The divine warriors are the coolest thing in all of Elden Ring
I left Bayle for last and imagined that he was Miquella's boss fight as he would turn into an evil dragon through divine invocation at the gate after you kill his consort
And it was a cool ending for the DLC
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thooller sleppy :)
What stance break weapon won't rely on skills or magic? That isn't a greathammer since I hate the one hand moveset

I was thinking straight sword and just use throwing knifes or bombs
Based divine GODdier enjoyer.
Hammers, specifically the stone club. It's a poisebreak machine.
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This fight was tough but fun. Worth getting the axe.
With ot without cragblade?
intended gameplay experience
I look like this
The only thing I don't like about Death Knights is their arena is insanely dark.
Yeah I always turn on my light before the fight. Apparently you can interrupt his charged grab attack.
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So, I know you're right, but fuUUuck is it too much to ask for some representation for ONCE?

God I could just *feel* it in the base game, that special something. Something beyond just a game in it's message or it's symbolism or something else, idk. I have several friends who all felt it too. The dlc... just didn't have it at the end. The shamans, the hornsent, Messmer and Marika's fear of him, the nature of kindling and the crucible. But the capstone of it, the god of life and death, abundance and sleep. Abundance for the living, peace after death. Gah there's so much there it eats at me. Like an ocd tick that's impossible to complete because it's relegated to fanfic now.

I wanted a star trek style example of what we could be if we did things *right*. Self sacrifice for ones own sake and for others. The balance that can be achieved with selflessness and compassion.

It really does feel like something crept in there at the end. Like some inbuilt tendency towards darkness, not that darkness is always evil, but definitely came across as such for a character almost literally made of light by the end.

Take what works, discard the rest is correct, but hardly the easy choice at the same time. It's like I was blue-balled in the soul
>Godwyn transforming into a dragon
ftfy, based otherwise
Destroyed no, their culture clearly has potential, but they definitely needed to be stopped after they decided that treating humans like glue wasn't the worst crime committed in their world up toathis point. The only thing that comes close is the War against the Giants, and the oppression of the Omen and even then they were 'just' killed. Is it even certain that the divine gate isn't still alive somehow? It still spouts blood if you attack it
He's so based, man just wanted to nurse on Trina's breast milk.
while carian slicer seems to be falling off damage wise, catch flame seems to be blowing up, what the fuck
is it just the golden order seal being too good
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Fucking poke him.
wow, a wormface follower
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I WILL drink her sweet nectar.
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How do I tell her I killed placidusax?
>Summon someone
>They die instantly and then I have to kill Godfrey on my own while it has 3 times the HP and takes half stance damage
>Get summoned somewhere
>Host dies instantly

look I'm not even good at this game, I really am not, but how come the average player seems to be completely fucking lobotomized
But if the Divine Gate bleeds, does it have HP (even if hidden)?
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who was he
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The yumes have gone too far with this one.
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The yumes have not gone far enough yet
>10% of the thread is just image without any text on it
It's usually just that like people who are bad at the game will die a lot and summon a lot, so the chances if getting summoned by those people is increased
Okay? And?
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Is the Freyja's Greatsword any good outside of the passive?
grow and change as a person
I'm sure no one will make a joke out of this.
>have to be summoned for his quest
Yes. I don't care about it.
Reminder that most of the candidates for elden lord think they're making the world a better place, except for frenzied flame and Dungeater (although even he seems to think it's for the best that everyone be cursed.)
I'm not the one whining about there being images on an imageboard
I feel you bro. But the truth is it's up to us who are dissatisfied with the video game medium to change the world so it isn't nearly as low vibration/spiritually sick as this DLC was, and honestly, much of the base game too.

Miyazaki, for better or for worse, genuinely sees the world this way and it's up to us to make sure the kids, who are the next generation of creators, don't succumb to Shabriri and that their Haligtrees grow tall without them having to grow up.

That starts with adopting the spirit of Miquella in everything we do. Not outsourcing our desire for self-realization to jaded creatives who are themselves in need of renewal.
don't look for spiritual revelation in rollslop
astroturfed meme
Are you sure? Lying is bad, by the way.
Aside gaining +10 swagger what's so good about the flame of frenzy ending
its a reddit nihilist ending
How long do these take you to write
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I did it
Radahn is IMPOSSIBLE for mages to beat
The gaols are full of hornsent spirits and divine gate is made of hornsent, so it's obvious their culture is oppressive to itself almost as much as it is to everyone else. So extermination seems pretty retarded especially when Midra is a hornsent and he's going through centuries or more of suffering specifically to save the world
Astel's grab is such a turbo nigger bullshit attack
There is nothing spiritually sick about killing the antichrist. Children have to grow up, or the world dies. Childish dreams must be left behind or society completely falls apart. Your "spirit of Miquella" is a hollow lie. I will cave in the skull of every golden rebis you try to create. Stay away from children.
i like rolling actually, goodnight ergy
I'm not gonna go through the entire map again to maximize healing
I also had like 16 scadu
Miquellaniggers are cringe as fuck holy shit
Does Alecto's AI shits out when she's on the rocks part of the arena? She seems to stop dodging when I push her that way entirely
Fucking badass
Just let it go queer. Miquella is evil and is never ever being redeemed.
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>Guy desperate to become God in the base game goes on a journey to find a way to be reborn as God in the DLC, committing terrible actions.
>This is bad writing and a retcon according to "totally not pedos" that obsessively post "cute" Miquella danbooru trash
>Also his consort is the only guy able to actually counter/change destiny, and this doesn't make sense (it should have been Godwyn, whose biggest achievement is dragon rizz)
Absolutely fucking unhinged. Can't believe there's people stupid enough to have thought that Miquella wouldn't be evil.
>>Guy desperate to become God in the base game
there's literally no base game text even hinting at this
Both Miquella and Radahn are evil.
>Erm the lore makes perfect sense chuddie keep buying Fromsoftware products
Play the game retard
I did, there's no text in it saying that Miquella wanted to be a god. In fact the cut content reveals this was explicitly not the plan before the DLC.
Guyver? Actually pretty neat.
>cut content
You know things get cut for a reason, anon.
Dumbass, the whole point lf the Haligtree (which is full of Oracle
envoys) is reaching Godhood
They're cut for people to find.
He was giving Oracles that didn't want to be part of the Golden Order a safe place to live peacefully.
they're /dbs/ pastas with the names changed
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I'm doing a full playthrough with the Messmer soldier spear and I'm having more fun than I thought I would. Landing a charged R2 with this thing is so satisfying. I'm also using Stormhawk Deenh for easy stance breaks lol
I'm sorry /erg/, I give up on a pure caster INT/FTH run.
Playing without stance breaking feels so fucking obnoxious, now I understand why I find Rellana and Radahn to be so tedious. The lack of consistent stance breaking makes them so annoying nonstop attacking cunts and if you can't do that, half of the hard enemies in the base game itself also become obnoxious as fuck.
Jesus Christ, those omens made me wanna kill myself using on Carian Slicer
You're fucking retarded. Definitionally the opposite is true.
>Dumbass, the whole point lf the Haligtree (which is full of Oracle
>envoys) is reaching Godhood
Find a single bit of text that even hints at this.
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Gurren Lagann is trash
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cope and seethe jack
Learn to have the will to hope for the future
envoys horns
the door of the Erdtree
Just finished playing the Convergence mod, do any of the other overhauls also add exotic status (deathblight, sleep, etc) infusions? I'm really enjoying the build construction process, and I've tried out several play styles already.
Starting a new run as INT/Faith after trying it out in DS2(Boring) and DS3(Fun as fuck). the lack of weapon infusions for int/faith is so dumb, are the spells/incatations fun or is it not worth it until I go to the DLC? Sword of night and flame is starting to get boring
Reforged does
Kamina's a retard, Simon's a pussy, Yoko is a metaphysical death curse on everyone who even thinks about fucking her. It's the same vapid anime bullshit where heroes who save the world are forgotten within their lifetime and fertile women die childless.
Discus of Light is frankly your best spell even post DLC and you can get it right at the start if you want.
Personally I'm a bit disappointed in my run since I'm just casting Discus and Carian Slicer because basically nothing else feels worth casting (specially if you're being pure caster)
Well, sweet, it's got every infusion Convergence has except for the Dragonkin Lightning, I guess I'll look a little harder into it. Thanks, anon!
Negative resists/10
Pretty cool though.
What a dam shame. Hopefully if there's a second DLC there would be more int/faith stuff or maybe even an infusion idk. Might as well finish this run. Ill try to be a pure caster.
>they pretty much confirmed there's going to be little to no more patches in the game anymore
>they still left blackflame blade in it's absolutely pathetic state
>Thy deeds shall be met with failure, just as I
Based Lewis enjoyer.
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Yesterday adventure ending with Dency avenging Freiren with her mighty gun
I am in front of Promised Consort Radahn's boss door, but I don't feel like dedicated the next few hours on it. Though I have the feeling it won't be quite that bad.
do you think godfrey thought he could fix her?
or did he just think, "dammit, crazy bitches are so hot, no need to fix that"?
was he as crazy as her, or just a victim to her madness?
what was her problem? PTSD, BPD, narcissism, MPD? all in one package?
He let her throw his sons into the sewer. He deserved everything that happened to him after that.
Citation needed
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>blah blah blah boohoo

All here in this official spinoff
Yep. Bro was both spiritually and literally cucked
what is there left to do in the game that would warrant even having a skeleton crew
At minimum one more balance pass for DLC items and bugfixes
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Dude, Promised Radahn just feels like a mini dragon - can't see a bunch of the shit he is doing, because is too big and I am too close.
I'm so God damn tired of hosts dying against the Putrescent Knight before I even get to drop down. It's usually also the retards who summon 2 phantoms so they can waste even more of your time.
>there's still people abusing the 2 other deathblight glitches
>last patch was well over a month ago
yeah no, that's just legal talk for the japanese audience
The problem could also be that they have 1 blessing so VIG does nothing.
The camera zooming out is one of the many occult techniques forgotten by modern From
Is the stomp in Radahn's 2nd phase jumpable? I've tried it like a million times but it doesn't seem to work.
cast everything with staff of the great beyond, it's fun
When did Scythes get proper critical animations? Have I been mandela effected? I swear they used to have the same boring lazy ass animations they had in DkS3
there was no problem with Marika
Not the same guy, but 166 is the highest level at which you can invade 150s.
Blame GRRM for making everyone's initials his initials.
All hit, all flask run :)

Do you read the gospel, friend?

Matthew 18:3 - And he said “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Use more charged r2s, oherwise good job
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you ain't getting summononed lil bro
He was unironically just another tool for her to use
Marika is just end game Daenerys. Except her tribal husband lives, though as an eternal cuck.
>can't cheese with the retardedly tuned systems in the game
1h great weapons just don't feel right to me, except maybe spears
Hoarah Loux was a divine beast warrior, he was far more autistic than Marika
>Second phase Radahn is just the first phase with a few extra attacks! All the visual effects are only visual!
>play the game
>the visual effects hit me relentlessly
Ho hoh? Arguing against a redditor? You don't know your place!
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They did it in Sekiro, but since Sekiro, while made at about the same time as ER, was develloped by a different team on a differerent floor they couldnt communicate the forbidden technique.

The worst thing is that you always want to roll back to have a better view of whats going on and most bosses are designed to punish that.
Sword and shield just feels good. I've tried two handing but it feels like being nude to me. I need that shield even if its a cope.
I think that Ymir resume it pretty well.

She was seduced by the fingers into bringing the golden order and end all suffering, but to do so she basically had to betray the Hornsent and make everybody suffer (the original sin).

Then the Karmic consequences of that sin led her to try to correct course by making other sins (I.E. genociding another people) while trying to make up for it. She made mistake after mistake until she tried to correct the first one by sending Messmer to the Shadowland to genocide everything once again and as such direct all ''curses'' and karmic consequences towars him, Messmer being a kind of Karmic lightning Rod. But it didnt worked and more fuck up came out of it so she broke the Elden Ring.

She then send her tarnished on a (demi)god hunt to clear up that mess, the real goal being to make Ranni the sucessor (Miquella being Radagon's chosen sucessor, while the fingers themselves wants you to continue the Golden Order as it stands now (which is represented by the common endings).

Basically she listened to the finger's bad advice, fucking eveything up and trying to correct the fuck ups made even more fuck up until she said fuck it I'll have the tarnished clean my mess.
Can you tell me a bit about what you liked about this mod? I tried it a bit and the changes felt a bit excessive (loosely speaking).
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oh no no no you triggered the obese incel
They did it with Rykard too actually, the camera zooms out a lot. There must have been an ancestral spirit in the studio that day who revealed the arcane technique to an employee, who then implemented it in the game. No other explanation.
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Probably the only main boss that I beat on my first try so far. A shame Leda died at the very end.
RIP kitchen maid
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>"dammit, crazy bitches are so hot, no need to fix that"?
this combined with there also being a build in twink
Well, mostly just the weapon infusions and the character builds enabled primarily through spells and armors. Running through updated areas was fun, too, I suppose. It's a little frustrating how talismans need to be purchased, but I got over it soon.
>Though watered with Miquella's own blood since it was a sapling, the Haligtree ultimately failed to grow into an Erdtree.
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A magical deer
So if the spirit graves are graves that have been around for so long that they only exist in spirit does that mean the trees and deers in the Mountaintops are living things that have been around for so long they've lost their physical body?
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If they made her harder she would be way more popular but since it is an easy boss no one ever talks about her even when she has peak design.
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>Always forget I can use the Shackle on Morgott
>"This playthrough I will make sure not to forget!"
>Remember to use it
>Forget I can use the Shackle on Mohg
And no cringe jarhead to ruin it, perfect
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ohhh elden pad
don't you use mouse pads? huh?
The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree.
Doesn't matter, subs to Miquella anyway
I always thinking that they are was some kind of a ghosts of the old life before the Giant war
She felt out of place. Ds2 boss
It is shadoo not skadoo
>Godfrey grafts limbs instead
Godrick. At least get the names right while trying to lorepost.
>Radahn does the meteor attack again at 10% hp
you have got to be shitting me
Kino fight
Radagon is Marika
>lock the fun behind an encounter that's worse than radahn in terms of fun

WAOW clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap
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Make her optional.
Make her harder.
Connect her with Moore and pests quests and more lore.
Add more sadness.

Would be easily S tier boss. A big miss by FS.
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
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I wish there was more lore about her and she has a cutscene. In fact, I wish both Romina and Rellana has a cutscene.
hardly. I'm pissing and shitting myself out of frustration
Shut the fuck up, tripfag.
Nobody asked you.
Same as it ever was
Water flowing underground
When thinking about the fact that the Tarnished resurrects, like in your view/koread headcanon of it, do thr bosses heal or do you whittle them down? Like when you get them down to 80% health, is the boss at 80% health the next time your Tarnished fights them ir like do you imagine it's a hard reset like every time yoy refight them?
learn how to write and then i'll give you an answer
I'm as confused as he is. What do you mean?
what's with the skadoo tree?

is it a skibidi toilet reference to reign in zoomers?
Marika's heaving dangly futa balls resting on my face.
I like this answer. I think ill try it. Go to NG+ on my 150s and level them up. NG+ always felt kinda lame since it seemed to me more fun to make a new build then just steam rolling everything.
Spotted the American.
She is kinda hard already. She is fast paced and can roll a lot.
Outside of gameplay, like basically as the actual 'events' of the game, as if like things worked I'm canon if there was an Elden Ring 2, do you think that bosses heal when you die or do you think they stay damaged?
I assume time rewind or something. Days blur, and people disappear, nobody knows why, and bosses hesitate because of déjà vu.
That's cool, thank you
It's a reference to Blue's Clues. Blue skidoos into pictures like we go into the shadow realm. Miquella even leaves "clues," (crosses) for us to follow..
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the hornsent are retarded
holy shit its godskin duo 2
I think it is a combination of severe PTSD + narcissism and histrionic personality disorders
Godfrey loved her as she was
, aggravated by trauma of
who is salt pepper and their daughter paprika?
I got to say. I hate Metyr faaaar more than Radahn/Miquella. That fat piece of space shit isn't satisfying to fight in the slightest. I gave up and just spammed Siluria's woe and won. Fucking yawn.
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Millicent Blade of Tarnished.
>Butcher Knife hovering 10 feet above my shoulder
This will never not annoy me
>64k playing on a weekend
We're back to pre-DLC numbers. At least seamless is a thing now.
Make your character as fat as possible to minimize the gap, there will still be a slight gap though
that doesn't look like millicent
Got a kino kill on Bayle with Placidusax's breath
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>seamless + offline players
normal online is finished
It's funny how much easier the great red bears are than the regular rune bears. I still don't even know how to fight rune bears and I beat Rugalea 2nd try and Ralva first try on my no skibidi run.
I never bothered fighting that red bear in the lake, I just shot it with bleed bolts from above
Yeah, but they are also way more enjoyable to fight than those spastics. Very clear and flashy attack patterns.
Do you think Messmer ever had to fight Bayle?
Where's the summon post for Rennalla?
Oops, i mean Rellanna
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O woe betide this Elden Ring, once a jewel of yore, now but a shadow of its former self! Lo, I am a man of many labours, burdened with the weighty crown of a PhD, whose precious moments are fleeting, scarce to be squandered. After a toilsome day, I did return to the hearth, hoping to find solace in this world of tarnished heroes, to lend aid through the sacred yellow effigy.

But alas, for sixty minutes, did I tarry in the forlorn hopes of being summoned to another's aid, yet but twice was I called forth. A grievous waste of time! My soul, eager for action, did wither as the hours ebbed away.

Is this the fate of the mighty Elden Ring, forsaken by all but ghosts? The once vibrant call of jolly cooperation now drowned in the silence of an empty realm, with naught but echoes of battles long since fought. A dead game, I declare, where once it flourished, now it lies in stillness—my time, lost as in a barren dream.
I don’t think Messmer even know where the entrance to the Jagged Peak is.
theres none, put your sign down
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Sellen teacher of Tarnished.
Millicent and Sellen look like this.
>I still don't even know how to fight rune bears
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jesus christ is it okay
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Merely a setback
oh thank god
I doubt Bayle just flew around Jagged Peak, waiting for someone to challenge him. He probably went out and terrorized the hornsent and Messmer's army on occasion for the hell of it.
Did they legitimately wanted to pass this recycled shit as a remembrance
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I hate this game
If you had to choose between death by deathroots piercing every inch of your body, or death by frenzy flame scorching your eyes and possibly brain fried to dust, or having the scarlet rot eat away at your body at a slow pace until you die, which one would you choose and why?
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How the DLC should have ended:
Mikesisters won't like this...
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>have the power of god and infinite poise paladins
>lose to a golden woman with two fingers
horned warriors are pretty strong not gonna lie, too bad I can't use the summon against any boss in the dlc because the game is over
>Be summoned for Messmer
>Host skibidi level: 3
How do you respond without sounding mad?
use black flame and break his stance
afk and laugh at the host when he dies in 4 seconds
>without sounding mad
Megumi Fushiguro-based challenge run.

Doing this challenge run of the Potential Man himself and I thought someone else could get some use from it. Feel free to edit it to make it easer/harder/make more sense.


1. You can only use certain spirit summons to deal damage. If your summon dies/you are in an area that doesnt allow summons, you are allowed to use the Falchion as a backup. (Falchion looks like Megumi's sword.)
2. Once a summon dies three times, Totality activates and you can upgrade your other ashes accordingly. +2 more for Somber summons, +4 more for regular.
3. You cannot upgrade your summons beyond level 13 (Level 4 for Renowned ashes) until Totality activates.
4. You are not allowed to upgrade the Falchion beyond level 10. (To discourage you from using it instead of you summons.)

**Allowed Summons:**

Lone Wolf Ashes (Divine Dogs).

Rotten Stray Ashes (Divine Dogs: Totality, only after Lone Wolf dies.)

Warhawk Ashes (Nue). DLC Variant: Gravebird Ashes.

Albinauric Ashes (Toad).

Man-Serpent Ashes (Great Serpent).

Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes (Max Elephant).

Giant Rat Ashes (Rabbit Escape).

Ancestor Follower Ashes (Round Deer).

Omenkiller Rollo (Piercing Ox). DLC Variant: Horned Warrior Ashes,

Dung Eater Puppet (Divine General Mahoraga). DLC Variant: Taylew The Golem.

**Recommended Incantations:**


White Shadow’s Lure.

Black Flame’s Protection/Flame Grant Me Strength. (Reinforcing with CE.)
>declares himself king and rules Leyndell for thousands of years
>never considers burning the Erdtree despite there being a dozen new erdtrees
What an immense cuck.
I mean they had just 3 dancing lions vs the whole Messmer army
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>mfw seeing consort Radahn jump into the sky like he did the previous fight
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I beat the game
When the game mentions Radagon stormed Liurnia on a golden host... was he literally riding the Two Fingers through Liurnia like a tank and hurling holy lightning?
Morgott? He defends the Golden Order despite not being loved by Marika.
>Assassin's gambit
>Mimic veil
Uh oh anon, you didn't do the cheese now did you?
"Host," meaning "army." It's a more archaic use of the term.

Scarlet rot. I'm used to full body infections slowly killing me.
Deathblight, serms the shortest
Deathroot wouldn't kill my spirit
None of them do because you come back from all three.
Tell that to Rogier.

What about a 4th option? Dungeater tying you to a chair and shoving a curse ball up your ass.
I don't want any of those deaths
I'm getting my prostate milked by Ranni
Bro she has wooden doll fingers.
Sanded and varnished mirror smooth.
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What did Caelid look like before Malenia nuked it?
>Scarlet rot. I'm used to full body infections slowly killing me.

You have leprosy? Mpox? Malaria? Regular adulthood pox?
Rocky Limgrave
It was probably deserty
>Tell that to Rogier.

Fia seems to be able to interfere with a person's spirit by lying in bed with them in their "deathbed", similar to spirit ashes, except it's rooted in deathroot instead.
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Everyone talking about how the DLC did the twins dirty when all I care about how the game did Blaidd and Maliketh dirty.
They were both my bros and I'm forced to kill them both because Miyazaki is a cunt faggot.
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>beat radahn with Assassins Gambit and Mimics veil
target asssassinated
Is there a "get a player to be summoned to my world" sign?
It was full of rotting giant corpses, so it was probably smelly as fucking hell, and those giants are MORE gigantic than the Fire Giant we fought against, the Fire Giant was technically a hobitt compared to the size of those giants.

Actually, now that I think about it even further. The Erdtree would have actually looked like a completely normal, regular tree to those giants, relative to us "humans", which makes the tree look literally mountain sized in comparison, but the tree leaves are still pretty much the same size as a regular tree leaf would be, so the leaves aren't really that gigantic. I don't know how or where the Erdtree came from, but the Elden Ring probably gave it a super gigantic super turbo giga nigga tier fertilizer or some shit to grow that size. over half a kilometer in thickness and several kilometers tall.
wtf I want to kill hornsent now
>divine beast sides with the enemy
the Greater Will has a twisted sense of humor
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>finally decide to buy (pirate) elden ring
>go to character creation screen
>"choose your body type"
>no male or female
>"type a, type b"
I hope this game isn't too difficult
Why couldn't the 4th element on the second Divine Lion have been fire instead of deathblight? It would have made so much more sense and been so much more fun.
I don't want to engage in the wholesale slaughter of an entire people until I see Marika's tits. Those are the rules. Sorry, anon, but I don't make the rules.
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>/erg/ wants to fuck this
OMG...........ZHE IS BEAUTIFUL......
Rauh Ruins but red
I think the funniest thing about the whole type A and type B shit is that everyone in game just refers to you in gendered pronouns anyway so its pointless shit. Patches, Alexander, even Melina all call you "man/lady"
>constantly thinking about new builds, RPs, and routes to try
>actually boot up the game
>get bored 30 minutes in and start doing something else
Anyone else do this?
Why? Fire Lion would just be more of the same shit, plus fire is associated with Messmer. Instead the deathblight phase rewards players who pay attention to game mechanics, as the death clouds can be avoided with Torrent and the basilisks with the beast repellent torch. It's a nice puzzle phase in an otherwise combat-oriented boss.
Dude it's crazy how easy base game bosses are after the DLC
Radagon/Beast feels like a DS1 fight compared to Radahn or Metyr lol
no, but I'm only on like my 5th run
if anything I lose interest when the build is "finished" and I got everything I wanted to use on this character
internally in starfield the bodies are still male and female in the creation engine and the pronouns bit is just hazily grafted on top.
it's almost like corporations don't actually care at all and it's just easy and low effort pandering...
Because the deathblight is annoying, the deathblight lizards are annoying, instant death statuses have NEVER been fun, fighting on torrent is annoying, and "oops you have to sacrifice your shield for the `you're not allowed to have fun without this gimmick item' " design are also annoying, and fuck you for being such a contrarian about dumb shit that's stupid and obnoxious on every level.
Kek, he didn't even try with Marika's model
Because you already know how to roll slop them
In a few decades everybody will be saying ER was actually super easy (They used cheese builds)
hornsent are based. the (((numen))) deserved it, why else were they expelled from 109 countries?
nice try but i can smell jewery from miles away and the hornsent reek of it, therefore they deserved it and worse
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Why should he?
She has 1 pose, is in a total of 2 cutsceens, and is 2/3s broken.
Could Rellana beat Malenia?
Omen speaks in perfect Golden Order, shocks Marika and The Greater Will
jews are never a majority by nature so nope, at worst the hornsent are chinks
Rellana has tits
Malenia doesn't
Rellana wins by default
Well shit I mean
Radagon is over there perfectly textured and A-posed and was in the same condition
No I don't, I haven't played the base game since 2022
In game, easily.
In lore, no fucking way.
>90% of fan art to come out of the dlc is Messmer and Bayle related
They really fucked up deciding to switch the focus to Miquella. He should have just been a part of a side quest that could get you a secret ending or something
What story, lore, and characters of the dlc DID you like?
Ansbach is cool
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The gods bow to Glintstone Sorcerers. Malenia would be quick work.
I liked Midra, Bayle, Messmer, Ansbach
Marika and the dragons
>Death Prince half Rune in gold

Lol lmao
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Everyone knows about the Tobita manga, but what about pic related? How cute is Roderika and Rya in it?
AI future modding. Be patient
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>Godwyn was a Shaman
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Give me your heroinspoon predictions on the next Fromsoft game.
Yes, but radagon had an entire fight with animations, meaning he had to be properly set up to look good.
Marika was missing most of her body and like... all of her head.
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>Ok I'm fucking bored let's invade
>Rune arc tauntcel at stormveil, I'm like rl 138
>Well whatever fuck it I want to play a bit
>Starts spamming endure the second he sees me coming near and R2s with starfist, just stalling passively and running around the grace
>Throw fan daggers at him to break his dumb ass defense at max hp talisman, he immediately disengages to put on the regen buffs and swap talismans or whatever, I just stand there
>Bait him into doing endure + R2 by simply feinting like 7 times in a row
>Sever out
There's no salvation
Sekiro style game with marial arts is the current main prediction, because there's always 1 standout character to predict the next spin game, and that one in ER is Dane.

But my theory is another bloodborn style game, set in edwardian england, hopefully somewhat steampunky
Wait what, the thing he holds in his other hand isn't even part of the Midra weapon? I wasn't even considering that it might not be there
It's just a lame ass stick greatsword with a standard fucking moveset. What a waste of a remembrance
I like that idea. You could have different types of martial arts like the more acrobatic northern kung fu or the stiff, stalwart southern styles. It would be interesting to see what gameplay mechanics they attach to different kinds of martial arts.
I just want them to work on modernizing their spell system.
This pure caster run has made me wanna kill myself because of the shit ass way you cast spells in the game.
Imagine the pvp
What were the past spin characters?
Elden Ring magic is fun though.
Dragon civil war is sick, while I dislike the lack of anything to do with Marika actually obtaining godhood I like her backstory, Messmer is cool, and Metyr finally vindicated my view on the GW. If Miquella's story wasn't so unfathomably awful I'd say the DLC lore was overall pretty good
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She deserved a questline
What a retarded helmet lmao I love it so much
The spells are fine, its just the way you cast them is needlessly complicated.
Rotating through your spells for the one you wanna cast is downright painful when you have 10 of them and no "press to switch to 1st" isn't enough control.
I want direct inputs into my spells, or at a fucking minimum a circular selector instead of this shit.
It could very well be spellbound. Which could change how magic works in future souls games.

Either way I am hopeful that the next souls game will have deflecting like either in sekiro or elden ring. That will spice things up the combat when fighting bosses and enemies. No longer having to dodge dodge roll roll roll.
Marvelous Chester for certain, he's the one for bloodborn.
I think it was Sir Alonne for Sekiro. But than again, I've not played bloodborne so I don't know if there's a ninja/samurai in it.
and IDK for Elden Ring.
I want a basic spell you can hold in your other hand that parries projectile spells. Not one item you can find in a random corner, but an integral part of the magic system like glinstone pebble. The different kinds of 'parry spells' should be as common to find as shields that can parry.
In Bloodborne there is literally a guy dressed like Sekiro lol
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That would be nice. I like the way Dark and Darker does it with its directional selection.
We already have Thops
Then you have your one for Sekiro.
I've never played either, nor DS2 for that matter.
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Is there a part of Elden Ring that's as shit as Iron Keep?
The part after Stormveil
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This is currently the most popular nude mod for Elden Ring.
Why are Elden Ring players so troon-adjacent? This is not a woman's body.
Coomers, explain yourselves.
girl what's going on with those arms
Further proof that anyone who plays as Type B is a closeted tranny
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she's cute
it was only NOW that I learned that glintblade phalanx (skill) does much more stance damage than glintblade phalanx (spell) and in fact does more stance damage than greatblade phalanx (spell)
hunter's face says it all
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Want a schizo theory?
Marika is a pot that was shaped to be human. Thats why we find her all crumpled up.
She is the result of countless generations of hornsent pot shaping.
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That's not really a schizo theory, the game really hints towards it more than Marika being just some random girl who suddenly became a god
No, I used to have a port in my chest for injections 3x a week cause I have hemophilia. My family tried to kill me by tampering with the sterile medical supplies, so that bacteria grew in the line of the port where it goes into the bloodstream and I went into septic shock. More than once. At age 9 they ignored my shouts for help and thought the silence that followed when I was getting up and staggering downstairs with sheet-white skin and blue lips was because I had died.
Yeah, when the Sekiro tease trailer came out, people actually wondered if it might be Bloodborne related cause it just showed the prosthetic arm with rope around it being tightened. See pic related from IGN
PvP is tough. I’m losing a lot in duels and I really like the cleanrot knight sword. How do I get good?
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>cleanrot knight sword
>he can't win with easy mode poke cancer
Retire yourself my man
>poke weapon
All of it
Yeah, and the best part is they told everyone around me that I was a little monster at home terrorizing *them*, and later in life that I was a drug addict - including the police in my home town - so everyone knew what was going on, they just thought it was for the best. Now, nobody will listen or help and my family is still trying to get me falsely imprisoned/wrongly diagnosed with something, or worse, to discredit me and make their lies appear true to cover it all up.

That's what my trip is referencing. My red haired twin sister poisoned me after referring to me as a lion cause I had long hair in college when she did it.
that is a woman's body who's strength 30+, cry about it
>Cleanrot knights wield spears/scythes in their left hands and swords in their right, and have a cool unique moveset
>if you wield it like this it's useless
GOD2 would've given it a unique moveset.
Finger Ruins
Abyssal Woods
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I've been using Radagon Icon since I unlocked the 4th pouch and I haven't been to the DLC yet to unlock Blue Dew and honestly this shit is useless, I legit have not noticed a difference with and without
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So what bosses should I not kill in order to host at level 1?
should I leave castle morne and stormville bosses alive?
that actually hurts because then I can't boost stats with the grafted greatsword and godricks greatrune.
do you need help going to the dlc? you should be there right now
Buy a PC
why would you host on castle morne
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>Duuuuude I'm gonna counter twink them redcels so baaaad
Just let it go, let the multiplayer die until From gets their shit together
no, I can get there if I want to, I just like going through the game normally.
where else non-open world area can you gank level 1 reds?
>Gankers unironically asking for advice here of all places
Poopa would be livid
It was a bad retcon dear Fromslop drone
>Summoned to Deathroot
>It's Fia's Champion
>Host lets the first phantom combo him to death from full HP without even trying to dodge
>Each attack only dealt him 200 damage
what the fuck
Explain how it was a retcon
So after Rya disappeared after I killed Rykard and gave the tonic, she reappeared at the room where Bernahl was sitting after I met Tanith devouring Rykard. Then I reloaded and got the calamity talisman. Strange how the wiki didn't mention finding Tanith as a trigger
She kills herself fyi
Did they nerf Mimic Tear or something? I swear its acting more retarded now
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Is PS4 disc on PS5 still considered the best way to play this game? Was gonna get the DLC-included disc for PS5 but apparently it's bad?
>castle morne
i knew gankers were retarded but not this much
The game is dead
should still be, fromsoft can't optimize their games
I just feel like a random murder hobbo. I know that gets said about all Souls games, but the massive world in ER exacerbates it while the narrative and npcs are as minimal as the other souls game, in fact I feel like this has LESS npcs and story than ds2.
I'll keep playing but FROM really fumbled this, I kept hearing for years how GGR Tolkien had written the story and it had all the Royal houses shit and stuff and I expected much more.
Mother Dearest wanted it and Father Mightiest aided in it.
>boc the """seamster"""
>literally all he can do is tear the capes off of things
I don't think I have ever had a good co op session there, it's either shitters who wanted us to clear the entire map to gank or a clueless faggot who was dead by the time we arrived
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His entire existence is to get you the "My Lord" gesture. Why? Easy answer.
You first do the Gesture as soon as Godfrey's cutscene finishes.
You then stand up and walk at him as he walks to you.
You, using nothing but your melee weapon of choice, face him head on.
Godfrey raises his axe and goes Phase 2? Follow suite and use a buff on your weapon that has no status. Lightning Strike is a good visual match to his Storm Stomp.
You now fight him, buffed weapon against buffed weapon.
Phase three happens? Easy.
You watch YOUR LORD's cutscene, then once it ends you run and unequip your chest piece.
Then you switch to a fist weapon without bleed. Best choices are default Heavy or Keen Caestus, depending on your build or Heavy/Keen Dryleaf Arts. Those are the only acceptable choices to match his bare hands, the option to go fully barehanded is there too, yet it would take eons.
You then fight him until his phase 4, where he buffs up. War Cry/Braggart's Roar works here thematically to match his roars throughout the fight. Or an ash that mimics his eruption and/or stomps.
At the end, there are two choices based on the fight's outcome.
1: You lost, that's game, no more challenging him again. He claims his throne and you, thanks to Destined Death's release, are now dead.
2: You win. You use the Prayer or Rest or anything related to Kneeling as to pass on The Father of Gods.
If you've not done this, your run is invalid by default.
what is bro yapping about
>Least annoying loregooner
Elden Ring only has easy and convenient dungeons with non-interactive geometry where you don't have to do anything to progress forward, if that's what you're asking.
I assumed DS3's sword master was the hint towards Sekiro.
The only thing I'm seeing an issue with is dlc radahns 2nd phase. Way...waaay too much holy damage. Even with all the buffs and items to negate it. It's too fucking high.
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Which one looks cooler, >>493590882 or this?
I will Lamina his kidneys and eat them mid insemination of Marika
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>trying to help this one host and his buddy with Promised Consort
>both of them are spellcasters
>host is spamming Ranni's Darkmoon
>other phantom is spamming Scarlet Aeonia and Ezykiel's Decay
>entire screen is obscured by rot breath/scarlet aeonia/darkmoon, can hardly even see Radahn
It's a fucking nightmare. The host has like 30 vigor too, so he gets oneshot if I step away for even a second.
The entire battle of aeonia is retconned motivation wise. Why did Radahn not simply join Miquella knowing their were other Demigods to face down?
>The host has like 30 vigor too
why is this so prevalent
"level vig" is like the most common advice I hear in relation to this game, yet everyday I get summoned somewhere where the host dies in 1 hit for 500 damage
Because retards like you fight tooth and nail to keep them alive and end up soloing the boss for them so they don't need to level vigor
I can't fight tooth and nail to keep them alive at all cause they always die to one fart as soon as they enter the fog gate
we don't even know why they were fighting in the first place retard
Incredible lore
ganking at castle morne is a retarded idea for some schizo reason?
>schizo reason
nope, use your brain a bit, i believe in you
take your anger management medications, you are clearly pissed that there's people who twink and then host to wreck you.
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I think everyone wants to be the "vig is for pussies" DPS minmax speedrunner. But they don't have the skill to actually pull it off.
insane projection
But if that's what you're tring to do why bother summoning, it increases the boss's HP to ridiculous amounts and makes them basically take no stance damage, its a completely differen fight
bosses are too easy so summoning gives them a challenge plus you get to have fun by engaging in a social activity
for someone to summon they need to be retarded to begin with, if they weren't them they wouldn't be having trouble with this game
The only reason to buy the game is for this.
If you're not going to summon you can save yourself 60-100 dollars to spend on McDonald's and pirate the game instead
>the only reason to buy the game is to interact with the dogshit multiplayer that depends on a mod to be better
Shit bait.
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>Shit bait.
You struck a nerve, the woman is malding.
nothing /erg/ says has ever made me mad
you can do endgame damage at level 25 if you only level int and then boost into 50, then cast night shard and night comet with the meteor staff + staff of loss.
Could cast Comet Azur if you want
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please shitpost better, that's just embarassing
Based and made her so angry, she samefagged.
Are any of the death sorceries in the base game even worth casting? They all feel like utter shit
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Bro why did he even summon? He's so fucking good....
dragonbarrow cave?
level intelligence only until your preferred level, could be 20, 24, 25 or whatever.
wear the twinsage crown, marikas soreseal or scarseal, stargazer talisman. This gives you +16 or +13 intelligence. If this isn't enough you use the +10 intelligence crystal tear with the +10 strength crystal tear in your physic and wear the radagon soreseal and starscourge talisman. this gives you 30 strength which you use to use the grafted blade great swords skill for another 5 intelligence.
for a few minutes you will have intelligence close to 60. The meteor staff doesn't upgrade so it will hit gravity spells with the force of 60 int. Boost it further with a staff of loss or something else in the off hand. At level 25 +3/1 a meteor staff + staff of loss is better than 2 staffs of loss.
thats dogshit, never mention this ever again
Anyone else just hate Elden Ring?
level intelligence only until your preferred level, could be 20, 24, 25 or whatever.
wear the twinsage crown, marikas soreseal or scarseal, stargazer talisman. This gives you +16 or +13 intelligence. If this isn't enough you use the +10 intelligence crystal tear with the +10 strength crystal tear in your physic and wear the radagon soreseal and starscourge talisman. this gives you 30 strength which you use to use the grafted blade great swords skill for another 5 intelligence.
for a few minutes you will have intelligence close to 60. The meteor staff doesn't upgrade so it will hit gravity spells with the force of 60 int. Boost it further with a staff of loss or something else in the off hand. At level 25 +3/1 a meteor staff + staff of loss is better than 2 staffs of loss.
How would you know when you didn't even read it?
Kino advice
Witless Tarnished
Why covet Destined Death?
To kill what?
I bet you're name is gemmy, you're that french arab tranny. go eat your snails in dsg
to kill the false general
esl moment
>>493601830 (Me)
Also I'm mad that giving Maliketh all the deathroot keeps this line from playing, it's like the best line in the game imo and if you like engage with his quest line you don't get it
*stabs /erg/ with a shard of Destined Death*
>Respawns anyway because the lore doesn't make any fucking sense
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What if kind Miquella (tender and delicious) performed his grab attack, but instead of whispering to you, he instead flipped you upside down and gently kissed the tip of your penis?
What is an Outer God
I'm going to self harm if any othe answers conflict
the first elden cuck
Lewd. I love it.

Don't you mean Huitzilopochtli?
>What if kind Miquella
kind mike doesn't exist without trina
Fromsoft wouldn't do that
>Off hand great Kat with piercing strike
>Main hand backhand blade with blind spot.
>spamming running R1 and follow up with L1 to punish and then blind spot to roll catch
>ANOTHER L1 will land if they don’t roll in the correct direction

It’s almost flawless. I’m such a scrub at duels but this set up just shreds. That running r1 has so much momentum and movement you tend to avoid clashes and get a glancing blow and that’s just enough to start the L1, R1 spam.
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because i knew what you were going to say, i was just waiting for you to reply so i could call it dogshit
night comet does 651 dmg at 50 int, 427 dmg at 20 (meteorite staff + staff of loss offhand)
224 dmg difference for 30 points (less than one sword hit from a carian knight sword at +3), not counting the fact you're using 1 or 2 soreseals
a single magic pot at 20 int deals 423 AR
the only niche use is one of those dumb videos of someone buff stacking at rl1 to "oneshot" mohg with meteorite of astel or comet azur
How do I fight Astel?
hit it until it dies
Don't stay under it. Stay on his right, and get away if he does anything suspect.
I did, it didn't work
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Instead of a teleporter, it should've been an anor londo sitation and a gargoyle should've carried you there
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Why is Huitzilopochtli an Outer God? What about other Aztec deities, like Queztalcoatl?
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Makes no sense, there's a divine tower in the red dot that says it's the center of the world
Beast sanctum placement doesn't work with this
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how kill midra?
He doesn't count, he's based on the Mayan god Kukulkan.
What weapon should I use? Who should I summon?
Deflect tear
roll good
stance break him with r2s
Depends what you're good with. But abandon the idea of using counters or poking him to death from behind a shield.
last fc was a month ago
Read Lovecraft.
A whole lot of popular culture, especially video games, will make more sense after reading a few of his stories.
wish I could cheese mogh, how dare they patch it
I got underneath Astel and got in a few good shots on his head while dodging most of his attacks.
And then all of the sudden with no tell, there was a purple glow and I died. What happened?
Sure, you on?
>I got underneath Astel
>there was a purple glow and I died
This is why >>493603716 said not to stay under it.
Something ranged to punish it after dodging the beam
Yeah, he has a few AoE.
One is three successive circular attacks that you can dodge through, one is four of them, and the last one will likely oneshot you: he lifts you up, and slams you down.
And it can kill you if you walk in after he lifted everything up.
In the end, this was the strat that worked.
The zombies distracted Astel enough for me to walk up to him and whack him in the head repeatedly.
Maybe I should go fight the other Astel I ran into now and try it again.
not true, her corpse is nowhere to be found, she is the only quest NPC who if you don't kill you never find dead, the only one
>Hornsent venerate a divine horned lion
>Radahn is a divine (demigod) horned (Mohg's body) lion (Godfrey larp)
>ugly horns on arm instead of cool looking horns like mohg or lions
yeah he deserves death
>meteoric ore blade
>onyx lord greatsword
>wing of astel
are these the only gravity weapons that actually scale with int?
How does Carian Greatsword compare to Adula's Moonblade? Is Adula's just better always?
who is gemmy?
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Where's the horns
you're against frost + projectile so...
the greatest of all the beautiful gifts that the DLC was made to gave me personally was finally the option to turn off summoning pools because I'm god damned if I wasn't tired out of my mind of fighting Astels
never noticed he was pogging here
4 fingers?
Yeah I'm up
Wanna team up on the one in Yelough Anix Tunnel?
Okii, set password to erg
Do you want me to like put my sign at the boss? I forget if there's a stake of marika
Let me find a grace here and I'll teleport over there and check.
Found it, there's no Marika but there's a shortcut from the grace so I put my summon sign in front of the boss door
Alright, I gave up on the grace and I'll ride that elevator again. OMW.
Stop hosting them while I'm at work then
I saw a stake and there was a summon sign, but I'm at the gate now and nothing.
Try by the summoning pool thing now maybe
You are using the furlcalling finger remedy, right?
Yes of course
I'm standing outside the boss gate now.
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Idk then
You set the password to erg and not like /erg/ or anything?
that's just a retextured version of her game model, blame From
$#&@ this 60 second wait time
Like I gotta go here in a bit so if it's not working then I probably can't help line diagnose it to help, sorry
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Am I doing it right?
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No, make the top one erg, group is just like to like see messages and bloodstains more often
I dodged this
gracefully btw
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Wait those are Playstation buttons aren't they
You're not on PC are you
If you won't contribute, shut the fuck up.
ok done
I'm the person who was offering to help you you fucking retard, I'm asking because there's no cross play and it's relevant to know if I CAN connect to you to help you
No, I'm a peasant
Yeah I'm sorry I can't help then, I'm on PCz you can't connect between
Sorry anon, good luck
Sorry it took so long, multiple things stopped me every time I tried to post to you. >>493611840
I didn't make this post.
Oh that's fine i realized but like I still can't help though
Thanks and G_d bless Anon, I appreciate it. I'll beat it in your name.
any dumbasses here?
what's more insulting to dungeater, getting his rune but then not using it or turning him into a sex doll
The latter
rudest is turning him into a sex doll and not using it
If any among you should cause the little ones to stumble on their path to the Father, it would be better that a millstone be hung around his neck and him be cast into the sea. You goddamned Gnostic.
It's a figure of speech, retard. He means innocent.
Fuck off, Vaati. Until I hear an NPC say the name, it's the skadooshtree.
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Jesus is Prince of Death's Staff Sorcery scaling really that bad? I'm at 35/35 and my Golden Order seal is almost hitting 300 already
Shithead here
The spells are shit so far. Golden discuss is only one worth using that has int/faith split like some other anon said. its so sad. I am gonna bum rush mohg and go to DLC and hope the spells there are fun.
This wasn't my image...
Prince of Death's staff becomes the best staff with a retarded amount of stat investment, I've seen people calling it the go-to NG+ staff for that reason.
PoD got overthrown by the dlc staff, don't bother with that shit stick
The GO Seal softcaps at 43/43, the Staff of death at 80/80.
The gains are also not linear, the death staff gets the most returns when leveling from 70 to 80 in both INT and FTH.
The Staff of the Great Beyond has the same scaling as the GO seal and is stronger than all other hybrid staves at 43/43.

The DLC is extremely good for that type of build.
And cheesing Mohg isn't hard if you have rot breath and swarm of flies.
>25 fucking greatswords
>only 3 light greatswords
>some categories only got one new weapon like scythes and whips
>5 perfume bottles that are all the same and complete trash outside of a broken aow
elden ring 2?
would be kinda dumb not to
You could say the same about games like Sekiro and Bloodborne.
If they don't want to, I would understand.
That said, they'd be stupid not to.
lol no
enjoy the gacha game
/erg/ 2?
would be kinda dumb . . . to
I disagree.
After the DLC I'd happily welcome a new setting.
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Why did they even bother?
Could have just applied this to the dagger weapon type.
they felt the need to do some false advertisement for some reason
this is easily becoming my favorite weapon in this game
Easily top 5 PVE weapon
also why does this attack do so much fucking damage, it nearly oneshots me at 50 vigor
What the min level I should go into the DLC anyways? 100 should be fine and what more obscure weapons should I try to get for it? Ik the twin blades, metyr head staff and spells but anything else worth using?
You got rolled on by a dude who weighs a 2 billion pounds.
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>only "improvement" elden ring has over previous games's multiplayer is summoning statues and wex dust
>fingers need to be reused constantly if you want to invade more than once every 10 minutes
>took then 2 years after release to add the option to disable summoning statues
>open world + spirit ashes makes it very hard for multiplayer interaction, most popular "progression skip" instantly makes you rl40 at early game
>nothing stop players from twinking + downscaling is in the game, but this only applies to password phantoms instead of allowing everyone to summon any level
>areas clearly not made with multiplayer in mind, just look at raya lucaria fog wall + tons and tons of big ladders + sitting on elevator buttons
>dogshit code + peer to peer + easy anticheat gives everyone 200ms

>somehow wins best multiplayer game
It's amazing, I just wish the moveset weren't so boring.
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I finally found a situation where casting Radagon's Ring felt good...
For your information, the perfume bottles aren't complete trash, I've been having fun with frost.
>somehow wins best multiplayer game
It did?
Holy fucking shit Messmer is a hard boss to solo. He simply cannot be rollslopped.
I just helped 2 people beat Mohg. It felt good.
Damn, the thread really did just die like that.
Could it have happened? All of these physically PEAK heroes with hot blue blood (metaphorically or otherwise), barred from ever returning to their homeland, from ever returning to any true semblance of decency. Surely..?
he absolutely can, he's honestly easier than some of the base game bosses i'd say, and easily the easiest DLC boss. he's still fun to fight, but he loves to give you charged heavy openings on a platter
its 4 am
Messmer is too filled with self-hated to ever have even semi-consensual sex with another being
I respectfully disagree. This guy is Malenia on meth. You need the reflexes of a CS pro to dodge some of his attacks.
there are NO good reason that enemies STILL attack through walls. players attacks bounce so enemy attacks should too
Shit, you can't get to Charon from Cerulean?
What’s a good drip for two handed axe wielders?
The main disadvantage Messmer has is that his moves have extremely telegraphed windups with consistent timing. He reminds me a lot of Fume Knight, where they are some genuinely difficult attacks to get around, the repetitive timing of them spells his doom.

Malenia's attack speeds are far more varied and the constant healing makes her stronger than any boss in the game
Why do all these shitty Nexus mods focus on making the player overpowered and not on making new bosses?
Bloodborne MLGS still the GOAT
What about nonconsentually?
He would probably think that he deserves it
started playing with an item/enemy randomizer and rolling a dice on which stat to level up and what to do
It's been pretty fun so far
He does.
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Messmer deserves to be cuddled and told that he is a good boy, not raped
But he doesn't want you to do those things, so you'd be sexually assaulting hum by doing that
But by that logic, would raping him be actually not raping him, as he wants to be raped?
Christ I wish From would adjust the Smithscript Spear and Axe. The damage drop off from range on the throw is so severe that it almost entirely defeats the purpose of a thrown weapon.

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