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cool bot edition

Last >>493272654

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 6: Escalation of Freedom Update https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339865428695343823
August 13: A message from the devs https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339866697736692015
August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837
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My drawing is in the op, i fucking made it :)
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d10 bug
put it on the resume buddy
Say when it's full you stupid retard
what happened?
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I would also like to know, I interrupted my gooning sesh for this spot
I think host must have killed himself live in the lobby and deadman switched his pc.
Sorry, full!
That Gloom thing still not done
I was in though
kicked apparently
I hope when the fart gas clears all the planets that used to be there are just gone
Good, nobody likes you.
I want them all to become moons
I was in and it said host left.
the game is shitting itself. i had two drops just trying to join
You have pub aids
Time to verify
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D10, whatever.
It's over
Pub AIDS won
i always wrap it before launch buddy
2/4, get in!
swedes can't make games
3/4, please join.
I just read the news, they're going to kill this game next update, right?
>60 days for a complete overhaul of weapons armor and health of enemies
It's going to be the last update we get this year before they go on another vacation, probably leaving the game in a still completely broken state.
How the fuck can a nation's economy stay afloat if it only works for three months out of the year?
I honestly have no idea.
They buffs will probably be good news but the side effect is that the spaghetti code will strangle itself and the game will be unplayable and crash at every turn
Yeah that's what I imagine, shit is going to break left and right.
Have they fixed the fucking ballistic shield killing you yet?
how much interest do we have in a third concurrent lobby
Arms dealing and flat pack furniture keeps the whole thing afloat
Proper taxation management.
Lol I still can't even close the game without using control panel
go read about sweden's economy. it's not a secret or anything, take the opportunity to learn
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friday night drink and dive
10 bots on Shelt
worker productivity 600% higher than the US average due to not having heir souls sucked out by 18 hour no paid overtime no sick leave wageslavery
cursed lobby, verifying files and rehosting
>now they host

I'm gonna spank you, sis.
They didn't even give me a fucking disconnect message this time.
verified files twice in a row, restarted PC, bought Super Citizen Edition, etc etc
surely it'll work this time
join this lobby if you are so great
failed to join
>Die because your diver spontaneously combusts as if he were made of methane and conveniently gets ragdolled so you can't dive (the most realistic way to put out fires)
Such genius could only be thought of by Sweden.
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through the wonders of equality and progress, or as the unindoctrinated call it, massive heaps of unsustainable debt
ignore what anyone says to you
they have vast natural resources which they export, combined with staying out of major wars and having weak neighbors on all sides

it's just a protected little garden
>missed the lobby
Fine, I'll make my own!

lobby closed, everyone keeps crashing, another guy will host instead
sorry bros
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wrong map, though that one is very interesting too
always remember that Utopia cannot exist in this world
>Dive onto a tiny rock
>Ragdoll, your diver takes 30 seconds to try and stumble to his feet
>Get chomped to bits or blasted into swiss cheese during this time
Why can't I recover prone
Just join me.
says lobby is private
thanks for trying anon
bro nobody knows what half those countries are if there aren't labels
we can't even put our own states on a map let alone yourope
oops, public now, thought it was public since people joined already

this isn't counting unpaid balances on mortgages and cars as debt, is it? I bet it is...
full, sorry! Maybe next time
household debt as in government debt
Swedes love their kabbalistic masters so much that they're on the fast track to become entirely owned by creditors
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>household debt as in government debt
>worker productivity 600% higher
in everything except the vidya game industry?
>60 days for some number changes, half of it spent doing ONE balance patch
Fixed it for you
I'm sick of Twinkbeard stoking the hype
You didn't say I was wrong though
He seems like a very fake nice guy. I can’t stand people like that.
Anyone else having troubling boarding the ship after joining a lobby/randoms? Every time I try I am stuck at the loading screen where you view the destroyers prior to boarding. I can chat, but I never get on the ship.
I verified files today as well.
yes that just starts to happen sometimes for some inexplicable reason
maybe ranjeet took a liquid shit in the wonky google servers this shit runs on
Think they'll do something cool like tease the Illuminates in the next State of Play?
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you just know he smells like pickled herring
Should have excercised more so it took you less time relaxing around.
War bond when
nice self-dox bro
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Bots is so ass
Railgun doesn't need supply pack if you're just using it to delete scout striders and hulks in one shot.
We all know each other
What if I want to use it more than that though
It hardly needs a supply pack in the first place. There just aren't enough devs on the map that don't immediately get deleted by reds/HMGe/DCS. You can use it against every heavy dev, rocket dev, rocket strider, and hulk you see (that's not imminently going to get raped by barrages/airstrike) and you usually won't run out of ammo until resupply spawns.
It only begins to struggle when you have a spear autist or someone else who vacuums up all the ammo on the map AND when you're playing on a team that separates and calls their resupplies poorly. Pretty specific shit, but you can typically always handle the ammo without the pack unless you're also using it against zerkers and gunships all the time.
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wtf why didn't anyone tell me an Angels biome is open
If there is another collective chimpout because of the tiniest fucking nerf being in the patch, intentional or not, then yes this will be the end.
>Get flinched 5 fucking times out of my stim before I try to dive and heal while on the ground.
>Beamed to death mid dive anyway.
Flinch/ragdoll loops, and no I-frames forced standing up animation effectively being a stun are the worst parts of this game by far.
You should be allowed to default to prone out of ragdoll. Nobody would reasonably stand up to stick their head into a heavy dev stream, yet you’re forced to every time his buddy throws you
they should nerf the autocanon by making it only have 5 shots between reloads instead of 10
>take some ammo out of my pack
>animation plays
>sound plays
>no ammo is taken from the pack
3 times in a row during a game last night
>been awhile since I checked the mod page
>massive fuck ton of halo themed mods
MS is genuinely retarded for shooting down a coop game for halo, especially given how popular firefight is in halo and horde in gears of war. Are just doomed to watch game companies have contests to see who can out retard who.
Do I need to flip the RG to unsafe to one tap devs?
>Are just doomed to watch game companies have contests to see who can out retard who.
It's what's been happening for what, 15 years now? It's only going to get worse until the video gaymes industry crashes again. Inshallah these cretin devs will lose their jobs and never make another game.
They literally cannot nerf anything without people throwing a shitfit over it. They could release a new marksman rifle and accidentally make it to 2000 damage instead of 200 and people will fucking riot if they """""nerf"""" it by correcting the number
uhh, I don't think so, it even one shots Hulks in safe mode.
If you aim for unarmored parts like the stomach, legs or head, no. Accounts differ on if an Unsafe shot will kill through the armored torso though, purportedly you need 80% to guarantee a chest shot.
In fairness, you should just be dead after getting hit by a salvo of rockets, not sure why they do wet noodle damage.
They should give eruptor pen 4 it'd be perfect.
devastator chest has 425 HP and 30% durability. railgun on safe mode does 600 normal damage and 60 durable damage so the adjusted total is 438 damage.
Dead shit game. Death to snoy.
That's because AH would make it 20 damage and 10 durable damage, making it so you need 2 mags to kill a medium sized enemy.
Wait a second, why is the Liberator Penetrator so bad?
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we're all burnt out anon
very few of us really care anymore
no damage, small mags
even if you can penetrate a hive guard's face, if it takes your entire magazine to kill just one of them it's kind of pointless
Lot of AP3 primaries get cucked hard since when they’re good they overshadow most everything
Dogshit damage. The Adjudicator is literally just a better Lib Pen because of that.
don't worry it's getting buffed in 2 weeks ;)
Yeah, I was just looking at it and it's basically an Adjudicator but half damage.
fairly certain every AR past lib pen was basically an attempt at creating a satisfying AR (hence why the old ones pale in comparison), and they still haven't got there yet even with the tenderizer
>lib pen gets +5 damage
[spoiler>]and -5 durable damage[/spoiler]
>fucked up my spoiler
Eh whatever, I don't even care anymore.
ctrl+s while highlighting the text, dummy
I did, originally the > was gonna be outside the spoiler and when I was moving it inside obviously I wasn't paying attention.
Basically what the other anons said, it's worse than the Adjudicator in every measurable way.

Not only did they take away a third of its magazine versus the stock Lib, they also cut its damage by 25%. So against enemies with 1 armor or less (read: every single chaff enemy and most medium sized enemies), it's strictly inferior to stock Lib, while against enemies with 2 armor (a handful of bugs and only against their armored spots) it's effectively equal. The only time it's better is against enemies with 3 armor where stock Lib would do zero damage, and virtually all of them have unarmored body parts you can shoot instead.

At least when the Adjudicator shoots at unarmored enemies, it still deals damage.
They should let the purifier light stuff on fire like plasma could be upgraded to do in the first game
Well, the only thing I dislike about the Liberator is how slowly it kills Alphas, but the Lib Pen barely does any more damage to them.
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it's ok railcannon-kun I can handle the tank
tenderizer is fine for bots, bugs problem is you either need deep mags, alot of mags, or heaps of deeps. which is why the player base gravitated towards the breakers for bugs. Adjudicator is fun until you realize it doesn't always one tap scavs. they either need to start making primary weapons (especially ARs) with specific faction use cases or break out the customization tools already
mine missed the same tank AND strider and killed a random rocket chicken instead like 5 seconds before that
worth it
That's because Alpha Commanders are unarmored, except for the head. Stock Lib will do half damage against the head, but it has more rounds per mag so on a per-mag basis it does equal damage to Alpha Commander heads, Lib Pen just does it a bit faster.

The only two bugs where Lib Pen will make a difference over stock Lib are Hive Guards and Bile Spewers, and only if you don't just use explosives or your support weapon instead. Against bots your only concern is Devastators, and only if you shoot at their armored chest instead of going for the head like you should. Gunship thrusters are too durable to matter.
Is the game currently fucked for anyone else? Can't join a game tonight.
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silky smooth 45 fps
Are you having this issue?: >>493449319
Completly close out steam using task manager then try again. Worked for me.
It progressed to that point yeah.
Is catbox down for anyone else? I remember reading that you can use streamable to make links for the audio extension for boards without webm audio but the audio I uploaded to streamable isn't working. Says it isn't a video so it won't play.
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>first walks off screen
>oh thank goodness, he should have time to get up and dive backwards before the second-
>first walks back into frame
my condolences anon
Forced to stand after being ragdolled needs to fucking change. Recovery needs to be ragdolled -> prone and it needs to be super fast
Main issue is it seems to take almost the entire mag to pop an Alpha's head which still means I need to dodge or melee its headless attacks and reload before I fight anything else. That's a long period of vulnerability compared to Punisher/Cookout which would stagger and have plenty of rounds left.
guys, you can't melee the hulk.
Use the slugger or the dominator
>Adjudicator is fun until you realize it doesn't always one tap scavs.
You want to know why? scav bodies have 80HP. How much damage does the adjudicator do? yup. 80. damage fall-off cucks the adjudicator against fucking scavengers
I love your stuff drawdiver.
If helldivers put as much work into their game as you do your art.....

We actually are probably looking at that scenario nvm
>kill a behemoth in my face
>its corpse slides about 10 meters on top of me and the corpse causes my body to ricochet into the ground and back up into its corpse like a pinball machine
>death by impact
chargers are the worst
Woah, the Dominator looks crazy powerful. Almost like a grenade launcher.
>See Gunship fire a volley of missiles at me
>Dive to avoid it and get the reduced explosion damage
>Firing volley hits me in midair and launches me into the ground at high speed
>Death by impact
Careful, those heavy devastators tend to be extremely accurate on their third burst.
erm AMR sissies?
>not just reversing your direction of movement for half a second to juke them
come on son
>20k peak on a Friday night
>4k less compared to last week
It should be mandatory that every primary and secondary in the game should 1-tap a scav
That's how to do it. Get in cover during their third burst and stand in the open otherwise, they won't be able to touch you.
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I know some of these shots went way off target but I swear I've made AC shots with worse angles than this.
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>They are fixing all the weapons being shit by buffing the best weapon in the game
What the actual fuck are they thinking? nobody wanted that at all, they just want other weapons to not be total horseshit
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the shot that kills it was the only one that was actually fired while the aim point was high enough to get the correct deflection angle off the vent cover. you're not supposed to try and land a shot into the back of the vent but off the cover. you know that, right?
The forced to stand up bullshit wouldn't even be half as obnoxious as it is if the animation had I-frames, but it doesn't. Because these nigger devs have literally never played videogames where getting knocked on your ass and getting up is a thing, like Monster Hunter, or literally any fighting game ever.
I didn't put any audio in that one but I'm pretty sure all my shots missed and someone's grenade pistol was what did that fabricator in. I know about how you're supposed to ricochet the explosives in though I guess I was just being stupid. Usually I don't aim super high on fabs with the AC though, I've been keeping my shots aimed towards the middle of the flaps. Should I be aiming higher?
>failed to join
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Even if the changes introduced in the new patch are overwhelmingly positive, which I doubt, I have basically zero faith in AH to get down to brass tacks and fix all the fucking bugs that have been piling up in the known issues list since launch. More than anything, the thing that keeps me from playing is the fact that even if the stars align and I get a good match going, there's a pretty decent chance the game will arbitrarily crash or disconnect me anyway. They ought to work on making the game reliable with their buggy antique engine instead of being so neurotic about balance
Also fix the fucking thermite grenades and throwing knives, why are these even in the game
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The higher on the cover the more consistent the ricochet.
If they're gonna do anything to nerf the hulk, it should be making it so shooting at it outside of its weakzones should punch holes in it and damage it. It's real retarded to miss a hulk's eye by a pixel and then do fuck all damage against it with a railgun of all things.
>cover directly to the right
>runs straight away and remains in the line of fire
cum on now
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comfy but there's barely any fucking cover from bots
This biome is actual hell, regardless of faction or planet. A beautiful hell, but hell nonetheless.
oh yeah, i hate when this shit happens and a teammate is right next to me. fucking embarrassing
>It's real retarded to miss a hulk's eye by a pixel and then do fuck all damage against it with a railgun of all things.
But you do. The hulk body has 5 armour and railgun has 5 pen on safe mode. You are still doing damage to the hulk with the railgun even if you miss the eye.
lobby lobby lobbylobby please lobbylobbylobbylobbylobby
25% durable
95% durable
>Bugtard blob is so retarded that they're sitting on Pandion, a foggy jungle shithole biome, instead of Trandor - which is a planet with the best biome in the game.
It's gonna be collective retardation or something with these chimps.
Getting caught out in the open with barely any cover while striders snipe me from another zip code is how my night is going so far on this beautiful hellhole
>want to get back into the game
>ISP is being a fuck and completely cutting off my internet at sporadic and unpredictable moments
>can't even complete a fucking evacuation mission without the risk of arbitrarily disconnecting
>this has been happening consistently for the last week or two
If someone (who is not me or anyone I know, by the way) were to commit unspeakable atrocities at Comcast's headquarters, I would not feel sad in any way, shape or form.
It's literally crimsica recolored. It's a bunch of rocks ... not actually a woodland paradise
It's a tundra, you ESL.
are you me

d10 game, d10 general
Can't you guys host d6 or something for us newfolk
sure why not
we'll run this one as a d6 instead
Same. I've stopped hosting games because I feel bad for isp going down and causing my whole team to disconnect. I don't think the new kick protection prevents a host DC situation.
>ask for a lobby
>dont join
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>tryng to get into d8, let's join a ma-
>timed out, blackscreen pop back into my ship
>Okay let's try agai-
>2/4 can't join sessioin full
>Okay, how about this one? 3/4 100+ lobby sounds smooth, they might know what they're doi-
>can't join because session is full
FINE I'll fucking do it myself
It was mentioned somewhere thermite is in this patch. Knife is total ass right now but I've heard consistent rumors that it will be able to go through squid shields when they release.
if you've gone through the normal routes ie. calling support, going into your local comcast office and talking to them, then the next thing you can do is track down your regional supervisor or someone higher up. dig around on linkedin and send them an email. be civil and explain that you've made the effort but haven't gotten anywhere. bonus points if you can point to you losing money by not having internet. it sounds annoying, but it works.
why u kick me?
You should host a lobby. And link it here.
didn't, it said you left and i alt f4d out after waiting too long
host and i'll join
Throwing Knife will go through the shield and one-shot an Illuminate elite.
nah i always get the shit where everyone disconnects at random multiple times a game
looks like it disconnected you there too so who knows

Bots D10. Hopefully this lobby works.
>unable to join
the FUCKING gummy pubby gave me fucking PUB AIDS and i cant fucking PLAY THE GAME anymore i fucking VERIFIED three times and i still cant join any fucking games
what is this game's fucking problem holy shit
Oh for fucks sake.
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where'd i go?
I have no idea man. I've verified twice today and restarted my PC once. I did have someone join for all of ten seconds. The cryopods actually cycled and spat him out but he wasn't even able to walk all the way up the stairs before being disconnected.
And while typing this he tried again and didn't even make it out the pod this time. Was there actually a patch Thursday that fucked the game up? Is something up with the servers?
Right I'm going to try a revalidation and restart. Don't join that link.
Unable to join game.
holy aids
Look, I played pubs a bit, we all had to have at some point before we even started direct linking lobbies to try and get around the queue from the early days. It's definitely been bad lately, though every time I've revalidated today I haven't had to reacquire any files.
>Major order with my favorites mission opening up
>Can't play because there a huge storm outside
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all i did was try and join you and quit out btw, verified right before this
Yeah right after I gave my shpeal about how revalidating didn't do anything for me I had 1 file missing.
Ok, take 2.
always verify, quit and reverify. then between missions, quit and reverify. remember your ABV's, always be verifying
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Bot 10
2/4, this lobby works
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not host but get in here this lobby is alive 3/4
Spore chargers are miles worse than Impalers
Don't join this lobby his gens are shit.
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>blackscreened to lobby
ok, i die
Join my lobby instead. We've got Helldives, blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the blackjack. And the hookers.
your lobby is literally unjoinable bro it's not even
>failed to join
>unable to join
What the fug I've got two other divers in here right now. What the hell is going on.
Might after this match, got good people and we mostly didn't die too much
plus never linked a lobby here, I'm scared
shams saw that we
and he's personally shutting down our lobbies
do you have me blocked? name ends with J
Well uh, don't do it now mine's full and we just started.
Don't be scurred tho.
No Blocks on my end
Somebody who is tech savvy needs to figure out what is that 1 file that keeps on getting corrupted.
it happens when you alt f4 out
you'd just look at the exact size of every file in the primary directory after verifying then after alt f4ing
you'd narrow the file down by layer each time until you found exactly where it was, at which point you could find exactly what it is, copy it somewhere, then just paste it back each time you alt f4 out or play the game and leave manually

it'd be really helpful because it'd save the whole process of verifying and sending a formal bug report (getting me access to the closed beta because im a chad who put in all the work), but i'm lazy
But I thought all those people quit the game?

Redditors are not people.
What websites/resources does one go to for reliable numbers data? I'm talking about shit that isn't in the links in the OP, like recoil forces and handling drag.
wtf, where is the napalm barrage?
Going to be unlocked after this MO
>defend bug planets
>kill automatons
>kill bugs
>defend automaton planets
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>Napalm is gone already
I hate Swiggers fucking much it's insane

10 day until their first patch of their promised 60 fix-a-thon
can't have fun during that time anon
Unlikely. They'll make sure it's available by the 19th though.
Bruh, this Dominator is cuhrazy. I forgot I even had the MG-43 with me. I guess you just take Commando with it.
>Lib Pen. AP3. 1,350 damage per mag. 480 dps.
>Jar Dom. AP3. 4,125 damage per mag. 1,145 dps.
wtf, why is sweden like this?
costs extra
any lobbies?
Lib Pen is one of those weapons you use as a D3 freebie player who doesn't have the money to buy warbonds.
but the slugger!
>swedes can't make games
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bots 10
>factorio, but boring because all you do is build with no threat or motivation
Swedes can't make games
>early access for 5 years
>still a pale imitation of factorio in an inferior perspective
>unable to join
actually fucking killing myself
why is my game broken
holy shit the patch where they nerf the fuck out of heavily armored enemies and making rocket devs and gunships having limited rockets can't come soon enough
try reinstalling i guess, sometimes that unfucks things that can't be unfucked otherwise
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closing this lobby since nobody joined
I tried. Couldnt join
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Whoever recommended the sickle in the last thread, thanks.

Feels like it's juuuuust close enough to what I'm looking for. Pairing it with the railgun when it needs to cool down feels pretty solid.

Fun loadout, fun primary.
Hopen they fix the other big boy rifles to feel like this.
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I cannot into transparency channels with WebmGenerator.
>Sweden is just reverse Japan
>great place to live and build a career with 5000 vacations everyday
>horrible country to expect anything from and visit because of the high costs that is only affordable if you work there due to being paid very well
What a fucking place
it's the one assault rifle that isn't constantly interrupted by reloading. there are several others with considerably better damage or pen (or both) but being able to unload nearly 100 rounds on a horde when most of the others tap out at 30 is just nice.
>apply for asylum in sweden
>get anything you want
>apply for asylum in japan
>they laugh and sink your boat
one day they'll let us team load without wearing the backpack.
It's amazing how fucked up the teamloading animations are, just look at the loaders fucking spaghetti arms bending in the most messed up ways possible
Cause it doesn't make any fucking sense. How does another guy twisting his arm out to yank out a round from his backpack and load it into your gun make the reload any faster than if you did it yourself? It's the same thing except with one more idiot involved.
I honestly wouldn't say they're considerably better in damage. It's 55 to 60, while the sickle has a higher shot per second.
41,250 DPM vs 38,400 DPM
And I can just keeeeeep shooting.

Also love just the feeling of sweeping the sickle and chewing through hordes of enemies.
almost sounds like thats the joke
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the tendie does 95 damage per bullet, the adjudicator does 80 with pen 3, and the conc is 65 but also has a massive 23 durable damage shame its DPS is in the shitter because lol 320 rof

but like, i'm not trying to convince you to use something else, i use the sickle too because it just -feels- better than the other ARs.
Playing bots must be what it's like to be an enemy in a DMC game. Just bullied hard and endlessly with bullshit stunlock airjuggling combos
That looks GAY
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>1 month since last big patch
>peak player count is significantly less than before the patch, an all-time low and dropping
Is it over?
>comparing to all time high
who cares
cs2 wont ever compare to its all time high either, most games wont
that shit happens on release
It is. Even if the patch brings back another 25k beyond the first month, which I think is generous for a month, the game is done. Oh it will limp along for years but literally everyone will know the game was not even close to what it could have been due to sheer hubris.
>who cares the game lost millions of players
Snoy. Considering ALL of their "live service" games are crashing and burning or being pulled from service within 2 weeks.
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What? No, it's not gay. It's a guy with a full load filling my backpack up from behind so I can fill up the long thick hard tube of the guy in front of me so he can blast hot loads of shrapnel on everything that his admittedly not so girthy but certainly lengthy muzzle sweeps across.
Hey, wait a minute....
I honestly don't see any path to reclaim even a modest amount of players. They could snap their fingers and fix every issue tomorrow and while it would go back up a bit everyone has seen their true colors now and know it would just be a matter of time before they fuck it up again.
>I honestly don't see any path to reclaim even a modest amount of players
release the illuminate
the game was always going to lose millions of players, that's what all games always do
servers are piss cheap, and people will continue to buy HD2

warbond releases will continue to allow the game to stay afloat because boomers just drop $10 on the battle pass every couple months
even if only 1% of the purchasers continue to purchase passes/DLC, you're still making $~1.2mil/60 day period, and $1.2mil/30 day period once they get back on the fast warbond release schedule

they print free money, and servers cost nothing to maintain. pilestedt runs the studio on his own and sony doesnt make studio decisions, so they can't just close it on him and fuck off either
It will spike and then hard crash again just like escalation of frustration. There is no way the squids come out as anything other than a completely broken mess, even by this game's standards.
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I'm comparing it to the 'all-time high' of....last month. They've squandered the boost they got from the last update, and more. I don't know how much clearer it can be that this game is going in the wrong fucking direction. Who let these swiggers cook?
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>and $1.2mil/30 day period once they get back on the fast warbond release schedule
If the pop spikes above 75k during the first 48 hours after the patch drops I'll be shocked. He'll, I'm not even sure they'll hit 50k. The swedes literally killed a golden goose. The incompetence is mind boggling. Their idiocy in releasing this minimum viable product and not having end game progression systems even half done at launch (and fully in the game by now) is biting them even harder. True end game progression might not even be here in 12 months given they've gone back to the drawing board on basic shit like armor. Then holiday vacations... this game is done.
>sony doesnt make studio decisions, so they can't just close it on him and fuck off either
Your entire post is bullshit but this isn't entirely accurate. Basedny owns the HD IP. They can pull that.
"Are you done yet?"
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Look at it, chud diver, its your future.
also at an all-time low, lol
Concord levels of cope here.
I know right? Here I am, all fleshy and malleable, playing by the rules, and this strider just shows total disregard for the sportsmanship of the game. This is the second strider that's bugged the fuck out on me, I hope they get it out of their system soon.
Remind me again why we play this game
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uhm, have you tried playing on a lower difficulty, maybe, sweetie?
Caught me in the act, now the whole thread knows aboutmy lazydiving
oh, that's what you were talking about when the game dropped a horde of barrager tanks on my head, just more swedish jank
not that anon but I did!

but I wanted more enemies, so I went up to a higher difficulty.
Because when it's good, its GOOD.
Yeah actually I was on a level 7 earlier yesterday. Was nice to fight the unarmored striders for a bit.
>drop between two shrieker nests
>me and one other dude call down our HMG emplacements at the same time
>blow up six mushrooms in less than a minute
Man it's so nice when it works out with pubbies
The dominator is the best gun in the game because it just works. It is mentally taxing however, because of drop and kick, but that's not uncommon.
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Impaler faces are either stupidly tanky or explode near instantly, what a weird buggy enemy
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How it feels like using orbital gas strike.
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They also seem to make you hop a little when they die and you're close.
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10 days before total doomer death
So, when are we getting chemical warfare warbond?
>armors with 99% toxic gas resist, one light, one medium
>gas grenades that are just mini orbital gas strikes
>primary that is basically a flamethrower but gas OR the goop thrower from HD1
>luger styled secondary pistol that is a sidegrade to peacemaker
it only has 1 death animation and that animation begins with its tentacles not being deployed, so they instantly snap back onto their face. if you're closer you don't just get a little hop, you get fucking flung at high speed as the collision mesh passes through your own collision mesh at mach 4
Hey there Dor. You suck at the game.
Gas does the exact same damage as fire, giving the armor 75% resist would be more than enough.

Gas grenades are overdue, especially since they explicitly hinted at them in one of the pre-Meridia TV spots.

Gas gun is probably not going to happen since it would probably start out bugged and immediately gas the user the moment the trigger is pressed. I'd settle for a new marksman rifle and/or SMG.
only to faggots
twinkbeard said warbond will be soon though I don't think we have any real hints at what it'll be. I hope it's gonna be medic themed and include a stim pistol or something to that effect. we need gamechangers.
Oh shit are they actually back on a schedule for those
>14,962 combined platforms players online on a Saturday morning.
It's over.
please don't take that smelly faggot by his word, for all we know "soon" could mean Christmas in this context
yeah, no shit, everyone is playing sm2
isnt slop marine being criticized for playing it too safe though
i dont know what redditors think mane...
reddit is infatuated with 40k though, le grimdark is normiecore
Makes sense I guess.
>so mind broken by swede code that I'll accept anything
>Call down Hellbomb
>It bounces off where I wanted to put it and lands out of range
>Annoyed now
>Enemies force me into cover
>Mad, stun them and arm the hellbomb
>Run away
>33x bot kills when it explodes
>no death animation for when tentacles are deployed where the impaler reels back, stumbles and dies and the now disconnected tentacles slither out of the ground and writhe about like giant snakes until they too stop wriggling
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Oh yeah let's bring back the goopgun from HD1.
Such a well designed and fun weapon.
Such a weird design.
>Gas does the exact same damage as fire, giving the armor 75% resist would be more than enough.
Fire resistance should be at least 95% and should prevent you from getting set on fire. The fire armor is almost useless
>The fire armor is almost useless
I'd rather just run medic armor especially now that I can pre-stim.
Yeah precisely
Its just a recolored flamethrower that doesn't spread groundfire and either has more penetration or more damage.
I dont see the problem.
Man, our jumpjets suck in hd2.
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>killing a spore charger at close range
Man, the flamethrower primary sucks even in D1.
What even is the fucking point of this garbage?
idk, set the ground on fire.
>spray concentrated nerve agents plus acid plus liquified anthrax at large organic creatures' face, it eventually dies
>this is a bad thing and cannot be allowed
I'm going to shock your testicles
The swedes should nerf stims.
literally just ticking off boxes
>yes we have a primary flamethrower :)
landscaping and cool photography moments
work as proof that the balance team has to be fired
being probably pretty great until the unrelated fire physics "fix" (read: conspiratorial Alexus sabotage) was folded in from one of twelve running development versions all collectively pushing to main
It slows.
It incapacitates.
It deals damage through armor.
There's a reason all 3 in that webm is using it. It's broken.
You're an incel-user. I hate you.
nta but Breaker Incendiary is merely adequate
Arrowhead doesn't decide the right and wrong of game balance, we do
>no one returned to the game to help unlock napalm barrage.
what went wrong?
>It's fun.
>It has utility.
>It has what's now a bare minimum support quality.
>There's a reason all 3 in that webm is using it. It's good.
>I'm a transvestite. I hate y-ACK!!!
egalitarianism-indoctrinated moral busybody detected
I am superior to you, you should die so I can live
You're one of those fags that can only think in extremes. Your current directive is "nerfs bad". But there are actually broken things in the game.
Incelbreaker is one of them and it needs to be addressed.

The goop-gun in HD1 is also one such thing. It won't be addressed because the game is old as shit.
But if you looked at that webm and thought "hell yeah!" you're fucking retarded.
Seems like it would be reasonable. Just a slow and some dps that goes through armor but would take forever to kill a charger with it.
refer to >>493507504
>Breaker Incendiary is merely adequate
>Arrowhead doesn't decide the right and wrong of game balance, we do
Players do not regard incen as overpowered, therefore it isn't.
>refer to the post I'm already replying to
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
I think the Liberator is fine and swedes should nerf every primary to be about as good as it.
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>a weapon has actual uses
>why would you use this
>you are just -ACK
nerfs bad, alexus balance bad, shit gamefeel glazers bad, your ability to not merely tolerate but somehow enjoy everything being shit tuned with a few standouts does not make you anything but a troontard subanimal thing worthy only of BZZZZZZZZZTposting

everything will be OP, and then nothing will be, and things will be adjusted from there. That is the word of God intent of Pilestedt to go too far the other way before starting fine adjustments of the new paradigm and by God we'll be better off for its being actually fulfilled.
>incellobby out in force
I wouldn't have to if you realized that your argument has been destroyed
go ask players if breaker incendiary is overpowred
most will say no
>b-but muh arrowhead
has no real authority in the matter
the wonders of capitalist supply and demand dynamics dictate that arrowhead caters to us in every regard
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Dont you have kids to groom on trooncord?
It's not broken simply by the virtue that it's DPS based and not frontloaded AT damage which is the most important trait for high difficulty HD1 missions. This is why the Rumbler, RR, Commando, and Demolisher are the most common picks for the final difficulties of HD1. You don't need 4 players moving the same direction and kiting everything to death when you can just outright obliterate HVT's and then mop up whatever is leftover with primaries since they're actually lethal in HD1 and you can use those support weapons to invalidate Hellbomb oriented objectives.
>le players
I'm a player and I want the incelbreaker nerfed.
Suck it retard.
interesting how AI can produce a far more accurate depiction of our time than journos
you heard him boys, he wants the incelbreaker
nah bruh, use a weapon that requires aim. no one wants to recognize your pronouns.
You'd have a point if not for the fact that chargers (especially) bodyblocks the rest of the horde. So if you just hose it down nothing gets pass.
I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Then it's a good thing your opinion isn't equal to everyone elses.
wtf, the new It looks terrifying.
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>I'm a tranny and I want the incelbr-ACK
i concur, fuck that gun.
>jeet with a godcomplex is an incel
Look at the fucking state of you
My aim is impeccable. I will not use childsafe primaries regardless. If Arrowhead want weapons to not be overshadowed, they have to buff them. Which is thankfully what they finally acknowledged and are attempting.
All the shotguns need nerfs. No idea why swedes made them so strong.
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Saar, this is India in 5 year, superpower.
Scare yet basterd bitch lasagna?
The issue being that shotguns are low/medium-ranged, but AR can't benefit from their long range capabilities because everything is fucking FOGGED
>scamcenter went on a break
The what now?
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Just play on a difficulty where impalers don't spawn?
Saar we're talking about incelbreakers now.
I encountered a chrome jetpack bot the other day and it died just like every other chaff bot. Did I miss something or are they chrome just cause?
>AR can't benefit from their long range capabilities because everything is fucking FOGGED
And enemies spawn on top of you.
if they nerfed breaker incendiary even more than they already did the result would would not be people showing up with weapons that have no right to exist such as libpen or bsp
they would switch to the next best thing
likely jar-5 dominator and cookout
then those two would get nerfed
eventually they would run out of weapons to nerf and nothing would be solved
it's not hard to understand why buffing the guns and then retuning the difficulties/enemy spawns/health pools/armor classes etc etc afterwards is better
arrowhead hasn't been reluctant to do this out of any concern for the game, just laziness
gutting player power is a quick way to pad out content and make it "last longer", not dissimilar to how corporations lay off people en masse to increase short term gains
>a reduction of a whooping 2 magazines counts as a nerf to the inceltard
There's also damage dropoff and intervening terrain.
They should probably have worked out how to give rifle rounds more AP than shotgun pellets.
recoil got increased substantially
both changes happened for no reason other than usage rates, which is a result of other weapons being dogshit, not breaker incendiary being particularly good
>both changes happened for no reason other than usage rates
Why are you so incapable of admitting your incelcrutch is extremely powerful, one could even say, overpowered?
>recoil got increased substantially
base breaker was nerfed, incel breaker was not touched at all in comparision
it's a crutch if there ever was one
refer to >>493507504
>back from his break
Stop trying to inflate your (you)-count saar.
>base breaker was nerfed
in spite of being subpar as it was, further reinforcing my point, nerfs are not the right strategy
Recoil nerf is kinda weird. Recoil isn't as impactfull vs bugs as it is vs bots and the incel is only good vs bugs. Vs bots you need to hit weakspots and high recoil can realy fuck with that but bugs you just sorta spray in their direction until they die.
>base breaker
saar pls
if incel had 30% pick rate, breaker was close to 70% back in march
> breaker was subpar
I get the feeling you aren't as good at the game as you think you are and that is why all guns feel weak to you.
>Recoil nerf is kinda weird.
Yeah, because it was a slap on the wrist.
It was a ceremonial nerf. E.g. it did fucking nothing.
Because it came at a time where everyone and their whore mother was screaming about nerfs.
>if you don't glaze arrowhead's objectively bad decisions you are LE JEET
Don't you have a 6/10 wh40k game to glaze?
arrowhead's ill-informed balancing changes created a very narrow meta
in a narrow meta, a gun needs to be the outright best or very close to it in order to be considered viable
the rest might as well not exist
there's no reason for breaker and s&p to exist, but that's not because incendiary is too strong, it's because arrowhead consistently opted for the wrong choices balance wise
It needed a nerf, but the magazine nerf is retarded.
It just needs what some anons and others have said before, switch the damage (and durable damage) values with those of the S&P. Hit two birds with one stone.
Everything that wasn't the breaker or the scorcher was ASS, can't believe that was the baseline they wanted
why not just remove the s&p instead? why promote a more boring version of the same wapon? diligence and libpen should also disappear btw
New script dropped?
Are you able to imagine a situation wherein the meta is not "narrow"?
Can you figure out how we get to that point provided you're able to clear the first hurdle?
I minmax into offense because that's the only way to get through d10 without losing half or more of your reinforcements, and there have always been better options than Breaker for that.
>switch the damage (and durable damage) values with those of the S&P
give it the breaker's stick mag while you're at it
D10 didn't exist before the Breaker was nerfed SAAR you fucking idiot.
>Are you able to imagine a situation wherein the meta is not "narrow"?
simple, drop the "player has to feel weak" mentality and allow the power trip to happen, let primaries kill things
>b-but muh challenge
people do not play this game for the challenge, it's a casual dakka shooter, if you think this game is challenging your standard for high difficulty must be normie shit like fromslop
it's the railcannon tard again, isn't it
>min max becouse it's the only way to get through D10
So i was correcting in asuming you aren't as good as you think you are.
>people do not play this game for the challenge
and here comes the disingenuous tranny-style arguing once again
it's the only way to get through d10 comfortably
you might think people should only make it out by the skin of their teeth if at all, but you're mistaken, that's not fun
there's no sense of accomplishment unless you can achieve it with relative ease
>there's no sense of accomplishment unless you can achieve it with relative ease
Saaaar plsssss
I am wobbling my head in your direction.
if you actually believe this I have no choice but to assume you've never played a genuinely hard game, one that requires you to acquire deep knowledge of all gameplay systems, micromanage, invest thousands of even tens of thousands of hours, etc
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>I play helldivers 2 for the challenge
anon, helldivers isn't one of those games and you're retarded if you think otherwise
it's a casual horde shooter for consoles
Personally i prefer the chaotic and harder mission over the cake walks. Kinda like the lower you get the better the high feels. But hey different strokes for different folks.
if you're not completing d10s with an average 80% of the reinforcement budget intact, your playstyle (or that of your squad if not soloing) is trash, simple as
that's exactly what I'm trying to say
Pray tell O' hardcore gamer, what are some hard gaymes?

And you're wrong.
It's why there's a wide array of difficulties available.
>b-b-but D10 is easy
Yes, but as we've seen, you're able to imagine a situation wherein that could be different.
Look to HD1.
>Pray tell O' hardcore gamer, what are some hard gaymes?
OG XCOM comes to mind
>a conga line of scavengers approaches.
>sweat beads form on anon's forehead.
>he feels weak.
>there's no way his incel breaker can handle this many at once!
>he closes his eyes and holds down the trigger.
>it seems they're all dead... all but one...
>piece of shit swedes... piece of shit primary!
>reload would take too long... too close for grenade pistol... the only chance is... melee.
>he goes for the swing, but the scavenger jukes backward at the last moment!
>anon is drenched in sweat. this can't be happening. helldivers... are so weak!
>he tries to flee and falls into a geyser.
>all those samples... gone.
>another negative review hits Steam.
heckin awesome post dude, you sure showed that incel
where is the upvote button on this site btw
*wobbles head respectfully*
I wouldn't really call XCom difficult.
Almost everything is a 50/50 even if it says 99% chance or some bullshit.
The game is as difficulty as it decides to roll successes/failures.
they're all cakewalks unless you make it intentionally harder on yourself by equipping irredeemable dogshit like crossbow and thermites
True, we should make a list of irredemable strats/weapons.
>any support weapon that isnt the AC
>any eagle that isn't the airstrike
Thats a quick of the top of my head start for the list.
ah, it's the non-whites again. when will you faggots stop making "I reincarnated with op hax skillz" cartoons?
is this post ironic
Fuck balance. All they should be focusing on is fixing the broken stuff first.
>fix barrager tank
>fix implier
>fix titans sometimes not taking damage
>fix heavy devs and factory striders sticking their guns through objects and shooting out the other side
>fix rocket chicken convertable and goofy side rocket mechanics
>fix remember aim mode option
>fix stim sound
>fix invisble corpses blocking shots
>fix objectives sometimes not being interactable
>fix call down objective sometimes landing on top of an inaccessible cliff (geo survey)

What else?
But those are all good.
I'd say the only issue with the game balance is that you have limited slots to take high AP damage, and the main way they make things more challenging is to throw more high AV enemies at you.
Remove the follow up ragdoll, holy fuck. I think they added this shit post launch
>Fix charger animation desync
>Fix damage indicator when firing at exposed weakpoints
Fix stratagem keys using your stims or backpack while you're inputting the code.
Skill issue. Don't have overlapping hotkeys.
there's one thing that bothers me.
when i chamber a round, i get the sound effect and animation for it being chambered, but the reload is still not complete.
not really a bug, but it always throws me off to hear that loud audio cue and have to not shoot or it'll cancel out of the reload.
They should really fix the bug that causes the Scythe to have a red dot sight instead of a scope. Dunno why they haven't acknowledged it.
Does any other gun have the Lib Pen scope?
Hate that shit, it's going on the list.
geo survey terminals breaking after 2 mins if called in and left alone
infinite spawns
Red dots in general are completely redundant when the 3rd person reticle exists. The liberator scope is the golden standard for first-person aiming, yet most guns have the ugly 50 MOA MS Paint-tier red dots that do absolutely nothing to enhance your ability to aim.
that is correct and invalidates every single weapon that can't either mass chaff clear or do armpen 4.
Rather than a fix, that is just bad design on their part. Get the red dot sight mod, it's still working and it clears up a lot of shit on the scopes.
It doesn't fix the alignment issue on scopes, though.
>fix scope alignment properly this time.
inb4 height over bore realism schizopost
scopes are aligned already, people miss shots because of muzzle-optics distance and devastator head hitboxes being tiny as fuck. They should at least let you zero weapons
>zero weapons
This would align with AHs millsim autism.
>drop into mission
>everyone starts shooting dirt to zero in their weapons
>everyone fumbles around trying to get it zero'd
>bugs/bots get alerted to gunshots
>weapons couldn't be zero'd in time and now shoot all over the place
>people die
>drop back in
>start shooting dirt to zero gun in
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>team mate dies
>steal his gun and fuck up his zeroing
>put it back
>he now wonders why his gun is aim is fucked and thinks it's bugged
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I still prefer most of the in-game scopes over red dots, even if they're not zeroed at all, since I can still use the elevation tick marks as a reference for my shots, and the liberator scope just looks nice. Turning every scope into a red dot is just lazy and doesn't help most weapons anyway.
>the Swedes decide that zeroing could be made "fun"
>it becomes a timing minigame
>you're locked in place for half a minute trying to get the timing right every time
>still not zero'd correctly
>everyone just uses shotguns as God intended
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>go to painstaking lengths to implement the "realism" of height over bore
>don't bother at all to develop the necessary step of aligning scopes to the bullets' flight paths
>every scope is simply mounted completely parallel to each gun's bore axis
>all guns shoot low
red dot mod is a tremendous improvement if you use first person mode on any of the side scope style weapons, i.e. AC, RR, Commando, Quasar, LC. in those weapons, all the stock crosshair does is obscure the enemy you're trying to shoot at. quintessence of a malfeature.
I got it because I was sick of seeing eye rape when using the AMR, and to a lesser extent the AC. I just need a point of reference and to actually see my target.
Just give me ironsights in first person unless its a marksman rifle.
Simple as.
>gives u a poorly made peep sight
wat now
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Fair point on the side scopes, they suck. Still don't want the mod since it's just a kitchen-sink solution that changes every scope. I just want some proper range ladders for AT.
Reddits bitching about the only fun mission left now, rip bot HVA
>Fix the you've reloaded your weapon, but not really bug
>Fix the you've thrown a grenade by pressing G but get ragdolled. Now you have grenades equipped instead of whatever weapon you were using
>Fix gunship patrols flying backwards
>Fix the Q callouts tags from flying all over the screen making them useless
>Fix expired barrage stratagem beacon indicator being permanently on your screen
>Fix player nameplate things being invisible while dropping in
>Fix player nameplate things obstructing your view when shooting
>Fix silent tanks
>Fix silent hulks
>Fix bots from shooting through corpses (hulk especially)
>Fix bot mortars from being retarded and not firing
>Fix objectives being completed early by a random event
>Fix no hellbomb being available for detector tower fortress
>Fix armed hellbomb not exploding after being destroyed
>Fix the you've just reloaded your weapon and fire 1 bullet and you need to reload again bug
>Fix heavy devastators shooting through themselves
>Fix enemies being able to scale vertical terrain instantly
>Fix pre deployed HMG emplacements from firing 1 bullet when you get in them
>Fix zombie chicken walkers and invulnerable bots
>Fix gunship patrols materialising and disappearing when they spawn and despawn
>Fix SSSD and "high value sample" icons from switching
>Fix invisible mines
>Fix tripping on a rock while prone after being ragdolled / diving
>Optimise the game
>Fix patrols from spawning / despawning in line of sight
>Fix not being able to hear 180 degrees behind you
>Fix terminals bugging out
>Fix the developers not playing their game above D3
best path would be weapon customization but that can never happen because arrowhead is either too inept or too lazy or a mix of both
also putting a scope on jar-5 would be le overpowered, game would break
I want to put a scope on the railgun
>x15 magnification scope on blitzer
Because I can.
same, just let me eyeshot hulks on the horizon
>adding attachments gives bonuses but decreases handling
>a scoped jar with recoil reduction attachment even with viper armor handles like base versions dogshit making it unusable without
Would you take it
fuck no
I still have a feeling that, if the swedes ever get around to doing it, they'll make weapon "customization" be exactly the same as ship modules. Permanent upgrades that you unlock incrementally for shitloads of samples.
Just make scope alignment a ship module
>our engineers have finally invented the ruler to accurately measure where the middle of the scope is to give our helldivers unparralled accuracy
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Bugs 5
(bring your chaff clear)
>it only works on some weapons
>the AMR isn't one of them
I'm thinking OG means the game also known as UFO: Enemy Unknown which does have a large amount of rage-inducing elements.
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HMG-Emplacement is very good vs bots :)
I want a sickle variant of HMG emplacement
2 laser cannons strapped to a chair?
you were lucky at 0:05 the explosion didn't magically drag you to the heavy devastator
>SMGs are ment to be used on the move
>Knight's recoil is so bad it's borderline useless unless you are crouching with recoil reducing armor
what did they mean by this
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>filler bot MO
Still higher than DRG LOL
Gatling plasma sentry please
whoops, i forgot bots
I hope they fix the patrol spawns. I'm tired of every square inch of the map being covered in seventeen patrols and if you ever kill one, another will just pop into existence out of thin air right in front of your face.

Barrager tanks are the real red gem magnets now.
the same thing they meant when they condescendingly said to use the adjudicator in controlled bursts but the thing can't even one tap a scavenger so ofc you're going to mag dump the brood commander and pack of hunters barreling at you.
barragers evaporate from two commando rockets though
Or 1 thermite.
that too
the most redeeming quality of bots is that you can solve every single bot unit without ever dialing a red stratagem, it's not like bugs where you're asking to get raped if you don't throw your OPS at the titan/impaler/behemoth
don't forget that if you are the reloader, your arms can get stuck in retard mode after you disengage
3/4 again
please join

havent joined someone using this link before, where do i put it? also i hope you are on diff 9/10.
nvm i figured it out im retarded, but it says failed to join.
I start swearing violently, throw an impact at my feet and have a friend call me down ontop of it.
>The heavy pen anti medium chaff weapon is bad with crowds of enemies

Count yourself lucky too, at least that thing is semi efficient with every other tier of enemies. Fucking lib penetrator takes 50% more shots for every non class 2.
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If you were in that D10 bots last night around 12-1am EDT on the pretty bot planet where we discovered you could get 2 skull intel things , that game was sick and I was honored to find and tow those super samps back to extraction before we did the ICBM. You all that pulled aggro elsewhere I appreciate it. Hope you slept well helldivers now it's time for FREEDOM BISKIES
>dude trying to engage in the culture the establishment is trying to share
>dude running establishment is a stuck up asshole with body issues
cool story
>dropship *teleports behind u*
>drops a rocket strider
>strider fires its rocket before it even hits the ground
>rocket one-shots both generators
You have to admit it's pretty unfair how every new bot enemy can just insta-fail HVA
Impregnating a very sweaty Eagle-1 after returning from a mission.
I haven't played in a bit, what are people running on Diff 10 Bugs??
OPS/500kg/(MMG or AC)/flex pick
Punisher, Incel Breaker, Cuckout
Stuns or Impacts
OPS and 500kg
Engineering kit armor (I like ravager with eradicator helmet)
Grenade launcher
Supply pack
OPS/500kg/AC/gatling barrage
D10 bots more like D3 bots.
another major order done, another 0 medals because i'm fucking capped
Rocket mech, OPS, 500KG, Free slot
sar please, helldivers 2 is a very challenging hardcore title for real gamers only
I fucking HATE how AH can't multitask so they seem to be permanently in a state of working on fixing shit they have ruined so they can't implement a fucking resource sink for the millions of wasted medals/samples that just disappear into the ether
Liberator Carbine, Grenade Pistol, Throwing Knives
MG43, Gas Strike, OPS, Railcannon
Jaguar Peak Physique, Muscle Enhancement
sounds based
Stock Lib / Peacemaker / OPS / MMG
usually means lobby is full
Eagle-1 is literally a child soldier drenched in breathable liquid perfluorocarbons, you sick freak.
gg fellas
i havent played in a week and wanted to claim the MO reward anyway
the game refuses to start, sasuga swhiters
Why do I keep joining charger seeds... and why do chaffs keep spawning right on my rocket sentry I put down on a good spot...
And her litle leggies have been chopped off aswell, so the dude is also one of those amputee fetishts.
jesus fucking christ, you're gonna get more. stop crying because "wah i want the number to go up tho"
When did they buff emplacement ammo? I run out in 15 seconds.
what the fuck, why do diff 1 missions run like ass
did they intentionally start smothering framerates on low diffs to cull the sc/medal farming
shut the fuck up you retarded nigger
Any lobbies?
How to kill chargers without stuns?
HMG, AC in the butt. EAT. If anyone says something like railcannon just ignore them as that's a retarded use of the RC.
hold forward dive at their leg with an EAT then pop the exposed leg with your nade pistol
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Holy shit bros Peacock is within our grasp
No stuns = kick
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d10 bots
I dodge and let someone else deal with them. Already killed enough with the Flamethrower
>Peacock is within our grasp
>blocked by a planet with a 2% decay rate
No it isn't.
I get them to run into a rock and then I fuck off. Not my problem
Any use of the RC is retarded.
Post proof of this happening please. Ive done quite a few HVA bots and never seen that circumstance. Ive seen drops behind but have never once had no time to react and nuke the dropped fags with a stun
I've been killed by a rocket tank firing through itself while being still on a dropship before. They often just switch to direct fire when you are near them because they are the most bugged shit ever.
the only meta railgun
Do SOS beacons even work if your game is invite only?
Barragers start firing the moment they drop, if you are near a generator there's a chance one of the rockets will destroy one or both
And if you fail to contain the bots on the long corridor, one of them will call for a drop and because there's not enough space there one dropships will clip through the rock separating the corridor from the LZ and drop them all right beside the generators
still 2/4
Clean it up AT janny. I'm busy having fun, can't be bothered to dance and stun around for an entire minute for a shitty enemy
it shows everyone your lobby, but doesn't let them join you
you are a plebeian and will do as told
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Mmm, come back when you've got a little more mmm AT.
*Tags Spore Charger* enjoy!
eh, I know it's my own fault for setting it to invite only but I still wish it would bypass the setting and force it to public for that one game
especially since changing game privacy settings mid-game doesn't work
Ok I tried Rocket Pods and it seems pretty easy to kill Chargers after it breaks their armor.
so a direct downgrade from EAS which instakills?
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the game is never going to reach these levels again
is this gaime like left4dead?
>80k players in one sector
doesnt really seem that unlikely, squids or huge game events would spike it pretty easily
Remember when they buffed Rocket Pods to do 250 damage instead of 600 damage and also made it so the explosion doesn't penetrate armor
Yes but you don't need stuns since it locks on.
it's been left4dead alright
Think I've seen almost 60k in one sector with EoF
Was it really good before?
Almost every time I've given rocket pods a chance they fucking miss
Rocket pods are a bigger gamble than a 380 on a fortress.
it's "more consistent" now
No, It was shit but it could kill things sometimes
It really isn't. Aims nowhere and kills nothing. Maybe, maybe if you're lucky it hits a BT's head enough times to kill it
But it targets better so if all rockets hit it will still do the same as hitting a single rocket did before.
you don't get it, now it "softens up" enemies
so instead of having 1 stratagem that can kill them, you use one that doesn't kill them and then do something else (probably another stratagem) to finish them off
Railcannon bros they're taking our jobs
Will the Eagle rocket pods come in from the direction I throw it?
this is actually the fundamental issue with stratagems is because you're limited to 4 and everything is on length cooldown if it doesn't have consistent OHKO potential there's no reason to take it
take the railcannon and the 500kg and you're guaranteed to have at least 1 of those available at all times
Why take failcannon when you can take OPS?
Perpendicular to you. Left or right no idea, I think it depends on the Super Destroyer position
I like the animation
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it's fun and effective
3/4 someone bailed
you take them both with 500s and a spear and make every heavy on the map your bitch
It took all three rocket pods to kill a bile titan.
pen t3 armor and over cook T2.
Basically insta kill brood commanders, but the armor pen isn't properly coded and it's actually got light pen.

Still be pretty shit though regardless, unless it pierced through several enemies at once. But unless you're fighting nothing but warriors/hiveguards (that thing that no one is worried about fighting) it will get fucked by anything charging you rapidly.

Honestly I don't even know if they understand how risky it is to use a flamethrower against bugs. Like if it was just a support weapon that you could take as a primary, I could see the use. Saving a slot would be pretty big.

but it's not.
If they reliably did their damage to main hp there would be SOME use. like 1500 damage to anything you point it at? basically a 3 use mini railgun.
They should have left the flamethrower untouched and simply introduced the sporecharger as the flamethrowers natural counter.
ew pub aids
These throwing knives never seem to kill anything.
Honestly that's a pretty good point, that or the impaler.
If you run flamethrower with zero AT for impalers or biletitans you will get butt diddled pretty hard.
they only do 250 damage with pen 3
They do about a sluggers worth of damage per throw with slightly more durable damage.

Theoretically they could be used to go for heads / limbs. Like be some really good durable damage soaker, and pair with your crowd control primary.

But they'd need to do about 6 times their current damage per throw to be worth a fuck.
titan sized problems take titan sized solutions
Can someone host a lobby? I would but I'm not going to play that long.
yeah sure on the 17th, assuming the patch actually positively impacts the game and launches alongside other content
okay so im gonna need your name so i know to fucking BLOCK ur retarded ass fucking faggot. were in the fucking MUD out here gaming and all you do is click a new genny and shit post.

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>were in the fucking MUD out here
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>hes laughing
RR is one of the most fun weapons to use.
It's also one of the worst.
But, maybe one day I can once again be the designated heavy remover.
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her ya go, now get in.
They feel a bit slow to throw, and they start flying from top right to bottom left, so aiming them is a bitch.
2/4, join :)
Yeah. Just better to take grenades for crowd control, and use the slugger instead. Might be good if they over buff the fuck out of them.
I love rockets for just nuking objectives from a mile away, but taking a strategem slot is hard to justify for that. Especially when you have to rely exclusively on your primary now that your support and backpack is filled.
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Never forget that they saw fit to cucking eruptor, queso, flamer and many others instead of fixing glaring gamebreaking bugs like the one that gets you FUCKING STUCK ON THE SHIP WARP-IN ANIMATION WHEN YOU JUST WANT TO PLAY WITH YOUR BROS FFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK YES I MAD
based you tell them sir
Never understood why they cucked the quasar. The charge up animation is a massive knee cap to using it.
because people enjoyed using it
It's been long enough that I can confidently say it was one of the worst changes in the game and completely killed the weapon
I never liked using it in the first place but it's probably one of the worst AT options right now
>Need about another 5 to 10% of the playerbase to successfully defend Gaellivare.
>Bugtards bugtarding and throwing away the liberation per hour into -3/-2% planets anyway.
Aite, I'm out. See you in 4 days and 15 hours when we lose the MO to see what the next dogshit story beat is.
The initial policy of knee-jerk balance changes in response to reddit posts and youtuber tier-lists. It wasn't even that great but shitters wanted another RailBreaker, so they tried to force it as the "meta" until Alexus crushed it. Speaking of whom...
Theorical spreadsheet dps too high
It is the worst period. Even the rocket sentry gets more work done.
anon please explain why anyone should bother with the MO if a great deal of players are medal capped. faggy metsphysical reasons like working towards a common goal are woefully inefficient. people need incentives. when will MOs start yielding super credits? it's an overdue change.
>each primary deals 5% more damage/Vdurable per level
>each primary increases fire rate by 5% per level
>Each primary gains 10% more ammo per level of difficulty

There I fixed the game. Now you don't need to balance for different difficulties and have this dumb see-saw stuff.
anyone hosting gayme?
this but the EAT and its stupid unclasping animation that prevents you from even swapping away from the weapon
the reason I liked to use it was explicitly because it didn't need a pack so you could put on the jumper and do overwatch with an AT check
but that extra 5 seconds is an absolute killer
maybe it'll be salvageable if it can body shot chargers like they say the RR will, but if not the wind up plus the head shot requirement makes it a no go, it's way too punishing if you don't get a clean shot
A big reason to take the quasar was the rover, and that got nerfed too
If they don't revert that change with the Sept 17th update we can conclude that they still haven't learned a thing
they have no understanding that changes to a weapon have downstream effects to other weapons

but then also by the numbers, like they nerfed the incel because it appeared in 30% of bug missions
so it appeared in 30% of 50% of the missions, which on average have 3 players, so 33% of 30% of 50% usage
and that's an overcentralized meta to them?
Most games put way too much pressure on me by letting me have full control of my character for most of, if not all of the time.
Helldivers thankfully alleviates all that stress by constantly ragdolling me. It even goes the extra mile by locking me into a standing-up animation after those ragdolls. Having all control and responsibility taken away from me for 10 seconds at a time is so liberating.
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2/4 now
GG's sisters. Fun gaming. I'll never get over the comical size they decided to make the scythe, lmao.
GG and since when is it this big?
Few months ago they decided to make it comically large. Idk why.
The worst part to me is getting the stim interrupted.
>Get blasted and ragdolled, half health
>Dive and stim
>Get blasted, ragdoll, stim interrupted
>Try to stim
>Get shot
>Stim interrupted
>Try to stim
>Get blasted
Fuck you, game
3/4, GET IN!
i know its not easy to get a squad that comms or is very competent, but if you plan your engagements it quite easy to avoid being juggled. on bugs at least.
who is fucking complaining about constant ragdolls on BUGS you retard
>get the hankering to play the game again
>see latest dev update msg in steam
>see this
>desire to play evaporates completely
thank you everyone for saving me from wasting a weekend
bot ragdolls would be fine if:

- rocket devs didn't have infinite ammo
>Upload essential data mission
>Get to the main objective, we're getting hammered on like three different sides
>Planet is raining and it's like all washed out color-wise, can barely make out what's what
>I'm the only one doing the objective, everyone else is too busy fighting
>Drop a spare RR in case anyone could use it
>Erase the SSDs and dive for cover to reload and fire back
>To find another ally reloading the spare Recoilless I dropped
It's a nice feeling to see the things you brought being put to use.
>pick up RR from the floor
>shit is worse than useless
When the patch comes RR bros will be back on top. 10 more days.
enjoying AMR is really hard when you're too used to the Diligence crutch sniper
yes until
then you'll be glad to hear they're removing infinite ammo for rocket devs AND Gunships
any lobbies? the pubs aids today is out of control
Wrong. It's the terrain too. The ground ragdolls you more than anything the enemies throw at you.
Obviously DCS can't pen 4 and doesn't do support weapon tier damage, but
>third person reticle
>barely any recoil
>15 shot mag
are really felt once you have to work without them. Really wish AMR had at least two of those three things.
I don't know why they don't have a reticle on the amr because PC goobers are just going to give it a cursor tracker anyway
Just another instance of the milsim autism that nobody wanted.
>strat jammer RIGHT at fucking extract
>bots swarming from north south east and west, absolutely no room to breathe or escape
>can't even walk without turning into swiss cheese
I see why people don't play bots. The match was good up until the end, and it's like the game decided "You did too good, now eat shit." Shit got so bad two of the team just up and fucking left
Jammers are the Stalker Lairs of the bots
it's retarded
anyone can point fire semi competently with some practice with real rifles and a crosshair should be the representation of that
I always drop by extract on high level bots since there’s almost always either bots occupying it or a potentially extract ruining side objective in range of it
Somehow I hit shots way more often with DCS than the AMR. Really keeps me from using the AMR much.
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I really hope the update on the 17th makes the game so retardedly easy faggots will come crawling back asking them to reup the difficulty again
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bots d10
Feels like the DCS projectile somehow has a substantially larger area of effect. I frequently kill two troopers with one DCS shot. Somehow way harder to do with AMR.
False alarm.
Back to 3/4
I wonder what that guy's deal was, just joining and immediately leaving.
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bots D10
full (for real this time)
Game already is retardedly easy in its current state though. With a decent squad that can stay attentive for 40 minutes and apply its stratagems, as well as a small amount of metafaggotry (like bringing OPS to blow out detectors), d10s are absolutely trivial. I frequently come out deathless, 15 or more reinforcements to go, shitload of time to spare, all objectives completed, full marks. Aside from pure pachinko cheapshot mechanics like chain ragdolls there's nothing that's particularly hard to deal with in this game. I see no reason why it would be a bad thing to make it a little bit easier if it results in reducing the amount of primaries that are currently downright pointless dead picks. If it then ends up so easy that people fall asleep during missions they can always retune and add new difficulty tiers.
2/4 still sending it with randos joinable atm.
Would you believe that shit happened again? 2 for fucking 2. This time we at least had some area clear outside extract and I put HMG down. Love the HMG.
Learned something interesting though, a total squad wipe lets you drop directly into the jammer if you steer well enough.
But damn man, shit like that makes me want a break from the game
I can believe it. Well camouflaged jammers (and stalker nests) on extract are oddly frequent. I like to survey the extract site mid mission if circumstances allow it. Spared me a good number of shitshows.
when this happens to hdg divers they get amped up; the game is getting interesting
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bots D10 again, randoms dont want to finish sets apparently

>Le AMR is reload simulator
>Not le AC though, reloading in place every 5 shots isn't the same
>Failed to join lobby
Dear retard, it's not every 5 shots, you only need one round remaining to do fast reload. Also since AC is just plain stronger and has far better utility you get more out of each shot.
ill restart my game i guess
And then when you actually need to kill shit and not do le epic lone stunned hulk 2 tap you run out of ammo because you decided to reload every 9 shots. Which, by the way, kill WAY less shit than the AMR since rocket striders were introduced
restarted game since someone was having issues joining, hopefully that fixes it and yes its set to public.
Railgun is the best weapon to remove chickens. Another weapon that the AMR is all in all inferior to. AMR ranks among the worst support weapons.
Still says failed
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alright fuck it the guy who was 2/4 cant even join me anymore, fuck this game til the 17th
How hard is it to
>Login to Steam chat
>Set the lobby to public
>Copy the game link
>Dear retard, it's not every 5 shots, you only need one round remaining to do fast reload
you start with a full magazine of 10 shots
you fire up to 9 shots, you reload. you now have 6 shots.
you fire 5 shots, you now have 1 round left in the magazine so you reload, you now have 6 shots in the magazine
you fire 5 shots, you now have 1 round left . . .

you're reloading every 5 shots.
OR you reload at 1 shot left, fire once, reload AGAIN, and only then can you fire 9 times before needing to reload.
Completely worth doing for the best long range weapon in the game.
i did all these ive hosted a bunch of lobbies in the past
>Pub AIDS so severe you can only play with them now
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um hi

i got a lobby, kinda buzzed maybe

keep a botdiver company pls

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i'm tired but i'll join-
Okay well I won't join. Godspeed, Buzzeddiver
>Failed to join
ok we'll try this again, restarted steam and the game

Why cant you faggots accept that AMR and AC both have uses? Against bots, both are good. AC has some extra use cases due to AoE and higher damage, AMR for range and ease of use.
because without these arguments the thread would die, anon
NTA but man I suck with the AMR. That fire rate should be a dream but I suck ass with aiming
Who wants to do a sidearm only mission?
lmao as if
the more blatant shittery is you could get a sight picture for close objects right through here and it would be absolutely /good enough/ for what you need it to do
I like the laser cannon
I DO accept they both have their uses. I'm just putting forward counter-points to the AC-supremacists weasel arguments where he'll attack the AMR for needing to reload often while ignoring the fact the AC needs to reload even more often, or completely dismiss all of the AC's negatives and all the AMR's advantages over the AC as being irreverent or inconsequential.
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Still 3/4
well we're going to start, pubs have mercy
You're wrong, plain and simple. AMR is being nigh completely eclipsed by AC. Practically all shots you can take with AMR would be more productive if they had been taken with AC. Please stop coping and accept that it needs improvements.
>AMR's advantages over the AC
Name them
Protip: Sway, recoil and reload are barely relevant factors. You have skill issues if you believe otherwise.
also both RG and HMG are better choices if you want to run a backpack build
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I really like this game
gee how did I know you'd be a slippery little weasel and just preemptively dismiss them.
maybe because you always do every single time this topic is brought up. you're a bad faith, disingenuous debater.
"barely relevant" he screams as he is yet again ragdolled by the devastator he was unable to kill because he cant coinslot with his meme gun
if you want to be the sniper guy, why not just run DCS and bring Commando or Spear for heavies? what motivates this AMR obstination? that gun has a number of problems. it's the definition of mid.
same, it is really fun.
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AMR is better at sniping at long ranges.
However, 97% of maps have either fog or trees or both preventing your from seeing past 75m.
So in the end AMR is better at... killing rocket chicken? And worse or equal at everything else.
the game can be quite thrilling
I think people would think more highly of it if warbonds cost half as much
1000 for the first 4, ok fine
but the ones since then are worth only 500

I do this, except I bring the autocannon for heavies
gg boyz
Anyone down for a sneaky bot mission? d7, map wipe optional
>AMR is better at sniping at long ranges
Barely. AC can work over the same distances via first person mode. Add the red dot mod and the only substantial advantage AMR still has in long range combat is the adjustable magnification.
Hug deniers have hungry assholes
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squids are the stealth faction, trust the plan solodivers
>Try to hype the game by making some purple sectors appear
>Lose even more players
they will have electricity weapons and centralize the meta around premium armor
>he's too poor to buy 300 sc armor from the sloppa store
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I realy like this picture.
if you have the time to suffer through /hdg/ ops then you have time to farm D1 for super creds, even without the chink arrows I can get like 500 SC an hour
>joining a game puts me in Receiving Confirmation limbo where I can hear other players on their mics but I'm stuck on my own ship, staring at the democracy officer
it's always fucking something
this was a chest bump, not a hug
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but I need that flamethrower hulk dead NOW
I paid for the game, stop defending them charging extra to unlock things
I'm comin' in hot. I need a lobby. Pugs are shit.
Tell that to the judge.
why did you target me personally just now
AC users cannot stop coping
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>press R
>join game
>save teammates
>beat mission
>"For Democracy."
you got the most melee kills and that's what matters.
More people should melee.
hell yeah brother
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>press R
>join game
>save teammates
>beat mission
>"For Democracy."
Somehow the rocket pods locked on to me.
How the literal fuck can you have over 50% of the playerbase on the planet but only be making 3.5% liberation an hour? Are that many total shitters just losing operations on bot front? Or is it a combination of that + normies playing on lower difficulties, making liberation % even WORSE?
I never do the last mission on an op because I only play planets I like and want them to stick around longer
people don't do full operations, they pick a mission they like then exit out and find another missions right after
most of the playerbase is capped out on medals already so there's no point in doing full ops especially when there's always guaranteed to be one fucking annoying and boring eradicate mission and very often there's also the gay ass generator defense mission
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Recommend a weapon loadout for bots 7-8
Guys, we need to secure Partion to cut off Trandor and Peacock.
Generator and Eradicate never show up in the same operation at least, so I opt for the operations with erradicate in them since that takes like 5 minutes to beat compared to the 15 minute snorefest that the asset mission is. That said, the excuse of "playerbase is capped on medals" is bullshit since you could use it for the last MO that was a defense oriented one as well and that one was won easily. The reality is that the playerbase is just too retarded and sucks ass against the bots.
Liberator Carbine, Bushwhacker, Throwing Knives, Predator Armor, Commando, 120 Barrage, 360 Barrage, Walking Barrage.
anything unless you're retarded
Jokes on you I'm retarded
Hey fellas, anyone got a webm of the larvae spinning in the tank?
this sounds fun
I swear D10 bot enemy composition/design feels like it went full retard. There is something dead wrong with it and I can't pull finger on it.
I think the biggest culprit is rocket strider which can kill you with one hit while wearing medium armor.
I don't mind striders though, they feel like a fair game.
Amr snaps on targets faster
Backpack slot
Moving reload
Better accuracy
>rocket strider which can kill you with one hit while wearing medium armor
Can kill you in one hit in any armor.
allow me to predict that faggots responses:
>backpacks are all shit so this is irrelevent
>skill issue if you need to keep moving while reloading
>muh misaligned scope
I love when the game clicks.
Like when I'm just firing down range and shits just dying en masse.
Feels great.
...Or... Fire 9, reload, fire 2 reload repeat.
>Bot Bricks
>15 minutes slog where you do nothing but aim your spear and turrets and shoot your HMG and refresh your sentries
>You end up failing to random Barrager/Factory Strider that you can't shoot with your Spear because there's a billion Rocket Striders preventing your shitty lock-on sight to aim where you want
>Faggot host still chooses it even though literally everyone hates it
I just bring railgun to one shot those retarded striders now and then bring something that can fight devs, hulks, and tanks.
>I just bring railgun
>and then bring something that can fight devs, hulks,
He must be the retarded guy from a few minutes ago
game would be better if the map was 3-4 times bigger and contained all the missions within the operation, and then you just need to extract once at the very end
your shitter posts are all irrelevant to me as I am a solodiver (as in, better at the game than you) so I can't bring garbage like the railgun since I need to also destroy gunships, factory striders and buildigns
that sounds like absolute AIDS
that sounds like absolute KINO
that sounds like KINO AIDS
>spending 3 times longer in buggy swedish lobbies
>since I need to also destroy gunships
Game feels like it needs 5 slots, or primaries to solve one of the things you need to bring.

I need anti heavy, I need chaff clear. I usually need two of each of those, if not three for chaff clear. Then I need something for the special units they throw at you.
4 standard slots and 1 leader selectable slot would be better than the shitty 4 slot selection we have now. Though points instead of slots would be the best.
gee anon it's almost like you should be choosing your loadout in conjunction with your teammates and working together with them to cover all your bases
>40 minutes can already fit a near endless amount of frustrating and tedious bullshit
>now you have to put up with the bullshit 3 times longer at a time
>in the most unstable coop game of all time where anything can crash your game and the game can drop your connection randomly
>if you fail this long-ass mission at any point you get absolutely nothing and wasted over an hour of your time
But I play solo because the game turned to ass and my friends play nyo more.
what diff do you play at?
braindead take. team mates are not even REMOTELY reliable, you're better off running solo if your only other option is pugs
I'd love if we could spend rec on mission boosts.
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>gee anon it's almost like you should be choosing your loadout in conjunction with your teammates and working together with them to cover all your bases
7 casually and to experiment with loadouts. 8 or 9 if I got a pretty solid loadout.

We usually play at 10, and its ironically too easy with friends.
Ok game, I have tried playing for two missions now, and each time they start they go really well and I start having fun and then you just boot me to the super destroyer deck without any message. Just a black screen and then I get to watch all the naval staff glitch out. What's the problem? What are you trying to say that you apparently just don't want to use your words for? I'm not crazy, you're crazy!
seek help
Even if we share support weapons/backpacks it's still not enough desu. It always boils down to spamming Walking Barrages and Airstrikes and that's just unfun
Or just buff stuff so things are better all round and can actually be justified taking in that slot.
Change the Steam download region to New York
lobbies have been even more buggy than normal the last 48 hours

Game is just soup spam of reds.
yeah mopping up after eagle and barrage did the heavy lifting is not fun
>swedish autism incorporates semi-realistic mechanics
>realism in irl involves blowing opposition the fuck up from range with explosives delivered by artillery or aircraft
I'm memeing more than just a bit, but after the free napalm I'd really like a more reliable way to have 5 stratagem slots than just the whims of the developers. I'm curious if you had any other thoughts besides just adding a 5th ball slot though.
lobby please

>less than 30k on saturday prime time
dead gaem
>Change the Steam download region to New York
What esoteric nonsense is this?
Fuck it, I'll try it. But even voodoo practitioners have reasons for acquiring hair of their targets. Do I uninstall and reinstall the entire game?
Against Bugs I take MG-43, Gas Strike, OPS, and 500kg.
Against Bots I take HMG, Supply Pack, OPS, and Rocket Pods.
No. Just change it, solved that booted to Destroyer thing for me. Verify your files while you're at it tho
ok ok fine, so we're in agreement
european extreme difficulty is you can only pick your loadout 1 time and it carries over to all missions in the op
you only get one health pool shared across all missions in the op
no duplicate weapons or stratagems allowed (duplicates of the basic gear are an exception to this to prevent soft locking the game)
Call it Super Deepdive while you're at it
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lobby before the thread dies


we bots, we ragdollin, we insta-failin bricks
They could have us grind to unlock a new Super Destroyer chassis with 5 stratagem slots. But maybe some of the slots are locked to a specific color stratagem.
Nah just call it Threeway
Swedes know all about "threeways" ie the cuck watches
Yeah that's basically anyone ever runs. Been trying to do anything outside that, and not rely on a support strat.
anons i'm pretty sure there's no glass in the windows on the bridge
If a fifth slot were to be unlocked, I'd rather it be available to players from the get go. I have absolutely no reasoning behind this thought other than personal feelings.
>But maybe some of the slots are locked to a specific color stratagem
That doesn't sound too bad. Maybe have stratagem selection bound to sectors as well.
what's the mission and diff
too late, so doesn't matter, sorry!
Starting to think that 60 days plan was just an excuse to stop working on new content and just barely put some effort into a patch that could have been released in a week. Modifying values does NOT take this long
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gg anon, make some scrap
They already took 2 months off before this with their mandated holidays and then you have pileofshit saying he finds out about game changes via facebook posts. Every swede must fucking hang.
Free Orbital Airburst Strike + Cluster Bombs + Airburst RL when
Yeah, you could do Super Carrier with extra hangar modules and 3 Eagle-only strat slots with 2 anything slots.
Their game is a mess of different systems interacting with each other, often in unintended ways, and any small changes causes 10 things to break. For instance, the worker lady in the destroyer hangar has been broken for weeks because some change elsewhere in the game broke her interaction code.

This is why they are taking so long. They are making changes and then spending ungodly amounts of time fixing all the shit that breaks with each change. Also swedes are retarded assholes so that contributes too.

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