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Reb edition

Previous thread >>493310835

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: Check back later
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Sex with the Reb
alright, so how is this going to be different from literally every other edition for the last several years
>Content for the month is just NW and the alerts for MRlets
I farmed base sevagoth today, what should I put gloom on first?
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goon WITH reb instead of TO reb
Gloom is really not that useful and never held up in any meaningful content, even the stuff you want to snooze through hates the speed reduction
read the whole thing start to finish (I haven't myself in years but it was amazing)
Sex with Ivara
Rub your dick on a dart frog or jellyfish and report back.
I'm already doing that but she's invisible so you can't see her
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just came buckets
I played too much Revenant now my brain doesn't work
I played too much Wisp now I have weird dreams where I'm always trying to climb or jump to avoid being seen
delete alchemy
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I used to have dreams where I was panicking about finding the next safe spot to refresh my Invisibility timer
Invisibility doesn't work if you're wearing clothes, dumb liki
what should I do right now? farm mr fodder, farm sets for plat, farm duviri, farm baro, etc?
MR fodder is always the overarching Make Number Go Up goal so whatever you have that's not that and is a side diversion or makes that easier might be the efficient choice

me? I'm playing castlevania
later, I'm not in the mood for mlp right now.
it's an avatar user
>even doe it's a warframe glyph obtained with the code TAKONTHELOG
You're such a faggot
emmm off topic much?
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>delete alchemy
I love Invader Zim so much bros, it's my favorite thing to watch while grinding for new equipment or more resources in Warframeâ„¢
I thought it wasn't going to happen and I was disappointed
I still don't understand this meme
content draught
goon fuel draught
I want to like Lavos bros but my fingers just don't work like that.
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Me too.
>bright color pallete
>pretty face with clear skin
>no visible tats
>autism triggereding
>dopamine injection immiennent
I once knew a man at my old fast food job (sonic), that told his kitchen coworker hag something so funny that she cracked the fuck up. I asked my spanish coworker what he said. He said "when I was young, I was so horny, that one time on a beach I saw a jellyfish and I picked it up and fucked it".
That's it. That's the joke.
He sounds based.
what exactly does lotus do during the missions
goon her bean
constantly switch cameras to different Tenno like a FNAF player
This. She probably mimics female frames and gets off at the thought of a operator plowing her.
This is probably one of the bigger failings of the context switch from the original concept. In the original concept, the Lotus were running logistics and giving overwatch during missions. They had facilities to do this as an organization. Lotus as an individual in the modern game sort of falls prey to the "there is one Tenno in the universe" issue.
Flick her bean
Gooning to the drifter
Then again, the Lotus is also portrayed as a living switchboard capable of micromanaging an entire military invasion force. So maybe that's how it's explained.
Forget the Lotus, how can I get Bird 3 as my advisor for every mission?
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She's adjusting life insurance policies for her tenno stepchildren. Very malicious step-mother. Ordis is best mom.
laughs at your operator's small dick
we all had small dicks when we were kids anon
mom is kinda lewd isn't she
but my operator is a girl
she's technically a machine that craves BHC.
Invert tap/hold so it's tap to infuse and map ability cast to middle click and change ability selection to up/down scroll wheel
then you can alternate between 1-4 and scroll/click as you see fit
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cutest I've seen Reb
She's about 5 foot tall?
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frick off
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No wait, corpus. Definitely corpus.
>have money
>need plat
>no discount

>no money
>don't need plat
give it to me
just beg for plat in fortuna
say that this is all you have left because of brazilian twitter or something
how's erp goon scene? can I afk as dancing Wisp and get free plat
>other games crash

>warframe crashes
70k hours played and never crashed
Warframeâ„¢ is the best optimized PC game on the market.
fuck you bitch
>warframe will die before I get Lavos Prime done by an artist who does not have chronic sexually communicated illnesses
ash prime shakes his ass like a woman when he walks...
its so distracting...
that's why he has the ability to turn invisible, it's for your own good
that's also why he has the handles on his hips
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>dark urge tiefling warlock
>name: Mara'Lohk
She's got a little spy camera following you around. It's why Warframe is a third person game, you're actually seeing the POV and information logs that Lotus has up while Tenno murders everything.
It would give me great pleasure to massage her feet
we ded
I kneel to our new Nexon overlords
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det är över...
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>Was curious about Soulframe even if not incredibly excited
>Still didn't get an invite despite registering well before Tennocon and being regular Warframe player since Closed Beta and buying shitton of plat over the years
Steve, do you want me to play your piece of shit game or not? The more time passes the less I'm interested in even giving it a chance at all.
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alhamdulillah he will be cooked soon
bet you also play other weird ass champs like qorvex and grendel
He's the only weirdchamp besides nyx I guess
My most used in recent years are Nekros, Lavos, Ivara, Umbra, Nyx, and Saryn (weapon buff meme)
I tried Grendel right before they nerfed his room eating and the spicy meatball was kind of fun but that's it
I've been thinking of picking up Yareli to try and hold my attention ingame
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another day of grinding invasions
>another day of Oberon being ass
my first prime shouldn't suffer like that
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Fun fact: Mag ____________________________________
is strun incarnon worth it?
I literally can't be arsed to play even a single round of circuit
okay that's nice and all but redpill me on protea
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Unless you really like k-drive movement theres not a lot notable about Yareli. Cute though.
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Any reason to SUBSOOM Rhino instead of Mirage?
they do different things
is the vitus farm with ogris still meta? all the info is from a year ago
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ZASED region chat
Mobas are they cages though.
platbuyers wear cages too and rebb is the keyholder
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>region chat
>100% faggotry
It feels wrong to not have a backlog of Nightwave missions to do
I thought it sounded good until i read the username
desu region sometimes reads like 4chan just without "niggers" and "trannies" used as commas
Couldn't be more wrong. Moba chads are a million times better than looter-shooter retards or FPS cucks.
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Something only a moba player would say
hot but she keeps mine on her anklet
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>open 10x mag prime BP and 10x frost prime BP radiant relics
>only 1 of each
yea my rng is done
how do I get relics WITHOUT disruption
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aya from open world bounties. too bad i eated it
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I had no idea this was even a gun
It's ok
Like to use it in circuit
how do we fix
it's impossible
it's over
octavia is FUN FUN FUN!
>got prime
>level up to 30
>never touch again because no forma
How come Yareli STILL can't activate conduits while riding merulina
Incompetent Canadian fucks
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>complaining about stupid shit
>yareli slopper
no surprises
If i have 5formad kuva weapon can i just grind another one to change the element and keep forma or am i fucked? never bothered with it and im trying to metaslave now, my nukor isnt magnetic so its worthless but wasting 5 formas again is too painful for me atm
please understand it would take their intern Rajeet 30 minutes which is $5 of wages to create an animation for it
she can but the window is small af
you keep all the catalyst, forma, level, name from the weapon that starts the valence fusion from its modding/actions menu
you get to pick which element of the two weapons to keep
also you can still change the element after it gets to 60%
I'm considering starting the SP star chart, but I'm not sure what frame, weapons, and mods I should have set up to try to clear the missions without needing to be carried by random players joining my missions.
play incursions
thats great thanks
>Incursions are optional mission objectives that can randomly appear in the Plains of Eidolon.
>They have been removed as of Update 24.4
This doesn't sound right
They are the daily 6 steel path alerts that appear in your navigation menu
equip Valkyr
Never got Valkyr. Guess I should farm her parts and spend 4 days cooking her.
I'll try those, but hopefully I don't get votekicked.
>hopefully I don't get votekicked
you're taking SP way too seriously, it's trivial content at this point for most people
no one will care if you only have a few kills
>Never got Valkyr.
Another good option is Mirage with Laetum, a bit overkill but I guess this is what you need - cheap overkill
valkyr is trash, you should feel bad for playing her
I only unlocked SP to unlock SP duviri. I almost never run SP star chart for any reason.
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doesnt kullervo render all other melee frames obsolete?
Never got Laetum. Guess I should level up my Holdfast ranking to unlock it's blueprint for purcha-
>it's available at Rank 0
retarded tranimenigger
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The catch is that Kullervo is a bitch to unlock.
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just typical powercreep DE has no solution to
nigga he takes like a few duviri runs
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Has any weapon in the game you used made you angry? For example you invested into it, just to realize it's not worth the effort and it's shit? For me it's Soma prime.

>Haven't used it in years
>Try it again, even get a riven for it
>Forma it , even get the Augment
>Red Crits everywhere but it's just shit compared to even some of my older weapons I haven't used in years
>Incarnon is a joke

At least I still have my Gorgon and Trunma. Hoping for Tenet Opticor, my true beloved.
But he only spawns as a random event, doesn't he? And you barely have time to hunt for it because the other three players are rushing to the exit.
>Never got Laetum
This gun is such crutch, I just can't stop using it despite already LR3, feels pretty bad but have no idea what else to use.
out with the old and in with the new
Is there a rebbooru?
not really i just use meta weapons so that i'm never disappointed

no, he spawns on 3/5 of the mood spirals and often is a core component of the obligatory goals. You can easily kill him with 5-10 decrees
>not playing duviri solo
what the fuck
a what?
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>she pubs duviri
>But he only spawns as a random event, doesn't he?
100% during Sorrow, Fear and Anger, basically you see his island - you can activate him
>And you barely have time to hunt for it because the other three players are rushing to the exit.
Activate him after 2-3 (or 5+ decrees collected what comes first) stages complete, this will force everyone into fight - can't skip it
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whos asking
she is trash, that's why i feel good for playing her and not a metaslop
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>grinding kuva weapons to 60% only to leave them rotting in inventory because I don't have formas to max them
fucking grim
Why does excalibur feel squishy? I've been holding off on getting adaptation but I think it's time to pick that up now.
>heat element
>she doesnt know
It's from railjack so I don't blame you.
Are there primary/secondary incarnons like Praedos that boost movement/parkour speed?
>try to spawn lich in cassini
>change of plans, leave nothing alive :)
>lich spawns with weapon I already have at 60%
>finish mission, try again
>change of plans, leave nothing alive :)
>lich spawns with weapon I already have at 60%
>try AGAIN
>change of plans, leave nothing alive :)
>lich spawns with weapon I already have at 60%
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There's hope for Reb
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those are some cool shoes
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>dash past extraction point and fall into void
>spawn 800m away from extraction
sleekers get the rope
is this the 'literally me' meme for women?
>be endolet
>have to extract even the last drop of endo from duplicate mods to max out a single mod
>completely forgot I had 50 scrap railjack components
I had like 7k in endo there just gathering dust.
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it's really just like 4chan
Does riven disposition really matter?
reminder that nova is fat
Does the nekros have tits?
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Not him but
Isn't trannies a slur? I'm surprised it's not on the auto-mod list
same lol, I can't believe DE is committed to being transphobic with their moderation by letting that through but banning you for calling nezha a trap
this is very very gay

show his ass
Is nezha a
>be 50m away form extraction
>faggot ass host extracts first causing a migration
>suddenly 800m away from extraction
It was a conjunction survival fissure in lua too for extra faggot host points.
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quick, post hospital bills to scare the americans
Hey retard, traps existed before the word Woke did.
>take canonically male char with male characteristics and turn him into a female looking abomination
yeah bro not woke at all
>the existence of coomers and genderbending players means a game is woke
you are beyond help
dial 8 harder tranny
Yeah I guess hentai is woke
meds, schizo
your dad's origin story
for me, it's sevagoth
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fucking rekt
I haven't seen Russchizo get BTFO this bad since Tennocon 2023
>can't find any way sleek into Unarmed state in-mission anymore
>myriad new ways to clip through walls and break my animation state which is probably exactly what DE was trying to fix
how hard is it to farm abyssal zone solo?
not harder than a typical nightmare exterminate mission
bring a warframe that doesn't mind no shields mode, like one with overguard
Kullervo worked fine for me, I framed the mission on steel path
I love you
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We're all fucked-up time-ravaged train wrecks. Wee.
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real, bestie
post pic
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I fucks with this heavily, we're getting spooky as fuck
>Haven't done archon hunt
>Rank 3 in the circuit
>Haven't done netracells
>STILL haven't unlocked EDA
>Haven't done my weekly Kahl mission
that look more like a deluxe
from Loki, Rhino, Mag to shit like Jade and this
sad, really
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True but that kit is a vibe

Nature of a live service game. I am still a mag main because she was my first frame but I understand that modern frames will get stronger and weirder each release
This scene just makes no sense. Loid was the fag, not the man in the wall, who was supposedly controlling the other statue.
NTA but what's wrong with Jade?
I don't get it
She's fat
>another ability that probably beammogs wisp out of the box
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>True but that kit is a vibe
yeah the kit is interesting but that skin might be a deluxe instead of base

also, love this dagath deluxe concept from reddit it's both horny and cool
Picked up Pyranna Prime for Yareli. Only to realize she doesn't take out the second gun when riding Merulina
Honestly shocked me. I didn't realize I had that kind of capacity for irrational thinking
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Initially game had style, it was cool, now it's generic edge with no substance
for example >>493546862 can be from any game or he can even be generic enemy monster from any game, there is nothing "space ninja" about him
We'll never get big tits because it reminds Reb of her pancakes
one can hope brother
btw same happened with Dota under Valve watch, initially Gabe had very sensible skin policy but then money hit his head hard and all standards were dropped
I guess it's true, every f2p game will lose style and substance as time goes by
wow a male ember
Nobody does
As time goes on that will keep happening
>Mag on roids
>Nekros but even spooker
>Hydroid but meguca
Ranking Warframes from wokeless to wokest
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me on the left
mesa to citrine
brush your teeth
he's british
wokesisters... chuddies are laughing at our game...
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>muh space ninja theme
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I promise after I'm done with my coffee
I want Dagath's 4 to get an augment that gives you an exalted Kaithe instead of just a line of damage. I don't care if it's weaker, let pressing her 4 while mounted have her charge forward or something.

If the drifter can giddy-up on deimos, I want to ride my ghost horse in survival missions while taking pot shots with my gun. Also Dagath deserves to have her horse back for more than a few seconds as a projectile weapon. She lost everything for that horse.
the FUCK
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I thought styanax was a pretty good return to the old biomachine style
too bad they immediately dropped it again for the next frame
If you're gonna name it Hastur, you kinda have to make it yellow.
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Dropped my image.

Please don't drag me into your 'tism, I just want horseriding. Titania gets mission archwing, Hildryn and Qorvex have archguns, Yareli has a k-drive. It's bullshit that I can't ride a horse when that's the entire reason Dagath is dagath.
more like wokur
it's the general brainrot of gamers today and i don't blame game companies that much for it. today a game won't sell if you don't shit out characters with over the top design because the players need their shitty little neon pink glowing armor or they get bored and quit playing your game. just look at call of duty, went from historically accurate to having fucking nicki minaj as a playable character
it's why you also see new frames with abilities copy-pasted from an older frame (but miles better). gaymers need their monthly updates. if you keep releasing new frames every n month, you're gonna run out of simple designs real soon
yeah styanax was the last frame i got excited for, and even before him i had little interest in any of the new stuff as it came out
blah blah void blah blah emotions blah blah duviri
>Voruna had a pack of wolves she loved so much that she was willing to fuse with them
>Dagath had a horse she loved so much that she gave it a name before naming herself
YOU JUST K N O W . . .
Megan was heavily involved in designing them
>I framed the mission on steel path
Is there any advantage in farming the abyssal zone in SP?
know what?
same fish
They're white women.
wokies itt love beastiality
albrecht did it
how? eternalism
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>browncels find it more realistic that women would prefer animals to themselves
it gives more vainthorns per run
also if you're really struggling it's perfectly possible to just kill every enemy on the map to win the exterminate objective, and THEN find one of those pickups and just run to extraction
can we see your Kaithe?
There's not a single white person in this thread. Russians don't count either.
I bet the average Siberian-Mongolian mix is whiter than you
das right cracker
whiter than you abdulah
I'm whiter than any of you racist idiots
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polspeak banned on caturday
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Another Major Catposter Victory
polspeak should gtfo always
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Alright I'm turning this on
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that's not the only thing that's turned on
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me on the left
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we NEED reb version
Koumei and the five wokes
Wokeframe 1999
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>ESL learns the word woke
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I look like this and say this
I look like this and say this
Thoughts on this Warframe spin off idea
>You play as a kuva grineer who escaped the tenno while on the ghost ship
>You're now deep inside it to the point where the crew doesn't know what's going on
>It's survival horror, angels, the weird durivi dax, and more as you basically trip balls in the void
>Final fight after you get strong enough is against a void formed nightmare of a Warframe
I bump like this and bump this
I look like wook and say wook
wokebump 42069
that might be interesting
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Kahl 2.0 electric boogaloo edition?
reb's massive areolas
my brother in christ that is literally just kahl but set in harrow's quest
>imagine paying for muhamed and tyrone proto frame skins
imagine being a snowflake
imagine sucking on rebbs tits
and fallout is just skyrim with guns
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Honestly thinking he should fail and it leads to weird new void touched grineer and possibly become a version of plague star for durivi

In a dream world this is a full game connected to Warframe lore not just a quest
you never played fallout
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>mission ends
>spawn in dojo
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Trying to make my Dera Riven good, as supposedly one of the new Incarons in 1999 will be for Dera. I keep getting absolutely goofy and worthless rivens. This is the only one thats given me pause besides the dual Corpus/Grineer bane w/ 1.7x damage( -50%~ mag capacity).
I really dunno what I should be rolling for, honestly.
I wish Snipers were good
p e r i g a l e
>In a dream world this is a full game connected to Warframe lore not just a quest
I honestly wish DE would lean in on something like this. I know that
>muh soulslike combat
is a bit of an overdone meme at this point, and the half-baked Steve imitation that we saw in Duviri is likely the best DE can do, but I really do think Warframe would be a solid IP for that kind of schick. DE probably has some pretty fat pockets at this point; surely they could contract with a more melee-oriented dev team to get something going.
warframe is an FPS

I'd rather imagine her sucking on mine
>Honestly thinking he should fail and it leads to weird new void touched grineer and possibly become a version of plague star for durivi
isn't this just Thrax with extra steps?
Life...is a FPS.
i realized i dont know how to play this fucking game on an endgame level and i give up, gonna get mastery and fuck off like i used to
i go to survival and can't sustain oxygen for shit and mobs dont spawn, i find a room which should work and there are simply no monsters coming
its tilting
They could just absorb some of the Ex-Fromsoft devs leaving. They've been shedding quite a few experienced developers ever since Elden Ring released, handfuls of which are starting Kickstarters or studios. Might be a hassle, but the talents out their in the job market.
american moment
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im saying youre retarded nigga
Honestly yes, these void grineer are meant to turn durivi into a 3 way fight between Thrax, the Man in the Wall, and us
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Does warframe need collabs?
Sex with Tagfur
Bump collab
any gatling gun?
incarnon form phenmor
arguably some of the archguns
>whining about woke
>calling everything a bump
go to bed euroshitters this is NA time
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So after seeing the whole team do you want to see any other frames get 1999 forms?
wok time
>could have a cool looking nigga
>insterad got zesty sugar plum nigga
tag with sexfur
new cocktavia deluxe skin where she is thicque
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I refuse to believe it
Sure, it comes with a new twerk emote her ass shakes to the beat of your music. Note you're going to see Megan's pancake ass on dev stream because she's the one who mocapped it
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she has a thicc*
>flex how dumb he is
>nuh uh, u dumb
chinese monkey's paw curse tier
it's up
Building Exilus Adapters is a waste of time and forma, isn't it?
Buying them with plat or from Acrithis with pathos clamp is more cost-effective, no?
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>No Chef frame
This is probably word for word what Steve said before the rest of the staff shouted down after Yareli's bugs and continued bugs.
Reb I know your married to Meg but I will selflessly volunteer to inseminate you. Please before your eggs dry up.
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>Identified: melee arcane adapter
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Now you see me
What did TFD do wrong that they're losing players faster than us?
Now you don't
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Now you don't
This might kill Warframe

>no cat frame
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>advertises as a stealth shooter
how long before they pull a Steve?
Chroma pretty much needs triple umbra forma to be somewhat functional, doesn't he?
Their potato analog costs $20.
Grind that makes Warframe look reasonable
>Grind a mission for batteries to start another mission to get a relic to go grind a boss fight for a LESS THAN 20% chance of getting a blueprint that you still need to grind mats to craft
smells jewish
but they had titties and werent woke????? what happened???? it was the perfect game wfg could think of??
>game is not woke
>game is instead extremely jewish
sums up Nexon
>they had titties and werent woke
It's comical that there are people who unironically act like this. If it makes lefty fags (real or imagined) mad it deserves hours of verbal fellatio.
concession accepted
>it was the perfect game wfg could think of??

It was the TFDShill that kept spamming novels of how much he hates warframe because of some literal who nerf to frost 100 years ago and how nexon is a good company and TFD will kill warframe. 98% of the thread was basically shitting on nexon and trying to tell (you) that nexon is a garbage company.
wait, the Frost schizo was a TFD shill? I thought the TFD shilling was all Russchizo
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>some literal who nerf to frost 100 years ago
Fucking kek, of course it stems from some ancient, autistic meltdown like that.
>It was the TFDShill
aka Russchizo. His bussy is now shredded.
which frame has the best bussy?
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>actual gameplay/screenshots
>no replies
>nonsense and game war
first day sweatie?
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Welcome to 4chan.
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Fuck Warframe. This game is old, ancient, dying, decaying. Rebecca made everything worse. Play my new game. Is modern, better, more beautiful, more advanced.


welcome to 4chan
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I agree.
Come to my game.
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I'd rather continue coming to Reb's game.
>drinking, looking at the tower in second pic
it worked man
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Needs a Rebb Edit
If you are transphobic you should just leave
This is trans game!
ivan please to be of makings for better English learnings before you /pol/post, da?
Wrong, I dated a trans woman and she hated every single time I ranted about this game
what did xim mean by this?
>someone actually spent time modeling and animating that in their spare time
DE hire this man
duviri is shit steve, and so is this
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If so, then I have to say that Steve is right. Dagath is such a fun frame in concept but her 4 is just so mind-numbingly boring.
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there's an upgrade in the Dojo that makes it 24 hours
uh what?
There's a segment you can build that upgrades your incubator. You need to be in a clan that has it researched to get it.
Would you rather wait 2 months?
why not 1hr
And have it come out stillborn?!
it says "rush incubation" right there
I'd rush incubation on ur mom
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seeing wisp shock mote + breach surge hit a casual million+ damage with the right decrees gives neuron activation
they should add decrees to normal endless missions
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>console host on netracell
>reddit profile picture
>genuinely struggling with the hacking game
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>Console host
>Volt main
>Spams speeds and keeps dying
>Leaves game Host migration
>Wukang replaces him
nerf mapwipers
nerf incarnons
nerf energy economy
nerf mobility
i've thought that too before, it's silly fun seeing enemies die tapping a single button with big numbers
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>nerf mobility
you wanna play tomb raider?
>DE sneaks primed dual rounds into the database
>never ever ever drops it
>i take a teeny break from warframe
>they drop it and I miss it and now I have to give someone 40 plat for it like a cuckold
defend this
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reb gave me the fabled 75% discount today... do I honor the call?
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you know it
womb rider
defend what, that you cant afford 40p?
just stop being poor
i have 289 plat lil bro dont call me poor
pfff I have at least like 300, goml scrub
Where is her bra
>Sortie has "sniper only"
>Bust out the first sniper in loadout
>Vulkair wraith
>Remember that i have a -64% zoom riven the moment I enter mission
>Game turns into an FPS when aiming
>mission over before it's an issue because titania going fast
>Take the gun to a kuva survival
>No goal, just clicking heads
>Notice the levels are gorgeous now that the speed is slower
>have comfy time just clicking heads and watching worm beam things
>Using Gyre, so only pressing 4 or reloading takes me out of zoom
Guys I think I'm having fun, what do I do?
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i don't think i've ever played an MMO with such little worldbuilding because we get shunted into an alternate reality every 2 years
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there are no bras in space
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why did i buy the heirloom, i don't play ember
I like joining in and helping the young'uns do stuff. I lurk in recruiting for the same reason.
Should I replace frost's 1 or 2? I had his 2 replaced, but I was thinking of putting it over his 1, just so I do not get "stop using that ability" in ESO.
new voidshells when?
1 is useful for popping globes, 2 is useless
why can't I replace wisp's sol gate with qorvex's crucible blast? it's SO MUCH COOLER and actually kills things, especially in groups
DE should voidshellify every existing skin and then charge plat to unlock them
Forgot about the globes.
is jade and her weapons worth getting with plat, this ascension mode is kind of putting me to sleep
The frost ground fuck that shit

The weapons meh but they are acceptable if you literally having nothing else
returning player here
is there a worse feeling than seeing DE made a skin for a frame you play and discovering it's made by liger
Which one?
returning player, did they really remove frost's augmented 2 being allowed to slow eximus? that was the literal single redeeming use case for that button
>Europeans don't refer to themselves as "white"
Cause at this point they aren't anymore.
>with plat.
Harmony is very good. Has a passive that deals all dots into one big damage attack on heavy attacks.
They can't even update the base textures like they promised years ago. A lot of old frames still look like cheap plastic.
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>ancient PBR memes flooding back into my head
wow you're right lol nvm, just saying if they can get their shit together that's an easy plat sink
chat is this real?
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First legitimate failure in 200 hours (other failures were due to not knowing about the afk timer when soloing).
i wish guns were good
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>not wukong
that is NOT flawed
don't care, still would
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1999... please... I need to go back...
Kah Oull Oull Noma Vome Oull Ra Elu Noma Elu Ivbok Aba
yeah but when they do they fuck it up, nova's primary color tints her entire model
>TFW warframes are my second least favorite aspect of warframe
Sure it's real, but killing Acolytes and Demos isn't really unique or shocking is it? Other setups can do it without sacrificing as much versatility. Vasto is still a fun pick, not a power pick.
i think it's time to admit we need steve back
we need scott back
look how they massacred my boy
Drag doesn't make you a girl
tight bussy does
Goon for Steve
necramech in normal missions when
I don't think I care enough to get both possible incarnons per week.
steve JOI
man ass is man ass no matter what it tickles your pickle to call it
own up buttercup
Citrine summons a giant JO crystal
I met my slamkong and I think I might just dissolve my titron riven for endo instead of selling it.
>join exterminate mission
>there's no enemies to exterminate because some beaner is pogosticking the entire fucking map
>throw out riven
I hope I meet *my* slamkong someday
Ok thanks for the tip anon that makes a lot of sense.
I know it's like orokin fashion or whatever but Ballas' jack-off arm is so fucking funny to me
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Anyone know if Primed Magazine Warp is worth it? Seems really niche and can't think of much specifically it would benefit in the rifle category. Most shit I would want it on have a tiny max ammo capacity so it would just mean running out faster and I tend to avoid those anyway. Got Primed Cryo tho which was nice.
so its a skill issue
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It's a little depressing to know that one of your favorite weapons from years ago is the latest trash meta, and it's disgusting to actually run into it.
You're going to want one 3 months from now for some reason you can't think of right now and you're going to absolutely kick yourself in the dick for not going through the effort.
it's nice for batteries
Did you get that new collection? How do those DS ports hold up on a monitor? Was thinking about getting it for my Steamy Fat Deck but not certain. Have a week long trip so it is on my mind.
nta but they're alright
haunted castle revisited is alright too. But it's no Adventure Rebirth and doesn't have a hard mode.

Once mods start flowing in they'll probably be the definitive way to play the games. If you've already been emulating them, it's more of that.
That's what I'm fearing. Just wondering if there is any end-game rifle build where it absolute matters.
So like Fulmin Prime? Hmm, interesting idea. Bubonico it might be nice as well. Thanks.
Is this the pregnant fetish game?
yep they're polished up simplified emulator ports basically on par with the last pack of GBA games at least and there's one display mode that does proper integer scaling and looks great, and they also did some real work for the touch stuff to simplify things plus the new classicvania (I haven't tried that yet)

succubus glitch is seemingly intact in DoS and hard crashes the title once you start really playing with it lol
It's the "creative director is a post-wall woman and every single game update in the past three years or so has been about her being old and childless"
no, it's the futa game
yes, press space to form babby
Never has been despite the yearning of weird niggas
There's a frame called Jade with a built in incubator. She flies around and drops fetuses on the battlefield
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Help I am trapped
nice butt
Tried /unstuck? And get closer into the door. Also level your shit
If I want to get the Prisma Machete and Grakata now is the time, right?
They will probably start going up in price again as soon as Baro leaves, won't they? Or is there a post-Baro period where his items hit a nadir in price?
thank you for the bump
No, they only lower in price when they arrive, and start going up afterwards
yes get it now
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it's interesting how I can see the influence of the culture war on this game. Back when I first started playing in 2017, you never saw anything about trannies or faggots out in region chat. Now that I came back a month ago. It's bussy, traps, fembois, and other faggotry non-stop.
Stop lying. Nezha is a trap was always a thing
thank you for the bump
absolutely new and schizopilled
how new . ru
Naw. Region Chat lately has basically been a trans grooming Discord channel because DE never shuts that shit down.
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>Back when I first started playing in 2017
C'mere newcutie
I'm going to groom an innocent MRlet into taking HRT just for you
as opposed to all of the other groomers who have been endemic for just as long?
even this fucking thread had them cloistered in discords trying to ruin shit constantly
Reb I need a discount please...
A MRhag forced me to take some HRT
When will DE give in and let us subsume two helminths onto a frame
emphasis on "Mr."
you mean infuse two subsumed abilities
The time between 2017 and now is longer than the game release and 2017.
>pregnant woman
>is this a fetish?
Xaku should have been a modular warframe that let you pick 4 helminth infusions, but they'd have to be the same ability # as the original (1/2/3/4)
>2013 was 30 years ago
What would the meta build be with that
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it's the original fetish
Not him but it would be probably a combo of Nourish/Eclipse/Xata’s/Roar/Larva
Xata’s and all the other abilities of Xaku wouldn’t exist tho if we go by his idea
E, Ward
Thermal Sunder
Breach Surge
forgot there are none
Do i need to level up both primary and secondary kitguns or does one count for both?
do bumps count?
another sleepless night for the schizo
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advance, larva, eclipse is my choice
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>notice pattern of bumps with retarded questions
>nuh uh you are schizo!
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I miss the mall
it took me until today to notice the heels on that skin
>everyone else
>they run into a player running metashit
>"waahh I can't play the game, nerf X and Y, it's too strong!"

>run into some metashit like a slamkong
>"yay, easy mission rewards"
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It is a crime against humanity that they nerfed her ass.
This poster has epicanthal folds.
what, they nerfed her tits
what they did to protea prime is far worse
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i love crewmates with weird names, i like to collect them
Has to be sold
You have to trade him away, if anything it’s a free summon to help you
have you ever considered that people are just retards you fucking schizo
Couldn't you just delete the lich? They added hard limits on how many liches you can have and I recently cleaned up myself
We've been asking this for years
They also nerfed her ass 1 month after release.
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oh they are but this isnt that
>replying to the russchizo
he said he got molested as a child
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concession accepted
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Killing Grineer
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>trannies dont like getting called out for their bumps
>fallback on wfgs boogeyman
uh oh russchizo melty
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>playing as gauss prime solo.
>have furis incarnon with secondary fortifier.
>press 2 and 4.
>use only melee attacks.
>start gaining overguard.
What is causing this
he's still seething over losing kursk starchart nodes. too many dead grineer dying in kuva fortress
>if i keep posting itll come true
meant for
pack leader on your pet
I am not using pack leader on my pet.
now that's what i call based
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Based digits.
I SEE you
You should have stayed quiet, fool, otherwise I wouldn't have seen you seeing me.
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another dead hobbit
holy based
You might be cheating then. May I have your IGN?
sure it's -Milmo-
same person
milmo is bsj
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Gonna be making hapa babies
IGN: Higgus
Not only is she infested, but I'm 95% sure everyone is going to fucking die in that quest and even if they don't they're still doomed.
She's full of Helminth, anon.
you will tell him who to lay?
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reinstalled the game after many years when i heard that cross plat saves were a thing. I forgot, were any of the augment mods you get from the factions any good? As someone that stopped around the time Wukong Prime came out, is there anything i should be prioritizing right now?
Only a few are good, most of them are trash, give priority to quests
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Have some ass
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>load into EDA
>see this
What do you do?
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So 1999 is the end game of getting Woke Diversity Characters forced into the game.

I thought the fag duo and their 3 talking fur babies were bad enough.
Your brain is too far gone
well you're one of those excal prime glyphs so I assume you all started sucking each others' dicks
How did you know?
This is how I picture founders

Summon Vor so he can have the void keys he needs for his power up
It's bait, retard.
fake scenario
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>So 1999 is the end game of getting Woke Diversity Characters forced into the game.
>I thought the fag duo and their 3 talking fur babies were bad enough.
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Me in the middle
nice selfie
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>WF always had gay shit and blacks
>People are suddenly calling it woke
I can't tell if it's just because of buzzwords or retards
>buzzwords or retards
>implying that venn diagram doesn't have a 100% overlap
DE can add all the black woman they want as long as they have big boobs.
It's just tourist and this culture war shit. I think everyone involved should KYS. I want to continue gooning in peace
Now that you mentioned it. I don't think I have ever seen a black Drifter.
>DE kills off a cool black character
>Turn him into an old senile man years later
I hate what they did to my nigga Teshin
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>Dax are a warrior servant caste
>Every single one we've seen so far have been black or brown
>We were murdering these during the Orokin war
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Teshin wasn't a Dax he was a retainer
Kill Grineer men
Breed Grineer women
he's literally called Teshin Dax by the hag queen.
Daikyu Prime Please?
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Fucking kek.
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No one uses bows
I am not no one, my name is David.
Are you an elf twink or something David? Stop using bows and use guns like a real man.
My name is David and I don't use bows. You're making that up.
My name is Andrew and I use the Torid.
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>Lavos is the Invoker of Warframe
Explains why I see no one use him. He requires a big brain.
I like shotguns too.
but my name is David :
Hi Andrew
This is how I picture Slamkong users
He doesn't really require a big brain you just press 1 3 2 1 4 4 2 or something that effect as your main clearing combo and now with Valence you can buff up your guns for stuff like Shields on hard targets
it's more apm than mindfulness
>you just press more than 1 button
that counts as big brain these days
There is a Sanctuary target here, hunter. I sense it! Track it with the Synthesis Scanner. Don't let it escape.
Forma BP vs Gold Potato BP Invasion
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some thoughts
head half-full

these alerts are useless
you guys push buttons?
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I'm a slamkong main now
shitter filtered
It’s 1 vault, best run was 1m 47s
Did he live?
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I love my Cinta
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I use the Zhuge
>Iavara is the bow frame
>Her bow sucks
>when your Grineer GF suffers agonizing degradation due to the Lotus ordering the Tenno to bomb a cancer hospital
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Remember when Kela was cute?
bro your perspicacity wukong/master's summons titania?
>gotta stop and use terminals
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>he hasn't solved the most solved gamemode
Rope all cat posters
what do you get for freeing all the ostrons? shit is annoying.
I just imagined Tyl Regor walking into a children's hospital and immediately going on a rant about his Tubemen
Please do not insult Steve's magnum opus
More allies to help take the grineer position.
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make new thread with disclaimer "NO CATPOSTING"
Nice try hagposter but we all love cats here
I woke up your mum
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Does this look woke to you?
The woke in the wall
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Talk to me. I won't eat you.
What are some certified shitter frames and weapons?
bumpaga prime
It woke up
whichever one I'm using right now
do warframes hab genitals lore-wise? specifically vagina
I'm pretty sure if you peeled off Umbra's steel skin, you would see a dick.
>some content drops
>alerts with shitty corrupted mods
t-thanks reb...
Revenant with 2 green shards for armor strip, nourish for energy and viral, and torid incarnon with corrosive+heat+slash+rifle+elementalist+bane

Or you could just be slam Kong (one thousand keks)
>2 green shards for armor strip
Does that even work anymore? I thought armor had a minimum amount so you couldn't full strip anymore.
Idk but hydroid specter let's me full strip with corrosive heat epitaph (no green shards)

I really wanna make a rev shitter build like that but I don't have base grendel yet so no nourish. I have plenty of green shards and most of everything unlocked just missing grendel and 3 other frames I think.
Ahh, nothing hurts as much as life
nta, armour has a soft floor. Any amount between 1 and 200 gets rounded up to 200, then once you hit 0 armour the remaining damage resistance is all immediately removed. IMO green shards for corrosive is a waste on anyone other than Saryn.
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So if an enemy has 2000 armor, any armor stripping between 90% to 99.9% is capped to 90% until you get that last bit for 100%?
Seems weird. Kind of makes Tau Greens for Corrosion Stacks pointless.
Is the furax wraith incarnon worth playing duviri to level 10
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was this ever fixed?
>revenant/dante rando in netracells.
>he doesn't take a single keyglyph.
Pick it up janny
Frames tend to lose ass when they're in their prime form. Nova's another victim of this.
>*takes all four glyphs.*
>*leaves as soon as the door is found.*
I can waste your time just as much as you waste mine.
Don't think of armour strip in terms of percentage, because it won't help you actually conceptualize its effects. DR% from armour isn't linear, so 200 armour is just under 25% DR (132% EHP) and 2700 armour is 90% DR (1000% EHP). The curve is top heavy, so partial armour strips (that remain partial) have diminishing returns. You didn't ask, but the effect of this is that corrosive is the worst partial armour strip and you should never mod for it on your damaging weapons. Corrosive is still fine on primers.

Enemy armour has a soft floor of 200, and at higher levels a hard ceiling of 2700. It doesn't matter what the enemy's starting armour value is, you always need 14 corrosive stacks to full strip (ie you never need tau green for regular enemies). Tau green still works on acolytes and other enemies that have lower stack caps than normal.
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What even happens if you do that?
If he's the host, it will drag everyone out with him. If he's a client, it'll just pass someone else the keys.
Doesn't that only apply if you're a tard and use 1 tau green instead of 2 tau green or just 2 regular green. Like you need 14 stacks to do full strip so 12 or 13 wouldn't cut it (+2 corrosive stacks on regular & +3 on tau).
wtf. what if I hadn't had my omni equipped to my gear wheel, when that hull breach hit?
What they even do? I always pick 4 of them because you can. I mean, FREE FUCKING GLYPH
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sneeda kavat
minor debuffs

better question is why is that guy not soloing EDA
you guys have been talking about hags so much that I can't stop fapping to them. you ruined me
Sunday - day of grinding circuit because I was lazy cunt for the rest of the week
Bro Region chat is basically an ERP channel now.
any tips on farming railjack relics? I need that Valkyr Prime
wokesneed 1999
good bump sister
dead game? post the game's director multiple times!
got to goon
I thought the w*ke spammer was russchizo, what gives?
dissociative identity disorder
>russchizo is anti-reb
Now I hate russchizo
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Good idea
>rakta dark dagger would be perfect for hildryn
>if it weren't for my "must be prime aeshetic" autism
transmog when?
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Just color it with prime colors you autist
i may not play often, but i support this message
old pick
she's fat af now
why are you lying
why do you always say this russchizo?
Pro Reb
Pro Cat

wtf is tak

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