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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them (except for Rebecca, you impregnate her).

>8.2.0 | Castlevania
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>493139886
I'm tryna give pyramid head some head namsayin
Sex with ___(You)___.
Amazing op pic
Killer mains, are there any survivors you're more likely to let escape than others?
>people getting DS to go off after doing conspicuous actions (as in i literally see them on the generator repairing it)
>the last two gens mysteriously getting done super fast after no progress on them if I just so happen to be hooking fast and pressuring fast
>random speed boosts in chase and suddenly outpacing a lunge even after years of muscle memory
Are they ever going to fix the subtle cheating problem or are they going to continue to pretend it doesn't exist even though it was being memed about when Made For This was added?
Ink_him just beat the shit out of grandpa cuz he didn't approve of his pimping activities and told him he should find a job in the meat industry instead to keep the family's legacy going
Miss Wong will always go if she doesn't BM. If the Ada is on Steam and I suspect they're a woman they will go regardless.
I always let a Zarina escape unless she's a giant annoying faggot.
>there are still objects that slam you right into the wall at the end of a lunge because of the split second assist even on PC
You want a dvd gf that bad bro?
I am much more likely to let Dwight's go, i am HIGHLY unlikely to give any grace to anyone playing a female survivor.
No. I only let survivors go if
>someone dc'd/suicided early
>there is absolutely no shitheadery from anyone
>they give me their item and grovel
otherwise they probably don't deserve it
I liked VHS, Its was a game where you could actually fight the killers and it didn't feel too overpowered.
Shame it died. I'll just have to settle for playing the Twins over the puppetmaster.
Yes. Preferably autistic.
all the dbd girl players look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome but you find feng hot so that's probably up your alley.
No I don't. I like Miss Wong.
Thought I was straight but I find Alucard really attractive, and today I finally bit the bullet and rubbed one out to sfm porn of him. Not sure what it means but it was the hardest I ever came in my life. Anyway is the Castlevania netflix anime worth watching?
>for years fengs were made fun of for being shitters and retarded and bad at the game
>now that everyone uses lithe people pretend she's pretty
>pre-run to nearby window
>vault and lithe to killer shack or main building (most maps killer shack or main is always in exhaustion perk distance)
>win if the killer leaves or win if the killer stays to run them multiple gens
>rinse and repeat
It's that easy. Genuinely don't get how most survivors are too shit to handle this.
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I was Lowkey rooting for them, but it was 1000% the teams fault.
They botched the release HARD, changed the name, took the game offline for an undisclosed( long as fuck ) amount of time with NO NEWS at all in between, and on top of all this the game was optimized horribly-- it took a high end PC's FULL attention to run and had fans working like sweatshop slaves. And then there's the battle pass...
It was cool but nothing could have saved it from all of that.
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God, what a great terror radius theme.

I just hope BHVR can live up to the expectations for next year's FNAF chapter.
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she and meg are the fetal alcohol syndrome reps
Unironically finally watched it because of the chapter coming out. It's good, a bit cheesy but it's vampires and wizards and shit what do you expect. If you can power through the wizard girls dialogue for a whole episode you'll enjoy it.
I ain't buying this Frank Stone game until it goes on sale for 50% off. It's already bad enough that most player reviews bring up the horrendous optimization and framedrops.
>buying a movie game
unironically just watch it for free
>First game as a killer I've never tried before is against a swf packing flashlights, sabo and a BNP
Very cool matchmaking
Lots of insanely attractive women have strong "masculine" bone structure, it's really not that out of the ordinary. That said, I am going to milk your prostate until you cry and call me Daddy now that you've admitted your sins
What about the decision making? Are there any meaningful ones? Do the endings even matter?
It’s pretty shit. And unabashedly rapes the original franchise wholeheartedly. Isaac, a pale redhead in the original games, is turned into a tar black bald muslim african former slave. Alucard has a bi threesome. Childish cursing every sentence because the director is a mental 14 year old faggot. Muh ebil christians dialogue. Hits all the hallmarks of a Netflix adaptation. The newest series somehow manages to be even comically worse. Only good thing is the fight scenes and even those are kind of fucked up with their weird shitty choppy frame rate.
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Mommy Mikaela!
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Hmm.... homosexual
you couldn’t have made a gayer post if you tried
that doesn’t even have anything to do with anything
probably sissycuck i’m responding to
don’t bother responding
Huh, I think I'll give it a watch for Alucard. Thanks for the feedback bros, I'll keep my expectations low.
>hard reading this
Guess I'm not straight after all.
I swear this has been OP image at least 10 times.
Not when it’s so overused.
sounds like shit bhvr must do better
As much as the devs have shown every time they've spoken they do not understand their own game on a fundamental level it'd be nice if instead of getting another killer before fnaf they at least tried to have a game health and balance focused update period for a bit. Because there's factually nothing new they can do with the game's limited mechanics that hasn't already been done and Dracula is proof of this. The next killer will just be a worse or clunkier version of a preexisting one, especially when with how staled the game's mechanics have become every killer needs the same things to begin with. It's a waste.
>sissycuckoldoid: it’s true. these things happen. a black bxll dark triad overlords rape rage is hard to contain. hope he takes it out on me next time…
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How about you start gooning to a REAL woman?
>Try and do something fairly new with SM
>Absolutely hated to the point people don't play her and when they do, survivors just dc against them
Likely not. The plot is extra pozzed too. Don’t waste money on that garbage
you're probably extremely boneless if her average jaw impressed you that much
you misspelled nea and sissy
>Only shard characters I have left to buy are all men
This is suffering.
fetal alcohol syndrome patients don't have cromagnon bones.
They should make a nurse 2, and it's exactly the same
Bro is mad I won't fuck him kek
That's hot.
All the Alutards I've seen in my matches either played like complete dogshit or were dead giveaway that they are a woman (especially lesbians).
What is it about lesbos liking pretty boys? It kind of shows that deep down they want a man doesn't it?
Paris Hilton killer when?
who is this "sissy" and why does he/they post that weird boy with big jaw
I don't get why survivoids hate SM if you lose to her it's a genuine skill issue she's the second worst killer in the game
That's also the problem though. With the game's current state and its core mechanical flaws you cannot make a unique killer that's also remotely good. If a killer doesn't have good chase and/or good map mobility they're unplayable.
yes women self insert as pretty boys who get fucked you cracked the code 20 years late
Pretty much. All supposed “lesbians” are really just bisexual women who haven’t had their brains fucked out yet. Their female minds think they want a woman but really just want a man with softer looks who can vaguely be described as woman-like
Men like to play as buff gigachads but that doesn't mean they all want to get topped
or does it?
erm op's pic is not very trans safe and friendly now is it? i thought /assg/ was trans accepting?
I know it's a meme post but I never was interested in playing females a lot, maybe a bit of Ada or Claire but that was it. I always played whoever looked the coolest (Leon, James, Trevor now)
i play a strong man because i want to be storng and have a big muscles
Get out of this thread and go save the president's daughter, Leon
I play as Cheryl and Rebecca because I like RE and SH :)
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I once thought Ashley and Cheryl are the same character
>"I play Ash because I like Evil Dead silly :)"
>no Ash players in sight since MoM nerf and whenever you do see one they're running some other troll build instead
At least they stopped pretending
You're never going to convince anyone they aren't good if they can't beat a SM, and its just going to get her turbo nerfed with her rework to the point she'll be worse than freddy tier
real autistic women not the faking shit you see on tiktok where they love being infront of a camera are nasty have skin disease dirty unhygenic and obnoxisous and annoying 10 x more and into weirdest shit like being a furry and pretending to be a toddler
I play as Cheryl and Rebecca because I wish I looked like them :)
too bad the masculine features of your body destroy that for you
>she's the second worst killer in the game
She is not worse than Freddy or the Onyro or trapper. Her haste in chases gives her a massive leg up.
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it's been used twice ever. log off bro
clown easily has the largest sexual stamina of all the killers which is why the og survivor slut kate is included in his chapter she can only be please by that BCC
cromagnon bone lovers… troonxisters… our response…?
ash looks like a trash and he is the gay version from the gay show with strong womesn and glorify drug addictions
i've only seen SM a handful of times but i remember it being really boring every time
Jee sorry for making a mistake :/
Found the bad players who struggle against SM
I play pajamas Felix or shirtless David/Vittorio because I want to be railed by all of them (I am a tall man that works out a lot)
I forgive you. Maybe you're remembering that retard who spammed the image in these threads like 3 years ago because he beat a swf once
ashley isn’t even in the game you tard
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Huh? For years she was considered one of the few attractive girls in the game and even today she's still up there
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I love Megs so much. They can always go.
Based. This is still one of the best pieces of art to come out of this game. It gives me the impression that a cute barely post-pubescent teen girl drew it. Very cozy
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>It gives me the impression that a cute barely post-pubescent teen girl drew it
What a weird way to say amateur artist
thd only cosmetics i want are classic nemesis and re4 remake ada
I've literally never lost to one. I've had to hatch out, but I've never lost to one.
Not hard to pay attention to the lights and crouch and not stay at the same loop when she drops a drone.
It's a cute pic but you don't gotta be such a pedo about it
Freddy mains frfr
im scared tihs could happen to me i saw some stories of men going to the gym for years and suddenly becoming a giant faggot out of nowwhree
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If only their faces looked like they should
Sex with Wesker.
wraith SEX
We should have had chad Harry Mason instead of James
pipe down nurse
meg player wish they were a little girl and get fucked by a man they love the size difference between trapper and meg
I was always a fag I just have a lot better luck with other fit dudes now that I'm jacked. It's easier to catch what you want when more people want you.
>no way out remember me, NOED and pain hook res
What a shit way to play the game.
Dont mind if I do!
>we should have had block of stone protagonist with no personality instead of the best protagonist in the franchise
>complaining about noed after they tard-proofed it with a giant aura
>not taking two seconds to do totems if you're really that worried about a perk you won't see half the time
skill issue
leon in dbd looks like a little bitch and sounds like one and not even in the ok way like peter parker in 2002 spider man he is like that modern fagy spiderman
you turned his cuck post against him
>survivors are starting to catch on dredge map is as survivor-sided and exploitable as eyrie and burning for it now too
it's canon chuddie
hello wraith
homosexual incorrect post
women love him and he gets more pussy than you
This has been known for a long time.
how do you even remember that
>killer m2 description has more than 2 paragraphs
yeah no thanks
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>you're probably extremely boneless if her average jaw impressed you that much
Based low tier/shitty killer main
he looks like this and says this
vecna is one of the top 5 worst killers we have and his m2 is borderline encyclopedic
Some people really have nothing else going on. This might be their main "socialization"
Fellow cunnyseuir expert. Don’t listen to the faggot dbdg haters.
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Is he really that bad? I thought he was badass. Fun too, I throw skeletons at survivors and they gotta DUCK! lmao
Fly and mage hand could be better though.
>some people
>in a video game general
nigga it's mostly everyone in here's main way of socialization
susie niggas be like dayum bby gurl u fineeeee fr
just because women love little bitches because they are crazy from birth control and they hormones bieng crazy and all women being bisexual doesnt make me incorect
sissyqueer mass report fail
sad but true for me, making friends is hard man
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>ttv tard loses their first fucking chase
>instantly kills themselves on hook
behead all streamers
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>power is literally just a weaker version of clown's power that also slows you down on use, and requires more precision than playing Nurse
>oh but you also get a shitty worthless stalling passive that doesnt do shit unless the survivors are braindead

Who the fuck thought this Killer was a good idea
Pick up an irl nerd hobby
MTG, Warhammer, fighting games(smash, street fighter), something like that.
They LOVE teaching newbies and it's a free "in" with established groups.
If you're cool or vibe with like one person there you can branch off and find other things to do and new friends by extension.
You can and will evolve.
this is true i only start posting here after i become too rteraded and lost all my friends i wouldnt touch this otherwise
that was before I was into those homosexual fanbases
how did you lose them anon? i have a very small group of irl friends from highschool that i keep in touch with, i actually used to be pretty popular im not really sure what happened but now im here
>p100 pig
>Tunnels their traps
Really can't stop them from being retarded, no matter how long they play the game.
this.... vampayah eveh
>leon in dbd looks like a little bitch and sounds like one
Why does he look like a little bitch? I'd say he got a good treatment when it comes to his face model etc. but it's true that he moans like a bitch and the only thing that really bothered me was how loud he'd get and he would be a straight up downgrade to playing survivor.
Iron will was my go-to but it was 75% trash so I swapped to James.

he's one of those "only good if you exploit" killers like wesker who is dogshit without hug exploit
Pinhead you have to spend a gorillion hours learning where the box is going to spawn at all times
the serpent of hell has many heads if you cut one off than another shall just grow in it's place more vile than the last the only true path to avoid such an disturbing sight is to walk in the light and love of jesus christ the provider it doesn't matter who you are or what you did before all can be forgiven in gods eyes if you just confess and repent for any deeds in the eyes of the lord we are his creation but we are not become into existence flawless like him instead we are stained with sin it's human nature but god forgives as he realizes this cannot be avoided even in his most faithful
um, no?
aha ok
>im not really sure what happened
Do you have hobbies, it wasn't until I signed up for sports and stuff that I realized that making friends is proximity based. In school, you are all forced to be there with each other every day. Of course you'll make friends.
As a 30 year old, you gotta choose to be at a place regularly.
Or you can have galaxy-level charisma at the bar, but fat chance that's the case.
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Yes, except I self insert as Trapper
tried "weed" literally one time only in my life and i went crazy for weeks and they all got tired and dropped my ass and i become retarded
Even with that, he's still worse than Clown.
There is zero reason to play this fucker.
>Drac in a chase
>make a save
>Bat modes back to the hook giving up the chase
>Literally every drac does this
it's not just their faces
I recently started playing again and noticed feng has these weird bendy rubber banana arms now
clown company
Why'd you put weed in quotes like that, was it not weed? Lol
Also it doesn't work like that, if you wigged out for weeks from some pot I'd probably back away too.
i've been thinking about doing this actually, thanks anon
That's what every killer player does. Tunneling is by far the strongest strategy in the game
because not doing that is a very easy way to throw the match
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Top tier comp Bligger explains how to be a successful Bligger

because i was hallucnianting and shit and i tried weed again years later and it doesnt do that so it was some fake shit
what doesnt work like what niger idk what u are talking about
The only downside is your options are usually other smelly tards
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They think it don't be like it is, but it do.
Then it was still weed, just likely laced with something else to make it addictive. You made a good choice to stop. Potheads are among some of the worst drug addicts because they come up with all kind of copes about why it isn’t bad and actually beneficial and how they can stop at anytime as they turn themselves into a vegetable with a memory span of 1 nano second
A face meant for being cropped out of Onlyfans photos
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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He's in.
Retarded. KYS at your earliest convenience
hey, i may be a tard but i'm not smelly kek
When she's horny she probably fucks like a jackhammer.
Yeah that wasn't just weed, pot doesn't make you hallucinate. Nigga you smoked pcp or something.
Lmao, I was a hella stoner for like 15-16 years before I just stopped one day because it's expensive and I wanted to save money to move. Stop lying on the Internet for no reason you goon.
Exhibit A. I bet it improved your motor skills and grew your dick by 6 inches too. Save it for your parole officer you low life loser
A dumpster fire (where he belongs)
All men are bisexual and higher testosterone just makes them realize it
Nah it had net negative effects, I'm not delusional about it. You are, but that's fine. Go on your crusade, pop off as they say
>25:38 to explain how to tunnel the first survivor off hook
damn imagine how long the guide would be on a low tier
Ding ding ding, correct but never say this again.
>Nah it had net negative effects
You’re better than most of your scummy brethren at least. As long as you don’t go spreading around lying cope
Did some stoner loser hurt you Jesus Christ
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The ol pelvis crusher
Susa booba
>First match of the day as killer
>Crows or Ski resort, without fail.
Why do survivor mains get mad when you play to win? Is it a women thing?
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need susie gf
have you ever played a competitive shooter, it's dunning-kruger
>hillbilly with bamboozle, spiked boots and lopro and farm map offering
Name any other killer that even a drooling retard could just pick up and get a 4k with
Why does otz get offended on the killers behalf when he plays survivor and one of his teammates teabags the killer at the exit gate
Because he's based.
why is it not called /assg/
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He's based
There's no other assys
>teammate gets a win and decides to rub it in for usually no reason
I’m sure he’d get offended on the survivor’s behalf if a killer downed someone on death hook and preceded to hump them and hit them on hook. It’s just recognizing people being shitters
this isn't an ass thread on /e/
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How do other killers find downed survivors after leaving the area to down another one without deer stalker?
I go back to the area where I left the downed survivor and sometimes they're just gone. No noise or blood trail. Had matches where the remaining the survivors just had to bleed out because I couldn't find them.
Is there anything I have to look out for that I'm missing when it comes to this?
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Does blind even work in WoO?
Jesus christ.
They still startle crows, just check the edges of the map, that's where they usually go.
you are at minimum 6 times faster than them, just run around
Wesker hasn’t seen anyone else naked other than myself. So he won’t have sex with you. So just keep dreaming
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Dracula says all fucking trannies must hang
Because there's no other assym game worth talking about anymore.
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hello sir
picture sir? don't be a bastard
She’s likely old enough to legally get pregnant now so share her contact info pls
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when will we get an Indian killer? We have an Indian-American survivor but not a killer yet. >
He saw Jake’s mom naked. Multiple times, probably. Came violent inside her too. Are you Jake’s mom?
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No other asymmetrical game = no /assg/
He’s a really old guy so yeah
what is this you buffoon have you no respect you cow? kutiya, main tumhen maar daaloonga aur tumhaara land mere saath mat chod
What do we think of the newest V.H.S. monster?
>Indian killer
Is there own government and mortality rate not enough?
she's so cute <3
Pitch one. Tech support and anything to do with shit doesn't count.
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(You). I see you.
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Does cleansing totems require skill checks?
Asking because I'm thinking of using the huntresses hex perk on Doctor.
No. It just takes time.
Canadian immigrant with a knife
I always find it cute when babies rediscover these things by themself and get proud

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reminder that the unknown is NOT a skinwalker

please do not call it a skinwalker and please do not say it, as that is a taboo word for my people
i love all the whities parroting this closed culture bullshit its so funny every time
Name: Aditi Rao
Origin: Aditi was a young woman from a small village in India, known for her beauty and kindness. However, she was wronged by a powerful landowner who falsely accused her of witchcraft. After suffering persecution and ultimately being killed, her spirit became vengeful, seeking justice for the wrongs done to her.

Spectral Pursuit:
Aditi can phase through walls and obstacles for a short duration, allowing her to surprise survivors and cut off escape routes.
Cursing Aura:

Survivors within a certain radius experience a debuff that makes skill checks more difficult and increases the chance of failing them. This reflects her vengeful spirit's ability to instill fear and unease.
Ritual of Retribution:

Aditi can mark a survivor as her target. If she downs that survivor, the other survivors are temporarily hindered by a "curse," causing them to have reduced speed and visibility for a short time.
Special Power: Phantom's Wrath
Description: Aditi can summon multiple phantom images of herself that confuse survivors. These phantoms can chase and scare survivors, making it difficult for them to determine which one is the real killer. The phantoms can also cause survivors to scream, revealing their location for a limited time.

Haunting Echo:
Survivors who hear the sound of Aditi's presence have their aura revealed for a short duration. This represents her lingering influence and terror.
Vengeful Spirit:
Each time a survivor is unhooked, Aditi gains a temporary speed boost and the ability to see the survivor’s aura for a few seconds, reflecting her desire for revenge.

Cursed Legacy:
After a generator is completed, Aditi can activate this perk, causing all survivors to be affected by a hex that reduces their healing speed
>Sikh killer
They’d definitely spergout over this
I meant, Kristen Stewart Mikaela!
This shit show was the highlight of this game by far. Good laughs. Followed immediately by the tranny meltdown. Legendary.
So what exactly is the consensus on Dracula wolf knot?
youre making them oblivious, which is different from blindness.
blindness cuts all auras, including windows of opportunity.
The Unknown while still somewhat different from the original version of skinwalkers. It is still fitting to call it a skinwalker in this context as it it literally walks in other peoples skins.
here’s your Frank stone character
Oh shit. Pretty attractive. Would grant her the privilege of carrying and nurturing my potent seed within her fertile body before giving birth to my healthy children
>people spent money on this

Everyone here who did the aforementioned thing please end your lives promptly
Don’t bully Bonnie, she’s a sweet girl
You know this never happened. It’s not good to be a liar, ya know?
Skinwalkers take the form of animals. They are shape shifters, not skin wearing monsters.
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Snail killer when?
>Latina goth/punk chick
Sign me right up faggot
Are they going to explain how she had a daughter when she was clearly gay?
Well no. They’re shapeshifters but pretty much every source says they do in fact need the skin of something in order to shift into said animal. Where it starts to vary is what they need to turn into people
I know I wasn't making them blind, I was just wondering in general, I remember someone saying it had some interaction with blindness due to whining or something. Maybe I misremembered, but fuck man everyone knowing where the last few pallets on the map are make me consider just using The Third Seal
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I got shit on by a P2 wraith and I escaped against a p100 blight back to back
>Hey can you put your semen in this cup and I'll shove it up my coochie
>Of course
All lesbians are Bi. There’s no such thing as a ‘lesbian’. Probably fucked a guy while no one was looking
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Play Xenomorph!
There are many worlds…and soon she will be in the entity’s realm, playable
Why is it that sometimes as the doctor I see 1 survivor not getting afflicted with madness? They're in my terror radius I made sure of that by activating static blast near one and there was no madness build up at all.
Is it a bug or some perk at play?
Unless they got into a locker, which blocks it, they are hacking/exploiting as there is no other way to dodge it.
i like how there’s only two white men in all of “The Casting of Frank Stone”, and one of them has 3 mins of screen time and the other, Frank Stone, has less then 3 mins screen time the entire game as well
or it's a bug, but that's not likely in a game this polished
Just like all straight men are bi but choose to hide it or don't even know it because they like women more
I'll keep a closer eye out then. I'm thinking it could be a bug, cause it only showed that one survivor getting madness build up after taking a swing from me.
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Killer or survivor?
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Here's a clip of when he did have build finally after getting hit. Is there anything off or perfectly normal with the madness?
Why is pop goes the weasel more popular in nightlight than grim embrace when grim embrace slowdowns the game for 70 seconds, RNG doesn't matter, you don't have to kick or find gens and the only way you'll get more than 70 seconds of slowdown with pop is if everytime you kick a gen its at 60% or more
Static field does not exist anymore.
unless I'm missing something isn't he max madness that entire clip, as for not screaming did he have the perk Calm Spirit?
Some people don't like using crutch perks I guess? Donno
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This is what killer looks like at max mmr now...
We're comparing two slowdowns, they're both crutch perks
>Slow down is crutch
This is the level we're at?
Which silent hill legendary skin is the rarest? I've seen plenty of Marias but only one Cybil and no James, and as for Lisa I don't think I've seen her either
>Slow down isn't a crutch
that means survivor perks that slow down being killed also aren't a crutch
Other than shit like WoO, no they aren't.
>Lethal pursuer as doctor
>Someone who can find survivors at the start of the match with his power
>Truly HIGH mmr
It yellow, he probably doesn't have a whole lot of other perks to use at the moment.
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I didn't see calm spirit in his build.
It was the madness not building up at the start of the match was what was really weird to me.
My Static Blast wasn't building up madness on that guy at first.
I killed the survivor anyways.
Did he have moment of glory?
That he did have.
You aren't max mmr bran and you never will
>legion has gift of pain for some reason
>teammates keep healing against legion getting injured mending while his still in frenzy and healing again
this game is survivor sided btw
Definitely seen Cybil the least
Doesn't gift of pain get removed forever the first time they're injured again?
not if they're put back on a scourge hook again
>Love Dredges design and kit in paper
>Suck major ass with him and never feel like I'm getting better and is just an endless pain and losing fest
Feels bad man
It doesn't help she has the same problem Chris has where their charms are just floating halfway down their leg instead of attached to their belt
post the full pic again
I actually feel bad knowing I hit a Feng with total playtime 25 hours on hook
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Just go distressing, monitor and abuse, lightborn and noed for Dredge. A build so jank that it should fuck with survivors.
All f*ngs deserve punishment
Anon I...lost it.
lol so the black guy is the main character? this is about par for the course for supermassive (shit)
I just started playing again after having not for over a year
Jesus I dunno why I stopped playing
This game is fuckin fun
It is right now at low mmr.
It won't be fun for long unless you play a top tier killer and are good at it or have a swf
Kek, rekt.
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>How bad will it be trying to do this Freddy Ritual...
black cop+this cast of characters
cop is the only good character
What he is good at is forcing people to loop, as holding W against him is a guaranteed hit if the Pinhead isn't bad. and when you get to a loop that breaks LOS you can get cheeky with his chains.
Just add voice comms already like SWF is no secret at this point theres no reason for there not to be comms have it be proximity based obviously. Survivor escape rates would skyrocket if i could just say "I have deliverance"
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They don't use it at all and you never see the second mother
>Down 4 survivors affected by a status you inflicted
>Pyramid Head's torment doesn't count
What is a "Status"
>killer is hard tunneling from the get go
>"Omg what if we insta picked you both times you got hooked"
>Killer is camping the hook
>Omg what if I went to unhook while injured even though hook stages are 70 seconds long now :)))
Why are these bitches so stupid???
SEX with The Champion!!
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these things
At least she has her intended outfit while RE5 Chris is in his RE1 look for some godforsaken reason
>Flashlight squad body blocking and dropping flash bangs wait all game to whine because you slugged and tunneled them.
Never gets old.
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yo why tf are japanese people vpning to EU?
I have literally never seen this fit before. I think you were in one of my games earlier lmao
>picked a black chick
Just anime avatars, not real japs
their ping was super fucking high in the EU so they're from Asia at least
which killer was it?
legion with a mori, the felix double vaulted 5 seconds into chase and went down so we just went next lol
Probably don’t want to play with other sweatlord japs
nah wasnt me i was playing against a legion earlier but
this was my game
crazy. Never seen that outfit before once, its so hideous. funny
I don't own all the killers. Who does these?
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>P100 talking shit.
>WoO, DH, DS, Adren
The Crapper if your step in his crap
gonna cry?
3 fucking Games in a row where a teammate kills themselves on hook first time
Nobody talks to me after matches
Why would I cry at a shitter needing crutches that much for that long. Shit is fucking adorable.
also Killeroids:
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>doing old challenges
>Catch 4 survivors in 4 traps need vaults or loops. Complete in one trail.
Old challenges seem like more bullshit than the latest tomes
ikr? why isnt he using corrective action, slippery meat, technician, no mither? so fucking toxic
Nothing of the such was implied. Nice victim complex
>Midwich offering
Time to game
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what kind of creature is that
it's a dried up spider molt
starstruck doesnt work on blink attacks anymore so go ahead
the perk has been broken longer than it has existed lmao (they're still selling the dlc at full price btw)
>killer is good and hard tunneling and proxy camping
>First chase takes 25 seconds
>Unhook after 65 seconds
>2 gens pop
>Person goes down again in under 20 seconds
>Leave the person on hook another 65 seconds
>2 gens pop
>They dead now
>Another person goes down and camped
>The other two double the last gen and do the gate and teabag the killer watch me leave ggez no rematch
You gay little faggots running your 4stacks on comms then have the audacity to say gg in the postgame go fucking hang yourself you retarded fucking pieces of shit I hope you all choke to death you “people” are unbelievable, no wonder nobody wants to play stage hazard at 2am, you people are genuinely fucking subhuman. Eat horseshit and die, have fun burning in hell you stupid fucking cunts I hate you all. A guy can’t even have a beer and chill on a game anymore you MUST sweat your ass off like a jobless little 12 year old or you just don’t get to have fun, seriously fucking kill yourself
SWF was the biggest mistake they ever made in this game.
Though, without it, the game would probably have died so its a catch-22
I’m gonna let you in on a secret little strategy: I block anyone who beats me so that I consistently get matched against players who are worse than me
>Someone plays Blight or Nurse and tunnels, slugs and is genuinely a pretty sweaty killer
>No one rages in the chat at them.
>A freddy or a clown or a trickster or etc plays like that
>Endless rage.
So like, is this just a thing where they think they SHOULDN'T lose to these killers so they bitch that its unfair, but they think they SHOULD lose to top-tier killers so its just par for the course?
Were they actually in a SWF or is this just killeroid conspiracy posting? I've been accused of being in a SWF multiple times. Jokes on them, I have no friends!
You fucking queers brought an RPD offering too just genuinely from the bottom of my heart slit your fucking wrists I hate you so goddamn much
Sorry...please just stop shouting at me...
>Were they actually in a SWF
NTA, but not like they're going to tell you they are if they are.
But when you get shit like 3 logs and a crow offering and they're all running boil over, its pretty obvious when they are.
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Anon thats just because your mmr is dropping like a rock.
This is survivoid-who-played-killer-while-drunk-off-a-tall-boy posting. I am fuming because I just wanted to have fun and these little dickheads ruined my night and I’m next to positive they were SWFing. I was running a very good Wesker build and am decent at Wesker and I got my ass beat hard, that doesn’t happen if it’s not a SWF. Obviously I’m not suggesting they should let me win but fuck sake man there’s zero genuine reason to go sweatlord mode with your buddies at 2am
I’ve jerked off to this pic a lot
>Some nonsense
Just killeroid brainrot then, figures.
A mentally stable adult posted this btw.
Buddy I’m gonna send you to Tasmania and you can go straight to the source on this, how’s that grab ya?
(You) lost :^)
No, fuck you and blow me. Prick
Yeah but at least I’m not the one who deserves to have an unlubricated lead pipe shoved up his ass
But I'm not gay. Will a heartfelt apology do?
Oh no don't pipe my bussy haha ><
Only if you’re one of the four players I just got digitally raped by which I seriously doubt you are
How exactly did they beat you so badly?
How’s about this tough guy how about I pick you up and set you back down, huh? How about I spin you around a few times and shake you loose? What do you say to that big man?
Well they brought an RPD offering and were on comms for starters and then I don’t know how the fuck they did it short of cheating but their gen times were just unfuckingbelievable for a group that didn’t bring toolboxes, I was too pissed to check their perk builds after the match though
>just unfuckingbelievable for a group that didn’t bring toolboxes
Probably running prove thy self and hyperfocused
I didn't r*pe you because I'm not gay!!!
I personally don't mind SWF too much as long as they just leave the exit gate without teabagging. But if they do and start pulling more jackass shit. That's when I get put in a bad mood.
>as long as they just leave the exit gate without teabagging.
So, never?
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These TWO BITCHES were a DUO and that FAT BITCH JANE brought fucking Babysitter and We'll Make It AND Deliverance and I ran Blight for 4 gens and they were just standing there at the exit gate waving and teabagging, the solo Yui wanted to make an attempt to save me but obviously not possible when Blight is facecamping and hitting me on hook. Added to my list of survivors I'll tunnel when I play killer
Fuck Survivors!!! Kill em all!!!
>Kill em all!!!
If you were capable of that, we wouldn't be here.
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That's not what blocking does anon. It's just for communication
They would've lost if it wasn't for me cause the Nea went down in 15 seconds first chase of the match
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>Sneak up on a gen as chucky
>Get the grab
>Get grab points
>Start the grab animation
>Survivor wasn't grabbed and SBs away
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nta but I just got 4k on this team by slugging them as soon I seen them use sabo and start swarming their Belmont.
If they want to be a pain in the ass with sabos. That's fine by me I'll just slug em.
good fuck you
the fact that it doesnt even give a health state is ridiculous
I had that happen to me 6 times when I was playing Legion ;_;
There's nothing dishonest about chucky
How good is the perk play with your food on the Demogorgon?
Turbo cringe
Bad bc you lose stacks with any attack and demo's whole thing is shredding through pallets
What’s the status on wolf knot?
play with your food is not good on any killer
I cannot think of a single build or killer that it is good on
its good on hux
They eventually fixed the optimization. But monster gameplay still sucked, and it was blatant that most of the vocal cunts in the discord were teen mains. Unironically. It would take 5+ minutes to find a teen match, sometimes it would be impossible, while monster you would find a match in 5 seconds, literally no matter the time of day. It had potential but it just wasn't fun enough for both sides. They needed to dare to experiment with changing the formula for they were too scared to deviate from the half functional gameplay loop they already had.
nah, she's just cute and i wanna hold her
It's good on plague and Ghostface and Michael ofc
Gooning to Claire Redfield (the Darkside Chronicles version, not the awful DBD version)
Why does bhvr have to pander to them like that

>When you stand up too fast
>Stake Out
>Hyper Focus

Thank you to the anon in the last thread for recommending Fogwise, I feel like this is the definitive stealth gen build

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No problem man
I hope you are taking the green toolbox as I mentioned yesterday as it has the most charges and lasts for the longest time.
Don't be afraid to bring a toolbox, it will enhance the whole build vastly.
Also for the add-ons
>Yellow wire thingy with more charges

Exchange distortion for built to last when you feel like it
Extinct as you can see
Based. I like all of her looks though
Why is EU so full of fucking vpners please STAY IN ASIA OR WHEREVER THE FUCK YOU'RE COMING FROM
Taking green toolbox when I can, I need to be more precise with my bloodweb once I have Vittorio hit lv1. What's BNP?

Also yeah, I like getting random value on Distortion but I can definitely see that slot being used for something to get even better speed. I just don't like Lethal Pursuer proccing because it really increases my chance of being first-blood, whereas if someone else gets caught in chase, it lets me rush about 2-3 gens before confronting killer.
>second to last survivor gets bled out with killer looking for the 4k
>ratfuck bitch hide the whole time
>second to last struggles for 60 seconds
>manage to rat hide fuck
>get found
>get bled out
2v1 at 3+ gens is peak dbd imo
BNP is brand new part
And yeah true about distortion it does have a huge value
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Peak lobby
4k at 4 gens incoming into "ugh you tunneled/camped/didnt give us a free win"
i'm was costume sable lol
3 out, 3 out baby.
what i would do with four Sables...
blast mine is the funniest fucking perk ever
>hardly touch a gen, already get 50% of blast mine complete
>can leave it on the gen when 40% is done, just keep it as an info perk so other survivors know which gen you work at
>need to save someone and killer is away? no problem the blast mine will stun the killer for eternity if he dares to touch the gen
>killer loses someone in a chase? he goes to kick a gen, boom fuck you
I love this perk
funny game
>doouble iri in one game as survivor challenge
holy fuck fuck yourselves bhvr
I managed to get three iris in one game for the previous challenge but the stars have to align and you have to not get matched with fucking retards in order to do it
So many beautiful and fun maps in the game such as
>Dead dawg
>d&d forgotten ruins
>The game
>New Ormond
>Grim pantry
Only to send you to the fucking Yamaoka estate, Autohaven or H*wkins twelve times in a row
Whats the point of Wiretap when Blast Mine exists
>this didn't get added and instead we got Garden of Soiy, Slop Landing, Forsaken slopyard
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Cheryl will always get mercy against me.
least weird killer main
>punishing some survivors because other survivors were bad sports
you set a bad example
Any would be cool with me.
Which DbD character would you most prefer to cuddle to sleep with?
You DO duo with your girlfriend right?
neanderthal women are weaker than their male counterparts while cromagnon people in general bonemog the shit out of neanderthal and denisovan looking subhumans.
>start solo q game
>do a couple of gens
>have to go afk for something so run to the corner of the map
>come back 5 minutes later, slugged on the ground
>everyone else in the game is dead
>still ended up with the most survivor points
what the hell happened when i was gone?
girlfriend (male) yeah
Me on the left (P100 Nea main btw)
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schoolgirl Nea is cute
Is Dredge good now?
is that you?
Just watched the original Hellraiser and holy shit it was fucking horrendous. Is there any way to wipe the taste of shit off my mouth? I got the Hellraiser DLC and don't want to regret buying it after the fact
Watch the second one.
I'm just gonna start DCing when I go against Hag. I have never had a fun game against a Hag.
your male duo
turkey is a third world country
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>To ink or not to ink inked_her's booty, dat do be dem qusteshuhn nigguh
iceland is a top tier country
didnt this used to be a horror game once
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It still is for new players

My first 50 hours were spent hiding in bushes and running from every terror radius
>first 50
Cote, I need more Rebecca skins.
REMOVE KILLER remove killer
you are worst killer. you are the killer idiot you are the killer smell. return to lobby. to our baby killers you may come our game. you may live in the basement….ahahahaha ,killer we will never forgeve you. killer rascal FUck but fuck asshole killer stink bligger tunel camper..killer genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead killer..ahahahahahKILLEROID WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget old ded hard .killercel we cleanse the NOED , killer return to your precious 3gen….hahahahaha idiot and freddy smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KILLER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Nea+Ace+Nancy+Meg=kill killer…you will feel my E/ Noob3 alive in DbD, Noob3 making album of Nea . fast rap Noob3 Nea we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of Noob3… you are ppoor stink killer… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in basement

Noob3 alive numbr one #1 in DbD ….fuck the killeroid ,..FUCKk ashol killer no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur charms and face. Noob3 aliv and real strong wizard kill all the killer farm aminal with rap magic now we the survivor rule .ape of the zoo presidant killer fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and nurse wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Nea greattst survivor
I'm watching old videos of DbD and I have no idea how killers tolerated this game back then
playing skull merchant should be a bannable offense
>sabotage one hook within 10 meters of a killer carrying a survivor
another one of these, bhvr? really?
>background player
>toolbox with sabo addons
wow.... not hard at all.

put on mettle of man and breakout and you have a decent meme build
I still flinch at pallet stuns when its quiet and vs myers/ghostface grabs.
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Nea looks like this though
Anon is having a melty
isn't that a fortnite character?
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No, she's a Cyberpunk character
>download the Frank Stone demo
>set everything to low
>still only 15-20 fps with 10 GB VRAM
Jesus, what a joke of a game.
hello we have reviewed your report and the appropriate action has been taken
niggers report me all the time and nothing has happened in like 9 months.
Yun-Jin, I just know I can thaw her cold bitchy heart
Logically what's the explanation for this?
>>493524095 (me)
I got it :)
non cromagnon players
it couldve been if you played casually with friends every once in a while instead of how many hours you probably have now
do you think Frank Stone will vore the survivors like he does in his game?
maybe as a mori but that might be too similar to dredge's
He’s gonna be the replacement for tombstone myers once he gets reworked
>Rank Stone has a power meter that fills from some weird bullshit actions
>once it’s full he enters a mode where he can instantly mori 1 person by voring them
>outside of that he’s an m1 shitter
men dressed as a women
Shut up nigger I will whip your ass
this isn't google, anon
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i want a paper bag on thy head for all women
30 year old neet who didn't finish high school who spent all his life playing games and watching gmodtard videos who looks like BigJB21 creation core
id say its stil on par with five nights in freddy horror game theres still a few jumpscreams that are scary
I paid $40 for a murder mill t shirt
i cant do the captcha its too hard i have firefox do it for me automatically
>>493541627 (me)
i have made a post in the wrong trhead award
can't spell disabled without sable!
Why are so many killers playing as either the Legion or Deathslinger? Why hasn't BHVR made it so that you don't keep facing the same killer over and over again? Why am I so bad at this game holy shit
not any particular character, I let go survivors who go down trying to save others during EGC instead of leaving cause I do that as survivor too and know how frustrating that is
also those who boldly open gates in my face and don't run away when I approach (if they're the last one)
genuinely no reason to play killer when most of the day survivors get the same amount of bloodpoints as killer
>but survivor is boring!
killer is also boring and even CBT once you get matched against good survivors running troll stuff
Why does everyone run boil over in low mmr
they're probably leveling up kate denson because their heccin youtuberino or heccin swferino told them to for WoO
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Just looped a comp Blight for 2 minutes because im drunk and my pathing makes no sense to him AMA
Shall be taking my Bentley to pick up girls who look like Rebecca to my chambers
>survivors get the same amount of bloodpoints as killer
You can do 4 gens and escape and get 13k points
as killer you can get 3 hooks and still get 30k bps
you forget the 100% bloodpoint bonus is on survivors most of the time. so at that point it's slightly less but for a much easier time
bcuz ur a cuck
everyone wants proximity to white ppl
- and other unrealistic fantasies to share online
DBD? More like BBC!
>wasted money on it
the joke is on u anon
Shit taste beyond all comprehension.
We all do anon
A demo is free. Hope this helps!
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>M2 faking pyramid head
>sissycuckqueer: there’s no question about it my dark triad bee bee see over lord i can suck it too if you want!!!!!!!!!!
a comp blight wouldn't chase anyone for 2 minutes
i think ur a faggot
BHVR, I require basketball and Wesker Mode outfits for Rebecca, thanks.
Man, I can't believe I just sat through an entire uncommentated playthrough of The Casting of Frank Stone. At least I got that shit behind me now, no reason to ever buy this mess of a game.
I knew Frank Stone was going to be shit ever since I played the demo and realized the main character is a black cop
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lmao poors
>Play Pyramid Head
>Miss every shot
>Have no movement abilities so if the survivors are on opposite sides of the map I'm just toast
>No shirtless, oiled up alt costume
Rebecca desperately needs some BBC.
Big Bentley Cock?
I can’t believe that either. What’s wrong with you
that wasn’t the unrealistic part
also prove it’s yours
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>Big Billy Cock
>the sickest trick stab you ever did with Chucky was a scamper into a curving 180 stab
>Only did it because my cat jumped up and bumped my mouse as I was scampering
Feels bad I'll be trying to chase that stab forever.
Wait isn't he a fake protagonist or have they stopped doing that
Ugh I love having a hillbilly charge at full speed to a gen and there not being a single pallet or window near because bhvr must make killer mains happy
Nah I just borrowed my uncle's wife's boyfriend's third cousin's friend's Bentley for that pic
I jsut played against a Vecna and the skulls flight of the damned thing were literally spawning on the floor and obviously you couldn't crouch them, wtf is going on?
Hacker report him and he'll get banned within 30 minutes
It’s one of the iridescent addons and/or he was summoning them while on a lower elevation
He had vorpal sword and something else
Deathgarden Rebirth just launched yesterday, is anyone here playing it?
billy was pretty hunky
Unironically more believable. At least say a rental.
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oh yeah that happened
You have to download its own launcher, so idk if it's tracked by steam.
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Does it have pretty girls in it or is it another doomed DBD clone because it doesn't have licensed characters
it had a terminator dlc
Oh nevermind.
Yeah, my number Corp owned by my umbrella number Corp owned by my Trust is the owner
deathgarden was fun
playing as the terminator was cool
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>DBD clone
anon deathgarden was MADE BY BHVR.
Why do people go for unhooks while injured on a 70 second timer specially with a killer that teleports
And conversely, are there any survivors you never let go under any circumstances?
people are retarded
the average player is retarded and cannot comprehend the logic in doing a gen for 35 seconds THEN going to get the unhook
If I see one survivor trying really hard to save their retarded teammates and there's simply nothing they can do to stop them from dying, I tend to just let them get out.
Why doesn't luck affect more things?
>Nea gets hooked first
>Keep doing a gen while waiting in the timer
>Nea after 10 seconds realizes no one is getting off gens and suicides
Most survivors are selfish and don't realize you are playing smart and make if your problem
You forgot Stan, mister ESL.
I'm seriously sick of Sable players.
All of these loser coomer retards kill themselves on hook if they lose a chase before 1 gen is done.
You should just have sex frfr
I should have sex with Sable
Depends on what you want it to affect specifically. You don't want it to affect anything too important otherwise the complete RNG nature of it would make things incredibly annoying to deal with.
What about Boon: Shadow Release
Every person within the boon radius can unhook themselves whether on first or second stage
If you know anything about DBD lore the ending to Frank Stone was so predictable. Devs can’t even write a decent story.
Why won't bhvr make a chapter based on The Thing when they'll make DLC for Dungeons and Dragons, which isn't even played by the kind of community DBD has, and for Tomb Raider, which isn't even a horror game?
Sure, why not. Give it a unique sound effect when a survivor does it and its fine.
>Game gives you wall hacks and tells you exactly where to go at all times
So its exactly like DBD then.
Making it affect chest loot tables is too much work for BHVR, and what's left for it to affect besides that?
Why do people think they're adding Frank as a killer when they gave his mask to Trapper?
could be balanced only if the self unhook took a long time (15s minimum) and shattered hope was made basekit
because he's 'transformed' by the entity by the end of the game and is named 'the champion'
Chances of the hatch spawning near the last survivors current position.
Contrary to what reddit will have you believe, The Thing isn't popular or well-known outside of the horror community.
Everyone has seen The Thing
yeah but who wants to see it? I like playing Lara Croft and being her womb raider, not body horror monster man.
Gonna goon to Aestri Yazar.
I'd bet my house that if you showed a zoomer a picture of the Thing (any form) or of Kurt Russell in that movie they wouldn't know what the fuck they're looking at.
Presumably because they’re too lazy to try to figure out how to make it work as a killer. Carpenter would probably jump on the opportunity if they asked him.
I mean, you could say that for a few other licenses we already have too
Damn anon...your cat is cooler than you.
Weird way to admit you are gay.
>if you showed a zoomer
There’s a lot of things zoomers aren’t going to recognize dude. I’d bet money that the average one might not even recognize Freddy Krueger at this point and im a zoomer myself. Not really the best metric
Instead of having it mimic survivors, why don't they just make it shapeshift into other killers?
When is an asymm going to come out that will actually be better than DBD so it can die or the devs actually have to try harder.
dude killer klowns already came out
>Globes everywhere
I play on PC why is everyone a fucking Globe now
2/4 of every lobby are Globes
Just turn crossplay off
>Bro, when are you going to get good and stop running WoO.
>I don't need to run it
>So why do it?
>*windows shut down noises*
That doesnt explain the Globes, why are all the best players in my lobbies all globes now
Windows is too much info desu, all the bright yellow shit is distracting

Deja Vu + Kindred + Open-Handed is enough info for me
So many games lost because retards brought stupid shit instead of adrenaline and decisive strike
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>Bardic Inspirations you
Like you can bring two meme perks if u want but no adrenaline or decisive and you're gonna embarrass yourself
still broken btw
Hatch spawn is predetermined at the beginning of the match. Even if it wasn't, hatch offerings would negate luck anyway.
Which is the bigger flop Deathgarden or Meet Your Maker?
does What The Fog count if they never actually planned on supporting it
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That's only because of the equivalent to endgame collapse.
this is true, certain cheat programs show it while its invisible
If you are solo, it's only a loss if you die, so maybe stop running shit perks yourself
I doubt death gardens second attempt will last longer than concord
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>second attempt
>he doesn't know
This is technically the third. Twice by BHVR and now once by the community
>Deathgarden Bloodharvest (major gameplay and aesthetic changes from original but core idea is the same)
>Deathgarden Rebirth (Bloodharvest but remade by fans/modders with assets ripped straight from bloodharvest)
>What The Fog
Yeah ok that one takes the cake because i didnt even know it existed.
ehhh doubt they can lose harder than concordtroons
it's cute and had a neat concept but they were literally like "we have no plans on updating this game at all okay bye"
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>Want to get better at certain killers
>Playing during bloodhunt is just CBT where you can't learn much other than what its like to be blind
Got a genrushing swf and a bully swf back to back and I can say I was more entertained with the bully squad
I love that gen rushing swfs are also the ones who complain about slowdown perks. Like niggers, you're the reason why killers run that shit.
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>genrushers when they don't have 4 gens done before 1 hook
>Killrushers complaining about genrushers again
Yawn this general fucking sucks
Killrusher is a meaningless retarded statement, kill yourself.
The last 5 posts made me giggle. Well done.
Thana + Share the Pain, does this actually work well? Or is Thana just not enough numbers to matter?
I'm interested in the idea of a survivor Hex perk and a Killer Boon perk. It would be a playing with fire kind of thing where both you and the opposition are buffed by it existing so you cleanse/snuff it when you feel like it. The hex one for survivor would specifically have to only buff the killer in how he interacts with you as not to let you just buff the killer overall with it of course, but the boon one for killer can be more risky.
So something like these as an example:

>Hex: Playing With Fire
When the trial begins a dull totem is lit intonthis hex totem. While this totem stands, you are Exposed, but (strong buff). The Entity blocks this totem from other survivors cleansing it.
Susie <3
Thana is only decent on plague desu, even with legion it's easy to keep one person healed
I miss when you could find the hatch before it spawned because it was just invisible and noticeably lifted you when you walked over it.
Zarina, because she'd probably just demand to be on top and then not cuddle.
What's the reason why they stopped the hatch from being seen if you have beaten the People still alive = gens done +1?
Because then survivors would bring keys to just leave the game down the hatch when it appears early with zero counterplay from the killer, it was as absolutely incredible as killers once being able to mori survivors as long as they had been hooked at least once.
>No counterplay
Kill the person carrying a key. You can see it in their hands.
How does steam's refund policy work for DLCs? Could I buy a chapter I don't want, level them for their teachables, and then refund it?
I miss when you couldn't escape at all if you couldn't get 2 gens done.
I can understand how that is "anti-fun" but it made the objectives matter more than they feel like it now.
Too many fucking games now are
>Survivor goes down early and suicides
>Everyone else mills around trying to hide just to be the last alive to "salvage" the game for themselves.
Pretty sure DLCs have never been refundable on steam.
I'm not certain but I think this is genuinely possible and people would sometimes post doing so with proof here.
From a lore perspective which do you think would be better being a Killer or being a Survivor
Sure being a Survivor means being beaten, puked on, stabbed, and ultimately killed in hundreds of terrible ways, but being a Killer means endless servitude and all the body horror things the entity and Blight does to those guys
Probably killer.
You have more freedom and your memory isn't wiped every time you fail a trail.
TBF most killers are being mislead and lied to with all that ghost eye shit, and do we know if Killers dont also get their minds wiped?
Wouldn't Trapper have to be broken all over again into actually killing the survivors if his mind was wiped each time?
I might try this with lara or alan in the coming days and post results if it worked
Honestly dbd lore would be better if it didn't have to explain every part of the game, like the campfire or why you can still do trials after escaping. Hell, it doesn't actually explain everything, if it did it'd try to explain why you can play as both killer and survivor. They literally could've said you're the entity and you're just bored and playing against yourself somehow, or that the last trial you did is the definitive last trial but if you play another trial then that's the new last trial, so if you escape in one trial only to die in the next, that's because you were so selfish in wanting to play DbD that you ended up fucking over your player character or some shit. They could've even gone really out there and said DbD actually some suicide party that the the survivors planned and some of them got cold feet of, or an actual demonic ceremony meant to appease some god like the ancient aztec rituals of old, really anything slightly interesting would've worked, god the meta lore just doesn't make anything any better the way it currently is
Hillbilly is way overturned jeeze louise
he WILL get the saw off on you no matter what
Has anyone ran into this guy around NA west? I just wanted to see if anyone had the doc to his lists to see if I'm on any of them.
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cool I kept everything. man that game ran like ass (thalita's)
but what if an autistic girl mains a male survivor?
>nurse kill streak
Bhvr will sooner overhaul Knight a 3rd time than confront blatantly overpowered killers like Hillbilly, Plague or Spirit
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Do you consider this right
>0k: Total Killer Defeat
>1k: Survivor Win
>2k tie in favor of Killer
>3k Killer win
>4k Total Survivor defeat
Or how do you group wins in DBD
time for some dead by daylight
but first
time for food

1 - 5 fried chicken
6 - 0 pizza
I'm finding it pretty hard to not get titled by survivors and over chasing and throwing the game.
Has anyone tried the misgendering of frank stone?
They should bring back the ORIGINAL Pale Rose for 2v8.
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>killer has the three perk charms on her hook
I think most of the community would agree with that but then it gets kinda nuanced when it comes to the Hatch and amount of hooks. I've seen people consider having most hooks but no kills a win for example.
If I'm a soloq survivor, and I escape, its a win.
However, that list applies to SWF and comp (lol)
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This reminds me, I need to change the hook charms on all my killers after going from console to PC
I forgot what are the best charms that go well with killers /or what are your favorite charms for certain killers
Anything but 4k is a total killer defeat
>fall asleep playing DbD
>wake up
>stand up
>Decisive Strike
Billy is stronger than nurse with the way current maps are
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3k is a win
a lot of killers need this drilled into their heads so they stop being pissbabies and slugging for 10000 years at the end
>Her hook
Diversion y/n
Thank you for your cute girls :)
yeah it is fun now
Lol killer is better. The entity will usually only subject you to that stuff if you fail, so there’s pressure but it’s not like you’re going to die, maybe just be molested or something
Where are you getting their minds are wiped? If anything I’m pretty sure it’s
openly stated that the memory of having all those things done to you over and over again is the goal so survivors eventually go crazy
>Where are you getting their minds are wiped
shitty retarded bhvr "nu-lore" that basically retcons the entire idea of benedict's journals.
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>survivor is wearing decisive strike, dead hard charms
>Where are you getting their minds are wiped?
>Survivors that are mortally wounded and 'die' during a Trial, or shortly after escaping, will be revived by The Entity, also wiping their memories clean in the process and relocating them back to The Campfire.
Its on the wiki, and they've said it on streams
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you like hung trannies?
>people keep dcing while connecting against SMs
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Is she right?
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I think luck should be reworked/buffed. Here are a few suggestions that I can think of;

How close hatch spawns to you

Chest loot rarity
Vecna loot rarity

Make Great Skill Check Zone Variably Bigger

Pig Trap Success Rate
Bear Trap Success Rate

Lower chance of startling wildlife

How far away you spawn from the killer
Are they ever going to rewrite Mikaela's lore or is Sable just having a one sided best-friendship with Mikaela because she's her only friend? Poor Sable.
It heavily depends on why you became a Killer or how much the Entity favors you. People like Danny are chilling because he is god's favorite but other people like the Spirit/Wraith/Artist etc are arguably suffering worse than Survivors.
So, the lore is a clusterfuck even the devs don't care about?
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I was about to say
>When your gods favorite you can also get out of the weird body horror shit
but nah even when youre well liked this shit can happen to you, and that looks quite painful
>game has been mostly killer bp bonus all day long on prime weekend hours
What sided is the game again?
>He just found this out
No one sane actually cares about the mind wipe shit, not even the Frank stone devs care about that shit as its heavily implied Chris and Linda did a trial before you got there
How much of a difference does overwhelming presence make on a high terror radius doctor or wesker build?
Would it cause survivors to burn through their tools fast enough to make it worth it?
In lore Danny didn't feel anything when he got blighted, even with his face melting off and his guts hanging out, so maybe it's the same with that skin too?
>not even the Frank stone devs care about that shit as its heavily implied Chris and Linda did a trial before you got there
Erm, doesn’t the mindwipe shit only happen when they die? So that would mean Chris and Linda both flashlight spammed and t-bagged a baby trapper before escaping on their first trial
Mindwipe happens every trial no matter the outcome
>Survivors talk trash
Jesus christ, literally why? You got the worst map for killers regardless of what the killers
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yeah, he has too much. there's a streamer with a streak of 1250 right now with him called nvminous and that should be enough to show how busted he is in the right hands. also devs are already planning on changing him next ptb(which should be the 17th of this month)
>Play frosty eyes doctor
>3 survivors immediately dc early in the trial when first hooked
At that point I just gave the last remaining player the hatch. Poor fucker had 3 players ditch him.
They gave Hillbilly his time to shine for the first time in 3-4 years, back to lower B tier for him
How are they gonna ruin him
He's still worse than nurse as he still has obey obstacles. Nurse can just completely ignore loops.
Also why are they tweaking the Unknown?
For Unknown I really dont know, They are probably nerfing some addons like his picture that makes decoys fun to fuck around with. Other then that I guess theyre making him worse somehow? Hes mid, how are they making him more mid?
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I'm really starting to feel Windows, Fitness and Lithe might be a noob trap perk combo.
SM is a really shit killer, like any big map and she gets dumpstered. I really don't understand why people complain about her so much.
>plague is camping every hook
>Teammate cleansed
>I signal to him to go unhook
>He prefers to touch my infected gen
WHY can't I get a teammate with a brain at least once
>coping shit merchant player
I haven't heard survivors really complain about him as far as I can tell. Not sure why the fuck they would nerf him if they're doing that.
Items are borderline useless I can't really think of any reason to run overwhelming presence
The only reason they even touch killers these days is to do insane nerfs or reworks. Maybe theyre reducing the decoys or making his effect easier to get rid of?
Could be that they’re doing something to tweak UVX logic like how the bounce works or making it so you can’t hit people through walls with the blast anymore. There’s that common trick people do at shack for instance where they shoot their goo at a corner and hit a survivor on the other side of the wall
That change would actually nerf him into just another m1 killer at that point if they did that.
There's a lot of shit from the map geometry that would fuck with the UVX blast too much with that kind of change.
Window needs to be flat out nerfed honestly.
Even having a cool down after your drop a pallet or jump a window would be a lot better than this constant information stream
So they will 100% make that change
>Nea burns a macmillan (killer sided) offering
>Killer is billy
>She kills herself on hook
Yea thank you for your 7 pallets and 3 windows
>How close hatch spawns to you
They'd have to change hatch logic, and I think they should just rework the whole mechanic to begin with, it kinda needs one
>Chest loot rarity
Yeah it should do this, too bad BHVR is lazy cause it could be cool
>Vecna loot rarity
>Make Great Skill Check Zone Variably Bigger
Sure why not
>Pig Trap Success Rate
It's a predetermined amount of searches, making it random would fuck up pig's balancing by a lot
>Bear Trap Success Rate
It used to do this for like 5 years, but they removed it because he's already one of the worst killers in the game
>Lower chance of startling wildlife
I guess so
>How far away you spawn from the killer
I dunno about this, wouldn't this mean that at default luck you spawn close to him every game?
Also an inherent issue with buffing luck is that if it makes luck offerings strong there would be no reason not to bring them every match, since almost every other offering does nothing other than increase BP gain.
I wish they never gave survivors built in bt, because all it did was make tards think it's ok to rip you off the hook infront of the killer because you have great value bt.

Bring real bt you fucks, it's good.
babysitter is better now
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Dad off the shits rn
These are things I thought of off the top of my head, there's room for improvement. Honestly sick of seeing map offerings each game and want survivors to be incentivized to bring other offerings. I want to see stuff like the shrouds and reagents more commonly used. I would also like them to make map offerings only give a 15%-25% chance to actually send you to that realm.
I like both together because it gives them even longer speed and longer time.
is Alucard the largest survivor model because of his goofy cape
3 hatches in 2v8 was a nice change, it made using the hatch far more viable. Honestly BHVR just needs to add some more gamemodes or always have at least one limited time gamemode on at all times. 4 killers one survivor gamemode would be neat
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>Come back after three fucking Years to find out they retconned by surviror main David King as a faggot
Fuck this world
Get fucked
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>survivors with DH, DS, WoO and Adren call you trash for using NOED.
Why are consoles so retarded, bros?
Because they bought consoles.
ya fuckin pooftah
this is how the majority of david players also reacted, i went from seeing him everyday to not seeing him for weeks at a time as soon as they announced he was a fag
I just saw a Trickster get a 4k without using any perks. Playing Killer is too easy.
I mean, yeah. This is a pretty shitty retcon. It pretty much does away with the whole ‘turning survivors into killers’ thing. Then again it’s not like they did anything with it but I still liked the idea
I doubt any of the killers are in any real pain, and if they are they’re likely messed up enough to enjoy it like Doctor
Why are PCucks such cucks, bros?
>No proof
>teammates give a hard tunneling p100 skull merchant an extra kill in the endgame
>They get bled out
Why ARE people incredibly retarded.
They didn't even unhook me, they just stood there near the hook
I miss this game so much, it was so much better then dbd.

The only thing I really didn't like was the 2v10 or whatever game mode.
>Two gens done, 0 hooks so far
>Sneak down to the basement to do my invocation
>Survivors become allergic to gens after that point.
That’s what you get for abandoning Cote. He struck back at you in the worst way possible. Don’t fuck with a man that powerful.

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