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Previous: >>492566519

Magia Record completed its service at 15:00 JST on 31 July (1 July for DMM version)
Thank you for loving and playing Magia Record
Thank you all the sisters who contributed to /PMMM/'s original contents

Aniplex Online Fest 2024
16/9 12:00 JST -

Watch Magia Day 2024
25/8 17:30 JST -

Exedra on Steam and Google Play

>Release of Archive App
31/7 15:00 JST - 14/10 15:00 JST

>MagiReco Story being uploaded on Exedra YT
Prologue - Chapter 1
(25/8 21:00 JST - )

Chapter 2
(30/8 21:00 JST - )

AS Chapter 2
(30/8 21:00 JST - )

Chapter 3 (1/2)
(31/8 21:00 JST - )

Chapter 3 (2/2)
(1/9 21:00 JST - )

AS Chapter 3
(1/9 21:00 JST - )

Chapter 4 (1/2)
(6/9 21:00 JST - )

Chapter 4 (2/2)
(7/9 21:00 JST - )

AS Chapter 4
(7/9 21:00 JST - )

https://justpaste.it"a"/f4avx (Remove "a")

>Cock Tower

>Remember Your Friends
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OHOHOHOHO lmao daitoids~ desu wa~
Amane leg breaking and lung crushing live in 45 mins!
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I have mommy issues
Magia Record
Many /PMMM/sisters do…
>China can WOLOLO in AOM
Expansion must cone soon
lol literally in cold sweat
And I was about to put an AI art in OP to modernise the OP.
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Who is the strongest mother??
>MasaKoko NTR and LGD

Personally I'm more fond of such a scenario happening to HanMiko.
Kill yourself
>have two cute gay girls in love with each other
>insert fat, ugly man cock between them
I don't see the appeal
>fat, ugly man cock

>Sakuramiya Shimai No Netorare Kiroku
Which is my fave. Had the lovers, who were also sisters, get raped by athletic male students.
Fortunately most Magireco fanartists and fic writers have the good taste to not engage in that shitty fetish
Installed new adblock /PMMM/. Sad I had to replace the old one.
which adblock?
The appeal is just two girls sharing a cock. A common male fantasy.
For me, it's the seeing her girlfriend get fucked as she watches her make a face she hasn't made before.
As it continues she then imagines what she'll look like when it's her turn or when she can't stand it anymore and wants to join.
Alternatively, the girl being fucked tries her best to save face as her girlfriend is watching.
No, I don't consider this NTR.
>fondness for an adblock extension
this sis REALLY hates change
>started writing something as a shitpost
>realize I'm actually really, really into it
Always fun to discover new fetishes
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Mind to share sis???
I refused to use "smart"phones until 2017
Is rape.
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For me, it's LIVIA'D Oowie.
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meguca-meguca cuckoldry...
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Tokime Supremacy!
Shizuka has learned a thing or two from Hime...
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I found this manga about rome isekai and i couldn't help but thinking about magia historia
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am i just spoiled because i played magireco too much or is there some real simliratiy?
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what do you think pmmm?
I think small-dicked megucas like Shigure and Ren deserve to have magical girls with big futa dicks rail their girlfriends
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they even have a magician (witch) named octavia
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Isuzu futa dick is bigger than any dick you've ever seen hai.
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Amane leg breaking...
So nostalgic...
In that case I'd rather have another girl do the raping
Oh nice, finally a good isekai manga
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W, what did Mabber show???
Have you not seen the scene from basic instinct?
That is also hot but imagine a girl being raped in front of her girlfriend.

And that girl obviously does not enjoy the degrading experience.
Off to a terrible start already.

But at least this author did not ask AI.
Getting worse.
maybe its a faulty tl
The suffix -is is masculine. Basic Latin.
i wonder what the original spelling was
what about Zenith?
Original script is ゼニス so it could be Zenith.
In that case, it'd be too English. Ought have been Zenia or Xenia.
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>Just realised Tamao has Blue Hair

Okay, it's okay. We can fix this in the remake.
Why HannaMiko? I think all magical girl couples deserve a little LGD.
Did you even play the game?
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Why is she undressing Olga...
We'll always be waiting for you K-san...
san fransokyo is what happens if asian sisters let white sis thump them...
Oh? Aha you know what it is:
>It is observed that heterosexual Asian women (as well as homosexual Asian men) have a preference for White men as romantic partners, this same preference is not found among homosexual Asian women, who tend to prefer Asian partners.
Wtf sisters, you told me asian women loved WGD...
they are normie...
we are special...
umm sauce???
hanna and mikoto ware good friends after mikoto turned meguca.
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To clamhog her Onee-san of course...
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Wait. Even Amaryllis?
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Megucas for this feel?
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author was a magireco fan confirmed
Amaryllis-chan needs a hung barbaroi girlfriend…
>tfw bi asian female with a preference for black men (which I'd never ever admit to irl)
>Realize I'm a carbon copy of how Asumi is in bed
oh no...
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>Shiny Charlotte kills Kyoko
I was then immediately reminded of how Shiny Nagisa killed Kyoko in Scene0.
Huh, what a coincidence.
Espero que te divertistes conmigo
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I'm a white lesbian and I'm not attracted to women of other ethnicities, in real life at least. Raceplay as a kink just feels weird to me
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Poor Kyoko...
Same thing happened in Oriko magica...
Having certain races as a requirement for attraction is still a raceplay fetish even if you try to invert it.
Still a fetish even if you call it "attraction".
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Every time Himena said kyaha in the story my pussy would twitch
Is that weird
Spoil me on MagiReco's ending. I forgot it ended.
yachiyo is pregnant with Iroha's child
Game or Anime?
game. I saw some screens from /u/ with Uwasa Nemu and Toka, but ghost Ui

Author just didn't bother to research even the basics of basics of Latin grammar.

Fact she got two names right was just cause she lucked out.

I'm willing to mostly forgive Amaryllis since it is the name of a flower, and I guess they wanted to go for a feminine floral theme.

A woman named Tito is just plain bad.
"According to a legend regarding Mizuna Ward, in the days when a daimyo held power, a local commoner man and a noblewoman living in Mizuna Castle fell in love despite their unequal status. The woman's jealous fiance murdered the man. The woman mourned him greatly and visited a local shrine every night to pray to meet her dead lover once again. After 1,500 nights, and after sacrificing the lives of everyone else who lived in the castle town, her prayers were answered and she was reunited with her lover.

Although many of the details differ, it is possible that this legend originates as a corrupted retelling of the tragic romance of Tsuyu and Chizuru, with the latter playing the role of the man."
LITERAL Forbidden Lovers.

Just like Cowherder and Weaver Girl.
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Keep filling it in

Might close on September 17 Midnight JST.
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Hinomotese people just don't care...
Give me 500 yen (my daily coffee). I will do it for them.
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No, raceplay is specifically sexualized racism in interracial settings. Like an Asian girl begging white women to colonize her rice mound. Appearance plays a big part in sexual attraction and I simply don't find non-European phenotypes appealing.
i just like white because i grew up watching hollywood moives and thought they were super cool and hot
AniReco- MomoMifu
ComiReco- MomiIro
MagiReco- MomoMita
Exedra- Momo(You)

(You) come home and your Bad Timing Wife Momoko still hasn't made dinner.
also why go for another boring chinkette in 99% chink country when u can go for something exotic and cool, and prob really nice too since their parents did not abuse them growing up
What was the name of the Momoko and Mifuyu song again?
>ORO unidentified
Pick one.
One thing I do like about white x yellow is that Asian women are so short and petite, it's fun to imagine them getting pinned by a tall European girl (what happens after they've been pinned down, you can probably guess).
Magia Record
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The face of magical girl supremacy...
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>(what happens after they've been pinned down, you can probably guess)
Hmmm I can't guess...
Could you tell me explicitly???
tito could be a case of bad tl maybe
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I wonder who's the actual artist.
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>Every time Himena said kyaha in the story my pussy would twitch
That should be all normie girls' natural reaction.
no puzzle mahjong scribble?
If magical girls were real I think at least half the sisters here would get conditioned into meguca supremacy and serving magical girls
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I still firmly believe in Magical Girl Supremacy as a normie...
Of course I would gladly serve my betters who are like half my age...
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>read random yopad fic
>sudachi is just "fumufumufumufumu" without any translation
>fic still makes sense
Sudachi is so cute...
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>to colonize her mound
That reminds me how Rome colonized Aegyptus.......
it's over
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>Seon Meiyoo
No eating food or drinking water unless you let a magical girl use your body kyaha~
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>Raceplay as a kink just feels weird to me
It sure is a kink but it's fundamentally a part of degrading play.
There are quite many people into it along with the increase of interracial opportunities in the current society.

Vagina Record!
More puzzle!!
Shiggy can't even give her daughter's mother a proper piggy back ride...
Meanwhile, the Tokime stud is running very fast...
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Raceplay is hot
Raceplay banter is hilarious
Specially pink vs brown nipples...
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We're cumdumps made to please our betters... it's our inescapable fate
I simply find it very pleasing to inspect others' genitals because every single of them have different shapes and sizes...
Especially when they belong to the different ethnicity than mine...
Maybe this kink arises from my pure curiosity...
So yes, brown nipples and pussies intrigue me a lot...

Sex Record!
Does Miss Tokime KNOW this?????
Final puzzle for tonight... After this I got to sleep...
I see, so you have an evolutionarily defective fetish which dictates that you can't find fellow members of the human race (homo sapiens sapiens), the same race as you who all share the same 99.4% of DNA (as a side note, we share 70% of our DNA with bananas!), attractive unless they have mutations in the handful of genes buried within the 0.6% of DNA which code for the production of proteins responsible for melanin biosynthesis and the other region based naturally selected protective adaptations in the external features of humans that are similar to yours. On that note, your chances of passing on recessive defects is enhanced as a result of only allowing yourself to be attracted to people who share features with your close family members, meaning that you are more likely to inbreed, intentionally or otherwise.
Nothing wrong with having a fetish like that I guess, but if you bring a kid into the world who has developmental issues as a result of your inbreeding adjacent fetish, it's not like you can just return them to the store. Just keep that in mind. The world is already full of unwanted children and irresponsible parents and shitty people who don't care that they're forcing wildlife into extinction and polluting themselves into the ground over money. You and I are no more superior ethnically because we live in a world where we've allowed this to happen, and to believe your "ethnic group" is more attractive or superior, despite also allowing the world to devolve into its current state, is completely delusional.
Racial superiority fetishes are funny things, always gives me a good laugh when people want to claim to be king or queen of a steaming hill made of dog turds.
Does Shizuka REALLY?
That fat cat Sunao-chan only got her fat pair of tits kyaha~
Miss Tokime sure KNOWS the girth and length of her daughter's Tokime pride!
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Meguca for this feel?
The sexual tension between Iroha and Kuloe...
i just like brown and black because i grew up not watching them in Hollywood movies so i was very curious about them
especially their bodily features
To the sis who tried to refund the paid gemspermies:
Sorry sis I finally got to Hinomoto and tried but the transaction is already expired it says.
why are you still talking magireco
why is thread title still magireco

what happened to new game
shit taste kys
Do White sisters really??
Because Magia Record is the currently happening event. >>493512334
Seethe, you pale Yakubian piggie. Seethe, you yellow moon-faced monkey.
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Don't fight!!!
I love all /PMMM/sisters regardless of her race or ethnicity.......
If Kotone wants boobs so much she should just visit the Student council room.
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Are Swedish boobs THAT nice???
Yes but Kotone needs to BTFO before the gyaru gf finds out.

Besides she has Sena.
what about genera's title
I like them at least
>t. toucher of Swedish breasts
Swedish milk…

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