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Katawa Shoujo General #4006

Fall is Coming Edition

Last Thread: >>492818349

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
This is a nice thread. So new, wow.
>And if you are in this general you cannot be one even partially.
That's true. I was sloppily using normalfag, intending to limit it to the range of what's seen on 4channel, and it wasn't a reasonable use of the term. I accept full responsibility for my careless speech.
Why is Lilly destroying that phonebooth?
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I'm so tired I can barely think
I'm going to sleep and cuddle with my cute wife Emi now
Gn /ksg/ take care
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Goodnight anon.
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Sup new thread, hope everyone is doing ok
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hello it's me again, I was destroyed yesterday after a whole week, so I couldn't reply, but now it's the time

>I haven't had a conversation this decent and engaging and delightful in.. years.
I don't know if we can call this convo an engaging and delightful, but yeah, I also feel that I poured some thoughts and emotions after a long time in this thread, it's nice to feel understood.

>don't tell me you got over that easily yourself.
well, I wouldn't say I got over that easily, for like two, maybe three weeks I was in this strong emotional state towards Lilly, I felt happiness, attachment, I felt warmth in my heart, I was imaginating wonderful things I would do with her, I kind of felt sad, depressed and jealous about the realism of a relationship like this, because of her Mary-Sue nature. I made some posts about her on 4channel to share similiar feelings with other anons just like you are doing in /ksg/, but didn't want to spoil myself KS story in some of those threads, so I decided to stop posting Lilly until I finish the whole game, and later lost that bond and came back to living everyday life.
>why not get her in touch with her now?
well, it's been a long time since this, idk if she would feel the same emotions as me, also I moved on to something different, so fuck that.
>quite the exquisite tastes in women
haha, I don't think I'm the connoisseur or some shit like that, but I think that every man would at some point want to be with Lilly (because of aforementioned Mary-Sue allegations)

>I am -- meaning all of us here -- going to actually channel this energy into productive actions.
that's great anon, the opportunities are indeed endless, then I'm waiting for something creative from you, also, you're playing gituar? naisu
wait, that's a scottish holiday... OH!, Maybe you found the story relatable because you're a Scot like Lilly?

>I don't know if we can call this convo an engaging and delightful
Genuinely wondering, how many fresh-off-the-boat newcomers do we have?
Anyone here who only found the VN through Steam?

No idea, maybe she lost it and is taking it out on whatever is emitting a clearly recognisable noise, as that allows her to detect its position with precision

>I accept full responsibility for my careless speech.
You know what, maybe 'twas I who was wrong.
For all I know, some among us may exhibit a certain degree of normalfaggotry, just not me myself.

I'd say the likelihood of finding such individuals is however greater in KataShou communities located outside 4chan.
[The source for this claim is my ass.]


so I finally got you, well I think everyone that played Lilly's route got this feeling that she is so perfect but she isn't real, and they are sad about it, but what can we do about it anon? Mourn over her in eternity or maybe try to find a woman like her one day?

Also anon, have you played other katawas routes? Because it's visible that you fixate on Lilly, but you SHOULD try playing the other routes, maybe they won't be exactly the same as her, but that's even better, you'll get to experience new story and maybe you will even reflect on something new. I don't know how tough you are emotionally, but since your pouring tears over Lilly since monday, I suggest to watch your guard, cause shit will leave you with strong emotions, maybe even stronger than Lilly's story, but you gotta play those routes man, I also couldn't bring myself to play this game anymore after completing her route, but it was a good choice, I dealt with my emotions regarding her route and enjoyed other stories, maybe that will cure your crippling emotional addiction to her, give it a shot and tell us your experience later.

Pretty good, just doodling and listening to music.
I have off work tomorrow so I'm gonna stay up late and sleep in.
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anon we know that her route is special and beautiful, but you have to acknowlegde that her route isn't the perfect and she isn't the perfect human being and also has flaws. I strongly advise you to check out other katawas, understand their stories and create your own opinion on them, cause defending your waifu to death isn't really the solution here.
I have to agree with some anons, because they give fair points:
even tough she' perfect, she has been hiding the skeleton in the closet, wasn't that honest with Hisao about her coming to Scotland (but game scolds you after not being honest to her??), maybe that was what Suriko eventually planned to do, to make a contrast between her composed personality and her real intentions? The story has some holes and could be written better, given the fact that it was created by first timers, but it is a good story nonetheless.

also anon is this your youtube channel? (https://www.youtube.com/@volatilechemicals-wo2yh), I saw it under weee livestream, at first I thought that MAYBE you were trolling, just a little bit, but now I realize you are fucking serious about this (or you keep going like this for a week, mad respect if so)

If you want to read some thread regarding Lilly, here's mine (https://warosu.org/jp/thread/46106004), originally posted on /jp/, valentine's day with Lilly.

on Valentine's I was listening to her theme that is so calming and beautiful, but except that I was listening to this also: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2dosVRzLSM)

>I don't know if we can call this convo an engaging and delightful
yeah we technically have, but I think that this thread we basically jerk each other out in scavenge for (You)'s while also discussing Lilly, I think that's nice

That's all I wanted to post now, waiting for reply.
Sounds pretty chill, do post it here if its KS related.

Nice, im on my albeit late but preferably now than sooner summer leave since yesterday. No special plans or anything but its great how for 15 days im free to do as i please, wish my pay was on the start of the month and not on the 15th, gotta hold out until then.
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>Sounds pretty chill, do post it here if its KS related.
It's kind of related.
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Thats you or you use it as reference? Fusing girls is rather prominent actually, there's so many instances of it.
>Emilly in her favorite position
Ah man I'm gonna look forward to another banger from Doggo. I still can't thank you enough for that awesome Emo you did.
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Emilly = Lilly + Emi
She's on the goalball team, and is best friends with Femji (genderflipped Kenji)
Her build is basically if Lilly were active and fit like Emi.
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Have a great Paturday!
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Lilly's build is a little softer.
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Thanks man!!
I was going to come back to this someday, but probably not tonight as it's already 4:30.
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Oh yeah i got, its an interesting fusion. Speaking of Femji, and thats a question for everyone.

Thoughts on Katawa Shonen? Everything is reversed, you play as Iwanako and its boys that are disabled. Do you imagine that all plot could work exactly the same with this reversal, would you play this version and most importantly, would the H-scenes be the same or play out differently?

Hell yeah dude!
>I was listening to her theme that is so calming and beautiful
Yeah, I forgot how nice it was. It has this whimsical feeling to it. Like the score for a Wes Anderson movie about love. It kind of makes my stomach hurt and my eyes feel sort of puffy now.

I feel like shit.
>maybe that was what Suriko eventually planned to do, to make a contrast between her composed personality and her real intentions?

I hope Suriko doesn't pull a J.K. Rowling and claim that was in fact the intended meaning, given that the writing itself in no way hints at it. Even I didn't realise it until a veteran in the community made me notice the hole.

By the way, I am >>493368105 and >>493367151 but NOT >>493371304 , as quite clearly shown by the different writing style.
You should pay attention to that and not simply assume that two posters are the same person just because they are expressing similar (clearly not identical) opinions (in this case, being somewhat critical of the idea that Lilly's path is a 10/10 writing-wise).

I don't have a Youtube channel, but for all I know, >>493371304 may have one.

And just so it's clear, I played this game for the first time in 2013, so of course I had all the time to evaluate the story properly, compared e.g. to newcomers who are still high on their first after-play feelings.
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Just a quick Emi before I go to bed
Goodnight /ksg/, have a great Paterday.
She looks like she's been stunned/sirpised/shocked speechless. Did she walk in on her sister and her soon to be ex-boyfriend again?
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oh, excuse me, I was replying to the sad anon, and of course I know that 2 of those replies are yours, and not the third but I gave it as a example, and everything below that three listed posts are all directed at him, his (maybe?) youtube channel and so on, sorry for misleading, I didn't want to reply strictly to your posts, also don't be that butthurt next time about such little inconvinience
I think the general is 90% Lillyfag.

>Also anon, have you played other katawas routes? Because it's visible that you fixate on Lilly, but you SHOULD try playing the other routes, maybe they won't be exactly the same as her, but that's even better, you'll get to experience new story and maybe you will even reflect on something new. I don't know how tough you are emotionally, but since your pouring tears over Lilly since monday, I suggest to watch your guard, cause shit will leave you with strong emotions, maybe even stronger than Lilly's story, but you gotta play those routes man

I recommend this. While I am not romantically attracted to Rin, her route definitely moved me, possibly because it reminded me of my frustrated desires to be unique and play by my own rules in life.

I'd gladly be friends with all the Katawas other than my romantic option, and I'd also want them to be friends with each other.
A shame that we don't see much interaction between them, aside from the pairings (Emi-Rin, Lilly-Hanako, Shizune-Misha).

It would be nothing short of precious to read a long canon conversation between Hanako and Rin
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>also don't be that butthurt next time about such little inconvinience

Then I'll be butthurt about an even minor inconvenience so that I can pwn you while pretending to humor your wishes
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What would a Rin-Hanako fusion look like? Something very emo, probably
whiskey in a mug and sad music on paturday
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ok settled
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I don't know, but it'd be fun to find out.
She might be a super recluse, though.
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Do you ever come across characters who remind you of Katawas?
Can be looks-wise or personality-wise
Lilly is my favorite, but I like Rin's route (and Emi's) better.
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There are lots of Yamato Nadeshiko characters or tall blondes that remind me of Lilly.
Always interesting when I see stuff that reminds me of KS.
I too would like to see interactions with different pairings if not all of them. Another good one another anon mentioned in the previous thread would be also bringing Lilly up to speed after Hanako's good end.

It would melt hearts with all the feels.
but Hanako doesn't have a good end. just neutral, bad, and worst.
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Since we are discussing route flaws, it's a shame how vulnerable to Flanderisation Emi is: I would promptly bet $10 that that one single-word line is what most players will remember best about her, even though she's the only Katawa who shows care for Hisao's physical health specifically
You know who's someone who subtly reminds me of Lilly, taking into account the very different backgrounds?

This girl she shares a birthdate with (7th of February)
Yeah, I can see that.
>that one single-word line
the line i remember most from Emi's route is "My favorite color is blue, actually."
Or something about her conditioner smelling like strawberries.
>what most players will remember best about her
>"Get out of my anus , Hisao
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Ciel was my favorite. Shizune turned out to be my favorite.(and Emi)

Maybe I have a type.
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That's an early Emo before I adjusted the skin tone to be less glowie
Shizune would definitely be an action girl outside a school setting, her confrontational attitude transpires quite clearly from scenes such as >>493507971 and pic related.

She doesn't appear to be into sports, but her father could probably teach her kendo and karate in six months and turn her into a Ciel-like character
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Its kinda weird how the sun is rising even though im about to go to bed
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I thought I had made it clear that you should maintain a proper and regular sleep schedule
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fucking hell.....for fucks sake........
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>your katawa
>what you're listening to
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to every anon in this thread, I wish you a peaceful and happy SATOUrday, please don't die while I am awake.
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>please don't die while I am awake.
Do we have suicidal people in this general? I wouldn't be surprised if we do, just askan
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idk, I think it's just a general statement, our lives are so unpredictable that you can wake up today and die before sun sets, it could be me, it could be you, it could be anyone from this thread initially, the only way is that we can wish that something like this never happens, until it happens.
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Thank you anon. I appreciate your interest and wish you the same.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Going to bed early, Asian anon?
It's 9am...
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>think playing the other routes would help you rationalize your love of Lilly in a way you would not on your own.
thanks for indulging in my blabbering. however, see, I've already accounted for that possibility in the following post (if it's not too much bother obviously) >>493375817
in short, what you call rationalizing my love for her would actually turn out to be me distracting myself from lilly and losing sight of the ultimate truth that you reach through suffering
>Yeah, Hisao and Misha have sex if you chose to comfort her in during the 3rd act of the Shizune route
does she put on a wario shirt during the act
>NTA but that didn't work on me, and I played the thing shortly after release
I'm glad your love for lilly is just as relentless. seeing how I only completed her route eight days ago while you've been tempered and possibly tattered and torn over her for over a decade, I wonder how much insight you can offer all of us on this heroic odyssey
>you sound pretty cool too
anon i.. I may be a lecherous harlot that says this to anyone who'd offer me a modicum of sympathy and cordial treatment, but I want you to hear this: I love you! sure, I may have revealed my romantic intentions to like forty other people in this thread, but do keep in mind that I'm not exaggerating and I do mean what I say
>also explored Japanese places related to Higurashi and Fate
oh wow dude. you know what's interesting? people from all over these cancerous communities like reddit and the likes keep posting about lunatics that spend dozens of hours playing a game in a single session or they spend thousands of dollars on any sort of merchandise and they're somehow lauded as "true, hardcore fans of a game". meanwhile irrestrainably sweet individuals like you do something that's actually impressive but also clever and sweet, and chances are that this general and a handful of people you tell about that will end up being the only ones that know
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I feel like you could absolutely just do the exact same game with the genders flipped and it would work fine, but it might be more interesting to rework some or all of the characters to fit with dude expectations. I could see Emi, Lilly and Hanako diverge quite interestingly on that basis.
(Rin would be exactly the same except instead of an underfed art hoe we'd have an underfed art twink. This is because Rin is perfect)
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I dont know Emi's details but a track ace dude is pretty easy to do so i dont think it would require much tweaking, same with Lilly by being the classy pretty boy that all the girls are fawning over for. Hanako would probably receive some changes, maybe get a touch of edginess since its a dude we're talking about, maybe talks even less or says a few bad words (?) I also think the order in which each other would show their scars would be flipped too. Meaning that Manako would show his scars first and then later Iwanako would show hers and then prompt the sex scene, would make more sense in that setting.

>Rin would be exactly the same
Pretty much yeah, her story could be applied to a male with no issue.
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I feel like Lilly's tendency to mother people she cares for is a lot rarer in dude, which does not mean it can't stay but it should probably be remarked on.
As a consequence I feel like porting Hanako and Lilly's relationship straight from female to male might seem a bit strange, but maybe it's fine.
The idea is fun at least. Plenty of interesting space to explore with genderswap design (see picrel for a pretty cool take). Maybe I should pick up a pen myself and give it a go.
guys I wonder... how would KS be perceived from a perspective of a girl? I suppose there are no girls (no, you're not a woman if you identify with one while also having male skeleton structure) in this thread because of obvious reasons, but what do you think experience like that would look like? Given the fact that KS as a whole is directed at lonely virgin males, and that demographic is the most common.
Do you think the girl playing this would obsess of any character? (if she's lesbian then probably yes) Maybe the girl would just recognize one character type/personality of one katawa and identify herself with that character?
Or maybe she would be more concerned about Hisao and his disability than focusing on other girls? Except Katawas, maybe Kenji? Devs really could have made a dedicated non-heteronormative route with him and Hisao that female fans could play.
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>finding the KataShou backgrounds was probably the most emotionally intense moment.
it's unfortunate that in this day and age, there's no medium to actually let someone else sense exactly what you're feeling so no one would have to resort to elaborate explanations and guesses and instead I would just get the same sensation in my heart and in my chest and the dizziness of mind that you probably felt then. honestly what you're telling me is extremely tender and im sort of.. just glad, actually glad you lucked out in experiencing that. what you did is praiseworthy and im thankful to you for posting those beautiful pics cuz.. what else is there to do? we -- meaning all of us in this general -- are indefinitely stuck with a static piece of media that's never going to have its characters come to life and comfort us. katawa shoujo is concluded and all we're left with is either prying answers out of the devs or creating our own content related to the game and making up new stories or making artwork. so you carrying out such a noble deed and reaching those exact locations with a framed picture of the best girl nonetheless is another way for us to somehow feel closer to the game -- to feel like we can still experience something new and hope that lilly will come to life one day and talk to us and offer us tranquility and answers to all our questions. for that I am grateful to you. if I had a hat, I'd take it off =^-^=
and since we're on fourchan and not on some sort of social media, this general really is the only way for you and me and everyone else here to ever stay in touch. as much as I hate losing people and knowing that one day this connection may suddenly end, I'm still forced to endure the vacillation. basted with forlorn hope, I wilt at the baleful prospect of losing the opportunity to savour our confabulation that all of us share here regularly. may God show us mercy, as I am unaware of what's presaged
I think you conflate the act of suffering with love itself, when while they can be intertwined, they are not inherent to each other. It's your prerogative, and you clearly aren't interested in changing anything, so have fun.
I know one(1) cis woman who tried it and beyond the difficulty of engaging with work from a widely ridiculed genre (esp. hailing from fourchin) the one route she played, Emi's, she thought was pretty nice.
She was very amused by Hisao's over the top reaction to the school and the students' disabilities and pleasantly surprised by the character writing. Didn't particularly care to try other routes though. Presumably just didn't resonate that hard with her.
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>Her route made me feel like shit, pardon my French. I did not experience the feeling of catharsis and awakening that several people appear to describe
PRECISELY! THANK YOU! a remugient torrent of applause is what I can respond to you with because there is undoubtedly nothing cathartic about her route's good ending, let alone the neutral one.
>the main feeling is the heartbreaking awareness of being in love with someone who simply does not exist.
oh God, yes! it's like you've been led on for sport for dozens of hours on end, and now that you're so comfortable and accustomed to your romantic bliss with lilly that it's practically your whole existence, suddenly it all evaporates in a second and you're left agonizing on your own. of course that causes you immense stress, of course it rips your hearts to pieces, what the frick would anyone expect from such a turn of events other than absolute torment? fate's cudgel is potching at us in a manner most ominous. seated at the apse, lilly manifests diachronically. I have been aching sleeplessly for a week, doting over her, tending to her altar. misery is what engulfs you, I and every other pitiable soul wailing on these grounds.
>Yes, there are some Lilly-like girls in the world
but unfortunately we're all human beings and even if life turns out gracious enough to endow you with such a blissful boon, it's never enough. there will be days when you mistreat her, other days she'll act up and taint that diaphanous veil of perfection. life will inevitably prove to us all time and time again that its circumstances act cruelly and leave little room for your dreams to transpire. I don't know what the solution to all of this is honestly; my hope is that we could collectively arrive at a conclusion that would succour all of us in our attempt to harness the turmoil and predicament emerging from our love for the katawas ;_; just know that I'll hang around for a long-long time in this general and I vow to stay by everyone
>Manlly with a cane
Thats some dapper shit right there. The other dudes look good too. Emi dude looks like he can easily deck you if you make fun of him, Shizuman has the whole cocky smartass thing going on and Manako looks like the emo boy i mentioned. This Rin dude is a bit too swole but still accurate.

>As a consequence I feel like porting Hanako and Lilly's relationship straight from female to male might seem a bit strange
I see your point, it has to be a very brotherhood-centric relationship to work a similar way. Maybe have Manako be Manlly's step-brother (?)

With a bit of research you gonna find out that there's a decent amount of female KS fans, even during its hay-day. As for, if KS could affect them the same way it does to guys, i honestly cannot tell. Women think, act and work rather differently than men, especially when it comes to affection.

I guess KS is also designed mostly for the male reader so its harder for a female reader to invest emotionally to the girls. Its less of a KS "issue" and more of a who was this VN made for kind of thing. Regardless there's still girls who are into KS and its characters but are they in the same emotional level? i cant say for sure unless we could tell people's genders in here.
>Almost 12 years later the scar is still there, and it's probably never going anyway.
incredible.. this is just outright inconceivable, yet I can confidently say I know what you're going through. will anything ever help? is there anything at all I can tell you that would make you feel better? probably not. unless you'd want me to recite some of the quotes from the hit flick Silent Night, Deadly Night 2. that's why all I'm left with is telling you how accurately and identically I can feel what you feel. actually I'm sorry I didn't mean to underestimate your feelings because unlike you I haven't been in this state for twelve years, so maybe I have no right to tell you I know where you're coming from. it's such a short line -- you revealing the scar is there after twelve years -- yet it's extremely powerful and profound and puts me on the verge of crying. who's going to take responsibility for the magnitude at which the game shook you up? who will heal your wounds caused by pure love for lilly – an angel that's quite frankly never going to become real, but will endlessly torture you with her motherly tenderness, sympathy and affection? it's not fair! it's not fair it's not supposed to be like this! there has to be a way to release all this pent up decay and entropy and find an outlet for the pain. since when is it okay for a good, and I cannot overemphasize this, a quote-unquote GOOD ending of a character's route to torture you this horribly? what can you do? what will you do? I mean, what even is there to do? will the devs emerge and guide you to the piece of mind you deserve? distracting yourself with other things just so you stop thinking about lilly isn't an option because it doesn't solve the problem it only sweeps it under the rug. but it's no solution! I dunno what to do I don't know how to handle katashou dude
merry saturday to ya squires
>while you've been tempered and possibly tattered and torn over her for over a decade,
Yes, lol

>I wonder how much insight you can offer all of us on this heroic odyssey
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

Jokes aside, it all comes down to whether you are open to the idea of spending your life loving a 2D character (more specifically, your personal interpretation of it) or whether you are looking for a woman who can remind you of her, of course with a heavy load of "if's" and "but's".

This is a very existential topic and it's best to tread carefully and painstakingly separate fact from opinion, so that nobody may misunderstand what you claim or call you unreasonable (or something worse than that).

>and chances are that this general and a handful of people you tell about that will end up being the only ones that know
I hate Reddit and other social networks, and my Twitter account is just for following Jap artists, so yeah, 4chan is one of the few places where I would share such photos.
Occasionally I have showed the altars I post on /a/ to online friends of mine, but it never strikes me as that good of an idea. I don't think you're supposed to be open about your romantic fantasies, otherwise it may easily look like you're seeking external validation to compensate for a lack of internal convinction.

Heh. Did they swap bodies? Would be nice to see what Hanako has turned into as well

This is an entry-level VN, so the occasional outsider can very much be expected to try it out.
I know for instance a number of early millennials and gen X people who have played it (I would assume everyone in this general is either late millennial or zoomer).

Hypothetical female players may be captivated by the cosy atmosphere, the beautiful soundtrack and the essential idea that true love exists, but I wouldn't expect them to develop an attachment comparable to what Lonely Virgin Malesâ„¢ would exhibit, that's for certain
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Nodoka from Negima (2005) might have been a source of inspiration for Hanako, now that I think about it.
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Pain seems to have subsided, and I have some new running shoes to try out.. can't believe I feel excited to wake up early on a sunday
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>I feel like Lilly's tendency to mother people she cares for is a lot rarer in dude, which does not mean it can't stay but it should probably be remarked on.

Just turn her into a classy bishounen AKA knight in shining armour and you're good. A bit like Marcille's type in Dungeon Meshi, but with a solid touch of clean-shaven masculinity, so that he doesn't look like a Griffith clone
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You're more talkative than I am, Anon, you're possibly an aspiring author? I'll try to keep the pace with your long effortposts.

>there is undoubtedly nothing cathartic about her route's good ending, let alone the neutral one.
Maybe it's subjective. This game motivates some and depresses others. Sometimes it motivates you by depressing you first.

It's just that my inner emotional landscape is one dark toxic sludge, so even if this game did its best to stir it up and apply a good dose of disinfectant, it was simply not enough on its own. I'm speaking only for myself here

>it's like you've been led on for sport for dozens of hours on end, and now that you're so comfortable and accustomed to your romantic bliss with lilly that it's practically your whole existence, suddenly it all evaporates in a second and you're left agonizing on your own.
It's a bit like getting drunk or doing drugs, especially on your own (the same way people play this VN normally): temporary high followed by a bitter, rough comedown. At least getting high with friends can be a way to bond, but doing stuff on your own is bound to feel lonely, eventually if not immediately.
And yet in loneliness there's also emotional freedom: the freedom to suffer is also the freedom to interact with your negative feelings on your own terms.

>fate's cudgel is potching at us in a manner most ominous
> misery is what engulfs you, I and every other pitiable soul wailing on these grounds.
So it seems, indeed.

>but unfortunately we're all human beings and even if life turns out gracious enough to endow you with such a blissful boon, it's never enough
I don't know. I think "enough" can exist once you learn to be grateful for what you have. But that doesn't mean you should fool yourself into thinking you already have everything you need and must not dare dream to have more.
I define "greed" as demanding something you don't need, rather than just asking for more.

>there will be days when you mistreat her, other days she'll act up and taint that diaphanous veil of perfection
It is certainly true that you cannot have a perfect relationship in a blatantly imperfect world, because sooner or later the toxicity will seep from outside the walls into your love nest, for certain.

>life will inevitably prove to us all time and time again that its circumstances act cruelly and leave little room for your dreams to transpire
I'd say that is very much possible, unfortunately.

>I don't know what the solution to all of this is honestly
Unironically, if worldly life doesn't smile at you, it makes perfect sense to hope for heaven or another form of better life after death.

>will anything ever help? is there anything at all I can tell you that would make you feel better?

Honestly, I dunno.
It's hard to even tell what you want when nobody can just sit down and explain to you what is achievable (even just in the long run and with lots of effort) and what is but a pipe dream.
They say positive thinking can move mountains, but I don't know how much of that is but a pious lie meant to uplift your morale in the short-term.

>actually I'm sorry I didn't mean to underestimate your feelings
I did not get such an impression, do not worry

>who's going to take responsibility for the magnitude at which the game shook you up?
Possibly myself? My emotions are my own, at the end of the day, I'm supposed to cultivate them with great care. Like a farmer who is not responsible for a flood, but is still expected to contain the damage to the crops as best as they can, if you know what I mean

>It's cool man, I think it's just natural to assume she has one considering she appears as much as any of the other girls, although that's really due to her being Shizune's translator but she's a great character in her own right.
She's one hell of a wing woman, regardless of what you did she still goes out of her way to help you with the other girls, she did kind of do a shitty thing but it's clear that's not who she is, she just made a decision on a broken heart. I'd date her if i was a girl.
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>it's not fair! it's not fair it's not supposed to be like this! there has to be a way to release all this pent up decay and entropy and find an outlet for the pain. since when is it okay for a good, and I cannot overemphasize this, a quote-unquote GOOD ending of a character's route to torture you this horribly?
You're certainly making an excellent point here. I wouldn't say "valid", I'm going for the rank above that.

>what can you do? what will you do? I mean, what even is there to do?
My exact thoughts

>distracting yourself with other things just so you stop thinking about lilly isn't an option because it doesn't solve the problem it only sweeps it under the rug.

True to some degree, but it's also true that nobody should just spend their entire life by focusing on the hole in their heart, you can acknowledge it while also paying attention to other things that deserve your attention. This somehow keeps you functional and level-headed and supposedly prevents your life to end as soon as Young Werther's.

>I dunno what to do I don't know how to handle katashou
I remember back when I was in school and my philosophy professor once lauded a specific film director (don't remember the name) by summarising his films as "Either you don't get them at all, or they will tear your heart out".
A few years later, I finally found an example of the sort of feelings they referred to.

I wonder how many people played it on day one or so, claimed to love it, and then just moved on until the next big thing showed up? To some extent, I envy them, but I am also proud of my emotional pain in a way. Pride is not always a bad thing, and pain teaches you things, even about yourself (you may know less about yourself than you would readily assume)
I also don't like it that Yes' most famous song implies that you either have a lonely heart or a broken heart.
I am fairly sure I have both

NTA but I'd say that you can have suffering without love, but not love without suffering. What do you think?
This turned out very nice, thank you for sharing
This is a good character design. A springy Emi with is a perfect match for having those drills bounce up and down with every step.
I agree, Misha is Hisao's most important companion in the game from the perspective of helping him out romantically/emotionally. She deserves more credit for her constant, selfless, and strenuous efforts to make everyone else at Yamaku happier. I'll give Nurse the nod for keeping him alive physically, and he probably does more emotional work than Misha for Emi's route in particular.
What's the opposite of NTA? But yeah I agree with what you said, I wouldn't date her myself but I'd love to befriend her and help her find someone to love and love her back
>Then you realise the skeleton-in-the-closet detail and the ending inevitably feels a bit different
You mean the latent alcoholism? I know i shouldn't but i find it endearing, it's seems to be the one thing she doesn't normally self restraints with.
No, I don't think there is nothing wrong with her consumption of alcoholic drinks, it's quite normal for 18-year-olds to indulge in that sense, and as long as it is done both socially and in a controlled environment there's hardly an issue.

The problem, as already mentioned, is that she starts dating you, the MC, only after realising that her parents want to summon her to Scotland, supposedly for a long time. Aside from the fact that it makes no sense for her to quit school 8 months before graduation, it shows that she must have seen her relationship with Hisao as nothing but a test run for whatever would have come later in life.
It also doesn't help that she's leaving Hanako behind as well, you know perfectly how much of an issue it is for her to say goodbye to Hanako (as opposed to merely allowing her to make friends with girls other than Lilly).

I do not claim to know what went through Suriko's head, whether this was completely unintentional, completely intentional or something in-between, I just think that having her act in this way only makes if she's later on confronted about it, especially since the whole point of her story is "You need to tell the truth to people you care about. Do not lie, not even by omission".
saturday fun times loving katawa shoujo
Would Manako’s story still end in rape?
If so, who is the one doing the raping?
>Would Manako’s story still end in rape?
>If so, who is the one doing the raping?
Good question, I would imagine it as Manako being over-eager and goofy, and the female MC getting groped by him without a proper build-up to that moment.
She would then start feeling wary around him, suspecting that he may engage in new forms of ungentlemanly behaviour if she lets him too close.

Because ultimately, if the MC is female, the story could be constructed as being more about whether to let someone who may or may not be trustworthy get closer to you, as opposed to you discovering a way to get closer to someone you find attractive.

Just my 2 cents
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You put too much effort into replying to someone who has a rape fetish.
hug lilly and caress her oh God help me
NTA but ITA seems the obvious term
>love her back
Oh I'd love much more than her back
>makes no sense for her to quit school
Her parents have loadsamoney. I'm sure she can transfer into a private school or get a tutor for the last few months to get a Scottish degree. It's not like schooling is super important anyway, since her parents can buy/connect her with a job if anything doesn't work out for her. Or even just fund her independent living, potentially out of guilt for how they treated her earlier.
I agree with you about the route ideas. I genuinely don't understand how Lilly is so popular as a katawa (yes, she is hot as fuck). She is the only one I grew to actually dislike because of what you point out, the story hypocrisy and her cowardice.
>NTA but ITA seems the obvious term
Just making sure

>Oh I'd love much more than her back
Fair.. I wonder if you could see them from her back.

>I genuinely don't understand how Lilly is so popular as a katawa (yes, she is hot as fuck). She is the only one I grew to actually dislike because of what you point out, the story hypocrisy and her cowardice.
Yeah that ending really didn't make sense to me like all it took for her to not leave was him chasing after her and nearly dying? And like you're treated with a good ending for never lying but she's been keeping this big secret from you like ok lol
Still love her though and her route but the ending leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Emi stays on top as best girl.
Forgot to say, NTA but *insert everything I said about Lilly above*
do you love dedicating your cozy and leisurely saturdays to lilly as much as I do?
>Pretty much yeah, her story could be applied to a male with no issue
How would he jerk off?
We're talking about an artist, getting creative is part of the routine.
Obviously he would be dryhumping
So instead of walking out on Hiasao because of a period he has to pee or something?
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Soz, I thought it was a kind of sort of legit question

>Her parents have loadsamoney. I'm sure she can transfer into a private school or get a tutor for the last few months to get a Scottish degree. It's not like schooling is super important anyway, since her parents can buy/connect her with a job if anything doesn't work out for her. Or even just fund her independent living, potentially out of guilt for how they treated her earlier.

Maybe, but how can she possibly go along with this idea? Ms. Common Sense of all people?

>I agree with you about the route ideas. I genuinely don't understand how Lilly is so popular as a katawa (yes, she is hot as fuck). She is the only one I grew to actually dislike because of what you point out, the story hypocrisy and her cowardice.

>Still love her though and her route but the ending leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

100% agree with you both.
I'm a Lillyfag and even I hate her.
Yes, I love her.
But I hate her.
She's my hatefu.
>how can she possibly go along
In her life and half her route endings, she defers to her parents about everything. I'm sure she has an inferiority complex from how they treated her growing up.
>actually look kind of hot and cute here
Whiskey makes men look better, well-known fact
>>493564196 #
>100% agree with you both.
>I'm a Lillyfag and even I hate her.
>Yes, I love her.
>But I hate her.
>She's my hatefu.

Don't think I've seen that opinion here before but I understand the feeling

Also why does Hisao actually look kind of hot and cute here and how and why am I just now noticing this..
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>Soz, I thought it was a kind of sort of legit question
Thats ok, its just that the sheer mention of Hanako's sex scene and/or her route, summons that one anon that keeps fantasizing about her being raped and spamming his favorite word "Subverted"
>Whiskey makes men look better, well-known fact
I did not know that, I need to get some Whiskey
Also fuck I deleted the original post cuz of a formatting mistake but I made another one :( I'm just gonna leave it like that
>literal autistic retard who can't tell sarcasm
Holy fuck what a worthless life you lead
That one mentally ill dev cocksucker is still butting into conversations between actual people? He still hasn't killed himself?
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>i was only pretending
yeah, no...
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apparently, shouting down legit criticism of Hanako's "route" is his only purpose in life now.
report and ignore as usual.
how does rin do that
Through great flexibility all manner of thing are possible, anon.
If you read a post bashing her route for being destroyed by the author, and you somehow drew the conclusion that the person making it actually *liked* the Hanako rape scene in order to fantasize about it, you're an actual fucking retard and need to commit suicide IMMEDIATELY because the oxygen you're breathing is more valuable than your life.
It was in her route she rubs her legs together but it's not very efficient
Wasn't there a pillow in between?
Guys can you stop fighting you're making me upset :c
At least argue civilly! I know I'm asking for a lot on this site but I like this general!

I don't remember that but feel free to fact check for me kek
What if Hanako. And headpats.
what's his handle on discord? or wait do you not mean the dev but a dev a cocksucker?
YES! Let's all rejoice and partake in Paturday and headpat Hanako!
>I'm sure she has an inferiority complex from how they treated her growing up.

I think her inferiority complex is rather related to her blindness.
She simply cannot exist on her own, so she submits to whatever authority appears to be legitimate enough, be it parents or school teachers
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Good morning /ksg/.
Afternoon man, how are you, anything good happen recently?
She doesn't submit to the most qualified authority in the game, M'lady Shizune
shizune sucks and blows I hate people that constantly impose their opinions on others and force others to do something they don't want to
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Bitter rivalry is hard to shake off
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Credit where it's due, I remember checking this general 2 years ago and it seems to have considerably improved since then.
Before it was mostly ultra-bored people discussing making all sorts of sex jokes about the Katawas, now I'm finally seeing once more heartfelt discussion of people's own feelings as they play the game, as well as in-depth analysis of the writing and sharing cute and wholesome art.

Who says good things only grow worse as time goes by?
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Well I usually always work weekends, but for some reason or another i wasn't scheduled today. So I intent to spend the entire Saturday doing nothing in the air conditioning.
don't worry, it;s only downhill from here
katawa shoujo wasn't around in 2009 therefore this image was edited in post (2010)
>ultra-bored people discussing making all sorts of sex jokes about the Katawas
I miss those times
Sounds nice man, hope you're able to enjoy the day off.
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The Act 1 preview was released April of 2009.
I need thus. The exact scenario. Everything about it.
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But what would you be watching?
Probably some slop because I like being locked in when I actually care about a film
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Well I just want you to know that Meiko is the gf in this scenario and Emo is being a terrible person.
What this anon >>493577602 said
ok so probably some stupid romcom to appease my girlfriend
Oyakodon it is then
>sucks and blows
It's only like this now because a bunch of people just played it for the first time. Unless something causes a spike in the future, the situation is as per: >>493575306
Probably because of the steam release. It will go back to normal soon enough.
>sucks and blows
>Unless something causes a spike in the future
no I'm staying here for quite a long time and there's not much one can do to drive me (and others) away >:)
>because of the steam release
nah id known about it for years and discovered the steam release took place only two weeks before I played it after u completed it, but a single look at its contents made me realize how much I would suffer if I touched it (see thre three hundred posts during the past week) so I just had to avoid it sorey..... *stumbles down the stairs mister lahey style*
How does your Katawa react when you tell her you want to try cumming on her face like a porno?
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She'd be up for it
Why are you so afraid of people who understand her better than you?
All of them would probably be up for trying it at least once. Hanako is hard to be certain about, since her sexuality is less explored than the other katawas.
Normally i wouldnt respond because that will only make things worse but i feel like i need to adress this in a civil manner so, im just gonna say this once, leave it at that and hopefully i wont feed the trolls too hard.

The rape argument exists since the game's release and 90% of the time its brought into attention to shitpost. This theory has been debunked by multiple sources many times and if you think the devs are trying to save face, then look no further than the scene itself which describes consent from both sides.

What bothers me is not so much that randos online think its a rape scene, but rather that they jump at the chance to do so every time the scene or anything related to it is brought up, ruining discussion. I dont see this adamant reaction when people bring up other parts of the VN that have a similar "controversial" reputation. Now you probably thinking that waifufaggotry is making me biased but i disagree because i'd be as equally as tired of something similar for any other girl. I do feel for Shizune bros who get all the flak for the quality of her route and while it might be universally agreed upon that her route has flaws, i dont make it my goal to point it out every time i see an anon fawn over a part of Shizune's route.

>If its people shitposting then why this wall of text nerd?
Because i did the mistake of giving in and replying to said post today and just as i predicted, it lowered the quality of the thread, so im hoping this post clears things up and makes people see things from my point of view and hopefully the next time i geek over my Katawa i dont inevitably get "but it was subverted into rape!!!!" and drive discussion into the wrong direction.
Acknowledging subversionposter is how he wins
You samefagging is how I knew to skip your post.
Yeah I've been ignoring him everytime he says that
Dw anon don't let it get to you
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Good choice, I read his autistic wall of slop and all he did was put his hands over his ears and shout "NUH UH NUH UH DEBUNKED DEBUNKED" so it was a waste of time. I guess /ksg/ was right in saying he should kill himself.
I don't even know who I'm samefagging dude I think the subversionposting is funny but anybody who actively wants it to stop should know how
will reply to you in around twelve hours. never ditch this general please =*
the same goes for you my dear confidant you'll get a reply in twelve hours or so
and now you see why you should have ignored the dev cocksucker. give him one chance to talk about his supposed-favorite and all he does is pretend the destruction of hanako's route isn't controversial. all he does is worship authority
I'd live for you
I'd die for you
do what you want me to
I'd cry for you
my tears will show
that I
chat let you go
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man who the fuck is july
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From the author:
>A burnt out child prodigy of a well known artist, July has decided that you are her rival.
I've never tried yuri before but since it was an artsy chick, I decided to attempt playing as Rin.
It's hard to be Rin, I don't even like Pepsi.

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