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Previous: >>493415695

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run is on until 9/8 8PM EST
• Grand Festival - Past vs Present vs Future: 9/12-9/15
• Version 9.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v900
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
We just about reached the 700 million egg goal in 15 hours...
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And now Grizz is asking for 800,000,000
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I love Aori.
Good thing it didn’t reset. Need more bronze for brown bear statue.
I was here!
which means the 2 billion eggs thing i said last thread may still happen!
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unga bunga big number big dopamine hit
easy peasy! but i hope people dont stop. lets at least try for one billion eggs!
Do the salmonids even have that many...?
>Accept friend request
>Gone for 10 seconds? Kicked from match
FUCK you nintendo
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And Aori loves you!
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Cute muffin.
I’m just wondering what all these eggs are going to be used for. Grizz already launched the rocket. Maybe lil judd is just really hungry
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700mil/15hr = 46.7mil/hr
32.5 hr remaining * 46.7mil=
1,516,666,667 eggs if the pace doesn't slow at all.
Is the reward capped at 7 gold scales?
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Safe to say this is the easiest map in SR's history
Anyone else going for HLM trium before it’s over?
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Why are the only cephs wearing the earrings weyyos?
wait.... eggs to power a rocket...
oh my god this is a secret grizz rescue mission!
lil' judd is prolly gonna get him out of there which is why he said he was gonna get ready as well
grizz wasnt gonna get ready to help us he was gonna get ready to free himself! oh noes!
Egg Canon in regular/rank. Would you want a longer Sub throw or a ball of your ink splashing down at a random spot on the enemies side?
I already beat it
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Grizz says he'll throw in more scales if we reach 800mil, but who knows how many of each scale type that could mean. It's possible that the Splatoon twitter could make an announcement.
It's easy because it's a golden rotation with permanent egg cannons
>We murdered zillions of samnoids and took their babies.
Are we the bad guys or am I missing some lore?
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>They invade
>We defend ourselves
>Somehow we're in the wrong
Nice propaganda post Salmonfag
kill yourself
I personally believe grizzco is manipulating the magnetic activity to cause the salmo to rampage
What terrifies me is if the salmonid were to detonate a gigantic boros bomb and kill 50 million inklings. Imagine the backlash against peaceful salmon?
reminder that this is all happening right on the crater just above alterna
Did we canonically not beat Mr Grizz yet?
we did that two years ago but alterna is still there.
mr grizz is in space but somehow grizzco is running also
and isnt there a new rocket that appeared after the final boss fight? it doesnt do anything
seriously tho this whole thing is sketchy asf and i hate that we'll have to wait 2 to 5 years to see where it goes when they make a new game
Anyone wanna fish? I'll open a room in 5 mins, name is M.Y.
>current high score
do i still get scales if i haven't played yet
you guys are fshng too sugiru!
sure! I'm expecting a triuvirante to spawn
new at the game tho
I ruined my golden shift I'm not proud of that
Any br rooms?
Uhh that was closer to 10 mins than 5, but room up, name is m.y.
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>Grizz says he'll throw in more scales if we reach 800mil, but who knows how many of each scale type that could mean
Actually, we do know. For every extra 100,000,000 we get, he adds in an extra 1 gold, 3 silver, and 30 bronze. Meaning these will be the scale rewards we get for the next few milestones
>800 million eggs: 8 gold, 24 silver, 240 bronze
>900 million eggs: 9 gold, 27 silver, 270 bronze
>1 billion eggs: 10 gold, 30 silver, 300 bronze
…and so on
>EVP 840
call me dumb, but how to join
C here. Hosting 1 boss of SR. 3/4. Wave 2
You've gotta join the pool.
dont freelance in evp 40 im going in hot for the first time in a year
720 EVP
234 High Score
>hasn't played in a year
You're going to be amazed at the shift-throwing tech freelancers have devised lately.
got it, ty
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Any BR rooms with a free slot? Or maybe I should host one?
yeah we're open, 2/4
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>do a single rotation of fsh
>already checked out
We can join this room >>493537646
But I cannot see it.
Ahh, there it is, sorry had to send the notification.
Oh, late GGs G.
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kill yourself
No fatties allowed beyond this point
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Odds nap, evens PB
Go to sleep little shit player!
Our hubris doomed us. we kinda deserved that one, M.Y, M and the other guy i forgot the name of
we gotta do something about the recent increase in weyyo prostitution and hard core pornography
The leather club is two blocks down.
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bully veemos
correction needed
I want this veemo to bully my penis with her thighs
getting the last laugh after she dies of lung cancer
I should have forced myself to stay up and draw.
style is familiar who did this?
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>Beat Triumvirate and got 160 eggs
Whoohoo, nice work guys.
160? Ink has fallen
oh squid it's rainying
i also got 160
no point doing more
my wife
I'm going to bed, I expect over a billion eggs when I wake up.
it was my first triu victory too lmao thanks for the badge! we were on fire too
you better sleep for 24 hours then.
All have gone higher in their secret societies. Then they just come here to humble brag.
Cranky because they won't carry you, aren't you?
My woomy just said "hawk booyah" and spat at me.
We at 800 million yet?
Im going to fucking boil you
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STFU rainy
Anyone good at the game willing to carry? I suck. I'd like to get 150 at least once but no one to play with and can only get around 115 with randos.
>Killed trium just as joe was about to chomp me mid air
>Out of video storage space
This will be my personal experience it seems
we've slowed down..
Don’t care
Meeting the quota made all the timmies quit
PB where???
PB 0/10
Legit just keep playing until your evp is high enough to get carried
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Long haulers probably took this as their chance to sleep since they’ve been playing a long time
it's over.....
Ggs Hb! I’m tired but it’s been fun
we gotta kill marie
kill yourself
why you get even more the higher we go
you're not rainy, you're a falseflagger because the real rainy wouldn't cheer about such a pathetically low score. only 200+ is worth any celebration.
how bad are you? i got 146 on my very first shift which was with randos and i wasn't even trying for the score, rather just getting a feel for the stage. on the following i got 162 but again this was just playing lazy and just enough to get the score.
Now we get to meet the players who could never join before.
I demand the final game be a TW to celebrate Grand Fest.
3/4 room if anyone wants to join
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mgn and eels, i'll go for one more king, gotta eat soon.
Beat trium at 296 hazzard
0 because I fucking feel asleep last night and still haven't played
my thingy is almost full so i think we ashould get one soon.
there's a condition?? i guess i just got lucky to defeat the triu when i did lmao
There’s two, one for beating it and one for beating it at HLM… right?
>one for beating it
The badge
>one for beating it at HLM
The helicopter locker item
Thanks for the three gotta bounce bye!
PB 9/10
GGs G.
need source
Oh well GGs anyways, morgan and M.Y! I still had fun. I think we sghould've focused on making joe attack the others more
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GGs SR comrades! That set of weapon on trium was kinda meh.
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kill yourself
Footschizo yaoi
I was kinda trying to lure him, but manage to get it only once out of two. We still did good. I assume it was hell for some of ya on the other side?
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Still thanks again for this one you guys
I can finally wear that badge!
Do you think drizzlers get pissed off when they get splatted before they land
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Zuna was so annoying actually he was on me the whole time while I was trying to get eggs to throw at Joe so I kinda got stuck on a corner and died twice
veemo looks tired, she should go to sleep
Do you think drizzlers piss
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Thanks for the games, eels and mgn. We dun good.
but yeah, whoever was responsible for luring joe did an AWFUL job. For shame!
Gran fest. Salmon rub
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It's like 2am in Japan, that's probably a big part of it
>700 million quota met.
>160 egg high score. Gold acquired.
>Triumvirate defeated, Badge got.
Well... I'm still gonna play it but I think now it's time I go back grinding turf and open for conch shells for the splatfest.
Sniffing both of these woomies' feets
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why do we hate nono?
This haughty woomy needs love correction
whats that orange stuff on the sushi? are those actually eggs?
kill yourself
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kill yourself
This is a sashimi, and yeah. They really like to to add caviar and even raw chicken eggs to their meal.
No one mentioned you in the entire thread, stop trying to be relevant
i fsh. (you) me. -s.
Do you think drizzlers
hate the idea of eating raw meat and raw eggs
but this does look super pretty
it also sounds like a salmonella risk tho
They're bleached, sterelized in hot water for a short amount of time
taking a huge whiff of the boots' insoles (after she gets back from a long mission)
>double cooler
I want fsh
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I could use a drink.
Getting drunk with old squid women.
show me your flopshredder
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I still have some wine to drink while I play BR. To Hell with the rules about not drinking while at work.
oben at rotation.
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GGs M and S
fsh is 4/4.
>drinking while at work
Forget that how are you playing BR incredibly based nonetheless
>drinking while at work
typical russians
I think someone just attempted to lag switch the Joe in my trium
Couple years ago I had an office job where I could play all the vidya I wanted at work because I had a little office room to myself 90% of the day
For some reason at the end he didn’t target anyone and just looked around confused. However it wasn’t enough
>how are you playing BR
You will be surprised, but I play games 100% better when I'm drunk.
I drink only 2-3 times in one month (I got the joke).
>Amiibos already sold out
What the fuck?
They got sold out by at least yesterday on Nintendo's store.
when will i be able to play with this weyy… i see you keep posting him…
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Cute tourist
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i do not like the grizzco splatana
Guys any suicide rooms? Are you ready?
Learn to measure its effective range
I have one slot left in my room and my meter is full
PB 9/10
GGs sorry I thought this energy drink would be enough to keep me awake
The idea of that giant fish, joe
Just confused looking around not knowing where to go
Is so funny to me
kill yourself
Stop freshinn me
No I think you're fresh.
still have a spot open

S and D, I just dont want a random shitter when the meter is full sorry for the wait.
Just spam ZR bro and only use your charged slice on armored enemies.

Oh, and jump to avoid using the lunge.
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do you think salmon boy cum tastes bad
Just have another energy drink 4head
Shoe are you J?
Biggie runs is funs.
now this is a good flopshredder
charge your phone
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How likely is it that the 700mil egg counter actually works like it says? Can they do that, keep track of everyone's games in real time? Do you think it's just a trick and the devs are making up the numbers on it themselves?
What’s that smell?
Probably tastes salty.
kill yourself
the results of every shift always get sent to their servers (how would you be able to check them on your phone otherwise?)
how hard could it be to just add one variable up?
kys footnigger
you first
kill yourself
im gonna get this when i get paid
i have now 2 pearlies and marinas sitting around
but i wanted callieeeeeeeeee
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Hey footfags, I'm curious. How much do you like feet? Would you suck a woomy's toes? Would you like to lick her soles? Do you want to touch them? Would you enjoy it if a woomy and veemo peeled of their socks and rubbed their feet all over your cock and made you cum on their soles? Or do you just like to look at them?
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This is you /ink/
please stop losing so fast.
why would you post that veemo with that text
>How much do you like feet?
>Would you suck a woomy's toes?
>Would you like to lick her soles?
>Do you want to touch them?
Why not?
i>Would you enjoy it if a woomy and veemo peeled of their socks and rubbed their feet all over your cock and made you cum on their soles?
You'd have to be gay to not want that
>Or do you just like to look at them?
That works too
>clam mince meat
Make sure you post proof if woomy or veemo
Clams Bluefin Time!
GGs [symbol]
Id prefer if she was asleep and I raped her feet
i was never a feetfag but frye awakened something in me
why no woomy toe sucking
fat veemo ass
fat weyyo ass
stop staring
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i want to get stepped on by a salmon boi
Woomy's toes would just smell like saliva
Everyone get out of the shot for E for like one minute.
anyone at higher EVP (400+) wanne BR?
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kill yourself
Silly gobber.
GGs everyone. Thanks for playing.
999 still no hlm trium… uuuu
ggs pb!
thanks for hosting >>493557505
GGs pb!
Thanks for hosting as usual >>493557505
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kill yourself
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kill yourself.
where are the BR rooms?
GGs pb
kill yourself
your woomy is so cute
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cute feet
She fucks yebs
No bigger insult than getting 2 stampers on trium
>saber is teehing again
It's okay when it's a sexy woomy
whatever you say hypocrite
Are you surprised when a known child rapist like Saber does that?
Is it OK for boy cephs to teehee or is it solely for girl cephs
is that who the shoe guy was?
No I'm a chronic lurker.
Only slutty boy cephs
Ideally this thread should only have woomies, ocks and yebs would not be welcome in an ideal Inkadia
>tfw have a weyy that covers up entirely usually
>No octos
>No males
pick one
Anything other than Woomies and Takos is going against Nogami's true vision
Put the spike earrings on, automatically becomes slutty
>799 million
fishers where you at??
>Implying I want to make my weyy slutty
kill yourself
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every weyyo player in this general should slut it up
cute utsufuu woomy
GGs A and S
can i draw lesbain sexo of woom?
ggs fsh. chungos didn't stand a chance.
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nice scale haul as well
kill yourself
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And a post count +1 to you too good sir
Kill them
can we get 700.000.000 kill yourselfs by the end of the weekend??
Anyone wanna do a chill run? EVP 40/99 for like 2 bosses?
go to the shoal first to get better lighting.
I wish I never made this fucking post I just got 3 stamper. Mogami kill yourslef fucking whore
On rotation? Sure.
i'm down
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GGs fishers
Finally can play, now I have to get 999 and gold rank
Funnier without the last panel
opening at rotation
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Nine Hundred Million Eggs.
Is this real
Sure still need to get my gold
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>anon is blind
Nevermind I'm blind lol
There ya go buddy
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kill yourself
I want to milk this weyy until there's enough to fill the hydra tank
how much is he asking for now
nintendo can't possibly have meant that goal to have been met so quickly
900 million
why not considering how easy getting gold is?
the sign also has space for one more number so they deffo can go to one billion
The rewards scale up to 2 billion
agains if we get 100 million per 2 hour rotation we can add it up to 2 billion
its possible but its not gonna happen
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1 gold, 3 silver and 30 bronze for every 100m until 2b according to datamines
guys was it really 800 million fish that died in fish slaughtering?
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No, it's more, because for every golden egg there's a fuckton more trash
Would be nice to see how many bosses were killed but Grillers and especially Goldies fuck with the calculations
/v/ is having having playing big run
>Communication error
Great, have the 10min now. Sorry SR.
Tell me when to reopen
Are you alright anon? Should I call an ambulance?
i smaell taost
Salmon rub gran fes
You can reopen now.
apparently ballin is on ozempic now? wtf is going on
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btw Ankat we already did a boss, so do you other guys want to do 2 more?
I just got up out of bed and it's barely past 15 hours and the world has already just absolutely blown past the original 700,000,000 mark... I'm just in awe that the world has blazed past those numbers and I think it's gonna easily speed past 1,000,000,000 at this rate.
i'm down for more
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Yeah, I thought that it will take just a lil too long. We really might gonna hit 1 bill pretty soon, and getting those scales will be really good at the end of it.
kill yourself
100% pure adrenaline
>paint trail on fishstick for grizz roller to climb *& clear
>doesn't compute he rolls away
Ok seems like 700+ is compromised, absolute shitter zone
Grizzco brush when?
He clearly assumed you had it under control and could clear the fish stick yourself and that you were telling him to focus elsewhere.
Anyone else watching /v/ flail at eachother
Same as GrizzCo Splatling: in Spl4toon
I always forget v has splatoon threads and then go to check them out only to remember that some users here and there want to pretend like we’re at war
this. I feel like rollers aren't the weapon youd use to climb fishsticks
I much rather them cleaning the crowd and taking care of goldies and flipper-floppers
Any BR rooms?
Any brooms?
Are there stage badges for this?
BR 2/4. (You) me to open.
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A friend of mine elsewhere boldly thinks we could maybe scorch past 2,000,000,000, but that just seems like a wildly tough number to try to achieve, and if we did, I would be too stunned for words. The scales are gonna be legendary to get for sure.
it is possible just really really really hard and i don't think we'll put in all that work for it. if anything I'd say well end this with like one billion and a few hundred millions which is still alot
btw can someone please do the calculations for how much scales 2 billions would give us?
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Two stampers on my trium again! Love it! I’m only going to try this one more time. That makes 8
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Since we are still enjoying the weekend of the yebby, post all those yebbies and remember to support them during Big Run.
who salmn
lame and gay
kill yourself
If that were the case, we’d be getting Goldie boss badges too.
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>stuck the landing on the pad
Holy kek.
me. whomst?
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GG's A, S, and Y Fun rounds!
ggs salmon, good bosses
GGs SR. Sorry for the DC before.
Sex with woomy
isnt that the cum-reveal light? why is there so much cum on her umbrella?
>Second boss run in a fucking row where three of four had sloshers
Tell me it's good all you want and I half believe you but when you're getting swarmed you can't have almost the whole fucking team be sloshers
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GGs fishers, working is fun! Thanks for the high score and my first tri kill.
I will never recover from how bad I did that last shift... I don't know what happened but I'm terribly sorry please don't tell anyone.
anon is showing off his precision aim
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Bros what team do I pick unironically
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Reminder to submit your prompts here for the upcoming Drawpile!
Seriously we only have three prompts as of posting this, GEDDEMIN DAMNIT
my prompt would just be woomy
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I got sent this handy chart by a friend on another platform, seems to be fairly accurate.
GGs P. I gotta go.
I want to report the salmonids for network manipulation
This is outrageous this is unfair
i think we'll get at best 16 gold, 48 silver and 480 bronze. thats my hope, my goal and I'd be happy with that
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how do i into a pool? Inkrez?
I'm not surprised on anything he is a Big Man after all.
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sexy with woom
go with future. It's actually the best choice for it. the other ones are only held on by the fact peoepl's waifus are on them
Why are you such a shitter?
>820 mill
we fell off.
Inkgen is this pool, poolsclosed is v pool. Don’t ask why there’s two, high school never ends.
someone stole all the eggs

which one has less shitters?
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Anon my best friend posting fishing yebweyys, you should consider posting your yebby too...
the pool is nice but also fucking gay
you guys will open a room then stand around the lobby then leave for no reason like bleh
send me pictures of your yebs feet
That means whoever opened it is probably waiting on someone, so check the thread. Personally? I never join rooms for salmon. I unironically think most inkers suck as salmon. I get all my badges and achievements by freelancing.
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If the eggs/hr don't pick up during peak JP hours, we might just barely make it to 1 billion
At fuck it. Gotta know when to call it a day. Went though like 10 triums today and couldn’t beat a single one at HLM.
But my wife and my wife's wife are on future.
>play deep cut’s game
>betray deep cut
Team Past = genwunner trash.
But Deep Cut's game is the worst of them all
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>Show my friend how many games I played of salmon today
>”How much money did you make?”
2 is the worst one and between 3 and 1 i think 3 is literally the better game with more things to offer
The theme is literally what’s more important. Most people are going to pick past because of nostalgia, that’s literally one of the most valid answers of the theme.
i miss the first hours of it where grizz would just shower you with capsules now its just hats...
its literally just /v/. theyre mindbroken
Yeah… imagine how stacked everyone would be at the end of this big run if the rewards continued past 4 games
>most people
>he doesn't know
I've wanted to get "into" Splatoon for years now, but every time I get bored and give up because I'm bad at the game and none of my friends play it >:(
Yeah nah I’m not going to be some cringe 40 year old pretending it’s still 2003
Most people here suck so just play with the thread
what are you talking about dude
>barely make 150
>hop in the pool with /vg/

goddamn, thanks you autistic fucks
Most people here are good so just play with /v/
>most people suck
>go into open
>top 500s minimum
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Grizz should refresh the bonus capsules for every goal we hit
everyone over 2300 is a cheater
>want to pick Pearl’s team
>ugly shirt
Team past for Callie
Bitch please. Past is going to win by a huge margin. Check your app, everyone on your friends list is team past. Everyone in this general is team past. I don’t want to hear shit about the Australian stream sticker board either.
>australia doesn't count but /ink/ does
dumb retard, the jap polls already show they favor present
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You’re wrong though
I don’t care retards. Past is gonna win
yap yap yap, your mouth goes flap flap flap
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lol. lmao.
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Oooooohhhhh ooooohhhhhh ouuuuhhhh ohhhh ;_; ;_; T_T
Get better friends
How do you get that many friends
he is one of those guys that spam friend requests anyone that plays with them and wins
Obviously you need to go to the past to destroy the badnik generators or collect the time stones to get a good future.

Last thing we want is a bad future.
See SEE? Suck it! Past is gonna win.
Mostly /ink/ btw, they no longer play tho...
I'm losing some as of late, they hate me
Shut the fuck up nono
Try not being a huge faggot and people won't leave you.
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Future has it in the bag, obviously

but seriously, stop using sub-100 samples to prove anything
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How do you guys friend so many people? I only friend people if we play often like nono or if someone from 999 adds me, and even then they never join me.
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why do i have so many niggers in my friend list
Ah, slight mistake. That's the discord sample, not /ink/. You should say that upfront.
talking about yourself right?
get em joey
i was talking about you actually
Meant for >>493583559
you do know it doesn't matter who wins right
It’s ok anon
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Hit me with a woom, brother.
counting everyone's screenshots
>plast - 93
>present - 94
>future - 73
but even this isnt anything really. we'd need every inker's vote polls to do the maths
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>assuming 0 overlap
yeah and now im curious
does anyone else wanna share their friendlist fest polls?
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why is freelance so bad
>unironically thinking /ink/ is representative of the general vote
It was never good
I pick Past mostly to avoid mirrors. That said Callie is my favorite idol so that's a bonus. Taking the theme seriously I'd probably go future but fuck mirror matches.
we don't. but we still wanna se which team ink likes more.
present is the only one thats gonna be filled with mirrors
future may have some but i think most the matches from past and future will be against present
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GrizzCo-approved woom
Future isn't getting mirror matches, only present is
Anyone got those old pics of inklings eating burgers? I can't seem to find them.
>open friendlist on NSO app
>check future
>shiver and frye icons
yeep no idolfagging here!
no friends
I'm thinking tricolor more than anything else. 90% of my Splatfest playing is Tricolor. Honestly the only reason it's not 100% is I play with friends sometimes so we have too many people.
>comments not on
oh boy cant wait for the next game to be about the present, like the last 3 were
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i can use this
You should add me so you can have a vote on Present.
Just saying.
I spam friend requests to anyone with a funny name on the Victory/Defeat screen
...For what
It does though
>past - 4 is a prequel
>present - 4 is a direct sequel
>future - 4 is a distant future sequel
>source: my ass
>source: his ass
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>je suis oh la la baguette
Fuck off.
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good night /ink/
British Frye?
Very pretty goblin, good night anon.
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these two just had homosexual relations
anglo-indian frye
the horror
Good night frye
Sex goddess Frye?
ayy lmao looking bitch
ugly woomy
>that will never be me
Really now?
And you enjoy that?
Yeah, that's what weyyos do.
Shiver naked
I should change from yebby to woomy
Yes, fulfill Nogami's vision. Do it.
I should change from woomy to yebby
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Room open if anyone's up for it, gonna keep trying for 200 eggs before this all ends, fingers crossed
i should stay woomy forever
The one with pearl in it.
ggs salmn pretty nice
don't listen to anyone
choose based on your own ideology
I wish present wasnt the most popular team. i for sure thought more people were going to choose based on idol.
>picking based on idol
I don't do that but I thought other people would nigga
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ggs bb. god damb, that first game with all 4.
I dont play with cheaters
OtH is the most popular idol group
They did. Normalfags didn’t have a Wii U. OTH is nostalgia to them, not SS.
thats cap as fuck, its squid sisters
Wtf nigger upload replay
Bruh WHAT? What did you just fucking say? You can't fucking say that word, what the fuck is wrong with you
Never played Splat 1 or 2 but I chose past because I agreed with their statements. Splatoon was the friends we made along the way.
Anyone have an open space?
Lmaoooo why did this make me laugh
>Rainy in lobby again
omg can I PLEASE have your autograph
i stopped recording after yesterday. it was just a case of everyone automatically coordinating to bring every single goldie right next to the basket and having the roller to clear the trash, then hyped 89 egg wave 2 and 87 egg wave 3. first game with all 4, only went downhill from there.
he called you the n word
I really do love all the goldies this big run
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The best part about this big run is hearing Shiver's squeaks after every job.
It makes my pp tingle every time.
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kill yourself
>“You want to… what? My feet? Okay sure… it’s hard to get sea snails around this time anyway. Just sniffing though okay? Nothing weird.”
See? You hate me even tho I'm the most wholesome, most friendly and most humble /ink/er here
Anyone for some Big Run at rotation?
i want to give them my autograph if you know what im talking about
Wait one of them was meant for someone else... my apologies
woom has octo hands
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what could have been
Most people started with 2. OtH is the favorite.
About to go home how many eggs we at?
I started with 1. Therefore its the first one
i already have the armor
do i get the octoleet boots or goggles
Why didn’t Nintendo ever do free weekends with this game like they did with 2?
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Because you’re a fucking nigger lmao
Because you’re a fucking cracker lmao
le woomy XD
see what they have to do to mimic even a fraction of our power Mark
What is wrong with doing this?
Bro you cant say that
Maybe in 2025 lmao
>guy makes braindead post "opposite le funny"
>actual wiggers seethe enough to reply
nothing at all actually. I'm just saying he is one of those guys who does that.
Guys, rooms, br rooms, host them, pls
I offered, nobody replied...
did the counter hit 900 million yet
>pw protected

why are you the way you are?
nope its at 855 mil
the heck it has been 24 hours already!
and we only made 855 mil!?
come onnnn
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Shut up Kold & his clique
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>go up to random dwelling
>residence locked to invited visitors
>wHy ArE yoU tHe WAy yOu arE?
can we get colored finger tips already nogami
ballin pass protects rooms he uses cheats in, i dont even gotta explain that one
This is a public pool I'm allowed to pee in it
Kold didnt do anything to anyone, leave her alone
only in side order
"She" blocked nono for playing better than "her" and told "her" private discord clique to do the same
This isn't /v/. Out with you.
Sorry my food just got delivered gotta go. Nice gold scales though
chat my doordash is here chat chat my doordash is here
Can't we just get along and work together? do it for them 10 gold scales we're gonna get if we hit one billion!
I know it's you nausci you queer
>Filter dramafaggotry
>Thread becomes readable again
That anon was right about blacklisting names to keep the toddlers out of sight
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Anybody else struggling with finding out what to do during a tri. I end up doing jack shit because I'm wondering around aimlessly.
I thought it was a squat toilet before enlarging the image. You had me worried
>Meet up with Greattusks via freelancing
kill yourself
make zuna follow you into joe's reach or then have joe go to zuna
boris should just take care of itslelf usually
just make sure the boses follow you to the giant green ring before Joe comes up from the ground.
Nope, just make Joe chomp on Horror to blast the Salmon Booyah Bomb and cause massive damage
does joe hurt coho with a gyatt behind him?
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It’s hard keeping track of boros sometimes
If Joe is on you then try to lead him to Boris
If Zuna is on you try to lead him to Joe
Do attack them all with golden eggs tho.
yebby feet
wait is it Coho, Boris and Joe or Zuna, Boris and Joe?
I don't think Cohozuna ever got a proper funny name.
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woomy are too silly
>one shot like 8 grillers with the grizztana
That was actual fucking sex holy shit
How do I get the black suit?
Yeah griller waves with the splatana or grizzco sloshing mochine are satisfying
Check the news app on the Switch, that's how you also get the idol headgear for the grandfest.
you go to the news channel on the nintendo switch menu and look for it then you open the gsme thru the news
that's what I've been saying! these idiots love salmon run yet they're not playing it!
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Yebbies would like to play Big Run.
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I lied
>teammates use specials in the last 3 seconds of extra wave
Why nigga
GGs unannounced fish room
Glad we got to play BR G
guys I saw this veemo in my plaza
Thought she looked fresh
Hey I also saw this veemo
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there’s no such thing as a fresh octoling
kill yourself
Wow she must be popular! she was telling me to "scream it" she is a very punky veemo.
Sex with this woomy
Shut the fuck up retarded bitch.
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Behold! Fashion!
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le racism XD so funny
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herr woomy
Just got my first and last gold trophy. Thanks for the triple 50 egg round handout at my low hazard level, Nogami-san.
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Sex with this weyy
This is me /ink/
>someone DCs wave 1
>keep playing
>we still beat them with 3 seconds left
>3 golds
get fucking decimated holy shit
>up over evp 500
>hitting the point where timmies can't handle the extra bosses and we're barely making each quota
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I'm sure everyone seen my durian yeb but may I interest you with my cannoli weyyo?
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btw is it just me or some outfits work better on octos?
definitely, some gear just looks better on certain species and hairstyles compared to others
Such is the way of big run with freelancers.
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Oh well. It's how it be.
Go-go gadget! inkling manifestation!
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900 mil reached
Got 148 with randos...

Fuckin nice.
Does Nintendo really expect me to believe that it’s we’ve almost collected a billy eggs for Grizz? The game is not THAT popular.
>implying it's not solely due to japanese overfishers' sheer autism
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>count stopped at 900 mil
>grizz just asks us to get more now
>counter says 700,000,000 again
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these designs are mid
It IS that popular and with all these events it's kind of at it's peak activity probably
Let's hit 999,999,999
>the new amiibo sets sold out immediately upon release
>the game isn’t THAT popular
aren't amiibos traditionally scalped to hell and back
Frye's is sorta cool but overall they just feel like theyre trying too hard
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>implying amiibos selling out has anything to do with the popularity of the game
the coomer consoomers aren't the people that actually play the game
amiibos always sell out instantly because they're artificially scarce
they look like they could work as one-off bosses but not as someone we're supposed to see every day, they're trying too hard to look evil
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kill yourself
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stop posting pictures of my wife thanks
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my wife
I'm not telling anybody who my wife is. that way nobody can steal her from me.
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Too late Pearl is fertilized now
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my husband
it's complex.
Idols need to look special but not overdo it otherwise they risk looking like splatbands
Deep cut already breaks the mold a bit but they still follow some rules set by the squid sisters and followed by off the hook
they all sit at the polar opposites of the colour wheel
Callie, Marina and Shiver all have black as their colour while Marie Pearl and Frye have white
and their eyes are basically always matching
Callie, Pearl and Shiver's eyes go upwards
while Marie, Marina and Frye's go downward
if that makes sense...
Just look at all of them and try to spot the things that makes them all similar but also apart from each other
I am the worst slommer.
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He is big enough to share!
He does have two dicks.
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okay i didnt need to but i felt like what i said there makes no sense unless you have visual guide
people notice it with callie and marie but seem to not catch on it with shiver and frye(frye was supposed to be the chill one)
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>only one alive
>swimming up a wall to where I can safely rez team
>maws swims down the wall, inking it
>dropped straight into the water
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Pearl is like mid 30s canonically
how does that make you feel, anon?
yknow someday these idols will be canonically in their 50s.
nothing you can do about it. 50 year old marie is gonna happen sometime.
Futa Marina is canon now?
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>finally enter HLM territory
>every run is a wave 1 wipe
Freelancer hate.
you need to start clipping that stuff. sounds fun to watch
we could play together if you wanna. my triu guage is full too
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i have a room with only me and one other. We just started a round but if you want in let me know
sex goblin
Sure, lemmie know when you're opening
squid sisters in their mid 30's
open now under aberrant.
comin in!!!
What do we think of this track, the chaotic culmination, the grand climax of Splatoon 3's Salmon Run?

just more confirmation that w-3 is the best band in the entire series
sayingthe recuitment on that room has ended so erm awwwkwarrrrd
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the part at 1:04 is so damn catchy
sorry I messed up, try now.
worse than regular bait and click
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Haven't earned a single gold from Xtrawave, even from a win past halfway to HLM.
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oh wow sorry i went rto do freelance cuz i thought yoyu wasnt open anymore i shouldve been patient lol
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man this general is zooming. granted, I've been away from it for something like 8 hours, but still.
it's going a lot faster than normal.
it's going a lot faster than normal abnormal event times.
Also, good morrow. I am finally ready to fish.
uhhh. congrats on blasting through the quota in a single day.
well someone joined and then we lost a player mid match so theres a new slot open lol
got in! lets do this! I'm sensing a triumvirate comin!
Welp that was enough of a reason to take a break. GGs, glad we survived that last one despite the dc.
lets see if we can get a few non randos since people dropped.

room up two slots
God what is with this last hour and matching with retards nonstop? I’m quitting for the night
ok i guess everyone is giving up for the night or some shit
I'm with you there, I've been trying since last night to get 200 eggs because a friend and I each challenged each other to accomplish that. I could open a room if you want. Up to you.
yeah i am thinking we need some more nonshitters ......................
okay that was not pretty. but it's alright we have all night
>have 43 group xp tickets
>and 4 group money tickets
who wanna big run? any rooms?
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Si quaeris calamariarum amoenam circumspice
They're just so completely useless. They could make them slightly useful if they stacked so you could grind out licenses as a team
we have a room, just almost killed all three........
it was so close too. somehow joe didnt chomp zuna the two times he should have.
whatever we get them next time.
let's play ^ ^
Guys I drink too much tonight I can’t aim at all would you still play with me
when I drink too much, my typing gets auto-filtered as spam and I get banned.
you seem fine.
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Lmao that actually makes sense I guess Im fine
kill yourself
Where are the pictures from the PB this morning?
Fsh ate the photos.
right? we're crushing it. cant wait for the kings to spawn
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Callie pit sweat
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can someone post a webm of how to take out a fishstick with just one grizz slosh?
I always fuck it up, so Im clearly doing something wrong.
I keep meaning to bring this up, but keep forgetting. But all three of the splashtags for the grandfest are godawful. They're an affront to my vision, and are objectively the worst thing the splatoon team has ever done.
I think they're cute.
I do wish that they made your name like other colours cuz the white text isnt good on it
I will soon have this and kill billions
I mean, how bad could they really be?

On another note, anyone out there have space so I can hopefully get the coveted 200 eggs?
>we could have this if devs were competent
sounds like an /ink/ name.
don't recognize them. ggs if your /v/.
otherwise... ggs.
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>I mean, how bad could they really be?
You be the judge
Side order didn't sell well
Acht is not seen as a popular character
GGs salmen!! that was great! I shoutout to that panic reefslider lmaooo
Grizz is going to crash into the fucking earth like a meteorite when the splatfest ends
ggs!!! nice tri kill!
also thanks for the 3 new egg records in a roll lmao
you guys were kinda carrying me but still i had fun
thank yall for my first tri kill and new hi score ggs!
That veemo 2nd from the right is so cute I'm going to fucking die
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we could have had this if devs were competent

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