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Cannot believe you fags let the fucking thread die edition.

>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup? Find your crash log, stalker.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Quickstart Guide
>Mod Guide
>Miscellaneous Guide
>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
>Common misconceptions about Shadow of Chernobyl game mechanics
>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Running STALKER. on Linux

Lost to the Zone >>492353927
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Mods and Repositories | Often outdated; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrade Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets



>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Joint Pak (Cumulative Pak, OP)

>Call of Chernobyl Repo

>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?
-skip_reg on the .exe starting path after " or if you're using CoC on Steam game>properties>set launch options
Alternatively, use this registry file https://mega.nz/#!uoYinJ7I!Lqj2DNIAkaVkcFUa1PLZzj80cVhAFK5D-9zbU2Iy5KI

>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

>Anons Call of Chernobyl Definitive Edition Repo:

>Shadows Addon + Anon's English translation

>C-Con Modlist
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SoC > CoP > CS
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I'm drunk and going to bed. Keep the thread bumped, anons.
>CoP > CS
I mean yeah, but both are very flawed experiences. CoP at least feels like an entirely new and completed game. CS is basically an expansion pack comprised of scrapped half-finished mechanics and a couple cut maps.
Still though, CoP can be boring as shit.
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whats with threads dying so fast?
>check catalog
>overpopulated with weeb shit "games"
>4 threads for genshin alone
god damn I hate all of you faggots
Making /vm/ and not making it a containment for gachashit was a huge mistake.
Segregation is desperately needed.
/vm/ is where you go for WORMS
Oops, yeah that
>boot up OGSR for the first time
>"Holy shit, this actually feels like a polished and fully completed SoC! I can see myself getting really into this!"
>absolute dogshit borderline unusable UI

Fucking why did they do this
Is there ANY way to fix it?
Got a link for a download? I'm not joining trooncord servers for 1 (one) link
Damn, I didn't know there were so many different versions now that I'm looking it up
I have no idea which one I downloaded, I just grabbed a repack that was linked to me. I might be the fool here if it was just an old janky build.
My reupload of AMK Repo Edition which originated in /sg/

Thanks bro
What does repo edition do differently?
Can you post a screenshot of that UI? Curious uwu
This is from the readme, nothing revolutionary, just a decent version

This is meant ONLY for 1.0004 version of Shadow of Chernobyl.
If you are running Steam version (1.0006) you need to downgrade, guide in the SoC repo.
This setup is preconfigured for widescreen and will NOT support 4:3, feel free to change it yourself if you want to play on 4:3.

Included Mods:
AMK 1.4.1 + 2.0.94 Final Patch
AMK Arsenal 1.3.1
AMK Retranslated 0.3
STALKER Complete 2009 (only some of the graphics related assets)
STALKER Weather Overhaul 3.1.1
AMK Complete Patch
Absolute Nature 1.3
Absolute Structures 1.0
Shaders MAX 1.06
L.U.R.K. Animations for AMK
Fix for L.U.R.K. Animations
My own additional fixes and widescreen scopes.

Feel free to use the optional user.ltx file I included (make sure to change resolution to match yours) for maximum quality graphics.
For less intensive Shader presets, Gamedata/Graphics Presets contains different Shader Max presets in case the one I use (Extreme) is too much.
If you'd like more dynamic Depth of Field effect you can use the one provided in Gamedata/Dynamic Depth Of Field Shaders AMK folder.

If you encounter a bug, report it in the thread and I will try to help you out, but it shouldn't have any left.
>CoP > CS
state the reasons for this assessment, it's common knowledge that cs > cop.
Awesome, thanks for posting
This. CS is better than CoP but some fags cling to CoP for god knows what reason.
>seething contrarian CS fags
no one likes your game lol
>Doesn't state why CoP is better
Ok, lad.
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Beard is still alive it seems
Everyone unironically look too young. Ten years have passed yet people's age have regressed.
Beard, Owl, Scar, Hermann, Doctor, whoever else we've seen,
He's in? When'd that happen?
>SOCGA puts a wall of radiation in the garbage train tunnel which pretty much kills you immediately
Bravo dev
Over a year ago
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g'day /sg/
I wish Chernobyl in real life was this hilly instead of flat slavic forest.
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>This is Beard now
Doesn't even look like Beard, wtf.
this is one of the reasons why I prefer the fictional landscape presented in the games, no matter how unrealistic it is. hills, canyons, caves make things much more interesting.
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Does it matter which country file I download to downgrade to Patch 1.4 in SoC?
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many recurring characters don't really looks like their original counterparts. strider, hermann or scar look like totally different people.
on the picrel you can see the dev on whose appearance hermann was originally based.
>They turned Hermann into a guy that looks like my old Russian history professor instead of keeping the old dev model
I just wish they'd keep some semblance of familiarity. If they didn't outright state that they're the old characters from the trilogy I would have never recognized them.
needs to be more slavic looking. those weird, soulless slav-eyes and pouty slav-lips
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>it's common knowledge that cs > cop
Seething CS fag cope
like i could care less about some normie review scores lmao, cop > soc according to some of them.
besides you still haven't given the reasons, unless you base your judgement on the opinion of critics and normies, like many fags do.
COP > CS because mercenaries call you a retard
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He's also Professor Kaymanov and responsible for the brain scorcher btw jsyk
They actually walked back on that
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Ok i'll bump.

In the last thread I asked why Analmeme is bad and got some good answers.

Now blackpill me on Miseryslop. Why is it bad?
Arguably the beginning, the ground zero of what was to become analmeme
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I know I'm sort of one of the odd ones out here, but ever since I first played the Trilogy back in 2010, I really just have never much cared for Call of Pripyat. I dont like the changed weapon upgrade system, I dont like the quests or the way they work in CoP, and I really dont like the maps--seriously, I've played CoP several times now and I can't find my way around for shit even now, the locations are just so forgettable. Its the only one out of the Trilogy that takes me weeks to get through because I just have no fun with it and can only put in an hour or two at a time, and I never go out of my way to do side contect. Honestly, it pretty much bores me to tears. I have more fun doing fetch quests for Sidorovich in Shadow of Chernobyl.
Shadow of Chernobyl is my favourite game of the bunch, especially when you throw in a mod like Autumn Aurora, its just a spectacular experience. That said, Clear Sky isn't too far behind, Ive never understood the hate. I thought it was really cool to see the Zone from ShoC in a completely different light, the new additions were great, faction wars, while imperfect, were fun enough and great if you were in the mood for a big gun fight.
I really, really wish I liked CoP more, especially since Im sure S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is going to be more like it than the previous ones, but I just cant get into it. Recently played through Lost Alpha DC and I had much more fun with it than CoP.
Can someone radpill me on CoP? Convince me its good? I want to play the Trilogy again before 2 is released, but the thought of playing CoP harrowing.
Also, sidenote, is there a good mod that combines all the maps into one game, but isn't just a sandbox and doesn't do the Anomaly/GAMMA meme where you have to fucking craft breakfast and guns break after 3 shots? Ideally with a bunch of quests to do, or even just keeping the original quests in, so you can play through them all start to finish?
You're not the odd one out here because CoP sucks and is the worst stalker title.
Misery was fun for about an hour, but it gets tiresome. I dont know what it is with faggots wanting games to be, literally, miserably difficult. Like maybe its because I have a full time job and hobbies, but I cant sit down and dump 3 hours into a game to only make 20 minutes of progress because I keep getting 360 noscoped by a bandit with a pistol across the map hitting me in the toe. Its the issue I have with Soulsborne fags, just people who love to torture themselves in games because they are too cowardly to face the real challenges in their own lives.
To each their own, but I really believe from the bottom of my heart that people who play those types of self-torture ritual games desperately need to seek therapy and really work on themselves. Playing Misery/Anomaly/Soulsborne games are a microcosm of a more serious issue.
Woah, finally, validation...
Is this really the consensus now? I rember back in the day faggots were actually saying CoP was the best of the entire trilogy, and the faggots deffinitely held the majority vote. It shifted about 6ish years ago to where said ShoC was top where it belongs, but CS still got shit on for, like, really no reason.
Maybe its just the result of all the CoP dickriders and CS deniers just not playing anymore.
I know this is frowned upon, but does anyone know where to Preorder STALKER 2 in Canada? I like collecting useless junk and overpaying for it, but none of the sites Ive found for preordering in Canada have stock or have ever had stock, and I want to make sure I get my knick knacks and doo dads.
Difficulty for difficulty's sake.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is challenging in a (reasonably) fair way. You can't take that many bullets, but enemies usually can't either. Anomalies can be lethal, but they can also be avoided and circumvented by bolts, situational awareness, and equipment. This means that the player still has some agency and can overcome the challenges by engaging with the game's systems. Misery does not do that (at least, not past 2.x - IIRC 1.x was much more measured), it just makes things hard in boring ways. Fucking the economy up so that repairing an AK from 50% costs more than just buying a new one doesn't really add anything to the gameplay, it just means you don't get to keep any cool guns you find unless you're OCD about cleaning them (and the repair items have painfully limited utility, given they rarely have more than three charges and often can't be used below a certain condition - often an unnecessarily high condition at that). The changes don't really add anything that wasn't already present, they just make things tedious and unenjoyable.

tl;dr S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is running a 15-minute mile, MISERY is running a 15-minute mile while some zoomer keeps throwing turds at your face.
>CS still got shit on for, like, really no reason
CS got shit on for plenty of legitimate reasons beyond the horrible performance and nonstop crashes at release.
But 4chan is a contrarian shithole so this site will never stop claiming shit games are actually good decades after, like /v/ is doing right now with Fallout 3 or Dark Souls 2.
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That's funny. Maybe it's because I was NEETing when doing my Misery runs that I was able to enjoy the snail's pace progression. It was all I did every day. Probably took me 100+ hours to get out of Zaton. Most of it was just farming pigs and collecting the scraps from zombie-bandit shootouts. I understand most people aren't able or willing to commit to that level of grindiness, but for some reason I found it enjoyable.
>I really believe from the bottom of my heart that people who play those types of self-torture ritual games desperately need to seek therapy and really work on themselves.
It could be that playing World of Tanks for 5 years gave me sadomasochism.

>Difficulty for difficulty's sake.
I've heard that before and I actually agree. Playing 2.0 was extremely frustrating in some ways. For example, one second of exposure to a poltergeist from 50 meters away would kill you almost instantly. There's no affordable way of getting that level of psy-protection early on, and they spawn pretty much everywhere. That's a clear example of forced difficulty. The slow economy and weapon repair was surprisingly to my liking. Pretty sure I have OCD though.
Question: I just recently downloaded the AMK mod here provided by the kind anon. It works, but the AMK options button in the menu does not work when clicked on. Is it supposed to be like this?
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Dark Souls 2 is way better than DS 3. Fallout 3 is meh, however.
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To be honest, i enjoyed both games but i had a very little problem with CS... it was literally unplayable at release and its still a buggy mess
> EVE on-line
Was thinking of trying that again
it's probably the same
ds3 is the best fromsoft game
All fromslop games are shit. Kill yourselves cultists.
Let me guess, Bloodborne was your first From game?
>fallout 3
isn't that just one indian?
no i only played the pc games

Fallout 3 is alright. I liked it a lot more when I was younger, but its not hard to have a fun time with it. Became a New Vegas fag after playing it though and haven't looked back since, really can't get into 3 anymore. Both are better than 4, though.
I fully agree
We've not seen Beard so far. He's a loner and the guy in the pic is wearing Freedom camo.
>blue eyes
>now they're brown
the fuck?
Stalker AMK crashes after choosing dialogue with random stalkers like "can you tell me something interesting" I get no indication of what it might be either, just that the engine has crashed.
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Community manager confirmed that it's beard
Cheeki Breeki is officially based
Always has been. Only self-hating fun-loathing faggots ever backpaddled and called it cringe after normies got ahold of it in the late 2010's. Joy and laughter prevails every time.
I'm having a serious case of deja vu with this discussion around Fallout 3 and Dark Souls
>Became a tranny and haven't looked back since
My condolences
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I'm playing Gamma and still using a pistol and starting armor because you need advanced tools for the vendors to sell required kits and non-exists as available pickups and you need 5 basic tools to craft one and they're rare as fuck.
It's just a more tedious Anomaly so far.
do tasks, get stashes, get good stuff in yellow stashes
rinse and repeat while getting stronger over time
thats the gameplay loop
at least you chose starting armor hah
Thank you.
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I picked Makarov & Sunrise Suit. I was trying to kill Monolith in Army Base checkpoint and was able to get a very nice .45 pistol. I also gave Sidorovich some medium armor and he gave me 100% condition Medium Loner Armor, Drought Stalker Suit.
I need me some decent Assault rifle so shoot things from range. I keep doing quests but not enough yellow stashes appear.
Kino. default anomaly is just fucking boring
Last thread made it 21 posts past bump limit. Don't act like this is as dead as a voices of the void solo general would be now that it's too much videogames for /v/ and thus banned from there, meanwhile there are multiple dall-e, blue archive, and ffXIV generals made every day there. The problem is most of the generals you mentioned aren't talking about games at all, just waifuposting and ship-sharing, and they make new threads while the old is still well above page 10.
Well shit, blue archive HAS a /vg/ general. They still get away with having a stealth general on /v/

They weren't going to use 2008 face models slapped on top of bodies that are more or less untouched from the 2003 SOC version. That was never going to happen.
at least give your guy a name bro
yellow stashes are every 8 stashes i believe, just gotta put in the time
i hope you have a base set up with multiple stashes, this is a hoarding simulator
speaking of generals, I play grandstrategy games now and then. my god the grand strategy general is utter fucking trash. /sg/ is the only general i use since /mbg/ died.
you can buy stashes from sidor and some other traders
>stashes have quality
Back in my day they were all purple
Soulsborneslop isn't even hard without relying on bad programming, artificial difficulty, and nintendo-tier fan cultism that gives every flaw a free pass. That entire genre is just a platinum trophy in the house of whatever marketing faggot came up with "prepare to die" when dork souls came out during the plethora of incredibly easy 2-8 hour long linear corridor traversal games with regenerating health.

Can you imagine analmeme/gaymma/etc including mechanics where the second you press the fire button, the target dodges out of the way, well before the bullet projectile can reach their location?
>hard to see whirligigs
I am goign to BREAK something
It's lore accurate
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>playing metro 2033
>motion blur is off
>everytime i move even a smidge, everything in the screen blurs together like i have the sensitivity up to one million, but even for small movements

the hell?
is this a thing?
i'm somewhat sure that >>493556124 was talking about a youtuber who goes by the name cheeki breeki, not the phrase.

but your post made me wonder - what's so funny about it? it's not even cringe, it's just a random phrase without any deeper meaning. unironically, if you, or anyone else, can explain to me what's so funny about bandits saying cheeki breeki i would be grateful, because i have been playing stalker for a decade and never understood this phenomena.
>They weren't going to use 2008 face models
of course, but they could have model the new ones after them, instead of changing them so much. like, why did they change his eye color? i literally cannot think of a single reason.
what the fuck
What are some fun tweaks to download? Realistic Damage Humans? Gameplay Randomized Weapons?
no idea what that is, gog?
I always used the drag and drop patches in the op. Using gog or steam
It was Steam, but I figured it out. US is the way to go as the rest demand a CD download
well i don't know for sure what >>493556124 had in mind when stating that he's now based, but this guy makes videos about stalker, mostly anomeme modpacks, but sometimes reviews of different mods.
his latest video is about anomaly custom, a modpack created by some russians with very anti-ukrainian and anti-fag attitude, there was talk about it in the last thread >>493284760
and his video is a fundraiser for ukraine aid. which is based i guess.
Yawn. Not really interesting. I thought he went full THD mode instead of going for brownie points with westerners
I wouldn't have called him based if he was that fucking retarded
The phrase itself isn't inherently funny besides the fact that 'Cheeki Breeki' just sounds a bit silly.
I was moreso referring to the humour of it outside the game, where, due to it sounding very out of place in the Russian spoken language to English speakers, extrapolated by it being repeated so often by bandits, Cheeki Breeki became a sort of nonsense anything word that meant whatever you want it to depending on the context, though generally it just meant something is good (This is very cheeki breeki, this is not cheeki breeki, etc..).
It's not exactly sophisticated, side splitting comedy, but it's fun and silly and characteristic of much of the 2000's/early 2010's 'lol xd random 1000 internets i can haz cheezburger' style internet humour, which most people nowadays denounce as cringe simply because it reminds them of when they themselves were younger and more cringe.
It's a relic of a bygone era, but when I think back on those times, I look at the cringe and smile, not weep.
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>try out Analmeme Old World with Gunslinger
>having a weapon drawn makes the game stutter due to the new Gunslinger animations
Who coded this shit
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i named my guy Strelok because i have no originality
Is anomaly custom gamma or anomaly
Oh wow I thought it was just my shitty PC
Although I encountered more stutters in COP gunslinger rather than OWA gunslinger
I named my fish Strelok when I was 12
He died :(
that would bother me too much but im autistic
Isn't Strelok an NPC? What happens when two Streloks meet?
The world implodes because no man can ever share the same name
i'll headcanon it that i'm the real strelok and he is just a brainwashed clone by the Ccon
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Got an Assault Rifle that isn't too bad, just need proper sights on this thing and I'll be cooking. Still need to tons of quests to unlock tools, so far just got one additional tools. Is it possible to get Advanced Tools from yellow stashes in GAMMA or those need to be crafted as well?
>and anti-fag attitude
oh no!!!!
universal collapse
Stunning and brave
hey wait a minute how is it such well condition if you dont have advanced tools to make a type C kit to replace the barrel and such?
You didnt set it do drop at full dura did you anon? because i and others would have to laugh at you for that
>can't tell if satire or real because of convoluted gaymma/analmeme bullshit
How fucked am I?
yeah you can get advanced tools from stashes, and expert tools as well but only in more northern stashes like red forest and beyond
a tip for sights, get your clear sky rep up , at like 1000 or 1500 they sell really good attachments(trader in clear sky base)
I wouldn't laugh. Fuck durability, its the worst mechanic in any game, serving no purpose other than to waste time. 'Realism'cels get the rope every day of the week.
you arent "fucked" but you're on ezmode, but curtail it to how you wanna play yo, but you're just shortening the hobostage length which is the most fun and challenging part
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I've been killing Mercenaries and got the weapon with 90 something in barrel durability. I looted/bought the other broken parts and just dropped it in. I came across this bad boy in one of the stashes to increase its overall durability.
Thanks. I was just going to the Freedums base because they use NATO weaponry.
it was sarcasm laddeh
I know, hard to tell
so its stalker anomaly custom good? worth a play?
I figured. I just associate the "stunning and brave" meme with troons and fags
Every time someone downloads Anomaly Custom a missile detonates an orphanage in Ukraine
Wish you would have told me that earlier
I've been downloading it and deleting it over and over for six months straight
>To each their own, but I really believe from the bottom of my heart that people who play those types of self-torture ritual games desperately need to seek therapy and really work on themselves. Playing Misery/Anomaly/Soulsborne games are a microcosm of a more serious issue.
Agree as I get older except for soulslop (the muh hardcore shit is just marketing), you can summon people/npcs that the bosses can't handle and you can easily get a lot of gear that can completely trivialize the tough parts. IMO no harder than most "character action" games like DMC if I had to make an analogy.
Misery feels like (and was literally inspired by) an MMO with the tedious grinding you need to do except you don't even have people to show your e-peen off to or a sense of community. Just artificially lengthening and mechanically bloating CoP for no reason.
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And I found a Shotgun too.
farming mercs is my favorite thing to do in gamma
No it's baked into Gunslinger, I tested it with it turned off. The engine can't handle complex animations or some shit
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Another guy next to him had SPAS12 also with parts over 60% so I only need few extra for it to be usable. Also FUCK YEAH
based you're officially in the midgame with those advanced tools
the world is your oyster theres nothing you cant do
I tweaked the EQ to make the audio file sound like it was coming from an old radio.
spas is my favorite shotty
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I also got tons of upgrade tools, Truck Cemetery has been kind to me.
Cancel culture has reached stalker community. "I'll freeze my ears to spite my mother". People can simply cut out all unwanted developer mentions from modpack files and play it as if it was created by them personally. Although I hardly believe that there are people who are capable of deleting and avoiding downloading anything for political reasons, most likely they are bots.
bros I'm returning to stalker after like 2-3 years looking to scratch that itch, what mod should I play, thing is though I'm looking for a soup-lite type mod like shoc for CoP, since I don't like freeplay mods I want a narrative, and I don't like overly autistic super hard super slow mods ala anomaly, anything new like that?
actually it might have been sigerious mod i played, not this
Anyone have experience with the mod Prospectors Project?
Just play through Shadow of Chernobyl with Autumn Aurora--story is the same but its like a whole new game with how good it looks and plays.
Lost Alpha
Autumn Aurora
When I click on this link it prompts me to login. Did something happen?
He just fucked up posting the link, it's shortened. This is the correct one from last thread
should i try this >>493581251
what is amk anyway, its just a ton of extra content and AI tweaks?
thanks man
i don't know any "Prospectors Project"
i do know about Prosectors Project, though...
Yep, my bad


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It's a good mod. Keeps the spirit of original SoC while tweaking a few things like actual blowouts, randomized anomalies, better AI and all that. The link in question is AMK Repo, which includes L.U.R.K., Absolute Nature, weather overhaul, etc. Give it a shot. Keep in mind you have to downgrade your SoC game to patch 1.0004 instead of the base 1.0006 that Steam automatically comes with, but that is easy enough to do.
I meant Prosectors Project, sorry. How is it?
looks good although I remember LURK being one of those slower harder mods which I don't rly enjoy even in stalker, but i'll just play on normal diff anyway and it'll negate some of it, thanks might try just that
It's only Animations mind you
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Luv me Zona
nah its the DLTX executables / bins
overall it seems to be pretty polished, i like all these small additions like new breakable boxes, stalkers walking with wounded animations, various AI tweaks, etc. i didn't play much though, hardcore mods are not my cup of tea.
there's also some questionable moments, like every single mutant having a leap attack akin to a pseudodog or human AI abusing it's access to infinite ammo and spraying you non-stop (still remember that bandit at swamps who haven't made a single shot from his AK but somehow managed to fire six grenades from his underbarrel launcher despite not having eye contact with me)
Play Anomaly anyway. Its still the best mod after all these years.
wasn't that always the case? /vst/ usually has good threads even if there are a few schizos out there
I would but not only is it a freeplay mod which I don't like (I hate not having any direction on what to do and wandering around aimlessly vs regular stalker storyline) its also filled with milsim super slow super frustrating systems autism, its just not for me, I prefer vanilla stalker gameplay just with some +
Ok I didn't play that one. This really looks shit lmao, thanks for linking.
narrative? go play truestalker, very linear, very story
hm haven't heard i'll check it out
basically I just like the direction of the main storyline go here explore first do the main thing repeat, so I want it untouched or improved upon with extra stuff, but true stalker looks pretty nice as well
Thanks to Stalkan I understand both written and spoken Russian semi-decently, but I don't know how to write it. Any good resources to git gud at it so that playing untranslated mods can be a breeze
If you want SoC story with more content on top try this, it's a truly great mod

To disable the annoying ammo on belt type "g_ammo_on_belt_off" in the console.
guys i really want to play stalker 2
Soon brother, soon..
>RMA:SA is an alternative development of RMA 1.1 and Shadows Addon 0.8.9
Hey guys! How has it been? I have been having fun playing vanilla SoC today. What are y'all guys playing?
just started anomaly custom and i am liking it
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Hello friend. Taking a break from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to play Jurassic Park Trespasser. Going to try True Stalker next!
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Anyone here played JP 2? I am thinking of starting it. Bored with the barebones quests in anomaly. Played stalkersoup a decade ago
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>ip count
uh huh
It's all the same to me
If the game you're playing is nothing but grind, then everything meeds to come in tiers
I am enjoying my hangover regardless

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