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Male midlanders, our stocks have never been higher.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493476149
hey.... you.... you know who you are...
OP is full of shit
damn i wonder what male middies did for op to have a vendetta like this
i dont personally have the voice for it but i'm sure she's proud of you for getting through the day!
is it me
who's the femra on the right? Where to find tmore?
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Why are her feet the sizes of his whole leg?
Already seen this one anon, but good job again (next time better be new material)
Middie stocks are slowly but surely just getting lower and lower.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
if you have to ask: no
Sex with catgirls
thank you... I'll try to sleep now...
I'll try my best again next femlala friday too...
Middie enjoyers.. we are winning
My investments are turning up a nice profit
Qrd in Heiko Hardcock?
and make sure to try hard during the rest of the week so you can get to that friday, sis
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I was surprised by this dumb sketch from a friend tonight.
Its called DoF you gposelet.
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>Westerner reports issue with summoner in Japanese forums early DW
>They completely ignore this baka gaijin
>Finally realize just recently that, yes, smn is has broken values and is underperforming unintentionally
>"Well, I guess were going to wait until 7.1 to fix it"

I think this definitively proves YoshiP only listens to japs.
I'm not the only one constantly making creepshots like this, right?
Free use for bigger men
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maliddie stocks are up
malera stocks are up
hroth stocks are up
catboy stocks are holding
miera stocks are down
Actually it's forced perspective
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The last thread was quite bad but worry not, the Duskwight gentry have arrived in this thread and are ready to preside over this threads malcontents.
tribbed someone at lb14 and now i dont know if should show them...
do we like dan
Show me instead
>I think this definitively proves YoshiP only listens to japs.
If you ever thought otherwise you were a naive idiot.
/pet /dote /loveheart
I sure do
my cock is up when i see you post
Can anyone explain to me why trannies love to play male characters so much?
it's not much of a creepshot if she's not trying to cover it or anything, is it
What about lalaboys, highlander, maleroe and malezen
Why do you have small tits on my screen?
trying ast again and this shit is so sick
>male characters are just self-inserters
But my male character is handsome and tall and a chatterbox. How can he be a self-insert if he isn't a FUB?
Yoshida would've been fired years ago if SE had any common sense.
Oh nothing special. Cajun shrimp pasta and now I'm treating myself to some spicy takis
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I'm bored. Suggest some films/series to me.
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you can show me anon
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Are these two supposed to be on garlemald on some random bench? weird find
>duskwight gentry
You don't even have your own city state
That niggy otl zesty as hell
How about this one?
ordered from some place or did you make it, tell me recipe because i do my own
What kind of stuff do you like bro?
Genuinely how does anyone find this attractive?
>Are these two supposed to be on garlemald on some random bench? weird find
Who do you think destroyed Garlemald?
They do a little travelin
Yeah you'll see them all over the place.
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Is this fiddie at LB14?
can you put clothes on her I think she would be much cuter in a modest outfit
>early DW
Just to underline how ridiculous this is, early DW = the very first day of early access.
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>make red vote
>2 people vote on it
can a straight man love a fat tranny in ffxiv? is the impossible possible?
call them a good girl and give them softly humiliating 'compliments'
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i logged in
what is it about moonies...
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all in the gutter and remaining there
join da sync shell
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nyaruhodo, will give that a try. I'm also getting this issue but i think i should just install gposingway to fix this
Need a maleroe EB
They are exploring Eorzea and as such, show up in random places from time to time.
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If you're still here, I had my fun sis.
I'm no expert at modding so I hardly know what I'm doing but thank you for sharing.
Hopefully others can make use of it as well...
>trying to reply a tell from 20 minutes ago
>Unable to send /tell. Recipient is in a restricted area.
I'm sorry...
Imp Midna is unironically 40 pounds of pussy and ass. She's just floating drumsticks with a smug single fang grin. That's not even artists exaggerating it, her body mass is actually 80% in her cheeks, thighs, and pot belly. She's not a pear, she's a lightbulb. They had to know exactly what the fuck they were doing. I refuse to believe otherwise. People being creepy fuckers and sexualizing the Inklings and the bird girl from Wind Waker and all that shit, sure, that's on the fans. But Midna being a forty pound pussy that grinds on top of Link's head and bosses him around is 100% on Nintendo. Her imp form was actually MORE sexualized than her true form, which is astonishing since her true form is literally a completely naked woman in harem silks with black bodypaint covering over her bits.
Why am i hard? I need more
I didn't forget about (You)! Great taste, added these to my playlist
Get in line, I was here first
I am not, no. Is something happening on crystal?
if duskwights were a real life human nationality what would they be
don't be weird we're just having a bath
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come do leveling with me
This image is a combination of forced perspective and DoF. You won't get this exact screenshot if you have your DoF set too high, and even if you move your camera closer and change the angle to compensate, it still won't look the same.
which one has the penis
nordic maybe, weren't duskwights the first to commune with the elementals?
sorry bro im on crystal rn ill come back to primal tomorrow
which male character at lb14 would be able to impregnate the most women?
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Good night /xivg/
Can we share him? I'm sure they are big enough for the both of us
What motivated you to work for Fedex?
The last series I went out of my way to watch was Shogun. I'll watch pretty much anything if it's well done. Been kind of in the mood for some sci-fi but the quality is pretty hit or miss.
meteor and I do.
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why are people randomly namedropping me, how long does that take to stop
Wrong... no need to try guessing, it's fine anon really...
Eastern euros
they are all abrasive social retards
That's a cool glam, I wish I was creative enough to come up with stuff like this.
I based this off the New Zealand police colours...
do FedEx workers look like this?
Fine, I guess that's okay
Maleroes have a lot of love to give
how did you know when your eternal bond was over?
Great, cool. I asked about the lemon shaped lala, not Midna
grab the updated qUINT_ssr from here and it will fix most of those errors
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
It never stops even if you're gone from the general for years
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whatever I give up
I'm not intelligent enough to import files into textools
sorta, I made dumb post, cute character.
same principal
people like shortstacks it is what it is
I don't know, but I wear lewd lingerie under my dresses/bulkier glams for people like you.
I started melting and knew I was going all in
wtf how is that weird? YOURE THE ONE SHOWING US
>on a site aggregator for images.
>bunch of HETERO fanart appears
>its alisaie

meh i rather have alphinaud.
This guy and his dog >>493485194
wow its me
show me please
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https://aethy.com/@PenzNezLala (Otis Jenkins)
https://aethy.com/@cecillacamilla (Cecilla Camilla
https://aethy.com/@rinko (Rinko Rin)
https://aethy.com/@Ikkou (Ikkou Alonz)
https://aethy.com/@Feri@mstdn.jp (Feriri Feri)
https://aethy.com/@kokoha (Kokoha Koha)
https://aethy.com/@sowo (Sowowo Sowo)
https://aethy.com/@achamachama (Atma buster)
https://aethy.com/@Flaffles (Yu Yun)
I hope whoever's doing it finds something better to do with their life damn
Actually my sis made this one! I make my own with chicken, though it's been a pretty long time since I last made it. I can ask her next time I see her how she made hers but my recipe consisted of butter, heavy cream, red and green peppers, parmesan, aaaaaaaaaand I forget. I love mine extra creamy! She however went with a more oily than creamy recipe, but it's still tasty
Did a the good femlalas stopped coming over to the hangout spots?
The foot being disproportionately bigger is forced perspective
For sci-fi I would recommend the film Arrival and the show Three Body (the chinese one, not the netflix one)
We love Dan
We hate Effy
When can we cuck your EB again?
>all white

boring. Get some malera and highlanders in there
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I painstakingly scrolled through all of these and this is the only image I remotely liked
i like effy
Rinko knows how to put viera to good use.
They probably just don't know
who's the most overrated ebin after akemi?
I would like to make my lalafell look like Midna but I don't know where to start
i would but i dont think i have time today
God I wanna rape post at Dan so bad but we're loveposting him right now and I don't wanna drag down the message
yeah this is pretty similar to mine, the only thing ive been struggling with is finding andouille sausage that doesnt taste like dogshit, and ive been toying around with different brands of cajun seasoning, i should probably level CUL desu...
I can see the short, but where's the stack?
Sorry bud. Dan's for derplander only.
all of them are overrated
I've actually seen Arrival and that was good from what I remember. I'll hunt down Three body. Thanks anon
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say something nice about this catgirl
Took a dump and lost half a kg boys
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Can I have some please
over what?
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
Otis is the most based one because he does maleroe/femlala and gay lalaboy content
I have yet to see maleroe/lalaboy from him though.
holy FUCK I love moonies
I enjoy her presence and friendship
I can't tell if this is coming from a schizo or a genuine lewd lala appreciator
You are held at gunpoint to fuck a male hroth or have a male hroth fuck you, who woud you pick? Male hroths excluded from this question
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I awaken from my nap and I'm coming to run it down mid like a champ.
literally impossible
I will now play your race.
all of them, but the worst is probably MM, since his character is ugly
GODS I want to brush that tail
yeah but it's a wholesome pic don't make it weird...
i fucking HATE MM
how do i make a male middie blush like this
>Now have work
>Friend has a rich family so he doesn't need to work
>constantly tells me to play with him during my work hours
I don't think I can be friends with people who don't work now...
Give me a fantasy series to read while I wait 40 minutes for my late faggot raidlogging static to get on
fluffy and soft
You ask them to EB, full stop.
I can go and test it right now if you want?
Just copy it lol who's gonna know?
usually not the worst person on my cc teams
Alright i concede. I will have my eyes peeled for future screenshots waiting for you to slip.
i think the original person who created this list was trying to expose the lalas from here but idk anymore could be some lala appreciator for all i know
MM is my most hated xivger outside of the edgelords and pedos
left one, I know from experience
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I actually found this nearly exact issue was happening during SB and my forum bug report was totally ignored.
Certain SMN abilities were not doing anywhere near the correct damage for the potency listed on the description. As far as I know it was never fixed before the SHB rework.
is it me?
i dont know but i want to sink in those titties (and have the bnny stuff my butt)
What's the best way to host a movie on cytube?
my unironic raid wife
the RAVA in the background is on thin ice though
that's the hair mod proxy uses so it's probably them
how do you cope with getting old
Literally how are you autopiloting uptime sunrise when there's no fucking markers on the floor
Every fucking party cant fucking do it
Is there any way to tank lb3 it?
i tried playing vtmb when I was a kid but I got scared and had nightmares when I did the haunted mansion part and never picked it back up
not handholding or smooching? just full on marriage? welp.
did right or left post this
>GAM has a job and everything
>still too immature to realize life is a coinflip and gets mad at those who are better off via luck
Smh, just tell him to conform to your hours since he has free time.
Don't fight it, stay healthy, and age with grace
idk im 24
femta btw
Uchiki is a Rob Chidori alt.
Yup, how else are you going to catch them THAT off guard?
google drive
dont play female characters and goon with people on the internet
Post album with your boytoy.
doing it as an adult, shit was definitely spooky but the fact that there was never a "BOO!!!" moment might have been scarier
i still really enjoyed that level and respect the devs for not going for cheap jumpscares
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Reminder this guy has been making threads for 20 hours straight(gay) and will tell you that if you care you're probably neurodivergent.
the booru top 3
#3 - miau miau
#2 - akemi
#1 - tzera
all of them had image counts well past 1,000, I think tzera's was near 2k
Shut up tranny
MM is the most overrated ebin outright
what the fuck
I am
A late night lifting miera
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you do look autistic making a collage of this fampai
Is that a miera or fiera
tzera is the most overweighted ebin
make me :3
I can't even invuln when someone snipes me with a laser while I'm also baiting a laser, there's no tank LB3ing the castration cat cannons.
that crappy yumejo art looks nothing like a male midlander
wtf happened to shoro
yea hes pretty shit tier
No way, MM actually puts out unlike Akemi and Tzera
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it is a fiera modded to be a "femboy"

i still can't believe these people are real, the fedora neckbeard roegadyn and the faggot butt slave
it's like a caricature
post my jilkbooru number i near the top but no one respects me
I like Effy
I love Essi
>5 minutes on paint is more autistic than making 30 out of the last 50 OPs over 48 hours
i love this art, who is the artist?
Getting into extreme political ideologies.
... link to booru to crossexamine evidence?
Caring doesn't make you nerodivergent, making a collage of it to supplement your complaint definitely makes you neurodivergent.
He's doing it because he's tired of femlalas overtaking the OP
I don't eat or make much sausage foods, that's interesting!
I usually get a different brand of seasoning whenever I restock unless something was REALLY amazing
Umm I ate it all
There's some crumbs and crushed chips of what's left of a corn chips bag in the pantry if you want...
Deny it, you're only advancing into your prime and getting more beautiful with each morning
Another tranny
my aethy never gets included
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that actually happened but not the spoiler part

I broke through the ice and drowned
The town bicycle finna make me act up.
>providing proof is neurodivergent
Which one is Akemi again can someone post a picture
I'm just not cut out to be an ebin. I hope you guys like me anyway...
now count the minutes you spent scrolling down and looking at past threads
this cat-snek probably gives the best hugs
its the blue haired beautiful femra
How did you know... :3
we hate you jean
that one psychotic femra
Shut up pedophile
I would say MM is the most overrated, but he often replies to himself, so I'm not sure how much he's actually simped

it's this retard who larps a biofem >>493486447
What if my maliddie became the monster...
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meena carrot.....
>click new thread
>ctrl+f (Cross-thread)
I did bro.
My malezen? He uh...um...*scratches head and looks around*
>but he often replies to himself
why are you coping with her getting attention
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This femra
my male middie looks like an oni now
become smarter and more powerful with age like a wizard
I'm sorry you fell for my bait, now I feel bad...

no u
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>providing proof is now a bad thing on xivg

bizarro world
Go ahead, dear.
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that guy was a one trick pony
johancoded middie for my fem middie...
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My rava has words for you
moonie feet

what a treat
I felt like the hallmark of a good game is making the mundane or regular eerie. Like playing as Nosferatu. I was constantly afraid of running into people or being detected with my stealth build. Or Malkavian when the signposts started talking and people began speaking to me differently.
Akemi actually posts here all the time
nobody unironically holds catboys
i hope they're "cum NOW"
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*stares at you and fidgets because I think that I will have to introduce myself next and then I start sweating because I can't think of anything either*
I got mine in this morning bwo........
ye its cool
Great design!
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What mod is this?
The weakest samefags too, same dude seething at the filter dude saying his shit don't work and showing their own tech illiteracy and how afraid they are of not being given attention by one fucking dude.
Embarrassing, this fucker really is unnamed neko lmao
Unironically best healer
need this so bad bros
@ksgk ;^)

I am cute obsessed...

Remember when everyone went at Kong for showing people that Marcille has diagnosed schizophrenia and not just meme schizophren
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You don't get to cum until you've been a good boy
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
Magnificent Mr. Steiner hyur for my lala.
Where does AA post their nsfw poses?
what did he mean by this thats my character I really wanna know
I wish I was a catboy
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I need to sit this one out, let me know when the game's over
>thats my character
how can i serve you?
Jesus the way people hate on this roe you'd think he fucking killed a thread celebrity
It's like 100 mods
its just USUALLY supposed to go with it, i usually add either chipotle paste or tomato paste to mine with some chorizo or italian sausage for added/heat seasoning
I only have 2 mil...
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i dont know who you are and i definitely wont tell you in person, but i appreciate you too
are you me
how did you know
i try
i dont just raid you know...
For the face I mean
your lala deserves happiness
It's over
I just made some fuckin guac. The best chip dip. Time to do some fucking fishing
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the curse is lifted
good night
post her again
i want to see more of the ancient moonie council
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my rava lost to lowlanders again
The one you can filter with Filename filter:
/_nyanya\.studio - ossyria \(bright\)\.png$/i;boards:vg
That one.
>i dont just raid you know...
I believe you but I've only played with you like once so it's all I got bro...
I'm looking right at you tranny that's who I am
You get back here, I gotta kick your ass again.
The low graphics preset, complete lack of shaders, and dead stare is really a killer combination
whats wrong anon
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I want to make a bunny
what should i name her
any late night lalas on?
sorry the price just jumped to 200mil

you like what you see?
haters gonna hate
catbox link? cringe
unspoilered image post that you delete after like 3 minutes? based
>partner im with wants to do a gpose
>stand around like a fool for 30 minutes with my boner dead
He talks way too much, rob is the silent mysterious type
Yeah and I'm listening to "Hip Hop 1995 X Low Fidelity .b" right now.
I don't know what I wannya do in game.
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Sadly she'll die of loneliness. That and hunger. Tfw no tall-legs to feed me meat salads.
>no pictures
but...I don't even have the money to RMT 200 mil...
please reconsider...
Uchiki has a personality
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Don't know but they were posting a .zip file when people asked them for mods
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my pain is far greater than yours
Fuck do you have a link to it?
lets do ex1 or ex 2
He's actually not, he's just really boring
He forgot to change the honorific title when he switched characters the other day off his lala
me when hrothgals
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All too often.
So does rob if you talk to him you won't see him trying to show off in public though
wanna spit on it?
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My lalaboy enjoys musicals.
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Something about this feels a bit like a retcon
Why would the WoL ever harbor hatred towards the very people that give her status as an adventurer an actual purpose.
And theyve never once objected to the role of being the hero or 'weapon', jumping into the story and helping the scions without even being asked
Idk its not the perfect writing everyone said it would be
Rob rocks.
I have my graphics settings basically on max. Also what shaders would you recommend, I can't really find shit that works well. It could be be cause I'm retarded, but I do want to know what works well
They were both logged on at the same time last night
she won't
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>Blacklist Uchiki
>Half of Core vanishes from lb14 instantly
I don't know what you expected idiot

okay you can pay me in other ways I guess
I wish the pedophiles didn't all go lalafell because some of them are cute
I reply to every Miau Miau post I see because she is sex.
What personality does Rob have?
he's a rob chidori alt
you reading fanfiction bro
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how I came out looking in that video was as big of a shock to me as anyone else lmao
I read the other day dan mentioning that I'm not a moonie anymore, I was actually only ever a moonie out of a mistake, I started as a suncat and when I got my ARR fanta, I used it to change my deity and I didn't really realize that mooncats and suncats were different outside of name as a sprout, so I chose that instead that time, these days my cat looks more gyaru
thanks for reading my blogpost guys I'll appear over your beds tonight
they are on separate accounts
th... the moon?
which one does your lalaboy like the most? I could watch a musical right now.
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no, just late night clowns.
Just for you bro I'm not even a lala but it was posted like 2 threads back so I went and got it for you
Is being an annoying bottom brat a personality?
So why would they have shared honorific?
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need more femlala feet
okay...name your price...
I'll do anything within my power...for one taste of Kyoppi-chama's soft lips...
fuck posting catboxes, post your favorite shader/shader collection
bitch that ain't you! ugly ass cat!
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wtf she's so cute... ToT
Nigga on the left looks hideous irl
smash potatoes we must
potatoes we must smash
Because its the same computer
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If you want irrefutable quality then Les Miserables 10th anniversary is my favorite by far. If you want guilty pleasures then Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Epic.
Rob Chidori is single-handedly holding up the middie stocks from total collapse. make sure to thank him.
Isn't dalamud settings per account?
Are you guys still in a CC match?
Nah we're out.
I fell asleep and missed my thread wife replying to me
just got out
You don't really voidlist the la las at LB14... right?
asuras wrath
kino honestly
I just made a new account and it doesn't share shit
I think I looked uglier as a moonie which is why I'm not one anymore bubby!!
forget modbeasts, this is a modgod
cower in fear
I'm wearing a buttplug at lb14
Bet you can't find meeee
Based grape
Not sure how it works but I don't think I'm paired with Rob, but the title appeared anyway.
Why the fuck is my femra so sticky?
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I simply don't go there. Makes life much more quiet.

I know but thank you anyways, compliments are always welcome (and expected)
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no i'm going to sleep sorry
dunno im about to blacklist this hrothgar though for yapping so fucking much
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Eternally here...
What was the title?
They're that little bit of resentment inside of you
so why did we got back the the lb14 shithole spot?
is it the tekken one? i did that a while ago
H-he.....actually did it....he created the most powerful modbeast....no...a GOD...
am i obligated to provide pictures of my moonie if someone asks "can i see ur moonie"
<Serial Reapist>
>Uchi annoying autist
>Morgan annoying autist
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>goes to social idle spot
>"how dare someone talk!!!"
dumbass nigga
Ebins wanted to relive the glory days of 6 months ago.
Pumpin a femlala rn
can i see your moobies
whoa, you're cute.....I just might post my catboy..
yes can i see your moonie
because balmung uldah is cancer
I don't think you should click this
it's friiiiday
because that's where the ebins bought their houses
Fucking god damn it you were right.
It's time to go back to the clave
>Why would the WoL ever harbor hatred
Brother by HW two city states tried to kill you on the MSQ alone.
It feels like a retcon because they now only have rogue agents going after you since they realized writing consequences in a meaningful way in a MMO is going to bite them in the ass.
because literally anything is better than ul dah
I have no idea why people let themselves get schizod back to the cesspit of ul dah
honestly i should've listened
I’m gonna confess something
I fucked up im sorry I really miss you. Those nights I looked forward to chatting I miss those and that kept me going.
source? this is unironically my meena's type
why do I suddenly love fiddies so much
I think you should...
Why would the title appear still? It's per character
honorific has character specific settings i thought?
icarus aint got nothing on me man, god what a horrid night to have eyes
they're making technology that will increase bunnyboy by 1.5x
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always online
no you cant see my moonie
If you're currently a femlala, I forgive you and I'm sorry too.
Une you cant use a Ring as a MNK....punches hurt more...
>EU hours
>Increase indegenerate hrothgar with 20 penisis and scat
No idea, just telling you what I saw.
It does, just looked
Une . . .
Yeah you were right
the lizards scales on the left look like diarrhea
you niggers have terrible taste
tried updating reshade, turning off the Depth of Field settings, and made sure the setting was on 1 like you said, and still getting the issue. Gonna just chalk it up to "shit sucks figure it out later"
>scroll down
>read post
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naps were a mistake
Some ebins have their house in lave and I'm glad they moved back because I don't want to be near them
xivg modbeasts are just as repulsive as the modbeasts you'd see in uldah
need someone to spit on it while i stroke
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I believe in my future, farewell to the caves, it was my place to live but now I need your hand. Lead me out with your femezen, I have breathed in the disgusting air of moonies but I never lose out to the parser
do you like face 3 femlalas?
When is DB coming back
Well I don't know why you would see that because nothing in this story makes any sense
Why are you harassing kanchelle?

Now this is CC
Not a femlala
They're an incessant sex pest to anyone who gives them even an inch of attention so just ignore them
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Okay, you guys caught me. I am in fact Rob Chidori.
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the xenomorph tail mod really is overused. I see it no less than 6 times every time I walk into Ul'dum
sunnie post
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A day in the life of a straight man.
some hawk tuah
my furrylala cant compete... it's over...
is this how gays see the world? colors seem off
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Ha! Success!
Actually I’m a moonie close though
i've already been here
don't take my cozy idle spot
Your puppygirl femlala was really cute so its okay!
Sewer golem...
I don't either, it's really bizarre. He changed it very quickly but I am not paired with him so it shouldn't have popped up at all. Either that or he's someone else's alt that I happen to be paired with that happened to be using the same edgy title that his lala was using.
i really need to look at the comments before opening this shit man
goo night /pet
What's stopping you from telling them? Maybe you can restart that spark.
Everything's a little fruitier in a faggot's world.
Kong did literally nothing wrong
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How did Uchi end up making every /xivg/ femlala a concubine in his harem? Why are they literally fawning over this bun? I thought he was gay
looks kinda cool desu
Oh, I don't have one of those but I'm sure the person you're referring to would appreciate that.
Hi hello
I miss the bench bros...
Uchiki "The Bottom" Chidori
i had more images than all of them but jill was intentionally not including most of mine
someone fix this cute anilala's hair texture
the mod isn't updated i just got DT ready using textools...
not my favorite but i like it hopefully it works on your end
what race are you?
LL is so fucking rapeable holy shit
the booru got shut down like a year ago because the server host didn't want to keep paying for it (not jill)
im hard
Can you link that outfit...
job for a femra
did anyone even want that cesspool around anyway?
Damn good game of CC

i know... my threadcred will never recover....
did my character turn invisible again
I was too focused on meteodriving fibblit
time for some REAL esports.
9/10 /xivg/ I think? Just the bunny boy BLM rando?
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Grape is hungry
LMAO my fucking sides Jesus Christ
i am
a femra in my happy place (my eb's arms)
Gimme a second to open gpose and create the scenario specified.
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good night xivg
my life was better a minute ago
this is my favorite late night lala
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*coughs up blood*
I am, and I agree with that post. Was it me?
Lynn chan..............hyper kawaii
stop attentionwhoring
sorry here's molly's ass cheeks to make up for it

yeah my universe has a passively increased zest stack it's kinda rad
you should see what it does to peppers

playing some MHW
much better, thanks
god i could eat your ass for days
Then lets meet again if you're who you think you are.
please do not ruin my favourite images to post by attaching them to your gross coombeast
>can mount
>don't have chat spammed by retards
>comfy cozy forest
it's this or the clave and the clave is 1/10 the size
he mogged me... someone teach me blm...
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if you insist....I do kind of owe it to you given how much I've teased you...
What’s done is done. Can’t undo it
Is the team i bet on winning
can i grab your horns?
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I just press random buttons and it works out somehow...
Because he deserves it. Next question?
fat hag ass
this gave me a tingle down my spine
what server is the lb14 on? I want to say hi
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>Shut off PC
>Go to bed
>No longer tired
Every fucking time
Thanks for reading my blogpost
LB14. I'll be the femlala you recognize
She finally fell to the hypnotists...
>*lays my cock over your forehead*
My femlala needs to smooch you
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I wasn't expecting a live audience
eep well gooner
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hiiiiiii my body won't stop until like 5am
...is this your first time watching a korean live event or something?
they have in studio audiences for fucking everything
esports is huge in south korea
bros they have biofems on their teams..
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Yes it actually is
I only saw audiences in other regions at fanfests
I am a hroth, that just killed a maliddie in tarkov
(we dueled to the death)
I'll crush your skull
I can't make it there for a bit... but I'll be there soon.
No, I'm going to hop back on my PC
hey effy
>freckled ass
As much as I hate the degree that you spam you have finally hit one of my fetishes so I will now sexpest you
>Unknown 01 goes afk in CC
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i hate it here
Show an ingame pic of your freckled ass
You've already ruined it for me so I don't care if he does for you too
im sorry niggas i didnt see the call... i couldve prevented this...............................
Only one smooch, okay...?
It's okay, she doesn't remember anything bad happening to her.
EH? Who is this, and why would you crush my skull!?
Added. I didn't know there was more than one Journey song that I'd like.
I really like these ones that I wouldn't usually like, but they still stand out and I do.
Love this one
Added but might remove the FF ones later because it'll probably just eventually have them all won't it?
Borderline love this. I just wish it didn't have that
>clap your thighs, then clap your hands, then clap your thighs, then clap your hands...
beat at parts
Borderline love this too
I almost always like yours, but I'm not adding 10 hours of muzik. I do think this would have been weirdly fitting to replace some of the ARR muzik/motiff things they had in DT.
Not your char so no
Couldn't find this one on spotify
This............. is not the Witch House genre. I feel deceived. I love Witch House and I think I'm going to go listen to some of that.
I leveled.
1-3 Queue tank
4-7 Queue same job
8-0 Queue Reapist
I am
A sunnie
Who fantasizes about middie men fathering my children
>Queue for a random casual CC match
>Zone in
>Wryx and Suhr on the enemy team
>I lose
Great matchmaking SE!
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I'm so sorry fibbit you're too smoochable
I lost to fiddies
If someone can see this
Please upload the egyptian femlala gear mod...
does anyone wanna be /pet
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My middie just got fucking hrothed in EFT bros
How am I gonna explain this to the boys in the council
World transfer and <<Core>> are open babe. Let's get you started on your HRT.
the fulala four
Love that guy.
>Added but might remove the FF ones later because it'll probably just eventually have them all won't it?
listen to the classics too!
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how big are your sunnie's sunnies
not my head though...
public suicide is the only option
I am a catboy
succumbing to stress
and questioning his purpose.
Deal~! I'll have to come visit sometime.
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>all fulalas
I forgot some groceries so now I need to go shopping again but it's the weekend so the store is going to be filled with crackheads
does that mean you want your stomach pet instead
SMN has been in the cuck shed for ages now. The dogshit pve team has no idea what to do with it so they just never touch it unless they feel like ruining it more.
When could I expect to see a good post?
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Big enough to feed as many kittens as my midlander husband with a good career can afford to have with me
Who is petting...
>sunnie wants the new bioblast gelato from tural
>discover it requires the tomestone app and not a regular item like their pibil crunchwrap
>/cry and logs out
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I don't mean to ruin them for you. It is just something an artist that I bs with happened to send me, sorry hun.
Love that guy.
cc doko?!
casual cc needs an mmr system
a male
on crystal
I think your coombeast is cute
just your fingertips please
tickling me as they trail lower...
Just be a femra and wryx will lose intentionally
Anyone else remember that episode of Round the Twist where the ranga kid gets infinite snot powers and decides to make everyone snot smoothies and it turns out to be a massive hit and everyone is just gulping down his snot smoothies?
you're so lucky aether is closed right now or i'd head over to your house to tease you in person
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Time to go home and sit in the shower for 30 minutes
Damn, I wouldn't make you DC travel just for a /pet. Nevermind then anon!
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CC @ 2:30 ET
I saw your tail...
the midlander husband wouldnt be happy unless it was a few litters
may i see your boypits
fibblit i dont think i deserve the dance partner...
Nice thighs. Sure would be a shame if they got pinched.
I'm queueing up
please look forward to it
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What male race do I need to play if I want femra to look at me like this
May i ALSO see your boypits
Nevermind I made it. There's a lot of people here
SMN wasn't in the cuckshed during EW. It was objectively better than RDM the entire way and still is the best caster at lower-level if you still need old ultimates clears.
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I kinda hate how one cat is managing to monopolize the color purple into just being about his character
I should delete this, I'm not builded for social media
Shes a crocodile, be nice, thats how they look.
For a second I thought I was going to live in that 4 person WHM chase down near the end. The potion was right there...
I wish I had someone that would want to come to aether to tease me but I know better.
eep! that stings!
fibblit... I suck but you should give me dance partner for the 10% DR so I die less
May I have lewd fantasies about your cat?
Keep calling after this big bro
i slept for like 18 hours oopsie
it actually has one, its based on number of games played total
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i like nier raids tbqh
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Stinky girl gamer in the back spotted
my maloonster's eyes will always be purple
my fiddie coded lala
he looked like a sunnie's bitch in lb14 a couple nights ago
lil bro doesn't remember pinkc@ lmaooooo
Listen you did your best and were very, very good at confirming kills. *forehead smooch*
anynyan wannya do FATEs
what race are you?
Skill issue.
Guess I'm done calling, you take over big bro don't stop after this one
s m o o c h
I guess I should rephrase. It is a mangled mess of a job that plays like an ranged physical dps class. It's literally retard proof and there is zero skill expression in it at all.
I hate it.
2 girl gamers on a pro team..
DNC should be changing partner often to maximize gains depending on which player is the most active at the time. Giving partner and just forgetting about it or leaving it on a dead teammate means you're a dogshit DNC.
>hop back on PC
>suddenly tired
It's so over
should have let me go for the head
umm yep
second one is my wife
I doubt I can make it there tonight but there's no way you're the femlala I'm thinking of anyways, since she blocked me.
What makes them different from other late night lalas
Doesn't surprise me, he's very devoted to femdom (no hate, it's cute)
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so what? NA has plenty of girl gamers too
Where are the furry femlala mods? I keep missing them...
zaps the fuck out of both of you with my idiot killing cattle prod
WOAH isn't that.... my wife SM?
The korean CCers look so much deadlier than the EU or NA ones
god americans are fucking ugly
It does. The more you play, the worse teammates you'll get. Ranked works the same way as well seasonally, so if you get stuck the game actively punishes you and makes matches harder. It's pretty fucked up, but I expect nothing less from XIV devs.
whats more amazing is that he thinks his character looks good
unfortunately for you, i am too idiotic to die
i-i didnt say i didnt like it...

god i wish our team made it to the finals
i knew i liked you for a reason, molly
will /pet you next time i see you at the given idle space or meetup :)
drakenier's so fun!
nigga they would look the same if not worse
What's with it with femlalas getting blocked by other femlalas?
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I do i just block the word futa so i never saw them
Green with jealousy is an ugly colour desu. Post your toons.
True (I'm a korean ccer)
i forgive you
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CC @ 5:00 ET
>only like 3 normal looking people at best
meet up so i can pinch your cheeks instead
What the fuck I thought people didn't care about CC but this shit has a whole crowd of people waiting for it. Did people here lie to me just so they can get good at CC and get all the pussy themselves?
i am not an attentionwhore on 4chan
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good luck with that one, buddy
which cheeks?
people only care in asian countries
bros they are giving a 1 by 1 intro to each player and giving a quick rundown on each of them

this is way cooler than the NA esports
What the other anon said basically. Ours is a less mentally stable race.
niggas are still in a game
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CC @ 5:40 ET
there was a crowd of people watching the na cc regionals at fanfest too
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The only people who don't care about CC are the scrubs who suck about the game and only force themselves to play it or cope with Frontlines to lie to themselves that they are good at CC. it's a "Sour Grapes" situation.

People who are good at CC are also good at Frontlines, Frontline shills are dogshit at CC.
I'm already doing CC
No thanks
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>sunnie gf takes you to meet the family for the first time
late night end of thread.
I can't tell if they're just being nice or if they like me I always treat it as the former
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imi gonna queue whm for you
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I'm pretty sure there is some sort of mmr, maybe just games won
me explaining the benefits of ryanpeikou
there was nothing else to do unless you wanted to wait in line for 2 hours to do literally nothing while also giving up your seat for the concert lmao
the ones on your face, obviously
What about that episode of Round the Twist where the ranga kid has the fish swim into his dick and it gives him the ability to fly or propel himself through the water by helicopter dicking really fast?
Which DC are you from?
I wish human women were real...
CC corrupts the souls
tell us about them
I'm paired with him and he never uses honorific titles and don't think he even has a lala alt so it's probably someone else
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how good do i have to be at cc to get the free esports gear like now i just wanna show for the drip
oh yeah...
dont know why i thought anything else...
>Two full xivg CC games going at the same time
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I'm turning into a fiddie addict help
What is she summoning?
they put on a cool and brave face but I like them when they're tender, as rare as it is
can someone on Balmung give me some gil so I can teleport? I have no gil, and I'm unwilling to work to obtain some.
Don't forget the system is tied to data center too so you can go to Aether and get a completely new and reset MMR
I will not rape this wifera
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Thank you dork~~
Nice work TM
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same, it's worse because I always attract subby people as a male character and they always act nice to everyone and when they try to cater to me it feels like pandering

then when they find out I'm also a sub they put on this performative "I'll dom you" routine and it feels very patronizing and like it's all contrived. I don't even like erp.
No one really cares about CC outside of CC skrim discords because it's basically mario party, the events are sponsored so people go. Same as each regional CC tournament, if those weren't part of Fan Fest nobody would give a shit.
If you could have sex with one person in LB14 right now who would you pick?
Only at Plat 2+ queues.
Please stop posting this gross shit.
i gotta confess after the graphics update i don't love the axe i use on my main outfit as much as i used to...
bros what the fuck is going on
half the korean audience are biofems
I think there are more women then men actually
The brainrot of being a Viera makes you like fiddies a lot...
But still probably only my 2nd or 3rd favorite.
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I'm in Pagos if you're still there...
why are you broke
ok sorry
stop nooticing
I'm not the femlala you're looking for then, I'm a Balmung femlala.
I'm sorry, such intimacy is reserved only for whoever can manage to figure out that i'm incredibly weak to positive attention
this is a RP character and I got robbed so I gave them my gil, and I haven't made more...
the s rank queues are surprisingly not hellish for a friday

yeah i can do that irl
nice pits btw ty

please keep posting this based shit
I need those two buns to take a picture together with a bunch of oil.
Hey MM can you find that femra otl and tell her she has a nice armpit and that I want to simp
I love this cat
Show me your hime
do she like white boys
I figured. Hope things work out for you sis.
ff14 has always been a fujo game
Is there a way to make TBSE flaccid penis bigger?
I’m going to watch sad TikToks in bed
allow me to finish this dungeon
Come to Malboro Aetheryte Ul'dah look for LS
THAT HARVEST................................. WAS PLENTIFUL.
probably ivcs and scaling
Can we not specify "biofems" when we're talking about a crowd of South Koreans
It's not AGDQ dude everyone is going to be cis
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is that not what this is?
Can't decide, soz
stop pushing unrealistic standards on men
which one is the sunnie
this is my equivalent of complimenting hair, my next step is hugs
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name my band
eat shit
why are fieras always so thirsty for fiddies?
Can someone tell fibblit tandywine that she has a nice armpit
you are loved and cherished by your friends
and whats comes after hugging :3
That's it I'm farming for a new DNC glam now.
Wow CC sucks
fanta fieras are. I can tell you its very easy to pull a fiddie on fiera don't even have to try.
slow and steady huh?
can you just go ahead and list the next few steps at once? theres one im looking for...
then i kill you with a hammer and eat your brains...
cuddling, kissing, bed sharing, allowing in my kitchen, introducing to my cat

...okay am i being too subtle? should i just ask?
No, i'm just autistic. Seggs only good if lovey dovey, please understand
catgirl hands wrote this
middie hands actually
lovey dovey is okay...
but i prefer desperate, animalistic womb-crushing
not that guy, but I do this
fine, but only if it is to start a happy family
bed breaking, throat grabbing, sweaty, panting, cock slamming against the uterus threatening to fill it every thrust...

that means we get to do it raw...
This is enough. How do I find you?
yes, that would imply sex. But only if we have a date first.
post character and ill do it to you

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