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Previous: >>493420330

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Kama Love!
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It was really hard going back to enjoying FGO's story after reading through Mahoyo with its amazing presentation and voice acting.
Mori started a new company with another guy after he left Arcsys, it's called Studio Flare.
Supposedly they're in the process of developing a new game right now.
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Lip love!
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Remember the Melt collection the Oberon anon uploaded? Someone tried to cuckpost on its comment section and got downvoted to hell.
>Still though I think it'd be worth it just for the story honestly.
I know. Thanks!
>new game
I wonder how it will be. Mori is the kind of guy to do a lot of fanservice. Hell, I remember how in a forum I used to go there were a lot of people that shitted on him because he was sexist with things like Remix Heart or Litchi.
I have seen this rat before, probably one of the /fgog/ retards.
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how are you liking your mini-Himiko so far bros?
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Comfy Friday night with my bros. I've got pizza on the way.
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Reminds me of Rin.
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This event sucks. It's literally devolved into a bunch of nipwank characters making declarations at each other while (you) sit around drinking tea in a cell dozens of miles away.
>chacha: muh son! muh son (literally who), I care and am angry because ???
>new guy: ohohoh I must redeem lord (literally who)'s great empire because I messed up one time!!
>shinsengumi: ohoh, we need to save our pal's prostitute girlfriend because otherwise we wouldn't be able to hold Shinsengumi Gangbang Saturdays
>Iyo: oh no, it's (literally who), whose kingdom (literally where) has a god that can't even be bothered to stay awake because this is so boring lmao and he wants him to wake up so that ???
>teagirl: I am... le schizo...
I do not care about any of these conflicts, it's all just so much hot air. Imagine mixing all these plot threads and characters together and nothing about it is interesting.
Feels like Ereshkigal 2.0.
I want to hug her
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Anyone rolling tonight?
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Why did doujin artists abandoned FGO? lack of interests for new servants or burnout? the panda content has been dry for quite a while outside the occasional mom/morgan/cunny doujins.
Nah, I prefer the one with the genshin fag getting dogpiled. Much funnier.
To be more precise, likely one of the tourists who drop on /fgog/ to cuckpost. Early years' /fgog/ didn't have cuckposting. It all began when Kizu and other bastards from external social media started to visit /fgog/.
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Click skip for the rest of the event and stop crying
Waifufags moved to non cuckge

Our most loyal artist keep making content that is making sense for this cuckge
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UGH! I’ve been getting so much pussy ever since I started using a jack johnson/john mayer playlist in my boudoir. Why are women such FAGS?!
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And if I don't??
Doujin artists probably have a pretty shoddy financial situation. They probably have to be on the latest trends to maximize sales.
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Pure sex
This game is almost 10 years old man.
>seethes about men being the video game
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this happens
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2nd Place will alwayz be First Loser
I like her more than any other character in this event desu
And he’s replying to himself fucking again.
She's a pretty cute loser, I like her.
Bro, it's the guy trying to stir shit with melu. Learn to stop engaging with him.
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Holy cute.
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Iyo is way more likeable then Eresh desu
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I love gorilla women so much bros
man, sometimes i wonder if nips not knowing what is a patreon is both a curse or a blessing, imagine how many fgo stuff we would still get if they had a fanpage....wait isn't pixiv technically that?
She only has two Buster cards so she technically does not qualify for gorilla status.
They use pixiv fanbox bro, that's a big reason why lots of them stopped releasing doujinshi. It's a lot easier to have a bunch of suckers pay you 500 yen a month to draw 1 or 2 pictures a month instead of drawing 30 page doujinshi twice a year that make a fraction of that money.
You mean Rin if Rin was Sakura
More like you're kinda overestimating how much money you can get from it. Run of the mill artists still aren't gonna make much from it.
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>Spaceflight-able Servant
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There is nothing wrong with Melu being Aurora's wife desu. Like she is Fae Lancelot and every Lancelot enjoyer (True) knows that married girls are the best. I mean married or not I'm gonna COOM inside her cunny anyway.
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If a servant with 3 buster cards and a buster NP is a gorilla servant, what do we call servants with 3 arts cards and an arts NP?
cwute doragon fangu
Stfu and stop doing this shit by engaging with him.
>Servantverse and servants who can actually survive in space
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>still a long way for Tonelico
I know I know. Preparations and stuff. But I really, REALLY, need her. Also the fae summer lineup.
Poo gods bros...
did the amount of cum I shoot into her make her break orbit?
>MHXXA standard face
Why is this dork so cute. I mean for me is XX but XXA is so dorkable.
>was not really into them as their normal selves
>now grow up they REALLY improved, specially XX who is more hardworker and toxic with the saberface hate
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An Artist
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Servantverse was a mistake
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I've enjoyed it a lot so far, I don't feel like there's a lot of padding to it. I've really liked Nobu and Okita/n's writing in it. Rikyu was being reserved up until now which was cool, but I'm excited to see how the plot develops now that he and Koma are the main focal points.
>Miyu still flat
good, she doesn't deserve them
Makes sense.
What about quick np and triple quick cards?
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I bet Nemo and Da Vinci could probably get to space. The Storm border is already a submarine, naval vessle, land vehicle, fighter jet, why not make it a spaceship too at this point.
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What about quick sessions of constant cumshots inside melt's beautiful asshole?
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>Servantverse shit
>Ishtar and Melu
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it was ignoring her a lot
Miyu is just protecting her friend!
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How have your tastes in servants changed over the years?
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I love Melt so much bros.
I feel like Quirinus should be on this list.
It hasn't really.
No way, all goes to her womb
>No way, all goes to her womb
Even better.
>Aayltera the alien doesn't have it
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>Saberface Servantverse was fun
>Then SWII made it kind of serious but it was still fun
>Then Servantverse started invading other normal events
>Now it's inextricably tied and intertwined to the main story, if you're a main story only you're GOING to see Servantverse, it's not a fun side thing anymore, one of the important beasts of the story is Servantverse, Ciel is a Servantverse character
The only good servantverse characters are and will continue to be the saberfaces. MHX, XA, XX, and XXA are where the servantverse should've stayed.
No, I mean no way I would fuck her asshole. I MUST get her pregnant and become a happy family
>I wonder how it will be. Mori is the kind of guy to do a lot of fanservice.
It depends on what genre his game is going to be. I like fighting games, but I can't lie some of the current crop of new fighting game fans are an infuriating bunch.

>Remix Heart
Mori will always be based for pushing for a gender bent story to be made in Blazblue.
Sex with cups.
>The only good servantverse characters are and will continue to be the saberfaces.
That charisma void isn't good.
I used to like CLAP servants, now I hate them.
Why are they called cups?
Gudako and mash drawing, drawing these two was a first for me so apologies if it looks shit
I started this on the 28th, did not expect it to take so long but I'm happy with the results
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>but I can't lie some of the current crop of new fighting game fans are an infuriating bunch.
I think it's legitimately just Strive fans that I have a problem with.
>if you're a main story only you're GOING to see Servantverse
When was this?
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>MHXA Summer
>Super Bunyan
>Summer Jalter
>Maou Nobbu
>Ibuki (Saber)
>Summer Martha
>Musashi (Saber)
>Mecha Liz
These are the gorilla babes in FGO, unless I missed one.
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Because they are cups?
Spishtar and Jane are also alright. Ranmaru is a joke character who stays contained within gudaguda so nothing wrong with her either.
What is a gorilla babe?
>blazblue died but it keep a legacy
>meanwhile guilty gear is having mainstream shit like bridget reboot trap to tranny shit
>as well as changes on the gameplay
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Good post. Great even.
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Nice job, might want to give mash pupils though.
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I'll believe that when I read it myself, I don't trust spoilers from onii-chan.
A female Servant that can rape (you) and there's nothing (you) can do about it.
>Himiko not listed
>Hates the new fans
>Likes the gender bend shit with Mai
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but you are the new fan.
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How horrifying
Himiko is a gentle maiden.
Very cool lateletbro
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Only 2 buster cards
>punches her way through a wall to give you a spine breaking hug
I dig the style bro.
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I'm honestly fine with the changes to Bridget's character (guilty gear never had a good story anyway so who gives a fuck), it's just that the discourse surrounding it is obnoxious. And how people discuss that aspect of the game is also how they discuss every other aspect of the game. The community is just terrible.

Blazblue has the better trap anyways. Amane is cute as fuck.
>Tea lady reveals her true name
>Still have no idea of who she is
I love guda gudas
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I mean, story and important events have been human translated since like LB6. This one isn't at a particularly fast pace (77% done after a week and a half I think) but it's going. I barely even gone to onii-san's room since that started happening because you know how that place is when anything happens
Huh? That's your criteria for "gorilla babes", really?
now make a porn parody game on newgrounds
made for threesome
Someone post the image.
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I always consider her one of my favorites, but this past year I really have become infatuated to Illya. Like I can't stop daydreaming about having her as my cute onahole wife.
get Tomar to voice a character
Servants with 3 buster cards and buster NP are gorillas, so the female ones are gorilla babes
Twice in this one event she's punched her way through a mountain just to get the jump on an enemy.
A humble merchant of Sakai.
I love her. She's goofy and super cute.
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>I mean, story and important events have been human translated since like LB6
If Chiyome is anything to go by, Miyu may be forever cursed to be flat...
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Some girls have boob energy, some don't
Ilya is destined to be huge one day
quaternary bro...
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Kuro sex! Sex with Kuro!
We get a coin refund when they add the new coin update right?
I want to kiss Nobbu on the lips
Illya ain't growing up.
Almost had a punchline there
FSN Ilya originally grew older, they only took out her growth organs when she was turned into a grail

Prisma Ilya grows up normal because her human functions are still intact.
True JP Experience means no coin update unless we have our own big meltdown on twitter.
Prisma Illya will forever be 11
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>old man poisons and emotionally abuses a minor
Rikkyfags are Sick in the Head
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Imagine if they brought back BlazBlue, but got rid of the drive system.
Is Redline still going? The translations aren't.
The game would be unrecognizable, but I guess that's not very different from how Strive is.
The best Fate entries update slowly and erratically.
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Nasu is a terrible role model when it comes to deadlines.
In the grail war of the original VN the grail needs a vessel to materialize. This vessels are homunculli who turn into literal cups and become a holy grail (fake).
Illya's mom is one of those homunculli, she is the big cup. Illya is an homunculli/human hybrid and the vessel cup for the Fate Stay/Night grail.
In prisma Illya her mom somehow divides Illya into two: Illya and kuro, so both of them are also cups.
Miyu is a grail vessel from a different timeline so she is also a cup.
Redline too.
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The only GG I played was XX and it made me realize that anime fighters are not for me.
At least the character design is cool.
>guilty gear never had a good story anyway so who gives a fuck
It did have hot girls like Dizzy, though.
>Blazblue has the better trap anyways. Amane is cute as fuck.
I mean can he be considered a trap when he is clearly not a kid?
I hope nope. Those systems was what make each fighting game unique.
Hell. Even SF with it's slow mechanic and KoF and fast paced style are what made them stand out. The Drive gave every fighter an unique playstyle. Not to mention that seeing their emblems appear whenever a DD or AH was pulled was fucking beautiful.
I heard that Uniel mechanic is also very good.
They don't call Sakura a cup, even though she is a holy grail modified by Zouken.
tits too fat
I'm grailing her to 100 the moment she becomes permanent and to 120 when I get enough embers.
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Wish I had more time to grind Blazblue, it was my first FG last summer and I still have fun with it even when I get my ass beat by 12k match Ragnas
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>I mean can he be considered a trap when he is clearly not a kid?
Traps are kids only like 50% of the time, maybe. Astolfo is clearly not a shota, but you'd obviously call him a trap.
Sakura is cringe.
Thank you for the explanation, bro.
she is a poorly imitation made by zouken and filled with worms, she is more like a toilet desu.
Fair point. Amane is also a hard to control character but also very very good if you main him.
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that's where they store the grail energy, its why Ilya's breasts grow every time she absorbs a servant
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It reads like a japanese joke that went through several layers of google translation.
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I've mostly been a casual player of fighting games my entire life as I typically only play them with friends and rarely online. I enjoy Blazblue so much though that I kind of want to just sit in training mode until I get good enough to hold my own online with veterans of the series instead of relying on friends to play it with me.
My main is actually Mu-12, though I've been considering switching to Izanami because she's a lot of fun too.
Damn Bratty Choco-Cup!
Ilya is a poor imitation of justica, pot calling the kettle black.
My main is Hazama. I like flying around.
>A female Servant that can rape (you) and there's nothing (you) can do about it.
then that list is missing teen mom, as non consensual hallway sex would have happened had her older self not intervened
Based. That's a good one.
I mean can you blame them? Ragna is absolutely soul and chad.
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sup nerds
What would have been a fate game with the drive system?
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Another three or four hours until the truth is revealed
Sakura is based
Sup slut
I don't play fighting games, so I'm just going to pretend this is referring to (you) getting a car
Strive has the worst of it, but I've seen similar bad discourse in other games, especially with loli characters. Even something as tame as Enchantress from DNF duel ired some people when she was announced.

>He forgets about that bodyswap Gag reel in Continuum shift.
Bro, Blazblue was always filled with Otaku shit. Mai is just another form of it that always been there in the anime community.
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I need an Illya version of that gen.
>Bro, Blazblue was always filled with Otaku shit. Mai is just another form of it that always been there in the anime community.
She was also hated because of the fanservice, which, makes me think, that we always have those retards in games, it's just that now they have come out of the closet. They should return there and have those closet throw into a volcano.
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This cup leaks chocolate milk.
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i feel like the Rikyu Komahima reveal would hit a lot harder if i knew japanese history, it was kino because i know the characters now but imagine going in blind and Rikyu is executing Ishida on behalf of Komahime's cruel and unjust execution
Illya is the most perfect grail ever made, even Zouken himself (Justeaze biggest simp) praised her beauty and perfection.
Drives are kind of similar in concept to noble phantasms, so probably not very different really. Like you know if Ragna became a servant the azure grimoire would just be his NP.
>as non consensual hallway sex would have happened had her older self not intervened
Why did Mom not want me to make her a teen mom?
>Illya is the most perfect
That's all I needed to hear
You thought I was some obscure Japanese figure, but I was actually a different obscure Japanese figure!
She's called Selkie in JP? This Tonelico shit is going too far
>now but imagine going in blind and Rikyu is executing Ishida on behalf of Komahime's cruel and unjust execution
Uhhh, I mean I still wouldn't care but you do you.
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Pretty sure Ragna NP would be the real Azure, since he won over Terumi.
I feel like it's not actually that surprising considering that Rikyu just so happens to look like a young girl and both people were unjustly murdered by Hideyoshi. It's kind of the natural plot development.
kill yourself illyakek
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Sup King
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for that one anon
What does selkie and tonelico had to do with each other
i didnt say it was surprising or a shocking twist, just like Oberon's reveal (of course not in the same level of kino as his), everyone knew and yet his reveal was still beyond kino, specially with the red text.
Oh well in that case I do agree, it's a really satisfying story moment.
Just substitute the names with Americans
Imagine that Ishida is some Civil War general
And Rikyuu is some famous war profiteer that everyone loved, like Colonel Sanders
Then they reunite in the afterlife, they decide to work together
Then it gets revealed that Colonel Sanders is an amalgamation of every black person with a grudge from the civil war period, and then he turns into a foaming black ooze, and reveals his other face, george floyd
What if oberon in sonic?
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Image of Kuku DESTROYING Tlaloc and pulverizing her into tiny pieces.
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>Colonel Sanders
I found that really funny to imagine for some reason
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It was a Redman type thing, same person different point in time and both thought the other is the most cringe thing ever- so obviously the only was to resolve that was a duel to the death
Sounds crazy but it works, Americans can't understand GudaGuda unless you say "Imagine Okita Souji is Lebron James"
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...but im not american...
But I'm an American and I probably enjoy gudaguda more than 99% of the people in this general.
now Shadow
prove it right now
how do i do that
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>was created for a purpose
>to destroy
>couldn't not escape from his fate
That's a cool pic despite that I am not sure if Super Sonic would be enough.
Hyper Sonic on the other hand..
Kiss Me Anon
Its the ONLY way….
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>I mean can you blame them?
Not at all, Ragna is great. I probably should've picked him to learn the game better but I went the suffering route with Naoto instead
It would've been a great way to show the character's gimmicks and tie them into the moveset in an easy way
Going based of the main F/SN servants:
Saber: Mana Burst: Her D attacks are way stronger but cost some meter
Emiya: Broken phantasms maybe, gimmick is probably something similar to platinum but less randomly autistic
Gil: GOB of course, probably a couple specialized weapons
Cu: Something like Mai? Or maybe high chip damage on block
Meduseless: D attacks use Cybele, higher hitstun like Jin
Kojiro: Not sure about this one, his big "thing" is Tsumabe Gaeshi and that's either a DD or AH. Maybe do something with movement cancels like Naoto
CA Hassan: Also a little difficult, perhaps really long range like Hazama
Basaka: Probably the hardest along with Kojiro. High startup guardbreaks on D attacks?
Wish this didn't take so long to write because I think discussion petered out. oh well
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Male Master is such a slut.
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Why did they reveal super bunyan isnt even actually bunyan anymore in her servant materials, but some different native divine spirit.
>I went the suffering route with Naoto instead
How are the hands?
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Reminder that he qualifies for almost every class, Including ruler
now post him kissing a human woman
Ruler does not mean "governor". It means "person who enforces the rules".
Sonic is not that.
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Quetz AMOR
Definitely true in the West. Thankfully Japan opinion was all that matters back then, and Mai was a big hit over there. Enough where the Remix Heart manga got expanded to four volumes despite it initially being planned to end on two, and even placed highly in popularity polls. A case similar to Yumi from Senran Kagura.

>it's just that now they have come out of the closet.
If only the devs didn't support them with the toned down designs. I blame this on the PS5 bombing in Japan forcing devs to look worldwide with their games.
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Don't tempt.
I mean Sonic has been confirmed to be the type of selfless guy that always goes for the right thing to do. Black Knight pretty much was that, a story where he HAS to be the villain and kill Arthur and put an end to the Camelot stories and avoid making it an eternal kingdom/world.
He definetly has no possible wish for a Grail.
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It's still funny to me though how for such a fanservice heavy series, Blazblue's last popularity poll still had 5 guys at the top before any girls showed up, and the 6th most popular character was Mai (a genderbent guy).
So the real bunyan is ded?
So cute...
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i wouldnt survive life with Quetz, sex would be too wild.
Sonicfags should get the same treatment bronys do.
>Paul Bunyan, the pioneer leader who achieved the "great feat" has a tendency to pursue usefulness and rationality a bit too much (like the original Bunyan she believes that she has to be useful to be allowed to exist and has come to demand the same of the people around her). While she wants to get along with her colleagues and to be loved by everyone she thinks about her relationships with others in a calculating way which results in her words and actions seeming thoughtless.
>On the other hand unlike the original Bunyan she isn't solely focused on pioneering but believes that harmony with nature is necessary for the happiness of all humanity (this is thought to be due to syncretism and the influence of the Native American Heroic Spirits assimilated into her Spirit Origin as her words contains knowledge derived from the Native Americans that Bunyan would not have known about). She doesn't want to think about the contraction in her pioneer nature.
so the ssr bunyan isnt even her?
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then they wonder why nobody liked her
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Koyan and Tamamo Cat would still try to fuck either despite or because hes 'hog
Thanks bro for the gens.
I love how big she looks in both of them.
Higashide has written crossdressing Gudao not once, but TWICE as of the next White Day event.
Higashide is so based...
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It would be extremely painful.
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Imagine the blowjobs
>I blame this on the PS5 bombing in Japan forcing devs to look worldwide with their games.
Sony needs to fucking dissapear.
Was Ragna among them? And to be honest, most characters were well writted and defined. I suppose there were yumes?
Knight chan is so lucky..
Shut the fuck up
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>Was Ragna among them?
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So basically to summarise everything, a shrimp did indeed fry the rice?
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>Reminded of blazblue
>Go on youtube to listen to music
>Do nothing for half an hour again
you guys
>Makoto at 11
Eh, wish it was higher. Best BB girl.
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>Nine nowhere high
shit taste as always
>wanting miss bitchy bitch
She was a prick and arrogant selfish piece of shit. It was not asking what did the witch saw on the cat, it was what did the cat saw on the witch. Jubei, I like him, but his tastes on woman are questionable.
D-did we always had fujos? Also how in the fuck hibiki got this popular in such a relatively short amount of time?
To be fair, spinning is a good trick
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>Was Ragna among them?
Shouldn't be surprising. He got an official Daki made of him after all lol.Same happened to Hazama and Jin.

Fighting games always get a quiet big female following, but in Blazblue case it was considerably more so. If I have to say, it's thanks to its hefty story really, as it gave girl fans more than just 20 second character endings that was the norm back then.
she keeps coming back so shes obviously popular enough just from being hot which is all what matters.
Hibiki's popularity really baffles me. Not sure how that happened. But fujos did ship Ragna pretty hard with Jin (and sometimes Hazama/Terumi).
guruguru mawaru
guruguru mawaru
id refuse to die until i make demigods with her. Id dedicate my soul towards staying alive and at least couple grails towards reinforcing my pelvis
>Something for female coomers
>Something for male coomers
>Something for story autists
>Something for gameplay autists
>Something for casuals
>Something for competitivefags
>Something for single player gamers
I don't think any fighting game releasing in "current day" is going to match Blazblue. Maybe UNI but I haven't played it
seems like such a weird thing to reveal like 3 years after her event ran and when the character wasn't ever used outside of it
I got to remember Sumeragi. What a fucking awesome artist even if she was full fujo.
Blazblue broke a lot of standards desu. The entire VN story mode may have started with GG, but BB definetly improved it absolutely. Hell, it was what made KoF XIII Story Mode possible even though the KoF series had stories with the arcade endings.
Yeah. Sumeragi is one of them. A whole fucking doujinshi with the main trio.
Normally I'd say being a Quetz appreciater makes you soul, but unironically saving that reddit slop is soulless.
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Blazblue's kinda like the Fate of fighting games with its wide appeal. Although Fate doesn't really have anything for competitivefags.
>Something for single player gamers
Abyss was such an unholy hell, but fuck it, it was super fun.
And I forgot to mention. Where is Sumeragi? I though that someone like her would make a Servant or CE even.
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The Grand Cunnyan
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Milly's so cute
>D-did we always had fujos?
Yeah, we do. It should be obvious by the amount of yaoi doujin Blazblue got, but then again those don't typically get scanned.
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She's too strong.
Lavinia in OC5 soon
Blazblue was the very last fighting game I got into, and I've alwasy hated the competetive tryhard communities in general so there's that
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Yes. YES!
need nude flat chest barg
It just seemed like Guilty Gear designs with less soul to me, so I never bothered
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There is no such thing as a character with more soul than Ragna.
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Look, if you have more soulful fanart along the same lines then youre welcome to post it- i'll save that too
Guilty Gear was more of the western music as characters, while Blazblue was essentially anime character tropes into characters. Then there is the subvert them in a way that would make Nasu want to learn from Mori himself. Ragna is definetly anything but edgy despite his look.
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Please provide context for this. Where and when did they add this? This "spirit" wasn't mentioned in either of the Riyo events and comes completely out of left field. It hasn't even been mentioned in the Riyo comics.
Furthermore, Super Bunyan's development had closure at the end of Mississippi Mythicizers.
This reeks of Nasu or Sakurai desu
My guess is that this is their backpedal to make Super Bunyan non-canon and give them an excuse to add Hoover and Melies.
Really, Nanabozho? The heathen god of my people?
Is this why I got her on gssr?
Unironically what did America do to Nasu?
complete materials
servant materials, all riyo most likely super bunyan has been showing up more in lwm
All I did was type in Ojibwe trickster spirit and it came right up, it wasn't even hard to find. And in the wikipedia entry they talk about it having legends where it battles with Paul Bunyan. It really feels like they weren't hiding it that hard.
>this again
Bro, I want you to take a really good look at this franchise. Look at how they've handled other countries' figures as well. Enough with the victim complex, for real.
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Well her's was the only event I didn't clear and I've been going since Onigashima Rerun.
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How is this so erotic?
Choco N Creme Titty Sandwich Cookies!
Who is the real Gudao and who is the fake?
Sometimes my mind thinks Takeru into a long haired Nero.
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>Fight with Paul Bunyan
An Ojibwe legend describes Nanabozho's encounter with folkloric lumberjack Paul Bunyan. Along Bunyan's path of deforestation, Nanabozho confronts Bunyan in Minnesota and implores him to leave the state without logging any more timber. A fight ensues and they battle for forty days and forty nights. Nanabozho ends the fight by slapping Bunyan across the face with a Red Lake walleye fish. After this, Bunyan stumbles. Nanabozho pulls at Paul’s whiskers, making him promise to leave the area." Unofficial sources add a portion in which Bunyan lands on his rear end at the end of the battle, creating Lake Bemidji with the shape of his buttocks.
This story claims to explain why Bunyan is beardless and facing west in the Lake Bemidji statue. A Nanabozho statue is situated across the street from the aforementioned Bunyan statue.
He's got no boobs though.
He's not wrong
There are two categories of heroic spirits. Mythologies that TM cares about, and mythologies the writers don't care about.

Writer cares about it

Writer clearly doesn't give a shit about it

In year one of FGO they gave America a bit of pandering; Edison, Billy, Geronimo, Abigail, etc
But immediately after year one they clearly stopped giving a shit about America pandering, and now no one cares about it except Riyo. And Riyo doesn't tend to write events, which means America gets zero development.
Original Bunyan event mentioned dozens of Americans who could be heroic spirits; Davey Crockett(played by Altera), Buffalo Bill(played by Altera), Butch Cassidy(Played by Altera), even Altera.
Jesus Christ they made Super Bunyan a Wendigo
>Ragna is definetly anything but edgy despite his look.
It was cute seeing him be all scaredy cat to the mention of ghosts.
>super Bunyan isn't Paul Bunyan
When will we get Ultra Bunyan like Super Orion?
>Writer cares about it
Imagine saying this after heian kyo
>Ultra Bunyan
>played by Altera
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Mom love! Schez love!
He was probably thinking of Gudaguda when he said that, not Heian-kyo.
Seems like it'd be Pretender Bunyan Alter (Nanabozho). I'd roll.
Wassup niggas
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
I cried for like 15 minutes after Ragna hugged Rachel at the end of Central Fiction.
There's a whole LN specifically about them though
>Writer clearly doesn't give a shit about it
Yean and it's not an american unique situation, but somehow it's mainly american stuff that got most of the whining. When even the greeks and romans have suffered worst butchering. Caesar alone is a bigger travesty than whatever happened to american stuff.
Even they aren't immune. Even way back in FSN you have Nasu taking Kojiro, one of the most famous figure in Japan and going lol he ain't even real.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah gulp that shit down niggaaaaaaa, let me see that throat Work
Every day /alter/ finds a way to get more day
>Ultra Bunyan is actually a 7' bearded juggernaut with actual art
Would be too kino for fgo
And then she went on an eternal journey to find that person she know existed. Absolutely kino.
But my crying part?
>not the power of the azure
>but everyone's possibility
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>Every day more day
>servant isn't actually the who they say they are
I'm so fucking tired of them doing this shit. God forbid a servant is who they say they are.
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Its not victim complex if they're actually out to kneecap and do away with American servants at every turn.
Tell me what other servant has "believability" nerf their skills? Are you telling me everyone believes Gilgamesh's exploits?
Tell me what other servant gets represented by doll and sidelined for a literal who.(Helena & Col. Olcott)
Tell me what other nationality gets servants mentioned in an event only to never see them again?(Both Riyo events)
Tell me what other servants aside from fucking Neko Arc, are just accessories for another servant never to be implemented properly?(Hoover & Melies, SURPRISE its not actually them either but some injun trickster spirit)
And don't get me started on that redhead in NPC jail.
Nah, American servants, history, and culture are victimized by TM. Complaining on 4chan is the least people who are disappointed by their continuous decisions to express their disapproval. They use American locations as a prop for a bunch of things and refuse to even pay tribute with a proper servant.
And to top it all off Nasu, the braindead retard, says he only has to focus on a Japanese audience when his Global audience has been playing his game for 8 years now.
thanks bro
The failure of true name revelation from EoR has lead to this
Take a look at how they're treated to date
>non character
>Oneshot by Cu offscreen in Last Encore
>Just a fancy costume for Cu Cuthulainn
>Scath can use all super ultimate Odin runes
>Skandanavian shit exists just to wank Irish mythos... for some strange reason
>Skadi is just a costume for Scath
>Super ultimate version of Surtr world ending attack easily gets blocked by Heracles.
>Sigurd just exists to go "My wife my wife my wife", even though they weren't married and he helped his best friend rape and marry Brynhildr in the myth, because his best friend wasn't man enough to do it himself
>Bryn is a clone of Altera for some reason, all valkaries are clones of Sefar. The fucking lore for this mythos is a mess.

That LN was literally only created because the artist that does the art for Sakurai novels bitched at Sakurai to stop fucking up Skandanavian mythos
The artist is a huge weeb for Skandanavian mythos, created designs for various servants on their own, and told Sakurai to just write a novel about them
Sakurai proceeds to write a few chapters and then stop writing the novel entirely for two or three years
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My cute latina wife
>Its not victim complex if they're actually out to kneecap and do away with American servants at every turn.
Voyager is one of the coolest and most respectful depictions of a historical figure in the game though.
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You're a day behind...
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Unless theyve made it more clear since last i read it, I've been pretty sure that Galahad Alter has been Ser Balin the Savage the entire time and just ashamed of himself.
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>umm actually he looks like the little prince
>That wasn't a thing in his origin novel
I agree the boi is solid, but they still tried messing with him.
>super bunyan is a skinwalker
this is unironically a better story than what she actually got in her own event
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That would be kino in this case because Galahad and his whole lineage are insufferable.
Shit like Galahad Alter even existing makes me wonder if Requiem is actually just delayed because it's navigating a minefield of unused plot points and who the fuck knows when they'd be safe to touch considering it's on Nasu time
None of any of the supposed tricksters that this post got reply had 4 characters unless the character doesn't mater
How strong are we talking about?
Nasu truly is the sole destructive factor of Type-Moon. When are they gonna oust that retard and get on with the franchise.
4 kana. ななぶじゅ
He's both the creator and destroyed bro. You just have to roll with it. Not that what I said was anything more than purely a guess
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>Tried to bring up the “Super Bunyan is actually Nanabozho” discussion several weeks ago
>Nobody cared until now r*ddit made a post of it
how do you know that reddit made a post about it
Maybe I should make a post about how it's lame that Cagliostro and Rasputin aren't 2 of Roa's identities.
heh, seems like you're the NanaBOZO here
Sorry, bro. As a resident American, I must have missed your comment and thus failed to give you your well deserved (you)s.
>Prisma Ilya grows up normal because her human functions are still intact.
Not so sure about that anymore
I can't read japanese
Nursery Rhyme could never compete against Izanami.
>but they still tried messing with him.
Just like they did with a whole bunch of other servants

Billy the Kid played a major role in LB1 and was pulling above his weight. Regular dude in lore, just shoots to fucking good he fought entire magic buffed armies. But hey, that ruins your victim complex about getting kneecaped at every turn. And you fuckers love complaining about muh presidents, but edison is basically murican nobu with his whole anti mystic shit and anti mystic is top tier shit in TM lore. Same goes for Tesla (inb4 huur not murican, his achievements are counted under american history - same goes for abby by the way).
>when his Global audience has been playing his game for 8 years now.
Funny, /alter/ also like to claim that it's mainly seaniggers spending money. Maybe you americans should have spent more money to support FGO North America. Even then, FGO NA makes jack shit compared to JP anyway.
> only to never see them again?(Both Riyo events)
Funny how you have to specifically mention riyo since riyo does his own thing since his stuff is even more detached than servantverse. If anything, riyo is the one cared more about american lore.

But yeah america had it worse boohoo
>they only took out her growth organs when she was turned into a grail
I thought that was just her personal defect as a half-homunculi since most of them are somehow fucked up in one way or another
Yes she could.
Feel bad for the Bunyanbro who quit after getting her now.
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How do you make a doll grow up?
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Book can against everything.
>fuckers love complaining about muh presidents
I swear it's just one guy.
>Funny, /alter/ also like to claim that it's mainly seaniggers spending money.
Well that's just silly. They don't have money
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Do you think they came up with this because people hated super bunyan so much and they wanted to distance her from normal bunyan
Okay, so why did Shusha have to be zey/zem in the event up to this point?
Even if you don't know that he's a boy, he's clearly not drawn in a trap artstyle.
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Night night
What the fuck are you talking about?
shota erotic...
The event ending up being so shit was what probably got him
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To be honest, I don't even know who you're talking about. But all I know if that Book can win against anything.
Because woke is infecting your video game
She has to become Rozen's Alice.
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Book is legit a bullshit servant, she can become anything and her powers are fucking bullshit.
I gotta say /alter/. I am very satisfied to read so many Blazbluebros still existing.
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She did have some pretty weird unused designs too shown off
>bunyun alter with maple syrup grail mud that forms bunny ears
Why didn't we get this?
are you just now figuring out that japs love drawing girls then saying they're boys because they are all raging homosexuals?
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Good night, bro.
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>Billy the Kid had a proper role to play since his debut in E Pluribus
Wow, they did something right.
>but edison is basically murican nobu
If only the SHITsenGOMI or all the other daimyo were fused to become Nobunaga's bodysuit turning Nobunaga into an Anthro fox thus preventing them from ever showing up in FGO and making all discusion about them start and end with "lmao fox head".
>If anything, riyo is the one cared more about american lore.
You don't need to tell me about his comics, I keep updated on them since its better written than some Main story chapters.
And somehow TM(since they still refuse to reveal who was behind the story of both events and the character design choices) screwed not only Hoover, but Pecos Bill as well. Not to mention Melies and Vaio. But somehow the rats that had no(zero, zilch nada) get to be headliners in the event. Tell me, why weren't the rats made into accessories? Could it be their connection to a Japanese god. L M A O
Yeah, nah stop defending their shitty choices.
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Because Nanabozho didn't get to finish eating her soul.
She can take the form of anyone she wants.
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I didn't actually know that this many /alter/bros were Blazblue fans but I guess it does make sense in hindsight. And it makes me happy too.
It would've been too kino. Imagine Nasu going, "Fuck! I should've thought of that!"
They are scared of peak female form.
Covered in maple syrup?
Naked Apron pales in comparison to Naked Syrup.
Blazblue is also an old property that was popular back in the d/a/ys. Not surprising there's a lot of overlaps. And because of sugita, Blazblue radio was also very popular among people who didn't play the game.
My little sister who is actually death cannot be this lewd
>bunny ears
Aren't those moose antlers?
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Super Buyan? pffff... More like Super Cringe!
The supes bunyan event is full on missed opportunities. They really, really dropped the ball on that event. Riyo fags didn't like it since it was nothing like the 1st riyo event/ riyo manga. It's also not very good even for an FGO event. It appealed to basically nobody.
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>wake up
>find out mats XV scans are up
Amazing day.
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Calamity Jane
Proper Human History Jane was a friend of hers and apparently didn't dress in such revealing clothes.
How is sugita doing? I hope he is ok
Dorohedoro Bunyan Alter...
He seems to be mainly going the Takeuchi route these days since he's now running his own VA company or something. Seem to be doing more roles in games than anime these days.
God I want a huge fucking armageddon event where Chaos ships from all sorts of timelines converge on us.
The idea of every light in the sky winking out and then one by one, rapidly escalating, Chaos eyes rip through space from all angles staring directly at Earth is just such a fucking cool sight.
Wake up sleepytime
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Cute faggot
Is she fappaping?
Which are the sakurai servants? Need to check them out for totally innocent and non nefarious reasons.
Fortunately I trust he can do better than him (though granted, anyone can do better than takeuchi)
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Eresh saggers
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It's done.
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What does Nobbu Tea taste like?
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Ok but This is your little sister
Now post the page where she's drew as a fridge,
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That reminds me of Nanabozho's most popular legend.
It used to be that maple syrup came directly from the trees and in much larger quantities. As a result people became fat and indolent, laying under maple trees and letting the syrup flow directly into their mouths.
Nanabozho saw this and changed the nature of tree sap, so that a lot of work had to be done to get syrup and only a little would be yielded.
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It was a splendid surprised.Once in a blue moon a blazblue thread appears in /v/, but with how fast that board goes you really can't discuss much without it dying out you when not looking.
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He sounds a bit like a bozo.
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Why does Castoria have Artoria's memories by default but PHH Morgan had to rayshift her memories into Lostbelt Morgan?
How long until Himiko?
Well you could say humanity got the last laugh on this one. You can get a ton for barely any effort these days and drink as much as you can stand.
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>the shrimp in question
Yep. A splendid surprise.
Probably because Morgan didn't live long enough until her PHH side saved her.
Did she? I thought we had to tell her about OG Artoria
I think she resonated with Morgan somehow. I'm pretty sure they explained explicitly, but I don't remember the details.
>will never ever feel Gudako’s thick thighs wrap around my noggin
Wasn't Castoria unlocking PHH Artoria's memories by ringing the bells? Unless I'm misremembering. It might have done the same for Morgan, but without PHH Morgan's interference LB Morgan died with the rest of her clan, before she could go on her pilgrimage.
She has Artoria's memories but they're kinda fuzzy and she doesn't understand the context nor where they come from
This damn brat, getting what she deserves.
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>it's another episode of lb6 plot discussions
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>discussing the game!? In my FGO general!?
What do Karen’s tights smell like?
Why is she covered in maple syrup?
Discussing shit we already discussed two years ago when it came out and every day since.
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You know she deserves to be one of the most powerful beings.
A lady that can shoot out every star in the sky and lasso anything including the intangible(She'd totally lasso's gil's stupid twister laser) deserves to be the best.
Would you rather talk about the 400th GudaGuda event
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Can you keep up with me, /alter/?
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>So far we still know nothing of Erice's crazy goddess of death mom
Meteo pls finish your novel...
I had been playing a lot before rollback was added but that was genuinely too long ago
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Everyone and their dog has Emiya at Bond 10 bro.
>7 turns
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Is this a joke? Not him but I would rather see anything else than LB6 posts. The NEW event seems like a good choice.
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because maple syrup is delicious
Unlike you tourists we've already discussed the games and their content for years now. There is nothing left to say. And we finished discussing the games and their spoilers within days of their release. It's not our fault that you're tourists who want to tread the same ground that we completed going over 3 years ago. YOU are the problem. YOU are the invader who wants US to adapt OUR culture to YOUR ways, despite YOU being the invader.
If you were day one (or close enough), probably. For at least a little while he had more event bonuses than Mash
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It would be really funny if Erice's mom was just Blazblue's Izanami.
Do you fags play any other fighting games?
Absolutely, yes. I think this guda guda has the best portrayal of nobu and okita among all the other guda guda events. It's fun seeing the shinsendummies being serious/ competent and nobu actually showing her leader side.
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>Okita Souji Alter (Saber) (Saber)
Nobu makes another stupid joke! Okita coughs! So funny!
KoF would be mine.
Kama(summer) (avenger) (wife)
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Could she make tree sap taste like shit though?
Actually its a trickster god. So a chicken fried this steak
Good job. I recently took advantage of the FSN CE to finally get him to bond 10 as well.
why would you want that, dummy.....
I would rather reread lb6 for the third time than expose myself to another gudaguda event story
Enmaaaaaaa why aren't you rolling for the Enma Ai lookalike
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>LB6 discussion again
I'm primarily a Blazblue fan because of the story but yea I've also played almost every guilty gear game, both melty blood's, the jojo fighting game, and also hisoutensoku. Blazblue is still my favorite out of all of them.
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Comfy substitute Nobu
15 minutes
They don't have the drive system, so no.
Molay is a T
Truly epic
>both melty blood's
There's like a dozen though.
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No, it's YOU keep up with ME.
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That's the answer, I'm grinding my FSN servant bonds
I agree. We should discuss the ramifications of Okita Alter eating food from a vending machine. Or tea, or maybe gay swordsman with glasses 1 and 2?
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That, plus this point her profile makes me so sad for super Bunyan. She knows there's something wrong with herself, but keeps quiet so as to not to worried anybody, and when she does finally decide to speak up it'll be too late.

>Underneath the hat she always wears are rabbit-like ears. If she goes a while without wearing her hat, antlers like that of a deer will start to grow on both sides of her temples. She doesn't know why this happens, and she doesn't want people to talk about it so she rarely takes of her hat. For some reason she doesn't like to expose her hands and feet so she's always wearing gloves.
I thought MBAACC was just like the final version of the original melty after a bunch of releases and updates.
>jojo fighting game
Capcom, R, or Eyes of Heaven?
Cool. Why don't you fuck off and do that?
I could catch up anytime
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It is but that doesn't mean people call UNIST and BlazBlue's variations the same game.
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>Okita is Waver
>Anytime is Redman
What does this mean?
Whichever one was on the ps3, I think it was All Star Battle or something like that.
Yeah. All Star, there is a revision now called All Star Battle R.
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I bet he could turn it back if we're good!
I have not played it. I remember the original being kinda shit.
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You're laughing
Okita is dead and you're laughing
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If you're gogh'd enough maybe
toi8 art SUCKS
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Tonelico always died along with her clan until Morgan sent her memories.
Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
a yes that reminds me
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Why'd she do it?
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Maybe they won't add too much servants of the same trope, but I don't mind more spookish girls
Bleach heat the soul and Under Night In-Birth, both long time ago
Is Marie Alter a dork?
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How many AIbros are there?
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I asked her to
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Chat is this real?
Why does she dress like that?
They repeat tropes all the time in FGO, it's inevitable when you have a 300+ character roster.
>blazblue posting
Can you keep up with her?
Okay this is kino
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Fem Ragna.
Is this slop
No problee, we are all happy
>Do you fags play any other fighting games?
I have dozens of them in my game library, but Blazblue was the only one I got decently good at. Strive interests me, but I'm weird in that i won't play that series again until they add Robo Ky.
If only to plant my face between those asscheeks, yes.
>/alter/ exclusively plays the shittiest anime fighting game
Really sad.
Sengoku Seibah...
Imagine having so much shit taste, have some shame, anon
This should be a Mahvel general...
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Shiiieeeeeeeet, finna gonna hop on Mortal CCCombat.
it's fun and that's all that matters
I play Skullgirls.
X was unironically THE best. On everything, even on the screen selection.
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It's time.
it's a really cool design and i like it a lot
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>hey bro, murder anon and his whole fucking family and display their bodies on /alter/ river
But wasn't he your bro?
I tried out Melty Blood when it was free, but the hit sounds bother me enough to not buy it. I may try SF6 again when Terry gets added, as i remember liking him a lot in CVS2.
So this is him at peak strength? I wanna see him at his weakest, as an old schizo a week later.
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Thanks for reminding me to restart my FP bots
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Huh, so Monkey is a literal schizo?
Just noticed his title changed. Anyone remember if it changed too during Rikyu scene?
Wow Rikyu's kind of a sadistic bitch
That's hot
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Based fellow botter
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Sorry, too busy eating out Melt’s velvety Ass
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I love you anon, I think I'll make you kanpaku
It changed to Taikou because at this point Hideyoshi technically retired and Hideyori is the Kanpaku now. A Taikou is just a retired Kanpaku who advises the new Kanpaku, although they generally still hold more power than the one they advise.
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He definitely has some sort of psychosis and bipolar type thing going on.
wtf what's the point then
I thought he just made up the title and Tokugawa took over right after. How many other Taikou were there?
Ah I see, make sense. Though I personally think it would be cooler if he changed it due to some schizo MPD takeover.
Feeling kinda tempted to roll all the sudden bros
Hideyoshi is kind of deranged, huh
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thats it, kill anon's entire family, disembowel him and spread his guts across the crop's fields. I going to make an example out of you
A GudaGuda character? Deranged? Preposterous!
>How many other Taikou were there?
I can't say but I'm pretty sure the term existed before Hideyoshi rose to power and then retired.
The point is to basically set in stone your successor I guess, and then guide them on how to rule. Once you die, they take over for real.
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>she sees your teeny weenie
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I think he buried like 500,000 Korean ears at picrel.
God, That’s so Hot
For what purpose?
Nobu centric gudaguda or shinsengumi centric gudaguda? Which do you prefer
To give them an earful.
Shut the fuck up, stupid ass anytime *smack*
Can you make a Cursed Arm like this?
his decision makes a bit more sense if you know history, but is still fucked up
>hideyoshi was an old fuck
>had one kid
>he dies
>no heir
>decided to make his nephew his heir since he's going to die anyway
>suddenly have another son with chacha
>oh shit he's not the heir anymore
>i know, i'm going to kill my nephew and every single of his retainers and family members
>delightfully devilish Hideyoshi
Not enough, clearly.
Nobu easy. Even the lamest Sengoku servant totally mogs the best Meiji shitter.
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All this esoteric Nip jargon and palace intrigue is hurting my head.
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Nobu and her friends are generally way more interesting on average.
Although Ryouma and Takasugi are high up there.
Admiral Yi never….
The problem is that they usually present it as cool or too advanced for commoners to get it.
When in reality just shows nobody knew what they were doing and got by due to the fact that everyone else in the conflict has room temperature IQ
Bratty old man! Needs correction!!
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>Although Ryouma and Takasugi are high up there.
What? Why?
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Crazy women
Meiji era fucking sucks. Nobu gudaguda anyday.
Bakumatsu manslayers centric gudaguda
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Bros, I'm starting to think the cute tea girl might actually be evil...
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I love her devilish grins. It's so subtle, so mischievous, so much smug from a princess of a warrior clan
Like a wild poppy bloom in a spring field. Such expressive, such uncultivated beauty out of delicacy. The occasional leak of naughtiness and willfulness really spices her up
Well technically it's not Koma making this expression here, but being fused together means she has the potential
It isn't teeny....
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stupid dyke
Really even the coolest shit from Meiji (the Shinsengumi) produced exactly two good servants.
>timelocked again
the warring states era is just infinitely more kino
Shinsengumi because I love seeing my wife have fun with her friends. Having to sweep up my Lord Nobunaga's successor's messes are a fucking slog.
If I hear about the sengoku era one more fucking time
When I grope his butt
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Their political ideals are pretty interesting. It made for a really good story in last years gudaguda.
They should add him, but make it so he doesn't have ears.
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I'm glad we have at least one japanese history nerd in /alter/ to explain all this stuff to retards like me
Que tiene esto que ver con Destino/ Gran Orden?
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It really goes a long way towards boosting thread quality at Guda Guda time.
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>my daily embers are in japanese now
how'd that happen, they were fine yesterday
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Make another caption but this time focus on Himiko's boobs
Okay I'm sold on Rikyu now
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I’m going to bed bros, but first you should know I love Jalter
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grats bro, 4 more to go.
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Congrats bro! You beat the game!
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>spooked by Jack and Drake while rolling for Tea
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There's horse cock waiting for you on the other side.
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I got a Drake too. Weird.
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I am... /alter/man.
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Iyo never stood a chance….
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I did?
I want to see a "low power" HGW with Servants on the power level as the Shinsengumi Servants.
>cave woman
>shaven armpits
So Redline?
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You did.
Fame bonus makes them not weak
Yes, but with more than just Japanese (and a Chinese) Servants.
Why is she like this?
It's done!
She and everyone she loved was butchered because some politician felt spicy that morning. You too would be trying to get back at them. Also love how they go "nooo you can't sacrifice the kid" as if they didn't kill countless innocents in front of their mothers.
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Congrats bro.
What he said
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Ahhh, I'm glad we have these funny joke events to lighten our mood!
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
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Good go- Job! You now truly Love™ your servant
wtf was monkey's problem?
I look like this and say this.
Wow, lucksucker looks like THAT!?
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nice job, bro!
Mitsunari sex
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Good job Albert, couldn't even translate this shit to English.
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Not enough. I'll only have enough for two servants by the end of the year..... How cruel, life is..... Crueler still is that the servants I want to upgrade don't even come out this year.....
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>On singularity section 16, before the final battle
>Hey dude I know you helped us out and all and got us this far but can you fight us again so we know if we can REAAAAALY trust you?
This is fucking stupid
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Glad to see someone realize that Camelot is fucking shit
what is nobu tea made of
She looks like she fucks monkeys___
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Holy soul
Kukochihiko... Based!
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im gonna cum in this nobbu's cup and make her swim in it
I wish I had your luck, anon.
It took me 70 something rolls after 60 days.
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Ground Mini Nobus.
Holy shit, he's literally me
Don't forget ordeal call gives like 15 more
How did ishida not go crazy
>I brew tea therefore I am crazy
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Oh, right, I almost forgot. Have anon's family killed, too. All of them.
>What the fuck are you talking about?
Shusha is drawn like a shota, not like a trap. Albert fucked up by having the characters call the character THEY.
If you see enough shota or trap art, you learn to tell the two apart easily. Shusha isn't drawn as an otoko no ko (musume).
>are you just now figuring out that japs love drawing girls then saying they're boys because they are all raging homosexuals?
But this isn't a girl being drawn and called a boy. It's a drawing of a boy.
Sex with Alterman.
Probably lamp oil or something.
What is Komahime/Seno-no-Rikyu's endgame?
>"We both got unjustly killed, so we're going to sacrifice Hideyoshi's loved ones to summon a dark god, that will take a whole bloody diarrhea dump on the world."
She already gave her backstory
She's mixed with the girl who got massacred by monkey's orders here
That's why she's really seething
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Not if I kill you first!
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typical "everyone must suffer" plan
It'll be funny.
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>get fr
>see this
>normal Sei is nowhere on support
He kinda did according to Semencumhara flashback
drink it, anon. sip. it will change you into a bimbonobbu. being an autist on 4chan, it's inevitable you'll want it.
Sex with Koma….
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Why can't they write a compelling antagonist ever?
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Talk me out of rolling…
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This is a Sacabambaspis. You are a fish.
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>it will change you into a bimbonobbu
Keep your fetish away from me
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I can't bear to burn my extra copies.
I don't see what's not compelling about that honestly.
That's the face she makes when you've exhausted your quartz stash and she still didn't come
Put them in the second archive at least...
Holy paypig…
She uses the green card.
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You must 120 max append her, it is destined
You're not big enough to roll her.
>Van Gogh fell in love with a prostitute
>Keisuke fell in love with a geisha
>they share the same artist
The parallels... kino...
Best she can do, monkey doesn't have the balls to show up so she can't btfo him
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If i squint my eyes and pretend it's a futa i can fap to this
It's so straightforward that I like it
Complex motivations usually flop anyway
I brewed tea everyday and I don't have any of these. I don't see any limited missions either.
I can't imagine being into futa but not being into femboys, it doesn't make any sense
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>nice guys are destined to fall in love with whores
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You've got enough copies to get her to NP LVL 5, do it
Men are beasts ok
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Already did and have coins to spare.
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My ancestor.
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Good morning, bros.
>wake up
>do daily sq on saito rate up
>yellow orbs
>berserker card
>oh, maybe it's lancelot or fran
>"As long as I'm here, this...is...the Shinsengumi."
I have been recruited to the Shinsengumi.
You trying to trick all those tamamoposters into rolling for her or something?
What does that say about the alter sises that make them their husbands
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futas are girls with dicks
femboys are males
paltry imitations of the divine female form, whom it exists without need to try to hide the long bony hands and feet or their adam's apple
i was obviously making a joke, i'm not into futa
They're way different.
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Considering he was a psychopath I doubt he would even give a shit, maybe a single drop of courtesy crocodile tear or so…
literally me with Bob
it's so over bros...
>i'm not into futa
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Wrong picture. Not even Bond 11 yet.
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>i was obviously making a joke, i'm not into futa
It's weird how "manly feet" are a dealbreaker but not the cock
I want bigvinci to buttbuttinate me with her cock ...
you don't get it, different parts of the brain are stimulated
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>i'm not into futa
your hermano license has been revoked, leave your termo and your mate and be gone
it's a feminine cock
uoh cunny barg erotic...
This is a pretty elaborate plan of revenge. It would have been cool if she had some sort of special Servant class related to avenging things. Too bad no such class exists, or she would definitely be it.
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Is that a heckin' dark souls reference???
they're saving that for her summer version
why does gudaguda get so much budget goddamn
To be fair, from the flashbacks, it does seem like he cares about his kid at least.
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Ie, kyoudai...
i tried but apparently cursed arm doesnt work,it kept giving me emiyas with weird arms lel
IIRC this guy came out during Elden Ring and pretty much everyone called him Blaidd ripoff.
Bit difficult to get away with it with a big sign over your head advertising what you're gonna do
Made me check, I thought Okita was back on rate-up already.
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Well I for one am glad they didn't shove yet another new servant into the extra class for muh le hecking bestest special snowflake oc. They're so bloated that we now have people asking for two extra slots before they made triple support a thing.
Can I see? Did you keep any?
she made me hit pity chasing np1.
though now that I picture her with that face that was hot as FUCK that she broke me like that
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Cute Rikyu
Truly the dark souls 2 of dark souls references
she's 15
out of 10
I said talk me OUT of rolling, bro
More actual avenger Avengers would not exacerbate the problem caused by all the "[servant] but sexier" Avengers. If anything they would help to revitalize the diluted Avenger brand.
tell me why she's so short, 132cm tall.
We need some nip servant with a robot arm that turns into a minigun.
I wasn't born back then, if anything she is the one committing a crime.
Ryuji is korean tho
Any race will do, I guess.
Welcome to the Shinsengumi bro. He's pretty fun to use.

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