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Previous Thread: >>493441457

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 16 | New Coalition Unit: Alina - Narciss
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Aug. 15 - Sep. 12 | New Coalition Unit: Gager (VWV Model)
[Current] Aug. 29 - Sep. 12 | Theater Season 13 (MTR: L9A1)
[Upcoming] Sep. 12 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (SIG Cross, Mk.18, Microgun, M400)

[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | New Major Event: [Singularity Immemorial]
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 19 | External Search - [Seeking Stars] (Xinghuan)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Upcoming] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
gf2 doko?
Start ur day with STARturday!
Best dol to teach Nyto how to succ ?
Vepley Dozo
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Anon, do you forget that SKK himself went on a MGS mission and assassinated a KCCO commander and some troops? He's not helpless without the dolls, it's just that they usually do that job better.
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Why won't SKK just spend the rest of his life with Lunasia, away from all the fighting and bloodshed?
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Because SKK has elected the way of suffering.
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you know why
My mission is to KILL WILLIAM. That's all I ever know.
He was fighting human soldiers on the brink of defeat. Yellow Zones are full of car-sized ELIDs and a bunch of Varniggers that would just ran over anyone in the open.
He assassinated a squad leader and instantly got himself surrounded and almost died.
As a lone man, you're not going to achieve much longterm.
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I don't want Lunasia.
I want M4.
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Chinese Idol
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Its a shame that chong wrote them out of the story, we went from 3 to 1 and now none
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it's pre(re)g time
The same SKK who got ambushed and kidnapped by a bunch of bandits at the start of GF2 before his dolls rescued him.
>…I will utterly destroy Paradeus. Every Nyto, the Cocoon Project breeding them, and all the sinister forces behind it… I want them all wiped out.
Will SKK also kill the children?
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Trust the plan
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Why is a Russian doll cooking British food?
Especially the children.
>t. Griffin "Pull the trigger on Every Nygger" Commander
Beccause Grossa is a dumb bitch?
Groza likes to try new things.
She saw a Stargazy Pie and thought "That's doesn't sound so bad. It's just fish pie but creepy looking. Surely it doesn't tastes bad"
That's Lucifer "Total Nygger Death" Niggerbastard the Golden Dragon of the forest to you
You can program a doll to use more than 1 recipe
You just can't program them to be good if they aren't designed for it
>why is this glowie cooking glowfood
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Idol preregnancy
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I need to fuck her
Got all dolls in the rape up even after forgetting to use the anchor
Total Shartkry death!
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Am I the only one here who thought she's from Oshi no Ko the first time we saw her?
Owho no wut?
Oh shit no coal
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Truth be told, every anon yearns for a Gyoza wife.
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This, but its Revva wife.
I want to torture Sharky like this
>horsenigger samefagging
Why is he so pathetic?
This but with that horse doll I forgot the name
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Very nice
Lol no.
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Here's your wife bro.
Explain in 20 words or more why should I desire a Gyoza wife.
Hard mode: don't say just what she does for you as favors (rescues and whatnot), tell me things about her personality that would make living alongside her fun.
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Reminder that Sharkry has fun sized tits
2 more weeks
idk what he said
as for retards, Groza had to be with SKK before 2072, since that's when SKK got Nemesis and Groza was already present.
Going by the onion PV and few in game bits she should be with the Commander for at least 5+ years, no exact date is known
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they're just so BIG
>couldn't even show up to the /gfg/trannies' homes and fight them and kill them
>probably from the fact they OWN GUNS
>the evil mary shelley /gfg/ jewish trannies even arrested a genshin(?) leaker
>"based chinks will do terrorism over gachaslop! Q! "
Please try and fuck yourselves over more.
don't worry it's always the same

>insert NTR/INSIDER/DOLL here
>insert TIEBA/NGA here
ngafag here, i will livestream my suicide soon. see you later cucks.
Self immolate infront of MICA HQ
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This but at hokor's desk.
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In his earlier rambling he linked something and said he didn't what was said
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something along the lines of "my chink gods will get weapons and do a terrorist attack on the shanghai cartel! you fucked up this time!"
Never, they're just a cannon fodder sector now like Cyclopes and Jiutian in the war against Eosphorous.
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>Malkira and Loliurge are both permaded
i want to motorboat her ass
But we got Turing and Owlivia...
Total Sharker Love!
>didn't repost his melty these times
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no something new
nothing dies in PNC
they will comeback
>*logs out and leave them forever*
nothing personnel
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Your motherfucking life ends 1 hour 58 minutes from now.
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Drawpile is here slowly filling. If space is needed, you can paste your drawing and leave it overlapping I'll make more space later on!
with archive here

If magma wants you to log in and you have ublock, add these 4 lines in Settings>My Filters
She got what she wanted and got away with it
She won
Didn't he say he would stop posting if the 416 shit wasn't cuckbait? Why is he still posting, he hasn't posted anything about it.
If you think about it, this is exactly what happens to many dolls when their SKKs stop playing the game.
I should ask an IT expert what would he think of this scenario.
>create virus with human intelligence with capacity to learn and adapt
>create antivirus with human intelligence to adapt and counter virus
>set them against each other in an endless battle for heightening heuristics
>virus decides it just wants to die
>antivirus becomes the virus
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Why does this dumb bitch get all the fanart? That Her skins aren't even cute!
Where are my dozens of cute Lotta fanarts!?
>fuck you gfg trannies you're ruining EVERYTHING FUCK YOU FUCK Y-
>what are you saying...
>YES, YOU'RE RIGHT! i don't need to keep doing this
>all i wanted was to be proven right, but they, they'd NEVER listen if I was!
>so, they must die
I'll wish you early luck. I think it took me like six tries to finally get her.
Ponytail girl is the upcoming SIG, or someone else?
Calm down Dimitri.
But I didn't get to smooch her! Fucking Mica...
anon, i...
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That looks like Nemesis to me, as the hair style doesn't match, not does the clothoes
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it's totally real
it's the realest anon, believe me!
the insider had proof but they couldn't share it since it was obtained illegally, but it was sent to someone who will use it to fuck over global launch. there was also meant to be fragments of the cuck story (from glitchland) that made it into GF2
clearly his leaker is too indisposed avoiding the gacha mafia hit squad to share his proofs and can only offer excuses
>who will use it to fuck over global launch
I don't think he will remember his franchise ruining leak 6 months from now.
didn't they post some fake shit about mica layoffs too?
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>but it IS real troons
You need to update it.
Dunno, sounds like a load of shit to me.
>He's going to release it on the 5th!!!
>O-Oh he suddenly cares about legal matters, so he submitted to it someone who will use it
>It will actually he used for the global launch!!!
So what happens when another schizo chink links the "release" back to the insider, since he so kindly admited to having this information and said he "sent it to someone else".
Sop NOOOOOO! don't do it! is worth it to keep living! even if SKK left for 10 years!
Please screenshot more of this, I always missed this NGA fag post
>Meltyposter gets more discussion than the actual games
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You are mistaken my friend. He will soon converse with pic related or just turn into a peccatula
How can you love Dreamer, when her tits are so small?
I just like to screenshot the funnier stuff.
when will we get our hatsune miku collab?
With part 2 of the Jashin-chan collab
Hopefully never.
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we have Miku at home
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Our Miku is very cute.
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The tits are just fucking ridiculous though. Would've been cuter with modest ones desu
Is there a t*rkish Miku yet?
Maybe Owen would be good in a Scur sister team. Set Scur-L as leader, and have Owen steal her damage and RoF stats?
SCAR team isn't strong because of their selfbuffs, it's because of the sun/moon tiles
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>rate "up"
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The little rat is just going to ignore that and continues his delusional schizo war against the evil /gfg/cartell
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Another lucklet post, rape ups will never not be funny
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I got her today, but I spent a ton trying to get the apple chink on Tuesday.
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I will not buy your supplies and you will eat ze hot pockets, hokor
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I'm pretty sure it's just him samefagging, no one is retarded enough to open links or even read garbage from a spammer
Just keep ignoring and reporting
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I can't wait to kill this dumb bitch
You have too much faith and too little faith for average /gfg/ resident at the same time.
She can always possess another doll or nygger, you are never safe
This is not /gfg/ behaviour, only /v/ermin get nurtured by drama
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Then i'll kill them too
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hands off my bearkot
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>This is not /gfg/ behaviour
What did he mean by this? 2019 nostalgia? 2021 comfyniggery?
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Intense makeup sex after M16 comes back home...
/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults or boomers, letting all drama spill aside. Current /gfg/ act like more like children.
>/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults or boomers, letting all drama spill aside. Current /gfg/ act like more like children.
Nigga what?
You must be from some alternative timeline, nothing mature about /gfg/ in either the past or the present
t. 5 digit UID
>t.19 years old boomer
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>/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults
>/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults
Gunniggers never act like adults
Just look at /k/
To be fair /k/ is now entirely redditors and glowniggers
if gfg acted like adults then there would be no thread on vg
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Another one for the bench
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Some of you really wouldn't survive 2018.
The RPKeunuch got attention too.
At least he was funny.
This one also is from time to time.
You fucks need to learn to cultivate our schizos. Otherwise, they just become boring repost machines.
This, besides that feminist thing I see no entertainment value in that chink spam
The Holyrood Abbey meltdown wasn't funny? Nor the censorbreak meltdown? This guy's hilarious when he's seething.
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This general needs a lotta healing
Lotta loyalty for a hired doll
What a dork.
Why are you so upset over this? He's the easiest schizo to filter in the entirety of 4channel.
Easy to filter the poster, a pain to get rid of the endless replies
>endless replies
You really are coddled or new if you think at most 20 replies is endless shit. We used to have faggots spamming at least 100 posts of gore/3dpd/bug/scat/niggershit back in the day.
This is genuine entertainment, the kind that only 4channel can provide.
>/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults
We had entire threads of drama over MS paint futa IWS.
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She's really proud of her stamp collection
say something nice about it
Exactly, that was fun
The RPKeunuch at least stuck around the seethe at the people making fun of him. The ngafag just dips after his shitpost and it ends up being the retards obsessed with him posting about him instead.
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now this is a dork, not like SOME 'dorks'
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I forgot about that
I don't really see the seethe, more like his enjoyment when he just posts random shit and bails out seeing all those replies piling up, he doesn't follow anything you retards post
He just did it once
Stop trying to saveface bro.
I love Lunasia
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>/gfg/ posters used to act more like adults
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Anal angels
The coolest day of the week
I need lewd WA pictures.
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The word obsessed is meaningless now, fucking zoomers.
If you try to refute it, that means you're obsessed with me.
Bros.. Is Lotta a dork?
What if quartz is NGAtroon?
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Nah, I think NGAtroon is unironically one of his filial sons. They tend to be more unhinged than the actual influenza they follow.
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Don't tell me this isn't cool and sexy.
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Best I can do is WA dying a horrible, gruesome death. Is this fine with you?
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to the trash it goes
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need my hagboy
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Go suck a cock.
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my wife.
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get off the table this is not how you gamble
>whore tattoo
>cucks you
>artist cucks you too
hmmm nyo
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Curse me.
better luck next time
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>200 impulses
you are not worth it
You have 200 attempts, just do it and empty the pool
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this general loves whores
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>200 extra impulses
stupid hoarder
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I don't like WA.
>captcha sWAj2
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All WA pictures are lewd by default
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Imokos are the best.
Post Eggroll or kill yourself
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I am forgotten
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Fuck you, here's your shork
she's gonna smooch you whether you want it or not
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Imoko HATE
How much social credit does she have? Will that be a consideration for marriage?
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It's your duty to be a good husband for Groza.
Groza clone in the US when?
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>posting the inferior shark
So how was that Nikke minigame?
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>posting inferior fish
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I'm absolutely fine with this.
The one you posted is forgotten and no one cares about her.
Just memepup and rechamber a draco to 9x39 then order a parts kit from a shady eastern yuropean shop.
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vodka shark is best shark
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Fat shark is best shark
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What kind of fish is this one? She cute though, should be friends with the jellyfish.
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do remind me how many skins does that fat red bitch have again?
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How does it feel to french kiss someone with shark teeth
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normal unless she decides to playfully bite down
which she's totally do
I require doll feet, for... reasons.
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>fleeing thrice in a row
>vore made it in
does groza in exilium have any affections with SKK? or is she mostly cold?
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Married couple
Holy shit, she really doesn't like you.
nagging wife, if you want more go for Dayian or wait for DSR
Is it narciss or alina forma aqua that will be in the shop after this cycle? I ran out of impulses
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Now I am out of impulses. She has fled from me at least 8 times, 5 just today.
Why is she like this?

Isn't it M4 driving Peritya through the belly cockpit?
Do you need to play the story more to see ak12 in the neural upgrades? She's the only one of my dolls that I use and I'm building that I can't see there.
>posting inferior seanigger
Her neural upgrade is simply not released on EN yet. It's tied to the Zero Charge mini-event supposedly launching in early December.
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Oh, I thought it was already out because people have mentioned it so much
Dolls for this feel?
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650 yuros for a Glock 19 Gen.5, worth it or not? First gun by the way.
/gfg/ here, and I declare TIL, Total Imoko Love
what the fuck is up with this guys art? it looks so off. is it like traced over existing photos or something?
People mention it so much because she's popular and well liked and adored here
Not too bad, but typically you can get 17s for a little less. Do they do cop trade-ins in Euroland?
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Is .22 or equivalent common and cheap in Europe? Glock is fine but if you aren't buying your first gun for raifu reasons, go with whatever can shoot ammo that is cheap and plentiful in your area
This but her butt
He's the one that overdosed on sleeping pills and hastily posted his will dedicating everything in life to M4 so maybe
I would get a .22 or a full sized handgun for a first gun. Also make sure it fits well in your hand. I hate Glock grips so I just go with Sig or S&W.
That's a bonus, though
That's interesting
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If cost is an issue pellet guns is cheaper. 22lr gets its niche in long range shooting as you can train the posture and technique on shorter range, trying to hit it at 100-300 yards to later scale up to .308 for 1000 yards shots
not familiar with them price i know a friend paid 1200 for a glock 5 years ago, 650 seems fair
That's the good stuff
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That's how I understood it as well. Reminded me of the
>when two pregnant women fight it's like the two fetuses are having a mecha battle
i wish i could trace this well
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I always like this guys art
proxy joke etc
also that's someone else adding on my cat bear doll prereg drawing
>tfw her perfect body is gone
I still love her new form but I feel like I didn't get to enjoy her enough
does that just mean she's hornier than the original?
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I'm boycotting Theater this time, WHO'S WITH ME
What is that style or meme where left side is wholesome but right side is lewd, with as same a perspective of the girl as possible? If I know what it’s called I can find more pics like that
is Kar98k's Mod III worth it from a gameplay perspective (stepping up from Mod II)?
I like her costume with that but it'd mean delaying must-haves like AK-15 or RO365.
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>I'm boycotting Theater
For shame!
>must-haves like AK-15 or RO365
Maybe for like 1 ranking map, then SCARs and Suomod happened
This but with Ameli
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Not me
RO hasn't been priority since G36c and Suomi mods were added
Kar's mod SPEQ is cracked so yes you want the modIII.
A mid tier tank these days, get Suomi and G36c modded first for SMGs.
G36 sucks without SP9 though
No SP9 kills a lot of her big map sustain but if you just need her to facetank 1 deathstack then she still works. Plus shield fairy exists.
It's not unusable, and you can always substitute with a shield fairy. The main reason you take SP9 as her SPEQ was during the pre-SCURs era during PR-LS where the AK15/G36c mod team just solo'd ranking maps and Witch fairy was safer for killing bosses and deathstacks than shield.
Oh good, I already fully upgraded G36c when I came back purely because she'd been a mainstray on my main ARSMG echelon and I heard the Mod III was good.
I'd always been fond of Shield Fairy too so I had a good one already, was pleasantly surprised she got buffed this much.
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This family needs to drink some bleach
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I was thinking of buying a new coat this winter since my old one is over a decade old and starting to show it.
It just occurred to me that this would be a perfect opportunity to get a coat that's basically Griffin & Kryuger's uniform coat without insignia so I could simply add the accessories and have high-quality cosplay on hand. Is this a good idea?
>1200 euros
>Any glock
Your friend was robbed. I'd never pay anything over $600 for a glock of all things.
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Mommy ferret isn't the only one you can have breeding sex with!
What is Hannah's endgame exactly
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She's at the age where she already needs a boyfriend but still needs a dad and wants KJ to fulfill both roles.
Bankrupting the Oasis with comically large child support payments for 1642 new possums.
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I'd say nu(chips added)-neo(CT balls added)-new(set bonus added) homete tier is pretty high up. It's no AK15 or SCAR L obviously but she can catch up especially if you have to fight armored mobs.
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Ensuring the continued existence of the possum bloodline at all costs.
What the cluck.
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The Flo one at least made sense
dumb rat get rm -rf /rossum
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>The agents of Oasis often saw the two Sols venturing out together, battling side by side, dining, resting, and even taking on haunted house challenges.
>Sol: Sunna, today we're definitely getting through the first door!
>Sunna: Yeah, this time we’ll finally settle the score.
>Unknown Character: >Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
>-Taisch Zoo Surveillance Footage.
Imagine going to the haunted house with both Sollies and having them desperately grab onto your arms and squeeze your hands
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If you think about it, OLs are just maids but in an office
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>send him a pic of your butt
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spin to win!
I hope they keep the lingerie xmas as a trend. You can still have mom jeans but we need more nightgowns
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I'll be forever mad that there's no OL DSR costume.
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>send him a pic of your feet
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>send him a pic of your mod
>isn't all you need (whore situations included)
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Don't mind me, I just wanted to post a dragon.
Cute Sol, very marriable.
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where's my wife Pandora?
She's right there bro
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What are they up to in GF2?
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Our Dragon is slender and adequately sized, not a cow. That's an impostor.
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That's just Ange.
Pls respond i want to find more
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The sexiest.
What a stupid dress.
Dumb bitch.
At least she got what she wanted. Shame it got Ange killed.
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the venus flytraps make me uncomfortable
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>the venus flytraps make me horny
Doesn't appear to have a specific tag for that but that's a 2koma
What's with Paradeus and their weird fashion sense?
Of all the bodies RPK could get she picked the one that is ugly, infertile and full of scars.
What did anon mean by this?
you mean great.
Dolls for this feel?
>zoomercore in /geriatric fogeys general/
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For geriatric fogeys you people sure don't show much enthusiasm for banging gilfs.
But I like banging gilfs (guns I'd like to fire)
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I mean grandmothers.
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We already have old woman at home.
didn't this guy behead his dad or something
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dolls for this feel?
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Not old or attractive enough.
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I fucking love maids.
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would cum all over that back and tell her to continue exercising
I want this man to sit on my face.
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That too.
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they're cooler than Abakan and 12
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kek did someone do this because of the minigame in Isomer or something?
the chinese be chinese
the limnigger schizo was right
TWICE, lmao
That is understandable. We had a guy peeing himself because he couldn't clear a map, which is just strange.
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why don't we eat yummy udon with your family :3
Remember the PTSD from that one particular Continuum Turbulence map...
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post the first happening
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Post your never ever collabs
>Armored core
Post the one about Shaw mentioning her age and it just makes SKK harder. I lost it, it was like a week ago.
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>was going to spend my bonus on getting a HK416D clone made from a MR556
>brownells sells clone parts for a fraction of the price
My wallet....saved....
If we ever get a mecha collab 90% its gonna be Gundam
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Family bless. I looked through a week of threads and couldn't find it.
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Did the cosplay. Will probably get a different hat for next time. And buy those helts for the legs and chest. Got the png for the patch so that will be added too.
Imagine Sabrina getting more and more obese and then just appears with perfect BMI
And the beard will need some changing. Not sure if I can grow one that fits, fake beard needed extra glue a few times.
Looks fat and short
did he win a contest for the costume?
Doll for this Skk?
Nikocado tribute
Don't think It'd win any contests, still needs some work. And haven't applied to one.
Damn that already looks pretty good, will be near indistinguishable when you add all the other stuff.
The first one was deliberate, the second was an accident, go bug them about it
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This one
Fucking awesome
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What can a chink do other than fighting?
Liveleak content creator.
Where is your lieutenant?
Gacha game dev
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Play elegant musical instruments.
I hope that's a fake belly
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They can probably attach images
Unknown. Went with a Frieren cosplayer, a Misa cosplayer, and three Naruto cosplayers.
Unfortunately not but it was worse a few years ago.
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I prefer fat people browsing this thread over niggers
>Frieren cosplayer
I hope you had a Reverse collapse poster on you to shill the game.
I shilled it to one of the Naruto cosplayers and the two people that asked about the cosplay.
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>Unfortunately not but it was worse a few years ago.
Then start working out, even familyniggers and the amelinigger are improving
Pumping Shaw full of fertility supplements..
don't suppose you have pics...
Really should start going again. Started doing some exercises at home a few months ago and it helped.
She's a coworker so I don't think I should post her.
Corpses can't reproduce
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Now I really want to see but oh well.
not with that attitude
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>I shilled it
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This is now my fetish.
I haven't watched that anime but I find RPK's expresison infurating
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Stinky cat NEET breeding sex
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What did she mean by this?
she looks like she knows how to play on my nerves
Her self insert is now a virus. How would she react?
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Why's that?
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She knows how to pull at your heart strings.
more evidence to delete it after getting her wanted info
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she fucks dorks
Persica is no way 24 years old
How much worse is it when the old cat aunt larps as a cat instead?
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That's not certain yet.
I mean sure, it's the position of Queen and sounds inevitable. But I don't feel MICA will allow that to be it.
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I love that bonk
Stop posting this webm. I don't want to like her and I don't want to feel funny when I look at her feet.
She is obligated to take on the Queen role but it doesn't require her to oppose the Oasis presumably, just inconveniently stuck in Tartarus?
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You're already in love.
Face it she's the most feminine girl in GFL2.
It's just a backup. In fact she should probably fear what Persica would do with her if SKK brings her back.
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obligatory "fuck you Mica"
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I hate vepley now
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Replace her.
It's her prime directive as queen to corrupt everything into Entropics. She can try to fight the urges, but her personality will be warped over time.
Vepsley isn't terribly feminine she's just a dumb aidoru
Sharkry is better
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I mean the whole idea of Entropic Kot. A minor character like Hubble gets the rough deal, but major player Sol got brought back alongside her Entropic alter.
Persikot is the co-protagonist so I just think Entropy won't stick. Then again, GF1 had the MC transform into something far different from what she was in the beginning. I don't know what to expect.
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Nice work! Now you need your own Kirill to complete the duo.
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Why doesn't she drain me dry this time?
I demand a refund!
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I miss cinnamon roll
The Svarog sticker fell off, there was a Cybermedia one underneath...
I don't know anyone with the physique for it. The two people with the right size that I know are also fat.
Was my first time on a con. Saw only one MICA cosplayer, a guy dressed up as UMP-45.
What are her interactions like?
She will return and take down Lunasia in a murder-suicide. Trust the plan.
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ump45 secondaries are never beating the allegations
How big is the Elmo? I think there was a schematic somewhere?
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The only form of cope WE Malkiga fags have now is to see lewds of her
cute fami dinner!
You can bring back Malkira BUT you must provide adequate explanation as to how.
In addition, describe how she'd be in gameplay - cannot be a 1:1 copy of her enemy self.
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she needs a bigger butt
Is she aware I enjoy staring at her ass?
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what are they doing to persicaria in tartarus?
In theory kot can bring her back, but there'd be no point because
>it won't be the Malkira you know
>she might still have the failsafe that caused her to die from leaving Tartarus
She needs thicker legs, a custom waist instead of the default one everyone has, same with her stomach and spine pose.
Only after that is done you can inflate the size of her butt.
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They were happier days, but those never last.
Sorry, already full with handguns
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Sorry to do it to you, but we have a mother of a virus ripping through a major Oasis file.
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No, I don't want to bring her back, she earned her death and deserves to be at peace with the little octopus, just as she wanted
Now if you want me to ask to give you a powerpoint presentation about WHY Elaugh, Tasha and Ranko should get released, well I can do it all night
She needs a bigger mons pubis and a pussy line
I seriously wonder what is it about 45 that guys like to cosplay as her?
Does Ranko appear ever again? It was Hesperus rather than Eosphorous that took her so I assume she got terminated, unlike Wisdom.
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what is the point of this?
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There was also a surprising amount of Hellsing cosplayers and fans. Saw Integra, Seras and several people with Hellsing shirts.
No, not even a passing mention in the recent events
I doubt the writing team even remembers she exists
I dont like your smug face!
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the lacey
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Yeah no word about Ranko, is she alive? is she dead? is she waiting for KJ to impregnate her(mostlikely) we don't know
Make her 10 times more sexy
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I like this picture. K11 being bashful is precious.
Mr. Pizza put ND - N.Illinois game on his 5-game parlay
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mysterious masked dol (very cool)
Face it, you only love Dayian for her incredible body.
>still no K11 event
Fuck this
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ahhh that was good, thanks for the laugh, but No I would never love that waste of a doll
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Should've known better than to like a literal who
who are you deploying in the 10v10 on Mud Fight
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local nyto doll not so smug anymore after losing her body
There are dolls with just as great bodies, if that's all they care about.
Daiyan is ok if you want a musician wife with a spunky sister.
Imagine having to downgrade into a nygger body
Betty has claws
this is ai
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I'll have to do that another time because I already had a yummy famiburger already. Hope you enjoy the food, fami!

sharkry > veply
sorry bros.
Is the meta for RFHG still optimising self-buffers, or do you need elite killers handy on every echelon? From chapter 11 onwards.
Hellsing continuing to live is a great thing to hear. Wonder if we can get a collab?
I also saw some when I went to a con back in July.
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She's still really hot.
Just use Lee+Kar or SCURs, if you still need more just use self buffers
Ace Combat
I want this.
We have infantry, we have artillery, we have a tank and a mech. All we need now is an air force.
No, if I see a doll I like them
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Never liked M4 in the first place and never will.
>None of the best girls leveled
No sovl...
Quite authentic, I'd like to see Kirill more, but I guess having it's harder to do.
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She knows
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I don't really know how to describe my feelings towards this minigame, I can't say it's fun, challenging or enjoyable. As long as you don't have literal old man reflexes or Parkinson's it's basically impossible to lose.
416 is the easy mode because she has the best DPS with lots of ammo and her active just removes recoil while doubling her DPS.
WA is probably the hardest because her DPS is the worst, being slow, powerful shots with low ammo count, so it's more imperative to track your target AND score weakpoint hits. Her active is a screen clearing nuke but it takes the longest to charge.
SPAS is the middle ground, having slower shots in an AOE, which is convenient if enemies stack up but her single target DPS is worse than 416, though her active does improve it somewhat.
What did you expect from VCOP 2 mobile port?
All I need.
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So it's yet another side mode involving none of the charm of the original. Sounds on point for MICA.
I need a SMG tank is P90 good?
>The new character is the best
It's crazy how that always happens, huh?
She's decent, kinda niche due to her illusions being good only against certain mobs, and you want to get her handguard from gay zone to give her extra illusions after her first ones expire.
You could swap clunkay for any other AR doll and she will still mog the other two due to how the weapon's playstyle was designed.
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AK-12 is all you need. But it won't hurt to adopt her sisters too.
If you're a newfag, clear the main story until you get RO 635, she's one of the best. If you already have her and need more, P90 is servicable.
12 for small spoon, 15 big spoon, 94 for sleeping like cat in legs
>AK-12 is all you need
I don't have enough FCC to mod G36c so guess I'll use her as my tank for a while.

Yeah I already have RO at mod 3 and have a team built around her.
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Did someone say all you need?!
If you want an option for non-mod SMG tank, C-MS is the best one.
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I don't need you.
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You DO need me.
get to work bitch I don't pay you to gossip with dolls
I was wrong, sorry.
Nah *blocks you for 10 years*
The smug smile of superiority
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It's alright, we're all entitled to make mistak--

Excuse me, I need to correct a mistake.
I am a very needy man, so I'll need both AK-12 and HK416.
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It's too late, her batteries got swiped.
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There should've been more 404 and defy interactions
I appreciate how both PNC and GF2 have her as a limited unit. Can't get spooked by her, blissfully free of "all you need" nonsense.
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Why a bodyguard like this you don't need a wife
Crocodile and Dreams
There really should have. I can't recall any time aside from CT maybe where they interact it's been so infrequent.
Chink dolls' reactions to Americanized Chinese food such as apple pie egg rolls?
But I want to love and be loved.
Shouldn't it be General Tso Chicken?
isn't that effectively just an empanada
I had one of those recently and it wasn't that bad honestly, although given that it's basically just an apple pie wrap I'm not certain how one would fuck it up anyway
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pick one
All of the above
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>I can't say it's fun, challenging or enjoyable. As long as you don't have literal old man reflexes or Parkinson's it's basically impossible to lose.
Now imagine what kind of subhumans plays a game where this is the main gameplay.
German Garbage, American Garbage, Russian Garbage, Chink Garbage
I pick no one
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GFG stands for German Fucking General.
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russian posters are the most powerful posters in this general
You'd be surprised at how common empanada is around the world under different names
They're the most dorky, that's for certain.
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Post ONE minigame that was good, of any gacha.
You literally can't.
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Drawing MG5 without her slit pupils should be a crime.
Entropic survivors!
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Your honor, I assure you that I am a perfectly straight girl who loves cock! There is nothing homosexual about buying a blond 10/10 really hot tall super model female doll with a slim tummy that is just my type and having her service me in private!... a-as a maid course doing housework get your head out of the gutter! What kind of sick fuck would fuck their own dolls haha?
I enjoyed the motorcycle chase in GF1. Also that sort of last stand minigame where you had to deploy dolls with regards to position and cover to fend off waves of Nytos. Also this >>493600717
>I enjoyed the motorcycle chase in GF1
No you did not, stop lying.
Oh yeah I buy that
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I'm not lying. The soundtrack was a banger to get into the feel of it too.
Now you are thinking Sol & Inferno Sol operand transfer
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Pull points
Now I'm thinking how is not fair Solfags get to have a threesome, is not fair
That, but I'm in the middle, melting.
Dolls for this feel?
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I think I spent more time playing Eucharist Crash than event stages during Perilous Advancement
Rob is that you.
why can only sol inferno operand transfer? this shit is so convenient hentai writing even nora wouldnt write something so basic
I don't think it has to be specifically her, it's more like Inferno Sol took that task upon herself.
Reminder that PNC made suika game first before it blew up
Cooking minigame
Can't imagine things when NIKKE already exists
Sol and Sunna fusion dance when
It's a pity that Inferno Sol's theme is still sun and flame instead of nuclear.
The original Sol is now nothing more than a snapshot that took form due to reacting with her original core that is currently Sol Alter's and kept alive via constant operand transfer, so they pretty much need to be together.
Sometimes the best mini games are the simplest.
The game is simple, addicting and the music is just pleasant. A very relaxing game.
I haven't seen SEAkid in a long time.
It's almost like anon was indirectly calling nikkers subhuman
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I heard you like older women
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They probably would end up fusing together but one of them has to go. And Sol would choose to go so Dark Sol can live
Post her GF2 version, its even older and HOTTER
Flames of hell (inferno) in her case. With the chariot wheels and fire, her inspiration is that of a Kasha. that steals damned souls and drags them to hell. Viewed with distrust and fear, much like Entropics, but not necessarily evil.
>you will never be consumed by heat of 2 retarded sun tomboys sandwiching you
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Look at this cute dork. Can you believe she's about to become your best performing doll?
also good news, entropy is actually cool.
So she's basically OGAS40? A foreign consciousness that merely adopted the memories of the original by circumstance and can only exist as a parasite on another?
Yeah pretty much
No, because AK12 mod is still behind AK15 mod, G11 mod, AR15 mod and AN94 mod, and must be used with AN94 mod more or less.
I want Ange to big spoon me
perfect woman
wife material
I'm slightly more okay with it then, it was really sounding like an asspull from what other people were saying but if they are VERY EXPLICIT about it NOT being a reset original but an identity snatcher that no one has the heart to get rid of I like it a lot more. Especially since that sort of consciousness death weirdness has been very constant in the YZverse.
Sol was regenerated from her own fragment, so she's still herself despite being what can only be described as a temporary backup copy, unlike OGAS40 who is an OGAS parasite that adopted 45's memories of 40. Sol just cannot sustain herself because she doesn't have a core anymore, since it belongs to her alter now, while OGAS40 can and will inhabit her own body.
Perhaps, but I still don't like seeing Hubble be so depressing and self-deprecating. Plus she has that one line where she implies she's living on borrowed time and one day might never wake up again.
Scans doko?
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Boy do I love not getting raped.
That fucking rooftop jumping mini game in DR was the worst. Wasn't Ange also jumping from rooftop to rooftop while also carrying Morridow's hot fat ass?
Getting the secret cheevo for that was possibly the most harrowing experience in the game's history
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Yep. Say what you will about Ange but her legs are OK.
Yes. Springfield talking about how much she loves Chinese food to Chinese dolls and then just dropping all sorts of stuff they never eat in china
I think I gave up on getting it.
That Hubble is just a copy if you want the real one then go find her somewhere in America.
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Its only a matter of time until the Belgians arrive in GF2
Doesn't 42Lab's profile say they used to be stationed in Maryland, USA but moved to Eastern Europe because of WW3?
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You have to let go. She is on a journey to lose weight
Sniffing German butts.
what is this creature you NTR loving retard?
Lurk moar, fuckboy.
The child I had with your mother
That's my onahole, tourist
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Maybe anna is alright
What even is this. I don't get the schizoposts.
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Dumb bitch better leave a like.
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They got rid of the Lyuba boss at core 6 and replaced her with deathstack glowniggers that hit even harder, holy shit. Even if you aren't going for a top score it's probably going to filter casuals if they don't have top tier MGs with TPS and DP12 mod.
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The world might be a scary place, but would you like to rub mr. bunny's tummy?
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>click on girls frontline tag
>the entire frontpage is filled with blacked hk416 mmds
I wish pixiv let you filter more stuff, outside of paying for premium.
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I would like to rub taisch's cunny
Why did kryuger start posting his nigger shitposts again?
don't say nigger, we have black anons here
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Envision the taste of her sweat
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Russian egg fertilization
Her plan to win the KJbowl simply by being the last one standing is going too well
That glass is 100% grade-A Faminimium. Nothing's getting through there
In that case, Croque is doing pretty well, since she's doing NOTHING! while her friends die, she's probably warming KJ right now
All the sloppa I need....
Croque actually has a job, designing all the machines we use to kill entropics. When was the last time the teal trash can did anything useful other than being Kuro's personal janny?
Damn. Is this actually AI? It's over.
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Love me sloppa.
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Someone should take out the reaction images from that website. There's a lot of really funny ones
I want to go back
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>DSR when
>nobody ended up using her when she released
She guided Persikot to investigate the Eosphorous fragment and save KJ, I guess?
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Dolls for this feel?
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small-chested tsuns get out
this is a big booby deredere general
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Damn right!
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Such is the fate of bamboo rifles.
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YZ, we need subfactions within factions. I wanna fight government units with different combat doctrines
SPEQ sets can save her
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MICA give us the sako m23 please
How about we have less basic bitch AR-15s?
God know what sort of wacky doom could've happened if AR-15 was the protagonist and became Lunasia instead of M4
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Too bad, you're getting 3 more
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Those anti-grav tiles in PNC are a real bitch.
We have too many SIGs in the game now
The funny thing about them is that you're given Yuwang for free whose kit is designed to counteract them, except he's so bad at everything else it's better to just endure getting yeeted.
And that's a good thing!
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>doll that looks better in fanart than her default in-game
Post them
Still not as much as HK
Many such cases.
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Well, I think I'm finished. Debating if I should post this to the pile as is, or erase the background...
The entire 404 and all Saru dolls
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You are not trying hard enough.
Is that suppsoed to be M9 or MG15?

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