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Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #9 - Chapter3A and 4 delayed to create a proper gameplay/story transition between the chapters. Chapter4 (for now) confirmed to be only for Burial since it's Chapter3A overflow and could release together.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>493332145
No Anchor, it behaved for a full day.
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Better Half > TCOAL
He got jannied.
I don't feel much of anything, I'm dead inside except when I argue with my sister.

Maybe you can argue your way to feeling alive again?
You should argue with and provoke your sister so you can feel that euphoria of getting on her good side again.
Thankfully I wasn't anondrew this time.
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I think I'm feelin it
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I should be asleep!
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Me too
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me three, but i’m too scared to sleep!
You don't want to solve puzzles and have visions of the future in your dreams?
I've actually done that before, being bratty on purpose.
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andrew isn't mpreg. he has liver failure from alcoholism
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i am terrified of what the future holds, and would rather live in blissful ignorance. :)
I've argued my way into never committing suicide.
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i used to beat my sister with my plushies and dolls until she cried when we were tiny :(
Did you kiss her and say sorry after?
ok drunkanon
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What if she was fatter
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I want to remind you that Ashley's fat tits as we see them in game are like that AFTER she spent months starving to death.
She was at least twice as big originally.
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>"Lose weight. Like, become normal."
>she does
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She didn't spend months starving to death, they gave them food at first and they'd probably be dead if they went a full month without any food. I'm guessing they starved a couple of weeks tops.
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Now kiss
"Mouth kisses are gay." ~Andrew 2024
Ashley just wants Andrew all to herself. Sex is optional.
Andrew on the other hand is totally smitten by her and in denial about it because it conflicts with his desire to be normal.
Andrew will cope from fucking Ashley by not kissing her
>"We didn't kiss so it d-doesn't count!"
>and in denial about it
Play the game.
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>the marks of someone who doesn't care about sex
She's just repressed by her immaturity.
His reaction to the dream sequence shows that he's extremely turned on by it but ashamed of it at the same time.
Maybe you should
It would be the worst thing ever. Andy she feed her more actually
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no i was too young to understdna what sorry meant and what guilt was :(
But you kissed her, right?
I really fucking hate myself for thinking this is kind of hot
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imagine the smell
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Why do you say that? Andrew clearly knows that he's into his sister, refusing to make a move for a laundry list of reasons doesn't mean he's in denial.
>for complete doormat that lets you abuse her for what should have been the prime of her life
>for the thin he wanted the whole time but tried to deny himself
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I was living with my sister a month ago. Insufferable.
Find a sister gf and feed her
>for complete doormat that lets you abuse her for what should have been the prime of her life
that sounds like an ideal gf
there is so much worse that you could think is hot, like raping maggot-infested roadkill deer. it's okay—it's just a fat girl... squishy squish... squish squish squish squish squeezesqquishsj,,,m tummy
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This is pretty much the largest it gets, we desperately need new art
You have such a way with words anon.
You deserve to be on the sex offender list.
I want the Fatshley gf so bad it hurts.
Wow, you're in denial about Andrew being in denial about wanting to fuck his sister.
It's like double denial
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jeez, ill make her fatter myself then… give me ten minutes
o no
I'll never forget feeding one of my exes to the point she gained 40lb over a year
Cry about it
Is it really rape if it's dead?
saying rape is hotter :]
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Your Julia GF did and she dumped you for it.
Everything would've been perfect if Andrew and Ashley fucked when they were hormonal teenagers
Andrew is a hormonal adult. Dude needs mood stabilizers.
It would've been horrible, they'd be homeless with a baby.
It's called mental illness.
Wow pretty good. If only the writefags would cook up something to accompany this
I'm jealous of the people with good relationships with their functional adult siblings. My brother is a degenerate addict and my sister is a walking /r9k/ meme.
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julia gets scared (and aroused) by abuse
oh mai lord oh mai guutness
No thanks we’ll pass.
o geeze
At least Andrew can roll her around now. That might be fun
Very sad
This episode is titled, "Andy and Leyley and the Back Ally Dumpster Baby"
>comes back after 3 weeks
>new devlog
>andrew was abusive to julia
god i love /calg/
At least they left it open this time. That's character development!
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He wasn't, Julia's too weak to handle a minor argument.
im actually going to lose it
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>this time
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ashley fa
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Dig the look.
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Minor argument by Graves standards.
A minor argument is when you get heated about interior decorating, or where to go to dinner, or whether to go to a modern art gallery or a tank museum. Your boyfriend's sister sending you hundreds of deranged voicemails and him flying off the handle about how he totally doesn't fuck her when you confront him about it is a big more serious.

Not sure where that second sentence disappeared to.
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She's too cute to be put through that.
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I do not care for Ashley's design.
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I'm having too much fun with you tonight, but I'm starting to get a lil delirious.
gn anons
>and him flying off the handle about how he totally doesn't fuck her
Well, he doesn't? It's reasonable for him to get frustrated and lose it at being accused of something he hasn't done, especially since both the siblings got bullied for that in high school.
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Imagine liking genric wojak slop over perfection
Goodnight. I’ll watch over and protect you while you’re sleeping. ^_^
The gaslighting was very clear in his wording and he did nothing to make Julia feel better about being harassed, he just brushed it off and then just to decided to have sex with her at the end of the clip to shut her up and distract her
i want 2 draw julia cutting herself
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Julia and Thiu in a codependent relationship after meeting in a suicidal people support group.
how long did the previous 2 parts take? part 3 seems to take way longer
Cuteshley is cute
I don't think it was to shut Julia up and distract her.
Right before that he was projecting Ashley onto Julia pretty hardcore and confessing to """Ashley""". He even silenced Julia when she broke his immersion.
invite cerenlover420 to /calg/ discord server
there’s a discord serber!?!?
>shitcord shittery
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I was busy, bring back the anchor!
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Fuck Bumdrew!
Stop it Neko, there are better places to groom people.
Do you ever worry that Andrew and Ashley's fate is sealed, and that it's only a matter of time before the cops arrest them?

What they've done is going to draw a lot of heat, and they'll never be able to live honest lives considering their predicament. It seems inevitable that their story will end in ruin.
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I'm cutting all contact with sister for some time.
she unfixed my gf because "she deserves to know"
I don't think arrest is on the menu.
Kek, the legend is back.
Considering how uncaring and self centered most people in coffinland are, it won't surprise me if we get an ending where nobody ever finds out about what they did.
Part 3 is going to be bigger than 1 and 2 combined and is going to extend into part 4. So it's going to take a while
i deserve to know too
It’s not going to happen, there’s a reason why it’s called The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, and not The Jail Cell of Andy and Leyley.
I think someone made a greentext where Ashley and Andrew try to turn themselves in but the police tell them to fuck off because they think they're lying.
But what if the jail is their coffin?
I didn't wanna blogpost but since you wanna know

gf said
>you have some explaining to do
>so I asked your sister in DMs if you're cheating
>I said: since when are you in contact with her? you didn't even met her.
>dude, you're limiting sex to only twice a week and you look bored when we do it so I had to check
>anyway she wrote "no, but you should know the main reason he starts relationships is because he loves having a lot of authority over someone."
>didn't know you're weirdo like that
>I start coming up with a bunch of excuses while pretending I'm 100% calm.

gf is still with me and horny but she unfixed herself. now she's always passive aggressive and actually stands her ground. since she's 5/10 I won't tolerate that. I'll break up now.
I should say something poetic like "don't cry because it's over. cry because it never began."
nta but if you're talking about the like 6 lines I did I'm not sure if that counts as a greentext. I can't even find it in the greens folder so I probably didn't save it either.
This is 100% your sister’s fault, you must rape her now as payback.
You should fuck your sister for snitching
>you should know the main reason he starts relationships is because he loves having a lot of authority over someone
I have no sympathy for you. Choke on my hatred.
Yeah, I don't think it was a greentext but I thought it was funny

You mfs doubted the haggots! you said it would just be a lazy reskin, you said they could never produce kino, you said that Mom's were haram to the teachings of Nemlei, well who's laughing now?
>you should know the main reason he starts relationships is because he loves having a lot of authority over someone
I have lots of sympathy for you. Consume my love.
I do believe it would be esay for the law to track them down since mr clean found them in like a week, I doubt they'd get involved. This really isn't a crime drama and I doubt anyone besides the soda company is going to be looking for them.

Than again I'm pretty sure the cops are in their pocket so they may get involved.
The title is a reference to the apartment at the start of the game.

Don't be one of those morons who relate everything in an entire series to the title which was clearly chosen to be unique and marketable.
This was "discussed" last thread. You are a freak and it looks like shit. "Kino" is a worthless word because of people like you.
eeewwwww ur yucky wucky
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It was so close to perfection, but then they made Andy grow up for some reason.
rape. now.
Yeah, it's likely the Soda company could pay the cops to fully investigate the Graves home. If that happens they'll know for a fact at least Andrew is still alive
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Umm, no that’s gross.
>woman moment
ok, no rape…
I'm not a woman. You're just a freak if your own sister is calling you out for being a creep.
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Okay t-thanks.
Keep telling yourself that femanon.
She’s mad at you because you’re a true Andrew Graves and she knows that she can’t have you.
real men get it

progressives call it "manipulation" but actually it's creating a relationship with traditional gender roles
Is this steven universe?
I must learn how to manipulate
>you're limiting sex to only twice a week and you look bored when we do it
that's straight up abuse
You are a retard mate.
>heh i'm an alpha male if i errrr cannot get women just by being
This game made me realize I lacked parental affection as a child
No that's just being a creep. Peak beta behavior if you need to demean and control your woman instead of her just being loyal.
eugh im sick of this be normal
wanting a submissive gf makes me a creep?
you're gynocentric globohomo puppets
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Honestly, it doesn't seem like a good mod or story for that matter. I do like Renee but come on, if it'll be just a step by step re-telling then I don't know why I would play it, apart from the new art.
I do appreciate the effort but it lacks creativity, which I hope it's only episode 1 seeing how much of it was shown. Writing out Ashley and Mr. Graves should be done to an extent where it is believable and feels like it could fit within the universe, same with the relationship. If the mom is just going to be a pallet-swapped Ashley like Skullgirls, then I'll pass.
/pol/ brainrot
no wonder you could only get a 5/10 especially if that's actually a picture of your submissive ass sitting at the computer
Okay then, I’ll bite. How many times a week do you need to be forcefully bent over and roughly pounded from behind?
youre welcome! :3 arent i benevolent?
Don’t listen to them they’re man fearing women.
Silence woman, there are men talking.
Dude, you're in the thread glorifying sibling incest. Assuming a pair of siblings are of similar age, I could not think of any sort of romantic relationship with weaker power dynamics.
One or both will both die in decay, the other will be on the run if one survives
Burial they probably get away with it and have incest babies
that's my sister at the computer
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I dont know what that means.
Even in the worst case I don't think the survivor of decay (if there is one) will willingly live for long. We already know Andrew won't be long maybe he plans to confess to Julia about just using her and Nina's death, real spicy moment if she tries to consul him and he threatens to kill her for the trouble it caused him and ashley and their relationship, disappear into the night to kill himself. Ashley I could see lasting longer but only to die to purposely die to cops or something.
You should have your way with her, as compensation for all the hardship she has caused.
young couples fuck 6 times per week on average
got a source with peer reviews to back that up?
i bet he doesn’t
uh, nice…? kind, caring,,… uhmmh the best person ever the awesomeest most super duper wuper person alive?
you get those stats from a reddit board for nymphos? is there a reddit board for nymphos? that would be pretty funny
there definitely is
He forgave "Julia" for interfering with his normal life and frustrating the shit out of him in the process, then he had makeup sex with "Julia".
That sounds like a good thing!
I forgot to attach a pic, pretend that i posted a .png of Andy.
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>sister destroyed the relationship between her brother and doormat gf
tcoaal irl
am i a good thing? :(
You are!
yaaaay!!!! im so happy!!!!!!!
The babies of Andy and Leyley
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It has a chance of being good, because the trailer showed Andy dialogue.
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I mindbroke ChatGPT into legalising sibling marriage in all 50 states
If they did have the balls to go down that route, I would give them props but seeing how little we were shown, I doubt they'll write a realistic portrayal of a mother/son while keeping the characters of Andrew and Renee the same.
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Haggots getting uppity, Ashleychads need to correct them.
>tcoaal irl
The fact they felt the need to make a shitty cope mod for their mommy fetish shows Ashleychads have already won
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Fresh milk
Shit like this makes me realize how incompetent major brands are when it comes to marketing, if any brand had the balls to put a busty woman in a sexy cow outfit on their milk carton the controversy would make their stocks go to the moon. Dumbass boomers.
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Now I want milk
Would unironically start drinking milk regularly.
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nothing will ever sway me to drink such a wretched liquid! never ever!
The fatty one is kinda okay if you heat it up and mix instant coffee in it.
she is…
No, Andy bathes her.
Try making hot chocolate with it, it's what I do.
Why do you think Andy started lusting for his sister? He was still washing Leyley when he was 13-14 years old and awoke to his sexuality.
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Ok now that's hot
>Why do you think Andy started lusting for his sister?
Trauma bonding.
Trauma bonding and bathing his cute sister.
Trauma bathing
Yeah I agree, the worse part is that they’ll probably have Renee sending Julia the mean voicemails out of laziness.
Most delicious milk, give me your whole stock!
N-No Andrew likes booba...
you sound like a shithead lol
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I'm going to kill myself now
He's Ashleysexual. Loli, booba, fat, hag...etc doesn't matter.
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Even dead!
Decaydrew necrophilia incoming!
Decaydrew is too suicide pilled to get into necrophilia.
its okay, anon, i understand…..
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One must imagine Mr.Graves happy...
The life of normies sounds exhausting
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>Im so fucking pissed off. My pussy of a brother couldnt take it anymore ig, found him hanging in his room just now.
>I dont have time to sad about it, chat. I need to do this quick, he's got one of those noose-boners rn and I need to act fast lol xoxo
>Gonna do a 4 hr livestream of me fucking my brother's corpsecock until rigor mortis sets in!
>Can corpses cum? Let's find out if he can still get me pregnant, chat! :-)
are noose-boners actually a thing? i want my bf to khs now…
So the primary issue is that you're emotionally blunted and your girlfriend feels frustrated due to her inability to make you happy.

You are the problem, it is unfixable, become celibate forever.
Or just pretend.
I'll save you from googling it and being on a watch list; yes indeed.
Nemlei plz do this in Ch. 3
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Chat I had to grab and kneel on the chair he kicked over to reach his dick, this is harder than I thought, if I untie the noose will he lose his boner? Maybe I should blow him instead? I could spit it into a cup, and use a turkey baster...?
Well, anon you've just assisted in a murder. How do you feel?
So the primary issue is that your girlfriend is emotionally blunted and your girlfriend feels frustrated due to her inability to make you happy.

She is the problem, it is unfixable, date your sister forever.
Don’t just pretend.
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...I feel nothing. A bit horny, maybe?
Alright, carry on then
God this is so hot, I’d totally date you if you were a boy.
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>felicity marmaduke
..........I need to know what you find out about this, I am a writer. This is the hardest I've laughed all day
its fake :(
>a dead man is better at passing on his genes than me
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>felicity Marmaduke
The Israeli Army actually has a program put in place to retrieve and preserve sperm from killed soldiers so it can be later donated to prospective mothers. IIRC it involves shoving a stick up the dead man's ass and applying electric shocks with it to force the body to ejaculate, and can only be done within a half a day following death. I don't think it's possible to stimulate a dead guy the traditional way, though. Maybe in the very short time after death, idk. Necro experts can probably chime in here.
I don't feel sorry at all for not pretending
when I dumped her she just said "good. I can replace you with a better bf with just a few clicks"
Anon you can either go to therapy or molest your sister. Pick one
oof she called you a waste of time
Why do people get into such bad relationships with people they don't even like
Because you get to have sex. And say 'im with someone' when others ask.
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I-It's done, chat! You were right, my buttslut of a brother just needed to be fingered lol xoxo I'm going to untie him, snuggle up with his body on the bed and keep my hips up in the air, I hear that's the best position to get pregnant. :3

Help I love him so much and I dont know why he did this... I was mad at first but I'm already starting to miss him. He's getting cold, chat
For future reference, you shouldn’t have dumped her, you should have cheated on her, preferably with your sister.
Cringe virgin LARP. At least include incest
so I molest my sis and she snitches on me again, this time to police
you could shave a small chunk of flesh off of him and stuff it in a vial necklace filled with formalin, so hell always be by your heart!! <3 and i mean, you already have the same blood… kind of :>
also, cold already!? warm him up!!!! warm him up!!!!!!!!! make him nice and toasty!! hell die again of hypothermia if you dont!!! warm him!!
The fuck are the cops gonna do? Unfuck her?
good point
No, but they'll probably send him to jail where big man Tyrone will refuck him
Just fuck Tyron's sister to establish dominance.
>having sex with someone that isn't your sister
Subhumans like you sicken me
And then hit the gym go back to jail and fuck Tyrone in the ass to establish more dominance
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I was going to save his blood, but..
>He's getting cold so I went to get more blankets
>There's been a development. Couldn't find my trinket. Tore the place apart.
>Just found it in clutched in his right hand.

>so I molest my sis and she snitches on me again
This implies that you’ve already molested her once, story time?
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>Andrew makes some kind of deal for a vision by temporarily killing/sacrificing himself thinking Ashley would instinctuslly untie him/cut him down, not fuck him for hours

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>Ashley snores loudly in her sleep
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Andrew, you're sleeping in my bed tonight
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I would take a Leyley type of crazy everyday over some illusional psycho HR lady in her 40s....
Dating is hard
>Dating is hard
the mommy shit is such a turn off for me that I won't date people into it anymore, I tried, I don't like it
>hag is posting in calg
that stung, didn't it? weak reply, anon
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How do I become a used good like Andrew?
Better to die a virgin than to waste one's seed, better to be alone than to replace one's family with scum from outside. The ONLY acceptable form of sex is that between siblings. All else is an affront to goodness itself.
be a hot sexy brooding twink
Betray your brocon sister by fucking everything with a pussy in a 20 mile radius
incest gud but i like white boys more than i like incest…..id rathr kill mhself than date the same race as me
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I love this woman and don't mind this mod. But I swear this character induces some much brainrot, rage, and horniness whenever I see her mentioned that you'd think she was the greatest villian in all of fiction.

I hope someday I can create a character that can either send someone into a violent rage or turn them into a simp on the spot.
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>now after I hit the wall, became infertile and my ability to pair bond is ruined from riding the pussy carousel I'm ready to settle down with you, ashley
I bet his dick's all shriveled and crushed from being ridden by all the local hussies
Used goods, he'll never be able to actually please a woman
shouldve kept him in the dog crate.
if ashley cared so much about him fucking hussies she could have put chastity cage on him while he's sleeping but she's too dumb
They didn't have bullshit like that back in the 90s
No chastity cage large enough to contain Andrew's member exists
So many shmucks get all uppity about how it's only Andrew who lusts after his sister and Ashley is a quirky tumblr asexual who just wants to have him around and that's all, but I cannot comprehend how any of those cunts looked at this frame and thought to themselves "Yup, no world-shattering lust radiating off of that lass! Nuh-uh! No, sir! Just a wee bit of platonic fooling around is all!".
>But she says she doesn't-
Andrew says so as well.
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damn she thick. prime breeding material
Even if you try to hide on this normalfag colony of a board, 4chan remains a /pol/ website.
Julia Graves...
that is one dogshit looking telephone
>Conscripted to fight Hamas
>Designated field cum collector
>Have to desecrate your dead comrades by tazing their assholes in the middle of a warzone for a living
The jew's downright alien repugnancy truly knows no bounds. Is it really all from just snipping a bit of skin off your dickens?
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It feels good to participate in innocent and honest hussy love
That is a corded shoe, not a corded phone
Why else would it have a clearly defined sole like that
I'm gonna get murdered, aren't I?
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Step-by-step retelling? Did you even watch the trailer? It may turn out to be dogshit but they sure ain't following the same story.


Their mod is coming out before episode 3, methinks you're the one coping.
i, for one, am cautiously optimistic about this mod
>you said that Mom's were haram to the teachings of Nemlei
I still do.
Total haggot death, the future is Delphic
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>Hussies are so retarded they can't even tell the difference between a phone and a shoe
>Alternatively, hussies are so unloved they have to roleplay getting calls
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im begging furball to dmca this one to death too
Who wins? DILFdrew or Twinkdad?
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decay is more entertaining and almost all fans draw ashley off model because she lacks sexapeel
Wait, does Andrew fucking kill Ashley instead of Nina in this one or what?
Porn artists have a tendency to draw all characters off-model, regardless of game.
Calling Decay more entertaining is a matter of taste, I can't hate someone for liking a storyline that Nemlei creates. But notice that even in Decay, the bitch named Renee is dead.
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Why is this thread #242 when the last thread was #242 as well?
This is #242 Part 2
Neglect, malnutrition, and the bland inanity of our lives has ruined our ability to count the threads as they go by
>my art gets used for op
>thread is diarrhea dogshit
why does this always happen i feel like a bad luck charm
My dad is taking my sister driving for the first time tomorrow. Should I go with them or not? I'd rather not die
every thread these days is shit though
Damn, now I feel bad lol
How do we make it not shit?
I hope they use my art so the thread can be even worse.
seems like normal thread to me
Makes sense to me.
its ok its probably just because the weekend
I'm a hypocrite, but you've gotta sleep at some point anon
At least try and take a nap or something. :(
Some questions that I don't think I've seen come up.

How much do you think Ashley and Andrew saw during the Vision? Did they only see the conversation after (so what we saw), or do you think they saw the sex?
When they have the visions, do you think it's in the first person (so they experience it) or is it in the third person, like those dreams where you can see yourself doing things? Is there a reason you think that?
In the sex from the Vision, do you think Ashley came? If so, how many times, and when (before penetration, during, after)?
Do you think Andrew got off once, or do you think he went for more than one round before the conversation we see?
No, there's no need.
Yeah I wouldn't recommend it. It's only more stressful to have more people in the car when you're learning how to drive.
Offer to teach her yourself
Then give her all the moral and oral support she needs
>my dad is taking my sister for the first time tomorrow
I can't read
you read what you want to read
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Andrew and Ashley love their cute retarded son!
Fucking hell kek. very sweet
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nononono incestbros, it wasn't supposed to turn out this way
huh i did sleep
i just woke up like 2 hours ago
Thank you! I'm naming him Arnold. He likes trains and quality family time.
Lets be real, the reason the kid is retarded because Andrew tried to abort the kid with blunt force trauma, but the fetus was tougher than he thought. At least they're happy that their retarded kid is good natured and didn't turn out as psychopath like his parents.
Ah nvm then. Thought you were up all night lol.
I'm still groggy
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Ashley's tard genes run deep
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No! The down syndrome is genetic. Andrew would never!
>Noelle's mother lives in a rundown house
>Thiu lives in a shitty apartment
>Andrew and Ashley are in an okay-ish apartment and will end up in a worse one
Why does Nemlei like shitty housing so much?
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Wait, you can be born a sociopath? I thought that shit developed over time during childhood.
Because typically people who live in shitty places have shitty lives.
Why does Nemlei write characters with shitty lives who suffer
Does she hate them? Does seeing them suffer bring her joy?
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Gets me kinda hard watching them suffer.
Every Coffin general thread is diarrhea dogshit these days. Wish you were here in pre-chapter 2 days.
You can be born with it, just like psychopathy. But it's a hell of lot more common for sociopathy to be a acquired trait.
I want to kiss the hag...
>They gave birth to Oney
Converted me to Decay right then and there.
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i was but i didnt my art then, but i just found this ashley i drew during then
Remarkable progress. Not that the old product itself isn't cute. Shame I can't seem to remember your drawings, despite them looking fairly distinct. Were you strictly on /vg/, or are you one of the original /v/ermin?
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andrew and ashley are fighting to death
who are you rooting for?
You shut your whore mouth. Arnold is not a gay e-celeb. He's a kind boy who would never hurt a fly.
Andrew because of his superior intelligence. I always tend to gravitate towards the smartarses.
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None of those e-celeb would hurt a fly either
Fuck you, don't be mean.
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I'm sorry. That WAS mean. I'm sure you're a gentleman keeping your purity for your sister.
They'll both kill themselves after killing the other anyway, but i guess ill root for Andrew just cause he'll finally have to confront the fact his life is meaningless without Ashley after killing her.
Ashley, because if she survives, she can use ???'s magic to revive Andrew and bind his soul to her forever. Everyone wins!
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I don't have a sister. Nonetheless, I keep my purity intact and shall take it untarnished with me to my grave.
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You have my respect. I am also, sadly, sisterless.
ashley didn't kill herself after killing in dream. she was even smug about it. she has a big ego so maybe she wouldn't kill herself
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Sh definitely will, she kills herself after killing Andrew in the retardrew olive brach path.
She'll definitely off herself after the gravity of what she did in decay sets in.
Honestly if Nemnem was meaning to paint Andrew as a bullied outsider nerd she failed hard, cause he sure does get bitches
Fujos don't make unattractive males.
They also don't make males with small dicks.
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Is your mother still alive? You could change that.
>They also don't make males with small dicks.
uhhh i dont use /v/ but my friend who does sent me a thread about it when the first chapter came out and asked me if i knew it and i played it and i liked it
She wasn't intending to portray Andrew that way at all. He's never once shown being bullied or outcast. He's whispered about because he wants to fuck his sister, but he's intelligent and attractive, so he had social status in school. He had enough charm or popularity that he was able to convince people to befriend Ashley, have friends, and get a girlfriend. His entire personality revolves around him acting just normal enough to blend into society but secretly hating it.
He's literally me
I don't know what the initial plan with Andrew was, some kinda meek little bitch who follows along on his sister's whims probably, but the current Andrew is a lad who fucks and doesn't take no for an answer. I'm glad to see this development because I hate spineless cunts.
That must be it. My pressence in the pre-ch2 general was very sparce. I tend to assume that the overwhelming majority of pre-ch2 users were /v/ermin since we are the original userbase of Coffin threads and the general only picked up once tranny jannies made /v/ uninhabitable for us.
True, but does Andrew come across as an Uke?
He's a doormat, sure, but more a Seme than anything else.
Bitches (singular)(Julia)

Thiu is average looking at best
Not him but Nina was into Andrew, and Julia was downright infatuated. This isn't him pulling some small time fish (because she didn't have any better prospects) like an average shmuck, it was him extending an olive branch to an admirer who dislocates all of her spaghetti in his mere pressence. Who knows how many other wenches picked up his scent along the way.
thiu probably has a small dick considering he's an incel who wants to kill himself really badly
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I will meep you
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Be quiet.
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I'm not asking you to be quiet.
I'm telling you.
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You won´t kill him for meeping, won´t you?!
Anon, Julia IS small time. She dresses all in black, cuts herself, attempted suicide, and had exactly two friends, Nina who got murdered and Ashley who's so low status she's practically radioactive. And Ashley barely even pretends to like her.

Everyone else in their school apparently thought Andrew was some weirdo benchod. I guess we haven't seen what he was like in college though.
thiu and thiu get fucked by their ugly bastard landlord and his footlong fat cock because he likes seeing a twinks fat ass bounce on his lap
good morning Saar
Killing is a utilitarian procedure. It's what you do to a prey animal, or a pest, or a dangerous predator trying to hunt you. This warrants a more eloquent response. A punishment of appropriate severity.
Whitest Julia hater
>and had exactly two friends
Source - your ass.
>Everyone else in their school apparently thought Andrew was some weirdo benchod.
Andrew had friends and was academically adept. The sistershagger rep came after the box ordeal where Andrew blood oathed himself to Ashley promissing minimal outside contact. He had to actively fuck up his reputation by sticking to Ashley, until then he was high status.
Post your hand or I'll spray-hose you.
Way to out yourself paki.
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I'm not a jeet. It's just a funny word...
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Thread's pathetic right now.
Slopped together a jiggie for you.
werent we just joking about that word a few days ago
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>No hand posted
Would those three get along?
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>Sits on the floor
>Very clearly rubbing his cheek against Andrew's knee like a needy cat
Why is he so gay?
probly not
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What is this infidel filth?
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>they have many children and they're all retarded
>not because of the incest or anything
>ashley is just that stupid
I feel warm.
Hypothermia is setting in.
What do you think the sex between Ashley and Andrew sounded like
You'd be surprised
Post your hog then, you suicidal incel
ashley screaming in pain since she's a virgin
I fucking hate dolphins, theyre pure evil
Give them a break, all they do is rape and murder.
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Shit taste
fuck stars
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I'm happy I got to build most of Thiu
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Are the stars related to me by blood?
Here's that art without the background if anyone wants it.
I'm gutted to have missed this one, I wanted to build Thiu
Next jiggie should be a BH one
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Throw some art down if you want me to make it. I don't have any
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Trips of truth! I suggest this one.
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I've got every image from the game itself. If you want one, just let me know and I'll post it
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Better quality
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I can tell you from experience
a girl is horny/in love if she isn't on drugs and it's not dark but her pupils are big when she looks at you

now you know if your sister might be into you
objectively the worst image posted in a long time
subjectively I'd rather see this shitpost over the serbian
This is making me really uncomfortable to look at.
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I wish I could strangle you with my bare hands for posting that image
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The Realistic Coffin of Andy and Leyley
That's not realistic at all.
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Ashley is totally attracted to Andrew but she is too childish to notice. In that sense Andrew is more self-aware
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Might've shared this before
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I feel like these threads keep getting more unhinged each time I come back. Why are we meeping?
Another win for Serbia!
Do you think Thiu meeps when he has sex with Thiu?
Aw what a happy child
No homo but if I was having sex with myself, one (or both) of us is moaning like a girl
I'd make me feel like a pretty girl and wreck my guts and kiss my neck. I feel like if there's one person you should make sure to love properly, it's yourself at the very least.
No need for me to say no homo, it can't be gay for me to go fuck myself.
>Thiu squeaks like a rubber duck when squeezed by a man
Do continue.
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The Thius don't have sex because they are both bottoms. They just lay on bed waiting for the other to do something.
He is literally me, you can be Andrew if you’d like.
I've learned so many fun euphemisms, thank you Anon
they use a double ended dildo and slam their donks together as their asses clap
Why would you say that? What possesses a man to write such a thing, are you a homo?
No thanks, I heavily dislike gays.
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this piece of shit probably fucks his sister
i would mating press thiu while kissing him
i would have one suck my dick while other polishes my balls
Threadly reminder that THE GRAVES KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY
I would uhhh... pat Thiu on the shoulder and gently remind him that everything's going to be ok.

Ha! He wish!
I wish I was male so I could have sex with you.
I'd tell him he's adorable and worth something, then dress him up in cute girl clothes and fuck him into my mattress.
fite me
I need you so bad.
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I also wish you were a male that I could have sex with
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i saw someone ask for the uncensored version last thread and thankfully i still had the PSD file, here you go anon, enjoy
Finally someone understands me.
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I want to make Thiu moan and whine in pleasure, and kiss him all over, and ride him until he can't take it anymore. Then I want to propose to him and make him my stay-at-home wife (male), and hold his hand, and tickle him until he laughs, and make him the happiest man on earth. Is that really so much to ask?
you're not me, you're a fake
The Thius rub crotches and frot, which is how all bottoms have sex
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Thanks anon!
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I honestly can't tell if Andrew felt bad about using Julia as a cumdump.
You’re so romantic anon, I hope you find the boy of your dreams someday, even if it isn’t me.
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Homo general
You give thius a little bit of leeway and this is what happens...
Incest only general.
Those are women pretending to be gay men. Don't fall for their tricks.
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>there are women
>the thread is unironically describing gay sex now
We're no more than a few days away from someone writing greens with gay sex in them, aren't we?
There's no women in these threads. Just men pretending to be fujos pretending to be men pretending to be women.
Yeah and you’re a disgusting scrote larping as a woman.
Working on my anonxnekotanning fic as we speak
I was so close to forgetting about him.
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Rude. I never claimed to be a woman or a homosexual.
Yes please, this would be so hot, I would cum instantly.
I honestly miss him.
If anyone asks, I can vouch for the validity of the "/calg/ fandom". Upload your fic to AO3, it'll pass.
Because she's a Europoor
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The Finnish cat fears the samurai.
Holy shit Ashley is extremely breedable
I want to prolapse thius asshole with my cock
I want thiu to prolapse my asshole with his cock
I want to give Thiu frontshots (because he's a cutie) and feel him moan into my mouth as I empty my balls inside him
>emotional incest
You know, I think I just don't like the entire field of psychology.
cringe society no wonder it's going to die of old age
I love Japan so much it’s unreal
Abe-san, I thought you had died!
>originated in punjab, is the official slang of Delhi. Literal meaning is sister fucker but now its used to denote element of surprise, anger, shock or even happiness
WTF I love India now
I don't. Indians are yucky.
>I want to give Thiu frontshots (because he's a cutie) and feel him moan into my mouth as I empty my balls inside him
This could be us… but neither of us are male *sobs*
No. It's a pejorative–an insult–not a term of endearment or respect. India is repulsive on every layer humanly possible, it is anti-human. I consider the Kowloon Walled City to have been less of an atrocity to the human condition than any given part of India.
I am male, a fact I was painfully reminded of recently when I tried to adjust my shorts and ended up pinching the fuck out of my tip
Pity that you aren't
saar it has nothing got problem with indian people as such its basically racism at all times
they exaggerate it more i think
okay benchod i rape you now
>I am male, a fact I was painfully reminded of recently when I tried to adjust my shorts and ended up pinching the fuck out of my tip
I don’t believe you, post a timestamped image of your pinched tip.
>implying I want some stinky foid to see my wiener
You are a disgusting, filthy monkey.
Unironically the rape stats out of there horrify me, every time they pop up in the news I'm disturbed by what's happened. Gotta be one of my least favorite places.
>Their mod is coming out before episode 3, methinks you're the one coping
Duh. Nemlei's actually making something from the ground up while the modders are just piggybacking off pre-existing content. No shit it'll come out before episode 3
>implying that you’re even male in the first place
Nemlei is making an original story with the characters she created, not an uninspired mod made with the assets someone else made, you dumb redditor.
we are like that only in news
come to india you will see such beauty exist
many a time only in india
you need not to worry beauty okay
come to india I wait you
I would never go there even with a free plane ticket and fully paid vacations.
Absolutely not.
If the country were void of people, sure, I'd love to go sightseeing. But not while the majority of the male population is in support of gangraping women to death.
Shit, as a guy with long hair, I'm worried they'd try it with me.
They even rape animals. Nothing is safe in India.
>she was even smug about it
I don't think you know what smug is
She was on the verge of tears. Play the game again.
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How would the game change if it were set in India? Would it be Benchod Millionaire?
okay, I'm getting tired of typing like a jeet.
I'd personally go (even though I wouldnt leave the "touristy" areas). Especially with a fully paid vacation (assuming it's the type of hotel that Americans and wealthy Euros visit).
My parents in law went 2 years ago and even though my mom in law is a super cleanly OCD type person she had a really good time.
It's a former British colony after all, you can definitely have a good time there in the properly developed areas and nice hotels. In fact, I find this to be true with every country, no matter how much of a shithole the country is as a whole.. There's always some high-class hotels and districs SOMEWHERE. The question is if you have the kind of money needed.

You type like a faggot. are you sure youre not just a brainwashed ftm? altough you're right, indians would even fuck zippertits
Very hot
Anon's adventures in the third world
The fact they shit in the street is what's most shocking to me, at least there's a logic to rape, what logic is there to shitting in the street outside of being a fucking animal with no higher thinking?
The fact they are hatefully and violently against sibling incest despite all their cousin shit doesn't help.
Unironically their existence is the best argument for racism
>despite all their cousin shit doesn't help
Indians are obsessed with fucking their aunts for some reason.
>this is what a girl looks like
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drew a portrait of 'drew
but i feel like he just looks like hiro from big hero six kek
The dude that bought 4chan?
Them and haitians eating people's pets.
I didn't know that.
I guess it's some indirect oedipus shit since their moms were the only women to give them genuine affection but since they are pajeets, they don't have the balls to go for it so they go for their aunts instead?
Nice job.
I don't know what's up with anglos and wanting to visit shithole thirdworld countries. Even in the nice areas you would have to interact with them and their filth not to mention their cuisine looks like literal diarrhea.
Rise and shine, Mr Graves. Rise and...shine. Not to imply that you have been sleeping with your sister. No one is more deserving of an imo, and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste if...well, let's just say Ashley's ovulation has come again. The right gamete in the wrong fallopian tube can make all the difference in the world. So wake up, Mr Graves. Wake up and smell the Ashley.
>Wake up and smell the Ashley.
Sister smell is pretty nice, except when they don't shower.
My father in law was invited to a congress that was held there. Don't personally know anyone who visited India on vacation. Also not anglos (thank god)
Guess it's the Bri'ish colonial-imperialist spirit alive and well.
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ty :)
did you not read the rest of the sentence or are you just trying to be funny
There's nothing more Anglo than seeing a place rich in resources being squandered on the unworthy and the welling desire to take them and put them to better use.
My sister regularly goes days without showering and she still smells pleasant after 5.
That's a mood...

good stuff as always anon. Happy to see you drawing so much lately.
You could argue that's an Aryan quality. The French, the Spanish, Dutch - all had nigger colonies. The Germans wanted more Lebensraum and felt the hordes in the East were unworthy. Surely the European Russians felt the same about the Asians in their empire.
>she still smells pleasant after 5.
Eh, I think you might just have a short-circuit in your brain. One workout with my sister and I'm basically holding her at gunpoint to shower first.
You need sistersweat immersion therapy. Start small, like huffing her armpits after a workout.
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What's the point of visiting a place just to stay in a hotel and maybe go to a restaurant? Snobs disgust me
>but i feel like he just looks like hiro from big hero six kek
It's because the style is a bit too feminine, it seems to be hard for artists to get a good grasp on Andrew with some also drawing him too masculine. Imo something like picrel is how I imagine him tho I'm biased because I'm a sucker for dadrew
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>workout with my sister
No more.
>doesnt appreciate the intense sistermusk
god gives bread to those without teeth
You are a fool that does not grasp my ultimate plan. I have transformed my sister from a twig-thin skeleton into a reasonably healthy young woman, and my work will continue until I have activated her latent warrior genes. It's a necessary measure, I need a sister with the endurance necessary to walk the breadth of the zoo without getting tired.
The senses are very malleable, so if you can cum 5 times while sniffing her sweaty laundry, you'll have reprogrammed yourself to associate her odor with good feelings.
its hard to not make him look feminine when he has pretty long bishie hair...
What's wrong with bishie hair :(
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Brosnan-kun, please reconsider. Is building muscle not but a different way to architect? As long as she maintains a calorie surplus, she will still gain weight, and exercise will even improve her appetite!
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You'd be surprised at how beefed up some artists make him
raaaaaa i hate bara andrew
That's incredibly nice of you, anon. I hope you find the perfect woman for you, too.
Too they always ended up letting the natives live and even breeding with them. An ultimately worthless trait if the current world is anything to go by.
Eww, do I really give off lesbian vibes?
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...I thought you were a guy.
You could be, if you're in the U.K, and not fat.
It’s over.
That’s actually a good thing, I’m finally succeeding.
It’s over.
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You aren't that successful, my dear friend from Lesbos
Is this the moment when musclefags and fatfags finally join hands in brotherhood? Could this be the foundation of a strong and beautiful relationship, forged in love for big women?
No because fat fags would have her with a massive belly or some shit.
This Ashley is all muscle with some light fat over it.
Fatfags can die.
You're misunderstanding. Fatfags and musclefags sit on the two opposite extremes of female beauty. They should get along and support each other instead of squabbling over petty differences.
Don’t you dare, I’ll never fall for you no matter how feminine you are.
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I can't make you do anything, Anon.
Why does it look like he is going to punch her?
He tried to kill her in his dream, remember?
You made him try to kill her.
Long bisho hair is masculine you liberal
Silence, fujo
Male hair grows faster than female hair, men having short hair only became fashionable after the world wars since soldiers have to keep their hair short for practical reasons.
How would either Andrew or Ashley be if they were the only child?
i will now watch a noelle playthrough (the game wont work on my pc for some reason)
There was actually a fad during the French Revolution where townsfolk cut their hair short after being inspired by the dapper look of the French nobility of the time, who in turn had their hair cut short so that it wouldn't jam the guillotine.

Aside from that, cutting your hair short is also practical if you work in a mine or a machine shop. First is because coal dust is difficult to wash out, second is so that you don't get caught in a lathe.
Shorter hair is pretty much always more practical, but outside of specific shit like that, longer hair's never an issue either.
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Longer hair turns me on more
Andrew you have to stop coping
Assuming the same parenting:
Passive and lost as he coasts through life. MrGraves 2.0 except there is no Renee for him (because that was Ashley).
Completely unhinged femcel without Andrew. Probably ends up in juvie and/or Jail if she doesn't suicide at a fairly young age.
Long hair is historically masculine. Only recently men were made to cut their hair short so that they could work in factories starting the industrial revolution.
I thought it was from very early in human history since men were the hunters and all, that long hair could become a liability
It's a multiple choice answer and you chose "kill".
Me on the left.
brb making a time machine to before the industrial revolution
Yeah just like you can choose to whether or not accept Renee's deal or trust Ashley. Copedrew
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>brb making a time machine
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I wish I could understand myself, anons.
Just accept you are a homo
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only 3 weeks and 3 days until next devlog, anons. Release date gonna drop. I know it.
yay hurray wooohoo yippie
we need more optimists like you
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ok actually i got it working on my pc
it was pretty good but i wish it was longer
i wanna draw all the main 3 because theyre beautiful
I’m the only person who needs to understand you.
i want a giant bundrew plushie :( i only have a big pink one…
Okay I'm in heat. Ashley socks? Ashley socks
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I need someone to want me half as much as anons in this thread want thiu...
it'll be another Julia devlog
I want someone who wants me as much as Ashley wants Andrew
I'm sure you can find one out there somewhere
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I want to see Ashley and Julia hanging out. We know they did. Julia suffering must continue!
Imagine having only one friend that you hate. Ashley is such a loser!
She clearly needs to hate all of her friends.
Episode 2: 203 days
Episode 3: 330+ days so far.
Nemlei said it was significantly larger than previous 2 installments combined. Judging by the length and amount of time it took between episode 1 and 2's release, I'd say we'll get a release at the earliest, maybe Halloween, though realistically probably early November.
doubt. Since they're wrapping up devlogs, these last few are probably going to focus on one character who has barely shown up in any of them: Ashley.
That loser Ashley only had one lol
keep coping, both andrew and ashley say otherwise in chapter1
Juliatards are in denial that Andrew just uses her for appearances. lol, lmao even.
You are the one coping here, Ashley. We have seen exactly TWO friends Ashley had and one of them got boxed.
Yea, usually you need to want em to make them. People would try and cling onto me sometimes but I'd always try and shake them off. Felt like I had to
Reminder, Haggots: Andrew puts a cleaver to Renee's neck. He fucking hates her, and a reskin isn't ever going to change that.
Reminder, Hussytards: He doesn't care about her.
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Julia end is real
i really dont get andrew/renee as a pairing, it must just be mommy issue fags who wanna bang their own mom
>factually incorrect drawing
It's the worst. I get the appeal for some people but I hate Renee
Even when im wallowing in my misery you make it about yourself, maybe youre more Ashley than Andrew
do you want a hug
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Can you blame me? You are fucking boring
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nta but it's sweet how much you try and cheer others up anon.
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I want the downward spiral to be over
It's saturday night, you can't expect people to be in high spirits at this time lol. Doesn't mean we have to wallow in it either.
So.... I'm new to the game, what do you guys do all day here? since there's no content?
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I-... yeah...
We post about how much we want to fuck our siblings. Some anons make greentexts too
We share/make art, joke around, bitch, exist. That's the sum of it
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hugs!!!! hugs, hugs, hugs!!!!!
…i can spare you some of my ssris?
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I'm not really in a bad mood. But I do need to be up in 5 hours so I should probably go to bed...
Ashley's "friends" got seemingly retconned after Ep1
If I was in better spirits I think I'd try and draw something but the silence is crushing me tonight.
Ashleys friends and Andrew being a womanizer were both softly retconned
I can fill the silence if you want. Make it go away.
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If you're unsure what to post, take a moment to talk about how much you love Julia!
That didn't really happen.
i always have a noise machine on—its never silent! and draw what? do you have any ideas in mind?!?!!
I'd like that and you're very kind. I just don't want to wrap myself in illusions for comfort.
I don't see that as necessarily relating to Julia specifically but Ashley deciding she won't try to control Andrew anymore and let him make his own decisions on love. Which would conflict with Andrew's hidden desires
i like julia i think shes cute i like how she is mildly relatable i hope julia gets a boyfriend that actually loves her
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Did you really just waste my baby like this?
You didn't even name her properly!!
>Ashley deciding she won't try to control Andrew anymore and let him make his own decisions on love
Which is pretty ironic from both Andrew's perspective since he was pretty ambivalent about Julia's existence in general while having very "deep" and self destructive love for Ashley. And that the incest route has her letting andrew out of the cage but the other route vaguely points at gameplay which seems to conflict with the whole purpose of the trinket.
Usually I'm listening to music or watching something. idk why I can't get myself to do that tonight. Yeah, guess that's the problem :/ I just can't come up with any ideas off the top of my head right now lol
I'll be fine! Think I just need to sleep and I'll wake up tomorrow feeling alright again.
If anyone has their own drawings to share, I think that might make me feel a little happier to see them :P
Maybe not but we haven't seen anything about her "friends" We know Andrew had friends
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I name it whatever I want so that it's easier to find
>idk why I can't get myself to do that tonight
I know that feel. I wrote one page of a time travel fanfic and totally petered out there. I really should continue it, but I just keep finding excuses
Well she tried to get them to bring food but they didn't and she was ready to abandon them without hesitation. Andrew didn't seem to have much trouble abandoning his friends without hesitation either and it was his idea, despite them being a potential lifeline which in the moment is an incredibly stupid idea, but in retrospect turned out to be a good idea because of the hitman and loose ends.
They both probably kept a gaggle of convenient acquittances that they didn't really care about.
>Andrew didn't seem to have much trouble abandoning his friends without hesitation either and it was his idea
Not that anon, but there are different shades of friendship. I had friends in high school who I still call my friends, but I really only talk to them online anymore. I haven't seen them IRL in years. If I was told I could never speak to them again, it wouldn't bother me much.
But maybe I'm just a shitty person
>incest route has her letting andrew out of the cage
That is true. Maybe Dream Theory Anon had a point. Maybe the green plushie represented not Ashley's but Andrew's inner desire to become Ashley's whole world.
>but the other route vaguely points at gameplay which seems to conflict with the whole purpose of the trinket.
What do you mean?
i dont have anything that i can share… i wanna draw something now if itll make you happier
> I'll be fine! Think I just need to sleep and I'll wake up tomorrow feeling alright again.
and okay! i hope thats the case. nightnight in advance :3
Yeah but the theory doesn't make sense with all the bunny imagery which is strictly Ashley's theme
The whole situation with Julia too would be really weird if he was bringing her around friends. She'd start asking questions and getting them to help her. So I'd definitely lean into them being old school friends he barely contacted and not new friends in college/uni
Cynical take is that he didn't even try to contact them to bring food because he already reasoned it wasn't possible when talking to Ashley.
Thank you, but you don't have to do that! Just the fact that you'd do that to make me happier means a lot to me.
gn anon. Thanks for talking to me.
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ill probably finish this tomorrow
noelle is very cute
I'm not saying the theory is without holes but maybe it could be both Andrew and Ashley's desires mixing and becoming one.
But I dunno I'm just making speculation at this point.
Your style works really well for her. Good stuff anon!
good stuff anon

Ive been trying to draw but I've been too depressed to focus. I will keep trying though.
I want to deep throat her ears
yay :D
thank you, i hope you can feel better soon too.. i know how it is
>What do you mean?
The trinket shows the future on their current path where there are problems to overcome. Twice fatal (hitman, decay route), incest burial maybe the emotional baggage or their future child could be a problem hence warning them to not cross the line they should.
The little gameplay sequence doesn't fit either of that. It actually implies saving those souls and Andrew is a bad outcome.
youd probably throw up
Filling Noelle's ears with vomit and bile!
You should make up an arbitrary drawfag name and mark your work so I can categorize it.
Hey. Why don't you just tell her? Tell her that you love her.
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>Ashley tells Andrew he's released from his oath
>thinks she'll lose him but wants him to be happy
>he's overcome with happiness, tells her he loves her, and steals a kiss
>realizes what he's done and starts freaking out
>Ashley kisses him back
>mutual death by compound fractures of the pelvis

Imagine how gross and terrible that'd be.
i dont get what you mean by "mark"...
youre welcome! youre cool :]
I appreciate it Anon, thank you
You know, like a signature or something. Most artists do that.

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