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Previous: >>493469896

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Briar better get a halloween skin next month
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>upcoming content
>no nautilus buffs
or else what
she's pisslow too though
>You flexin with shitting on pisslow players ? what ? try doing that in NOT pisslow...
Well I am also in bronze, so it's all relative. I had a really good game against players at my skill level lol.
I call up corki main irl and he cosplays a visit to the riot HQ, chud
it's okay babygirl he's just jealous
i want to huff your farts until i pass out and die happy
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Gonna reinstall this game and blogpost if anything happens. Think I still need to level one account to 30.
who called me a goober
I did, and now I'm calling you MY goober. what are you gonna do about it
i am not a sissy
>Keria isn't going to get his Lux skin
Uhhh T1bros??????????
kicking my feet in the air and smiling right meow
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*pat pat*
How do you guys do that thing where you respond to last thread shit and there's like an arrow that directs back to the old thread comment?
It's the same as responding to posts here, the reply is tied to the post number which is unique to the post, so ">>(postnumber)".
same way you reply to any other comment here
I think you were just making a silly post but you actually got everything right including my height lol, the only thing that was wrong was my hair color. Yeah you're actually terrifying, I think im just going to go back to lurking for a while
guys look at this

clicky reply in other thread then copy past the number into comment on the new thread
So I can reply to something and it'll appear here?
i would not make a good slave
they are going to give him hall of legends $500 ultra paypig Lux skin soon
Oh, am retarded. thanks though.
You're just replying to someone in a different chain of thread but that person will still get a (you) shown to them from the response because you're linking to their post id, if they're using 4chanx they can click on which post they responded to for context and continue discussion.
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I wasn't making a silly post I just have experience dating bpd girls

nothing to be terrified about whatsoever babbygirl
rengar mains jerk off to THIS?
lets test it
fuck you I hope you demote.
I could fix you btw....
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She farts.
newfags are so cute...
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I look like Soraka irl.
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Forfeit your life
I don't really want him to demote. That was mean and I am sorry.
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What the fuck does this mean? Why did I get it 9 fucking times?
you're overwhelmingly present in the game (no life neet loser playing 24/7 it means)
>Fartfart your life
What did he mean by this?
can you still be cute if you play male champs
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But.... I played jungle that game...
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>Everytime I play ranked
I want to suck this guy's dick so badly.
I made fun of them for it too.
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should I try to tryhard climb next split bwos do you think I can hit diamond???
Steel post
Yeah dude, get that climb going.
No, they don't.
the annoying thing is all the champs I'm "good" at I don't want to play because they're boring. like singed or poppy
and I'm bad at all the champs I want to play. like zed or syndra
Idk what to do...
>singed or poppy
your lux gf is a 30yo man xd
singed and poppy arent based, they are cringe champs
Okay, cringe retard.
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Not rly
They get boring so fast
Because the whole reason they're fun is it's funny to deny the enemy and annoy them
But that type of fun gets old fast >.>
>Because the whole reason they're fun is it's funny to deny the enemy and annoy them
That's your mentality. Not mine. I have fun with both for other reasons.

Poppy is to protect (and bait.) Singed is to bait (and protect by proxy.)
Do you look like that?
whats with everyone playing tanks recently? its annoying having to build LDR every game. its been like 5 games in a row where they have at least 2 tanks
>This is what ADCs actually believe
>I derank to Iron 1
>Win the next game
>Lose the one after because bot ended up feeding
>I lose more LP than I gained
What the fuck? Does reaching Iron 1, Bronze 1, etc actually make you lose more LP than usual?
I sleep now, /lolg/
Yeah well like I said they're boring, and I dislike playing them, but they're also probably my best champs
this but aurora
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Someone answer me?
I'll tell you what you do is you fucking practice the champs you want to play.
What would you do if you woke up and Zoe was in your bed?
I already am but I'm learning slowly and I'm nowhere near ready to play them in ranked...
>Team mate chooses Yuumi
Is Mundo Warmog still free LP?
Faker should retire
that nigga doesn't even play like he did back then in S3
At this point I think it's probably Riot who doesn't want their sports mascot to leave since they hate Chovy for some reason
The game has went more downhill over time, I don’t blame him
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Good streak to go to bed on
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goodnight, lolg
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>3rd game of the day
>first win
>22 lp
>I lose 28
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>Back in Bronze 4 again after demoting to Iron 1
Ty Riot for giving me an AFK Aurelion for 1 match that the enemy surrendered and the next match with a god Nautilus and Darius.
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good night sleep tight
Only took like what? 2 hours to install this game? Very bloated.
kill yourself.
Holy shit they bought normal normals.
Wait no it's draft wtf why is QP at the bottom, can't have shit with this company.
Finnanon is that really you
i wasnt actually, but thanks anyways
I love Lissandra!
he loves the character the picture represents, its the exact same as if someone took a photo of a celebrity or whatever
so no actual counter point?
Not my problem your waifu ain't real homie
>tfw potato pc
>vanguard error this
>vanguard error that
i hate v*nguard
>tfw summoner's rift anxiety
is being in love with celebrities normal behaviour?
kill shaco playing niggers
worthless subanimals
new nicocado banger just dropped
pigs in human clothing
>lyra comes home from a long day of playing ranked
>you run to the door on all fours
>she steps in and wipes her shoes on you
>takes a seat on the stool nearby
>says "take off my shoes you dog"
>say yes mistress
>take them off
>her socks are drenched in sweat, steaming
>she says "well? aren't you gonna massage them? they're tired and hurting from playing ranked all day"
>you say yes mistress and start massaging them
>her feet are right in your face
>making it hard to focus
>increasing your heartrate and making you nervous
level 2 ganked
level 3 ganked
ganked 3 times before 5 minutes
jarvan takes grubs
and stays top for 30 more seconds no camp
meds nigga
*takes his anxiety pills*
sorry my bad
y R no ward de river?
he comes over the wall
its warded XD
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mais jarvis not skarnir how he come over de wall?
you too nigga right tf now highkey
me on the left when I have my yearly mental breakdown and shave my head
i wonder can i reach silver before split ends

t. bronze retard
nigga you need treatment for schizophrenia + stg else ax ur local psychiatrist
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kys nigger
i wish i could play kata
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If I dodge at 0 LP, do I get pushed down a division?
what the fuck is going on with the balance of this game
ever since they brought back 25% crit everything is going to shit and the balance devs have no clue what the fuck they're doing
oh yes s13 and split 1 were really good, it's so unfortunate that those times passed
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i don't wanna play ARAM and coop vs ai
Funny, those two are the only ones I play next to quickplay sometimes.
is vlad good? I remember him being good back in the day, when spellvamp was a thing. now I never see him.
another loss XD X D
>be nasus
>die twice
>get sheen and lvl 6
>outscale irelia
idk man thats kinda crazy
its trash tho
it rhymes with grape
no she's fun
5 splits next year, rank reset every week, jungle buffs every day. This will save our game! We will break 20k viewers for LCS for sure!
does anyone else get physically disgusted when you see someone with like level 100 mastery on a champ? i mean i play league a fair amount but thats just mentally ill
shitlog queen has arrived
>person playing like a master player
>check profile
>54% winrate barely any mvps
>just got in the zone that game
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Sona and Demacian Shotas.
fortnite time
shouldnt we pair her with shuriman shotas? shes got immense talents
>play some normals
>it's with irons and bronzies
it's over i'm the lowest monkey itt
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>Download game
>Win first match (other team basically threw)
>All others I lose by a landslide
The fuck is wrong with this queue? I keep getting paired against the strongest, most experienced players while playing with the shittiest teammates.
Is it trying to filter me?
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champs for this feel?
It is as people told you yesterday, thats just how the game is, there are no genuinely new players.
I thought they must have been exaggerating
What do you do against extremely aggressive Akali players in lane? She kept trying to zone me off the wave but the SECOND she hit level 6, she tried to all end me under my tower with ult, ignite, etc. She failed and never tried it again but she always pushed the wave under the tower and only got to kill her a few times due to catching her off guard with Kayle or Caitlyn.
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why did he specifically wish prostate cancer on me?
the game is testing you to see if you're a smurf or not
No, literally everyone told you this so they are not, you're playing against veterans, relapsers, smurfs, people on their 20th account, etc.
What makes Warmogs on Mundo just completely fucking broken? I lost a game we were entirely winning all due to Mundo being unkillable. Is there something about Mundo passive that just breaks Warmogs?
Cutest champ mains?
on average you will have less than or around 20% winrate during leveling
there are no new players besides you
>play Anivia
>opponent wastes ult
>Still get 100-0d by Orianna despite we being even and her missing ult
Anivia feels so so weak, good god
nobody likes brazilians
Irelia does.
is ezreal a good self-insert if im from brazil?
what did mr beast do?
you said women dont like viegos though?
>lose for 10+ hour straight
>win twice
>instantly think I can climb 2 entire ranks if I keep playing
How do I stop this?
pablo early dementia
>enemy jungler adds me after I lose
>asks me to duo
Should I be flattered?
He builds hp anyway and it allows him to infinitely sustain in the sideline where he likes to be and also lets him rotate around the map faster
So would getting Liandry's or BOTRK melt his health away?
>vanguard event
>vanguard event
>vanguard event
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Talon was a LITTLE irritated that I kept killing him as Irelia lol.
Singed is extremely based. One of the most unique play styles and hard to master. The only time he is truly bad, if Riot is nerfing his Q-damage and Items, so you have to play for your team and be a fling-bot. When Riot doesn't have a hate boner for him , you can easily do the most damage and carry your whole team.
He is legit, the total opposite of what the general community think he does and how he should be played. Also, he counters a shit ton of cancer champions toplane and doesn't have to deal with their bullshit.
Furthermore, his W is one of the strongest spells in the entire game.
I legit won a ton of champions in Master by pressing W on some Zed/Ekko tranny and they couldn't murder my ADC/Mid and died like pathetic cucks.
The only problem the champion has is that some of his counters are legit unwinnable, so you have to play like a terrorist and grieve enemy lanes.Also Riot guts him the moment he becomes better than 53% winrate, despite being mostly played by OTPs and having like 1-2% pickrate.
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>bbcuck ran
i just kept reporting his posts and he ran out of IPs for now i guess, it takes me like 5 seconds of effort from me so id say its worth
i hate americans
Imagine if they retconned all the LGBT lore for champions. What would cause a massive Twitter meltdown? Cait and Vi aren't lesbians anymore? Or Leona and Diana aren't lesbians anymore?
missing him already
im posting from sauna
I liderally get worse the more I play and try to learn about the game
What the fuck sisters
pablo why did you main ezreal? u should one trick akshan instead
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evil zoey
Yes botrk is still good against Mundo because he doesn't really rush resistances and he stacks so much hp anyway that it still has an effect
Liandry is good against tanks too obviously and keeps him burning to prevent him proccing warmogs if he is laning/sidelaning against you
Ain't going to do much when he ults and runs you down though
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What a game man, this Shaco kept asking someone in my team when they're gonna have babies or something it was fuckin' weird.
good slave
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me and support had a good game but our jungler stole drake soul and baron twice so i honored him for great shotcalling but then my supp honored me and now i feel bad, i assumed everyone was gonna honor kha
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*saves lolg*
lucky ezreal
unlucky akshan
Ok quickplay time, because missions.
God I wish champs were free...
>beta intimidated by a sigma
many such cases!
>queued up ranked
>got so anxious that i dodged and switched to a smurf acc and played normals
at least league doesn't ban smurfs like dota so i can be a failed beta coward numale
why did you stopped spamming porn, rajesh?
is akali a good assassin for a slow boomer brained player?
imagine if they (your mother and father) weren't brother and sister.
no try diana
pllay talon
he has 3 buttons you can fuck up
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my phone is lagging already and its not even hot yet
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Actually quite fond of raw sex and breeding, but these things from literal randoms is just uncalled for especially when I'm trying to focus on turning the game.
talon not good for boomers he has only 3 buttons but you have to push them quickly. diana/naafiri are the certified boomer picks
>if diana lands q she will hit her r no matter what because she can just e again if you flash or dash
>if you don't have flash or a dash she can just point and click e you from a screen away
>she is tanky while building full ap
>and she has continuous damage and can run you down if she has red
Can we nerf this point and click champ out of the meta? She is like a less skillfull Xin that is 3x as cancer
pablo, why isnt viego/akshan (you) lucky
how can you be fond of something you'll never do? O.O
just press r on talon
then you can take your sweet time to recover and rest before pressing a q and jumping away with e
pablojesh, why are you making fun of yourself?
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Not really, her burst is a bit slower than other assassins but you still need to manage 3 important cds.
But League champs aren't hard you just need to understand her gameplan and you'll be fine.
why don't you like Apu from the Simpsons, Akshan?
why dont you like viego from irl, pablo?
Soraka! My Cute Wife!
Playing atm, but dw about it.
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>most of the guys are fat and overweight, and look like they never been outside before
>the girls look like they're survivor/camping experts
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>Grind my fucking ASS for S on Aviana
>Get this
they dont go outside
>most of the guys are fat and overweight, and look like they never been outside before
If you look at survivor shows fattest guy always wins, extra calories are op
ermm mrbreast is bad because some youtube guy said
>jinx is a cripple now
rip my wife
live music sucks
He is a really shitty person though
If you think someone who earns money of portraying themselves as charitable is a good person you are braindamaged
Must be super comfy desu wish that were me after swimming and a massage.
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>this is the person who called everyone to report our jungler
What causes this mental illness? Dudes been playing 6 years straight in bronze
id win
why are you playing in his elo?
I'm bad at the game
>season 8
holy shit
45% wr in iron 1
if you are actually serious with league you can easily get gold at least
its actually impossible to improve your way out of plat 4
either you have it or you dont
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I think he's having fun at least
why are you in a sauna?
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>she lands the E
>flashes all her zoe emotes
>gives you this face
You die.
plat players have no macro and have no clue why they are doing what they are doing and also they really dont know what they are doing so you could start there
can gwen proxy??? she has a dash that can go through walls
reminder that Nami is cute
gwen can put her feet in my mouth and stuff...
yes but you'll have to pratice the walljumps in pratice tools if you are not sure
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>what happens when you try to proxy on gwen
What matters most for proxying is how fast you can do and how much damage/how much you can heal.
>win against player
>le lose to statcheck
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will i make it
she can w to take a lot less damage but she definitely cant really do it level 3 and probably needs a back first
but she also cant really take cull because she's ap and not ad..
gwen scales super hard so if both toplaners get fed she wins
i will!!
>wake up
>check league screen
>5 instant feedback messages
this was 2 games in low emerald btw
Wasting your W on the wave sounds like a horrid idea. You probably have to rush AP if you want to proxy.
How much AP does she need to one shot casters with a fully stacked Q early game?
If you get statchecked you didnt win.
If you win you can freeze him off xp and cs to prevent the statcheck
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that's a fine goat
how bad is it to lose first tower?
morde killed me while being down exp and gold so no, go fuck yourself
does the nami poster even play league or is he just mentally ill ?

>how bad is it to lose first tower?
Its pretty bad but unless its the mid tower its manageable
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Thanks, I make sure she stays Fine. Looks how fine this is!
i think lissandra is cool and want to play her
what do, lolg ?
i hope they don't show me in salty teemo
i thought you already kind of rushed ap
anyway if you buy dark seal first back you can kill waves in 2 qs if you position correctly
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why is her butt blue?
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Imagine being this jax right now
the absolute state of toplaners
>Windniggers back to being tripleniggers
Paul General.
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She's a space goat. They're all blue like that!
they're in botlane thoug
deserved for playing jax
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Your last words, /lolg/?
>Implying he's American
your w gives you resistances
unless you think you need to w a skillshot in the next 20 seconds you can use it to be tankier
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good thing there are no space fish! right?
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nice drawing man we get it good job you can pursue art school or whatever the fuck you wnat to do with your life
I love you
>whatever the fuck you wnat to do with your life
eat lift shitpost with lolg sissies
sleep repeat
>Brazilian is a 5'7 midget

Fair enough sir, id like to one day have a nice house in a comfy village and grow my own crops but here i am in a vg thread
I miss the sissy era of lolg
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Oh, well you shouldn't look at this then...
south sudanese exchange student in north korea*
taller than crapshan
can i play fiora as an actual champion or is she just ravenous hydra with a parry attached
What the fuck does that even mean, retard?
you had to be there
Do not play Fiora, please.

yeah finland is pretty ok

I like the music it sounds funny and stuff(very russian hmm)
Arrest him.
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how this nigga always locked in like he OD on adderall everytime he stream
This place needs less homoeroticism, not more.
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still better than space groove monstrosity
since when did jinx lose a finger
What's the fucking difference, I was here during that. Seems like the same shit.
alright, today i will try assasin fiora, seems viable and fun!!
Ornn needs some buffs, maybe a shield on his W that scales with armor
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>white hair
Nemi seems like a husk of man.
A human experiment of what too much league of legends does too a man.
He genuinely looks like he hates every second hes in game.

Please, do not play fiora.
Ekko's just going to reverse the timeline, it's so fucking obvious.
why cant i play fiora whats wrong with her..
doesn't he only reverse it for himself
>He genuinely looks like he hates every second hes in game.
I think the issue is that after spending 16 hours a day playing league for years he's became nu-autistic. Lost the ability to express himself through body and vocal language due to simply not having done it for such a long time
We can pull something out of our ass with Heimerdinger.

It's the only way to explain the discrepancies with the timeline and it's been stated that Arcane is technically an AU.
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yordles are built for it
Arcane is canon now chuddy
>why cant i play fiora whats wrong with her..
she looks like a transbian feminist and not a cute tradwife

NOT lolg approved
You are playing the ultimate asshole top laner.
Its like Darius except hyper mobile after some ability haste. If youre good its almost as bad as playing vayne top.

He needs a long long league hiatus. Like I almost feel bad for the guy, he doesnt seem happy at all.
i just want to proxy with a girl champ and have options besides quinn..
>He needs a long long league hiatus
that's like saying "you need a break from meth" to an addict
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My friends, I need to get an S. Asking you for your strength in the coming days.
she dabs on every toplaner so they don't like her
>will let you abuse them
that's not a good thing
just buy one of the sissified skins for a male toplaner..
play fiora its fun
>Jinx's in-game model will be updated to lose a finger
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I still think both are cute but yeah. What where they thinking with Space Groove? Like did we voted on it or something?
she's going to become an insane terrorist no matter what. that's her whole character in game
>that's not a good thing
it's not a bad thing either. if your lolg sissy is sweet enough that she'd let you abuse her, then it's YOUR duty to not abuse her. And if you do it you're a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are
Give me a good reason why tower plates fall off.
I don't want 2 hour games
Yeah, but Vi doesn't want to fucking murder her in the game.
poorly built by irl akshans.
>she's going to become an insane terrorist no matter what. that's her whole character in game
jinx' character is more "walmart harley quinn" than "an insane terrorist"

you want an insane terrorist? look at corki. terrifying man. a sick individual to the heart.
You can proxy with literally anything if you are good enough. Dont stoop so low.

I lowkey believe streamers like t1 and nemi arent addicted and just do it because its their work and what else are they gonna do ?
If they got a comfy job outside of league imo they would never touch league again.
Imagine if League had custom servers so we could TEST this.
IRL in-game?
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I don't know, and I don't want to know. I miss original skin ideas.
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yah but some champs are just better at proxying than others like quinn!!
>veigar asol nasus and smolder reaching 1 million stacks every game
no thanks
then play quinn.
please, do not play fiora.
proxying without tiamat on fiora isnt really that good anyways
More like Ruined.
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i'm legit best gwen NA or?
But the faster gold income made games faster, remember? It's not the stacking you should worry about. It's the item spikes.

(I think that'd be fun, personally.)
aside from yesterday, I've been around
my beloved!
gwen tips NOW
Okay, now do ranked.
shhh, it's Akshan's bedtime.
corki is evil and must die
T1 can easily make a living off of variety streaming but idk about nemisissy
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I actually think that jax is one of the fairer champs to play against, but he banned my fiora which is a skillmatchup for jax.
He left me no choice
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No! Riot says! You will get more 30 to 500 dollar skins and love them! Because Riot is "totally" fair in this.
He is a robot programmed to be good at league
Or he sold his soul and emotions to the devil to be famous
You decide
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buying all those skins with game engine stuck in 2015 is insane
he's always been a second grade league player but a first grade entertainer, this is also why he didn't flunk after getting perma perma banned off of league and started doing variety
This is what happens when your stepfathers (plural) rape your asshole every night for your entire life
buying skins while they look nothing like the splash art is the real issue tbqfh
I hope they never remove trynd like they did fiddle
Can we just tracked down certain individuals and fucking kill them since banning them doesn't do anything?
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Yeah. Riot needs to make LoL2 already, so the in-game model and the art look the fucking same. Thank god for the model viewers.
Yordles are immortal, arent' they?

Presumably there's no such thing as too big for them. You could obliterate their insides and they'd probably just magically heal eventually, possibly shaped more fittingly for the massive dong if it's left in them long enough.
How do we solve the tank problem?
They vvill.
a while ago I was looking up on why the skins are so inconsistent and apparently this billion dollar indie game company contracts artists for each new skin line instead of having a bunch of hired regulars for some god knows what fucking reason (other than being money grubby jews)

it's so weird looking at the store and it looks like a deviantart feed instead of any actual artistic consistency
Where her eye?
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or upgrade the engine (if it's even possible with this spaghetti code)
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>>Call it
Hire me as an artist, Riot.
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Why is Gwen such an agp magnet?
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She's got a black eye, so it's closed. She just got the shit beat out of her cause she gave WW her League account.

It's from this official Riot Support video:
Why is Tristana so stupid?
i do wanna find more champs i like though.. people will make fun of me for playing quinn because she's a virgin
So are you.
No respectable top lane champ loses to Quinn anyways, they are just coping man.
Try Gwen, she could fit your AGP proxying fantasy
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She gets it from her players.
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>Get autofilled mid
>My team plays 4 ad champs
>Dont have a single ap champ on my acc
I remember a time where you couldnt queue ranked unless you have a certain amount of champs unlocked for every role
I really hate losing just because i have to play a role where i dont have champs
I play both Quinn and Gwen and am straight
In fact I would kill you in a barehanded fight
Why is /lolg/ such an AGP magnet?
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Same reason why Tech companies hire Fresh Meat for 2 to 4-year contracts. They pay less money for them and feed them bullshit that they get connections and experience by working there. It's the same reason why their dev team is all over the place.

Oh wait they did do that and it's called Wild Rift. Now we just need the game that plays like League of Legends but looks like WR.
if you see me walk into the enemy vi's jungle with no vision, i'm just warding
gwen is a thing that mimicks the appearance of a human woman but is very obviously not one
Its ok, im sure youre a cute girl irl just like your top lane champ pool!
>proxying without tiamat on fiora
just buy ravenous or stridebreaker, wheres the issue
stride is a lot stronger on fiora than you might think
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lazy Valve pulled something like that with CS -> CS2, so I bet Riot can do it too
blart mall cop
>Draw a man
>Call it a woman
>Its ok, im sure youre a cute girl irl
he's in the process of transitioning we'll make him one soon
I love how you can see garen getting 4 platings and an entire turret while they all chase you.
Fucking apes
>Blaming the guy on the exact opposite side of the map instead of anyone else
He doesn't have TP up.
okay ill try my best on gwen and try to proxy with her and stuff.. it might be kind of hard though like with ap jax..
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im cute agp sissy please turn me into girl
I blame all 5 people. The retards who chased poppy and shen for not staying at top
Dont even think about playing AP Jax.
You must stick to playing cute female champs ONLY.
This is honestly so sad, I miss playing Quinn and pre-rework Pantheon before top had infinite sustain
Cuck spammer?
You are a baus fanboy?
i look like this and i main zed
i like him 'cause he's so positive and happy all the time
okaaay ill try and do good on gwen..
>i like him 'cause he's so positive and happy all the time
But he's not.
what kind of answer is he expecting?
be my gf?
ngl reverse traps and boyish girls make me feel something
There is actually a post on the same sub of a brazilian in gwen cosplay getting arrested
I guess he dressed up like her
There's a limit and this is clearly it. This just looks like an ugly dude.
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moreso a baus femboy
hmm i guess but he just has like a positive aura i guess
it's super different than guys like tyler1 who are just kind of weird and angry
i need to get good at gwen first anon sorry..
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Well, I want the CS Source of League of Legends. Wait, is CSGO is like WR.
A fufillment of your deeply repressed homosexual desires?
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here's my profile in case anyone's curious
You're such a fucking bitch.
This place is an asylum
Why can't I leave? Worst general on the fucking site by a mile
no WR is more like some punjabi spyware apk game called "lethal collision"
/xivg/ exists
>Worst general on the fucking site by a mile
You'd be surprise.
not at all
what are they like over there that's worse?
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I'd say LoL is like CS:S, WR is more like CS:GO
it's like the nami and soraka guy but everyone in the general
Much worse porn addiction.
the general moves so fast that you basically need to avatarfag and attentionwhore to get any replies, no one ever talks about the game, it is literally, entirely cliques because there's nothing to do in xiv when there's not a new patch
think of it like instead of having a bunch of sissies like /lolg/ does it's just like 50 really catty trannies crammed into one thread
less agp posting
/osg/ is worse
??? just because I dont want to date you?
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Looks like my kind of place! Off I go!
No, you talk like a fucking dumb faggot.
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Why is Reksai a female champ if they clearly look like a male champ?
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If it really is, then those fucks can get all my info. I need more Soraka.

Why did CSGO and CSS had to go?
One Piece reference?!
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>Why can't I leave?
Because LoL is the only good game nowdays that makes us happi
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graphical upgrade mostly I think - I just logged in to see if my Glock skin is still there
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This is a saturday night btw
What means this emote ?
You love cock.
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okay this one is one of you for sure
I used to simp for kyouran
god i wish i was his 13 year old gf
god i wish i had a 13 year old gf
Orianna-Singed General.
Good morning goobers
hi cutie
how did you get this picture of me and the irl Lux?
Hiya how is it going
Why does League have a weird habit of doubling consonants (just Ns, I noticed) in normal names?
Orianna, Evelynn, Janna... Okay, well, it's not a lot but League doesn't have a ton of normal names to begin with. Still weird it happened three times though.
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>BBC spammer is here
Why does he do it bros
When you derank past a threshold you have the demotion protection shit, but that's just fake lp visuals. You still lose the same amount of mmr. So to make up for the amount of lp that you didn't lose when you got the demotion protection, you lose more lp after than you gain.
want jelly stream NOW
was nemesis perma banned?
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>voice chat
I was talking about t1 there
i better get voice training i guess
>Just China
Also, mixed feelings on Lethal Tempo.
but t1 wasn't mentioned
quickplays are weird
we could use a stream to get away from the thread atm
Mantheon u stream
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apparently my brain somehow schizo'd the other anon bringing up tyler1 into the discussion and I decided to talk about how he used to do variety streams
Small retard brain?
There is literally nothing wrong with being retarded.
I'm not in this thread rn I'm lurking I don't exist I'm not here
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silly me forgot med oopsie
>Just China
might be a/b testing
Can't you can draw children yourself?
Yeah, and they'll fuck it up because they're 10x as toxic as U.S
Well it makes sense to start in the most toxic place to get a baseline I guess
But Rito is retarded.
did this guy ever used to be a normal lolg poster
what guy
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>No one cared who I was till I put the spam on
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You gotta love yasuo, yone and talon players. Just starve them of dopamin and waveclear and they will all do this exact same kind of shit.
bbcuck or his pedo friend?
>You gotta love yasuo, yone and talon players
I don't.
we're NOT friends nigga I don't EVER fucking draw nsfw in my life the fuck are you hating so bad for
Thats because you dont play fulltank and you dont use the dopamin starve wacevlear technic.

I really enjoy it when yasuos get angry and start to e minion into towerrange 4 times per laning cycle
>Thats because you dont play fulltank
Doesn't work with most midlane champs, buddy.
they should just proxy and take camps
is dopamine, with an e at the end you bulgarian retard
Ok I finished playing arams and went quickplay, the games have just been kinda boring.
I did get Shacos in my game again on me and enemy team as mirror supports which was a pain to play through.
Got 2 hextech chests from leveling the account and 1 was a champ shard and another was the pentakill yorick.
Rerolled 3 of them and got marble malphite, I swear every account rolls that skin shard atleast once.
That's it for today I think. Still 5 more levels to go, I should probably continuously spam Swain for those.
to epickly own the chuds
are you the tft girl
But it does. These days every 2nd lowskill mongo runs adc/tf top and apc bottlane so you can just play sion or malphite mid
I drew a picture of Annie in a bikini once and it came to life and bit my nipples off.
>spam bbc porn targeted at white americans with an inferiority complex
>during peak eu hours
mais pourquoi??
They should, but they wont since they dont play to win the game, they play to get kda and dopamin which is why they always flame in allchat if they cant get kills and spamm ff15
If they played to win the game nobody would hate to have them on their team
No, that woman literally doesn't even play aram or summoners rift and I don't play tft.
someone's gotta convert her
women outside of north korea don't know who faker is.
What's the point of converting a tft girl to an aram girl or whatever when she doesn't even want to do the dishes even if you pay her.
Anyways, you do whatever you want with that thing I sure don't.
I am Faker.
I'm not doing it nigga I just suggested someone does it for the epic shenanigans hehe xd lololo roflmaocopter etc
Looks like you get rangebanned a lot together.
why did he do it bros
>don't take inhib at 15 minutes. it gives them extra gold
how true is this for pisslow? I was looking to end asap but my teammate was spam pinging me off
why is finny mad?
her boyfriend is an irl diego.
It depends. If you're team is in a losing position where they cant pressure the rest of the map you will just feed.
If your team is also ahead you can just take it and run the game
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good shit
Wow, what a catch- for her.
>You Pig Aspect
What did she mean by this?
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>Cinematic accurate Irelia
>I don't really mingle with anyone in lolg.
I can be your friend.
reported around 30 posts so far this thread
why is lil bro ban evading?
could someone explain why corki is not played bot anymore?
played a game of aram with him and found him real fun, is he better top or adc as a secondary role?
and it didn't do shit. jannies have aids
>get into lobby
>this guy links me his profile and tells us to dodge

Guess thanks for the warning
Is yamatosdeath a frog poster from krautchan?
I don't see the point of making friends or adding anyone from lolg even if it's to do with playing the game together and so on, this place gets used like a public chatroom all the time, you don't need to make acquaintances with anyone from here anywhere else since everyone is here anyways and will tell everyone what their deal is. Etc.
yeah akali is kinda weird for a boomer slowbrained player, miss a lot qs and don't really understand how does she work in teamfight
Well, I'm shy and infrequent so.
Vi should punch Jinx, Caitlyn, and Annie more.
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>jelly back in plat while im still rotting in low gold
why cait?
*Blows Yuumi into the shroom.*
that one guy who pulled up his dead EUW account just so I stop complaining about the lack of duos...
She's in the way.
I think gold is still an achievement, you should stop comparing yourself to others, it is unhealthy.
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>thinks I'm finnish and friends with the bbspammer because my ISP decided to tweak out for a day and function as a rangeban
you're genuinely delusional, spending THIS much amount of time thinking about me while keeping days old screenshots just to post them out of context
jinx post
that's the point of a rangeban nigga
Vi and Caitlyn aren't in love, you filthy frog.
why would I massage anyone other than you baby...
Anyways, nice to see you probably got duos and stuff now settling down here, you out of bronze 2 yet or just having your coffee for the grind.
She's pooping.
how many proxies left finny?
i feel you anon. she was the first champ i fell in love with back in season 3. i bought a rune page setup specifically for her to trigger her passive from level 1. the rework killed her for me...
I slept all day and despite having had two cups* of coffee (each containing 4 cups worth of coffee) and playing a normal draft for warmup brain feels foggy

tren makes a man too horny and slow in the head and I'm also bulking which ALSO causes brainfog...
will B out of bronze 2 very soon tm

I love you btw also
thanks, finnish man. very cool.
>Draw a guy
>Call it a girl
so close to silver cutie
silver soon
why is this general so obsessed with race? life isn't a race, it's a marathon. and so is your climb. don't forget to drink water and eat your oatmeal during queues to enhance your performance.
she's just too powerful
>the oatmeal shill is back
>nobody cares about LCS finals
its literally 1 person
oatmeal is actual slop
New Akali is much better than the old one gameplay wise since the old one was much more constrained since the smokescreen was smaller and she was basically useless until level 6 and had her mandatory gunblade.
In terms of looks and personality old Akali was much more beautiful and tolerable because she was just this mature stealth ninja lady (and I also liked how she was paired with Shen and Kennen as a family of sorts because it was cute). She also had great side boobs and a great hip to thigh exposure behind her tabard. Now she's just another young girl/adult whos in their edgy phase and has crushes or whatever boring thing. Atleast the new one likes ramen or something.
It was boring.
I'm not shilling anything. You stuff your belly with Doritos dust if you want. Your choice. It's you who cleans your shitter.
>oatmeal is actual slop
you're buying it wrong
>Atleast the new one likes ramen or something.
Imagine the smell...
>short hair = guy
Very cool of them to bring everybody for the last LCS.
We don't watch esports anymore?
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Might be the electrolytes or not having magnesium before sleep. Or maybe too much caffeine.
Easy on the substances and don't beat yourself up too much over numbers in the game.
It's the build, you blind fucking shit-licking sped.
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feels bad man…
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like other anon said, don't go making it a bad habit to compare yourself to others as a way to put yourself down. an achievement is still an achievemnt. and if I, the slowest learning player can make it to plat, so can you. you're gonna make it even further
I'm thinking about playing league of legends today.
lcs spring split was decent but then summer split came and after they went on that random break in the middle of the split literally every single series has been lifeless dogshit. havent even cared enough to watch the sneakymeteos costreams on youtube yet desu.
Imagine the dumps...
woah why are you mad? have some oatmeal, you'll feel better if you do.
fatkali is an abomination
See, this is better.
anyone been having issues with vanguard recently?
thanks anon, made me check out, so cool.
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The final LCS should have been hosted in Phreak's basement for a real soulful experience.
have you never seen an athlete in your life?
anyone wanna play post igns
We do but they've not been that fun to watch desu.
The last time I enjoyed watching one was back when T1 were playing their games in worlds last year or so and they flipped a losing match within 20 seconds over a single mistake the enemy pulled off or them pulling a Zhonyas after Renata w'd and they were about 200hp close to dipping and dying but learning that you can Zhonyas while on Renata's w to buy more time to execute and kill the enemy champion and live. Tight matches are great but more often than not the competitive scene is so incredibly streamlined it's not funny nor do you see anything super skilful to reflect and learn.
>Being muscular means a woman's entire bone structure changes and she becomes as wide as a fridge
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I don't like FATkali but I can see the appeal.
I do but almost exclusively LCK, with some scattered BLG and G2 games.
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is he still a katsissy? im clearing and updating my friends list, not sure if this still applies
Shoulders too broad.
She's wearing shoulder plates.
Alright, I'll give you this one, you green fuck.
have you had your oatmeal yet?
muscles are a helluva drug
sissy that wants to be Katarina but doesn't play her
too much oatmeal not enough greentea
Doesn't count.
Has Vi shit her pants yet?
any more goalpost moving?
Gold1 yet caatra?
Green tea is great
>Babooness doesn't count
>posts an asian babooness
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Her frame isn't that wide and you can still see a curve on her waist. It's nowhere near the level of fucking: >>493551881
sissy list doko
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I read that in Rengar's voice
finnish mcdonalds man in all ten slots
But you said that last night.
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thank you mute all
maybe it's time to unmute all...

i agree with >>493564798, the rework ruined her appearance and overall appeal, but her gameplay became more interesting
it's a pity that i'm an old retard and can't utilize her new kit properly
and we climbed bitch I went up from bronze 3 3 lp to bronze 2 63 lp tonight we climb eVEN FURTHER
nasus is 200hp
I am nearly full health
i dive him with ignite
he wins xd
no human would really sit there typing some dumb racebait shit 300 times a day for years right?
digits I come back
irl Vel'kozs are better.
Worst thing about LoL is how you can tell who's going to win within the first ten minutes with 90% accuracy but still have to play it out 30-40 minutes
yeah i winstreaked to G1 playing rakan
i don't drink greentea it's just a shitpost from finland's finest, breakfast tea is nice though
I wish they kept Vi's rollerblades...
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EUW niggalows do NOT queue up tonight
this is NOT a drill I repeat THIS IS NOT A DRILL
>Climbing on the weekend
Don't do that... Weekends S U C K
FUCK I forgot it's the weekend shit
Innate: Nasus gains Life steal icon 12 / 18 / 24% (based on level) life steal.
I climbed exponentially faster when I stopped playing on weekends
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>neighbor knocking on my door because of the noise im making irl due to league nigger teammates

league of legends is negatively impacting my life. 5 more months on my lease too.
Tonight, I climb you.
>He makes audible noises from the sheer frustration playing this game
Oh my goooooooooooooood please record and post.
There's always norms to practice new champions !
Absolutely. Weekends are for normals and ARAM, unless you're a masochist, and love donating LP.
thoughts on a 6v6 mode?
I'm going to sit on the top of your head.
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Did they seriously release the thirstiest swain skin ive ever seen on Wild Rift?
best adc
>enemy team 3 plats
>iron 1 for my top laner

riot doesnt match you up with shit to ruin your experience. "its just quickplay" random. randomly speaking you could find the 3 plats on my team then right? youll never find that anywhere in my match history but its "random" haha. punch a hole through the wall
bwos do u think I can hit diamond
Please also tell me you live in like a trailer park or something too, I need to laugh.
10v10 or bust.
>2 friends now
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if all this goofy MOBA's doing is making you stressed out and angry (especially in fucking quickplay holy fuck), you should probably be thinking about taking a break.
Me on the left.
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Looks awful.
That hair, awful.
That top, awful.
That arm, awful.
That belt, awful.
That nail, awful.
I am going to kill myself.
this skin makes me want to play her
>get coven skin for nila in orbs
>looks visually cool
>hear characters stupid voice lines
>never play her again
someday he will add me too and have 3 friends!
Which sissies make the best abuse-bait?
Hey, that's my girlfriend!
Brown ones.
I'm calling the police
Imagine Vi farting in Caitlyn's face, as a joke, haha.
because you respond like that
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How will my adc feel once voice chat is out and he hears my 30 year old manly voice playing as lulu support?
It's far too late. :)
>he plans to use voice chat in league
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Stop being mean to your mom (male).
They wont add voicechat for league
happy ur not a 12 year old kid first timing league who will int my game
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*brightens up your day*
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A Rioter just posted this lol
Thanks, I hate it.
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Play4fun. All games are a coinflip.
You're also playing on the weekend. League is only safe to play between Monday to Thursday.
Can i get a kiss? I'm about to go to sleep, I have work tomorrow... i love you Seraqueen
Faggot. Die.
you are literally signing up to play with 10 years, casuals and drunks
The day doesnt matter. You should only avoid nighttime if you seriously plan on climbing.
Thats true for every competitive game.
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that game was a jungle ocean holy moly
>casuals and drunks
Le me
How's your mom?
Damn youre 30? Average lolig is that old??
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The best times I've found to climb have been M-Th, 12am-10am. After 6am it starts getting iffy, and by 8am there's too many day players on.
To me there are lower quality games during the day, and especially on the weekends.
What's wrong with BraumW ?
Fuck is this shit *rips open a popcorn bag*.
>BraumW ?
THE Reddit champ.
id swoon if i was losing top lane and my laner told me i have permission to safely farm
I thought Jhin was the reddit champ ??? Are all champions reddit ???
Which champions are channel 4 ?????????
I'm 23.
Dude what's wrong with this guy..
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Why Riot likes sucking teeny chang cocks so much?
Reddit team:
Top: Ornn
Mid: Heimerdinger
Bot: Jhin
Support: Braum
Jungle: Ivern
the hero league needs
Im 24
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every single champ is reddit to lolg. there is not a single champ lolg has failed to complain about
briar cause stinky
>on 6 game winstreak
>get shitter jungler who's on a 6 game loss streak
>get camped toplane 6 ganks in a row
>get completely starved of gold
>botlane gets zero ganks
>midlane gets one gank
>I get rift heralded at 14 minutes into losing t1 + t2 + inhib turret + inhib
losers queue tm is not real
NA casters are so fucking shit. Flowers must be the most insufferable play by play caster. The only caster that was ever worth their salt in NA was Jatt and he doesn't cast shit anymore.
cadochads stay winning
That's nice to hear.
Hard drug abuser, not a low drug abuser
He doesnt smoke weed or snort eurospeed, he does crocodile and crack
Hes also about to die in 2 months since he developed a necrosis from shooting renekton (he got hardgapped in life)
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
crooked nose, black eyebrows, bottle blonde, (((goblin))) face?
Nautilus carried.
that u viegobro?
Anyone wanna play some arams on NA?
everyone who doesn't possess the same genes as viegocel?
ye we won
sure post ign
>tank annie sup
those days are long gone
Yeah some good shit has come out of it so I can't complain.
Not in my world.
>He eats shit
don't understand your viego speak sry
>He doesn't
You are weak and will not survive the winter.
I need to cuck Tryndamere first.
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cool general you got here fellas
wish the retards replying to the spammer got deleted/banned as well
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got a win. had to slam my mouse on my broken fucking desk whenever i was angry

>be me in any game of league of legends, mid lane
>my bottom lane loses lane, their bottom lane ganks me in my lane for the rest of the game
>my bottom lane wins lane, is pushing to second tower. their bottom lane is in my lane for a 3 v 1, no reaction from my team of course
>mid lane, their top lane ganks me(?)
>be me
>top lane
>their mid lane wins lane
>im ganked by mid lane and jungle for the rest of the game
>top lane
>my mid lane wins lane
>their mid abandons mid lane and ganks my lane for the rest of the game with their jungle
I need a punching bag that would work well
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i don't really get why it takes so long for the jannies to do something about it. don't most threads have someone specific watching over them? this is one of the biggest generals on this board. how can the janny let this go on for hours before this roach gets banned?
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That's what you get for not building Bork into tanks.
nigga it's not a she it's a drawing
get a grip g
Post a pic of your desk lol.
Add me on discord

>this is one of the biggest generals on this board
cope boomer there are generals with 10x the posting rate
I am purchasing warhammer things today
should I do an assembly stream or is that too boring? maybe the painting is the interesting bit
Good luck with cucking a man too angry to die.
And then what are you left with?
(The spammer.)
there aren't, really.
Depends on who you are. There's already some guy streaming himself playing non league games.
It'll be sadness. I'll make him watch sad things and fuck his wife and eat her shit.
I went to /v/ and hadn't been there for atleast a year, that place is totally depraved from human posts it feels like.
what is warhammer?
this shitty general gets one or maybe 2 threads a day if we're lucky meanwhile xivg is pumping out 1 thread per hour
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>Nasus finally finding proplay
>Rumored to have E, Spiritfire, completely nerfed before worlds making AP builds drastically less effective......
it's an understandable urge
*Eats large food.*
RIOT employee here! Viktor arrives in the last episode and obliterates all the dykes and niggers and coonhounds before declaring the show PiltOVER.
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jesus christ bad players need to get executed LOOK at this damage chart
sion is so aids
like its not enough to already have some cringe unkillable matchup in mid which I solokilled TWICE BTW but its just dog nigger teammates who queue up to not even play the fucking game like what?
i said one of the most popular, and this general gets like 4 threads a day
>Not Singed
uh huh
this player wears panties
Singed is in the background playing League of Legends.
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Everyone who posts their match screens be like.
nigga meds, you are talking to drawings again
>normal games
>as well
this includes the spammer too retard simp
Bravo, Nolan.
who is the queen of lolg?
He's been banned before, you fucking retard. Not everyone who'd get nuked would be as dedicated with 6 gorillion proxies because of rangebans.
Am i a shitter or why cant i climb ladder anymore? also how to check my current hidden mmr?
>514 - 596
What response were you looking to get out of posting this ?
how many of those games do you think I played adc talon in?
Lissandra. Only queen in League.
keep throating the bbcposting then, sister
hi sunshine!
not a permaban but people who reply to him should at least get temped or at the very least deleted
it should be actively discouraged because at best the people replying to him are either retarded/new/the spammer samefagging so its a win either way
on the edge gonna finish soon
Me on the bottom
where are my fellow emilychads? she brought a tight-fitting dress today
>at the very least deleted
They do, sometimes.

It does nothing. It means nothing. He will continue to spam because he is autistic. There is no solution other than cutting his throat open.
it's normals on a weekend dude
nobody talking about lcs?
Can my four hours of sleep ass win a single game today
>udyr top
ok sisters so how am.i supposed to win any trades ever? Enemy udyr does infinite dmg and turbo drain tanks any dmg I do to him but when I tried him yesterday it felt like I was playing yuumi top except I was melee range??
I went 3/18 but we managed to win. Top lane matters...
wish I could jerk to this not really that sexy though
its me its ya boi ya fren
Who cares
She's just farting in bed
good question anon
>"people" still watch esports in 2024
>Press Play
>Game does not open up
Love this feature.
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i was on a nostalgia trip looking at 2013/2014 games and noticed lcs finals is on and holy fuck what is this cringe piece of shit broadcast. The graphics look like they were made in 10 minutes and to be the most generic inoffensive slop.
how many years has it been like this?

>impact is still playing in NA
butt would be nice
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these little miniature men
I like the spooky ghosts, if Karthus didn't have lame ass abilities he'd be my onetricj
these guys kinda have the Shadow Isles aesthetic so I really dig em
nice shoes, is that like a board game thingy
Yeah, lowbob jax players dont understand how to itemize for individual matchups. They can only run whatever is shown at their favourite website.
If he'd run botrk into my heartsteel rush i'd just lose
Phasrush nasus was a little bit to strong, not only for worlds, but in general.
It just took players to long to figure it out.
Even on toplane its the most abusive shit
T1 is out of worlds, there's no point to pay attention to pro play.
Also the same picks over and over is very boring.
about to demote AGAIN
its so fun man
I sit down to play league an entire fucking day and I go down 2 divisions through a bunch of cancerous games
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