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Previous >>493408902

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/09
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>A9VG article on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
Loved this scene in kuro 2.
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rean is the best character in fiction
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
I remember when OP pic was first seen and immediately everyone called bullshit and we were right
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Kondom said the Sky remake is going to incorporate plot points brought up in later games. I genuinely can't think what that would mean though. What would they even add?
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Cute and canon!
A little scene of a younger boy with ash blonde hair getting up amongst a big pile of corspes after Loewe, Joshua and Kerin runs away from the village.
I hate Towa and I love this scene
They give a reason to like the white sup during this scene
Sadly it's not canon anymore... but I like Auguste a little more now... (btw what about calvard's past in kai???)
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Does Juna know?
my favorite is when someone tried arguing to me that this is a sign of Kuro 2's good writing and that it showed signs of nuance
Do you think Kondo is cooking with Kai? Will it be the PEAK or Kondo is just a regular fraud?
they'll use the flashback art from CS3 and 4 that show very young ash with joshua, karin and loewe instead of just the latter 3, can't think of anything else other than maybe the lore about lechter's dad being behind the hamel tragedy too
Elie will be an NPC visiting the country, as mentioned in Ao no Kiseki (Trails of Blue).
This is a good way to SHOW what other characters from Sky/Crossbell/ColdSteel are doing during Kuro events NOT to TELL us important lore info
They will confirm Vita and Nielsen meeting during Schera's door
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I'm playing Ys VIII for the first time on PC and I've realised why bosses are just exploding most almost all the time. I'm running into the particle bug, and I can't seem to fix it. It's definitely not the difficulty setting, I'm playing on Nightmare
I tried enabling v-sync and limiting the fps to 60 in my control panel and I still get the bug. I also tried downloading Special K to limit it to 60 there but it's still there. Is there any way to actually fix it? I don't know if I need to set some things very specifically but I just can't get it to go away.
I'm 15 hours in but if I can't fix it I'm just going to play it on PS4, at least it's on sale right now.
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We will deal with 4 sept terrions in Calvard:- Water, Time, Angel/Gold and Demon/Void
Kurt, more like CUNT Vander
Nah, it's just an inherent bug of the PC port that Durante never bothered to fix. Though it does generally only happen above 60fps so I'm not sure what you're doing wrong here.
I thought durante was a skilled porter...
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He usually is but this one slipped under the radar for one reason or another.
It's weird because he somehow found the time to hack in a whole ass co-op mode to the port but didn't have the time to test the game above 60fps.
does ys IX have the same bug?
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>Kondo confirmed Sky remake is 100% made by Falcom
>that means 100% haremshit
>Estella will have a fucking reserve harem
>Elaine is killed
>Van and Agnes visit Elaine's grave
>Elaine's ghost appears and reveals to Van that she supports his relationship with Agnes
>Van and Agnes get married and have a daughter named: Elaine
>Elaine's ghost reincarnates in they daughter, but thanks to Genesis, the daughter grows up super fast and recovers Elaine's memories of the past
>Elaine says that she found Loewe in the world of souls and that now it was necessary to fix the past
>She travels back in time and returns to Sky remake
No. I don't think any of his other ports have game-breaking bugs like this when you remove the frame limit. He even tests them up to 144fps nowadays.
does sky remake being in-house mean no ys game next year
Is that Lloyd?
we already know tx2 is next year
we had ys last year. there is usually minimum 3 years between ys main series releases.
As far as we know, Falcom aren't currently working on an Ys game that'll be ready for next year. If they were, they'd have already teased it like they did for Ys X back in 2022.
The big game next year will probably be the new Xanadu they teased a while back. That'll most likely come in September like they usually do.
Sky remake is probably gonna coincide with the next Nintendo console, so April/May is my guess.
The next Ys game is probably a couple years away.
durante hardly did much with the port of ys 8. he only came in to fix the absolute shit show of a disaster the port was that nisa released, the port still sucks but he did a lot of improvements to it and hd textures. CS1 has a similar problem but less severe since they just simply hired durante mid development compared to nisa doing it AFTER they fucked everything up and had swords to their throat
>Sky remake is probably gonna coincide with the next Nintendo console, so April/May is my guess.
Sky remake is a switch game not a switch 2 day one game
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pretty sure this was both the first game that NISA did with falcom and the first time NISA hired durante, so I think we're lucky that Ys 8 was such a shitshow that they decided to hire him like Xseed did for every future port, haha...
Yeah sure, and Metroid Prime 4 is a Switch game, not a Switch 2 game.
Just like how Zelda Breath of the Wild was a Wii U game, not a Switch game.
Estelle will have bonding events with Joshua, Schera, Olivier, Agate, Kloe, Tita, Zin, and Anelace in Sky The First

Estelle will have bonding events with Anelace, Kevin, Schera, Agate, Olivier, Kloe, Tita, Renne, Zin, and Joshua in Sky The Second

Estelle will have actual romance routes with Joshua, Kevin, and Anelace in Sky The Second
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>Falcom says they want to publish two games every year.
>Kyoto Xanadu,Tits Remake
>Ys XI,???
kai is looking worse and worse the more we lay eyes on it my fears are comming true it seems this may be falcoms official worse game yet how the grand have fallen down
who do i romance
I hope they give Anelace a lewd swimsuit in Sky remake and also show us her butt and feet.
they already have finished 80% of SC with FC, so naturally SC will be 2026 release.
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Sky the Second will feature a route split similar to Kuro 2 where you can play through Anelace's quest alongside either Schera or Agate.
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>More blatant statements about the Beyond
>All of Epstein's disciplines get named
>Orbal net being started up in Crossbell
>Cassius participating in DG cult raid + name dropping other Bracers like Elaine, Arios, etc
>Yun Kai-fai having 3 (secretly 4) disciples
>Ishmelga manipulating Erebonia history
>3'rd Hamel survivor
>Olivert being a bastard and having two siblings
>Mueller has a little brother
>Renne's connection to Van
>The Ironbloods
>Anguis and Enforcers reference modern members from later games
I don't expect many changes other than dialogue additions and differences. Any big changes to Sky's plot would put Sky boomers on suicide watch.
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Estelle will have romance options beyond Joshua in the remakes
There will be multiple bonding events that add in new character details and interactions
They will establish her as bisexual
At least take me to dinner first
calm down joshua
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my wife
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The canon one
Yeah idk what I'm doing wrong, tried multiple solutions, tweaking control panel in various ways, scouring the steam forums but nothing works. Probably looks like I'm restarting on PS4 tomorrow...
>They will establish her as bisexual
I hate estelle, but if they let me choose estelle x anelace, i will gladly kneel to falcum
what's actually happening here? I haven't played in years and this doesn't seem too wrong to me at a glance. is the boss dying?
It just shreds their HP. It depends on what skill is being used when the bug occurs. If I happen to be using a skill with a lot of damage and/or a party member does so once the bug triggers, it causes the boss to take absurd damage and there are lots of damage numbers.

I recorded it: >>493467534

From some speedrunner on the steam forums:

"Some extra info:
When you obtain damage glitch it has some form of "timer" where it will last a bit, unelss your constantly still spamming skills. Also once you obtain damage glitch, any new attack will have that new base damage applied and hit every frame."
Van cameo in 3rd ending. Ash suddenly present during Loewe's flashback story in Hamel.
REMINDER: If Kurt is a retcon because Mueller never said he has a little brother, then so are Cedric and Alfin because Olivier never says he has any siblings either.
I found a 65 mins video of the prologue. I think I'm keeping it to myself.
>Be me
>Playing thorugh Kuro
>Run into Gambler Jack
>Suddenly remember Sky 3rd door
>Thoughts go racing trying to connect the dots
Is Van the person you play as when doing the Gambler Jack door in Sky 3rd? Or am I overestimating Falcom's ability to foreshadow?
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no but he will be in the 3rd remake
I don't really see Van as much of a gambler guy even if he does sometimes play with jack for fun as friends. Gambler jack plays a lot of people, and the character in the the door in sky 3rd orders soup which is something van would never order over sweets so i'd probably say no
oopsie feri made an accident in her diaper...
If anything Im surprised they foreshadowed Enrique and Almata in Gambler Jack II. I actually forgot all about that until Halle mentioned Almata wouldng be like it was currently if Enrique was still in charge
Now i'm curious if Millium also repurposed Airgetlam into something like sword or hammer.
More like a chastity cage for jusis
wow fuck you Towa I thought you cared about you're friends?
Don't worry NISA will 100% fix it
It's made by the new hires they've mentioned. It will 1000% have outsourcing as well. Even their main games have excessive outsourcing. Even the writing is outsourced.
Will Rean have a sidequest to be a guest lecturer at Aramis while 15 schoolgirls wet their pants in the class?
Nigger, Falcom don't even plan ahead for their annual copy-pastes, let alone 10 games ahead.
I thought the guy was hated due to the whole events in CS2 being the poster guy for invading crossbell?
Will Rean ntr Agnes
They'll love him cos hes the hero that stopped the evil dictator of Erebonia
Will Aaron call Kevin, Rean and Rufus old farts and how will they react?
>H-hey! Who you calling old?!

>Haha, feels strange being called that at my age...

>And with age comes wisdom. Perhaps some day you'll find yourself with it.
>falcom were caught with their pants down so scrambled to release trailer and info after nintendo announced it
I love my husbando
what? are they saying nintendo included it in the direct with no communication from falcom?
Is there a single interaction in this entire franchise that isn't just archetypical responses between contemporary anime archetypes? Haha...
Post lgbt
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basically yes.
I think how these things work is devs send their trailers to Nintendo, but since Nintendo Direct schedules are a secret, even these devs dont know when their trailers would come out
You know what I most look forward to about Daybreak 2? The fact that no actual non-NISA human translation exists for the game, so the people who usually REEEEEEEEE about their translations while using the fan patches for reference won't know what to do with themselves.
At least DB2 has nu-loli
Honestly, Estelle/Anelace is the only one I'd attempt beyond the canon route.
They caught em so off guard that they don't even have a publlisher lined up, kinda kino
Genuinely praying every day that sean chiplock never gets cancelled so he can return to voice rean because i will NEVER accept that boring faggot with no emotion that voices rean in japanese
A 3rd rape allegation has been thrown at him a month ago. He's never going to get cancelled. Sooner or later he'll have virtual immunity because people will get tired of havinf to hear these.
Can’t wait for those shocking Ouroboros secrets that Grim Garten gonna show.

I bet one of them is Ka-Fai is the 5th and Nielsen the 1st
Prologue revealed that the church revealed "something" that shook up the congregations and started a cooperation between MK and the church on the development of the next-gen Merkabah but church security was lax and this got leaked to Erebonia's intelligence division.

Kevin's assassination mission is related to this "something" and he got sent to Calvard before the Iscariot gets ahead of the Sacrament congregation.
Still no explanation on why Ries got banned from tagging along with Kevin though.
>grooming and he said/she said is the same as rape now
settle down buddy
Hmm wonder who this person is? And who reveal it?
He's a gay furry pedophile. I'm not surprised more and more victims are crawling out of the woodwork. You fags latching on to his nuts is like Chris D'Elia's fans still watching his content and defending him despite literally coming out and confirming all the allegations of grooming and sexual abuse.
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even the chinks make fun of rean and their fans
>cold steel 1 sucks
>cold steel 2 sucks
>cold steel 3 sucks
>cold steel 4 sucks
>cold steel 5 does not suck despite being a literal clone of cold steel 3 and 4, which do suck, because it has nadia in it and i am mentally ill and LOVE fictional cardboard cutout characters so much
>daybreak sucks
>daybreak 2 does not suck despite being a literal clone of daybreak 1, because it has nadia in it and i am mentally ill and LOVE fictional cardboard cutout characters so much
Kai is the Rean version of this.
>daybreak 1 and 2 suck, but daybreak 3 is the fucking best EVARRR despite being a clone of daybreak 1 and 2, because rean is in it
/mig/ - mental illness general
all of the games listed are good. every single one. nadia is the worst part of all listen games, even. please seek help because you are the mentally ill one
The only meds i have is atorvastatin due to being a fat fuck.
Kek genuinely funny how much rean breaks the schizos. they must be REALLY insecure if people liking a character ruins their entire day
Im just saying, at this point, much like that other gay voice actor with the grooming allegations, he's never going to get cancelled. If he was ever going to be cancelled, it was supposed to be years ago
doesn't sean literally have a wife
You're another flavor of schizophrenic in /mig/. The quintessential Falcom cultist. Don't try to deny reality. Reanfags hate Gaybreak because Rean isn't in it, and now it's suddenly not bad because he will appear in the next copy-paste. It's the reverse of the faggots who think CS3 and 4 suck but CS5 doesn't.
So? He literally doesn't hide the fact that he's a gay furry lol
And a pedophile.
wrong. i'm a reanfag and while I was slightly disappointed that rean was not even in a single cameo throughout the first 2 daybreaks, I like Van more as a protagonist and enjoy Daybreak having played both before Kai was ever announced.
No, you're a Falcom cultist. This has been established. Do not deny the existence of these in-fighting schizo groups.
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Today, I will remind them.
I don't like half of falcom's games, including sky and crossbell, therefere, you are wrong.
Nope, Falcom cultist chud.
have you ever wanted to inseminate a character from the kiseki series?
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I bet none of you faggots have ever gotten perfect score on the horror coaster mini game
Yes, unfortunately.
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Been thinking about Na-chan several times a day for almost 5 years. I love her so much.
I hit all the targets in the Ao version. Couldn't pull it off in the Rean version.
So for these Animas in CS4, one of them says
>HP+10000/Prevents K.O. (revives with full HP)
does this function like a proxy puppet or similar and revives once per battle or is it completely busted and just makes it impossible for rean to die when equipped?
I can't remember what I did in my playthrough of Ao years ago but I'm gonna replay it after CS4.
based alfin bro
opinion discarded
Seek help.
ok i hate falcom they didn't even voice the fucking scene where rean becomes a divine blade
Falcom does that a lot Haha.....
in what game did falcom start using motion capture for animations?
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from what I heard Ys IX was the start, then reverie used it for some of the cutscenes and then it started REALLY getting utilized with Kuro 1.
ys 9
okay because the animation of rean running to get into valimar in CS3 is comically bad
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yeah it's pretty bad, still better than the CS1 animations though. Glad falcom finally got their shit together fully with Kai in the animation department after 7 games
I have hope for overdrive returning now that brave orders are back.
overdrive can return just like call it shard burst or something after the similar mechanic from azure
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It will be in Kai 2. Trust in Kondom
For what
when is that scene of musse thinking really hard with all of those equations in the background
Rean is a really dumb fucking name.
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Can't wait for all the harem shenanigans in Sky, bros
>the heroine
>the main character
robbie daymond as lloyd is so much better than his japanese femboy voice its unreal
he actually sounds authoritative
I don't hate it maybe because I use to be a huge TTGL fan.

Read what you just posted. It requires at least a shred of self-awareness.
Who should replace Enami for the next arc?
The Cold Steel artist will take over Falcom
That guy will be busy with the remakes. We needed someone else
Seems normal to me
You're unhinged.
>Cold Steel 1 sucks
>Cold Steel 2 sucks
>Cold Steel 3 sucks
>Cold Steel 4 sucks
>Cold Steel 5 sucks
>Kuro 1 sucks
>Kuro 2 sucks
>Kai sucks
remains to be seen but probably yes
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Is there any Kiseki twist that rival this?
coomer artist
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WHY is he in the raquel diner
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I tried to find where the actual partially transparent text box UI texture is stored in the files but couldn't find it after like the most brief look so this looks like shit
Games with great gameplay can never be bad.
No can do. Route shit + most of aso probably being shafted + Rean/Kevin taking up almost 50% of the game means day 1 pirate again. Haha.....
not like you could afford it anyway
How does that boot taste Ban
>most of aso probably being shafted
>implying aso members aren't getting shafted after the arc they were introduced ended(aside from quatre in kuro II but my point still stands)
The limited edition chocolate filled boot is pretty good
Yes I agree.
That doesn't change my post.
All of those have great gameplay so it does.
Correct, which is why this series sucks so bad.
>kiseki game
>great gameplay

Is it the evasion dodging or the buffs that allow you 1HKO bosses or the gearing of 50 unique characters that you enjoy or what?
uh oh hes spergin'
I was coping they'd get more in Kai. FeriBros....
I forgot that feri got a development in kuro II.
I'm just bamboozled that all of feri's doubts all just started with the whole "kill me feri" by ayda and ayda acknowledging that the whole thing is just plain stupid made me laugh.
Ester's Olivier route... I'll still believe...
Yes, the fact that the games allows you to do all of those is great. Unlike other series which doesn't allow for fun playstyles.
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this character is so fucking garbage
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Imagine hating my wife.
Do you guys think we'll get new non Rean/Kevin news for next week?
I kind of liked her even if she was pretty one-dimensional
before they turned her into the chessboard autist meme character
That's the bit I don't like as much, too.
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It's so much better than Enami's art.
Post whigger
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Good morning /fg/!
Ys X is still flopping btw
Shizuna, please have sex with me!
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I don't believe Kai will treat Kevin simply because of pic-related
I don't believe someone who forgot to include him there would do him justice
Yes, just like Cuckshitki. Very impressive floppage.
*treat Kevin well
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Kai Limited editions were sold out months ago, sweetie.
Major cope considering it's not going to sell more than 50k. Have you taken your medication today? How is your mental state? You already seem very unhinged right off the bat.
I am good thank you for asking. Replaying Kuro on nightmare currently. I don‘t take any meds, except Ibuprofen sometimes.
How are you doing anon?
>I don‘t take any meds
I am slightly concerned.
Post women
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>in 2025, i only care physical sales

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imagine being so fat no one wants to put their dick in your smelly rotting vagina haha
They also said the digital sales of Kuso were shit.
Sky pajeetmake will flop btw
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>reddit hates us
Sky looks great. Hopefully, Kuso doesn't infect it.
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Do you want to get pegged that badly?
Stop posting shit
>attacks me
>cries when I attack him back
lmao incel
All that fat has morphed your body into such an unsightly brutish mockery of a woman that now your feminity is gone and you've developed masculine desires like wanting to penetrate others
If it'll be only on switch, probably. But I wonder how a simultaneous release will affect the sales.
God i throw a nut on this scene. Kept thinking "she is still warm".
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what did olivier mean by this?
this is an edit he didn't say this
Cold shitters will say that this is fake and edited
Fatsos will say cold shitters will say this is fake and edited
sounds like you didn’t unlock the secret dialogue
>shizunaposter immediately goes quiet
kek looks like we've discovered another schizo-disabling sentence
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>he wants my attention this bad
You made me check and my waist is currently 56cm. Please go outside and touch grass.
>>he wants my attention this bad
a rare occurrence for you since you're so fat and undesirable
News when?
Quiet down. You are embarrassing.
Rape Na-
Random guys in Falcord please stop stealing my shit posts I make in photoshop and post here
did you really spend 15 minutes crying? well look at it this way the exertion from crying is the closest you have been to exercising in a decade
you are welcome fatty
Post concord
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You are boring. Is being edgy the only personality trait you have?
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Rean is finally confident, it's over for the rest of Zemuria
Jesus. Buddha. Shiva.

No for me its child Goddess KeA and her handmaid Shizuku!
It's Chinamans fault that we're so full of random niggas from falcord and reddit

Before him it was kino, our threads would die left and right, nobody namefagged anything, there was no discord drama and namedrops

You've spent a week ruining this general with your worthless repetitive Shizuna and ballse posts
You reap what you sow, fatty
Or in your language: your obesity gets more morbid with each spoonful of ice cream
Um actually mr bright uses the exact same way of holding his sword in cs4, haha…
And Mr Bright is a very confident man, your point being?
I mean he holds his sword like Rean used to
do you mean when he's mimicking rean so he can conquer his shadow
wow this place is filled with genuine hatred for each other
So, basically, everything that would've already happened if this series' planning and worldbuilding were as fleshed-out as the normies claim it to be.
anytime im not playing kiseki myself, im watching someone else play kiseki
haha that's a lot of kiseki
Kai no Kiseki or Visions of Mana?
I only have enough cash for one haha I already bought FFXVI
Kondo is a moron for picking such a busy month
i 100% know you dont speak fluent japanese so visions of mana
its actually pretty soulful
DBZ Sparking Zero or Metaphor
>DBZ Sparking Zero
Get Astro Boy!
how long until falcom gives up on the facade and just starts making hentai games
a hentai game based on the kiseki universe would make a killing
You need a coomer artist for that, and we're stuck with Enami slop.
They can't because people would want the lolis and they can't do it anymore.
I was gonna use my phone to live translate Kai haha...
I don't like Atlus they are too prone to hypocritical writing like how P5 had a teacher demonized for hitting on a student but then you could fully romance a female teacher yourself
I don't like cartoons
>I don't like cartoons
But it's a fun platformer. Oh, well. I guess get Visions of Mana then. I assume that'll have English subs.
soulless taste
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Save up for Ys X next month instead.
P5 didnt demonize relationships with a teacher, it was about a teacher forcing himself on and trying to rape students and beating them but that’s off topic. Genuinely can’t recommend playing kiseki games with a translator app it’s genuinely ass because the only half decent MTL is chatgpt and both get universe terms completely wrong
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>using chatgpt
its unreal how easily an AI can replace kiseki's writing style
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>The two mascots of Kiseki
Holy canon. This would be the perfect OP for next thread if OP wasn't a faggot
Unironically Kiseki is the best method of losing weight and fixing your life
By now you have 12 games (13 if you count Nayuta) you can just binge one after the other for about a year or two and by the time you get to Kuro 2 you will have forgotten most of Sky so you can endlessly replay the series over and over
Genuinely simply play the games any time you feel hungry or mentally unstable and within a year you will be skinny
Plus you get the added benefit of learning how to socialize, for as much as you mock the "Haha..."s and the "I should be the one thanking you"s that shit WORKS and women will love you
Kondo has engineered an entire series dedicated to saving your life all you have to do is apply yourself
if I act like rean irl will it attract women to me
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Goodnight /fg/
You need to be good-looking and have martial arts for it to be effective!
You're so bad at this Towafag that you even failed to samefag properly.
Lloyd and Rean are the archetypes women want to marry and share their lives with
Only mishy is the mascot of kiseki and even that's only 1 IP of Falcom. If anything is the mascot of Falcom then that's Adol.
Mishy is part of the Ys and Xanaduverse THOUGH
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It‘s more about being autistically invested in your hobby/work and never giving up untill you succeed.
>everyone is the same schizo
Shizuna should show off her titties more. I know she wants it why contain it?
how would you know? only thing you've ever been invested in is consuming food, fatty
>fatty so fat it has to phonepost from bed
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The only correct way to handle 2000 is to post something unrelated to either Ys or Kiseki.
She's saving it for me!
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Play her game and she does.
H-how do you know I‘m in bed…
you're so obese it's honestly impressive you are able to add dots to your sentences with your fatty fingers
Stop being rude to femanons, you've already driven the Weissmann fujo away
I'm sick of this place being nothing but retarded males FUCK OFF
I played both her game but no show off. Sometimes i hate gay jrpgs protags that goes nwf vs the girl who would rape them without even a tought.
You need to buy the DLC anon. Only Judith had a naked scene.
The stare of a thousands cocks... she is so fucking horny seriously.
>*mercy kills the Kuro arc to kick-start the Kiseki renaissance*
So Marduk are helping the Gralsritter make the next generation of Merkabahs. Are Marduk gonna leave some sort of backdoor in all 12 ships for any nefarious purposes that Gilliam Thorndyke might cook up?
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He's so cool...
Remake Estelle looks off. She should look like an otome MC, not some shounen waifubait.
/fg/ loves skyjeet remake tho0hnnaughbeit.
You're one to talk about what women should look like, fatty
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There is space for 4 different groups in the menu
Lloydbros... there's a chance...
>seething at nice looking girl
troon or femoid? either way kys
I bought deluxe edition for the bonus set, NISA will probably lock racer dlcs for Daybreak 2 under another bonus set that can't be bought separately.
Wrong, until my interest in Trails fades, I will always post about Husband, and my favorite ship Weissmann/Joshua.
why are all femanons phoneposters
It's just a party selection when you'll have all characters available in grim garten or story. Kondo said that after prologue there'll be mechanic similar to hajimari where you can switch routes.
Original Estelle looked plenty nice, but in a normal girl with agency kind of way. This Estelle looks like a fap doll. Her face is fucking awful, especially her lips. They might as well have given her the shitty CS coombait clothes as well.
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Estelle looks very good, I hope the future games all switch to the anime cel shading look. The realistic and anime fusion looks weird in Kai and kuro. Only the character models are pretty, which are anime.
My laptop is used for work only.
Shizunacel is a larping homo tranny who has a higher margin of error of being a man than even Natalya
Is Shizunafag a discord tranny? Xhe appeared out of nowhere a few threads ago and still keeps posting here. We had occasional Shizunafags melties, but we never had a dedicated schizunafag.
There's no such ting as femanons, it's all 44%er.
She looks fine. Relax schizo
Hopefully Estelle will get a very nice and revealing dlc costume.
Probably, not even convincing with the woman larp either because it would’ve picked a male character to coom over instead of a tranny character like shizuna, hell even a female character like estelle or Elaine would’ve been more convincing
Hopefully you’ll get skinned alive and raped to death as maggots feast on your corpse
It's a Fagcord called Furball
Sky remake DLC
>Estelle Knight costume
>Estelle Maid costume
>Joshua Maid costume
>Joshua Princess costume
>Olivier prince costume
>Scherazard bikini
>Agate suit
>Zin tank top
>Anelace gym clothes
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>Hopefully you’ll get skinned alive and raped to death as maggots feast on your corpse
Whatever you want to believe
Sky remake DLC
>weissmann swimsuit
>weissmann underwear
>weissmann bunny outfit
>weissmann racing outfit
>weissmann rixia outfit
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Thorndyke is a shady bastard so I wouldn't be surprised if he did that.
Supporting that kind of cancer to piss off people with taste doesnt make you edgy or cool. You just come off as an incel.
Grim garten kino
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I'll give anyone plus points who recognises the sword on the right.
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Here's a gift if you want to get rid of the 2 phoneposters
First one gets rid of the Shizunafag while the second targets the Weissmann fujo
it's the same sword Rean is holding, retard-kun
Congratulations, you have earned a point.
wow amazing more copy pasted corridors
>Grim garten kino
This is bait. The Garten and routeslop are the worst parts about the game.
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Grim garten kino is back!
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/fg/ is so contrarian that if I said fellating cocks is the least fun experience since tokyo xanadu I'd get some anon defending tokyo xanadu while fellating a cock out of spite
I'm going to completely rework the super bingo for Kai.

Feel free to reply to this with any scenarios that could happen in Kai, that is at least a tiny bit plausible, and I'll consider it for the bingo.
>tokyo xanadu
Great fun game. I stopped after the loli showed up. I should finish it
Ries showing up when Kevin's in a pinch
I love Weissmann, but I think he’d be prone to domestic abuse. I think he’d be violent toward me if I did something he didn’t like. But I don’t mind if it’s from him, I’d let him choke me until I become unconscious just to relieve stress.
Feel free to keep the fagcord topics on the fagcord, fag
You never posted the catbox exposing yourself, quit fishing when you haven't earned it yet whore
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wtf did Kondom mean by this?
It means they pussied out at the last minute despite pushing it for 3 fucking games so now they're going to leave it hanging so they never have to decide who Van ends up with.
There will be only implications
I have self respect and don’t like to degrade myself. Why would I do that?
I didn't even know they were pasting my bingo on discord, it's nothing to do with me if falcord fags keep posting stuff from 4chan on discord.
When Osborne revealed to be Rean's father.
It'll be a fucking choice between Agnes and Elaine and in the next arc it's gonna be kept vague who Van chose in the end, just like with Rean. Fuck you Kondo.
Are you proud of being this dishonest?
>Kondo: I participated in the final QA phase of this game and have played it once. I don't think the pace of the narrative feels particularly rushed. The second half of the story will reveal the truth of many mysteries, and a lot of information will be provided to the players at this time, but I don't think it feels rushed. Ms. Chen Yunyun of Clouded Leopard Entertainment mentioned that although this game will be released simultaneously with the Chinese version, the plot of this game is not watered down. On the contrary, it is a work with a very long plot in the series, and the rhythm and content of the plot are very substantial.
Do you trust him?
the prologue seemed to get things moving quickly
No since we know it's going to be bogged down with shit like the dancer whores, mishy, and immigration terrorists.
Anies is retreading the dark Estelle plot point from Sky but this time around she will join Ouroboros and thus be out of reach from Van
Elaine and Van will promise to have THE talk but Van will become stuck in space before it can happen thus she will also be out of reach
Elaine is the moral victor but it's not truly decisive so the Aniesfags don't get upset
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What emotion is this?
I think prologue serves as the fast forward scene, like in Zero, CS1 and CS3, after the prologue the game will go back in time to Van and someone knocking on the door.
Okay give it to me straight, do Sky Remake-Harem Truthers actually believe what they're saying or is it just to troll people?
i like na-chan
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Guys, I think I'm in the post game or something. I'm playing as people, I don't recognize.
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hi i started playing cs2 because my friend told me it was a good starting place but I'm not understanding anything about the plot, who's Rean and what's up with all the Gundams around?
I am genuinely curious what people who played Cold Steel first and didn't know who Lloyd was thought of Divertissement. Was it at all interesting or were you just really confused?
we have a few regulars that suffer genuine sociopathy and they will repeat whatever they know upsets people
the more you make it clear the something annoys you the more they will keep posting about it
I was sometimes confused ngl lol
The guy one the right is the main character of the previous arc. DO NOT PLAY COLD STEEL 3 UNTIL YOU PLAY HIS GAMES
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>still no news
>previous arc
Alright thanks.
Didn't we get news yesterday?
>still no weight loss
Oh shit
do you unironically camp the thread to reply to me? Do you have a crush on me or something? Ew.
Rean showed up
We got news 3 days in a row. Famitsu then some articles and then yesterday part of the prologue with some more Kondom interviews.
Still no long trailer thoughbeit. We have only seen prologue.
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Brainstorming time, lob me some ideas and scenarios.

This is what I have done so far.
Rean is a glownie now wtf
>Do you have a crush on me or something?
You're so lonely and undesirable you start to fantasize about relationships when a man finally does talk to you, fatty
van doesnt get a door knock scene
Gramheart is evil/an antagonist
Add Ries saving Kevin
Sex with ______
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A bit overkill, I think
Far too unlikely

Think I'll add Jorda knocking on Van's door
nayuta is canon
I don't know about phrasing, but one for Rean having romantic tension with Altina or Fie, or a vague reference to a girl he's very close to back him.
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>dancer whores
>nord desert
Why did we have to go back to Tharbad again instead of Altair or one of the other unused settlements...
They don't have maps already made for those haha...
>not using 4chanx
Ka-fai will end up being the 5th or 7th anguis
>giving your data to /a/fags
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good work anons, keep them coming
All of old Class VII show up
Too unlikely anon, we already know it won't happen within 20 mins of prologue
A character appears before the credits but only in a CG ala Lloyd in CS3.
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well it is possible in the GG doors
Why are there only 3 anguis now when there used to be 7? What happened?
There's only 3 Anguis we don't know the identities of
Literally only Van and Agnes are relevant of the entire ASO cast. What a shitty cast. Class 7 have dogshit personalities and interactions but at least more characters than just Rean get to have a role in the story.
Specifically 1st and 5th Anguis.
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We don't know who the new 7th is
We don't know the new 7th anguis since arianrhod died.
No fucking way lol
Has there even been an implication Arianhrod was actually replaced?
That's a flashback. I mean more in terms of the exact situation as Lloyd where you see them in a CG outside of a flashback or old art appearing on screen while they're being talked about.
reanfags are pathetic to make shit like this
>but at least more characters than just Rean get to have a role in the story
CSmacacos don't play their own games.
Meme template but why are we acting like the side on the left isn't as ugly as the side on the right?
Falcom has made it clear they don't care about ASO. They either get nothing or get shit that doesn't matter. Only Van and Agnes!
Play the games. They already approached someone for the 7th position, and whoever it is will more than likely accept it since they wouldn't bother making it known if they don't accept.
To be fair, only Rean and Emma(on the lesser note cause she got cucked by a fucking cat) were relevant to the story.
No, alisa didnt matter even with the whole blacked alberich shit since she just let rean handle things for her.
Jusis. Altina. Millium. Fie. Musse. Ash. Crow.
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12 spaces left to fill, we're nearly there.
>Kondo: If we put all this content into the main story of the Republic, it would make the story unbalanced, so we choose to complete it through some character dialogues or side quests, such as some completed plots in the Black Garden. In addition, Kuro will take the initiative to mention what he did during this period in the plot. As long as there is a small gap, we will find a way to put the information about the character completion in it. Some characters who did not have the opportunity to appear in "Trails in the Sky" may also present their existence in the cutscenes in the form of voice. For example, players may still remember that Ellie had the experience of studying abroad, but small clues such as where she studied abroad can be seen in this game.
You slipped up real bad and I know who you are now G******o
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White Grendel is Agnes or someone we already know.
>If we put all this content into the main story of the Republic, it would make the story unbalanced, so we choose to complete it through some character dialogues or side quests, such as some completed plots in the Black Garden.
Please tell me this does not apply to main characters.
Here's a real improbable one.
>player characters actually encounter the Grandmaster.
Should be a Bonus one that is valued at 10x the points, but also sets your points to 0 if you choose it doesn't happen.
we already know who white grendel is.
Wrong. It's heavily teased but that's not actually confirmation of it.
No, that isn't too unlikely. Rean met her in CS4. Van has a decent chance of meeting her.
Slipped up how? I haven‘t done anything wrong. Also that‘s not my name.
much better
World gets reset and leads into Sky 1st
Estelle and Joshua showing up in the epilogue to promote Sky remake
I think Kondo meant that Grim garten memory orbs will only reveal side characters backstory and whatnot, he also confirmed that you don't need to grind these orbs in grim garten and closer to the end of the game you'll get them all.
Gonna start playing Kuro 2 soon. Are there any difficulty or general gameplay mods? Played Kuro 1 on PS4 on Nightmare and it was piss easy.
Also anything that removes the action RPG shit?
I like dancer whores.
if you hate the action mode just hit square the moment you find an enemy
>Kondo: In the Black Garden, if you play the game normally to the end, you should be able to collect most of the orbs for the Memory Stand, without having to play it repeatedly. The events in the Memory Stand are all important events in the plot of the series, which may be the past of a certain character or events related to the history of the Republic. I hope that as many players as possible can see these events to understand the future development of the plot of the series, so you can see them without having to play them repeatedly.
He said that memory orbs will be important for the history of republic and other characters, so take that as you will. We already know that Nina's and Dominique's backstories will be in there.
That is so unbelievably dogshit man.
>calvards own plot and history and the backstory of its character in its own finale game has to relegated to doorslop that doesnt impact the story or have any character acknowledge it
i have no words
kondo needs to be fired
You think I'm dumb? I was rather thinking of a mod that makes it similar to CS, so that you could get battle advantages or shit without the need hit enemies repeatedly for minutes like some mongoloid retard.
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As long as they don't put all other ASO members backstories and development into these orbs, it's not THAT bad, but yeah it doesn't sound appealing at all.
Someone will put it on Youtube so if you really don't want to do it, don't.
That's not the point. When you reveal things like this through doors it's only told to the player, not the characters. The characters of this arc should be involved in the process of learning about all of these fundamental things.
>When you reveal things like this through doors it's only told to the player, not the characters
We don't know that yet, but Van is the one who puts these memory orbs into a pedestal and we don't know how they'll work exactly.
So? Whatever character you put into the memory stone in Hajimari doesn't learn about what they see, the characters in Sky don't learn about what they see in the doors. It'll be the exact same because it's just Falcom being lazy and not putting in the narrative legwork to convey information to the player properly.
The door shit was the main reason why Sky 3rd is garbage. Hajimari as well. I just want a normal story told from the MCs perspectie so that I can self insert. The memory orb shit totally kills my immersion.
We needed more Reanslop, please understand.
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The second one in this image might refer to Aaron, so if it's him and not Taikun then we'll definitely see others relegated to it. They'd definitely toss Feri in there too so they can tell you what the Khurga's real purpose is.
if they actually put main character stories in the episodes as a replacement for them doing anything in the main story i will actually for real quit this fucking series
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Father and daughter are so cute!
You've been saying that every day for a decade
nah this is the final straw for real this is the one thing i will not accept in any way from falcom
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if that's true then Kondo really threw other spriggans under the bus just to pave the way for Kevin and Rean haha...
At this point you can't trust Falcom to ever introduce a new cast again. They might aswell just reuse the casts they already have and make the finale already. How you can get hyped for a new MC and a new cast knowing they can just throw them under the bus at any moment now? The trust is broken and now so is the entire premise this series rests on.
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Completed. I am open to any further suggestions for minor changes.
Thanks for your input /fg/.
You've been saying this ever since Cold Steel III at the least.
No? Why would I have any reason to say that before the Kuro arc?
>How you can get hyped for a new MC and a new cast knowing they can just throw them under the bus at any moment now?
Next arc might not even have the new MC, Kondo is still unsure about the direction of the final arc. He only said with the end of Calvard arc Van's story will be finished.
Final arc's MC should be Estelle and Joshua again, everyone knows this.
final arc will have a create-a-character so you can truly self insert and every mc will jack off your self insert, every girl will fall in love with you and you'll make everyone kneel in 2 seconds and they won't have to bother with canon since it's the final arc
Trails has never been about the micro, since the very first game everything was about the macro
Which is why you constantly see things outside the characters perspective, you saw Agate fighting Lorence with Estelle never seeing it
You constantly see scenes about Weissmann moustache twirling in SC despite Estelle not being there
Lloyd to this day has no clue what the Phantasmal Blaze truly was about
Rean is completely ignorant about the Liber Ark
Van doesn't even know Towa canonically got executed at Aramis
You're trying to forcefully implant your misguided vision of the series as some sort of major flaw when it's your personal problem and not ours
They showed important lore details about erebonia in these kind of pseudo doors in CS2. Want to know the difference? THE CHARACTERS ACTUALLY SAW IT ALONGSIDE THE PLAYER
It's still a "you" problem. Majority of us regards 3rd and hajimari as great games.
You're a fucking moron. "Rean doesn't know about the Liber Ark?" REAN WAS NOT THE MC OF SKY YOU FUCKING MORON.
Gonna cry?
If you're entire purpose in this is "umad" then you're just a shitposting idiot with no point.
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>sewer dungeon
We already saw sewers in Kai
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>You're a fucking moron. "Rean doesn't know about the Liber Ark?" REAN WAS NOT THE MC OF SKY YOU FUCKING MORON
anon explained to you how Trails is about the overarching story rather than the individual characters and you pigheadedly doubled down
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Please buy Ys X.
will you share a pic of your feet if I pre-order ys x
Yeah and that story is told THROUGH THE CHARACTERS. Holy shit, how do you not get this? Estelle is there and your learn about Liberl through here. Same for Lloyd and Crossbell and Erebonia and Rean. Now you learn about Calvard through some door instead of Van's story? If you actually cannot see a difference here you are legitimately a sub-80iq literal retard. Why even have characters at this point? Falcom should just upload the plot points on their website like a Wikipedia article.
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>If you actually cannot see a difference here you are legitimately a sub-80iq literal retard.
Shizunatranny has convinced me Natalya might be an actual woman
Can you point out where Estelle is during this Ouroboros scene? Haha.
You can‘t actually pre-order it because nisa is fucking dumb. Unless you order the physical game from amazon, but I hate physical games since they take away so much place.
so... how may I obtain a pic of your feet then?
Not even the most egregious example either. Don't forget that Rean is basically missing for a third of the game in CS IV!
This is not them revealing the history of Liberl and the Liber Ark to eachother without Estelle being present. The MC does not have to be present at all times for the story to move, but the MC DOES have to be there when they reveal important things about the history of the country and setting. The fact that you legitimately cannot grasp that and keep trying to make disingenuous comparisons just shows what a complete moron you are.
Meh, I still think doors/daydreams/memory orbs are way better than shitty codex reports that explain the plot we have in the modern AAA games.
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I fucked up and lost my Kuro 1 save which was right at the start of the final chapter. Is there anyone who can upload their save?
Important things about the country and setting was revealed to Joshua in FC ending when the MC was not present. There's a lot more examples later in the series.
Good example too, I was trying to avoid any party member presence at all so he couldn't worm his way out of it
erebonian women owe me sex
Yeah I remember when you learn about the Liber Ark and how the Aureole lead to the decadence of the people and Estelle and Joshua weren't there. I remember when you learned about the Alchemists of Crossbell and Lloyd and the SSS weren't there. I remember when you learned about the War of the Lions and the Curse of Erebonia and Rean wasn't there. Oh wait, that didn't happen.
I accept your concession.
>le concession
Yeah, you're just a shitposting moron and you know it.
I precisely studied and work so I don‘t have to sell pics of myself to strangers on the internet, I recommend just going to danbooru and goon to anime girls. They are hotter than the real thing anyway.
You can be as obtuse and stubborn as you want, we gave you the keys to perceive the series as it's meant to be perceived so that you can enjoy it
If you instead prefer to continue being bitter that the series isn't what you want it to be go ahead, you won't change anything and you will be miserable during all of it lmao
what if we weren't strangers? we could hang out and talk about kiseki while building a lovely bond together
let me love you
Explain to me how the MC's being present at the reveal of fundamental things of each arc being revealed and the history of Calvard being revealed through a door no character acknowledges are the exact same thing. You can't do it because it's not the same thing yet you keep trying to evade it and maken nonsense "whatabout" comparisons.
If that's the version where you have to patch to English then yes.
Know what the most heartbreaking scenario would be in Kai? Elaine is dying in Van's arms and her last words to him reveals that they have a child together and that it's at her home
enjoy kai :)
Yeah, that's what I thought.
>what if we weren't strangers? we could hang out and talk about kiseki while building a lovely bond together
let me love you
I want to torture Kevin's dick and balls, pour hot wax on them
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I masturbated to Na-chan again.
Van has more romantic scenes with Renne than with Agnes and Elaine combined...
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For anyone that cares, I found this mod for Shizuna that gives her Vergil‘s coat. Pretty cool.
umm you didn't respond to my previous post haha
do you rather using discord to chat? i don't have a twitter account but i can make one for you if you want
i just want to worship you
If you’re a woman why do you simp for female characters instead of males
Sorry anon, I‘m really not good with stuff like that. You should find a normal girl outside like at the gym and not one that uses 4chan, I am mentally ill.
but i want a mentally ill gf... we can ruin each other's life and then look back after 30 years together and realize we actually saved each other from a worse fate
i love you...
Is there any chance falcom will have 100% of the main story fully voiced? For TiTs obviously
If you’re a girl why do you simp for female characters. Are you a faggot? Gross.
stop harassing my girlfriend you piece of shit
It won't even have as much voice acting as Evo did
I don‘t know what this means. Are you aware of the "swifties“? You don‘t have to be a fan of someone of the opposite gender lol.
I just really like Shizuna, that‘s all there is to it. I definitely do not self insert as her haha…
will we kiss on the first date or do you prefer taking it slow? i don't mind either way haha
Why do you self insert as her? You should be normal and straight
Will kai be good?
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We are literally on 4chan, what the fuck do you expect from me?! Can I please NOT be normal in peace here?
Anon please stop… this has nothing to do with falcom games…
i want to sit by your side as you play kai no kiseki... i love you so much!!!!!!!!
good choice
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The majority knows 3rd is a trash game, ranking it at the bottom where it belongs.
>kai will be shit and cliffhanger with doorslop maskslop
>sky remake outsourced to pajeets
>ys x limited edition flopped
Bruh falcom down HORRENDUS nowadays how the great has fallen...
I blame nisa. Ys X has gotten literally no marketing.
>ys x limited edition flopped
Did it really sell that bad?
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When is the ShirleyxCelis rape doujins
Ys CEs dont sell very well. You can still buy Ys IX CEs with little to no markup until now. Even with Ys VIII back 2019 it took a good time for it to sell out.
>Trails is about the overarching story rather than the individual characters
It's about the characters, not the overarching story. Think about how we were robbed of Estelle finding out Renne's full story. The concept of Kiseki is people coming together. It's hammered into you in Sky and reinforced in Cold Steel. That Engrish from FC's original website says it best.
If many people walk, that place becomes a "road". The ending of Kiseki is probably going to be some overly sappy TTYDesque thing where everyone links up across Zemuria that aren't already in the small army fighting the final boss to save the day.
I really wish we got ys 8 on the current engine… I remember crying for weeks whenever I thought about Dana. I really doubt Ys X story will be anywhere near as good.
your post is at odds with itself, I'm not sure what you want me to say
What interesting about Enforcer XVIII is that she may not even have a body anymore and is literally just that kitty device.
Celis rapes little boys
Shirley rapes little girls.
Can be done but it's complex.
This is what happen to Dominions whose name aren’t Kevin. U get relegated to pointless sidequest
Dana is the most popular Ys heroine, they might bring her back in one way or another.
I really want to cum on her tummy.
Is it not Feena?
Isn’t it like the Doors/Daydreams? U don’t see Kevin knowing about Renne past (Star Door 15) or learning about Ouroboros scheme (Star Door 14)
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Can’t wait to learn more about Ouroboros.

More about the Grandmaster
More about Anguis
More about Enforcers.

Can’t wait to learn more about Loewe!

Find out who McBurn actually is.
Weissmann is so sexy
>your post is at odds with itself,
It's not at all. Kiseki is firmly about the characters. Being deprived of character moments is bad.
Hi, Natalya. I see you privated your Twitter.
People used to accuse me of being an attention seeker here, so I'm glad someone who actually is one came along to show them how that actually looks.
I’ll unprivate it one of these days. It’s not secret that I like attention, but I like weissmann 100x more
Who's Jorda?
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>objective: reduce 60% of opponent's HP
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Jorda the cock eater
make a youtube channel and someone here will post your videos to fuck with you.
it's all the attention you can ask for!
Jusis is one of the fattest Trails characters
Is Quatre in love with Agnes
Holy shit you're STILL bitter Luke? Are you gonna nuke your channel again?
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>So this is the power of the two <<C>>s and Gaius's master...
Hahahaha you're way too easily trolled
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>AGH! They're too strong!
>Van: guess I'll have to use THAT!
>Rean: guess I'll have to use... what?
Is it weird that I've masturbated to Agnes?
Yes because only cumdolls are supposed to be cummed to
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If you're over 19 years old it's kinda weird to still find cartoons erotic, yeah
chinaman kai stream when
Love Rean x Altina canon
Fie will somehow appear because she needs to be in every fucking game now.
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People have been finding drawings erotic since the caveman-era. Take that prude shit back to twitter and reddit faggot.
why does fie suddenly grow giant tits in kuro. she's already done with puberty by the events of CS4
... Are you equating yourself to a caveman?
I want Rean x Altina canon and Van to have the choice between Elaine and Agnes solely to feast off the bountiful seething from xittertards
Agnes is basically a sex doll. J-cup breasts, wide hips, dick-sucking lips, prostitute-tier fashion sense, slutty personality.
Post anti-woke character
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I'm currently masturbating to the thought of Natalya and the Shizunaposter blowing my tiny smelly cheesy cock as I play Kai no Kiseki
They'd savagely clash with their eager mouths trying to be the one on my cock while the other has to content herself with my hairy unwashed walls and the musky smell oozing from my dirty anus
Every time I'd get into a battle I'd yell IKU ZO like Van (who is literally me) and it would make them think I'm about to bless them with my warm seed only to realize they still got plenty of sucking ahead of them (I can take hours to cum)
Then every time Rean comes up on my screen I'd take my anger on those whores and punch their whorish faces
GOD they are such SLUTS I'm gonna cum thinking about Natalya and the Shizunaslag
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The average Kiseki enjoyer from /fg
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Stop praising falcom
What the fuck, man.
WOKE kiseki
Trails in the GAY
Trails from AGENDER
Trails of GAY STEEL
Trails into FAGGOTRY
Trails through Daybreak
You’re masturbating to two “women” no one knows anything about
God I came so much to those eager whores
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Love Falcom so much
Absolutely based. I kneel my degenerate king
Stop treating women as an object
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Women are made by biological nature to be cum receptables for the men who are the driving force of the human race
Rean's future child will appear in Kai as an Enforcer
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>want to play trails
>need to pay for trails
>don't want to pay for trails
>don't want to pirate trails
I know Natalya is a fucked up whore who loves to be beaten up and mistreated, when I was about to cum I imagined I lodged my cock down her throat and looked at her fearful teary eyes as she asphyxiated
Admittedly I don't know much about the Shizunaposter only that she's fat and mentally ill which is enough to introduce her to my fantasy as an unwilling participant that Natalya coaxes into undressing and acting slutty for me, I have a lot of plans for her on my next session
I don’t want to do that and I don’t like sucking dick at all. I don’t want to be in your degenerate fantasies.
I wasn't asking for permission, but this is even more material for the next time I masturbate
I might even send you the "results" if you don't learn your place WHORE
What she apologizing for?
Is the w in weissmann pronounced like a w or a v
Can’t believe she and Shirley are Cedric senior
Weissman didn't ask to be in YOUR degenerate fantasies either Natalya.
should be a v but falcom intended it with a w to be a pun on wise man
They aren’t fantasies, they are ACTUAL and REAL things that happened.
Oh I do that as well I tell myself I really am choking you with my cock and it makes the cum come out so violently
Oh my God you are such a slut Natalya I feel like I'm ready to go again
I'm never gonna beat Tokyo Xanadu at this rate STOP being such a teasing WHORE and draining me
Save me anons...
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That's our /fg/!
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>tits 1st,kyoto xanadu
>tits 2nd,Ys XI
I’m flat and autistic so you’re basically a pedo
This one was fast but I came again thinking about you Natalya
This time I imagined I force fed you my cum and even though you tried to resist at first you had to give in and swallow my entire load to be allowed to breathe again
The thought of my semen running down your throat and reaching your stomach was fucking hot Natalya
I started to think about how your eager body would begin to digest my cum but the acid and amoniac would cause you to belch
You were shamelessly burping my babies Natalya and I came so fucking hard again
God that was incredible and I can finally play Tokyo Xanadu some more
I will incorporate the small breasts and autism to the next one
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Will Shizuna love Rean
>imagining shizuna AND weissman blowing you
You’re a homosexual
Yeah, her character ""arc"" will just be getting mindbroken into being a Reanbrain like all the Cold Shitters.
Fie, Altina, and Shizuna will be the three girls left in Rean's haremsphere. In the end, it'll be a canon foursome.
Rean will do that crap where he puts his hand over his heard while he gives some shitty speech about bonds and Shizuna will instantly be in love with him. Falcom are a trash company
Yes, but no one will ever love you.
why does rean only talk to characters with white/silver hair
>flat and autistic
/fg/ already loves and gets horny over Altina so that won't be a problem
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I hope we get more backstory.
I'm beginning to think Rean has a certain type he is attracted to.
For my next session I'm going to fill up your anus you whore
I love Na-gger
kai 2
i hope kai does end on a cliffhanger and then there's a 3 year wait for kai 2
would kill this series for good finally
not the same desu
Stop cumming to “women” that you don’t even know what they look like
can I kiss your tummy?
What if they’re men
That's like now masturbating to Anies because a man designed her
In my mind Natalya will always be a fiendish whore hungry for my semen
First it was "Rovert" and now it's "Natalya". This freak really needs to be medicated.
typing with one hand is bad haha
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Estelle meetup on the right
Let's talk about Trails
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Van won't choose Agnes
We've seen his butt
I've no idea who Rovert is but the Weissmann fujo was confirmed to be Natalya, you must've missed that general
That's what I'm expecting. Gilliam Thorndyke is likely team evil and a fallen angel in disguise.
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We've gone a long way Rean sisters...
People used to hype this up as being the coolest S-craft but it looks like a 1/10 compared to S-crafts in Kuro/Kai
so true
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When do you think their fight will happen? It‘s obviously not in the beginning, as we have seen.
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>Trails In the Sky Remake is developed 100% in-house, Nihon Falcom president assures
>But apparently, some people found the graphics a tad “too beautiful,” which made them suspect the involvement of other studios in the remake’s development. These voices were loud enough to reach the ears of Toshihiro Kondo, the president of Nihon Falcom himself
I know Kondo has 0 shame but he really should feel bad about himself hearing that
Kuro looks so dogshit it made people forget Falcom can do good visuals like CS3-Reverie
My S-craft rating so far
Van: vandalize raid 7/10, soten hansho 8/10
Rean: 10/10
Kevin: 7/10
Altina 6/10 (+1 point for Altina's cute little butt).
wasnt /fg/ spamming about how it was made by indians and looks like a game for a calculator like 3 days ago
>good visuals like CS3-Reverie
epic bait
Wouldn't be surprised if coldshitters actually believe in that.
That was 1 retard spamming on cooldown.
Is it true that FC has the largest script of any game in the series?
Someone I know is playing through CS1 and anytime I ask him about it, he's always saying he's enjoying it. I've tried convinving him he's wrong and why it's shit, but he won't listen. It's fucking pissing me off.
Celis is being paraded around publicly by Rion and her other male colleagues, forced to show off her exposed tits and ass
What does vandalize mean
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You've got 90 seconds to come up with a cope before I post the Kuro comparison Kuso Eaters
I'm gonna cut your face up so you'll have a scarred face permanently. that's what vandalizing your face means.
Kek like a fucking clock. Why are cold shit eaters so fragile?
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Dunno but why are your graphics N64-tier? L M A O
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Good joke.
I think an image of Shizuna or Nadia would end this sperg out
After Kuro I can't blame people for not believing Falcom made the Sky Remake LOL
Woah...so this the beauty of cold shit... I kneel.
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2020 PS4 game LOL
Man, I can't believe Fie was the real main heroine all along.
now post a screencap from the durante port
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Nadia is so beautiful!
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For me, it‘s hope that future Trails will look like sky remake.
so it's okay when you post chink port screenshots of kuro but not when anyone else posts the same from cold steel haha...
Hottest Trails guy?
Does it even matter if they all are going to be friends after ? -.-
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Kuso is short for Kusoge KEK
It's okay when cold shit eaters do that!
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Na-chan and Renny!
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She is simply irresistible.
Lmao. Even Ys looks better than this.
eh… I don‘t know about hot but remake joshua looks really really extremely cute. Kai Rean looks pretty cool too.
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I agree
It's not even a chink port, he posts ps4/5 screenshots.
Man the nostalgia... I remember playing that shit on my PS2, simpler times when we didn't yet know Xenosaga would be a mess
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I would let her poke me full of holes.
There is not a single Falcom game that has impressive graphics why are you morons constantly trying to force this fake melty?
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Brazilians and other third worlders are obsessed with graphics.
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Imagine how powerful your ejaculation would be if she gave you a footjob with those boots.
Elaine has a lovely ass
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We're just showing why people didn't believe Falcom made the Sky Remake after the eyesore that was the Kuro arc
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I would do very dirty things to all three.
Why are people in the third world so obsessed with visuals?
Idk why either, especially since their potatoes couldn't even run good looking games.
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Why are Kuro fans so obsessed with third worlders?
Like what
I'm going to masturbate to the thought of your autistic flat chest Natalya
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Why are CS fans actual third worlders?
Actually, I'd let all three do very dirty things to me. I would let them tie me up naked and allow them whatever they want to do with me. I would be completely at the mercy of two sadists and a secret mistress.
We've seen all of their butts
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Well, the graphical fidelity of sky remake isn‘t better, it may be even worse. It‘s the shift of the artstyle which makes it look way better, because it is cel-shaded and more anime. It was dumb to make a realistic looking game with no budget anyway, this is way better for falcom games. Make them all cel-shaded and anime colored. It would have helped alot in Ys IX. I wish Kai was cel-shaded aswell. Realistic anime games only look good when they have the budget of a FF7 Remake.
Low iq
Um what
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So is it confirmed that all users of the 8 leaves are like masters of a certain quartz type/element, no?
Arios - Wind
Rean - Fire
Shizuna - Ice/Water
YKF - Time
Leaving Cassius, Anelace and Richard
Cassius - Space
Richard - Mirage
Anelace - Earth
Stop thinking, Estelle, you'll hurt yourself
Anelace and Richard are not Divine Blades, no matter how much you believe in your headcanon.
Looks like a cheap handheld game.
Does Na-chan think herself cute
I never said they were. All I am saying is that it's funny that 3 of the 7 users of the 8 Memes have a very well known elemental association with them, and that they are exactly 7 of them, like there are quartz type.
This elemental association started after Sky, as soon as the Crossbell arc, with Arios.
Calm down, Vanbro. Maybe after the Sky remake's success they'll get around to fixing your arc in a remake.
Can I make the #2000 OP?
I printed a collage of Natalya and Shizunaposter's posts and came over it as tribute, I was hoping to use it as the OP picture
Sky will flop
Catbox or gtfo
just post it inside a thread. no need to be a jerk for everyone.
>falcom games have bad animat-
Of course
well it took a bit of effort so I wanted it to be a special post not just randomly throw it here...
>2nd most liked video from the Nintendo Direct despite being confined in a sizzle reel
>reinvigorated Trails discussion in both JP and the West just from being teased
>JRPG youtubers (aka shills) ready to actually play the series after years of being filtered because the series gatekeeps itself
NTA, but unless they completely fuck up the localization and marketing, its difficult to say it would flop
Yeah because you're lying
Her Kai character profile has more backstory on her than two entire game appearances lmao.
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They still have jank but their animations have gotten a lot better than they used to be.
okay help me do 52 posts and you will see
just post it now.
no i don't want to waste my art on a throwaway post
we won't use a shitpost OP for #2000, that is the end of matter. do as you will for 2001
Rean is the best divine blade hands down
He btfo Cassius
He btfo Arios
He btfo Shitzuna
He makes Master Yun kneel
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>Kisekicuck arcfags unironically doing graphic-whore comparisons between CS and Kuro
It's like watching two-mentally handicapped retards fighting. Why the fuck are you retards doing graphic/animation comparisons when Kiskei is just barely above Compile Heart-tier and gets fucking mogged by FF, Tales, Xenoblade, and even fucking Atelier these days in both graphics and animations
Yeah because you're lying
you don't own the general fuck you
Go back to your favela.
>No rebuttal
I accept your concession
I'm unironically cooking forward to the Sky remake. Falcom should reuse this style for future remakes
Altina should get another point for the tummy slip
41 posts left till you apologize to me personally
41 posts until everyone figures out you're a liar
why are you so eager to see my cum
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I‘m hoping it means Kai will give her a full chapter about her backstory. And not the strippers in Tharbad again…
I love you
Pornographic images are not allowed NSFW boards, this is on a SFW board.
This includes semen, naturally.
who are you
Shizuna will be relegated to the garten and wanking Rean, we also already know we're getting another garbage Tharbad chapter with the dancer prostitutes.
Why do they love those strippers so much?!
I have my suspicions that gotti is a extremely unhinged individual with a bloodlust under his fat guy movie director persona
I like Saara, she's cute.
>garbage Tharbad chapter with the dancer prostitutes.
The dancer prostitutes was the only good part of that chapter. Hopefully there's more pole dancing scenes in Kai. Crow and Aaron seems like the type who know how to party and make it rain Mira on the hoes.
I agree, Crow and Aaron would be very good strippers
Why are these posts still up then >>493526171 >>493537198
>Shizuna will be relegated to the garten and wanking Rean
They'll become friends. I wanna see that since I'm losing hope for most of aso
I don't see nipple or pussy so they are fine.
How is that ASO fault that kondo shoved them under the bus?
On the first post you can see Tia's vagina, on the second you can see also see the vagina of whoever the right-most character is
It's not their fault. It's Falcoms.
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>Church sister whoring herself out
extremely based. impregnate every last one.
No you cannot. If you believe this to be true then report the images.
And by ""friends"" you mean a brainless cultist of lust like the rest of Rean's ""friends"".
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love these train segments in CS3
CS3 was peak soul
No. Just friends. He has enough girls too kek
You mean CSII
It's more Kondom's fault though, since he admitted that kuro 2 had no direction and he was ok with everyone just making shit up, and now he brought route shit back with Van and co. accounting for only 50-60% of the main story. Even if they manage to finish ASO story in a satisfactory manner, Kondo still decided to bring back recognizable and popular characters that can overshadow spriggans simply because their character arcs never had the same treatment.
nta, but she's probably getting reanbrained. so you'll kinda get what you want lol
I hate how Kondo tries to pass off responsbility for Kuro 2. Like he tries to play it off like the team made the game right under his nose and he had no idea what anyone was up to and by the time he found out that Kuro 2 had 0 plot advancement it was too late or something. The guy is the CEO of a company of like 50 people he should be signing off on everything and getting regular updates on the game. He 100% knew that Kuro 2 was as bad and pointless as it was and did nothing to stop it, then refuses to take responsibility when people got mad at him. Fuck him, he's a goddamn snake.
yea its bummer. I would have preferred kuro 3 before Kai since Rean/Kevin are gonna overshadow everyone regardless. I just hope for a decent ending now.
BRs getting uppity again
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I wish I was musse
Warrior academy on rails is so kino
Breeding Celis rn
It's so funny to notice all the schizos quieting down since they are saving their cooldowns to be the one to make the #2000th OP
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Since we still haven't hit bump limit if someone else wants to make OP I will use yours instead of the schizo's
stopping some schizos from making it.

Celis looks so good in this outfit
Falcom needed another yearly game since ysx needed extra time to develop. Kuro assets were already made, so they decided to make a sequel. The problem is Kondo didn't want to make the grand finale yet, because one year of development wouldn't be enough and you can see how falcom were afraid to reveal anything significant about main characters because they already planned it for the final game, so with kuro 2 they just wanted to close loose ends with the 8th genesis and new <<C>>. That wouldn't be a problem if kuro 2 was more of a expansion to kuro 1 rather than a full on sequel, but since Kondo is a retard he just said to his writers to write whatever they want to bloat the game, so it wouldn't feel empty and that's how kuro 2 was born.
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