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Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493451513
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good morning!!!
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nihongo wakarimasen
I was sunbathing when a bote walked up to me, squirted all over me and then left without elaborating
How long until the UR reveal
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>chapayev treats you like a dog
She sure does!
I think it's which one was not a sub.
3 hours?
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god these nips are so autistic i love them
find anomaly stalker
I'm learning japanese on duolingo, lets see if I can help!
oh, I dont know any of the rest. nvm.
Honestly, I'd kneel so fucking hard to Manjew if they paid Siu to draw a bote.
Good morning sir
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how many fletchers are there?
Kek poor lad gets the hardest one so far.
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>paid Siu to draw a bote.
they paid him to draw 2 already
Good morning
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What did you do to Tashkent?
I probably should have specified "designed a bote" instead.
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pat her
Wonder how they found him to reach out to him...
Is that asanagi Ajax kek
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>EN anni streams: kinda cringe, but you get info right away
>CN anni streams: not cringe because I can't understand what's being said, kinda slow but you still get info relatively quick
>JP anni streams: Six fucking hours of nothing until news
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>B-big brother, this is really embarrassing...
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So close.
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Sex with wife obviously.
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*Training I say
just start watching when the news start, no one is holding you at gunpoint and telling you to watch the whole stream
Welcome to JP varietyslop. It's made more about the personalities presenting everything than the actual game.
You would not have handled the 25 hour stream back in 2020 very well, kek.
I was there, I'm thankful they never did that shit again
I remember Wildcat and Hellcat planes place toward left, so probably.
man I wish I had the confidence to wear gay shit like that
they did a week long stream once
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Just got into the stream bros... uhhh how many hours have they been going on about everything except the ingame news?
I remember going to bed after a few hours of the stream, waking up 8 hours later and there still not being any news. Horrible.
This is usual anni streams. They release the schedule ahead of time. Come back in 4 hours.
Why hasn't he drawn Scylla with her dog yet?
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Press F to pay respects to Atsuko Tanaka.

like 2 or so
4 h
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scylla is too on the nose
So why are you complaining about this stream then? it's just 1/3 oif that one
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nihongo wakarimasen

i guess, which isn't a CV? so b argus then if that is the question
I only remember that it's called Bearcat
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Hope you kiddos get some nice stuff from all of this. I'm too old to try and stay up for this right now. If they remember to give her META her voice, I'll be happy enough with whatever comes after that.
Because it's still fucking retarded?
oh C then iirc
>Hood and Tirpitz were voiced by a literal hag
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Why are you guys so obsessed with botes getting fucked by dogs, horses, cattle, pigs, or anything else that isn't (you)?

Pic unrelated.
JP has more diverse tastes on their favorite ships
I'd rather listen to japs for 25 hours than get tortured by chinks screeching for 10 minutes
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It seems to take a while for him to switch to new girls. I'm almost considering biting the bullet and commissioning him to do a set of Jade x dog with tit licking and titfucking since he doesn't do it very often, licking I'm pretty sure has never happened yet.
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oh i forgot she's a cv
i thought she was a cl
please do
I wish he'd do bulls or horses, I'd love to see him do it for kersaint and cheshire respectively.
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What a cringelord.
Why would you commission any artist to draw a bote being fucked by a dog?
>you guys
>pic unrelated
huh, drawn with noticeable curve on hips
Not obsessed. I like almost all kinds of sex except for guro and scat. It's you who feels triggered by non-vanilla sex.
She literally has airplanes flying around her in her official art.
it's hot
it's what his mother does so for him that's the norm
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>more than 1 hour of yapping random quizzes and some shit
ugh, guess I'll sit through it.
like that means anything

real news starts in like 3 hours man, just come back later
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Zuihou is a NAMYO bote. They all have wide hips. You can even see them in her skin if you look at how her clothes fall on her body.
Sorry, meant for >>493488260
Why are you so obsessed with kink shaming? Whatever happened to "through dick unity"?
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I only remember Argus because of her fat ass.
That isn't drawn by namyo though
>kink shaming
oh, it’s the /trash/faggots. Fucking freaks lmao.
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It's tempting. Both Jade and Elbe would be good for it, but Jade is fucking made for it. Any botes you want to see him do that have a low chance?
Would be interesting to see him branch out, even goats or pigs. He seems to stick to what he's comfortable doing though, despite him changing around the poses recently. The Belfast one where she was on top was pretty shit though.
Because it's hot, rare to see in decent quality, and money isn't an issue for me. I'm more confused by people who will dish out 500 dollars for a commission and have it just be missionary with a generic male.
I don't mind different kinds of sex that involves SKK and a bote. No interest in botes having sex with animals or other people. I will tolerate some yuri between botes if it's good.
Except you aren’t fucking then you stupid cuck.
both jade and elbe would be good
as for unconventional picks i think friedrich carl could be a good choice, and it kinda fits since she wants to "love" everything
oh so do you shit on people that enjoy watching botes shlick or tease as well?
>what is using kinks to shame someone at their insecurity
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Gonna try to sleep again. See you guys in a few hours.
No, but it would be bad if the art didn't look like the official CG
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It'd be interesting to see him do pigs, he always ends with a gangbang so I wonder how'd he do it with a pig's screw dick.
Yes sleeping is better than wasting time in this general
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She seems like a fun choice too. I used to want Honolulu when he first started doing those pieces, but I think her chances are long gone by now. I'd also love to see Plymouth, Zara, Hindenburg, Agir, Vittorio, Shinano, and Kashino getting dogged since they seem up his alley. But he seems to stick to his favorites and goes to "new" girls long after they've been released. My real never ever choice after Elbe and Jade would be Howe though.
>Why are you so obsessed with kink shaming?
Because I kink shame when you have pleb or shit tier kinks.
Do you really want to stick around with the local freak show talking about looking at animal cock?
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You don’t know shit about dogs
please upgrade to pic related you fucking coward
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>bye bye
NTA but what are your kinks?
Apparently tenzen miyabi is an azur lane fan, I know he's done a few AL fanarts but I don't know if he's drawn anything with horses.
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AL is literally bigger than fucking NASA. doomniggers, your response?
You can't call other kinks pleb tier when that's one of the most common kinks, anon. Borderline not even a kink in the current year.
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I hope the trashfags in this thread right now all Darwin Award their testicles in some kind of bizarre accidents.
Amen, riche
I'm not him either but one of my kinks is tentacle rape
What decides the status of a fetish is whether subhumans like it or not, not how rare it is. Zoophiles are subhumans, ergo, your fetish is low status.
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shitposting aside, they are taking a commercial break or something right? The stream still hasn't ended, it seems.
God I wish snow would draw more Howe like this. Something about that picture has made it one of my favorites since it was first posted.
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Better Musashi than what we've got in the game.
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This is carbonara’s fault
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>a half hour break
Do any of you fags here have kinks where you're the one actually fucking your botes
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People are drinking beer like it is water in the venue
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i can imagine her giving the dog a really sloppy deep kiss while saying how much she loves him and what a good boy he is while leglocking him
the image is crystal clear vivid in my mind already
>not overly detailed shading on body
>not dishwasher face
That's why
I have an incest kind. That counts?
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Ok, I just woke up, where is the news???
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Hot. Which other never ever's would you want to see the most?
Too early go back to sleep
incest as in you having sex with your family members or incest as in watching other people have sex with their family members
News: Incels are playing this game
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It's one fuck samefagging.
Thank god it's almost time for me to go to bed. ratto, deliver me the blessings upon my awakening.
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>No Antoniotto
Another watermelon smashed until they add her.
The latter. I remember as a kid reading about conquerors making the conquered have sex with their family members as a form of humiliation and I thought "wow, that's hot"
News: Gigachads are playing this game and they all married a fucking ROCK
they're all krauts but i feel that animal tamer regensburg just fits, making hindy contract with a dog so it's HER owner could be a good idea and then rupprecht getting corrected for being a brat
Do incels like fetishes like tentacles?
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's one person posting, anon.
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That's a tough question. I don't want to have sex with my irl family, just my imaginary ones. Also I don't have a voyeur fetish
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alg I ask thee of Daisen cosplayer's pic
I remember watching a movie about nanking or something where the soldiers force the son to have sex with his mother and that was pretty hot.
Gonna fap and then sleep for a bit till it's news time.
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>fumizuki is smart enough to text by herself
adorable JUUST, i love seeing these tiny DDs so much
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It's the bedroom eyes
now kiss
Mutsuki always had the best juusts.
Not after I married a rock anon.
Yeah, it's always a challenge to read through the accounts of Nanking without getting a boner.
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option 1, another have the other?
Case in point I like tentacles but hate the guy trying to insist what is "canon" for frogs
But not smart enough to spell.
>jerking off to Nanking stories
>yet other kinks are too degen
3 hours and a few minutes until the game news segment starts?
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she's trying her best ok
Honestly don't know if that's supposed to be intentional, or not.
I'm so sick of people misusing homophones, either on youtube comments or imageboard. The latter at least kinda understandable knowing the kinds of people frequenting this place.
Well I don't mean like impaling pregnant woman and stuff (no kink shaming if you're into that) I mean like accounts of comfort women and stuff like that. You know, the sexy stuff.
why did she shove a stick up a manjuu's ass?
The kindergartner boat who's just learned how to write her own text messages is exactly the person for whom it's okay to make that mistake.
>Honestly don't know if that's supposed to be intentional,
pretty sure it's meant to be intentional, the mutsuki class are little kids so it's an easy mistake for them to make
Did you see any bestiality in the previous thread? Retard. If you want to know what obsessed looks like, look at /kvg/, they are obsessed with futa.
This is possibly the worst post I've read all year.
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shimacunnilingus is now banned on port, thanks benson you just had to ruin my favorite meal
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>jerking off to the Nanking massacre
>Some pedo going gaga over Mutsuki
>Not even 200 posts in
Holy fuck
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I want to fuck Brem
I don't jerk off to the massacres, I jerk off to the accounts of rape.
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You retard.
>calling a bote cute = being a raging child molesting pedophile
are (you) brain damaged? like geniunely
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I don't know if I can stay up... Surely IJNwank nonsense story event isn't worth right?
I am going to have brutal sex with Royal Fortune until she cries
Which was part of the massacre.
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>Anni stream
>Thread turns into this
Why are you like this /alg/

we are HERE
>14:45-15:45 "Let us hear the Commander's voice! ~Az phone call from Hakkeijima~"
>16:15-17:00 "Azur Lane Staff Talk in Hakkeijima"
>17:15-17:45 "Pamyat Merkuriya's Chat LIVE in Hakkeijima DAY 1" (yikes)

>18:00-20:00 "Azur Lane Official Live Broadcast DAY 1 ~ Celebrating the 7th Anniversary! New Information Release SP~"
>20:25‐20:50 "DAY1 Finale ~Fireworks Symphonia Azur Lane Special Ver.~"
you're going to be the one crying
Le cunny content soon
>not wanting to fuck Mutsuki
you're honestly homosexual
Because nothing is happening for another 6 hours.
This post just radiates
no, it was part of the RAPE of nanking
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Not sure that makes it any better. Maybe a tiny bit.
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But Manjuu wants you to fuck Mutsuki
Have you watched HBO rome? There was a bit where the child of the MC gets sold into slavery and she was used as a sex slave. They did that in Nanking as well. Tell me that isn't hot as shit.
There's a lot of tourists here who want to virtue signal while playing the game that lets you marry Mutsuki.
I did sustain a head injury as a 2 year old, so possibly yes. The back of my skull still has a dent in it to this day.

You're still the one drooling over botes that look like elementary schoolers, which is worse.
I am obsessed with being fucked by dogs, cats, birds, cattle, foxes, wolves, skunks, dragons, goats and other animals
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Hi Agir...
>drooling over
he said cute, that was literally it

i'm honestly worried that you take innocent comments like that as a sign of someone being a pedophile
it's a severe and concerning overreaction
>la creatura
Okay but what about Reverse Rape Lane?
What about wanting to fuck cooper or z2 but not mutsuki
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The Head Maid's milkmaids.
This segment should've been a "shit on Akagi" segment.
what are they even talking about
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thats just a regular day for skk
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You say it like azur lane doesn't go off Model all the time
I love smelling and cumming to bote feet
Well clearly the hips belie what most people REALLY want when an ostensibly "loli" character is drawn with curvy hips
Loli with a fat butt is better than tube body.
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For me it's snorting the cremated remains of my botewives
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Sure, but Zuihou still canonically has wide hips. That swimsuit stand of her is accurate for that much.
My question is, why does everyone in the Sakura Empire like this girl so much?
Rubbed one out to a bote.
See you in a few hours.
botes can't rape me because I always consent but freeusing me when I'm shitting is too far they need to chill a bit
who's the lucky gal
Everyone does?
Did you play the current mini-event story? She's got like a fucking mansion and a pile of enchanted artifacts because everyone keeps giving her shit because they like her so much.
I'm the Navigatorifag here (or one of them) so Recco.
Her skin should have been L2D. Absolute waste of potential. Instead we got a gross hag bote.
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Wouldn't you? She's a really cute bird.
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rip stream
Because she's that likable I guess
or she's just one of the writer's self insert, simple as
Sure, but I don't think the boats like her for the same reason I do.
Who's going to self-insert as a loli bird?
All these years later and I still love how much of a raging bitch Toot is.
>Absolute waste of potential. Instead we got a gross hag bote.
Her skin came in its own minievent so who tf are you talking about?
>All these years later and I still love how much of a raging bitch Toot is.
Most based post in this entire thread. Bravo, anon.
the entire audience duh
This is old ass merch
Don't care. Static 2D is boring and AL should have transitioned to full dynamic/L2D years ago to keep up with the competition.
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news doko
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why are bongs like this?
Because they are Anglo-Saxons. Saxon -> Seax -> Sex. As for why they decided not to have Norssex, I dunno blame the the Jutes or something.
This might be the only good looking AL cosplay girl.
Okay but you didn't answer who the old hag was.
The Baltimore-Daisen girl was cute as hell too and seemed into the characters.
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Easy there Vlad.
That graf cosplay is still the peak of AL cosplays
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fine, I'll take the bait
There is no Norsex because the Angles were in the North. That probably would have been Northumbria.
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>game news at 5am
go on without me
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haneame is nice too
Nice tits. Ugly face.

lurk more retard
Pretending you wouldn't have sex with any of these huh
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>implying most of these caked out half plastic bags are at all good looking
Most of the 3DPDs are disgusting looking.
Bros, it's fake tits...
Just because I would eat a slice of pizza doesn't mean I can't discern the difference between hamburger and a ribeye.
I wish they wouldn't all do this shit to their eyes. Makes them have an uncanny look. Makes even less sense when they're cosplaying an asian bote.
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Important Shimanto merch news
Is there something about the Twitter stream that's better?
Not every girl is born with the good fortune of a good eye shape, so they do what they must. You know having a tiny eye doesn't look good, and so do they.
Can anyone help me solve this puzzle?
Those are wearable fake tits, right?
Would Kashino offer breastfeeding services to children of flat botes?
I want the pepper butt on my face
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It's less about shape and more about them all trying to give themselves huge eyes. They're too large and too accentuated, to the point it looks jarring. If they toned it down by half it would actually look good.
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Unzen in a cup
crawling into Shimantos womb
>It's not about shape
Anon, how wide the eye is, is part of its shape.
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Anchorage gets to enjoy some sausage
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eh still would
yea, mine
That's a big rock
Semantics. They all try to give themselves huge eyes and it just looks bad.

For a perfect example of hideous cake monster face.
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I can't stay awake any more SKKs..........time to......rest...............
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Faction food
It doesn't look healthy
Is that supposed to be ice cream?
Only the pasta looks decent.
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The Italian food looks by far the best here. What is the American food supposed to be? The white part isn't melting so it's not ice cream. Is it some kind of funnel cake?
>Pasta looks best
>Bong looks pretty good too
>Chink and Kraut are decent
>Meanwhile Burgers...
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What's Mogador's headcanon height?
I'm happy with the one we got.
I hate that they use guam as the EU rep here

>inb4 she made it to the JP top 3
Yeah I know, doesn't change the fact that I hate her
I want hebes to be 2 meters tall
You do realize they make more stable icecream, right?
How the fuck is that a pancake?
You need to be 18 to post here. How the hell you don't know that the world doesn't revolve around you.
Is there another kamiwasher EU bote?
So are these guys asset designers from the JP manjuu office?
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>soon, commander
>wouldst thou be taken in the jaws
>of the abyssal corruption
>shorn of light
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Why is she tied up for some reason here?
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>a crepe
We're looking at the burger dish, anon.
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>that card she's holding
It's stable icecream you fucking retards. Are you only accustomed to runny shit you get at McDonalds or something?
Can you kill yourself?
Like, unironically
You're a waste of oxygen
I want this just to fill the cup with lemonade
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Any idea when they are going to talk about ingame stuff?
AKA chink chemical "ice cream"
Sexo granny
>Guam home port Pancakes already introduced on TV 1,800 yen
>2 pancakes/chocolate mint ice cream/blue curacao syrup & milk cream sauce/chopped chocolate

MTL but I don't think it's ice cream
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This is the SOVL I miss...
Sister Sara is so cute
You can do it with anise seed extract.
>Raw fish
Rate 'em
so who will be the new UR?
jap food is either raw or boiled in plain water (PWBR)
Taihou 2
Amagi 2
Rape Merkuria
read the stream desciption
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You'd think it would be Yamato to maybe generate some sort of hype. But it will probably be some 2
one of them is most likely Amagi II, but I'm still hoping (coping) that the other UR will be Yamato
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this shit was definitely drawn by a fucking 10 year old. canon shota skk?
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Poo topped with mint sauce
The boring option is Amagi 2
The kino option is Yamato with Amagi appearing one last time and staying dead
I oathed her though.
Just checked, it's an ojisan actually
I remember Argus because she is just an Isekai'd Thea
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
how long until news?
>5 hours in
>Still no news
Y'all forget there will be 2 URs, Yamato and Amagi II/Unryuu (free)
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>Instead of propped haddock/cod fish and chips, it's salmon tempura.

At least the other items are on point except no Frog items
Frogs have some drinks iirc
they clearly stated that game news starts 6h in???
The best part of the stream has started
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It's granny
at the very least game news should start in less than an hour
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Supposedly news starts in about 45 minutes....likely followed by 20 minutes of shilling something else that is at least in game
you havnt actually been watching the whole time have you anon?
time to pull my cock out and start stroking
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>wake up
>see fat granny tits
My timing was perfect.
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>they are going to tease us with her swimsuit again
>they still won't release it
A'ight I'm out
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No, i went to bed then woke up at 3:50 be cause i work at 5
If this is who I think it is, his Twitter is fucking KINO.
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>Weekend shift
Hope you have a good day anon
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>When the DD slut is taller and bigger than the CVL
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I will try haha
Chirp Chirp
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It's over, this is the end times
UR is Yamato with 3 Retros for Amagi, Akagi and Kaga
For me I start at 10:30, it's almost 4:30 now
I know I have a horrible sleep schedule
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Lovely fox
Imagine making little baby birbs with the little birb
l2d interaction spots
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There will be one very sexy cunny skin, i'm sure.
bro my ads
gah i want to rape that smile off her face so bad
>ah eh ah
>krauts sucking down weiners
They really nailed the average german main
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Gib missiles
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Special touch after you oath her
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Static image scraps while the cowtit hags get all the animations
>slav food so disgusting they just give them crepes and call it a day
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this is blini
they're not disgusting
>woke up
>stream is still going
>no news
Is this a joke?
thats just blini, but i have never seen anyone who eats them like this.
news is about to start
lets get this over with
>Static image scraps
That's reserved for pastas, don't worry.
20 min until news
I just woke up as well, I'm trying to skim through the stream to see if I missed anything but I can't find it.
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welcome to jp anni streams, that being said this one continues the trend of them cutting out the shit nobody cares about since news is coming soon, hopefully next year they cut out another hour or two
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JP stream please understand
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I'll have my drink on the rock
there was a schedule posted, why are you tards speging
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At least post some AVP cosplayers
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So just crepes ripoff, even worse
me on the left
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I'll plap them all and manjuu can watch
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crepes are different
just like pancakes
What am i looking at
Crepes, pancakes and blins are completely different things
t. dough connoisseur
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imagine being the guy in the manjuu suit
They all look good
Playable sirens....im no longer asking
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Is the game news about to start or am I still too early?
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the tem
the pitt
the formi
don't know who image related are but someone wanted a picture of them in the last thread
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Doesn't look like it
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>all thes Huang Chang valentines
t.illiterate anon
This is one of those things you won't get until you try. The one thing every slav country is famous for is their dough products. And not just slavs. Everywhere here in post soviet shitholes we fucking love dough, bread and bread products, so we know how to do them.
Probably because we didn't use to get much bread back in the commie days.
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What are these categories for again?
Guam is insanely high on the JP server.
until we wait another 20 minutes in introductions
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Daisen my beloved
You told me japs hate dickwasher
>The intro.......again....
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Can they just put the Senran Kagura stuff on stream like that?
Is it time?
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Isn't that the same song as last year
dolphin snow lmao
its news time right
Listen to them say sugoi for 15-20 minutes first....probably
dolphin rape art when?
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Depending on what exactly were the clauses in the contracts, but I assume they could show previous collabs in a recap.
on the side
>n. of players that cleared w15
>n. of players with 100% collection at the time
>n. of players that built all the research ships (season 1 to 6)
on the side
>n. of players with over 100 wives
>n. of players above level 150
>n, of players that built all the research ships (season 1 to 7)
>glass pool like Alsace is in
>holy shit are we going to get giant fat milkers on glass live?
>it's dolphin tricks
Do they understand their audience at all?
Place your bets skks: Amagi Ni or Yamato?
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Amagi Ni for sure
The Spanish Inquisition ww2 edition
Yeah they do and they don't want frogshitters
>akashit voice already
I’m done.
IRL Unicorn is cute
Musashi didn't ringed on the CN server much in 2024? But isn't she the 2nd biggest meta BB right now after Bismarck? Seems kind of crazy.
trento II
2 UR for NY

1UR for JP Anniv
Both for peak /alg/ meltdown.
Hello, news?
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It will be Essex II
As much as I want Yamato to finally be released, it's gonna be the boring and predictable outcome with Amagi 2.
Damn they've invited a lot of VAs. How come they've never invited Hood's or Tirpitz's VA?
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Fucking nips just show me the new botes so I can go to bed already. Been up all night.
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She was already the #1 most ringed through 2022-2023, so I guess that most people already had her plus she wasn't rerun.
She'll probably have a uptick next year given that she's got an oath skin and she'll be rerun in a few months.
Helena Tsu!
>replace Jeanne d'arc with Eldridge in 15-4
>she dies
nice fucking upgrade manjuu
We are gonna get a Veneto party dress and that is factual
>Huang Chang
Huh, what did I miss?
just proc the invul bro
Wait another 10 minutes after they're done introducing themselves for the nth time
>tfw no AL Titty Club T-shirt
delete your account if we wont
>jeanne in 15-4
You don't even deserve to be there, faggot
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>12 minutes into "news"
>still introducing people
People forgot her in the top secretary slot before the 14th
wow... a poster...
Valentine was during her event and people were raising her affection with the secretary slot.
I'm surprised Soyuz isn't up there.
Unless I'm not remembering something important, but she might be the only UR to not make it in the top 10 in her debut year on the CN server.
Oh it you, the secondary
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Her abysmal performance and reception did not tip you off? No one ever cared about her
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Her event was around Valentine's Day. So people forgot that she was their secretary
New info starting
Rare Dick
Amagi a shit.
More predictable please
>it's Amagi
Good night everyobdy.
Amagi looks like a Genshin character
it was inevitable
>that outfit

I hate it
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Happy 7th anni /alg/
They made her a BB??
Amagi Tsu then
doesn't look like CV rigging
Well, I guess if performance is a big part of ringing a ship, maybe that is why Mog isn't in the top 10 in the JP server either.
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>that outfit

I like it
>Amagi in Kancolle Yamato skin
>amagi II
Welp my excitement is down the gutter.
rate it
So she's a BB or CV now?
It was never gonna be Yamato. She's the "oh shit we're on the reds" emergency button
ok we already knew, lets see the other boats
Boring and uninspired. Sasuga. We are never getting Yamato.
why did I get up at 5 AM for this shit/10
well there goes Yamato
my hype is gone
like the outfit
Kind of boring really.
She lost a lot of flair by going with a more traditional military outfit.
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they are not releasing Yamato until few days before EoS
quit yapping and show the other botes already
Unryuu class Amagi finally
Nice, more Sawashiro is always welcomed
The playerbase (especially JP) is shrinking, why wouldn't they release her now for profitmaxxing?
Why the fuck do the Japanese call Amagi Tianjo
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Carrier Amagi
Artist? it's not liduke btw
I pray no dickwasher botes
Post-pregnancy Amagi
What's up with the portrait frame? It was phoenix stuff? Is Tahou II the free UR?
Niggers there's literally guns on the sides
It still hasn't crossed their arbitrary threshold
So she is still a BC? So another Bismarck Zwei then? Come on Manjuu, there is no reason this couldn't have been a retrofit.
sidegrade at best from her original design
Liduke is back?
Amagi came back from the dead and one of her skill is called Ageless Phoenix
That's it.
Where is the flight deck?
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Who is obsolete now, shinana or haku?
Did they say she's a CV? The CV on our screenshot means voice actress.
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There's no third good IJN carrier
Damn she fattened a lot on the afterlife
None, she does the slows
I sleep
It's a fox so I guess that she'll make it out of tin air like Akagi, Kaga and Shinano
at this point JP will be able to run two teams with UR ships.
Still hoping for Ayanami TSU
Cute Narval
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ok event saved
Third spot belongs to implac anyways.
Whomst is this?
i like it
Can you read the thing in parentheses bwo?
Body stockings are fucking ugly
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Nice looks pretty good
i like Amagi so im fine with this
We already got a mermaid
Another UR would've been shown immediately after, so no.
I love this. Honestly this is a big upgrade. Amagi is a really boring character, because Akagi mogs her in design or personality. With this design, Amagi doesn't need to compete with Akagi now and honestly I like this uniform.
uh, where are her legs?
>ongoing reveals
>not even 20k viewers

this game is so done
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>to one-up previous double-UR events, this one will be a triple-UR event with free UR Akagi and Kaga, which somehow will be the new meta for everything
Trust the plan.
who the fuck even is this
That's not how they did it before.
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> Holograph flight deck
It's another Kearsarge. Just draw a proper flight deck!
Kashino 2.0
dumbest horns in the game
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cute enough
Watarase, based on the 改阿賀野 class.
looks like ai slop
>another fucking shrine maiden
Shit event. It's so ogre
Miko tits sex
Holy tits...
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not anymore amagi tsu will have a faction based slow like the SN kotcarrier making implacable worthless
Looks pretty restrained.
Outside of the giant phoenix graphics back there, the rigging is pretty small.
Cute soon to be literally who
>another breeding sow
Sasuga manjuu
Shut up, retard. It will block the beautiful Phoenix if they draw it.
Watarase. CL
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Ah, a blue loli. The event is saved.
sounds good to me
The token cunny will get the l2d
Now that the stream is over, how disappointed are you?
Loli boat. Lolidoomers can shut the fuck up now.
Finally something good. She's cute.
>making a literal Wakarase bote
Uh, b-b-b-b-b-based?
>another cat
I sleep
>1 UR
>1 SSR
>2 SR
There's probably an SSR META in there too
>two nopan loli in a row
Cunnychads are we back?
Please neck yourself
Only good boat so far.
>the rigging is pretty small.
Better than overdesigned garbage like Musashi.
They will find a way to keep crying all day.
Good. Hope it's as good as Hatsuzuki's was.
Ayase. CL.
always have been
I'd have preferred another kimono but I'm glad they didn't whore her out too much. Phoenix looks good.
Only 1 SSR?
Meh loli
The dude mimicking lifting up her skirt knows what's up
we got at least another bote to go and possibly an additional UR, plus the various skins
Cunny chads are slowly climbing back
There's just one guy who throws a fit all day and I'm 100% he's falseflagging, other lolicons shit on him.
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So the flag isn't a flight deck?
Pretty odd choice of rigging.
Please. For fucks sakes please. It's been so long.
she's like showing no skin at all
>mandatory metaslop
>another METAnigger

>Hiei META
Amagi II will have insane synergy with Shinano/Haku, right? They'd be so retarded if they don't do that, righ?
Told you
Don't tell me they will put this meta trash on the event banner too
>Hiei META
I guess that she's the shop SSR
You are beyond mindbroken my dude
Cute Suzunami(?)
can you put normal skins on metas, I forgot? might not be that bad if you can
More like slop SSR.
Good design, but it's meta so zzzzzz
oh wow another meta, for a bote that would have benefited from a retro instead
I wish they made her synergize with Kaga/Akagi instead and make them end game worthy.
>Ayase lays mines
Fuckin' neat.
Just skip to non-jap skins.
then I won't tell you that
They did so with russians and surrendermonkeys already, don't see why they shouldn't
shit JP aniv
turbo shit
they will probably try to salvage it with slutty skins and one of them will be for Musashi + 345346th one for either Atago or that yandere slut
Honestly never really cared for the Kongos in this game, they feel so forgettable
so the Cruisers are papershit right
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That's supposed to be Hiei? Looks way too hebe, thought it was Noshiro or some shit.
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Second UR?
They already shown the barrages so I guess that there's no 2nd UR
Unzen > Amagi
Owari > the SSR
Hatsuzuki > meta slop
Natori and Asanagi > the purples

captcha: d0d00
>META so that my dock won't be in danger
F2Poor Chad, we're keep winning!
>only 4 botes
>1 is a METAnigger

holy shit!
they don't give a fuck anymore
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>Include only one UR in your event
>Cover her head to fucking toe without exposing any skin
it's over, it;s actually over........
Ayase is a milestone reward, so no, exactly 5 ships.
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It's 5 you retarded dumbass
Akagi+Kaga. Believe.
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What is that fire thing? Aircraft skin?
The horns are in a different place too
Thats what the lot lizard skin is for
There's only 1 SR.
No way JP won't get a second UR. They're just edging the audience.
Atago hasn’t gotten a skin in years you monkey
One of them is a Agano Kai, a real project
now that's what I call cope
I don't care as long as the paid skin is sexy.
JP has been earning the least of all servers so just be grateful we even got a UR at all.
I'm not paying them fucking money to put a skin on a shit design.
Just says event limited equipment skin.
Probably for planes but doesn't specify.
They're showing the gear skins. It's actually over 2nd UR bros...
Anon, I... >>493504781 >>493504896
t. coomer
The gods answered my prayer and kept dickwasher's trash away from this event
we've been getting multiple lewd default skins over the past year or two, its nice we got something that resembles a uniform
Based Zhang, JP ill always be more relevant than CN and EN combined
Fucking hell I might genuinely skip this lmao.
You're playing Azur Lane.
>be grateful we even got a UR at all.
>be grateful they're doing the bare minimum
Hard to blame them when this is the dogshit they get served up.
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There's no way there isn't some sort of twist, right? This can't be it...
Owari figs sold out in record time though, they missed on big money here.
>We've been getting good things, it's nice that now we got shit
Nah, you're just jerking at pngs
EN anniversary got more even without a UR...
The surprise kamiwasher reveal will save this event.
ok coomer
To be fair, If I want to play game where JP server earn the highest revenue, I will play Blue Archive.(Because CN server revenue is dogshit, because many CN players play in another server)
Do you have a source that isn't "I literally made these numbers up" that also takes into account the Amazon sale numbers?
They can't afford a fifth boat, all their money is going towards AP.
They finally realized that maxing two URs per event is a lot for non obsessed schizos. Actually based
>keeps trying to put her on the slide when it's obvious that doesn't work
>no welfare UR
It's over..
OFC the Asuna rip off will sell out lmao
Azur Welkin news when?
IJN and Kms are both running out of ships. Expect more META ships durimg their events
Five me a collab announcement manjuu please.
Probably going to release twin UR Retrofits for Kaga and Ak*gi.
They could add a second SR or a third SSR or somethig, four boats is just fucking sad.
Wait for the paid skin
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zzz wake me up when we get to the Azur Welkins news section zzz
Do people actually get hyped over this Palword 2.0?
So the Frogs are the only ones that got two URs this year right now? Is this really how they are going to end the JP anniversary?
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To the faggot from yesterday who said Amagi won't be a carrier, as promised
Ahahaha fuck you we were right
Now that the stream is over, how disappointed are you?
Asuna is a Belfast ripoff tho
There's 5 boats
I don't understand Yamato retards. (most of them are Dickwasher fans)
Amagi CV has been ultra teased during the last few months and they thought they'd get Yamato instead of Amagi?
I'm not paying them fucking money to cover up a shit design.
Alright you win bro, I was just arguing for the sake of the argument
In all fairness Yamato did something for once last event, even if it was just tping some botes away from danger
>that Chibi
Bikini-maid Belfast skin incoming?
They showed four, dumbass.
We assumed incorrectly that they actually wanted to make money off this event instead of having it be a giant flop.
I wanted both with Yamato not by Dishwasher
Arethusa content?
Even the chinks forum is getting raided by ba fags.
>Our doomsisters can't even count
Is this the quality of the shitposters AL gets nowadays? Grim...
>Amagi II
>Hiei Meta
>Because CN server revenue is dogshit
it fell off a cliff the majosoul collab tho
Good. Because I will play AL and AP. If they have 3D dorm-like function in AP, then it's money well-spent.
LMAO. DESU, I lack UR Bullin, though I can just buy it in the shop. I can't imagine how new player faring if we get another UR.
IJN definitely isn't running out of WW2 ships.
There are the likes of Ooyodo, Unryuu, Kitakami, and lots of DDs. Also Yamato.
If they resort to implementing papers or metas for IJN, then manjuu truly is retarded.
Amagi II could've made money if her design wasn't garbage.
>they actually think they’ll make it to 2027
i look at the absolute state of the world right now and doubt that
>Belfast skin
Stream is saved
Why is amagi wearing takaoM uniform?
People there complained about Musashi. They complained about Unzen and they are now complaining about Amagi. No one can make you asshiles happy
>Good, because I will play yurishit Genshin clone
don't laugh they still make more than azur lane
All of this /bag/ doomposters
There's 5
The cow (rabbit) is point accumulation, the other 4 are gacha and the meta is also the map drop.
She's pretending to be sick again

Sold out where? Or do you mean some older GK?
Oh, I forgot the ugly shrine maiden.
>caring what shitposters or the mentally ill think
You said they wouldn't make it to 2024 3 years ago anon. Just let it go now
>counting the meta
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."

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