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I hope we see more character interactions. Easily my favourite part of the game
>Elbows off the table
Why would that be rude?
Vestige from ancient times when tables were more prone to flipping from slightest weight on the edge, such as leaning down on elbows.
Okay, so there's no reason it's rude anymore.
>third worlder doesn't have manners in his country
based brown "person" with no table manners,
Your elbows on the table also expands the space you take up, which could be seen as challenging other diners. For a more modern reason, not having your elbows on the table also stops you from bumping other dishes, getting your clothes in food, or if you're particularly dirty, getting filth onto the table or food.
We probably will. Here's a sample of a hero's interactions from Dota.


Note the very lengthy list for "killing a specific enemy" and an entire set of wounded responses when below 20% hp.
This game has such boring character designs. It's somehow far worse than OW2 and Battleborn combined, which is quite an achievement. This game has no future, it's DoA.
get out of here before I Q you
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Is this just a yuro thing? They still taught me that in the 90s so it can't be that outdated.
What's with the Wisp/Mars dialogue? For a second, I thought Io was one of Mars' moons and they were being clever, but Io is a Jupiter moon instead.
>how to out yourself as a brownie
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Europe is still big on manners compared to America is seems. Probably because of the different class systems. The "American" way of using a fork and knife is considered in proper in other parts of the world, where as the normal Euro way is considered classy
How do you not feed in a duo lane against haze and bebop?
Haze sleeps you and bebop hooks you and even if you evade roll away and live you just lost almost all your HP and need to Zipline back to base leaving your teammate in a 2v1
>in proper
post ivy
It's classy to awkwardly eat with your off-hand while still gripping the knife in case one of your dinner-mates tries to kill you?
Honestly it feels dirty. I was a bebop in this set up and the haze would dagger and it's a free hook insta kill. We were against a Geist and Ginnis and the Ginnis abandoned lane after dying once
I have a code and from the videos I've seen the core gameplay looks fun, but it needs a lot of work. I don't want to burn out on the game before Valve starts smoothing out the edges.
Im from euro country, and I've always used the right side. My 1st class grade teacher also taught me that I should use the knife on my main hand, because I'm right handed and was knifing with left hand.. but idk I guess I prefer holding fork with dominant hand. Sometimes I switch but I'm always conscious of it if I do it
And unlike dota jungle creeps don't spawn early enough for you to leave a bad lane and jungle
If you think any human beings in 2024 put the knife down, move the fork to their right hand, take a bite, move the fork back to their left hand, and pick the knife back up, you're gullible.
Wait until you play against shit like vindicta + warden.
It is genuinely impossible to not die and if you try to hug tower all game you just lose souls because of vindictas gun.

Honestly fuck vindicta, so tired of this nigger fucking hero, last patch nerfs weren't enough.
It's a game for moba players, but shooter players are getting burned out
If I hit the matchmaking button (I have played the tutorial and 1 bot match) will I be matched with other retards or ruin other peoples' games?
>Ivyhaters likes to watch futa porn
>having an off hand so uncoordinated that you can't even bring a fork to your mouth without it looking awkward
This is bait, or you're somehow a 4-year-old.
The left side is uniquely American. Spies used to use it as one box to tick to help identify American spies. It was also something American spies were told to avoid doing etc.
they do though >>493443569
Literally had some American friends do it and I noticed it
Well I got burnt out of League too so maybe it is good to wait.
normal people don't eat like this, normal people cut their meals up, then put the knife away and then eat
>Miss Hook
>Sprint dash into enemy to get into dick touching range for Bomb
>Uppercut enemy past their backline so bomb misses
>Ult in open area and watch enemy team run into a building to move the fight away from you
Oh yeah, it's Bebop time
enjoy the ride
Americans seperate with the fork?
Thread killer OP image.
It's an inside joke. Io is treated as a very smart and epic character by the various gods and powerful entities in the cast.

If I recall, Puck says something like "too bad they can't appreciate your sharp wit" (since the only thing he does is various chiming sounds).
I miss when you could accidentally hook teammates. I thought it was a good balancing tool since it meant you had to stand with clear lines of sight to hook during pushes.
>normal people cut their meals up, then put the knife away
I've never ever done that in my life. I always hold fork and knife constantly
calm down ranjesh
Dang. Well, apologies in advance if I'm on your team then. Wish me luck.
American here, elbows on tables was/is considered rude where I live
inhibitor is so dirty on infernus
everything is dirty on that literal nigger faggot
been like 4 months of infernus being god tier now, it's insane
the fork grip on the left is incorrect
How the fuck do you actually hook teammates now anyways?
It says cast it with M3 but nothing I've tried actually works
good luck anon, remember to teabag after a kill, you never know if the guy on the other side of the match tilts.
Huh, never knew that. I've played Wisp maybe once in my 1500 hours in Dota.
>think wraith's design looks like shot
>play her
>Notice how she doesn't use her actual hand to fire but has her hands in her pockets
>reloads the tommygun with magic
>is really fucking fun to play
Damn. First time I turn around on a design thanks to little touches and playstyle.
Sounds like a skill issue
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>queue for game
>10 minutes queue
>win game
>close program

that's all I can muster nowadays, the more I play the more annoyed I get by the balance
t. tester since april
What's a good Lash build help
I'm pretty sure she has psychic powers not magic
>left: my team
>right: enemy team
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Need a lift
I wish this was more like a shooter game with some extra moba elements, instead of a dota/moba game that has some shooter elements
Thanks. Who can I pick to ensure maximum tiltage with minimal effort? If I'm going to drown, I may as well take someone with me.
I often tend to challenge other diners
Thats what parents do for their toddlers
isn't she supposed to be a literal magician
>3rd perma for toxicity
onto the next ban evasion acc
valve is so cucked now, what happened to being able to kill russians to kill themselves and die in a trench?
That's your best insult, tranny cock sucker?
hold down m3 and then hit 3. It's akward. I don't really save teammates anymore
whatever you shit out - you never beating these allegations.
Well he is considered a "fundamental", one of the primary forces of the universe. It's implied he can talk and is intelligent, but only powerful entities can understand him.
turret girl summons a wall, it's nice to block and let the turrets do the job, but my favorite is the goo tank: buy all the hp buff/regen mods and use the goo cube to tank while disengaging. The rising fist can make fun stuff happen like elevate Seven when he's using his ult.
This is precisely why this game will fail. This is their playerbase
Alright, will do. See ya on the streets.
That's true of every game except autism simulators anon. I dare you to go look at a League discord.
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>goes on nigcord
>"dude wtf it's full of insane trannies?"
What is this supposed to prove? It could be a discord about baked goods and it would still be mentally-ill-nonsense filled
I come from FPS and shooters and their playerbase isn't like this
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>I'm pretty sure she uses magic powers not magic
Table manners was a way to prove that you come from a noble upbringing.
That's why there's like 10 different forks and spoons for specific dishes, it's just to prove you were educated in a noble household.
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Ok give me the rundown, how the fuck do you play weapon yamato?
I'm sick and tired of spirit, when playing against these faggot pro have beens like sinaatra, surefour and all these sweaty retards, standing still for power slash rarely works.
It's a problem of the left. All of the right-wing discords I've been to are degen free
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Is this game like Super Monday Night Combat or more like Smite? I loved SMNC but didn't care for smite.
Those ones have their own issues, namely derailing into sharty clones
If anything its more like MNC proper and less like SMNC's neutered gameplay.
>build gun
>I hope we see more character interactions

I hope we get to see more actually GOOD characters cause what we have now is dogshit. You can point out two good looking characters and they are 2 robots and Flubber
>Good looking
he's literally just kelvin model with a translucent texture, same animations too
DEI troon trash.
This was literally made up so rich people had another completely made up reason to laugh at upper middle class people btw, same as the "english accent" we know now
and how is that a bad thing?
sharty is the best thing happened to the internet in a while
>ivy fag is retarded
every such case

This game has shitload of verticality. This is not a flat field.

>he's literally just kelvin

It's Celsius in EU sever. Generic looking nothing I haven't seen before with a boring kit..
based retard, like me
So which characters care the least that this is a moba
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>laning against a bebop
>misses hook
>immediately uppercuts as soon as the hook returns
>this happens about five times
>discord faggot talking about left or right wing discords
You're so cringey. Can you just stay on pisscord?
>which character lets me ignore the objective and pretend i'm playing team deathmatch
none of them
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that retard isn’t even related to me anyway. you’re the faggot who admits to liking "women" with male cocks. lmao there's no difference between that furfag and you, you're both weird freaks.
Yeah, rightoid chuds prefer to watch she-male shit instead
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>Taking out the two base guardians with Bebop
>He looks at me, puts a bomb on me, and intentionally uppercuts me right between the two
For what purpose
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I had a feeling we were going to lose the moment I saw the enemy team.
i'm murrican middle class(lol) and my whole family dual wields like the right
What are some good, fun, easy characters to try? I played 2 games of Vindicta and I did not do well
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Wait until your learn about burgers not learning cursive.
If you lost to Vindicta and Grey Talon you deserve it
warden, seven
Do other mobas have holiday restricted cosmetics? They're gonna add skins so I hope the more egergious ones are exclusively for certain periods (kinda like TF2's halloween stuff).

However, since Deadlock is kinda supernatural halloween stuff wouldn't really be out of place year round, so I kinda hope they make Christmas their wacky period. So during december everyone's running around in Christmassy outfits
Reason: I love Christmas.

>viscous is a snow man
>dynamo is made out of Christmas dinner
>bebop's nade out of gingerbread
>seven is covered in christmas lights
>mcginnis is a workshop elf
>Ivy the red nosed gargoyle
>geist has a sexy mrs claus outfit
>paradox's head is a snow globe
>Kelvin is santa

And the map could be Christmas themed and snowy and the urn is a present and there's a big christmas tree in the middle :)
they taught us cursive in elementary school and we were required to use it any time we wrote an essay in middle school
Don't 85% of Americans consider themselves "middle class"

Kinda pointless distinction over there
No because I was banned from using discord. The support relies on AI so even though I explained it was a mistake (I never broke any rules, someone else got a discord nuked), they wouldn't lift the ban. I decided I wouldn't be using services of a company that puts AI on forefront that much.
no flipping way you're being truthful.
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If you solo queue your chances of wining are about 50/50
I need friends
I was taught it early but we mostly didn't use it past elementary school.
i definitely remember thinking cursive zs were retarded
Anyone in western EU want to duo for a game?
for bebop's self-cast effects, you have to change your self-cast setting to modifier button rather than whatever the default is.
I was taught to eat like right but just do left all the time.

It's more comfortable, simple as
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anyone have the lash and ivy interaction voice lines?
Based jollypilled anon
No, its DEI Hero shooter. Learn the buzzwords faggot
>Play as Vindicta
>Start by 1v1-ing Grey Talon
>Can't do anything. Survive, but can't kill him
>Later match, play as Gray Talon
>Start by 1v1-ing Vindicta
>She can't do anything, I kill her twice and then the guardian
Huh, I though I was bad, but it seems that the heroes are just balanced this way.
its ok not to know, we're all brown here
>Vindicta+Talon have no tanks
>Wraith+Haze need to farm
>Get knockdown for Seven
>Gank Miku
Show your team faggot
>me when I question why I shouldn’t litter
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It was also my first time playing as Mo & Krill. I wasn't good at it, to put it lightly.
>has better lane than Vindicta
>has better finisher than Vindicta
>has better gun than Vindicta
>has better poke than Vindicta
>has better lategame than Vindicta
>has better farm than Vindicta
better nerf Vindicta
these 3 alone can just solo that team if not retarded
This is not even that bad a line up. They don’t have infernus, warden, shiv, or even pocket
This is a pretty equal line up you baby
>team has head
>enemy has haze
do niggers really?
thats why i make sure to give my teammates head
>placing your fork on the plate

you goddamn degenerates
Im american but I naturally ate like a euro i guesd just somi could eat faster a i cut the meat. I am an efficient fatso
do you look punchable?
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Why are you stupid faggots calling McGinnis, Miku?
Holy shit. I was watching a replay of that match, and it turns out I didn't realize that the enemy team has disconnected 2/3 of the way through. Everyone else was obliterating the enemy base while I was playing as I would normally, just with a surprisingly little resistance. I'll need to save this, this is hilarious.
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>Watching the Aurora tourney stream in YT
>whenever one team pulls ahead the server crashes
>we're three games in and not a single match has actually been finished in this BO3
I'm becoming convinced that someone on the losing team is dunking the server. Things are always fine in lane phase and then as soon as the sapphire team gets a lead there's tech issues. It could be a coincidence but c'mon. Every time?
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I see the Professor!
I finally won the match for Paradox.
It was 6vs5 match...
Stream doko ?
What do you mean "finally"? She isn't a hard hero to play as. My first match as her was my second match won.
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Seven is such a retarded fucking hero dude christ
I'm not talking about his tard filter ult no
It's the fact that he literally cannot lose lane because you can't ever be on melee because of stun and he can delete waves insanely fast insanely early
He's insanely fucking dumb at every range and also hard scales, it's so fucking retarded, why the fuck does he has a point and click aoe multi target stun on a super low cooldown

such a retarded nigger badly designed game
It's something British people do because they're retarded and effeminate.
Wasn't able to win for her 3 days in the row.
it's just russians playing eachother and it's sponsored by a shitty gambling company.
you aren't going to learn anything watching this.
will this game have different maps?
Are you talking about this?
English cast is called Dead Air on YT and Twitch. They just announced the games are getting delayed until tomorrow because the Russians drank the rubbing alcohol in the server's cooling lines.
i really like yamato's aayylmao design
I know they'll change it soon to be more in-line with the setting (and quell the retards screeching about the lack of hot chicks) but damn I'll miss it.
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>it's a Bebop with the double bomb meme build
>watching Russian tourney
>low HP Kelvin decided to lock himself with half HP Shiv
Is that some streamer tourney?
>buy Debuff Remover
Thanks for the free win
>get pull
>get bombed
>get punch back
>remove debuff
>[All]: :^)
A wise old Grey Hawk once met a Boptard in the lane. The Boptard looked around the lane and asked for directions back to "Regular Matchmaking". The wise old Grey Hawk shook his head and simply replied...
"We are in shadowpool, this game is now safe to abandon."
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>nobody t-bags
What if he double bombs himself and jumps in?
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>get hooked again
i refuse more lore on this game for they will make every female character flirt with some nigger and i will have to live with the knowledge that the lead devs have a hard on for cuckoldry
>buy Reactive Armor
>[All]: :^)
it has a cooldown, so you stopped very little.
this game doesn't have SEA servers yet so why are you here
I honestly dont understand how someone can be so tasteless to like that garbage
anyone know how kelvin ult interacts with falling rejuv? does it stop early for clutch steals?
rejuv just clips through it.
this but capital A, so i just wrote the normal A slanted and kinda flowy and squiggly
desparately need a disable team help button like in hon. not sure if dota had it
I'd punch watanyabe into the enemy lines just to see her stupid face squirm while she flies away to be quite honest
Why is /v/ so racist? It makes me uncomfortable as a black person being here
>brownest country calling others brown
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What's your food fight W/L ratio because I doubt it's higher than mine, you stupid piece of shit.

>urn appears
>teammate Ivy decides to rat on the other side of the map
Cool character, deadtards
Humiliation ritual to make you look lame, like the hover hand.
sovl-hating brownie
tasteless faggot
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>Lanes against literally any half decent laner
*loses game*
>Enemy moves slightly to the side
*loses game*
>Game reaches late game
*loses game*
>Game ends too fast
*loses game*
>Loses lane
*loses game*
>Enemy has cc
*loses game*
>Enemy buys cc
*loses game*
>Enemy picks weapon carries
*loses game*
*loses game*
>tries to 1v1 someone not 15k souls behind
*loses game*
>Bugs out
*loses game*
>Enemy uses their mobility
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any other of the melee heroes who have more damage, better mobility, scale better, have a better weapon, are ten times easier and tankier
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any top tier character
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't run into melee range
*loses game*
>Enemy turns around a corner
*loses game*
>Enemy plays together
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't stand around waiting for her to charge like a retard
*loses game*
>Enemy buys/skills any sort of silence
*loses game*
>Enemy picks viscous
*loses game*
>Enemy picks Mo
*loses game*
>Enemy picks wraith
*loses game*
>Enemy buys shields
*loses game*
>Enemy buys armor
*loses game*
>Enemy buys anti heal
*loses game*
>Enemy kites
*loses game*
>Enemy walks away
*loses game*
>Enemy hugs tower
*loses game*
>Enemy parries
*loses game*
>Enemy buys warp stone
*loses game*
>Enemy buys Ethereal Shift
*loses game*
>Enemy picks dynamo
*loses game*
>Enemy farms
*loses game*
nothing wrong with questioning. Just don't turn a blind eye to the answers you find. the ramifications of littering are a little more obvious than putting your elbows on the table.
that would be based though. cursive was a failed experiment. only useful to caligraphers.
>hero's most used build hasn't been updated in months
I haven't seen a good Yamato in ages
>he bothers to even look at the builds tab
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Paradox kit is too fuck to play with
Most fun I've had with a kit
I hope Icefrog eventually add agh's scepter
I saw ONE good Yamato in scoreboard screencaps on here and they were bogged down by 4 0/10 players so she lost by default LMAO
>all Ivy's Aghs upgrade does is add a WW2 whistling noise to the bomb
I'd buy it every time.
Is it too late to beg for a key?
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Bebop is fun but him being a robot with a hook is so fucking boring and derivative. I feel like I have seen that design a million times in MOBAs or character based shooters. I wish they would change him even though it's probably not gonna happen
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Pitch your hero concepts.
No. /vm/ has a thread with an anchor post, if no one invites you here try there
t. got in thanks to /vm/
i play mcginnis
walling creeps off cooldown
quite literally never lost a lane in 50 games, not a single time
tank/dps build is devastating if your against noobs who dont buy heal reduction and suppressor, can snowball the game in 20 minutes just from her insane lane farm
fr? I was gonna invite him
ong bruh no cap
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Do you mean that you wall their creeps away from the tower so you can attack it, or that you put a wall up behind the creeps so that you can last hit in peace without fear of getting denied?
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Go for it, I think the other anon is doing a heck
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I already posted Levi and Adoeete before so since this thread is about characters interacting name me a character and/or a situation and i'll tell how they'd react.
Just sent a friend invite. I'm the one with the funny cat pic
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even if it wasn't intentional, it fits into a yokai theme seamlessly. it's brilliant at worst
i already posted them on them on the forums
You should maintain a good posture and not rest on the table like a slob
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You can remove me after you get invited if you want. I would do it but I don't know if you'd get the invitation
Sneed, of Seed & Feed fame. His ultimate ability is Chuck, where he tags out with his buddy Chuck and all his abilities change. Valve rejected the concept because it's not woke enough though.
>Valve rejected the concept because it's not woke enough though.
This is a satire right?
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Thanks, anon. I'll pay it forward.
I am really enjoying this game and am getting killed a lot in 1v1s. What do I need to know about building? Typically I buy a few things in the early stages and then start slowly acquiring the III and IV level upgrades and I tend to focus on my DPS but I boost my health a lot too. Still I am getting smoked. What should I know>?
I feel like I have ZERO impact with Abrams even when I'm doing sort of well, how are you supposed to do capitalize with him ? People I see doing well with him seem to have an easy time going unga bunga, meanwhile if I go unga bunga people have proper spacing and I'm slowed to a crawl.
Buy more lower tier items before you move up to the higher tier stuff, people underestimate the category bonus each item gives, especially for T1/T2
kitsune seductress in a shrine maiden outfit with a slow projectile ability that charms the enemy, causing them to walk toward her
her ultimate disguises herself as another player, ally or enemy, you can choose who specifically
she throws shuriken or something
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most the yamato players moved on, she's insanely finicky, buggy and unreliable, you have the best yamato players still constantly feeding on her because the moment anything goes wrong, and a lot can go wrong, she's useless.

Doesn't help that
1) Shiv is just a better yamato in every shape and form
2) Game is mostly figured out and she cannot perform on it
Literally give me ONE reason why you would pick yamato over all the other carries OR melees
what does she bring to the table?
weeb fantasy
Of course it is, that retard has never made a post on the forums in his life.
>what does she bring to the table?
A forehead fetish
are you buying defensive items to counter their builds specifically? sometimes something as simple as bullet armor is enough
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>Don't really know what I'm doing
>A crane or something keeps grabbing me every seconds while in lane
>What's an urn
>I keep getting lost inside buildings
>Press 4
>Everybody dies
Fun :)
Ivy thinks Shiv is cool
>get grabbed by bebop
>don't die
you're already high MMR material
cool meme but a hero that transforms to use a secondary set of abilities would be great
They said Sneed sounded too masculine and neurotypical for their game? Whatever the fuck that means.
Woah, calm down... there's no need to be rude.
>Sneedfag telling others not to be rude
OOCfags get the rope
which one, she's a grey alien with a dick head
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Classic wizard (with AK optional)
Shame that the most voted designs on the forums/d*scord have him overdesigned with tons runes and tabards and satchels and shit. What's so difficult about a simple single color robe, hat, beard, and weapon?

That's some Brawl Zero Suit Samus shit
Abrams mindbreaks
Don't listen to that guy, he's just upset he didn't think of it.
Abrams is literally me
>Abrams gets in melee range
>Bebop gets in melee range
>Mo gets in melee range
>yamato gets in melee range
>gun yamato get in melee range
>That's some Brawl Zero Suit Samus shit
maybe the tradeoff for having twice the abilities could be no ultimate ability, instead it's the transformation with maybe a minor effect
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>Haze teabags on me
>I kill him once and teabag back
>He proceeds to shittalk me the whole match
Wow, thin skin, huh?
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Hold on there was a Haze player earlier today (EU) who kept shittalking anybody who kept ganking him. Used to run his mouth on a pro Bebop on our team that kept raping him and started spamming once we ____lost___
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I think Yamato is the only character I've ever seen on a game that gets buffed every patch yet somehow gets worse.
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Goo chads, I come to you today bearing a gift of knowledge.
Use it wisely.
Unfortunately this was EN, so I don't think it was the same Haze. Just a cesspool of sissies.
Every time I lose to Haze I imagine her suffocating me with her ass.
look at her go!
>my matchmaking isnt instant
but i dont want to play against people with a brain....
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Which one's better: Resist or Shield?

>just buy a 4.25k item and you've countered bebop's gimmick
I never knew bombs were a debuff. thx I always just went for spirit resist, but that just left me with 30% hp to be chipped away at
You generally spend more time cutting the next piece than bringing the piece to your mouth, so assuming you have the coordination necessary to use the fork with your off-hand (something that evey adult should have) it's much faster and convenient than the other method.
imagine being a perma-hunched retard
Just look at the pic. Ivy still sitting straight up. Having your arms on the table is like less than 1kg of weight. It's like if you put your hand on your lap it barely feels like any weight.
Rip Van Winkel
You literally can't, you're playing Deadlock.
shields take a full minute to recharge and only add a small amount of hp to your bar overall during the course of a match, meanwhile armor scales much better with total HP pool. Generally you'll probably have both if you're playing a character who makes use of Hollow Point Ward because you're buy armor anyway to keep you topped off
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>he's in melee range
singularity it is
thanks for the minimum 1 ensured target
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I really need to know, a primal need, a deep seated one.


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>elementary just finished our cursive course
>got complimented by teach of my handwriting
>as a reward I got to use a fountainpen
Made me stop using cursive out of sheer spite.
then rest your arms on the table without having your elbows on them
>he doesn't know
i see you're a brown savage.
nigga have you looked at valorant or CoD?
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it just dawned on me that I can think of a good lane combo for every character or they character is insanely good in lane by itself for everyone except yamato
wtf are they even doing?
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How the fuck do you even evade the ban? As far as I know its a hardware ID ban, or are they just handing out IP bans?
because you shouldn't be putting your body weight on the table
Keep fighting the good fight
>banned for toxicity in a valve game
so deadlock isn't like csgo where you can bind a chat message insulting someone and just spam it by holding the binded key for as long as you can?
Shit's fucked
Happened to me a lot the first day public beta opened.
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i get good results with her, just don't win the game :(
Enemy had the gun characters so you auto lose once, many such cases.

Only possibly fixed by shiv or dynamo but you had none.
doesnt help that infernus deletes 1/3 of my spirit damage for clicking me 3 times. also couldn't stop the geist from healing even with healbane/toxic bullets
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>hp bar on seven is wrong
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If you disagree you haven't seen an spectator or pussy once in your life.
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His description is more in line with Warden.
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>play as abrams
>bebop uppercuts me
>instinctively press 2 to close the gap
>just do a ballerina spin in the air and waste my ability
>keep doing that because you can't unlearn it
It frustrates me how I cannot wait 2 second for the uppercut momentum to finish. I'm such a gorilla nigger
Most of the S tier is wrong
Seven is guaranteed S
Miku is at least A
Your opinion is dumb
>40-3 game
>over in 16 minutes
well okay then
>Seven is guaranteed S
Refer to
>you haven't seen an spectator or pussy once in your life.
Yes but that's beyond the point
Ivy Agh's scepter idea: allows you to leave a trail of vines beneath you which have the same effect as you're kudzu bomb vines.

Alternatively: causes the damage and aoe of your stoneform to increase based on the distance travaled while falling.
continental you say?
what the fuck is "an spectator"?
don't you mean "a spectator"?
or do you mean "you haven't spectated a game"?
Well then you're low mmr and your opinion is worthless.
Do scepter but it's only purchasable by yamato.
I consistently manage to shoulder bash before they can uppercut and it usually makes bebop fly into the air with me after the attack. Sometimes I connect it the moment before the hook ends and they don't even have time to put a bomb on me before they get stunned
I hope so, would be nice to have meaningful map variety in a MOBA for once.
>Ivy Agh's scepter idea
Vindicta Agh's scepter idea: Assassinate will deal critical damage(x1.5 + 0.25 per ult level) on headshot, on kill it ricochet's up to two times at closest enemy hero for 50% of damage(identical to crow behavior)
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When do interaction voice lines even play i dont think ive heard one in game yet and i have 30+ hours
>just off-hand your fork bro
No, I'll take the -4 to hit vs the steak and the -2 vs my mouth, thank you very much.
>t. dice are trying to kill me
> far pancakes with honey

me wife!
born contrarian, you belong here anon
Two reasons, so that you're sitting up straight and not leaning on the table, and two so that you're not shoveling food into your hole like a savage
>Seven aghs
Seven's ultimate can penetrate a single wall.
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How do I play Seven ? Do I really do the Ultimate meme build or is the 3 build any good ? I was doing good damage with 3 but nowhere near enough compared to the money I put in.
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I really need to wait for friends to play with huh. 3 pub games where im top fragging but still lose when theres 2 team mates with 2 or less kills.
>building for 3 only
how? 90% of items that synergize with 4 also work well for 3.
All in on ultimate. If you don't build for it, it's a worthless ability. If you do build for it, it's basically the team fight winner. Your other abilities don't suffer either because your damage is so good anyway.
Does it suck to play around an ability with a 2 minute cool down at best? Yes it does but it's way more reliable and if you don't you have 3 abilities instead of 4.
I simply followed the guide related to maxing 3, it's in the top ones.
No, just american manchildren do.
Learning cursive fucked over my handwriting for ever. I now write a weird mix of cursive and block letters because I unlearned how to write the latter properly.
What does having your elbows off the table actually do?
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how can you tell when you're 15 meters away from someone? I dropped out of highschool and only know hammer units
Miku is good.
Change Abrams and Warden, a shit Abrams is coutnered by parry but a good one is a monster
Paradox down a tier with Vindicta
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Check the Sandbox, there's a rough estimate on the road.
Press alt on the hero sandbox and youll see markings on the floor for distance
I'm fucking still so mad about last night
>bad losing streak
>just want one game before servers go down
>match up solo lane against a wraith
>she's pretty passive so I pop a creep in front of her to see how fast she is at deny
>ignores it
>deny some of her creeps and try again
>still ignores them, but is hyperfixated on me for denying
>proceed to spend all lane bullying the shit out of her
>play under tower so I can just get my fast easy farm
>I'm losing Watcher, but I have triple her networth
>finally get to the point where I can just gun her down
>top networth
>check out other lanes
>my teammates are all 1k NW to 3k NW
>I'm not familiar enough with Ivy to hard carry but I try my heart out
>push every lane, take every Watcher I can
>Bebop, Kelvin, McGinnis, and Seven all wrecking our shit
>cannot fucking solo fight them, but they can't kill me without dumping their CDs on me
>get pushed in and lose at 20
Fuck me man. That was after 4 games solo laning against literal God himself and having to scrounge for every soul I could.
I really hope today goes better I'm so disillusioned right now.
>how can you tell when you're 15 meters away from someone?
The in-game units are fucked.
A "meter" in the game is shorter than it should be, if you go by in-game measurements then characters are 3-4 meters tall.
have i hit the fabled high mmr or is matchmaking taking longer than usual for everyone?
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Will this game get skins on release?
there's an equipment tab in the Heroes me-
Oh you're a League player. Not in the way you think no. It's better.
It will get skins even during beta like dota
Only Russians play DOTA
Lmao na players are so fucking trash its not even funny please avoid that server almost made me want to quit the game for good
>literally feed on lane because tilted
>entire team also ate shit on lane but not as badly
>think whatever i'll turn it around
>actually turn it around and rat all their buildings so we eventually win it
it's just that easy
So what's the best way to rat? Do you push a lane while the enemy's distracted or do you take the towers even with the lane protection on them?
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Who has the most pubes do you think?
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vindicta or gheist
speaking of DoTa, they should make Drow set for Vindicta and Axe set for Shiv
Nice try Riot but i wont fall for your tricks
>constantly am focused down on by haze because I owned them early on
>end up like 5-14-5
>teammate is a snippy bitch the whole time, refuses to care about urn
>teammates who refused to cover me starts raging at end
>start making googoo gaga baby noises and telling them to stop having a tantrum
>when they laugh I say shut up fattys and they feel emotional pain from them
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>haven't played Dota 2 since the beta
>inspired to check it out again after Deadlock
>Have no idea which character is who anymore because of all the new grotesque skins
Why do zoomers pay money to make themselves and the game into eyesores? I hate this; Guess I gotta play Deadlock as much as possible before they ruin it too
That's me after every yamato game, I hate this hero so much.
I have 600 games on her.
Jannies, time to move this to /vg/. It's just a general.
Feels so fucking good to warp onto a vindicta as Mo and get a combo off
There is a No Bling mod that disables skins and skin effects iirc
people who actually play the game like the skins

>why do zoomers
this has been a thing for well over a decade

even in Halo 3, mfers would do all kinds of shit for Hayabusa or Recon helms. Japan obsessed over this shit with Virtua Fighter 4.

If having skins ruin the game for you, then you reallly just don't care about the gameplay. And no one will miss you. You might as well not play.
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jannies please do not redeem the thread
I feel like beebop mid game onward becomes useless if you're playing with anyone with more than 2 brain cells. Every bebop goes double bomb, but anyone can just buy etheral shift and avoid getting nuked. Only thing i can think of for bebop is then it requires them to get anvil to try to stun them before they have chance to shift after getting bombed.
you can just swap to a beam build if they're all building debuff remover/rescue beam/ethereal shift.
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we're putting together a team
>Hey, elbows OFF the table Ivy, manners.
Why is it punctuated like this? It should be:
>Hey, elbows OFF the table, Ivy! Manners.
Paradox is very sexy
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Wraith is not a team player!
Doesn't Hel from Smite do that?
man Im tired of losing to gun carries, I dont want to have to sweat with my aim but I just might have to
I literally can't play Haze.
I feed in lane, I try to farm, I'm outfarmed, I ult in battles and die instantly
How the FUCK do I play this bitch
That's lategame and I don't reach that point before I die
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This is probably the hardest I've ever been carried.
Wraith is a very hard lane partner when you're playing Vindictia. Her primary rate of fire and abilities just seem better 1v1 and I get out-farmed early. I tried healing rite out a bit and it somewhat works, but the timing and positioning using it is tricky.
Ethereal shift is REALLY good for not getting picked, so long as I don't over-extend.
I also figured out quicksilver reload + active reload means I can up my straight DPS if I weave assassinate in correctly. Really makes taking objectives much easier.
Richochet is really growing on me for end game. It makes base defense/farming SO much easier, I think it may almost be worth rushing when things are good.
I've had like 6 wins in a row with competent random teammates
I see horror in my future
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Log off for the night anon
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holy shit a vindicta that clicks buildings
Fuck jannies
it's over
downloading the game, is it anything like battleborn? because I was one of the few assholes that actually liked battleborn (though I didn't get to play much of it), but I'm pretty lukewarm on mobas in general
Undertale, gacha, and AIslop is allowed to have 24/7 generals up but not deadlock no sir
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salty ass mothafuckas mad that this game is going to be more popular than dota and CSGO
Deadlock doesnt have enough /pol/bait to get to stay on /v/
But lets have another concord thread
yes and no,
it's a better nore realized battleborn, battleborne had a lot of UI and control problems that I feel like deadlock solved. It doesn't gave battleborn talent trees (yet) but the level up system is kinda s
wraith is probably the strongest laner in the game if played well besides maybe grey talon.
you really need to learn how to juke her cards and stay put of card range always
for a moment I thought this was /trash/
>exact same conversation taking place with the exact same posters
Stfu retards.
hang yourself nigger tranny
go tell the gacha threads that
Question for kevin mains, aside from ice beam, which skill is next to fully upgrade? Frozone road or nade?
i like maxing nade first
nade first, it gives you the best clear plus the heal is crazy, then beam, then ice path.
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we back at the videogame again comin' at you straight to youtube please like and subscribe and don't forget to comment
>Played almost everyone
>Haven't played Haze, Yamato, Lava lamp gal and Feet sniper

Who do you recommend anons? Usually don't like picking carry because i can fuck up and never get back on souls (and maybe because my team rq's too)
Haze is pretty straightforward. Using her knife to disable people in the air is satisfying
the builds ppl are making are actually so trash
like picking headshot orange items on geist
getting almost no spirit on wraith
so bad
the secret good builds are the lower scored ones
btw thanks to that anon that name-dropepd the Ultimate Paradox build, I kinda dig it, I did well with it
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>ice guy is fag

you know it bitch
i didn't even do any damage i just permaslowed him and followed him around with fleetfoot while my team killed him
Is it me or the game quality just went down the shitter in the last week? Win your lane, but ultimately at least 2-3 idiots just permafeed several pub stomp heroes on enemy team and you can't do jack shit. Also 17/4/10 Vindicta in every game, she was a non factor a week ago.
i say egg in most games. i started doing it in aram hots and i've seen other people do it albeit rarely. maybe type, maybe not. makes me happy.
And yet the same coomer bait thread are allowed to exist.
>this is MY board i'm enforcing MY rules I'M the janny
>57/5 pocket
>i'm the only one who can 1v1 him
>team shits the bed constantly dying 1v1 or 3v1 against pocket
how the fucking hell do you feed one person 57 kills
>debuff remover
you buy ethereal shift, it's 3k and 30s cd, instead of 45s on remover
you also get to look at dumb face of bebop from up close while you are cucking him
that shit really make them shirt circuit
>dodging during pre-load is treated as a full blown abandon
Nice game dotards.
Ive played so much I dont even need builds now, I can just intuit what will be good and what I need
don't think they added any conversation for them yet, only for lash/abrams and lash/seven

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