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Unexpected Crossover Edition

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

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[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>493195003
I don't get it.

the former companion turned antagonist of Dragon Age Inquisition is stuck inside of the new protagonists head
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Good lord...
shit's gonna flop
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don't remind me
post cute, non-nexus, from /cp77G/ V's optionally bending over
now the game just needs a peach fuzz mod
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don't worry its probably never gonna release
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>face visible + bending over
which mod has that eh?
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no, we got enough Vposting. check out this sick bike though
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I really like your closeup pics anon.
are ya discussin', son?
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post scenery
That pic doesn't look bad.
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>no cars or pedestrians are spawning in my game
I don't even know where to begin
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what is a nexus V
So...did Grimes write Delicate Weapon about Elon?
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it is a catch all term that really means nothing a super basic V can be a nexus V, an abomination like pic related is a nexus V, or a super special OC with every mod they find is a nexus V
really its more about the personality of the poster
This V looks like she has a queen of spades tattoo.
Anon pls stop posting that thing, I've asked very nicely
It's starting to grow on me desu.
I wonder what the XBD anon is cooking.
Kill yourself unironically
Why so aggressive?
Of course you're a blacked fag too kek
No, I was just pointing out that she looks like one.
>n-nuh uh
insecure faggot
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consider this
Struck a nerve did I
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I don't know, she just comes across that way I suppose.
so even worse, no pedestrians, no cars, and police don't even spawn. never seen this in years of playing
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I had this bug too around 2.0's launch time. The only fix was reloading an old save, never figured out what causes it either...
Every copy of punk 77 is personalized.
>I think I have a handle on AMM
>lets step it up to do couples posing
>should be easy to do right?
I am a fucking idiot.
Sandra it is.
For some reason whenever I change Songbirds outfit it crashes my game. If I can figure out why it does that, I will get you that pose.
>You could try this one
I tried it and it doesn't work, looking at the comments section evidently the VTK version never worked and they never fixed it. I will bookmark the mod in case I ever swap body types. What even is the difference between VTK and UV? Both are Vanilla, right?
>low res texture goth
Wait is that me? I feel like my textures are pretty good.
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thank you anon
I will try it but I'm not sure if it works with the solo body
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Were we getting raided?
The vibes went weird at the end of last thread
>What even is the difference between VTK and UV?
Different frameworks, but VTK stuff is compatible with hyst bodies and such, UV is for solo bodies iirc
yeah that's the thing, it's all of my saves. even the older ones. haven't added a damn thing to the game recently either
You retards need to learn what "getting raided" means.
Ah. Is base UV vanilla still, or is it only for solo?
Yeh, also I linked the wrong mod too I forgot there were two versions, sorry about that. Try this one, it doesn't have any UV requirements.
No it's just some low inhib retard trying to waste time
try checking file integrity
Doing NCPD markers on Valentino's feels OOC on street kid V, I wish there was something like Starfield did with the pirates where you're just on good terms with one or two gangs depending on choices. Otherwise you have to clear the whole district just to drive around without encountering some shit or another.
Do you have leads of her wearing that dress and high heels?
I have a lead on that information, my sources are telling me she wears both
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Did they ever?

could've fed blackedanon when solomon reed came cycled through the nibbles replaces options
What does your source say about lewds?
I have on good authority that lewds have been lacking of late from Vs that post good lewds.
>The size of that hand
The jackster likes them petite and tight I see.
Whats up with Jackies hair color?
Was talking to a coworker both just started new playthroughs
But Jackie Take out the chip and dies within seconds
If he hadnt done so would he have had Johnny in his head
or would have Johnny taken over right their?
Hair color replacers mess with NPC's
Dude died from blood loss...
Yeah but he had the chipin which was intended for dead bodies
V died with the chip in but it saved him
I thought after replaying that Jackie would have bled out a lot earlier if He hadn't taken the chip
V getting domed is what made the chip activate and start doing its thing, if Jackie kept it nothing would really happen except maybe it would go bad because his temperature drops.
I'm not really into that stuff, but It would have been pretty if you posted that, if anything to mess with the guy who had a meltdown over the first post.
Alright I had considered that
Did the the brain getting damaged activate it?
I guess so
I thought it was curious that Jackie dies within seconds of removing the chip
Here's one of Aurore for you.
What color did you want modified? Is it just the black hair?
Delamain says he ruptured an artery, after already spending the whole escape bleeding all over the place so it's not really unusual.
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you did support Iwinski's product in-game just like you're supporting him irl by playing his game, right bros? some of his stuff is actually useful
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yea the big body type of whatever its called has some questionable proportions
like other anon said hair color replacer
would've been funny but then I'd just be labelled the same
The internal name is "massive man".
True, you can always post her getting dominated by Hansen, dude is fucking huge..
I think V's situation was a lightning in the bottle thing. They had the Relic inserted AND they had minor brain damage to be repaired AND were clinically dead. Jackie only had two of the three.
Alright anon, couldn't get her into a dress without it crashing my game for some reason but I was able to do this.
Who? Not being a dick I genuinely do not know.
Huh. I only replaced one color and it didn't change any NPC's hair color. I changed black hair to an even darker black.
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Marcin Iwinski, CDPR's CEO
I get that V situation was unique but the chip said by Hellman was meant for the dead, assumingly recent If Jackie hadn't removed the chip would have activated because it found a host to fit the engram?
If V had left Jackie in Delimain and met dexter Died would
have Johnny woken up in Jackie's body?
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Aaaand that's enough
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absolutely fucking disgusting
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lmao is that ice poseidon
haven't heard of him since like 2018
a thing of beauty I know will never fade away
For a second I thought those were pics of her getting drilled by Reed, kek.
Worst hyst body, so gross
Honestly how would you not name V as a legend given V killed Adam Smasher and all the other stuff he did.
>doing police scanner
>on the way I see this
>look up the translation to english
>fucking Jackie Welles got involved with the wrong crowd
That's neat, and also who's talking shit?
Where is this?
I found another one right here, in the market on a building wall. The original one I posted was up a walkway right next to the market, go up to the next level and it was on the side of a building.
Valentinos probably. he used to be one, though I read it as mournful than shit talking
Huh, it could have been mournful. I wonder if it could have also been a warning to the other Valentinos, to not leave the fold because if you leave the Valentinos you could die like Jackie?
Well not sure but it could be about Dex who obviously wasn't as good as Jackie thought.
He's laughing. I flipped off Saburo's engram and he's laughing.
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I don't think I've done the Judy diving mission in a long time. Honestly the idea of diving is boring.
That's certainly my guess
>tfw ywn get cooties from judy
Blood pump keeps uninstalling itself, really gonk
True because you get STDs instead
AND it doesn't even give the capacity back
Netrunners are sexy... do you think Aurore sells dances of herself in her netrunning suits? The girl unlocked something in me.
Sandra > frog slag
"Frog slag" is hilarious.

Maybe you'll like this video YouTube dropped on me earlier
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>For some reason whenever I change Songbirds outfit it crashes my game.
Very fitting for Songbird
So what really is cyber psychosis, does it even exist?
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>does it even exist?
that's gay pocky cartoon slop, I'm talking about the lore
Cyberphimosis is very real
Is cyberphimosis real or is it just something people tell you to scare you? Asking for a friend.
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here's a tl;dr from Mike Pondsmith
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since we're the crossover edition. This reminds me a lot of humanity and the beast in VtM. Smasher would be Tzimische who wouldn't have to worry getting taken over by the beast (cyberpsychosis) since he does not have any need of his humanity anyway
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There being a pregnant woman in the game points to there being a pregnant body available somewhere in the game files for fem V and I WILL find it
is there?
Really? The hourglass figure beats the rest imo
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Rhymes with Judy

The only one I can think of is Cesar's lady from the Beat on the Brat mission
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Fucking disgusting granny tits
They should have let us customize our vehicles. Many of the NPC versions are better looking than what can buy.
"granny tits" is definitely the wrong description for them
I like the angel body waist-hip ratio and the booty but yeah the comical looking cow tits and the wide shoulder-waist ratio (unavaoidable I think) ruin it

damn anon calling that V a bicycle, harsh
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doody because she's shit lmao
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literally shaking rn
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>get the mod Appearance Creator Mod
>search for the preggo body
>target your V
>change the body tab to the preggers one
dude wtf cover your v up
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not until the rest of them cover up
but they already are
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I still have to get used to manually putting on underwear with modded skirts
Saggy flaps of fat are granny tits
This isn't your local mosque, Abdul.
I just use Equipment-EX
>That not very subtle pantie shot
Kek, it ain't no way.
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I do too, but I mostly switch between saved outfits.
>download ALL of the mods
>spend some time making a few new outfits
>float around in photomode, switch between fits
>see none of them have underwear
no bully
dont think its that much of a concern unless your every photo aims to showcase what's under v's skirt
It gave me a good chuckle.
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You know, I just realized you V has a big butt and small bobba.
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NC is too dirty to be having your V running around commando
thats vainlla for ye
Big if true
That ass is not vanilla.
I love lewd V posting. Bless you.
I wanted to take pics of my V fucking her car but as it turns out, cars in 2077 have no shifters.
forgibe me im retarded
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I can't progress through the DLC because this interact prompt is blocked off by dialogue
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it is. I only use this https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7054
Skill issue.
<3 back at'cha
Looks like Aurore got the last hon hon hon after all.
I don't know anon, I need pics from behind to be 100% sure.
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Feel free to suggest outfit ideas, I downloaded way too much in one go and suffered the consequences of too much choice
for science of course
Yes, I see now.
>Feel free to suggest outfit ideas
Can't go wrong with this.
anything with a short skirt or exposed tummy is a plus. I trust you.
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Could do with some moderation & restraint. Saturating the thread with nothing but lewds pollutes a general. Then you just end up becoming like /tesg/ or /xivg/.
I want more lewds. Especially from scarv and mouth12v.
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And this v
buddy you're photomode?
pardon me, I've only had working mods for about a week now, I'll admit I've enjoyed it a bit too much
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I see the vision but I don't think it's THAT bad. at least there's no retard spamming racebait here for years.
Bro he's a cat don't listen to him.
inherently lewd game should have plenty of lewd posts.
>t. Dog
Cyberpunk is not a lewd game, it's an edgy game and therefore we need more edgy posts.
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How about edgy lewd posts like a V that gets BDSM'd by Judy Sandra and Panam?
>Cyberpunk is not a lewd game
Someone didn't pick Street Kid
If there was an easier way to pose more than two npcs in photo mode I would do that
>2 whole lines saying the word "whore"
Call yourself a gonk little bitch
We're already there. It's tiresome.
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The game literally contains public advertisements for various sexual products, strip clubs and streetwalkers are all over the place, one of the first side gigs that you can encounter has you helping a dude with his faulty penis implant. Say what you will, but the world of Cyberpunk is extremely sexualized
This V owes me lewds
If there isn't any other content...that just means there isn't any other content, let people have fun and stop trying to be the hall monitor of the thread gonk
All that sounds very edgy
Why is Radio Vexelstrom the voice of the machine?
Like the last thread, if that wasn't hitting too close to home, you fags wouldn't feel compelled to speak on it
no, blonde bitch V owes us all a piece of their hole already
>If there isn't any other content...that just means there isn't any other content
It's not as if the people who just post their donutsteels half naked for easy (you)s even tried looking for anything else.
edgy: Nervous or irritable.
"The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin."
Having a sharp or biting edge.
"an edgy wit."
Daring, provocative, or trend-setting.
"an exhibition of edgy photographs; an edgy menu."

lewd: Preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful.
Obscene; indecent.

if anything both adjectives fit the world of cyberpunk
>Another thread of bloviating against lewdposting
What have (you) posted that's so much better
the oversexualization is meant to be (and in base game it is) gross and repulsive to show how low the societal standarts have fallen, just like the abundance of violence in the setting
you weren't supposed to jerk off to cyberpunk, you were supposed to ew at the setting's reality
What a thing of beauty...
I don't disagree with it being meant to elicit feelings of discomfort and repulsion, it's a mirror to our own society. The mission where you resque Evelyn was the moment where my reaction to the world went from "haha another flaming peepee joke" to realizing how depraved it can become. Seeing Evelyn's body, the props around it, the cameras and director's empty chair, bloodstained matress. I started to hate the scavs

but at the end of the day I also like to make pretty pictures of ladies
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I don't wanna go down there
I remember saying something along those lines here once and in like 1 minute flat 3 people went feral, kek.
cerby's gonna have a hard time pretending not to hear these heels hit the ground
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I'm doing a traditional weapon free play through with only quick hacks and just wondering if I side with song and send her to space will it force me to use a gun on stringer bell or can I use my mind powers?
>Things that never happened
His post pointing out how you lot are bing binging & boh bohing anytime you're called out was pretty good.
>Oh hey I wonder if this face option combo would look ni-
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Fuck that's hot..
Is she being a good servant?
Most rapeable piece of female meat?
Pro tip: you can just run, the way it appears is heavily scripted and you know when it's coming because of the glitches and sounds.
Why do you think that? Would you care to elaborate?
Brainlet mentality.
vanilla qt
She literally gets raped and has it recorded
If anything we are keeping it nice and tight.
So the opposite of Doody's vag LMAO
>anon starts having a melty about lewdposting
>suddenly anti-judy posting starts
So what? That doesn't make her the most suitable for the title of most rapeable piece of female meat.
Calling out the obvious isn't "having a meltie"
>anti-judy posting starts
I like Judy. Nice try, coomertardfriend.
>Barghest has one of the coolest fight theme
>There's like three encounters with them
Does it play during the Paco flashback?
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Sorry anon, this thread is for high-minded discussion of the game's lore and mechanics only.
Please reformat your post and try again.
no that's chokehold https://youtu.be/AreV6l8e83g
Barghest theme is "force projection"
made for judy twincest
>force projection
These both sound like sex with Judy references
Everything is in your head anon, is not like this is the first time anons start shitting on Judy out of nowhere.
>He didn't rat out worst girl for the free car
NGMI. At least you'll die on your own before she can murder you with her stupidity like she did the rest of her family.
You aren't "supposed" to ew, it's simply a statement of fact and you can coom or doom about it as you see fit.
cellulite on that milfguard gal is also simply a fact
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well this is much better
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met this guy at totentanz, he keeps shouting angry things (but not the mean ones) and jerks his rifle around but cant get the courage to shoot
there's a window with a balcony like remains of some structure and the safe zone isnt present there so you can shoot people while in there
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It's over
Would you try this?
I'll try it in a bit
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Sweet, is that lethal curves with solo body textures?
Whoever made the curbs in the city center raised so bikes can't hop up them is a fucking faggot and I hope they die
skill issue
Looks pretty good overall, with exception of the breast I'd say.
I really appreciate that they gave that body an actual clitoris.
is it safe to post lewds?

captcha: WH0V
>really enjoy the new head mod I got yesterday
>skin looks a little less pale but still pale
>get to thinking maybe my face is so easy to wash out because of my lighting mod
>saw a week ago someone talking about emotion lut
>decide to try it after uninstalling my lighting mod
>my old lighting mod was the thing keeping my new skin pale
>this is what it looks like now
I feel like she isn't pale enough now. I can achieve the effect by pumping up the highlights, but it will blow out stuff like my jewelry, unless maybe I change them from silver to gold. Even that might not work. Pic related, just the skin mod with the palest complexion available and just some sharpening Reshade filters on, nothing that touches color.
Did you tell her to fuck off? Most satisfying thing I did in the DLC. Told that bitch to suck my dick from the back and watched her huff off into her helicopter eating two platefuls of my shit.
>it's another can't decide what to post about so I post about eight things at once episode
Red Dead Roadkill's "Flatline" always reminds me of link related

I've taken basically picrel before but the lighting during my PONR save is just too good. Can't decide which one I like the most
And pic related is with blowing out the highlights to between 20-40%. Same Reshade settings and lighting.
>those pics
I wish I was half as good at recognizing great lighting like some anons are. Lighting is easily my biggest hurdle.
no, it's not. it's going to sell millions of copies and win GOTY
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Yeah I know from the other route that the matrix is single use so I told her to kick rocks this time and called her out at every opportunity. I have no idea if they expect me to feel pity for her but it seems like they do
do you honestly believe that
yes, because DAI sold 14 million copies and won GOTY.
Myers is a first time only pity party where you think she isn't a monster until you do it and then you see her for who she really is. Her getting betrayed and almost killed couldn't happen to a better person.
It's going to flop AND win GOTY.
you're talking to newfags who don't know anything about the wrpg genre.
>and almost killed couldn't happen
*couldn't have happened
Fuck why didn't I take the time to read what I typed. As soon as I did after posting I realized I forgot a word.
You mean Songbird?
Regarding her skin, goth gurls irl use white mascara/foundation w/e idk make-up; isn't there make-up mods you can dl to set things like mascara and foundation at percentage of opacity to get desired whiteness?

I do get the separate issue of limited paleness though. Probably/hopefully mids for that as well
Sir this isn't a wrpg thread please go elsewhere.
>You mean Songbird?
No, I meant Myers. I side with Songbird for two very important reasons:
1: The spaceport is so much more fun than Cyno.
2: Songbird is way cuter.
>isn't there make-up mods you can dl to set things like mascara and foundation at percentage of opacity to get desired whiteness?
Not that I know of. The makeup only targets the cheeks/nose area, and you can't set the opacity on them at all unless there is a mod that can do it. Also, there is no white color in the base game for makeup. Maybe I will channel my ADHD meds into delving the nexus again later tonight.
she looks properly pale for someone living in California. Also, cute Hime-chan
>more fun than Cyno
You can just say that you're a pussy anon. its ok
Spaceport sequence is definitely better but I really hate So Mi so who cares
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Hey chooms so the second mega link in the OP under back alley mods is dead now. Recommend deleting it from the OP.
have you set them v's up already
>for someone living in California
I always forget that part.
>cute Hime-chan
Thanks anon, hopefully the effort has been paying off.
>You can just say that you're a pussy anon
Cyno isn't scarry, it's just boring and tedious to me. I might side with Reed this time though just to see how different it looks with my new lighting mods. Last time I went Cyno was as dark as a welldiggers asscrack.
I mean they are both lying. Songbird to us, and Reed to himself. The only other upshot to siding with Songbird is Alex lives.
Why is she so hot anon?
Completely delusional.
>First time playing through PL
>I just had a meeting with Reed and Myers and now I'm waiting for Reed to call me back
>So far V's dialogue is even more Reddit than the original storyline, and it's already trying to railroad me into being best buds with Johnny even though my only interactions with him to this point are to tell him to fuck off and to take the fuck off pills
Does it get better or did I waste my bandwidth on pure slop?
>I-i cant do it, its too scary!!! I'll cope by doing spaceport
t. pussy hole
If I bake the next thread I will take it out
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>doing this gig
>just noticed the girl is named Nolan
Who the fuck names a girl that?
You know the "not alien isolation" segment is such utter garbage when you get post like this, fucking kek.
are you being retarded on purpose?
>girl turned from her own father, Nolan Frakes
Yes I am retarded I need sleep.
I mean, is not like we can do anything about it, the alternative path is much much worse and a lot weaker.
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it's a mystery
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Will I like the cynosure section if I DO like horror?
each one of your posts is another one that is slowly convincing me of giving solo body a try
Tom's Diner is portrayed as a local place several times, e.g. when V is recommending food to Takemura or when you meet him there and the dude behind the counter is Tom. Then there's like 50 locations and its trash everywhere. Uncoordinated game.
>Will I like the cynosure section if I DO like horror?
I mean it isn't scary in the slightest. If you enjoyed Alien isolation, it's sort of like that where you can't fight you can just run and hide. But like I said it's not scary at all.
I love her so much, would you post pics of her doing cute stuff?
And upskirt pics
It's scary for the first 2 deaths, then annoying, then tedious once you figure out the robot's AI and the game's autosaving logic for it
Some say it's scary but it I don't think it did a good job at that, it can be a tense segment due to the spooky visions and the cerverus constant noises, the novelty wears off really fast, It short it's a one trick pony that you experience one or twice and never again.
>it's sort of like that where you can't fight you can just run and hide
The idea that there's something stronger than a lvl 60 is what makes it kinda appealing to me
You don't get to fight anything during that segment, in fact all your cyberware and weapons are disabled.
I think cyberpunk, especially the Punk part, resonate a lot more X-Gen than Millenials, the later often veer more into the cyber side.

Gen-X are individualists. The Boomers and Millennials love to pretend how different they are but they're both system oriented generations. They work within their generations well to change systems to their advantages, whether it be working together to destroy the tax base (boomers) or finding new ways to gentrify urban blight (Millennials). Gen X never really worked as a group (with the possible exception of their quest for marijuana legalizations) and that made them harder for the media to notice and write about them.

Gen-X don't care much about praise or criticism. For some reason, Millennials and Boomers both need to hear how great they are about what they do. Gen X learned long ago that praise is only as good as the people giving it to you. Despite what Boomers tell you, Gen X got participation trophies too. They just threw them away. When you don't care about praise or criticism, it's hard for the media to capture what you're about and put it into words.

Gen-X a very small generation. Many of the men who could have started families with Gen X kids died in Vietnam and the modern family was starting to downsize the number of children at the time Gen-X came to be. Millennials are often the children of Xers and/or Boomers and as a result are much larger.

Gen-X were kind of assholes. Boomers get the sex drugs and rock n' roll. X answered with HIV, crack cocaine and gangster rap. Gen-X did more drugs per capita, had more arrests per capita, created more violence per capita and just generally didn't give a shit. Look at the movies about kids in the 70s and 80s. They are painted as vile assholes. There's some truth to that. Makes it tough to glorify Gen-X as anything but punks.

Gen-X didn't accomplish much. Probably for the reasons listed above. It is no wonder that punk fits them so well.
I skimmed it, realized it was going to be low IQ buzzword ranting typical of nu-chan, and skipped the rest. Try to be less of a retard.
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4-Player coop cyberpunk game
You play as the role of a up and coming merc that works with a crew
Character creator, with classes being Solo, Netrunner, Rockerboy, Techie.
Hub is the Afterlife where you see other players and take gigs
Rogue is the Super-Hard gigs
High quality, Payday 1 styled gameplay
Maxtac can randomly show up on the Super-Hard gigs
Jobs involving, Militech, Arasaka, ect, and some more obscure gigs.
Have an Ultra-Hard mission in Arasaka tower where Adam Smasher appears as a hard wall thats nearly impossible to kill.
cdpr is too retarded to figure out multiplayer. they had extensive mp plans for cyberpunk.

crazy how bethesda figured it out and are now making bank off fallout 76 tho.
>figured it out
I'd rather they focus on what they're good at rather than chasing zoomer twitch bubbles. You can always just play fortnite
>zero mention of battle royale or other fad gamemodes
>zoomer twitch bubbles
Zoomers own you
Zoomers have head space for fortnite, GTA, and maybe minecraft. Every game needs to fit in one of those molds or they can't understand it. In Cyberpunk 2078 they want Z to dig up the badlands and use it to build a shrine to some streamer with other ADHD invalids shouting into a mic about it.
This is a really nice observation, thanks for posting this.
How good was Johnny Silverhand, really in combat?
Good enough to take a random street gonk and jump them up to being able to solo Arasaka tower
johnny had nothing to do with that lol.
Dont lol at me mother fucker
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decent militech soldier only things that brought him down were a lack of chrome and too much drugs
for reference heres his character sheet compared to Smasher and Blackhand
he does though even if its just the confidence to do it, V is becoming more and more like Johnny Silverhand or rather a heavily modified corrupted engram of the rocker
>Early morning slutposting
>Late afternoon cybertalking

no one cares about gen x. they are boomer-lite and nearly as tech illiterate, while being born in the easiest time period in the west.
Easy times create weak people, look at how zoomies turned out.
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>add gameplay mods
>launcher screens tells me to upgrade to the ultimate edition again
>new quests are janky
>restart, launcher screen is fixed
I dont know how to properly gauge power levels in the tabletop. So hes like in the lower section of the high end tier?
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I can't remember which mod it was for this red eye makeup
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You should at least try it out. If you don't like it go back to what you were using before.
>post pics of her doing cute stuff?
what did you have in mind?
cute.archive (or whatever filename mods use [im calling your v cute])
thanks but it didn't work
check your nexus history
>You should at least try it out. If you don't like it go back to what you were using before.
oh yeah, reloads exist
I felt gay just reading that only fags and "I was born in the wrong generation" queers say shit like that and they are always softbodies
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he was good for what is essentially a bard; compared to Smasher and Blackhand he doesn't match up
Looks like Egirl complexion no blush from
>Zoomie reads a post
>Instantly struggles with his sexuality
Fucking kek, you can't make this up.
Just the the preset page.
>what did you have in mind?
Maybe her winking, blowing kisses, lying in bed with plushy, taking a bath, etc. stuff like that.
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Yeah it's weird I have it already but it's all blurry without the defined lines from older pictures
You give yourself away with the constant retarded spelling / grammar mistakes
Not necessarily reloads but you can create a second mod folder, at least that's what I did to keep my presets organized.
I let let you down preset V.
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I'll try to do some of those tomorrow
Get a hobby
If you don't have this already grab it and run it. Might be conflicting with another mod. If that doesn't work, redownload and install it again manually.
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Fucking great.
Yes he does tranny
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noob question, why do I get dialogue box pop ups from cyberscript asking me to select Interactions Group?
what's with the chest scars on that pinky guy on nexus and why the aldecaldo dude
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I didn't get any issues from this, turns out I just had the "no eyeliner" version installed by accident
You just had to follow the preset sliders anon, is not that hard.
Glad you figured it out anon. That conflict tool is mighty handy the more and more you mod, and it's nice and easy to use.
That I don't know, never had that happen to me.
We get it
First year here was real great, way back when 90% of the threads weren't shitty OCs in scantily-clad clothing doing pinups. Back when anons actually did fun stuff. Bunch of scrub coomers now.
it happens when I press the DPad Down, only felt random because it happened during some dialogue. Fixed it by turning off the Gamepad Configuration Controller Mode. Might be some conflict with the 'eck or so
I've never heard of something like that or experience it myself, maybe post a picture to get a better idea, also did you try that nipples mod?
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reminiscing doesn't bring back the good times, choom. just let it go, this is where it's heading.
Yea I can't believe the new singleplayer game had more to talk about gamewise when it first came out compared to 4 years later when most new content is mods for photomode, crazy
How can I forget those days of 1 post every hour and the threads that lasted months, we used to do so much fun stuff like talk about how good the game could have been and waiting for patches, certainly not post V's or mod the game, when all mods were shitty replacers.
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>"first year"
>1 post every hour
I'm not even that retard but what?
Don't forget the roll chart and the threads 404ing at 600 posts either
If you know you know.
And clearly you don't.
So lets talk gameplay mods then, did anyone try any of the Jobs of Night City mods?
>Back when anons actually did fun stuff
Try to have fun
>nipples mod?
I mean, you called yourself retarded after all.
the old threads were based but it really wasn't all that different roll charts, group photos, OFV
Sometimes not even that.
Top tier reading comprehension on display.
Just giving you dumb bullshit to bitch about, that's what you wanted, no?
sounds a lot better than lewd photo, lewd photo, group lewd photo & no OFV
Seeing you fags get uppity & defensive whenever your new status quo of the general gets disrupted is enough for me.
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based wrench in the cog
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anon you just might be right after looking through the google drive linked in the OP; the general is lacking but that's the natural life cycle of generals on VG as far as I know
it is however better than when that one schizo was fucking with the general relentlessly
OFV faded away
>it is however better than when that one schizo was fucking with the general relentlessly
You can't force people into a path anon, being a retard about won't help you either, just leave people be.
>Let me be an annoying little prick, that'll teach em
That isn't the sick comeback you think it is.
Then leave? Idk why you'd come in here just to get yourself flustered
If you know you know.
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>"l-leave us alone!!"
>just get out of here, just go!!"
The webm spammer from 2022 or the cokehead? Either way, there's no denying that.
as far as I remember a console player got shit on for some innocuous reason and started tarding out, making low quality meme edits of V's and posting long chatGPT schizoid rants about drugs, I believe he was originally called PRV.
It was just lame and gay

I think the cokehead?
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the community that developed here was a highlight of my year in 2021.
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>posting long chatGPT schizoid rants about drugs, I believe he was originally called PRV.
gave me a good chuckle
Yeah that faggot. Was an actual grim time in here. I don't doubt he was that Daddy V fuck as well.
>Schizo anon is replying to himself
Fucking kek.
he absolutely was
>everybody who says things I don't like is samefagging
alright come on now, anon. you're better than that.
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This chart or was there another?
Whatever you think the threads were back then, I'll have you know that slut are and will always be the lifeblood of the general, you like it or not.
well said, Rakesh.
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same deal really just updated
OFV was the peak
AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, turns out schizo anon is a fucking jeet. No fucking way.
are...are we rolling?
The first V to post pics bending over
Who is the schizo, people complaining about the current state of the general, V posters, PRV
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PRV was truly unhinged but no, the current schizoposting smells like curry.
good time as any
Good old days...
By cock will always belong to her.
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I'll just be taking either of mine and going about my day, if you don't mind...
time for that date with Rogue
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still funny seeing my old V
this is true and a constant of most generals.

idk if anyone is complaining now, (ive said this before) but usually what happens is someone becomes jealous that others are receiving attention. And since they lack the skills to imitate and will to try, so they resort to insulting people, while not providing anything to discussions or creative projects. the mentally unstable behavior of walking into someone else's house/community and saying "if i cant have it, no one can."
which one is you?
Gen X were born during the softest time in US history and rebelled against nothing.
Did your old V also had a queen of spades tattoo?
>steal a car
>5km drive
>3 minute timer appears
>step out and blow it up
last time i'm doing these shit missions
>jealous that others are receiving attention
From an outside opinion, that is the cringiest reasoning I've ever heard of. We're talking about /vg/ here, not a reality tv show.
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26. She looked kinda like the one in this thread who uses solo body but had more makeup

none of my Vs do, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone's already made a mod for it. I know I've seen submissive&breedable and a womb tattoo on a V on the nexus
The car missions are either piss easy Sunday drives with grandma or a pain in the ass with timers and/or an endless number of assholes tailing you and ramming into the car thereby guaranteeing you'll get only 5 eddies and get another car mart discount coupon you'll never use.
Watching this V as she cuts down Tyger claws makes me come to the realization that we can't grab enemies heads and put them into a pile or turn them into collectables.
something like that wouldn't fly on Nexus, maybe LL
did you used to play on an xbox series s?
Im not going to link to it but a chinese guy on the nexus made multiple
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It was a laptop with a 1650M. I think I had everything on low except maybe textures on high and would get like 20-40 fps
Is you V submissive&breedable?
>when that one schizo was fucking with the general relentlessly
oh my sweet summer child do you really think hes gone?
>chinese guy
I'm not gonna ask for proof, I believe you 100%
no he comes and goes I have seen the pattern repeat multiple times its usually threads like this one where people start discussing the general he comes back
I got told the chinese shoot their degenerates
my last like 5 car missions were race drives with a slow ass landbarge or some old shitbox that handles like a wet bar of soap
fucking annoying shit
I want to know more about sex with meredith stout
>racing during Beast in Me
>opt to use beast because whatevs
>speed in front of first place driver
>he t-bones me and Beast gets stuck to the front of his car
>finish entire race glued to his bumper not having to do anything but watch
>finally detach cars afterwards
>tell Claire I'll ride with her back to the shop
>skip ride, two loading screens, we're floating in the sky and V automatically gets out and falls to her death
I'm so fucking confused.
86 will always have a special place in my heart.
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that face was a couple of re-installs ago though mod-wise
sadly this cringy behavior also seems to be a constant.
its been a few months but also saw it happening in Dragon's Dogma 2's general. since a few people were putting in work to keep the threads fun and active, collaborating together, artists drawing people's characters. Naturally the butthurt incelfags crawl out and complain that people are having fun or characters are to sexy. While being unwilling to post their own characters out of some moral standard they pulled out of their ass.
41% after all.
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Im mad that I missed this one, I couldnt get my mods and sliders together before I went abroad
I will always have my vanilla ass early v in the og group pic <3
The last one I did I had to drive some Wraith shitbox armored car that moved at 6 feet per hour and couldn't even hit the gas without getting gangbanged by four pursuer cars. Would get out and flatline them and four more clown cars would show up. Ended up with piles of bodies and loot before blowing up the shitbox and vowing to never do the car gigs again.
>While being unwilling to post their own characters out of some moral standard they pulled out of their ass
the "chef" analogy? "you don't have to be a chef to criticize the food"?
I mean we could always make another group photo the old V sliders still exist and there are new V's here now
you arent in a restaurant anon, noone is selling or serving you food
you are just whining in an online community because other people are having fun and you arent
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Don't you have work to be doing? Who said you could take a break?
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And only gets better with each new iteration.
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this is true I miss gonkV and OFV tho

prease dont hit I work as fast as possibre
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who was whining? I was describing what that anon was talking about because I've seen it elsewhere.
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this one?
>local anon doesn't understand quotation marks, proceeds to look foolish
Shorter skirt
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Good night
98. Looks way better better now, specially with the updated body, good lewds too.
Sleep tight.
Mod to remove Judy's dogshit tattoos and danger hair when

Fuck it. Mod to remove all tattoos. Gross
Mod to remove Judy
>game called Cyberpunk
>there's no cybering nor punks
You can mod how she looks but you can't mod how she is, truth is she's simply a very damaged and miserable person, fuck, not even the whores she works with like her.
Those mods have existed for years now anon
If you bothered to look you'd find them in under a minute by searching Judy on the nexus
I want a body to lazily explore the inside of Judy's vagina with a single index finger, gently massaging her interior while she coos and says her spanish gibberish, "mi calabacita muy bueno taco si si si espanol buritto si" and Johnny sits in the corner talking about Arasaka
You can, but only with 20 INT and 20 Cool.
tattoo remover
hair color
hair styles colors and faces
judy face
judy face and hair

im fairly certain all of these mods are compatible with the the tattoo remover so have at it
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V doesn't come across as a very submissive girl
Similar but nah. I don't have the old screenshots anymore.

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