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Previous: >>493486715

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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let her cook
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Marry and Impregnate evil women.
This is a thread for Toyotomi loyalists only. Get out if you don't think the Lord Kanpaku did nothing wrong.
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I need this in my life...
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>Evil women appreciation filter currently in place
>Rikyubros proving themselves as evil woman appreciators (true)
Good times
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This event sucks.
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CBT Empress
reminder that monkey did nothing wrong and that rikyu and koma deserved it.
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When is the OBT then
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This damn brat.
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I am a Rikyu enjoyer/Rikyubro and I don't appreciate killing Chacha's son second time, especially acknowledging this to his mother.
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>All of japan disagrees
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That's right Kanpaku now let's get you to bed
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We refuse. I think they should stay untouched and childless until they're forced to stop being evil
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Monkey is a nigger and deserved worse just for lols.
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Monkey HATE
this has been a really fun event
didnt read a word of it though
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How about no.
So when can I hear OCHA song?
you're right. they deserved worse.
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>Chimera Ant Arc
My knees are bending on their own...
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Dark continent arc never…
What is this expression supposed to convey?
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She knows it
>there are Toyotomi near me right now
When you told you that your dick is 30 cm long but in reality it’s just 10 cm
>When you told you
You can't lie to yourself my dude
spotting a minority
when you told her*
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>All of china and korea disagree as well
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Rikyu if she had a personality.
rikyu has 2 personalities
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Stop posting.
>ma lards
oh no no no
Eiruc bLBlod axe
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Did Rikyu live up to her hype?
Keep posting.
>That HP on Kiara
This is completely useless but kinda fun
I think so, at least for me. I loved her from when she was released back in JP.
Did you live up to your mom's hype?
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I think so.
ill let you kiss me on the mouth if you buy me sq, whale sama
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Ops forgot inage
I can't imagine teabros being disappointed with her but for everyone else this event has been a letdown.
My wife is so big...
My thoughts exactly. I got NP3 avalon rolling for Gareth, the bonus health is fun, but I'm still struggling to find a niche for her.
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This event has been entirely farmable with double-Castoria Ranmaru.
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>Fattening Kiara up
oh nyo nyo nyo
>wasting castoria bond
Sex with Arc
I basically use mine to not use castoria bond
Xu fu+Purin+support castoria loops perfectly
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Ummm, so when exactly do you plan on bonding with her? For events like this it's nice to use her instead of two lesser Arts supports since you can fit more event bonus Servants in your backline. I'm a latelet, my Castoria is only bond 7.
For me so far, yes. I'm even tempted to break my rule of not grailing a servant before I finish their event story.
I was thinking that NP5 Avalon would be nice to spam NPs with, but that kinda wastes all the crit stars. Maybe she's sort of a solo servant after all, that you're meant to NP + Arts crit + Arts crit with, every single turn
>so when exactly do you plan on bonding with her?
Lotto events.
Based Yamanami grailer
Nah just use her as a pseudo castoria and use her np on turn 1
Since mine is also np5 that 10% every turn is actually noticeable
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Time to save?
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We've discussed this.
She's regrown her toes ever since she rang the first bell and got superpowers for it.
with abby
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She's getting grailed to 120 so yes.
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I was just laughing because of the 1m moon caster node where ranmaru will be useless
Why would you save a 28KB 89x125 thumbnail? Are you a retard?
I find it hard to believe
moon cancer*
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Aoko in 595 days
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I love FGO children
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Sounds annoying, don't think I'll bother farming it.
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>remember that I can make tea
>see option with probability to get knight medals
>make 15 of those teas
>get 14 knight medals
I am fully erect and now like this event a lot
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I'd post proof but I don't have all the grails ready yet, once I do I'll post her at 120, I also need to start working on her bond because I can't get her to 120 and 1 append until she's like bond 12 because she's NP3 I think? haven't checked my calculations yet.
Please don't, she would be long forgotten by then
>but I don't have all the grails ready yet
How? Do you just squander grails as soon as you get them? With grailcasting I never drop below 10 grails, and I've been grailing a lot of servants on a whim lately. I have three level 120 servants already.
I have 16 SQ right now.... Will I get enough for one more multi...?
>I have three level 120 servants already.
How do people have the patience for this? I grailed my favorite to 120 and I swore never again. It takes for fucking ever.
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I won't forget her so i'm gonna post her.
I only came back to the game last month after being a vet retard because of personal issues is how.
Why isn't Monkey still added as a servant when he's namedropped every other Gudaguda?
No, I just actually farm lotteries. You get millions of FP from lotteries if you do a decent number of boxes. My personal minimum for lotteries is 150 boxes, and that's low for some people on /alter/.
Enjoy your literally who instead
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Because Toriyama died before he finished drawing him.
But at least we got pic related, right? kill me
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They seem to enjoy teasing certain historical / legendary people and then never making them servants. Still don't have a real Yoshitsune servant and probably never will.
Is BB a retard?
Is posting ant picture a new type of avatar posting?
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I miss when you could actually get banned for posting low quality images.
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show this to hackeuchi
5000 IQ just like Alakazam
Mata Hari
Slow down guys, you're posting too quickly...
After bullying Chacha I can no longer support Rikyu
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Final guda
porn will save this general
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He's unironically too important, both as one of Japan's most famous historical figures and a major person in a lot of Gudaguda's characters lives (most notably Nobu which is basically the Gudaguda MC)
I swear when Arcueid jumps with Shiki there's an upskirt and about where her bits would be there's a black heart censor
man I just wanted to see the thighs in that area, damn it
Osaragi cute
Fate/Grand Order?
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there's only room for one pink haired red eyed horseslut in these parts and it aint no vtuber
Strange how Rikyubros hyped him up yet I liked Woofman more
I want mordred. I want to watch Skibidi toilet with mordred.
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>stranger how people are excited for something, and I like something else
not at all
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What did Ushi do in Summer 3 again? I can't remember her role in the story.
But Medb has yellow eyes.
I want to use Mo mouth as the urinal
She got into a squarrel with Medb that one time
Woofman is an edgy fag with a one-dimensional personality.
Must've been a really big squirrel.
Have you read today's story?
>Washed up and walled "oriental" entertainer when she began "spying" for the Fr*nch
>Immediately flipped by the Germs
>Immediately caught by the frogs
>Never gave away any intel of serious value for either side
>Scapegoated as some master spy that had caused all the massive military disasters France had suffered The French were just saving face
>Executed after a hugely publicised show trial
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antagonized mebbers for no reason.
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is automata broken? it's only showing the lottery page for me... :(
Meant quarrel...
broofman... no...
Works on my machine. Try restarting the app or clear cache and try again.
I read it up until the part where Himiko got absorbed by the evil god and then I hit [SKIP], this shit writing isn't worth reading when my AP is full. I'll go back and take a look at it later today probably.
The retard from Harry Potter?
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I'm looking forward to it
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Its over…now you must use your hands and click…
nothing i do fixes it...and it was working fine until it randomly started doing this. lottery screen only...no...i dont want to reinstall..no...
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True... somethings wrong with the pink haired ones...
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I don't get Rikyu's argument agaisnt Wolfman. How does Rikyu suffering PTSD from war invalidate Wolfman's? Yamataikoku and the land that worships Altered Beast weren't exactly in peaceful terms until Himiko won the war.
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Kama Love!
>words words words
wolf stinky gay boring. sinple as
>I'm looking forward to it
You're looking forward to me going back and reading the node? Why? I can't imagine that anything could happen which might possibly redeem some furry who almost murdered Okitan after she had surrendered just so he can revive his shitty dark god because he's an assblasted sore loser.
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Basically pic related, he's just trying to justify his actions however he could
Maybe flip your phone screen to the other orientation, might be glitched or something.
My impression was that Rikyu was saying in Himiko's time war wasn't nearly as bloody, large scale or as refined in it's cruelty as it was in her time. Them telling us how she died in a mass execution of women and children for no apparent reason is just one example.
its loading correctly for the event nodes but anything in daily quests, interludes, etc. no. funnily, it works correctly on JP version.
Don't worry about it, keep mindlessly spamming Rikyu instead.
Maybe it's the servant that's on the screen, since they show on the left side of the screen as opposed to the event nodes?
Time to save BOOOOOOOOOO
Time for my balls to explode
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I changed my mind.
I love Extella.
Anon, you're a genius! Rikyu was messing it up and switching it to lottery mode. DAMN YOU RIKYU!
Men are beasts, deep.
Men are breasts
Time to save.
Time to shave.
Ae you trying to reason with Berserker ?
time to slave
Castoria cute!
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At least she isn't cuckshit, unlike Melushit the lying whore
>hideyoshi: we gotta kill hidetsugu and all of his family and everyone he ever met
>Ishida: but sir what crime did he commit
>Hideyoshi: good point, we gotta frame him with something

I like how he doesn't even get it
From the start whether something is moral or correct has no meaning to him. Only whether he can get away with it, and how to rationalize it later. He doesn't even are why he did it, and then claims they're all animals anyway so it doesn't matter
He's a schizo
Don’t respond to the shitposter coming here doing his routine for (you)s.
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A single, mostly clean war is one thing, the Sengoku era is a few steps away from nicely being described as hell for many of the people who lived and died in it, bandits were everywhere, the value of human life was low and most everyone was betraying everyone else.
Wolfman getting that asshurt about something like betrayal clearly shows how much of a different less awful time he's from.
Men are inherently evil, and it takes great effort to do good.
Congrats bro!
That how most Asia Emperor operated, the only exception being Pooland and rice country
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Is getting a bj from Rikyu gay?
This is something I will need to test.
Not unless her big hands cup your balls instead of her small hands.
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All I got from this event is that Hideyoshi was a fucking psycopath.
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tea feets
He's a merchant so just pay him the right amount and he won't make it gay.
Breasts are men
Only if you kiss afterwards
Melushit is cuckshit. Morgan isn't
hideyoshi did nothing wrong. the weak are at the mercy of the strong, that is the divine rule
It was a different time. Just look at Nobbu and Okita, fucking psychopaths the lot of 'em.
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Not if you make Rikyu a woman first.
Being BTFO by a single gook cause him to turn unhinged
if he did nothing wrong why did he lose the war
No one mention morgans bodycount
This its why Okitabros are bottoms for strong /alter/bros.
Holy fuckin AWOOGA
I don't understand flatfags at all
Where can I read this collection of short stories where Rikyu is slutting it up for master.
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>Pisses off the entirety of japan to the point he would have been lynched if he didn't die on his own
>This also ended up dooming his son and wife
because he was weak
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Back of that shop that sells ramen near a hardware store.
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Just wait and he'll get stronger, that's literally his NP.
Is getting a footjob from Rikyu gay?
He won the war, though. Unless you're referring to the invasion of Korea, which he didn't personally oversee or plan out, because it was mostly just a distraction for the daimyo to give them an enemy to fight together instead of turning on one another.
He died before the battle of Sekigahara
Unless you talking about the Korean invasion
his parameters eventually regress, which is very fitting.
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Where the FUCK is JP GUDAGUDA 2024? I want to know what Maxwell's Demon's rarity is going to be! 4* or I eat my hat.
You'll probably have to wait until this stupid overly long summer event is over.
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Hideyoshi won the war, though. He utterly destroyed his enemies and unified Japan under his rule, completely. He did launch a failed invasion of Korea, but he didn't bother leading it himself because it was a way to have his more disobedient and fractious vassals waste their military resources without threatening his regime. He granted exemptions to a few of his powerful allies, like Ieyasu, which would ultimately come to haunt his successors since they'd have to deal with an insanely wealth and powerful Ieyasu who unlike a lot of his rivals, never wasted all his money and soldiers in Korea and instead just got richer and stronger with every passing year, sitting on the richest domain in Japan.
Dying is not an excuse
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Female body + male mind is the ideal partner
Hideyoshi died of old age, surrounded by his retainers and concubines. The ones he hadn't had executed due to his erratic behavior in old age, anyway.
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Nobunaga was right in not taking Hideyoshi seriously, he should've taken Tokugawa in earlier
Should I take Ozempic bros
Would Hideyoshi care if Chacha or her kid died? He seems like such a schizo from how FGO portrays him, that I can't imagine him giving a shit. If he showed up in the next gudaguda, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up if he was the obligatory "servant that betrays you" villain. If he was summonable, I'd imagine he'd care so little, that he wouldn't even have a single line for Chacha.
Death is not an excuse. Especially when you are a monarch.
He is shown to be a protagonist-type servant so far in Koha-Ace, dunno if they gonna do a 180 like Fionn
you dont understand, i need to kill the entire planet. but why? men.. are beasts
According to Nobu he was a schizo but still couldn't raise his head in front of the woman he loved
Hideyoshi was extremely cunning and capable in his prime, but sadly old age did a number on his mind. He became unstable, having wild mood swings and seeming to suffer from bouts of extreme paranoia. He might've been schizophrenic but nobody can know for sure.
Holy shit, that's MASTERPIECE, I love Rikyu now wtf
Who the FUCK is the wolf dude? I don't remember him from Himiko's event at all.
Hideyoshi did actually love Chacha a lot and fate makes this even more of a thing he's just also a schizo.
Monkey was Nobbu's top general, easily. Ieyasu was probably his match in sheer cunning, but Monkey had a talent for virtually every skill required of a good general, while Ieyasu seemed to just be supernaturally lucky.
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Hideyoshi is not just a schizo who cares about nothing and loves no one, Chacha notes that that every action he takes is sincere.
And also, he genuinely loved Chacha.
>Kumquat is obsessive
>Monkey is schizo
>Tanuki is machiavellian
>The rest is bloodthirsty
Is there a normal servant in Oda army
He's not a betrayer
He's a schizo
Whatever he does he'll do it openly without caring
If someone he cares about dies he'll go "well that sucks" and move on instantly
Ultimately he wouldn't care about Rikyuu 's revenge
are you on chapter 1 or some shit they literally tell you and even give you a flashback for people like you lmaooooooo
He is Woodwose’s younger cousin from Japan
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What do I do with shitty SRs that I will never invest in?
>Is there a normal servant in Oda army
just as many as were in the shinsengummy worms
Breeding old men in young girls bodies...
He is literally me
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Beach mama
Burn them for RP
You think he yelled out "LADY NOBUNAGA" during sex?
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
Why did his enemies understand him more than his friends?

>Ishida: hideyoshi had a tough time coming to this choice
No he didn't
He's a guy that decides life and death like he's deciding what to eat today
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There's no such thing as a normal warlord.
Is Hideyoshi autistic?
Rikyu.... PUNNNNCH!!!!!
Who is Hideyoushi?
>a single notable Nip in history
>not autistic
pick 1
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Mitsunari is just trying to cope because he had to carry out a lot of these brutal murders. So to him, if Hideyoshi had to agonize over every decision, he has more peace of mind.
Why can't nips have more NORMAL historical figures like most of the western world? The only one I can think of is Ryouma, and he was a westaboo.
Nasu says PHH Nobunaga was "an extremely mediocre normal man with nothing essencteic or abnormal about him at all he was pointlessly normal, he was boring, there was nothing remarkable in any way"

Nasu basically decided Guda Guda isn't canon and now he's trying to write his own warring states lore in his own style because Guda Guda lore is too silly, and it sucks. Sugitani comments that PHH Nobunaga is an extremely mediocre and boring man.
Ishida is just used to covering up for those whimsical decisions and he's done it for so long he's drinking the cool-aid himself.
Island folk are mostly autistic, just look at the flip and the bong
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I understand.
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He's that green dinosaur in Mario I think.
Nasu is a fucking idiot.
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Sorry Nasu but we already have PHH Nobunaga, Keikenchi beat you to it.
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Mori bros...
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I do think it's funny that out of all of her lives, the one where she had permanent consequences for her actions was the one where she was actually doing nothing wrong and just wanted to live normall but all her past karma caught up to her event without memories at the time.
Sugitani event was case files writer, not Nasu
>Guda Guda lore is too silly, and it sucks
This coming from the guy who made and pushed servantverse? This is either fake news or Nasu's an even bigger retard than I imagined.
What does the age of blackness mean exactly?
Sound like Nasu was disappointed to find out irl Nobbu was not a gun person but more of a yari ashigaru person
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>Nasu hates GudaGuda for being too silly
>Includes servantverse shit
He's just mad GudaGuda mogs him own comedy stuff.
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Morning, Mom.
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Rikyu if iterally me fr fr
I wanna finna dab on the world and destroy it with an age of never ending darkness
no cap
to me monkey saying men are beasts also seemed to include himself. basically
>these guys are beasts, they will try to kill me at some point
>so me, being a beast too, will just kill them first
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So Hideyoshi wanted to get it on with Nobbu, but he wasn't able to, so he settled with her niece. I see.
Guda Guda is its own seperate history now and none of it really counts for PHH stuff, so literally none of it counts for anything. And since none of it counts Nasu basically gave other writers permission to make their own canon PHH versions of warring states characters instead of the gudaguda ones. Sugitani is PHH, and he confirms PHH is just an average every man like Guda.
>The strong can bully the weak which is bad
>Therefore if everyone is downcast and broken down then everyone is equal and there is no difference between strong and weak
>Dung Eater and Rikyu have the same goal
nasu is just jealous lmao
>Guda Guda lore is too silly
holy based
nuke servantverse next
Little Dark Age
I really don't understand why they insist on making gudaguda lore completely separate from all the other Fate lore.
No, he was already on his deathbed, he wasn't afraid of dying. He was thinking of the future, of Hideyori.

He's saying that man has no morals, they dress choices up with reason and logic but ultimately it's fake in the end you're just beasts. He's saying he never gave a shit about that stuff to begin with, he proudly realizes he's just an animal and acts without moral.
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Friendly reminder that tonight is the end of the event main story (9th and 10th cup). There's a jump scare scene so try not to keep your face too close to the screen while playing through.
Koma's ascension will be unlocked by clearing the ascension unlock quest added to the interlude on Mon, not tonight.
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>Fucking Oda Nobunaga
>"Normal man"
Nasu please fuck off and go research japanese history for 5 seconds.
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this event made me love monkey
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Nasu made the servantverse so he won't
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I'm about to go somewhere for two hours. I expect this thread to have many posts talking about how beautiful Rikyu is.
Ptolemy event
Ishida wasn't his friend, though, he was his flunky. Ishida owed his station entirely to Hideyoshi's favor. It wasn't an equal relationship at all. Mitsunari was slavishly devoted to Hideyoshi and his legacy because without it, he'd have nothing.
Is hard not to root for komahime when Hideyoshi was such an asshole
Rikyu > Komahime
Morning momtato.
this looks cool though?
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Rikyu = Komahime
T. merchant
There is not a single actual evil woman in fate grand order. the most you can have is a cute dork
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Oh he's projecting hard since he's probably ASPD and thinks everyone else is too
don't care about a sleezy merchant doing anything for a buck seething about getting what was coming to him
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Good morning bro
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Only half Korea
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It's dumb that you have to roll the servant and then complete the ascension unlock quest to see the third ascension for your friend's servants. Why couldn't they make it so servantlets only need to complete the required story node so the third ascension stops being a spoiler and they could view their friend's third ascension servants normally?
he was right though. we can see how evil rikyu amd koma are, monkey was right in acting preemptively.
This event made me dislike Rikyu posters
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>Men are beasts, deep.
You're asking too much for an indie company
Good moming
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>Keeps doubling down on servantverse
>BB Cosmos
>Keeps ruining Foreigners with his own meme joke servants
>But GudaGuda is too silly
The fuck is wrong with Nasu?
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No food for you!
He basedo
Why are these GUDAGUDA events so serious? I thought these were supposed to be the COMEDU events.
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Men are beasts.
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Men are breasts
Keikenchi is a hack.
That thing? Monkey has a stand?
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The overall plot is fine, but the actual progression of the story is pretty dumb
"you betrayed me but I knew you were betraying me so I betrayed you as part of the betrayal plan I had ready to betray you!"
I never owned a beast yugioh deck.
Tomorrow morning*
servantverse being tied to a major story chapter is so fucking dumb
i think he's going insane or trying to murder fate on purpose
It's makes me a little sad they didn't lean into this joke a little more. I would love a 1 star straight-laced Nobu with traditional art.
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Its kind of fun how they keep making fun about not taking anything that happens on summer or halloween seriously, but funny enough summer and halloween nonsense is more consistant than main chapters
Keikenchi lost any control over GUDAGUDA characters once all his OC servants got into FGO.
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betrayalkino is sengokucore though
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Morning, bro.
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>Say this
>Make summer a main story prologue with OC3
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>points requirement to advance story
>only way to get points is make tea
>but all the tea mats until the last 3 are fucking shit
>so you have to waste leaves to get to them
I hate this event's design so much
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Bros... Are GUDAGUDA and Summer events actually just main stories disguised as events?
i just want dragon fangs, but it only requires two so i have over a thousand red tea with nothing to use it with
Why? You will still have 2 weeks to farm the good mats
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You can exchange tea leaves in the shop.
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were your expectations not subverted?
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made for big aurora breeding
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Shuten if she real
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>Keeps doubling down on servantverse
He likes it
>>BB Cosmos
What's wrong with this?
>>Keeps ruining Foreigners with his own meme joke servants
While I agree, most classes are like that.
>>But GudaGuda is too silly
He said that years ago, things change
>The fuck is wrong with Nasu?
He has never been consistent.
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Hear me out, but do you think Rikyu pee would taste like tea?
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You thought we were joking?
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oh no kidding, thanks!
Servants don't pee.
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Everyone has Oberon so nobody cared about this enough, and people won't find for Rikyu in support usually
The drill is if a problem is not reported enough then they won't do anything at all, there was a bug related to the shop during the Dragon Castle event which made it unusable on some machines but they didn't fix it until the end of event
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I wish everyone in this thread goes to hell no matter what.
i look like this
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Servants for this feel?
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Servants don't need to eat but they still do
rikyu would pee on me if I asked him to
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Slow down /alter/, you're moving too fast!
I mean, compared to myths he was pretty normal. I don't think he played with any super natural entities or had any powers, he was just a warlord that was just way more open minded to use anything he could to win.
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You ARE using your new summer Valkyrie to run the latest node, right?
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Good morning hermanos
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Adorable little creature.
I only use GUDAGUDA servants for GUDAGUDA events. Any other event or node is fair game though.
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Shitkyu, by my command squiggles I order you:
Piss yourself, drink it, and describe its taste to me in the form of a haiku.
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>The fuck is wrong with Nasu?
He always wanted to make sci-fi but ended stuck in a fantasy series
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This one was supposed to be, a heavy one. And that was its appeal.
It was amazing everyone played their role, the emotional flow was well-done. Definitely feels better than just reading or dumping the wiki.
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i just use event bonus servants and face card, am i doing it wrong?
I don't think this is safe for work, bro...
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>Working to save PHH
>PHH tells me better Nobbu and the Guda crew aren't canon
Why would I save something objectively wrong?
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The actual story is the joke now so events are the serious part.

Personally I enjoyed a lot the gudagudas set on imperial captial, and the sengoku one.

But the ones in yamatokuni are kinda meh
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AI slopper, generate futa summer Nobbu (second ascension) and futa summer Sei (first ascension) rubbing their dicks together (兜合わせ)
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If you really wanted to be on the side of PHH you would burn all of your extra class servants.
Nasu isn't a hack.
A hack is the kind of writer who makes 2 different protagonists with the same name, backstory, and superpower in completely different settings.
Pinches vijenas putas
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If you really were on the side of PHH I'd have my harem of cunny angels already
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I literally can't burn Mash
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This is the next GudaGuda.
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Oh, seriously?
Golden warmth, bitter whisper,
Regret on your tongue.
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here's an emote bros, post it in our guild chat
Our what?!
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Wait for me. I'm coming for you soon.
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>catch up on last threads
>Super Bunyan is a skinwalker, Bunyan's soul got eaten by some native american demon at some point and none of this has ever been mentioned in game ever
This franchise is such a joke man. Put Nasu out to pasture.
Hideyoshi killing Komahime unironically helped doom his lineage when Komahine's family sided with Tokugawa and turned into one of their best allies.
Fuck off. I would rather burn all my silvers and bronzes than my beloved Jalter, Draco, the Yamatai queens or my Foreigner cunny gf!
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She'll always be there for you, bro.
>11 more days
>for a gigantic disappointment anyway
I'm glad Nasu and co are finally killing FGO with their own hands while blaming the audience for it
reading up on the hideyoshi stuff. he deserved his bad end.
>In a particularly tragic case, Hideyoshi refused to spare the life of Mogami Yoshiaki's 15-year-old daughter, who had only just arrived in Kyoto to become Hidetsugu's concubine and had not yet even met her husband-to-be. Her death caused the powerful Mogami clan to zealously support Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara against Toyotomi loyalist forces, five years later.
>still up
mash kyrieheavy
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Sex with snakes
He croaked due to old age. So it wasn't really a bad end. His successor Ishida got fucked by Tokugawa. It is rumored that his heir was the result of NTR because he was never able to produce a heir till one of his concubines gave him one in his old age.
Every political figure in the sengoku period deserved what they got, it was just a bunch of loonies with too much power. What a shitshow.
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How you doing tonight, alter?
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shame she's drawn by takao
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where do I find a Rin gf?
Some of you could really do with less masturbating and more studying/reading
I don't know what Riyo was thinking, but that definitely was an asspull
Can Ritsuki kill Servants?
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Study this.
Oda unironically dindu nuffin wrong
I do plenty of both thankyouverymuch
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And you could be less of a bitch, but we can't always get what we want
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it's these threads fault...
It was truly a certified Riyo moment.
No... you can't post this... it's oniichan material!
I stared at this for 1 minute thinking she was headless.
Cute bunbun
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Post your favorite My Room Servant.
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Hey (You), yes (You) in this thread right now. (You)'re my bro...
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I see what you mean.
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taigong rekt
The point of "them" was to confuse you, or you will know that he is Chacha's first son immediately
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The 5th magic....
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how about we post some good ol' BRO saturday farming music?
need octupulet crystals so fucking bad bros...
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you're totally right i should steal some books
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Need /fgoalter/ gf so fucking bad bros...
I talk like this
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Hmmm, today I think I will delete one random eceleb from my friends list.
Mom cheer
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Even Zelretch is confused
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The doc thread is still alive I think.
It's only guys
most retarded dialogue I've seen in a while
delete me
Exactly why that anon said doc thread.
It reeks of being a Nasu or Sakurai choice.
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Sorry, no comfy music from me, have my lifting music instead.
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Later nerds I found a better water obsessed autist.
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How do i do the double koyan dark koyan light loop again
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this nigga plays mihoyo slop LMFAOOOO
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Shusha is so cute.
I wound up being more OK with vlov than I thought I'd be considering he displaced NRVNQSR
>hot water
i've heard of people traveling to china and the standard is warm or room temp water being served, they don't like ice in water for some reason whats up with that?
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>alter is slow
Whatever happened to Strange Fake?
Do we know if more is coming out, ever?
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Men are beasts.
I've heard that about 10-20C temp water is actually the most optimal for bodily water absorption.
You can get a flu if you drink cold water in China I think.
not just china its pretty common among older generations across east asia: japan, korea, china.
>ctrl f men are beasts
>6 results
Mental illness?
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Supposedly that's pretty standard all over the world. I watched this video on youtube once of this british guy who had moved to the US and he was baffled by how everyone in the US drank ice water instead of room temp, so he made a video explaining American's obsession with cold water.
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For me its a warm glass of milk.
>i've heard of people traveling to china and the standard is warm or room temp water being served, they don't like ice in water for some reason whats up with that?
I guess because that's what the human body has been used to for most of our existence. Cooling is a relatively new concept
Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
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Which one?
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latest meme, keep up old man and read the event
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>hot as fuck outside
>I'm supposed to drink room temp or warm water instead of nice cold water to wet my whistle
yeah, fuck that
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1, 2 if there was a costume to remove the hands. 3 is just too much going on for my tastes
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Imagine her looking at you dick and she gives you this expression haha...
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It's just too bad he got bullied by everyone he met.
>read nipwank
Suck me off first, slut
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740 days until Maxwell's Demon becomes summon-able on NA during GudaGuda 8: Bakumatsu and quick is saved again
He will be another BUSTER support.
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Maybe I'm weird for this but when I'm working outside in the heat during summer, warm water actually does a better job of quenching my thirst than cold water. I never keep my water in a cooler because of it.
If I'm at a restaurant or at home I'd rather have cold water though.
Nero is obviously going to be repurposed
if anything bad happens to arc setting up bluemash's route I'm not gonna be a happy camper
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>No, Master of Chaldea. You're the Beast.
What did they mean by this?
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I'm a beast alright. Morbidly a beast.
Not a bad thing at all. I'm very confident in my dick size. Furthermore, the way she's arched backwards, presenting her small budding breasts and her cleavage, are all clear signs that she's enticed by it and that I should make my move and make her mine right then and there.
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>They're drinking hot water now
Maybe Monkey was right...
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Nice cock, /alter/. Pff
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no... horse cock... gone...
Riyo comics have to be the worst official gag comics for any game. You could switch out the characters with any other characters and the "humor" would be the same since the characters are all wildly out of character.
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Rikyu/Koma are giant faggots.
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I will be shocked if you don't end up liking Ciel
As someone else said >>493531385
You probably also can drink normal room temp water faster than ice cold or hot. Ice cold is nice but won't really quench the thirst
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Berserker 'tism
Nobunaga got scammed into buying trash, what a dumbass
I'm thinking about you drinking up my semen
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Someone stop me from wasting rolls on this hot evil woman
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Stop having inappropriate thoughts about religious women.
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do it
Don't do it, she's 14 years old
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Is this your way of telling me you're on offer?
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>evil woman looks at /alter/ smugly while being evil
She's actually pretty good. Obviously she's not POO/Morgan/Arc/Ibuki, but she'll do fine.
too old
Eight days until we get FSF anime news!
>Type Redline
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I can fix her.
Is she really evil if her revenge is deserved?

>Hideyoshi: ishida murder everyone this one guy knew, as a joke. Yes he was my most loyal vassal, and he didn't do anything wrong, but I think it would be pretty funny
>enter chat
>whale cum :)
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What the fuck did I miss?
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Revenge is never right.
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I don't know, I would be fucking pissed to. Like she just shows up first time ever and gets killed without knowing anything. Also the wet nurses too, like really man?
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It's wrong because it's not very wabi-sabi.
Super Bunyan's complete materials
She was devoured from the inside like one of those insects where the mushroom takes over their body
>Evil Woman
>Is not actually evil at all
I am walking garbage
Revenge is generally somewhat evil, but otherwise good people absolutely can want and undertake revenge.
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Can I get a source?
Guess i'm never summoning super bunyan to keep mine safe.
Koyan is evil for pounding every male master's prostate.
>former evil woman ruler has retired and now just lives next door to (you)
>still somewhat evil but is nice to you
I need doujins like this
What is she's from a different religion?

>A hero/trickster mentioned in the mythology of the indigenous peoples of northern North America, mainly the Ojipwa. Super Bunyan's knowledge of the indigenous people and her special appearance are derived from this heroic spirit. In order to fulfill his own wish he snuck into Bunyan's Spirit Origin and uses it to manifest. ■■■■ eroded and completely devoured Bunyan's soul faster than they could be incorporated as part of Bunyan. A shape shifter ■■■■ mimicked Super Bunyan's soul in order to keep his existence a secret. The result is a perfect copy of Super Bunyan's personality unaware that's it's a fake and that it's real self has long since been devoured by ■■■■. They had planned to masquerade as Super Bunyan for a while and then reveal themselves when the time was right, however the personality of Super Bunyan which they had copied had a strong teenage ego and stronger self interest than expected and so their self awareness was sealed deep inside her psyche. ■■■■'s self awareness has been completed sealed and the only knowledge of their existence is in a disoriented state within Super Bunyan. When Super Bunyan who is still soul searching one day comes to terms with herself, the world and finally finds peace of mind the sealed personality of ■■■■ will resurface, break the mimicry and take over the Spirit Origin. And then Super Bunyan's personality will disappear without a trace.
By who?
>Is she really evil
Yeah. She's bullying Chacha and spouting nonsense about everyone being equal. Just summon Monkey and I'll shoot him personally. I don't care what your gripes are if you're just lashing out at uninvolved people.
The prostate was really squishy and he came buckets while moaning femininely. Can you call it evil when he clearly wanted that all along and just didn’t know?
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Hold it! While she truly deserves to enact revenge, the way she drags innocents into it is completely unwarranted, and not unlike what Hideyoshi himself did, therefore making her a hypocrite as well.
why does nobu looks way cuter here than in the current event?
I mean she's still pretty evil, but I can at least understand why she's fucking pissed
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Well at least regular Bunyan will be safe, Super Bunyan is just fucked though.
She doesn't have retarded uguu kawaii anime bug eyes
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I haven't been paying full attention to the story, but why is monkey NOT here?
>Riyo Event only added Melies and Hoover as power ups for Bunyan
>It wasn't even Bunyan so the big Servant added wasn't even actually from Learning with Manga
Man, this is bullshit
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Most /alter/anons would tremble in the presence of an actual evil woman.
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Because this place is for people with lingering regrets. Monkey has no lingering regrets.
Not evil (or at least not malicious), she's just retarded.
I'm glad she flops and Riyo got fucked.
The worst people never get punished in nasuverse
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Only Super Bunyan is affected by this at least, regular's spirit origin is still normal.
I’m more into soft and gentle women
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It's Kaiser Nobu. This one is younger and more serious.
Sorry, Nobu, but I'm gonna have to become your enemy
Nothing personal, I just want to fuck your sister
Can you really call Aurora evil if she did it because her very existence made her do it instead of any form of malicious intent?
She's not evil though, as she hasn't done anything irredeemable. We're obviously going to stop her before she does
This, just an instinctual animal
They do though.
>Tokiomi died by the hands of his trusted disciple
>Zolgen died crushed like a worm
To be fair, The worst people have zero regret for their own actions at all, so they will never get fucked the way this work
Then why was his unborn son there
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>Character isn't evil because we stop them before they blow up the orphanage
>Nanabozho most often appears in the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. In his rabbit form, he is called Mishaabooz ("Great rabbit" or "Hare") or Gitchii-waabooz ("Big rabbit").
>An Ojibwe legend describes Nanabozho's encounter with folkloric lumberjack Paul Bunyan.

Huh. Kind of a shame that this was only revealed from mats and not ingame. Bunyan Alter when?
Because Shusha obviously regrets dying young.
top kek
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>Bunyan Alter when?
Hopefully never with how shit that event was.
>aurora sympathizers
Didn't know Melu posted in /alter/
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Name one bad thing she has done
This is the same shit as most demons or even certain dragons. They are born evil and will do evil things because that's the only thing they can do. Those that actually strive to change against their own nature are the only ones that should receive any form of empathy or even support.
There is a reason why Oberon called her the fae that emodies perfectly all the faes, by how selfish, stubborn, and cunning she was. Innocently evil and cruel, without realizing it.
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Nobu really doesn't strike me like the type of person to have a problem with that.
t. skipped LB6
If evil means turning a reasonable fae into a caterpillar then let me be evil and rip Aurora's wings apart before sending her into PHH to let the internet reduces her into an ugly, powerless hag.
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Just curious and want to know. How much and how long do players spend to roll and get this many SSR's, as in 13 or something?
I've spent nearly a grand, plus around 300 free SQ from bonuses and story for all of this, not including special cases like GSSR's and free summons, so subtract six of these from pic related.
More like mentality retarded then evil. Even someone working with was shocked at how fucking stupid she is. She does fucking does things without even thinking of what will happen.
Ericeanon’s new target
A lion isn't evil for eating someone alive. Bestow it with sapience, and now it can choose between mercy killing or drawn out agony.
Only now it can be evil. That's the tipping point which is the linchpin of this discussion.
>spending money on this shit
I haven't spent a dime and have close to 50 SSR and every meta support to date. Granted I've played since day 1.
>Those that actually strive to change against their own nature are the only ones that should receive any form of empathy or even support
Name ONE, half breeds don't count since they have their humanity to keep them in check
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Becoming her enemy or fucking her sister?
The brood parasite is clearly evil though.
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>Literal skinwalker saw Bunyan dress up as a Bunny once
>Decided to take over her next spirit origin as a result
>Did it without anyone's knowledge
>This is why Super Bunyan doesn't act like Bunyan
>When Super Bunyan calms down she will experience Ego Death
What the FUCK?
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>skipped the best chapter in the game and of any TM work in the past few years
Aurora is sapient though. Also, how much of your decisions are predetermined by your personality?
You are comparing a basic foodchain survival with someone that if she developed her brain she would at least consider better ways to make people simp for her without resorting to kill and literally cause the ruin of everything, including her own.
Demons can be good if they want. It's like Tolkien's elf-orc thing.
Did you just fucking spoiler me bro
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The best chapter is LB2 though?
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>the best TM work
All women are inherently evil.
Especially Morganshit.
>if they want
Key phrase. It's all just in act in the end though to entertain themselves.
LB2 is only good for the funny OOOOOOOOO memes. LB6 I'd by far the best chapter in this game period. I'm convinced we will NEVER get kino on that level ever again.
b-bravo nasu...
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Animals can be evil
Of course you would defend aurora
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blah blah blah Morgan is autistic, oberon is le gigabrained mastermind , Melu is a simp, and Bob is a whore
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The sister fucking. As for the enemy part, you gotta be quite the piece of work to manage to get to that level and not just be a nuisance.
Innocently evil is the worst kind of evil and if Aurora is the standard then maybe TFD is the right option
Monkey is just male Nobu. I don't know why everyone is surprised that Nobu's disciple/successor is just as crazy as she is.

Actually, GudaGuda is just a thing because its making fun of how utterly psychopathic everyone in Japanese history is.
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pic related: pure evil incarnate
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I know you asked this the other day but you're fine to stop rolling for servants. The next big ones for you would be Castoria and Oberon for supports and then at that point you'd just roll for whomever you like. Also hurry up and finish LB4 so you can do the event.
>already dead
>somehow could still sneak into the cavern without Sakura knowing while both Zouken and CA Hassan died half way through
Is Nasu, dare I say, a hack?
>grand on png
not that im judging but i havent spent a cent on gacha
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>Riyo shat out the worst event in the game's history
>The original concept was somehow even worse
>Having this many SSR's as completely F2P even as a nine-year veteran (or seven if NA) in a game notoriously for very low drop-rates for desirables
the absolute balls on that chicken
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>New Yamataikoku
>its thousands of years old
I skipped the Riyo event, how was it the worst?
i kneel
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That tiger is lucky it wasn’t a Canadian type.
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Riyo didn't write that event, now I wish he did because this would have been an INSANE reveal.
>Master discovered that Bunyan had been taken over by an evil spirit
>killed it like usual
>Bunyan came back
Isn't this the usual for Chaldea?
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>Monkey is just male Nobu
No that's actually Nobu
Monkey is Dollar Store Nobu
Humans are animals and the dolphin had it coming
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I liked the learning with manga collab, comfy overworld music and nice map. I even liked Super Bunyan but seeing the extra shit about her makes me sad.
At least the mice were cute, hoover and melies were fun and the pseudo-lotto was pretty good farming.
S Bunyan was stuck in her 2nd ascension for 90% of the event which is objectively her worst ascension.
nta but I'm gssr only and have 67 5* NP levels
I don't think it's that weird
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Hook ‘Em Horns!
Her 3rd ascension is the only acceptable one.
This event sucks, Rikyu sucks the most though
One day we will get Giga Bunyan who is a jacked man in a flannel with a beard.
>Humans are animals
Yeah yeah, and fishes don't exist.
Is there anything geese fear?
The worst of event of current year with Dog event being a close second
I know. I'm just asking on average how many players spend to get a decent amount of SSR's.
Also, I have Rikyu. That means I'm already well on my way in the event.
You can’t say that when valentines was the worst event this year by miles
All women are dumb evil whores who need to get beaten tbqh
I think they're pure anger
I don't even remember what valentines was this year.
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The one with Bazett and some evil chocolate tree
On second thought the white day event was worse
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I know summer events are usually longer than usual, but fucking WHAT?
Time is the big thing. The free SQ this game gives you an average of 5~ rate-up SSR per year.
The game's in it's 7th year (NA) already.
Will next year's GudaGuda be better?
You don't like glasses?
If you had a tiny little teeny tiny clone of Morgan, would you feel bad about torturing it?
It's nasu using summer as a prologue for OC3. Yes, using an event that people love for OC shit. Even nips are annoyed, like they feel he really wants to kill summer the same way he did with halloween.
i would kill it
Costumes were fine, even if I don’t have the servant that got the best one (Karna)
You need a minimum of 45 days to rush from Fuyuki to OC2 anon.
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>Even nips are annoyed
how do you know?
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>Nob on screen
>Good event
>Nob not on screen
>Kinda boring, ngl
I can easily torture something that isn't an animal.
Being a latelet is pain, is it?
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>Nasu hates Halloween, Christmas and Summer
>Hates GudaGuda
>Things are only allowed to be silly when HE is making the jokes (servantverse)
>Got mad at Riyo and didn't even let him write the last Bunyan event
Why does Nasu have a stick up his ass recently?
I'm a latelet that's been playing for two years but I think I've dropped 1500~ or so. Ended up getting all the good supports and some variety of omni-farmers and nice NP levels so now I'm just saving for servants I really want which the next one isn't until summer 8.
Fomo is boring
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Nobu is very cool
It can't be helped.
it was revealed to me in a dream
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Cute latelet
At the very least I advise ridding yourself of the notion of catching up.
The big supports will enable you to use wide swathes of servants, and just pick ones you expecially like and target them.
You might one day stop being a latelet, but you will never stop being cute.
White day > Valentines >>>>> Dogs >>>>>> Shit >>>> GUDAGUDA 7
They signed a petition
Voices in my head told me that
The fact that pixiv and x haven't been blown up with Space Eresh or other summer servants fanarts says a lot.
The fact that some people in forums and 2ch said that they hate how they have to wait for too long with an event just to continue the story, as well as how they toned down the rewards of the LB4 Challenge Quests?
>White day > Valentines
sis...stop thinking with your cunt...
His uncle works for Notes Co Ltd
So what would be a good event then?
So said the moe maou
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A witch told me.
More please. Especially scary ones.
shinichameleon told me
>what is BB dubai
are you living under a rock?
fgo gets a lot less art nowadays in general
>toned down
That's an interesting way of saying there are literally no rewards.
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Yeah no shit. I am trying to not be that hard on it.
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No servants have blown up since lb6 period the golden age of fgo art ended in 2019. LB6 was an aberration. Reality sucks.
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Thank you for your contribution, two bronze apples have been deposited to your account.
>Reality sucks.
Well, fix it.
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I'm trying, ok!?
Shit's more fucked than previously expected!
Actually fuck you.
>no reward
>no compensation
>even less sq
>story is shit
>no content
>limited google play store
>disrespeceting the servants, our servants, MY servants
>too much clap
>letting nasu and hackeuchi do whathever the fuck they want, including bullshit
>expecting people to not get mad
You deserve even worse
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Pako did this
I didn't ask for balls
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you can't fix it
you can only save yourself
I plan on ejaculating inside Rikyu
The original concept would have been at least compelling if Super Bunyan was a skinwalker, but I think it would have been a powder keg for the community, and the event/Super Bunyan's sales would have been even worse than they already were.
I will have sex with this old man
extremely heterosexual
Everyone still got their welfare Bunyan so it could have been another Cu and Cuzilla.
>wanting futa without balls
That's mad gay.
I changed my mind. Let's have anon commit seppuku after all. Kill his friends and family too, as well as his dog and hamsters, and also seize his phone and delete every single servant, bote, student and nikker one by one.
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I have one important question, why the game dialogues still use "sen no rikyu" name after stating she is komahime.
Usually after a reveal like that the new name is the one appearing on the dialogues.

Its because lazyness/mistake or its actually plot relevant?
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Futa is fucking gay no matter which way and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever change that.
i am now gonna roll for komahime because she's white and evil!!!
She's still Rikyu, he just made himself look like Koma.
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You cannot change the world but you can change YOUR world, simply create the art of your desired servant in your mind or pick up a pen.
So he's grand pretender? I'm assuming we're gonna get the real Komahime after the event?
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It's still Rikyu in control.
Feminine penis can't be gay.
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>and also seize his phone and delete every single servant
You're gonna wake up crispy as fuck tomorrow mate.
>seize his phone and delete every single servant, bote, student and nikker one by one
I think there you are making him a favor. I mean, he is dead and he can't enjoy them anyway, but you are helping his memory but not letting the world know he rolled for np5 Illya and np6 summer abby
but she doesn't have white hair
Old men love!
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I can feel Lavinia getting closer...
I WILL kill your son and disrespect you, monkey.
>/alter/ loves Rikyu
>also hates Bakin
It's over...
Why would you want the pussy covered up by a big pair of saggy testicles
Rikyu literally loops better than Bakin despite the card types
Bakin's event was trash if I'm being honest.
Kobungo is mah nigga
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We've never been so back
Why do you want the dick?
>hates Bakin
I disagree, if /alter/ hated her would be one thing, but is way worse than that, its that they don't care in the slightlest, Most part of the time they do not even remember she exists,
Apathy is worse than hate because means you dont even care to hate
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I love both actually.
Raikou sex.

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