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>Terry Teaser and Gameplay trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LUExu3qU-o [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDPhkX2oMmQ [Open]

>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRQdjb4QSWA [Open]
https://youtu.be/5dgfrWteSW0 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT1SLN39OiI [Open]

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVPqv7ZyfWo [Open]

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>493398776
Cute art but ruined by off-model Cammy
titcow cammy is just as much as a disgrace as flat Mai Shiranui or legless Chun
hey guys i enjoy street fighter 6 how about you
Based Dhalsim checking dat ass
the average whitoid on this site is like Synthetic Man, racist and white supremacist but very dumb, lives with his mom, alcoholic, talks about how violent niggers are but wants to kill people he dislikes
Is just some crabba artist, look at the lowtier linework being properly disguised as good art by all the painting
Digital art bred entire armies of artists who mastered the art of using layers and painting, not actually drawing, they are basically sentient AI
I almost used a Kimberly pic, kinda regret used Cammy because theres some retard here who spams her in OP anyways
I jerk off to Kimberly daily now
Should've picked Guile or Alex that anon drew
Is time for men
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Stacyberly husband...
I had fun in SF6 today
Ingrid needs her thread
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Next season : BAZZ!
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I find it fun too. Shame it mind breaks some people
every time
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Anyone saying Jamie is bad is bullshit. You are never in control of neutral when this nigga has his DR 5F s.hp and ex dive kick that's somehow even faster than Cammy's.
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hit 1700 once took a break and now i cant break 1600 fml
These two posters are white
GOAT artist
What's the character to cheese my local and win with assuming I have good execution and reactions??
whose stream are we watching after doki
Obviously, only subhuman niggers love, jerk off to, and cum inside white women
does ed have an overhead?
why am i so scared to not block low?
Gouki or Ken
Awful advice. Chun ain’t hard but she can’t go full baby mode
What prompted you to say this instead of any of the other characters?
Is it just me or is the game's online more tempermental? I'm always in the green and only accept matches in the green but once I'm actually in game it drops to yellow. I used to get a pretty stable 0-1f and 60ms but now it'll occasionally flux to 3f or even 5 with 100s of ms
I think fewer people are playing. This Battle Piss sucks ass and I don't give a fuck about mr. I'm not good enough to.
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Day 7.
What would be the result of a SF6 BO7 DSP vs LTG?
How do you counter Jamie's Drive Rush heavy punch?
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Would you do better against NoahtheProdigy than DSP did?
Ngl fucking the same woman everyday is hardcore mad respect
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>Capcom after realizing they can get away with charging $6 for just one color

do you find that you generally like most things/are a bad critic?
>throw looped me to death
>1 and dones
You're a fucking nigger Akuma

blanka. best AA in the game
So uh where’s the next commentator being added?
Where’s the next rap theme.
I ain’t Neva backin down is all we got
ggs was me
Isn't this kind of stuff illegal to do with animals? I thought Cammy got arrested for doing the same with street dogs.
>great buttons
>great zoning tools
>frame 1 invul reversal dp
Guile is pretty good, huh?
Look man, SF6 has faults but let’s not crazy and call it shit. As a videogame it’s a fine 7/10
How some of you niggas act talking about capcoms downfall
>max is now playing dbfz
>still refuses to play sf6
People want to cap on this guy, but any other person would be begging for donos the first minute they could with this guys health problems. And instead he just decides to be based and keeps making content. He really is a real life jesus.
How many majors max won?
Once terry comes out he will lab him for six hours and then do a one hour ranked session
Du vs Booce gf again
What do people mean when they say Marisafag and crabba? I'm not being facetious I swear. I'm just new.
Being horny for your own wife is the ultimate fetish.
>noah is a dsp fan
When SFV was alive, /fgg/ was one of the few online communities that supported it. Vappa was a term created to designate SFV haters as stealing their fighting game opinions from /v/ and r/kappa. Crabba comes from that and was coined around the release of SF6 to refer to someone who was wanting to see the game fail. It is a play on the crab in the bucket mentality, or other fg communities trying to dampen SF6's success, because their games are not.
always remember during long play sessions to get up and give your balls a quick drench, especially if you have a heavy stick
Thank you for the informed explanation. I thought it would be about crabs in a bucket but the rest was a mystery.
now you got me picturing Marisa fucking a lion in my head
im so comically bad it hurts im so fuckin hilarious bad at everyting, literally everything
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Is this DSP detractor correct in that he's bad at street fighter, or does he just not understand how matchmaking systems and statistics work? He simply looks at his winrate and says because it's at a certain percentage he's "below average". The only way that would be correct is if there was no matchmaking and it just paired you with a completely random person, regardless of their rank, which I assume isn't true?

Not going to watch your gay video, but I've played dsp and he's pretty ass. Crumbles in the corner and super flowchart heavy in neutral. It's not a bad flowchart or anything mind and his reactions are surprisingly decent, but he's the type of player that can only grasp one playstyle and is too afraid to deviate from it.
fuckin around with luke
his damage unironically feels so low
He was actually legit good at SF2, but he never evolved from that level
i wish self harm made me improve since practicing doesnt do anything.
chilling on a friday night playing some street fighter. bought some bubbly water and slugging my way hopefully to master. diamond is pretty hard!
>Will play Tekken 8 every now and then
>Will check out a DBFZ update
>Pretty much never even touches SF6 unless Capcom's paying him to shill despite saying how it's da best FG this gen
Damn you KNOW SF6 is fucking ass when the biggest Capdrone can't be bothered to actually play.
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Hi-score girl author back again with a new volume and a one-shot
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This but like 6 beers. Cheers bruv
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why is Marisa so popular?
can you not toy with me and just quit like everyone else the game matches me up with that are so good at the game i may as well be a blind malformed undevoped retarded sack of flesh barely and excuse for a human
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She's very attractive.
>unreasonably mad at the game earlier, alt f4
>hop back on to look at some of my sets
>I won ~90% of my games tonight
what the fuck is this
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streetcucks, kneel right now
........in fan art
negative bias
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.... In game....
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>STILL disgusting
Guess you're just gay or something.
I think she's cool.
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>Guess you're just gay or something.
She’s sculpted anon.
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>World Tour food art
>sushi collabs and candy and food before
>this recent survey had them asking for SF/MM/MH/RE food
A shoryuken burger huh
How often does Justin Wong play SF6?
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Ryu downplayers are deeply closeted faggots.
>starting to do consistently better against master rank players
>not sure what I'm doing differently

i guess it's just being more consistent with my shit and adapting faster to changes in strategy?
Master players aren't good, sorry to break it to you. It's basically the "beat the tutorial" rank, like Gold was in SFV.
FG noob here again from a previous thread. Started playing Blanka and really liking it. Trying my best to not spam Blanka Ball at low ranks just to cheese wins.

Any tips for a low rank noob Blanka?
His crMP is one of the most broken buffers in the game, you can close out a lot of rounds just throwing it out
when I took him to masters last year I got a lot of mileage out of drive rush 4MK 4MK 2LP 214P. Frametraps at every step, combos if any of them hit, can go for a throw after either 4MK, safe on block. The thunder at the end can be DI'd if they're looking for it but you can react to DI on any of the other hits.
4MK is a great easy anti-air, you can cancel into forward hop and hit 4MK again to beat their buttons and be plus
If you go for a meaty throw in the corner you can buffer a down charge during it, and if they jump you can upball as soon as the whiff animation ends to catch them
Go check the frame advantage after whatever combos you use and see if you can whiff an L or M ball to close the gap while they're knocked down and still be plus, I don't remember his specific routing but different knockdowns require different balls to gap close and keep the pressure on. Good luck newfriend, glad you're enjoying the game
Most master players are frauds. Ones closest to legend points are the only real SF
Jokes and shitposts aside, what does gief do against bisons scissor kick. I can only beat it on hard read.
i was in the same situation, my advice is to shimmy more and tighten up your oki if you didn't already

throw and charged flicker
>The only way that would be correct is if there was no matchmaking and it just paired you with a completely random person, regardless of their rank, which I assume isn't true?

DSP is statistically better than roughly 90% of the general population, people have no idea what an average player looks like.

I love ltg
If you are playing sf6, you are a soulless NPC. Not joking. There's only one fighting game with a skill ceiling high enough to produce moments like Hayaos Hugo at evo this year. If you aren't playing it, you're a brainless zombie nigger that supports corporate dick sucking and herd mentality. You are a sheep, a subhuman. You accept meaningless, low quality slop that will never produce inspiration, simply because "new thing gooder" you should be lynched.

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sonicsol at it (again)

cr.mp DRC into his best combo, CH 5HK AAs for meterless 20-some%, and corner doll set up with the overhead/low options practiced will take you to master and possibly win your locals.

do not feel bad about spamming heavy ball. if you think about it, you're conditioning to make light ball->throw better.
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Remy's high-low
Lily is so hot
ummm cia!
Phil 7-0
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just FYI blanka is likely going to be fucking terrible for your progression as a fighting game player. there are a massive pile of special-move-only blankas stuck in diamond and low master who never actually learn how to play the game and just hop, jump, and slide around. don't let that become you
Why do Ryus jump like crazy? Are his ground approach options that bad?
>Are his ground approach options that bad?
No they're just really really really dumb most of the time until you hit high MR
>slides at fullscreen over and over
>gets owned
>RQs a 15 year old game
what a beast. glad to see him back on REAL street fighter
Capcom tried plugging Ingrid for a while in the mid 2000s and it never really went anywhere. Why didn't she really resonate with people? Was it because Capcom Fighting Jam was ass or did the poor man's Athena thing sink her chances of becoming popular?
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LTG is basically /sfg/ in that he was talking shit about how braindead and terrible SFV was for 7 years straight and then SF6 came out and he's talking about
>bruh this game is for fucking no skill scrubs these balrogs couldn't see me on a real game like SFV
Dale has been doing that since SF4 came out
I like how he jumps around everywhere and is upbeat. Couldn't see anyone else in the roster like that. I love making the opponent guess where I'm gonna go or appear next.
if chun spasms when you're inside her wouldn't your ding dong be crushed into smithereens?
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Marisa should have been a Greek complete with a Grecian name. Italian woman with crazy hair is already taken by Lisa "Rose/Rosa" Lisa. Also she should have a rivalry with Hakan from Turkiye just like irl.
like everything about ryu except damage, his approach is mediocre
his slow fireball is not slow enough to skadoodle behind it like AKI or chun
his c.MK is not stupid long like chun or cammy.

he has no special he can just throw out to close the distance, air tatsu has been a joke for like 3 straight games.

his one good, long range button in neutral is s.hp, everything else is scaled to shit (c.mk) or is DI bait

ryu players jump because his damage is stupid high, his max damage jumpin combo is so easy even a chimp could do it and people don't antiair properly until high MR
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Costume 4...
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It's time to oil up
he's not snusnu-pilled
What is your role in your local scene?
Are you someone's demon?
Older gatekeeper?
Smack talker?

I'm the old guy who wins most by default, generally landing in 3rd to 5th place each tourney (of 15- 30 players) , but don't have the time or the reactions to beat the kids nolifing the game.
There are like 3 professional level players in my scene who win everything. I'm the guy who is one step below and wins if they aren't there
the guy thats free to everyone but just enjoys playing even when people bring their girlfriends and wives to the locals while they body me in front of them and I just laugh and play it off because I'm just happy to be socializing and I shouldn't expect to have anything haha so its all in good fun
Use nexusmods to get her Alpha Series Skin
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I'm deep south dunedin, my local scene is all tekken players. I took sf6 down one day and one guy had a Marisa that I kinda raped with my pocket Cammy. I switched to Luke and he started beating me so it was fun. They all prefer tekken and guilty gear though so I kinda drifted away. Still in the discord might go back one day maybe a street fighter player is in there. The scene is like 10 people lmao.
Is the chun li air stomp combo a safe jump mid screen? The oppponent backrises and is always too far from my jump in after.
literally 0 scene.

she has safe jump setups. test your combo by having the dummy wakeup ex dp and see if you can block in time.
>The oppponent backrises and is always too far from my jump in after
set the dummy to backrise and check what's her farthest reaching jump attack.

if none of her attacks reach, then it's only a thing you should go when they're in the corner and you should go for dash/drive rush oki instead
thanks for the chat gpt response but I was asking chun li players.
nigger, go stay uninformed then

new face.

top local/state player is a known NA manon and another player from here beat daigo at C3.
Can we get some semblance of an idea of how random/volatile is compared to st/3s/4 by comparing the consistency of top player placements across tournaments or something. Does any data like this exist
Sf6 compared to them**
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Just happy to play....
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On a gut feeling, SF6 is less volatile due to less options and more unga due to less pushback distance
How can capcom nerf drive rush jab?
they did already, they extended the hurtbox
And it's still broken, make it give the opponent a punish counter when checked
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Seriously what the fuck is bison? He literally has a fucking win button.
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He does things, and win.
>Will play Tekken 8 every now and then
>Will check out a DBFZ update
that's exactly what he does with SF6 though??
what happened to sonic sol i loved that nigga
I don't go to my local and I don't want to associate with anyone in the fgc in real life
Deep, intense, training sessions with her brother, twice a week.
>play two characters
>consistently do badly against common character (we will call him Ken for the sake of argument) with one of my characters, consistently well with the other
>play character with good Ken matchup for hours
>don't find a single ken
>play character with bad Ken matchup
>immediately find multiple Kens
I am thoroughly convinced at this point that the game has matchmaking highly influenced by engagement driving algorithms.
>On a gut feeling, SF6 is less volatile due
>due to less options
my favorite thing about DR and throw loops is that it's every single character's win condition, it makes learning a character so much easier :^)
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>I am thoroughly convinced at this point that the game has matchmaking highly influenced by engagement driving algorithms
Next youll be telling me the sky is blue and the grass is green
chun plays actual street fighter sliming aside
No, it's not the win condition of the bad characters.
I don't need this. Metaphor is dropping soon and I'll finally have a good game to play.
I mean. I guess Marisa can throw loop.
the wife is literally the only honest character in the game
This is the most trash ass garbage boring game ever man.
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She is indeed.
Mena's fucktoy
yep, SFV was the last real street fighter
Is anyone excited for terry?
SNK marketing team is
is it true that gief's drive rush gauge fills up half as slow as everyone else's? why the fuck did capcom do this?
daigo looks so rough these days...
can't wait to get throw looped by terry
no lol
They should though. It's impossible to pressure his drive gauge because you need to overexpose yourself to getting SPD'd.
Focus attack was the worst part of SF4. Utterly retarded that they'd implement a different version of it in SF6.
I swear the only safe fireballs to throw as Ryu is fullscreen, meaty, or ex ones from close up. Damage is way too high from jump ins in this game
>walk back for a split second
>get hit by cr.mk drive rush
Jeetposting ruined Dhalsim for me.
i think they fixed that.
more specifically, his burnout was 25% longer
how else would burnout be punishing if you weren't at constant risk of DI though?
Is SF6 on life support? Do you remember how many cool updates and events we used to get for SFV?
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>still no yun
they really don't want this game to succeed huh
manjeet and lakshit are working as hard as they can on the latest paid advertisement promotion
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You get less but it's much higher quality baster BITCH
SFV didn't have cool updates or events???
I remember the $15 TMNT avatar skins from Evo 2023
these people aren't in charge of anything huge, you fucking retard. they're in charge of stuff like tweening. you need a lot of artists if you want to make a 60fps game because they have to make 60 animation frames per second of movement.
what happened to that sf4 rollback thing
am I the only one who thinks cr.mk drive rush shouldn't be plus on block? Make it even
What do you mean?
Jamie is right there.
SF6 is weird, game is selling like hotcakes and is apparently 4 million copies, yet the way they update the game feels like they've been losing hope with it.
G and Sagat were revealed and released in the same fucking day, the game getting rid of throw loops alone makes Jive's support way better than Dix's
its the power of singleplayer content
Less, higher effort updates are good..
The game is still pretty far from life support (unfortunately).
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>these people aren't in charge of anything huge, you fucking retard. they're in charge of stuff like tweening. you need a lot of artists if you want to make a 60fps game because they have to make 60 animation frames per second of movement.
I gave Li Fen over $2000 with the promise of letting me suck on and lick her soft pale feet and she keeps ghosting me. If she doesn't honor her side of the deal, I'm going to have to bring this up to Chun Li so I can get my money back.
I like how SF6 has so many crippling problems people don't even need to complain about the game having plus on block overheads that lead into a full combo in fucking Street Fighter.
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I guess Palworld is a better fighting game than SF6
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u w0t m8? the brothers and balrog and vega are literally the only certain slots
I've had enough of Gief players, 100% one and doneing every player that is using this character until next year's patch.
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I block every Zangief I meet and I still run into more than any other character.
she cute
The way to make gief players lose their mind is by throw looping them. Then jump away 3 times when they try to do a jump cancel throw on you.

Don't even punish their throw, just go to full screen again. Drives them crazy.
My theory is that World Tour ended up being too much of a pain in the ass for them in terms of both money spent on it and time consumed to make new assets for it each time they release a new character that they kind of silently regret pushing for it.
SFV was far more dramatic and had a very disastrous launch but it costed much less money to make since the game had piss-poor launch content, so even if it sold about the same as SF6 currently sold it likely was a bigger profit for them.
Just my guess, could be wrong.
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I see many insults of India however I will announce we are CEO of Google, CEO of Microsoft, soon President of USA , and soon CEO of Capcom
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Drive parry is fucking gay and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
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SFV was a proper Street Fighter game made by Japanese men.
Jesus Christ what a fugly ass game.
SFV sold like 1 million copies in a year
Perfect parry is retarded.
Regular parry is one of SF6's only good mechanics. A hard commit to blocking, with the benefit of meter in exchange for dying harder to throws is neat.
is parry even useful outside of blocking without losing meter? every time i parry something i can't even punish it unless i get a perfect parry
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Blocking without losing meter is pretty big, another important part is negating high-low mixups
As for punishing without perfect parry that would depend on frame data.
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SF6 is my first fighting game and being stuck at 1300MR is a badge of honor, I will spend most of my free time defending its terrible mechanics, for free.
Took slime fight a year to catch up in sales to MK1. MK is the king.
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>wake up to number posting
c'mon son, if you're gonna shitpost why not make it fun
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4 characters per year is a mistake.
Also they're taking way too long with balance patches. Didn't they say that for S2 they wouldn't wait a whole year for a new patch?
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that's godlike bro I'm plat5
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My wife mogs your wife and it's not even close
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back the FUCK away from our phiddy street cucks
>Not Guy
>Not Yun
>Not Abel
>Not T. Hawk
Is there a newcomer in this game who's actually "new" and isn't a cheap replacement of an older character?
ugly ass game cuh
Kim wants to rim Ryu's ass
Sajam Slam was actually promoted by the game?
To loosen him up for her huge futa cock right?
She lost to jomon cock tho
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Why doesn't Ryu get used more in SF6?

Is he viable enough.
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Sorry but the rule of the house is that Balrog gets first dibs on any pawg that Ed brings home. Ed is only allowed the sloppy seconds but the way Rog stretches them out, there isn't much left for Ed to take. Just some scraps. That's why Ed really left, Balrog kept taking his bitches.
Because you can play as Ken who is Ryu but slightly better, or Akuma who is Ryu but better.
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I'm curious what people who make these types of posts look like irl
At least I hope they'll reduce guest characters to 1 in Year 3 and add a character I actually like for once. Otherwise I might unironically drop the game for good.
whatever happened to character loyalty?
Why take turns? Rog should've just ran gangbangs with Ed. It would be good training, he could show Ed how to handle a pawg or give him tips on how to perfect his stroke game. Also double penetration feels real good, two big cocks in a tight hole wet hole increases the pleasurability. Rog missed out on a good teaching moment.
A crackship that doesnt make sense could shake the non existent lore of SF in an interesting way but even Capcom is to retarded and lazy for that
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Rogtards are almost as gay as Dale Wilson
cute tomboy
What if it's not a pawg and instead Ed brings home a black, asian, or latina girl? Does he still have to let Rog hit first?
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I was hoping he'd stay in dix
not a thing since sfv made eatsports important
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CapChads and Astro Chads unite against Tekken pajeets
But now people will expect a World Tour equivalent in Street Fighter going forward
tekken and mk got away with removing their third person modes
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>two shitty visual novels in there
List automatically disregarded
Now that's real street fighter
I'm playing Astrobot right now, it's a fun little game but it's not THAT good.
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a-at least they're not drive rushing
God, that's so hot.
Abigail would have drive rush confirmed from the first st.mp if this was dix
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now that the dust has settled, was it a mistake?
I would be fine with it if it didn't freeze the screen and instead had more startup.
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It's peak fighting game design. If you don't like it then you are not welcomed to the FGC.
it should pause your drive regen for longer but its fine otherwise
super meter is a much bigger issue
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Name one good visual novel.
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mr diddles will win in s3 not that black spook
Leshar is the number 1 MR ranked player in the World right now
i like the combos just not cr mk dr and some raw drive rushes. its not even that hard to make it less overpowered
I don’t I don’t think you should call him that
What a funny crackship kek
He's taking the mill
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>the next piece of artbook/guide is Japan exclusive again
>Dev commentary and other small bits
Le sigh
This. Why the fuck is gief so busted this patch? I don't remember struggling against him this much in season 1. Can someone articulate why gief sucks to play against
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capchads... not like this
Drive Rush cancel is a failed abortion of a mechanic and Nakayama should be stoned for coming up with such a dogshit idea
>backdash backdash LP fireball
I hate it here
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nigga posting nobodies off twitter again
If there's one thing that's universally agreed upon, it's that the SF6 OST fucking sucks ass.
this webm is genuinely disturbing
they need to rehire whoever made capcoms 360/ps3/wii era osts
why does MK have voice chat in ranked but we don't
It's so bad that they should have at least made the jukebox free as an apology.
This games OST only has like one or two tracks that aren’t bad
THERES A REASON the trailer for Terrys gameplay used PaoPao cafe and not that dogshit Terry theme
And even then I wouldn’t say it’s the best theme ever, just PASSABLE just like Fete Forraine. It’s fucking crazy reading all those not comments on Terrys theme. “Oh man this ain’t bad yes!”
“Damn they cookin with this!”
“Wow finally good music in SF6 and it’s a SNK theme”
Like Jesus Christ
I don't agree, every time I start up SF6 and hear the rhythm of these nigga beats this white boi starts raising the roof!
I like the main theme
I don’t need that nigga baboon music where they talk about raping black bitches and shooting cops and ripping niggas off
Can you imagine if Chun-lis theme was just ghetto booty twerking? Or if Ryus theme was just a long winded poem about calling Gouki a pedophile and saying “wop wop wop Nigga”
Like no
The cast is to homogenized for it to matter.
Money matters more than loyalty
This isn’t super arcade in Japan where you play for Q masks and Makoto artwork or fucking Tokens. You play top tier and you win
Because it was a soulful feature on SF4 and dropped with V
they put in voice chat I'm getting canceled. I'll make LTG look like a saint
>where you play for q masks and makoto artwork
I hate that i missed out on the arcade era i wanna kill jews so bad now
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>no throw loops
>no perfect parry
>no slime rush
>panty shots
>color edit mode
>free season pass DLC
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers
COTW.... sweetness.
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>no Chun-Li
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Koutetsu no Majo Annerose
Soon as Ono went away the sexy costumes went away.
if she told me to lick her feet clean I would do it no questions asked
Ono took the nooch with him too
This image hits too close to home stop it
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Also the boobs
I don't understand how anyone thinks SF6's ost is bad. It's the best SF soundtrack other than 2. I think people are just mad it's not SF2 theme's repeated for eternity
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I agree, the SF6 OST beats are so fresh. 4chan just hates niggers, that is why they hate the ost
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oops I posted a remix of Manon's theme but this part is still a banger

>Lily when using the american voice
COTW is the only reason I haven't given up on fighting games.
Fighting games have been saved it doesn't matter if (You) step away
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>this is a 10/10 in the FGC
i need you betty
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man hell nah
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Dont forget the botched eye surgery
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She's cute for different reasons you shallow neckbeards
she could kick my ass...
why are you bullying Betty? What did she do to you?
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She is too flat faced
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>this is a 10/10 for SF players
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This is a 10/10 for Tekken players
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still... waiting...
She's ugly on purpose you retard
Capcom added another drag queen to their latest game. It's over.
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FGC is really the poverty tier of videogames in everything.
This is a 10/10 for dix fanatics
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Your loss, chud.
It's Makotover
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update: Li Fen finally let me lick and slobber on her toes! It was the best 15 minutes of my life, and she said I can do it again for $1000... I'm still experiencing the high of her feet so I told her I'll think about it and decide later.
You either never played it or have shit taste.
it is great when good things happen to good people
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Only if you buy goyslop from companies like Capcom and NRS.
I want Li Fen to sit on my face!!! That is all.
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Characters stopped feeling like they had any purpose.
Wow you have denjin charges! You can store up a stock to do what Ken can already do hit one time! Or throw it for one EX fireball for free, something that's functionally meaningless in this game!
katawa shoujo
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Would you be ok with Rufus coming back but skinny?
that was back when mastering a character was theoretical
>EGS exclusive
Unfortunately none of that matters
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noochbros, it's coming home!
it's on steam lil tim
Why are they just moving around and throwing out attacks?
That's so lame and it looks dumb....
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is there hop autism in cotw
wouldn't expect a slime fighter to fathom real mooch. Anyway, we're all preordering over here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2492040/FATAL_FURY_City_of_the_Wolves/
reminder that you and all the other fgc shills defended this broken netcode for years and kept playing the latest capslop every day anyway just like you are doing now

except sf6 will never be good and sfv was eventually good
123456789 I shit on SF6 all day
0 I move on with my life and play a game I like
ken is the only good one
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bros im entering a tourney today as diamond ken, guile, and honda wish me luck !
good luck friend
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you got this bro, play yo game
is it a valid strategy to do something slightly minus and mash level 3 after?
scrubs have been doing shit like that since forever
finally a Cammy that appeals to black men
Will Li Fen ever become a playable character?
You retards just be making shit up
Yes and it is stronger than ever
finally cammy actually looks british
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No, I'm afraid she is busy at the moment being my dutiful daughterwife. She asked me to inform you all that she will not be an active participant in Street Fighter 6 as she enjoys her home life with her daddyhusband (me) too much, and that her daddyhusband (me) is incredibly at sex and she would much rather be doing that than fighting.
There are too many characters to add before even considering that
>drive rush
I'm just on another level
There are too many guest characters to add before even considering that
You guys are getting CvS2 on the CFC2 right? You guys don't seriously complain about drive rush and then dodge a real SF game do you?
There are too many newcomer minorities to add before even considering that
God haha just imagine going to her China stop and watching her order and berate her family memeber employees in the back kitchen..
What id do for a Chinese girl to dub her
>real SF game
>SnK crossover game with rolls and grooves

That said yes of course.
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It’s on the list lol
sf6 is the only sf game where I can get destroyed one round and perfect my opponent the next
would unironically take li-fen over makoto or mika
dude I stuffed jamie spamming sthp after 2 jabs 4 times in a row and he just did not stop. I hate this fucking game
my jr. could never....
White women are gods perfect being…
>inb4 jeet/jamal/Ernesto/Caribbean name/Muhammad/Igor
>no crossplay
>dead after a week
why? i play it on fightcade and the game sucks thanks to A groove anyways
But the collection version with censored roms and endings for a modern audience and still no crossplay(lmao) lets you SWITCH to a cvs2 version with no roll invincibility!
Ain’t that neat!?
Max is advertising it hard. It won't be dead
The cammy husband is a pajeet, you were never here b4 him...
Max will stop after a week regardless of how much it sells. So that censored shit will be dead after it's first week.
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He did that for CFC1 too
And that game didn’t even crack a million with PS4/PC/Switch/and (lmao)Xbox
When people say “oh why make a sequel if it bombed!” And ignore that Capcom isn’t using a big budget for these rom dumps, it just reminds me people will enjoy no crossplay for the sake of just supporting the bare minimum.
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Reminder that ourgirl hates M*x.
I played the fantranslation with ps4 patch 10 years ago
when did shuckle turn on dix
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>minority on minority violence
Can someone give me a safe jump for Ryu?
Ayo Pikachu is still breathing..
When she realized that this game is Dog6, Akuma and his roidgut mindbroke her
I am Ares! I have six hours in SF4! I pretend to be Greek because I'm ashamed of being French! I am always here because I'm a lonely loser! IneeduChun!!!
Where's the slime? Where are the throw loops?
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Nobody likes SF6 but they still play it.
You saw that opening round where Ryu and rolent just sat there? Nasty
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>I pretend to be Greek because I'm ashamed of being French!
What now?
stopped getting likes for praising it and too lazy to draw
in a soulful game, she would be unlocked after beating arcade mode with chun li, and she'd be a clone character with slightly different specials and less damage.
Blame the youtubers pretending Turd Strike was good to their underaged audience
ALWAYS HERE! (except when SF4/SFV were played, newfag)
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Imagine waiting a year for pic related. No wonder she got mindbroken into comissioning Luke/Jamie gay art.
This is the white timmy I was talking about last thread. 1000% white with his obession
You mean a game before 2010? Yeah, clone characters like in soulcalibur 2 and plasma sword are neat.
God this game is ugly
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I'm new to fighting games, yes. Started in 2022 and made a lot of lobbies in /fgg/
heavy hashogeki > DR heavy donkey kick
Anything that makes you +42. Lab it faggot
Answer me this old vets. Why did the SNK version look so ugly compared to CVS? Even with the obviously alpha sprites I see, some of these snk guys look worlds better than the SvC game
When does he look like that in game
>This is who I was talking about
Funny because I don't think or talk about you at all. Hell, I haven't been here for a week. Seems like you have an obsession.

So why did you pretend to not be and called others "newfriends" as if you knew who were here during Broski era? You are always so full of shit.
I hate that Capcom saw Strive damage and decided to make SF a 2 hit interaction game as well
Which is funny since no strive troon is playing six even with modern. It’s just not baby move enough
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>So why did you pretend to not be and called others "newfriends" as if you knew who were here during Broski era?
I don't remember doing that but if I did it was probably to make you mad.
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Throwloops are already baby mode.
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I wish they did that. Then it'd be nice and quick to burn through retards doing retarded shit and they'd be forced to tone down the fucking blind guessing. Instead it's a four interaction game one round and a two interaction game the next round.
Based muslim dick enjoyer.
Should stick to the truth instead of shitposting. But at least now you're being honest for the first time by admitting you are but a shitposter. That's progress, but there's no cure to your attentionwhoring even if you stopped lying constantly.
About to start my Cammy grind to Diamond, what am I in for?
lots of jab jab jab spiral arrow and throw loop victories
The easiest character in the game
Lots of backwalking until your opponent makes a mistake because your DP crosses through so you can never be cornered at sub diamond.
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expect to use her c.hp a lot... it's a good button...
hurry, another day of no one rematching me because im that fucking shit at everything i try to do
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>We go from blaming characters
>to saying the game is random/chaotic
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I didn't even do the thing you're talking about, it wouldn't be the first time that you're calling other shitposter while thinking it's me. I only said that IF it was ever me I'd only do it to make you mad because you're a notorious shitposter now.
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is this neutral?
*hits vape*
you're not on wifi right?
With her husband out of the picture, it's time for me to make my move
remember luke?
>I didn't even do the thing
And immediately back to lying... I don't spam (like some), I don't avatarfag (like some), I don't beg for attention (like some), I just call out bullshit. Like I'm calling you out for bullshit right now, when you pretended you weren't new some months ago. But of course you deny it. Just don't wonder why you're stuck here with your delusions. I don't care if you think I'm a shitposter, you're a miserable fuck-up in life. Don't expect to get a degree.
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COTW waiting room.
Lmao going crazy over some /fgg/, Timmy is nuts
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Why can people win off of "footsies"? If you can't do 10+ hit combos you shouldn't be allowed to beat me.
Deejay is such a retard enabler character
If you were having sex with chun li, would you focus on her thighs or would you pretend not to notice them so she doesn't get self conscious?
id be sucking a dick with her
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did i just catch you calling ken top tier?
jab jab jab drive rush jab jab jab drive rush jab jab jab special
and I see this shit?!
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>nooo footsies are bad i hate losing to people who have better spacing you have to be a flowchart combo giga chad to beat me
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Have a (You) and a cute Chun pic.
>retarded cammyfag thinks walk back crouching jab crouching medium punch fishing from a half screen away is footsies
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Why capcom hate money
unironically hot
Yep, keep on larping as Chun, that's what a mature sane adult would do. High quality discussion, right? Piss off.
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Because they're REALLY banking on whales for avatar shit and battlepasses.
Go play a dead tag game for your 300 hit combos
People still play Dix?
nigga stop pretending you don't do that and then do a random ass divekick into 30 throws every day to win
Gameplay wise I'm starting to doubt SF6 is better than MK1
do you adjust your glasses like an anime character everytime you post a webm?
half this generation has no idea what footsies means
My locals are bringing back jive. Fuck sf6!
Then why don't you go play that or Tekken or something? Honest question, no sarcasm. Everyone here seems to think Tekken or MK or whatever is just better, but still throw themselves at a game they hate.
god I was that was me
I hope you agree that SF6 has no real footsies because if you don't, that'd make your post very ironic.
I'm not genetically defective, lil Timmy.
game war fags dont play
You know sf6 is a good game when the Australian FGC, FGG and Jive players hate it.
it literally doesnt matter how many times i practice something in training mode, i never land it on someone it all just fucks up in ways i dont fuckign understand i fucking hate myself an my body kill me
Playing MK1 is the reason I said that

stop lying faggot
and yet they keep coming back because they smell the syrup
I stopped playing in the summer, fighting games are dead. I've been killing it in another genres since then. For me, this gen is dead too, very low quality
Yup. I play E. Honda and Lily exclusively.
Yup. I am in masters.
You betcha, I spam moves on Ehonda and don't know more than 3 combos.
Yeeep, I play on Wi-Fi. Get fucked chud
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sorry, but do you at least make this kinda face instead then?
He makes this face when looking at SFV player counts.
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whose sons are these?
>shitting proudly
>shitting out of fear
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we won
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No but I'm doing pic related right now.
Bruv said Tekken 8 better when it's about to get lootboxes in 2024 or 2025 oh my days
You wouldn't say "lil Timmy" if you weren't genetically defective. Mentally to be precise.
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ok i was away from /sfg/ for like uhhhhhh 6+ months (since Ed launch) explain to me the current drama and current thread meta
everyone is miserable because the game is dogshit and we fight all day long
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You turn green and go fast
I've bought every battle pass....
this >>493563059
Ryu vs Guile feels so fucking awful but it's felt awful since SF4 so whatever. I think it might have even felt awful in 2 but I'm not 50
everyone loves the game and Terry looks hype
I started trolling the haters since they're much more fragile. Easy (you)s.
Otherwise there's a real namefag drought since bdj hasn't been seen in a while. Door's open if you wanna be the next thread celeb.
we're all ashamed we got memed into buying dix and Terry looks lame as hell
Have you considered not playing games that make you miserable? If you spend a lot of time playing vidya and you are stressed out during all that time, you are doing yourself a great disservice. Switch to games that are about having good time. Your life and mental health will improve. There was a time when fighting games scene had soul, now it's just corpo slop.
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>keep on larping as Chun
I'm only posting pictures of my wife on an imageboard
Yes and I know. It is what it is
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>Have you considered not playing games that make you miserable?
That's not an option.
Mindbroken contrarians that can't stand the idea of Street Fighter succeeding again it's that simple
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Come home Cap man.
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Need me a girl like this...
How about more care into being a good game and less about selling well to retards? DBFZ sold like hotcakes and it's such a shit game.
You can't even use the "fighting games are the only genre that require one-on-one skill" excuse anymore, everything taking place on the screen is totally fake nowadays. Do the right thing.
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>Pretty (at that time)
>Was making a bank on tiktok by being the most popular girl there
>Managed to get fat and becoming a mini-lolcow by letting pic related groom her since she was 15
I will never get white girls who settle with mid spics
But I beat Fatalis
based Max

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>you will never fuck a 15yo tiktok teen

Bonbi still pretty though shes just a bit chonky now
This shit is whats fucking crazy to me, how some very beautiful girls can be straight up retarded and pick the most dogshit men around.
Reminds me of Marky, that white girl from a rich family that looks so angelic, she literally pimped herself from Sam Hyde, then went to Brazil to live with some poor bum for 6 years or so, came back to beg for money online as she fucks random dudes and drinks herself to death, and she has such good genes she still looks pretty enough to get some retard to give her money in a open relationship.
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>lots of people fetishizing the submissive fair skinned girls in this thread but none fetishizing the black strong characters.
Spics are the superior choice crabba
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mid spics clean up really well and are decently genetically similar to mid white girls....
Don’t knock it till you try it. Some of my biggest loads are from discord ERP
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To be honest, I like submissive girls, not necessarily white, because im not a nigger obsessed with bleaching my bloodline I like those black or brown weebs on tiktok trying so hard to be kawaii and whitegirl core, they are very cute and insecure, and just like their males counterparts they love men of other races
anon why is the filename cammy pee
It's not
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it was posted with this image that looks like Cammy peeing
>li-fen pedo is a zoomer
Damn.. illusion over
Biggest mistake is thinking beauty = intelligence or value.
Some of the most deranged girls in the worst way possible look pretty.
That being said, I can't explain why so many pretty good white girls, who have decent personalities/aint even sluts, pick hispanic and brown men to settle with.
Maybe its the pheromones or the way they linger between being white and black that's attractive, Idk.

This ain't just ERP cringe people do with people they dont even know or will never touch, she was talking to pic related >>493564513 her bf at that time but I don't know if they still together since I am not up in her lore.
lmao the fuck
this cammy nigcel is actually indian wtf
I'm not Cammy poster but why does that make me Indian?
>timmys talking about some girl and her choice of men
Really is /r9k/ lite today. Then again it is Saturday
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It's either that or gay porn, both are more interesting than Dix BTW
Sorry for actually having an interesting convo, please go back to shitposting the same tired goon garbage and jokes run to the ground
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Guy has a hatred if you post SF6 women(he never does this if you post SFV btw) so he’ll label you as such. I’ve been called every race under the sun, it’s cute
Ryu and Ken is not gay porn is cute and canon btw
why does everyone have perfect DP anti airs? where the fuck were these people in SF4 and SFV?
>lamenting at white girls picking spics over you is interesting convos
Lmao. Just post webms of your fightcade matches if you aren’t gonna load up SF6 bro
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race doesnt exist, crossbreed with whoever you want...
Stop projecting retardbro. It's just interesting to talk about why their tastes are like that.
If you had one inkling of care for race you would have moved from USA and just dated a German or northern Euro girl. But WW2 happened and mickeys elect Israel sock puppets every 4 years, I don’t get the sudden issue
I use a macro
>Replying to an unironical poltard
Racemixing is based, genes can always be caught back using science since genes go passive but never deleted and the sun will burn the Earth to a crisp someday so keeping any racial purity is retarded.

A retarded nigger is born everyday, it’s not rocket science. A girl is going to dry up if she sees you discussing race and saving the white race anon lol
nah the cammy nigcel is a pajeet who at one point posted his scawny army and since then has double down on the goonposts.

The issue isn't new, the world has always been at war with itself and Israel has existed has infiltrated various empires throughout the decades; I just find find people who refuse to believe race exists or we are all equal to be funny.
He is safe inside Juri though
You see baby, I have a plan. My son that I will give you will save the whitr race!
>oh heheh cool anon, thanks for the dinner
>last read message 3 years ago
This is why I ain't talking about this with girls, but with random men online? Whats your point?
Again, just trying to understand the reason. I know the psyop that made white girls like black dudes in the 00s or asian dudes in the 2020s but I don't understand how these mid spics and racially mixed browns be hitting the white girls, thats all. I'm not even mad at them, I'm a Juri's Husband enjoyer as well.
They're relatively normal dudes? idk most spics ive met are rather down to earth
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just talk to girls bro. Like holy shit, hide your power level
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I'm ready for war.
I love JH and I miss his posts in Twitter but nigga in Brazil Id rather go to Palestine than Brazil have you seem what happened to Jimmy when he went to Brazil? Brazil is worse than Hades.
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They don't even have guns, what they gonna do? Throw banana peels at you?
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Is anyone else kind of bored? Trying to climb the mr ladder isn't very appealing.
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Juri's husband is honorary aryan. I won't leave my favorite mutt to perish.
>4 mill
weren't you dudes saying it was already at like 7 mill
Thats sfv
>what happened to Jimmy when he went to Brazil
He became a cool monke that shoots electrics discharges?
Congrats on reaching sales MK1 had a year ago despite releasing months later kek. Stay in your lane lil bro
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>mk temu
oh no no no
>mk1 outsells it
SF6's OST isn't bad, but it isn't good either, and it's not as good as SFV's
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ummm jivesisters? its over...........
everyone knows MK sells the most because its the most normie known fighting game. its the same as when call of duty outsells other shooters in the fps genre.
now what we're doing is dunking on crabbas.
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It's over.
Sales doesn't matter that much. Presumably they could sell it for $1 if they wanted to sell many copies
Its bad. The music for the characters was clearly made to be more stage music, but even then its boring and uninspiring. I like SF6 and play it regularly. But the OST is hot fucking trash. Remaking the same themes would've gone much better because its clear the new music direction has no idea how to make catchy tunes like their predecessors did.
Who should I play in 6 if I have a diaper fetish?
it's literally just noise
sf6 ost sounds like you threw a bunch of robots into a wood chipper
the ost is trying too hard to be this modern urban sound. just like their cringe rap and general game aesthetics. idk why they thought urban cringe was a good direction to go down.
>mk sells tons because it's the most normie fighting game
>strive becomes more normie and casual so it sells more
>sf6 embrace full normie retardness and sells more
We won, partybros!
sf6 plays more like sf4 than sf5. you're just bad.
Literally punching jive when it’s in a retirement home
Delicious as Emezie would say
you forgot mashen 8. not that i blame you though
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>Surbuban fighter 6!
>Ruraltard trash fighter 6!
Do you really think these are good aesthetics?
Yep, good ass sf4 footsies
What basically happened was that Matz wanted it to have that amateur soundcloud rap sound to it, but the sound team had no knowledge of it so they just mad a bad imitation. Now the game is stuck with a bad imitation of an already bad genre.
should've made it drum and base
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Themes I kinda like
Themes I despise
>everything else(espically Juris theme, actual Twitch ad music)
Ok themes that are better than the ones I like, probably the only passable pieces of music for the game!
>PaoPao cafe, Fete forraine
I can't wait to play as Susie from Calvin and Hobbes in season 3
We need actual kino music
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For me it's Spike from Cowboy Bebop
I can't believe Capcom managed to score both Dennis the Menace (US) and Dennis the Menace (UK) as guest fighters for season 3, it's gonna get wild bros
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season 3s guest character will be Yun (3rd strike)
The cold reality that we have to wait AT LEAST a year before makoto
Man, this place is as depressing as playing sf6.
I got throw looped again
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I'm so stoked to play as Jerry Lewis in Street Fighter 6 Season 3!
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Best we can do is Sub Zero and Scorpion
>Make neutral drive rush cost 2 drive bars
>Rebalance characters that were made with neutral drive rush as a necessity to their combos
>Increase the recovery frames on throws to stop throw loops (need to spend neutral drive rush to get a throw loop now)
holy shit i fixed the game.
Sf4 was trash too. Jive is king.
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>niggas still trying to "fix" the perfect game
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>jerry lewis
well played
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16er moment
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This desu
homie. i like the game. but throw loops and neutral dr have far too much value in this game for their cost.
Fate/stay night (unlimited blade works)
Remember when Akuma could do cool shit like cancel his vskill 1 into raging demon?
Do you have the one where someone is sleeping while everyone keeps whiffing on Jive?
is this list satirical
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No. It serious
I’m not even kidding, the steam group linked it is legit mental and 100% serious.
shuckle looks like this
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whens he gonna ask for ft10's again instead of getting farmed in the bh by himself..
MANrisafag still ducking Ryuschizo
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want to clean out cum from her
>No woke trash.
>No bridget fans like sf6
>Didn't ban me from locals due to my political hat
>real footsies
>epic combos
>better roster
>almost no cheating grapplers
>no modern
Retrvn to jive..
Quit. Jumping. 24/7. Please.
This. Never thought I would miss Jive, but here we are
Oh master..*licks*
she's actually a cuckquean
not possible
basically stop doing everything you are doing in this webm
had to do a double take when i saw the ranks no offense
in mickey6 everyone is a fireball trap god
it's time we return to /fgg/
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jesus crhist
Drive Rush brings so many questions on its implementation that I'm inclined to say its a terrible concept in Street Fighter
>Why the fuck is it baked into the very movesets of characters in frame data?
>Why the fuck does a universal mechanic that doesn't involve basic movement like jumping and running have unequal speeds despite all fulfilling the same purpose?
>Why does this mechanic have to justify making a thousand moves minus as fuck on block?
>Why does this mechanic have such a gross warping effect on gameplay?
>Why does the screen freeze still eat inputs?
The entire game warps around drive rush and perfect parry and I fucking hate it, because there is absolutely no changing this unless you want to cause a catastrophic breakdown of SF6's battle systems.
>No woke trash
The devs had to censor the game characters and told people to not use certain costumes for ESPN to broadcast it lmao. If anything SF6 is a return to form from the censor shit.
>No Bridget fans
There were schizo trans players long before SF6
>Didn't ban me from local for political hat
You're there to play street fighter, not larp as a 1776 revolutionary. Personally all political shit no matter what should be banned from every event because its retarded.
>Real footsies
Maybe at the end of the games lifespan. The beginning was rushdown plus on block spam in corner vortex shit.
>Epic combos
Name one that wasn't just a normal SF flowchart of normal normal > special cancel > knockdown > oki. And do it without using vtrigger.
>Better roster
I personally thing the launch SF5 roster was probably the worst launch roster in history. Necali, Birdie, FANG, lmao. Even the cringe newcomers in 6 aren't that bad.
>Cheating grapplers
I see Gief lives rent free as a night terror for you lmao. Brain broken when grapplers do grappler things.
>No modern
Fair. Modern is too good in this game if you're not a top tier player because it completely changes the neutral game with 1 frame supers on speed dial.

There's many good things to critic SF6 on. A lot of this is just white noise you have an issue with.
are we still arguing that sf6 has no woke elements in it?
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I don't know what that means and I don't care, I want perfect parry deleted from the game
>Maybe at the end of the games lifespan. The beginning was rushdown plus on block spam in corner vortex shit.
as opposed to dix ELL EM AYY OH
I know what that means and I do care, I want perfect parry to remain in the game.
I never said dix doesn't have that. I was responding to the green text about V specifically. Yes Dix does it too and yes its just as retarded. I don't know why that has to be said.
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Parry is dogshit
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this but turd strike
adding one gay black guy you see at the beginning of the BH and never again pales in comparison to the literal censorship bullshit they did for like the first 2 years of sfv to appeal to espn cable shit.
nah that is HYPE DOOD
>perfect parry into combo that takes you to the corner into corner rape
It's dogshit in both.
Universal parry systems should have died with 3S
is this really Master gameplay ? Jesus Christ
It's infuriating when a low MR retard pulls of a perfect parry even though he never labbed or put any thoughts in a specific situation and simply just felt like trying his luck.
kimberly was literally designed by blm activists bro
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You're doing perfect, champ. Just one thing, you had some extra drive at the end, should've used it for more ex-divekicks.
There's been one. ONE. Moment out of 100s of millions of interactions in the history of parries that is legitimately exciting. Parry is legitimately the worst mechanic of all time
Kimberly is cool even though I hate playing against her. There is zero things in her design that screams woke shit other than if you think having a below average looking black woman in the cast is woke.
jive was actually a street fighter game unlike mickey slimer 6
Two actually
Hayao's parry comeback at EVO, other than that? You're right.
>Kim is cool
we're cooked
Woshige ruined Street Fighter
it doesnt matter who designs a character so long as the character is not front loaded with clear politcal or cultural bias.
people just have very little interest in actual street fighter so it was never meant to be
ah yes /sfg/ is still using the "it doesn't count as woke if you ignore X and Y" stage of denial
Now tell me if people will still like Kimberly 5 years later down the road or if she'll end up like Abel and the other SFIV characters not named Juri or C.Viper to some degree.
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>m-muh woke
jive players are sub 40 iq trailer trash, wow...
crabbas unable to point out whats actually woke while their beloved jive unironically censored the game to appease wokeness for a broadcasting deal. you love to see it.
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16er crying hours again
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watch out there's thugs around here little alex...
Now tell me about the Kimberly, Lily, Manon, and Marisa merchandise sales.
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Hey that's my grandma's dress
actually based. in sf6 world we can beat up anyone, man or woman.
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I'm waiting for my Mari-chan onahole (gorilla grip strength)
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>faggot blocked the Gods of Destruction from getting in
Say thank you Jamie.
It is.
Why can't she look pretty like Elena?
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she should've looked like sexy red
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Why does this game have so many smurfs/alts? They're generally the same skill level as me, but I'm supposed to believe they reached that point in 1 hour?
Jamie is way more obnoxious than 3S Yun, bring him back
>heard some reports about new update in 6 making the fps more unstable
>worry if thats affecting me or my pc is getting bad
I havent played much else on my pc for a while, and checking other games just doesnt help because i dont really remember what their FPS was like, so i cant say if it always had occasional 1-2 FPS drops on some games or not.
Shit sucks, is there any way to tell if PC is struggling in general? Temperature and fans are prettu normal.
i got placed in plat after 10 hours
*buffer drink into sweeps this post*
>Shit sucks, is there any way to tell if PC is struggling in general?
stutter and bad frametimes, msi afterburner shows those
It unironically is. Who the fuck designs a fighting game character ugly unless it's for comedic effect?
>Who the fuck designs a fighting game character ugly unless it's for comedic effect?
I heard about MSI, i’ll take a look thanks.
Street Fighter 6.
Huffin and puffin…
What the fuck is it with blacks and ugly characters? Why couldn't she be cute instead of Ninja Aunt Jemima?
ma'am. we play street fighter. have you seen how stereotypical and ugly some of the cast is? the series was built on it.
incel poltard hours huh
>censored clay fighter
is this what jivers enjoy?
But they're still appealing and memorable. Kim isn't.
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Timmy from /pol/ has got NOTHING son late 80s akiman
the women were attractive until 6
when she sees my junior
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Have you seen how beautiful some of the historical cast is? Why couldn't she follow that pattern?
crabbas losing their minds over a character that looks average and milquetoast
nigga called a basic ass anime drawing beautiful
>male character
Why is there a new thread? This one hasn't reached bump limit yet.,
You need to stop fetishizing white people as the best and most desirable who can do no wrong. You're like one of those inexperienced guys who finally gets a girlfriend and puts pussy on a pedestal but with a skin color instead.
Because we’d have another situation like this were the anti-sf6 people would spam the catalogue
But don’t worry, I’ll stay and bump this
I think 740 posts is the sweetspot between early x latey thread
i'm having a hearty laff knowing that all the well-known pros are never gonna touch the milly but randos like uma will.
I hope CC11 has a random Indian or Aussie win it
millycup is such a shitty concept to be honest
sf tournies don't have no soul anymore

i like jamie and blanka's a lot
What will be funnier is when everyone drops this piece of shit game like they did with V the very second the money dries up. Propping these games up with money and fake hype to maintain any kind of player base is pathetic and sad
Uh oh, who got wiped?
Check the archive

equal rights, equal lefts
>This thread went from 746 to 700
>Other one from 106 to 74 posts
I think it was the coomer subhuman spamming softcore porn
I like Luke's, Dee Jay's, E. Honda's, Jamie's, Blanka's and Dhalsim's.
none of the posts deleted were even pornographic. angry ass tranny janny
Broken clock right twice a day.
Based jannies.
What's fucked up is that, despite getting anti aired 5 times the second successful jump in would have won the game if he didn't fuck up his combo
>Posts with women in their asses popping out or straight up fetichistic like Juri swallowing her feet
Based Jannies keeping the coomer trash in their place.
Careful, if the jannies catch you dodging your ban like that they gonna pop a cap in your ass again, fagboy.
Porn addicts slowly losing brain matter and become more and more unhinged
This is why some become actual sex offenders, or start saying unhinged things and not understanding how fucked up what they did/said was
>1 coomer gets banned
>200 posts in the last hour or so deleted
Nigger really just stays here posting porn pictures like a bot for hours on end waiting for someone to reply to him.
Lowkey wanna check archive to see if he was samefagging (you)s to his own posts but I dont really give a shit
Just glad he got destroyed
cammycel guy is such a loser
>no modern
Nakayama literally said that chars like Ed and Falke where the testing ground for Modern. Jive started that shit.
SFV last seasons weren’t a good direction, specially with Luke
>tilted head
>horizontal line
the brilliant minds of /sfg/
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>literally adds the character with the best, most fun, most expressive gameplay ever in a fighting game
>this is somehow "bad direction"
I dont get it.
>air combos in a SF
You can play tag kusos for free on fightcade2 lil bro
AkiraSchizo you fell off people dont even post your screencaps on X anymore give up lil bro
Revisionists want you to believe Jive suddenly went from awful game that lost to Kekken to best game ever made with a couple of updates
At least proves the deranged erp faggot is just one person. Even if theres lots of coomer niggers in /sfg/ the one that wants to jerk off with other men is a minority.
that broken netcode was still the best option the fgc had until strive came out like 5 years later
chimpberly, aka baboonerly
Jive still trash
Jive good because they hum.... nerfed a few v-triggers at the end...
i feel like rashid as a character is way too reliant on drive rush
>Implying the entire cast aint reliant on DR
>gah duu
I got banned
Vs1 was superior but both were fun. Sorry she filtered you with how complex she was
Screencap or stop the cap.
Literally why would i lie about that? I kinda just said fuck it and started posting incredibly racist, sexist, absurd, lolicon shit to troll until i got banned. I wasnt planning on using twitter religously anyway, i know it sounds like im coping but i honestly dont think twitter is unhealthy to use and thats coming from someone who uses 4chan every day, its just a shit social media site with shit ui and attracts even worse people than here.
>Didn't get organically banned instead he fished for a ban
>Calls twitter unhealthy but uses 4chan religiously anyways which is even more damaging for your health
*dont think twitter is healthy to use
My mistake.
>which is even more damaging for your health
>source: i made it up
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Post even one clip of a high level Akira player doing anything interesting.
Nothing and I truly mean NOTHING about her kit is "expressive". She was incredibly boring.
Holy shit that was an incredibly hype clip. Dude you posed it for me. Look at that ambiguous crossup into the throw mixup, more hype than anything in slime game.
Same energy as this fat jeet

If arguing online, with other profiles who you can visit and know is already retarded, imagine arguing online with faceless drones whose post will just archive and be forgotten anyways.
4chan is twice the damage of regular social media with half the benefits, you can't even actually meet someone or journal your posts here.
Elon truly did wonders to that site.
This. 4chan is worse because not only it damages your mental just the same but is even more addictive.
>4chan is worse because...it just is okay!
Meds, its the same but the interactions on here are just better, and the UI is better, that last point is the more important one, i would probably still be on twitter if it didnt have constant ui bugs and just worse designed in general
I dont know who the fuck that is but im not watching that whole thing because hes ugly, opinion discarded.
this dude got sent one too many poo in loo jokes and had a melty
Akiraschizo here, i have like 50 of those indian ai poop memes saved and i regret not sending some his way while i was on there. Next twitter burner ill rectify that by sending some to some other jeet whos still active.
>Saying "meds" when he is the one religiously using 4chan and thinking this is not bad for his mental in any way, shape or form
You couldn't even get off twitter like a normal person and just stopping using, you had to kill yourself there. Your self-control is fucked from years and years of using 4chan daily for that easy dopamine hit.
>blah blah headcannon blah blah
Ok sure bro, you are totally right about everything. Everyonr who isnt exactly like you is totally a racist bigot nazi bro, you are perfect bro, you are right about everything bro.

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