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Last thread: >>493237730
OP template and News Archive: https://rentry.org/-hbg-archive

3DS: all
Switch: HW exploit (old v1 units): all; SW exploit (new & old units): 4.1.0; Modchip (v2 "Red Box" & Lite & OLED): all
Wii U: all
Vita: all
PS5: 4.03-4.51 (PS4 fpkg) / 7.61 (BD-JB) / 4.51 kernel, 2.50 HV
PS4: 9.00/9.60/10.0x/11.00
PS3: all (CFW only for older models)


>OG Xbox
[Feb 19] ENDGAME exploit released https://github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit

>Wii U
[15 Jul] Aroma Beta-22 (coldboot cfw, no ds game required) https://aroma.foryour.cafe/
[13 May] SDUSB released https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdusb.655744/
[06 May] Tiramisu 0.1.3 https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/

[12 Aug] etaHEN 1.8b https://github.com/LightningMods/etaHEN
[12 Jun] GoldHEN 2.4b17.3 https://github.com/GoldHEN/GoldHEN
[04 Jun] libhijacker 1.160 https://github.com/illusion0001/libhijacker
[30 Apr] PPPwn released (exploit for 11.00 and earlier)

[02 Jul] Hekate 6.2.1 https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate
[11 Jun] Atmosphere 1.7.1 https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere

[27 Dec] HENlo released (webexploit for all firmwares)
[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6

[28 Aug] Twilight Menu++ 27.7.1 https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu
[22 Jun] Luma3DS 13.1.2 https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS
[28 Dec] DSi-modchip https://github.com/dsi-modchip
[17 Jul] 3hs 1.4.5 (a freeshop-like app) https://hshop.erista.me/3hs

>ALL SYSTEMS: the OP Archive has download links/sites for games
>If you have an issue you probably have an outdated/messed up setup, make sure to read the guides before asking questions
>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
Ordered a hacked OLED from Ali which is arriving either later today (doubt it) or Monday.
What am I in for?
I got my hacked OLED last weekend
it's fine I guess
is it coming with an sd card prepared?
Still hilarious how this shit thread keeps dying every time I don't post in it. That's what you get for your arrogance.
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>doesn't bump the thread
>doesn't fix traces
What are you doing here again?
dead threads are better than shit threads
Calling you a bitch.
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REMINDER to UPDATE and enjoy the handful of PS5 games that exist, since no meaningful JB will ever happen with $ony paying for exploits.
anyone know how people are installing xbone games? I dumped several myself, but don't know where they're being shared and what the process for installing is. very little info atm
pretty sure they can't be. there's nothing like sigpatches right now
I think they are decrypting them somehow. probably only working for some games tho.
>randomly pop into the thread after a year
>xbone is apparently hacked
How is this not in the op? Isn't this the longest standing console in history?
cause nobody cares about it, never did and never will
why do you think it was the "longest standing console in history"?
>muh microsoft top tier security!!
yeah right
Which console took more than 11 years to get cracked?
>cause nobody cares about it, never did and never will
I care you faggot
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yeah well man it doesn't seem like it to me man
you left us here to die man
Are you SOL if you don't have game script installed in xbox?
yes atm
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>not waiting on low FW until the exploit is released anyway some months later
shiggy diggy
just don't update, super simple stuff.
>new CFG USB-Loader version
but why
it was always lagging behind the other usb loaders in terms of features, I think some of the forks which improved it are actually lost to time as well
what does the new version add?
is the dsi xl worth it how’s twilight menu
are you human?
Not sure desu, if it isn't I have a spare 500ish gig one sitting around.
>updated korean translation
I guess that's our answer
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new trace fix?
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>tfw wanna play Astro Bot but also dont wanna update my barely-above-current-exploitable-firmware PS5
why is the emu gen dead
i had it at a good firmware at the time and a roommate updated it, i was pissed
my dad did that to my ps3
>not having two ps5s
based as based can be
I already have a hacked PS5, I will buy a second when the Pro comes out.
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Assuming they'll even do a Pro version. I wouldn't be too surprised if they just drop it like the Vita and skip to PS6 instead
they literally showed it in the 30th anniversary logo
It's already been leaked in multiple places
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Ah, fair enough then. Shows how much I actually follow news from that console kek
fitting captcha I guess
there are 0 reasons to own a piss 5 unless you just like owning tech
thanks to the ps5, i learned that a consoles lifespan is by how many games get released at it, the ps5 even after all those years i still feel that it was launched yesterday
I just like owning tech
What's this traces thing about, I only come for leak season now.
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I won.
you're telling me the ps5 has games now?
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...the frying competition.
Yeah frying your bitch ass.
...but enough about the traces.
You're not a trace. You're a bitch.
Does Utawarerumono play more like Fire Emblem or more like FF Tactics? I wonder if I should download it on my cfw Vita
>isp sent a letter about my switch torrenting
how do they fuckin know
>anyone know how people are installing xbone games? I dumped several myself, but don't know where they're being shared and what the process for installing is. very little info atm
There's been some progress running them on PC. Compatibility is limited, and I believe it's closed to the public for now.
How much would using a 256gb SD slow down an old 3DS? I've got a 128gb, but I've almost filled it.
>I've got a 128gb, but I've almost filled it.
how the fuck
Fix them traces yet?
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All this shit, plus about 20gbs of roms.
absolutely based
Have you tried only installing games you'll actually play?
read this for the REAL story
I can transfer larger files over 4gb to my switch via ftpd right? Been trying to install pikmen and been having issues finding cohesive guides

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