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Adult Shotas Edition

>DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO https://youtu.be/RCxDKfQG8rE
>Dragon Ball Superdivers Announced! https://youtu.be/8YNyrd9MD0w
>Dragon Ball Project: Multi Announced! https://youtu.be/d6bowq2uQM0

>Useful links:

XV2 news:
>STP medals are now available for purchase (fuck Bandai)
>The 2nd Festival of Universes is underway

SDBH News:
>MM6 has launched
>Majin Ozotto is dead
>SDBH SEC card campaign
>UR cards based on each SDBH story arc
>4 SEC cards based on OG, Z, GT, and Super
>3 cards will be compatible with Superdivers

>SDBH Database

DBSDV news:
>You can have a team of up to 8 characters (7 cards and an avatar)
>3 card types: Impact, Rush, and Boost
>CAA/TAA have been renamed as Action Skills
>If you collect all 7 dragon balls in-game and summon Shenron, you'll pull an guaranteed Super Rare card
>Avatars can also be Namekians or Fridges
>Avatars can also equip accessories and level up a skill tree
>If you max out your SDBH avatar's level and transfer them over to Superdivers, you can unlock default SDBH avatar skins for your Superdivers avatar

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV21
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both Xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Season 3 of DLC has been datamined to be Daima (Part I and Part II)

DB The Breakers:
>Season 6 released on June 26th
>Survivors: CAC, Bulma, Oolong, The Farmer, Chichi, King Furry, Yajirobe, Baba, Dende, King Kai, Gogeta, Cheelai, Lemo, Future Mai, Puar, Jaco, Bra, Launch (Good and Bad)
>Raiders: Cell, Frieza, Buu, Vegeta, Ginyu Force, Broly, Goku Black/Zamasu, Baby Vegeta

>XV Booru: Upload drawfaggotry here

Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama
Thank you

LAST TIME ON /dbg/: >>493161938
get these RATS off my screen immediately
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21 a cute
evil 21 scares me but I would
evil 21 (cell absorbed) scares the hell outta me but I dare not say no to her
get these HEROES in my room immediately
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man i wish this outfit showed up more
it really makes that hairstyle work on her
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So, 25 slots left... how are you feeling, GTbros?
I still can't believe this bitch took a larat from Broly and came back for more, Vegeta was knocked out cold from that same attack but yeah, that outfit looked really good on her, it's a shame the CACs can't have it in xenoverse 2 even through Videl has had it since xenoverse 1
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Toriyama's version of Wizard of Oz looks based
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I still believe the cluster of slots between Z and Super Goku is for GT and OG Goku
>OG Goku
Yes, he has been spotted already.

>GT Goku
lol, lmao
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>SS Goku (mid)
>SS Goku (end)
>SS Goku (Daima)
>SS Goku (Super)
>SS Goku (GT)
Rate my future team
>lol, lmao
I say the same to people that think Nam, Android 8 and Tambourine will be back, or better yet, the ones that think Z Broly will. Only a month till we find out.
Chaotsu next to Beerus.

Makes sense I guess.
My guess is that if present, it'll get the XV1 treatment (get a couple heavy hitters as tease/carrot on a stick before a season pass or two handles them down the line). You could even break up the pairs so its Movies 1/GT 1/Movies 2/GT 2 to keep people on the leash.
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Voiced by fucking Jolyne Cujoh apparently.
always cool to see new seiyuus getting work in big projects
>or better yet, the ones that think Z Broly will.
As someone who wants both Movies and GT characters to stay in the roster, Z Broly specifically has FAR bigger chances to get in compared to or before any GT character my guy.
He literally got in before GT in Xenoverse AND FighterZ too. It's clear he's popular enough to be let in before a number of other characters.

Whatever the case, there's what, 25 slots?
I think that's enough for GT and DB.
Back when they didn't show the likes of Janemba or Tapion in the sword trailer I accepted that most of the movies characters were likely cut out desu.
>He literally got in before GT in Xenoverse AND FighterZ too
Because he was the only Broly back then
A13 is the only A13.
Garlic Jr. is the only Garlic Jr.
Tapion and Hirudegarn are the only Tapion and Hirudegarn.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
But Broly was replaced by Broly. As much as I want Cooler and Janemba in the game, Broly being canonized in super has definitely put the movies on the back burner.
At least he is next to Roshi. Dyspo, Babidi and Spopovich have more nonsensical placements in the grid
You don't get what I'm saying. Broly is popular, that's why he was given priority even in games that didn't have other movie characters. Now there is Super Broly, you may think "true Broly fans only like Z Broly and wouldn't buy the game if it only has Super Broly", but that doesn't seem to be what Bandai thinks since Super broly is front and center in the marketing and even getting the pre-order statue.
You don't think they won't double dip on Broly? They can sell two Broly's now instead of one.
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Brutal that this will most likely be exactly how it's handled. Having Nuly first in the base game and Zly being relegated to DLC feels flat out wrong. Be hilarious if Z-Gogeta is among the DLCs despite his model being in the game already.
Exactly, they can double dip with some movie DLC down the road
GoD Toppo should be in that slot near him but I agree with Babidi and Spopovich.
Cui on the bottom right also makes no sense and I guess Bergamo too.
>Be hilarious if Z-Gogeta is among the DLCs despite his model being in the game already
It is?
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Gt is not in at launch and the sooner people accept that the better.
It's oozing of coolness!
GoD Toppo should be a transformation, so next to Toppo. And even if it's a separate character for some reason all the Freeza, Cell and Buus are grouped together.
Daima kinda kicks xenoverse and heroes's existing Narrative in the teeth doesn't it, Online too. The existing narrative for decades was that the demon realm was sealed off from the rest of the universe and Towa's main motivation is wanting to unseal it and revive it but now along comes Daima and the demon realm is a place you can apparently come and go as you please, glorio, pansy and our villains travel to universe 7 to use the dragonballs for ??? that results in some characters becoming children and others becoming mini/chibi Goku, Roshi, Krillin and Mr. Satan went back to being children where as Chi-chi,Bulma, Buu, Piccolo, Yamcha, Vegeta and 18 simply became mini, in fact, the same is true for Marron, she's unchanged as she always was meanwhile Trunks and Goten became babies at first, I thought Toriyama's old ass just forgot their child designs but this is clearly intentional. I'm actually really intrigued by the events thus far, too bad that most people will watch this waiting with baited breath if means demons/core people will start being represented in games like xenoverse or if there will be new transformations that will fuel come power level autism.
People took too much from Online as canon when it's clear that it's been delegated to Heroes stuff after closure. Some things are (like Yardrats designs) but many also aren't (Buu making a wife for himself is stricrly DBO/XV/DBH)
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>Supreme NPC
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seeing the things revamp xenoverse 2 does really makes me realize what an untapped treasure the game is and hate how dimps refuses to go all in on it, I'm hoping Daima is a success enough to motivate them to pay more attention to the game more than just 6 months a year
He will never be playable
When Doto said I WONT WATCH THIS ANY MOREEEEEEEEEE, I just had to clap. Whole quest is A++.

>Everyone I know is dead.
>This interview is over.
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Well, given that Super Saiyan Gogeta is already in the game, and I very much doubt that the model requires any changes besides making the secondary colour on the metamoran jacket orange instead of yellow. Yes, I'd say it already is.
...until Daima
>Daima kinda kicks xenoverse and heroes's existing Narrative in the teeth doesn't it, Online too.
I mean canon always did, the Demon Realm was always a small hideout for mages that work through magic alone, not this 'beyond the multiverse and time' empire.
Also DBO had none of that, it went EOS before we even knew what Towa truly wanted
Anybody know what the three dot buff symbol is?
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Still not deconfirmed baby.
kinda sad only doto gets up, let the three idiots have their transformations damn it
plus no unique beast hair for the bowl cut is a shame
Funny how, GT ad Super both have a Saga dedicated to Evil doppelgangers and both of them are the better Sagas of the series.
And they're the coolest raiders in Breakers in my opinion.
I can see why they didn't want to do a whole three idiots mission but I also do not care cause I too wanted that. It would have been both accurate and good for rhyme and deion to get back up after doto beefed it.
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I re-watched the Tournament Mode trailer, and I think Shin's playable. Pay attention to the Announcer in the background.
He goes around interviewing the fighters, which makes sense since he's the World Tournament announcer. What wouldn't make sense is Shin standing there for literally no reason; he has nothing to do with the tournament, he was just a contestant once. The Annoncer not only has ties to the Tournament, he's also tied to a gameplay mechanic in the stage:
Someone earlier raised the counterargument that Shin teleports the fighters here, but the problem with that is that at the beginning of the video Goku lands here himself so no, Shin clearly did not teleport anyone here.

You'd have to explain why he's on the menu if he's not playable because:
>the announcer is interviewing fighters 1 by 1
>Shin never teleported Goku or any other character
>Shin is not tied to the WT at all
as far as i see it there's no point in including them if you don't want to follow the spirit of their gameplay, without UI rhyme and ego deion (or just blue if you really want to reserve that for goku+vegeta) it practically feels like a half-done battle
Those are good points but it doesn’t explain why he wasn’t in today’s trailer. Where else would it make sense to reveal Shin if he’s playable?
There's a lot of characters who weren't added to the list or not shown when they should have.
I get it but the mission was supposed to be about the protagonists from the other games. It's not revamp teams fault that the three idiots have a better personality than Beets and Notkarotto.
>I very much doubt that the model requires any changes besides making the secondary colour on the metamoran jacket orange instead of yellow
Voice lines and moveset animation would be necessary changes too, unless they wanted to delegate Fusion Reborn Gogeta to just a costume.
He behaves differently than his DBS counterpart.
He's more stoic, more straightforward compared to DBS Gogeta who is more cocky and playful.
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Oh, so they aren't supposed to transform? I was wondering how much my additional mods were adding.
pretty sure letting opponents transform is a revamp thing, but making doto transform as a separate cutscene makes me assume they're not meant to go past base form
I would just assume that's because they needed to spawn in a stronger version of him who isn't literally level 1.
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True, but I do feel it worth mentioning that is rather low effort compared to adding entirely new characters in as DLC that don't have already existing models/assets, which was my original point as to why I'd still believe it to be a bit shit. I feel it also worth mentioning though, is that within regards to having different requirements compared to Gogeta-DBS such as voicelines and animations, half of the work is already done for them, especially knowing that we're still seeing voice lines and animations taken straight from the original sparking games. I'm not saying it doesn't take work at the end of the day, but what I'm saying is - given that most of the material is already there, it would be a shame to see it just (hypothetically) repackaged as DLC with an extra price tag, instead of just being in the base game.
Frieza Soldier bros, we still have a chance if he doesn't make it to the RoF trailer...
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final galick thrust is fun
Who the fuck could possibly be inbetween Recoome and Piccolo up top? It’s not Dyspo’s Super Speed Mode we already know that’s just a blast 1.
The screen hardly has any consistency to begin with. Just look at the hodgepodge of random fucks in the bottom right, or Babidi chilling with Ribrianne's whores.

Could be fucking Sorrel for all we know.
Unless it's a form for Videl like Great Saiyaman 2
This is how it should be.
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Look how fucking tall Chi-Chi was compared to Goku.
I love her Bikini armor. DB need to go back to its raunchier roots, the franchise is a bit too clean since the original manga ended.
Things changed since Torishima stopped being Toriyama's editor, remember Kondo was around since the Z part of DB started
>Where else would it make sense to reveal Shin if he’s playable?
I think he will just be added in one of those quick flashes during a general trailer without being focused on, like Bergamo and all others at the end of the announcement trailer or Bardock in the one with UI Goku
King Piccolo
>the Demon Realm was always a small hideout for mages that work through magic alone
Just going off of the latest trailer alone gives me the impression this isn’t the case anymore either. With how Toriyama structured the db cosmology and from all the different locales we say the Demon Realm as of Daima may just be another universe sized realm within Universe 7.
>the Demon Realm was always a small hideout for mages that work through magic alone, not this 'beyond the multiverse and time' empire.
I thought Dabura ruled over it or part of it? It never sounded it was a small place
I want Hop before they ever even think of touching Sorrel, at least Hop actually fought a little.
>Have a cute bunny girl and bdsm cat girl on one team
>name the cat girl Hop instead of bunny girl
It's small in terms of being a pseudo-parallel universe like Heaven and Hell are, it doesn't mean it's actually small as in 'your house'.
Remember the Demon Realm was always supposed to be part of U7.
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comfy. there are still several games coming out at the end of this year i'm looking forward to investing in while i wait to buy Sparking at a steep discount and creamapi the DLC. MVC Collection and Space Marine 2 are next week, Sonic x Shadow is next month, and Marvel Rivals is coming in November or December. with Revamp 5 just having launched for Xenoverse 2 and presumably several mod authors working to update their content for compatability too, i'll probably be full-up on Dragon Ball vidya till next August.

even if they weren't launching with a fraction of the franchise, i don't think i'd play much Sparking till someone makes a mod to spruce up beam attacks and beam struggles anyway.
transforming CPU's is just an XV2 Patcher thing. there's a line in the ini you edit to enable or disable them. super simple, universal compatiblity in my experience.
I really enjoy the stupidity of some of the other universe in parodying other stuff. At times it felt like the small penis legal strategy.

>Ribrianne can't be an allegory for sailor moon because she's fat. Are you saying sailor moon is fat? Checkmate your honor.
It's specifically a call back to how often he would do exactly that in raids during the beast transformation and then immediately lose instead of getting anyone up.
>it's a shame the CACs can't have it in xenoverse 2
There's a lot of clothes that are still not available for the CAC to wear.
You just reminded me of that time Hindu’s got assblasted over Rumush (U10 GoD) calling him a mockery of Ganesh. Funny shit.
>Where else would it make sense to reveal Shin if he’s playable?
The only other arc he played a real role in is Black's, even then he didn't do much... Unless they're keeping the manga in mind but I forget if he even threw a punch there.

That would be so weird since we now have dedicated story arc trailers, and Shin plays his largest role in Buu saga, so him randomly lumped alongside other characters when he could show up at the Buu saga is just weird.
Ribrianne is a precure shout out, not a Sailor Moon and both are owned by Toei.
parody is the cousin of laziness
When I pay the Ultimate edition do I get BEASThan early or what?
I think you get 3 day early access to each DLC pack
It's also worth noting that Goku has an animation where he and Gohan talk with each other, and him and Shin have another where they stare at each other, so feels like he's meant to be there.

It could be said that Shin being there is just the game referencing World Tournament fighters, but 17 is there, and the only tournament he participated is ToP... Though, this does make me think, are the 5 characters there as part of someone's team? Or will they always be there as simply part of the menu? Because if it's the latter, then 17 is still an oddity, but it could mean Shin has a model but isn't playable.
Why 2 Orange Piccolos? Is it supposed to be his giant form?
Yeah. I expect him to have his giant form as well.
When will that be?
Oh Jesus I didn't know goku black could transform into that new form, I got 1shot by his blast
>he thinks they're going to make a 4 year old with no blast attacks or consistent flight feats a DLC character
All good women can take a punch
Why would Z-Gogeta be a separate character? The only visual difference is the lick of hair hanging over his face, and Super Gogeta deliberately tries to use all of the same moves as Z Gogeta so the movesets would be the same too. It's not like Super vs Z Broly where they have wildly different fighting styles and moves.
Does SS Gogeta (DBS) have Stardust Breaker? That in itself is enough reason to do something to make a slot alongside Janemba for a movies pack.
All of the recent DB content has been picking and choosing stuff from GT and the movies to canonise. Like, imagine going back to 2005 and telling kids that Gogeta was going to fight Broly for 30 minutes straight, and it was going to be actual canon rather than just a fun 'what if' movie.
We don't know but if I had to guess I would say the first one around christmass, second one early march, third one late may
Girls tend to hit puberty before boys, it makes sense she'd be a bit taller. 11-13 is that short timeframe when all the girls gain like five inches in height and start budding tits whilst all the boys are still squeakers afraid of cooties.
All the sex appeal ended early on in DBZ. It pretty much disappears alongside Launch. If 18 and Videl existed in the story when Goku was a kid you can guarantee they would've been put in bunny suits or had their tops torn off at some point as a gag.
>Does SS Gogeta (DBS) have Stardust Breaker?
I think only Blue has it, and as a normal special, not his ultimate
Dunno. No reason they couldn't add it to his movepool, though. Just look at the pure invention they did for characters like King Vegeta and Babidi.
Took a look, none of the forms have Stardust Breaker. Closest is Stardust Blaster on SSB which is just a Soul Punisher ki blast rather than the full rush-attack.

Yeah, the main thing I choose for Stardust Breaker is that it'd be the 'make or break' point on whether DBZ Gogeta would get a full slot or just a costume (admittedly don't know how influential are they, do they change the blast skills for the characters or just cosmetic?).
some costumes change blast skills but not all of them
Last thread you got anons wanting Z Uub to be a playable character despite only having melee attacks and kaikai.
Isn't Kai-Kai a Shin thing?
Just one month to go
Look dude, king Cold is in the game. Whenever BT scratches at the bottom of the barrel they really do so.
I like that invisible blast thing they gave him in Budokai 3
I love Stardust Breaker / soul punisher so much
They made it even more devastating in Kakarot, it's like a big invisible shockwave.
>comparing the Father of the most memorable villain in the whole series to a 4 year old toddler with a 2x1ft hitbox
good fucking luck hitting her micro ass with your string-bean ass Sparking beam attacks.
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*teleports behind you*
nothing personal
He has it as his charged ki blast in ssb I think
Here's a compromise
>GT pan gets EoZ gi, GTH training clothes, school uniform, and Xeno outfit as alt skins
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I wish there was a Super Saiyan (Controlled) Broly scene in Super Hero so they could add him and we could throw him into Universe Survival Arc Create-a-Scenarios.
Some of these lighting changes look worse, but for the most part, it's an improvement.

You know he starts to gain control of his SSJ form in the latest arc of Super, right? They might just add it as a new Broly form.
The issue with this though is Broly's entire schtick is the 'uncontrolled rage'. If he can control it, then LSSJ just becomes yet another transformation. Guarantee Goku and Vegeta will pull it off too.
if other characters learn it it'll just be as a stepping stone to achieving some kind of oozaru install + god ki + super saiyan + ultra form = 'full potential of the saiyan body unleashed' Shin Super Saiyan
The father is an irrelevant jobber who threw a singular attack in his entire existence, so if a moveset can be made around him, one around Pan who's a decently popular character is also possible.

>good fucking luck hitting her micro ass with your string-bean ass Sparking beam attacks.
The game will have Chaozu and kid Goku anyway, it'll be a messy kusoge regardless of her presence.
How many times is potential going to be unlocked and perfected forms achieved? Goku has 'perfected' super saiyan five times at this point.
once every 8 years
Chiaotsu and kid Goku are 'kid' size, same as Goten and Trunks. Toddler Pan would be her own unique model size, even smaller than the kid size characters.
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SKoT made me buy her a bardock pillow
SSJ3 browline is goofy as hell in 3D. Piccolo has the same problem due to having the same brow
el goblino
Isn't she around kid Goku's height? He was really small back then.
No, she's a good deal shorter. Kid Goku is the same size as Goten, Trunks, kid Gohan, Arale, kid Chichi, and GT Pan. Kid Goku is about as tall as adult Goku's waist, toddler Pan maybe goes up to his knees
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i think Broly is the only person who hasn't done it yet. even Future Trunks half-ass did it with SS2 Rage. Goku got MUI and MUI Susanoo after that, Vegeta got Ultra Ego, Gohan has Beast, and Piccolo has his Orange form. i still think they should make Super Broly the canon SS4 (or something directly SS4 adjacent). that's about the only way i think they could have him learn to "control his rage" without it sucking all the aura away from his character. cause i agree with you in a big way that i don't love the idea of him getting pussified, but it does make for some interesting What-If scenario fodder if he has at least a Base Form and Controlled SS before he goes full berserk LSS.
I think giving Broly SS4 wouldn’t be the worst idea
Yeah I checked out the manga and was surprised at his height, was thinking his legs were much shorter than they actually are.
would potara fusing with a mortally wounded person save their life
If the supreme Kai is so important why does he die so easily?
Is their race really that pathetic?
GT Pan is way taller than all the other ones you listed
Gods in DB universe aren't that important. They mostly do nothing.
all the people meant to train him got killed by buu
he's like a burger flipper that ended up regional manager because an arsonist burned down the hotel everyone was staying in for the international beef convention
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>the only damage she took from it was to her modesty
This sounds reasonable at first, but then you realize that the older generation Kaioshin are chilling somewhere in the afterlife, and he could have easily gone to them for guidance.
So is Videl stronger than Chichi? Asking the real questions here.
She actually dodged a blow from Broly. She low ki (heh) had a ton of potential. Except this movie isn't canon.
They probably reincarnated before he thought to try and find them.
Good guys do not reincarnate, only bad guys do (after getting cleansed).
My super real headcanon is that Kais are instantly reincarnated as mortals when they die. Sort of as a way to ensure that they do a decent job overseeing the mortal realm (that they will reincarnate into repeatedly). Old Kai was a weird loophole where he magically switched conditions with Goku instead of being judged like normal.
>but then you realize that the older generation Kaioshin are chilling somewhere in the afterlife, and he could have easily gone to them for guidance.
I never even thought about that... Jesus Christ, Buu saga falls apart if you realize simple logical issues like these. Kid Buu battle is filled with stuff like that. Genki Dama failing is treated as the worst possible outcome... Except if Goku loses, they still have Gohan and Gotenks, who Shin could teleport once he recovered and/or wishing Porunga to teleport them there. And if Goku got killed, he could teleport to Kaioshin realm while being dead and could even fight him better better because of that too... Kid Buu was the easiest "final boss" in DB since Commander Black but the story still treats him like he's super dangerous.
Cell saga is usually considered to be horribly written, which isn't fair as for the most part it's just character flaws taking over and leading to tragic consequences. But that only applies to the main timeline. Trunks' timeline is retarded as Goku and co. should still be able to guide Gohan and Trunks from behind the grave to some extent (e.g. informing them about RoSaT). Kaio could contact Namekians too to bring Piccolo and DBs back once his students inform him of the situation. And even DBs aside, Piccolo could end the crisis once resurrected since he already knows about the fusion, and Kami would agree in a hearbeat since these androids were truly malicious.
>See power like this
>Isn't scared in the slightest even through she knows she's outmatched
>More concerned about flashing the quad after taking a larat

Saiyans really do like them some scary bitches, makes me wonder what kind of girl Goten will have going forward, I mean Trunks has Mai and she's probably just as mentally ill as every other girl whose willing to plap a saiyan that does not include Cheelai, she has no interest in Broly romantically thankfully. Then again with Toriyama dead I fear that may change, Toyotaro has a shipper's heart, dude tried to ship an angel with their God of destruction after all.
The biggest problem with character flaws in Cell saga is that they come out of nowhere. Vegeta all of a sudden becomes an honorfag and fightfag when in Namek he was more sadistic who showed more interest in torturing weaker opponents than having an epic battle (He does tell Freeza to transform, but that's overconfidence in his own power, it's not treated like in Cell saga where Vegeta let Cell transform to have a better fight). Trunks suddenly cares about Vegeta's feelings and waits until Cell is almost about to kill Vegeta to show his real power. Gohan is suddenly averted to fighting when before he was really aggressive in starting fights to the point Krillin tried to tard-wrangle him.

Krillin getting that crush on 18 to the point he destroys the remote was also really weird, though I can sort of see how he'd simp for her since he started martial arts training to get a girlfriend and in Namek he even laments he still didn't get one. And speaking of 18 herself, she makes no effort to escape when Cell is getting beaten up by Vegeta even though everyone and their mother keep telling her to fuck off already... Learning that Semi-Perfect Cell was meant to be around for longer but Toriyama had to make him transform faster because Kondo wanted Perfect Cell already explains why 18 is so passive there.

>Trunks' timeline is retarded
Yeah, just Kaio alone breaks the logic of that timeline. Even if somehow the Namekian dragon balls were unavailable, Goku could always just speak to Gohan through Kaio to give him training tips, and if Instant Transmission could be taught that way, then Gohan would also be able to learn how to teleport to Other World... Failing all of that, Goku could use his one day on Earth to kill off 17 and 18. There's just so many ways to solve it it's not funny...
Yeah, the thing about Dragon Ball pairs is that they all show at least one sided interest very quickly. Even with Vegeta/Bulma, she started teasing her the moment things gor peaceful which left him flustered (but it was tooootally Yamcha who was unfaithful here). Cheelai and Broly never showed any interest in each other in neither of the movies they appeared in. So I'm quite sure Toriyama wouldn't have them together; Beerus/Cheelai makes more sense since he noted she was cute the moment they met. Toyotaro has next to no bearing on the future of the franchise though, so it's really up to what Iyoku thinks.
people absorbed by buu don't die, they just become one with him
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Shin explicitly says kid Buu killed the other two Kaioshins
Characters change. Vegeta got completely mindbroken by Goku, and his life mission was proving himself to be better from here on out. Not to mention Vegeta was always playful when he believed he had an advantage. Also, people miss the point with Gohan. The thing is that he couldn't draw his anger, as he notes himself, he was mentally blocked. And it makes perfect sense in retrospect that he feared it seeing as what he became the moment that barrier was shattered. And he'd always forget himself when going berserk prior.
... and that's on top of all the other Kaioshin from previous generations in the afterlife.
>dude tried to ship an angel with their God of destruction
He only did that because they look like the Joker and Harley
He uses Belmod as his avatar. Dude is a shameless self-inserter.
desperately needed a big win to prove he was a better super saiyan than kakarot, he wanted to test the limits of his power and surpass them. that's basic saiyan behavior
spent a year with Vegeta in the time chamber hoping to bond with him but came out feeling even further from him. He's a teenaged boy with a roid rage dad that at bare minimum, he does not want to give reasons to like him even less
wanting to hurt people out of anger is not the same as having a love of fighting, and he was just a little boy that was getting scared as he got older that his capacity for anger meant he was a bad person that would grow up to become a villain if he didn't start keeping that on lock.
he had a crush, sure, but his actual moral dilemma was that 17 and 18 didn't deserve to die. Nothing they'd done so far was any worse than the stuff Launch or Tenshinhan had gotten up to back in the day. Condemning them for what they might do in the future is dystopian. Condemning them just to deny a bad guy a powerup is outright fiendish
Characters change, but Vegeta feels like a very different character in Androids saga compared to his Saiyan and Namek arc self.

Unfortunately it's not the first time Toriyama does this, Tien went from sadistic asshole to an honorfag in one day (You could argue in less than an hour even), and characters talk like Piccolo went from "Just bad as Piccolo Daimaoh" to "Actually Goku never believed he was that bad".

>The thing is that he couldn't draw his anger, as he notes himself, he was mentally blocked. And it makes perfect sense in retrospect that he feared it seeing as what he became the moment that barrier was shattered. And he'd always forget himself when going berserk prior.
Gohan going berserk never caused any real problem, nor did he ever have a problem with his power, and him losng his memory after power boost from rage only happened in saiyan saga, and even then, that was gone by the Nappa fight (Where he uses a rage powered Masenko and doesn't lose his memory, plus he probably tapped into some of that against Vegeta), so Gohan has no reason to fear this power, nor does he talk like he fears it when talking to Cell.

Him not being able to access that power at will is fine, the problem is how he's suddenly against fighting when before he was a rabid dog whenever someone threatened his friends, even saying he doesn't want to kill anybody yet he killed one of Freeza's soldiers and fist bumped Krillin afterwards.
>Characters change, but Vegeta feels like a very different character in Androids saga compared to his Saiyan and Namek arc self.
Not really, you can see him screwing around in a fight at the very start when he makes the whole battle into a game. His pride is also deeply hurt when Gohan saves him from Recoome.
>Tien went from sadistic asshole to an honorfag in one day
Bro, that's called a character arc. He rejected his master's teachings, that was the point.
>nor does he talk like he fears it when talking to Cell.
He does, he explicitly talks about how he knows Goku wants him to go berserk but he doesn't want that.
>that's basic saiyan behavior
Vegeta before Cell saga was little more than an overpowered bully with how he fought. Trying to surpass Goku is fine but him becoming an honorfag when he fought dirty in Namek makes zero sense, and becoming so obsessed with fighting to the point he was disappointed with how weak Cell is when Vegeta used to like fighting weaker opponents and got pissed whenever anyone was close to his level are big changes. That could be excused as super saiyan messing with him but he's not any different in base form.

>he does not want to give reasons to like him even less
Trunks has shown clear disgust at Vegeta's attitude and even attacked Vegeta to prevent Cell from absorbing 18, wouldn't that make daddy like him less? Then a few chapters later he doesn't want to hurt Vegeta's feelings at the risk of Vegeta being killed off? So Vegeta's feelings are more important than Vegeta potentially being killed? That's retarded.

>wanting to hurt people out of anger is not the same as having a love of fighting, and he was just a little boy that was getting scared as he got older that his capacity for anger meant he was a bad person that would grow up to become a villain if he didn't start keeping that on lock.
That's a lot of headcanon that isn't supported by the way Gohan talks about his anger. He just says "I don't like fighting, and my father is trying to use my anger to kill you", it's never even remotely implied he fears becoming a Hulk-like creature who kills everyone on his way (Which he never did whenever he rage boosted anyway).

>but his actual moral dilemma was that 17 and 18 didn't deserve to die.
He remembers 18 kissing him at least once, right before destroying the remote. He was clearly thinking more about his crush on her and 18 calls him a retard for destroying the remote.

I do think Krillin's flaw of simping is something that can make sense with his character, but denying it's a big motivator for him sparing her is silly.
>Guarantee Goku and Vegeta will pull it off too.
Nah, that's not thematically congruent with the rest of the Super series right now.
Each of the Saiyans are following their own unique path to divine god-like levels of power
My what-if scenario
>What if Goku was TRAPPED and BETRAYED in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
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Is the Demon World and Hell the same place, are they both the 'makai' in JP?
The Granolah arc did show glimpses of Raditz as a child, humanizing him a bit. And Raditz was sent to Hell by Enma right?
There are rumors or talks about Daima characters going to be relevant and influence the future of Super.
Do you think Raditz will be brought back to the story?
If the new dragon is called Dorothy will it be the first female eternal dragon?
Would be cool if Broly (Super Hero) gave us normal base and normal SS since the default one is always in Ozaru power mode
hell is jigoku
No. In eastern cultures, demons have their own realm and the place where evil people go after dying has nothing to do with it.
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>future Trunks (Z) and future Trunks (S) still have different hair color
>Vegeta (S) still has a different blue fabric than every other Vegeta
>Goku (GT) will obviously have different skin color than every other Goku
>Shin (Z/S) and Shin (DA) will have different clothes and skin color
God I hate this
How complicated will be learning to mod from zero just to modify the colors of the models?
Should I stick my dick in that?
Autism ngl bro
>you think it's weird for characters to suddenly get a different skin? That's autism bro
>Shin (Z/S) and Shin (DA) will have different clothes and skin color
would be funny if their player 2 colors are inverted so that Shin (mini) gets Shin colors and viceversa
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For me it's the orange of Goku's uniform. It's supposed to be golden and thankfully the Broly style has removed the orange brick look of early Goku, mid Goku, end Goku and Super Goku's gi, but it's still too orange and the Whis gi of Super Goku is still orange brick color, and I bet Daima Goku will have an ever more yellow golden (like in the anime, that's good)... but it will clash with the other Gokus
Even the fucking colored manga tried to keep it consistent and makes the Whis and Daima gis be as orange as Goku's normal clothes
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Get ready for this
Retards would have a meltdown if Sparking 0 fixed the inaccurate colors.
Goku got a tan.
>But Vegeta's fabri-
Also got a tan.
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>DBZK uses the same orange for Goku's Z gi and Whis gi
>the 23rd tournament DLC has the red gi with yellow emblem shit
Wonder if the Daima DLC will also use an inconsistent copy of the anime color
We got 25 slots left, right? (26 if you include the pre-order) I think I have a gut feeling who the final characters might be...
>Kid Goku
>Oozaru Kid Goku
>Android 8
>General Blue
>Tao Pai-Pai
>Cyborg Tao
>Grandpa Gohan
>Devilman Spike
>King Piccolo
>Frieza Soldier (with new RoF alts, also Appule and Orlen)
>SS Cabba
>Assault Frost
>Final Frost
>Pirina (w/ Saonel as an assist in his supers)
>GoD Toppo
>Beelzebub (Pre-Order Character)

Also, I have a gut feeling they'll make Tagoma an alt skin for Ginyu.
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I'm so glad they finally confirmed Spopovich
so long, Beerus. lol
>To this day /dbg/ still believes the blurry screenshot was Spopovich
Pui Pui pals won
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I want this to happen somehow
I was going to mention the obvious copy of Goku Black and Zamasu and then noticed how Zamasu is basically a somewhat older looking Shin
And Kai is Shin but with a more dignified haircut
And the new Makaioshin from Daima is straight up evil Shin
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I wish Goku wore the pirate outfit in canon.
The one thing I'll give credit to GT for is Goku seeing Upa again.
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huh looks like nips are also nooticing the namekian chant to summon a new dragon in the last trailer
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>Goku goes back to being a kid like in GT but he goes with an even more loli girl instead of Pan and a young Mira-looking boy with a gun (Toriyama also designed GT Trunks with a gun), but they go to the demon realm only DBO/Heroes explored before and there are new blue dragon balls from a namekian that looks like Zamala fan art (>>493446420) used by Belmod and Zoirei's child assisted by literally evil Shin
It's so funny how people would go crazy criticizing if it was Toei or Toyotaro but being Toriyama and specially his last work some even get defensive if you mention similarities with other stuff
>GT fag is still coping.
For the record I'm not shitting on Daima or validating GT. I'm excited for Daima but it's obvious it has some twists on GT concepts and other stuff (hopefully for the better)
OH FUCK OFF >>493528752 I knew someone would think I give a shit about GT
Is it really surprising to see Toriyama re-using his own ideas he let other people use before?
Too slow, I won.
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Toriyama will get his gunman-loli-kid Goku combo one way or another
>Toriyama will get his gunman-loli-kid Goku combo one way or another
....That was basically Sandland.
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Is their a reason as to why I find Zamasu very pretty?
The reason is that you're a homosexual.
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B-But I don't want to be gay for Zamasu.
Goten is gonna end up with Bulla.

Cheelai clearly has some passing physical interest in Broly because he's a literal mountain of masculine virility. She wouldn't be willing to live in exile in a cave on the edge of the universe with a stinky autistic monkey man if she wasn't after his dick.
>so it's really up to what Iyoku thinks.
Iyoku is a marketing guy, he sees people like Broly x Cheelai so it's what will happen if he's in charge.
Toriyama's pairings were mostly random anyway and I doubt he cared much either way.
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You should be Gay for Zamasu Gods are pure it's only natural for you to love them beyond everything else, even you puny sexuality cannot resist purity.
Of all the things wrong with S future Trunks, it's his hair colour that bothers you? Just look at that picture, Z future Trunks looks like a handsome rugged young man whereas the Super version looks like a twink
I like the west supreme kai
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing Bulma said in canon was "I know I'm hot as fuck but don't touch me"
Yamcha is a cheater, stop coping
nta I refuse to accept Yamcha cheated still, it feels so out of left field for him as a character.
That said I still prefer Bulma and Vegeta they're just a much better pairing period.
Except there's no indication that Yamcha is a player. His whole personality is that he's shy and awkward around girls to the point he locks up and spills his spaghetti whenever they try to interact with him; Bulma and to a lesser extent Launch are the only girls he can maintain his composure around and it's because he grew up with the both of them so they're close friends. The anime tried to make him more of a ladies' man but even then never actually showed him with other girls besides Bulma. In the manga there's zero mention of his skirt chasing prior to the Cell saga. The closest it gets is after Cell is defeated and they're all making wishes to Shenlong and he wishes for a necklace for "his girlfriend". But his behaviour implies that the girl in question isn't actually dating him yet and he hopes the necklace will be enough to convince her to date him. He's just lying about them being together because he doesn't want to look like a simp.
All evidence points to him being in the same boat as Krillin at that point: a kissless virgin. The movies and Garlic Jr saga are not canon. Bulma dumped him, probably because he wasn't "cool and ambitious and bad" enough for her. That's completely in-character for her.
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>I refuse to accept word of god
That's very funny. Yamcha is still a cheater (raffs)
God Forgot Super Saiyan 2 existed, and thought Super Saiyan 3 was 2.
God Also forgot launch who was my favorite DB character and I'll never not be a little salty over!
>Goten is gonna end up with Bulla.
Not even in GT will that be the case. Goten gets with an actual retard.
We need Vegeta ad Goku's bloodline to be linked!
It will never happen! Not through Pan, not through Bura, not even through Goku Jr. or Vegeta Jr.!
GT isn't canon, Bulla is a trollop in GT whereas Super seems to be moving her in the direction of a dorky nerd.

The word of god is that Bulma CLAIMS he was a two-timer, not that that was the reality. Yamcha's canon actions point to him being a hopeless romantic pushover when it comes to girls.
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>he forgot something many, many years after he was done with his work
How does that change he made Yamcha a canon cheater while still working on the series?
Also he never forgot Launch, he wrote her out in the saiyan arc, included a cameo of her when he was doing the Namek arc and even considered adding her for a panel in the Buu arc too. Writing out a character because you don't want to use it anymore isn't "forgetting".
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Nope, word of god is that Yamcha is a cheater.
>said years later
>tertiary source
Toriyama can't remember who Goten is
The statement "not even in GT" indicates the rare instance where GT may be included even as an outlier from canon to further emphasize the impossibility of such a thing.

The closest thing any sort of main canon has shown in regards to Goten's preferences is in the manga with Fyler (the blonde girl who asked him to the school dance because she was jealous of Trunks and Mai), though he seemed to be popular with some of the other girls like Rulah as well.
Goten growing up to be more of a Chad than Trunks or even Gohan will always be hilarious to me.
>How does that change he made Yamcha a cheater?
Because the argument being used is of the word of god (I do find it a bit funny considering gods are shown to be far from omnipotent/omniscient in DBZ/DBS), what's the value of the word of god if god's not perfect?
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>is told to cope
Good boy. If only that cheater of Yamcha was this reliable...! (raffs)
What happened to that black chick
>what's the value of someone's word, specially in regards of their own story, if they aren't perfect beings???
Someone can't handle Yamcha being a certified cheater
>Yamcha is a cheater
According to whom?
Makes sense to me. Trunks, while still fit and physically attractive, isn't nearly as full of himself as he was as a kid, and as a result has a degree of awkward shyness around the fairer sex (specifically Mai, who he's been infatuated with since his youth). This is still a bit of a turn-on for many ladies around him, but the lack of confidence and even awareness gives him some trouble.

Goten on the other hand kept much of his youthful vigor and energy but managed to start emulating his father more once Goku became a part of the family dynamic, while still balanced with Gohan and Chichi's influences. As a result he manages both physical fitness and attractiveness with greater confidence and friendliness and a more uncomplicated mindset. While he is no "bad boy" that will get ladies swooning left and right, he has an aura of confidence around him that plenty of girls would find comforting and endearing.
That's Rulah.
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The other guy.
I know it is cope, I don't want Yamcha to just be a cheater even more so when the cheating we saw in DB was just Bulma freaking out like crazy.
I simply want what's best for Yamcha which in my eyes is just what he has now, his coolest feat at best should just be holding off really strong guy but his time in the spotlight is over and has been for so long.
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According who the only person with power to decide if he was one.
According to Future Trunks, with Bulma as his source.
He can't remember basic facts about other more important characters, why should I take his word on Yamcha?
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>he can't remember
Made Yamcha a cheater while writing the manga. Confirmed it later. According to all sources, without exception, Yamcha is a cheater.
Funny isn't it? (raffs)
I wonder why the Frieza Force never tried to conquer the Demon realm.
Ah. I don't read Super, can't remember who is who.
I still find it truly incredible Toyotaro managed to turn Mai into a literal groomer lusting after Trunks and everyone just accepted it.
I wish all Brolyfags fucked off.
What are some of your favorite mods for XV2?
>forgets a character's personality, as is usual
By your logic, Goten doesn't exist anymore and SSJ3 has been renamed to SSJ2.
Maybe you need divine powers to get there
That'd be why Shin was surprised Babidi managed to get Dabura
Yes, SSj2 stopped being real after Gohan used it once.
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The future Trunks arc was written by Toriyama buddy
Toyo did help a lot according to Tori tho
1. how would they get there?
2. why would they go there?
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I don't remember Goten and SS2 stopping existing in the middle of the manga, SSJuan. I do remember when Toriyama made Yamcha a cheater in the next arc after his resurrection tho (raffs)
Present Mai was mostly apathetic to Trunks' advances, if anything Trunks was the one trying to groom her
The Goten incident happened in the 90s.
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So both are at fault for this sin then.
Goku managed to go there once due to a door to that world. Sure it was in a filler episode but canon never meant much anyways. I'd think Frieza would be aware of a whole different realm on the other side of the universe which probably also have their own planets there too. I'd think he'd want to control ALL aspects of U7.
Frieza Force has advanced technology and partners/slaves who have access to technology that could potentially get them there if needed.

And why they'd go there is because I'd think Frieza would want to control all aspects of the universe. Including the Demon Realm and recruit people for his army.
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>Toriyama didn't forget Goten while working on the manga
Just like he didn't forget Yamcha was a cheater! (raffs louder)
If Roshi bew up the moon? That means he can destroy planets, and in that case if Roshi charged up his Kamehameha wave could he have defeated Nappa potentially? Vegeta would probably tank it since Goku overpowered him and still didn't finish the job.
But even then that implies Roshi could at least kick dust on Vegeta.
Maybe this is an indication that creating more SSJ forms was a mistake.
How many kids will Trunks and Mai have together?
He'd kill them and everyone else on Earth.
Except he did. Just like he forgot Launch existed in the middle of the manga.
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Okay so making Trunks a hero larper was Toriyama's idea, but was the cuckholding also him? He also made Beerus go after Cheelay
I'll never forgive him for forgetting Launch.
I swear I feel like I've seen that Trunks face used on another character before in the manga.
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>more lies
Ahem >>493537279
Sorry you don't like Yamcha is a cheater bro. But hey don't cry, I bet Bulma had it worse than you (since she was the one cheaten on an all that...)
I can at least sort of understand it. She only existed to be a one-note gag replacement Bulma during the 21st Tentaichi saga because Bulma was off in the city, so when Bulma came back he didn't know what to do with her. You can see how through the 22nd Tenkaichi saga to Piccolo Jr saga she quickly fades into the background. Sweet Launch especially practically ceases to exist, sour Launch gets triple the screentime because the joke of "nice girl is actually a violent criminal" gets really old really fast. He was looking for a reason to get rid of her, and the Dragon Team blasting off into space was the perfect time to do it.
>canon never meant much anyways
Yes it does dumbass. There’s a reason canon doesn’t use Toei’s fanfic version of Hell and won’t be using OGDB filler or Heroes as a basis for the Demon Realm in Daima.
Mai is also suggested her to be a groomer somce she has a crush on future Trunks and then looks at kid Trunks. Pilaf outright says "You still have the small Trunks" too.

Before all of that, we have BoG ending in a way that implied Mai and Trunks are dating, so Toriyama himself was making Mai into a pedophile.
Now who's coping? Toriyama forgot Launch, just like he forgot Chiaotzu, and forgot dinosaurs existed, and forgot about furry people, and forgot about the dragon balls, and forgot about saiyans having tails, and forgot about other world, and forgot that Yamcha is a purehearted romantic who sucks with women.
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>Now who's coping? Toriyama forgot Lau
Stopped reading here Toriyama wrote her out in the saiyan arc. Toriyama drew her during the Namek arc. Toriyama almost added her to the Buu arc.
Your sad, sad coping can't change reality no matter how many tears you add. Just like Bulma's tears didn't change Yamcha's cheating! (raffs)
>wrote her out
Forgot her* he even admitted to forgetting she existed.
>h-he almost included her
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>literally and explicitly makes a character say "oh yeah Launch left"
>"NO NO NO NO he forgot about her eventually a-and he didn't remember her in the Buu arc that's a lie and he fucked my mom too and...!"
It's okay anon, you can trust what the characters said that time, it was Krillin who said it, so he's not "lying" like Bulma when she told Trunks how much of a cheater Yamcha is! (raffs)
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Can ether of you faggots post real proof instead of repeating the same shit until other other gives in??
This just a petty squabble of
>headpats broly
He openly and explicitly said he forgot about her in an interview he gave in the early 90s. Cope.
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Fair point, no reason to keep feeding the guy when I can just (re)post proof.
Yamcha is a confirmed canon cheater. Anything else is coping.
>citing Kai as proof
And Toriyama is a confirmed canon forgetter.
>Q: I noticed that Lunch disappeared after Raditz came, what was she doing?
>A: To tell you the truth, I totally forgot about her at one point. And then I remembered her after awhile and I had to think of a reason why she disappeared. So I made it seem as if she was running after Tenshinhan.
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>citing Kai
He knew Launch???
Krillin saying Lunch left was in the manga, retard
He did, in ways few ever could know her
>was looking for a reason to get rid of her, and the Dragon Team blasting off into space was the perfect time to do it.
She was already written out before they went to Namek.
>canon schizos thinking that isn't a case of Toriyama forgetting the old Hell
Clowns of the fanbase.
No, are you insane? Kai twink got fucked by Launch
NTA but the "old Hell" you are talking about literally never existed, the only time Toriyama ever depicted Hell was in Freeza's specific area in the specific are of Hell for Earth
He didn't forget about old Hell just like he didn't forget about the rainbow dragon ball. It just never existed
What kind of retarded argument is this?
>"Yeah Toriyama is known to forget about stuff so I choose to use that to try and ignore a piece of characterization that has been hinted at since early in the series and then blatantly stated as the reason they broke up for good"
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The Daima gi is more orange than yellow now, as we've seen in multiple trailers/official artwork.
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This talk about Yamcha is fucking boring.

Worship Toriyama's artist skills instead (1/2)
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It's the broeffect, you can go to a group of friends missing one of them and reveal he's a cheater or even a rapist and even with proof some will go nuclear and deny it, maybe even deflect and say their bro was the one cheated on instead.
Bulma's making funny faces while acting crazy-jealous (despite going on a quest with Goku to cheat herself), that's the joke. The whole cheating thing was just used as an excuse for Bulma to fuck Vegeta and make Trunks without her looking TOO bad for doing so. It's definitely canon, but it holds no weight. It's never brought up again, and I'm pretty sure Toriyama's mentioned in interviews that Yamcha still has a fear of women, somehow. It's just a dumb contrivance.
The argument is that Toriyama has a habit of forgetting major plot points and main characters, and so it isn't out of the realm of possibility that he also forgot a personality nuance of a character who hasn't been a member of the 'core' cast for years.
It's completely out of character for Yamcha to cheat. Toriyama made it canon purely because he wanted to introduce future Trunks and didn't have any other female cast members to pair Vegeta with so UE threw Yamcha under the bus and waved it away as "well he cheated on her". It's a ur-example in a long list of character assassinations that got turned up to 11 during Super's run.
In your own picture, the only thing Bikini is saying is that Yamcha is handsome and other girls flirt with him. It doesn't say Yamcha is actively pursuing them. the joke is that he's so weak to girls that he can't even properly reject them when they come after him, but instead goes to confide with the mother of his girlfriend on advice on how to deal with the attention.
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It's still closer to Tori's gold than it was in Broly, which was also closer than the one from the anime.
Sparking Zero uses the first for the Whis gi, the second for the other ones and will probably use the third for Daima Goku's clothes
I prefer Orange Gi.
Broly Movie has the best shade, I like lighter shade of orange.
Female Zamasu and female Gogeta would mog every canon girl.
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Goten is for Rulah
>going on a quest with Goku to cheat herself
This has never happened what the fuck are you saying?
Goten fucks both the ebony queen and the ice queen. Mai also gives him rimjobs every once in a while, while Trunks watches
Goten clearly has sex with Trunks CLEARLY.
Have you seen EOZ?
>Verification not required.
So Yamcha is still a womanizing cheater, something that was never once alluded to in canon early DB, but later on Toriyama himself confirmed Yamcha is still afraid of women? How does that work?
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Double dubs of truth
I'm afraid of women and still fuck and cheat, it's not rocket science
well trunks is a princess after all, no man has hair that color
>oh massa you gon make me skwert
Those aren't dubs you retard
I was neutral on the "no cap" line before but now that I've seen how much it makes the internet seethe I love it. Hope there's more of that in the game, I want to see more melties.
Chichi never actually trained in anything other than basic martial arts from an unseen instructor. Videl was trained by/with Gohan. Take a guess who's stronger.
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Anon, that was literally her whole incentive for tagging along with Goku on his 4 Star Ball hunt. In the anime, she temporary broke up with Yamcha over the Hasky misunderstanding right before leaving, but in the manga, she just fucked off to find a new guy while she was still with the old one. If Blue wasn't gay, she'd have succeeded too.
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Damn, Goten really is a Chad
Why is twitter saying trunks is a cuck???
Just because the manga didn't show the others doesn't mean Bulma didn't dump Yamcha, anon
>but she dumped it because she was jealous!
Yes that's the clear intention. At no point there's even a hint of infidelity here, tho
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Why wouldn't they say it? He got cucked by his chadself, even, in both manga and anime
Yeah but I'm sure you don't sperg out, get panic attacks, and get fired from the bar you and your cat are bouncers for.
One of the few ships where I wanna fuck both of them
No of course not ha ha... ha
Yeah, Toriyama artstyle changing to make people slimmer is one thing, things just changing colors is another.
I would like if they kept the same style for all characters too, actually. But between pretending Trunks lost gains and pretending he dyed his hair blue I prefer the former over the later.
I finished reading the Granolah Saga.
Man... I actually did end up genuinely liking this quite a lot. Toyotaro has improved so much from the earlier parts of the manga in the last two arcs.
Biggest flaw was that the arc really starts dragging. I'm so happy I didn't read this monthly, I can imagine it being really frustrating.
The Black Frieza asspull is so outrageous that I ended up loving it, Frieza is so charismatic that it ends up working out and the presentation is so smug and arrogant it ends up being endearing to me. Got a grin on my face and everything.
Toyo's art has definitely come a long way, but he still has the regular jank panel, issues with certain kick motions, posture and anatomy repeats. Although he definitely has improved some of the kick motions he has had trouble with in the past and his action has gotten a lot better.
Nowhere near Toriyama level, but steadily improving and feels like he is trying hard.
Granolah was fun, Elec was good, Gas was decent, Bardock flashback was too long and some parts of the main fight went on for too long. About a volume too long for me.
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If someone made a remodeling mod for Sparking Zero, would you prefer it to look more like Z or would you want it to do a better job at adapting the DBS Broly art style?
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i'd want it to look like Takahashi's style
aka the one they should've gone for in the first place
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What did you think of the choreography? I think Granolah arc action was fucking sick, the best Toyo has ever done
>Gas literally takes Goku for a ride with his psychic powers, runs a train over him, submerges him into water, then opens up the lake just for himself, asphyxiates him and mocks his biological weaknesses
>then Goku tries to fire a blast to stop the guy and Gas GRABS IT and uses it on Goku himself
>What did you think of the choreography?
Maybe the best Toyo has done so far. Although I do love the choreography in Merus vs Moro as well.
Definitely feels like the most creative he has gotten though.
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It kind of looks like Takahashi's work when they do this 3-tone shading thing. I hate it so much though.
>Merus vs Moro
I hate we got such a cool bojutsu but no nyoi bo returning. Glad it's back in Daima but man Goku using bo WITH Ultra Instinct like Merus would be amazing
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To me, it looks better with simpler shading.
Gas' powers and Goku being able to use a Spirit Avatar in UI makes me hope that he takes some inspiration from Gas and starts trying to use a spirit nyoi bo.
It's still a shame because she made for a pretty good older sister to Goku.
you mean the girl that tried to genuinely murder Goku twice while she was one of the "good guys"?
Prepare for the tonal shift of the SH arc
Althought you could say the same from Broly movie to SH movie
whenever i think i procrastinate too much, i remember this about toriyama and i'm inspired
thanks toribot, miss ya
I'm reading the start of that now, with Goten and Trunks and I'm finding it nice after the near constant huge fight of the Granolah arc. It's a good change of pace imo, and the change in perspective after two rather big Goku and Vegita arcs is good. Goten and Trunks are pretty lovable.
I already watched the Super Hero movie.
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Is Dokkan good or should I just stay away and listen to the music?
I got interested because I heard some awesome tracks
No phone game is good. Whether you'll enjoy Dokkan or not depends on your enjoyment of gacha collecting.
He truly was a master of his craft
It existed. It was part of the anime adaptation Toriyama supervised and had some involvement with. Just accept Toriyama forgot. He does that a lot.
I guarantee that the artists and animators don't put even 1% as much thought into the color of Goku's gi as fans do autistically obsessing over it.
>it existed in non-canon Toriyama "supervised"
So it never existed.
This is some advanced cope
>canon schizos having a meltdown over the facts
I'm sorry you got tricked by filler but given your response it looks like you should be used to it by now
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I remember there being a swimsuit mod for Chronoa with like a snorkel and stuff, but can't find it. Does anyone know where I can obtain this ultra rare gem?
Seeing Mai as a teen was good too
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I'll tell you the same cruel lesson I learned, it was part of Revamp and they don't have it anywhere up as far as I know meaning we are stuck with the charismas look because they aren't putting her summer one back for some reason I've never cared enough to ask.

If you can find some old archive maybe you can find it inside one of those but other wise no real way to get it back
ask kuu
Is it 4.0? I found a link for that one.
Though I'm not sure how I would go about pulling her out of it either way.
i don't get how they were completely alright with making it (complete with nicely formed butt), putting it in the game, distributing it and THEN afterwards deciding to get rid of it
21 has TWO fucking swimsuits still so it's clearly not a seasonal matter
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It was (v4.0.5) as far as I can tell as that one says it had the swimsuits added as part of the patch notes, I think there were also others that were taken out but I don't know em.

The only method I can think of doing is first rolling back your XV2 to when it would have been compatible, installing it, and then finding which folder is her or using one of the modding tools to separate her into a second mod that is option one. Option 2 is finding a way to ding around in the installer since she is just 1 folder somewhere in there and if we could get it out we can just take her since she'd probably just be compatible either since with the boss hasn't gotten any other updates

I went to check the discord and apparently it was "some people were being freaky with SKoT, Dyspo and Galena so they got the boot"

So they aren't ever coming back. I'm not saying I did shit but I'm saying one person in there might have been coming here or they went to loverslab and saw Merrick's stuff. Well that or people horny posted in their server, I'm not there enough to know. really did suck cause I wanted more summer picks I didn't even know Dyspo got a swim suit till now
I want to plap the SKoT??
Do americans really call the temporal Kaioshin "SKoT"..?
well that's a shitty reason for doing it, people get all freaky with the characters in their normal outfits so who gives a shit about some swimsuits
especially galena, she's in a fucking leotard normally you're not gonna make her any less sexy by getting rid of a swimsuit design
plus like i said, those two sexy 21 outfits are still in just fine so i REALLY don't get the thought process there
no, i call her scotty
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I suppose the sole difference would in theory be the boss's body type but then that brings the question of why the other two were taken out with her if all are under that same reason so it was either the body and other reasons for the two are they are being real picky about what counted as being freak cause I'm 90% sure people were still on Kefla's one piece shorts swimsuit all the same if DYSPO was also apparently getting freaky so I can't really give or understand what the fuck they are talking about with "getting freaky"

the only reason this is an actual issue at all is because they were kinda the only people who did swimsuits so when they removed them there were no alternatives for any swimsuits that weren't for the players only.
>burger thinks you are either burger or japanese

is this freeza and caulifia's way of flirting
Based burgerkiller.
Anything that guides Broly towards Kale is a good thing
Well all they did was compliment the other.
Cope some more, nigger. You will never be aryan.
Broly is finna catch a destroyer tier imaginary L if he starts talking to Beerus' new wife the next time he shows up
Yeah, looks like the version I was able to find is too new, I'll try looking around for 4.0.5 but my hopes are low.
I'd want them to replicate Toriyama's circa 1985 art style

And over the course of the manga becomes one of the most protective people over him. Remember, she chased a group of mob bosses in a high speed car chase across the city in an attempt to save Goku because she thought they had kidnapped him.
just visited /dbs/ and i'm just shocked. what exactly happened to make that place the way it is? they don't even talk about the series.
Sorry your joke of a localization isn't serious
>he missed out on the golden era of 2007-2009 iPhone games
Disgusting, there's no way a FILTHY MONKEY would ever be worth the time of the great Lord Freeza.
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I'd say give up hope and just hope someone else either extracts it, one of the team just gives up the swim suits they took, or that, most unlikely, someone else finally makes a new set of swim suits because those people will likely never give them back and that's if they didn't delete them as it.

I almost wonder who approved it if getting freaky was the issue and they let this mad moddel swimsuits that showed so much ass if they were afraid of people "getting freaky"
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Why do you talk about the manga as if you have ever read it? You are talking about filler.
I don't trust this monke...
Only the anime is canon
My theory.
Probably spam from it and they gutted it for being a hassle and spite towards those people.
If someone walked up to and just started lusting like crazy non stop you'd probably get sick of that guy to the point that you'd spite'em.
I think getting her out of there is perfectly doable, the problem is getting the mod to begin with. Can't start trying without having the files.
Remember when waifutards tried to misunderstand this as "SS Caulifla is stronger than current SS Goku"?
idk man. freeza seemed real taken with caulifia's strength and vice versa.....he even said she's better than goku....
Idk how they could possibly interpret it that way. It always felt obvious that Frieza was comparing Caulifla to Namek arc Goku.
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The fact you said "over the course of the manga" proves you know that's false and nobody cares about filler. You just tried to pass your knowledge of the anime as manga because you know that's the only version that matters.
It's more that I've only been awake for 8 minutes and genuinely was posting on complete autopilot
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I just went to check, all swimsuits except trunks are gone anyway, even 21 got the Christmas only treatment. If they wanna deal with Spite then I'm just gonna get twice as freaky with the the boss mods and chrismas outfit.
That's why I'd advice a low effort give up: virtually nobody kept a real archive of each version of the mod and they delete outdated links over time as far as I've known so the odds of actually finding not just an old version but that specific version are so low that I'd say even chichi doing something of significance in daima is higher than finding that build
>"the first SS Freeza ever fought was Goku, so that means Caulifla > Goku!!1!"
Just waifuism
DB fans not knowing how to read is not just a meme.
Crazy how much one's love for a character could blind them from the facts of the narrative but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this point.
Yeah. I have to stop myself from facepalming whenever people go off saying "Frieza oneshotted Goku and Vegeta when they were tired and low on power" even when the exact same chapter showed Monaito healing them. The same exact chapter. At the very start.
I trust this monkey.
>Cabba is barely as popular as Ginyu Force members and his inclusion in games doesn't drum up much interest
>Caulifla and Kale are in the upper tier of popularity and players actively ask for them or their fusion to be added to games
>Cabba is the one who had more screen time and character development
The DB fanbase is too weak to female saiyans.
I wonder what Konkichi's doing now, in this post-Super world...
consider majority of the Saiyans we have are male and compared to Cabba the other two are more fun in a vacuum
Cabba is just Tarble 2.0. There's just nothing interesting about him.
>people have been so desperate for female saiyans that characters like Fasha, Bulla, and Pan are still remembered fondly despite the former two never fighting and the latter being an annoying kid-appeal character
>takes until the 2010s for Toriyama to finally add some canon female saiyans to the main cast for an arc.
He's probably pretty super himself these days
I was literally about to type the same thing
I like Caba, but they didn't do themselves any favors with his design and general characterization towards Vegeta even if I like those aspects
>takes until the 2010s for Toriyama to finally add some canon female saiyans to the main cast for an arc.
And both of them are obnoxious stick figures.

Hopefully, if Super ever comes back, and they remember they introduced 11 universes, they'll redesign the U6 Saiyans and make a Sadala that doesn't look like shit.
>muh canon
I swear this fanbase is filled to the brim with the most autistic people ever
Man that was great, I remember seeing that healing and instantly noticing if they got healed to full strength when the narrative doesn't need it for the story to end it meant they still had fighting to do, I couldn't have imagined Gas would return stronger than ever but the real threat would be a Freeza strong enough to one-shot that Gas
>they'll redesign the U6 Saiyans and make a Sadala that doesn't look like shit.
I'd rather they just scrap that whole junk entirely.
>The DB fanbase is too weak to female saiyans.
Females in general. Before DBS Zangya was decently popular despite her personality and powers being interchangeable with the rest of Bojack's gang, and she had only one line, and going back to saiyans, Selipa had a decent enough popularity to the point she was in BT3 over Toma, who had more screen time and characterization than her.
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Ah, the Chi-Chi situation all over again. Still though, if Kid Goku is in the game, Tao Pai-Pai seems pretty logical, he's been in since the first Tenkaichi.
U6 saiyans should've just been a colony of saiyans who escaped Frieza's wrath, descended from the 'weak' saiyans banished from Planet Vegeta.
>Some random suit from Bamco's marketing team who isn't even Japanese was possibly wrong
It’s just damage control.
>tfw you get cucked by your older, cooler self.
And the funny thing is that the chapter didn't even feel like it was building towards some big Frieza arc again. It felt more like a typical gag scene at the end of a long drawn episode of "I'm the strongest"
>I'm the strongest and will beat Frieza
>no I'M the strongest and will beat Frieza
>*Frieza comes in as the actual strongest and takes out everyone and leaves*
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>I'm such a happy cuck!
Toriyama was so wild for this
It could be worse. It could be a four way cuckolding of you, your crush, your Superhero alter-ego, and your crush's Superhero alter ego.
this. it's just typical dragonball gag humor that's part of dragonball's identity. i mean black freeza was created based off fucking credit cards. it's not that deep so whenever i see people going "black freeza is totally gonna kill beerus and take out the angels and zeno", i just roll my eyes
Sounds like damage control. I'm saving this screenshot and will repost it once the whole roster is revealed, and if Tao Pai Pai is there then it was damage control, but if he isn't, then they were surprisingly honest.
Isn't that what happens in that French ladybug show?
That sounds like some Spider-Man melodrama.
Close, but not quite.

That's the one.
Kid Goku being the only OG rep would be weird yeah. Unless SZ went full retard and make OG into DLC and that trailer with a picture of him was DLC all along, but that feels unlikely.
Both can be true anon, the guy can be making shit up and they can be trying to keep the fact Tao is back until the right moment
There IS a reason they are making character trailers last, they want to make sure stuff is revealed in the way they want
What would be a worse case scenario that could lead to review-bombing of the game? Bad pc port? Characters requiring hundred of hours of grinding to unlock without paying? In-game cash shop for accessories with only the bare minimum being free?
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Shin bros...
OG bros...
GT bros...
Movie bros...
0 Chi chi present on release
No normal person gives any shit about Chi-Chi, shut the fuck up you retarded autist. Even Toriyama hated her.
It's easy to figure how King Cold knew about Beerus since he probably met him in person but how did he know about Buu? Buu was already long sealed away presumably before Cold was even born.
Just like Jaco knew about Beerus. Legends.
Buu was a brilliant scientist long ago
>headcanon and autism
He likely heard the stories about all the destruction Buu caused millions of years ago from descendants of the survivors. Given how Frieza was worried over a myth about the legendary Super Saiyan, Cold probably had a similar concern about Buu which is why he earned Frieza to steer clear from him.
crazy to think how the last time we got surprise characters in a mainstream fighting game was smash bros for the 3ds
But that roster got leaked weeks before release.
could've sworn bowser jr and duck hunt were still surprises, i know shulk got leaked but people didn't even believe that one until the trailer came out
>could've sworn bowser jr and duck hunt were still surprises,
They weren't. They along with Dr. Mario got leaked when the whole roster got leaked.
You what was a surprise? a lack of purple
World's Finest?
Why are you acting as if none of those can't possibly be revealed? We are still a month before release
>replying to a shitposter
People are taking the number of remaining slots too seriously
Anything that displease whatever brown hollering monkey review the game on twitter at any point for any reason.
>Buu was already long sealed away presumably before Cold was even born.
Buu was but Babidi and Dabura were still active in the universe.
So Cold felt the need to warn Frieza about Buu based on what he might have heard Babidi or Dabura said about Buu?
Unlocked stylist
Photo mode censorship removal
The patches that let you fly anywhere, and remove the Zeno commentary from ToP map
DemonBoy's shaders, equippable auras and bunny suits
Note's outfit
18's arm break kick from Unleashed
Given that Dabura was vastly out of Cold's league, hearing that him and the dude he serve spent millions of years trying to awaken a dude as their 'ultimate weapon', is probably ground enough to tell your kid 'if that ever comes up, stay away from that dude'.
>Still no Oozaru mod
I have lost FAITH in the modding community what good are these FAILURES!? You'll add SSJ4 but you won't let me hit people as a big monkey!?
>but you won't let me hit people as a big monkey!?
there you go
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Mostly multi form mods + tail mods but a new all time set of favorites in that one guy doing layered moves all on one button like the assassin's arsenal

On an unrelated note, I can't find the mod I used to give her foot wraps, any chance anybody might have known what that was or knows another that is foot wraps that leave the toes free
I suppose you're right. Both Dabura and Babidi alone would be a danger for Cold do it they're talking about Buu as their trump card, it would probably be enough for him to want to steer clear from those guys.

Though since I don't think Cold can sense ki, it would almost make it sound as if he could have possibly fought Dabura before and lost but then I wonder why Babidi wouldn't try to control Cold like he did Dabura.
Interpreting a compliment as flirting is classic incel mentality so of course the average 4chan poster will think so.
>Though since I don't think Cold can sense ki, it would almost make it sound as if he could have possibly fought Dabura before
He had scouters tho and could easily see or hear about the destruction Dabura spread. If Dabura got pissed and blinked out a Solar System and Cold knew about it because scouters also worked as listening devices, it would be more than enough to Cold to know Dabura is way beyond him.
>but then I wonder why Babidi wouldn't try to control Cold like he did Dabura.
Probably wasn't worth it for Babidi, remember that Shin could one punch Frieza, who was stronger than Cold and yet he was scared of Yakkon.
Sure, he took Yamu and Spopo once on Earth but it was obviously a very temporary deal where Babidi picked the first goons he could find so he wouldn't have to bother searching for energy himself once he knew he was on the right planet.
Good. If I'm expected to spend 60+ bucks on a piece of entertainment I want to know what I'm getting out of it beforehand.
>faggot still can’t come to terms with the fact there is indeed a canon in Dragon Ball
Sorry Toei’s fanfic Hell that Toriyama had nothing to do with was never canon retardbro.
I happened to have 4.0.8 files
Do with these as you will
while I can't use litter box for some reason I think 8 might work, either that or it was removed by then. Either way I'll hope for the best from the other guy in this case
>canon schizo proves himself as a massive retard
Toriyama never cared canon like you think he did.
I wonder how strong Dabura was without Babidi’s buff
>He had scouters tho and could easily see or hear about the destruction Dabura spread. If Dabura got pissed and blinked out a Solar System and Cold knew about it because scouters also worked as listening devices, it would be more than enough to Cold to know Dabura is way beyond him
My memory is so bad but I thought the scooters got utilized once Frieza took over. They were already a thing during Cold's reign?

Probably wasn't worth it for Babidi, remember that Shin could one punch Frieza, who was stronger than Cold and yet he was scared of Yakkon.
>Sure, he took Yamu and Spopo once on Earth but it was obviously a very temporary deal where Babidi picked the first goons he could find so he wouldn't have to bother searching for energy himself once he knew he was on the right planet.
I guess that's a good point. He probably picked up Dabura just because Babidi was doing business in the Demon realm and he figures having it's king as his servant would give him the muscles needed to protect himself while gathering energy for Buu.
I personally headcanon pre-Majin Dabura as being around Frieza and Cold's power. Sure Shin and Kibito were scared about Dabura but I take it as Dabura being dangerous not only for his strength but his magic as well such as his stone spit.

As Frieza and his clan were the rulers of one side of the universe, Dabura was the ruler of the other side of the universe.
>My memory is so bad but I thought the scooters got utilized once Frieza took over. They were already a thing during Cold's reign?
Yeah, they just were some weird spyglass thingy instead of the cool ear-mounted thingy.
>He probably picked up Dabura just because Babidi was doing business in the Demon realm and he figures having it's king as his servant would give him the muscles needed to protect himself while gathering energy for Buu.
Pretty much, Dabura was Babidi's main enforcer because he was literally the strongest guy in the universe after Buu (as far as Babidi had access to) and even then, you see how fast Babidi discarded him the second he had Buu as a 'better' option.
Babidi clearly care more about 'quality' than 'numbers' when it come to servants.
Did this actually happen? I didn't read the manga.
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thank you
do you also have the files for KFL, THC, and FOK?
those ones also had summer outfits that were removed.
also if you can the emb files with those same names from the ui texture folder. just to fully complete them again with their hud pictures
Ss4 gogeta will be in because he has to be. The rest will be dlc. And mini vegeta will be the preorder character that you won't be able to buy later like in xenoverse.
>Both can be true anon, the guy can be making shit up and they can be trying to keep the fact Tao is back until the right moment
If it's both then it means Tao Pai Pai is in, but Chichi isn't.

>There IS a reason they are making character trailers last, they want to make sure stuff is revealed in the way they want
Which's really weird when characters are revealed outside of trailers, like betas randomly revealing a bunch of characters like Gero.

Freeza was also aware of Super Saiyan God in Dragon Ball Minus. Although that detail was either forgotten or retconned away, since he reacts like he doesn't know what SSG when Goku talks about it in RoF.

>but then I wonder why Babidi wouldn't try to control Cold like he did Dabura.
Babidi would need to be a real idiot to not control Cold if given the chance, since Cold had an empire.

>Probably wasn't worth it for Babidi, remember that Shin could one punch Frieza, who was stronger than Cold and yet he was scared of Yakkon.
Cold's own power may not be a big deal, but controlling his empire would give Babidi a lot more resources to search for Buu, and once he was found, a lot of fodder soldiers to have their power stolen.
Sure but I don't think Babidi gives a shit about Empire stuff.
If I’m being entirely honest I don’t even think Shin knew Frieza could transform.
share with the class bro
This is just the plot of zathura, but it's his sister instead of his crush.
>but it's his sister instead of his crush.
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Skotty doesn't know
That Bardock and me
Do it in his van on Sundays
She thinks he's at work
But he doesn't go
Till he's on his knees and
Skotty doesn't know~
>oneshotting a character with a power level of 530k
Shin would never save face like this
Then he'd be an idiot, controlling an emperor means more resources, which means an easier time in finding Buu
The reason Daima takes place right after Buu is so the next Super arc can feature sexy adult Pansy, trust the plan
Babidi doesn't need ressources to find Buu, just his magic, dragging around extra underlings and shit is nothing but dead weight to him.
Pansy is probably centuries / millenias old, like Belz.
There HAS to be cutoff point where demons become sexy adult, Pansy may as well be right there
Fair enough
Even in that case, he could steal power from soldiers from Cold's army to do so, and that'd be way more effective than stealing energy from random Earthling martial artists.
how did you get it working lad?
she already is one, she peaked
I want to cuddle with majin girls
>the man who explicitly called the movies and GT “side stories in different dimensions” as they didn’t fit his original story didn’t care about canon
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Note is pure!
Yeah, if Broly and Super Hero are any hint, the only continuity Toriyama cared about was his own.
it's gotten really bad. you'd think they would've wisened up when the amount of non-canon material started outnumbering the canon stuff. only like 40% of the franchise is canon, and quiet is kept, a lot of it is boring or underwhelming compared to the non-canon stuff.
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>tfw my main in Sparking zero is DLC, so he won't be in the base roaster
>tfw have to wait for BEASThan to make his appearance since Super Hero characters are DLC
They fucking better make him broken like in Dokkan and Xenoverse.
It's insane to me that people a joke form like Beast actually has an unironic fanbase
Retarded newfag
I've seen it being called the best thing in Super Hero non-ironically. Truly insane.
Respect Gohan and his iconic Beast Axe.
I clapped when I saw the beast axe in revamp.
That's the power of Gohanfags, don't underestimate them
>If I’m being entirely honest I don’t even think Shin knew Frieza could transform
Why would you think that?
Going by pic related I assume you mean Heroes when you say this so I can only assume you are genuinely the kind of retard who can be entertained by jingling keys in front of them.
Shin downplay has always been excessive in the fandom thanks to the way he panicked against Babidi’s minions anon. Statements like the one you replied to are especially dumb when you remember Shin was able to telekinetically restrain SSJ2 Gohan and save him against Majin Buu.
go be useless outside shin, you're kind isn't allowed on this divine board
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Not only that, but Buu couldn't even one-shot Shin. Buu hit Shin like 4 times and he didn't die.
It’s common knowledge that Buu likes to hold back though
>making shit up
Buu was playing with him, he doesn't want the fight over so early. He wants a good fight. He knows damn well Shin can't actually match him in a fist fight
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>Z Movies
>anime only material from Z
it's much more than that. and a modern Dragon Ball thread isn't a place i'd throw around accusations about staying entertained by jingling keys and bright colors. lmao
>buu making better tackles then Michigan
Going off of DBS, Chiaotzu’s telekinesis has gotten stronger than Shin’s.
What are non-flying characters like in SZ? Anyone tested out Roshi to get an idea?
GT was always terrible and any decent ideas it had it squandered, most of the Z movies relied on taking ideas that worked in canon and dumbing them down for a 50 minute runtime, Heroes autistically tries to bring in every aspect of the franchise together no matter how incoherent everything becomes and Z filler varies wildly in quality with the lows being extremely low. Go back to malding about GTslop not being in Sparking Zero.
Going off of Mr Satan flightless characters seem to have some sort of infinite jump and while in the air they just fall slowly to the ground. Make of that what you will.
Oh god that pride trooper on majin girls...the ass was fat!
Hopefuly it's nothing like BT2 where non-flying characters just fall to the ground after a few seconds. When I was playing Dragon Adventure casually, Yajirobe was available a few times, and eventually I just stopped trying to use him because the lack of flying made him way too weak.
>Hopefuly it's nothing like BT2 where non-flying characters just fall to the ground after a few seconds.
It's like 3
Doesn’t he get killed by Dabura in Trunks’ timeline, a guy weaker than SS2 kid Gohan?
He was killed by Babadi's magic.
>timespace impact was nerfed a long time ago
>it'ss description was never changed
i don't understand how you can tear down all the non-canon stuff as bad but uplift OG, Z, and DBS as if they're significantly better. the quality of this franchise's writing is pretty consistently average. nothing before or after the first few arcs of Z is particularly remarkable.
>Heroes autistically tries to bring in every aspect of the franchise together no matter how incoherent everything becomes and Z filler varies wildly in quality with the lows being extremely low
these criticisms can be levied at DBS in equal measure.
Oh my bad, could’ve sworn Davies pushed his shit in
Y-you fiend!
my headcanon is it goes off how much of their potential they've achieve. In other words, Belz and Thief are the same age, but Thief looks like an old man because he has no more growth left in him
Opinions on chapter 5 of my futanari on male Android 18 story? It's also on AO3


fuck off. that's my opinion
Think they will actually let next trailer be surprising or will they show all newcomers in V-Jump before?
I wish it hadn’t taken so long to see what Untamed instinct does, but it seems like a pretty solid max power buff
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>I wish that I could turn back time
>Cause now the guilt is all mine
>Can't live without the trust from those you love
>I know we can't forget the past
>You can't forget love and pride
>Because of that, it's killing me inside
It really depends, the V-Jump scans always show off a solid 7-ish characters, and it's always MOSTLY characters that haven't already been announced officially yet (even the Androids trailer, which had the worst case of this, only had 3 of the 9 characters in the scans that were already announced previously if I'm remembering right).

Basically, the scans are gonna reveal at least 5 new characters before the trailer comes out because they always do at least that much, the whether the trailer has any more new characters to show depends entirely on how many new characters get revealed in the trailer itself.

I get the feeling that the next trailer is gonna be a big one honestly, they've got 25 characters left to officially show and only enough time to have 2 more trailers at most and one of those trailers would be the launch trailer, meaning it's likely to focus more on hype than reveals.

I honestly expect we'll get like 20 characters in the next trailer with the remaining 6 (5+pre-order character) being squeezed into the launch trailer.
>they've got 25 characters left to officially show and only enough time to have 2 more trailers at most and one of those trailers would be the launch trailer
I think they will squeeze a third trailer at TGS besides another character this month and then the launch trailer on release week.
I suppose it's possible. They'd have to push out the next trailer some time in the next two weeks for that though.
Plus none of the other character trailers were shown at live events as far as I'm aware.
Just stuff like the release date trailer where they only reveal a couple of new characters.
>Retard acts like a retard to get attention and views to try and kickstart his gay youtube 'career'.
>Morons actually fucking buy into it and keep giving him attention

It's insane how fucking stupid the Dragonball Community is.
They do this shit with every single fucking click-bait youtuber, literally fall for it every single time.
Don't worry man. He's making it.
25 slots is a whole lot, they could fit every reasonable Super character and still have room 8 or so OG rep
I wonder if hakai toppo will be relegated to a blast 1

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