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Vault of ass edition

>The Final Shape

TWAB (09/05): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid_09_05_2024
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8053
The New Path for Bungie: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/newpath

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>493164509
No…. Not again…
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i think clovis was right, we should blow up the moon to kill all the hive on it
There it is
We are so back
Destiny needs a Lego spinoff.
>A random thrall
That thing was described as something completly different to athrall. Is it explicitly stated to be a thrall?
Post the webm.
Hive were later written to smell like wet earth. The things the Black Armory women ran into were just hive so that Bungie could keep everything so tightly bound together that it's boring.
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>Hive were later written to smell like wet earth. The things the Black Armory women ran into were just hive so that Bungie could keep everything so tightly bound together that it's boring.
That raises more questions that it awsers. The hive invaded earth during the collapse? Wasnt it stablished in D1 that the hive invasion of earth was a recent thing? Our Ghost acted very surprised when we found that witch that came from the moon.
Man... his gaming chair must be great...
It's a retcon resulting from them scrapping the Pyramid race idea. Sav was a Disciple candidate and helped with the attack on Earth so she could get to the Veil to steal it.
>It's a retcon resulting from them scrapping the Pyramid race idea
I see. As per usual, bungie made everyhing lame to avoid overdelivering.
>100k current players on console
We are actually back
Hippy status?
Still trying to get a job at Digital Extremes by sucking up to Warframe's creative director
Not true
its true
my aunt(formerly uncle) works at bungie
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oh man, we're dealing with a villain that is an expert in vex and exos
shame we don't know anybody like that to help us
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Erm clovis is a evil white man
dg told me that he was asian
but hes been a robot for considerably longer
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>maybe we should be able to defend ourselves without bending to the whims of a giant space orb
why was that a bad thing
if we compare the blood on their hands, clovis has considerably less than the traveller
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>Recruited specifically because he's still one of the greatest geniuses in the system
>Is forcibly silenced every time he tries to provide input
>This includes his attempt to explain that he'd figured out how hive magic works in scientific terms
>People unironically praise Seraph's writing
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He got an entire colony killed cause some voices in his head told him building a vex portal was a good idea
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Consider how much shit we did because of hallucinations/visions/dreams, either ours or other characters'.
but it was a good idea and the vex are push overs who have never done anything?!?!?!?
If Marathon bombs like Concord, what'll that mean for Bungie? Are they going to be forced to crawl back to Destiny or will they pull another Forsaken type miracle out of their ass?
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not even trials can temporarily prop up this shitheap anymore
i think they'll just die and sony is retarded when it comes to game development so destiny will just be ended
>People unironically praise Seraph's writing
It makes me angry. Rasputin should not have died in a fucking season. If he was going to die it should've been in an expansion using literally everything at his disposal defending earth from the witness and sacrificing himself to buy us some more time.
sorry sweaty, girlboss eramis hacked him so he had to kill himself :)
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i shouldn't feel this upset from a fucking shit post
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it is a shame seeing every single character and plot point being fumbled as spectacularly as they are
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Another thing, how did eramis out-hack fucking rasputin?
why didn't she do it during the collapse?
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>me with my Truth
Same way a random cloud strider did it
Witness juice.
Do you really have to ask? Its just bad writing. I dont know why anyone wastes their time trying to dissect the story when it can all be chalked down to really shallow, low effort and genuinely delusional scrabble.
finally, lore accurate guardians
i want to do this
what would a truth catalyst be like?
>Content creators leaving
>Playerbase collapsing
What went wrong?
under delivery
making content designed to ripped out of the game
content vault
The catalyst would be called Reconciliation and it would give you extended reserves and an extra rocket.
The same reas on why more layoffs are required
Lightfall kickstarted the beginning of the end. And then Bungie's inability to deliver new content, vaulted content and worthy events all these years followed up by the genuinely abysmal sandbox balancing across the game killed interest fast.

And then the obvious reluctance to call final shape the end reaffirms the fact that they're not confident in anything post destiny 2.
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Wrong. Advertising a clear cut "ending" for not just the last few expansions, but apparently the entire story from the beginning of the franchise almost a decade ago. And it kinda sucked.
all they had to do was just make taken king level expansions.
Rasputin should have had expac focus instead of fucking Osiris or Nimbus. Imagine Lightfall set in the Last City working alongside Rasputin to slow down an invasion
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too kino for this world
thanks for making me have to think about how this didn't happen
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>Lightfall set in the Last City working alongside Rasputin to slow down an invasion
Kino. I'd want it to be like the mw3 campaign or Halo Reach where we hop from place to place in the last city desperately doing what we can and then moving on where theres something more important going down or needs more firepower. Would be awesome to even work alongside or at least see some NPC guardians we've heard about in lore.
no that's gay you have to go to an asspull city out in the middle of nowhere to get an asspull macguffin to stop the witness(?)
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They're definitely not capable of that. I'm not saying Final Shape wasn't a good attempt aside from the genuinely awful villain, but I think its never been more apparent that Bungie are riding on the backs of the people who put D1 together.
Its much easier to improve on something than it is to create something from the ground up, I think that's one of the reasons why Bungie are incapable of making good original content. I wouldn't be surprised if 95% of the people who put together Taken King are no longer working at Bungie. I think Marathon will ultimately be their test on whether they can make a good game or not.
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>Imagine Lightfall set in the Last City working alongside Rasputin to slow down an invasion
>deploy frames in battlezones to secure the zone for an hour or two (to give you time to get an achievement for having all zones secured and find collectibles)
>the two exiled factions (Concordat and Echelon South) are also vying for zones/war frames, but the Concordat is the "friendlier" of the two factions
>Lysander is the season vendor and he wants you to be his "foot in the door" back into the city.
lole i could see this, they don’t really want to buff its tracking to how it used to be or buff its single-target damage really, so they just give us more reserves to compensate.
that catalyst would work well though, give it like 20 reserve and 4 rockets in mag
It wouldn't even be unusual, now that bipod/reconstruction can put you up there normally.
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>using other hanging plot threads instead of making new ones
bungo says no
why was that station not guarded by guardian teams after the first week of the story?they didnt even bother to protect the uplift station thats a foot away from the last city.seraph feels like a bad fanfic with eramis being the writers pet.
These designed were High moon studios right, the whole warmind ikelos aesthetic with the solar panels is kino
You know actually defending the city, if they can't render NPC just say the area was evacuated. The could have also tied in the seasonal gimmick and have it actually make sense.
Destiny literally has so much potential, potential they could have actually realized both story and gameplay wise. Its literally the only reason this game lasted this long
exactly,they were basicly begging people to leave(seasonal slop etc) and a shit ton of players were suddenly able to leave this sunken cost fallacy of a game for good after they got their ending.
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time for my third attempt solo flawless gotd
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ikelos stuff was already around in d1 but a lot of the concepts vicarious visions made for warmind were excellent
Maybe there were, other guardians are massive jobbers though. NINE(9) guardians couldn't take out the big shrieker in the arcology and there's who knows how many guardian corpses in the lucent battlegrounds.
no excuse,that place should have been packed with guardians etc.a writer forced this plot to happen.
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Full gallery of their concept art: https://www.behance.net/gallery/73074633/Destiny-2-Warmind-Concept-Work?locale=en_US
to be fair, the big shrieker was behind a barricade that needed dead guardians to break.
Stasis slow
which means they died to a strike's worth of hive which is even more laughable
It was also blasting Savathun's song on loop, so they never really had a chance.
arigato bro
i give up gotd
what a dogshit dungeon
fucking weakling
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>Filtered because he has to actually do damage instead of plink away with his streamer approved meme gun while his teamates pull actual damage numbers
I wish I could have the brain rot desperation of a content creator who'll admit they have a bias yet downplay the shit how the entire point they have is at the motivation that their livelihood hinges on the wellbeing of a game.
I'm surprised this game is as dead as it is. I thought Final Gape was pretty alright, not amazing like the plebbitors were boasting but still good enough to keep the player base occupied. I feel like Beyond Shite and Cuck Queen were worse but had consistent player numbers.
Yeah don't get me wrong I love a good circlejerk to dunk on Bungie's shortcomings and a lot of illogical shit that still persists, but as it was TFS wasn't bad for the unbelievably junk hand this game was dealt and there are aspects of general pain points that can get finer tuning to make things less shit. That aside I totally get a natural end point for a lot of people, people sticking to their guns saying, "I saw the end I'm done" and just have no patience for more of the same going through the motions. It's tough to play a game you feel like you beat 100 times over and has made as many mistakes
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>7 years ago
I miss the red war missions
hell, the redux missions were decent even. Hell of a lot better than the EAZ.
I really hated this but looking back it was definitely a lot better than whatever the fuck Lightfall and the Witness were.
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Ghaul is still the only villain to actually do something in game. He only appeared in one campaign and was infinitely better than the witness.
You can only do the same thing for so long. The complete lack of any innovative gameplay changes combined with an "ending" was inevitably going to kill the game. It'll coast for another couple years but until the only way for it to fully bounce back is with D3, which is something they have shown they are absolutely not capable of.
Speaking about this.
What'll happen to the vaulted content? are we never seeing any of the Leviathan raids again? grim
Raids are the only thing that could come back cause it encourages group play, but there is zero incentive to use dev time updating campaigns and patrol zones that will see considerably less engagement. Remember when they literally gave up on finishing the Cosmodrome a few years back?
Which parts of the cosmodrome did they leave out? If you're talking about the ROI area then i dont really think it was necessary
Cabal were pretty good until Caiatl came in and made it fucking gay family drama hour and ruined Calus
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>We could've gotten cool fantasy animal stands for strand supers and abilities
>Instead we get green worms reusing The Colonys tracking grenade ai

I fucking hate bungie.
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>no warlock strand dragon friend to burn enemies with unwinding breath
The area where you start in the Devil's Lair. Yeah it's actually in the game, they just didn't bother to string it into the patrol space.
You're right, and I totally forgot about that.
Its actually jarring how blatantly unfinished Destiny 2's felt since Beyond Light. They never really revamped the new player experience or reimplemented Mars which was supposedly in the works.
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81 hours until Doomchads win for good.
Every single major Destiny release except Rise of Iron and Forsaken was unfinished

D1 had multiple locations cut
Taken King had a mars destination cut
D2 had endgame content cut
Shadowkeep was reduced in scope because Activision told them to fuck off
Beyond Light was heavily cut because of the coof, notably Drifter, Eris and the Cosmodrome were all supposed to be more important
Witch Queen had Strand cut
Lightfall was supposed to have a proper Raid but RoN is just a scrapped dungeon concept, planets is the only raid encounter that survived
Final Shape has cut Witness dialogue + extra forms, a cut strike, a cut red subclass
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>clear ecthar
>die to the fucking jumping puzzle
>Beyond Light was heavily cut because of the coof, notably Drifter, Eris and the Cosmodrome were all supposed to be more important
>Witch Queen had Strand cut
>Lightfall was supposed to have a proper Raid but RoN is just a scrapped dungeon concept, planets is the only raid encounter that survived
>Final Shape has cut Witness dialogue + extra forms, a cut strike, a cut red subclass
I find this to be so profoundly retarded, how could they be this incompetent? they have hundreds and hundreds of employees so there's really no excuse for these types of cuts especially the darkness subclasses being an expansion behind.
I really wonder how many people are actually working on Destiny 2 / Marathon and how many people are pencil pusher dei hires.
The Lightfall and TFS ones are straight up lies
The WQ one is just speculation
For Beyond Light, restrictions meant they weren't able to get Drifter and Eris in the studio as much as they needed them, so their roles ended up being reduced and the story suffered. The rest of BLs issues are because they had to pivot to WFH mid development
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Shes a strong lesbian eliksni woman

aka it was written by that idiot rob(guy who did the osiris BL gayfic)
They are ramping down the game to focus on Marathon unironically.
Thats what they meant by wanting a younger audience.

It will go like this we will be starved for content in Destiny 2 but once Marathon comes around for its release we will get love bombed like they did with Into the Light with a lot of Marathon crossover content and offers which will pull the kinds of players they want from Destiny further cementing its fall.

It's not a conspiracy theory or anything its just what happens when a game reaches end of service they pull all support so it fades away on its own so when they finally pull the plug its less impactful because the players go "guess we have marathon then". It happened with the original Destiny coming into Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 will most likely continue running in a low priority state and maybe even combined with the first game in an "experience destiny" sorta frozen in time state that lets you go back for a shot of nostalgia every now and then.

If the Marathon leaks are real then we will get gameplay footage very soon either accidently leaked or official which should hook all the people that Bungie wants to move over to that game.
i hate pvp shooters and losing all my shit
its the opposite of what i like about destiny
why the FUCK would i ever play maraslop?
Oh boy I cant wait for Leviathan with pervading darkness zones in the obstacle course, 10x more symbols, health gated Calus, 5 second damage windows and a timer debuff which insta wipes you if you dont hit the secret symbol combination in the mind realm.
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/dg/ avocadoposter on suicide watch
It's not for you.

It's for the idiots who think trials is real skill and the addictive personality whales.
fake and gay
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rhulk edition soon?
only if he pisses
Oryx and Savathun did something too
Destiny xisters.... we lost TDT...
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>Osiris "Nooo, I can't tell Saint about how evil Maya is, he will get sad :("
>Saint "*laborious breathing, on verge of breakdown* Why Maya is so evil? Why she is so rude to her girlfriend?! :("
Destiny, year 10 of this franchise. Legendary warrior-scholars acting like teenage girls.
Again? This is the 4th time in a year
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Hypothetical question. Would it be profitable for a game to have skins/gear that can be earned fairly but also the option the be purchased? Especially if this concept is applied to a new game IP.
It would be profitable if you just put a slot machine in the game that cost real money to use and would drop xp and glimmer boosters on top of a random cosmetic for 3 matched symbols
Yes but be real, unless you're 100% the owner of that game and company, they won't allow for that. There will always be a market for whales. Finding the balance to appeasing freefags while extracting as much from buyers without hurting your game is what matters from the perspective of a business.
Like, imagine if right next to the red border chest at the end of the raid there was another chest that would pull up a screen for ornaments and ships you have the chance of earning by spending 700 silver to pull the lever. You could of course earn all of those things by doing master challenges or whatnot but it would be a very profitable option for the whales.
Hmm, what if the game isn't a free to play game and it's a standard $60 game? I wouldn't behave like a f2p either, more of a standard $60 like back in the 2000s where it would occasionally drop $20 to $30 DLCs with a decent amount of content.
That's an interesting idea. I also plan to have a few sets of gear/skins that can't be bought at all, those are specifically for bragging rights from completing the toughest challenges or overcoming huge triumphs.
>pay money to play the game
>pay even more money to unlock cosmetics
Ubisoft has been doing this for a decade now and haven’t had any complaints.
Not sure if you're the same anon but you would still have the option to unlock cosmetics in a fair fashion. Mostly through achievements or simply completing a hard mode of a game mode. The pay option is just for those who want the stuff now with the exception of a few legendary pieces.
But I can understand if you thought I meant "earn free stuff" by making the player go through a painstakingly battlepass-like system to get free shit. I hate that.
Huh, really? I should check out what they've been up to.
In the latest Assassins Creed you can buy a demon armor set with money while also being able to unlock a cool sci-fi set by exclusively collecting everything on the map
Oh that's cool. I haven't caught up with AC in a while, I wasn't a fan of the RPG elements on it but that monetization tactic would serve nicely. Will keep it in mind.
dude teenage girls would bully saint and osiris for being insufferable faggots
Based teens
we are back... back to good timeline...
we are so back bros... so fucking back...
>he's now thinner than most of the people that made fun of him
Kinda funny to think about.
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>less shitposting fuel
really is a good timeline
things are looking up bros
/dg/ should host a Smash Bros tournament
far too much of it is already on the internet
cope, he is back and with our mascot in good health, destiny shall thrive once again, trust the plan
how the fuck did he do it?
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>They're lifting GL15 from 4chan by the start of October
This is not fair, bros.
>ai generated
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the truth lost to thousands of voices, a victim of hype
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tapple won, destiny lost
>beaten by NMS
No Man's Sky sisters, we're SO fucking BACK!!!!
what does this mean
>26k playing sims
why do women do it
>22k playing a looter shooter
why do men do it
you wouldn't understand. now go make me a sandwich and NO crust this time
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modded sims is loli kino
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We are here to fix destiny
Where should we start?
Start by getting rid of all the gay shit
Make everything more gay
sorry buddy they already left.
where'd you hear that
>>Silent Hill is getting a new game
>written by Ryukishi07 no fucking less
i remember rewatching the reveal trailer several times when it dropped a couple years back, god i'm fucking hyped
>343 still not canned
The nightmares are still going to run with me for a while.
>I'm getting a new job
good for you Anon
>>Metal Gear is getting a new game
>>Liquid water is discovered in abundance on Mars
point to a section in the video that could only have been made in 2024.
Yeah apparently there are entire seas worth of water deep under the surface of Mars.
>decade long 8d chess
this. Destiny as a franchise has been hampered by Bungie never liking it from its inception, and wanting to move on to something they did like, but they never figured out what they liked. So, as best, Destiny never had any real passion behind it. It went on a lot longer than Bungie thought it would have to, and all their laziness piled up along the way.
They liked destiny 1 and 2 at release, with each update they HAD to make they hated it more and more because it was getting changed to accommodate peoples desire for balance, new content, patches.
Eventually they stopped seeing it as their creation and more like something that was stolen from them.

Bungie is a bitter spoiled child who absolutely hates the fact that "his" vision is dogshit and he has to compromise instead of getting instant gratification for garbage, to the point that he would rather destroy something than let someone else enjoy it. Marathon will be the same, they already past the point of their original vision, playtesters hated it, its why its in development hell.
>>493518486 (me)
its the same story with all of these studios, bioware, dice, blizzard, ubisoft, disney, google.
they got lucky or they had right people, so they are spoiled, they are used to it, they are under impression they can do no wrong and its people who dont understand them, it doesnt matter that the "right" people left or were kicked out long ago, it doesnt matter that they keep losing money, it will work out this time for sure, the %studio name% magic will deliver
Become legend
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we had the ass pissing meme for like almost a decade
and all it took was one fucking nublight to drive it into the ground
words cannot express how mad i am rn
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Fucking why, last time someone like her was there, the whole moderation team got purged
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do we know if the new legend title has had its requirements leaked correctly?
because if so then i dont think i'll be able to get it, i've been rank 7 since the entire guardian rank system came out
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her mask slipped off, he revealed her power level
the player retention mechanics.... why arent they working....
unironically hear her out
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Killzone had peak enemy design
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yeah heres one of the requirements fully leaked ingame
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No one loves you, anon.
Please commit suicide.
Good. Let this pile of shit deprecate.
>make entire season about faggots
>game dies
chef's kiss
Strong women power.
Most of those employees added nothing to the game. More layoffs are needed.
>The Lightfall and TFS ones are straight up lies
Brain dead take. Lurk more.
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>be me
>buy witch queen pretty late
>still play a bit
>get into light fall
>have to leave for military training
>gone for a year and a half
>come back
>no new expansions going forward, low player counts, D2 youtubers quitting
The fuck happened?
Pete wanted new old cars
Damn. I was kinda excited for the future of D2. The lightfall campaign was my favorite personally difficulty wise (the story was still ass) since it was hard but required a build to actually get through it. Thought it was a clever way to promote using the new load out system. Now apparently lightfall was everybody's worst expansion? I only experienced the first few weeks but was it that bad later on?
False. None of the people fired did anything good for the game.
Destiny 2 is in controlled decline to push players to the next product aka Marathon.
you are the problem, go back to army and sign up for ww 1 trenches of ukraine
Based take.
They have stated that they still plan on doing new locations and stories that are like 6-8 playable missions and what not like they're currently doing, but that they also aren't doing "big" major updates.
And I don't know what they mean by that, when that's what their "big" updates are. Maybe they mean they'll do less shit like excision as a part of the campaigns?
The fuck did I do?
>>have to leave for military training
What year did you sign up?
Early 2023
Holy shit you are retarded.
Is there an explanation on why we didn't bring frozen Eramis back to the last city and lock her ass up or keep her permanently frozen while under watch 24/7? because if we got skolas's big ass to the prison of elders surely she wouldn't have been a problem
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>she's done worse
>that TWAB article
>are you telling me community morale so happens to fall like that?
>no she orchestrated it
>she defecated through my sunroof
>and I saved her... and I shouldn't have
>I took her in my own firm
>what was I thinking?
Clovis bad because.....um....
Because they want her to be easily freed at a later date. Just like oryx's body it's easier for lazy writers to work with.
He is bad because Ana and Elsie couldn't get enough of his dick. How dare he fuck other women.
Black armory managed to do that without trying to kickstart a genocide.
>clovis and saint have the same voice actor, there is no excuse for clovis to have so little screen time other than girl power
irritate a vatnik, apparently
Clovis unironically got off better than Black Armory.
Seriously, why the fuck did they hate Ada so much?
Playerbase liked her too much.
because she wasn't made by Bungie's A team but one of Activision's studios
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>leadership decided they wanted to kill off Rasputin
they really did get rid of him because 'russia bad'
yeah black armory did so good that they lost their forges to a few fallen twice now
>monthly thread wide clovis dick sucking competition
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>'russia bad'
i wouldnt be surprised desu
>he wanted to use me to get rid of the giant space orb and protect humanity himself
yes that has been what we've been talking about, that's not some 'gotcha'
>he wanted to use me to get rid of the giant space orb and protect humanity himself
What infuriates me about them offing Rasputin was he basically got sentient to a point of more or less redemption. Fuck that horse shit about "he's too powerful to write around" Mara gives us free story breaking shit plot conveniences all the time.
And Clovis lost almost everything to the vex he summoned, and a few fallen managed to control DSC. Black armory at least lost to witness first then was attacked by fallen in a weakened state.
> Beyond Light
> notably Drifter, Eris

This bugged me because there was a whole loop opened when Invitation of Nine Week 1 happened and other Jokers Wild shit that was the allusions to what Drifter was capable of beyond the Nine sugar daddies and how Eris and Exo Stranger were out there with equal powers. The blade and the hourglass as they were called. Agree on the lack of Cosmodrome shit even just for flavor it still sucked how the chucklefucks promised it was going to be there in full force and then just backed away on that big time.
fair, but making some guns doesn't really do the whole job
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>Another week of nobody playing
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you are now aware that there is only one(1) legendary trace rifle model and the rest are modified versions of it
Because she's perfect
eramis hacked him?
I thought they pulled the plug on him because he was gonna war xivu arath really good, but if you war her too much she can spawn her whole army on you or something
Making some guns is a net positive since the only human force that really matters are guardians and their guns vs. bringing in a entire new species to try and kill humanity. Exos being created are good, but Im not sure they offset vex being brought to the galaxy.
And its not like clovis understood most of what he was doing, a decent chunk is him just him listening to evil voices in his head and obeying it.
Doesn't help there's legions of dick riders who feel these people can do no wrong or some senior tenure person needs to really shake things up. I got lost in videos and twitter threads because I hate myself, fucking retards saying Jason Jones needs to step in and show them Bungie still has it. Considering Jason Jones made games on very simple metaphors, philosophical and mythology mystery shit, I imagine he probably hates the game especially what it's like now. Why would you blame him to collect bag.
Did you just assume that trace rifles gender?
yeah eramis somehow got onto the space station that came up out of nowhere and had access to rasputin's whole network and activated abhorrent imperative
but he's a self aware giga AI?
isn't that the equivalent of just bringing a thought up in his mind?
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I’d like to think that the fitness helped considering you see him during that scene on a screen.
you're somehow forgetting that this "giga AI" got hacked by a large shank and servitor in Destiny 1
that was just a fragment of him or sum shit
also I'm a believer in the "rasputin let the fallen in to test (you)" crack theory
did he also let the fallen test us during the siva crisis?
Bungie only stays interested in their stuff for 7 years, but they sign on for 10.

Halo CE
Halo 3
Then they get bored of Halo and start making weird offshots like ODST and Reach

Destiny 1
Beyond Light
Then they get bored and start introducing shit like The Witness and all of Lightfall.

Seven is the magic Bungie meme number because it's their attention span.
why are there cobwebs in the center of nesus?
>captcha GAM8T
Is it really THAT hard to make new weapon models?
The same loud bitch who has fled like a scooby doo villain every time we kill her strongest minion?

She fled all the way back to the stupid elephant peoples planet.
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this adds up. Beyond Light was the last time it really felt like Destiny
I would presume because spiders.
something something small indie studio something something overdelivery
>weird offshots
ODST and Reach were good tho.
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According to them, there are only so many ways to design a weapon, and they've found every single one.
spiders always seem to find a way. fuckin cocksuckers
Then why the fuck do they keep giving us the same looking handcannon models from d2y1
Because making new models is harder than opening up photoshop and slapping a png into the texture.
please understand
I refuse
That is undoubtedly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. They already have the models from D1, its not out of the realm of possibility to grab said models and polish them up for Destiny 2.
They were still weird offshoots of real Halo. Playing as an ODST or Spartan-III was a departure from what people loved about the first three games. They even added sprint to Reach, which we can all agree was shit. Some armor abilities were cool though.
wtf ODST was fundamentally perfect. It was Halo 3 plus.
Reach was the game that did the so much collateral damage to the series that it never recovered, it paved the way for 343 making terrible games.
It's not as simple as just taking the model and texture from d1 and slapping it into d2. The poly differences alone would be a problem (though bungie choosing to ignore the quality of models made to work on the 360 just so they don't have to do more work wouldn't surprise me). Let alone the "low resolution" textures present in d1 looking like ass in d2 even considering how relatively low resolution the textures in d2 are.
Polishing the models and textures from d1 to d2 standards is much more work than opening the texture for a d2y1 model and slapping a doodle of a character or an eagle or something on it and calling it a "new" weapon or piece of armor.
[Sad News] Destiny playercount has reached new lows
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okay its easier but thats still dumb. They already have a lot of models from D1 in D2.
If they cant even remove the extra baggage on fatebringer, add the vanguard logo to the gun and call it new then they're fucked.
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>its not out of the realm of possibility to grab said models and polish them up for Destiny 2.
>polish them up
i wouldn't say polish....
omg they made the pipes bigger
Hot spider girls in your planetary core
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we still have weapon models in d2 that haven't been used in ages for legendary weapons
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>join lfg group
>get in first
>too many people join
>I get kicked
I was here FIRST
no they weren't
Low T posters itt
>It's not as simple as just taking the model and texture from d1 and slapping it into d2
you're right, with the way modern game development works it's actually even easier than just slapping it in and takes like an hour or two max
>inb4 n-no I myself an incompetent code monkey and don't even know it, I personally am too stupid and incompetent to port stuff therefore every other dev is too
no, most game devs are just retarded, all the smart people go into normie tech companies because the pay and benefits is better
Ok, give me an example of a high T post
making a gun model takes a week at most, but two days for any 3D modeler with talent
This. Clovis is a good guy.
this but unironically
Does this mean they’ll drop Marathon after they release it next year because it would be its 7th year in development?
>Low T posters needs help identifying high T posts
Destiny could be great if testosterone was more prevalent.
Honestly it would make sense. Destiny also began development in 2007 and released in 2014. 7 years that were followed by massive layoffs and people quitting out of their own will. I predict history repeating with Marathon.
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there is a TIE pilot bust at the juneau alaska airport.
i’m finally going home, can’t WAIT to grind the new content from this week
The only thing I like about Destiny is the gunplay and abilities.
it's become increasingly clear that halo was just a fluke and bungie were always a retarded company run by idiot dudebros who don't actually like or understand videogames
I'm not surprised they went corporate and I'm not surprised Marty hired Pete Parsons TWICE and then bitched when it bit him in the ass
these people are so fucked
>run by idiot dudebros
They have a lot of "women" and brown people working there now.
Come on guys are we really going to let this place die?
only raid nights will sustain /dg/
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Perfect immaculate and silent general just as the witness wills it. Enough posting, be free.
Where are all the attractive women?
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yeah in hr but the people at the top are the people who've been there the longest and they're the biggest retards
Is Euphony actually good for anything? I guess light.gg "people" gave it a 4.8 but were like "AMAZING WEAPON IT COMPLEMENTS STRAND WARLOCK PERFECTLY." Well, broodweaver is barely above behemoth in use. Doesn't really seem to synergize with anything on prismatic.

Its just laziness. Creating a new weapon especially if its not a unique should take a month at most but now in the current climate requires 3+ months. I've been saying this for a long time, they dont actually care because these aren't people playing the game regularly like the warframe devs or the tarkov devs. These are people that think adding a reskinned weapon means its magically new content (think hamemrhead), do you know what I did when they brought back all the sunset gear? I wiped my ass with it because there was were way better alternatives. Im not and im sure many other people are not breaking their backs to grind out that 5/5 godroll or piece of armor anymore, but again bungie dont think like that they genuinely believe copy pasting something is content.
>can’t WAIT to grind the new content from this week
>new content
Anon.. I...
nice try, pete
When did Destiny 2 truly die?
>Shadowflop and F2P in 2019
>vaulting half the game in 2020
>vaulting the best received expansion and introducing Mega Mind in 2022
>Lightflop in 2023
>Bungie heckin cooked their lowest player number ever with Final Shape in 2024
Around Destiny 1
hey /dg/ look what i found
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Um... what was his sexuality again?
REMINDER: more layoffs are needed
probably when they cut out half the game instead of making a new one which also means they still have to develop a game that works on a base xbox one from 2013
The Activision split and the decision to cancel destiny 3.
It's really a shame that the population is dwindling. The game is as good as it's ever been. The story of the episode is meh. I could go years without hearing from Osiris or Saint and be okay. The content itself has been solid. We got one meh activity, 3 great battlegrounds and an above average exotic mission. All this right after (arguably) the high point of the series. Take into account all the QoL updates we got last year and it's great to play. I hope Bungie finds a way to innovate more inside destiny 2 and can communicate what they plan on in a way to stir up interest again.
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Who knows? It could end up being one of those unsolved mysteries of destiny.
new copium just dropped
Hope sisters, we're so back!
Dont worry guys im sure adding more gay characters and female villains will bring people back!
>female villains
Which ones?
Just give us more Eramiskino
>New dlc drops out of nowhere
>Opening scene has all the old cast of characters' heads on pikes
>Player character says good riddance queers
>Fixed an issue that would cause players to back out of the menu when traveling
It should've died in 2020 with all the vaulting bullshit, but they were super lucky with covid hitting and boosting player numbers for the next two years. Lightfall truly destroyed any hope and merit the series had garnered since that point. Yeah TFS almost reached the same concurrent player count on launch, but only out of morbid curiosity over how they would end it. There have been a ton of ups and downs to this franchise, and the amount of "make or breaks" they've had is laughable, but it truly is over at this point for so many people cause Bungie has not proven that things will change now. Ready for the Marathon fallout
>New DLC
>Opening scene features Saints head bobbing on Osiris' pike
>Player character stands by and watches
>Fixed an issue where players could skip cutscenes
Which way?
>Fixed an issue that would cause players to back out of the menu when traveling
no wonder that season sucked.
Tarkov devs DO NOT play their own game. Famously Nikita will be in stream and not play the game, while one of his minions in a mask plays it and plays badly because they don't understand how their game works.
>new DLC shadowdropped
>opening scene shows us and the other characters having a meeting in the helm
>floating vex conflux lines appear
>everything freezes except for (You)
>a triangle portal opens from thin air
>(You) go through
>(You)'re on mercury
>(You) never left the infinite forest
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God what a shit character. The design is objectively terrible and the story implications are ass. Bungie's big villain completely ruins the entire 10-year story of Destiny.
>basically just a tall, pale human with extra faggy eyes and nose
>wears a fucking dress and has a vape head with le spooky faces in it
>omg so many hands ahhhhh I'm going insane help me niggerman
>retconned into the story like Blofeld in Specter ("it was me James, all me")
>ruins Calus
>ruins Savathun
>ruins the pyramids
>ruins The Darkness itself
>Rhulk is better
>Oryx is better
>worms gods are better
>Calus in the raid is better

This single character turns all of Destiny from flawed to entirely shit.
Its honestly impresive how badly they managed to fuck up. I have never seen a company fumble their story this badly before. Almost 10 years of build up for this fucking shit. WTF were they thinking?
>>retconned into the story like Blofeld in Specter ("it was me James, all me")
This was always gonna be the case. The Scarab Lord literally admitted in an interview in 2017 that they had no idea what the Darkness was.
Yeah i agee. Witness and where the story went was a colossal failure on the part of the writers and narrative team. The disciples were cool and Rhulk was a good step in the right direction, for a moment i thought they were channeling some biblical reference to the four horsemen of the apocalypse but i guess that would have been too cool. At this point I'm glad its over
the only reason I was excited for tfs was because I was waiting for the witness shit to finally be over and done with
TFS is not and will never be the high point of the series. The expansion sold poorly and led to layoffs (that likely would have happened anyway). Destiny's high point, as objectively as I can make it, is either The Taken King which saved D1, or Forsaken that saved D2. TFS did not and could not save D2 again.
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eos soon
but I thought bungie cooked...
Just because they cooked doesn't mean the result is edible.
Or filling.
But imagine the hand jobs and anal fisting.
The indians cook all the time often with cow dung and urine. Bungie made a similar dish.
>t. Brookes
>Remember the cutscene where the Witness(?) talks to us using our own character
Just make “The Darkness” do that, every time
Having multiple VAs record the same lines of dialogue for a whole campaign?! How could Bungie possibly afford that?!
Outside strand warlock not really, basically its the same as verglas, a mediocre weapon that really only shines on 1-2 subclasses. Could be worse, could be bad on everything like queensbreaker or truth.
Still not sure why people liked Forsaken. It was cheeks
It was a light at the end of the tunnel.
>idiot dudebros
can at the end of the day still deliver, dei trannies cannot
lightfall is the high point
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Remember to take Datto's advice and buy silver to support the few employees left at Bungie
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Just a reminder that Datto and Paul Tassi are kikes.
Total Datto death
maybe tassi can live
tassi? he had a meltdown when stellar blade started releasing uncensored outfits.
>uncensored outfits
I thought they were censoring outfits?
they censored stuff a week after release (probably because of the commiefornia execs) and the a few weeks later they started undoing some of it. Tassi freaked the fuck out because he ruthlessly defended the censorship when it was unveiled.
>undoing some of it
>ruthlessly defended the censorship when it was unveiled
lmao why
>bought "myself" (I'll probably give it to my dad at some point, as he has taken quite a liking to little handheld computers) a steam deck
>can't play destiny because bungie doesn't have their anticheat set up for Linux
I will probably install windows on it anyway, but that's still annoying.
Because he's terminally obsessed with politics, he went mask off when the SBI Detected steam curator group was created. He wrote an article attacking Stellar Blade because it had a high user score on metacritic, he wrote another article defending Concord not too long ago and then followed it up with another article writing a bunch of lame excuses for why most "woke" games were bombing left and right. He's a clown, and apart of that disgusting Industry cabal that sam maggs and jason (jew) schreier are apart of.
have you tried not being retarded? steam deck is indie shit, and just outright shit if you instal windows on it. Just buy rog ally or smth
I don't need it to be a power user computer. It's a more useful switch, essentially. I have a computer for doing computer shit.
And as of late the windows performance has gotten a lot better. But I guess Linus cuck tips hasn't done a video about Windows on the steam deck recently.
> It's a more useful switch
You already have phone nigger
>I never wanted to play destiny on it anyway
now you are just coping buddy
Shooters were never a focus of buying a device that has joysticks. Even with the little touch pads, that shits aids.
buy an ad
Its actually up
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The worst part is we were cheated out of fighting the World Serpent Witness because of developer crunch time. And the groundwork is STILL there! If you look at the Witless' model it's actually a big snakey thing that goes below the torso and winds around the levels you ascended to fight him.

Ngl, even if it's surface level shit that could've been so much more at least the last Witness fight DOES go hard. I'm a sucker for Asura's Wrath shit. Like the Anti-Spiral, the Witness is a lot more interesting to me when it's malding and losing it's shit than when it's doing it's comically transparent and inept attempts to gaslight you. The Anti-Spiral was better in that regard because from the beginning he was just "fuck you, give up" instead of the Witness constantly sliding you job offers long after it's done everything in it's power to bully you.
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Ana: Oh my god the witness is taking control of the warsat network
Elsie: hes using the resonant frequencies to cancel out the warmind commands using pure brute force
Ana: thats impossible it must have used technology far beyond our capabilities
Elsie: I've seen this once before in another timeline. The Vex fell to darkness which allowed the Witness attack to completely annihilate humanity. I don't like to say this but the only way we can fight is by pulling the plug.
Ana: It cant be... He has finally gained sentience
Elsie: I know its hard sister but it may not be over just yet....
Ana: you are right, I recall an ancient redundancy program called the SIDDHARTHA GOLEM imperitive which allowed him to recreate a submind in an exo body once before
Elsie: I've never seen this outcome this could work
Ana: Okay Guardian help us retrieve the data from several locations around the system. These secret bunkers we spent multiple seasons finding could have some information. Maybe even that dungeon with a charlemange submind backup.

Then we do several fetch quests which eventually lead to us creating a body for Rasputin which they hinted at for years which is seperate from the warsat network because hes not a singular entity like Felwinter.

Rasputin now becomes our new Vanguard our War Vanguard which forms a new strategy unit for defending against existential extraterrestrial threats alongside Adas black armory, the bray twins who have regained control of bray tech and the forbidden knowledge of a golden age AI which allows us to explore and retrieve our lost legacies to better fight the darkness.

Heres my 30 minute fanfic of what I expected to happen with all this shit but I guess it wasnt in the budget. They could have even changed Rasputin's name to something more innocous to prevent political implications so I assume it was ultimately a monetary descision.
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you wish, i just got biggest content expansion known to mankind
All that because they couldnt have the darkness be a giant breasted motherly figure
crazy how trials went from a fun mode with the boys to a streamer exclusive pubstomp arena
trials is gay
the entire premise is a coinflip with every second nigger either cheating or net limiting
Stopped playing during that season where we were turning Eris into a hive god or whatever we were doing. What ever came of that? Did they kill her for being a straight woman or just make her a new troon god?
literally nothing happened, eris went back to normal and savathun is still our "ill get you next time" enemy.
That feels worse than what I thought would've happened, since, nothing happened. That sucks, glad I quit, thanks anon.
Eiris accepted all our tributes making her hyper pregnant with paracausal hive babies (worms).

She used them as an offering to the ritual which empowered her enough to cut off Xivu's(who?) connection to her throne world off flushing them down the toilet.
Now shes back together with the drifter since being so powerful gave her an insatiable lust only an ancient darkness bearer like the drifter can handle her violent impulses.
Warframe won
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enjoy your prize sister
Warframe isn't a good substitute for Destiny.
maybe you shouldn't get a video game tattoo then you stupid bitch no one forced you to get that ugly dumb shit
Throw in a raid where we blow up another Worm God and you son of a bitch, I’m in.
Does Warframe even have a game plan to deal with THEIR ominous dark cosmic being? Last I checked nobody fucking knows what to do about the Man in the Wall.
not going to lie to you folk but i got into this game 3 months ago, played it for a month straight and tried my best to fall in love with it. i loved this game, but
1. the retarded paywall
2. the fact they removed the early campaign
says to me that they don't want me to love and connect with this game... which is sad. compared to a game like osrs where you can fall in love instantly, a game like this is so close to that... but im repelled by bungie themselves... why don't they want me to love this game
its free to try not free to play
but yeah you're actively being cattle prodded for wanting to play the game
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Definitely Shadowkeep. Everything surrounding that expac was literal cancer, that went untreated/undetected, which kept getting worse and eventually metastasized, became uncurable and killed off Destiny for good around Lightfall.
>no more sugar daddy Activision
>game went F2P
>core playlists were left to languish and die off from a billion small cuts
>Bungie kept squeezing their players with FOMO for years, never relenting, while ignoring their feedback
>game never really """grew""", most of seasonal content was treated as disposable trash, vaulting killed the rest, instead of building up core strengths of the game
They didn't invest enough back into Destiny, which became obvious to hardcore fans years ago. When news broke that most of Destiny money went into DOA projects, fans were not surprised in the slightest. It was just long expected confirmation of the fears that nobody dared to say out loud.
FOMO and vaulting absolutely killed this game for new players. Instead of a welcoming party, years of premium content waiting for them, with an actual traceable lineage, they were greeted with a dark forest, full of signs "fuck you, you had to be there". Who in the right mind would stay after this?

If we don't respect the past, we'll find it harder to build a future. And nuBungie absolutely hated Destiny.
I also vaguely remember her phrasing something that made it sound like she was saying she was the one who killed Oryx and never before had I wanted to kill Eris more
finished reading Sasameki Koto, made me cry a lot.
hope we get more yuri kino in Episode 2
They reap what they sow. Then again I can’t get back the time I wasted in destiny
could you answer two questions for me please?
1. is it possible at all to play the old campaign stuff?
2. who still plays destiny nowadays? is it people who truly love the game? or is it only mmo addicts left who grind
people who love to grind and have way too much in to get out

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