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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Trailer

>Final Fantasy XVI Info
>Launch Trailer "Salvation"
>PC Trailer

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
>Final Trailer

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>493244034
Some people really need to figure out that you can dislike stuff without making it part of your personality. You don't have to go out of your way to remind everyone every time it comes up, and argue with anyone who does like it
Name 1 (one) good Final Fantasy game.
What a horrible start
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What changes would have saved FFXVI?
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12 of course
A different development studio
Replaying FF I-IX and X after I come to realize that X and everything after is really only Final fantasy superficially. Something is missing.
A different producer
Nigga I know you did not need to replay them all to realize that.
Bitch. Never respond to me in that fashion ever again. It will not be advantageous to your long term health. You must immediately cease posting.
I will fuck you raw lil dude, toe curling eyes rolling anal intercourse is NEAR AND SOON for you
Bitch how dare you talk to me like that you should get up and kneel to me and I'll spare you the night of the 28th.
I finished jerking it, not playing with you anymore sorry
Yuna is a Hypello fucking whore
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Final fantasy.
Is the house meeting over already?
Where did this pasta come from? Why are people suddenly spamming this?
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I liked FFX, but I liked FFX-2 even more.
>Where did this pasta come from?

>Why are people suddenly spamming this?
Far as I can tell, it's a reply to the incessant anti-Yoshida shitposting that typically occurs here. The anti-Yoshida shitposters have recently adopted their own version of this as well, which they """spam""" occasionally.
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Are you the same anon that made this?
probably same autistic faggot phoneposting
>shit thread right from the OP
Good job, retards
Why can't you guys just be normal
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XVI did irreparable damage to the series, unfortunately.
Dedicating one's life to obsessively shitposting certain Final Fantasy games seems to be sadly common here.
It's very sad that most of the people in /ffg/ hate Final Fantasy while thinking themselves to be peak FF fans.
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I love Final Fantasy
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One true love and kissu hugs!
Where is your Mystic Quest and Chrono Trigger?
>Far as I can tell, it's a reply to the incessant anti-Yoshida shitposting that typically occurs here
So instead the retards just spam off topic butthurt shit?
How pathetic, they should go back to Twitter
Start with making it an actual rpg.
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Mystic Quest is not on Steam. Never played it
>Mystic Quest is not on Steam. Never played it
>meanwhile, Demon's Souls
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I'd rather just throw a snes emulator shortcut into Steam
like I did with Demon's Souls
>I'd rather just throw a snes emulator shortcut into Steam
i couldn't resist
Final Fantasy?
why was wakka so based?
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The best.
Not at all. He's a racist
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there was more to it than that.
he was acting on past trauma. chappu died because he used al bhed machina, therefore the al bhed are evil.
ff10 has a thing about moving on and not living in the past. wakka fits that as well.
so he is based

should i go for it or just play normally?
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best ff joke
if you already played 10 before, yes.
first time? no, use beginner grid.
first time? i recommend the international ps2 version
IS ff16 dlc good or is it just uneeded heres more slop for the piggies?
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Why is OO still in the op?
Also I think it's time to delete BE and 16 from the op too
By the end of the year all 3 should be removed.
BE and OO EoS'd and there isn't any more XVI content coming.
if ff16 came out when got was still liked would people have liked it more?
You can still play BE, retard
I'm sad that Astro Bot took GOTY from Rebirth. They really would've deserved it.
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How can there be any FF couple that gayer than these two?
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My wife Eiko is very cute!
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It's really good. Interesting environments and excellent boss battles, more difficult than the main game.
I personally had a blast with both DLCs.
I've played VII, loved it, VIII, rough but loved it, really different to VII, IX, loved it, I cannot for the life of me get into X.
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>Looks like your fippy bippy has been taken, Cloud. What will you do about it, I wonder...
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I fucking love particle effects
Why isn't OG cloud in a purple uniform?
>I cannot for the life of me get into X.
Are you playing on PC? If so, download the cheat things from github. I say cheat things, but it's like an all-in-one that does everything. This allows you to switch the audio to Japanese. The JP voices are already included in your game, I think SE just didn't map them or something, so you can't select it from the default menu, but with the mod you can change to JP voices. This really, really, really helps a lot, because Tidus and Yuna have the worst VA performance in the game if you're playing the EN version, which is unfortunate because they are the main characters.
Get that sissy man out of here
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You forgot to turn your monitor on
VII and IX are better than X anyway so you made the right choice.
Xhe is so corny
I see the appeal in theory but that's not cute
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Me too!
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i can never finish 7 i always get relatively far into the game meanwhile i can finish 9 and 6 several times. I even managed to finish 10 with no real issue but i never want to play it again
I'm glad that they're never making that X-3 vaporware since Rebirth's flop revealed that no one buys sequels.
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>Rebirth's flop revealed that no one buys sequels.
I wonder what Rebirth could have been like if Nomura didn't decide to insert Whispers into the game. The biggest pain point of the Remake is the Whispers. There are people who say it should have been a turn-based game, but people generally enjoy the combat anyway, it's only really the Whispers that are a point of contention.
>The biggest pain point of the Remake is
the fact that its 3 games instead of one
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I just want a new Dissidia game.
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One last dance
i would argue the cringe ghosts have done far more damage to ff7 remake than the 3 part split
it shouldn't have been split of course but everytime the time trannies show up i genuinely feel embarrassed
That is another one, but I don't think it's the primary one. I've even seen some comments that enjoy that it's 3 "full" games instead of just one. Plus, if they only made the one game, you wouldn't be able to play it at all until like 2027.
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I liked OO, but I liked BE even more.
What did they mean by this?
bros how do i get a gf like lightning
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The best
Thassa lesbian
The decision to change the story was made by Kitase

Stop throwing shit at Nomura
>Nomura: When I first approached Nojima to write the scenario I told him I wanted to do it in this way. Going from there, the plan was to go beyond just a remake.
It's all Nomura's ideas, being (time ghost) written by Nojima.

>The interviewer begins with asking how the story was written, and Nojima says that he wrote the plot based on requests from the scenario team, which included creative director Nomura Tetsuya and Toriyama, and then made adjustments to it based on feedback.

>Kitase: I personally envisioned quite a dramatic change overall, but our director; Tetsuya Nomura and co-director; Naoki Hamaguchi, wanted to keep the beloved aspects in the original as much as possible. Eventually the development team decided to focus on respecting the original while adding in new elements, ensuring a delicate balance between the two.
What this really says is that Kitase wanted an Evangelion Rebuild situation, while Nomura wanted time jannies to tease that an Evangelion Rebuild situation could have happened, but that nothing is actually different because it's just multiverse shit, which is exactly what happened. "Keeping the beloved aspects in the orignal" such as end of Midgar, Aerith's death, basically all the bigger stuff the game is known for, while everything else was allowed to change because those other things don't actually matter to the overall story. This does make me wonder if the Tifa/Scarlet eroge slapfight is going to be in it as a "beloved aspect in the orignal", because it doesn't make a difference to the overall story, but it is a beloved aspect.
Honestly just more customization. Accessories actually enhance and change your eikonic abilities instead of just shit like slightly more damage or a slightly lower cooldown. The DLC started making accessories that somewhat do this but that’s only at endgame and is a bandaid fix at best.
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OO is the Concord of Final Fantasy. The game was fine enough but its character designs were so atrocious that no one wanted to play it.
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just played the ff16 demo on pc and woah Joshua dies but like hes pheniox. the whole thing is coming back to life so who is this game trying to fool?
People played it for 7 years, and it got over 1,000 more average viewers than any other of SE's gacha streams, and also 1,000 more average viewers than even Rebirth's most recent Saudi stream.
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Play Ever Crisis
wakka loved tidus <3
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B 2 B' D
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>oo simp brings up rebirth out of nowhere
Not beating the allegations
What "allegations"? Also, why is it only ever forbidden to bring up Rebirth, and yet it's never forbidden to bring up OO literally out of nowhere? I was talking about official Square Enix stream viewership, and Rebirth recently had a stream. (You) were shitting out of your mouth for now reason.
ff16 was written for 5 year olds
They actually thought that Joshua being alive wasn’t a plot twist no one would see coming.
OO was a good game unlike Rebirth (a bad game)
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>jecht says he hopes tidus puts on muscle when he gets older in one of his video spheres
>when jecht meets tidus again, he sees that he unfortunately didn't put on muscle and says "you're all bones. have you been eating right?"
was this kino?
Anon, he's Phoenix. It's the Final Fantasy series. I don't think it was ever supposed to be an actual plot twist, more like a "he's alive right? I mean, he's Phoenix so he has to be" kind of deal.

Are the /v/ threads dying? Why are you shitters back on /ffg/?
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What if the next mainline FF title stops using Roman numerals?
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Joshua and Clive's respective reveals aren't supposed to be a surprise to the player. It's about their personal journies and coming to terms with who they really are and who they are to each other.
Much like in the critically acclaimed FFXIII when the party realizes that they are being manipulated by the Fal'cie but decide to tread down that path irregardless, bonding and growing together in the process.
The 10/10 FFXVI's narrative is one of thought provoking self discovery and a deep introspective, similar to FFIX's, that touches not only on the self but our place in the grand scheme and the consequences of our choices to our present kin and for those that walk after us.
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its literally treated as not only a huge plot twist but clive "killing" joshua is his entire fucking character trait and the climax of his """""""arc"""""""" is him accepting that he killed joshua

except the audience already knows and is shown joshua is still alive BEFORE THAT EVEN HAPPENS
You didn't answer his question, why can't you be normal? Also see >>493447162
cute coyote hag
not even her can convince me watch a viii playthrough, game kinda sucks, I watched her other FF runs though
You sound incredibly upset about nothing, anon.
He's very defensive and has no argument.
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Based and well said.
XVI's story tends to filter those that watched it on youtube and/or easymode skimmers with only a surface level understanding of the compelling narrative it weaves.
>deep introspective
The protagonist does not even try to question his views on politics, bearers and so on, as a result his views do not change from the beginning to the end of the game. There is not even an attempt to re-evaluate or even analyse his beliefs about Valistaea.
The arc of the protagonist's psychological growth ends in the first half of the game btw.
The main antagonist's plan is not even theoretically capable of shaking the main character's views, as it obviously does not promise anything good for mankind.

Very deep, very introspective, very "self-discovery". Press R3 + L3 to accept the truth lol.
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Vaan is such a cool protagonist.
what do you like about him?
12 wasn't really my thing but i like reading others' takes on ff games so i'm all ears, buddy
He's literally me.
Welp, seems like they are going to give the Masamune a backstory, we need to start to get angry
Yes bad writing does annoy me, and ff16 has the worst writing in FF history
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>anon sees that Joshua is Phoenix, in a Final Fantasy game
>he thinks "oh obviously he's not actually dead because he's Phoenix"
>the game acts as if Joshua is dead
>it's revealed that Joshua, being Phoenix, is not actually dead, just as non thought

Sound like a (You) problem, anon.
didn't read lol
He doesn't survive because he's phoenix you retard





I did read all of that
>He doesn't survive because he's phoenix you retard
It's a Final Fantasy game, anon, and he's Phoenix. I thought we already agreed on this? Are you retarded?
One might assume that Clive's entire story could be seen as a test by hard times and terrible circumstances of his innocence and the purity of his good beliefs, but in reality his beliefs have never been seriously tested. It is partly (but only partly) for this reason that Ultima is cartoonishly evil and unwilling to let any humans into his new world. It's also the reason why Cid offers Clive everything on a platter at the beginning of the story. For the same reason we don't see the events of the first timeskip, the most difficult for Clive's personal destiny, when he is enslaved. This is to avoid creating a circumstance in which Clive begins to reflect and question, even a little, his views of the world, and the player begins to doubt Clive. XVI is characterised by utter psychological superficiality precisely because the protagonist never once seriously faces any real opposition to his wholesome views on the evils of bigotry and slavery throughout the story.

That said, I still hang on to the last scene with the book as being thematically extremely significant to the story of XVI and noticeably deepening the meaning of Clive's entire journey. I hope the book really symbolizes a reinterpretation of what the place of fantasy/magical/mythical is in the secular world of the new Valisthea: Clive, as a chronicler of his own world, by collecting into his compendium the images (eikons) and stories of various great and ordinary people, ultimately leaves as a heritage this piece of “magic” in the form of a fantastic story to the new secular world, thus reinterpreting the very concept of “magic” from hypostasized one -- magic as fireballs, — to a more allegorical one — magic as a fantasy story, as something that exists in the domain of imagination. After Clive's feat, despite the absence of magic in the hypostasized sense, there is still room for magical ways of thinking, fantasy and imagination, hence the title of the book and the children playing eikons.
yoshitroons at it again
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XVI was kino though
Sound like you just wanted something to seethe about
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In FFX Fayth summoned Tidus to relieve them of the imposed burden of dreaming Dream Zanarkand. It was thanks to him that their never-ending fantasy became their final one.

In FFXIII, the Fal'Cie yearn to return to their father, but do not actually know if he is beyond the Etro's Gate. So their ill-founded dreams of the ‘gleaming light of Divinity beyond’ are quite literally their final fantasy.

In XVI, magic is described as ‘the art of channeling aether to make one's imagination manifest’. Thus Ultimas' Raise meant to be their final act of imagination, their final fantasy.

How is the narrative any different when playing on easy mode?
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I really like this Vanille-tiger.
Correct. Same thing with Clive potentially being alive after the ending. It completely invalidates the weight of Gav finally accepting that he’s now Cid.
XVI is just kinda poorly written.
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His views on politics, bearers and such do develop throughout the game and are influenced significantly by the people along his journey.
He's ambivalent at best toward the plight of bearers and doesn't want anything to do with Cid's goals for saving the world.
Clive's views shaped by his upbringing are challenged every step of the way even in the fight with Barnabus and Ultima where he finalizes his terms for a world on humanity's terms and makes the harsh decision that removes the blight in the end. He even becomes a fucking writer by the end of the game.
To say he doesn't develop and grow as a person and expand his views throughout the entire game is disingenuous nonsense.
You need to really take your time with a replay on hard mode before you resume shitposting, friend.
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So people want FF to be successful in Japan without releasing in Japan?
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RPG released back before it was Square Enix.... highly recommended.

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Goodness and innocence, so much in the western traditions come from Amon Re and Odin; the celestial sign of the Ram, aries, the war monger, who would rather perish on the field of battle than tolerate the destruction of innocents and the degradation of just law. If you want to know the future, see the celestial Ram, with his boot on the face of unjust trash for the rest of eternity.


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Illusion of Gaia is one of the best games on SNES. It is a much better character driven narrative than VI is, and it came out before VI and also has better graphics than VI.
Not a Final Fantasy game
I really wish we still had Squaresoft and Enix competing for the RPG market. Instead of games like Illusion of Gaia or 7th Saga, we have things like Various Daylife and Dungeon Encounters.
Why do you always try to derail my thread with off-topic games?
>my thread
Well, SE is competing with Sega right now. That's why their games are full of action slop.
I don't think you understand what the word "competing" means, and you are probably a zoomer who wasn't around for the good old days to even know what the Squaresoft/Enix market was like.
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Some final fantasy games aren't labeled as final fantasy. The most obvious of which is Chrono Trigger which was released as part of the Final Fantasy Anthology for PS.
i like how expressive they are
It didn't bother you though, right?
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Don't shitpost with the Quintet trilogy, you've done that several times.
*cries again*
>flagship product
>not a genius
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>Transparent chest

Taimanin Tifa
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hmmm. guess its time to reinstall EC
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Denying reality is not a good look. Look at revenue
What are you talking about?
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where are her nipples?
Was Kate Cwynar part of their plan?
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I hate FFXIV, it has dedicated races for pedos and furries, everyone who plays FFXIV for any reason should unironically kill themselves and I dislike every single person in this thread and WILL go out of my way to remind you all of it
I'm getting big Nier vibes from some of these.
I don't play FFXIV but I don't mind it

Why is she flaunting her armpits?
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Cool figures wow
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Miss me yet?
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>Shadowsmith playable
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he looks sleep deprived
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He was a major character of RK's storyline. He's basically a older Tyro who became disillusioned after losing Elara in an incident.
....Didn't Nomura design him?
I dunno, did he?
Nomura made an illustration for FFRK that featured him, but I don't think he designed him entirely.
Fuck it, put the time jannies in FFRK
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FFXI fangame
Technically speaking, the Keepers act as Time Jannies as they're supposed to ensure that the records aren't messed with and things don't go off the rails (Shadowsmith being a maverick).
>There will never be a Record Dungeon chapter about the cast landing in FFVIIR and Dr. Mog having to figure out how to explain the difference between the Time Jannies and the Keepers.
I have never shitposted with the Quintet trilogy. I say true things about the Quintet trilogy.
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>Technically speaking, the Keepers act as Time Jannies as they're supposed to ensure that the records aren't messed with and things don't go off the rails
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
Should they make a Final Fantasy platformer?
I don’t care who wins GOTY

I DO however find it fascinating how reluctant the video game industry is to award JRPGs for decades now.
HE'S going to cry again
no, that won't sell
Does Elden Ring count as a JRPG, since its technically an RPG from Japan?
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Which Clive doesn't know, genius.
Great, now you made the troon samefag it's own post!
RK was too kino for the global world. Only JP knows it's true value.
No, because I'm not mad enough to make an edit.
I wonder is the person who needs it at the top of each thread mad about anything
Who knows, but a lot of people seem to like that post so I guess it's all good. Conversely, I wonder if there is anyone insecure enough to feel called out by it.
>but a lot of people seem to like that post so I guess it's all good
Yes, that anon and his seven proxies
Okay, than don’t make me sit though mellowdrama clive crying bullshit
Is their skill Channing and magic bursting? Take and tweak some elements of ff11 and you have the most engaging mechanics put into an rpg
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They grow so fast... well, almost all of them
Did square really make a cuck game aka bahumat lagoon?
>draws Cloud like hetero sexlord
who are they trying to fool?
Obviously they are? Nobody would write it in the first place unless they were upset about a game they like being criticized
>Did square really make a cuck game aka bahumat lagoon?
You mean Bahamut, and it's not the only game, this guy also suffers the same fate in his own game
Schizo bro... your coping mechanism is leaking...
Fair point. It doesn't sound like the kind of post someone writes with a smile.
Someone would have to be actually butthurt to make an edit of it then, even moreso to post it multiple times.
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Why are there people unironically THIS obsessed with hating FFIV, wishing and praying at every turn for it's failure? It's not normal for grown-ass adults to have this much of a vendetta against something because it wasn't what they wanted. It's been years already. Not moving on at this point indicates a problem. This kind of behavior is for people who are mentally-stunted and aren't mentally-well.
Did someone disagree with it?
Worse. They agreed with it.
>FFRK celebrated its 10th anniversary on September 25, 2024. This is all thanks to all of you. Thank you so much!
>We look forward to the important history we have shared with our players and our future. On the theme of “10 years and beyond”, We produced this movie.
>I would appreciate it if you could take a look.
Thank you for your continued support of FFRK!

Enough with the original, apparently. Called out, as it were.
Can we all agree that whoever first wrote >>493447302 was not mad, and is actually very cool, and anyone who makes fun of this pasta is mad and a loser
Not all of us. But o- two of us will. And in quick succession.
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Hoes mad
Sounds like you got exposed
>two of us will. And in quick succession.
lol, based noticer
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FF1 prequel fangame 200 years before the original FF1 for the NES, featuring an unexpected cast of characters otherwise known as the 'Sky Warriors' in the canon game.
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Play Ever Crisis
So when is that gonna happen?
What timeline is this
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What killed RK?
Way to beat the allegations of totally not being mad at the pasta.
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>Blackmoon Prophecy
Aside from just being a fangame, Blackmoon Prophecy is also a tribute to Final Fantasy. Emulates the first six entries of the series (mostly focus on FF4 and FF5 for gameplay and mapping, and FF6 for battle aesthetics).

>Blackmoon Prophecy II
One hundred years after the events of Blackmoon Prophecy
Yes. But it's also more of an action RPG than traditional jrpg
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It's amazing how much anger it causes. Shitposters can't enter the thread anymore without knowing naysayers won't be tolerated. I wonder if any other generals do the same.
How could you know it's not going to happen? Unless...
Maybe other generals aren't as insecure
Real insecurity comes from being butthurt over the post, as stated earlier.
I can't believe this isn't FF!
You think so? I think it sounds a little like "warning: keep discussion positive" which is something I'd expect to see when entering an Xbox forum or something
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Yes we are all Final Fantasy brand ambassadors here and influencers.
Negativity is not allowed in the Final Fantasy general.
Nobody is saying or implying that. Spamming the same shit and turning "being a petty bitch" into a personality is what is mocked. Sounds like nerves were touched.
So once again...
>turning "being a petty bitch" into a personality is what is mocked
How ironic
>no U!
Yes but unironically
this general is too fucking retarded
back to vmg ever crisis i go
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Is it over for Rebirth?
>Spamming the same shit is what is mocked.
Don't say that, it sounds like you're criticizing the based pasta.
I personally love how much it riles up anti-FF posters before they start their tired old routines. My one concern is that someone might start reposting it ironically to make us look thin-skinned.
Nobody was even posting about IV
Meds. NOW.
boomer-san really really likes IV
please understand
But it felt like they were obsessively hating it. They're the ones who have mental problems.
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It seems so.
Underperformed other Final Fantasy titles and reviewed poorly compared to its betters.
Very sad.
So many times I posted about how the exclusivity deals were a genius move from SE, securing them huge sums of money. I mocked anyone who said multiplat would be a better option.

The hardest thing for me is admitting I was wrong. But I was.
I was wrong.
I was wrong.
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It was pure hubris
Classic out of touch SE and Snoy
Still pretending it's the 90s yet pushing DEI slop every chance they get.
I hope it was a wake up call for them but I feel like I've said that with every major FF release since XIII lol
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Is it really over for Final Fantasy?
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It's only getting started. FFXVII 95 metacritic with hamagodchi in charge
it's been over
finalfantasy can never recover
only a slow slide into slop hell
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No, we still have the 10/10 FFXVI that was the fastest selling PS5 exclusive and inspired confidence in old fans and new.
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You mean Itsuno.
mf >>493549463
>fastest selling PS5 exclusive
That’s like bragging about being the best selling 3DO game
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Correct and based
They're never giving hama another FF after Rebirth's flop, and that's a good thing.
Wow, some of you guys REALLY need to read the pasta
Thank fuck he got fired. Asshole ruined DD2 and still won’t apologize for DMC2
shit bait, hamagodchi is just getting started
XVI was as confused about its genre as most of its fans are confused about their gender.
The only people I've ever seen be confused about XVI are people who spend 18 hours of every single day of their life shitposting about Yoshida.
As long as Nomura never gets promoted there is still hope for FF to survive.
>sell poorly
>/v/ says they're waiting for pc
>eta 10 days
>no hype
Wtf. Where did all the pc-when-bros go?
I'm hoping that he gets let go after Part 3. Or at least put back into this character designer corner, where he just keeps making Sora and Tifa over and over again.
In the corner crying about reality calling their rig trash.
Lol. Blaming exclusivity was just a stalling tactic to give them some room to breathe. Next cope will be that not releasing it simultaneously is what caused it to flop on Steam.
>VIIRgins still spend all day coping about Rebirth's sales by attacking XVI
>they still haven't realized that they are more obsessed with Yoshida than anyone else is
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pure KINO
Is barry a VIIRgin?
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Was this Final Fantasy game any good?
There's no hype because we already know the exact type of game it is. Similar to there being no hype for the PS5 version of Starfield when that eventually comes out. Everyone already knows the game is painfully mediocre.
LOL no
better than XVI for sure
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stay losing
Starfield outsold XVI btw
Most people filtered the lgbt tag on steam so they don't even know it's coming out.
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>Is barry a VIIRgin?
Rebirth is literally XV, but good.
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true, it's really a shame that it couldn't outsell FFXVI
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Horrible take. VIIRb is good but it is nothing like XV.
>doin flopspoken numbers
Because they are.
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It was a grand, glorious dream we once shared…
Until Ishikawa blew it all the fuck up so she could have her fujo adventure fic
that slippery slope led us to yawnfail and now here you are crawling back to the fatherland and its aryan Chads
Nice projection.
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Kate Cwynar should write FFXVII
Always post the full image
Nobody cares about a rando's steam review.
Good and factual review. Saved.
Nobody cares about a rando's opinion. But everyone cares about what PSX Brasil have to say
So nobody cares about your opinion? Got it
Why this post makes people so upset?
Because it tells them we don't tolerate negativity here, and that's all they want to bring.
Spamming the same shit is what is mocked
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I hope her and everyone she got hired on through diversity get fired and cry about it on Twitter for years. They have done irreparable damage to XIV.
>But everyone cares about what PSX Brasil have to say
Not even this. Also who?
They won't be fired. We had a good run with XIV but now the rot has set in and they won't be able to root it out.
Yoshida has already moved CS3 on to other games.
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XVI is 7/10 ish
The moments that are 9/10 in the story cutscenes and in the fun bosses are almost always deeply undercut by the lack of roleplaying, lack of any decision making in combat, the lack of party members, and a complete failure to build a word the player is interested in exploring inbetween setpieces.

This is the perfect way to encapsulate XVI as a product:

The Malboro is called Morbol (yet another thing they have taken from FFXI and XIV wholecloth) but it doesn't even actually have the Bad Breath. Because theres no RPG mechanics, no status effects in the game. Sure, it does an attack that looks like Bad Breath. Just like the game is constantly doing things that "look" like Final Fantasy. But it's not really Bad Breath. Morbol is one of the first enemies in the game unlike the Malboro that is often encountered late into your journey. Instead of being a dangerous threat who can afflict nasty status effects and kill your whole party quickly, he's literally a chump and a tutorial boss pushover in the worst way imaginable. Boring fight, boring boss arena.
In XVI, they take beloved and historic FF elements, and they deface them. Strip them down of their essence, and shove them all in together because "they just have to".
Just like they "had to" shove the Moogle into the game even though they didn't design the game around Moogles even existing. They thought their setting was "too dark" and "grim". They were forced to put the Moogle from XIV into the game because a woman forced them to.

There's another Morbol as a hunt later in the game, but he functions almost exactly the same. There is no Bad Breath, his mechanics are nothing but visual fluff.

Creatively bankrupt vision, complete lack of care for the series gameplay mechanics that have been developed decades, and an overworld that is less fulfilling to explore than XIII.
No, but the person who hates getting called out by it would most likely do w/e they can to destroy it. It honestly needs to be put and kept in the OP.
it will be put in as soon as OO is permanently removed.
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you really set them off with this one king
XVI is a fun game with a lot of stupid decisions that kept it held back massively from it's true potential to connect to players. Forgotten faster than perhaps any mainline FF game in history.
I'm going to make sure it's always at the top of each thread. Haters don't stand a chance. Can we make it a part of the OP permanently?
This is a great idea
Sounds like an MMO. Who asked for this?
Do any other generals start with a warning to dislikers, or are we the first ones to think of it?
See >>493477417
We're the first general brave enough to stand up to the dislikers and to call them out
>Who asked for this?
XIVfags, or at least that's what SE believes.
In your dreams kid
You just know they're screaming and crying with rage every time they see it kek
It honestly needs to be put and kept in the OP.
/khg/ has had a warning message to report and ignore a shitposting faggot for the last 4 years.
10 more days until the narrative shifts again.
We need to do the same but for anyone criticizing FF. Especially XVI or Rebirth. Anyone doing that is only here to shitpost so we're better off without them.
Why reply to your own post? You already have it saved...
Imagine this place with all the dislikers gone... Heaven.
I get very few (you)s here
I'm convinced you're all just samefagging arguing with your schizo selves
this but unironically
But I didn't reply to my own post.
No thanks, I don't want another /xivg/.
this tbհ
It would be just like /lozg/.
Look at them. They're already terrified of >>493447302 being added to the OP.

Total Disliker Death imminent
The following generals have a message in the OP to ignore shitposters

And these generals have a spam filter list in the OP pasta

I think it's time for /ffg/ to add a message in the OP pasta
so much this honestly
>XVI flops
>suddenly /ffg/ adds filters
yoshicultbros...are we thinskinned?
>I think it's time for /ffg/ to add a message in the OP pasta
Excellent idea. We should summarize this post tho >>493447302
Who or what should we warn people about?
Criticism of XVI and 7R obviously needs to go, but what else?
I think all negativity unless it's aimed towards XV or OO should be considered shitposting, honestly
A single person dumping his fanart folder while talking to himself until he calls asleep and the thread dies?
>this very true criticism upset the twins so hard it has they/them calling for censorship
>don't censor me! just let me spam the same shit and making my whole personality disliking stuff!!
Once he starts seeing that pasta at the top of every thread he's going to be so pissed lol
We should have done this years ago
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>"nobody cares about the opinion of some literallywho"
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>the twins
The twins felt called out by this post.
The age of dislikers is coming to an end on /ffg/.
Can we workshop a way to include >>493447302 in the OP from now on as a warning to dislikers?
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The rule of 2 keeps happening and I feel like I'm closing in on the reason why.
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>shitposter knows his days are numbered
>We should summarize this post tho
Nah just add the whole sentence at the top of the pasta
In the worst case scenario then add to this:
Remember that you can dislike stuff without making it part of your personality. Report and ignore shitposters that only spam and argue with others.
>that only spam and argue with others.
how would you know who's discussing FF and a post that makes you upset?
Perfect. The days of anons shittalking XVI are coming to an end.
Probably going to need to remove a few games from the OP to make room for it.
Is there a way to make clear that those posts didn't make us mad? We just want to get rid of them because they're interrupting the FF discussions we're here to have.
If you put that specifically in the OP, wouldn't that make it liable to get deleted for announcing report?
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It's easy to tell the difference. If they dunk on XV it's discussion. If it's XVI or VIIR then you can tell hating stuff is their whole personality and action needs to be taken.
Kek you're in for it now buddy. You really stirred the hornet's nest. There is still time to retract your criticisms and apologize, but you're still getting deported.
this but unironically
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What about XIII?
Final Fantasy??
There's a clear difference between
>I don't really like ff16 because storywise it can be described as "Lots of telling, little showing". Everything we know about the characters and their motivations are told to us by the characters themselves in monologues instead of showing it to us with actions which would it have been more impactful. Gameplay wise is a great action game but I dislike that each new entry is distancing themselves from its trunk base rpg roots


>FF16 Looks like a PS3 game! FF16 is not a REAL final fantasy! FF16 Combat is just mash X To Win! FF16 Has too many boring cutscenes! FF16 flopped! FF16 killed the series!
I don't see where a single lie was said.
Alright it has been decided that the next thread will have a warning message
OO and BE will stay in the OP
sounds like you're just soft.
>wouldn't that make it liable to get deleted for announcing report?
No? If that was true then why are these generals still alive and not deleted?
Can we agree posts like that are okay if they're about XV though?
Also about Demakes. Those games are ass.
Thanks to let us know that you're a shitposter that pollutes these threads with low quality shitposts
>Thanks to let us know
From now on if criticisms aren't longwinded enough to be considered real posts there's going to be trouble.
>I don't see where a single lie was said.
Right here:
>Gameplay wise is a great action game
If >>493447302 gets added to the OP it will be a major victory and a huge blow to the anons whose whole personality is hating stuff. Threads are about to become so much better.
kek gottem again
Final Fantasy XVI, regrettably, appears to be reminiscent of the graphical and technical standards typically associated with the PlayStation 3 era, rather than embodying the cutting-edge innovation one would expect from a contemporary iteration of the franchise.

This latest installment, unfortunately, does not embody the quintessential essence of what has historically defined a true Final Fantasy experience. The combat mechanics, lamentably, seem to reduce the gameplay to a simplistic affair of incessantly mashing the X button to achieve victory, thus undermining the complexity and strategic depth traditionally associated with the series.

Additionally, the narrative structure is marred by an overabundance of protracted and tedious cutscenes that detract from the overall engagement and immersion. The reception of

Final Fantasy XVI has been notably underwhelming, and it is not an exaggeration to suggest that its shortcomings have severely impacted the series, potentially signaling a critical juncture in its storied legacy.
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It's a sad state of affairs when great games like Rebirth, XVI and XIV generate so much seething after SE fumbling so hard prior to these.
Their execs must be so confused right now and I don't blame them at all.
It would take a master baiter to sort out all the shitposting from genuine criticism and praise for these titles.
put that in the op lmao
I see it happening for other franchises too. Was surprised to see there was a dedicated smear campaign for the space marine 2 game
>put that in the op lmao
Brilliant idea. We should summarize though. Maybe this part:
>Final Fantasy XVI has been notably underwhelming, and it is not an exaggeration to suggest that its shortcomings have severely impacted the series, potentially signaling a critical juncture in its storied legacy.
and include a pastebin link for the rest.
Probably going to need to remove a few games from the OP to make room for it.
>the shitposters are now training chatgpt to hate FFXVI
so very sad
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This is so sad to watch.
This post >>493447302 and the possibility that a warning message could be added to the OP has mindbroken the underage shitposter
its just yoshida troons being yoshida troons
Too many words and the vibes are toxic. Can we put a part in the op about keeping criticisms to 280 characters and they have to be constructive.
>most on topic ffg thread
True it is. Thank you for agreeing.
>spamming low effort hatred on XVI makes the thread red flag you as a shitposter
>thinking writing out short essays (copypasta'd from the various reviews a bunch of people (alt accounts) thinking it will bypass this
Have you tried fixating on something else?
This + LGBTQ tag = Filtered game.
Okay I know we said we're going to ignore shitposters, but he's really pissing me off so can we just keep talking about them until next thread and maybe include something in the op allowing us to complain for 10-15 posts before getting reported?
A *lot* of posts seem to be getting filtered on my end, but these ones didn't get filtered. If /ffg/ is actually melting down about being told that hating things is not a personality, then I can't really say that I'm surprised, just a bit disappointed in humanity.
I like XVI
Hmm... you know, you can call me a schizo if you want, but I simply must wonder if there is even a remote possibility that the reason these generals (and /ffg/) need a disclaimer about shitposters might all be the same person or person(s). I am inclined to believe that /khg/, /smtg/, and even /lolg/ might have some overlap in posters.
I hate XVI
same desu
Astrobot? The fuck is that!!!
This obviously pissed off the shitposter.
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I... really like XVI
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I really love Rebirth
I hope they put on sunscreen
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Looks like a PS3 game.
I love PS3 games
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Where's 16?
Final Fantasy X-2 is the most underrated Final Fantasy game in the franchise.
vote is from 2020
no Remake on there either
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Those are the results from a 2020 NHK poll. There was another official Final Fantasy poll that is more recent than the NHK poll (December 2022), but it had fewer voters, and XVI still wasn't out yet.
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Final Fantasy X is a masterpiece
Not a good game
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he really is a sensation
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>Seifer reflection
see >>493447302
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that's better
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uncanny valley Zell is best Zell
hottest ff protag
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at least you're aware of it
i like his art but i do find his faces odd sometimes.
but i guess that might also be part of the appeal since it looks so unique
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At this point, only Vanille and Claire can save us...
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I don't like XIII.
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I really like XIII

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