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Pheromones Edition

Operation Midnight Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxr9tL73SNQ&t

Agave teaser: https://x.com/i/status/1823570240636379486

>Snowbreak 2.1 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 3 "Operation Midnight" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Aug 23 - Sep 07] Lifting of Fog - boss gauntlet challenge
[Aug 26 - Sep 09] Defense Line Zero - co-op wave defense
[Sep 02 - Sep 16] Aperture Eclipse - wave defense
[Sep 09 - Sep 23] Hero Games - co-op wave rush

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Vidya - Agave | Weapon: Bespoke Theater
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Weapon: Cinnabar Justice
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Cherno - Enigma | Weapon: Nocturne Fissure
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Enya - Exuvia | Weapon: Glow of Mystique

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])
h4yi7b2c (new)

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>493353715
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We are back
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We live another day
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These Agave threads are getting stale. Where's Fenny OP? Frit OP? Did the others disappear?
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Mini Fenny my beloved.
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I hope 4Chen is the next candidate for these skins.
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Remember to vote in the finals!
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I want Vidya to sit on my face
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>only me and 1 other guy picked Nozomi
Look, I want Caroline too, but Nozomi is a much more realistic desire. Caroline is a "press in case of EoS" button. Edda and Tau are a never ever.
Nozomi doesn't even have a body. Her sister isn't impossible but Nozomi doesn't stand a chance. I mean for fucks sake anon, her jpg isn't even animated in universe, she can't change that expression.
Bilibili bideo?
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Reminder to manifest our Hag Operative.
I want to save and have playable Sophie and then we, Cherno and Meursault kill Keegard and purge Adventist scum.
I never vote for >polls
>she can't change that expression.
If we're going for "realistic" choices, Li is the most likely to become an Operative given the story so far.
We're voting with our dicks and dreams here.
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Give me your IP anonie, I promise it will be in good hands!
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virtually every game gets hags, yet we have none... noticing, there's an anti-hag agenda
I just want to see Tau in a swimsuit before sleeps with the fishes.
half of these are ugly
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The leader of the anti-hag agenda? Me!
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>Finally hit level 70
>Race to the operatives to level them up to 80
>Mfw I don't have enough SilverBuck for the first time ever
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I will teach you to love the Hag.
Welcome to the real bottleneck as a newfag.
This is the only gacha game I've ever played (and I've played a lot) where it's actually possible to run out of the basic money/gold currency.
You're about to find out Seaslug's generosity does not extend beyond the monthly rolls. Most of the game's resources are actually pretty hard to accumulate, silverbucks included. Welcome to the endgame bwo.
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And now we play the waiting game.
>have 78,000,000 gold in Genshin, the game Snowbreak based many of its progression systems after
>finally broke 1,000,000 silverbucks in Snowbreak again
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as a newfag where do all the silverbucks go? everyone mentions being out of them but I just hit the level 80 unlock and I have something like 2m silverbucks and the only thing I've run out of are the blue weapon ascend items and the small neuronics items. should I be clearing out the daily silverbuck store for stuff like operative exp and weapon ascension materials?
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but I don't need healing...
Get in the ball, Shinji
how tf do I raise my operative trust rank as fast as possible? Ive been playing since April and Lyfe is still at lvl 39 trust despite having all her furnitures unlocked.
You can take two girls out for a date per week, bro. Helps a lot.
I bought Chen skin and now i get a boner everytime i login. Chenxing more like ChenSEX
>date per week
What date?
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That Chen skin is so stupid hot. Its probably the hottest thing in the game.
Have you maxed out all the characters you use? It takes about 2 million silver to level a character from 1 to 80. During a double banner season, you'll be burning through silver really fast.
>run out of are the blue weapon
Yeah. You can also convert purples into blues.
>operative exp and weapon ascension materials
Event shop has the best ratio for those. But if you are buying event weapons, no choice.
The one seaslug will be adding before the year is up or I riot.
But seriously, make sure you put Lyfe or whomever on your daily farming squad. You may not get experience, but you do accumulate a decent amount of trust over time.
Vidya is best girl and it isn't even close.
Haru marriage when?
Japanese White Kimono of marriage for Haru
Be a good person
I will
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Step up your game, seaslug
this looks like trash
and what in the absolute fuck are those proportions of the arms and head
damn, gook face really look like shit
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next 5* nita
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If you're gonna post stuff from there at least post something sexy.
pure sex, it's joever for seaslug
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will this game come to global? idt snoble would reach to this level of coom
this looks like trash
No wonder you faggots find Frit hot, absolute garbage taste.
I also have 3m+ Silverbux all the time. I think people are leveling up every single operative to 80, equipping every single operative with a logistics squad and leveling all of them up to 80, they might be maxing out the copegun and also the 5* gun, they might be buying out the shop daily, I don't fucking know. All I know is that I buy the good guns every time they come around, I complete all content, I roll for all girls, I max out all copeguns, and I also am sitting around 2-3mil all the time.

I don't get the complaints either unless the person complaining is a brand new newfag. We used to complain back in the day about guns being 300k, but it's actually no big deal.
We break the snow here
>western 3d hags
Kys faggot, only anime "hags"(women in their twenties) look good.
feel free to go back to whatever shovelware that shit came from instead of dumping your trash here
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game needs to still compete. seaslug has become complacent, garbage like frit and eatchel will go nowhere, hags and lolis are a necessity, make an edda clone playable
after playing for a few weeks I'm feeling like this game is not so kind or easy on newfags or freefags
Playable Edda and Tau will save Snowbreak.
I'm feeling like you're a retard
Mmmmmm.... nyo.
>starts late
>aieeee why can't I get everyone and beat every boss
Day 1 f2p here, I find the game incredibly easy. What in the world could you possibly think is "not so kind or easy"? Just don't care about 1% Neural Sim. It's not like it gives any rewards anyway.
It's not even hard to beat the new bosses, launch neural sim was 10x more brutal
>launch neural sim was 10x more brutal
Yeah, I really have no idea what newfags could possibly be complaining about. They get Trial units for half the shit anyway
Chen's sig made me realize just how much of a difference five bullets makes, even with 6Fenny. Definitely worth the roll.
>newfags complaining about newfags complaining
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Release a good character to roll for, Seaslug
It's been half a year already
I too am saving up for Captain Li.
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>incorrect meta remark about the current thread topic, meant only to annoy and not to add anything to the conversation
i feel ya son, i just roll for the sake of rolling nowadays
to add on to this, launch Underground was also much harder for so many reasons that I don't even care to list them all
>character levels being capped strictly to account level, and we gained levels much more slowly
>we had access only to much weaker characters than now exist, with worse support and logistic options, etc.
>the Underground spawns/levels were themselves much harder/tankier; Seaslug has been progressively nerfing them to this day: the current Underground is the easiest it has ever been
Who ya guys quotin'?
managing your resources is part of the game, git gud
>>the Underground spawns/levels were themselves much harder/tankier; Seaslug has been progressively nerfing them to this day: the current Underground is the easiest it has ever been
I still remember how annoying that one hallway was with the crystal things, and then they nerfed it after I did it already.
I like the monthly pay, I love my Yggdrasil overlords
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How do I unlock more girls in healing center?
day 1 player here, yeah, it's pretty shit in that department, i think you get a free 5^, but the choices are pretty shit. devs have become complacent, it happens, even mihomo is coming to a reckoning.
should've bought the special healing center package before they took it down
now you can't
>how do you do fellow snowbreakers, that's what we call ourselves here, right?
So healing center is just an abandoned feature?
Snobble is reclining...
No one knows, but the new random events happen there so they know it exists
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>we must defend mihoyo till the very end goyim
let's not become stagnant like them, i'd rather see the game grow and do well
His post said the game was "not so kind or easy on newfags or freefags" which is blatantly false, and your post is about something else entirely.
>hagfag is retarded
based hagchad
I mean, it can be pretty hard if you don't know what you're doing and depending on what banner you start. There's a lot of things that are completely counterintuitive in this game compared to both other shooters and other gacha. Like snipers being completely useless in general content here (shut up Marian newbies can't afford you) which will blindside anyone coming from other shooting games and picking a sniper expecting huge damage. Or how unlike most gacha ults are generally useless here with a few exceptions that are very complicated to explain and very specific to a certain niche.
Seaslug should buff some of the 4* to have a decent 4Fenny level DPS in each weapon class and basicaly tell new players "pick one of these and play it", maybe also give them each a good copegun, so they don't end up trying to play 4Marian or something and then ragequit because they think the game is pay to win.
They should just update the standard banner, having the standard banner be all dps and supports being unavailable for most of the time is terrible design, at least shove Eatchel//Tess or the free 5* supports there, it's not like anyone is gonna roll for them at this point.
it's pretty simple. invest in fenny and you win.
i started when there was 3 support banners in a row and my only limited characters were supports for like 2 months and i did fine. it's easier if you start on a dps banner since all you need to do is invest in limited dps + 5fenny.
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>in the soft pity zone on the standard banner
>enough echoes to roll 5 more times
>Space Cowboy selected
>get gold from the gacha
>it's Trial's Eve
The state of the 5* on the current banner is a much bigger problem, only Fenny is useful to a new player. If someone starts the game, picks 5Lyfe because she's the face of the game and finds out just having comfortable upkeep on her skill needs M3-M5 and her only good gun is almost impossible to get he's going to think this is some Mihoyo tier cashgrab and quit. And Frit, sure she's a funny meme and all that but there will genuinely be new players that like her and telling them she's unusable is awful.
There's an extreme disconnect between the experience of getting a limited now, having easy access to a good gun from the event, manifestations being nice but not gating your experience in any way and standard 5* that are still stuck in a bizarre hell of shitty gacha practices that simply don't apply to the current game but new players aren't going to know that.
I love Fenny
I love Eatchel
Eatchel drinks from the toilet
I hate Fenny
I want to be Fenny's toilet
I am Fenny
Fenny and Eatchel are my toilets.
my dick yes
Acacia is my toilet
Fritia will create basedworld.
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Shame witcher 3 is a horrible game, couldn't get through it and never got to see more Yen.
haven't been here for ages
was there anything about simplifying the logi grind?
any info on the upcoming banners?
Logistics adjustments coming at some point before 2.5.

Current rumours for 2.2 are Katya and Marian alts with swimsuit skins for them Cherno and Enya.
>swimsuit skins
my fucking god what a horrible patch
big if true
>swimsuit skins
my fucking god what a great patch
But Enya already has a swimsuit.
She deserves another
no ass physics, no graphics improvements?
why u gae?
sorry boss getting raped everyday does mental damage to a man
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still can't decide to roll for cherno's weapon or not
Roll for Meursault's weapon.
just remembered that i had a 5* marian that i never touched and never will
just remember that I have 5* marian that I touch all the time and always will
i don't remember
>thread is completely dead when burgerbros and yurobros went to bed
i remember lyfe cheated on me
L-Lyfe...How could you...
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seahours gonna sea
Cute cum toilet
ugly toilet
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>Cerberus drops its invulnerability for about 0.08s (5 frames at 60FPS) right before it leaves the arena and the clones spawn in
>This gives you a tiny time window where you can fit in a second burst of damage to finish it off
So at 144FPS the non-invulnerability window should increase, right?
mihoyo did irreparable damage to the medium
I don't think the game is that badly coded, timings based on frames are only a thing in acacia's old games, it should be the same window regardless of the framerate
bros, I want you to know that I want you to be happy
we NEED fritwife character and skin soon..
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I hope so!
Enya (Swimsuit) [Skinny Dipper]
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CNbwos are stealing and learning our blobs.
what's the best move for someone new? just rush the main story with the trial characters they give you or should you stop off someplace and start grinding logistics officers or something?
Grind Cherno's weapon and logis if you can get her. She will carry you for a long time.
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(If you don't like fun)
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(if you have good taste)
cherno fun and her panties smell great
cherno isn't fun but she smells nice
Gabe was so cool to give seaslug permission to use half-life shit for free
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Also they hate the discordfags.
as they should
Hag operative pls...
When is chongchong cleaning house
what is this, an image for ants?
it's drawn so badly they can't even tell it's supposed to be Tau kek. what a shitty fucking artist
I liek Snowbreak
Day 1 f2p is obviously a different thing than a f2p latecomer. If he missed anniversary he also lost out on a lot of nice stuff. That said he should still manage to get full digicash rewards from neural etc within a month or two.
I like blobs
i like pubes ~
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I love my blobby fenny
Blobs are cancer
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not rolling anything m*rian
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I'm saving up for 6Chen and 6Yao so I can get their sigs too.
Cerberus remains maximum gay in neural sim, oh well
>There's a lot of things that are completely counterintuitive in this game compared to both other shooters and other gacha.
I dunno, I kinda disagree. This is neither a shooter nor a gacha, it is a gacha shooter. When you look at things like this, it is not so dissimilar from the norm. Most of the 4*s are useless, just like most gacha games. Most of the "standard" banner characters are useless, just like most gacha games. Snipers can still be good, they just need a lot of investment, so in this way they can be seen as the "high investment" branch of normal gacha. I will once again take this time to say that 1% Neural Sim is literally like 1% of the game. I would not want to be playing 5* Yao in co-op just due to how annoying it generally is, but 5* Marian is a very "playable" character in most content.

Actually, the most counterintuitive thing about the game, to me, is how good 4* Fenny is and how she's the 2nd character given to the player.
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I'm a day 1 player and I still have not gotten the weapon I selected for the standard weapon banner.
Im not gonna lie bros i cant login via steam after the update it says i need to read policy and terms
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Eatchel is really smart
Im not gonna lie bros i cant use use gigi after her update she says i need to submit penis inspection
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Seems like Meursault is attempting to assume direct control via Cherno's boob,
Or is that Meursault's boob in the first place? Is ownership of the body split in half?
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you should have pressed F to investigate... now we will never know.
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angry chen
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Is thus what they called a milk shake?
I want to grab Tess's tits like this, but we will never be allowed to.
>he takes his meds
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>day1 f2p(true)
>have all chars at the time
>only missed 1-2 limited weapon
This is before they added 100% banner. Though I started buying monthly with anniv update.
>Chen's face when Vidya took a sip from Adjutant's cup
Just buy a custom sex doll and have her customized to the point where she resembles Tess. These days, it shouldn't be too difficult to find someone able to do it.
You just gotta take it slow and not raise every character you obtain as soon as you do.
Every event gives you enough resources from the shop to level up a limited character and their sig weapon and still have resources left.
4* are usually not worth raising unless they are Acacia or Fenny.
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Nita is really cute
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Chen should have kissed the Adjutant right afterwards
Remove Nita from the game to extend Eos by 10 years
What other "gacha shooters" are there to compare to?
I'm tired
so is that SSR sniper rifle you get from your newbie quest just a trap to trick you into wasting resources and/or pick Yao for your human rights?
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take a nap
I'm in the mood for some steamed buns.
Yao is like the only healer until you get 5 Enya.
Pretty important for some content.
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We're all tired
Unless they've changed it, you should already have Yao4 and her skin by the time you get her sniper
I have Chingchong4 though. And I feel like her heal is a lot more effective, so my Yao has been languishing.
You did not just call Chen "Chingchong4"!
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It's 4Chen..
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I man, sure, once you get more operatives, Yao4 falls off, but chances are she will be your first healer when you start the game, so that's why they give you her weapon and even a skin
Right now she kinda like a really budget Eatchel since her drone lasts almost the exact same time as its cooldown and with Deep Sea's Call she gives you a small ATK buff
thanks time to make my video
Loving sex with Fenny
Can I also make her eat eggs?
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Why is Tess using a rag when she has those two?
Tess had 4Cherno?
Should use her panties as rag
Tess wearing any underwear in the dorm is a mistake, when will Seaslug fix this bug?
holding hands with Haru
holding Haru with hands
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fondling Haru's ass
I'll use Acacia's panties to wipe my cum and shove it on her mouth
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I really want to fuck Tess
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It seems Caroline is the winner.
I hadn't planned on her being the winner (even though I also voted for her), so her prize will take a bit longer to make.
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>Tau 14 votes
>Edda 14 votes
Like mother like "daughter" I see...
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Tess uses her magic gimmick to remove my condom at the middle of the fight.
Caroline is the most average girl in the game
And I want to make her the happiest woman her
Too bad Captain Li is the one who will actually become an operative. She has been shot with the titagen bullet. Making her a manifestation is the only way to save her.
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>Too bad
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I'd wager at least two women on there will be operative within a year.
The vote isn't for which ones you wanted, just the ones you wanted THE MOST. Those five were picked because in the "pick everyone you like" polls, all five got the highest votes.
People here WANT Captain Li, they just want Caroline more.
The next new manifestation was already leaked though. Its the chick with balls from the light chasers.
Caroline has forever npc vibes to her, her story makes it even less likely for her to be an operative unless they do some massive asspull just to make it happens.
>unless they do some massive asspull just to make it happens.
She's like the least-asspull of the five listed there.
Just put her brains into a robot body designed to mimic a manifestation. Just make her G3 to Lyfe's Agito.
Is Caroline a robot
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Caroline will become playable after her promotion
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Beatrice the girl on the right.
We are going back to the containment zone for a few chapters. Nita will get her 5* and have a showdown with Esther and then we get a Beatrice joining chapter.
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She's a cyborg. She was a 28 year old spec ops veteran who got crushed during the descent, so Yggdrasil put her brain into a robot body as their secretary. Then they put a second brain in there, too.
We have no idea what the second brain belongs to, if it's cloned from her, comes from another person, or could even be a titan's brain. They could do anything with her.
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We can't let anyone outball us, Chernobros!
>I'd wager at least two women on there will be operative within a year.
Eeh... I really don't see Tau, Nozomi or Caroline being operatives unless things go really dire and Seaslug needs to break the glass.
Edda is just slightly above them since Seaslug seems to want the Edda copy to be somewhat on our side, but I wouldn't be surprised if that only amounts to a furniture piece in practical terms, Something like Nozomi
Really, from that list, only Li seems like a cadidate for a playable character
Anyone else disappointed with the designs lately?
so that's why she can put her brain in a teapot? or did i misunderstand that
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>chick with balls
The futafags won...
I'm not comparing Snowbreak to a gacha shooter. I'm saying that you shouldn't compare it to shooters, because it's a gacha shooter, and as far as gacha goes, half the shit being useless is very normal.
Because she has two brains, they use her as a secretary due to how much information she can process at once.
But they also overwork her, so she sometimes megaman.exe jacks-in to a kettle to let some of the load off.
skins been much better lately
>Tau is getting older and dying now, so she'll get a new body
>Caroline is a brain in a robot, so she can just get a new robot
>Nozomi is a computer program in a robot, so she can also just get a new robot
>Edda is fucking anything she feels like being, she's two salamis away from being Eatchel
>Li got shot with the Ancient Aztec Plot Bullet and survived, so she's a stand user now
They all work quite easily.
Is Acacia the first 4* you get or is it random?
Nozomi has a better chance now that we have Kaede too.
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Agave has ugly glasses, so yes
Skins don't count obviously
I want less titcows even if I don't mind them.
>Designs don't count
agave was kinda meh but what else was bad?
Why does Yao look different here? I like her more in this pic
>comfy dorm vs work
Agave obviously, she's really unappealing and even her body feels disproportionate. Lyfe and Fenny were mid, even Eatchel is nothing special.

To be honest since Cherno it's been a disappointment.
>even Eatchel is nothing special.
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>anon gets spoiled by the slut wearing short shorts and a seethrough vest with exposed tummy
Many such cases. But you're on crack if you don't nuLyfe and nuFenny aren't sick as hell.
they don't count because i'm poor so they don't exist
eatchel is the best design in the entire game thoughbeit
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obvious demoralization shill
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>Agave obviously, she's really unappealing and even her body feels disproportionate.
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okay give me money
>complains about how the game "fell off" since 5cherno which is 5 months ago
>still playing
What causes this
1. more titsize variety
2. more colors, i swear over half the cast is some variation of black,white or black&white hair and clothes
3. maybe more height variety too
there, design issues fixed
>just pay to fix the game duh
>more titsize variety
But the characters range from flat to cowtits already
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why yes i also immidiately quit anything that i dislike ever so slightly
f2poors are so greedy and ungrateful they contribute nothing and want everything
I've never felt the need to buy a skin in Nikke but here it feels necessary sometimes like for Mauxir or Chen.
count the amount of characters that are medium or flat vs the rest reading comprehension anon
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Get a job like Cherno, bum
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but all the nitas are taking the jobs
I need both girls with tits larger than Agave/Tess and more girls with chests in the Acacia-Fritia range.
Acacia and Fritia want bigger breasts. Don't deny them that.
Have Captain Li be flat under her uniform.
calm down whore
Uh Seaslug? Auxiliary units?
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How muscular will 5Nita be?
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Fritters and Nita are flat
We have Cherno, and Mauxir for small tit characters
Fenny Chen Haru Yao and Marian have medium tits of varying size
Katya and Tess have large tits
Siris and Enya have very large tits
And Lyfe and Vidya how cowtits.
>girls with tits larger than Agave/Tess
i'm fine with that, but they need to have some real sag/weight to them. Agave's are just barely below ridiculous to me (they're too buoyant)
Lyfe as torpedo-tits now, but I think they're still smaller than Enya's.
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I just would like the size to stop being inconsistent between alts.
>Fenny Chen Haru Yao and Marian have medium tits of varying size
all are bigger than D cup hence large, look at the latest costumes for reference
Titagen is stored in the breasts
I like wild hunt's profile, too bad she's apparently a brick
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Can she really be redeemed at all?
Her hobby was literally torturing civilians.
i truly hope not. she's really unappealing to put it kindly. i don't know how they make her cute without making her a different person.
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Cherno isn't small anymore but she doesn't have cowtits either. They are the perfect size.
Did Beatrice appear more in some events?
Neither Fritia or Nita are flat
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>Anon thinks this is a D-cup
She is already cute
She actually didn't like doing that. It was all the other guy and she was forced to go along with it or he'd kill her too. She worked with Fritia to betray him.
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I like her
Read the story
She will when they go back to the containment zone during Nita's 5* chapter
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I don't mind the bigger tits but I do wish the base model got updated
It got a small upgrade recently
do all the girls have bad posture or is it just me
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The cowtits aren't her base form. The exosuit transforms their bodies like a magical girl power up.
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>cowtits aren't her base form
I don't think it's really like that.
When the same thing happened with Siris they just said she had been covered before and Mauxir called her a shapeshifter.
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>And then he held my right hand right afterwards...
if the exosuit can make hair grow, it can make tits grow. Its simple deduction.
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I think it's more like Seaslug just doesn't have the manpower to implement a lot of the visions they have for the game so they're incrementally making small improvements to the models for the time being. It's probably an option they want to give the players but it's too time consuming to make separate dorm models and sprites that don't earn them any money.
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Seaslug should remove Hard mode from the Main story and instead rework it into a difficulty selector like in Underground Purge allowing us to play the story on whatever difficulty we want.

It would also encourage replaying the first 10 story chapters after the rewrite is released.
Siris and Enya have very large tits
And Lyfe and Vidya how cowtits.
Tits like >>493495653
are cowtits,dont go pretending large breasts like Lyfe and Vidya are anything special.
>It would also encourage replaying the first 10 story chapters after the rewrite is released.
They'll probably add a bunch of missions for that
Making many gamer acachans with Acacia
its just you that has bad posture
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Calling sizes like Lyfe\Vidya cowtits is retarded, the average western woman size is D cup,those are at best a size larger. Cowtits are kyonyuu tier ones minimum.
Snowbreak designs peaked right here
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>and Mauxir called her a shapeshifter.
They call her crazy now, but we'll see who's right when the shapeshifters invade us...
>Do not trust her, Adjutant. She's luring you into a trap.
>Anyway, get inside this box, nya.
2.2 should be the first time we see the impact of the new hires right?
I have a literal D-cup sexdoll and she's about the same size as >>493543223
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The box and the following trip to an undisclosed location are for your safety nya
>obvious cartelnigger spouts all his hot takes at once
They really aren't sending their best. They bitched about "no buildup" in the story and now they aren't even building up their shitposts.
Why did you quote me bro
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>>Anyway, get inside this box, nya.
>the average western woman size is D cup
If that's true, it's only because like 60% of the western world is obese.

Can you imagine though, like just imagine if a guy's dick got bigger as they got fatter. Imagine if as a guy got fatter, his dick, his pecs, and his biceps were the first places that fat got deposited. That's what it's like being a woman.
nta but good to see it's this type, I thought for a moment I was about to see the type that looks like it came straight out of a horror movie, phew!
This logic applies to ugly fat bastards in doujins
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Haru has Bs. Katyas are Cs by her own admission (she says she has 95s in her personal file which is a C in US cups).
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Why is E less saggy.
Cowtits used to be reserved for girls like Kashino, Life and Vidya might as well be flatties before her.
Snowbreak girls in general are very lacking in terms of breast-ass size and height for gacha standards.
>Haru has Bs
Not a chance. They're C. Look again.
What do you want more? A really fucking tall woman or one that is half your size?
Everything in america is oversized, try using a standard from anywhere else
Both obviously. Anything from 1m flatties to 2m giantesses with H-J-K cups.
Flats and cows in both heights
>someone posts a somewhat differing opinion
>muh shill
It's all so tiresome. Lyfe and Fenny's latest designs are pretty good, but you can just ignore posts that you disagree with. Shitting up the thread with your poor pattern recognition isn't required, and it's not like you can do anything about it anyway.
Adjutant seems like the kind of pervert that would love to lick a girl's abs
I think discussions about tits are just the proper type for this general to be having desu
>during Nita's 5* chapter
In 2029 then.
My adjutant is the kind of pervert who loves licking girl's (very clean) buttholes.
That's why he slept with Nita
yeah pretty much quit this site because of that
Just use 4chanx and add filters desu
>Seaslug should remove Hard mode
horrible opinion
they should remove normal mode instead, those bite-sized missions that last shorter than the victory screen are terrible
never liked filters, if i don't enjoy the thread i just close it for the day
>the average western woman size is D cup
you know you can just look that shit up, right? not a single country has a D cup as an average
>Asians have the smallest breasts
>Asians also have the smallest dicks
One of these is based. One of these is just unfortunate.
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*kind of cultured gentleman that would love to lick a girl's abs
both are cute and based
I have Katya, Lyfe IS, and Cherno. Who should I focus on getting dupes for first?
everyone in my family has cowtits so growing up I thought that D cups were the minimum
Are the battle pass weapons completely useless since almost everyone have a personal cope weapon?
Lyfe really wants her M2, it significantly increases her damage output. Dunno about Katya or Cherno, not building them.
batlle pass is just a skin
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>Only bigger
>Only taller
BP equipment being garbage is a gacha tradition
None of the above. You should roll for Ms. Steamed Buns and farm her manifestations.
I'm starting to notice a lot of things
no one asked
Did you guys notice that Defense Line Zero will end soon?
Get Cherno to M2 for 30% more damage.
already got my badge, so I'm done with it
I finished awhile ago, but I've been doing it twice at reset to help anyone doing it last minute
What a shitty mode
>Nobody gathers or buys buffs unless you fucking pick gatherer for the nth time
>Some guy just spams skills and does next to no damage
>Gigawhale just solos the entire thing and probably didn't even touch the buff screen
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I didn't, thanks for the heads up. I already missed too many badges just like that..
i'll uhh get the badge on rerun yeah
You forgot the classic faggot who disconnects to leech from the other players
I forgot there were battle pass weapons. I don't think I've ever opened a single cache
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>>Nobody gathers or buys buffs unless you fucking pick gatherer for the nth time
Doesn't matter. I picked Katya Shooter and I can gather my own crystals from the turret platform.
>>Some guy just spams skills and does next to no damage
Doesn't matter. I do enough damage with my aoe bombs and I have turret as backup if I need it, plus I can main turret from round 3 onwards
>>Gigawhale just solos the entire thing and probably didn't even touch the buff screen
I'm f2p
>fag picks shooter
>doesn't use the turret at all
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I think bad teammates ruined the mode for you, when everyone knows what they are doing it is fun
were these accents always purple? can swear they were green
They're green, but for whatever reason changing the localization file makes her purple
Even weirder but you could do that even before they announced all the censorship changes
It gets boring quickly after a few matches regardless of your teammates' competency. They need to add some dynamism to these wave defense modes to give it some edge. My favorite moment was when one player disconnected, and it was just me and another dude maining supports. It was a hectic but fun match.
>it's a game fault that faggots behave like faggots and cunts behave like cunts
Are you fucking 12 or somethig?
shitter detected
Why am I getting a random Yerus event for Cherno? is it normal? i thought Seasun was writing new events for each patch.
Embarrassing post
I agree, I want random waves and/or spawns
It's random and it also depends on how long you have been playing
I think you get the new ones first and then it goes back to repeating old ones except for a few
I like the one where Fenny inadvertently tells you she bleaches her bumhole
That never happened
wtf hate fenny now
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I'm too lazy to look now, but the purple one used to also have an "ML" on the sleeve. And the localization worked, then for some reason it stopped working, then it worked again.
>used to
The "ML" is still there
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It does, it's kinda half-assed because the other side is mirrored
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Raw. Sex. Appeal.
Yeah (I)'m so fucking cool.
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Why do you deny me my wife Mumu?
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What did I do?
god i need them to press their butts against my head and fart
You wore a condom.
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Don't forget to fish a total of 15 time(s) in Star Master
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Your game is still a fucking abysmal kusoge, you hag
I rolled Cherno's signature and already regret it.
The game has become too easy.
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I never play Acacia's kusoge, it's that bad for me. you're a bad gamedev Acacia, give it up.
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second event and still can't get decent cherno logis
does atk affects dot damage for cherno?
or just ai?
it does
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>No more girls added to the massage minigame
>No feet update
>No rewrite
>No sex update
>Already nothing to do
Seaslug... Pantsu optimization patch... Please...
how much?
is it better to farm for 600 ai or get 30% atk stat?
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>>No more girls added to the massage minigame
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Not him, you can do the math if you want, but in most cases, more Atk is more valuable since almost everything scales with it
>Women in their 20s
Fucking troglydyte.
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>random base event
>it's Nita
>why do you get up so early?
>"Why, to see (You) first in the morning!"
>why do you go to sleep so late?
>"To make sure you returned safely!"
To think if she didn't look so Indian she'd have a 5* by now.
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How important is her sig weapon?
My dick is demanding to give her more screentime, but majority of what I read about that delicious redhead tittymonster is pointing to her being medicore dmg dealer at best. Is he just one of these eternal support units that appears on the screen for 2 sec, cast some buff and never be seen again until cooldown?
that will be a fucking waste of pair of glorious milkers
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She's really cute
I wanted to give it a try after dropping W2, what's so bad about it?
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>Is he just one of these eternal support units that appears on the screen for 2 sec, cast some buff and never be seen again until cooldown?
She pops up during her ult and stuff to shoot, so you can just get away with her cope gun. I only go for sigs if I really like the girl.
it's a good game for people who watch tv series
All open world slop is exactly the same. If you've played one, you've played them all.
...said a guy playing a fucking gacha...
yeah, looks like it does slightly more damage that way
help i ate cherno's cooking and my stomach hurts so bad it's so over...
the most based post in all human history
>...said a guy playing a fucking gacha...
What do you mean by this? Gachas can be any genre. Open world slop only exists to walk around aimlessly to do random side quests that you're never going to remember, essentially busy work that you have to search for, all in an attempt to artificially pad gameplay time. There has never been an open world slop game that is any different than anything that ever came before it.
Eccentric Joker is mostly irrelevant. Just arm her with her Wasp rifle.
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Transferring my conscious into Caroline's toilet
Nita is the supportive girlfriend everyone wants it in life
Just don't let her access your bank account.
Her main purpose is neural speedruns and if you want to get sub 1% you really want her gun. She doesn't do much for the average player otherwise.
Recent releases like Agave, Wyfe, Siris are showing they don't intend to have new DPS rely on U-energy support so her future usefulness is in question.
If you think she's hot and cute and just want to have fun with her then you don't need her gun. You can put Chocolate Filling from paradox on her and play her as a DPS and she'll still be super awful but at least she has big tits.
nice cock bro
thanks bro
I just want to massage my wife's feet
I'm more excited for 2.2's support than the DPS if 6fenny is any indication.
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Same. I don't want to invest into old supports like Kaguya, Enya and Mauxir. I want the NEW generation.
>Wasp rifle
You mean a gun you can buy from 'Fortune,,, something' shop in Circulaction Hub?
Will Summer Katya get a tits upgrade like every character when a new alt is released for them?
Weird to have a new Katya so early, but I guess she gets a pass for being snow's savior
>every gacha I play or follow putting out real stinkers all around the same time.
Like you wouldn't believe.
6marian's still a sniper, but 6katya saves snipers from irrelevance would be pretty funny (and cool). Although I'm not sure how mechanically.
If the leak is real I relly hope Marian uses a shotgun
Yes, that's Tess's cope rifle that boosts her U-Energy gain a bit during her ult.
I can't wait for the Katya summer alt and the Katya summer skin and the Katya belly skin.
What kind of shotgun? Single barrel? Double barrel? Triple barrel? Buckshot? Slug? Exploding round? Sawed-off? Dual wielding?
cool and funny operator for next summer
slug, for the memes
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>for the memes
Fenny got you covered
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I wonder if that has anything to do with the CN actresses leaving except for her and cherno, and yao, leading seasun to focus on them first.
Did they announce who will replace them yet?
>6Cherno and 6Yao soon
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If you do NS tranny speedrun a lot you'll end up seeing her more often. She's not a damage dealer but you can start every runs with her ult to charge ults
Truer words have never been written.
>Did they announce who will replace them yet?
You mean if they announced who will replace the VA that are gone? they literally stated that they won't say their names
We do know that Frit and Chen already got their replacements, and if the leaks are real, Marian has hers too
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Her chibi and faces were Loverush's less than stellar gameplay.
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>they literally stated that they won't say their names
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Being a VA for Snowbreak requires being incognito, possibly even going into a sort of witness protection problem.
This seems so much lewder with the title
hmmm nyo
Still in awe that Snowbreak causes such seethe in others that it requires the VA's to be protected like this kek
I'm a newfag, is the cartel really this powerful
Yes, the old VA's were threatened with industry black-balling etc.
Hence the present situation.
As for if it's a real blackballing or just an empty threat, I think it will take time to find out for those who stayed (if they even want to take future jobs in the industry.)
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Hellow snoggers
remember to do your 5 paradox runs
>Dreaming of meursault in a micro bikini
>Wake up to it still being Agaves patch
It's not fair...
Katya's game
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Who the fuck is Meursault
The gameplay. From controls, the movement, boring and annoying mass of loot, to really dull and unsatisfying combat. Everything that isn't talking and story is bad.
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Her game.
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So when are they adding jiggle to the game?
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your tulpa wife
plus the lawfare that resulted in the backlog of skins getting shelved
but as long as we maintain mutual loyalty with Seaslug and our foreign brothers everything will be fine
Seaslug has handled matters about as gracefully as possible and I'm very optimistic
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CN fucked around and announced plans for impending regulation on gacha, saw that the mere announcement of proposed legislation tanked their stock market/economy that was in a decline at the time and facing various "disasters", and then quickly deleted all mentions of the plans ever existing while unpersoning the scapegoat and assuring everyone that they'd never truly try and do something like that.

Even from a realistic perspective the biggest of gacha companies have an uncomfortable level of power that could potentially become an uncomfortable level of influence. It's the kind of thing they were trying to prevent when they reeducated Jack Ma and broke up Alibaba. The companies can't do whatever they want, but CN realized too late how much of their economic well-being was centered on the industry and with the gov lacking the expertise to keep it going themselves they've got an unusual level of freedom so long as they don't blatantly go against the status quo.

In a market environment what this means is that it is to the frontrunners best interests to consolidate power/control. Now, an organized "cartel" might not be real, but in this type of environment you will always have impertinent upstarts like Seaslug and various other companies that want a piece of the pie and go against unspoken, but well understood rules. Most crack after being leaned on with various indirect measures and go under, but sometimes they get lucky and survive. It will forever be an uphill battle unless they get REALLY lucky and become big enough to have the "rules" shift around them. Their very existence is an unwanted variable.
Her mouth looks weird
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Katya game
Drink some pepto bismol
>eatchalposter doesn't knows economics
>eatchelposter knows economics
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Official accounts have said 2.2 will have new gameplay, maybe after that. I really hope they add more pantsu in that patch
>dress up as an erotic dragon
Huh, it really was that simple.
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This lovely dragon girl seduced a seasoned wolf like me
Jinshi at home which is funny because she apparently about to get skin that makes her look older and with bigger boobs. Is Wuwa and Seaslug getting inspired by each other?
I got the event where Eatchel drinks toilet water...
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>If money is so important, why don't we just print more of it?
It's over...
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All in for Cherno my beloved
Snowbreak is probably the first gacha where I want ALL the girls
it's very sexy, but Chen is still just too weak and outdated, so she certainly can't be said to have 'won'
if they buff her and fix her costs/cds/standard skill mechanic, then she can be called a winner
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ChernoGOD and haremGOD I kneel
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Based and Chernopilled
Except Nitter
you're behind the times
Eatchel doesn't suck anymore now that there's content where she shines
Your homosexuality is noted, anon.
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She was playing a bit hard to get, but it's done
>say it's very sexy
>"uh, you're a homosexual because Chen is weak"
seek help
>Not loving all the girls
I really want Cherno but I have to save for supposed new Katya and weapon
>tfw standardpulled Cherno around 60's after standardpulling Chen previous patch
built different
She is just shy, congrats bwo
Katya will most likely be the free unit.
When they release two units one of them is free.
You can just wait for the trailer of the new patch and then decide to roll
Double Operative patchs give one unit for free
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And of course I have her maid outfit ready
Now please unvault her event, I'm an anniversary baby and I really want to read it
Newcuties RISE UP, next survey ask for a Gradient of Souls rerun
It's on youtube if you just want to read it
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Just read it on youtube :^)
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>"I tidied up your room"
bros...our room...
Nice trips
I know, but it just doesn't feel the same
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You heard the newbros. Bring back Gradient of Kino.
If they don't care to keep it in the game it doesn't matter
I THINK EATCHEL is lovely and cute
hi snowbro
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Roll two times for Meursault!
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Seaslug should add an extra tab for side stories and add Mingdeng, Holiday and GoS into the game
Also create a VN version of the story in the Sokoban minigame and the Yallu open world and include them as well
Ok snoggers, help me here.
If I decided to skip an operative, it's better to skip it or to try the 50/50?
Skip since you're probably doing it to save pulls.
Never 50/50
Honestly, I believe chinese new year and summer events can stay vaulted. The only one that should be permanent is GoS
Since Seasun has already made costume parts a thing they should just make it so you can switch different parts together from different skins.
Yallu was good. Mingdeng is the only one that can stay vaulted.
I honestly think that GoS can stay vaulted while Mingdeng and Summer should be made permanent.
I included in my survey that I don't want them to bring GoS back ever.
Should've joined the game earlier, newfags.
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Must have not been that good if they nuked it from the game
And you'll never know if it is
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Newbros should have a chance to get to know Meursault.
Sucks for them, don't care enough to roll for the who? on the banner
Meursault? More like MeurSLUT.
Cherno is only popular because she's OP
The only good scene in GoS was Enya's schizo moment.
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>Meursault bullying thread
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If you want to read GoS that much just go back in time and read it
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Well maybe she should do something?
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>Cherno finally gets added to the massage table
>Meursault never takes over
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her event was cool, her visual and vocal presentation were dramatically improved, her PVs were great, etc.
being OP is only a part of the equation
So next patch is Marian and Katya? I wonder if they'll have different weapons than usual.
I can see Katya sticking with crossbows since she's the only one who uses them but Marian might change it up like Fenny/Lyfe.
and none of it would've mattered if she sucked like Vidya
Her reputation in this general is sort of tarnished by all the metafags
Cherno isn't even popular.
Meursault is. Cherno exists only as a vessel. Her role is to get cucked by her own tulpa all the time. And people made fun of Fenny or Katya. Cherno is the real cuckquean.
People only ever talk about how op Cherno is
An astute observation as always, Detective Chen.
I don't think Agave sucks, she just seems that way because she's another skill damage operative and Cherno is absurdly OP in that niche. Compare her to a more reasonable operative and she's alright.
where does this hatred of Cherno/Meursault and GoS come from?
Vidya's movie is pure kino
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She sucks another to get a buff
This, but let us switch hairstyles.
plenty of people were attached to Eatchel back when she sucked
that's about the most deranged attempt at guilt-by-association I've ever seen
Cherno HATE!
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Acacia is at it again...
I don't hate any of them, but it cannot be denied that Seaslug jumped the shark with Enigma in terms of power creep.
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Meursault LOVE!
But what IS a Meursault
Let me compare Agave to 5Siris, then.
Hmmm... Agave still sucks.
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Meursaultkeks explain this
Cherno hate
I started with Cherno patch
I never liked her event, it was very average but people here proclaim it is god tier, I wonder if it's because it's unattainable now
My favorite part was the weirdo titan design where you see Cherno stare right at you(the camera) while in 3rd person that design was cool as hell.
I will never roll for Cherno because I like gameplay and also don't like lame girls. I will jerk off to her on model art regardless
I just explained why people say things like this
I like Vidya, even if she sucks
She can suck me dry everyday
Awful taste lmao
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They had to balance out Vidya having the most sexy model in the game by making her worse than everyone else in combat
cartel fags can't get any mileage out of Fritoposting (too outdated, too obvious) or Eatchelposting (she's meta in solo 3min boss dps and in Star Master time trial, so she can't be used to start a fight anymore)
so they see that Cherno is on banner right now, and then they try whatever tactic comes to mind to falseflag or make people unhappy
it's all so tiresome
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Cherno is a good girl.
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Yumes are gross.
At least Vidya will be the sovl and sexo choice and Cherno will be the metakek choice
Cherno love!
>gets her 5 minutes before 5Nita tummycreeps her
Wow, amazing balancing, seaslug. Find a better excuse.
Oh boy a schizopost. Just what we needed
You can't just blame everything you disagree with on the cartel.
No u
The hotpot cartel could be here...
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We love Frito here.
Chernofags got too cocky
carteleños detected
The cartel is really trying huh...
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The truth is that you are being tsundere for Cherno but you just don't realize it.
I'm the cartel. I AM the danger.
I'm the alleged cartel with a 2% body fat.
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Meursault BAD!
Edda should have had her own event instead.
>Different opinion
>Must be the cartel
I don't think there is going back from this mindbreak
The breast jiggle in this game is all stiff anyway, so might as well give us more flatties instead of plastic titty bimbos
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Give it up, Edda. You lost.
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At least Edda appears in the game more than once
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Edda is the cartel
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Turning Meursault from "cool titan-slayer JoJo stand" to "cherno but with dark hair" was the biggest downgrade in the entire game
Fritter won
I think I'm, dare I say, a fritta now, team frittylicious even (I was not a fritfan before)
This literally made no sense
I want to fuck Meursault so badly.
What? She's nothing like Cherno.
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>Lyfe in operation breakpoint
>"cherno but with dark hair"
Incels ruined Cherno
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Mauxir cryptid hunting minigame when?
She needs to eliminate the shapeshifters before they take over the world
.... am I supposed to get a selector at some point? What do I roll on to get that? I really really want Haru....

I think I talk for everyone here when I say Yehrus acts are the worst story chapters.
>>493597274 This post was fact checked by real Yehrus patriots
I was falling a sleep before Haru chapter, so no
I think I talk for everyone here when I say you should backflip off a cliff with no safety gear
don't forget Nita's Punch Out, Fenny Kart Racing, Katya Surfing, Chen's Ghost Hunt, Cooking With Cherno...
I respectfully disagree
>Fenny Kart Racing
It would be Siris Kart Racing, wouldn't it? Vroom Vroom. Seriously though, imagine how much more fun to play Siris would be if she literally had Mario Kart controls.
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Motorcycles aren't "karts"
Fenny could do a few things. Racing, rhythm games, dress up, doom, etc
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Excitebike with Fenny
>he got filtered by a geometric shape
Njall game
This is a pretty good "checkmate" post, but I stand by what I said. Motorcycles are not karts.

Yeah, Fenny could do Excitebike, Doom, Violin Hero, but I think Fenny's game could be "Fenny Dreamer" (Fashion Dreamer)
Leisure Suit Adjutant
Fenny's next skin is now obvious.
>they literally stated that they won't say their names
It really is insane how powerful the gacha cartel is. Also, I forgot that Snowbreak's story is now pretty much at the mercy of who does and does not have CN VAs
she's already got a wedding dress, there's nowhere to go but down
I mindbroke Siris into my sex slave.
She forgot
Ye of little faith, you must accept fenny race queen to top her wedding dress now.
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Next Fenny skin leak
they might give her a skin that *looks* better but there will never be one that *is* better
Good, so I can mindbreak her again, this time would also have Chen observing the whole process closely nearby.
Simple: another wedding dress
I want to milk Enya
If they added this and a Trump cameo, I would whale harder than ever.

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