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Previous: >>493243103

>In Season One

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

>Record Locations





>/tfd/ Thread Template
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Sorry guys I just bred Hailey and we’re getting married so she’s mine now
Wow I didnt think farming Anode Particles would be this fucking cancerous. In hard mode with gold consumable components and I get 1-2 particles and half the time elites wont even drop them.
Did they ever mention a trading system for this game?
Someone said they'll be updating the seasonal content so you'll be able to do it with a group. Was there an official post about it or is it just speculation because people want it?
Put on consumable drop rate gear and remove equipment droprate gear. They can fuck up your droprates sometimes and you get gear instead of the 1-2 anodes. Getting Ult Ajax was a fucking pain but I finally did it because he was the last character I needed (before Hailey was released).
best place for weapon xp?
The secret level where you shrink yourself and climb into Hailey’s asshole
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TY based hailey havers for carrying me thru gluttony
So hypothetically what if I ripped my pants off and shoved my dick in her ass without consent
please sir she is not the valby
Thank you sir I am bloody idiot I am
how are you this wrong. this has been tested over and over on every single boss. piercing light is objectively worse than afterglow. what even compels you to want to lie like this? do you just have zero understanding of how crit works in this game?

good morning saar I work for rapeline NBC. my bloody benchod ready for valby yes yes
just tried the cod beta. its trash unfortunately..
What's the best place to farm for Anodes?
honestly amazes me people still play cod
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>5 AMPs + 2 Stabilizers today
>No gley code
>Not even an transcendant mod drop to use for Combine
Not that Anon and I'm interested in the actual math, the link you provide doesn't show much in terms of hailey builds or weapon builds, it's basically just dude trust me. Do you have something better? Or maybe even a video?
I have both afterglow and piercing, trying to get a good reactor for either right now. Won't have Hailey before tomorrow night or else I would test it myself.
Bloody bitch you not believe me? Who need math when you have superstitions bloody bastard bitch I rape you next week
A youtuber told me Hagios, Fractured Mountain, Large Supply Transport Point. But this is sooooooo slow. 5 elites for 5 nodes in normal mode. I need 62. Dont bother doing it in hard mode. Drops are not guaranteed.
just give up on it for a week or two the game knows what you want
>Chance to Fail to Crit

Stopped reading here. Hailey easily lets you 100% crit
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You're here for modules, right?
You’re here for my undercover sex trade right?
You're not gonna believe this, but that's the mission I've been running for the past hour. I was hoping someone might've found a much better one. This grind is tedious as shit.
Got any pantyhose facesitting to sell?
Will that be a child, teen, adult, or granny sir?
>Be Vulgus commander
>Defeated countless enemies
>Eradicated countless empires
>Desolated entire galaxies
>Get Defeated by a girl dressed as a maid
>a girl
a half cyborg super soldier you mean
Adult and with thick thighs please.
Dangerous Ambush is useless against any boss or even Colossus because they can never be immobilized, am I right?
Alright that’ll be the low low price of 10 million gold thank you for shopping at Bob’s modules
I hope the next map they add in the far future it's designed with roaming colossus instead of a separate instance.
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>pyro was debatably the second easiest hard mode boss
>they nerfed him
He’s just like me
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>Ult Viessa code in 3 patterns
It was the only piece I tried the farm, the others came when I was looking for something else.
Added to my rape list
Tonight, I will rape Lepic
ok, this is lepic
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I need a figurine of this character
Are bunny players unironically fucking retarded?
Are hailey players unironically fucking retarded?
I shouldn't be having so much trouble with the Mystery's End invasion today given how big of a nerf the Order Of Truth ones got.
I failed my first try because I couldn't figure out what to do about the bosses attacks. Even when I'd dodge them or block them with terrain, the little baby orbs would still hit me.
Any tips? Before I try again I'm tuning my build for it.
an extra HP or def module.
Are Eseimo players unironically fucking geniuses?
I went and put toxic resistances on. Normally I can beat these without having to tune my builds. Not complaining, I just haven't dealt with this boss enough to know how to avoid their attacks.
Ugh, fuck you. I've been grinding out this tedious piece of shit for ages and I'm getting nothing. I'm this close to just paypigging it.
What if instead of Lepic he was called Lefreak and ate ass
What if instead of hailey it was gayley and she's a 300 pound dyke with blue hair
Was trying for ult lepic enhanced cells and decided to try a few of hers, got lucky I guess.
I'm the first to make fun of people for whining about the bosses in this game but this is the first boss that I feel like has truly bullshit attacks.
I usually don't lean too heavily into survivability because I can learn the bosses behavior and dodge or take cover or whatever.
But the only real way to counter this boss is to just tank their damage. Unless I'm missing something.
Did they forget to animate this skin?
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>Par time is 7:34
Enemies don't even get a chance to spawn now, wtf?
Sure you are Lepic..
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I can only assume you do zero dps. here's my rabbit I cleared it with first try zero deaths and I have no resistance lines
This game is so fucking poorly optimized. I can't tune the graphics to not look like a PS3 game at 4K so I have to play at 1440p. This game doesn't let you separate the window and render resolution and when you already tab it causes the game to have performance problems sometimes and alt tabbing is just a complete mess. So I have to play with shitty FSR if I don't want to deal with all that.
Fucking garbage.
sir your dlss
already tab = alt tab
Phoneposting because I don't want to alt tab.
>nerf Order of Truth invasions to toddler tier
>get to boss with more than double the time left to get gold
Each wall took 10-30 seconds max, and only because some rooms were just too big and I had to chase down the correct drone. Even if it somehow took me 4 cycles to kill the boss, I'd still have plenty of spare time. I also don't remember the patch notes mentioning anything about the enemies just straight up despawning when you power a drone. That actually kind of sucks, because I used the drone detonation killing all the enemies to get some quick supplies.
Devs are too incompetent to optimize their shit so they need upscalers to wipe their ass.
good job you fucking worthless Gooks. add more Hailey parts to Invasions and then totally remove them from Infiltrations. why am I playing this dogshit
.this is one of the most optimized ue5 games I've played
130 fps at 1440p on a 3060 no dlss
It's not optimized at all in terms of graphics options. Turning GI to low looks horrendous. Low and medium shadows look worse than some PS3 games.
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Hailey gets 100% crit on every weapon. Also her 4 uses the base damage of the weapon. Afterglow is a better sniper on everyone else, but not her
>surprised low shadows look low
did you want low shadows to look ultra? the fuck?
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Hey retard, medium shadows should not look like this
I just started playing like a week ago.
Anyone know how far I need to progress to be able to farm for Hailey?
Someone a couple threads ago told me hailey takes very little investment, no catalysts needed to one phase solo bosses. I got her a bit ago, 1 catalyst on her and 4 on my piercing and a good reactor and she's still doing fuck all for damage against solo bosses, I struggle to take down devourer's shield
You need to have access to hard mode which means clearing the story on normal then clearing hanged man. After that you should have a questline which introduces Hailey and the invasion mechanics. From there on you'll be able to farm her from daily invasions and if you really want to speed things up from dungeon runs.
Who ever told you that is a retard, you at least need all 4 crit mods, chill specialist mod, and deadly ambush
For Lepic, Maximize Skill is only 6% more skill power over Fire Specialist. Do the two stats just calculate differently, or is it really just that small difference if you want to absolutely min-max your power? That +50% cooldown is kind of killer and I'd rather be able to use my blaster twice as often in the case of me getting extremely unlucky with crits or getting staggered by something.
I about halfway through the map rn, I think I can prob get to starting to farm her at the end of the weekend maybe.
share your settings?
Is the EXCAVA dogshit or decent when built?
The devs wouldn't ban someone like me who has spent hundreds on the game if I do an exploit right? I understand banning poors but at least I've spent some Benjamin's so that should give me some leeway.
slide us another 50 and we'll call it a deal
Depends on the exploit. If it's the new Bunny burst then you can get away with it until they patch it.
can someone post a Piercing Light mod setup pls?
>If it's the new Bunny burst then you can get away with it until they patch it.
anon what rock are you living under
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I did not do my invasions today. Just didn't feel like it.
I did not do my gf today. Just didn't feel like it.
Expect every single battlepass weapon to be mediocre because then leeches would complain about pay2win guns.
Moxsy on YouTube
>all these excuses and crying
Git gud shitter
Looks fine, the render resources are going to her ass, wtf are you looking at the shadows for you fucking faggot?
>then leeches would complain about pay2win guns.
it's a nexon game, they're very famous for trucklaods of p2w. I'm really surprised the BP weapons have been shit up to this point. I'm also surprised luna wasn't as op/meta as hailey, considering that's how it goes in most of their other games
>outpost gives twice as many hailey reactors per minute
>99% of players and youtube vids do command relay instead
do they all just need particles or some shit? I already had over 200 just from playing the game normally and never target farming them
Hailey's nipples.
Are they pink or brown?
And what about her asshole? Same question
They are white after I came in and on them
tfw invasions are comfy now instead of making me want to blow my brains out

But they still won't drop data chips
Hailey clogged the toilet again…
which outpost?
the only outpost located at her current reactor farm location...
>Be me, Esiemo guy, running Hagios Dune Base Reactor with a pub Hailey
>Drop 4 landmines and 2 time bombs on the tracker's position the opposite side of where Hailey is standing
>It get's railgun'd dead spawning in just as my mines attach, instead of the tracker on her side
Either retarded or actively malicious, I'd say
And considering the precise timing, I'd wager the latter
take your meds, schizo
take a shit, schizo
Why is this not wiping out Collosus? what am I doing wrong?
the real question is why the fuck are some copies even behind the pay pass? just make all the copies free like that launcher was
>finish u valby and bunny
>decide to look at other u descendants
>almost all of their parts are 6%
this is not looking good... anyways who should I get next?
hailey. you could waste time on U gley or U lepic but they're just worse, if only slightly
I want my catalysts back for Lepic or else ILL RAPE VALBY
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soooo is there any word on transfering of EA & module types to the ult version of a descendant from their normal version?

I made the stupid mistake of maxxing out normal valby before her ult version came out and I'm worried about doing the same for hailey if it means i'm just gonna have to waste time maxxing them out from scratch again
You need to do the fight 30+ times until you get good crit RNG and kill it in one burst, just like your favorite youtuber did.
You're forgetting the part where if you don't crit and kill the boss you die and then leave the party, pissing off the rest of your group.
>doing the same for Hailey
We get like maximum 2 ultimate descendants per season, by the time its Hailey's turn to get her ult itll be 2025 at the earliest, probably 2026. I would just do it desu

this doesn' answer my question. ive got a reactor for Nazeistras with Gold Atk v Collusus. Slayer set. what am I doing wrong with my mods?
if you actively play for a year+, you'll probably be simming in catlysts and activators anyway

the only thing it comes down to is do you feel like grinding character to 40 over and over
I have ult Lepic and ult Gley to start catalyzing next. Who is better to invest into? I have all their transcendent mods.
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>needs a Sharen and Valby's to coordinate
>Command Relay
>take your uBunny and go
>crit more
We told you how to do it. Crit more.
i dont like this hair
I don’t like this whore
Troon hair

well fuck, idk how to get more crit with those mods
You don't. Your youtuber guides sold you an ideal that is RNG.
Bloody bitch bastards REDEEMED!
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wait a minute what's wrong with predator instinct
Turns you into a pedophile
>anode ion particle farming
I hope whoever thought to make anode ions 2per drop with a non guaranteed drop rate suffers
Gay cocksucking FAGGOTS detected
yeah go look at the calculation for skill power
You're the one with pink hair faggot
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Getting ult Viessa for tomorrow, any good buils?
Sure, I'll be your bull.
You need more duration
Sure I’ll rape you next to valby
The fact you want to have sex with my small petite bunny body with short pink hair makes you gay you flaming faggot
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mou...owari da...
Rape u tmrw bloody bitch
Uhhhhh where did I say that...?
In my head while stroking it to you
damn u really gay
Leave me alone! Help this man is trying to rape me!
>get a hailey part every other run just about
>put the hailey parts on tracking
>they stop dropping
>he actually used the tracking feature
youre selling your info directly to blackrock dummy
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i shoot gas barrels and shells if I see Bunnys going near them
same but with lePIGS
Imagine being bunny and feeling Ajax’s fat cock slide up inside you haha
I afk if I’m in a male descendant only lobby r4sk4
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If I could be anyone I would be Viessa
Not when I get to them first
If I could rape anyone it would be valby
too slow
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Damn, what kind of emotes are they adding in this fucking game???
Me marrying viessa
Viessa proposing to bunny (me)
me shitting on the street in front of bloody bitches to rape
I've had her maxed for ages and I've tried every bossing build that exists online for her and the one by bones on youtube is the strongest. it also feels really underwhelming and you have to fish for secret garden procs

as much as I love her and her outfit, she's just mediocre and I only ever use her for ice towers
I think she’s pretty fun to grind spec ops with
I think she’s pretty fun to grind
Does anyone here actually play Yujin and can share their build? Thinking about giving him a try so I can do Moltren Fortress, Obstructer, Etc. without having my teammates dying all over the place. I don't want to use the Divine Punishment, that gun is really bad. I hope they buff ALL assault rifles, since all Legendaries are outclassed by a purple rarity one (eternal willpower).
Yujin grooms little boys
He just like me fr fr.
I'm definitely playing him then.
I’m gay btw in case that matters
I could already tell
I’m a map btw in case that matters
what's the deal with nearly every video telling you to use ammo mods and ammo lines on sniper hailey? you either snipe a solo boss in 2 shots and ammo didn't matter, or you're fighting something in a party like gluttony where gregs or EL is much stronger on her.

is there something I'm missing??
To dilate
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>Thats a lot of meat

Which descendant comes to mind?
I’m sowwy here grab my paw
which ones of you bunny fags is going to be my designated farm whore.
Hailey, valby, gley
When are they adding guilds?
that wasn't in the design spec for the original game so we're never getting it, investors would never approve such an expensive feature
male attracted person? faggot.
Thanks. I'll take this as a template.
please tell me this is a mod
please tell me i'm trans
is it pointless to buy a descendant that has an ult version?
Buy? with real money? Don't do it, just farm the parts, get them to lv. 40, and then release them.
xp, I suppose. the 300 caliber descendants aren't too terrible
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I will NOT be defeated, I will continue to farm Ultimate Gley Code
Do I even have to build piercing light for Hailey? Does her skill use anything other than the base attack?
Fortnite tier janky charm desu. SOVL.
you want to catalyze it just like any other gun, but it really does only need 1 copy unlike afterglow
The drumming is whatever

But the little pause is really charming to me, especially when it's done by bikini clad brap whores
Korean BBL BBQs
Do the mods on my Nazeistras Devotion matter for an Ultimate Lepic nuke build? do they need to be upgraded?
probably the fire rate ones?
we really need jiggle physics
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>tfw just want EL nano
>keep getting valby
Desire sensor is a such a bitch holy shit.
Did you look up enduring legacy before hand in the search?
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>PreSeason: Let us paint Defaults or give us more Free paintable skins besides Starter Trio!
>Season 1: Okay here's 2 free skins for valby and 2 free for bunny, instead of any free skins for sharen freyna or the others

Is this company RETARDED?
SPS and fire rate only
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Fuck me.
The pass was likely already designed long before they got feedback on it. It still shows how bad their design philosophy is. They're out of touch with their playerbase... Hell, with gamers in general. Their Q/A post showed that. They don't know how people play MMOs.
>try invasion
>pillar one is a joke
>gives 5 mats now too
jeez this company is gonna let all the babbys take over it in no time
I understand not getting balance right or underestimating player progression speed

But how is something as simple as "Hey let me customize my shit" this difficult to understand? If they just NEVER give out any free Skins then fine, they want you to paypig, but they are willing to give Free skins through the Supply Shop yet the choices are so fucking stupid
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Maybe, I've got another Valby to rape. What the fuck.
are jayberbros real? is maximize range worth the damage tradeoff?
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Gonna do two more attempts at Gley code before bed...
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>someone made 3d Hailey porn
>It's blacked shit
This is going to sound incredibly schizo, but ive had atrocious luck whenever I search up a specific item that I want to get or put it in the tracker. Could be nexons patented dynamic rng at work, god knows they would never admit that its in the game.
don't post such a fucking hideous thing ever again
The customization in this game is awful to begin with. We had a bunch of nice hairstyles for the maid costumes that were stuck with their headdresses being unremovable. Certain hairstyles change things on the face or add large accessories (look at Sharen's hairstyle option that replaces her face with a metal one) without an option to only have the hairstyle. The devs got lucky by copying some game concept ideas, but have no idea why people actually liked said ideas and gameplay.

Costumes like this >>493450171 all share the same exact body type between female characters (except Hailey's), but buying it for someone like Bunny doesn't unlock it for Valby. They get to have it both ways and nobody calls them out on it. Either the skins like this have effort put into them where each girl's different body type is reflected in the costume and that's why you're required to buy it for each girl individually OR it doesn't and buying it once buys it for all the girls who didn't have that effort made on theirs.
seconding for the source
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good night /tfd/
fate of all the frost characters, sorry
a fucking shit, trash game called Hit2
They should be rounded up and beheaded for making someone see disgusting filth
this isnt a coomer erp mmorpg for you to play dress up, jerk off and do emotes with your e-boyfriend
other anon is a faggot and you are correct
true it should apply to all characters if it isnt made for just one
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>someone made 3d Hailey porn
>It's blacked kino
is dangerous ambush a must on bunny
Is that command relay mission still the best for the particles
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>>someone made 3d Hailey porn
>>It's blacked kino
Especially if they're charging $15-20 for skins.
>gacha post
checks out
wait...are you the Gleyless faggot from last week?!?
just buy her already, you're embarrassing yourself now...
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With luck and a little grinding I will be able to craft hailey today.
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>lying on the internet
Did you get it?
Gave up getting nano tubes EL from pyro and got them from an outpost already.
im always grinding on hailey
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>all Ultimate Ajax parts within 24 hours
Must be my reward for picking him as my 1st descendant.
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I've done Haven 10 times and it won't drop the last chip I need
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Can someone translate this?
"i rearry rike to eat dog"
You're welcome
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Thanks for asking anon, it's finally over.
lol why did I quote the other post
FUCKing FUCK meant for >>493487690
I will buy a skin(female) to celebrate, just gotta decide WHAT/WHO
any leaks on the next skins? the nun skins look kinda shit with the cape
im pitching a ground breaking idea here. An addon that detects blacks and deletes them off my screen like unblock origin's element picker mode.
Gley nun, himecut
im a psychic save your money until gley gets her bikini skin
>no porn of gley
used goods bros...
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Already have Himecut, naturally

Yeah, maybe I'll hold off for now and see what gets added when Viessa/Valby swimsuits rotate out in 17~ days. If it's nothing for Gley then I;ll grab Nun
The people that are the shittiest at Molten or Gluttony are always the first to quit.
Has anyone tested Polar Night Hailey?
Some anon said Koreans speculated Nun, Office Lady and Flight Attendant. Nun already came true....but Office vs. Flight kind has a lot of overlap (formal top + miniskirt) so that kind sounds a bit sketchy to me.
Then there's also the old datamine that allegedly said formal wear for guys (happened) and sportswear for all.
no leaks but hoping they have more sharen skins. inb4 her ult is next.
wtf why did I quote that
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how can three people (me included) all mistakenly quote that neckbeard post...
It's shit don't bother go with Slayer set.
God damn it. They really need to overall these sets. They ALL suck.
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I feel like magister lab mogs bio lab for XP because it has an insane concentration of bunnies carrying my slow ass
You can go with 2 pieces of Polar that gives HP and 2 generic HP/DEF pieces to be tankier but does a bit less damage.
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What do I want on Hailey's reactor anyways
Crit Damage > Colossus > Singular > Chill
Cooldown is a flexible stat
not him but I thought coll was better than cdmg
Optimally you want both Colossus + Crit Damage for killing Colossus in 1 cycle. If not goes for either with Cooldown
obviously you want both but I would bet money if you just had one line, coll boosts damage more than cdmg would
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What do I lock?
Colossus + Firearm atk. Crit Rate is good if you go with Enzo, Moisture Valby, and Hailey. Otherwise roll for Crit Damage, Weakpoint, Extra Rounds.
re-roll chill for fire attack instead since that procs the weapons ability when you inflict burn.
Dmg vs colossus.
Then roll 40% crit damage and lock it.
Then roll wpn atk and crit chance or mag size.
Fire dmg is bad sisnce didn't scaling, you have mod for it.
God damn it it's shit take SEA hours.
>can't refute the takes
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who do i believe
Damage versus colossus always wins against cdmg or crit rate on a reactor for a bossing build.
You roll fire attack on your EL so you can free up a mod slot since elements are fucking dogshit even if your youtuber told you to slot electric to reduce defense.
Piercing light wins on Hailey because she reaches 100% crit.
It's 8:26 in Europe and I'm about to get my groceries done. Wouldn't mind doing some blow with a hot latina later though.
No, me
Hailey stop clogging my toilet I just wanna take a shit….
>try to get u lepic cells which is a 32%
>make the mistake of searching him in the tracker
>get the other 32% drop 5 times in a row
this games rng is 100% dynamic
Will Distrupt Invasion become multiplayer?
What does Hailey use to wipe her ass?
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New invasions descendants.
Guide meet me in this room real quick I need help with my pants
>standing too close to the door makes them point the rifle upwards missing all your shots...
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Okay dude...
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hailey in army fatigues is pure sex
you rike?
Ew. Would have been better with Colon DMG/Crit DMG
>Tech Skill -52.3%
>Fire Skill -87.7%
Today is fuck Lepic Day
It was worth it a few weeks ago when there literally was no tradeoff
>crit damage on one
>colosus damage on one
ples let me combin
>one is always gold/purple or blue/purple never gold/gold
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Luck was not on my side...
reactor farming is so souldraining, filtering to only keep gold colossi and having nothing getting past autodismantle really makes me wonder if it's worth trying to RNG for double gold colossus + crit dmg I've rolled it twice already but they were both for the restored relic mount
How many days until singular heavy ammo comes back into rotation? i need to grind a reactor for hailey but too busy with space marine to play tfd for awhile.
the legion of immortality bosses are such niggers
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i'm tired bros...
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What anti-element to not get rekt by that beam?
Also multiplayer when
its usable. The difference between Gold and Blue Colossus is 550~600 while Purple Crit Damage vs Gold is 5%.
Stay behind cover you retard. Also Electric
Lightning resist, but really your best bet is to just play keep away with LoS between you and let your electric shocks do the work. It's ass but it gets the job done.
>there are still people getting filtered by invasions
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Finally done.
same... I'm gonna give up if I can't get it tomorrow
Bruh the 3rd and 4th are pretty good already. You gonna get Hemorrhoids trying to go for Double Gold Colossus + Crit Dmg
>reroll sniper into hipfire accuracy 3 times in a row with the other 3 good stats locked
This is actually getting to me
one more day, I gotta believe
The 4th is already vastly good enough.
I feel they made the pillar one even worse, now matching just one is massively less likely to be correct, even just 2 matching is a bit bit risky.

And honestly from the start i felt the insanely bloated boss HP and damage numbers were the true issue.
>finally get Hailey
>the absolute size of her ass
I had no idea she was this fucking fat, seeing her in a video and seeing her in-game "in person" are very different.
At first I thought so too but now 90% of the time it's enough if you just shoot one pylon. Even if that's not the right drone you can just yolo it again cause you have a lot of extra time. Bosses are still the same and it's the only thing that can filter weaker players.
what transcendant mod should i farm for bunny first? almost to hard mode, i have electric condense but not sure if worth using
High Voltage, I only use electric condense in open world farms. High voltage's extra range and damage will serve you better in infiltrations.
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this feels awful
I don't think the bosses are actual challenges, because the extent of the test of skill they offer is standing behind a pillar to avoid tracking attacks. Really it's 95% build, which anyone of any skill is capable of looking up online, it really only filters people who are too lazy to use google.

That is also my biggest personal gripe with the game after hundreds of hours, nothing really feels like it challenges my skill at all.
>was super excited for Hailey before season 1
>finally got her
>threw an activator on her
>don't like her because she's too strong

Her 3rd ability is just TOO good. I feel like she would've been a lot more balanced at 5-15% base crit rate to offset the stupidly high skill power of her 2nd and 4th abilities.
she has the fattest butt and thickest thighs so she has to be the best, them's the rules
>valby poster
>is retarded
everything is in order
Anyone have a good valbers build that they can share?
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I dont even play Valby.
>also a trannyframe poster
are the worst /tfdg/ posters all just warframe shitposters?
I think the anti wf schizos are even worse cause they attribute anons wanting positive change for this game as wf shilling
What a disgusting hag, I'll never understand why people jerk off to her that much
Try swamp walker? he wont go down in 2 shots. or try him in a group? try obstructor?
I catalyzed yujin and play him since several days ago. My tips are: get
duty and sacrifice.

Don't bother with skill 1 and 3 in groups. conserve mana for spamming 2 and 4.

Stat priority is :cooldown>duration>range
use 2 hp mods, you shouldnt die as yujin, it would be a disgrace.

Get the passionate sponsor mod. With enough cooldown and duration, and thru skill 2 and 4 spam, you should have almost perma 10 stacks of it, which will make you one of the strongest gun characters, since it is 75% firearm dmg at 10 stacks, you will notice yourself becoming a beast especially if you will get an enzo in your group boosting your crit chance. Also, you are correct, dont use divine punishment, EL is a good choice. Max MP and MP regen on external components is good. If you get out of mana, you can disengage and wait abit to get out of combat, and it will regen very fast, but its generally not needed.

And yes, all the mid to high colossuses are trivial if you play yujin. And also, don't blame yourself if a completely glasscannon person dies in your group like lepic, hailey etc, you can't save them many times, since they get 1 shot while standing in poison or other dots.

He's a fun character to play if you played mmo's or other games and you appreciate the power of the healer role in those type of game, but he's probably too strong imo.
Tried the new CoD black ops 6 beta, lasted 10 minutes before I shut it down and returned to Albion
I don't need to bother with those daily tasks from the season pass, right? I completed 3 season challenges and I already at level 96.
Best place to farm Kuipers with Bunny or should I just get Valby and do outposts?
I find the truthers and the immortals are relatively ok because the adds fuck off. They're still incredibly fat with millions of EHP, but atleast when you get to the shooting them part you don't have an army of snipers pinging you down while shielders block all your fire and storm warriors drop all their shit on top of you while you have to stand still on a pad. Meanwhile, the darks respawn faster than I can kill them unless I'm using a dedicated add clearer.
farm gold, get kuiper as a byproduct
also remember to clear a dungeon a day for 100k kuiper
Thats a man
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Hailey's womb
perfect for vulgus babies
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>Nexon used million Dollars of Blue Archive revenue for hiring fan art artist
So, what about TFD? Where did the money goes? Twitter ads? Twitch ads?
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>Piercing Light
>get excited
>two gold rolls
>get more excited
>"Additional Skill ATK..."
>get very excited
>"against Order of Truth"
>second roll is "Additional Skill ATK against Legion of Immortality"
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What about TFD? Hmmm.
Jan 2025, EOS...
at least the maid and school outfits had unique looks for each character, I thought they did a good job with them
definitely should've had some adjustable/removable parts
honestly what's crazy to me is that you can't dye the hair
it would look awful probably as all the dyes do in this game, but it's insane when keeping the characters looking "unique" isn't even a prioirty anymore clearly or never was really
Is Critical Hit Damage + Critical Hit Rate good enough?
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Valby's Diary entry #491 :
I saw him again, that Anon from /tfdg/. He was behind me in white night gulch. Thankfully I turned myself into a puddle before he could catch me.
>Fire Skillpower -87%
https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1832292902334033970 Bunny on Wukong
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average Lepicless lobby
Dangerous Ambush or Multitalented on Hailey?
Curses! I'll get you next time valby!
Daily reminder to never track the items you want or hover your mouse on them so Nexon will never know what you actually want and decrease their rate. Now if you all excuse me, the nurse is here with my medicine.
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That wasn't that bad
yeah fine adjustment control axis don't really need all that much grinding
You're joking but since they've been giving us 5 mil a day I'm running out of weapon disassembly mats to craft them
what are the odds that in 30 vaults not a single one was an Ultra?
Why is there a toilet clogger in this screenshot
Ultra low odds
i dont get the joke
This but unironically.
The other one is -57% Tech skill power. Today is just anti-Lepic invasions.
Ever since the devs said they were planning on some sort of Normal>Ult progression i've been having more fun building all characters without feeling like I am wasting mats. I don't know how they didnt see this coming. Maybe Nexon isnt full of super intelligent super villains, they might be just really retarded.
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I still did both with Lepic because one of my builds is around his 2 and 3. Just weapons and black hole range.
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Same bro, lepics can't stop winning.
I expected Hailey to take more investment than just 2 EAs and 1 catalyst to start one-shotting bosses.
I think White night gulch, shipment base, fortress outskirts is the best reactor/component farming mission in the entire game. Activate all 4 consoles to trigger the spawns at the same time and go to town. Cannot find a better one. The go to missions in Sterile lands and swamps are not as good.
What's the weakest, most useless Descendant skill in the whole game and why is it Sharens 3?
>he doesn't know
Git gud retard.
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don't even need a good reactor
Uh your Battlesuit Melting Rounds and Naynay hand cannon for -70% def?
h-how did you stick 2 EA in her...
Cause her butt is that beeg anon.

I'm sure he meant her and the Piercing Light.
God gave women 3 holes for a reason. I didn't, I stuck one on Hailey and one on Piercing Light.
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I did it bwos...
I am talking about the default skill. Not the trans mod. The stun is worthless.
You are worthless.
Big tits are gross.
DFC forever.
We need Cunny Descendant

Interesting stuff.
>Investors not happy with Seasons 1 reception. Nexons stock have plummeted.
>Playerbase is balanced across all regions
>There will be more frequent surveys in the future
>A separate team will be made dedicated just to make quick hotfixes
>Modes with endless enemy waves are planned. Like Warframes survival.
>Nickname changing and account linking will be added this season
they should include them in every region and they should drop mats, otherwise I see no reason to do them
>endless shit
>copying Warframe even more
Pathetic. Soon they will add gay spaceships and pets.
We have a pedo descendant so it only makes sense
But Hailey only likes little boys.
She love Viessa retard.
Wrong. Gays are banned in Albion.
Go away and read lore first retard.
lesbians are ok, faggots are not
>all the panic hotfixes weren't planned
>tfw he's actually a noob director and has no idea what hes doing
the game will actually die before the end of this year lol he got lucky and couldnt keep up the momentum
I am literally the Guide talking to you. All homosexuals are executed on sight. Albion is a right wing lobby.
What the fuck? I love Albion now
>make tfd thread on /v/
>it gets autosaged
meanwhile the endless posts about trannies and concord are allowed to stay up
We should legally be allowed to hang the developers of concord
Concord board, Concord site, chud.
>steam mixed reviews
what happened?
Gays, trannies, pedophiles, obese land whale women, take your pick
deadlock will kill this game
Valve should have made left 4 dead 3 instead we got the tranniest characters in a game
Valve will kill Deadlock just like they killed Artifact and the shitty auto chess dota game.
I play deadlock as well, i really don't think there is any competition between these two games, they scratch completely different iches
not even the same genre retard
I'm still surprised a lot of people want to play ASSFAGGOTS that isn't LoL on current year
>The game's success abroad rather than in South Korea intensified communication difficulties. It was hard to speed up our live response times, and communication hurdles were high. Plus, catering to diverse cultures and preferences was a real challenge.
makes sense why they responded to the west really quick
Even LoL, unless you have 4 friends ready to queue up with you and fuck around, who would want to deal with any ASSFAGGOTS game?
I just can't deal with people who keep crying/shifting the blame/go afk and ask for a surrender anymore, I don't have the patience.
You got first blooded under your own fucking tower at level 1 and you start talking shit about your jungler? You have 15 CS at the 5 mn mark and blame your support? You picked a bad top and you're getting turbo bullied so your jungler has to babysit you and that's not your fault?
I think prison isn't enough, when we send criminals to prison we should force them to soloqueue in games like that.
Why does the lightning have a shadow?
>200 hours in
>still haven't attempted frost walker after seeing how many people couldn't figure out hanged man
I don't even feel like I'm missing out on anything
Same, I’m chilling with 1 failed instructor attempt and just grinding and building descendants. I’ll get to it eventually but no real rush given how long this content barren season is.
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>mid-baby that gets babysat by jungle
>wonders why top and bottom complain about getting free-farmed
There are enough Lepics now to comfortably join a pub and get carried. They can skip the flames mechanic. Just try it.
I love farming invasions with my wife.
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This but unironcally
>want to get into this game
>already play another grind fiesta (warframe)
wat do?
drop warframe like you should have years ago
>wasted all that time leveling Valby when Hailey is straight up a better weapon platform than her outright
interesting, elaborate pls
>sir our data shows most of our playerbase is from west
>what do they like?
>girls making out
>new patch bunny and valby confirmed lesbians
everything went better then expected
Hailey can't fondle Gluttony's balls.
I'm taking a break from WF while I'm super into TFD (at the moment at least)

I havent even played Lotus Eater yet
Hailey legit deserves a nerf but they're not gonna give her one because the already dying game doesn't want to lose more
Don't be a retarded basedboy faggot playing with ugloid robots and join waifu kino.
>dying game
>it was real in my mind
What reactor stats does Gley want? I have a stack of non-attribute reactors I wanna see if they have any value
Disable hag.
Enable bunny.
cooldown, duration
This reads like AI.
everyone deserves buffs i feel like we're in baby phase of content. once we're in serious one 20mln dmg will be nothing

I for one can't wait for 10s swamp walker kill on my ult freyna
Is ult Valby mandatory
Sir she just retarded, please rape valby.
Valby is not mandatory
Loli pedos get the rope.
>pedo immediately thinks of rape
Is it worth investing EAs on Secret Garden/Afterglow?
How are they as standalone weapons for every Descendant?
Anyone got a link for Valbs daz model?
Both weapons are decent, but on secret garden I wouldn't use unless you're swimming in activators. Only build I know which uses secret garden is Viessa's cold-bloodedness and you wont anyways be shooting with a gun in that build unless you out of mana and even then I would just change to another weapon which deals more dmg than secret garden.
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I've been farming everyday and this is the best I've gotten. It's so over.
It'll work just fine, you honestly don't really need that much. Hailey's inherent kit does 90% of the work.
thanks, gonna then invest in Afterglow and just grind for Secret Garden to max its ability
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I kind of get the why of stun bombs.

Stun hits elite mobs, so when you go to cloak and smoke, you don't embarrass yourself by missing your enhanced shot. And since you do sharen for outposts and fight mostly elite mobs as the bosses for there, it makes sense she'd have an ability super effective against them.

It also gives you the ability to use knives even when melee mobs close in, usually melee mobs can punch you down if you try to use them at close range but with stun bombs you make an opening to use actually pull them out.

It even combos with sword if you use multitalented, since it's a dimension skill it lets you spam lightsaber and also protects you for multiple swings whereas cloak only covers you for one. The multitalented also helps you unlock 90% CD reduction for void domination spam builds, sometimes it's hard to hit the 5s MT window with just cloak.

With all that said I used nut buster rounds for like 95% of my Sharen playtime, but that's more me wanting to play support slut than anything else, and the only other decent support options are all guys.
Secret garden is good, i have it maxed, i dont regret doing it. i use it as a secondary weapon if i run out of ammo with EL. It gets to around 620k dps on its stats when fully modded, it has a 50% base crit chance. Plays similarly to an assault rifle, or greg but its dmg on shots is much higher than greg.
Wait what ammo is garden again
>Need one last 10% nano tube for secret garden max rank
>Get three 6% UViessa drops
So it begins
This but unironically. At first I forced myself to do weekly EDA, then to log in daily, then at some point I logged in and started shooting my torid and it just felt so fucking shit I decided I had enough and would rather headshot stuff with my nazeistra's.
WF is honestly pretty easy and safe to put on the backburner too.
You really dont miss out much if you have already been playing for a while.
>>493540037 RNG in games doesn't even work as RNG IRL It fucking sucks. I got 6 Luna parts in sequence the other day
Yeah I'm LR1 despite never acquiring a single lich/tennet weapon because that system is just too tedious for me so it's not like I need anything but still it made me realize how abysmal gunfeel is in wf if some korean game had better guns. Is it because they are Canadian and hate guns? I wonder sometimes. Between a gorgon and an enduring legacy I know which one I'm enjoying shooting while going full Rambo with a M60.
Bunny xisters won again
I don't think they are pulling the plug since they kinda need this game to succeed
Yeah basically like I thought. TFD was conceived at one thing, a classic Korean autismo grindfest but they ended up lucking into stepping into the Warframe/Destiny market by complete accident instead and they have to pivot their direction from now on. This game will look completely different by Season 3. I'm investing now for the long run.
>stepping into the Warframe/Destiny market by complete accident
they literally copied warframe's mod system and crafting 1 for 1 how is it "accidental" that they would grab the same audience? what the fuck
the real thing unexpected thing is that they wanted the korean neets who want to do complicated raids all day like in lost ark but got the console casual retards of the west instead, which is again bound to happen when looter shooters appeal to braindead normies
when people say the hailey grind has been reduced to 6 days from 12, is that talking about with HM Infiltration grinding?
it's not really an accident when most of the shit in this game mirrors warframe entirely.
just got to hard mode, what stuff should i farm first?
Get Ult Bunny
Ult Bunny and Thunder Cage
>get ult bunny
>dont feel like playing anyone else
shes just that good
Sharen then Ult Bunny and Thunder Cage.
i have 2 catalysts and 2 activators, should i use one of each on my thunder cage and then slap the others on once i get ubunny?
ubunny and Hailey are the best descendants in the game and all you really need not counting more utility ones like Ezno or Sharen
Yep, you got the right idea. One EA on TC will make your life a lot easier to farm until you can get Enduring Legacy. Max out Rifle Reinforcement, Action & Reaction, Better Insight and Concentration as your core 4 modules and then go from there.
dont have action and reaction , whats another purple mod i can use for now?
you can farm it really easily it's a very common drop
It's an absolute best case scenario where you don't get lopsided drops from the invasions and do a little bit of infiltrations to compensate. If you got perfect drops, no excess, it would take you 8 days just doing invasions.
its a 30% drop from a hard mode mission
just go spend like 10 minutes and get it
uBunny and EL.
TC is noobtrap.
over 10 AMPs for a 32% EL mat
and I STILL dont have any, meanwhile SIX(6) fucking perforator mats

this shit is fucking weighted fuck you nexon
>do a mission that has a 30% drop for it
>still no drop after 7 runs
why are the drop rates so dishonest
>page 10
It's actually over for real this time. Destiny is killing us.
I'm trying to get a good reactor and failing, can't be bothered to alt tab on vg
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its gaming time
Do people actually do these code breaker things without Enzo, it's insane how much better these are with him.
I did like three on a purple chest when I started not knowing thaht it spent the key on failed attempts. After that no.
I did acouple of lower grade ones but the moment I first failed apurple, i waited for Enzo
My TC caries pretentious faggots like you, say thank you.
TC is good
But I was ready to drop TC like a hot potato the moment I got EL after 100 hours
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Speaking of EL I only need 2 more fucking codes to be maxing it. And some cats.
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Want to add Colossus damage what do I swap?
I still dont know what stats to roll on EL

I thought Crit/CritDmg/FireArm/Fire was the simple one the people said to skip crit for Colossus and im just like what
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You swap out crit rate because there are multiple ways to buff crit rate like enzo supply firearm enhancer or valby supply moisture
Also it's hilarious gold and purple firearm atk are only 0.2% off
An EL with extended mag has 171 bullets in it which is why crit rate is not important unlike a sniper rifle or something, so you swap it out for colossus damage so again you want something like >>493563413
Gold is not super important but EL will probably be your single most important gun and they gave a shit ton of gold in this event, so it might be worth rerolling till gold stats
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So I've been pretty heavily following the piercing light vs afterglow debate and the more I look into it the more I have no idea which is better.
sure you have that meui vid with the google doc claiming they're effectively equal with a microscopic edge to afterglow, and anons have posted his google doc like 30 fucking times and so afterglow seems to be the preferred weapon in this general when looking back at the last 5 threads, but literally no other youtuber has numbers that line up with Meui. another youtuber posted a comparison test with numbers today (with a 100% crit rate piercing build) and he came to the conclusion piercing is at least 10% better than afterglow. there's even a vid or two claiming the difference between the two is even larger than 10% but that might just be improper testing, I'm not sure.

what gives? they all seem to be testing on devourer or pyro so there's no training room issues
spamming void charge with ult ajax in sterile lands spec ops is so fun holy shit
>big magazine means you dont need crit
Who care about opinion of ulesess retard? No one.
TC is shit, unupgraded Tamer with just 3 mods have more than 300k dps.
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20 amorphs with the UBunny part at 20%
>1 energy activator (6%)
>3 Ult Valby codes (10%)
>An inordinate amount of wave of light and EL parts
>0 UBunny
What are the odds?
Oh wait, I know what are the fucking odds, 1.1% to miss a 20% chance in 20 tries. If the drop rate was lower I'd be much less mad, it's the last piece I'm missing.
Fire damage.
>ESL is a retard
Every time.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but I find it funny that the coomer event skins are just blatantly priced higher than the other event skins for no real reason other than the obvious one.
I thought at least there'd be some kind of justification like calling them "premium event skins" but no.
Are you retarded
More bullets = more chances to crit and you have multiple ways to buff crit rate already so it's a waste to have it as a substat
>More bullets = more chances to crit
Oh my god, you are retarded. Never fucking EVER talk about builds again.
>no actual argument
I see you are actually retarded, good day sir
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>More bullets = more chances to crit
Holy shit
bait really is an artform
>built PL
>farm reactor
>only good combos are AS's
Motherboard fucker
It's fucking unreal, xhe have to be a troll.
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You ever wonder why people are so bad/do no damage in this game
You do know most people try F2P games and dont stick around right
You do know most people clog the toilet and don’t stick around right
i saw a ubunny use an ultra one and she failed the first time lmao
even a lot of 60 dollar games will have 9% completion rates for completing the tutorial
>PC faggots are shitters
We know
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Speaking of cheevos, what should I stick this on? It's the last achievement I need.
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anyone knows how to fix this bug? happens when there's a luna dancing or kyle using some abilities

I swear to god the only other time i ever got motion sickness on a game was vr skyrim
i got it with gregs for some reason
>thinking this is a PC issue
Sorry you are too stupid to put together a PC to check but this is a general player issue. Enjoy your stick drift or whatever you console retards do
>5% has 10+ socket achieve
>current TFD co-current is about 15%~ of peak

Let's say 1/3 of the current players are still new

Tat leaves us with 10% actively engaging in end game, which means half of them have done 10+ sockets and half of them are below average

This is perfectly normal, why are you mad again?
you're like the 4th anon to get this exact bug
lol cope PChud. Console players will always be more skilled than you.
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Greggs of course.
Where do I farm code analyzers?
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/wfg/ is making fun of us...again
Steve don’t you have soulframe to shill
How do I level up my Piercing Light? Solo-ing any mission with this sniper rifle, or just use other weapons to mob the fuck shit out of it?
One of the games I have has an achievement to win a single ranked match and it has a 16% completion rate. I'm talking about one, uno, 1 match and it takes about 2-3 minutes to do. 84% of people have either never won a game online or never tried it. It's a very harsh truth that majority of people who play video games are actual dogshit bottom feeders where pressing buttons is actually too hard for them.
Your descendant abilities?
sterile land spec ops
>pick support character
>queue up mission that bunnys often do
>follow them around "supporting" them with the PL in your hands while they do all the work
>type "gg ty bby" at the end of the mission
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>still not at 5/5
>still not +10 cata'd
You need to catch up, kiddo. You're like 2 months behind.
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I already have 1 crafted but it does need +10 cat
whats the fucking point of having false drop rates? i shouldnt have to run a mission over 10 times on a 20% drop wtf
How do I level weapons if I am the Bunny
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There's a 10% chance for that to happen. Learn probability
>80% chance to not get thing
>why didn't I get it after ten tries?
Gambler's falacy, everybody.
Just gotta hold it in your hand bwo don't have to shoot. The weapons not in your hand get 20% and your party members kills give xp up to 150 meters away.
I’ll rape valby every day there isn’t new skins
Wait, so if I'm solo....the non-held weapons get zero exp?
Anyone want to spoonfeed me their Gley builds? I finally unlocked her. I have all her modules. I have Python maxed out. Shot Focus, etc. Doesn't matter whether it's a mobbing build or boss build.
Your held gun gets 100% of the xp from the kill, the two you aren't holding get only 20%. Kills performed by party members in range give the same whether you contribute or not.
Are you using an impact gun with Precision Shot?
Do you have shot focus? No?
Don't build Gley.
Drop rates are server-wide. That guy who got his first run? You are paying for it
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Here you go bro
I have Shot Focus.
3 party members kept dying in HM Pyro

Whgat to do to prevent this in the future
>dying to nerfed pyro
holy shit this playerbase is hopeless. anyways just solo it and put on that burn immunity mod if you have it
Your thoughts on an Ult Gley Enduring Legacy Predator Instincts build?
Made a video showing piercing light is way better than afterglow because you retarded niggers are too stupid to figure out shit on your own

Get Hailey and solo him in 5 seconds
You didn't make that, stop lying, lil nigga.
it's my second time posting a video here, try again
I use remote play on my phone to claim items and keep crafting stuff.
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based phonefag proving TFD is no different from some mobile gacha in its difficulty.
Failed another HM Pyro

Only 1 out of 3 success so far...I just want some Slayer pieces...
go find a twitch carry real quick or post username
I solo'd him a few times last on a 4 catalyst Ult Bunny and 5 catalyst cuckcage. He might be the easiest hardmode boss now.
I would help you, but I don't think there's a way to help others without one of us directly posting our profile username, and I know most people want to avoid that here due to bad experiences.
>and I know most people want to avoid that here due to bad experiences.
are there any bad experiences in this general? I've posted my username for other games in other generals and had no issues
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I just dont know why people are dying, I'm running with this with that no-burn mod and I havent dropped at all.
I was just going off of experiences in /vg/ in general, not just this thread.
I've posted in /wfg/ before (2016~2017) and it was fine, but that was when /wfg/ was still okay and not filled with schizos
It's just getting increasingly worse over time with more and more mentally ill people. Think of posting your username on /vg/ as playing Russian roulette except we keep adding more bullets to the revolver as time passes on.
At this point the only people queueing public for bosses that can be soloed are shitters that need a carry because they can't do it on their own. They stand in the poison water. They don't try to avoid taking damage. They don't kill adds. They don't pick up health/mana/ammo. They don't build even a basic tank like yours.
people run builds with 3k hp to do alot of damage, thats why they are dying. you need to get used to it, and rez them.
Got Ult Gley cooking. What am I in for? She is my second Ultimate after Bunny. Surprisingly, she was far easier to get than bunny, had really good RNG with her.
finally got all the shit for sharen, aside from u-bunny what do i farm with her?
it's crazy to me that this season was going to be 3 updates at one point
when the drought is this dull already
Fuck it, I'm going to invest HEAVILY into Haileys asshole.
But they’re not doing a lot of damage based on the timer

I’m certain I’m keeping up with just ELand not dying
Hard for them to do damage while they're lying on the fucking floor, isn't it? Then someone else has to stop their own DPS to come pick your sorry ass up.
Fuck all that, I will throw and let you grovel in the dirt like a goddamn dog if you decide to take a nap every 30 seconds.
just pay for Hailey bro. Solo all Pyros.
I've got a buttplug ready for her.
I had a lepic that didn’t even blow his load on the first part break and still dies a lot
What are these people even doing I just don’t get it
I did two days ago
>standing in lava counts as standing in water for Valby
Lava is a liquid, dweeb.
Lava is molten rock
does that mean my cum in her womb gives her a buff???
If something has melted, it is considered a(n)...?
Come one, Anon. I believe in you.
only if it was rape
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dammit I knew I should have got ult bunny first jesus her code is refusing to drop,got literally everything else ready to go shit. How did i create u vlaby and viessa in 1 day but bunnies code havent drop in like 4 days.Also are the ult bunny retards framing her parts with ult bunny?no reason for them to be doing her farm missions man
in the same boat brother...
Water is h2o you illiterate third worlder, has nothing to do with rocks
Valby is made of ALL liquids, i.e. water, my piss, my cum, my friend Anon's piss & cum, etc.
I dont even want to know how squishy ur average tfd players are,going into raid bosses with there farm builds.I did dead bride recently and these dudse was dropping like flies as I rez them in the frost bubble as luna.
I've noticed that people have been running Overwhelming Def/Shield. It turns your HP to 1 and you gain more Def or Shield based on what equipment/etc. you have. If you rez them in an AoE field they will get downed instantly since they technically have 1HP and when you rez, they only get up with HP and no shield.
who said you could cum in my valby?
reporting your channel for racism
I imprinted her womb with my cock long before you showed up, Sar.
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meet me outside its time to die
I will redeem your soul, you bloody bitch basterd.

love the shirt dude
Which component set do I want on ubunny?
moar, where did you get that? that elf slut always gets me
I'm surprised the blackedfags havent already flocked to this game
Zoophiles run /tfdg/, that's why.
>tfw waiting for more hailey art so i can train an ai and gen some horse images
There's a weirdo that does it by proxy by talking about BVC.
Hailey x Dog = OTP
black people, animals, whats the difference?
theres a difference between that and blacked?
live stock when!?
>willfully ignoring humans = animals
This is what monotheism has done them. JIDF really doing their job out here.

Remember that Defense means noting when you get to Gluttony so actually invest into HP and element resistance.
I legit ran Overwhelming hp to do the invasion before they nerfd them,I am kinda glad they were stupid difficult for non ult bunny players because it made me build a hyper tank luna
I just go with regular gold hp components, the useful ones I can think of are 2 piece annihilation for extra duration, or full slayer for most skill power, but you can't speed of light as much.
wonder if anyones made cum tribs yet
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>mfw stuck at mastery 18
I dont wanna play ajax...
Humans may be animals but black people aren’t human
I have 20 energy activators and 78 catalysts and I've never used a single one because I get carried doing anything remotely difficult by whales and neets. Keep up the grinding so you can guys can the kill the bosses faster for me!
Trying to get to mastery 20 myself. I just built some ultimate guns I'll never use from parts I had and level them to 40. Got Hailey and Uvalby on the way now levelling them should get me to 20 finally.
New player here, just started a couple days ago. Finally unlocked Hard mode for the world.

What should I be focusing on first? Working towards the character I want to unlock? Or gear?

I'm kind of lost on what to do
Wipe on, wipe off
Farm so you can farm faster
Ult bunny and TCage
Build up your Thundercage with catalysts and an activator, get copies of it to max out its ability at the workbench. Get Sharen and Enzo, you don't have to invest too much in Sharen but try to build up her skill duration so you can use stealth at outposts. Your goal is to get Ultimate Bunny and throw everything into her, will make farming for other things easier. Lots of videos on youtube as well if you can stand obnoxious sounding content creators.
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saw this posted on Twitter, what we think 4chan bros?
I'm thinking of building Luna...does she function at all if you dont spendthe whole time doing the minigame?

get Albion Cavalry gun and Jayber, max them both out
She only fucks dogs (and eats them)
What's a gley build for gluttony that doesn't use her 4?
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i know we joke about viessa's neck but holy fuck
Made for raping while feeding her a tree
ive done 15 hard mode missions in a row without a Hailey piece. this game cant die soon enough
Sirs I want to go to da Korea to rape a the women bloody thank you sirs
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Please do not wish death on this game sar.
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Bros, not like this...
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Made for licking and kissing.
I don't think I like Skill Insight. She ends up wasting like, 6 stacks. She has 86.535% at max stacks without Skill Insight but with the other skill crit chance mods.
That could easily be a MP Conversion instead. Or Nimble Fingers. Something that brings your 4 back up a bit quicker.
the valby WILL get raped
Are they ever going to make Launchers and Shotguns good?
>stand inside the drone sphere because insta kill outside
>boss puts 100 aoe on you anyway
>mob not dropping hp shit
yeah fuck you
copy that
new world record gluttony just dropped. surprised it took too long. greg is king

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so i ended up taking a break for a few days, came back and i finally finished up my ult viessa build with a perfect reactor, feels really good to play i won't lie.
Am I retarded or is sniper hailey a gigantic meme. Everyone wants to debate her snipe builds and weapon choice, but I swear it's irrelevant because it's only usable in the same places every descendant can speed clear the boss. like ok she can snipe kill pyro 1 second faster than viessa, who cares. so can half the roster. Where builds actually matter at places like gluttony it feels like greg gunning is 30%+ stronger than sniping with hailey, so why the fuck are so many people so fixated on maxing out their afterglow and snipe reactors and shit
brb farming special rounds chill reactor nao
I’ve been using it and it’s gotten me through all the hard solo bosses. Haven’t tried the Gluttony build yet
grats bud
but you don't need chill to do that, the skills do like 0.01% of the damage. the builds they're using only require cd/duration and nothing else, you can have 0 out of 3 checkmarks on your reactor
Who wants to help me rape valby
Good morning sir, morning valby gangbang rape sir.
Where is the Hailey sniper rifle reactor spot bros?
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>so why the fuck are so many people so fixated on maxing out their afterglow and snipe reactors and shit
need that dopamine crack to hit because there's nothing else to do for them anyway.
>melee mod instead of graple mod
when the fuck are you going to be trying to punch things with a mage
using 12 catas and leveling up was so fucking mind numbing dude holy shit, i have to do it again for my greggs now and im legitimately dreading it, i hope weapons aren't as bad because this shit sucked, i mean its dope having a really strong ult viessa with nearly maxed cooldown i won't lie but damn was the grind to get their really fucking painful, i also got fucked on amorphs for the pieces on ult viessa in the first place so im happy for it to be over.
What the fuck else are we going to do in this game?
I cast fist.
for the shield guys you can shield break them with the shock punch so i use that for it, works really well actually i get cucked by them constantly, i don't need the grapple stuff as much as i want the shield break.
I found grinding Viessa pretty easy. Just did the Polymer void farm over and over.
I guess I kind of get what you're saying, it's just the issue is the damage difference is microscopic compared to all the other bossers. why not focus on making your gluttony kills faster instead of making your pyro kills faster, idk
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>will will never get a spellsword now
>leveling up was so fucking mind numbing dude holy shit
I agree my brain fell out of my head.
Blizzard hits through shields bwo
>long distance
>mid air

which one do you use
im ready to graduate from shock punch (thanks to all the Event gold)
i don't always want to use a blizzard on just 1-2 shielders when i can just throw a melee quick and then use my abilities it saves mp more than you would think, and the grapple stuff is just convenience whereas shock punch has actual combat use cases that end up being really really helpful pretty often actually.
I haven't even tried to kill Gluttony. I've just been leveling my Hailey, leveling my Afterglow Sword, my Piercing Light, my Python and my Perforator. I got really lucky and had the BiS Piercing Light reactor drop for me while I was just trying to get Ions for an Energy Activator. I try to approach each day with a small goal. Either farm the parts for a weapon, or get some amps, or today my goal was to finally get Shot Focus after 500 hrs (which I got).
Mid air for Bunny. Stick with shock punch if it's literally anyone else.
eh they probably just do it for the gear sets now for farming perfect stats but fuck that min max shit is aids
But you are using CB and Blizzard is ready to cast the moment it's done there is no reason to not spam blizzards on top of your infinite MP between equipment regen, drops, and collector.
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oh i do spam like crazy i just like having the option in 1v1 or 1v2 situations that i can just throw a quick melee, and with my chill the movespeed for them is so slow i can kill them long before they get up just my personal preference because i like to get in close a lot of the time, not just hang back i like to spam in packs face a lot of the time so its just easier for me to have that instead of grapple stuff, totally get your point though.
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>it's all super low HP hailey builds
this pisses me off because now every public boss fight for the next 3 months is going to be zero hp retard haileys sitting on the floor once this blows up and fuckers like moxse showcase this
is it me or is valbys face weird looking? theres something off about it that i cant put into words...
it looks really off in the daily login announcement pic thing. she looks like one of the boys from stranger things in that pose
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>it's coordinated so it's fine guys!
Is bunny trans coded?
Yes she has transcendant mods, we're just missing Hailey's.
we already have zero hp retard lepics bwo...
Is Kyle 41% coded?
I honestly almost never run into bad lepics, but that's more because I actually tend not to find that many lepics at all good or bad
Hate niggers hate futa simple as
how do I do frost walker
reroll until a lepic doesn't die
is hard mode swamp walker hard
Now that Bunny Cave got nerfed is there any other place where I can use macros to afk farm or no?
By dilating
Why hate me? I've done nothing to you or your people.
Do Vulgos come from the same dimension as Colossus, from other dimension, or are they aliens that came from the space?
it was nerfed? I thought it was just obsolete because dungeons were better now, didn't know it was made worse
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first try, now to see about the rest of it...
Invaded too many countries
Other day it took me 1h20m to fully upgrade a weapon
honestly just pop one of your free XP boosters they gave you 30 of, put on a video essay, and get 40 in 15 minutes at lab
Molten Fortress on public matchmaking reminds me why most people shouldn't get to vote.
And 100k Kuipers after 1 hour I think or more time.

Colossi are extra dimensional beings that attack both Vulgus and Humans
Bloody bitches I raped Valby again sirs
My friends I need to supply valby with moisture pls help
Noob question but how much extra damage do enemies take when getting hit in their weak spots?
I wanna supply her with some sticky moist stuff
depends on gun, look at gun stats for the multiplier
>community poll vote
oh fuck oh no bro please don't....
you're giving me PTSD from OSRS
sir those are for descendant exp not weapon please
how much does electric defense shred help on gluttony, or any boss for that matter? in practice it doesn't feel like much but I'm low iq
It's the big gun with the thing
what's this cows name?
Ching Chong and she rike to eat dog so bring rot of dogs
Don't worry, she has a BBL and does not do porn, just workout baiting
wait with how many times I've heard people complain about BBLs I thought they looked like shit. if they look like that I love them
She is one of the smart ones that actually goes to the gym to maintain the surgery. It's the same concept with fake tits, if you don't keep them baking, they'll come out ugly. You also have to get the scars lasered off. A lot of these whores do not have enough money to follow through with closing procedures.

Hailey has a BBL but the cold weather did all of the afterwork.
>It's the same concept with fake tits, if you don't keep them baking, they'll come out ugl
I don’t like giant asses. I said my piece.
You have to keep fake tits wrapped in bandage for at least 2-3 months. Most females do not do this and they do not also get the scars removed from under the tits. Some get the injection near the armpits but those tits look like < __ >

I don't know why the fuck I know this.
Whores should be shot and all natural women should be praised
I will literally play this game if the OP is vanilla, unmodded.

Agree with natural. Shot? No, I'm not that degenerate. Also I just realized why I know this, I was listening to a old Opie podcast a few years ago.
Sorry sir
>Some get the injection near the armpits but those tits look like < __ >
It's 2024 bro, fat grafting surgeries in japan are so high quality you've probably seen several fake tits and didn't know they were fake. several high profile jav actresses that people constantly call natural had this surgery done.
Yes of course but we're talking about attention whores anon.
>Don't worry, she has a BBL and does not do porn, just workout baiting
Lol, lmao even. To be so naive. Anyways she does porn, look up thiccasianbaddie.
fair enough
I HATE THE PUZZLE DUNGEONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE THE PUZZLE DUNGEONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE THE PUZZLE DUNGEONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whale does porn. GET THE HARPOONS!
>several high profile jav actresses that people constantly call natural had this surgery done.
This is just typical internet contrarianism with no proof
they're toddler tier now, especially the not drone ones
I hate fatties
I hate whales
I like petite
I like skinny
Simple as
bump. for some reason I can't find any actual numbers on google or YT even though every other build makes electric sound life or death
If her belly is not sticking past her boobs she is not fat. Simple ass
I stand corrected lol I never searched that deep for her because she's ugly. I've only ran across work out bait videos.
>t-trust me sis
why even post in the first place if you have zero idea what you're talking about. what compels you to do this. do you go around saying belle delphine doesn't do porn just because you haven't seen it yet???
i look like this and do this at the gym
>tab to global chat
>type in trump 2024
>watch the amerifats argue
easiest bait of my life
You're going off the deep end
you know, the chaotic nature of the chat is kind nostalgic tome

reminds me of various WoW chats
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you could also just do this
Not an answer. They're jank bullshit, the game wasn't designed to accommodate them and it shows.
The end bosses are tedious, overtuned, and bullshit.

>hurrf durf skill use git gud works on my machine
Don't care, didn't read. I finish them, I just hate them; they're not fun, they're tedious, they're either jank or trivial depending on video game shit like map geometry, how a boss was programmed, etc.

not worth it, just use EL
there's literally nothing jank about them. how are you this retarded
What's a good amp to farm so I can get some energy activators?
>there's still retards crying about invasions
literally how. this shit is as easy as warframe now. it's genuinely impossible to not get gold
id say one that drops from devourer since he's so easy to solo even with bunny
but I don't want to use EL. also I have a lot of other builds like gley python where i'd like to shred defense but idk if it's actually doing anything
over an hour theyre still at it
There absolutely is, you disingenuous little liar. Your parents fucking hate your guts for good reason, you know that right?
You know you're just a lying little piece of shit that deserves everything that happens to him, right, you little liar?
>make boss
>cant kill it one cycle because shitlord
>complain its jank

that's enough cringe for tonight
damn gluttony made me shart myself again
tds affected billions
>soft loli tummy
which one of you niggers was this
Gregs fate actually dogshit or is it good enough?
>there are literally people in this general who are still getting filtered by invasions
Your parents will NEVER tell you they're proud of you.
Greg's is one of the best weapons in the game, it can deal more damage than Enduring Legacy but it requires crits, weak point damage, and for the boss not to be moving (so that it gets hit by the pillars)
it is objectively the strongest weapon in the game, the fastest 3 clears on glut including today's new record all use it exclusively except for the teams that had sharen, and then it's 3/4 gregs.

you could technically argue hailey sniping is "better" in that it'll kill devourer 1 second faster, but her sniping is like 35% weaker on the content that actually matters like glut.
Imagine being so brown you can't understand "This isn't a good addition to the game, I don't enjoy this even when I win"

Go burn more of your rain forest so you can grow my coffee.
imagine being such a favela shitter you can't clear easy ass content that isn't jank and you get filtered by not being able to one phase a weak ass boss...
Thanks bros, guess I'll slave away at maxxing this thing.
It is jank, the devs even patched it to make it less jank but still got it wrong.
Your parents divorced because of you. If you had never been born they would have actually been happy.
i'm 99% sure the invasion shitters are trolling. there's nothing jank about it and it's no harder than any other mission type after the last update
Bio lab 250 is harder than and takes longer than any invasion in the game.
I don't really like it personally, Enduring Legacy is more fun in terms of being full auto, having a big clip, etc
Yeah I'm sure everyone is gonna be nuking Gluttony in 9 seconds like those guys with Greg.
>went from lvl 20 to lvl 52 in the season pass grinding nuclear reactor for 40 min in sterile land
wtf? i did this earlier today and did not get 32 levels, did i miss something?
>do spec ops
>has a giga leveled bunny in it
>just afk
nice, this is what its like
she cute
they made all the challanges like 1/3 the number of kills/etc compared to last season. I accidentally wound up at 92 in 2 days of playing casually
The battle pass changes were really unnecessary. most other games with battle passes have them so time gated or so grindy a hardcore player can't even finish them in 1 or 2 weeks. It honestly worries me how much the devs listen to people crying on social media for things that aren't even a problem.

I could see this game being 10x easier than warframe (one of the easiest games ever) a couple seasons from now if they keep this trend up
this game will have ugly sheboons and rainbow flags everywhere in no time
take that back
I've never seen a coomer korean game do that. don't jynx it though
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I hope not, I already dropped a ton of money...
a nexon game has never done this once, they get more coomer over time.
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why do all NPC skins look like this today
for your crimes you shouldnt have raped valby
They should buff the EXCAVA
It's over...
It's over...
they added a 900 pound black woman named lashandra
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My kinda descendant if ya catch my drift
You have to change a setting, forgot which one
>every other koeran game like lost ark:
>have to spend 70k USD to max your DPS out
>at most you can spend a very tiny amount of money to get characters slightly early
how did this even happen. I couldn't whale in this game even if I wanted to. they're losing millions of dollars by not catering to retards like me. not even asking for blatant p2w or anything like that, just let me buy some gregs or ELs or gold or annoying mods like shot focus. this wouldn't negatively effect anyone who doesn't spend. I've never seen a developer aggresively refuse to take my money before, especially not a korean one

and you might be thinking
>who gives a shit, just be glad they aren't jewing you
and you're not wrong, but the issue is nexon is a publicly traded company and the only thing shareholders care about is profits, they've shut down a shitload of games because they didn't make enough even when they had thousands of concurrent players. just listen to any nexon investor call, they're all public. this game will reach EOS twice as fast because whoever is the director of TFD hates money and is hellbent on pissing off the shareholders.
I just want this game to succeed, nexon or the director clearly doesn't.
>can only play the game for 5 seconds every minute to progress
remove outposts from the games stupid gooks
buy some energy activators then
but I have like 12 and 40 catalysts. but sure I could spend on that, but as long as this is their stupid mindset there's nothing I can do. they won't get the message I want to buy a bunch of gregs if I spend 2k on activators.
maybe a survey or you can contact support about it
fastest place to farm weapons so I can craft rerolls?
Wait until bunny & hailey bikini skins and halloween succubus skins
I've already bought 5 skins. they're cheap as shit and take forever to come out. I want them to sell me one with jiggle physics for 30 bucks.
Try the sterile lands kuiper mine.
my friends I cum inside valby she become mother to my child
at least on solo bosses, when using greg or EL I swear I can't tell a difference between having shot focus and walk a tightrope. I get identical clear times with or without them
that was valbys father you fucked
Make a new thread before I rape you
does lepic have less HP than bunny, why do they always die so fast?
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How good did I roll?
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I don't have Hailey yet. How good would this be on her? Does she have any tech skills?
this fucking invasion with the dude freezing you still sucks ass
Sir, your antifreeze?
ehh. if you're sniping you really want a good one, much better than that. if you're greg or ELing with her you don't even need a reactor equipped
ya i know but its just a pain and my shit crashes every single invasion after the hotfix too
How do I remove gold equipment from favorites?
hold u dummy
I think people run him extra squishy since his passive is a sorta get out of jail free card.
It's just the retards who have watched youtube guide videos about solo boss killer build and think that they can also run that build in group invasions too, well it's possible to run extra squishy builds in group colossus too but you have to know how to play the game at least a bit and unfortunately 90% of the player base are shit and know only how to press skill buttons
my man fsociety_PCMR
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fuckin hell meant group intercepts not group invasions
guide i need a dick sucking
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sure thing
new bread?
im so fucking close to getting Hailey guys. 8 more hours and 5 data chips to go before she start bearing my children
Meanwhile she's already had 10 of mine
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with luck I'll be able to craft hailey today.
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She's not real, she can't suck your dick.
try 20 (shes kinda a whore isnt she)
you can't make a claim like this without posting proof.
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time for invasions

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